Women On The Road

The Pros And Cons Of Slum Tourism: Crass Voyeurism Or Enlightened Travel?

Let me begin by saying I  have  engaged in slum tourism (a basic definition of slum tourism would be the kind of tourism that takes you to see impoverished communities).

I took  an African slum Soweto tour  during a long-ago visit to South Africa, to see a place that overflowed with meaning. In 1976, during the Soweto Uprising in which unarmed students were stormed and killed by police for refusing to study in Afrikaans, I was a university student in Political Science, engulfed (at a distance) in liberation movements and revolutions. Soweto was part of that, as well as a major chapter in the bigger  South African story of apartheid  and discrimination.

It was a place I wanted to see, but the then  boycott  of South Africa was in full swing and I would have to wait nearly two decades.

favela tours

Years later as a journalist, I was escorted through some of the most  crowded favelas  in Rio by a young community nurse who worked with drug addicts and knew everyone. He was respected and we were stopped on every corner for a bit of a chat.

The afternoon I spent in Rocinha gave me  a slightly better understanding of the poverty  that fuels much of the addiction and crime, something I certainly would not have learned from the back of a bus.

It also showed me a side that surprised me – the  regular everyday life  of people less fortunate than myself. The streets were dirty and the housing rickety but people came and went, shopped, talked, laughed – and went to work, determined to make things better.

Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro

Oddly enough, at least to me,  not everyone was poor . Walking around highlighted differing characteristics of slums. Some dwellings were decidedly middle-class, because here as everywhere else, when people succeed they don’t necessarily want to leave their friends and family. 

Over the years, visits to  poorer urban and slum areas  have left me unsettled. Children sniffing glue under a bridge in Brasilia. Mothers scavenging on the world’s biggest scrap heap in Manila. Begging for food near a Nairobi slum. Homeless children in Malawi.

These are scenes that drive home the accident of humanity, of where I happened to be born, of my race and privilege, and how easily it might have been otherwise.

On the one hand, it showed me what is life like in a slum, but on the other, it left me unsure of whether I was engaging in ethical tourism.

So was slum tourism positive or detrimental, and does it hurt or help a slum economy?  it still begs to question; “Is slum tourism good or bad?” 



•  noun: 1 –  a squalid and overcrowded urban area inhabited by very poor people.  2 –  a house or building unfit for human habitation.

•  verb:  ( slummed ,  slumming ) (often  slum it)  informal voluntarily spend time in uncomfortable conditions or at a lower social level than one’s own.

Source: Compact Oxford English dictionary

Slum tourism has been around  since Victorian times , when wealthy Londoners trudged down to the East End for a view. The end of apartheid in South Africa fueled a more politically-oriented type of ‘township tour’ while Rocinha has been receiving tourists for years – some 50,000 a year now.

In India, the release of the movie  Slumdog Millionnaire  created space for even more slums of India tours. In Nairobi, enterprising Kenyans are guiding tourists on Kibera slum tours, one of the better-known urban slums (and one of the world’s bigger slum areas) with a population of one million inhabitants.

Kibera slum - people often ask why is slum tourism bad - slum tourism advantages and disadvantages

The  voyeur aspect  of slum tourism makes me intensely uneasy.

Imagine a busload of foreign visitors traipsing down your street, peering into your house, taking a selfie in front of your door… Yet that’s exactly what happens on some township tourism slum tours, often labeled poverty tourism, pity tours, ghetto tourism, reality tours or even poorism – there is no dearth of labels.

So is  slum tourism  ethically acceptable or is it exploitative? What are the advantages and disadvantages of slum tourism? Do our tourist dollars actually help these communities or are we simply paying for a peek into lives we have no intention of ever experiencing for more than a few minutes? What are the impacts of slum development?


Negatives of slum tourism: exploitation and voyeurism.

Why slum tourism is bad (or can be):organized slum visits have come under  harsh criticism , particularly as they become more popular.

Much of the criticism revolves around these slum tourism cons:

  • Slum tours treat people like  animals in a zoo  – you stare from the outside but don’t dare get too close.
  • Visitors aren’t interested in meaningful interaction; they just want their  photo op . Contact with locals is minimal.
  • Money rarely trickles down. Instead,  operators fill their pockets  but the vaunted ‘benefits to the community’ don’t materialize. Slum tourism profits from poverty, which is why it is often called “poverty tourism”.
  • People feel degraded  by being stared at doing mundane things – washing, cleaning up, preparing food, things that are private. Their rights to privacy may be violated. Imagine yourself at the receiving end: how would you feel?
  • Even when they participate as hosts, local people are often  underpaid and exploited .
  • The  image of a country  may be tarnished by publicizing slums (this is an actual concern among certain segments of certain populations – usually the more wealthy).
  • The  tours make poverty exotic , otherworldly, almost glamorizing what to inhabitants is a harsh reality which will remain once the tourists are long gone, which is one of the main slum tourism disadvantages.

How true is this picture?

UN-HABITAT  defines a slum household as a group of individuals living under the same roof in an urban area who lack one or more of the following: 1. Durable housing of a permanent nature that protects against extreme climate conditions. 2. Sufficient living space which means not more than three people sharing the same room. 3. Easy access to safe water in sufficient amounts at an affordable price. 4. Access to adequate sanitation in the form of a private or public toilet shared by a reasonable number of people. 5. Security of tenure that prevents forced evictions.

Slum tourism benefits: improving local lives

So are there slum tourism advantages? There may be a flip side. Slum tourism has supporters, many of whom believe  tourism will ultimately benefit  the favela or the township and help improve the lives of people who live there.

Visitors who take these tours may  genuinely care  and are interested in knowing more about the people they meet and the places they see.

Here are some of the potential benefits of slum tourism:

  • Even if it’s only a little,  some money does enter the community , whether through meals at home or the purchase of art or souvenirs. Many say this tourism boosts the local economy. This trickle-down economy is bound to be better for local residents than picking trash off a stinking garbage heap.
  • The tours  change our perceptions of poverty  by putting a face to it and showing visitors that however poor, people are the same everywhere and share similar thoughts and emotions.
  • Tourists will visit areas they would never go to otherwise.
  • Some operators have made sure part of their profits are recycled into local hands, for example by  starting local charities .
  • A spotlight on poor areas by foreigners may help governments move more quickly to  improve conditions by using tourism as an economic developement tool.
  • Even in the poorest areas  development and innovation  can take place: slum tours can showcase the economic and cultural energies of a neighborhood.
  • They can  improve our understanding  of poverty and of one another – and of the world at large.
  • Local people may support them. Locally-run  slum tourism examples  include Zezinho da Rocinha’s own favela tour (a slum-dweller himself, see below what he has to say on the effects of tourism in his community).
  • They can  bring us closer  and demystify and  debunk some of our stereotypes . This excellent video (below) by one of my favorite authors, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, highlights the dangers of what she calls a ‘single story’, or what happens when a single point of view is hammered home, in this case, the ‘single story’ of poverty and pity.


There is no such thing as a star system for slum tours, an ethical rating that will tell you how well an operator is performing or what the real economic benefits of tourism in the community really are. So, it’s up to us to find out before booking.

Here are some of the things we should look for:

  • Size matters . A huge tour rumbling through a neighborhood in an air-conditioned bus is probably not going to promote much interchange with local residents.  Ask how many people will be on your tour.
  • Look at the highlights and figure  how long you’ll be  in each place. If you’re expected to eat in a home, visit a local shebeen and walk through several streets in the space of an hour, chances are you won’t be getting to know your hosts in any significant way. Visitors need and have asked for more time for real exchanges with local people, as real as such unequal exchanges can be.  Make sure you have enough time to interact.
  • Explore how the tour was  designed . Who put it together? Who came up with the itinerary? Why are you visiting one place and not another?  Ask the organizers if local people were involved, and double-check once you’re in the community.
  • Follow the money.  Find out where the profits go and if the tourism economics are more beneficial than harmful. Are some profits returned to the community? What has been achieved – are there more schools, projects, education or jobs as a result?  Ask the operators, and double check their answers.

Granted, much of this information will not be easy to find, especially before you book.

But you have the ethical obligation to find out: what are the disadvantages of slum tourism in the area you are visiting? But by asking the right questions, you are showing you care, and are forcing tour operators to  tackle these issues .

Once you’re on the tour, you’ll have a better sense of its ethics and if you don’t like what you see, there’s always social media. If a tour is exploitative – well, word gets around fast.

There are many signs  slum tourism is changing the future of tourism.

More charities are being set up to spread profits around, local people are becoming increasingly involved, negative stereotypes are being challenged, local artisans are being encouraged to sell their work to tourists at fair prices, and tour operators themselves are beginning to understand that slum tourism is not like mass tourism: they don’t have to cram every possible attraction into the shortest possible time.

While some feel much good can come from  properly thought-out slum tours , others believe slum tourism has done more harm than good, with insensitive itineraries pulled together purely for gain.

So which is it: Would visitors be better off staying in a  luxury downtown hotel  while pretending not to see the slum next door? Or is knowledge and awareness the first step towards understanding?

For more information on slum tourism, these resources may help:

  • Slum Dwellers International  is a is a network of community-based organizations of the urban poor in 33 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
  • Slumtourism.net  brings together academics and practitioners working on tourism in slums and poor rural areas. 
  • The  world’s five largest slums .

Both For And Against Slum Tourism

By Zezinho Da Rocinha, Proud Favela Resident In Rio De Janeiro

I certainly understand the  controversy about slum tours . I am both FOR and AGAINST them. Let me explain this.

I was born, grew up and still live in Brazil’s largest slum, or  favela . Life is dificult yes, but not impossible. I am proud to live here in Rocinha. I will never leave here, I do not want to leave here. This is my home. This is my feeling about this issue of  slum/favela tourism .

What I like about the tours is the contact I get from foreigns who come here. This interaction helps me to educate people about my life here in the favela. When foreigners come here I feel like my home or favela has value and is worth to be seen. The Brazilian government mostly ignores us and helps us very little.  We want our voice to be heard . I want to feel that somebody on the outside cares about us and recognizes that we exist. Up until about a few years ago favelas did not exist on maps. Why was this?

Many foreigners come to learn how we create and live in our comunity with little or no goverment involvement. Others come because of the art and culture that exist here.

I do not judge why people come, they confirm that we exist. 

slum tourism pros and cons - entertainment in the favela - economic benefits of tourism

I started in tourism because I saw the opportunity to show my favela and help create jobs for others here.

We live here, and should be making the tours here. I have heard outsider tour companies exaggerate things or  tell outright lies  about my favela. They do this because they do not know and do not live here. I am here to share a social experience, not provide some adrenalin tour.

With my work, many visitors return to volunteer with social projects or to start their own programs in the favela. Recently people have contacted me wanting to make projects like a rooftop garden class. Another person wants to help bring solar energy here. These are people who came on visits here in the favela. Is this bad? What I do NOT like about the tours …tours that use jeeps or trucks are the worst because they present us like a zoo. The tourists have no contact with the locals and this reinforces a sense of possible danger. Tours or visits where the guests walk in the favela are more welcome. There is one company that tells their guests not to interact with the locals if they are approached. This is wrong.

The glamorization of violence is another thing that we do not like here. It is as if these companies are trying to capitalize on some kind of excitement. Favelas are not war zones, and people need understand that real, honest hardworking people live there, we just make less money. There are tour companies here who use the community to make money but they give very little or nothing back to the community. This is not right. They should contribute something for the betterment of the favela. There are plenty of social projects here that could use help.  I am not ashamed to live in the favela and people should not feel shame to come and visit. All we ask is please do not take photos of us like we are animals, and do not have fear if we say hello to you on the street.  If we want to stop or reduce poverty, we need to stop pretending it does not exist. I call it socially responsible tourism. If you chose to tour this type of community, try to give something back, however big or small. I work with an art school and encourage people to bring art supplies, not money. Slums, favelas and shanties are where 1/3 of the population live in all major cities, serving the needs of mostly the rich. Visiting these places may increase your knowledge and awareness at a much deeper level than visiting a museum or art exhibition.  Ignoring poverty is not going to make it go away  and those who have more, should not feel guilt. Unfortunately, this world will always have this unbalance of wealth. Sad but true. Read more about Zezinho on his blog,  Life in Rocinha  or  book a favela walking tour .

— Originally published on 06 February 2011


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Slum tourism: how it began, the impact it has, and why it became so popular.

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Looking for something different than the usually dose of museums, beach resorts, and restaurants, many foreign tourists are now turning to places that may at first seem to be the antithesis of the typical vacation destination: slums. Far from being viewed as off-limits, no-go-zones that outsiders would be wise to avoid, some slum-like areas in cities like Mumbai, Johannesburg, and Rio de Janeiro have now become bonafide tourist attractions, bringing in tens and even hundreds of thousands of curious visitors each year.

This photo taken on March 19, 2015 shows an Indian man bathing in an open area at Dharavi in Mumbai. ... [+] (PUNIT PARANJPE/AFP/Getty Images)

A brief history of slum tourism

Whether called a township, a favela, a barrio, a slum, a shantytown, or a ghetto, outsiders recreationally visiting these typically impoverished places is nothing new. There are records of middle and upper class Londoners heading over to the East End to gawk at the poor in the 19th century, which grew in such popularity that the colloquial term for this endeavor — “slumming” — was included in the 1884 edition of the Oxford English Dictionary. Meanwhile, curious visitors began venturing into the Lower East Side of Manhattan. More recently, following the global attention paid to the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa, many tourist began traveling to see the places where this struggle first arose, as “slum tourism” developed into a formalized commercial offering.

Today, slum tourism has grown into a legitimate global industry, bringing in over a million tourists per year. Tour operators are now offering visits to places like the townships of Cape Town and Johannesburg, the favelas of Rio, the slums of Mumbai and New Delhi, or even the skid rows of LA, Detroit, Copenhagen, and Berlin.

SALVADOR, BRAZIL- FEBRUARY 8: Hundreds of thousands of Afro-Brazilians live in flavelas like this ... [+] one on the edge of Salvador, Brazil February 8, 2005. (Photo by David Turnley/Getty Images)

Why visit a slum?

“For me, there were many factors that initially drew me to visiting what locals refereed to as “slum areas,” said David Ways, a travel writer at TLWH who often visits disadvantaged urban areas around the world, although never as a part of a formal tour. “I enjoy urban exploration, was researching the topic of the homeless in developing countries, and I found the contrasts of the wealthy urbanites living next to “slums” curious.”

However, Ways was quick to qualify what he meant by curiosity: “This curiosity is not about ‘how do they live’ but more about their life stories and oftentimes the discrimination they face from local governments and from those with permanent housing.”

This interest in social issues and concern for the general human condition was one of the main motivations for slum visits that was identified by Fabian Frenzel, a professor at the University of Leicester and author of the definitive book on the topic, Slumming It: The Tourist Valorization of Urban Poverty .

“In slum tourism, what I find clearly is that people are interested in this fact of inequality," Frenzel said. "Whatever you can say about it otherwise, the tourists will have some interest to deal with this question of inequality in the cities or the places they visit.”

However, there is another, perhaps more fundamental, attraction of visiting some slum-like areas. Frenzel pointed out that the initial rise in interest in local slums in New York and London coincided with the advent of a new technology: photography. Seeing images of some of these areas provoke the desire in many outsiders to go and see them for themselves.

This sentiment has been continuously amplified over time as more and more visuals of the human condition around the world become more readily available.

“So instead of just consuming these pictures at home and then trying to do something there, people are increasingly trying to follow those images back to their source, trying to see for themselves,” Frenzel explained. “Every mediated picture seems to create more desire to actually see for yourself.”

Two Indian boys walk in a back alley in the recycling district of Mumbai's Dharavi slum on December ... [+] 12, 2012. (ROBERTO SCHMIDT/AFP/Getty Images)

According to tour operators, the effect of that the film Slumdog Millionaire had on attracting visitors to Mumbai’s Dharavi slum has been massive. Although the tours existed long before the movie, the film increased their popularity and became a reference point for what people expected to see there.

