Experience a Unique Wildlife Tour with Gumption’s Learning Adventures on Necker Island!

March 26th, 2019

Gumption's Learning Adventures on Necker Island

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Gold Seal Certified Property

Gumption’s Necker Island wildlife tour is a unique opportunity to spend and exciting and fun-filled two hours on a private Caribbean island discovering and interacting with some diverse and amazing animals. Necker Island has rock iguanas, giant tortoises, pink flamingos, lemurs, scarlet ibis and cockatoos, just to name a few of the species you can see in a very natural environment. A member of the Necker animal team will be joining you on the tour as well as sharing more facts and history about the island.

Tours are limited to minimize the impact on the environment of the island. A maximum of 12 guests will be permitted to visit the island on any given day. All guests must follow strict guidelines while visiting the island and will be advised what to bring and what to expect on your tour. This could be a longer excursion and please set enough time aside for the outing. There will be some hiking around the island and comfortable shoes are recommended (no flip-flops will be allowed). Sunscreen and hats are also highly recommended and be sure to bring lots of water for those hot Caribbean days.

Gumption’s Learning Adventures: Visit Website to Contact

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Chuck Metter

To that end, we met our goals. In the past 7 years there have been over 1.2 million visits to the website and over 3 million pages have been viewed. There are over 1,000 pages on the site featuring news posts and detailed listings on all hotels, villas, restaurants and sailing charters located in the BVI. The BVI Government and many business, hotels, villas and sailing charters have all agreed that the site “moved the needle on tourism” after Irma.

The site, however, has run its course. It has served its purpose by bringing visitors and local businesses together to rebuild the tourist industry and it is now time to shut down operations for good.

I want to thank everyone for your help and support.

Chuck Metter

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Necker Island Nature Tour

Necker Island Nature Tour

Posted on March 15 2018.

necker island wildlife tour

Have you ever heard of Necker Island? It’s the Island retreat of Billionaire, Sir Richard Branson. It is located North of the Gorda Sound and is surrounded by coral reef, turquoise waters and white beaches. Necker Island is a luxurious resort, but also has a long-standing reputation for working with conservation groups and organizations to preserve and protect the marine areas of the Caribbean. While the resort will reopen in October, you can already visit the island in a nature tour which we can highly recommend!

Across the region, including Necker Island, work is in progress to recover and repair/ rebuild and until October this tour will be focused on supporting the animals on Necker Island and rebuilding the local tour guide Gumption’s boat business and his home.

necker island wildlife tour

The funds collected from this adventure goes directly to the Lemur program, helping Lemurs on Necker Island and abroad. A member of the Necker animal team will be guiding you on the tour to give knowledge about the island. Please note that for now tours will not visit Lucky the flamingo and the lemur’s interactive part is closed off until further notice. Don’t worry you will still be able to see the lemurs and feed them through the soft net.

No FLIP FLOPS will be allowed on the tour and proper walking shoes or sneakers are a requirement, so if you want to do this tour on your next charter, make sure you have walking shoes packed!

necker island wildlife tour

necker island wildlife tour

Tours are OPEN Monday-Saturdays in March, April, and May! 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. Minimum of 6 guests is requested (maximum of 12 per tour) for $85 per person and $48 per child 5-12. If you book less than 6 persons please note you’ll be charged for $436 minimum if nobody joins your tour.

necker island wildlife tour

We can help you with arranging this tour or you can visit their website: http://www.seaitcleartours.com/nature-tours

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The Barefoot Angel

Necker Island Wildlife Tour with Gumption’s Learning Adventures

Top 10 Family Activities in the BVI. What to do with your children while visiting the British Virgin Islands. Necker Island Wildlife Tour with Gumption's Learning Adventures

Mention that you live in the British Virgin Islands and many people immediately associate it with one of our most famous residents, Sir Richard Branson. Necker Island ( just one of the 60 + islands and cays in the BVI ) is the quintessential Caribbean playground of the rich and famous. Privately owned by Sir Richard Branson, it is his permanent Island residence and a working full-time luxury resort. Normally reserved for the mega-wealthy, a night’s stay on the island for you and 30 of your closest friends used to run you up to $80,000. Unless, of course, you have the right friends, or are attendees to the positive influence conferences and events the island hosts throughout the year. ‘Celebration Weeks’ are also held several times a year, where single rooms can booked, allowing a more affordable stay.

