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Auto Safari Chapin | Cómo Llegar, Precios, Ubicación y Horarios

Auto Safari Chapin

Auto Safari Chapin

Vive una experiencia única en Guatemala y Centroamérica, al estilo de safari, visitando Auto Safari Chapín, abundante en flora y fauna.

Qué ofrece Auto Safari Chapin


Datos generales

Lo que no sabías....

El Auto Safari Chapín es el primer zoológico en Centroamérica en donde usted puede ingresar su automóvil a las instalaciones y ver a los animales de cerca, en donde la única separación entre usted y los animales en el recorrido, son las puertas y ventanillas del vehículo.


Auto Safari Chapin


  • Llevar ropa fresca, traje de baño , repelente y bloqueador solar.
  • Es necesario tener tomar todas las precauciones brindada por los administradores del parque.

Historia de Auto Safari Chapin

Mapa y cómo llegar a auto safari chapin.

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safari chapin bueno o malo

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safari chapin bueno o malo

OkAntigua | Travel Guide to Antigua Guatemala

OkAntigua | Travel Guide to Antigua Guatemala

Guide For Living And Traveling to Antigua Guatemala

Things to Do in Guatemala: Visit a Safari Park, AutoSafari Chapin

AutoSafari Chapin - Guatemalan Safari (32)

If you’ve been around this site for a while, you know how much I *absolutely* love and try to inspire you to think of and see travel differently.  Sure, a vacation is a beautiful thing, but…

My past trips to Guatemala had been your garden-variety-type vacations.  By that I mean I was:

a)  Rushing around from tourist attraction to tourist attraction to “see it all.”

b)  Spending money like a drunken sailor to “get the full experience,” aka “ the prepackaged touristy stuff .”

These experiences have taught me something important:

The one who spends the most money

doesn’t necessarily have the best travel experience.

It turns out when you run from attraction to attraction, you might miss all the cool stuff in-between.  Such as a freaking awesome safari experience in the middle of Central America!

I’d read in passing about AutoSafari Chapin before, though I had never had the time nor the desire to go during my earlier short stays here.  Now that I’m slow-traveling through Guatemala, I’ve had time to check out the lesser-known/visited attractions.

This one blew me away because I wasn’t expecting to enjoy myself there as much as I did.

AutoSafari, in short, was the brainchild of two men who thought to build a natural reserve in the middle of nowhere and laid it out as a driveable, safari-like experience.  I have to say they succeeded tremendously.

Heading out on the road to Taxisco, off of CA-9 (the road that leads to the Pacific Coast), you’ll find a few well-placed signs advising you how long until you arrive at the park’s entrance.  This entrance is well-marked with the huge sign you see below.

Entrance sign for AutoSafari Chapin

Entrance sign for AutoSafari Chapin

AutoSafari is open every day, except Mondays, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  You get the option to drive yourself or be driven around in their minivan for a guided tour.

Whatever option you take, your entrance fee entitles you to another go-around late in the afternoon.

AutoSafari Chapin Hours - Closed Mondays

AutoSafari Chapin Hours – Closed Mondays

Macaws will greet you at the door.

Macaws, AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

So close you can touch them – don’t!

Something that I’ve noticed here is that parks don’t gouge you when it comes to food and drinks.  They acknowledge they are the only vendor in the park and seem not to use the opportunity to squeeze you for every last cent.

Who knew that building an attraction that was both enjoyable AND affordable could be a sound business strategy?

AutoSafari Chapin - Guatemalan Safari (59)

Visit restrooms at the entrance – a good idea

Entry fees are pretty affordable. Tickets for adults are Q60, for children 2-10 years old Q50, free for anyone under two. You can also prepay for food, which I highly recommend.

For only Q30 extra for adults and Q35 for children, you get a ticket for a meal combo (burger, fries and a drink).  Pony up Q55 and you get a huge Churrasco and potatoes meal.

The burgers were surprisingly humongous too, and one burger is enough to feed two starving children, as I found out.

Prices at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Prices at AutoSafari Chapin

At the ticket booth, you’ll get a map of showing you the layout of the park.  The park is divided into sections and numbered gates separate them. It’s not necessary, as the road that goes through the park does not have any turn-offs.

With tickets in hand, we went towards section #1.  A park attendant checked to made sure we had bought tickets.  Once cleared, the massive wooden doors were opened, and we were off!

Immediately we were awestruck when we realized we’d be not just close to the animals, but right next to them.  We slowly inched forward while zebras leisurely moved off the road.

Zebras at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Zebras at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

You’re allowed to have the windows rolled down, except when moving into the section housing the lions.  I was so close to the zebras I could almost touch them if I stuck my arm out of the car.

AutoSafari Chapin - Zebras

Zebras up close

I believe the animals below were yaks.  For the most part, my experience was that the animals regarded us with as much curiosity as we did them.

AutoSafari Chapin - Guatemala

Yaks? – AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Each section was numbered.

AutoSafari Chapin - Guatemala

The park is divided into sections

There were signs with the names of animals present in each particular section.

Signs at AutoSafari Chapin - Guatemala Safari

Signs tell you what animals to look for

Emus were wandering around freely.

Emu at AutoSafari Chapin - Guatemala Safari

Emu at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Emu, AutoSafari Chapin - Guatemala Safari

Emu up close

Another treat was the Hippo section.

Hippo section AutoSafari Chapin - Guatemala Safari

Hippo section was a favorite of ours

As we drove up, a hippo eyed us from the water and decided to put on a show.

Hippo swimming, AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala Safari

Hippos going for a swim

The hippo slowly made its way out of the water, walked across the road, literally 3 feet in front of the car, and just stared at us for a bit.

Hippos up close at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Hippos up close

Once it got bored of us, it turned around and just waded into the water for another swim.

AutoSafari Chapin - Guatemalan Safari (47)

Hippos must be bored of tourists

There were a few different species of goat and deer throughout the park….

Goats at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala Safari

African goats?

… as well as lots of spider monkeys.

Spider monkeys at AutoSafari Chapin - Guatemala Safari

Spider monkeys playing

AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala Safari

Going for a drink

AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala Safari

Spider monkey watching us drive by

Deer AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala Safari

Deer at the side of the road

I believe this is what they call a six-point buck up north.  Much more prone to jump in front of your car in the US.  This one here just seemed content to watch me drive by.

