• Stages of Balding

1 Year Hair Growth Journey: Embracing Your Natural Self

Embark on a transformative 1 year hair growth journey that defies conventional wisdom. This comprehensive guide not only offers tried-and-true methods for steady hair growth but also reveals the secret on how to grow your hair 19 inches overnight . Whether you’re looking for gradual results or an immediate transformation, this is your ultimate roadmap to achieving luscious, long locks.

Table of Contents

Should I Grow My Hair Out?

The decision to go natural is often a deeply personal one, influenced by a myriad of factors, ranging from cultural norms to individual lifestyle choices. For many, it’s a journey of self-discovery that transcends mere aesthetics.

The narrator recalls the moment they stumbled upon a YouTube video that changed their perception of what natural hair could be. It was a revelation that led them to question societal beauty standards and embark on a transformative hair growth journey .

The natural hair movement has been gaining significant traction over the years, challenging long-standing beauty norms and encouraging individuals to embrace their unique hair textures. This movement is not just a trend; it’s a cultural shift that has empowered people to take control of their hair care routines, explore natural hair products , and most importantly, love themselves as they are.

Understanding the importance of embracing natural hair is crucial, especially when navigating through the maze of hair care products and treatments that promise quick fixes but often lead to stunted hair growth . If you’re stuck in a cycle of hair treatments that don’t seem to work, it might be time to consider going natural. Discover how to fix stunted hair growth and embrace your natural self today.

The First 6 Months of My Hair Growth Journey

The initial phase of any hair growth journey is often filled with both excitement and trepidation. For many, the discovery of natural hair YouTubers serves as a pivotal moment that demystifies the process of going natural.

These online influencers provide invaluable tips, product reviews, and tutorials that guide individuals through the labyrinth of natural hair care. The narrator recalls spending countless hours watching videos, jotting down notes, and feeling a renewed sense of purpose in their quest for natural hair.

Transitioning from relaxed to natural hair is not a one-size-fits-all experience. It requires patience, experimentation, and a willingness to learn. The first steps often involve ditching harsh chemical treatments and embracing natural hair products that nourish the scalp and follicles. During this period, the narrator experimented with various products, from oils to serums, in a bid to find the perfect regimen for their unique hair type.

If you’re in the early stages of your hair growth journey and are overwhelmed by the plethora of products on the market, consider simplifying your routine. Check out allurium beauty hair growth serum reviews to discover a product that has helped many in their natural hair journey.

No matter how much hair is gone — it CAN come back.

Stimulate growth safely and comfortably with FDA-PROVEN (LLLT) LASER THERAPY CAP. Hair Transplant Surgeon, Dr. Vikram Jayaprakash and Dermatologist, Dr. Russell Knudsen speak about how hair loss happens and why a laser cap is their preferred laser hair therapy device to help restore hair growth.

Hair Longer in the Front: The Cultural Shift in Hair Trends

The evolution of hair trends is a fascinating journey that mirrors societal changes and individual expression. Historically, Afros, braids, and natural hair have been more than just styles; they’ve been statements of identity and cultural pride. From the civil rights era, where Afros symbolized resistance and empowerment, to the ’90s, where braids and natural hairstyles became mainstream, the narrator observes that each decade has its defining hair moments.

Family and societal views have always had a significant impact on how one perceives their natural hair . The narrator recalls family reunions where discussions about “good hair” and “bad hair” were as common as the food on the table. These views often stem from deeply ingrained societal norms that have been passed down through generations. However, the narrator notes a positive shift in perception, as more people are now embracing natural hair, even opting for styles where the hair is longer in the front , challenging traditional norms.

If you’ve ever felt pressured to conform to societal hair standards, it might be time to explore other options that resonate with your personal style. Discover the versatility of european hair toppers as an alternative or complement to your natural hair journey.

Thinning Dreads and How to Thicken Them

Understanding the intricacies of one’s hair is the first step toward effective care and maintenance. For those with dreads , it’s crucial to comprehend the underlying curl patterns —be it 4a, 4b, or 4c—as these patterns significantly influence how the hair locks and its susceptibility to thinning. The narrator notes that each curl pattern has its unique characteristics and requires specialized care to maintain its health and thickness.

