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Seven Deadly Sins

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Summary [ ]

Background information [ ].

  • This is Giller's first published Star Trek work.
  • Originally, Jimmy Diggs was to have contributed the Pakled story to the anthology. Interestingly, Diggs wrote an article in Star Trek: Communicator issue 149 along similar lines to the premise of the anthology.
  • The title and its contents were announced at the Shore Leave convention on 11 July 2008 .
  • Originally scheduled for release in August 2009 , and solicited in Pocket Books catalog for Summer 2009, the anthology was announced as being delayed to March 2010 on 31 December 2008 .
  • The anthology was the first Star Trek trade paperback published under the Gallery Books imprint, following the editorial reorganisation at Simon & Schuster .
  • Cover art and design by Alan Dingman .

Cover gallery [ ]

Solicitation cover from Pocket Books' Summer 2009 catalog

External link [ ]

  • Seven Deadly Sins at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
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  • 3 Past Tense, Part I (episode)

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Publisher's description [ ]

Contents [ ].

  • Pride: Romulans - " The First Peer ", by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore
  • Greed: Ferengi - " Reservoir Ferengi ", by David McIntee
  • Envy: Cardassians - " The Slow Knife ", by James Swallow
  • Wrath: Klingons - " The Unhappy Ones ", by Keith R.A. DeCandido
  • Lust: Mirror Universe - " Freedom Angst ", by Britta Dennison
  • Gluttony: Borg - " Revenant ", by Marc D. Giller
  • Sloth: Pakled - " Work Is Hard ", by Greg Cox

Appendices [ ]

Background [ ].

Seven Deadly Sins solicitation

Solicitation cover.

  • The book was first announced for release in August 2009 , but was later delayed and pushed back to March 2010 .
  • This was one of the first round of Star Trek releases under the Gallery Books imprint. Eventually all trade paperback -size prose releases would bear this imprint, which is currently used for all book publications that Simon and Schuster formerly released under the Pocket Books branding.

Cover image.

Connections [ ]

Timeline [ ], external link [ ].

  • Seven Deadly Sins article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • 1 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 2 USS Wasp (NCC-9701)
  • 3 Constitution class
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Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins

Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins

Trade Paperback


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About the book, product details.

  • Publisher: Pocket Books/Star Trek (March 16, 2010)
  • Length: 496 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781439109441

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Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins review

Seven Deadly Sins , an anthology collecting seven novellas, tries to connect each of the eponymous sins with one aspect of the Star Trek universe, featuring stories by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore, David A. McIntee, James Swallow, Keith R.A. DeCandido, Britta Burdett Dennison, Marc D. Giller, and Greg Cox.

The anthology starts off with The First Peer by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore, tying the Romulans to the sin of pride. Uneasy about recent activities by Starfleet, the Romulan Empire hatches a plan to ally themselves with the Klingons for a technological exchange. Spearheaded by Proconsul Toqel, who is sure of her superiority over the Klingons, a deal is brokered. But can she really trust the Romulans’ new-found allies?

The First Peer is a decent story, which makes good use of the Romulan/pride combination. The only real downside to it is that with the exception of the final revelation, it is a tad too predictable. To some extent that’s because you know the story’s sin is pride, so you simply expect that the plan will backfire for Toqel, especially because she is warned to not underestimate her counterparts. But ultimately the good characterisations and Wardilmore’s usual engaging writing style make this one an early keeper in this tome.

Next up is Reservoir Ferengi , written by Scottish author David A. McIntee which, as the title suggests, features the Ferengi and connects them to the sin of greed. When Brunt is expelled from the FCA he joins forces with Quark’s cousin Gaila in the arms-dealing business. All goes well for a while, and Brunt even finds a woman he likes, but when Gaila goes too far Brunt has to decide whether deep inside he’s still Brunt, FCA.

I’m a huge fan of Ferengi in general, and always had a soft spot for Brunt(, FCA) specifically, so this story is right up my alley. Reservoir Ferengi is a very well-written story with strong characterisations. David A. McIntee manages to tell a tale that has Brunt as the “hero” but keeps him 100% Ferengi at the same time. He is also able keep the humour often associated with the Ferengi without ridiculing them, a thin line not all writers are able to walk. Definitely the highlight of the anthology.

The Cardassians take the spotlight next, with James Swallow’s The Slowe Knife , a story about envy. When the Gul of the Rekkel is killed, the tactical officer Enkoa is supposed to take the lead, but without the help of fellow officer Kein he would have got the whole crew killed. When he is promoted to captain his own vessel afterwards, and she has to be his first officer, jealousy is building up inside her. Soon a chance to expose Enkoa as the failure he is presents itself, but will she really get all what she thinks she deserves if she takes the opportunity?

It’s not a bad story, but not quite as good as its direct predecessor, either. There’s nothing to criticise about the writing style or the characterisations, but the story is pretty much just chugging along. It’s a very believable tale of a woman denied the rightful prize for her actions, who is eaten up from the inside by her envy for the man who undeservedly got the post she deserved, but it lacks those special moments that make a story stand out. Nonetheless a nice read.

