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Logo: Hochschule Worms, University of Applied Sciences

International Tourism Management

Master of Arts

Standard period of study (amount)

3 semesters

Overview and admission

Admission semester.

Winter Semester only

Area of study

  • Business Administration
  • Hotel, Catering, Tourism

International Business Administration, International Tourism Management, Travel Technology

Target group

Graduates with a first professionally qualifying academic degree (Diplom, Master's degree) in a Business Administration degree course.

Semester abroad or practical semester possible, dual degree possible

Admission modus

Local admission restriction

Admission requirements (Link)

Admission requirements

Evidence of a Bachelor's degree in a business-oriented degree course with an overall grade of 2.5 or better. With a Bachelor's degree worth a total of 210 CP or more, you have the choice between the three-semester or four-semester course of study. If you have fewer than 210 CP from your degree, you must enrol in the four-semester version.

Lecture period

  • 01.03.2023 - 31.08.2023
  • 01.09.2024 - 01.03.2025

Application deadlines

Winter semester (2024/2025), deadlines for international students from the european union, deadlines for international students from countries that are not members of the european union, application deadline for germans and inhabitants, languages of instruction, main language, further languages.

English, French, Spanish

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International tourism management.

international course, full time

Master of Arts

Master Degree

3 semesters

Standard period of study (amount)

July 2025 (Germans and inhabitants)

July 2025 (EU), July 2025 (Non-EU) Please enquire

Overview and admission

Admission semester.

Winter Semester only

Area of study

  • Business Administration
  • Hotel, Catering, Tourism

International Business Administration, International Tourism Management, Travel Technology

Target group

Graduates with a first professionally qualifying academic degree (Diplom, Master's degree) in a Business Administration degree course.

Semester abroad or practical semester possible, dual degree possible

Admission modus

Local admission restriction

Admission requirements (Link)

Admission requirements

Evidence of a Bachelor's degree in a business-oriented degree course with an overall grade of 2.5 or better. With a Bachelor's degree worth a total of 210 CP or more, you have the choice between the three-semester or four-semester course of study. If you have fewer than 210 CP from your degree, you must enrol in the four-semester version.

Lecture period

  • 01.03.2023 - 31.08.2023
  • 01.09.2024 - 01.03.2025

Application deadlines

Winter semester (2024/2025), deadlines for international students from the european union.

02.05.2025 - 15.07.2025

The application for Master's degree courses is decentralised and takes place via the application portal of Worms University. Further information on the application process can be found at

Deadlines for international students from countries that are not members of the European Union

Application deadline for germans and inhabitants, languages of instruction, main language, further languages.

English, French, Spanish

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International Management (M.A.)

Hochschule Worms

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  • Bewertungen 17

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Du willst hoch hinaus und ein Bachelorstudium ist nicht genug? Du willst Deine betriebswirtschaftlichen Kenntnisse und Kompetenzen international weiter ausbauen und vertiefen? Dann bist Du in unserem Masterstudium genau richtig! Es wartet nicht nur ein optionales Auslandsemester auf Dich, Du kannst auch ab dem zweiten Semester Dein Profil individuell durch verschiedene Wahlmöglichkeiten schärfen.

Finance & Controlling, Retail-Management oder Marketing stehen für Dich als Spezialisierung zur Verfügung. Übernehme nach Deinem Abschluss anspruchsvolle Fach- und Führungsaufgaben in internationalen Unternehmen. Dir stehen alle Türen offen!

Letzte Bewertungen



  • Betriebswirtschaftlicher Bachelorabschluss (Umfang: min. 180 LP, davon mind. 100 LP in betriebswirtschaftlichen Fächern)
  • Englische Sprachkenntnisse der Stufe C1 des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens


  • Dual 4 Semester
  • Vollzeitstudium 4 Semester
  • International Management (M.A.) - dual

International Management (M.A.) - dual

Du hast bereits einen betriebswirtschaftlichen Bachelorabschluss, jetzt möchtest Du Beruf und Studium kombinieren? Dann ist unser Masterstudiengang International Management – dual genau das Richtige für Dich. Hier findest Du ein spannendes, betriebswirtschaftliches Studium, das Dich optimal auf die Arbeitswelt vorbereitet und dies noch mit einem internationalen Fokus. Wende Dein gelerntes Wissen während der vorlesungsfreien Zeit direkt im Partnerunternehmen an.