“Then you have people using media themselves, as they write about travel, as they rate places, generating these places by electronic word of mouth,” Frenzel explained. “An attraction can be made simply by people referring to it on TripAdvisor.”

What actually happens on slum tours?

“What you see is life, urban life,” Frenzel said. “Which of course is complicated, limited in some ways. Often there is clear evidence of neglect, when sewage or rubbish or all these basic services of a city don't really function. But at the same it's often very lively, vibrant.”

Most slum tours will usually consist of visits to various project sites, where NGOs or similar organizations are working in the community -- places like schools, educational centers, projects like a bathroom that composts feces to produce gas for cooking, and, of course, orphanages. Often, these sites are chosen to show tourists what’s being done to better the community, and sometimes include suggestions as to how they can lend their support, if they so choose.

One of the major impacts of slum tourism is the change of perception they often facilitate.

“You might have certain ideas about Dharavi, maybe from Slumdog Millionaire , but we show you a very different side,” Frenzel said. “We show you how this is a place of business, how people work, how people make small but very successful businesses, how there's a variety of aspects here. That . . . is the classical, educational aspect of tourism.”

A French family looking at Rocinha, one of the 752 'favelas' (shantytowns) in Rio de Janeiro, ... [+] Brazil, 17 July 2007 during a visit called 'Favela-Tour'. (M.CHARGEL/AFP/Getty Images)

The local reaction?

What about what the local people in slum areas think of groups of relatively moneyed tourists from countries far away suddenly showing up and poking about?

“My sense has always been that there's more or less a curiosity, surprise, maybe a sense of puzzlement,” Frenzel said. “I remember walking through a neighborhood in Mumbai with a fairly large group of tourists and the people were like ‘Why are you here? This is not the Gate of India.’ Sometimes you find hostility. I think it's particular when people feel you've stepped onto their toes. That's like a phenomenon you find with tourism everywhere, though.”

The University of Pennsylvania study found that “ambivalence” was the most common reaction in Dharavi.

While David Ways has found that even people living within slum areas often repeat the same, common warnings:

“No matter what “slum” I've visited there's always been a concerned citizen warning me away from that area for genuine fear of my wallet or life. Strangely, this happens inside the “slums” too. In Sabah, Malaysia, for example, a nice Indonesian man warned me to stay away from the Filipino community there, the Pakistani shop keeper told me to avoid the Indonesian areas, and the Filipinos told me to avoid everyone. In all cases, I've never had any criminal issues other than a few bored youths whom I usually try to avoid anywhere in the world.

The controversy

As slum tourism grows in popularity it has become an increasingly polarizing and controversial topic.

“Slum tourism is happening,” Frenzel began, “people are actually going on three hour tours in flavelas, then many more politically inclined travelers would say ‘That's horrible, how can you do this? Obviously that's voyeuristic,’ and so on. [But] if you decide to do this you are at least showing some interest in the fact that there's inequality, and that is something that, fundamentally, is a good thing in comparison with people who go to Rio and say, 'I will not look at this,' even though it's clearly there.”

What is the real impact?

As far as who makes the money from these tours, Ways claims that, “Tour operators promise they give money to the people there but in comparison to what they themselves are earning, it's a pittance.” Frenzel concurred that the direct economic stimulation in the communities from these tours is negligible.

“What adds to that is that these tours are often combined with some notion of charity. So the tour operator will say some of the money you give us will flow into a project here in the neighborhood, or we'll do this, or we'll do that with some of your money. Or we employ local guides," Frenzel explained. "[But] so very little of the money that is spent on these tours actually ends up in the places being visited.”

However, there is another, potentially much larger, impact of slum tourism: connectivity. Tourists going into urban areas that are often regarded as no-go zones, as places that are conceptually severed off from the rest of the city, drives home the fact that these areas exist, that they serve a function, that there is something of value there that shouldn’t be ignored. In other words, it can put them on the map.

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Tourists were parking in an area where homes once stood. The ... [+] favela has seen many homes leveled ahead of the World Cup. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images,)

“So I think when you look at the details you can tell some of these stories of how the tourists entering these spaces kind of creates connectivity and maybe new opportunities for setting up little businesses or maybe a whole new level of connectivity,” Frenzel posited.

Frenzel explained how this has been especially evident in Rio, where tourists have blazed trails into previously taboo areas, which subsequently opened them up for better-off expats and locals, facilitating cross-class encounters to a new extent.

“It does enable getting out of the rigid value regime which says that an area basically doesn't exist, it's not really part of the city, don't go there, it doesn't matter,” Frenzel said. “I think it's a first step in recognizing these areas and you can build on it, hopefully. . . I think that's where tourism can come in helpful, in making that connection.”

Wade Shepard

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a children playing in the Baseco community in Manila, Philippines

Inside the Controversial World of Slum Tourism

People have toured the world’s most marginalized, impoverished districts for over a century.

Hundreds of shanty towns line the riverbanks, train tracks, and garbage dumps in the Filipino capital—the most jammed-packed areas in one of the world’s most densely populated cities. Around a quarter of its 12 million people are considered “informal settlers.”

Manila is starkly representative of a global problem. According to the United Nations , about a quarter of the world’s urban population lives in slums—and this figure is rising fast.

Rich cultural heritage brings visitors to Manila, but some feel compelled to leave the safety of the historic center sites to get a glimpse of the city’s inequality. Tour operators in the Philippines —as well as places like Brazil and India —have responded by offering “slum tours” that take outsiders through their most impoverished, marginalized districts.

Slum tourism sparks considerable debate around an uncomfortable moral dilemma. No matter what you call it—slum tours, reality tours, adventure tourism, poverty tourism—many consider the practice little more than slack-jawed privileged people gawking at those less fortunate. Others argue they raise awareness and provide numerous examples of giving back to the local communities. Should tourists simply keep their eyes shut?

a slum tour in the Baseco community in Manila, Philippines

Around a quarter of Manila's 12 million people are considered “informal settlers."

a slum tour in the Baseco community in Manila, Philippines

Rich cultural heritage brings visitors to Manila, but some feel compelled to leave the safety of the historic center sites to get a glimpse of the city’s inequality.

Slumming For Centuries

Slum tourism is not a new phenomenon, although much has changed since its beginning. “Slumming” was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in the 1860s, meaning “to go into, or frequent, slums for discreditable purposes; to saunter about, with a suspicion, perhaps, of immoral pursuits.” In September 1884, the New York Times published an article about the latest trend in leisure activities that arrived from across the pond, “‘Slumming’ will become a form of fashionable dissipation this winter among our Belles, as our foreign cousins will always be ready to lead the way.”

Usually under the pretense of charity and sometimes with a police escort, rich Londoners began braving the city’s ill-reputed East End beginning around 1840. This new form of amusement arrived to New York City from wealthy British tourists eager to compare slums abroad to those back home. Spreading across the coast to San Francisco, the practice creeped into city guide books. Groups wandered through neighborhoods like the Bowery or Five Points in New York to peer into brothels, saloons, and opium dens.

Visitors could hardly believe their eyes, and justifiably so. “I don’t think an opium den would have welcomed, or allowed access to, slummers to come through if they weren’t there to smoke themselves,” Chad Heap writes in his book Slumming: Sexual and Racial Encounters in American Nightlife , 1885–1940 . Recognizing the business opportunity, outsiders cashed in on the curiosity by hiring actors to play the part of addicts or gang members to stage shoot-’em-ups in the streets. After all, no one wanted the slum tourists to demand a refund or go home disappointed.

a slum tour in the Baseco community in Manila, Philippines

Smokey Tours does not allow participants to take photos, but this policy proves difficult to enforce.

a girl playing in the Baseco community in Manila, Philippines

The city of San Francisco eventually banned such mockery of the poor, the New York Times reported in 1909: “This is a heavy blow to Chinatown guides, who have collected a fee of two dollars each. The opium smokers, gamblers, blind paupers, singing children, and other curiosities were all hired.”

Tours also brought positive results, as Professor of History Seth Koven highlights in his research of slumming in Victorian London. Oxford and Cambridge Universities opened study centers in the late 19th-century to inform social policy, which was only possible by seeing the underprivileged neighborhoods firsthand.

Popularity waned after World War II with the creation of welfare and social housing—then rose again in the 1980s and 1990s as those state provisions declined and labor demands increased.

Presenting Poverty

Plastic arrives from all over India to the dark alleys and corrugated shacks of Dharavi in Mumbai —the second-largest slum on the continent of Asia (after Orangi Town in Pakistan ) and third-largest slum in the world. Ushered around by the company Reality Tour and Travel , tourists see a thriving recycling industry which employs around ten thousand to melt, reshape, and mould discarded plastic. They stop to watch the dhobiwallahs , or washermen, scrub sheets from the city’s hospitals and hotels in an open-air laundry area.

In a TripAdvisor review, one recent participant from Virginia appreciated the focus on community. “It was great to hear about the economy, education and livelihood of the residents,” she writes. “The tour group doesn't allow photography or shopping which I think is really important. It didn't feel exploitative, it felt educational.”

One traveler from London commented on the extremity of the scene. "Had to stop after about 20 minutes into it due to the overbearing nature of the surroundings. The tour is not for the faint hearted. I would've liked a few more disclaimers on the website to warn us about the nature of it." Another guest from the United Kingdom expressed disappointment over the so-called family meal. “This was in the home of one of the guides and, whilst his mum made lunch a delicious meal that we ate in her house, she didn’t eat with us so it wasn’t really what I had expected from a family lunch (or the photos promoting such on the website).”

a slum tour in the Manila North Cemetery, Philippines

Smokey Tours enters the Manila North Cemetery, inhabited by some of Manila's poorest people.

a child playing in the Manila North Cemetery, Philippines

Children jump from grave to grave in the city’s largest cemetery.

Reality Tours hopes to challenge the stereotypical perception of slums as despairing places inhabited by hopeless people. The tour presented slum residents as productive and hardworking, but also content and happy. Analyzing more than 230 reviews of Reality Tour and Travel in her study , Dr. Melissa Nisbett of King’s College London realized that for many Dharavi visitors, poverty was practically invisible. “As the reviews show, poverty was ignored, denied, overlooked and romanticized, but moreover, it was depoliticized.” Without discussing the reason the slum existed, the tour decontextualized the plight of the poor and seemed only to empower the wrong people–the privileged, western, middle class visitors.

With good intentions, the company states that 80 percent of the profits benefit the community through the efforts of its NGO that works to provide access to healthcare, organize educational programs, and more. Co-founder Chris Way spoke to National Geographic after his company surged in popularity from the sleeper hit Slumdog Millionaire . “We do try and be as transparent as possible on our website, which does allay many people’s fears.” Way personally refuses a salary for his work.

No Two Cities Alike

The main question should be: Is poverty the central reason to visit?

Other cities take different approaches to slum tourism. In the early 1990s, when black South Africans began offering tours of their townships—the marginalized, racially-segregated areas where they were forced to live—to help raise global awareness of rampant human rights violations. Rather than exploitation inflicted by outsiders, local communities embraced slum tourism as a vehicle to take matters of their traditionally neglected neighborhoods into their own hands.

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Some free tours of favelas in Rio de Janeiro provided an accessible option to the crowds that infiltrated the city during the World Cup and Summer Olympics, while most companies continue to charge. Tour manager Eduardo Marques of Brazilian Expeditions explains how their authenticity stands out, “We work with some local guides or freelancers, and during the tour we stop in local small business plus [offer] capoeira presentations that [support] the locals in the favela. We do not hide any info from our visitors. The real life is presented to the visitors.”

Smokey Tours in Manila connected tourists with the reality facing inhabitants of a city landfill in Tondo (until 2014 when it closed) to tell their stories. Now the company tours around Baseco near the port, located in the same crowded district and known for its grassroots activism. Locally-based photographer Hannah Reyes Morales documented her experience walking with the group on assignment for National Geographic Travel. “I had permission to photograph this tour from both the operator and community officials, but the tour itself had a no photography policy for the tourists.” With the policy difficult to enforce, some guests secretly snapped photos on their phones. “I observed how differently tourists processed what they were seeing in the tour. There were those who were respectful of their surroundings, and those who were less so.”

All About Intention

Despite sincere attempts by tour operators to mitigate offense and give back to locals, the impact of slum tourism stays isolated. Ghettoized communities remain woven into the fabric of major cities around the world, each with their individual political, historical, and economic concerns that cannot be generalized. Similarly, the motivations behind the tourism inside them are as diverse as the tour participants themselves. For all participants involved, operators or guests, individual intentions matter most.

the Baseco community in Manila, Philippines

The Baseco neighborhood is located on the Pasig river near the city port, but lacks access to clean drinking water.

Better connections between cities allow more people to travel than ever before, with numbers of international tourists growing quickly every year. While prosperity and quality of life have increased in many cities, so has inequality. As travelers increasingly seek unique experiences that promise authentic experiences in previously off-limits places, access through tours helps put some areas on the map.

Travel connects people that would otherwise not meet, then provides potential to share meaningful stories with others back home. Dr. Fabian Frenzel, who studies tourism of urban poverty at the University of Leicester, points out that one of the key disadvantages of poverty is a lack of recognition and voice. “If you want to tell a story, you need an audience, and tourism provides that audience.” Frenzel argues that even taking the most commodifying tour is better than ignoring that inequality completely.

For the long-term future of these communities, the complex economic, legal, and political issues must be addressed holistically by reorganizing the distribution of resources. While illuminating the issue on a small scale, slum tourism is not a sufficient answer to a growing global problem.

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slum tourism benefits

Slumming it: how tourism is putting the world’s poorest places on the map

slum tourism benefits

Lecturer in the Political Economy of Organisation, University of Leicester

Disclosure statement

From 2012-2014 Fabian Frenzel was a Marie-Curie Fellow and has received funding from the European Union to conduct his research on slum tourism.

University of Leicester provides funding as a member of The Conversation UK.

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Back in Victorian times, wealthier citizens could sometimes be found wandering among London’s poorer, informal neighbourhoods, distributing charity to the needy. “Slumming” – as it was called – was later dismissed as a morally dubious and voyeuristic pastime. Today, it’s making a comeback; wealthy Westerners are once more making forays into slums – and this time, they’re venturing right across the developing world.

According to estimates by tour operators and researchers , over one million tourists visited a township, favela or slum somewhere in the world in 2014. Most of these visits were made as part of three or four-hour tours in the hotspots of global slum tourism; major cities and towns in Johannesburg, Rio de Janeiro and Mumbai.

There is reason to think that slum tourism is even more common than these numbers suggest. Consider the thousands of international volunteers, who spend anything from a few days to several months in different slums across the world.

The gap year has become a rite of passage for young adults between school and university and, in the UK, volunteering and travel opportunities are often brokered by commercial tourism operators. In Germany and the US, state sponsored programs exist to funnel young people into volunteering jobs abroad.

slum tourism benefits

International volunteering is no longer restricted to young people at specific points in their lives. Volunteers today are recruited across a wide range of age groups . Other travellers can be considered slum-tourists: from international activists seeking cross-class encounters to advance global justice, to students and researchers of slums and urban development conducting fieldwork in poor neighbourhoods.

Much modern tourism leads richer people to encounter relatively poorer people and places. But in the diverse practices of slum tourism, this is an intentional and explicit goal: poverty becomes the attraction – it is the reason to go.

Many people will instinctively think that this kind of travel is morally problematic, if not downright wrong. But is it really any better to travel to a country such as India and ignore its huge inequalities?

Mapping inequality

It goes without saying that ours is a world of deep and rigid inequalities. Despite some progress in the battles against absolute poverty, inequality is on the rise globally . Few people will openly disagree that something needs to be done about this – but the question is how? Slum tourism should be read as an attempt to address this question. So, rather than dismissing it outright, we should hold this kind of tourism to account and ask; does it help to reduce global inequality?

My investigation into slum tourism provided some surprising answers to this question. We tend to think of tourism primarily as an economic transaction. But slum tourism actually does very little to directly channel money into slums: this is because the overall numbers of slum tourists and the amount of money they end up spending when visiting slums is insignificant compared with with the resources needed to address global inequality.

slum tourism benefits

But in terms of symbolic value, even small numbers of slum tourists can sometimes significantly alter the dominant perceptions of a place. In Mumbai, 20,000 tourists annually visit the informal neighbourhood of Dharavi , which was featured in Slumdog Millionaire. Visitor numbers there now rival Elephanta Island in Mumbai – a world heritage site.