Star Trek veteran Keith R.A. DeCandido pens the next story, The Unhappy Ones , a tale combining the sin of wrath with the Klingons. When the relationships between ridge-headed and smooth-headed Klingons deteriorate into an all-out rebellion at a mining endeavour, Kang, Kor, and Koloth are sent to deal with the situation. Being smooth-headed, they soon experience the disgust of the ridge-headed Klingons themselves.

The Unhappy Ones is another solid tale. As always, DeCandido delivers a well-written story with believable characterisations, but like James Swallow’s Cardassian story it’s missing something to become really memorable. It’s nice to see the three Klingon TOS captains together, though, and DeCandido captures them really well, so even if this isn’t the pinnacle of his writing career it certainly is a very nice way to kill some time.

Freedom Angst , written by Britta Burdett Dennison, is the only story in the anthology not using a race to represent its sin (lust), but a whole universe – the Mirror Universe, to be precise. When Ben and Jennifer Sisko get the offer to move to Terok Nor and work for the Intendant, they’ve a hard choice to make, especially Benjamin, who had his records altered to make his work efficiency look more impressive. Living in a strained relationship with his wife he soon finds himself in a whole lot of problems.

Sadly, this one is the story that stinks up the joint a bit in an otherwise very solid anthology. It isn’t totally bad, but it can’t really hold pace with the other stories in any area. The writing is somewhat grating and isn’t really able to suck you into the story; I don’t think any of the other stories took me as long to get through. The characterisations are okay, but somewhat superficial; you just don’t really identify with any of the characters. Overall not a really memorable entry.

Revenant by Marc D. Giller is the penultimate story of the collection and features the Borg, representing gluttony. When Nicholas Locarno leads the crew of the scavenger Celtic to the Korso Spanse they find every scavenger’s dream, a deserted Starfleet ship. But soon they realise what has happened to the ship, and that they weren’t quite as lucky as they thought.

It’s an average story, certainly better than its predecessor, but not quite up to par with the quality of most of the others. It’s written competently enough and the characterisations are adequate, too, but the story itself is a tad too predictable for my taste. While I appreciate a good Star Trek horror story as much as the next guy, this one is mostly an accumulation of known horror tropes and doesn’t bring enough new stuff to the table to be more than a quick time-killer, whose specifics you probably will forget rather soon.

The anthology ends with Greg Cox’s Pakled story Work is Hard , featuring the sin of sloth. When the Enterprise intercepts a distress signal from a Pakled ship they’re not to keen to answer it given their history with Pakled distress signals, but ultimately have no choice. They soon learn that the emergency is real and Geordi, among those most disgusted by their past dealings with Pakleds, has to work closely with their engineeer to help rescue the ship. Will he be able to make the engineer understand what to do in time?

Surprisingly, it’s a very decent story. To be honest I had my doubt if Cox, or anyone else for that matter, would be able to tell a readable story featuring the Pakleds so heavily, but he succeeded. Granted, the Pakled engineer seems to be one of the brighter bulbs in a sea of low-wattage ones, but he remains Pakled enough for me to let it slide. While in the end it remains what I guess it was aimed to be – the comic relief story – Cox was able to make it an engaging story, too, and you actually begin to root for Snollicob, the Pakled engineer. Work is Hard maybe isn’t the best story in the anthology, but the biggest positive suprise for me.

Overall, Seven Deadly Sins is a very solid anthology. There’s only one story which is really sub-par and one story which is the epitome of mediocrity, but all the other stories are decent to good. Maybe a real home-run is missing, and sometimes the race-sin ties are somewhat superficial, but I would have no problem to recommend this anthology to anyone seeking for a bunch of entertaining shorter Star Trek stories.

Seven Deadly Sins (by Dayton Ward, Kevin Dilmore, David A. McIntee, James Swallow, Keith R.A. DeCandido, Britta Burdett Dennison, Marc D. Giller, Greg Cox) was released by Pocket Books in March 2010.

Jens Deffner

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A collection of seven novellas in the Star Trek Novel Verse , each detailing one of the alien cultures.

From the blurb:

