Cannibal Halfling Gaming

star trek adventure game

Star Trek Adventures In-Depth Review

Gamemaster’s Log, Stardate 57252.7. It has been several months since the launch of the New Orleans -class starship U.S.S. Verrazzano , NCC-07302, from the Foggy Peak system. Since that time, I have seen her crew serve with distinction in accordance with the finest traditions of Starfleet. I have also seen them called before a board of Admirals to review their actions and directive violations, and while impressive the fact that no fewer than three starbases have had to be commissioned to deal with the discoveries from their missions is beginning to put a notable dent in the power requirements for the local sector’s industrial replicators. As the Verrazzano is currently away, responding to a distress call from a Vulcan Expeditionary Group, I have decided that this is a fine opportunity to review their so-called ‘ Star Trek Adventures ’ in-depth, to better understand how they have and will continue to boldly go where no one, not even the rest of Starfleet, has gone before.

Characters and Core Mechanics

The most basic mechanic for Star Trek Adventures is this: you’re rolling 2d20, and you’re trying to get results on the individual die that are equal to or lower than a target number. The more results that are equal or lower, the more successes you get, and different actions will require a different number of successes. A task requiring 1 or 2 successes is quite possible, but obviously if you need any more than that you’ll need something special. Enter the crew of your Starfleet vessel. Characters have six Disciplines that represent their specialties in Starfleet (Command, Engineering, Science, etc.) and six Attributes (Fitness, Daring, Insight, etc.) which represent their personal abilities. When you’re facing a task, your target number is determined by a combination of a Discipline and an Attribute: Security+Control to fire a phaser, Conn+Daring to fly a runabout through exploding asteroids, Medicine+Reason to diagnose an alien virus.

Characters are built through a series of stages that gradually build these stats up: species, background (plus whether you accept or reject your upbringing), what branch of Starfleet you go into, and a series of career events like being forced to call out a superior, making scientific breakthroughs, or a conflict with a hostile culture. Along the way they’ll pick up Talents that enhance or grant extra abilities, and Focuses that can (if they can roll underneath their Discipline rank as well as the target number) grant a second success on a check. Characters also define Values, things that they care about and believe. All of the other stuff is about what your character can do; Values are about who your character is . All of this leads to characters that just . . . they just click very easily. Values provide a challenge, as while there is advice on how to create some, they are entirely unique to every character, not picked from a list. But overall creation is simple, and you immediately have a lot to work with mechanically and narratively.

Aboard the Verrazzano , that gets us the Vulcan Captain Salok, forced to take command, who focuses on Diplomacy with a firm belief that Diversity Is Strength. His first officer, the Gnalish Commander Korg, strives to Defend and Aid Those In Danger or Need and is a known friend to the Klingons. Lt. Commander Flint Northrock’s file is mostly redacted, but he is a particularly Bold helmsman: “ My answer to any distress call is “’I’m Coming’”. Lt. Commander Be’zur is the ship’s Chief Engineer, a Liberated Caitian Borg with a knack for Improvised Technology, a talent for pushing things Past the Redline, and a conviction that There’s No Such Thing as The Unknown, Only the Temporarily Hidden. Lieutenant, later Lt. Commander, Ava is a sliver of an extra-dimensional being; naturally, he serves as the Science Officer with A Mind for Design and Insatiable Curiosity about the universe he finds himself in. The Bajoran Lieutenant (j.g.) Edon Reil might be a relatively young officer but he has Untapped Potential, and serves as a fine Chief of Security: “Beware invaders calling themselves ‘friend’”.

Here’s something to consider, especially if you’ve been playing games that are more hardscrabble: STA characters can be extremely competent in their particular area of expertise. It’s certainly possible to build something akin to a generalist, but given that characters are naturally going to gravitate towards certain roles (the Captain, the Chief Engineer, the Science Officer) it’s very easy for them to have a target of 17 or so for their primary focus (5 in Science and 12 in Reason for the Science Officer, for example). Speaking of Focuses, if chosen well there are plenty of opportunities for them to come into play, offering multiple successes on a die. As I’ll address shortly, there are multiple ways to roll 3 or even 4d20 just on your own, as well as a way to automatically get at least two successes. Other characters can assist you, and if you’re on your starship it usually contributes another d20 to the pile as well. 

Some actions are going to be impossible, and you’ll need to create an advantage to make them something you can actually achieve. I’ve read the number of successes called out as being impossible as five, though, and that’s . . . not really the case. Seeing six, seven, and even eight successes hit the table isn’t common, but it’s not all that rare either. So, a minor but important point, while needing 4 successes is probably still a good high-water mark, I would keep the reason for a task being impossible as purely narrative. 

So, in short, this is not a game with an awful lot of failure, further reinforced by the fact that you can Succeed At A Cost, with ‘failing forward’ actually being built into the mechanics outright. STA is more about characters figuring out what needs to be done and how they want to do it than whether or not they’re going to succeed, followed by the consequences of their actions (even if they succeed) as further enabled by the aforementioned costs and Complications. On the one hand, GMs shouldn’t be too concerned if things seem ‘too easy’ for their players at first blush. On the other, well, a few things: don’t be afraid to ask for three or four successes on really difficult and important stuff, you can get a little extra challenge by throwing things slightly out of a character’s area of expertise at them, and when failures do come up they need to matter. When Northrock (who includes among his Values ‘The Best Way to Defeat An Enemy Is To Make A Friend”’) failed to resist the impassioned plea of an oppressed species convincing him that patience and diplomacy would not work, that he would have to violate the Prime Directive, that needed to have an impact. It actually kicked off a small not-mutiny, actually, along with a few other consequences that I’ll get to use as examples later.

Meta Latinum

There are three types of metacurrencies in Star Trek Adventures: Momentum, Threat, and Determination.

Momentum is a player resource, gained via extra successes – 3 successes on a Difficulty 2 check, you get 1 Momentum. Momentum has a lot of uses. When used immediately it can be used to boost attacks by doing more damage, ignoring Resistance, or activating weapon traits. It can be used to create Advantages that can make future tasks easier or impossible tasks possible. In my experience it is most commonly used immediately to Gain More Information , a key use that often sees characters diving past their basic observations to really discover what’s going on or what they’re dealing with. If not spent immediately, however, points of Momentum go into a pool; they can be used in several ways once there, but by far their most common use is buying more dice to roll for a check. A 3rd d20 costs one Momentum, a 4th one costs two.

Threat is primarily a GM resource, and in several ways it mirrors Momentum. It can be used for adversaries rolling extra dice, it can make attacks lethal (by default they are not), it can make tasks more difficult or increase the chance of a Complication (something Bad that usually only happens if a character rolls a 20 on a die). With enough Threat in their pool GMs can even end scenes entirely and take narrative control, which strongly reminds me of the Doom Pool from Cortex games.

GMs begin every mission with twice as many points of threat as there are players, which is good, because in my experience you’re not likely going to get too many more. There are a couple ways to add more Threat, but the only one that doesn’t require a specific circumstance is that player characters can also use Threat by choosing to give it to the GM instead of spending Momentum at the same rates. That’s great, because it gives the GM more to play with and gives the players options if they run out of Momentum. Honestly, though, it doesn’t seem to happen very often. A large part of this is certainly biased in this specific campaign by the luck of the dice and the characters themselves. The Verrazzano crew have often been able to generate more than enough Momentum for their needs, rarely running completely out. Also, the entire line of Bold Talents, which let you re-roll dice if you have used Threat to enhance the roll, are designed to be a big motivator for Threat use – but only Northrock and Reil have any of them, and they both have only the Conn variety. So, you might find yourself with players giving you oodles of Threat . . . just be prepared to use what you get at the start of a mission carefully, if you don’t.

The final metacurrency is Determination, and it’s the big one. Every character starts a mission with at least one, and it is deeply tied to the character’s Values: if they are acting in accordance with a Value, a character can spend a point of Determination to add a die to their roll that is automatically set to a result of 1, meaning an automatic two successes towards the roll. Note that this still counts as adding a die a la Momentum/Threat, in that if you want a 4th die you’ll need two points of those other resources, but still! Alternate uses of Determination still require you to be acting in accordance with a Value, but include: re-rolling all your dice, immediately taking another action on the same turn, and automatically creating an advantage.

You can get more points of Determination if you challenge a Value, meaning your character is having a big think about whether or not they actually believe that any more. You can also be offered Determination by the GM to compel you to act in line with a Value when it would make things more difficult for you, which reads an awful lot like Fate points. Determination isn’t just a big deal because of the mechanical impact, although that can’t be undervalued either. But since Determination, whether spending it or gaining it, plugs into your Values it is often a very important factor in your characters ‘leveling up’.


‘Milestones’ are the method of advancement in STA, and there are only three ways to get them: suffering (and surviving, obviously) a lethal injury, challenging a Value (thus getting a point of Determination), and using a Value either positively or negatively (meaning you either spent or received a point of Determination while acting upon it). You get a ‘Normal’ Milestone for just doing one of the above during a mission. The GM can award a ‘Spotlight’ milestone if a character or characters would earn a Normal Milestone and also made a particularly big impact in a mission, and the players decide who among them receive it. Eventually, you acquire enough Spotlight Milestones that your next one is an ‘Arc’ Milestone instead (or, if the GM feels it appropriate given the character’s actual narrative arc, they can award one out of hand). Here’s the thing, though: the Arc Milestone is the only one that actually adds anything to a character.

With a Normal Milestone, first of all, if a Value was challenged it gets rewritten or replaced to reflect how the character’s perspective was changed. After being forced to realize that “The Best Way to Defeat An Enemy Is To Make A Friend” would not always be the case, and subsequently getting in a fair bit of trouble for acting as such, Northrock reaffirmed his commitment to the crew and to following Salok’s lead instead of going off on his own: “When The Way Is Unclear, I Follow My Captain.” Aside from that very cool and dramatic and character-growth-driven aspect, though, Normal Milestones are very light: you can move a point from one Discipline to another, or replace one Focus with another. Spotlight Milestones let you pick one of the options from the short list of the Normal Milestone’s, as well as one of several others: moving points between Attributes, replacing a Talent, moving points between the ship’s Departments or Systems (Discipline and Attribute counterparts, really), or replacing the ship’s Talents. Arc Milestones grant the benefits of a Normal and a Spotlight Milestone, but are the advancement that finally lets you increase a Discipline or Attribute, gain an additional Talent, Focus, or Value, increase one of the ship’s Departments/Systems, or add another Talent to the ship.

As mentioned above, STA player characters are probably starting off as very competent just based on stats, never mind what their Talents can bring to the table, so they don’t really need to be growing mechanically all that much. What’s really important to this system is how their Values, what they care about and who they really are, are highlighted, are challenged, are grown and changed. Changing up Attributes, Disciplines, Talents, and Focuses also reflects this choice of priority – a Captain who starts to take more of an interest in what’s going on down in the warp core while leaving the navigation of the ship up to their hot-shot helmsman might shift a point from Conn to Engineering. 

So far, they seem to be working just fine. Captain Salok and Lt. Commanders Northrock and Ava are both on the cusp of their first Arc Milestone as of this writing, and given how competent the characters are nobody seems to be minding that they haven’t been ‘gaining’ anything, and there have been comments that they like the idea of switching things around to better match the character – it’s true that you’ll certainly never have a dead-end Talent or Focus for very long. 

I’ll admit that awarding the Spotlights has felt . . . a little anemic on the GM’s side of things. The book recommends giving out a single one every two or three sessions, but these are players and characters who have really taken the ‘Go Boldly’ thing to heart. Salok ‘crushed’ a mutiny with little more than an iron will and by convincing the mutineers that a starship takes many to succeed but only one to fail. Northrock took command of an absolute disaster involving a wormhole, a shapeshifter, friendly fire, and a dying ship and somehow got everyone out alive. Ava solved an astrogation and physics problem that had confounded Starfleet for decades , and then went on to help establish a stable wormhole to another universe . Be’zur’s technological monstrosities have caused me to throw out more notes and plans than any two other characters combined. Korg and Reil have both been responsible for saving the lives of their crewmates from certain death or worse, whether it was a rampaging tentacular plant unleashed from the Verrazzano’s labs, Orion raiders trying to steal an artifact powered by time , or a desperate and murderous Starfleet doctor gone rogue.

So, in short, I’m probably awarding Spotlights a little more frequently than the book would like me to, every other session at least, and I’m often throwing two out at once. Since Normal and Spotlight Milestone benefits can be banked for later, the system certainly doesn’t seem to be breaking as a result. If it were a longer, slower-burn campaign I might stick closer to the book’s recommendations but to be honest I think that, as with determining if a task is impossible, you’re best served by ignoring hard numbers and focusing on the narrative.

