Det var Görans ljusa idé

  • Text: Linnéa Klint
  • Bild: Tomas Ohlsson
  • 27 oktober, 2023

Det var början 90-tal. Göran Duesgård grunnade på ett bekymmer. Han hade jobbat som trafikpolis i Göteborg sedan 1968 och tänkt så många gånger att polisbilarna borde synas bättre i mörker, även när de inte ryckte ut. 

Till slut kom han på idén med ett fast svagt blått ljus på taket och började experimentera hemma i garaget. Monterade små glödlampor i ”pottorna” som satt på den tidens polisbilar och drog en kabel genom rutan till cigarettändaruttaget. – Vi provade lampan på en ordinarie polisbil lite i smyg och kunde se en otrolig effekt på bilisters regelefterlevnad när vi körde på motorvägen i mörker. Storfräsarna saktade hastigheten, folk drog på sig bältena och lastbilschaufförerna rättade till lyset.

Efter det började en lång byråkratisk process. Först fick de tillstånd att prova det fasta blåljuset på tre bilar i Göteborg och Vänersborg, och genom åren har det gjorts fler utvidgade tester. Göran har hela tiden legat på beslutsfattare och handläggare, både inom Polisen och politiken. Så pass att han till slut fick smeknamnet ”den envetne göteborgaren”. När han gick i pension 2008 tog sonen Johan över och ringde och skrev med jämna mellanrum för att höra vad som hände. Det har tänts vissa hopp längs med vägen, men alltid landat i besvikelse.

Många turer senare kom så lagändringen 1 oktober som ger poliser rätt att använda det fasta blå skenet i ljusrampen. Man har visserligen fått använda det tidigare, men det har byggt på att Polisen sökt dispenser från Transportstyrelsen. Den 1 oktober ändrades trafikförordningen så att det blir permanent. – Att till slut segra över bakåtsträvarna känns gott, säger Göran.

cruise light polisen

När han fick höra att lagändringen skulle träda i kraft ringde han till infrastrukturministern för att fråga om han visste varifrån idén kom. Han fick inte prata med honom, men med en av hans medarbetare. – Jag tror vi pratade i 50 minuter. De hade ingen aning. 

Så är det detta med namnet. Till en början kallade Polisen det fasta blå ljuset för cruise light, men har gått över till att säga identifieringsljus. Man tyckte cruise light ledde fel eftersom ljuset kan vara på både när man kör och står still. Men det står fortfarande CRUISE på knappen i bilen och Göran gillar inte det namnet. – Cruise light låter lite raggaraktigt tycker jag. Jag kallar det hellre polisljus eftersom det är endast polisen som har tillstånd att använda blått inte blinkande ljus.

Förutom lagändringen skedde en till förändring den 1 oktober. Tidigare kunde man inte ha på identifieringsljuset i hastigheter över 50 kilometer i timmen. Den begränsningen har nu tagits bort. Det finns i övrigt inga skrivna regler kring när identifieringsljuset får användas utan det är ytterst poliserna i bilen som avgör när det ska sättas på. 


Ålder: 78. Bor: Lerum. Familj: Fru, tre barn och fyra barnbarn. Förebild: Samma som ovan.

Tänkta situationer är exempelvis vid patrullering, trafikkontroller och i krogmiljöer under stängning. Eller om man jobbar trygghetsskapande i oroliga områden, står vid demonstrationer eller fotbollsderbyn. Tanken är att det ska vara på när man vill förstärka sin polisiära närvaro, men inte måste påkalla fri väg.

Identifieringsljuset lyser med bara två procent av ljusstyrkan, och om Göran fick bestämma skulle det vara på jämt. – Med tiden kommer det nog bli så. Lite som med taxi kommer det vara tänt hela tiden. Folk upplever polisnärvaro på ett helt annat sätt och det är ju det Polisen varit ute efter alla år.

Inför lagändringen beställde Polisen en studie av Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut, VTI, för att testa och utvärdera identifieringsljusets effekter. Resultaten visade på att ett fast blått ljus gör polisen mer synlig och allmänheten mer trygg. Det visade sig också vara gynnsamt för att lugna trafiken. Det fanns inte något som talade emot att använda identifieringsljus och ingenting som tydde på att det kan misstolkas, enligt forskarna.