Likewise, in Johannesburg, most locals consider the inner-city neighbourhood of Hillbrow to be off limits. But tourists rate walking tours of the area so highly that the neighbourhood now features as one of the top attractions of the city on platforms such as Trip Advisor . Tourists’ interest in Rio’s favelas has put them on the map; before, they used to be hidden by city authorities and local elites .

Raising visibility

Despite the global anti-poverty rhetoric, it is clear that today’s widespread poverty does benefit some people. From their perspective, the best way of dealing with poverty is to make it invisible. Invisibility means that residents of poor neighbourhoods find it difficult to make political claims for decent housing, urban infrastructure and welfare. They are available as cheap labour, but deprived of full social and political rights.

slum tourism benefits

Slum tourism has the power to increase the visibility of poor neighbourhoods, which can in turn give residents more social and political recognition. Visibility can’t fix everything, of course. It can be highly selective and misleading, dark and voyeuristic or overly positive while glossing over real problems. This isn’t just true of slum tourism; it can also be seen in the domain of “virtual slumming” – the consumption of images, films and books about slums.

Yet slum tourism has a key advantage over “virtual slumming”: it can actually bring people together. If we want tourism to address global inequality, we should look for where it enables cross-class encounters; where it encourages tourists to support local struggles for recognition and build the connections that can help form global grassroots movements. To live up to this potential, we need to reconsider what is meant by tourism, and rethink what it means to be tourists.

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Hubhey: For Everyone

Slum Tourism: Definition, History, Benefits, Arguments, and Impact

Slum tourism.

About a quarter of the world’s urban population lives in slums—and this figure is rising fast. According to UN Stats  the proportion of the urban population living in slums worldwide increased from 23 per cent to 24 per cent, translating to over 1 billion slum dwellers.

Table of Contents

Whether it is Philipines , Brazil , or India , the slum tours are organized mostly in developing nations to visit their impoverished areas.

Benefits Of Slum Tourism

Slum tourism is when people go to visit poor communities in order to experience poverty.

This can be a form of charity, but it can also be seen as exploitation, especially if the visitors do not contribute anything to the community besides money or other goods.

These are basically the areas that tourists would not visit normally.

In reality though, slum tourism has many positive effects on both the tourist and their host community.

What is meant by slum tourism?

In slum tourism, tourists visit poor areas of the world to outlook and learn about the poor condition of the resident population.

Prearranged slum tours are around the world in cities such as Nairobi (Kibera slum)-the biggest slum in Africa, Cairo, Rio de Janeiro, Mexico (Neza-Chalco-Ixta), Johannesburg, Mumbai (Dharavi slum)-the largest slum in the world, and Cape Town.

Slum Tourism also known as poverty tourism is the practice of financially supporting communities by visiting poorer citizens in their communities.

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It has been criticized for its potential exploitation of local people and for its insensitive portrayal of their lifestyle.

The term “slum tourism” was coined by Simon Caulking in 1991. He describes it as a form of travel that focuses on the poor, often in developing countries.

  • Slum tourism can involve visiting slums or slummier neighborhoods with people living on less than $1 per day.
  • It may also involve staying at hostels that provide low-cost accommodation to travelers who want to experience living conditions similar to those they would find at home.

What Is Meant By Slum Tourism?

Types of slum tourism

There are several different types of slum tourism.

  • Poverty tourism, also known as “slumming” or “slumming in the ghetto” is a type of tourism that focuses on the poor and their lifestyle. It can be either negative or positive, depending on how you look at it. If you’re interested in experiencing poverty firsthand, this type of travel may be right for you!
  • The opposite extreme is ghetto tourism or trauma tourism , which focuses more strongly on displaying how lovely life can be within these neighborhoods than actually interacting with residents themselves or understanding why they live there in the first place.
  • While both types are often criticized by environmentalists who argue that they encourage people to ignore environmental issues caused by poverty or urban decay—and therefore contribute nothing but discomfort—they still have their own supporters who see them as valuable opportunities for learning about other cultures and viewpoints through firsthand experience rather than through stereotypes transmitted through media headlines or television shows about crime-ridden areas.”

Slum tourism is mainly made in urban areas of developing countries, most often named after the type of areas that are visited.

  • Township tourism: Due to racial discrimination poor black townships and white suburbs are divided and so is the name.
  • Favela tourism: In Brazil soldiers build working-class neighbourhoods under the favela trees so it is named.
  • India: Dharavi in Mumbai as depicted in the movie Slumdog Millionaire.
  • Social or religious divisions: New York City, North America , and Belfast, Northern Ireland.
  • Disaster tourism: After Hurricane Katrina, impoverished areas of Louisiana became slum tourist attractions as a result of disaster tourism.

Can slum tourism be good?

Slum tourism can have many positive effects on the community.

The money that tourists bring in can be used to improve the area, and this money also allows communities to show off their culture and traditions.

It’s a chance for them to share their stories with outsiders, which may help increase awareness about slums in other parts of the world.

Slum tourism is beneficial because it provides access to resources that would otherwise be unavailable or difficult for locals to access – such as water pumps or electricity generators in rural areas; healthcare services such as clinics or hospitals; schools where children learn how they got where they are today (whether this means going through school themselves or knowing who else went before); etcetera…

Benefits Of Slum Tourism?

Benefits of slum tourism

Simply you can say that it has some benefits like:

  • It can be a money-making business opportunity for the resident of this area.
  • Opens tourists’ eyes to poverty in other parts of the world and possibly inspires them to do something.
  • Many tours contribute a percentage of their profits or offer back to the community in some way (e.g., educational centers, maintaining parks, bathrooms, or community centers)
  • Increased tourism leads to increased groundwork by the government like roads, telecommunications, bridges, and water supply that will help locals.

Slum tourism has a bad reputation but can have wonderful benefits for the community if done correctly and morally.

Slum tourism, which is not the same as poverty tourism, is a growing phenomenon that has the potential to positively impact the lives of communities in need.

Slum tourism is a growing trend in many parts of the world where there are large numbers of people living below the poverty level.

These areas are often neglected by governments and corporations alike because they do not offer much potential for profit or development.

However, these communities often have fascinating histories and cultural traditions that deserve some attention from outsiders who want to learn more about them while they’re still here!

Slum tours can provide opportunities for people from around the world to gain insight into life inside slums without actually having lived there themselves (which would be impossible).

Some of the foreign tourist may generate income for the local community of the slum area.

Tourists will see firsthand how hard it can be just trying to survive day-to-day life outside one’s home country and maybe even gain some perspective on their own privileged existence!

It can be done in a respectful way and with good intentions.

Reaction of locals

The locals have mixed reactions. Research reveals that two third of people have a positive effect while others react negatively.

When locals are treated as equals and business opportunity increases along with other infrastructures then it gives a positive reaction from locals.

On the other hand, breaching privacy by clicking photos to post on the internet makes slum residents feel degraded, or just arriving in an area due to curiosity about slum life results in a negative reaction from locals.

Slum Tourism Destinations

Why is slum tourism unethical?

Because people living there think that their rights and life have been breached by tourists. They consider them intruders. Tourists click photos while they are washing clothes and utensils, and doing other chores.

They are like unwanted guests who want to know their daily routine and earnings and family.

Arguments against the practice of slum tourism

These can be summarized as:

  • It is a practice that earns money by viewing the poverty of others which makes them (residents living in poor areas) feel vulnerable.
  • Most tourists only visit due to curiosity, not with the commitment of helping or giving back to the community.
  • Money hardly seeps down. Instead, tour operators fill their pockets.
  • Even if the local lead the tours as tour guide he is underpaid.

How to find a good slum tour?

If you have the intention to serve the poor then you should definitely go on slum tours and finding a good tour company or tour operator for a slum tour is not a big task. Just keep the following things in mind.

  • Good companies do not allow photography as they respect the privacy of residents, their routine, work, and traditions.
  • Always find out what the company does with the fees. Are they donating some part to the upliftment of residents of these areas?
  • Do they have a sustainable policy? Responsible tourism has.
  • Who leads the tour? Good companies train people from these areas so they could earn and also lead the tour.

Slum tourism is a controversial topic. It has its advantages and it has a bad reputation too.

But it is getting rising support in recent years as tours are planned with a notion of charity and will put and highlight those areas for upliftment.

Remember, ignoring poverty will not let it go away but helping does!

Slum tourism is a great way to help people in impoverished communities. It can also be very lucrative for the tourists who travel there and support them financially.

Slum tourism has its challenges, but it can have positive effects on both the community and tourists who visit them.

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Home of the slum tourism research network, virtual tourism in rio’s favelas, welcome to lockdown stories.

Lockdown Stories emerged as a response to the COVID-19 crisis. The pandemic has impacted communities all around the world and has brought unprecedented challenges. In the favelas of Rio de Janeiro this included the loss of income and visibility from tourism on which community tourism and heritage projects depend.  In that context, Lockdown Stories investigated how community tourism providers responded, and what support they needed to transform their projects in the new circumstances.  In these times of isolation, Lockdown Stores aims to create new digital connections between communities across the world by sharing ‘Lockdown Stories’ through online virtual tours.

We are inviting you to engage in this new virtual tourism platform and to virtually visit six favelas in Rio de Janeiro: Cantagalo, Chapéu Mangueira, Babilônia, Providência, Rocinha and Santa Marta.

The tours are free but booking is required. All live tours are in Portuguese with English translation provided.

Tours happen through November and December, every Tuesday at 7 pm (UK) / 4 pm (Brazil) Please visit  lockdownstories.travel   where you can find out more about the project.

This research project is based on collaboration between the University of Leicester, the University of Rio de Janeiro and Bournemouth University and is funded by the University of Leicester QR Global Challenges with Research Fund (Research England).

Touristification Impossible

Call for Papers – Research Workshop

Touristification Impossible:

Tourism development, over-tourism and anti-tourism sentiments in context.

4 th and 5 th June 2019, Leicester UK

TAPAM – Tourism and Placemaking Research Unit – University of Leicester School of Business

Keynotes by Scott McCabe, Johannes Novy, Jillian Rickly and Julie Wilson

Touristification is a curious phenomenon, feared and desired in almost equal measure by policy makers, businesses and cultural producers, residents, social movements and last but not least, tourists themselves. Much current reflection on over-tourism, particularly urban tourism in Europe, where tourism is experienced as an impossible burden on residents and cities, repeats older debates: tourism can be a blessing or blight, it brings economic benefits but costs in almost all other areas. Anti-tourism social movements, residents and some tourists declare ‘touristification impossible’, asking tourists to stay away or pushing policy makers to use their powers to stop it. Such movements have become evident in the last 10 years in cities like Barcelona and Athens and there is a growing reaction against overtourism in several metropolitan cities internationally.

This workshop sets out to re-consider (the impossibility of) touristification. Frequently, it is understood simplistically as a process in which a place, city, region, landscape, heritage or experience becomes an object of tourist consumption.  This, of course, assumes an implicit or explicit transformation of a resource into a commodity and carries an inherent notion of decline of value, from ‘authentic’ in its original state to ‘commodified’ after touristification. In other words, touristification is often seen as a process of ‘selling out’. But a change of perspective reveals the complexities involved. While some may hope to make touristification possible, it is sometimes actually very difficult and seemingly impossible: When places are unattractive, repulsive, controversial, difficult and contested, how do they become tourist attractions? Arguably in such cases value is added rather than lost in the process of touristification. These situations require a rethink not just of the meaning of touristification, but the underlying processes in which it occurs. How do places become touristically attractive, how is attractiveness maintained and how is it lost? Which actors initiate, guide and manipulate the process of touristification and what resources are mobilised?

The aim of this two-day workshop is to provide an opportunity to challenge the simplistic and biased understanding of tourism as a force of good and touristification as desirable, so common among destination marketing consulting and mainstream scholarly literature. But it will equally question a simplistic but frequent criticism of touristification as ‘sell-out’ and ‘loss of authenticity’.

We invite scholars, researchers, practitioners and PhD students to submit conceptual and/or empirical work on this important theme. We welcome submissions around all aspects and manifestations of touristification (social, economic, spatial, environmental etc.) and, particularly, explorations of anti-tourism protests and the effects of over-tourism. The workshop is open to all theoretical and methodological approaches. We are delighted to confirm keynote presentations by Scott McCabe, Jillian Rickly, Johannes Novy and Julie Wilson.

The workshop is organised by the Tourism and Placemaking Research Unit (TAPAM) of the School of Business and builds on our first research workshop last year on ‘Troubled Attractions’, which brought together over 30 academics from the UK and beyond.

The workshop format

The research workshop will take place in the University of Leicester School of Business. It will combine invited presentations by established experts with panel discussions and research papers. Participants will have the chance to network and socialize during a social event in the evening of Tuesday 4 th June. There is small fee of £20 for participation. Registration includes workshop materials; lunch on 4 th and 5 th June 2019 and social event on 4 th June.

Guidelines for submissions

We invite submissions of abstracts (about 500 words) by 31 st April 2019 . Abstracts should be sent by email to: Fatos Ozkan Erciyas ( foe2 (at) le.ac.uk ).

Digital Technology, Tourism and Geographies of Inequality at AAG April 2019 in DC

Digital technology, tourism and geographies of inequality.

Tourism is undergoing major changes in the advent of social media networks and other forms of digital technology. This has affected a number of tourism related processes including marketing, destination making, travel experiences and visitor feedback but also various tourism subsectors, like hospitality, transportation and tour operators. Largely overlooked, however, are the effects of these changes on questions concerning inequality. Therefore, the aim of this session is to chart this relatively unexplored territory concerning the influence of technologically enhanced travel and tourism on development and inequality.

In the wake of the digital revolution and its emerging possibilities, early debates in tourism studies have been dominated by a belief that new technologies are able to overcome or at least reduce inequality. These technologies, arguably, have emancipatory potential, inter alia, by increasing the visibility of neglected groups, neighborhoods or areas, by lowering barriers of entry into tourism service provision for low-income groups or by democratizing the designation what is considered valuable heritage. They also, however, may have homogenizing effects, for example by subjecting formerly excluded spaces to global regimes of real estate speculation or by undermining existing labour market regimes and standards in the transport and hospitality industries. These latter effects have played a part in triggering anti-tourism protests in a range of cities across the world.

In this session we aim, specifically, to interrogate these phenomena along two vectors: mobility and inequality.

Sponsor Groups : Recreation, Tourism, and Sport Specialty Group, Digital Geographies Specialty Group, Media and Communication Geography Specialty Group Day: 03.04.2019 Start / End Time: 12:40 / 16:15 Room: Calvert Room, Omni, Lobby Level

All abstracts here:

New Paper: Tourist agency as valorisation: Making Dharavi into a tourist attraction

The full paper is available for free download until mid September 2017


Tourist agency is an area of renewed interest in tourism studies. Reflecting on existing scholarship the paper identifies, develops and critically examines three main approaches to tourism agency, namely the Service-dominant logic, the performative turn, and tourist valorisation. Tourist valorisation is proposed as a useful approach to theorise the role of tourists in the making of destinations and more broadly to conceptualise the intentions, modalities and outcomes of tourist agency. The paper contributes to the structuring of current scholarship on tourist agency. Empirically it addresses a knowledge gap concerning the role of tourists in the development of Dharavi, Mumbai into a tourist destination.

Touristified everyday life – mundane tourism

Touristified everyday life – mundane tourism: Current perspectives on urban tourism (Berlin 11/12 May 2017) conference program announced / call for registration

Tourism and other forms of mobility have a stronger influence on the urban everyday life than ever before. Current debates indicate that this development inevitably entails conflicts between the various city users. The diverse discussions basically evolve around the intermingling of two categories traditionally treated as opposing in scientific research: ‘the everyday’ and ‘tourism’. The international conference Touristified everyday life – mundane tourism: Current perspectives on urban tourism addresses the complex and changing entanglement of the city, the everyday and tourism. It is organized by the Urban Research Group ‘New Urban Tourism’ and will be held at the Georg Simmel-Center for Metropolitan Studies in Berlin. May 11, 2017, 4:15 – 5:00pm KEYNOTE – Prof. Dr. Jonas Larsen (Roskilde University): ‚Tourism and the Everyday Practices‘ (KOSMOS-dialog series, admission is free).