Support Characters

If there is any one mechanic that has been a runaway hit during the campaign, this has been the one. Supporting characters are the ‘extras’ on set, the people in the background of the show that only get speaking roles every few episodes, if ever. Star Trek Adventures lets you bring those characters into the spotlight by spending points of Crew Support – every ship gets an amount that is determined by how big the ship is, and then player characters can each take a talent to get more, which two Verrazzano crew members did. Broadly speaking there are two reasons to play a Supporting character. First, because they cover a skillset that the main player characters lack. This was the case of Lt. Gunther von Doomstone, the Chief Medical Officer, and Lt. Khumail Jaosh, the transport chief. The second is when it doesn’t make sense for a player character to be present, such as on away missions, but the player still wants to be a part of the scene. This was the case for Lt. Joran Mal, a Joined Trill diplomat, when Captain Salok had to remain behind on the ship. Sometimes it’s both. Cadet Groorin, part of the second wave of Ferengi following in Nog’s footsteps, appeared when the players decided Joran needed an assistant to deal with an upcoming legal tribunal, but really got played when Lt. Commander Northrock was stuck at the helm and there was a Ferengi away team to negotiate with.

I suppose there’s also a third reason, which is because you have a cool character idea you wanted to include. Lt. Jurling , Klingon Ship’s Counselor ( “It is a good day for conflict resolution!” ), was added to the crew to cover that role, yes, but mostly because I wanted him to be there. Consider it my payment for running the game.

Supporting characters start off comparatively light – their highest Attribute will be a 10, their best Discipline a 4, with three Focuses but no Talents or Values. Supporting characters don’t gain milestones themselves, although a player character can choose to use the benefit of one of their own milestones to switch things around for a supporting character. Instead, Supporting characters improve by the number of missions they appear in through the use of Crew Support – every time they show up they gain something, and while they still have lower caps (they can only ever improve a Discipline once, for example), they can still end up fleshed out quite a bit. Funnily enough, Supporting characters are thus going to ‘advance’ at a much faster rate than player characters will, which can help scratch the itch a little for those players who enjoy getting mechanical rewards.

Supporting characters are . . . kind of strange, in terms of gameplay and narrative. First of all, for groups with a lot of players they’ll end up taking up most of the NPC slots left on the ship – that hasn’t stopped me from making more NPCs, but it has felt a little odd to jump into a Supporting Character now and then as the GM. 

They’re also supposed to be supporting characters but in many cases they’ve been in the spotlight just as much, if not more than, the ‘main’ characters, and some of them are quite beloved. Like any character, you end up wanting to make them interesting, and together we have. Doctor von Doomstone is from a planet that would have featured in a TOS Planet of Hats episode, a Frankenstein setting, and he’s trying to avoid going down the mad science path of his ancestors. Jurling has a reputation for unconventional ‘team building exercises’, a love of Klingon opera that’s shared with Commander Korg, and a genuine care for his patients. Joran quickly gained a reputation for being in over his head and soldiering on anyway, surrounded by literal piles of PADDS and joining the Captain in his coffee habit while reviewing First Contact protocols. 

I wonder at what point you might just give up the charade and make them main characters in their own right with storylines of their own, capable of gaining milestones for themselves and surpassing the limitations of a supporting character. Perhaps a player could have multiple full characters (while many are shared, I’ve noticed some support characters functionally ‘belonging’ to a single player), or perhaps the ‘upgraded’ characters could remain in a pool for troupe play, which would keep the pool of Crew Support fully functional.

Supporting characters as a concept have also highlighted for me the need to have time spent back on the ship and in the ready room, for the simple reason that the Captain just doesn’t leave the ship very often. In terms of ‘screen time’, Aaron has spent more time portraying Lieutenants Joran and Jurling than he has Captain Salok, and yet the Captain has still managed to net himself some Spotlight Milestones, primarily on the bridge and in the aforementioned ready room. 

Material to Work With

Star Trek Adventures is extremely well-supported. Since release there has been a unique book for all of the galaxy’s quadrants, another one each for Command, Operations, and Science, two full mission anthologies, character profiles for a bunch of the shows so you can play as/interact with them, and a whole bunch of standalone missions. This is on top of the free Quickstart, the free character sheets, and the free character builder (which incorporates player character creation, supporting character creation, and starship creation material from pretty much everything I’ve already mentioned, it’s a fantastic resource). There’s also a Klingon core book which I haven’t even touched yet. You’re not exactly going to run out of reading material very quickly, is what I’m saying. 

I want to particularly focus on the pre-made missions, however, for the simple reason that – with a single exception – my campaign has consisted entirely of them. This is a symptom of the fact that the U.S.S. Verrazzano was sort of rushed into service, as it were – I put Star Trek Adventures up as an option to run for a short campaign because I owned it and thought it might be interesting, but I didn’t picture it as a front runner and I didn’t expect it to catch quite as well as it has. It’s still going to be short, as campaigns in this group are reckoned lately, but still: suddenly I was running a game and had exactly zero material prepped or even ideas solidifying. So, I turned to the mission files.

So far I’ve run Nest In The Dark , Stolen Liberty , The Prize , and A World With A Bluer Sun . I’ve got two more queued up at the moment, but I won’t say which because there are players lurking about. Through these missions the crew of the Verrazzano have struggled through time dilation, radiation bursts, disruptor fire, crushing gravity, and interdimensional phenomena. They’ve been forced to face intelligences vastly superior to their own, weigh the oppression of an entire species against the Prime Directive, race against archeological poachers, and navigate the factions of a Starfleet crew turned on itself. So there’s the first thing I’ll say about the pre-made missions Modiphius has put out: oh my goodness there is a lot of variety. Not every mission will fit every crew, but many will, and aside from a certain predilection towards First Contact scenarios (come on, it’s Trek, duh ) the Verrazzano has never really faced the same problem twice.

One additional good thing is that many of these missions could be used as a launching point for further adventures. Every one ends with a ‘Continuing Voyages’ section that highlights how a crew could follow up on the events of the mission or how said events could otherwise impact the campaign. I haven’t been able to take advantage of many of these yet, but there have been a few new crewmembers of a sort added to the ship’s roster as a result. More dramatically the events of Stolen Liberty saw Salok, Korg, Northrock, and Be’zur having a chat with some Admirals about the Prime Directive and their viability as a command team while Ava took command of the ship to chart a cataclysmic nebula (and blow some Jem’Hadar holdouts out of space, although they didn’t know that going in), the only non-pre-made mission so far.

A nebulous thing is that the missions are always written with a specific era (ENT, TOS, or TNG) in mind. They also always have advice for running the mission in a different era, which usually involves switching out who the bad guy is – if the Borg are the threat for a TNG mission then it’s probably the Klingons for a TOS crew or the Andorians for the ENT crowd. I’ve been able to put that advice to good use for several of the missions, but . . . there are also a few that don’t quite fit right, for me. A TOS mission that’s a little too Those Old Scientists, a little over the top with giant rock monsters for a TNG feel, or the TNG tech is just too necessary to solve the problems facing an ENT crew. In the anthologies, that’s not so big a deal since there’s something for everyone, but you might want to read up on a one-off mission carefully before purchase to see if it’ll work for you.

Some of that actually falls to layout – there are some TOS missions that are done up in a completely different style from the core book and the other missions, and maybe it’s silly but that just makes it harder for me to think about transplanting those specific missions over for the Verrazzano . That leads into another thing: sometimes there are some editing flubs. Missions are sometimes written out with a very specific series of events in mind, or don’t quite explain why certain events happen the way they do, and neither is the kind of thing that can survive contact with players. This is old advice, but if you’re running one of these pre-made adventures, you’re going to want to have read the whole thing, and you’ll want to be ready to throw the rails out the torpedo tubes. 

One final thing about the actual material: thank the stars for whoever created the index in the core rulebook. It’s comprehensive and well-organized, making it easy to find whatever you need . . . and without it the book may have just been unreadable. It is crowded in there, there is practically no negative space of any kind, every spare inch has been packed with art or console designs or words and words and more words. There is a lot here, and reading it straight cover to cover would take forever. Remember that this campaign went from an option in a poll to an active game very, very quickly, we’ve all been learning the system as we go (partially why I think writing about it has some value, to be honest), and without the index allowing us to flip to where we need to I know I at least would’ve been completely lost.

Everything Else, And Final Thoughts

So what are all those words about? We’ve covered the basic mechanics, advancement, supporting characters, none of which are particularly thorny, what else is there? Well, of course there’s a fair bit of space spent on listing individual talents and such, ships the crew can serve on, planets they could visit, GMing advice . . . but there are also a lot of other actual mechanics that are way more situational. There’s an entire reputation system, tied to rank, privilege, and responsibility. There are mechanics for extended tasks that might be the focus of an entire mission, and slightly different ones for when a crew is applying the scientific method (which is how Ava solved the nebula charting problem). Then there’s the ship, with its many different stations, it’s Power resource that needs to be managed, the various systems and the myriad, unique, and advancing things that happen to each and every single one of them if they happen to be the one hit when the shields get breached. 

The core mechanics? Pretty straightforward! All these other bits? A fair degree more fiddly, and they might not show up every session. Every other mechanic adds more complexity, triggers more page-flipping (there’s the index saving the day, again). By no means does it jam up the works like, say, Shadowrun’s many many subsystems. But we got the knack of the basics very very quickly; going into our eighth session, there’s still a fair bit of rust on the others. Given more time that would probably go away, but only if we spend the time to focus on those systems, and in some cases I don’t see it happening.

In checking in with the players about how they felt about the system, Aaron managed to sum it up the best way, which I’ll use here. The group has dealt with games where the system got in the way for us, like Exalted Second Edition. When we tapped into the Powered by the Apocalypse ruleset, we found that the system actively helped us. Star Trek Adventures is in the middle. 

It handed us the basic toolset and then has mostly stayed out of our way, piping up from the back of the crowd when it’s needed. It demands very little in terms of mechanical understanding on a task to task basis, but wants you to pay more attention when certain situations crop up. What it really wants is for you to have good, strong Values that your characters can believe in and challenge and change; everything else (you might note that the Gnalish species isn’t RPG-official, and Ava’s existence as an extra-dimensional avatar is original to us as well) can be tweaked, but that one is non-negotiable. That being the case, it’s really the players who are going to bring what’s truly necessary for Star Trek Adventures to function the way it wants to. 

Star Trek is, primarily, a television series. It can do novels and comics, it can do big movies and long-running arcs, but it’s always eventually returned to a weekly format, and the heaping majority of that is episodic in nature. Look, I’ve tried the episodic thing in a bunch of different games, every time it gets a bare handful of ‘episodes’ in before one plot or another gets too complex and grabs the controls and takes off. Star Trek Adventures , like Star Trek at large, certainly could manage a blockbuster event, or a Dominion or Burn-style long arc, but it sings as an episodic game, and I think that’s because the game trusts its players to bring what they know and love of Trek to the table and fly “second star to the right — and straight on ’til morning.”

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Memory Alpha

Star Trek Adventures (Modiphius)

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Star Trek Adventures

Star Trek Adventures is a tabletop role playing game that is published by Modiphius Entertainment of London, England.

First released in August 2017 , the RPG uses Modiphius' 2d20 system and features a storyline partially developed by Star Trek authors Dayton Ward and Scott Pearson . It covers the various live-action series from Star Trek: The Original Series to Star Trek: Enterprise and the Star Trek films , with the exception of those set in the alternate reality . Since 2022 , the game has expanded to Star Trek: Discovery , Star Trek: Picard , and Star Trek: Lower Decks content.

A series of character miniatures were released alongside the core rulebook, in combination with map tiles to provide environments in which to use them.

The game was first announced on 21 June 2016 and registration for the "living campaign" play-test opened in August. The play-test, which commenced in December 2016, featured both 23rd century and 24th century settings. Pre-orders for the initial wave of releases began on 7 June 2017 . [1]

  • 1.1 Rulebooks
  • 1.2 Gamemaster Toolkits
  • 1.3 Supplements
  • 1.4 Campaigns and adventures
  • 1.5 Player characters
  • 1.6 Box sets
  • 1.7 Dice sets
  • 1.8 Tile sets
  • 1.9 Miniatures
  • 1.10 Magazines
  • 2 International translations
  • 3 External links

Releases [ ]

Rulebooks [ ].