Det är inga resultat som överraskar Göran. Speciellt i oroliga tider med skjutningar tycker han att ljuset är fenomenalt i trygghetsskapande syfte. När polisen är på plats i utsatta områden ger det fasta blåljuset dubbel närvaro, menar han. – Dels ser allmänheten poliser som går, dels ser de polisbilarna de inte sett annars. Det kan ha en lugnande effekt och folk känner sig kanske lite tryggare under tiden de är där. Åker de dit för att lugna ner situationen är det inget vidare att åka dit med roterande ljus.

I nästan varenda nyhetssändning Göran tittar på ser han polisbilar med identifieringsljuset påslaget. – Jag vet inte hur många gånger jag sett mitt ljus på tv. Ja, jag kallar det för mitt.

Att hans förslag nu blivit lag gör honom stolt. Framför allt inför de fyra barnbarnen. Han har varit ute och övningskört en del med dem och när de sett bilar med påslaget identifieringsljus har de utbrustit ”Titta farfar, där är ditt ljus!”. – Sånt känns bra.

cruise light polisen

Göran är ute och går en hel del. Han försöker gå en halvmil varje dag för att hålla formen och diabetesen i schack. Det händer att poliser som känner igen honom tänder ljuset och vinkar när de åker förbi. Han säger att de bara har positiva kommentarer, men att en sak skaver. – De flesta tycker det är för jäkligt att man inte fått någon form av belöning. Skulle du gjort en sån grej för Volvo skulle du fått minst ett par hundra tusen. Men det är väl så att de har ingen aning var det kommer från. Det måste bero på att det gått så lång tid. Men det är inte för sent än.

Göran beskriver identifieringsljuset i nästan poetiska ordalag – mjukt, fint och stilla. Han tycker det är bra att ställa upp i Polistidningen för att påminna om varifrån förslaget en gång kom. – Från en enskild polis, inte från någon stor kommitté. Det visar att det går att påverka, även om det tar 30 år.

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Cruiselight polisens nya vapen mot brottslighet

Cruise light - så heter polisens nya vapen för att öka synligheten och minska brottsligheten.

Uppdaterad: 9 oktober, 2020 Publicerad: 27 januari, 2015

Den nya ljussignalen som är ett konstant blått sken, har nu börjat installeras på polisbilar runt om i landet - bland annat i Göteborg.

auto motor & sport

Har du sett polisens nya blåljus? Så här funkar det

Här kan polisen köra med cruise lights.

Försöket pågår fram till 31 oktober 2015 i Västerbotten, Gävleborg, Stockholm, Skåne, Västra Götaland, Kalmar och Östergötland.

Polisen testar en ny typ av blåljus i flera svenska städer. Det kallas ”cruise lights” och innebär att blåljuset i larmbågen är tänt i ett fast blått sken med svag ljusstyrka.

Målet är enligt polisen att ”öka synligheten och visa på en polisiär närvaro”.

”Cruise lights är ett nytt sätt för oss att tala om att ’här är vi'”, säger Per Rickander på polistekniksektionen vid Rikspolisstyrelsen i ett pressmeddelande .

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Enligt honom kan polisen använda cruise lights utanför krogen när det är dags för stängning, vid demonstrationer eller i ”situationer med social oro”. Men ser du en polisbil med cruise lights behöver du inte flytta på dig.

”För att undvika missförstånd vill vi förtydliga att en polisbil med ett svagare fast blått sken inte kräver fri väg. Ett kraftigt blinkande blått sken är precis som förut signalen för utryckningsfordon som kräver fri väg”, skriver trafikpolisen i Söderort på Facebook .

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Första radiobilarna i Sthlm med Cruise-light (permanent blått ljus för ökad synlighet) har levererats till Västerort. — IG chefen Västerort (@IGchefenpmd3) 27 november 2014

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”Din värsta mardröm – en smygande polisbil”

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More police cars have lights on but not flashing. Here’s what it means and what you should do

Trooper steve answers viewer questions.

Steve Montiero , Traffic Anchor

Daniel Dahm , Digital Content Manager

ORLANDO, Fla. – News 6 traffic safety expert Trooper  Steve Montiero  answers viewer questions and shares tips about the rules of the road, helping Central Florida residents become better drivers by being better educated.

On Monday, Trooper Steve fielded this question, “I’ve seen a lot of police cars recently driving with their lights on in a steady on position. What is this about and do I have to move out of the way?”

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Trooper Steve said as technology advances, so does the police car.