Deer up close AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala Safari

Deer up close

An ostrich watches us go by…

Ostrich AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala Safari

Spotted Agua Volcano.  We know we’re not too far from home whenever we catch a glimpse.

Agua Volcano, AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala Safari

Agua Volcano in the distance

Another favorite of us was the section housing giraffes, which seemed to be curious about every car that passed by.

Griraffe section at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Giraffe section

I’m sure the kid below got a memory of a lifetime, as he peeked at a giraffe while sticking his head out of the car’s sunroof.

How. Cool. Is. That?

Giraffes at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Peeking at giraffe through sunroof

The giraffe above headed to the shade under the canopy.  We thought we’d have to be content to watch them from a distance…

Giraffes, AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala Safari

Avoiding the midday sun

… until the same giraffe started walking again and headed straight for the back of our car.

More giraffes at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

More giraffes

The giraffe slowly made its way around, and I managed to get a quick shot off as it checked us out from behind.

Giraffe at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

One giraffe found us interesting

The giraffe got so close to us I couldn’t even fit it all in one frame. It was so close I could’ve touched without sticking out my whole arm!

Giraffe at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

It got very close

Giraffe at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Close enough to touch

Eventually, it walked away after it got bored with us.  The kids just sat in the car with mouths wide open.

Giraffe walking away at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

It strolled away…

Heading into the section that housed the lions, all signs advised us to roll up the windows. Sunroof-kid wisely ducked inside the car again.

AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Fenced in lion section

Again, we were able to get pretty close.

Lion resting at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Lion didn’t seem to mind us

windows up at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Windows must be up when in lions’ section

Rolled down the windows just a tad to get a clear pic.  The lions seemed not to pay any attention to us.

lion resting at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

I dared lowering window a bit to take a better pic

Just in case, a guard watched from a tower high up, in case anybody got crazy enough to get out of the car and pet the lion.

Guard at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Guard watching lions closely

Halfway through, there’s a section where people can pull over, use the restrooms, and get some refreshments.  It also had a nice observation tower overlooking the giraffes’ section.

Giraffe observation tower at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Giraffe observation tower

I liked the open-area setup.  The animals had plenty of room to roam, and they all seemed to be cared for well.

AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Open spaces

Iguanas at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Giant iguanas

By far the smelliest section was the warthog section.  We couldn’t get past it fast enough!

Warthogs at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Warthogs smell bad!

More iguanas at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Large iguana

Deer at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Not exactly the African plain, but close enough

At the end of the driving trail, one arrives at the other section of the park, which contains the restaurant, pool, another zoo (traditional kind) and an artificial lake.

Signs at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Signs for pool, restaurant, and other sections of the park

We parked and headed straight for the restaurant to eat.  The installations were huge and pretty clean.  The menu has your standard park fare and beer on tap.

Restaurant at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Restaurant counter

Two pools, an adult-sized one, and a kiddie one were a welcome relief since it was very hot, as it tends to be in this part of Guatemala.

We went pretty early, which explains why there are barely any other people in the pics. The pool area filled up later when the latecomers began streaming in after 1:00 p.m.

Pools at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Clean pools

There were different colorful birds throughout the park’s grounds.

peacock at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Royal toucans up close

Guacamayas at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Included in the admission price is a pleasant ride on a gondola-type launch, which circles “Monkey Island.”  It took about 10-15 minutes to go around the lake.

Monkey island at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Entrance for launch to Monkey Island

launch at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Launch fits about 12 passengers

monkey at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Monkey Island residents

curious monkey at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Naughty Monkey

After the gondola ride, we went on the walking trail to explore the mini-zoo.

trail at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

There’s a nice shaded trail for the little ones

emu at AutoSafari Chapin zoo Guatemala

They seemed relaxed

jaguar at AutoSafari Chapin Guatemala

Jaguar up close – near impossible to see one in the wild

After spending a few hours at the park, we were pooped.  We had no energy to make use of that second go-round pass.

I’d say that this park was one of the highlights of my trip, a real feat considering I’ve been to some amazing places already.

And I totally would’ve missed it again had I not been exploring Guatemala slowly, at my own pace, instead of frantically trying to have an excellent vacation.

What are some off-the-beaten path places you love,

even though they’re not huge tourist’ attractions?

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Published by rich polanco.

Fan of dogs + all things tech. Love a great pizza. My goal is not to travel to every country in the world. I only want to get to know my favorite ones REALLY well. Check out the big bio here . Follow @RichPolanco and connect on Facebook . Currently exploring: Guatemala. View more posts

5 thoughts on “ Things to Do in Guatemala: Visit a Safari Park, AutoSafari Chapin ”

This looks like such an amazing experience! I want to check it out if I ever make to Guatemala! Off the beaten path places are very fun to find, it’s so wonderful that you created this ability to travel slowly and discover them.

It is a wonderful place. Well worth the visit :)

And I’m working hard behind the scenes to make slow travel a reality for other people.

Excellent site you’ve got here. I honestly appreciate people like you! Take care!

Woah! I’m really loving the template/theme of this blog. It’s simple, yet effective. A lot of times it’s difficult to get that “perfect balance” between user friendliness and visual appearance. I must say you have done a amazing job with this. Additionally, the blog loads super fast for me on Chrome. Exceptional Blog!

  • Pingback: Visiting Antigua Guatemala with Children – What to See and Do

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Autosafari Chapín

About 25km southeast of Escuintla, Autosafari Chapín is a drive-through safari park and animal conservation project. Species native to Guatemala include white-tailed deer, tapir and macaws. Around the grounds also roam non-native species such as lions, hippos and leopards. There is a restaurant and pool, and it makes a good day out if you're traveling with kids.

It's more fun if you have your own vehicle, but if not, a 20-minute cruise through the park in a minibus is included in the admission price. Various companies run buses here (Q20, 1½ hours) from the Centra Sur terminal in Guatemala City. They leave every 10 minutes, from 4:30am to 5:30pm.

Carretera a Taxisco. Km 87.5

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What’s it Like to Visit Auto Safari Chapin in Guatemala?

Destinations, family travel.

Surprise, surprise! Guatemala has one of the best safaris my family and I’ve been to, and I can honestly say we’ve been to a lot. Too many actually. I’m almost over visiting animal parks at times, but Auto Safari Chapin was just what we needed.

If you’re an animal lover, adventure seeker, or simply curious about unique experiences, Auto Safari Chapin in Guatemala is a must-visit destination.