  • Core Rulebook (Standard or Collector's Edition, 2017)
  • Quickstart Guide (PDF, 2017)
  • Starter Rules (Starter Set, 2018)
  • The Klingon Empire - Core Rulebook (Standard or Collector's Edition, 2020)
  • The Klingon Empire - Quickstart Rules (PDF, 2021)
  • Rules Digest (2022)
  • Captain's Log - Solo Roleplaying Game (TOS, TNG, DS9/VOY, or DIS edition, 2023)

Gamemaster Toolkits [ ]

  • Gamemaster Screen and Reference Sheets (2017)
  • The Klingon Empire - Gamemaster Toolkit (2020)

Supplements [ ]

  • The Command Division Supplemental Rulebook (2018)
  • The Operations Division Supplemental Rulebook (2018)
  • The Sciences Division Supplemental Rulebook (2019)
  • Beta Quadrant Sourcebook (2018)
  • Alpha Quadrant Sourcebook (2019)
  • Gamma Quadrant Sourcebook (2020)
  • Delta Quadrant Sourcebook (2020)
  • The Shackleton Expanse Campaign Guide (2021)
  • Discovery (2256-2258) Campaign Guide (Standard or Collector's Edition, 2022)
  • Lower Decks Campaign Guide (2023)
  • The Federation-Klingon War Tactical Campaign (2024)
  • Red Alert Skirmish Rules (PDF, 2018)
  • IDW Year Five Tie-in Supplement (PDF, 2021)
  • Player's Guide (2022)
  • Gamemaster's Guide (2022)
  • Utopia Planitia Starfleet Sourcebook (Standard or TOS/TNG Collector's Edition, 2022)
  • Star Trek: The Animated Series Supplemental Guide (PDF, 2023)
  • Tribble (playable race) (PDF, 2019)
  • Alternate Starfleet Reputation (PDF, 2020)

Campaigns and adventures [ ]

  • These Are The Voyages Mission Compendium Vol. 1 (2017)
  • Strange New Worlds Mission Compendium Vol. 2 (2019)
  • A Star Beyond the Stars Starter Campaign (Starter Set, 2018)
  • The Sleeping Beast ( The Klingon Empire Gamemaster Toolkit , 2020)
  • The Keyhole of Eternity ( Tricorder Collector's Box Set , 2022)
  • Ends and Means (PDF, 2018)
  • Remnants (PDF, 2018)
  • Call Back Yesterday (PDF, 2018)
  • The Gravity of the Crime (PDF, 2019)
  • Trouble on Omned III (PDF, 2019)
  • Nest In the Dark (PDF, 2019)
  • A Forest Apart (PDF, 2019)
  • Hard Rock Catastrophe (PDF, 2019)
  • Stolen Liberty (PDF, 2019)
  • Kobayashi Maru (PDF, 2020)
  • Back to Reality (PDF, 2020)
  • The Prize (PDF, 2020)
  • Another Roll of the Dice (PDF, 2021)
  • The Burning (PDF, 2021)
  • Upsetting the Balance (PDF, 2022)
  • Storms of Kiselia 7 (PDF, 2022)
  • Unforeseen Consequences (PDF, 2022)
  • Better Days (PDF, 2022)
  • Native Soil (PDF, 2022)
  • Incident at Kraav III (PDF, 2022)
  • Eight Layers Deep (PDF, 2023)
  • Lurkers (PDF, 2023)
  • A Piece of Qo'noS (PDF, 2023)
  • Children of the Wolf (PDF, 2023)
  • A House by Any Other Name (PDF, 2023)
  • Ghosts in the Machine (PDF, 2024)
  • Alternative Truths (PDF, 2024)
  • Synthetic Diplomacy (PDF, 2024)
  • Conflict of Values (PDF, 2024)
  • #001. Growing Pains : Tales from the Early Days of the Federation (PDF, 2021)
  • #002. Disasters : Tales from The Next Generation Era (PDF, 2021)
  • #003. Anomalies : Tales from The Next Generation Era (PDF, 2021)
  • #004. Trade Ledgers : Tales from The Next Generation Era (PDF, 2022)
  • #005. Starbase Adventures : Tales from The Next Generation Era (PDF, 2022)
  • #006. Psychic Incursions : Tales from The Next Generation Era (PDF, 2022)
  • #007. First Contacts : Tales from the 23rd Century (PDF, 2022)
  • #008. Spacewrecks : Tales from the 2260s (PDF, 2022)
  • #009. Mysteries : Tales from the 23rd Century (PDF, 2022)
  • #010. Ancient Civilizations : Tales from the 23rd Century (PDF, 2023)
  • #011. Lower Decks (PDF, 2023)
  • #012. Starfleet Academy : Tales from The Next Generation Era (PDF, 2023)
  • #013. Dangers in Space : Tales from Across the Star Trek Timeline (PDF, 2023)
  • #014. Cold War : Tales from the 23rd Century (PDF, 2023)
  • #015. Khitomer Accords : Tales from the Klingon Empire (PDF, 2024)

Player characters [ ]

  • Starfleet Character Sheet (PDF, 2017)
  • Klingon Character Sheet (PDF, 2020)
  • The Original Series Player Characters (PDF, 2018)
  • The Next Generation Player Characters (PDF, 2018)
  • Deep Space Nine Player Characters (PDF, 2018)
  • Voyager Player Characters (PDF, 2019)
  • Enterprise Player Characters (PDF, 2020)
  • Iconic Villains: Non-Player Characters (PDF, 2020)
  • Discovery Season 1 Player Characters (PDF, 2022)
  • Discovery Season 2 Player Characters (PDF, 2022)
  • Discovery Season 3 Player Characters (PDF, 2022)
  • Picard Season 1 Player Characters (PDF, 2022)
  • Lower Decks Season 1 Player Characters (PDF, 2023)
  • Lower Decks Season 2 Player Characters (PDF, 2023)

Box sets [ ]

  • Borg Cube Collector's Edition Box Set (2017)
  • Starter Set (2018)
  • Borg Cube Box Set (2019)
  • Tricorder Collector's Box Set (2022)

Dice sets [ ]

  • Command Division Dice Set (3d20 red + 4d6 special, 2017)
  • Operations Division Dice Set (3d20 yellow + 4d6 special, 2017)
  • Sciences Division Dice Set (3d20 blue + 4d6 special, 2017)
  • Command Division Dice Set (2d20 red + 4d6 special, 2021)
  • Operations Division Dice Set (2d20 yellow + 4d6 special, 2021)
  • Sciences Division Dice Set (2d20 blue + 4d6 special, 2021)
  • Klingon Dice Set (2d20 red + 4d6 special with Klingon markings, 2021)
  • Kirk's Tunic Dice Set (2d20 green + 4d6 special with Starfleet markings, 2022)

Tile sets [ ]

  • The Next Generation Starfleet Deck Tiles (2020)
  • The Next Generation Klingon Tile Set (2020)

Miniatures [ ]

  • The Original Series Bridge Crew (8 figurines: Kirk , Spock , McCoy , Uhura , Sulu , Chekov , Scott , and Chapel )
  • The Original Series Landing Party (10 figurines: Andorian , Denobulan , Tellarite , Vulcan , and Human – male and female)
  • Iconic Villains (8 figurines: Khan , Borg Queen , Q , Locutus of Borg , Gul Dukat , Lore , General Chang , and Gorn Captain )
  • The Next Generation (8 figurines: Picard , Riker , Data , Troi , Beverly Crusher , La Forge , Worf , and Yar )
  • The Next Generation Away Team (10 figurines: Andorian , Denobulan , Tellarite , Vulcan , and Human – male and female)
  • Klingon Warband (10 Klingon figurines: 1 captain, 3 lieutenants, and 6 warriors)
  • Romulan Strike Team (10 Romulan figurines: 1 commander, 4 centurions, and 5 uhlans)
  • Borg Collective (10 Borg drone figurines – male and female)
  • Cardassian Soldier
  • Jem'Hadar soldier
  • TOS Klingon Warrior
  • Iconic Villains: Lore (Alternate Pose)
  • Iconic Villains: Borg Queen (Alternate Pose)
  • Iconic Villains: Locutus of Borg (Alternate Pose)
  • Iconic Villains: Khan Noonien Singh (Alternate Pose)

Magazines [ ]

  • Getting There, Boldly ( Narendra Station & the Shacketon Expanse, 2371 – Dayton Ward)
  • Dayton Ward on Board for Star Trek Adventures (Dayton Ward)
  • A Vulture Among the Stars (adventure)
  • Designer on Deck ( Rick Sternbach interview)
  • The Ghost Writer (adventure)
  • Modiphia #4 (PDF, Winter 2020)
  • Modiphia #5 (PDF, Spring 2021)

International translations [ ]

  • Jeu de rôle – Guide d'initiation (PDF, 2018)
  • STA-01. Le jeu de rôle – Livre de règles (2018)
  • STA-02. Kit du maître de jeu – Ecran et fiches de référence (2018)
  • STA-03. Le dernier voyage – Recueil de missions - Vol. 1 (2018)
  • STA-04. Le quadrant Bêta (2019)
  • STA-05. La division du commandement – Supplément de règles (2020)
  • STA-06. La division des opérations – Supplément de règles (2022)
  • Personnages : Tribule (PDF, 2022)
  • La fin et les moyens (PDF, 2022)
  • Rappele-moi hier (PDF, 2022)
  • Vestiges (PDF, 2022)
  • La gravité du crime (PDF, 2023)

External links [ ]

  • Star Trek Adventures – official website
  • Star Trek Adventures at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • Star Trek Adventures – Arkhane Asylum official website
  • 2 Reaction control thruster

'Star Trek Adventures' Is the Franchise's Best RPG Yet

A game book sits on a wooden, tree-trunk-like table next to a galaxy-patterned dice bag.

On Feb.11, 2018, the last episode of the excellent "Star Trek: Discovery" first season aired on CBS All Access. For 45 glorious minutes, I could enjoy a brand-new "Star Trek" adventure, full of action, drama, intrigue and classic, big-idea sci-fi. And then, just like that, it was all over. After 15 episodes, CBS wouldn't be providing any more "Star Trek" until 2019 .

And if CBS wouldn't make a "Star Trek" series for me, I had no choice but to make my own.

Last June, British publisher Modiphius released "Star Trek Adventures:" a tabletop pencil-and-paper role-playing game that lets enterprising players bring their own futuristic voyages to life. I hadn't played a tabletop RPG since 2012, and I hadn't played a "Star Trek" tabletop RPG since 2005. But in the past few years, I've fallen in love with the franchise all over again. After 741 episodes and 13 movies, wasn't it time to try making one of my own? [ 6 'Star Trek' Captains, Ranked from Worst to Best ]

The developers at Modiphius were generous enough to send a PDF copy of the rules. I realized quickly that I had a lot of work ahead of me if I wanted to make an adventure worthy of Gene Roddenberry's world — just working through the rule book and organizing my first session took about three months. But if you're patient, imaginative and have a fair amount of disposable income on your hands, you may find that the most memorable "Star Trek" adventure is the one you create with your friends.

What is "Star Trek Adventures"?

The Venn diagram of "people who like 'Star Trek'" and "people who play tabletop RPGs" probably has a pretty large intersection, but big, licensed games almost always draw in a new crowd. As such, it's possible that some Trekkies reading this piece have never played a tabletop RPG before. Here's how it works:

You and your friends gather together around a table, armed with some paper, pencils and dice. (Pizza and beer are optional, but highly recommended.) Three to five players take the roles of characters on a Federation starship. Perhaps one of them is an inquisitive Vulcan science officer, or a hardened Bajoran freedom fighter, or an even-tempered human captain; the rules allow for almost any kind of character you've seen on the shows, and then some.

The final player is called the Game Master. It's his or her responsibility to narrate the story, adjudicate actions, act out nonplayer characters and structure the overall adventure. In other words, the players are like the star actors, while the GM is like the writer, producer, director and supporting cast, all in one.

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In short, tabletop RPGs are half board game, half improvisational theater. The rules dictate the general actions you can take, like firing a phaser or piloting a starship, but how you tackle challenges and interact with your fellow crewmembers is up to you. RPGs are a form of collaborative storytelling, with game systems in place to keep things fun, unpredictable and fair.

Typically, players roll two dice and combine with their stats to determine whether an action succeeds, but a

While "Star Trek Adventures" is the newest "Star Trek" RPG, it's not the first by any means. Companies have been giving players the opportunity to sit in the captain's chair ever since 1978, with everyone from Heritage Models to the RPG publisher FASA trying their hand at game design.

I can't speak to the entire history of "Star Trek" RPGs, but I did play two of them back in high school: the 1998 Next Generation ruleset from Last Unicorn Games, and the 2002 "Star Trek" Roleplaying Game from Decipher. Without going into exhaustive detail about either one, I can say that "Star Trek Adventures" is — for the most part — a cleaner, simpler and more balanced experience than the games that preceded it.

"Star Trek Adventures" runs on Modiphius' signature 2d20 system. All you need to play, as either a player or a GM, is the core rule book ($59). As in most RPGs, any time you take an action whose outcome is uncertain (whacking a Gorn warrior over the head, flying a shuttlecraft through a stellar flare, persuading a hostile Romulan ship to stand down — standard Starfleet stuff), you'll roll dice to determine whether you succeed or fail.