  • Arc Welding : The Romulan story ( The First Peer ) continues one of the plots from Star Trek: Vanguard (specifically, Proconsul Toqel’s efforts to find meaning in her daughter’s death). It ties the plot’s conclusion into the events surrounding formation of the Klingon/Romulan alliance; this helps solidify the ties between Vanguard and the rest of the Star Trek continuity, specifically the Original Series .
  • The Cameo : Garak in The Slow Knife . Word of God confirms it's him, if it wasn't evident from his self-description as "plain, simple".
  • Captain's Log : The Sloth story opens with a Pakled version, the “captain’s book”, as Aadnalurg phrases it. The given date is “today”. They are far from home. They will go further tomorrow.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder : Gaila.
  • Combat Tentacles : Voloczin strangles people with his.
  • The Corruption : The Borg nanoprobes in Revenant .
  • The Ditz : Bijon. An example: When he courts disaster by transporting three rival groups up to Gaila and Brunt’s arms dealership at once, Brunt asks him if he knows what an appointment is. His response is “...I’ve never been to Appointia...”
  • Downer Ending : Revenant . The only way for the surviving protagonists to survive a Federation assault is to allow themselves to complete the assimilation and become Borg drones .
  • Everything's Squishier with Cephalopods : Including Bijon’s neck when Voloczin’s finished with him.
  • A Father to His Men : Brutally averted with both Evan Walsh and Aadnalurg, who are both willing to sell out their crews for their own personal gain. However, the former seems to be an example of the trope at first, if a mild one.
  • Fun with Acronyms : At the expense of the character using them. Misremembering the title of his new organization, Brunt (known onscreen for his self-identifying catch-phrase "Brunt, FCA") introduces himself as "Brunt, GIT", before correcting "sorry, GAT..."
  • James Swallow : Wrote the Cardassian story, The Slow Knife .
  • The Mole : Ditrius .
  • Obfuscating Stupidity : Grodak, which led to Toqel severely underestimating him and the Klingons in general.
  • Only in It For the Money : This is the only reason, implicitly, why Evan Walsh agreed to betray his own crew in Revenant . He had no other motive to do so.
  • Pragmatic Villainy : Explored in the Ferengi story. Brunt is disgusted when Gaila’s business dealings result in death camps and ethnic cleansing on the Urwyzden worlds - this disgust is not, however, due to any ethical objection as we might recognise it, but because dead people can’t contribute to the economy. It’s an appalling waste of resources, and a true Ferengi would be ashamed.
  • Punny Name : The Ferengi underworld boss, DaiMon Blud. He’s quite aware of his name’s phonetic resemblance to a certain English word, and of the somewhat suitable connotations inherent in it. He kindly requests that you don’t bring it up.
  • The reasoning behind the assignment of each sin is as follows: The Klingons are Wrath (specifically, in this case, taking the form of racial hatred between crested and non-crested Klingons , and the violent rage the tensions awake in them). The Romulans are Pride (with a tendency to underestimate the other races due to their arrogant assumptions), the Mirror Universe is Lust (both sexual and lust for power); the Ferengi are Greed (specifically pursuit of profit); the Cardassians are Envy (both as a society in general, as their worlds are resource poor and their neighbours have far more, and in the specific case of the protagonist, who feels her commander was promoted above her unfairly); the Pakled are Sloth (the title, Work is Hard, says it all); and the Borg are Gluttony (overconsumption in general, rather than overeating).
  • Spanner in the Works : Sanir Kein ends up being this for Jagul Hanno, when she allows Laen Enkoa to proceed with his attack on Setlik III, hoping the resultant idiocy will get him removed from the captaincy she feels is rightfully hers. This makes Enkoa a more direct Spanner in the Works ; the assault on Setlik III pushes Cardassia closer to war with the Federation, potentially undoing years of careful work on Hanno’s part to ensure peace – including, ironically, the reasoning behind his giving Enkoa the job over Kein in the first place.
  • Too Dumb to Live : The Pakleds, particularly Aadnalurg.
  • Unfortunate Names : A Klingon character named Targ; that's like a human being named "Pig" or "Swine".
  • The Voiceless : Thot Lok and the rest of the Breen.
  • Yodel Land : The Urwyzden system is a deliberate parody of the popular idea of Switzerland. It features: mountains, banking, ski slopes, banking, complete neutrality, and banking.

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Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins

A collection of seven novellas in the Star Trek Novel Verse , each detailing one of the alien cultures.

From the blurb:

Star Trek Book Club

Star trek: seven deadly sins.

star trek seven deadly sins


The Seven Deadly Sins delineate the path to a person’s downfall, the surest way to achieve eternal damnation. But there is a way out, a way to reclaim salvation: blame it on the demons—taunting you, daring you to embrace these sins—and you shall be free. The painful truth is that these impulses live inside all ofus, inside all sentient beings. But alas, one person’s sin may be anotherbeing’s virtue.

The pride of the Romulan Empire is laid bare in “The First Peer,” by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore.

A Ferengi is measured by his acquisition of profit. “Reservoir Ferengi,” by David A. McIntee, depicts the greed that drives that need.

The Cardassians live in a resource-poor system, surrounded by neighbors whohave much more. The envy at the heart of Cardassian drive is “The Slow Knife,”by James Swallow.

The Klingons have tried since the time of Kahless to harness their wrath withan honor code, but they haven’t done so, as evidenced in “The Unhappy Ones,”by Keith R.A. DeCandido.

Humans’ darkest impulses run free in the Mirror Universe. “Freedom Angst,” by Britta Burdett Dennison, illustrates the lust that drives many there.

The Borg’s desire to add to their perfection is gluttonous and deadly in “Revenant,” by Marc D. Giller.

To be a Pakled is to live to up to the ideal of sloth in “Work Is Hard,” by Greg Cox.


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Seven Deadly Sins

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Cover von Seven Deadly Sins

Diese Anthologie versammelt Kurzgeschichten um das Thema der sieben Sünden.