When it comes to black hair , its unique structure demands a different set of care needs. Unlike other hair types, black hair tends to be more fragile and prone to breakage, making it essential to adopt a tailored care regimen. The narrator emphasizes the importance of moisturizing, protective styling, and regular trims as part of a comprehensive care routine aimed at preventing thinning dreads .

If you’re concerned about the thinning of your dreads and are looking for a way to track your progress, utilize our how fast does my hair grow calculator to get personalized growth estimates and care tips.

The Awkward Stage of Hair Growth and How to Navigate It

The awkward stage of hair growth is a phase that many people dread but is an inevitable part of the natural hair journey. This stage often brings about the concept of good hair , a term that has been deeply ingrained in society, often leading to misconceptions. The narrator points out that the idea of “good hair” is subjective and varies from person to person. It’s essential to understand that all hair types are good and beautiful in their own way, and the awkward stage is just a temporary phase in the lifelong journey of hair care.

When it comes to natural hair , there are numerous myths that need debunking. One common misconception is that natural hair is difficult to manage or inherently unhealthy. The narrator emphasizes that this is far from the truth. Natural hair can be as healthy and manageable as any other hair type when given the proper care and attention. Products like sulfate-free shampoos, deep conditioners, and natural oils can go a long way in maintaining the health and vitality of natural hair, even during the awkward stage.

If you’re navigating through the awkward stage and are curious about how supplements like biotin can aid in your journey, check out our Biotin Hair Growth Before and After Pictures for real-world evidence of its effectiveness .

Hair Growth TikTok: Tips for Successful Natural Hair Growth

In the realm of TikTok , a plethora of creators share their insights on achieving successful natural hair growth . One of the most discussed topics is the selection of the best products for natural hair . The narrator highlights that not all products are created equal; some are specifically designed for different curl patterns and hair types. Brands like Shea Moisture, Cantu, and Carol’s Daughter often come highly recommended for their natural ingredients and effectiveness in moisture retention.

@stagesofbalding hair growth #hairlife #newhairs #tipsfornaturalhairgrowth #naturalhairgrowth #4chair #hairloss ♬ original sound – stagesofbalding

For those looking to expedite their hair growth, the question often arises: how to grow hair faster naturally in a week ? While it’s important to note that significant hair growth within a week is unlikely, certain methods can stimulate the scalp and encourage faster growth. Techniques like scalp massages with essential oils and using hair growth serums can make a noticeable difference. For more in-depth information on accelerating natural hair growth, explore our comprehensive guide on How to Grow African American Hair .

Real-Life Hair Growth Journeys: Before and After Pictures

The transformative power of a hair growth journey is best captured through real-life experiences. Interviews and testimonials from individuals who have successfully transitioned from damaged or thinning hair to a fuller, healthier mane provide invaluable insights. These personal stories often reveal the struggles, the products used, and the routines followed, offering a comprehensive look into what works and what doesn’t. Whether it’s transitioning from chemically treated hair to natural locks or combating hair thinning, these testimonials serve as a beacon of hope and a source of practical knowledge for those embarking on their own hair growth journey.

Before and after pictures are a compelling way to visualize this transformation. These images often depict significant changes, from increased volume and length to improved texture and shine. They serve as a testament to the effectiveness of specific hair care routines and products, offering visual proof that change is not only possible but also achievable. It’s not uncommon to see dramatic transformations, especially when individuals commit to a consistent and tailored hair care regimen.

For those who are dealing with specific issues like a thinning crown and are seeking immediate solutions, consider exploring our detailed guide on Hair Toppers for Thinning Crown . This resource provides an array of options to instantly add volume and coverage to thinning areas, while you continue your longer-term hair growth journey.

FAQs on Hair Growth Journey

When embarking on a hair growth journey , several questions often arise, reflecting the curiosity and sometimes impatience that come with the process. One of the most frequently asked questions is, how long does it take to see hair growth? The answer varies from person to person, depending on factors like diet, genetics, and hair care routine. Generally, hair grows about half an inch per month, but this rate can be influenced by a variety of factors, including the use of specific hair growth products and treatments.

Another common query is, what does 1 year of hair growth look like? A year into a dedicated hair growth journey can result in significant changes, both in length and health. On average, one can expect about 6 inches of growth, but this figure can vary. The texture, shine, and overall health of the hair are also likely to improve, thanks to the consistent care and tailored routines followed.