To help determine success or failure, each character has six attributes: Control, Fitness, Presence, Daring, Insight and Reason. These represent a character's physical and mental traits. In addition, each character has six disciplines: Command, Security, Science, Conn (computers and piloting), Engineering and Medicine. These represent a character's Starfleet training. These stats, combined with rolling two twenty-sided dice, determine whether an action succeeds or fails. Characters can also "purchase" extra dice to improve their odds with a resource called "momentum," which they’ll gain and spend constantly throughout an adventure.

Now, here's the fascinating thing about "Star Trek Adventures" as opposed to, say, "Dungeons & Dragons": your Disciplines are not inherently linked to any Attribute. You can't "min-max" your stats, assuming that your tactical officer will need high Daring, high Security, and nothing else.

Instead, Attributes and Disciplines are both situational. For example, let's return to our hypothetical security officer. Daring + Security is indeed very useful for grappling with enemies in close combat. But to fire a phaser requires Control + Security instead. Interrogating a prisoner might require Presence + Security; investigating a crime scene could be Reason + Security; chasing down a fleeing Cardassian could be Fitness + Security. Both specialized and generalized characters are viable in "Star Trek Adventures," and that's a refreshing change of pace.

Between its approachability and its versatility, "Star Trek Adventures" won me over in a big way. Adjudicating actions is simple and clear, while just about every character will have a time to shine. Whether it's a doctor making a breakthrough cure for an alien plague or an engineer patching up a shuttlecraft just in time to outrun the deadly ion storm (both of these things actually happened in my game — in the very first session!), players will be able to do the same incredible things that their favorite characters do on-screen, right out of the gate. [ The Evolution of 'Star Trek' (Infographic) ]

Starfleet's finest

"Star Trek" isn't about making a character who can do exactly one thing impeccably; it's about making a character who's versatile and adaptable, like any good Starfleet officer. It's a good thing, then, that character creation is just as fun and approachable as the core game.

If you've ever made a character in D&D, or "Pathfinder," "Star Wars," or any other mainstream RPG, character creation for "Star Trek" will feel familiar, but with a few smart twists. The default setting for "Star Trek Adventures" is that a group of players act as the senior staff of a starship or starbase, just like one of the TV shows. As such, every character is either a Starfleet officer or a petty officer — anything between a yeoman and a captain.

You have two choices to make a character: Lifepath or creation-in-play. The latter lets you distribute some stats to start, then fill in the blanks as you play, and it's easily the less interesting of the two. Lifepath lets you build a character that's uniquely yours, through either purposeful construction or randomized rolls. While it might be tempting to craft the perfect Starfleet officer, my players and I actually had much more fun randomizing our Lifepaths. There are even period-appropriate randomized tables for choosing a race, since a Voyager-era game will have more playable races than an Enterprise-era one. It's that sort of attention to canonical detail that gives the book — and the game — a lot of its flavor.

From there, you'll choose your race (Andorian, Bajoran, Betazoid, Denobulan, Human, Tellarite, Trill or Vulcan), your upbringing, your Starfleet specialization and even two career-defining events, such as a transporter accident or a first contact procedure. As you go, you'll also develop Focuses, which help you get more successes on good dice rolls, as well as Values, which determine what's most important to your character. A Focus could be something like hand-to-hand combat or astronavigation, while a Value could be "Meticulous Pride in My Work" or "The Price of Peace Is Vigilance." Players are encouraged to make up their own Focuses and Values, which adds to the free-form and personalized nature of the game.

What's fantastic about the character creation system is that it's almost impossible to make a "bad character." Having moderately good attributes and disciplines across the board rather than a handful of specializations can actually be a good thing, since you never know which combinations will be useful in any given situation.

Another thing I absolutely adore about "Star Trek Adventures" is that the characters are balanced. In the "Last Unicorn" and "Decipher" worlds, a team of players representing a bridge crew would have wildly divergent skill sets. A captain would be a much higher level than an ensign and have a whole bevy of high-level skills, whereas an ensign might have only one or two useful abilities. It made it much harder for a GM to balance a game and for each player to take the spotlight.

Instead, "Star Trek Adventures" does away with extensive skill trees and "levels." All Starfleet officers are extremely proficient, and have a chance to shine in their chosen field, regardless of experience level. Young officers get a talent that lets them reroll failed dice; veteran officers get a talent that lets them create advantageous situations more easily.

Granted, this means that there are situations in which an ensign could have nearly the same skill level as a captain, but this didn't cause any issues in my game. After all, all RPGs are an abstraction, and in theory, a player who creates an ensign character didn't do so with the intention of staging an in-game coup.

Fire phasers!

While "Star Trek" as a series is very much about getting along, it's impossible to go more than an episode or so without the characters firing a phaser or throwing a punch. Besides, combat in RPGs is usually one of the most fun parts, where dramatic tension comes to a head and characters get to save the day through tactical thinking and strategic maneuvers.

The first thing to keep in mind about combat in "Star Trek Adventures" is that it isn't "Dungeons & Dragons." Your characters are not fantastical adventurers squaring off against impossible beasts. As such, combat is usually fast and furious. A standard phaser blast can tear away half of your character's hit points in a single shot, and an unlucky stroke of a bat'leth could put him in sick bay (if he's lucky) in even less time.

Still, I much prefer the combat in "Star Trek Adventures" to the "blink and you're dead" approach of Last Unicorn, or the "player characters pretty much can't die" approach of Decipher. Players have a pool of "stress" that represents how much abstract damage they can take in combat. Drain that (or deal a ton of damage in one go), and they sustain injuries. If a character sustains three nonlethal injuries, or two lethal injuries, he or she is dead. One injury will usually knock a character out, but there are ways to mitigate this, too.

In keeping with the free-form nature of the game, you won't have to worry about battle grids and turn orders and minutiae like that. There are rules for ducking behind cover, firing wide-range phaser beams and moving around the battlefield, but they're easy to keep track of with a piece of paper and some glass beads — or even just some colored pencils.

(I tried "theater of the mind"-style combat, without beads or paper, at first, but it's a little too hard to keep track of distances that way. "Star Trek Adventures" is not as demanding as combat-heavy fantasy RPGs, but it's still important to know whether you're in melee range of an enemy, or how far away you stand when you shoot.)

Combat itself is delightfully simple, with a couple clearly defined rolls for different types of attacks. Characters can actually take a whole lot more actions during combat, from aiming their weapons to setting up elaborate traps, but the rules for those additional actions tend to get a little complex and esoteric, particularly for players who may not have a copy of the rule book handy. This is something of a recurring theme with "Star Trek Adventures.” The basics are simple, but the specifics can get complicated — sometimes unnecessarily so.

A look at the ships of

The final frontier

You can't have a "Star Trek" game without starships, and "Star Trek Adventures" provides plenty of these. Just as the players create their own characters, they will also collaborate to create their very own starship, complete with a name and NCC number designation.

Creating a starship is, for the most part, just as smooth and interesting as creating a character. I was worried that my players might each have wildly conflicting ideas about their home in the stars, but within half an hour, they'd ironed out everything from its mission profile (border patrol), to its special abilities (versatile onboard laboratories), to its name and registry number (USS Kumari, NCC-1066.)

Like characters, there are plenty of ways to make your ship unique, from its space frame to its profile. You could have a Galaxy-class vessel like the Enterprise-D on a deep-space exploration mission or a Defiant-class vessel defending the Federation from the Jem'Hadar. When you take an action aboard a starship, the ship itself gets an extra die roll to help players out. Easy enough. [ The 15 Best Ships on Star Trek, from V-ger to the USS Vengeance ]

But things get complicated in starship combat. Honestly, what the rule book needed was an example of starship combat in play, from the beginning of the encounter to the end. What we got instead is about 20 pages of complicated rules, procedures and strategies. After reading through the whole section about three times, it still took an hour to run our first two rounds of starship combat (the Kumari against a Klingon battlecruiser), and my players weren't at all clear about which actions required them to take a turn (recharging shields), and which were passive (certain sensor sweeps).

In all fairness, after those two clunky rounds, we all had a much better understanding of how things worked. And battles in space feel exciting, dangerous and impactful; two rounds were enough for the players to disable the battlecruiser's engines, and for the Kumari to sustain threatening hull damage. Like ground combat, you can decide epic confrontations in just a few rounds — but space combat rounds take much, much longer.

It's also worth pointing out that while the core rule book has a generous amount of "Star Trek: The Next Generation"-era ships, it has only one original-series-era ship (Constitution class), and absolutely nothing for "Star Trek: Enterprise"-era games. The Command Division sourcebook fills in the gaps, but it's a bit disappointing that the rules claim you can play in any "Trek" time period, then all but require you to buy another book to make the most of some of them.

Structural deficiencies

I'm comfortable saying that "Star Trek Adventures" is the best of the three "Trek" RPGs that I've played. That doesn't mean it's flawless, however. The core rule book has two major flaws: its layout and its overwhelming focus on TNG-era games.

While most RPG core rule books start out with mechanical information and discuss lore later on, the "Star Trek Adventures" core rulebook front-loads background information, even though it's the sort of background information that most people who want to play a "Star Trek" RPG will already know.

After a brief example of play (and, again, more of these would be helpful), the book launches into 70 pages of extensive backstory about the United Federation of Planets and Starfleet . This doesn't really explain how to play, and while I understand that you need to present this information somewhere in a core rule book, front-loading it keeps players from getting to the meaty stuff right away.

Furthermore, the chapter on combat is separated from the chapter on performing basic tasks by character creation and a long, strange digression about exploring alien worlds. The whole book is a little like this; all of the information you need is in there, but facts that need to go together are often dozens of pages apart. At least the index is pretty comprehensive.

As stated above, there's also a ton of focus on the TNG era, without much consideration for what it'd be like to run a game in the time of Archer or Kirk. A few sidebars clarify how to deal with earlier eras, but a full section or chapter dedicated to it might have been helpful. Some of the sourcebooks delve into this information further, but they're expensive (about $40 per book) and prioritize lore information over mechanical additions.

Bottom line

In spite of a confusing layout and some unnecessarily crunchy rules, "Star Trek Adventures" is the most accessible, balanced and imaginative "Star Trek" game to date. Everything from creating characters to buying momentum incorporates a bit of unpredictability, resulting in adventures where the characters can succeed and fail in spectacular ways. Both the players and the GM have to play fair, and it's clear from the book's gorgeous design and informative sidebars how much the developers love the source material.

If you can find a few like-minded galactic explorers, you should at least try the free quick-start rules for "Star Trek Adventures." It'll take about 3 hours to pick up and play, and by the end of it, you'll know for sure whether you want to continue your explorations. My players sure did; we've been going strong since June fighting Romulans, solving murder mysteries, rescuing Federation scientists, rooting out spies, confronting moral dilemmas and more. I even wrote some theme music for the group.

Once you get comfortable with the rules, there are only two directives to follow: engage, and boldly go.

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Marshall Honorof

Marshall Honorof is a senior editor for Tom's Guide, overseeing the site's coverage of gaming hardware and software. He comes from a science writing background, having studied paleomammalogy, biological anthropology, and the history of science and technology. After hours, you can find him practicing taekwondo or doing deep dives on classic sci-fi. 

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Star Trek Adventures Tabletop RPG

224 products

Starfleet needs a new crew! Welcome to your new assignment, Captain. Your continuing mission, to explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before. Star Trek Adventures is a Tabletop RPG where new discoveries await explorers of Starfleet. Browse below for the roleplaying game, miniatures, dice, character sheets, game tiles & boards, free PDFs and accessories.

Star Trek Adventures: Tricorder Collector's Box Set

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Star Trek Adventures

1 - Star Trek Room

“ Star Trek Adventures finally corrects the injustice of not having a Star Trek game around at the same time Star Trek Discovery is ripping through TV sets and data streams…. the gaming experience feels exactly like Star Trek. Sit on the commander’s chair, take a deep breath, and engage. Star Trek is not just back; it is here to stay. ” review

Starfleet needs a new crew!

Welcome to your new assignment, Captain. Your continuing mission, to explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before…

Star Trek Adventures takes you to the Final Frontier of the Galaxy, where new discoveries await keen explorers of Starfleet. Your duties may take you to the edges of known space, or to Federation colonies in need, to the borders of neighbouring galactic powers or into the eye of interstellar phenomena. Your ship and your crew epitomise the best Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets has to offer, and you are needed more than ever.

A new threat looms from across the Gamma Quadrant, as it is confirmed by Commander Sisko and his crew that the Dominion, led by the Founders, represent a significant threat to the Alpha Quadrant. Tension is already high in the region of Bajor and Deep Space 9, as the Maquis continue to act against the Cardassian-Federation peace treaty, with Captain Janeway and the crew of the U.S.S. Voyager preparing for their mission in the Badlands. It is a volatile time for the Federation and new crews have never been in higher demand.