The Auto Safari Chapin is located in Escuintla , and it offers a unique blend of wildlife encounters, stunning landscapes, and family-friendly activities, I can’t put into words how incredible this place is and how good an addition to any bucket list it is!

Table of Contents

Useful information for Auto Safari Chapin

  • Address: Km. 87.5 Road to Taxisco, Guanagazapa Escuintla, Guatemala
  • Phone: (+502) 3603-2140 (Whatsapp) -(502) 2425-4935 or 5517-1705 (Park)
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Price: Q.75.00 ($10) for adults and kids.
  • If you don’t have a car, don’t worry! They have a safari bus to drive you through the park.

What to do and see at Auto Safari Chapin?

When we first heard about it, I really was not expecting much, but Auto Safari Chapin truly offers an immersive safari experience like no other. Not only that, it actually has several other activities, spaces, and different ways to interact with the animals.

Make sure to keep your camera ready, as you drive through the park the curious animals literally come up to your car. At times it can really be frightening.

Here’s what Auto Safari Chapin Offers:

Enjoy the Pit stop

One of the biggest draws of Auto Safari Chapin is that it’s not all in-car driving. About mid point, there is a great playground to walk around.

It’s a great addition, breathe fresh air, stretch your legs, and even have some viewpoints to see the animals.

Two giraffes under a gigant umberella in autosafari chapin guatemala

Enjoy the Different Pathways

After you’re done with the driving of the safari, the other half of the fun begins.

You’ll find a couple of trails and walkways, which will take you to the other part of the park where you will find several other attractions. Walking those trails is part of the fun, they feel cozy and natural.

Check out the Zoo

After the safari you can go to the Zoo, yes, there is an actual zoo too. There you will large cages to visit as well as different animals.

Planning a Trip to Guatemala? Check Out These Helpful Services:

Find the best flight deals

This is the site I recommend , you can check all the different prices.

Best accommodation prices

I highly recommend this one , it’s the best option right now for Paris.

The best way to get around is by car

Check out this site to rent a car and go at your own pace.

Try the Boat Tour and Monkey Island

While there are monkeys there you won’t find them since they have their own habitat. Yes, the luckiest of all are the monkeys, they seem to have it better than the rest. They have their own island!

Once you’re done with the safari drive and walking the zoo, there is still more fun to be had. Take the boat ride to Monkey Island and other animals that you haven’t seen before.

monkeys near the water in autosafari chapin

Feeding Opportunities

Yes, you should not miss the chance to hand-feed some of the animals, but it has an extra cost and can be done only at certain times of the day.

For example, you can feed the giraffes for Q10 (like $2). It’s an exhilarating experience that brings you closer to nature, worth trying out.

a giraffe eating in safari chapin guatemala

If you’re lucky enough, some days you will find pony rides available and kids can enjoy a short and safe activity that’s guided by friendly and professional staff.

It’s a memorable experience for little adventurers.

Try Petting an Animal in the Zoo

Both adults and kids can get to pet goats, rabbits, and other gentle animals at the petting zoo. You need to ask the staff if this is available first, please, don’t go touching all the animals you see around.

I know children love interacting with their furry friends, but make sure it’s under the staff’s supervision.

woman and kid watching animals in Auto Safari Chapin

Check out the Playground

At the center of the safari, you will find a huge area, there is also a playground for kids to enjoy. It has several structures, like a pool, swings, slides, and climbing structures.

Let the kids burn off energy at the playground.

Essential Travel Resources

❗Don’t forget travel insurance

This company is the one I trust, it’s one of the most essential things for any trip. It has your back in case you get sick abroad, or have an accident.

🎒Pack smarter, not bulky

Check out this vacation packing list , including all the essentials you need to pack when traveling, from travel clothing to backpacks and more.

🏡Where to Stay – Here are Suggestions

This is my favorite place to look for accommodations , it offers different types, a ton of locations, and good price options.

🗺️Get Around Hassle-Free

This one is the perfect option to look for different transportation options between cities, from flights, buses, and taxis to minivans and more.

🛫Find Cheap Flights

Whenever I need to fly, I head to this website for low-cost flights.

Picnic Areas and Restaurants

Of course, eating is a huge part of the experience and fortunately, you can choose between packing your own picnic or dining at the park’s restaurants.

While the restaurant is not the best it’s certainly not bad, it’s a bit expensive compared to the rest of the prices in the country but I guess it’s due to the location.

You can expect to pay Q60 (around $8) for a hamburger, french fries and a drink. But you get the experience and you get to enjoy your meal with a view of the scenic surroundings.

people in the playground and pool area of safari chapin guatemala

How to Get to Auto Safari Chapin?

Auto Safari Chapin is conveniently located in Escuintla, just a short drive from Guatemala City and Antigua , it’s like 1 hour away by car, which makes it perfect for a day trip from Antigua .

You can get there by taxi, or taking a shuttle (I don’t recommend you take the public bus, they are crowded and loud). Also, you can get there by using Uber, which is available in Guatemala and a lot of tourists feel safer using it.

On the other hand, I highly recommend you rent a car and drive there, it’s not complicated. You can follow these steps to reach the park:

Directions from Guatemala City:

  • Head south on the CA-9 highway.
  • Take the exit toward Escuintla.
  • Follow signs to Auto Safari Chapin.
  • Arrive at the entrance and get ready for adventure!

the bus of Auto Safari Chapin Guatemala

Things to Pack

Yes, there are things you NEED to pack, since there’s a portion of the adventure done on food and even a boat tour, it’s better to come to the safari prepared!

The first thing and most important: walking around can be tiring, so bring water and snacks.

The second thing: make sure to pack binoculars, that way you can spot distant animals.

The Third one: Don’t forget your camera or smartphone to capture those memorable moments. Remember to turn off the flash to avoid startling the animals.

Here’s a quick list of the things you NEED to bring:

  • Sun protector
  • Insect Repellent (used it BEFORE arriving)
  • First Aid Kit
  • Sun Glasses

an ostrich near a car in Auto Safaria Chapin

Tips I wish I had known before my visit

Visiting auto safaris and zoos can be an exciting, educational, and a pretty straightforward experience for people of all ages, but there are several things I wish I had known before my visit there

So, here’s how to have an unforgettable safari or zoo adventure:

1. Plan Ahead

I was living in Antigua at the moment of my visit, and the Auto Safari Chapin is only 1h away from there, so I guess that’s why we didn’t overthink it.

But before heading to the safari or zoo, do some research. Find out the opening hours, ticket prices, and any special events or feeding times.