“Over the years, the version of police lights on vehicles have advanced from halogen lights to strobe lights to today’s LED style lights,” he said. “With that, the options that police officers have to control the lights have also advanced. The picture provided above gives a perfect example of what this question is addressing.”

Trooper Steve said lights on without flashing is called cruise mode for most police departments.

“It lights up the far corners of a light bar without any type of flash pattern,” he said. “Police officers will activate this while at a scene that is not overly active. This shows a law enforcement presence without the added flash patterns and unneeded attention. You can commonly find this in high-pedestrian areas. For example, we tend to see a lot of this in the International Drive area and the Disney Springs shopping area.”

[VIDEO BELOW: Trooper Steve explains when drivers must have their headlights on]

Trooper Steve said the lights could deter criminal activity because it shows the presence of police, and it allows a person to quickly identify law enforcement, if they need them.

“You can also commonly find this type of activation in residential areas while an officer is on routine patrol,” Trooper Steve said.

You do not need to yield right of way to a police car that has its lights activated in this fashion, but keep in mind, if the light pattern begins to flash and a siren is activated, that is when you would need to move out of the way.

Copyright 2021 by WKMG ClickOrlando - All rights reserved.

About the Authors

Steve montiero.

Steven Montiero, better known as “Trooper Steve," joined the News 6 morning team as its Traffic Safety Expert in October 2017. A Central Florida native and decorated combat veteran, Montiero comes to the station following an eight-year assignment with the Florida Highway Patrol.

Daniel Dahm

Daniel started with WKMG-TV in 2000 and became the digital content manager in 2009. When he's not working on, Daniel likes to head to the beach or find a sporting event nearby.

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Why are Wilmington police cruisers leaving their blue lights on?

cruise light polisen

The Wilmington Police Department is experimenting with a new policy.

According to the department, "If you see a Wilmington Police Department vehicle with two blue lights on, don't be alarmed."

The department is requiring its officers to keep their blue cruise lights on while patrolling in an effort to increase police visibility and prevent crime, according to a police department press release.

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The cruise lights are located on each side of the light bar on the roof of the patrol car and do not flash or move. Officers will still be using standard flashing lights and sirens during traffic stops and emergencies.

According to the release, a number of other agencies in the United States have implemented this change within the last year.

"It comes on the heels of a sharp uptick in violent crime across the nation," the release said.

Wilmington Police Deputy Chief Ben Kennedy said studies have showed the use of these lights aid in deterring crime, but also accomplish more than that.

"It will help citizens locate an officer when they are in need of assistance and makes it even more apparent that our officers are actively patrolling the areas where residents, business owners, and visitors live, work, and play," Kennedy said.

He said this simple change could have a larger impact on how safe people feel in Wilmington.

Reporter Krys Merryman can be reached at 910-343-2272 or [email protected].

Police car "Cruise Lights"

I’ve not seen any here in Manatee County, but Hillsborough County to my north, is trying them out.

The cruise lights are a feature which illuminate small parts of the regular emergency lights and they operate at reduced brightness and do not flash. They are always on, day and night.

The purpose of cruise lights is to make the police more visible in order to help reduce criminal activity. Our local police do things to increase police presence, like parking unused cars in different places and setting up those LED signs that indicate the speed limit and let drivers see their speed as they approach them.

Have you seen them in use anywhere?


I like the idea, now I can tell if it is a cop vs a car with a roof rack! Haven’t seen them in Brevard, many are “slick tops” meaning no outside light bars.

Connecticut State police have been using these for a while now. In the middle of the light bar is an illuminated “State Police” sign.

I don’t know what county it is but saw an empty Sheriffs car parked in the center on 41 south of Ft. Myers somewhere. It was there for at least several days and never moved. All dark though, no lights. Only works for a day or two then people catch on and common sense driving speed takes over.

I hated it when Volusia County was doing that on I95, cars would slow to 55 MPH in a 70 zone.

We slow down to 78, and in IL you could get rear ended going 78 in a 55mph zone.


Several years ago, the Police Chief in my town began parking an old patrol car–complete with a mannekin of some sort in the driver’s seat–near a particularly busy intersection. It probably worked to some extent for the first couple of days, but once people figured it out, it was only a source of ridicule for the Chief. Not long ago, our Mayor finally got rid of that guy.

A small town close to where I live does that every summer, 1 on each end of town.