For those looking to expedite the process, the question of what helps hair grow faster is often top of mind. Various solutions exist, from over-the-counter products to natural remedies. However, one often overlooked aspect is scalp health. Check out our guide on using a Scalp Exfoliation Brush to stimulate hair growth . This tool can help remove dead skin cells, improve blood circulation, and create a healthier environment for hair to grow.

Conclusion: Let’s Keep Growing

The hair growth journey is a deeply personal and transformative experience, filled with its own set of challenges and triumphs. From understanding the intricacies of curl patterns to debunking myths about what constitutes “good hair,” this guide has aimed to provide a comprehensive overview. The key takeaway is that hair growth is not just a physical process but also a mental and emotional one. It requires consistent care, the right products, and a lot of patience.

Embracing your natural hair journey is not just about achieving length but also about nurturing health and rediscovering your roots, quite literally. It’s a commitment to yourself, a form of self-love that transcends societal norms and expectations. So, let’s keep growing, not just in inches but in confidence and self-acceptance.

For those who are considering alternative options like wigs while they transition, or simply for style versatility, here’s a comprehensive Wig Length Chart to guide you . This resource can help you make informed decisions about wig lengths and styles that suit your needs and aesthetic preferences.

Additional Resources: Divi vs Nutrafol and Other Hair Growth Products

When it comes to hair growth products , the market is flooded with options, making it challenging to choose the right one for your specific needs. Two products that have garnered attention are Divi and Nutrafol. Both have their unique sets of ingredients and benefits. Divi focuses on serum-based solutions, while Nutrafol leans towards nutritional supplements. It’s essential to consider your hair type, growth goals, and any underlying health conditions before making a choice.

For those who wish to delve deeper into the subject, further reading is highly recommended. Comparative articles like Nutrafol vs Viviscal and Foligrowth vs Nutrafol offer valuable insights. Additionally, Divi Hair Serum Review provides an in-depth look at what Divi has to offer.

If you’re also considering extensions as a part of your hair growth or styling strategy, here’s a guide on K-Tip Extensions that can help you understand their pros and cons.

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Unlocking the Secrets to Natural Hair Growth with Functional Nutrition

Here's a podcast interview and summary I did on natural hair growth

The Journey to Natural Hair Growth

Julie Olson's mission to combat hair loss naturally stems from her own personal experience and a decade of expertise in functional nutrition. Recognizing hair loss as a common but distressing issue, especially among women, Olson has dedicated herself to finding and advocating for natural solutions that address the problem's underlying causes.

Understanding the Roots of Hair Loss

Hair loss can be attributed to a variety of factors, including inflammatory conditions, digestive issues, stress, and hormonal imbalances. These causes often intermingle, presenting a complex challenge that requires a nuanced approach. Olson emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive questionnaire and functional medicine's living matrix to uncover the unique health matrix of each individual, laying the groundwork for a personalized treatment plan.

The Gut-Health Connection

A significant focus of Olson's approach is the gut's health. A thriving gut microbiome not only supports overall wellness but also plays a crucial role in hair health. Olson shares compelling case studies where individuals experiencing total hair loss saw regrowth after addressing gut health issues, highlighting the profound impact of a healthy gut on our bodies and hair.

Strategies for Gut Health and Beyond

Addressing gut health involves a multifaceted strategy, including stool tests to identify imbalances, nutrient assessments, and personalized dietary recommendations. Olson also stresses the importance of removing toxins from one's environment and diet as a critical first step in healing.

Nutritional Building Blocks for Healthy Hair

A cornerstone of Olson's natural approach to hair restoration is nutrition. Key nutrients like biotin, collagen, and essential vitamins play vital roles in hair growth and health. However, Olson cautions against seeing supplements as a magic bullet; a holistic approach that includes diet, gut health, and stress management is essential for lasting results.

The Role of Supplements and Lifestyle Changes

While supplements like niacin, biotin, and collagen are part of the solution, Olson emphasizes the importance of circulation, gut health, and a nutrient-rich diet. Lifestyle changes, including stress management and optimizing digestion, are also critical components of a comprehensive hair health strategy.

Biotin: The Building Block

Biotin, often hailed as the go-to supplement for hair growth, is needed for protein metabolism and supports the production of keratin, a protein that makes up a significant portion of your hair. Julie considers biotin's effectiveness in hair growth to be overrated because it's rare to be deficient - however, it is needed in preventing hair breakage by enhancing the hair's cortex elasticity.