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Du hast Fragen zum Studiengang? Deine Nachricht wird direkt an die Studienberatung weitergeleitet.


Internationale Flaggen

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Die Hochschule Worms ist systemakkreditiert

Die Hochschule Worms ist seit 2018 systemakkreditiert. Der Hochschule wurde somit bescheinigt, dass sie auf der Grundlage eines eigenen Qualitätsmanagementsystems die Qualität von Studium und Lehre systematisch sichert und die Umsetzung von internen und externen Vorgaben und Qualitätsanforderungen gewährleistet.

Jetzt bewerten

Wie zufrieden bist du mit deinem Studium? Bewerte jetzt deinen Studiengang und teile deine Erfahrung mit anderen.

Allgemeines zum Studiengang

International Management Studium

Das International Management Studium schafft die Grundlage für Deine internationale Karriere : Mit dem Mix aus Betriebswirtschaft, Unternehmensführung und Fremdsprachen strebst Du eine Führungsposition in großen Konzernen an. Dieser Studiengang bietet Dir dazu verschiedene Möglichkeiten ins Ausland zu gehen und gibt Dir interessante Einblicke in die Abläufe eines Global Players .

17 Bewertungen von Studierenden

Bewertungen filtern, entwicklungsförderung beruf und persönlichkeit.

Durch den Studiengang und insbesondere Vertiefung in Finance und Controlling konnte ich meinen heutigen Beruf und sogar Berufung finden. Die Veranstaltungen waren sehr lehrreich und praxisbezogen. Durch die interaktive Vorgehensweise in der Vertiefung konnte ein breites sowie tiefes Wissen ermöglicht werden.

  • Umfrageergebnisse

Perfekte Vorbereitung für das Berufsleben

Der Masterstudiengang International Management (M.A.) zeichnet sich durch seine hohe Praxisorientierung aus. Die Lehrveranstaltungen sind anspruchsvoll, und die Prüfungen erfordern teilweise erheblichen Aufwand, bieten jedoch ambitionierten Studierenden die ideale Gelegenheit, sich weiterzuentwickeln. Die Dozenten bringen langjährige Erfahrung mit und gestalten die Vorlesungen motiviert und interessant. Ich habe die Hochschule gerne besucht, in kurzer Zeit viel gelernt und während meines Auslandssemesters unvergessliche Erlebnisse gesammelt. Zudem bin ich dankbar für die ausgezeichnete... Erfahrungsbericht weiterlesen

Wirklich unterschätzt

Meiner Meinung nach eine Top Hochschule die es schafft den sinnvollsten und aktuellsten Stoff zu vermitteln. Die Professoren sind alle aus der Praxis und kennen sich super aus in der freien Wirtschaft. Sie kümmern sich um die Studenten und bemühen sich den Stoff interessant zu vermitteln.

Sehr empfehlenswerter Studiengang

Das Masterstudium International Management isr sehr praxisorientiert und sehr empfehlenswert. Man hat gute Professoren und die Möglichkeit sich innerhalb des Studiums zu spezialisieren. Außerdem bereitet das Studium optimal auf den Berufseinstieg vor durch die Kontakte mit vielen großen Unternehmen.