16 - 32 hours a week, it’s a real live officer in the car, the days and hours of the real officer are always changing.

Here in my area of Calif it seems like the objective is to make the police cars to appear to not look like one. The light bars on the roof are nearly invisible from both the front or the rear, unless of course the lights are turned on. The only way to tell its a police car is from the side, where there’s an insignia painted on the door.

You must live in a nice neighborhood if police are trying to be seen. Most of the police I see are trying to hide.

Washington D.C. police have been using cruise lights for years.

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MTSU ‘scientist in the making’..

Mtsu police raise profile with use of ‘cruise ligh..., virtual ‘walk a mile in their .., mtsu police raise profile with use of ‘cruise lights’ while patrolling campus.

  • by mtsunews
  • 14 April 2020
  • Campus Community

cruise light polisen

MTSU Police officers will begin using “cruise lights” while on patrol, beginning Tuesday, April 14.

The lights will be solid (non-flashing) blue mounted to the roof of patrol vehicles. Community members should be aware that they are not required to pull over or stop for a police vehicle displaying only “cruise lights.”

Flashing emergency lights and audible sirens and/or horns are a signal for motorist to pull to right side of the road.

MTSU Police Chief Buddy Peaster

Chief Buddy Peaster

“These cruise lights will be used to improve our visibility on campus, especially as we serve the campus community during the current COVID-19 crisis,” Police Chief Buddy Peaster said. “All members of the MTSU community should know that we at University Police remain committed to the mission of providing excellent law enforcement services at all times.”

Maj. Jason Morton noted that officers remain on campus 24 hours a day and are prepared to respond to emergencies and render assistance when needed. While MTSU has reduced on-campus staff to essential personnel, hundreds of students remain in campus housing facilities.

“It is our hope that displaying these lights will demonstrate our commitment to the university community and our dedication to help make the campus a safe place to live and learn,” Morton said. “Maintaining a safe campus is a community partnership.”

MTSU Police Department's new logo

Officers have been provided with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and are familiar with social distancing protocols, if face-to-face interaction is required, Morton noted.

University Police continues to provide Safety Escorts, Motorist Assistance, General Patrol and Emergency Response to anyone on campus. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to continue following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines on reducing and preventing the spread of the coronavirus.

Information about MTSU’s response to the coronavirus is available at: .

Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to report all crimes and suspicious activity to University Police or get access to police services by calling 615-898-2424.

cruise light polisen

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WPD receives huge response to cruise lights survey

Survey still open until friday march 5.

WILMINGTON, N.C. (WECT) - The Wilmington Police Department on Twitter said Tuesday the responses to the Cruise Lights survey so far were “AMAZING” and asked the public to keep the responses coming.

Friday March 5 is the closing date for the survey.

We've received nearly 4,300 responses to our Cruise Lights survey, which is AMAZING. Keep them coming. It closes this Friday, March 5: — Wilmington Police (@WilmingtonPD) March 2, 2021

The Wilmington Police Department announced February 23 that it had suspended its cruise lights pilot program to seek feedback from the community.

Since Jan. 22, WPD officers had been patrolling with their cruise lights on to test a theory that doing so would increase visibility and help deter crime.

The pilot program was tested for a month and, now, WPD is seeking feedback from Wilmington residents through a survey posted on the WPD website with the following three questions:

  • Have you noticed WPD vehicles traveling with their blue cruise lights on?
  • Do you think that having the cruise lights on while patrolling has caused you to notice WPD vehicles more often while traveling around the City?
  • Do you think the cruise lights help in increasing police visibility and deterring crime?

RELATED: Click here to take the WPD’s survey.

“We want the community to become more involved in our policing, and this is the perfect opportunity for that,” said Chief Donny Williams. “I encourage all Wilmington residents to please take a minute to answer these questions and let us know your thoughts.”

Results of the survey will be published following the closing date.

RELATED: ‘Don’t be alarmed’: Wilmington police test out new blue light policy for patrol vehicles.

Copyright 2021 WECT. All rights reserved.

cruise light polisen

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Where your issues are sent, fla. sheriff tests cruise lights on patrol cars.

February 19, 2020 • Government Fleet Staff • Bookmark +

Cruise lights are dimmer than regular emergency lights and do not flash.  -  Photo courtesy of Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office

Cruise lights are dimmer than regular emergency lights and do not flash.