If you can, consider booking tickets online to avoid long queues at the entrance. Also, check the weather forecast!

2. Arrive Early

Arriving early is always a good practice and has several advantages. You’ll beat the crowds, have better chances of seeing active animals, and enjoy cooler temperatures.

Plus, early mornings are when many animals are most active.

monkeys on a island in auto safari chapin boat tour

3. Respect the Animals

If you with you own car or use the Auto Safari Chapin bus to go through the park, make sure to keep a safe distance from the animals, and don’t try to pet them without supervision.

Follow any guidelines provided by the staff.

Avoid loud noises, sudden movements, and feeding the animals unless allowed. Remember that these creatures are wild and deserve our respect.

4. Learn About Conservation

Many zoos and safaris focus on conservation efforts, and Auto Safari Chapin is not different. So, take the time to read about the species you encounter and learn about their habitats, threats, and what’s being done to protect them.

Your visit contributes to these conservation initiatives.

Absolutely yes! The ride, the other attractions of the park, the animals and the playground make it a great family outing.

Yes, you can pack a picnic and enjoy it at one of the designated areas.

Yes, if you don’t have a car, they have a bus that will take you through the park with a professional, but it’s NOT a guided tour. While there are no official guided tours, the park provides informative signs and maps.

The dry season is always the best time to visit the country, make sure to go to the safari during Mornings and late afternoons offer pleasant weather and optimal animal activity.

Looking for More Inspiration?

I have been traveling and living in Guatemala for over 25 years Check out these Hand-Tested GUIDES

If you want to travel without the hassle and confusion – check out a complete guide for traveling to Guatemala .

For more travel ideas to add to your bucket list, check out a complete guide to all the best places to visit in Guatemala .

Guatemala has a huge variety of food, check out the guide to the top 15 Guatemalan Food and Dishes .

Disclosure: This blog post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a commission for any purchases made through the links. Your trust is important to us, and we ensure that all products or services we recommend meet or exceed our editorial standards .

Last Updated on July 7, 2024

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3 thoughts on “ What’s it Like to Visit Auto Safari Chapin in Guatemala? ”

It’s been 15 years since I have been in a auto safari. I was so much younger and so scared. Still I remember it was fun. It-s a pity I never got to do it again. Maybe sometime in the future… Auto Safari Chapin sounds like a great choice.

Laura, how cool you did this! Very few people, who don’t spend a lot of time in Guatemala visit this safari. Funny enough, the first time I did it was 13 years ago. It was great going back with my kids.

I love safaris like this! It makes a safari accessible for those of us that can’t travel to Africa.

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Yo Amo Escuintla

Auto Safari Chapín, de Escuintla para toda Guatemala

¿Cuántos recuerdos te trae el Auto Safari Chapín? Para todo escuintleco es inevitable escuchar su nombre y evitar que se forme en el rostro una sonrisa, pues además de ser uno de los lugares turísticos emblemáticos de Escuintla, es un centro de recuerdos donde grandes y pequeños disfrutan por igual.

Auto Safari Chapín se fundó y estableció en Escuintla, pero es un punto de reunión para cientos de familias guatemaltecas y extranjeras que buscan una convivencia especial con la naturaleza y los animales.

¿Cómo nació la idea de fundar Auto Safari Chapín?

En 1975, Don Roberto Berger Lehnhoff y Don Ricardo Mata, comprometidos por crear un lugar o reserva en el que se pudiera conservar y reproducir la fauna guatemalteca, fundaron la reserva, con el fin especial de cuidar y proteger a los animales, especialmente los que se encontraban en peligro de extinción.

Según destacan en su página web, “los primeros animales en llegar a la reserva fueron 15 Venados cola blanca donados por el Señor Rafael Herrera”. Después contaron con la primera pareja de hipopótamos, agregándose poco a poco animales silvestres locales e internacionales, en los que algunos fueron donados por personas cercanas.

Luego ya se inició con los trabajos de remozamiento del área, hasta crear el icónico “Ranchón”, y el resto de las instalaciones, la construcción duró aproximadamente dos años, pero también se encargaron de reforestar el área, para hacer del lugar cada más confortable.

Fue el 26 de enero de 1980, cuando finalmente la reserva se abrió al público y desde entonces ha sido un monasterio de aprendizaje, respeto y amor por los animales y la fauna.

14 años después para hacer que los animales se sintieran más cómodos y en su hábitat, nuevamente se hicieron nuevas remodelaciones para evitar en lo posible el uso de jaulas y que las especies ahí expuestas tengan un “entorno más natural, abierto y acondicionado para sus necesidades específicas”.

Ver esta publicación en Instagram Una publicación compartida de Auto Safari Chapín (@autosafarichapin)

En el recinto cuentan con un programa educativo que ha sido visitado por estudiantes de escuelas de toda la república y tanto a ellos como todas las personas individuales que visitan el parque, se les explica de la importancia de la preservación de la fauna y flora. Con ello se pretende que se motiven ellos y a personas en sus comunidades a cuidar más el medio ambiente y con ello preservar la vida silvestre del país.

¿Qué especies viven en Auto Safari Chapín?

En Auto Safari Chapín conviven 96 especies distintas de animales y 70 especies de plantas, dentro de 14 recintos distribuidos en el parque. Se trata de que se mantengan en su habitad natural para hacer más fácil su preservación.

Algunos de los animales que llegan al parque son donaciones de circos, zoológicos y personas, otros son especies rescatadas, con el fin de que tengan una vida digna, con respeto y buenos cuidados.

Algunas de las especies guatemaltecas que se encuentran en peligro de extinción, se han logrado reproducir en el Auto Safari, dentro de ellas destacan: el venado cola blanca, venado Huitzil, coche de monte, jabalí, jaguares, monos araña, monos capuchinos, guacamayas rojo y azul, loros, y pericas.

Dentro de las especies que encontrará en el Auto Safari están:

  • Pavos reales
  • Guacamayas y loros
  • Ciervos y venados
  • Diferentes clases de monos
  • Cocodrilos y caimanes
  • Hipopótamos
  • Coches de monte
  • Ñandús, entre otros

La visita a Auto Safari en la “nueva normalidad”

Por la pandemia provocada por el COVID-19 Auto Safari como otros negocios tuvo que cerrar sus puertas en marzo, pero en agosto reabrieron para seguir brindando a las familias escuintlecas y guatemaltecas una sana recreación con todas las medidas sanitarias para prevenir el contagio del coronavirus.