Verteilung der Bewertungen


  • Studieninhalte 4.7
  • Dozenten 4.1
  • Lehrveranstaltungen 4.2
  • Ausstattung 4.4
  • Organisation 4.1
  • Literaturzugang 4.4
  • Digitales Studieren 4.1
  • Gesamtbewertung 4.3


  • 100% empfehlen den Studiengang weiter
  • 0% empfehlen den Studiengang nicht weiter

Standort Worms Hochschule Worms Erenburgerstraße 19 67549 Worms


International Tourism & Event Management

  • International Tourism & Event Management, M.Sc. Full time

Your International Tourism & Event Management Master’s program

The tourism industry has a huge importance both in Germany and worldwide. In 2019, more than six percent of all employees in Germany worked in jobs related to tourism consumption and tourism-related goods and services worth nearly 280 billion euros were produced.*

Do you have a bachelor’s degree and want to expand your knowledge in the field of tourism and events? Do you want to prepare yourself for a successful career in a national or international company? Then this master’s program is what you are looking for.

* Aktuelle Daten zur Tourismuswirtschaft. Wirtschaftliche Bedeutung und Nachhaltigkeit. Statistisches Bundesamt (Destatis), 2021.

Career prospects with your study program

After completing your studies in the master’s program in International Tourism & Event Management (M.Sc.) you will have specialized management skills and an extensive knowledge of the tourism and event industry. You will know about current trends and relevant innovations as well as the specific technological progress which is necessary for the competitiveness of companies. This gives you plenty of opportunities for a successful career.

The master’s program in International Tourism & Event Management (M.Sc.) offers you the know-how you need to start a national or international career in the tourism and event industry. After graduation, you will be well-equipped to work in jobs in:

  • Travel sales and organization
  • Accommodation
  • Destination management
  • Event organization
  • Travel management
  • Trade fairs

It is also possible to pursue a doctorate after successfully completing your master’s degree.

Your study program in detail

The application-oriented, internationally targeted master’s program in International Tourism & Event Management (M.Sc.) provides you with an in-depth knowledge in business and management as well as comprehensive know-how in tourism and events. In addition, you will broaden your intercultural and your language skills and will have the opportunity to develop your profile with an elective module, an internship, or a semester abroad.

During your studies, you will explore a variety of subjects related to management, the tourism and events industry, but also topics such as artificial intelligence, experience marketing and design, or crisis, safety, and security management. Some of the many topics that await you include:

  • International tourism management
  • International event management
  • Guest relationship management
  • Tourism planning and development
  • Innovation management and design thinking
  • Experience marketing and design
  • Crisis, safety and security management in tourism and events
  • Artificial intelligence in the hospitality industry

In addition to compulsory modules, the master’s program in International Tourism & Event Management (M.Sc.) offers you the opportunity to pursue your personal interests and develop your professional profile. In the third semester, you can choose an elective module of one of the following topics:

  • Corporate finance
  • Sustainability management and CSR in a global context
  • Consumer behavior and psychology
  • Strategic marketing and brand management

Alternatively, you can choose to complete an internship instead of an elective module or opt for a semester abroad.

Practice-oriented learning is a top priority at Hochschule Fresenius. If you join the master’s program in International Tourism & Event Management (M.Sc.), you can expect application-oriented teaching from experts who will pass on their broad professional experience. You will work on projects and case studies, collaborate on team projects, and might opt for an internship as part of your elective modules. Interactive learning, excursions, guest lectures, and workshops are also common practices at Hochschule Fresenius.


Request your info brochure

Get the most important information about your study program at a glance., admission requirements.

To be admitted to the master’s study program in International Tourism & Event Management (M.Sc.) at Hochschule Fresenius, you need to fulfil the following requirements:

You must have completed a bachelor’s study program with at least 180 credit points.

In your bachelor’s degree, you must have gained 60 credit points in the fields of business or economics.

For more information, please contact our Study Advice Service.

You need to provide evidence that your English language skills are equivalent to Level B2 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages.

hochschule worms international tourism management master

Get to know us

  • Alle Infos rund ums Master-Studium – jetzt und hier…
  • Our Study Program Portfolio and Benefits that await you at Hochschule Fresenius – University of Applied Sciences!
  • Kaffeeklatsch an der Hochschule Fresenius Hamburg
  • Semester abroad: “The time I spent in New York was just beyond words”
  • “I have found a second home in New York City”
  • TAVEC Project: New York meets Cologne
  • Innovation, Agile Management, Internationalization – an exciting summer semester at the International Business School in Berlin
  • We are all winners! – The first TAVEC Conference

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hochschule worms international tourism management master

Tourism and Travel Management

klassisch & dual (B.A.)