May 12, 2017, 9:00am – 6:00pm PANELS – The Extraordinary Mundane, Encounters & Contact Zones, Urban (Tourism) Development (registration required).

See full conference program HERE (pdf)


If you are interested in the panels you need to register. An attendance fee of 40 € will be charged to cover the expenses for the event. For students, trainees, unemployed, and the handicapped there is a reduced fee of 20 €.

For registration please fill out the registration form (pdf) and send it back until April 20, 2017 to:

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Georg-Simmel-Zentrum für Metropolenforschung Urban Research Group ’New Urban Tourism’ Natalie Stors & Christoph Sommer Unter den Linden 6 10099 Berlin You can also send us the form by email.


AAG Boston Programm

The slum tourism network presents two sessions at the Association of American Geographer Annual Meeting in Boston on Friday 7 April 2017 :

3230 The complex geographies of inequality in contemporary slum tourism

is scheduled on Friday, 4/7/2017, from 10:00 AM – 11:40 AM in Room 310, Hynes, Third Level

3419 The complex geographies of inequality in contemporary slum tourism

is scheduled on Friday, 4/7/2017, from 1:20 PM – 3:00 PM in Room 210, Hynes, Second Level

Stigma to Brand Conference Programme announced

From Stigma to Brand: Commodifying and Aestheticizing Urban Poverty and Violence

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, February 16-18, 2017

The preliminary programme has now been published and can be downloaded  here .

For attendance, please register at stigma2brand (at) ethnologie.lmu.d e

Posters presenting on-going research projects related to the conference theme are welcome.

Prof. Dr. Eveline Dürr (LMU Munich, Germany) Prof. Dr. Rivke Jaffe (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Prof. Dr. Gareth Jones (London School of Economics and Politics, UK)

This conference investigates the motives, processes and effects of the commodification and global representation of urban poverty and violence. Cities have often hidden from view those urban areas and populations stigmatized as poor, dirty and dangerous. However, a growing range of actors actively seek to highlight the existence and appeal of “ghettos”, “slums” and “no-go areas”, in attempts to attract visitors, investors, cultural producers, media and civil society organisations. In cities across the world, processes of place-making and place-marketing increasingly resignify urban poverty and violence to indicate authenticity and creativity. From “slum tourism” to “favela chic” parties and “ghetto fabulous” fashion, these economic and representational practices often approach urban deprivation as a viable brand rather than a mark of shame.

The conference explores how urban misery is transformed into a consumable product. It seeks to understand how the commodification and aestheticization of violent, impoverished urban spaces and their residents affects urban imaginaries, the built environment, local economies and social relations.

What are the consequences for cities and their residents when poverty and violence are turned into fashionable consumer experiences? How is urban space transformed by these processes and how are social relationships reconfigured in these encounters? Who actually benefits when social inequality becomes part of the city’s spatial perception and place promotion? We welcome papers from a range of disciplinary perspectives including anthropology, geography, sociology, and urban studies.

Key note speakers:

  • Lisa Ann Richey (Roskilde University)
  • Kevin Fox Gotham (Tulane University)

Touring Katutura – New Publication on township tourism in Namibia

A new study on township tourism in Namibia has been published by a team of researchers from Osnabrück University including Malte Steinbrink, Michael Buning, Martin Legant, Berenike Schauwinhold and Tore Süßenguth.

Guided sightseeing tours of the former township of Katutura have been offered in Windhoek since the mid-1990s. City tourism in the Namibian capital had thus become, at quite an early point in time, part of the trend towards utilising poor urban areas for purposes of tourism – a trend that set in at the beginning of the same decade. Frequently referred to as “slum tourism” or “poverty tourism”, the phenomenon of guided tours around places of poverty has not only been causing some media sensation and much public outrage since its emergence; in the past few years, it has developed into a vital field of scientific research, too. “Global Slumming” provides the grounds for a rethinking of the relationship between poverty and tourism in world society. This book is the outcome of a study project of the Institute of Geography at the School of Cultural Studies and Social Science of the University of Osnabrueck, Germany. It represents the first empirical case study on township tourism in Namibia.

It focuses on four aspects: 1. Emergence, development and (market) structure of township tourism in Windhoek 2. Expectations/imaginations, representations as well as perceptions of the township and its inhabitants from the tourist’s perspective 3. Perception and assessment of township tourism from the residents’ perspective 4. Local economic effects and the poverty-alleviating impact of township tourism The aim is to make an empirical contribution to the discussion around the tourism-poverty nexus and to an understanding of the global phenomenon of urban poverty tourism.

Free download of the study from here:


CfP Touristified everyday life – mundane tourism : Current perspectives on urban tourism

Touristified everyday life – mundane tourism : Current perspectives on urban tourism

11 and 12 of May 2017 in Berlin

Deadline for proposals: 1st December 2016

Find the f ull call here

Touristifizierter Alltag – Alltäglicher Tourismus: Neue Perspektiven auf das Stadttouristische

CfP AAG 2017

Cfp association of american geographers, boston 5th to 9th april 2017, the complex geographies of inequality in contemporary slum tourism.

The visitation of areas of urban poverty is a growing phenomenon in global tourism (Burgold & Rolfes, 2013; Dürr & Jaffe, 2012; Freire-Medeiros, 2013; Frenzel, Koens, Steinbrink, & Rogerson, 2015). While it can be considered a standard tourism practise in some destinations, it remains a deeply controversial form of tourism that is greeted with much suspicion and scepticism (Freire-Medeiros, 2009). In the emerging research field of slum tourism, the practices are no longer only seen as a specific niche of tourism, but as empirical phenomena that bridge a number of interdisciplinary concerns, ranging from international development, political activism, mobility studies to urban regeneration (Frenzel, 2016).

Slum tourism is sometimes cast as a laboratory where the relationships and interactions between the global North and South appear as micro-sociological encounters framed by the apparent concern over inequality. Beyond questioning the ways in which participants shape the encounters in slum tourism, structural implications and conditions come to the fore. Thus spatial inequality influences opportunities and hinders governance solutions to manage slum tourism operations (Koens and Thomas, 2016). Slum tourism is found to be embedded into post-colonial patterns of discourse, in which ‘North’ and ‘South’ are specifically reproduced in practices of ‘Othering’ (Steinbrink, 2012) . Evidence has been found for the use of slum tourism in urban development (Frenzel, 2014; Steinbrink, 2014) and more widely in the commodification of global care and humanitarian regimes (Becklake, 2014; Holst, 2015). Research has also pointed to the ethical implications of aestheticizing poverty in humanitarian aid performances and the troubles of on-the-ground political engagement in a seemingly post-ideological era (Holst 2016).

More recently a geographical shift has been observed regarding the occurrence of slum tourism. No longer a phenomenon restricted to the Global South, slum tourism now appears increasingly in the global North. Refugee camps such as Calais in the north of France have received high numbers of visitors who engage in charitable action and political interventions. Homeless tent cities have become the subject of a concerned tourist gaze in the several cities of the global north (Burgold, 2014). A broad range of stigmatised neighbourhoods in cities of the global North today show up on tourist maps as visitors venture to ‘off the beaten track’ areas. The resurfacing of slum tourism to the global North furthers reinforces the need to get a deeper, critical understanding of this global phenomena.

Mobility patterns of slum tourists also destabilise notions of what it means to be a tourist, as migrants from the Global North increasingly enter areas of urban poverty in the South beyond temporal leisurely visits, but as low level entry points into cities they intent to make their (temporal) home. Such new phenomena destabilise strict post-colonial framings of slum tourism, pointing to highly complex geographies of inequality.

In this session we aim to bring together research that casts the recent developments in slum tourism research. We aim specifically in advancing geographical research while retaining a broad interdisciplinary outlook.

Please sent your abstract or expressions of interest of now more than 300 words to Tore E.H.M Holst ( tehh (at) ruc.dk ) and Thomas Frisch ( Thomas.Frisch (at) wiso.uni-hamburg.de ) by October 15 th 2016

Becklake, S. (2014). NGOs and the making of “development tourism destinations.” Zeitschrift Für Tourismuswissenschaft , 6 (2), 223–243.

Burgold, J. (2014). Slumming in the Global North. Zeitschrift Für Tourismuswissenschaft , 6 (2), 273–280.

Burgold, J., & Rolfes, M. (2013). Of voyeuristic safari tours and responsible tourism with educational value: Observing moral communication in slum and township tourism in Cape Town and Mumbai. DIE ERDE – Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin , 144 (2), 161–174.

Dürr, E., & Jaffe, R. (2012). Theorizing Slum Tourism: Performing, Negotiating and Transforming Inequality. European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos Y Del Caribe , 0 (93), 113–123

Freire-Medeiros, B. (2009). The favela and its touristic transits. Geoforum , 40 (4), 580–588.

Freire-Medeiros, B. (2013). Touring Poverty . New York N.Y.: Routledge.

Frenzel, F. (2014). Slum Tourism and Urban Regeneration: Touring Inner Johannesburg. Urban Forum , 25 (4), 431–447.

Frenzel, F. (2016). Slumming it: the tourist valorization of urban poverty . London: Zed Books.

Frenzel, F., Koens, K., Steinbrink, M., & Rogerson, C. M. (2015). Slum Tourism State of the Art. Tourism Review International , 18 (2), 237–252.

Holst, T. (2015). Touring the Demolished Slum? Slum Tourism in the Face of Delhi’s Gentrification. Tourism Review International , 18 (4), 283–294.

Steinbrink, M. (2012). We did the slum! Reflections on Urban Poverty Tourism from a Historical Perspective. Tourism Geographies , 14 (2), forthcoming.

Steinbrink, M. (2014). Festifavelisation: mega-events, slums and strategic city-staging – the example of Rio de Janeiro. DIE ERDE – Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin , 144 (2), 129–145.

Winter is here! Check out the winter wonderlands at these 5 amazing winter destinations in Montana

  • Travel Tips

What Is Slum Tourism

Published: December 12, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Allsun Shanahan

  • Travel Guide



Slum tourism, also known as poverty tourism or ghetto tourism, is a relatively new form of travel that involves visiting impoverished or marginalized areas in various parts of the world. This type of tourism has gained significant attention in recent years and has sparked intense debates among travelers, academics, and local communities.

Unlike conventional tourism, where the focus is on exploring popular tourist destinations and experiencing luxury, slum tourism offers a stark contrast. It brings travelers face-to-face with the harsh realities of poverty, inequality, and social issues that exist within these communities.

Slum tourism provides a unique opportunity for travelers to gain a deeper understanding of the socio-economic challenges faced by marginalized populations. It aims to create awareness, challenge stereotypes, and foster empathy towards the lives of people living in underprivileged areas. However, the practice of slum tourism is not without its controversies, as there are ethical considerations and questions about the potential exploitation of vulnerable communities.

In this article, we will explore the concept of slum tourism, its origins, motivations, controversies, positive impacts, and responsible approaches. By understanding the complexities surrounding slum tourism, we can make informed decisions about our own travel choices and engage in a meaningful dialogue about responsible tourism practices.

Definition of Slum Tourism

Slum tourism can be defined as the practice of visiting disadvantaged or impoverished areas, often in urban settings, with the purpose of witnessing and experiencing the living conditions of marginalized communities. It involves guided tours or visits to informal settlements, shanty towns, or areas affected by poverty.

The primary goal of slum tourism is to provide travelers with an unfiltered glimpse into the realities of life for those living in extreme poverty. It aims to challenge preconceived notions, break down stereotypes, and foster a greater understanding of the social and economic issues faced by marginalized communities.

Slum tourism can take various forms, ranging from organized tours led by local guides to self-guided exploration. These tours often involve interaction with local residents, visits to community projects, and opportunities to learn about the history and culture of the area. Through these experiences, travelers can gain insights into the daily struggles, resilience, and strengths of the communities they visit.

It is important to note that slum tourism should not be seen as a form of poverty voyeurism or sensationalism. Responsible slum tourism strives to approach these visits with empathy, respect, and a desire to learn. It aims to create a bridge between different social classes and promote dialogue and understanding.

While slum tourism is often associated with visits to urban areas, it is not limited to cities. It can also include tours or visits to rural communities that face similar social and economic challenges, such as lack of access to basic services, limited educational opportunities, and inadequate healthcare.

It is essential to differentiate slum tourism from voluntourism, where travelers visit disadvantaged areas with the intention of actively participating in community development projects or volunteering their skills. Although there may be some overlap between the two, slum tourism primarily focuses on experiential learning and raising awareness, rather than direct involvement in community development initiatives.

Understanding the definition of slum tourism is crucial for both travelers and local communities to navigate the complexities and ethical considerations associated with this form of travel. By approaching slum tourism with sensitivity and respect, it can become a platform for genuine cross-cultural exchange and a catalyst for positive change.

Origin and History of Slum Tourism

The origins of slum tourism can be traced back to the late 19th century when early forms of poverty tourism emerged. During this time, travelers, mostly from affluent backgrounds, started to venture into the slums of urban areas to witness the stark contrasts between their own lives and the lives of the underprivileged. These early visitors were often motivated by a desire to understand the social and economic inequality that prevailed in their societies.

One notable example of early slum tourism is the famous ‘Five Points’ neighborhood in New York City, which attracted curious visitors interested in exploring the living conditions of poor immigrant communities. This fascination with urban poverty continued to gain attention throughout the 20th century, with journalistic works like Jacob Riis’ “How the Other Half Lives” shedding light on the harsh realities faced by marginalized populations.

However, it was in the late 20th and early 21st centuries that slum tourism gained momentum and became more structured. The increase in international travel, advancements in communication technology, and a growing interest in experiential and alternative forms of tourism all contributed to its rise in popularity.

One of the notable catalysts for the growth of slum tourism was the establishment of the “Mumbai Reality Tours” in India in 2006. This tour company offered visitors the opportunity to explore the Dharavi slum, one of Asia’s largest informal settlements. The tours aimed to provide a balanced and respectful perspective of life in the slum, offering insights into the residents’ daily activities, small-scale industries, and community initiatives.

Following the success of Mumbai Reality Tours, similar initiatives emerged in other parts of the world. In South Africa, the township of Soweto became a popular destination for slum tourism, allowing visitors to gain a deeper understanding of the apartheid era and the ongoing challenges faced by the residents. Similarly, the favelas of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil also attracted tourists interested in exploring the vibrant culture and complex social issues present in these communities.

Moreover, the advent of social media and online travel platforms has enabled slum tourism to reach a wider audience. Travelers can now easily find information and book tours to impoverished areas, contributing to the growth and commercialization of this form of tourism.

Overall, the history of slum tourism reflects an evolving curiosity and desire among travelers to engage with the realities of poverty and inequality. While motivations may vary, the increasing popularity of slum tourism highlights the need for responsible approaches that prioritize the well-being and dignity of the communities being visited.

Motivations for Slum Tourism

Slum tourism attracts a diverse range of travelers, each driven by different motivations to explore impoverished areas. Understanding these motivations is key to gaining insights into why individuals choose to engage in this unique form of travel. Here are some common motivations for participating in slum tourism:

  • Cultural Exchange and Learning: Many travelers are drawn to slum tourism as a means of cultural immersion and education. They seek to learn about the customs, traditions, and ways of life of marginalized communities. By engaging with local residents, participating in community activities, and supporting local businesses, they aim to foster cross-cultural understanding and appreciation.
  • Social Justice and Advocacy: Some tourists are motivated by a desire to raise awareness about social inequalities and advocate for change. They use their firsthand experiences in slums to challenge stereotypes, promote dialogue, and advocate for policy reforms that address poverty, access to education, healthcare, and other social issues.
  • Curiosity and Authenticity: For some travelers, slum tourism offers an opportunity to step outside the conventional tourist trail and delve into the authentic and less explored aspects of a destination. They are curious to witness the realities of life in impoverished areas that are often overlooked by mainstream tourism and media.
  • Empathy and Solidarity: Many participants in slum tourism are driven by a sense of empathy and a desire to show solidarity with marginalized communities. They aim to connect on a human level, understand the challenges faced by the residents, and offer support through responsible tourism practices or by contributing to community-based initiatives.
  • Education and Research: Slum tourism is also embraced by academics, researchers, and students who are interested in studying the social, economic, and environmental aspects of disadvantaged communities. They may conduct fieldwork, gather data, and engage in academic discussions to gain a deeper understanding of the complex dynamics within these communities.