  • Create your own Star Trek stories of discovery and adventure on the Final Frontier with 368 pages of content.
  • Complete 2d20 game system from Modiphius Entertainment adapted for Star Trek Adventures , used in Mutant Chronicles , Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of , John Carter of Mars and the Infinity RPG .
  • An extensive exploration of the United Federation of Planets and its galactic neighbours in the Alpha, Beta and Gamma Quadrants.
  • Guidelines for Gamemasters old and new, on how to run an adventure of exploration and discovery for the crew of a Federation starship.
  • A full catalogue of aliens and antagonists including Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians, the Borg and the Dominion.
  • Brought to you by a team of expert StarTrek writers including writers from previous editions of Star Trek roleplaying games and other gaming talent.
  • Personal logs and intercepted communications by Starfleet Intelligence provide a new perspective on Star Trek and its events.
  • Star Trek Adventures Core Rulebook in PDF format

TM & © 2022 CBS Studios Inc. © 2022 Paramount Pictures Corp. STAR TREK and related marks and logos are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Continuing Mission

A Fan Site for the Star Trek Adventures RPG by Modiphius

star trek adventure game

Adventures Index

This is a living index of all  playable adventures  in official  Modiphius   Star Trek Adventures  releases, as well as homebrew adventures here on  Continuing Mission , as well as other online sources (where known).

This list will be updated when new materials are released or found, so check back from time to time for new materials. We welcome other adventures that we may have missed. Just  let us know .

Note : There may be spoilers in some podcasts/streams, either in shows you haven’t watched or adventures you haven’t played.

Complete Adventures

Modiphius compendiums.

  • The Alcubierre
  • We Are Not Ourselves
  • The Pierced Veil
  • The Oracle of Bar’koth Reach {TNG}
  • Abyss Station
  • Fury of the Hive
  • Bacchus’ Irresistible Call
  • We Came Forth To Contemplate The Stars
  • Punishment And Crime
  • Decision Point
  • Doomed to Repeat the Past
  • Fading Suns
  • Convoy SE-119
  • We Are The Stars That Sing With Our Life
  • Assessor’s Gambit
  • The Displaced
  • Bacchus’s Irresistable Call {TOS}
  • Punishment and Crime {TOS}
  • The Assessor’s Gambit {TNG}
  • The Displaced {TNG}
  • As Many as Six Impossible Things {TNG}
  • Joy’s Soul Lies in the Doing {TNG}
  • The Needs of the Few {TNG}
  • Prism {TNG}
  • Envoy {TNG}
  • Deliverance {TNG}
  • A Cure Worse Than The Disease {ENT}
  • Plato’s Cave {TOS}
  • Drawing Deeply From The Well {TOS}
  • No Good Deed {TOS}
  • The Whole of the Law {TOS}
  • Footfall {TNG}
  • A Cry From The Void {TNG}
  • Darkness {TNG}
  • The Angstrom Operation {TNG}
  • A World With A Bluer Sun {TOS}
  • Border Dispute {TNG}
  • Entropy’s Demise {TNG}
  • Forests of the Night {TNG}
  • Biological Clock {TNG}
  • Plague of Arias {TNG}
  • That Which Is Unknown {TNG}
  • The Shepherd {TNG}
  • Shadows and Whispers {TOS}
  • The Way Out is In {TOS}
  • Breaking the Lock {TOS}
  • A Bridge to Everywhere {TOS}
  • Home and Hearth {TOS}
  • One Step Beyond {TOS}

Modiphius Standalones

  • A Forest Apart  [ Modiphius ] {TOS}
  • A Vulture Among The Stars [ Modiphia #2 ] {TNG}, free
  • Call Back Yesterday  [ Modiphius ] {TNG}
  • Ends And Means  [ Modiphius ] {TNG}
  • Hard Rock Catastrophe  [ Modiphius ] {TOS}
  • Kobayashi Maru [ Modiphius ] {TOS}, free
  • Nest In The Dark  [ Modiphius ] {TNG}
  • Remnants  [ Modiphius ] {TOS}
  • Signals [ Quickstart Guide ] {TNG}
  • Stolen Liberty  [ Modiphius ] {TNG}
  • The Ghost Writer [ Modiphia #3 ] {TNG}, free
  • The Gravity of the Crime [ Modiphius ] {TNG}
  • The Rescue At Xerxes IV  [ Core ] {TNG}
  • Trouble On Omned III [ Modiphius ] {TNG}
  • The Prize [ Modiphius ] {TNG}
  • Back to Reality [ Modiphius ] {TNG}
  • The Burning [ Modiphius ] {TOS}
  • Another Roll of the Dice [ Modiphius ] {TNG}
  • Upsetting the Balance [ Modiphius ] {TNG}
  • Better Days [ Modiphius ] {TNG}
  • Storms of Kiselia 7 [ Modiphius ] {TNG}

Other Mission Compendiums

  • Pieces of Eight
  • Enigmas and Variations
  • Twilight Season
  • To Face The Darkness Your Heart Must Be Pure
  • What Shadows Obscure
  • Have Bait Will Travel
  • The Fathomless
  • Hidden Secrets
  • The Weight of Decision
  • Dish Served Cold
  • Heart of Steel
  • New Neighborhood
  • Polished Mirror
  • Mirror of Steel
  • Crystal Mirror
  • Broken Mirror
  • If the Shoe Fits
  • Shattered Time
  • Caught in the Web
  • Pandora’s Gate
  • Planet of the Ebon Pearl
  • Prayers of Suppression
  • Latinum Ocean
  • First Contact: K’Si
  • ADV010: Catch and Release [ CM ]
  • ADV017: Dark Secrets [ CM ]

Other Standalones

  • A Visit To Armageddon [ Other ] {TOS}
  • Absent Friends [ Other ] {TOS}
  • Banned From Argo [ Other ] {TOS}
  • Dail Colony  [ CM ] {TNG}
  • Decay [ Other ] {TNG}
  • Demon World  [ CM ] {TOS}
  • Do Mudd-Droids Dream of Electric Sheep?  [ Other ] {TOS}
  • Dormant Life [ CM ] {TNG}
  • Enigma [ Other ] {TNG}
  • Flora & Fauna  [ Other ] {TNG}
  • Ghost In The Shuttlebay [ Other ] {ENT}
  • Life Itself [ CM ] {TNG}
  • Most Wanted Klingon  [ Other ] {TNG}
  • Pilleurs d’Epave  [ French ] {DIS}
  • Poseidonis [ CM ] {TNG}
  • Psi-Shift [ CM ] {All Eras}
  • Qilling Time [ CM ] {TNG}
  • Rig For Red  [ CM ] {TNG}
  • Risa [ CM ] {TNG}
  • Solomon’s Dilemma  [ Other ] {TNG}
  • Shadows Fly On The Wind [Currently unavailable] {TNG}
  • Shadows of the Past [ Other ] {STO}
  • Sovereignty [ Other ] {TNG}
  • Symbiosis Failure [ Other ] {TNG}
  • The Best Crew in the Galaxy [ CM ] {TNG}
  • The Flying Dutchman [ Other ] {TOS}
  • The Gene Genie  [ Other ] {TOS}
  • The Listening Post [ Other ] {All}
  • The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same [ CM ] {TNG}
  • The Negative Paradox [ Other ] {TOS}
  • The Quadrupole Quandary  [ Other ] {TNG}
  • The Rescuers [ Other ] {TOS}
  • The Roord [ CM ] {TNG}
  • The Ruin of Maxanor [ Other ] {TOS}
  • The Wedding of S’zera [ Other ] {TNG}
  • There Ain’t No Such Thing as a Free Lunch [ CM ] {TNG}
  • Through A Forest Wilderness [ CM ] {DIS}
  • Time And Time Again  [ Other ] {TNG}
  • Time Skips [ CM ] {ENT}


  • Lower Decks Adaptation [ CM ] {TNG}
  • Beyond the 2371 Finale [ CM ] {TNG}

Misson Briefs

Most of these can be adapted to different eras or non-Federation settings with some work.

  • Strength of Belief {ENT}
  • The Honored Undead {ENT}
  • Disruptors At Dawn {ENT}
  • Move and Counter-Move {TOS}
  • The Great Gorn Gaffe {TOS}
  • Dinner For Two {TOS}
  • Gale Force {TOS}
  • Subversion {TNG}
  • My Ally Or My Enemy {TNG}
  • Broken Promises {TNG}
  • Who Holds Dominion Here? {TNG}
  • Where’s The Gagh? {TNG}
  • False Readings
  • Uzaveh the Infinite
  • Targ-et Practice
  • Revenge of the Illyrians
  • Solkar, Captain of the T’Plana-Hath
  • Hunting Lemurs
  • Tell Tales to the Tellarites
  • General Order One
  • The Rush of the Belt
  • Going Viral
  • In the Dark
  • Uninvited Guests
  • Rude Awakening
  • The Order Beyond
  • The Other End
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Follow the Leader
  • The Space Between
  • Anachronism
  • Dilithium Dirge
  • The Funeral of Captain Mandolini
  • The Gemulon Run
  • Bedlam on Baham
  • Squirk’s Scheme
  • S.S. Tranquil
  • Daddy’s Little Girl
  • Life’s Gamble
  • Bandits of Zanthica
  • Dead Men Close No Deals
  • Imminent Collision
  • Imperatives
  • Holographic Will
  • Surgical Strike
  • Examinations
  • Repair Time
  • A Majestic Matter
  • Burden of Guilt
  • Everlasting
  • Freedom of the Mind
  • Forget Me Not
  • Two for One
  • Side Effects
  • Inner Workings
  • One Small Step
  • Deadly Cirrus
  • Guilty Till Proven
  • Dinner and a Show
  • Primum Non Nocere
  • Echoes of the Past
  • The Planet Next Door
  • Jaded Scorpion
  • Wreck of the Stardust Ascendant
  • Treasure of the Spindrift
  • Cat’s Meow
  • The Ark of Caledon
  • Stitches in Time and Space
  • The Mighty Gorgon
  • Vent Qui Rend Fou
  • Origin Unknown
  • Suffer the Little Children
  • The Maelstrom Imperative
  • Cloaks and Daggers
  • First, Do No Harm
  • Can I Play With Madness?
  • Dangerous Liaisons
  • Tooth and Claw
  • A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
  • Frontier Diplomacy Blues
  • Bid Time Return
  • Adrift {TOS}
  • Splinters of Fire {TOS}
  • Abyss Station {TOS}
  • Fury of the Hive {TOS}
  • We Came Forth to Contemplate the Stars {TOS}
  • Simplicity {TOS}
  • Into the Heart of Murasaki 312 {TOS}
  • Return to Beta Niobe {TOS}
  • Emergency on Ceti Alpha V {TOS}
  • Piece of the Puzzle {TOS}
  • Decision Point {TNG}
  • Doomed to Repeat the Past {TNG}
  • Fading Suns {TNG}
  • Convoy SE-119 {TNG}
  • Tug of War {TNG}
  • Signals {TNG}
  • We are the Stars that Sing with Our Lives {TNG}
  • The Orion Heist {TNG}
  • Second Contact {TNG}
  • Disunification {TNG}
  • Cleft of the Rock {TNG}
  • Time Machine {TNG}
  • Defending Narendra Station {TNG}
  • The Fallen {TNG}
  • The Qofuari Conundrum {TNG}
  • A Picture’s Worth {TNG}
  • Strategic Location {TNG}
  • The Chimes at Midnight {TNG}
  • Unintended Consequences {TNG}
  • Safe Passage {TNG}
  • War Torn {TNG}
  • Early Warning {TNG}
  • The Fight for Betazed {TNG}
  • Viral Battlefield {TNG}
  • Strange Bedfellows {TNG}
  • The Expanse Initiative {TNG}
  • Hidden in the Depths
  • The Orion Trap
  • The Shadows Have Eyes
  • Forming Glory
  • What Follows
  • Gormagander Migration
  • Mirrored Aspirations
  • Triumvirate Games
  • Contaminant
  • Tardigrade Trip
  • Muddied Waters
  • Arena of Relics
  • Starbase Naught
  • The Basest Bones
  • Worthy Prey
  • Peer Pressure
  • Jefferies Tube Jam
  • Playing Along
  • It Takes a Village
  • Retrofit Gone Wrong
  • Bilitrium Blues
  • The Handler
  • Surface Issues
  • ADV001: Order of the Amber Pendant [ CM ] {TNG}
  • ADV002: A Surplus of Problems [ CM ] {TNG}
  • ADV003: Prix and Proxy [ CM ] {TNG}
  • ADV004: NX Squared [ CM ] {TNG}
  • ADV005: Hyperspace Blues [ CM ] {TNG}
  • ADV006: The Orb of the Exile [ CM ] {TNG}
  • ADV007: Deepen [ CM ] {TNG}
  • ADV008: Planetoids [ CM ] {TNG}
  • ADV009: I, Hologram [ CM ] {TNG}
  • ADV010: Supreme Mandate: Catch and Release [ CM ] {TNG}
  • ADV011: The Hur’q [ CM ] {TNG Klingon}
  • ADV012: Family Matters [ CM ] {TNG}
  • ADV013: A New Warp Signal [ CM ] {TNG}
  • ADV014: Find [ CM ] {TNG}
  • ADV015: Blueberry Trill [ CM ] {ENT}
  • ADV016: Waste of Time [ CM ] {ENT}
  • ADV017: Supreme Mandate: Dark Secrets [ CM ] {TNG}
  • TNG502: Darmok [ CM ] {TNG}
  • The Roord, Part II [ CM ] {TNG}
  • The Path of Distress [ CM ] {TNG}
  • The Cure [ CM ] {TNG}
  • Deadlock [ CM ] {Any}
  • Extraction [ CM ] {TNG}
  • Pocket Planet [ CM ] {TNG}