Para algunos visitar el recinto es como realizar un viaje a África:

Desde la primera semana de diciembre estará abierto de jueves a domingo, a partir de las 8:30 horas, para que además de recorrido vehicular, se puedan disfrutar de las diferentes actividades como las piscinas, vueltas por la laguna, alimentar a las jirafas y aves, entre otras.

Para poder ingresar al parque, todos los vehículos son desinfectados y solo se permite utilizar los del núcleo familiar, se recomienda mantener las medidas de distanciamiento con otras personas ajenas a nuestra familia y el uso obligatorio de mascarilla.

Para garantizar la salud de sus visitantes las áreas comunes como baños y restaurantes son constantemente desinfectados.

¿Qué recuerdos te trae Auto Safari chapín?


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Getting Close to Nature at Auto Safari Chapín in Guatemala

Located in Escuintla and just a one-and-a-half-hour drive from Guatemala City or Antigua Guatemala, Auto Safari Chapin is a great day trip for families and animal lovers. Whether you are visiting or living there, Auto Safari is one of the best things to do in Guatemala with kids.

Feeding giraffes at Auto Safari Chapin in Guatemala

Things to do In Guatemala For Animal Lovers

What sets Auto Safari apart from other zoos is that the animals roam freely in large enclosures you can drive through. You feel that you are entering that animal’s world, getting a sneak peek into their lives. Although the sections are big enough for the animals to interact in a natural environment, each enclosure is long but not too wide. The animals are never far away from the car as you drive; getting close to nature was never this easy!

Auto Safari Chapin Guatemala

As a kid, I remember going to Auto Safari Chapin a few times, especially when we were on our way to the beach. It’s a great side trip on your way to Monterrico or any other beach on Guatemala’s Pacific Coast . I love animals and have fond memories of visiting Auto Safari Chapín with my family. My favorite memory was holding a baby jaguar at the park when I was about 12 years old. Now, tell me, where else do you get to do that?

bay hippo at Auto Safari Chapin Guatemala

Incredible Adventures at Auto Safari Chapín

We took the kids to the Safari Chapín for the first time on our recent trip to Guatemala . And they were excited to see all the animals, from  African species like hippos, ostriches, and lions to local animals like whitetail deer and spider monkeys. You can drive with the windows down in most enclosures, except where dangerous animals like hippos and lions exist.

deer herd at Auto Safari Chapin Guatemala

Feeding Giraffes At Auto Safari

The highlight of our visit was feeding the giraffes. For less than US $2, you receive a bunch of long branches that you can give the giraffes right from your car. You open your window and stick out the leaves, and the giraffes will take them right from your hand! After going through the enclosures, we returned with the park’s manager. I wanted to take pictures of the kids as they fed the giraffes, so I could not be inside the car.

feeding giraffes at Safari Chapin

We all ended up riding in the back of one of the park’s pickup trucks and feeding the giraffes. I was amazed at how close the giraffes were and how incredibly huge they were. As I stood next to the truck taking pictures, one of the park’s staff members kept the giraffes at a safe distance from me. A kick from their 7-foot legs would have certainly done some serious harm.

feeding giraffes

It was an amazing experience, and both of my kids were thrilled to be surrounded by giraffes. These majestic animals were coming from every direction, and getting so close to them was an incredible experience.

Looking at the ostrich

Incredible Wildlife At Your Window

We captured incredible photos of the animals right from the truck. The ride in our own car was comfortable and cool, unlike the weather outside (which was hot and muggy even in December). I was pleasantly surprised to see the zoo in excellent condition. The animals looked happy and in great health.

We saw many animals at Auto Safari ; our favorites were the hippos. There was a super cute baby hippo, and we saw them from pretty close. Also, we loved having to stop for whitetail deer or spider monkeys to cross the road in front of the car. And getting so close to the lions, resting just a couple of meters away, was exciting!

lions at Auto Safari Chapin Guatemala

We also watched as a deer heard jumped over a stream. It felt like you were out on a safari in Africa! Nevertheless, the roads, although in excellent condition, are dirt roads. Sometimes you even have to cross a little stream, which my 7-year-old thought was cool.

deer jumping a creek Autosafari Chapin Guatemala

Amenities and More at Safari Chapín

About halfway through the drive through the animal enclosures, there was a rest stop where you could buy refreshments and climb up observation areas to look at the giraffes. There were also bathrooms and a playground. We let the kids burn some energy on the playground before returning to the car. Once you finish with the drive-through section of the zoo, you arrive at a parking lot and can continue with the pedestrian part of the zoo. You will find local species of mammals, birds, and reptiles.  

The grounds weres well taken care of, and you felt like you were in the jungle or an African savanna. The gardens were not well-manicured but had more of a natural and wild look without being overgrown or out of control. In this area, you will also find the restaurant and the dock, where you can take a boat ride around the small lake. So don’t skip the opportunity to watch the capuchin and spider monkeys that inhabit the small islands.

Boat ride

Things To Consider When Visiting Auto Safari Chapín

  • The restaurant offers hamburgers, hot dogs, Carne Adobada, and other simple and quick options. The food could be better, but we were not there for the food. Next time, I would pack sandwiches and snacks for the kids and skip the restaurant altogether.
  • It is hot in Escuintla, even in December and January. So don’t forget to bring lots of sunblock cream, a hat, and mosquito repellent!
  • Give yourself at least 3 or 4 hours to see everything. Although the safari is not immensely huge, you’ll need time to stop and appreciate the animals. 

For more information and rates, you can visit the Auto Safari Chapín website , like on Facebook , and follow on Twitter.

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Father and children at Lake Atitlan in Guatemala

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4 thoughts on “Getting Close to Nature at Auto Safari Chapín in Guatemala”

Que buenas imágenes. Hemos visitado varios zoológicos pero nunca hemos ido algo como esto. Debe ser una experiencia única… porque en una oportunidad fuimos a un lugar donde se podía alimentar a los animales y mis hijos no querían irse.

Que bello lugar, se ve magico, a mis nenas les encantaria ir!!

Qué súper safari, ya no tenemos que ir hasta Africa para vivir la experiencia de uno! Lindas fotos. Saludos y


Gracias por las recomendaciones Paula, se ve como una experiencia muy bonita para los peques.