Collagen: The Protein Powerhouse

Collagen, the most abundant protein in our bodies, provides amino acids that build hair. As we age, our body's collagen production decreases, which can lead to hair thinning . Supplementing with hydrolyzed collagen or opting for whole-food forms like beef gelatin can provide your body with the essential amino acids for hair growth and improve the strength and elasticity of your hair.

Vitamin C: The Collagen Co-Founder

Vitamin C is not just an immune booster; it's a critical co-factor in collagen production, acting like the cement between the building blocks of your hair. Ensuring adequate vitamin C intake can help maximize collagen synthesis, contributing to stronger and healthier hair .

Niacin: The Circulation Enhancer

Niacin (Vitamin B3) plays a significant role in enhancing scalp circulation, bringing more nutrients and oxygen to hair follicles . The flushing effect of niacin also helps cleanse the scalp of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) buildup, a known cause of hair loss, promoting healthier hair growth.

Essential Fatty Acids: Omega-3 and Omega-6

Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are crucial for healthy hair growth. They nourish the follicles and promote a healthier scalp environment, reducing inflammation that can lead to hair loss. Foods rich in these fatty acids or high-quality supplements can help ensure you're getting enough of these vital nutrients.

Zinc: The Hair Tissue Growth Promoter

Zinc is essential for hair tissue growth and repair and helps keep the oil glands around the follicles working correctly. A zinc deficiency can lead to hair loss, making zinc supplementation crucial for maintaining healthy hair growth.

Iron: The Oxygen Carrier

Iron helps carry oxygen in the blood to your cells, including hair follicles. Iron deficiency, which can cause anemia, is a common reason for hair loss, especially in women. Supplementing with iron can help improve hair growth in those with a diagnosed deficiency.

Vitamin D: The Hair Follicle Regulator

Low levels of vitamin D are linked to alopecia, a technical term for hair loss . Vitamin D is thought to play a role in stimulating new and old hair follicles. Getting sufficient vitamin D can help in regrowing hair and maintaining a healthy hair production cycle.

Selenium and Magnesium: The Growth and Strength Duo

Selenium and magnesium are minerals that play essential roles in hair growth. Selenium helps prevent cellular damage from free radicals, and magnesium promotes follicle hair growth . Both minerals support healthy hair growth by ensuring the hair follicles are nourished.

Addressing Gut Health: The Foundation of Nutrient Absorption

Julie Olson emphasizes that no amount of supplementation can compensate for poor gut health. A healthy gut ensures optimal absorption of these nutrients. Supplements like probiotics and digestive enzymes can support gut health, making it easier for your body to absorb the nutrients it needs for hair growth.

A Holistic Approach to Hair Health

While these supplements can significantly impact hair health, it's important to remember that they work best as part of a holistic approach to wellness. A healthy diet, stress management, and addressing any underlying health issues are equally important in the journey towards healthier hair.

Incorporating these supplements, as guided by a healthcare professional, can be a game-changer in your hair growth journey. With patience and consistency, it's possible to nourish your hair back to health, proving that the solution to hair loss isn't just skin deep—it starts from within.

Embracing a Holistic Path to Hair Health

Julie Olson's approach to combating hair loss is a testament to the power of functional nutrition and holistic health practices. By addressing the root causes of hair loss and harnessing the body's natural healing capabilities, Olson offers hope and tangible solutions to those seeking to restore their hair health naturally.

For more insights and personalized guidance, book a call with Julie Olson's team

Remember, the path to healthy hair is as much about nurturing your body from the inside as it is about treating your hair from the outside. Join us in exploring the natural solutions that can help you regain not just your hair, but a balance and wellness that radiates from within.

Ready to Conquer Your Health?

Other recent posts, unveiling the secret: the link between hair loss and gut health, unraveling the connection: hair loss and mast cell activation syndrome, unlocking thyroid secrets: does hypothyroidism cause hair loss, can vaping cause hair loss unveiling the impact on scalp health.

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The Growth Timeline for Transitioning from Relaxed to Natural Hair

natural hair growth journey

  Photo by  Mike Von  on  Unsplash

Transitioning from chemically straightened to natural hair is a process . If you don't want to do the big chop and get rid of your processed hair in one fell swoop, you have to live with two different textures of hair as it grows out. Before we talk about what to expect when growing your hair out, Creme of Nature hairstylist and  natural hair  educator Pat Grant Williams wants us to understand the three phases of hair growth. "At any given time, some of your is hair is growing, resting and shedding," Williams explains.