It is important to note that while these motivations may be well-intentioned, there is a fine line between ethical engagement and voyeurism. Responsible slum tourism requires travelers to approach these visits with sensitivity, respect, and a commitment to not exploit vulnerable communities. It is essential to prioritize the voices and agency of the residents and ensure that tourism activities contribute to their well-being and empowerment.

Understanding the motivations behind slum tourism allows us to engage in meaningful discussions about responsible travel practices and explore ways to create positive impacts in the lives of marginalized communities.

Controversies and Criticisms of Slum Tourism

While slum tourism has gained popularity as a form of alternative travel, it is not without its controversies and criticisms. The practice often sparks debates surrounding ethics, exploitation, and the potential negative impact on the communities being visited. Here are some of the main controversies and criticisms associated with slum tourism:

  • Exploitation of Vulnerable Communities: One of the primary concerns raised by critics is the potential for slum tourism to exploit marginalized communities for financial gain. There is a risk of turning poverty and suffering into a form of entertainment, reducing the residents’ lived experiences to mere spectacles for tourist consumption.
  • Ethical Dilemmas: Slum tourism raises ethical dilemmas in terms of consent and privacy. Some argue that these tours invade the privacy of individuals and communities, as travelers may intrude upon personal spaces, take intrusive photographs, or engage in insensitive behavior.
  • Stereotyping and Stigma Reinforcement: Critics argue that slum tourism can contribute to reinforcing negative stereotypes and perpetuating stigmas associated with poverty. This can further marginalize and dehumanize the residents, rather than fostering understanding and empathy.
  • Unequal Distribution of Profits: Another criticism is that the financial benefits of slum tourism often go to tour operators and businesses, rather than directly benefiting the local communities. There is a need for transparent and fair distribution of profits to ensure that the communities receive their share of economic benefits.
  • Invasion of Footprints: The influx of tourists visiting slum areas can disrupt the everyday lives and social fabric of the community, altering the dynamics that existed prior to the arrival of tourists. This can lead to gentrification, displacement of residents, and loss of cultural heritage.
  • Superficial Engagement: Critics argue that slum tourism may result in superficial engagement and a lack of genuine understanding or lasting impact. Some tourists may treat the experiences as mere photo opportunities or tick-box experiences without fully comprehending the complex issues.

It is essential to acknowledge these controversies and criticisms surrounding slum tourism responsibly. While slum tourism can offer opportunities for empathy, cultural exchange, and raising awareness, it is crucial to approach it with sensitivity, respect, and a commitment to ethical practices. Responsible slum tourism initiatives strive to prioritize the well-being and agency of the communities involved, fostering meaningful and respectful engagement that goes beyond voyeurism and superficial experiences.

Benefits and Positive Impact of Slum Tourism

While slum tourism is not without its controversies, it is important to recognize that it can also have positive impacts on both travelers and the communities being visited. Here are some benefits and positive impacts of slum tourism:

  • Increased Awareness and Understanding: Slum tourism provides an opportunity for travelers to witness and understand the everyday realities of marginalized communities. By experiencing firsthand the challenges faced by these communities, travelers gain a deeper empathy and understanding of poverty, inequality, and social issues. This increased awareness can lead to greater advocacy, empathy, and social consciousness.
  • Breaking Stereotypes and Challenging Stigma: Slum tourism challenges preconceived notions and stereotypes about poverty and marginalized communities. It offers a chance to see the strength, resilience, and vibrancy of these communities, going beyond the one-dimensional portrayal often seen in mainstream media. By breaking down stereotypes and challenging stigmas, slum tourism contributes to a more nuanced and compassionate understanding of poverty.
  • Economic Empowerment: Responsible slum tourism initiatives can have a positive economic impact on the communities being visited. By supporting local businesses, community-based projects, and social enterprises, visitors can contribute directly to the income and livelihoods of residents. This can help create sustainable economic opportunities and alleviate poverty.
  • Community Development Initiatives: Slum tourism can support community-led development initiatives and social projects. Travelers may have the opportunity to learn about and contribute to programs focused on education, healthcare, sanitation, and infrastructure improvement. Such interactions can empower local communities and provide them with resources and support to address their pressing needs and challenges.
  • Cross-Cultural Exchange: Slum tourism fosters cross-cultural exchange and dialogue between tourists and local residents. It provides a platform for mutual learning, understanding, and appreciation of different cultures, perspectives, and ways of life. This exchange can challenge preconceptions, break down barriers, and promote greater cultural understanding and tolerance.
  • Advocacy and Transformation: Engaging in slum tourism can inspire travelers to become advocates for social change. By witnessing the realities of poverty and inequality, individuals may be motivated to take action, support relevant causes, or contribute to initiatives that address systemic issues. This can lead to transformative change within communities and broader society.

It is important to note that the positive impact of slum tourism can only be realized through responsible and ethical practices. By prioritizing the dignity, well-being, and agency of the communities being visited, slum tourism can serve as a powerful tool for fostering empathy, challenging stereotypes, and promoting positive change.

Examples of Slum Tourism Around the World

Slum tourism has gained popularity in various parts of the world, offering travelers the opportunity to engage with marginalized communities and gain a deeper understanding of their realities. Here are some examples of slum tourism initiatives around the world:

  • Mumbai, India: The Dharavi slum in Mumbai is one of the most well-known destinations for slum tourism. Tour operators like “Mumbai Reality Tours” offer guided tours that provide insights into the bustling industries, diverse communities, and the entrepreneurial spirit within the slum.
  • Cape Town, South Africa: In Cape Town, slum tourism often focuses on townships such as Khayelitsha and Langa. Tours allow visitors to learn about the experiences of residents, explore community projects, and witness the resilience and creativity of these communities.
  • Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: The favelas of Rio de Janeiro, such as Rocinha and Vidigal, are popular destinations for slum tourism. Tours provide an opportunity to learn about the vibrant culture, music, and social issues within these urban communities.
  • Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya: Kibera, one of Africa’s largest slums, has been a destination for slum tourism for many years. Guided tours offer insights into the local initiatives, such as schools and youth empowerment programs, and allow visitors to engage with residents on a personal level.
  • Johannesburg, South Africa: Township tours in Johannesburg, including Soweto, offer a glimpse into the history of apartheid and the ongoing challenges faced by residents. These tours educate visitors about the resilience, activism, and cultural heritage of the communities.
  • Phnom Penh, Cambodia: In Phnom Penh, tours of the former Khmer Rouge-controlled areas, such as the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum and the Killing Fields, provide a somber reminder of Cambodia’s dark history. It offers insights into the country’s past and the spirit of resilience among the survivors.

These are just a few examples of slum tourism destinations, but slum tourism exists in many other cities and regions around the world. Each destination offers a unique perspective on the challenges and strengths of marginalized communities, providing travelers with an opportunity for cultural exchange, awareness, and advocacy.

It is crucial to approach these tours with sensitivity, respect, and a commitment to responsible tourism practices. This includes supporting local tour operators, engaging in responsible photography, seeking permission, and prioritizing the well-being and agency of the communities being visited.

Responsible and Ethical Considerations in Slum Tourism

Engaging in slum tourism requires a thoughtful and responsible approach to ensure that the experience is ethical and beneficial for both travelers and the communities being visited. Here are some key considerations for practicing responsible slum tourism:

  • Respect Local Communities: Treat the residents of the slum areas with respect, dignity, and empathy. Understand that their lives are not tourist attractions, and seek to learn from their experiences rather than objectifying them.
  • Support Community-led Initiatives: Prioritize tours and activities that are developed and led by members of the local community. This ensures that the economic benefits directly benefit the residents and contribute to their empowerment.
  • Avoid Intrusive Behavior: Be mindful of your actions and their impact. Seek consent before taking photographs, respect the privacy of individuals and homes, and refrain from intrusive behaviors that may perpetuate stereotypes or exploit vulnerable communities.
  • Engage in Meaningful Interactions: Rather than being a passive observer, actively engage with local residents. Ask questions, listen to their stories, and strive to understand the complex social, economic, and cultural issues they face.
  • Manage Expectations: Set realistic expectations for your slum tourism experience. Understand that poverty is not a spectacle and that these communities are diverse with their own strengths, aspirations, and solutions. Avoid perpetuating a narrow and one-sided narrative.
  • Responsible Spending: Support local businesses, social enterprises, and initiatives that directly benefit the slum community. Choose tour operators that practice sustainable and equitable business models, ensuring that the economic benefits of tourism are shared amongst the local residents.
  • Responsible Photography: When taking photographs, be mindful of the impact it may have on the privacy and dignity of the individuals being photographed. Seek permission, respect cultural norms, and avoid exploiting vulnerable situations for the sake of capturing a striking photo.
  • Learn and Educate: Take the opportunity to educate yourself about the context, history, and social issues of the slum areas you visit. Use your experiences as a platform for greater understanding, advocacy, and raising awareness about poverty and social inequality.
  • Long-term Support: Consider supporting development initiatives or organizations working in the slum communities even after your visit. This could be through donations, partnerships, or volunteer opportunities, ensuring there is a lasting positive impact beyond your brief encounter.

Responsible slum tourism recognizes the importance of balancing curiosity with empathy, and learning with respect. By following these ethical considerations, travelers can engage with slum communities in a meaningful and responsible way, contributing to positive change and fostering understanding between different social groups.

Slum tourism offers a unique opportunity for travelers to gain a deeper understanding of poverty, inequality, and social issues faced by marginalized communities around the world. It provides a platform for cultural exchange, awareness, and advocacy, challenging stereotypes and fostering empathy.

While slum tourism has its controversies and criticisms, responsible and ethical approaches can help mitigate these concerns. Prioritizing the dignity and well-being of the communities being visited, supporting local initiatives, and engaging in respectful interactions are key to ensuring a positive impact.

By practicing responsible slum tourism, travelers can become advocates for social change, connecting with local communities on a human level, and supporting economic empowerment. This form of travel can challenge preconceived notions, break down barriers, and promote a more nuanced understanding of poverty and inequality.

However, it is important to remember that slum tourism is not a solution to the systemic issues faced by these communities. It is only one piece of a larger puzzle, and sustainable change requires addressing root causes and supporting long-term development initiatives.

As travelers, we have the power to make conscious choices and engage in meaningful travel experiences. By practicing responsible slum tourism, we can promote compassion, understanding, and positive transformations both within ourselves and in the communities we encounter.


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Tourism Teacher

Slum tourism: What is it and how does it work?

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Slum tourism is, believe it or not, a real type of tourism . Yep, you got that right- people go to slums whilst on holiday. But, why? In this article I will introduce you to the concept of slum tourism and tell you what it’s all about. Interested to learn more? Read on…

What is slum tourism?

Slum tourism definitions, what is white saviour syndrome, what does a slum tour involve, positive impacts of slum tourism, negative impacts of slum tourism, the ethics of slum tourism, slum tourism in south africa, slum tourism in brazil, slum tourism in india, slum tourism in indonesia, slum tourism in africa, slum tourism: conclusion, further reading.

Slum tourism

Slum tourism is essentially when people visit slums – or, more widely, poverty stricken areas – as a form of tourism. This will generally be in a foreign country, one they are visiting as a tourist on holiday or on a business trip. It has also been referred to as ghetto tourism and poverty tourism.

In ‘ Theorizing Slum Tourism ’, researchers Eveline Dürr and Rivke Jaffe described slum tourism as follows: 

‘ Slum tourism involves transforming poverty, squalor and violence into a tourism product. Drawing on both altruism and voyeurism, this form of tourism is a complex phenomenon that raises various questions concerning power, inequality and subjectivity. ‘

While this describes slum tourism, it doesn’t necessarily define what it actually is. Bob Ma of the University of Pennsylvania says this:

‘ Slum tourism is one of the fastest-growing niche tourism segments in the world, but it is also one of the most controversial. The United Nations defines a slum as, “a run-down area of a city characterized by substandard housing and squalor and lacking in tenure security” (UN, 2007). Slum tourism is the organization of tours in these areas. As a niche segment, slum tourism is distinguished from developmental tourism, which is a broader term that includes tourism in any region that is undergoing development. ‘

Slum tourism as charity tourism

Some people engage in charity tourism – visiting slums or areas of high poverty with the intention of ‘making things better’. This is also sometimes called volunteer tourism . You can see this on Children In Need in the UK, for example, where we see videos of people heading to various underdeveloped areas of Africa to build schools or install wells for fresh water access etc. You can pay (a lot of) money to do this yourself through various organisations.

Slum tourism

People do this as it is within human nature to want to help people who have less than we do. But it is also, of course, a chance to see somewhere new and explore a different culture . It can also be a great way to boost your CV. This means that taking part in slum tourism isn’t a purely selfless act, and this is why it can sometimes be frowned upon.

Studies show that slum tourism can have negative impacts on local communities – the use of unskilled labour, for example, and the taking of jobs that could ultimately have gone to local people. There is also usually no long term commitment involved, and of course there is the concept of white saviour syndrome.

The following extract comes from De-constructing the ‘White Saviour Syndrome’: A Manifestation of Neo-Imperialism by Felix Willuweit:

‘With the recent widespread of protests for black civil rights and against racism across the Western world, the topic of white prejudice has risen to the centre of public attention, of which one manifestation is the so-called ‘White Saviour Syndrome’.   Whether it is Ed Sheeran posing for ‘Comic Relief’ with a number of black children (Hinsliff, 2019), Madonna adopting children from Malawi (Hinsliff, 2019), or students going on adventures advertised for ‘young philanthropists’ within a multi-million dollar gap-year industry (Bandyopadhyay, 2019), numerous cases of altruistic acts of ‘White Saviours’ can be found throughout popular culture in the global North.’

Whereas these practices follow an altruistic narrative, they are commonly criticised as serving to satisfy a ‘White Saviour Syndrome’, the phenomenon in which a white person “guides people of colour from the margins to the mainstream with his or her own initiative and benevolence” which tends to render the people of colour “incapable of helping themselves” and disposes them of historical agency (Cammarota, 2011: 243-244).

So what does slum tourism involve? Many tour operators offer literal ‘slum tours’ as part of their packages, and of course you can visit slum areas alone as they are just parts of various areas. AfricanTrails.co.uk, for example, have a page discussing slum tours and they state that some of their packages do offer slum visits in Kenya, Uganda, Namibia and more.

favela tour

Reality Tours and Travel are another company offering slum tours. As the company name suggests, they hope to offer a ‘realistic’ side to the places tourists visit. Based in India , a country with a lot of poverty, their slogan is ‘USING TOURISM TO CHANGE LIVES’. They say: Our ethical and educational Dharavi slum tours give visitors a unique glimpse into everyday life for many Mumbaikars while breaking down the negative stereotypes associated with slums. 80% of the profits from every tour are invested back into the community through the programs of our NGO, Reality Gives , and most of our guides are from the community.

Slum tourism has some positives to it. It gives people an insight into how poverty can affect people – humans are curious by nature, and if you are not living in poverty yourself, or never have, then it can be hard to imagine what it is really like. Visiting a slum whilst on holiday is like opening a window to another life, however briefly. 

It is also a chance to provide an income to people living in slums, if the tour involves some sort of opportunity to purchase goods or donate money. And with some tours, as you can see from Reality Tours and Travel above, the booking cost goes into improving the community.