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Guía turística – auto safari chapín.

safari chapin bueno o malo

Guatemala cuenta con una amplia abundancia de Flora y Fauna rica en  especies, privilegiada por sus climas y micro climas.  En donde los guatemaltecos pueden observarlas por doquier.  Dentro de los lugares que tiene Guatemala para apreciar la Flora y la Fauna se encuentra AUTO SAFARI CHAPÍN en donde los visitantes pueden observar de cerca a los animales  sin necesidad de una reja, al estilo de un SAFARI y vivir una experiencia única en Guatemala y Centroamérica.

La idea de crear un lugar para conservar las especies nace en 1975 por parte de  Roberto Berger Lehnhoff y Ricardo Mata, durante 2 años se hicieron mediciones y planificación del recinto. Iniciando con 15 venados de cola blanca, a los cuales se les sumaron diversas especies con el tiempo.

Es por ello que en 1980 crean el Auto Safari Chapín dando una oportunidad única a sus visitantes, poder realizar un recorrido desde la comodidad de su vehículo observando a los animales desde su habitad natural.

Es el primer zoológico interactivo de Centroamérica en el cual los visitantes pueden estar cerca de los animales desde la comodidad de su vehículo, brindado una experiencia única a los turistas.

Cómo Llegar

Existen dos vías, la más concurrida es la ruta Guatemala- Escuintla.

Si viene de la ciudad de Guatemala, se dirige por ruta al Pacífico vía Calzada Aguilar Batres, Amatitlán, y luego vía la autopista Palín-Escuintla CA-9A, hasta llegar a la bifurcación de Taxisco y la ruta a Puerto Quetzal. Una forma de orientación o punto clave es el restaurante Oasis en cual es característico por vender chicharrones, aproximadamente a 500 metros se encuentra un rótulo que indica el cruce, se debe de girar hacia la izquierda. Atravesando ambos carriles en línea recta. Al cruzar verá un rótulo que le indica  que debe conducir por 20 minutos más hasta el Auto Safari, en el kilómetro 87.5.

El trayecto está en muy buenas condiciones, facilitando la llegada al lugar. En su entorno se encuentran árboles a ambos lados del camino. Antes de llegar al Auto Safari se encuentra la hidroeléctrica de Aguacapa.

La segunda vía es recomendable para personas que vienen desde El Salvador, se recomienda ingresar a Guatemala por la frontera de la Hachadura. Al pasar la frontera se tarda aproximadamente 45 minutos a una hora para llegar al Auto Safari, el cual encontrará a mano izquierda.

Al llegar al Auto Safari se puede apreciar un rótulo de grandes proporciones desde la calle, el cual da la bienvenida. Al ingresar se conduce por camino rodeado de árboles, al finalizar encontrará rótulos sobre el horario de atención, costos y la garita en la cual hay que pagar el ingreso al parque.

Un policía lo guiara para estacionar el vehículo, al cancelar el costo de ingreso hay diversas tarifas.

  • Incluye únicamente la entrada, que consiste en un recorrido por los 14 recintos hasta un recorrido a pie por la fauna de Guatemala y un recorrido en lancha.
  • Incluye la entrada, el recorrido en vehículo, a pie, recorrido en lancha, uso de la piscina y almuerzo.


La aventura inicia al momento de ingresar al primer recinto en donde sus recomendaciones son básicas e indispensables:

Permanecer dentro del vehículo, colocar el pasador a las puertas, cuando se visita al león permanecer   con las ventanas arriba. Realizar el recorrido a una velocidad menor de 5km/h.

Son 14 recintos en su totalidad los cuales contienen diversidad de especies, la mayoría de estos   animales están libres e inclusive algunos de ellos son curiosos y se acercan al vehículo. Es una oportunidad ideal para tomar fotografías. Disfrutando de cada recinto el recorrido se puede hacer en una hora.

Los animales están en un Habitat ideal, por ejemplo los hipopótamos cuentan con estanque para nadar, así cada especie tiene su propio espacio natural.

  • Cebra de Grant, Búfalo de Agua, Venado de Cola Blanca, Guacamaya Roja
  • Venados Chitales, Emu, Guacamaya Azul y Amarillo
  • Hipopótamo
  • Cabra Enana de Camerún, Emu
  • Mono Araña, Guacamaya Roja, Venado de Cola Blanca
  • Avestruz, Guacamaya Azul y Amarillo.
  • Jirafa, Mono Araña
  • León Africano, Coyote
  • Guacamaya Azul y Amarillo
  • Antílope Nigai, Quebranta Hueso o Cara Cara, Garzón Pulido
  • Ganzo Domestico Blanco, Cocodrilo Moreleti, Chamarros, Tortuga común.
  • Pelibuey, Emu, Mono Araña
  • Coche de Monte, Jabalí Labio Blanco
  • Antílope Sasin.

Al finalizar el recorrido del recinto 10 se encuentra un área para descansar, un oasis, miradores para ver jirafas, sanitarios y un área de juegos.

El parque se encuentra en constante crecimiento, gracias a que diversas especies en peligro de extinción se han logrado reproducir en él.

Al finalizar el recorrido en vehículo se puede estacionar en la sombra de árboles como Conacaste, Caoba, Matilisguate y Cedro. Al descender del vehículo se observa una entrada al restaurante y zoológico peatonal, en el entorno se aprecia la Laguna.


En el área de restaurante hay variedad de comida en los cuales se puede encontrar para todos los gustos. Si uno gusta puede comer tanto en el rancho, como en el área de mesas con vista a la laguna. Por el lugar transitan pavo reales.

A un costado del restaurante se encuentra el área de piscinas, el cual contiene dos. Una de poca profundidad para niños y otra de mediana profundidad para adultos. Por el calor del lugar resulta refrescante hacer uso de ellas.

Una opción ideal es almorzar en medio del recorrido, ya sea después dirigiéndose al zoológico peatonal, dar el recorrido en lancha y por último dirigirse a la piscina. Una de las ventajas del Auto Safari Chapín es que resulta ser ideal para toda la familia, brindando una aventura de aprendizaje y valoración de la Fauna y Flora.

Al ingresar se observa una piedra con las huellas de unos pies el cual tienen una placa conmemorativa, acompañado por Guacamayas y Tucanes que dan la Bienvenida.

Recorrido en Lancha

El recorrido en lancha es ideal para toda la familia, visitando diversas islas de monos, conducidos por una persona que lleva la lancha. A la vez se observan diversas especies de aves que llegan al lugar.