Necker Island Wildlife Tour with Gumption's Learning Adventures

But, due to the generosity of Sir Richard Branson and the entrepreneurial spirit of one Virgin Gorda resident, there is another way to visit to Necker Island to meet some of their more exotic residents: Gumption’s Learning Adventures and their Necker Island Wildlife Tour .

Connected by their shared passion for conservation in 2013 Sir Richard granted exclusive access to Gumption to allow him to bring his groups onto the island, to meet the animals and learn more about the different species that call Necker home. Lemurs, flamingos, giant tortoises, iguanas, parrots and many other exotic ( and usually endangered ) animals live happily on this private island, cared for by their full-time wildlife team. Gumption used to work on Necker Island in Guest Services and Water Sports before having the idea for his Learning Adventures and his See It Clear Glass Bottomed boat. Always keen to foster young entrepreneurs ( a mission which later developed into the Branson Centres of Entrepreneurship ) Sir Richard encouraged and invested in the start-up business. Initially projected to only run for a couple of months, Gumption’s tours are now a must-do for visitors and locals in the BVI, especially for anyone with an interest in the wildlife.

Necker Island Wildlife Tour with Gumption's Learning Adventures

Rubbing shoulders with the lemurs rather than celebrities ( more fun in my honest opinion ) you too can get the chance to experience a little of what Necker Island has to offer and get up close and personal  with some of Sir Richard’s favourite furry friends. I set off this weekend to meet Gumption and see more about what goes on on the animal tours.

Following catastrophic damage due to the direct hit by Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Necker Island has been closed for extensive repair and renovation and plans are for a re-opening in October 2018. Luckily for us though this did not extend to Gumption’s Learning Adventures and he started running his tours again in January of this year.

It is worth noting that Gumption’s tours are hugely popular, and that dates are limited. The tours are often booked up weeks in advance, as soon as the tour dates are released. Because the groups he takes over are nice and small ( usually around 10-12 people ) competition for one of those coveted spots is fierce. If a lemur selfie is on your bucket list ( and, let’s face it, why wouldn’t it be? ), once you have your holiday dates booked I would recommend making note of his website and their booking procedure and then checking back in the month before you arrive for available tour dates. Try to secure your tour as early as possible to avoid disappointment! I was thrilled that Gumption was able to find a space for me on one of his tours and jumped at the chance to attend!

Necker Island Wildlife Tour with Gumption's Learning Adventures

Our morning started meeting Gumption and the rest of the group at Leverick Bay, Virgin Gorda in the North Sound. Currently no boat transportation is provided for the tours as Gumption’s boat was damaged during the hurricane. We arrived at 9:15 am and got settled for a 9:30 am boat departure with the rest of our group, armed with just a bottle of water, sunscreen and a camera. There was a real sense of excitement as we set off for Necker Island, keen to see all the animals and learn more about their conservation efforts.

necker island wildlife tour

Arriving on Necker Island we donned our hi-vis jackets and trainers ( both are mandatory during the current re-construction on the island ) before setting off to see the solar panel field. Necker Island has 1,200 solar panels which produce all of the energy for the island. It’s an impressive sight. This was also where we found our first Rock Iguana, indigenous to the British Virgin Islands but originally found on Anegada ( and as far afield as Puerto Rico and the USVI ), this critically endangered species has been struggling across many of the islands but flourishing on Necker. Now plans are afoot to capture and relocate over 300 Rock Iguanas from Necker Island back to Anegada in a conservation effort to help repopulate the dwindling numbers over there.

Necker Island Wildlife Tour with Gumption's Learning Adventures

Next we hustled to go and meet the lemurs, stopping to meet Jewel the parrot and the Macaws on the way. We were anxious to get to the lemur enclosures in time for feeding. Undoubtedly the time spent with the lemurs is one of the highlights on the tour and it would be almost impossible to find an experience like it anywhere else in the world. Necker Island currently has 7 different species of lemur, including the instantly recognizable ring-tailed lemurs ( I like to move-it, move-it ) and red-ruffed lemurs. Very friendly, inquisitive ( and motivated by the lemur snacks you have with you ) they are keen to interact with you in their enclosures. They are happy to climb and jump on you, and enjoy gentle pets, head scratches and rubs. Be careful never to try and grab the lemurs, and always let them come to you. They are very light ( weighing approximately the same as a small cat ) with soft fur and their little hands and feet help them to leap and climb. It is fascinating to get so close to them and it obviously makes for some fantastic photo opportunities.