Photo courtesy of Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office

The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (HSCO) in Florida is testing cruise lights on its patrol vehicles. Sheriff Chad Chronister said in a statement that this initiative aims to increase deputy visibility while patrolling communities and, in turn, deter crime.

When cruise lights are on, only red and blue lights on the left and right of the lightbar are illuminated. Cruise lights are always on, but they’re dimmer than emergency lights and do not flash.

“The main reason we're using cruise lights is because we want our community to know that our deputies are out there, being more visible, keeping their community safe,” Sheriff Chronister explained.

Cruise lights are a growing trend. The Gwinnett County Police Department in Georgia, Kauai Police Department in Hawaii, and Dayton Police Department in Ohio are just a few of the agencies that have incorporated cruise lights.

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‘A Lot of Chaos’: Bridge Collapse Creates Upheaval at Largest U.S. Port for Car Trade

A bridge collapse closed Baltimore’s port, an important trade hub that ranks first in the nation by the volume of automobiles and light trucks it handles.

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Shipping in the Port of Baltimore

Monthly cargo handled by the Port of Baltimore

Peter Eavis

By Peter Eavis and Jenny Gross

  • March 26, 2024

The Baltimore bridge disaster on Tuesday upended operations at one of the nation’s busiest ports, with disruptions likely to be felt for weeks by companies shipping goods in and out of the country — and possibly by consumers as well.

The upheaval will be especially notable for auto makers and coal producers for whom Baltimore has become one of the most vital shipping destinations in the United States.

As officials began to investigate why a nearly 1,000-foot cargo ship ran into the Francis Scott Key Bridge in the middle of the night, companies that transport goods to suppliers and stores scrambled to get trucks to the other East Coast ports receiving goods diverted from Baltimore. Ships sat idle elsewhere, unsure where and when to dock.

“It’s going to cause a lot of chaos,” said Paul Brashier, vice president for drayage and intermodal at ITS Logistics.

The closure of the Port of Baltimore is the latest hit to global supply chains, which have been strained by monthslong crises at the Panama Canal, which has had to slash traffic because of low water levels; and the Suez Canal, which shipping companies are avoiding because of attacks by the Houthis on vessels in the Red Sea.

The auto industry now faces new supply headaches.

Last year, 570,000 vehicles were imported through Baltimore, according to Sina Golara, an assistant professor of supply chain management at Georgia State University. “That’s a huge amount,” he said, equivalent to nearly a quarter of the current inventory of new cars in the United States.

The Baltimore port handled a record amount of foreign cargo last year, and it was the 17th biggest port in the nation overall in 2021, ranked by total tons, according to Bureau of Transportation Statistics.

Baltimore Ranks in the Top 20 U.S. Ports

Total trade in 2021 in millions of tons

Baltimore ranks first in the United States for the volume of automobiles and light trucks it handles, and for vessels that carry wheeled cargo, including farm and construction machinery, according to a statement by Gov. Wes Moore of Maryland last month.

The incident is another stark reminder of the vulnerability of the supply chains that transport consumer products and commodities around the world.

The extent of the disruption depends on how long it takes to reopen shipping channels into the port of Baltimore. Experts estimate it could take several weeks.

Baltimore is not a leading port for container ships, and other ports can likely absorb traffic that was headed to Baltimore, industry officials said.

Stephen Edwards, the chief executive of the Port of Virginia, said it was expecting a vessel on Tuesday that was previously bound for Baltimore, and that others would soon follow. “Between New York and Virginia, we have sufficient capacity to handle all this cargo,” Mr. Edwards said, referring to container ships.

“Shipping companies are very agile,” said Jean-Paul Rodrigue, a professor in the department of maritime business administration at Texas A&M University-Galveston. “In two to three days, it will be rerouted.”

But other types of cargo could remain snarled.

Alexis Ellender, a global analyst at Kpler, a commodities analytics firm, said he expected the port closure to cause significant disruption of U.S. exports of coal. Last year, about 23 million metric tons of coal exports were shipped from the port of Baltimore, about a quarter of all seaborne U.S. coal shipments. About 12 vessel had been expected to leave the port of Baltimore in the next week or so carrying coal, according to Kpler.

He noted that it would not make a huge dent on the global market, but he added that “the impact is significant for the U.S. in terms of loss of export capacity.”

“You may see coal cargoes coming from the mines being rerouted to other ports instead,” he said, with a port in Norfolk, Va., the most likely.