Zoológico de Fauna Guatemalteca

Es un recorrido a pie en el cual se visitan recintos de animales como Helodermas, Mapaches, Guacamayas, Cocodrilos, Tortugas, Cotuzas, Micoleón y puercoespín

Un área muy especial es la zona infantil en donde los niños pueden tener contacto con los animales. .

Cada espacio del Auto Safari Chapín está hecho para la interacción de los visitantes con los animales y ellos puedan verlos en su habitad, aprender de ellos y valorar la importancia que tienen en nuestro entorno.


Para que la experiencia se viva de forma positiva se recomiendo llevar lo siguiente:

– Ropa cómoda. – Cámara Fotográfica. – Repelente. – Bloqueador, Gorra para la protección solar. – Traje de Baño. – Hidratación.

Más información en:

  • Web Auto Safari Chapín
  • Facebook Auto Safari Chapín

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Auto Safari Chapin ofrece paquetes con hospedaje incluido en Guatemala


Descripción de la foto para personas con discapacidad visual: Hombre parado en una plataforma de madera frente a una jirafa. (Créditos::davidmontoyac03)

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¿Safari y hospedaje? Auto Safari Chapin cuenta con nuevos paquetes que incluyen entrada al parque, transporte, comida, hospedaje y mucho más. Si tienes ganas de disfrutar en familia de una aventura diferente, sin duda estos nuevos paquetes te pueden interesar. Te contamos a continuación los precios detallados. ¡Pilas pues!

Nuevos paquetes todo incluido en Auto Safari Chapin

Este es el único safari al aire libre que puedes visitar en Guatemala y es sin duda uno de los lugares turísticos más visitados del departamento de Escuintla . Por medio de sus redes sociales oficiales, dieron a conocer que cuentan con nuevos paquetes todo incluido que incluyen todas las comodidades para hacer un viaje en familia.

Auto Safari Chapin ofrece paquetes con hospedaje incluido en Guatemala

Los nuevos paquetes de Auto Safari Chapin te incluyen:

  • Ingreso al Safari (entrada normal o Tour VIP)
  • Parqueo con seguridad
  • Transporte del hostal al Safari y viceversa
  • Desayuno incluido dentro del Hostal Las Marías
  • Uso de las instalaciones del hostal

El Hostal Las Marías es un hospedaje que se encuentra a muy pocos minutos de Auto Safari Chapin . Dicho hotel cuenta con piscina al aire libre, restaurante, amplios jardines y habitaciones cómodas con baño privado. ¡Te encantará!

Auto Safari Chapin ofrece paquetes con hospedaje

Precios de los paquetes todo incluido de Auto Safari Chapin:

El paquete de ingreso más hospedaje, cuestan:

  • Ingreso normal y hospedaje para una persona: Q 345.00.
  • Ingreso al tour vip y hospedaje para una persona: Q 475.00.
  • Ingreso normal y hospedaje para dos persona: Q 690.00.
  • El ingreso al tour vip y hospedaje para dos personas: Q 950.00.
  • Entrada normal y hospedaje para cuatro personas: Q 1,380.00.
  • Tour vip y hospedaje para cuatro personas: Q 1,900.00.
  • Entrada normal y hospedaje para cinco personas: Q 1,725.00.
  • Tour vip y hospedaje para cinco personas: Q 2,375.00.

Auto Safari Chapin ofrece paquetes con hospedaje incluido

Si deseas realizar alguna consulta o comunicarte directamente con Auto Safari Chapin puedes ingresar a su página web , cuenta de Facebook o llamar al 2425-4935. Además si deseas comunicarte con el hotel, puedes llamarlos al 4160-1738 o ingresar a su Facebook .

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Auto Safari Chapín permanece abierto durante feriados oficiales de Guatemala, y durante feriados y fiestas de la República de El Salvador. Los feriados Guatemaltecos oficiales durante los cuales permanecemos abiertos son: Año Nuevo - enero 1 Semana Santa - (variable) Día del Trabajo - mayo 1 Día del Ejército - junio 30 Virgen de la Asunción (Ciudad de Guatemala) - agosto 15 Día de la Indenpendencia - septiembre 15 Día de la Revolución - octubre 20 Día de Todos los Santos - noviembre 1 Si alguno de estos feriados es en día lunes, es muy probable que se abra el parque. Revise nuestro calendario o haga clic para ver si abrimos el día que usted quiere visitarnos o llame al (+502) 2425-4935 ó 5517-1705


  1. Auto Safari Chapín en Guatemala, un destino único para visitar en familia

    safari chapin bueno o malo


    safari chapin bueno o malo


    safari chapin bueno o malo


    safari chapin bueno o malo

  5. Tripadvisor

    safari chapin bueno o malo

  6. Auto Safari Chapin En Escuintla 🙈

    safari chapin bueno o malo


  1. AUTO SAFARI CHAPIN (Escuintla)

    Reserva animal ejemplar en Guatemala ! El Auto-Safari Chapin es una reserva animal en la cual se pueden apreciar varias especies en libertad. Uno de los recorridos se hace en vehículo (ya sea transporte que provee el parque o el automóvil propio). No hay limitaciones en el tipo de vehículo.

  2. Auto Safari Chapin

    Top ways to experience Auto Safari Chapin and nearby attractions. Private Wildlife Auto Safari Adventure from Puerto Quetzal. Ports of Call Tours. from. $320.00. per adult (price varies by group size) Visit Hobbitenango Themed Park and Antigua Guatemala. 22. Recommended.

  3. Muy bueno

    Auto Safari Chapin: Muy bueno - 64 opiniones y 132 fotos de viajeros, y ofertas fantásticas para Escuintla, Guatemala en Tripadvisor.

  4. Muy bonito lugar. vale la pena visitarlo

    Auto Safari Chapin: Muy bonito lugar. vale la pena visitarlo - 65 opiniones y 132 fotos de viajeros, y ofertas fantásticas para Escuintla, Guatemala en Tripadvisor. ... Muy bueno 24. Normal 8. Malo 0. Pésimo 0. Tipo de viajero. Familias. En pareja. En solitario. Negocios. Amigos. Época del año. Mar-may. Jun-ago. Sep-nov. Dic-feb.

  5. Auto Safari Chapin

    Para llegar a Auto Safari Chapín desde la Ciudad de Guatemala utilicé la ruta al Pacífico vía la Calzada Aguilar Batres, Amatitlán, y luego vía la autopista Palín Escuintla, hasta llegar a la bifurcación de Taxisco y la ruta a Puerto Quetzal.Ahí verá un rótulo que le indica donde cruzar; continúe por 20 minutos más hasta llegar a Auto Safari Chapín, en el kilómetro 87.5.