Necker Island Wildlife Tour with Gumption's Learning Adventures

We eventually left the lemurs and went in search of the tortoises. Necker Island has 9 giant tortoises varying in age and size, we were lucky enough to spot 5 of them. Including a brief sighting of the very oldest. At 65 years old and weighing in at over 500 lbs, he was actually surprisingly difficult to see, blending in with his surroundings and seeking some shelter in a shady spot. We moved on to Joan’s Garden, the home of all the little tortoises. Red-footed tortoises, Burmese Star tortoises and even a snapping turtle. You can carefully handle these tortoises ( well not the snapping one ) as Gumption tells you more about the different species of tortoise, the differences between them and even how to tell male from female. I loved the tiny, baby tortoises, some of whom were only a couple of months old. We also met ‘ET’, a brave tortoise that survived the 2011 fire in the Great House, retreating for safety into her shell, but still bearing the scars.

Necker Island Wildlife Tour with Gumption's Learning Adventures

I loved the emphasis that Gumption places on education – they really are his learning adventures and he is eager to impart all of his wildlife knowledge. Facts about the animals and the birds, pop quizzes and stories about the island and the Caribbean all play a part in the experience. This blogger definitely left with a few more Scarlet Ibis facts than she came with! And if you want to do well on the test you should probably learn the collective noun for flamingos, hint: it’s not a flock!

Necker Island Wildlife Tour with Gumption's Learning Adventures

Our next stop on the tour was a quick visit to the flamingo pond, Necker Island has around 455 flamingos. Sadly there hasn’t been much laying since the hurricane but the keepers are hopeful that they will begin laying again very soon. We were careful to keep our distance and not disturb them, staying up at a little vantage point above their pond. Just close enough to get a good look at them but not so close as to alarm them.

We finished our tour with a hike up the hill to the Great House to take in the cerulean blue views of the Caribbean Sea and the gorgeous vistas of the surrounding islands. For a few minutes we stood and took in the scenery, watching the kite boarders and the boats coming and going and even a large ocean sun fish that was basking in the shallower waters. Gumption told us all about the various fish, turtles and even whales that you can occasionally spot in the clear waters off Necker.

Necker Island Wildlife Tour with Gumption's Learning Adventures

The passion with which Gumption speaks of the conservation projects and the renewable energy efforts on Necker Island is infectious. As is the obvious pride when he talks about Richard and all the generations of the Branson family. A family that he personally feels very connected to. He is an ideal and engaging host on the tours and loves questions and feedback. One of his favourite phrases is that there are ‘right answers and wrong answers, but a person with a wrong answer is closer than someone with no answer’. He really encourages you to ask about all the different aspects of the animal care and the wildlife program on the island.

Necker Island Wildlife Tour with Gumption's Learning Adventures

Some practical notes:

  • Closed toed shoes (ideally trainers) must be worn along with a hi-vis jacket (provided).
  • Social media policy and liability waiver must be signed before the tour.
  • Tours cost $85 per adult and $48 per child (5-12), discounts are available for local residents, please inquire at time of booking.
  • A minimum of 6 guests are required for a tour.
  • There is no boat transportation currently provided. If you don’t have a boat of your own there are boats available for hire locally for around $200 or $25pp for a group of 8.
  • There is very little shade on Necker Island currently and I highly encourage wearing clothing that covers your shoulders as well as sunscreen.
  • Water is provided on the tour but I would recommend that you also bring some with you.
  • I would suggest not wearing white clothing, the lemurs are going to climb up on your shoulders ( for a selfie, obviously ) and their little feet are sometimes sandy. Large jewelry or items that could catch or snag are probably also ill-advised.
  • The tour runs for around 2-2.5 hrs, usually from 10:00 am until a little after 12:00 pm.

Finally it was time to head back to Leverick Bay – tired and happy and with memories of Necker and the wildlife that will last a lifetime. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to explore Necker Island with Gumption’s tours and highly encourage you to visit if you can! Tours are booked up now through to August 9th, but there are still a few spots open on future trips. Will you be going?

necker island wildlife tour


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I love the pictures! Lemurs, tortoises, flamingoes…this looks like quite a tour. I didn’t know that lemurs were so friendly!

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Yes. They are super inquisitive so they really want to get involved with you when you come into the enclosures! The lemur treats help too! 🙂

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What an amazing trip seeing all of that wildlife! Love lemurs but they really are greedy, they only love you if you have food!