  • 1.1 Zusammenfassung
  • 1.2 Handlung
  • 2.1 Verweise

Inhalt [ Bearbeiten ]

Zusammenfassung [ bearbeiten ].

PRIDE. GREED. ENVY. WRATH. LUST. GLUTTONY. SLOTH. The Seven Deadly Sins delineate the path to a person’s downfall, the surest way to achieve eternal damnation. But there is a way out, a way to reclaim salvation: blame it on the demons—taunting you, daring you to embrace these sins—and you shall be free. The painful truth is that these impulses live inside all ofus, inside all sentient beings. But alas, one person’s sin may be anotherbeing’s virtue. The pride of the Romulan Empire is laid bare in "The First Peer," by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore. A Ferengi is measured by his acquisition of profit. "Reservoir Ferengi," by David A. McIntee, depicts the greed that drives that need. The Cardassians live in a resource-poor system, surrounded by neighbors whohave much more. The envy at the heart of Cardassian drive is "The Slow Knife,"by James Swallow. The Klingons have tried since the time of Kahless to harness their wrath withan honor code, but they haven’t done so, as evidenced in "The Unhappy Ones,"by Keith R.A. DeCandido. Humans’ darkest impulses run free in the Mirror Universe. "Freedom Angst," by Britta Burdett Dennison, illustrates the lust that drives many there. The Borg’s desire to add to their perfection is gluttonous and deadly in "Revenant," by Marc D. Giller. To be a Pakled is to live to up to the ideal of sloth in "Work Is Hard," by Greg Cox.
  • Pride: Romulans - "The First Peer", von Dayton Ward und Kevin Dilmore
  • Greed: Ferengi - "Reservoir Ferengi", von David McIntee
  • Envy: Cardassians - "The Slow Knife", von James Swallow
  • Wrath: Klingons - "The Unhappy Ones", von Keith R.A. DeCandido
  • Lust: Mirror Universe - "Freedom Angst", von Britta Dennison
  • Gluttony: Borg - "Revenant", von Marc D. Giller
  • Sloth: Pakled - "Work Is Hard", von Greg Cox

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Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins

Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins (Literature)

From the blurb:

Lust . Gluttony. Greed . Sloth . Wrath . Envy . Pride . These are the seven deadly sins of humanity... but humans are not the only creatures in the universe to surrender to their baser instincts. In the world of Star Trek , entire civilizations are driven by avarice, or anger, or insatiable hunger, or one of the other fundamental urges that have come to define these fascinating species. Now, this edgy collection of original novellas explores these empires from the inside, delving into the qualities that shape their cultures and their worldviews, through characters as compelling as they are provocative. These surprising and engaging tales feature all of Star Trek's most prominent adversaries, including the Borg (gluttony), the Klingons (wrath), the Romulans (pride), the Cardassians (envy), the Ferengi (greed), the Pakleds (sloth), and the Mirror Universe (lust), and their adventures on the dark side of the Star Trek universe.

Provides examples of:

  • Arc Welding : The Romulan story ( The First Peer ) continues one of the plots from Star Trek: Vanguard (specifically, Proconsul Toqel’s efforts to find meaning in her daughter’s death). It ties the plot’s conclusion into the events surrounding formation of the Klingon/Romulan alliance; this helps solidify the ties between Vanguard and the rest of the Star Trek continuity, specifically the Original Series .