Key Facts zum Studiengang

  • 7 Semester Semesteranzahl mit Auslandssemester, ohne Ausland: 6 Semester
  • 210 Creditpoints Bei 6-Semestrigem Studium 180CP.

Der Bachelorstudiengang »Tourism and Travel Management« ist deine erste Wahl, wenn du dich für ein fundiertes betriebswirtschaftliches Studium mit touristischem Fokus interessierst. Neben der Vermittlung grundlegender Kenntnisse der Tourismuswirtschaft und ihrer Akteure sowie dem Aufbau und der Anwendung betriebswirtschaftlichen Grundlagenwissens erwarten dich auch fremdsprachliche und interkulturelle Lehrinhalte. Abgerundet wird das Studium durch ein Praxis- sowie ein Auslandssemester. Dadurch, dass das betriebswirtschaftliche Studium die komplette touristische Wertschöpfungskette abdeckt, kannst du nach deinem Abschluss flexibel in nahezu allen Bereichen der Touristik durchstarten.

hochschule worms international tourism management master

Duales Studium

Der betriebswirtschaftlich orientierte Bachelorstudiengang „Tourism and Travel Management“ kann auch in Kooperation mit einem Praxispartner studiert werden. Die duale Variante des Studiengangs zeichnet sich durch die zusätzliche Einbindung von Praxisphasen aus: In der vorlesungsfreien Zeit wendest du die erlernte Theorie direkt bei deinem Partnerunternehmen im Arbeitsalltag an. Dabei arbeitest du in unterschiedlichen Abteilungen deines Praxispartners mit, erhältst Einblick in die Betriebsabläufe und sammelst so wertvolle Praxiserfahrung!

So erreichst du deine Ansprechpartner:

Zentrale Studienberatung

Das war noch nicht alles! Entdecke weitere Studiengänge

Admissions requirements

International Tourism Management (B.A.)

  • General university entrance qualification or university of applied science entrance qualification;
  • Language proficiency in the compulsory foreign language English. Proof must be provided of at least "European level B1" or a comparable level. Proof must be provided by the end of the freshman year. Language proficiency in the chosen compulsory foreign language Spanish or French. Proof must be provided by the end of the freshman year for the second foreign language Spanish or French. The proof has to confirm language proficiency of "European level A2" (Spanish) or "European level B1" (French). It can also be satisfied by passing the module "Spanisch I" or "Französisch I".
  • Foreign applicants with foreign certificates must prove German language proficiency.

In addition the applicants should be highly motivated for their one-year studies abroad. For further information see here .

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students in teaching room

Higher Education Compass

Aviation management international course, full time, bachelor of arts.

Bachelor Degree

7 semesters

Standard period of study (amount)

January 2025 (Germans and inhabitants)

January 2025 (EU), January 2025 (Non-EU) Please enquire

Overview and admission


Admission semester

Summer and Winter Semester

Area of study

Business Administration

Air Traffic Management, Airport Management, Tourism, Traffic Systems, General Management, Management Skills

Can also be taken as a dual degree course: In the lecture-free periods, the students deepen the knowledge they have acquired during the lecture periods at a practice partner and apply it there.

Admission modus

Local admission restriction

Admission requirements (Link)

Admission requirements

Proof of English language skills at Europe level B2 (language of the lecture: English). Must be demonstrated by the end of the first year of study

Lecture period

  • 01.03.2023 - 31.08.2023
  • 01.09.2023 - 29.02.2024

Application deadlines

Summer semester (2023), deadlines for international students from the european union.