Ha ha – it’s all ‘cupboard love’ 🙂

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Will the tours still be going on once Necker reopens to quests?

Tours have been operating since 2013 – tour dates are limited and based around guest bookings and the resorts commitments. This is one of the reasons that tour dates are only released one month in advance. Please consult Gumption’s website and the booking guidelines for more information! 🙂

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Hi, I have read the website and filled out the registration form. Will I get a response before showing up for a tour? Where do we meet at Necker Island?

Hi Terri, I don’t operate the tours but I will be sure to message Gumption and let him know to expect your registration form. He will reach out and contact you regarding your dates and available space! 🙂

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A TINY TORTOISE😍 ah, I know I’ve made it when I own an island in such a gorgeous place like that! Sounds like you had an amazing experience 🙂

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Omg this sounds like such an amazing experience! All the photos are incredible and the it just sounds amazing. I love that you got to meet and hand out with all of these awesome animals. Those Tortoises are so cool!

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Whoa! What a crazy awesome opportunity! Those lemurs are so cute! It sounds like an incredible tour on a gorgeous island!

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Obsessed with all the wildlife you encountered. Especially the lemurs!!! What an adventure.

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What an amazing experience!! The animals are gorgeous – I think parrots are my favorite bird, for sure 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

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HOW FUN! I’m adding this to my bucket list!

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Looks like you had a blast, that water is SO gorgeous! All your photos makes me want to plan a trip!

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Oh my word! Necker Island is absolutely beautiful. I love your pictures. You are a really good photographer! The animals are so cute. 🙂 I want to go there someday!

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$80,000 for 1 nights stay… that’s it? Book me in for a 2 week vacation 😉 Those baby turtles are gorgeous and the water?! Goodness me!

So reasonable, right!? We should all go right now!! 😉 That price was for the private hire of the whole island, but they also have ‘celebration weeks’ where you can just book one of the rooms and that’s much more affordable!

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It looks beautiful, I just wish that these animals weren’t in enclosures. Obviously they are looked after well though as Richard Branson himself is becoming more compassionate towards animals – he has even removed red meat from all the Virgin flight menus 🙂 💚

There are a couple of reasons why they are in enclosures, he has said that he would love it if they could be loose on the island – but it’s mostly for their own safety. They also want to keep the different lemur species separate so that they don’t ‘create’ a new species! The enclosures are also HUGE. The flamingos, the giant tortoises, iguanas and many others are all loose! 🙂

I think that is a great point, but we also have to think that one of the reasons they keep them in enclosures is so that they can charge for people to see them 😉

The conservation program actually started long before the tours did – and the tours could stop at any point if Sir Richard decided. It might not be clear in my post but they are two separate things. The program started because they wanted another colony of breeding lemurs somewhere the habitat wouldn’t be destroyed – since many species of lemur are now endangered in their native habitat in Madagascar. The program was first suggested to Sir Richard by a conservationist specializing in lemurs and their habitats. The cost of the conservation effort itself would massively outweigh any monies raised by the limited tours. 🙂

I think it’s great that you did your research on this. I’ve just never been comfortable with conservation products needing to charge money (feels like we could call it a zoo). I love the good they are doing for the animals though and I think it’s great that you’re promoting it 🙂

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wow the pictures are amazing!! that clear ocean water…just, beautiful! I need I need I need 🙂

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So beautiful!!! Definitely going on my bucket list. Sounds like the perfect adventure.

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This looks perfect for me! Glad you had fun!

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This post is so expository and it definitely sounds like an amazing experience. Thank for the additional tips at the foot of the post…. convenient and easy to take in

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Satopia Travel

  • Necker Island



  • British Virgin Islands

Up To 48 Guests

Rain season, starting from, upon request, per night (usd) private group booking, available for private bookings . send a request to check availability., questions contact us on whatsapp,  the ultimate caribbean hideaway, “necker island is my home and favourite hideaway. i invite you to explore this idyllic island paradise for yourself and to be inspired by its beauty”, —sir richard branson—.