Of course, there are negatives impacts associated with slum tourism too. The main one is that it treats those who live in slums as though they are in a zoo, dehumanising them so tourists can see what it’s like before swanning off back to their hotel and other luxuries. Some would go so far as to argue that they are a form of ‘ human zoo ‘. These tours portray poverty as something exotic, rather than a very real danger to the lives of the people impacted by it. It is also questionable how far the money trickles down. With people paying for organised tours, how sure can we be that real people are accessing the money?

Slum tourism

Looking at the pros and cons it is clear that there is an ethical question surrounding slum tourism . People who live in poverty and live in slums are real people. We need to ask ourselves whether it is fair for them to be paraded around in front of us as part of an organised tour that we are paying a company to go on.

Some questions we should ask ourselves when looking to engage in slum tourism, courtesy of slumtourism.net, are:

  • To what extent does slum tourism provide an income and positive visibility for people in deprived areas? 
  • Which stakeholders are involved in slum tourism and who profits most? 
  • How are guided tours organised or composed?  
  • What are the geographical scopes of slum-tourism and which place does it occupy in the new mobility system? 
  • Where does slum tourism fit in a globalised world of tourist consumption?

It is similar to visiting remote tribes, in a way, just as I explain in my article about the long neck tribe in Thailand . Tourists coming in from outside to view life in a slum through a western lens for a few minutes… does this paint a fair picture of slums?

Slum tourism destinations

There are various places around the world where slum tourism is prevalent. Here are some examples-

Slum tourism exists across South Africa . Here it is also known as township tourism – in SA, townships are the underdeveloped urban areas, generally populated by people of colour as a fall out from the Apartheid era. Apparently, around 25% of visitors to Cape Town engage in township tours. This city alone has around 40-50 township tour operators.

Slum tourism in Brazil equates to ‘favela tours’. Favelas are slums or shanty towns built on the outskirts of major cities across Brazil, and many people visit them for tourist purposes while on holiday in this beautiful country. Favelas are known to be dangerous areas. They are rife with crime, violence and drug dealing, but thousands of tourists every month visit these areas with curiosity.

As mentioned above when I spoke about Reality Tours and Travel, India is a prime spot for slum tourism due to the high levels of poverty here. The film Slumdog Millionaire put Indian slums onto the screens of millions of people, many of whom became keen to see it for themselves on a trip to India. There are around 15,000 people visiting the Dharavi slum each year alone.

Jakarta is home to a slum where families of 5 squeeze into ‘houses’ no bigger than the average western bathroom. They survive on pennies, and welcome tourists into their homes to see what it is like. Jakarta Hidden Tours is run by Ronnie. He’s a charity worker who donates half of his profits to the local community in an attempt to improve their lives.

Across Africa there are poor and underdeveloped communities. Slums tend to exist in Kenya and Uganda, for the most part. AfricanTrails say:

Going on an Africa slum tour is a great way to see what life is like for the majority of residents in a specific African town or city. Visitors can see how people live and the work they carry out in order to provide for their families. Slum tours are not purely filled with misery, the towns often have vibrant communities with shops, schools and market stalls.

I t is easy to forget that there are people living in these conditions, as it is not something you see every day, so for many, Africa slum tours are a real eye-opening experience. Visitors leave the area with the intention of donating to charities, helping those living in these places. Slum tours give the chance for tourists to interact with others from different backgrounds and see the true beauty of Africa and its people.

To conclude, slum tourism occurs around the world, and has done since Victorian times in England. Back then, the aristocracy would visit the capital’s poorest areas for voyeuristic and/or philanthropic purposes. And still it continues. People are, of course, eager to see another way of life. Often they believe that they are helping, and visiting people at their lowest can be a great way to remind you that really, you don’t have it all that bad. The ethics are questionable, but there are definitely ways you can visit a slum without it being a negative thing.

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slum tourism benefits

Slumming It At Dharavi: What Are Our Intentions With Slum Tourism?


With cities like Mumbai, Johannesburg, and Rio de Janeiro now becoming bonafide tourist attractions, bringing in hundreds and thousands of curious visitors each year, Slum Tourism has also seen a rise in popularity. It takes outsiders through the most impoverished, marginalised districts of the city to get a glimpse of the city’s inequality. 

Filled with hundreds of shanty towns lined by the riverbanks, train tracks, and garbage dumps, “Slumming” has become the key to capturing the attention of the wanderlust, experiential, thrill-seeking traveller. Spending time at a slum through one’s own curiosity or for the charitable purpose of pro-poor tourism, there are benefits and detriments. 

Slum tourism does spark a considerable debate around an uncomfortable moral dilemma. Is the practice in line with privileged people gawking at those less fortunate or do they raise awareness and provide numerous examples of giving back to the local communities? Yet to further look into this travel practice, we need to set out the basics of the same.

Slum Tourism, Poverty Tourism, Ghetto Tourism or Reality Tours Defined:

Slum Tourism also known as Poverty tourism or ghetto tourism is a type of city tourism that involves visiting impoverished areas. Originally focused on the slums and ghettos of London and Manhattan in the 19th Century, Slum tourism is now prominent in South Africa, India, Brazil, Poland, Kenya, Philippines and the United States. Whether called a township, favela, a barrio, a slum, a shantytown, or a ghetto, outsiders recreationally visiting these typically impoverished places is nothing new.  

What began in the mid-80s, ‘Slumming’ was first used in the Oxford English Dictionary, as people in London visited slum neighbourhoods such as Whitechapel or Shoreditch in order to observe life in this situation. In the 1980s, South African communities organised township tours to educate the whites in local governments on how the black population lived. Similarly, in the mid-1990s, international tours were organised with destinations in the most disadvantaged areas of developing nations, thus starting the trend of slum tourism, attracting thousands across the globe.  

Motivated by the ‘out of the ordinary’ experience , tourism is in itself the exploration and experience of the reality of a particular place. Therefore slum tourism actually returns to this practice, it allows the tourists to get a sense of real-life for the poorest communities, creating a path to development and poverty alleviation- funnelling tourists dollars into slums, or installing exploitative practices that enhance the western travellers need to ‘feel good’. 

Reality Check with Slum Tour and Travel.

A study in 2012 by the University of Pennsylvania showed that tourists in Mumbai’s Dharavi slum were motivated primarily by curiosity, as opposed to several competing push factors such as social comparison, entertainment, education, or self-actualization. The study also found that most slum residents were ambivalent about the tour, with interest and intrigue as the most commonly cited feelings. Take Reality Tour and Travel of Mumbai, India. Often ushered by this slum tour operator, tourists get to see a thriving recycling industry which employs around ten thousand people, to melt, reshape, and mould discarded plastic.

Also, followed by dhobi wallahs, or washermen in open-air laundry areas, tourists get to connect with locals for memorable cooking experiences, presenting the residents as productive and hardworking yet content and happy with their lifestyle and socio-economic status. However, Dr, Melissa Nisbett in her study of Slum Tourism found that the concept of poverty to these Dharavi visitors was practically invisible. She added:

“As the reviews show, poverty was ignored, denied, overlooked and romanticized, but moreover, it is depoliticized. The tours decontextualized the plight of the poor and seem only to empower the wrong people- the privileged, western, middle-class visitors”. 

The primary accusation here is that slum tourism takes away the poverty from poverty tours, often turning hardship into entertainment- something that can be momentarily experienced and then escaped from. Yet the tours do provide employment and income for guides from the slum and an opportunity for craft-workers to sell souvenirs, allowing them to re-invest in the community and motivating tourists to help such economies. 

View this post on Instagram Join us in Kumbharwada and get hands-on with pottery making! Last week we had our inaugural Pottery Tour. Here's a sneak peek. #mumbai #bombay #kumbharwada #dharavi #slum #pottery #workshop #travel #travellove #travelworld #traveller #travelling #explore #wanderlust #neverstopexploring #incredibleindia #adventure #adventuretravel #indiatravel #passionpassport #exploreindia #travelbug #neverstoptravelling #india Picture @bunny_mayur A post shared by Reality Tours (@realityindia) on Jan 8, 2018 at 1:35am PST

Now Let Us Talk Numbers:

Considered to be one of the world’s largest slum, Dharavi in Mumbai, India is spread over 2.1 square kilometres (520 acres) with a population of somewhere between 700,000 to a million. With an active informal economy in which numerous household enterprises employ many of the slum residents- leather, textiles and pottery products are among the goods made inside Dharavi. The estimated total annual turnover for this informal economy is over USD 1 billion . 

An estimated 5000 businesses and 15,000 single-room factories operate in the area. The per capita income of the residents, depending on estimated population range of 300,000 to about 1 million , ranges somewhere between USD 500 to USD 2000 per year. The slums were also named by travel website TripAdvisor.com as the 2019 top visited experiences in India and also one of the 10 most favourite tourist sites in Asia. 

After being featured in award-winning films like Oscar-winning Slumdog Millionaire and much-appreciated Gully Boy, Dharavi has gained a lot of popularity, growing footfall in the area. Due to lack of data, one cannot determine the actual tread of visitors to the area. However, Reality has reportedly had about 15,000 visitors annually for the year 2016, with an expectation of the same growing further in the next 5 years. 

View this post on Instagram From #oxford to the slums of #slumdogmillionaire #dharavi #mumbai #india … only 9 of us were brave enough to try it ?? @oxfordsbs @oxford_uni A post shared by R U D I N A ? (@rudisuti) on Dec 4, 2019 at 10:30am PST

What About Your Intention? 

However, with tour operators trying to mitigate offence and give back to locals, the impact of slum tourism stays rather isolated. Fabian Frenzel, Author of the definitive book, Slumming It: The Tourist Valorization of Urban Poverty. , writes “ In slum tourism, what I find is that people are interested in this fact of inequality”.  Images of these areas create a sense of sentiment that amplifies over time as more and more visuals of the human condition around the world, especially within these slums surface. 

So, instead of consuming these images at home, people are increasingly trying to follow those images back to its origin, in order to “see it themselves” and then try and do something about it. According to the tour operator, the effect of such desire is massive. Take movies based around the areas. Slumdog Millionaire- an oscar winning movie that portrays the journey of two brothers in the slums of Mumbai to riches. Might it be a mere representation of the slums in its entirety, the actual essence of the “slum life” is something that creates this need to rate the place, see the place, feel the desperation of poverty?

View this post on Instagram #streetphotography #dharavi #oldhomes A post shared by bunny (@dharavi__17) on Dec 11, 2019 at 8:15am PST

“What you see is life, urban life”, as Frenzel puts it. Even though limited in many ways, might it be the lack of basic sanitation or all basic services of a city, there is a sense of vibrancy that has fantasised poverty. This is where the issue starts. Yes, the intention behind slum tourism itself is diverse in nature, but they all are pushed from a place of empathy, that adds personal value to the visitor rather than the actual settlement. It does help educate us about inequality in the world, but it takes away the poor in poverty by depoliticizing and romanticising life in slums. 

Is there something good that comes from ‘Slumming’. 

Regardless of your intention, slum tourism does open our eyes to inequality. It takes poverty and inequality and commodifies it in the sense of tours educating (might it even be a small group of people) about a global issue. While it might illuminate the issue on a small scale, slum tourism is not a sufficient answer to a growing global problem. 

But as Frenzel puts it “if you want to tell a story, you need an audience, and slum tourism provides that audience”.  

Yes, slum tourism can provide a way to challenge the stigma that represents slum life something dangerous. Take Reality Tours and Travels , for a mere INR 900 per person (USD 12.72), you can get a 2-hour eye-opening tour of ‘one of the largest slums in Asia’ and learn about the very vibrant life of Dharavi and its people. The best part, 80 per cent of the profit goes back into the slum to organise programs and run a community centre that houses many NGOs – including what Reality Tours gives to help better the conditions of the area.

Thus to conclude, what I would like to say is, yes slum tourism has many implications, but what matters is what your intentions are. Are you indulging in pro-poor tours to make yourself feel better? Or is it because you want to be educated about inequality and poverty?

Ask yourself this the next time you or someone you know goes on a slum tour.  

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Slum Tourism: Towards Inclusive Urbanism?

  • First Online: 10 February 2022

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slum tourism benefits

  • Yannan Ding 2  

197 Accesses

This chapter takes slum tourism as niche tourism and relates it to two cases of art-led chengzhongcun tourism in Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Instead of retrieving moral critiques, it is argued that slum tourism is a niche tourism that actively engages the slum community. Slum tourism has the right to exploit this market niche as long as consent is gained from local communities. The Chinese case takes a trajectory that is different from some renowned cases in other countries. The situation and strategy could vary greatly and yet they share similar effects. In the search for able agencies in community development, the potentialities of slum tourists as the agents of inclusive development should not be overlooked. It offer a democratic approach complimentary to conventional power apparatuses. More comparative studies between China and other countries in the Global South are needed.

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Ding, Y. (2022). Slum Tourism: Towards Inclusive Urbanism?. In: Urban Informal Settlements. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-9202-4_6

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-9202-4_6

Published : 10 February 2022

Publisher Name : Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore

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Travel Research: How do Locals Feel about the Practice of Slum Tourism?

Last updated: July 13, 2022 - Written by Jessica Norah 18 Comments

Have you ever heard of slum tourism? This is a tourist practice where travelers visit poor areas of the Global South to view and learn about the impoverished conditions of local inhabitants. Organized slum tours exist around the world in cities such as Mexico City, Johannesburg, Mumbai, Cape Town, Nairobi, Cairo, and Rio de Janeiro.

While the practice of slum tourism is certainly not a new concept—for instance, 19 th century wealthy Londoners would sometimes go “slumming” in the poorer neighborhoods of London—there has been an increase in the number of organized tours worldwide which has fueled discussion about this controversial practice.

So is slum tourism or poverty tourism harmful or helpful? We’ll examine the arguments for and against slum tourism and then discuss a research study that examined this question by interviewing slum residents and stakeholders in Cairo, Egypt.

slum tourism how do locals feel cairo egypt poverty tourism tours

Table of Contents:

A Brief Summary of the Arguments For and Against Slum Tourism

As noted, there are a number of arguments for why slum tourism can be beneficial and helpful to residents of impoverished areas. However, there are just as many arguments made about why poverty tourism can be negative and harmful.

Arguments in Support of Slum Tourism

Here’s a general summary of points often noted by supporters of slum tourism:

  • It is a profitable business practice that employs locals who live in these impoverished areas,
  • Opens visitors’ eyes to poverty in other parts of the world and perhaps motivates them to do something
  • Many tours donate a percentage of their profits back to the community in some way (e.g., maintaining parks, schools, or community centers)
  • Increasing tourism to these impoverished areas leads to increased income for locals selling products and services
  • Increased tourism leads to increased government investment in infrastructure (e.g., roads, telecommunications, bridges, water supply) that will benefit both travelers and locals.

Arguments against the Practice of Slum Tourism

Here’s a general summary of points often brought up against the practice of slum tourism:

  • Slum tourism is a practice only geared towards making profits out of viewing the poverty of others
  • The practice is exploitative and voyeuristic
  • Locals do not like or want to be put on display for tourists and may feel demoralized by it,
  • Most tourists only visit out of curiosity, not with the intent of giving back to the community
  • Viewing poverty in an idealized manner only downplays the real and difficult living conditions of people in the slums.

Interestingly, much of the commentary on slum tourism comes from those living in the industrialized Western world and is predominately based on opinions and anecdotal information. It is more important to hear from those who actually live in these areas, and to collect this data using empirical methods.

Let’s take a look at a research article recently published in Annals of Tourism Research that specifically investigates whether slum tourism can be a responsible practice by gathering information from both local inhabitants working in the slums and from local experts involved in developing these areas.

slum tourism how do locals feel cairo egypt poverty tourism tours

Research Study on Slum Tourism

We’ll take a look at the following research article:

Mekawy, M. A. (2012). Responsible slum tourism: Egyptian experience.  Annals of Tourism  Research ,  39 (4), 2092-2113. doi: 10.1016/j.annals.2012.07.006

An Overview of How the Research was Conducted

The research team conducted two different surveys. The first was a survey of 464 people dwelling in the Ashwa’iyyat (Arabic for slums) of Cairo, Egypt who had at least some experience with tourists or tourism. The goal of this survey was to examine the thoughts and feelings of inhabitants about the presence of slum tourism in their neighborhoods, and to better understand the positive and negative aspects of tourism in the eyes of those living in the slums.