star trek seven deadly sins

  • Captain's Log : The Sloth story opens with a Pakled version, the “captain’s book”, as Aadnalurg phrases it. The given date is “today”. They are far from home. They will go further tomorrow.
  • Chronic Back Stabbing Disorder : Gaila.
  • Combat Tentacles : Voloczin strangles people with his.
  • The Corruption : The Borg nanoprobes in Revenant .
  • The Ditz : Bijon. An example: When he courts disaster by transporting three rival groups up to Gaila and Brunt’s arms dealership at once, Brunt asks him if he knows what an appointment is. His response is “...I’ve never been to Appointia...”
  • Downer Ending : Revenant . The only way for the surviving protagonists to survive a Federation assault is to allow themselves to complete the assimilation and become Borg drones .
  • Fantastic Racism : The Klingons experience this between the HemQuch (ridged) and QuchHa ' (non-ridged) groups of their species. Sorkav in particular feels that any "smooth-headed" Klingon is not worthy of the name and shows outright insolence when forced to take orders from Kang, Kor or Koloth.
  • A Father to His Men : Averted with both Evan Walsh and Aadnalurg, who are both willing to sell out their crews for their own personal gain. However, the former seems to be an example of the trope at first, if a mild one.
  • Fun with Acronyms : At the expense of the character using them. Misremembering the title of his new organization, Brunt (known onscreen for his self-identifying catch-phrase "Brunt, FCA") introduces himself as "Brunt, GIT", before correcting "sorry, GAT..."
  • James Swallow : Wrote the Cardassian story, The Slow Knife .
  • The Mole : Ditrius.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity : Grodak, which led to Toqel severely underestimating him and the Klingons in general.
  • Only in It for the Money : This is the only reason, implicitly, why Evan Walsh agreed to betray his own crew in Revenant . He had no other motive to do so.
  • Passed-Over Promotion : Sanir Kein believes that she should have been promoted and given command of a small Cardassian ship instead of her colleague Laen Enkoa. She believes that part of it is because she is a female officer in the male-dominated military, and becomes committed to disgracing Laen and proving her superiors wrong .
  • Pragmatic Villainy : Explored in the Ferengi story. Brunt is disgusted when Gaila’s business dealings result in death camps and ethnic cleansing on the Urwyzden worlds - this disgust is not, however, due to any ethical objection as we might recognise it, but because dead people can’t contribute to the economy. It’s an appalling waste of resources, and a true Ferengi would be ashamed.
  • Punny Name : The Ferengi underworld boss, DaiMon Blud. He’s quite aware of his name’s phonetic resemblance to a certain English word, and of the somewhat suitable connotations inherent in it. He kindly requests that you don’t bring it up.
  • Redemption Equals Death : Nicholas Locarno, though you could argue assimilation into the Borg is much worse than death.
  • The reasoning behind the assignment of each sin is as follows: The Klingons are Wrath (specifically, in this case, taking the form of racial hatred between crested and non-crested Klingons , and the violent rage the tensions awake in them). The Romulans are Pride (with a tendency to underestimate the other races due to their arrogant assumptions), the Mirror Universe is Lust (both sexual and lust for power); the Ferengi are Greed (specifically pursuit of profit); the Cardassians are Envy (both as a society in general, as their worlds are resource poor and their neighbours have far more, and in the specific case of the protagonist, who feels her commander was promoted above her unfairly); the Pakled are Sloth (the title, Work is Hard, says it all); and the Borg are Gluttony (overconsumption in general, rather than overeating).
  • Spanner in the Works : Sanir Kein ends up being this for Jagul Hanno, when she allows Laen Enkoa to proceed with his attack on Setlik III, hoping the resultant idiocy will get him removed from the captaincy she feels is rightfully hers. This makes Enkoa a more direct Spanner in the Works ; the assault on Setlik III pushes Cardassia closer to war with the Federation, potentially undoing years of careful work on Hanno’s part to ensure peace – including, ironically, the reasoning behind his giving Enkoa the job over Kein in the first place.
  • The Syndicate : The Ferengi story introduces the Shadow Treasurers, the Ferengi criminal underworld. They're mentioned again in the novel Indistinguishable From Magic .
  • Too Dumb to Live : The Pakleds, particularly Aadnalurg.
  • The Voiceless : Thot Lok and the rest of the Breen.
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star trek seven deadly sins

Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins

  • 5.0 • 2 Ratings

Publisher Description

PRIDE. GREED. ENVY. WRATH. LUST. GLUTTONY. SLOTH. The Seven Deadly Sins delineate the path to a person’s downfall, the surest way to achieve eternal damnation. But there is a way out, a way to reclaim salvation: blame it on the demons—taunting you, daring you to embrace these sins—and you shall be free. The painful truth is that these impulses live inside all ofus, inside all sentient beings. But alas, one person’s sin may be anotherbeing’s virtue. The pride of the Romulan Empire is laid bare in "The First Peer," by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore. A Ferengi is measured by his acquisition of profit. "Reservoir Ferengi," by David A. McIntee, depicts the greed that drives that need. The Cardassians live in a resource-poor system, surrounded by neighbors whohave much more. The envy at the heart of Cardassian drive is "The Slow Knife,"by James Swallow. The Klingons have tried since the time of Kahless to harness their wrath withan honor code, but they haven’t done so, as evidenced in "The Unhappy Ones,"by Keith R.A. DeCandido. Humans’ darkest impulses run free in the Mirror Universe. "Freedom Angst," by Britta Burdett Dennison, illustrates the lust that drives many there. The Borg’s desire to add to their perfection is gluttonous and deadly in "Revenant," by Marc D. Giller. To be a Pakled is to live to up to the ideal of sloth in "Work Is Hard," by Greg Cox.

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Marc D. Giller

Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) Kindle Edition

  • Print length 498 pages
  • Language English
  • Sticky notes On Kindle Scribe
  • Publisher Pocket Books/Star Trek
  • Publication date Feb. 23 2010
  • File size 2083 KB
  • Page Flip Enabled
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Tales of the Dominion War (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

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About the author, excerpt. © reprinted by permission. all rights reserved..

© 2010 CBS Studios Inc.

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  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0033DDIX2
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Pocket Books/Star Trek (Feb. 23 2010)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • File size ‏ : ‎ 2083 KB
  • Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
  • Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
  • Print length ‏ : ‎ 498 pages
  • Page numbers source ISBN ‏ : ‎ 1439109443
  • #127 in Deep Space Nine
  • #4,888 in Alien Contact Science Fiction eBooks
  • #7,567 in Genetic Engineering Science Fiction eBooks

About the authors

Marc d. giller.

Marc D. Giller wrote his first novel at the tender age of sixteen, with the certainty of fame and riches before him. When that plan didn’t work out he went to college instead, earning a bachelor of science degree in journalism from Texas A&M University.