  6. Auto Safari Chapin

    Reserva Auto Safari Chapin, Escuintla en Tripadvisor: Consulta 65 opiniones, artículos, y 132 fotos de Auto Safari Chapin, clasificada en Tripadvisor en el N.°1 de 12 atracciones en Escuintla. ... Mala. 0. Horrible. 0. Iliana D. ... El lugar está en muy buen estado! Todas las instalaciones! Tienen bastantes animales y la experiencia del ...

  7. AutoSafari Chapin: An Authentic Safari Experience in Guatemala

    Entrance sign for AutoSafari Chapin. AutoSafari is open every day, except Mondays, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. You get the option to drive yourself or be driven around in their minivan for a guided tour. Whatever option you take, your entrance fee entitles you to another go-around late in the afternoon.

  8. Auto Safari Chapin

    Auto Safari Chapin Drive thru is an awesome adventure driving around some of the world's wildest animals. Read more. Written November 16, 2019. This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews as part of our industry-leading trust & safety standards.

  9. Auto Safari Chapín en Guatemala, un destino único para visitar en familia

    Horarios y precios de Auto Safari Chapín. Este centro turístico abre sus puertas de jueves a domingo desde las 8:30 a.m. A continuación te damos el listado de precios: Tarifa de ingreso: Q 75.00 por persona, incluye paseo vehicular, ingreso al muelle de las jirafas, paseo en el zoológico peatonal, paseo en lancha y uso de las piscina. Darle ...

  10. Auto Safari Chapin

    1. Guatemala is a poor country. Don't expect a world class zoo. 2. Auto Safari Chapin is located near the Pacific coast. So expect very hot humid weather in September. Read more. Written October 5, 2017. This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC.

  11. Vale la pena visitar AUTO SAFARI CHAPiN?

    Sígueme en las redes sociales! Instagram: TikTok: Facebook:

  12. Autosafari Chapín

    The Pacific Slope. About 25km southeast of Escuintla, Autosafari Chapín is a drive-through safari park and animal conservation project. Species native to Guatemala include white-tailed deer, tapir and macaws. Around the grounds also roam non-native species such as lions, hippos and leopards. There is a restaurant and pool, and it makes a good ...

  13. Auto Safari Chapin

    Auto Safari Chapín es una entidad sin fines de lucro. Conservando 96 especies de animales y 70 especies de plantas; es un parque en el cual, constantemente hay nacimientos y nuevos animales, por lo que cada visita es una nueva experiencia. Otorgando así a los visitantes una aventura única de interacción con las distintas especies de flora y ...

  14. Things to See and Do in Auto Safari Chapin in Guatemala

    Useful information for Auto Safari Chapin. Address: Km. 87.5 Road to Taxisco, Guanagazapa Escuintla, Guatemala Phone: (+502) 3603-2140 (Whatsapp) -(502) 2425-4935 or 5517-1705 (Park) Email: [email protected] Price: Q.75.00 ($10) for adults and kids. If you don't have a car, don't worry! They have a safari bus to drive you through the park.

  15. Auto Safari Chapín, de Escuintla para toda Guatemala

    La visita a Auto Safari en la "nueva normalidad". Por la pandemia provocada por el COVID-19 Auto Safari como otros negocios tuvo que cerrar sus puertas en marzo, pero en agosto reabrieron para seguir brindando a las familias escuintlecas y guatemaltecas una sana recreación con todas las medidas sanitarias para prevenir el contagio del ...

  16. Getting Close to Nature at Auto Safari Chapín in Guatemala

    Getting Close to Nature at Auto Safari Chapín in Guatemala. Located in Escuintla and just a one-and-a-half-hour drive from Guatemala City or Antigua Guatemala, Auto Safari Chapin is a great day trip for families and animal lovers. Whether you are visiting or living there, Auto Safari is one of the best things to do in Guatemala with kids.

  17. Guía Turística

    Iniciando con 15 venados de cola blanca, a los cuales se les sumaron diversas especies con el tiempo. Fotografía de Auto Safari Chapín. Es por ello que en 1980 crean el Auto Safari Chapín dando una oportunidad única a sus visitantes, poder realizar un recorrido desde la comodidad de su vehículo observando a los animales desde su habitad ...

  18. Auto Safari Chapin ofrece paquetes con hospedaje incluido en Guatemala

    Los nuevos paquetes de Auto Safari Chapin te incluyen: Ingreso al Safari (entrada normal o Tour VIP) Parqueo con seguridad. Transporte del hostal al Safari y viceversa. Hospedaje. Desayuno incluido dentro del Hostal Las Marías. Uso de las instalaciones del hostal. El Hostal Las Marías es un hospedaje que se encuentra a muy pocos minutos de ...

  19. Auto Safari Chapin

    Km. 87.5 Ruta a Taxisco, Guanagazapa Escuintla, Guatemala C.A. PBX: (+502) 2244-7400 Whatsapp: (+502) 3603-2140 [email protected]

  20. 2024 Excursión de 2 días: Auto Safari Chapín Zoo y ...

    Fue un excelente tour que pensé no podríamos llegar a realizar debido a los bloqueos en las rutas del país. Me pasaron a buscar muy temprano y llegamos a San Lucas Tolimán a las 7.30, a partir de ahí en lancha por el hermosísimo lago Atitlán, junto con nuestro chofer y guía Gustavo, que iba explicando todo en inglés y en español, pues también estaba con nosotros Andy, un escocés ...


    Auto Safari Chapin . Nuestra misión es preservar la fauna nacional y educar a la población sobre la vital importancia de los animales en nuestras vidas. Mantente en contacto. Para encontrar u obtener información adicional por favor contáctanos. Km. 87.5 Ruta a Taxisco,

  22. Auto Safari Chapin

    HORARIOS. Abierto desde las 8:30. De Lunes a Miércoles cerrado. CONFIRMA LOS DIAS QUE PERMANECEMOS DISPONIBLES A TU VISITA. Auto Safari Chapín permanece abierto durante feriados oficiales de Guatemala, y durante feriados y fiestas de la República de El Salvador. Los feriados Guatemaltecos oficiales durante los cuales permanecemos abiertos son:

  23. 2024 Excursión de 2 días: Auto Safari Chapín Zoo y ...

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