The second survey was given to 89 stakeholders who were slum experts, planners, researchers, or developers within Cairo. The goal of this survey was to identify responsible tourist activities and practices to help enhance living conditions for those living in the slum areas.

Research Results and Findings

Those who dwell and work within the slums of Cairo had mixed opinions about various aspects of slum tourism, but over two-thirds of the sample felt that there were positive aspects of slum tourism that could enhance the living conditions in the slums.

Some of the tourism-related activities rated as most positive by inhabitants were collecting donations from tourists for local development projects, the employment of poor local laborers, the direct participation of tourists in local infrastructure improvement, and having tourists help with preparing food and water for poor residents.

Negatively rated aspects of slum tourism included having their rights (e.g., land tenure, traditional customs) being used as tourism assets, voyeuristic and exploitative aspects of tourism, being observed by tourists, and Arab tourists visiting for marriage-related purposes.

Most inhabitants felt that although tourism may be helpful, that there are a lot of barriers to benefiting from slum tourism. The most commonly rated barrier was the high population density of the slums. Others included remoteness of slums, feelings of shame by inhabitants about their living conditions, having little faith in government support, and concerns about human trafficking.

The stakeholders working to help improve conditions in these communities agreed that tourism can be useful to help improve conditions in Cairo. These experts reported that they believed that different pro-poor tourism strategies are needed in the different slum areas of Cairo.

In each of the four distinct slum areas of Cairo, these experts felt that a different tourism strategy would be best and would need to be based on the people dwelling in the area and the physical resources present in each area.

For example, whereas traditional market visits were rated as the most beneficial tourism activity for those living in slums within the historic, medieval part of Cairo, those living in the subdivided agricultural lands may benefit most from rural food and drink celebrations.

What do these Study Findings Mean?

The author concludes that the focus of future discussion should not be on just the presence of slum tourism, but how it can be best planned and implemented to enhance the lives of those dwelling in these poor areas. The study found that the majority of the local inhabitants of the slums do feel that there are ways that slum tourism can enhance their living conditions; however, there are also negative aspects to tourism and there are a lot of barriers that can prevent inhabitants from being able to benefit from tourism.

Expert stakeholders suggest that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to how to best implement responsible tourism in these poor areas and that each area may benefit from a different individual approach. For instance, among the four distinct areas in Cairo, the experts suggested that a different strategy would likely be needed in each area based on the needs of the inhabitants and the locally available resources.

slum tourism how do locals feel cairo egypt poverty tourism tours

Interested in more research related to slum tourism? Want to find out more about what tourists who take these tours have to say about the practice?

Check out our other post reviewing research about township tourism in South Africa , and our latest article about slum tourism and responsible travel guidelines .

So what do you think of the practice of slum tourism? Is it an essentially exploitative practice? Can slum tourism be conducted in a responsible and ethical manner that provides travelers an enriching experience while also enhancing the living conditions of the poor?

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Elvia Post author

July 12, 2019 at 11:13 pm

The article, “Travel Research How do Locals Feel about the Practice of Slum Tourism,” by Jessica Norah provoked many questions on the topic of slum tourism. One of those questions pertains to how do the locals feel about slum tourism. “The study found that the majority of the local inhabitants of the slums do feel that there are ways that slum tourism can enhance their living conditions; however, there are also negative aspects to tourism, and there are a lot of barriers that can prevent inhabitants from being able to benefit from tourism.” I put myself in the shoes of the less fortunate. Personally, I wouldn’t be keen of strangers visiting my community to feed their curiosity. The article lists some pros about these tours, such as providing essential improvements to the community. I would be interested to know how much of the percentage of the money donated goes into enriching these less fortunate communities. How are the affected kept in mind when the individuals create the tours, and is the community asked if they want to be part of this project. I would assume no based on the information stated in the article. After thoroughly reading the article and their findings on their research, I understand that the only people who are looked after are those putting the money in their pockets by profiting from these slums.

Jessica & Laurence Norah Post author

July 17, 2019 at 11:16 am

Glad to see you are interested in the issue of slum tourism or poverty tourism.

The study we discussed and commented on was focused on a specific place in Egypt (and we have another article on a specific area in South Africa) and the way that poverty tourism or slum tourism is done in these places is different. So the pros and cons for each community are going to be a bit different and I would really look at a specific community of interest. Sometimes the community is involved in the tours and process, and sometimes they are not involved. Sometimes the proceeds (or part of them) go back to the community, sometimes they do not. Again, this all depends and is very different across the world and individual communities. If you are interested in a particular area, I would encourage you to seek out original research about that area and to look into tours offered there to get a better understanding of how they are run and the pros/cons for the local community.

Best, Jessica

Sarah Post author

December 29, 2015 at 7:57 am

Hi, I have stumbled across your blog as I research slum tourism as part of an MA in International Tourism Development. When I have some spare time I am looking forward to grabbing a cup of tea and reading much more! Your critical approach to this subject is refreshing and informative. thank you for the fantastic post.

Best wishes, Sarah, UK.

travelcats Post author

December 29, 2015 at 12:31 pm

Thanks Sarah for your nice comment, I’ve included a couple posts on the blog about poverty tourism. I would love to hear your thoughts about slum tourism after you do your research given it is part of your area of study! ~ Best, Jessica

H.H.H. Post author

December 25, 2013 at 4:44 am

Very interesting article! I studied psychology so your “Psychology of Travel” section has definitely stirred my interest! I have never seen it on any other travel blog, great idea! As for slum tourism, I have always felt quite negatively about it as I viewed it as voyeuristic and disrespectful and have always refused to participate in any such tours, but the research you quote shows that not all the aspects of it are as negative as I thought. I find it surprising that such a high percentage of slums inhabitants view it as something positive. Very thought provoking, thanks!

Merry Christmas! 🙂

December 25, 2013 at 9:38 pm

Yes, it is definitely an issue that most people see as a negative practice. However, I do believe there are ways that slum tourism can have positive effects on impoverished communities. Check out our latest article about slum tourism in South Africa.

Moustafa A. Mekawy Post author

December 22, 2013 at 11:58 pm

Dear Travelcats,

Thanks a lot for the critical review of my article. In addition, i would like to thank all of those who enriched your review.

As you said, slum tourism is a controversial topic and needs more contributions. Therefore, I welcome all constructive criticism and viewpoints. Regards, Moustafa A. Mekawy, the author

December 23, 2013 at 7:26 pm

Thank you very much for stopping by our blog and for your contribution to the research in this area!

M. Borgarbúi Post author

December 12, 2013 at 6:49 am

Slum tourism is not better than visiting zoo to watch wild animals in cages.

I don’t see anything wrong when people accidentally of by their own curiosity visits slum areas, but to take a guided tour is completely ridiculous and disrespectful for people living there. In most cases, especially in India I hardly believe that anyone in the slum earns any profit from it.

Anyway, it’s a great article. Looking forward to hear more about this subject.

Jessica Post author

December 12, 2013 at 8:30 pm

Hello, yes slum tourism is a very controversial issue, and you are correct in that some tour operators give very little back to the local people. However, many do believe it is possible to have sustainable tourism efforts that visit poor areas AND give back to the locals. It is just not an easy thing but I do believe it is possible. But as you say based on your experience in India, many tours may not be very responsible.

Also the research seems to indicate it is probably better for tourists to be with a local tour guide than just wandering around on their own out of curiosity. A good guide can help better ensure people respect cultural norms, respect the privacy of residents, and are made aware of local businesses.

I will be posting soon on slum tourism (known as township tourism) in South Africa and how it could be changed to be better for the local people.

Meredith Post author

September 9, 2013 at 9:23 pm

When we were in Rio we saw quite a few advertisements for favella tours. I had a very interesting conversation with the one of the hostel workers about the pros/cons of the tours. For the most part he seemed in favor of the practice (although he wasn’t from a favella himself). Apparently it’s helped with the government’s efforts to clean out the drugs and violence and to promote local artists/the economy. I certainly understand the point, but to me it still feels a little voyeuristic and exploitative. It just felt awkward to think of going, so maybe I missed out. Maybe I’ll reconsider in the future. Thanks for posting!

September 9, 2013 at 10:34 pm

Thanks Meredith for checking out this article. Yes, it’s such an interesting topic and I can certainly see both sides. I am hoping to post further on slum tourism soon as I think most people know very little about this practice and people generally have only heard one-sided arguments. I think that increasing awareness on this topic is important.

Darcy Post author

August 12, 2013 at 6:52 pm

This topic is really interesting. I’d never heard of slum tourism before. It’s certainly given me a lot to think about.

August 12, 2013 at 7:18 pm

Hopefully as more people become aware of slum tourism, the more it can either be prevented or done in a way that will help benefit the locals.

Melissa Post author

August 12, 2013 at 3:33 pm

Thank you for posting this fantastic research article. You’ve really captured both sides of the arguments and presented them in a concise and cohesive manner. This is such a slippery slope argument and I can definitely see the pros and cons from both sides. I feel that one of the problems with slum tourism is that it is just that: a business based on tourism. It seems that the slum tourism industry wouldn’t be as profitable if money was put back into the slums to improve the quality of life/living. I don’t know…it’s tricky. I would really love to read more articles on this topic.

August 12, 2013 at 3:54 pm

Glad you enjoyed it! It’s definitely a controversial issue. I hope to post another article in the next week or so that will talk about slum tourism from the tourist perspective.

Heather Post author

August 1, 2013 at 1:18 am

I really found this information to be quite interesting. I have had family who have done guided tours like you described in India and I had at the time thought they were alll bad and exploitative. Now I hsve a more mixed viewpoint as obviously such slum tourism has some great POTENTIAL benefits. I for one woukd love to see more articles like this on slum tourism. I really like your Psychology of Travel section.

August 1, 2013 at 7:34 am

Thanks Heather for your comment. Yes, this type of tourism definitely has both pros and cons and is not black or white/bad or good in my opinion. I am glad you found the article helpful and I would be happy to post more research data related to slum tourism soon. I have an article which examines the actual thoughts and opinions of those tourists who take the tours. I will summarize and post that over the next couple weeks. Keep checking back!

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What Is Slum Tourism?

By: Author The Drivin' & Vibin' Team

Posted on January 24, 2023

Wandering off into the unknown places of the world sounds like quite an exhilarating adventure for many people. And it should be. A trek across Antarctica, a Tasmanian expedition, even a Mongolian Shaman tour — many people seek this type of travel instead of a trip to Paris or London.

It’s understandable that people are seeking different vacation experiences, but should slum tourism be the same? An off-the-beaten-path adventure? What exactly is slum tourism?

 If you’ve never heard of this term, it’s time to learn more because it could be the next big thing for tourists, and that might not be good at all.

slum tourism benefits

What Is a Slum?

A slum got its name in London in the early 1800s as an area of ill-repute. The United Nations has long since redefined slums as “a contiguous settlement where the inhabitants are characterized as having inadequate housing and basic services.” 

In some of the world’s largest slums, you’ll find deplorable conditions. These areas lack waste management and running water. Many places even have sewage running down the streets.

The people have limited, if any, electricity; tin roofs and walls balanced precariously against each other, offering very little privacy. You’ll often find no formal toilets and no land or house titles. 

Additionally, the people here have limited access to healthcare, schools, and almost everything many of us take for granted.

These areas are also not deemed a part of a city, resulting in continued decay and a lack of basic services. And with millions of people residing in slums across the globe, slums are in fact, cities.

Three of some of the largest slums in the world include Orangi Town in Karachi, Pakistan, with 2.4 million inhabitants, and Neza, Mexico, with 1.2 million persons. Third, we have the Dharavi slum in Mumbai, India, with 1 million residents. 

Additionally, Khayelitsha in Cape Town, South Africa, has 400,000 residents, and Kibera in Nairobi, Kenya, with 700,000 people.

According to Habitat for Humanity, low estimates report that around 900 million people live in slums worldwide.

Aerial view of slum

It’s easy to think that anything with the word tourism in it equates to a vacation — one filled with adventure and excitement. And slum tourism might be that way, too, just not quite how you may envision it.

Slum tourism at the very heart of those two words is exactly what it sounds like — tourists visiting slums. This growing trend involves traveling to these impoverished areas. 

Slum tours typically focus on the stark realities of living in such areas with little access to basic amenities, such as housing and sanitation. 

However, some argue that slums can also offer cultural vibrancy. After all, slums are home to many local businesses, such as banks, hospitals, and entertainment venues. 

Slum tourists need to approach this in a dignified manner by viewing these areas through the lens of what makes them unique instead of being judgmental about other people’s lives and poverty.

Why Is There Slum Tourism? 

And maybe that is why there is slum tourism. If done ethically and with integrity, traveling to a slum to visit a different place can allow people to see what life is like outside of their own. 

Slum tourism has become increasingly popular as a form of unconventional tourism, providing those interested with an often very real view into the conditions experienced by poorer populations in developing nations. 

This type of tourism can prompt people to open their eyes and become more aware of social inequalities around the world. And it can educate individuals about economic hardship and encourage reflection and conversations about poverty. 

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Little boy in a slum

How Did Slum Tourism Begin?

An article published by National Geographic helps explain the origin of slum tourism. Beginning around the mid-1800s in East London, wealthy citizens gave the impression that they were visiting struggling neighborhoods for charitable work. Instead, they just wanted to see what life was like “on the other side of the tracks.” 

Spreading to cities outside of England, this became a regular practice for tour operators to bring tourists into poverty-stricken neighborhoods so people could experience the “real” side of cities such as New York, Chicago, and even San Francisco.

Not wanting to disappoint the tourists, some groups even went so far as to hire paid actors to act as though they were drug addicts or gang members. They didn’t want the tourists to feel disappointed if they didn’t experience the expected poverty-stricken activities.

Slum tourism dissipated during the mid-1990s until it became popular again in South Africa due to apartheid. Communities chose to share their neighborhoods in hopes of creating increased awareness of the effects the apartheid had on them. 

In this way, they took control, telling their own stories, and helping to promote education and service instead of gawking and possible exploitation.

Since then, slum tourism has flourished, with many charities that claim to assist. However, many don’t provide what the residents need or want or keep more for themselves.

Are There Any Benefits to Slum Tourism? 

This type of tourism can provide an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of different cultures and lifestyles in ways going beyond just visiting tourist hotspots. 

It can open people’s eyes to real issues like poverty and bring awareness worldwide. 

Perhaps most importantly, slum tourism can provide funds that could manifest as job opportunities, businesses, and resources for those living within the slums, helping them to improve their lives.

Therefore, we don’t want to write off slum tourism completely. With proper guidelines and research ahead of time, it can benefit those seeking an understanding of unfamiliar living conditions.

Slum in South America

What Are the Impacts of Slum Tourism?

The trend of slum tourism has grown in recent years, but many people debate its impacts. On the one hand, some argue that slum tourism can bring economic benefits to locals and create jobs and income for guides and other area businesses. 

On the other hand, slum tourism could have a negative impact on its visitors. Critics argue that tourists may not understand the local culture and customs, which could result in insensitive behavior toward residents. 

Additionally, slum tours can exploit the people and their conditions. Some tourists don’t wish to improve living conditions and only take pictures from afar. 

Also, certain tourism agencies say the money spent will flow back into communities when in reality, it only goes into the pockets of the scammers.

Slum tourism carries many complex considerations that one should take seriously before considering this type of travel.

What Are the Arguments Against Slum Tourism? 

As was mentioned previously, slum tourism can be a meaningful way to engage individuals from all backgrounds in important conversations. These conversations can help to create more understanding between different social strata while potentially providing some benefit to those living in slums.

But many argue against slum tourism. Slum tours often devalue certain cultures or destigmatize poverty by providing a movie-like version of a reality that millions of people face. 

By capitalizing on slums and their inhabitants, this type of travel has seen pushback from locals and other groups who argue that it problematically portrays slums as an attraction to be experienced and monetized. 

Furthermore, the income that slum tourism brings isn’t evenly distributed. The residents in these areas often receive very little benefit. 