A year in the news business only increased his fascination with making stories up for a living, so he tried a few other genres—horror, thriller, historical fiction—when a script he wrote for STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION earned him a chance to pitch ideas for the show. A few years later, HAMMERJACK caught the attention of Bantam Spectra editor Juliet Ulman, who turned it into his first published novel.

Over the years, Marc has worked as a photographer, producer, computer trainer, and even had a one-night stint as a television news reporter. For the last several years, he has worked in information systems management.

Marc makes his home in the Tampa Bay area of Florida, where he lives with his wife, two children and a perky little Havanese, all of whom provide him with daily inspiration.

Dayton Ward

If you’re reading this, then chances are you’ve read one of my books or are considering doing so. Or, maybe you just clicked on a link by mistake while on your way to something more interesting.

Doesn’t matter. Welcome!

So…about me. Yeah…well, you see, it’s like this: Until recently, I was a software developer and analyst, having become a slave to Corporate America after spending eleven years in the U.S. Marine Corps. Why did I join the military? Pretty simple, really. I’d gotten tired of people telling me what to do all the time, and was looking for a change.

In truth, I joined for a handful of different reasons, from carrying on a family tradition to wanting a challenge unlike anything else I’d faced to that point to simpler stuff like just wanting to see the world. I’m proud of my time spent in uniform. I gave Uncle Sam eleven years, and he gave me a long list of skills and experiences that have continued to serve me to this day. I think I got the better end of that deal by a fairly wide margin.

In September 2014, I said goodbye to my day job and embarked on a bold new journey as a full-time writer.

Though I was born and raised in Tampa, Florida, fate and circumstances have seen to it that my family and I now call Kansas City home.

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Items related to Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins: Seven Deadly Sins (Star...

Star trek: seven deadly sins: seven deadly sins (star trek (unnumbered paperback)) (star trek: deep space nine) - softcover.

  • 3.84 3.84 out of 5 stars 135 ratings by Goodreads

9781439109441: Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins: Seven Deadly Sins (Star Trek (Unnumbered Paperback)) (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)

This specific ISBN edition is currently not available.

  • About this title
  • About this edition

PRIDE. GREED. ENVY. WRATH. LUST. GLUTTONY. SLOTH. The Seven Deadly Sins delineate the path to a person’s downfall, the surest way to achieve eternal damnation. But there is a way out, a way to reclaim salvation: blame it on the demons—taunting you, daring you to embrace these sins—and you shall be free. The painful truth is that these impulses live inside all ofus, inside all sentient beings. But alas, one person’s sin may be anotherbeing’s virtue. The pride of the Romulan Empire is laid bare in "The First Peer," by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore. A Ferengi is measured by his acquisition of profit. "Reservoir Ferengi," by David A. McIntee, depicts the greed that drives that need. The Cardassians live in a resource-poor system, surrounded by neighbors whohave much more. The envy at the heart of Cardassian drive is "The Slow Knife,"by James Swallow. The Klingons have tried since the time of Kahless to harness their wrath withan honor code, but they haven’t done so, as evidenced in "The Unhappy Ones,"by Keith R.A. DeCandido. Humans’ darkest impulses run free in the Mirror Universe. "Freedom Angst," by Britta Burdett Dennison, illustrates the lust that drives many there. The Borg’s desire to add to their perfection is gluttonous and deadly in "Revenant," by Marc D. Giller. To be a Pakled is to live to up to the ideal of sloth in "Work Is Hard," by Greg Cox.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

About the Author

Margaret Clark is a writer and editor from Long Island, New York and has worked on several Star Trek novels and books.

Excerpt. � Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • Publisher Gallery Books
  • Publication date 2010
  • ISBN 10  1439109443
  • ISBN 13  9781439109441
  • Binding Paperback
  • Number of pages 496
  • Editor Clark Margaret

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Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins: Seven Deadly Sins (Star Trek (Unnumbered Paperback)) (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)

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Marc D. Giller

Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins: Seven Deadly Sins (Star Trek (Unnumbered Paperback)) (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) Paperback – 16 Mar. 2010

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  • Print length 496 pages
  • Language English
  • Publication date 16 Mar. 2010
  • Dimensions 13.55 x 3.3 x 20.96 cm
  • ISBN-10 1439109443
  • ISBN-13 978-1439109441
  • See all details

Popular titles by this author

Pliable Truths (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

Product description

About the author, excerpt. © reprinted by permission. all rights reserved., product details.

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Gallery Books (16 Mar. 2010)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 496 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1439109443
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1439109441
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 13.55 x 3.3 x 20.96 cm
  • 511 in Star Trek
  • 9,048 in Genetic Engineering Fiction
  • 12,998 in First Contact

About the authors

Marc d. giller.

Marc D. Giller wrote his first novel at the tender age of sixteen, with the certainty of fame and riches before him. When that plan didn’t work out he went to college instead, earning a bachelor of science degree in journalism from Texas A&M University.