01.11.2024 - 15.01.2025

For Bachelor's degree courses with restricted admissions, applications are made via the Dialogue-Oriented Service Procedure of (DoSV). Further information on the application process can be found at .

Deadlines for international students from countries that are not members of the European Union

Application deadline for germans and inhabitants, winter semester (2023/2024).

02.05.2025 - 15.07.2025

For Bachelor´s degree programmes with restricted admissions, applications are made via the Dialogue-Oriented Service Procedure of (DoSV). Further information on the application process can be found at

Languages of instruction

Main language.

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V. Kennedyallee 50 53175 Bonn

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  1. International Tourism Management Studienprofil, ausführliche

    hochschule worms international tourism management master

  2. Erster Absolvent der Hochschule Worms im Master International Tourism

    hochschule worms international tourism management master

  3. International Management an der HS Worms studieren

    hochschule worms international tourism management master

  4. Hochschule Worms » Tourism and Travel Management » Studieren in Worms

    hochschule worms international tourism management master

  5. Hochschule Worms » Tourism and Travel Management » Studieren in Worms

    hochschule worms international tourism management master

  6. Master-Studiengang »International Tourism Management« an der FH Worms

    hochschule worms international tourism management master


  1. A Student of HS Worms || Global Trade Management


  1. Studienprofil

    International ausgerichteter Master-Studiengang im Tourismusmanagement. Tourismus studieren mit Masterabschluss. ... Profile Data Hochschule Worms; Partner Universities. Overview of all Partner Universities ... Der Masterstudiengang »International Tourism Management« wurde als betriebswirtschaftliches Studium mit konsequenter Ausrichtung auf ...

  2. Course profile

    The master's degree program "International Tourism Management" was designed as a business degree program with a strong focus on tourism and transport management. ... The master's program allows you to expand your tourism expertise and deepen the skills you acquired in your bachelor's program. ... Hochschule Worms Erenburgerstraße 19 67549 ...

  3. Admission and application

    The following requirements must be met for admission to the Master's program "International Tourism Management": First professional degree (diploma, bachelor's degree) with an overall grade of 2.5 or better in a business-oriented course of study acquired at Worms University of Applied Sciences or another college or university or comparable educational institution.

  4. Study "International Tourism Management" in Germany

    Winter semester (2024/2025) Deadlines for International Students from the European Union. 02.05.2025 - 15.07.2025. The application for Master's degree courses is decentralised and takes place via the application portal of Worms University.

  5. Study "Tourism and Travel Management" in Germany

    Learn about the Bachelor of Arts degree programme in Tourism and Travel Management at Hochschule Worms, University of Applied Sciences. Find out the admission requirements, deadlines, languages of instruction and contact details.

  6. International Tourism Management (Master of Arts)

    Das Studium "International Tourism Management" an der staatlichen "Hochschule Worms" hat eine Regelstudienzeit von 3 bis 4 Semestern und endet mit dem Abschluss "Master of Arts". Der Standort des Studiums ist Worms. Das Studium wird als Vollzeitstudium angeboten. Insgesamt wurde das Studium bisher 5 Mal bewertet.

  7. International Tourism Management (Master of Arts) Hochschule Worms

    International Tourism Management (Master of Arts) in Worms Infos zu Bewerbung, Studiendauer und Jobaussichten! Zum Inhalt springen. ZEIT ONLINE. Für Hochschulen | ... Hochschule Worms, University of Applied Sciences Erenburgerstr. 19 67549 Worms Tel: 06241 509-0 Fax: 06241 509-281.

  8. Study "International Tourism Management" in Germany

    02.05.2025 - 15.07.2025 The application for Master's degree courses is decentralised and takes place via the application portal of Worms University.

  9. Study "International Tourism Management" in Germany

    Are you interested in studying "International Tourism Management" in Germany? Find out what options you have. Study in Germany is officially funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Germany

  10. Welcome to the Department of Tourism/Travel Management

    Master-Studiengänge; Duale Studiengänge; Fernstudiengänge; ... Welcome to the homepage of the Department Tourism/Travel Management of Hochschule Worms. On the following pages you will find all the information you need about studying at our department. ... All things international.