"There are three phases of hair growth: anagen- growth phase, catagen-transition phase, and telogen-resting phase. At any given time, 70 to 90% of the hair is in the Anagen-growth phase. This phase can last seven to ten years. During the Catagen phase, only one to two percent of the hair is transitioning, lasting about two weeks. During the Telogen stage resting phase, which lasts for approximately four months, new cells create a new shaft. Hair strands have different phases that are repeated during one's life if the follicle remains healthy."

Now that we've gotten through the science, here's what to expect and what you can do to make the process easier month to month.

Meet the Expert

  • Pat Grant Williams is a natural hair educator and Creme of Nature hairstylist.

Early Transitioning: 1-3 months

Your hair will grow between a half to one inch in the first two months. This might be an easy time if you stuck to the general relaxer guideline of touch-ups every eight weeks. It's not too early to start thinking about good  transition styles  for the months ahead. If you aren't particularly confident in your styling abilities, take this time to practice and see if there are any styles that you can master for days when you need a quick and easy fallback hairdo.

Celebrity stylist Pat Grant Williams also says that this is the time for patience. "The most difficult part of transitioning from chemically relaxed hair to natural hair is keeping the hair healthy when there are two textures of hair on one strand," says Williams. "The new growth grows out and is usually healthier than the relaxed hair. At this line of demarcation, where new natural hair meets relaxed hair is where hair is usually the weakest." 

For this reason, she says tender, love, and care is required to keep the hair looking and feeling its best. Deep conditioning is a start since natural hair tends to be dry. The sooner you start increasing moisture, the healthier your tresses will be overall.

If the scalp is clean, the hair follicle is able to generate new hair. If the scalp is coated with buildup, the follicle may not be able to do its job. 

Mid Transitioning: 3-6 Months

Around the third month, you should have between one and two inches of new growth. This is when the transition can get more challenging, as you need to be very diligent in taking care of your tresses where your relaxed hair meets the new growth. If you haven't already begin using  protein treatments  about once a month. Alternate these with deep conditioners, which you should apply at least twice a month. It's important to keep the balance of protein and moisture in your hair at optimal levels to try to minimize breakage. 

The average hair growth is 1/2 inch per month or 6 inches per year.

Long-Term: 6 Months and Beyond

By now, you may have between two and three inches of new growth. Your relaxed hair will look markedly different from your curls and coils. (If you had a texturizer instead of a relaxer, the difference probably won't be as noticeable.) Daily styling may be a challenge; the best thing to do would be to try styles that make the most of your curls, rather than fighting to straighten this new growth.

You might want to trim one to two inches of hair. Or, consider braid extensions as a way to get through the next few months. Some people obsess over how little it seems their hair is growing; wearing extensions is a good way to get your mind off of growth and to reduce daily styling.

At six months, you'll probably have about three inches of new growth, with the ends of your hair seeming to hang on for dear life. The sooner you get rid of your relaxed ends, the sooner you can begin to understand your hair's unique texture and learn how to work with it. If your relaxed hair is shorter than your new growth, consider cutting the processed ends away. This can be tough for those who like to wear their hair long. But let's be real: straggly ends do nothing for your look.

 "A 'healthy trim' removes less than what grows," explains Williams. "In one year, you could grow six inches and with proper care and trims be able to keep five inches. This is a realistic goal when the hair and scalp are healthy."

Your Long-Term Vision for Your Hair

Beyond six months, your relaxed hair is on its last legs. Some people have the patience and fortitude to transition very long term. If you just can't bear to have shorter hair than you're used to, be committed to truly pampering your hair so that you don't suffer excess breakage. 

However, at this point, you should be more familiar (and maybe more comfortable) with your natural texture. When you cut off the rest of your relaxed tresses, you'll see how unique your hair is to you. Enjoy the possibilities that natural hair brings.

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Transitioning Hair: Its Stages and 12 Helpful Natural Hair Journey Tips

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IG @gloryokings #teamnatural_

By Jacqueline Samaroo

Embracing your natural hair in all its curly, coily, and wavy splendor can be supremely empowering. It’s your natural curl pattern and your natural texture, and it’s absolutely gorgeous! But, let’s be honest… if you have chemically-treated hair, getting to natural is a lot easier said than done.