Crystal-clear waters with spectacular coral reefs and palm-fringed white sandy beaches await your arrival at Necker Island. Located in the British Virgin Islands, it is one of the most luxurious private islands in the world and home to Sir Richard Branson. At 74 acres, Necker Island sits in turquoise waters surrounded by coral reefs, fringed with beautiful white sandy beaches and is home to the most spectacular wildlife. A home away from home, this property is a perfect hideaway and exclusive playground for friends and family.


necker island wildlife tour

Discover Unparalleled Sealife

The British Virgin Islands offer incredible experiences to contemplate sealife. Snorkelling the Island's waters, venturing further afield on daily excursions, or explore while Scuba Diving wrecks, reefs and even night dives can be arranged. If you're not PADI qualified the team will be able to arrange instruction on the island for you.

necker island wildlife tour

Water Sports & Activities

Kite-Surfing, Water-skiing, Kayaking are just some of the many watersports included in every stay, and the team of highly qualified instructors can help you master them.Try something new, enjoy adrenalin-fuelled fun or explore the waters more serenely, it's all available to do in a safe and controlled environment with hands-on tuition where needed.

necker island wildlife tour

Unforgettable Excursions

Explore more of what the beautiful British Virgin Islands has to offer. Excursions to The Baths at Virgin Gorda are not to be missed, Anegada Island is home to the third largest barrier reef in the world! A tour of the nearby islands, with snorkelling and stops at the best beach bars along the way.

necker island wildlife tour

Caribbean Wellness

As if being on Necker Island wasn’t relaxing enough, the island also boasts the beautiful Bali Samudra Spa rooms, combining carefully curated treatments with a peaceful beachside setting. Using also Aromatherapy Associates skincare range which is exclusive to Necker Island in the British Virgin Islands.

necker island wildlife tour

On Land Experiences

An exciting array of activities to enjoy during your stay await you. Whether finding your inner zen with a yoga class arranged at various locations on the island, or playing on one of the two floodlit courts as a flock of flamingos fly by or take to the waters on a Hobie Cat, there is something for everyone.

necker island wildlife tour

Unique Gatherings

Necker Island's spectacular tropical setting, Balinese-inspired design & endless stunning spaces makes it the most unique backdrop. Whether you're looking to host a milestone celebration, your wedding, or have a party for your nearest & dearest, the team of expert planners will create a celebration to be remembered.

Idyllic Island Dining

Fine food is the highlight of any guest’s stay. Dining can be formal or informal, inside or out, themed or traditional or a mixture of everything! From relaxed lunches on Turtle Beach to romantic dinners on the Great House roof terrace, you’ll be wowed by the locations as well as the food. Treat Necker like home; you are welcome to help yourselves to anything you want, any time.

Make sure you don’t miss out on Necker’s famous floating sushi bar in the beach pool!

necker island wildlife tour

Island Time is Family Time

Richard Branson designed Necker Island to be his family’s holiday home and his own children spent almost all of their school holidays here since they were infants, therefore it is no surprise that the island is child-friendly. The only time when Necker is best left to the grown-ups is during the adults-only Celebration Weeks when it’s time for them to enjoy themselves! On Necker there are plenty of things for Squids (what the Necker Island team call the little ones!) to do, most of which will keep them active all day long. From amazing treasure hunts to feeding the lemurs, as well as splashing around with inflatable toys in the Beach Pool and enjoying a pirate party on the sand.

Squids staying in the bunk room at the Great House can also make use of all the toys, books and games. Cots, baby baths and other baby essentials are available on request. When it comes to mealtimes, Squids can choose from a selection of tasty, well-balanced, healthy and fun meals keeping both the parents and Squids happy!

necker island wildlife tour

A Haven For Endangered Wildlife

Overseen by a dedicated wildlife specialist team, Necker Island has transformed into a natural breeding habitat for several endangered species such as giant tortoises, rare Madagascan lemurs, lizards, and flamingos. In May 2021, Necker Island welcomed baby tortoises said to be the first Aldabra giant tortoises bred naturally anywhere in the world outside of the Aldabra Atoll in Seychelles. Another highlight is the lemur programme, which currently consists of protecting and encouraging the breeding of seven different species of lemurs, most of them endangered species in their native Madagascar. Sir Richard Branson himself has also been working with the team on a project encouraging the flamingo population on island to breed something that is done only in a handful of places worldwide.


Luxury Accommodation in 24 rooms at Necker Island Return boat transfer from Virgin Gorda or Beef Island airports Full-board Menu A Dedicated Team Water Sports Equipments Disco DJ


Private trips for groups can also be arranged., indoor facilities include.