A year in the news business only increased his fascination with making stories up for a living, so he tried a few other genres—horror, thriller, historical fiction—when a script he wrote for STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION earned him a chance to pitch ideas for the show. A few years later, HAMMERJACK caught the attention of Bantam Spectra editor Juliet Ulman, who turned it into his first published novel.

Over the years, Marc has worked as a photographer, producer, computer trainer, and even had a one-night stint as a television news reporter. For the last several years, he has worked in information systems management.

Marc makes his home in the Tampa Bay area of Florida, where he lives with his wife, two children and a perky little Havanese, all of whom provide him with daily inspiration.

Dayton Ward

If you’re reading this, then chances are you’ve read one of my books or are considering doing so. Or, maybe you just clicked on a link by mistake while on your way to something more interesting.

Doesn’t matter. Welcome!

So…about me. Yeah…well, you see, it’s like this: Until recently, I was a software developer and analyst, having become a slave to Corporate America after spending eleven years in the U.S. Marine Corps. Why did I join the military? Pretty simple, really. I’d gotten tired of people telling me what to do all the time, and was looking for a change.

In truth, I joined for a handful of different reasons, from carrying on a family tradition to wanting a challenge unlike anything else I’d faced to that point to simpler stuff like just wanting to see the world. I’m proud of my time spent in uniform. I gave Uncle Sam eleven years, and he gave me a long list of skills and experiences that have continued to serve me to this day. I think I got the better end of that deal by a fairly wide margin.

In September 2014, I said goodbye to my day job and embarked on a bold new journey as a full-time writer.

Though I was born and raised in Tampa, Florida, fate and circumstances have seen to it that my family and I now call Kansas City home.

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Marco Palmieri

Seven Deadly Sins (Star Trek) Library Binding

  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1439581126
  • ISBN-13 978-1439581124
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  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1439581126
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1439581124
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1 pounds

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Marco palmieri.

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  1. The Seven Deadly Sins of Star Trek: Picard : r/startrekpicard

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  2. Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) by 1439109443

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  3. Imperial Wrath of the Gods Review

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  4. SDS: Who Are The Members Of The Seven Deadly Sins?

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  5. The Seven Deadly Sins: Los detalles de la nueva temporada en Netflix

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  6. The Seven Deadly Sins' Sacred Treasures, Explained

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  6. 7 смертных грехов


  1. Seven Deadly Sins

    Seven Deadly Sins is an anthology work from Gallery Books. Released in March 2010, the anthology features stories focusing on seven of the Federation's enemies, with each one tying into one of the seven deadly sins. ... This is Giller's first published Star Trek work. Originally, Jimmy Diggs was to have contributed the Pakled story to the ...

  2. Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)

    The seven deadly sins translated to the Trek Universe. But I ain't such a fan. Some of the stories are well written and entertaining, some of the others...not so much. I fully understand the desire of some Star Trek authors to write about vague and random characters, some of them do create interesting narrative.

  3. Seven Deadly Sins

    Seven Deadly Sins is a Star Trek prose anthology published by Pocket Books in March 2010. The book contains seven novellas, each exploring a major culture in Star Trek through the theme of the "seven deadly sins". From the back cover PRIDE. GREED. ENVY. WRATH. LUST. GLUTTONY. SLOTH. The Seven Deadly Sins delineate the path to a person's downfall, the surest way to achieve eternal damnation ...

  4. Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins by Margaret Clark

    A book relating all seven of the deadly sins to a race in the Star Trek universe, the stories were sort of hit and miss and they didn't really grab me. They were of some interest, including the extremely haunting Borg story (illustrating gluttony, using an interesting definition of glutton to justify the relation), but overall it was a "meh ...

  5. Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins

    The Seven Deadly Sins delineate the path to a person's downfall, the surest way to achieve eternal damnation. But there is a way out, a way to reclaim salvation: blame it on the demons—taunting you, daring you to embrace these sins—and you shall be free. The painful truth is that these impulses live inside all ofus, inside all sentient ...

  6. Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins review

    Seven Deadly Sins, an anthology collecting seven novellas, tries to connect each of the eponymous sins with one aspect of the Star Trek universe, featuring stories by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore, David A. McIntee, James Swallow, Keith R.A. DeCandido, Britta Burdett Dennison, Marc D. Giller, and Greg Cox.. The anthology starts off with The First Peer by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore, tying ...

  7. Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins

    Gluttony. Greed. Sloth. Wrath. Envy. Pride. These are the seven deadly sins of humanity... but humans are not the only creatures in the universe to surrender to their baser instincts. In the world of Star Trek, entire civilizations are driven by avarice, or anger, or insatiable hunger, or one of the other fundamental urges that have come to ...

  8. Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins

    A collection of seven novellas in the Star Trek Novel Verse, each detailing one of the alien cultures. From the blurb: Lust. Gluttony. Greed. Sloth. Wrath. Envy. Pride. These are the seven deadly sins of humanity... but humans are not the only creatures in the universe to surrender to their baser instincts. In the world of Star Trek, entire civilizations are driven by avarice, or anger, or ...