Partial Adventures

  • Ackworm  [ CM ] {TNG}
  • One Dam Problem  [ CM ] {TNG}
  • Ping Pong [ CM ] {TNG}
  • Sentient Seed  [ CM ] {TNG}
  • Tsunkatse [ CM ] {VOY}
  • The Best Pilot In The Galaxy  [ CM ] {TNG}

In Progress

  • Transplant (Act I) [ Other ] {TNG}

Settings and Inspirations

  • Sargon & Beyond  [ CM ] {TNG}
  • Star Trek: Explorations [ Other ] {2200s}
  • The Tekli Campaign [ Other ] {TNG}
  • The Gathering [ Other ] {TNG}
  • Three New Worlds [ Other ]
  • 20 Side Plots [ Other ]
  • A Setting Overview for 2380 [ Other ] {2380}
  • Home Ground [ Other ]
  • Where No One Would Ever Want To Go [ Other ]

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Planned Release Date: 23 May, 2024

This game plans to unlock in approximately 6 weeks

“This is the best Star Trek game I’ve played in over a decade” 85 – Gaming Trend “Captures the essence of Trek – or certainly a particular era of Trek – better than almost any other game has” 4/5 – Empire “Star Trek: Resurgence gets Star Trek, embracing the optimism and hope that sets the franchise apart, and celebrating humanity at its best” 4/5 – Screen Rant

About This Game

System requirements.

  • OS: Windows® 10 64-bit
  • Processor: AMD FX-8350 / Intel® Core™ i5-3330
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: AMD Radeon™ RX 5700 / NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1080
  • DirectX: Version 12
  • Storage: 16 GB available space
  • Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT / Intel® Core™ i7 3GHz or higher
  • Memory: 16 GB RAM
  • Graphics: AMD Radeon™ RX 6700 / NVIDIA® GeForce® RTX 2080 or higher

TM & ©2024 Bruner House, LLC. 'Dramatic Labs' and related marks and logos are trademarks of Bruner House, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 'Shape Your Story' and related marks are trademarks of Bruner House, LLC. All Rights Reserved. TM & ©2024 CBS Studios Inc. 'Star Trek' and related marks and logos are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Modiphius Games Star Trek Adventures Starter Set

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Modiphius Games Star Trek Adventures Starter Set

About this item.

  • Package Dimensions: 1.75 L x 11.5 H x 9 W (inches)
  • Package Weight: 1.5 pounds
  • Country of Origin : China

Customers who bought this item also bought

Modiphius Entertainment Star Trek Adventures Core Rulebook RPG for Adults, Family and Kids 13 Years Old and Up (Licensed Sci-

Product information

Product description.

Star Trek Adventures takes you to the final frontier of the Galaxy, with everything you need to begin playing the tabletop roleplaying game in one introductory boxed set.The starter set contains: Starter Rules booklet: Giving you an overview of the 2d20 system. A Three-Mission Campaign Booklet: That guides you through the game mechanics as you play, 6 Pre-Generated Character Sheets: Including 5 Starfleet officers and 1 Galaxy-class vessel, Dice: 2 twenty-sided dice (d20s) an 4 custom six-sided dice (d6s), Tokens: Tokens for Momentum, Threat and characters, and Poster Maps: For locations in the campaign.

From the manufacturer


Ages 12 and up.

Star trek adventures starter set (star trek rpg box set), a starter set with everything you need for roleplaying in the star trek galaxy, contains everything you need to begin your journey to the final frontier., what's in the box, looking for specific info, customer reviews.

Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them.

To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness.

Customers say

Customers find the system easy to learn and understand. They also say the game is pretty good, interesting, and awesome. Customers appreciate the great quality of the book, tokens, and maps. They say the value is great.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Customers find the system easy to learn and understand, with quick and easy rules. They also say the system is deceptively simple and perfect for beginners or as a quick reference.

" quote Todd Howard, it just works.the rules are quick and easy to understand, the tokens are great, and i love the RED ALERT tokens as..." Read more

"This is all you need to start a Star Trek game with your friends. Fast, easy , tons of fun" Read more

"The system is a breeze to learn, and allows for easy freestyle sessions ." Read more

"It’s pretty interesting and easier to learn than it seems ." Read more

Customers find the board game pretty good, with room to expand. They also say it's fast, easy, and has tons of fun.

"...overall, this is a great starter box sets, a great mini adventure to start off with, rules that are understandable for the most part, and a system..." Read more

"...Fast, easy, tons of fun " Read more

"It’s pretty interesting and easier to learn than it seems." Read more

" Awesome game ..." Read more

Customers find the book good, the tokens and maps are of great quality, and they love the art work on the box and inside.

"...The tokens, and maps are of great quality , but a few personal "gripes" keep me from giving it 5 starts..." Read more

" Love the art work on the box and inside. Not so sure about the 2d20 system as it seems a little clunky but it does allow for dramatic story telling." Read more

" Good book " Read more

Customers appreciate the value of the board game.

" the game, and you don’t want to spend a lot of money this is a great value ...." Read more

"Could not find this anywhere... Until now. Great value ." Read more

" Cost effective way to see if this is for you..." Read more

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Star trek adventures tabletop roleplaying game set to launch second edition, new worlds themed core rulebook planned for gen con.

star trek adventure game

Modiphius Entertainment Ltd. has announced their plans to publish a second edition of their popular Star Trek Adventures. Modiphius also announced plans to release a new core rulebook and a series of expansions later this fall. You can learn more about Star Trek Adventures below:

London, ENGLAND:  Monday 26th February 2024 Modiphius Entertainment Ltd. will publish a second edition of its award-winning Star Trek ™ roleplaying game, Star Trek Adventures , later this year with a new core rulebook and a series of game expansions to follow. The British publisher continues to enjoy a strong licensing relationship with Paramount Consumer Products, adding Star Trek: Strange New Worlds and Star Trek: Prodigy to the license, allowing it to produce game material for both series alongside the rest of the franchise. A new core rulebook will premiere at Gen Con 2024, and a new starter set will be released in the fall. The core rulebook will allow players to create original characters and starships, immersing themselves in Star Trek stories of their own making. The second edition of the popular RPG will build on and refine the rules from the first edition, and is compatible with first edition supplements and expansions. The second edition of the game opens up the possibility for players to step outside the Starfleet-focused gameplay and tell stories with the well-known species of the Star Trek universe, including the Klingon and Romulan Empires, in addition to others present across the franchise. With the addition of Strange New Worlds to the license, the new edition will feature art themed around the popular new series. Speaking about the team’s work, project manager Jim Johnson said: “Phase two of Star Trek Adventures is giving us the opportunity to refine the award-winning ruleset, taking advantage of all we’ve learned and published for the game and for the 2d20 System over the last seven years. And, since Star Trek presented a diverse setting from the very beginning, I felt it important the core rulebook present a more diverse spread of character possibilities beyond just the Federation. You’ll see a selection of fully playable non-Federation species in the core, expanding your group’s gameplay possibilities right from the start.” Trending: Xbox Victrix Pro BFG review — Simply the best Modiphius has had the strongest-supported licensed Star Trek tabletop roleplaying game to date, with seven years of titles giving fans extensive coverage of the source material and gameplay options. A solo-play version of Star Trek Adventures entitled Captain’s Log released in 2023 and was an immediate hit with fans and retailers alike, giving players without a group or a gamemaster the ability to create Star Trek stories about their own original characters. Chris Birch, Modiphius founder and chief creative officer said, “You can see it in people’s eyes when they talk about their Star Trek Adventures games, that this RPG is really bringing something quite special to the table. Seven years ago we set out to tell a new story in the Star Trek universe, and to bring us all together to explore strange new worlds. So whether you’re a new crew coming to the table or old friends, I think you’ll find the second edition of Star Trek Adventures will be the beginning of your own five-year mission with all the wonder that entails.” Keep your hailing frequencies open and sign up to be the first to hear about Star Trek Adventures releases at .

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Richard Allen

Richard Allen is a freelance writer and contributing editor for various publications. When not writing for Gaming Trend you can find him covering theatre for Broadway World, movies and TV for Fandomize, or working on original stories. An avid retro gamer, he is overly obsessed with Dragon's Lair. Chat with him via @thricetheartist on Twitter and @richardallenwrites on Facebook and Instagram.

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When does the final season of 'Star Trek: Discovery' come out? Release date, cast, where to watch

star trek adventure game

It's time for U.S.S. Discovery's final mission.

Paramount+'s hit TV series "Star Trek: Discovery" is returning for its fifth and final season this week and there is a lot to look forward to.

"The fifth and final season will find Captain Burnham and the crew of the U.S.S. Discovery uncovering a mystery that will send them on an epic adventure across the galaxy to find an ancient power whose very existence has been deliberately hidden for centuries," says Paramount+ about the upcoming season. "But there are others on the hunt as well…dangerous foes who are desperate to claim the prize for themselves and will stop at nothing to get it."

"Star Trek: Discovery" debuted in 2017 and is the seventh in the Star Trek series. Here's everything you need to know about the final season of the series.

When does 'Star Trek: Discovery' Season 5 premiere?

The finale season of "Star Trek: Discovery" is scheduled to premiere on Paramount+ on Thursday, April 4.

The first two episodes will be available to stream on the premiere date, with new episodes dropping weekly on Thursdays. Paramount+ did not specify what time the episodes will be available on their platform.

'Star Trek: Discovery' on Paramount+: Subscribe

Kenneth Mitchell: 'Star Trek: Discovery' actor, dies after battle with ALS

'Star Trek: Discovery' Season 5 episodes

Season 5 of "Star Trek: Discovery" has 10 episodes in total. The first two will be available to stream on April 4, with the remaining dropping weekly on Thursday on Paramount+.

'Star Trek: Discovery' Season 5 cast

Season 5 of "Star Trek: Discovery" brings back new and old faces along with recurring guest stars. Cast members include:

  • Sonequa Martin-Green as Captain Michael Burnham
  • Doug Jones as Saru
  • Anthony Rapp as Paul Stamets
  • Mary Wiseman as Sylvia Tilly
  • Wilson Cruz as Dr. Hugh Culber
  • David Ajala as Cleveland “Book” Booker
  • Blu del Barrio as Adira
  • Callum Keith Rennie as Rayner.
  • Elias Toufexis as L’ak
  • Eve Harlow as Moll

'Star Trek: Discovery' Season 5 trailer

Paramount+ dropped the official trailer for Season 5 on Feb. 23.

Saman Shafiq is a trending news reporter for USA TODAY. Reach her at [email protected] and follow her on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter @saman_shafiq7.

  • Where to watch in the US
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Where to watch Star Trek: Discovery free — Final season starts today

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The newest season of Star Trek: Discovery is officially underway. Season 5 marks the final season of the Star Trek spin-off, and it's shaping up to be an action-packed swang song. Whether you're looking to stream the new episodes or get caught up on the past four seasons, we've got everything you need to know about the show, including where to watch Star Trek: Discovery free via a TV channel abroad. 

Star Trek: Discovery premiered in 2017 and follows in the decades-long tradition of Star Trek stories. The series is set about five years before the original Star Trek, which chronicled Captain Kirk's five-year journey. In Star Trek: Discovery, the U.S.S. Discovery travels through space on a mission of exploration. Season 5 sees Captain Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and the U.S.S. Discovery crew on the hunt for an ancient power that others are also seeking.

The first two premiere episodes are currently streaming. Keep reading to learn how to watch the series no matter where you are in the world.