If auto imports are reduced by Baltimore’s closure, inventories could run low, particularly for models that are in high demand.

“We are initiating discussions with our various transportation providers on contingency plans to ensure an uninterrupted flow of vehicles to our customers and will continue to carefully monitor this situation,” Stellantis, which owns Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep and Ram, said in a statement.

Other ports have the capacity to import cars, but there may not be enough car transporters at those ports to handle the new traffic.

“You have to make sure the capacity exists all the way in the supply chain — all the way to the dealership,” said Mr. Golara, the Georgia State professor.

A looming battle is insurance payouts, once legal liability is determined. The size of the payout from the insurer is likely to be significant and will depend on factors including the value of the bridge, the scale of loss of life compensation owed to families of people who died, the damage to the vessel and disruption to the port.

The ship’s insurer, Britannia P&I Club, part of a global group of insurers, said in a statement that it was “working closely with the ship manager and relevant authorities to establish the facts and to help ensure that this situation is dealt with quickly and professionally.”

The port has also increasingly catered to large container ships like the Dali, the 948-foot-long cargo vessel carrying goods for the shipping giant Maersk that hit a pillar of the bridge around 1:30 a.m. on Tuesday. The Dali had spent two days in Baltimore’s port before setting off toward the 1.6-mile Francis Scott Key Bridge.

State-owned terminals, managed by the Maryland Port Administration, and privately owned terminals in Baltimore transported a record 52.3 million tons of foreign cargo in 2023, worth $80 billion.

Materials transported in large volumes through the city’s port include coal, coffee and sugar. It was the ninth-busiest port in the nation last year for receiving foreign cargo, in terms of volume and value.

The bridge’s collapse will also disrupt cruises traveling in and out of Baltimore. Norwegian Cruise Line last year began a new fall and winter schedule calling at the Port of Baltimore.

An earlier version of this article misstated the Port of Baltimore’s rank among U.S. ports. It was the nation’s 17th biggest port by total tons in 2021, not the 20th largest.

How we handle corrections

Peter Eavis reports on business, financial markets, the economy and companies across different sectors. More about Peter Eavis

Jenny Gross is a reporter for The Times in London covering breaking news and other topics. More about Jenny Gross

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Alaska Public Media

City and cruise lines agree to conceptual cruise visitor limits in Juneau

a cruise ship

The City and Borough of Juneau has negotiated a conceptual agreement with cruise lines that could limit the number of daily passengers that come off their ships and into Juneau. 

At an Assembly meeting Monday night, City Tourism Manager Alix Pierce said the agreement is still far from final. If approved, the limits would go into effect during the 2026 season.

“We do not have a preliminary agreement on an MOA with specific numbers yet but we have agreed to the concept of a daily limit MOA, which is an important step in the right direction,” she said. 

Last season, a  record 1.6 million cruise ship passengers  visited Juneau. Next Tuesday, the arrival of the Norwegian Bliss will mark the start of the 2024 season. 

This year will be Juneau’s first with  a limit of five large ships  per day, but the overall number of passengers is expected to  remain about the same .

Pierce said when the city and cruise lines met last week to negotiate the future limits, they did not settle on a specific number for the daily limit. But, she said it would likely be a decrease from the status quo and would make Saturdays the least trafficked day of the week.   

“They knew this conversation was coming, they knew this was the purpose of the meeting and we had asked them to come ready to discuss daily limits and the issues and challenges around that,” she said. 

She said the city is also in discussion with cruise lines about addressing the challenges with hot berthing – when one ship leaves and another takes its place later that day – and downtown congestion. 

This isn’t the first attempt to limit the number of cruise ship passengers visiting Southeast communities. Last summer, city officials in Sitka  denied a citizen’s petition  to put a visitor cap on the ballot. And in 2021, Juneau resident Karla Hart  proposed a ballot initiative  to set a ship size limit, no-ship days and no-ship hours. That initiative  didn’t get enough signatures  to go to voters.

Clarise Larson, KTOO - Juneau

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cruise light polisen

Carnival Cruise Line makes key beverage package change

When you board a cruise ship, you lose the ability to pop by a store and buy anything you might be missing. 

That can be frustrating if you forget your over-the-counter allergy medicine or your favorite shampoo. To a certain extent those items are sold on board, at fairly hefty markups. The selection varies heavily by not just cruise line but by cruise ship.