Caring for transitioning hair can be quite intense, both emotionally and in terms of the effort it takes – especially if you want to retain length while on your hair transitioning journey.

Keep reading to find out about the stages of transitioning hair as well as a dozen natural hair journey tips to help make it all less stressful and much more rewarding. Hey, lots of other beautifully natural women have done it and so can you!

From deciding to take the plunge to getting to the end of your natural hair growth journey, here’s how we’ll break it down:

Making the decision to go natural

Transitioning hair 1 to 3 months, transitioning hair 4 to 6 months, transitioning hair 7 to 9 months, transitioning hair 10 to 12 months, a year and beyond.

Here’s another great article with more natural hair growth journey before and after tips: 10 Ways to Make Transitioning to Natural Hair Easier

The decision to transition from relaxed to natural hair can take months (if not years) of deliberation. Perhaps, you’ve even started out on the natural hair journey once or a few times before only to get cold feet and give up. After all, if you’ve been relaxing your hair for a long time, you are now used to how to style your chemically-treated hair and what to expect from it.

Going natural can seem like uncharted and scary territory. Some women dive right in and opt for a TWA or to shave it all off. However, if length retention is very important to you, then transitioning can take up to a year or more. It’s a long-term commitment but one that’s totally doable if you have the right mindset and help along the way.

Helping is what we’re here to do! As you read, be sure to check out the links we’ll be sharing to some of our best posts on transitioning haircare.

Considering taking the short route on your natural hair journey, read:

  • The New Big Chop- Taking Care of Your Short Natural Hair After Cutting It!
  • Thinking of Shaving Off Your Natural Hair? Read This First!

Tip 1: Understand how natural hair grows.

Hair grows in a cycle with the actual growing or anagen phase for each strand of hair lasting anywhere from 2 to 7 years. During this time, the strand grows an average of half an inch per month.

Find out more about hair growth in these recent posts:

  • 6 Reasons for Natural Hair Not Growing and Easy Ways to Remedy It
  • Stress and Hair Loss: Here’s The Connection and 5 Ways to Break It

Tip 2: Be patient.

That half-inch of hair growth looks much shorter on curly hair than it does on straight hair. So, expect that along the way, you’ll probably be thinking that your hair is making no progress at all. Rest assured that it is. Use the coming months to get to know your natural hair and how to take good care of it as it grows.

This is one of the most important natural hair journey tips for you as you and your hair embark on this new phase of life.

There’s hardly any new growth there! For now, it might not be obvious to anyone but you that you are in the process of transitioning from relaxed to natural hair. It’s quite easy at this point to cover the new growth at your hairline under a chic headband.

Tip 3: Keep the line of demarcation in mind.

This is the fragile line where your processed hair meets your natural hair. And, it is where breakage is most likely to happen. Keeping this line of demarcation in mind is very important while on your natural hair growth journey.

hair transitioning - natural hair growth journey - IG @lyasiainthecity #naturalhairjourney

IG @lyasiainthecity #naturalhairjourney

Tip 4: Find out what works and what doesn’t.

There are a ton of natural hair care products and ones specifically geared toward making hair transitioning easier and successful. But, remember that what works for someone else might not work for you. Expect to do quite a bit of trial-and-error, experimenting to find what works best for your hair.

Check out these products that give a big assist to transitioning tresses: Transitioning Hair: 12 Must-Have Natural Hair Products .

You’ve got somewhere in the region of two to three inches of new growth to show. The line of demarcation is quite noticeable now and you may be considering protective styles more and more. There may also be the temptation to smooth out your curly roots with heat just so they match the straight ends of your hair.

Tip 5: Avoid or limit heat styling.

We know – heat styling can help make hair that’s transitioning look more uniform, better groomed. You have to think about that delicate line of demarcation, though. Heat can damage it much more easily than the other parts of your hair. It can also permanently change the curl pattern of your new natural hair growth – yikes!

Here are a few articles on heat and natural hair:

  • Can Heat Damaged Hair Be Repaired? Here Are 15 Awesome Tips
  • 7 Ways to Prevent Heat Damage to Natural Hair
  • All About the Heat-Free, Chemical Free Jheri Curl for Natural Hair
  • 27 Really Gorgeous No-Heat Natural Hair Styles

Tip 6: Protective styling can be a good thing… or not.