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Where to watch Star Trek: Discovery in the US

New Season 5 episodes of Star Trek: Discovery land on Paramount+ on Thursdays. The premiere week includes two episodes, and then one new episode will drop weekly after that. Episodes should be available starting at about 3 a.m. ET. All four past seasons are available to stream through the service. Subscriptions start at $5.99 a month and come with a one-week free trial.

star trek adventure game

Paramount Plus' Essential tier is a steal at this price and only has limited ads. It features tons of on-demand content from Paramount, CBS, Nickelodeon, Comedy Central, BET, and MTV. And you get NFL and Champions League soccer live streaming. There's a 7-day free trial, then it's $6 a month or $60 a year. The only way to ditch the ads is by opting for the Showtime bundle.

Where to watch Star Trek: Discovery in Canada

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Published Apr 2, 2024

What to Expect from The Final Season of Star Trek: Discovery

The cast details everything you need to know to get ready for the Season 5 premiere this week!

The cast of Star Trek: Discovery (David Ajala, Wilson Cruz, Blu del Barrio, Mary Wiseman, Sonequa Martin-Green, and Doug Jones)

Getty Images /

The highly anticipated fifth and final season of Star Trek: Discovery arrives this week!

This season finds Captain Burnham and the crew of the  U.S.S. Discovery  uncovering a mystery that will send them on an epic adventure across the galaxy to find an ancient power whose very existence has been deliberately hidden for centuries. But there are others on the hunt as well… dangerous foes who are desperate to claim the prize for themselves and will stop at nothing to get it.

Ahead of the premiere, had the opportunity to speak with series cast Sonequa Martin-Green (Captain Michael Burnham), Doug Jones (Saru), Anthony Rapp (Paul Stamets), Mary Wiseman (Sylvia Tilly), Wilson Cruz (Dr. Hugh Culber), David Ajala (Cleveland "Book" Booker), Blu del Barrio (Adira), along with this season's recurring guest star Eve Harlow (Moll) and executive producer and co-showrunner Michelle Paradise . With their help, here's what you can expect from their characters this season!

In case you need a quick refresher before we dive forward, we've got a handy Where We Left Off guide !

Now let's fly!

Sonequa Martin-Green on Season 5 Stakes and Captain Michael Burnham's Relationship Status

'Red Directive'

"Red Directive"

"This season, we can expect a wild ride," teases Sonequa Martin-Green. "One of the things that they wanted to do was that they wanted to have a tonal shift. They wanted it to be adventurous, they wanted it to be fun, they wanted it to be kind of like the Indiana Jones season. And so we really did that. We really did that. The artistry is on another level."

"In every department, you will see some really incredible things coming to life," continues Martin-Green. "In Season 5, we did some stuff we should not have been able to do; we did some stuff that we've never done before. I'm really proud of every department, of every cast member, of every crew member, every writer, every producer, every post-production coordinator, and supervisor, and worker. We took it to the next level without even knowing that it was our last season. When everyone sees it, I think that they'll see what I'm talking about. It's culminating because of that; it is just on another level. It's a huge, huge season. People have a lot to look forward to."

Addressing where Michael Burnham and Book find themselves at the start of this season, Martin-Green explains, "Book and Burnham, they are the classic, old Facebook status of 'It's complicated.' They've got a lot to work through. That's where we pick up with them, having not been speaking as regularly as they normally do. Of course, we see that he was sent off at the end of Season 4. Now they are back in each other's midst, and they have got a lot to talk about and a lot to wade through. It's very complicated between them. There's obviously still that love, that deep love, that bond, that respect, but they've got a lot to work through."

Doug Jones on Saru's Next Step

'Under the Twin Moons'

"Under the Twin Moons"

Reflecting on Saru's journey across the entire series, Doug Jones reveals, "Saru had been captain of the ship for Season 3. And Season 4, he then kind of took a step to First Officer again, because of his loyalty to Michael Burnham, and the special task we were on throughout the season."

"Well, now he’s [re-evaluating] his purpose there," adds Jones. "Has it run its course? His relationship with President T’Rina, played by the lovely Tara Rosling. She does come into the equation with how he makes his decision."

Anthony Rapp on Paul Stamets' Legacy and Season 5 Baddies

In engineering, Statmets grins while looking over his shoulder in a first look for Star Trek: Discovery Season 5

Episode 506

"This season, you can expect a new level of inquiry for Paul about what's next for him in terms of the work that he wants to do," hints Anthony Rapp. "He's an incredibly driven and brilliant human being with this mind, that's some level of genius. You get to see him like stretch himself in new ways."

What does the Discovery crew make of arrival of this season's antagonists — Moll (played by Eve Harlow) and L'ak (played by Elias Toufexis)?

"I really love the description of this kind of Bonnie and Clyde," shares Rapp. "It was fun for us, or for me, I could speak for myself, to have these kind of iconic touchstone archetypes brought into our show. Their energy as people; [Eve Harlow and Elias Toufexis] brought a beautiful energy to the company to being a part of our show and being a part of our story. And then their work was exceptional. To have this, this idea of this kind of like maverick couple that's on the run is a cool one. And there's a reason it's iconic. And I think that the way that our writers threaded it through our story was really well done."

Mary Wiseman on Sylvia Tilly's Career Focus

'Under the Twin Moons'

"Tilly's in a great place," notes Mary Wiseman. "She's found a certain kind of assurance from going off to teach at Starfleet Academy, and coming back feels like coming home. You're a little cooler and a little more adult. And people call you 'Miss.'"

However, that's not without some challenges. "But she kind of also feels stuck with the problem about how to get through to these kids that have grown up in this era where there isn't the sort of interconnectedness, galaxy-wide communication, and transportation possibilities that there were when she was growing up," highlights Wiseman. "And she's kind of noticing it in the kids' behavior, and inability to interact or team build. And so that's something that she kind of wants to work on and figure out how to help them out with that."

Wilson Cruz on Dr. Hugh Culber's New Experiences

Culber connects with Tilly as they lean over a counter in a first look at Star Trek: Discovery Season 5

Episode 505

"Where we first find Culber in Season 5, he's in a really good place," notes Wilson Cruz. "He's really embodied this new version of himself, and is ready and willing to take on whatever he's confronted with."

Cruz continues, "This season, he is confronted with an experience that forces him to ask even more existential questions that kind of blows his mind. It starts him on knowing about all of the mysteries of the universe. This whole mission really makes him question a lot of things. We see him process a lot of that throughout the season."

David Ajala on Cleveland "Book" Booker's Love for Burnham and Season 5 Action Sequences

Book and Burnham stand defensively with phasers locked facing ahead as Culber stands by them in a first look for Star Trek: Discovery Season 5

Episode 503

Following the events of Season 4, Book must walk away from Burnham. Reflecting on his actions and headspace at the start of this season, David Ajala states, "It's interesting, because, if we're talking about the gift of grace, Book has definitely received grace from Michael Burnham. Even though Book made the decision that he thought was right, it was not even honorable, but he felt duty bound to do what he did. He was still afforded grace by Michael Burnham, to be welcomed back with open arms. The journey of someone like Cleveland Booker, who was very driven by keeping his autonomy, and also serving his purpose on the planet, which was to help endangered species, to be a part of Starfleet, it was never something that was within his remit. But then to come full circle in Season 5, and to see him, organically incorporate himself within that team is a wonderful story."

"Where we left off in Season 4, revisiting and coming back for Season 5, it's a different territory for both of them," explains Ajala. "And yet, they both have to acknowledge that they're in different spaces, but then still show a level of care for one another. This grey area is new territory."

As for the Indiana Jones -level of excitement the series explores this season, Ajala details, "I love action, I love being able to be physical, to express myself. Having said that, I love the way action is used in the right way. And because this is the final season, we could have taken like one to potentially three episodes to kind of warm into it. But with the first episode, we were straight in with high octane, big action sequences, and just a real spectacle to observe."

Blu del Barrio on Adira's Growing Confidence

'Under the Twin Moons'

"Adira starts out in a pretty solid looking place," reveals Blu del Barrio.

"On the outside, they look and seem really good," adds del Barrio. "They have a lot more responsibilities on the ship. And they're taking their work very seriously, and just very happy to be like more integrated. But underneath the surface, they're struggling a little bit more with some emotional stuff and some major personal stuff."

Eve Harlow on the Arrival of Star-Crossed Lovers and Joining the Cast of Discovery

'Red Directive'

During NYCC 2022 , audiences got to learn about this season's baddies. Moll and L'ak are former couriers turned outlaws. Moll is highly intelligent and dangerous, with an impressive strategic mind and a sharp wit. She goes into every situation with a clear plan and stays focused and clear-headed on her goal, even when things go awry. She’s not easy to intimidate, and will face down anyone who stands in her way in order to get what she wants. Whereas L'ak is tough, impulsive, and fiercely protective of his beloved partner, Moll. So long as he knows she’s safe, he doesn’t care about collateral damage or its consequences — a perspective that makes him very dangerous at times and will put him on the opposite side of Captain Burnham and the crew of the U.S.S. Discovery when they come into conflict.

Speaking directly to on Star Trek: The Cruise VII, Eve Harlow divulges, "Moll is badass, and she and L’ak are an interspecies couple. It’s kind of breaking all the rules, which is why they’re on the run. It’s very much like Romeo and Juliet or Bonnie and Clyde because they’re star-crossed lovers."

On her experience of joining this series for its fifth season, Harlow offers tons of praises, "These are some of the kindest, just most welcoming people I've ever met. I feel like I just talk about how much I love Sonequa a lot, but I will keep talking about how much I love her. She is the best leader I've ever experienced on set."

"[When I reflected on] who on-set is most like their character in real life. Without skipping a beat, Elias and I, at the same time, were Sonequa. She is that captain, and she treats everyone like an equal. I've just never been on a set where everyone, the crew is so appreciated. She knows everybody's names. She knows what they do. She knows their family life, what's going on with them. She genuinely cares, and being around that, that spirit is infectious. Every single time I was on set. I was so high energy; I was just so happy to be here. And it's because of the people who were working on that show."

Michelle Paradise on Season 5's New Faces

'Under the Twin Moons'

"Elias [Toufexis] and Eve [Harlow] play L’ak and Moll who are our two new bad guys this season," states Michelle Paradise. "We talked about them as kind of a Bonnie and Clyde unit. We hadn't had a couple before as our antagonist. In turn, they're obviously formidable foes for our heroes. But we also really wanted to make sure that they felt well-rounded, and that they weren't just one note, bad guys. We understood the why of what they were doing the depth of their love for one another. People will be surprised that they may start rooting for these bad guys, actually. But they'll never want them to win more than our heroes, of course. It’s a lot of fun to have them."

L'ak and Moll aren't the only new faces this season. Rayner, also previously announced at NYCC 2022, is a gruff, smart Starfleet captain who holds a clear line between commander and crew — he leads, they follow. Rayner’s all about the mission, whatever it may be, and he doesn’t do niceties along the way; his feeling is, you get the job done and apologize later. He has a storied track record of wartime success, but in times of peace, he struggles. Collaboration is not his strong suit. That said, if it serves the greater good he’s willing to learn... but it won’t be easy.

"And then Callum Keith Rennie plays Captain Rayner," elaborates Paradise. "What's interesting about him is that he is going to be a bit of an antagonist, but not in a bad guy way. He's going to push Burnham, and we'll get to see new sides of Burnham and new growth in Burnham because of her interactions with him. It's a really interesting dynamic there. That's one of the things that we always look at, if we're going to bring in any new guest characters, is how can they impact our regulars? And how can they help our regulars grow over the course of the season or change or help us see new sides of them, and these three do that beautifully."

Get ready for Discovery 's final adventure when Season 5 premieres with the first two episodes later this week!

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Christine Dinh (she/her) is the managing editor for She’s traded the Multiverse for helming this Federation Starship.

Star Trek: Discovery Seasons 1 through 4 are streaming exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S., the UK, Switzerland, South Korea, Latin America, Germany, France, Italy, Australia and Austria. Seasons 2 and 3 also are available on the Pluto TV “Star Trek” channel in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. The series streams on Super Drama in Japan, TVNZ in New Zealand, and SkyShowtime in Spain, Portugal, Poland, The Nordics, The Netherlands, and Central and Eastern Europe. In Canada, the series airs on Bell Media’s CTV Sci-Fi Channel. Star Trek: Discovery is distributed by Paramount Global Content Distribution.

Graphic illustration of a tender moment between friends where Michael Burnham and Saru tap their foreheads in 'Under the Twin Moons'

Screen Rant

Star trek: discovery season 5 brings back enterprise captain archer tribute.

The spirit of Star Trek: Enterprise's Captain Jonathan Archer continues to be felt in Star Trek: Discovery season 5 over a thousand years later.