Some Royal Caribbean Oasis-class ships, for example, have a selection of vending machines that offer a wider array of products ranging from sunblock and moisturizer to toiletries and feminine hygiene products.

Related: Carnival Cruise Line risks a Bud Light-style backlash

Many ships, however, operate outlets more like hotel gift shops, where a small area is dedicated to a limited array of products. You might be able to buy a razor or a toothbrush, but you will have only one choice.

You might be able to find what you need in port, but you face many restrictions regarding what you can bring on board. In some cases, like alcohol, soda and bottled water, cruise lines have very strict rules about what you can bring on board.

Carnival and Royal Caribbean have similar policies. 

"On embarkation day, a small quantity of non-alcoholic beverages (i.e., sparkling water, sodas, energy drinks, juice, and milk), packaged in cans or cartons, may be brought on board and must be in the guest's carry-on luggage," Carnival says on its website. "A small quantity is considered a maximum of 12 sealed, unopened cans/cartons of 12-ounces/354-ml each or less, per person." 

Carnival wants to sell you more

Carnival and Royal Caribbean make roughly as much money from onboard and presail purchases as they do from ticket sales. Onboard beverage sales are a big piece of that. In addition to being able to bring the boxed or canned beverages listed above, Carnival (and Royal Caribbean) have one other exception:

"At the beginning of the cruise during embarkation day only, guests (21 years of age and older) may bring one 750-ml bottle of sealed/unopened wine or champagne, per person, in their carry-on luggage," Carnival added. 

"Outside this exception, all liquor, beer, and other forms of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited in both carry-on and checked luggage and such items will be confiscated and discarded and no compensation will be provided."

Both cruise lines provide water, basic coffee, and tea, as well as some flavored waters in various onboard locations. Passengers who want bottled water, however, will have to pay for it.

You can buy bottles as you need at the many bars onboard or you can preorder water to your cabin.

Carnival has recently angered some passengers by raising the price of its in-cabin water packages that are booked precruise.  

Carnival water prices are rising

The cruise line offers a 12-pack of bottled water (16.9-ounce bottle/500-ml bottle) for $14.95.

"This is the third price increase on this popular beverage product since November 2022,"  Cruise Hive reports. "Initially, the 12-pack was $4.95 ($0.42 per bottle), but at that time, it was doubled to $9.95 ($0.83 per bottle). Then, in December 2023, the price was increased again, to $11.95 per 12-pack (a drop under $1 per bottle)."

Royal Caribbean has a similar package that's almost twice the water, as it offers 12  one-liter (33.8 oz.) bottles of Evian for $30.99. That's roughly comparable to Carnival's cost on an ounce-by-ounce basis.

Both cruise lines also sell bottled water at every bar on the ship with 16.9-ounce bottles selling for $2.50 to $3.50 apiece (prices and brands available can vary).

Both cruise lines also add an 18% charge (which Carnival calls a delivery fee and Royal Caribbean calls a gratuity), as they do on all beverages and beverage packages.

Carnival Brand Ambassador John Heald addressed the water-price increase and the customer pushback it created in a recent video blog.

"So, I've had about a thousand comments about water. I'm not going to say too much, we've increased the price," he said. "Some of you understand, some of you don't."

Heald said he'd collected all the comments and sent them to the appropriate people at the cruise line.

"I don't really have anything else to say on that specifically. It's still far more affordable than airports and hotels and resorts and theme parks," he added. "I'm glad to be here to be vented at and I certainly have been."

Not everyone has been nice.

"One lady, a lady, told me to take a bottle of water and shove it up my, well, you know where," he said.

People have a drink in a Carnival Cruise Bar Lead JS


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    Two cruisers will be assigned to the shopping center each day for each shift for 10 hours from 12 PM to 10 PM. Officers will be told of the condition assignment. Cruise lights will remain on or ...

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    A cruise ship in Juneau's Gastineau Channel in July 2023. (Clarise Larson/KTOO) The City and Borough of Juneau has negotiated a conceptual agreement with cruise lines that could limit the number ...

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    Baltimore ranks first among US ports for autos and light trucks, handling a record 850,000 vehicles last year. ... Cruises carrying more than 444,000 passengers departed from the port last year.

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  26. Carnival Cruise Line makes key beverage package change

    Carnival has recently angered some passengers by raising the price of its in-cabin water packages that are booked precruise. The cruise line offers a 12-pack of bottled water (16.9-ounce bottle ...