Bali Samudra Spa Rooms Fully Equipped Gym Snooker and Chess


Two Floodlit Tennis Courts Four Pools around the Island Swim-up Bars Hot tubs Sun Loungers

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necker island wildlife tour

sea it clear tours

Join Gumption for tour of Eustacia Reef just beyond North Sound on the way to Oil Nut Bay.  As the slogan suggests, it's "like snorkeling without getting wet"!   From Gumption's glass bottom boat, the tour is sure to spot sea turtles and possibly a beautiful Eagle Ray or two. Fun for the entire family or a group who is looking for a relaxing time on the water.   Gumption can pick you up from any mooring ball or slip in North Sound (Gorda Sound).  

Looking for something a little more adventurous?   Then take a 1-hour NIGHT reef tour!   Gumption's boat is equipped with large underwater lights so his guests can sit in the comforts of the glass bottom boat and see what's swimming around in the dark hours!  Night tours run as late as 10:30 and 11:30pm. 

Tour Prices

1-2 Hours charged at an hourly rate

$40.00 per hour per adult

$30.00 per hour per child between ages 1-12

Charged at a 1/2 day rate of $500 up to 6 people; $25 extra per person from 7-10 people. ​

Full-day adventure around Virgin Gorda

Charged a full day rate of $740 up to 6 people; $25 extra per person from 7-10 people.

Full-day adventure to Anegada, Jost Van Dyke, Norman and Cooper

Charged a full day rate of $1,200 up to 6 people; $25 extra per person from 7-10 people.

Couples Retreat

Have Gumption take you on a private tour to find a remote beach, enjoy champagne, and snorkel the best spots.   Between 2-4 people.   $480 for four hours.

Night Tours

$55.00 per hour per adult

Minimum of 6 persons and may be shared with other groups.​

Prices above include fuel, BVI Customs Permits, and refreshments with the service.   

Half and full day tours are asked to end no later than 5:30 pm.   

Sea It Clear Reef Tours

Submit a Reef Tour reservation request!

Do not use the form below to submit a reservation request for the Nature Tours.  The reservation form below is specifically for the Sea It Clear Reef Tours.  Please visit the Nature Tour Page to see if reservations are open to tour Necker Island. 

Gumption will follow-up to your reservation request and collect a 50% credit card deposit to confirm your tour.  

Success! Message received.

necker island wildlife tour

necker island bvi

I Stayed on Richard Branson's Private Island in the British Virgin Islands—Here's What It's Really Like

From water sports and "jungle tennis" to luxe guest rooms and wildlife-spotting, there's no shortage of fun on Necker Island.

Necker Island is, pure and simple, a love story. Sure, its jaw-dropping, turquoise-water-enveloped beauty will make your heart go pitter-patter. And yes, Necker’s seemingly infinite array of infinity and private plunge pools are nothing if not romantic, but the love I’m talking about goes deeper, and starts deeper, stretching back to when Richard Branson first spotted the 73-acre island just off Virgin Gorda via helicopter in 1976.

“I managed to persuade my new girlfriend, Joan, to come away with me for a weekend, and pretended I wanted to buy an island to try to impress her,” Branson says. On a helicopter flyover, they spotted Necker and fell in love, both with it and, in time, with each other. “We were married on Necker, and now 48 years later, we love spending time with our children and grandchildren here. It’s worked out quite well,” he says, in a bit of cheeky British understatement.

Necker may be Branson’s home base, but it’s best known as an exclusive, private island getaway. “It was just too special not to share,” he says, explaining how Necker evolved over the years from his personal retreat into a luxury resort accommodating up to 48 guests. A place where the red-carpet crowd or jet-setting CEOs are known to come let their hair down, trade their blazers and Blahniks for flip-flops, and not worry about a thing.

necker island bvi

And this is accurate: There is absolutely nothing to worry about on Necker, except perhaps, fretting about how to fit in all the available activities—a valid concern. I began each day with yoga overlooking the intoxicating horizon of endless blue, and didn’t stop till the after-dinner deejay or karaoke or swaying to steel drums on the beach finally wore me out.