Overall, slum tourism can present complex ethical dilemmas and raise uncomfortable questions about how we represent, understand, and ultimately engage with poverty in our world.

slum tourism benefits

Should Slum Tourism Be Discouraged? 

Slum tourism is a complex and often polarizing issue. You can find valid arguments on both sides of the debate surrounding its impact on the people who reside in slums. 

However, it ultimately falls upon tourists to make informed decisions about whether or not this type of tourism is something they feel comfortable supporting.

In the end, you’ll have to decide for yourself if slum tourism is an ethical and responsible way to experience a new culture. 

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slum tourism benefits

Slum and Pro-Poor Tourism

Slum tourism is becoming increasingly popular amongst international travel visitors, but is it an ethical or socially acceptable travel experience many would argue no. here is some background on the controversial travel trend..

Posted on : 2020-02-05 09:43:22

Slum tourism: what is it?

The United Nations defines a slum as a ‘run down area of a city characterised by substandard housing and squalor and lacking in tenure security’.

The popularity of slum tourism has rapidly increased in recent years, with slums around the world seeing millions of visitors each year. While slum tourism is nothing new, it’s grown into a legitimate global industry. Tour operators now promote visits to places like the favelas of Rio, the barrios of Medellín, the townships of Cape Town and Johannesburg, the sprawling slums of Mumbai and New Delhi, and even the skid row areas of Detroit, LA and Berlin. A slum tour may contain a variety of components, from visits to schools, community projects and orphanages, to a jaunt around a local market. Some tours may even include a cookery lesson at an inhabitants home. Much of the time, a slum tour will focus on sites that show betterment to the community and include suggestions on how you can lend your support. Slums are often known as being vibrant and hectic areas, rife with small businesses and trade. Many tours will capitalise on these aspects, presenting a slum as an area of development and urban life. Slum tourism has the potential to be a contributor to economic and social growth in local communities. However, it’s often difficult to judge whether this type of tourism truly benefits impoverished areas. Who truly makes money from these tours? How do local people feel about moneyed tourists coming into their communities? These are key question that need considering.

slum tourism benefits

Why is it so popular?

slum tourism benefits


Post conflict, or ‘phoenix’ tourism, is tourism that takes place in a country after political unrest, war, or damaging weather events. Often, after a major conflict, policy makers will look for ways to rebuild the economy. One way this has been done is by development of tourism in poorer areas, including undocumented tours, small business enterprise development and simple accommodation startups.

An example of this can be seen in post-war Rwanda. Despite having a violent past, the country is known for its beautiful national parks and diverse wildlife. After the civil war ended, the government made a commitment to developing tourism within the country. They began utilising natural resources and provided wildlife tours, as well as opening hotels and accommodation in poorer areas. They implemented policies that improved the business environment and involved private sector investments and local guides. Small private tour operator – New Dawn Associates (NDA) established tours of Mayange village (part of the UN Millennium Villages project) and, Kigali’s poorer suburb. Both tours ensure that a fixed percentage of the benefits goes into a Community Development Fund and focus on sharing the country’s developmental challenges. This was successful because the government viewed tourism as an instrument to reduce poverty by directly involving local communities.

slum tourism benefits

What are the benefits?

Economic benefits.

While controversial, there are many potential economic benefits to slum tourism. Increased foot traffic in communities where people make a living selling traditional crafts helps them to see a higher profit. In the Dhavari Slum, much of Mumbai’s waste paper and plastic is recycled to support the craft industries, and tourists are encouraged to buy local wares. When locals are directly involved in the tours being given, it provides them with a source of income and security. Some tour operators contribute profits directly into the slums as well. However, in comparison to what they are earning themselves, it may only be a very small fraction. This unfair distribution of profit means that some marginalised communities may never see the benefits of tourism in the area they call home.

Another matter of contention is that often slum tours are heavily associated with charity. Many operators will promote tours as a means of local development, promising that an excerpt of the money you give will end up going to community projects or local guides. Even so, it is doubtful that the money actually ends up in these places and if it does, it may not be a lot.

Increased Local Development

In 2018, over 1 billion people lived in slums or informal settlements (UN). Many of these areas have become infamous for being unsafe or having a reputation for crime, much like Medellín, Columbia or the ‘a murder capital’ as it was once called. Some might say that by visiting these slums, it helps to promote awareness and puts more marginalised communities on the map. It could increase local development and social mobility. But some would say these visits overly-romanticise and trivialise slums; places where there is overburdened infrastructure, poor sanitation, unplanned urbanisation and lack of access to clean water and waste services.

Often it is the case that many tourists feel uncomfortable ‘touring’ around somebody else’s home or neighborhood, especially when the dynamics of wealth and power are severely imbalanced.

Questions to ask

If you do want to visit a slum it is worth asking yourself some hard questions:

Who runs the slum tour?

Is it run by an external company?

Are they in partnership with those who live in the slum?

Do they have permission to be there?

Does the local community benefit?

The issue of slum tourism remains controversial, despite valid arguments on both sides. Ultimately, the only way for slum tourism to be ethical is if it directly involves and benefits the people living in these communities, and is for the purpose of education and acceptance, not only monetary gain.

slum tourism benefits

Slums, tourism, drugs: Mumbai LS candidates spell out their focus areas

Mumbai, May 8 (PTI) Rehabilitation of slum dwellers, tourism and drug menace are the key focus areas of Lok Sabha candidates in Mumbai’s constituencies that will go to polls in the fifth phase of general elections on May 20.

Some of them, Mihir Kotecha, Arvind Sawant and Varsha Gaikwad, shared their vision for the city during a debate organised by the Mumbai Press Club, Praja Foundation and the Free Press Journal at the Indian Merchants Chamber here on Wednesday.

Kotecha, the BJP nominee from Mumbai North East, stressed the need to boost tourism in the megapolis. He now represents the Mulund assembly constituency.

A bird park in Mulund will be operational in two years for which the design consultant has been appointed, he said.

“I also have plans for cable cars and an observatory deck over the hills of Mulund from where the beautiful Sanjay Gandhi National Park and Tulsi Lake can be viewed. Local tourism can be boosted by highlighting the importance of these green lungs of the city,” he said.

He called Mankhurd in the Mumbai North East parliamentary constituency a den of drug cartels and criminals, asserting that he would use all his strength and resources to get rid of the menace if elected.

Asked if labelling the area a den of criminals might amount to hate speech, Kotecha said he was speaking facts. Local people have been affected by criminal activities and want the area to be free of drugs and crimes, said Kotecha, also batting for more rehabilitation centres in the city.

There is a need to make Mumbai slum-free, he said.

“Slum dwellers are the main labour force driving Mumbai. Banks don’t fund slum rehabilitation projects. Big builders don’t want to work in slum pockets. Big hurdles are red tape and (lack of ) finance,” he said.

Incumbent MP Arvind Sawant, who is seeking a third term from the Mumbai South seat, said MPs have to work as a catalyst between the state and central governments.

“We are lawmakers and policymakers. I have been pursuing the development of Mumbai’s east coast with the Union shipping ministry. The shipping minister was positive about the project after the hutment dwellers were rehabilitated,” said Sawant, who has been nominated by the Shiv Sena (UBT).

However, the minister was removed, claimed Sawant, attacking the BJP government.

“Manipur is a serious blot on Indian culture. When we raised the issue, 146 MPs were suspended and immediately 20 bills were passed. One of the bills was removing the Chief Justice of India from the committee to choose the Chief Election Commissioner,” he said.

The term “Modi gaurantee” smacks of arrogance, he said. “Hence, we say there should be a change otherwise such dictatorship will continue,” Sawant said.

He also accused the Centre of not allowing redevelopment of dilapidated buildings in Mumbai, giving the classical language status to Marathi and not renaming Mumbai Central railway station after Nana Jagannath Shankarseth.

City Congress chief Varsha Gaikwad, contesting from the Mumbai North Central seat, highlighted the Dharavi redevelopment project, saying her party was not against redevelopment but against the displacement of the slum sprawl’s seven lakh residents.

“The redevelopment (of Dharavi) should benefit the people and not the developer,” she said.

She also distanced from her party colleague Vijay Waddetiwar’s comment that former ATS chief Hemant Karkare wasn’t killed by terrorist Ajmal Kasab during the 26/11 attack. “It is his personal statement and not the party’s stand,” she said.

Wadettiwar, the leader of the opposition in the Maharashtra assembly, recently triggered a controversy with the claim that 26/11 prosecution lawyer and BJP’s Mumbai North Central candidate Ujjwal Nikam hid the information that Karkare wasn’t killed by Kasab but fell to a bullet of a policeman linked to RSS.


  1. Slum Tourism: Definition, History, Benefits, Arguments, and Impact

    slum tourism benefits

  2. Slum Tourism: Definition, History, Benefits, Arguments, and Impact

    slum tourism benefits

  3. Slum Tourism: Definition, History, Benefits, Arguments, and Impact

    slum tourism benefits

  4. Slum Tourism: Definition, History, Benefits, Arguments, and Impact

    slum tourism benefits

  5. Slum Tourism: How It Began, The Impact It Has, And Why It Became So Popular

    slum tourism benefits

  6. Slum Tourism: 17 Responsible Travel Guidelines for Travelers

    slum tourism benefits


  1. Active Transportation Public Health Message

  2. A Memoir of the Slums

  3. Sustainable Tourism Development

  4. How Does Tourism Affect the Environment and What Can We Do About It?


  6. Visiting local free gym in Mumbai slum area


  1. The Pros and Cons of Slum Tourism

    SLUM DEFINITION. • noun: 1 - a squalid and overcrowded urban area inhabited by very poor people. 2 - a house or building unfit for human habitation. • verb: (slummed, slumming) (often slum it) informal voluntarily spend time in uncomfortable conditions or at a lower social level than one's own.

  2. Slum Tourism: How It Began, The Impact It Has, And Why It ...

    A brief history of slum tourism. Whether called a township, a favela, a barrio, a slum, a shantytown, or a ghetto, outsiders recreationally visiting these typically impoverished places is nothing new.

  3. Inside the Controversial World of Slum Tourism

    Slum tourism sparks considerable debate around an uncomfortable moral dilemma. ... the company states that 80 percent of the profits benefit the community through the efforts of its NGO that works ...

  4. Slum Tourism: 17 Responsible Travel Guidelines for Travelers

    The biggest concern many residents have is that slum tourism does not directly benefit them and only benefits a limited number of people in the slum. This is a particular concern for slum areas like Kibera in Nairobi (Kieti & Magio, 2013) where there are few tourism-focused businesses due to limited capacity and investment. So locals can't ...

  5. Slumming it: how tourism is putting the world's poorest places on the map

    Witness this. Sarah.Ahearn/Flickr, CC BY-ND. Slum tourism has the power to increase the visibility of poor neighbourhoods, which can in turn give residents more social and political recognition ...

  6. Slum Tourism: Definition, History, Benefits, Arguments, and Impact

    Slum tourism has a bad reputation but can have wonderful benefits for the community if done correctly and morally. Slum tourism, which is not the same as poverty tourism, is a growing phenomenon that has the potential to positively impact the lives of communities in need.

  7. Slumtourism.net

    The slum tourism network presents two sessions at the Association of American Geographer Annual Meeting in Boston on Friday 7 April 2017 : 3230 The complex geographies of inequality in contemporary slum tourism. is scheduled on Friday, 4/7/2017, from 10:00 AM - 11:40 AM in Room 310, Hynes, Third Level.

  8. Slum tourism: helping to fight poverty ...or voyeuristic exploitation

    However, many critics see it as little more than voyeuristic classism with potentially damaging consequences, and few benefits for those who live in the slums. This report presents findings from desk-based research which sought to answer the following questions: What is slum tourism and why do people choose to visit slums?

  9. What is slum tourism

    Introduction Slum tourism, also known as poverty tourism or ghetto tourism, is a relatively new form of travel that involves visiting impoverished or marginali ... Unequal Distribution of Profits: Another criticism is that the financial benefits of slum tourism often go to tour operators and businesses, rather than directly benefiting the local ...

  10. What Are the Ethics Around Slum Tourism?

    Recommended slum-tourism experiences. I've found some great companies that are careful to provide experiences with dignity but also directly benefit small businesses and entrepreneurs living and operating within the slums. Word of mouth and Airbnb Experiences have both been fantastic resources to help me find educational, empowering inner ...

  11. PDF Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism

    Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism

  12. Slum tourism: What is it and how does it work?

    Reality Tours and Travel are another company offering slum tours. As the company name suggests, they hope to offer a 'realistic' side to the places tourists visit. Based in India, a country with a lot of poverty, their slogan is 'USING TOURISM TO CHANGE LIVES'.They say: Our ethical and educational Dharavi slum tours give visitors a unique glimpse into everyday life for many Mumbaikars ...

  13. Tourist gaze upon a slum tourism destination: A case study of Dharavi

    The objectives of this research are grounded on the benefits slum tourism can have for a slum community (often perceived as a marginalized community). First, slum tourism has been identified as a positive activity that promotes the slum community's development by improving its economic situation (Frenzel et al., 2015). Specifically, this study ...

  14. What Are Our Intentions With Slum Tourism?

    Spending time at a slum through one's own curiosity or for the charitable purpose of pro-poor tourism, there are benefits and detriments. Slum tourism does spark a considerable debate around an uncomfortable moral dilemma. Is the practice in line with privileged people gawking at those less fortunate or do they raise awareness and provide ...

  15. Slum Tourism: Towards Inclusive Urbanism?

    The slum in the developing world is becoming a new field for international tourism. Statistics from top destinations report that slum tourism has quite a note worthy fraction of tourists ranging from a few thousands to hundreds of thousands (Freire-Medeiros, 2009; Meschkank, 2011; Rolfes, 2010; Rolfes et al., 2009).This emerging "extraordinary form of tourism", as Rolfes (2010: 438) put it ...

  16. Sustainability

    The resident population obtains economic benefits from slum tourism (income, employment). 0.747: The interaction between slum residents and tourists positive. 0.718: Overall, all residents benefit from slum tourism in this area. 0.667: Without slum tourism this area would have no future. 0.749: Slum tourism has made this area a better place to ...

  17. Slum Tourism Research: How do Locals Feel about the Practice of Slum

    Slum tourism is when travelers visit poor areas of the Global South to view the impoverished conditions of local inhabitants. The goal of the described research was to examine the thoughts and feelings of inhabitants about the presence of slum tourism in their neighborhoods and to better understand the positive and negative aspects of poverty tourism in Cairo, Egypt.

  18. Slum tourism

    Slum tourism in Five Points, Manhattan in 1885. Slum tourism, poverty tourism, ghetto tourism or trauma tourism is a type of tourism that involves visiting impoverished areas, or in some cases, areas that were affected by disasters, such as nuclear fallout zones like Chernobyl or Fukushima (hence the term "trauma tourism"). Originally focused on the slums and ghettos of London and Manhattan in ...

  19. What Is Slum Tourism?

    Slum tourism has become quite a polarizing issue. What Are the Impacts of Slum Tourism? The trend of slum tourism has grown in recent years, but many people debate its impacts. On the one hand, some argue that slum tourism can bring economic benefits to locals and create jobs and income for guides and other area businesses.

  20. Slum and Pro-Poor Tourism

    This was successful because the government viewed tourism as an instrument to reduce poverty by directly involving local communities. Rwanda's beautiful nature and national parks was long overshadowed by its violent past What are the benefits? Economic Benefits. While controversial, there are many potential economic benefits to slum tourism.

  21. Benefits of Slum Tourism in Kibera Slum in Nairobi, Kenya

    Slum tourism: state of the art. F. Frenzel K. Koens Malte Steinbrink C. Rogerson. Sociology, Economics. 2015. This article provides a view on the state-of-the-art literature on slum tourism. It points to the rapid growth of slum tourism research in recent years and highlights the main avenues that research…. Expand.

  22. Slums, tourism, drugs: Mumbai LS candidates spell out their focus areas

    Mumbai, May 8 (PTI) Rehabilitation of slum dwellers, tourism and drug menace are the key focus areas of Lok Sabha candidates in Mumbai's constituencies that will go to polls in the fifth phase ...