  9. Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins

    The Seven Deadly Sins delineate the path to a person's downfall, the surest way to achieve eternal damnation. But there is a way out, a way to reclaim salvation: blame it on the demons—taunting you, daring you to embrace these sins—and you shall be free. The painful truth is that these impulses live inside all ofus, inside all sentient ...

  10. Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins

    The Seven Deadly Sins delineate the path to a person's downfall, the surest way to achieve eternal damnation. But there is a way out, a way to reclaim salvation: blame it on the demons—taunting you, daring you to embrace these sins—and you shall b

  11. Seven Deadly Sins

    The Seven Deadly Sins delineate the path to a person's downfall, the surest way to achieve eternal damnation. But there is a way out, a way to reclaim salvation: blame it on the demons—taunting you, daring you to embrace these sins—and you shall be free. The painful truth is that these impulses live inside all ofus, inside all sentient ...

  12. Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins|Paperback

    PRIDE. GREED. ENVY. WRATH. LUST. GLUTTONY. SLOTH.The Seven Deadly Sins delineate the path to a person’s downfall, the surest way to achieve eternal damnation. But there is a way out, a way to reclaim salvation: blame it on the demons—taunting you, daring you to...

  13. Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins (Literature)

    Greed. Sloth. Wrath. Envy. Pride. These are the seven deadly sins of humanity... but humans are not the only creatures in the universe to surrender to their baser instincts. In the world of Star Trek, entire civilizations are driven by avarice, or anger, or insatiable hunger, or one of the other fundamental urges that have come to define these ...

  14. Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins

    Download and read the ebook version of Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins by Margaret Clark, Dayton Ward, Kevin Dilmore, David A. McIntee, James Swallow, Keith R.A. DeCandido, Britta Dennison, Marc D. Giller & Greg Cox on Apple Books. PRIDE. GREED. ENVY. WRATH. LUST. GLUTTONY. SLOTH. The Seven Deadly Sins delineat

  15. Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins: Seven... by Clark, Margaret

    Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins: Seven Deadly Sins (Star Trek (Unnumbered Paperback)) (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) Paperback - March 16, 2010 . by Margaret Clark (Editor) 4.1 4.1 out of 5 stars 27 ratings. Related to: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine . See all formats and editions.

  16. Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) eBook : Clark

    The seven deadly sins translated to the Trek Universe. But I ain't such a fan. Some of the stories are well written and entertaining, some of the others...not so much. I fully understand the desire of some Star Trek authors to write about vague and random characters, some of them do create interesting narrative.

  17. Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)

    STAR TREK: SEVEN DEADLY SINS 1 Pursuit course. Stand by to divert power from the cloaking field to the shields on my order, and place all weapons on ready status." Standing among his subordinates on the confined bridge of the Romulan vessel Revoth, Commander Larael watched as his crew worked to carry out his orders. None of them spoke ...

  18. Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)

    The seven deadly sins translated to the Trek Universe. But I ain't such a fan. Some of the stories are well written and entertaining, some of the others...not so much. I fully understand the desire of some Star Trek authors to write about vague and random characters, some of them do create interesting narrative.

  19. Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins by Margaret Clark (Editor)

    Lust. Gluttony. Greed. Sloth. Wrath. Envy. Pride. Ancient writers paired the seven deadly sins with demons, but the sins still control men--and even the aliens of the universe. This all-new collection of novellas showcases the seven archetypal adversaries of the "Star Trek" universe.

  20. Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins (Star Trek (Unnumbered Paperback

    Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins (Star Trek (Unnumbered Paperback)) Original edition published by Pocket Books/Star Trek (2010) [Paperback] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins (Star Trek (Unnumbered Paperback)) Original edition published by Pocket Books/Star Trek (2010) [Paperback]

  21. Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins: Seven Deadly Sins (Star Trek ...

    Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins: Seven Deadly Sins (Star Trek (Unnumbered Paperback)) (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) - ISBN 10: 1439109443 - ISBN 13: 9781439109441 - Gallery Books - 2010 - Softcover

  22. List of Birthdays

    This is a list of the birthdays of every character in Seven Deadly Sins and Four Knights of the Apocalypse. Hawk Mama Orlondi Galand Nadja Liones Liz Elgin Brunhild Deathpierce Kaide Izraf Mael/Estarossa Roxy Gannon Calmadios Aldrich Anna Varghese Tanto Zeldris Selion Thetis Golgius Wild Nerobasta Ban Twigo Ludociel Theo Dolores Alioni Zeal Melagaland Invisible Simon Pellegarde Jigumo Torah ...

  23. Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins: Seven Deadly Sins (Star Trek (Unnumbered

    STAR TREK: SEVEN DEADLY SINS 1 Pursuit course. Stand by to divert power from the cloaking field to the shields on my order, and place all weapons on ready status." Standing among his subordinates on the confined bridge of the Romulan vessel Revoth, Commander Larael watched as his crew worked to carry out his orders. None of them spoke ...

  24. Seven Deadly Sins (Star Trek) Library Binding

    Seven Deadly Sins (Star Trek) on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Seven Deadly Sins (Star Trek)