Protective styling can be a godsend. It can help protect that fragile line of demarcation and it takes some of the stress out of styling hair that’s two textures. However, beware of too-tight styles or wearing your hair in one style for an extended period.

  • Protective Styles for Natural Hair Growth – 7 Great Points to Keep in Mind
  • 7 Tips For Growing Out Your Natural Hair While Rocking a Protective Hair Style

Your hair transitioning journey is well underway with about four inches of new growth at the roots. Of course, the progress will seem much slower if your natural pattern is coily or tightly curled. Speaking of curl patterns, you should be able to make out what yours is just about now!

Tip 7: Remember moisture is your hair’s best friend.

Moisture helps your strands stay supple and elastic, minimizing the chance of breakage. It is an important part of the protein-moisture balance that your hair needs for optimal strength and length retention.

For more information on the protein-moisture balance and to find out how hair porosity fits into the mix, read:

  • Natural Hair Care: Protein and Hair – 7 Questions Answered
  • Protein Treatments for Hair Growth – 6 Things You Should Know
  • Hair Porosity: What Is It and How Is Black Hair Affected?

Tip 8: Deep conditioners are a BIG help.

Deep conditioners are a great way to add moisture and loads of hair-healthy nutrients to your hair. Weekly deep conditioning usually works very well for transitioning strands but finding your own schedule is important. Expect that you’ll be able to deep condition less often (if you want to) once your hair has grown out completely.

Check out these articles about conditioners:

  • 7 Best Deep Conditioners for Black Hair
  • Natural Hair Care: 10 Amazing Cleansing Conditioners for Curly Hair
  • 11 Fabulous Benefits of Leave-In Conditioner for Natural Hair
  • 10 Popular Ingredients for Homemade Conditioner for Frizzy Hair

natural hair journey tips - transitioning hair - IG @curliekaye #braidouts

IG @curliekaye #braidouts

Your natural curl pattern is definitely visible – awesome, isn’t it?! If you have been trimming your ends on a regular schedule then perhaps most of your relaxed hair is already gone. This is often the time when many transitioning naturalistas decide embracing their lovely curls, waves, kinks, and coils trumps length retention any day!

Tip 9: Get regular trims.

Trims are vital for hair care, no matter the state of your hair (processed, natural, or transitioning). Regular trims help to get rid of split ends and single strand knots , both of which can lead to avoidable breakage.

Tip 10: Expect shedding.

It’s normal to lose about 100 strands of hair each day but transitioning hair tends to shed more especially if it’s not properly moisturized. Also, if you choose to rock a protective style for a while, expect to see accumulated shedding once you take the style down.

How long your journey to completely natural hair takes is completely up to you. But, after a full year of having made the decision to go natural, you will find that you are now wonderfully familiar with your hair – what it likes, what’s best to keep it looking awesome, and the styles you love to wear it in. We hope our natural hair journey tips helped!

Tip 11: Keep up your wash day routine.

A weekly wash day helps you stay in touch with the state of your hair. It can be tempting to ease up on haircare, especially if you’ve already trimmed off all traces of relaxed hair. But, curly haircare is a constant job and very rewarding if you stick to your routines of regular washing, treatments, and trimming.

Here are a few hair rinse ideas you might like to add to your next wash day:

  • 3 Really Awesome Hair Rinse DIY Ideas You Should Try!
  • Rice Water Rinse for Curly Hair: What Is It, Benefits, and 3 EASY Rice Water Recipes
  • Hair Oils: What is Oil Rinsing + 8 Reasons It’s So Good for Natural Hair

Tip 12: Think of your scalp as soil… really!

Healthy hair grows from a healthy scalp. It’s easy to forget scalp care because your scalp is (usually) hidden under your hair. However, you should aim to keep your scalp clean and fertile. Nourish it from the inside with the foods you eat and externally with the awesome natural hair products you use.

Kick your scalp care efforts up a notch, read:

  • 10 Important Scalp Care Tips for Healthy Scalp and Hair
  • Best Treatment for Dry Scalp – 5 DIY Remedies
  • 8 Common Causes of Dry Scalp Plus Easy Ways to Tell It’s Not Dandruff
  • How to Treat Dry Scalp – 6 Simple and Effective Lifestyle Changes

Do you have any other natural hair growth journey before and after tips? Share!

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