Warning: SPOILERS for Star Trek: Discovery Season 5, Episode 1 - "Red Directive"

  • Season 5 of Star Trek: Discovery pays tribute to Captain Archer from Star Trek: Enterprise.
  • Archer Space Dock in Discovery serves as a hub for Starfleet upgrades and new starship construction in honor of Jonathan Archer.
  • Captain Archer's legacy and impact on the formation of the Federation are essential to Star Trek: Discovery's future.

Star Trek: Discovery season 5 brought back the 32nd century Starfleet's tribute to Captain Jonathan Archer (Scott Bakula) from Star Trek: Enterprise. Star Trek: Discovery and Star Trek: Enterprise are TV series at opposite points bookending Star Trek 's Prime Universe timeline . Enterprise is set in the 22nd century and charts the pioneering voyages of the NX-01, the first Starship Enterprise commanded by Captain Archer. Star Trek: Discovery seasons 3-5 are set over a thousand years later in the 32nd century.

Star Trek: Discovery season 1 began in 2256, a century after Captain Archer's NX-01 Enterprise first set off to explore the galaxy. Although Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and the USS Discovery's crew never met Archer, Star Trek: Discovery certainly bore the influence of Star Trek: Enterprise , especially in Discovery 's early seasons. Both series were Star Trek prequels, and Discovery 's original blue Starfleet uniforms were a visual link to the distinctive blue jumpsuits worn on Star Trek: Enterprise by Captain Archer's crew .

Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Returning Cast & New Character Guide

Star trek: discovery brings back archer space dock, captain archer's spirit is part of the 32nd-century starfleet.

Star Trek: Discovery season 5's premiere , "Red Directive," saw the return of the Archer Space Dock. Following a mission to Q'Mau where Captain Michael Burnham, Captain Rayner (Callum Keith Rennie), and Cleveland Booker (David Ajala) were unable to apprehend couriers Moll (Eve Harlow) and L'ak (Elias Toufexis), the USS Discovery and USS Antares used their combined shields to protect a Q'Mau settlement from an avalanche. Afterward, a dusty Discovery jumped back for repairs at the Archer Space Dock near United Federation of Planets headquarters.

The goal of the Archer Space Dock is to upgrade the existing Starfleet and build the next generation of starships.

The Archer Space Dock was introduced in Star Trek: Discovery season 4's premiere, "Kobayashi Maru." The facility was unveiled by Federation President Laira Rillak (Chelah Horsdal) to the first new class of Starfleet Academy. The goal of the Archer Space Dock is to upgrade the existing Starfleet and build the next generation of starships. It was only fitting to name the Archer Space Dock after the Captain of the first Starship Enterprise, and the first Federation President, Jonathan Archer .

The Archer Space Dock is reminiscent of previous facilities that have built and repaired the USS Enterprise throughout Star Trek .

Enterprise’s Archer Is An Important Part Of Star Trek: Discovery Millennium Celebration

The federation began with archer a thousand years ago (give or take a few decades).

Although Captain Jonathan Archer wasn't name-dropped like Star Trek: The Next Generation 's Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) was in Star Trek: Discovery season 5's premiere, Archer's spirit was evoked in the Federation's Millennium Celebration . Discovery season 5 is set in 3191, a thousand and 30 years after the founding of the United Federation of Planets . Captain Archer was a pivotal figure whose voyages forged the bonds between United Earth, Vulcan, Tellar Prime, and Andoria that led to the formation of the Federation.

Captain Archer was aware of events in the 30th century as a result of his involvement in the Temporal War in Star Trek: Enterprise.

Jonathan Archer is essentially the George Washington of the Federation . After his decade-long run as Captain of the Enterprise, Archer served as the first Federation President. There would be no Federation without Jonathan Archer, and he would be pleased to know that the Federation still endures in the 32nd century. Star Trek: Discovery is forging the future in the 32nd century, but the Archer Space Dock shows the Federation never forgets it was Captain Jonathan Archer who helped it begin.

Star Trek: Discovery and Star Trek: Enterprise are streaming on Paramount+

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Star Trek: Discovery’s Final Adventure Tackles an Iconic Narrative From The Next Generation

U pgrading the level of excitement and intrigue from the time-hopping adventures encountered in “Discovery” season 2, to the unraveling mystery of the dilithium “Burn” in season 3, and the galactic jeopardy introduced by a highly advanced alien species in season 4, the show’s creators sought to elevate the narrative even further in the final season. Their direction: delving into the very dawn of existence, laying the groundwork for an epic conclusion.

It wasn’t until the final moments of season 5’s opening episode that the scope of the storyline began to solidify, providing viewers with a gripping hook. The mysterious scavengers who seized an artifact of paramount importance to Starfleet, in fact, stole something deeply ingrained in “Trek” mythology: the ancient Progenitor technology responsible for seeding humanoid life across the cosmos. Why revisit this particularly undervalued chapter from “The Next Generation”? During the SXSW “Discovery” premiere, producer Michelle Paradise offered insights:

“The episode ‘The Chase’ resonated deeply with many of us due to its exploration of profound themes such as our origins and the genesis of life. Following its airing, it left us riddled with questions… it was a single episode that introduced this monumental concept to the ‘Star Trek’ lore and then moved on.”

The challenge of addressing such fundamental questions, even within the sci-fi realm of “Star Trek,” is daunting. The decision for a standalone 1990s episode to suddenly introduce a drastic alteration to the franchise’s canon was bold; “Discovery” choosing to embrace and expand upon this narrative is even bolder. Paradise notes that this decision was led by a desire to further develop characters and underlying themes.

FAQ Section

What is the classic next gen storyline that discovery is exploring.

“Discovery” is revisiting the storyline of “The Chase,” an episode from “Star Trek: The Next Generation” that reveals the origins of humanoid life in the universe.

Why did the producers choose this specific narrative for the final season?

Producer Michelle Paradise explained that the episode addressed “huge ideas and huge themes,” such as the creation of life, which left the team with many questions that they wanted to explore further.

Is this storyline a significant change to the “Star Trek” canon?

Yes, the storyline introduced in “The Chase” was a major addition to the “Star Trek” universe and exploring it in “Discovery” deepens the impact of that change.

As “Star Trek: Discovery” embarks on its final season, the show continues to push the boundaries of storytelling within the Star Trek universe by revisiting and expanding upon one of “The Next Generation’s” most profound and underexplored narratives. The decision to explore the origins of humanoid life not only poses existential questions but also allows for a depth of character development and thematic richness that has been a hallmark of the series. This ambitious narrative choice promises to provide a fitting and thought-provoking conclusion to “Discovery’s” voyage.

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Star Trek Adventures: PDF Collection

Star Trek Adventures: PDF Collection

Description, starfleet needs a new crew.

Welcome to your new assignment, Captain. Your continuing mission, to explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before…

The PDF Collection includes the PDFs of the core rulebook, and 8 supplements in the Star Trek Adventures line, as they are released:

Star Trek Adventures takes you to the Final Frontier of the Galaxy, where new discoveries await keen explorers of Starfleet. Your duties may take you to the edges of known space, or to Federation colonies in need, to the borders of neighbouring galactic powers or into the eye of interstellar phenomena. Your ship and your crew epitomise the best Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets has to offer, and you are needed more than ever.

A new threat looms from across the Gamma Quadrant, as it is confirmed by Commander Sisko and his crew that the Dominion, led by the Founders, represent a significant threat to the Alpha Quadrant. Tension is already high in the region of Bajor and Deep Space 9, as the Maquis continue to act against the Cardassian-Federation peace treaty, with Captain Janeway and the crew of the U.S.S. Voyager preparing for their mission in the Badlands. It is a volatile time for the Federation and new crews have never been in higher demand.

Keep hailing frequencies open to see the full range of forthcoming Star Trek Adventures products. Hardcover supplements await along with lots of accessories including maps, gaming tiles, dice sets and the Borg Cube Collector’s Edition game box.

Join our Living Campaign   and get free  PDF  missions set in the Original Series and The Next Generation eras - take part   in an epic plot by New York Times Best Selling Star Trek Author Dayton Ward!

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    Tabletop game publisher Modiphius Entertainment has announced a new Star Trek roleplaying game, launching the brand into the solo roleplaying game frontier, with the Captain's Log Solo Roleplaying Game.. This 326-page full color standalone digest-sized rulebook provides a complete, streamlined version of the award-winning 2d20 System® used for the Star Trek Adventures roleplaying game to ...

  16. Star Trek Adventures Game: Core Rulebook

    Star Trek Adventures takes you to the Final Frontier of the Galaxy, where new discoveries await keen explorers of Starfleet. Your duties may take you to the edges of known space, or to Federation colonies in need, to the borders of neighbouring galactic powers or into the eye of interstellar phenomena. Your ship and your crew epitomise the best ...

  17. Take Your Star Trek Adventures Online

    Wherever D&D goes other games are sure to follow, and the publisher of Star Trek Adventures officially supports it with virtual character sheets and deck tiles. Be advised that Roll20 has gone through some growing pains recently. As more D&D games move online, some weekends have seen server issues and other slow downs.

  18. List of Star Trek games

    Star Trek: Starfleet Game, a promotional game released by McDonald's to coincide with the first movie (1979) Struggle for the Throne, produced by FASA (1984). Players control factions fighting in a succession crisis in the Klingon Empire. Star Trek: The Adventure Game, produced by West End Games (1985)

  19. Modiphius Games Star Trek Adventures Starter Set

    Star Trek Adventures takes you to the final frontier of the Galaxy, with everything you need to begin playing the tabletop roleplaying game in one introductory boxed set.The starter set contains: Starter Rules booklet: Giving you an overview of the 2d20 system. A Three-Mission Campaign Booklet: That guides you through the game mechanics as you ...

  20. Star Trek Adventures tabletop roleplaying game set to launch second

    Modiphius has had the strongest-supported licensed Star Trek tabletop roleplaying game to date, with seven years of titles giving fans extensive coverage of the source material and gameplay options. A solo-play version of Star Trek Adventures entitled Captain's Log released in 2023 and was an immediate hit with fans and retailers alike, giving players without a group or a gamemaster the ...

  21. Star Trek Adventures

    Description from the publisher: Star Trek Adventures uses the Modiphius 2d20 game system (Mutant Chronicles, Infinity, Conan, John Carter of Mars) designed by Jay Little (Star Wars: Edge of the Empire, X-Wing Miniatures Game).Modiphius is also sculpting an accompanying Star Trek miniature figure line, the first to be produced in seventeen years. Resin and metal 32mm-scale hobby figures will ...

  22. Actual player count preference?

    On the main page for this game where the player count is listed, I find it odd that according to voters the game is "best" with 2 players at 78%, but then is "recommended" at one player with 89%. The two stats seem to be at odds with each other.

  23. 'Star Trek: Discovery' Season 5: Release date, cast, where to watch

    Season 5 of "Star Trek: Discovery" brings back new and old faces along with recurring guest stars. Cast members include: Sonequa Martin-Green as Captain Michael Burnham. Doug Jones as Saru ...

  24. Where to watch Star Trek: Discovery free

    Star Trek: Discovery is available to stream for free on TVNZ+. You'll need to create a free account to start streaming. In addition to new season 5 episodes, Seasons 1-4 are also streaming on the ...

  25. What to Expect from The Final Season of Star Trek: Discovery

    The highly anticipated fifth and final season of Star Trek: Discovery arrives this week!. This season finds Captain Burnham and the crew of the U.S.S. Discovery uncovering a mystery that will send them on an epic adventure across the galaxy to find an ancient power whose very existence has been deliberately hidden for centuries.But there are others on the hunt as well… dangerous foes who are ...

  26. Star Trek Adventures: FREE PDF Quickstart Guide

    This is a FREE 30 page Quickstart for the Star Trek Adventures Roleyplaying game, and contains an introduction to the main game's core rules, plus "Signals" a self contained adventure with six pre-generated characters for you to enjoy. You will also need: The pre-generated characters found in the back of the booklet.

  27. Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Brings Back Enterprise Captain Archer Tribute

    Star Trek: Discovery season 5 brought back the 32nd century Starfleet's tribute to Captain Jonathan Archer (Scott Bakula) from Star Trek: Enterprise.Star Trek: Discovery and Star Trek: Enterprise are TV series at opposite points bookending Star Trek's Prime Universe timeline.Enterprise is set in the 22nd century and charts the pioneering voyages of the NX-01, the first Starship Enterprise ...

  28. Star Trek: Discovery's Final Adventure Tackles an Iconic ...

    Upgrading the level of excitement and intrigue from the time-hopping adventures encountered in "Discovery" season 2, to the unraveling mystery of the dilithium "Burn" in season 3, and the ...

  29. Star Trek Adventures

    • Create your own Star Trek stories of discovery and adventure on the Final Frontier. • Complete 2d20 game system from Modiphius Entertainment adapted for Star Trek Adventures, used in Mutant Chronicles, Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of, John Carter of Mars and the Infinity RPG.