Fortunately, resting comfortably in the lush and supremely private guest rooms and suites is not a problem. Balinese-inspired details—teak and mahogany wood furnishings and beams, stone floors and soaring ceilings, many of woven rush in the Great House or with carved medallions—all infuse authentic island flavor without succumbing to tropical kitsch.

necker island accomidations

Open-air living in the common areas delights the senses, with lovely light and delightful Caribbean breezes flooding in, while the interiors boast Indonesian-inspired flare and easy elegance, with white couches, natural materials, and comfy seating areas. Dining and gathering tables at Necker are sturdy and welcoming, including the custom-carved “crocodile” table that’s some 50 feet long. The overall design motif at Necker veers toward elevated, but relaxed fun. Case in point: “Every table at Necker was built for dancing on,” Branson affirms.

necker island

Delicious family-style meals and every need and most every desire—from reef-safe sunblock and juicy bathrobes to fully stocked mini fridges and cocktail bars at every turn—is provided. As is a full menu of water sports, from paddleboarding to kite-boarding to sailing or SEABOB snorkeling (a blast!!), plus yoga, tennis, pickleball and paddle, to a beachside gym and cold-plunge (Branson, a fitness fiend, is in dynamite shape at age 73).

Here in the Necker world of action-packed amusement, each of the above comes with pristine equipment (even tennis shoes if needed) and enthusiastic instructors ready to teach/coach/cheer you on. I recommend the Necker version of “Jungle Tennis,” and got a kick out of watching Branson himself, a billionaire a few times over, hunting through thick undergrowth to rescue lost balls hit over the fence, yet another hint of the serious conservation and sustainability ethic that drives his operation.

preview for Necker Island Lemurs

Necker runs on 70% renewables and has abolished single-use plastic as part of their Net-Zero Necker initiative , with a goal of carbon neutrality by 2030—a target they’re well on the way to hitting thanks to the island’s solar and wind energy microgrid. Even the famous “Red Dock” where guests are first welcomed with Champagne is fashioned of recycled plastic, while island pathways are surfaced with finely crushed glass.

Necker’s wildlife residents, from the tortoises to chummy lemurs to dazzling scarlet ibis and Necker’s photogenic flamingos—a species that Branson is reintroducing to the BVIs—all have a place in this vibrant, sustainable ecosystem.

a group of flamingos in water

So yes, Necker is undeniably lush and luxurious, but there’s zero pretense on this laid-back island. It’s more fun-and-games and “hey is that a lemur hopping up on your shoulder?” than it is fancy and high-falutin. Giant tortoises loiter about like an ancient PSA reminding us to slow down and soak it all in. A flock of 350-some wild flamingos add tropical wow, as if Necker needed it.

And here’s the good news: an exclusive buy-out of all 24 bedrooms is no longer required to stay on Necker. Smaller groups of eight to fifteen can book stays, as can individuals, couples or families during designated “celebration weeks” from April through November.

“We want everyone to be able to experience the incredible magic of Necker Island,” says general manager James Basson, who came to Necker from a Virgin Limited Edition sister property in South Africa. A worthy goal.

As one who would never have dreamed of experiencing it via a personal buy-out, I can attest that the Necker love story is genuine and swoon-worthy. Branson’s love of people, of place, of the ocean and wildlife and the broader environment, of sport and mostly of sheer playful fun, is fully realized on this BVI gem. Pack your game-on spirit, and let Necker do the rest.

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Meet the wildlife of Necker Island

An image of flamingos in Necker Island

With 74 stunning acres set amidst turquoise waters, Necker Island is pure paradise. This picturesque playground has loads to do on land and in water, and when you are ready to indulge after a day of water sports and hiking, there are incredible dining experiences tailored to your tastes. And with Virgin Red and Virgin Limited Edition , you can experience a luxurious stay on the island while earning 55,000 Virgin Points*.   

An image of Necker Island

Earn Virgin Points with a stay in Necker Island

One of the highlights of the island is the incredibly vast array of wildlife that has been conserved by the Necker Island Wildlife and Conservation team, and guests never know when they could encounter a lemur or a giant Tortoise. Check out some of the incredible creatures who call Necker Island home.      

Fabulous flamingos  

The perfectly pink flamingos of Necker Island are one of the most striking species to see. Once native to the British Virgin Islands, a colony of four was established on Necker in 2006 and now there are over 600 birds on the island. Over the years some have flown the nest and travelled as far as Puerto Rico, and while some fled during Hurricane Irma in 2017, over 150 chicks have hatched since. 

An image of flamingos on Necker Island

Loveable lemurs  

While flamingos are an amazing sight, chances are you’ll notice the lemur population when you hear them. There are seven types of lemurs on the island, and they certainly aren’t shy. From cheering you on during a game of tennis, to squabbling among themselves, lemurs are definitely the most cheeky and curious animals on the island. But you’re probably wondering how they ended up there in the first place! 