  11. Worms University of Applied Sciences: 11 Degree Programs in English

    Learn about the public university of applied sciences in Worms, Germany, with a strong international orientation and practical education. Find out the tuition fees, application deadlines, language requirements and program features of 11 English-taught study programs.

  12. Study "International Management" in Germany

    Are you interested in studying "International Management" in Germany? Find the right degree programme among over 21,000 courses in Germany ... Hochschule Worms, University of Applied Sciences Applied Computer Science - dual. Master. 3 semesters. ... Master. 3 semesters. full time. Worms. Deadlines. February 2025 (Germans and inhabitants ...

  13. International Management (Master of Arts)

    Dieser Studiengang hat insgesamt 40 Bewertungen erhalten. Alle Bewertungen, die älter als 3 Jahre sind, befinden sich im Archiv und fließen nicht mehr in das Ranking ein. 17 Bewertungen zum Studium International Management an der Hochschule Worms. 100% der Studenten empfehlen das Studium weiter.

  14. International Tourism and Event Management Master's program

    To be admitted to the master's study program in International Tourism & Event Management (M.Sc.) at Hochschule Fresenius, you need to fulfil the following requirements: Bachelor's degree. You must have completed a bachelor's study program with at least 180 credit points. Subject-specific admission requirements.

  15. Hochschule Worms » Tourism and Travel Management

    Der Bachelorstudiengang »Tourism and Travel Management« ist deine erste Wahl, wenn du dich für ein fundiertes betriebswirtschaftliches Studium mit touristischem Fokus interessierst. ... Hochschule Worms Erenburgerstraße 19 67549 Worms Email [email protected] Telefon +49 (0) 6241.509- Fachbereiche Informatik; Touristik/Verkehrswesen ...

  16. International Management

    Tourism/Travel Management. Profile; Study programmes; Team; International; Practical orientation; ... The International Management Master's programme enables students to consolidate and further develop the knowledge and skills acquired on a Bachelor's programme in field of business administration. ... Hochschule Worms Erenburgerstraße 19 ...

  17. University of Applied Sciences Worms

    The Hochschule Worms is located in Worms, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. It was established in 1996. The University has about 3 700 students. Students coming to the Hochschule Worms from all over the world will join a community of friendly, engaged international students in degree-seeking programmes, dual-degree studies, and exchange programmes.

  18. Study "Business Travel Management (MBA)" in Germany

    Applications for the MBA degree course are submitted via the Department of Tourism/Traffic Systems. Deadlines for international students from countries that are not members of the European Union. 01.08.2023 - 15.10.2024. Applications for the MBA degree course are submitted via the Department of Tourism/Traffic Systems

  19. Course profil

    When opting for the study course „Tourism and Travel Management (BA)", you choose a sound business management programme with a focus on tourism. ... and be well suited for a vast range of positions in management and leadership. Also, it will qualify you to enrol in a Master study course. ... Hochschule Worms Erenburgerstraße 19 67549 Worms ...

  20. Study "International Management" in Germany

    Deadlines for International Students from the European Union. 02.05.2025 - 15.07.2025. The application for Master's degree courses is decentralised and takes place via the application portal of Worms University.

  21. Admissions requirements

    International Tourism Management (B.A.) ... Tourism / Travel Management Attributes language of instruction German, proficiency in English required, with a second foreign language, with semester abroad ... Hochschule Worms Erenburgerstraße 19 67549 Worms T: +49(0)6241.509- F: +49(0)6241.509-280 E: [email protected].

  22. Study "Aviation Management" in Germany

    Aviation Management international course, full time. Bachelor of Arts. Bachelor Degree. ... Air Traffic Management, Airport Management, Tourism, Traffic Systems, General Management, Management Skills ... Hochschule Worms, University of Applied Sciences Applied Computer Science - dual. Master.