An image of a family of lemurs in Necker Island

The story began when Richard Branson invited biologist and filmmaker Rob Stewart to visit the island after watching his documentary, Sharkwater. Stewart noted how the climate was similar to their native Madagascar, he suggested Necker Island as a home for the primates. Now perfectly settled, the wildlife team allows lemurs out in groups to roam freely and if you’re lucky, you may see a few of the adorable baby lemurs born on Necker Island every year.   

Titanic tortoises  

With the largest recorded weighing over 48 stone, the giant tortoises on Necker are a sight to behold. Native to a coral atoll called Aldabra in the Seychelles, they’ve been on the island since the early 2000s with the oldest tortoise named Umpire being born around 1950.   

With 12 hatchlings born in 2021 and the first Aldabra giant tortoises bred naturally outside of the Seychelles, guests may be able to see the baby tortoises during their stay, but to see them fully grown, take a visit to Turtle Beach. As a natural fitting home with individual baths on the beach for the tortoises to enjoy, it’s one of the most magical spots on the island. 

An image of a tortoise on Necker Island

Wonderful whales 

Whales are often spotted off the western coast of the island between November and April, and when they do appear it causes a ripple of excitement. Humpbacks and orcas with their distinctive black-and-white markings have all been seen, while pilot whales are much rarer.   

Usually travelling south, seeing these majestic animals up close is a bucket list moment that you’ll remember for a lifetime. 

An image of an orca whale in the ocean

Sensational scarlet ibis 

Pink flamingos aren’t the only colourful characters on Necker, and with their bright pink feathers, slender necks and curved bill, the scarlet ibis are hard to miss.   

The national symbol of Trinidad and Tobago, the birds are quiet but sociable creatures who were worshipped as gods in ancient Egypt. They're at their most striking when in flight or relaxing near a salt pond, so have your cameras at the ready to capture them at their prettiest.      

An image of scarlet ibis birds inflight

Indelible iguanas 

With over 2,000 on the island, approximately 95% of the global population, the A anegada rock iguanas are not hard to find on Necker Island. Known to only hunker down in their burrows when it’s raining, the reptiles roam the island freely and are sometimes found sunbathing on the guestroom decks. 

The iguanas are very chilled and not bothered by humans, so if you want to check them out , head to the pathways around Temple Hi and Temple Lo – just don’t offer food as it can disrupt their diet. 

An image of an iguana on the beach.

Discover more amazing wildlife with a stay on Necker Island and earn 55,000 Virgin Points with a seven-night stay. Need to join Virgin Red? Sign up now .  

*55,000 points earned are per room per seven-night stay. Subject to availability. Blackout dates apply.  

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  • Caribbean and Bahamas

Take A Tour Of Necker Island

Richard Branson's Private Island: Necker Island Beach

Necker Island has been called "the ultimate private island." Billionaire Richard Branson developed it with those words — and preservation — in mind. Take this virtual trip, and find out how you can stay here for real.

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Richard Branson's Private Island: Necker Island View


necker island wildlife tour

  • Necker Island - British Virgin Islands
  • The Branson Beach Estate - British Virgin Islands
  • Kasbah Tamadot - Morocco
  • Mahali Mzuri - Kenya
  • Finch Hattons - Kenya
  • Mont Rochelle - South Africa
  • Ulusaba - South Africa
  • Son Bunyola Hotel & Villas - Mallorca
  • The Lodge - Switzerland
  • Necker Island
  • The Branson Beach Estate
  • Kasbah Tamadot
  • Mahali Mzuri
  • Finch Hattons
  • Mont Rochelle
  • Son Bunyola

necker island wildlife tour

  • Virgin Limited Edition
  • Inspiration

Make a difference to mangrove conservation with Necker Island

Necker Island  may be one of the most famous and luxurious private islands in the world, but it also has a deeply rooted commitment to conservation, sustainability and community development to ensure the British Virgin Islands continues to thrive for years to come. Launched in July 2023 to coincide with World Mangrove Day , a new Mangrove Conservation Tour in partnership with Unite BVI , the not-for-profit foundation of the Virgin Group, supported by Virgin Limited Edition and Virgin Unite , raises awareness of the importance of this crucial ecosystem in the British Virgin Islands.

necker island wildlife tour

Mangroves play a vital role in the wellbeing of the oceans and local communities and act as natural storm barriers, capture atmospheric carbon and provide a sheltered home for a wide variety of fish, amphibians, reptiles and many birds. The destruction of mangroves from human activity and the damage from Hurricane Irma in 2017, when 90% of the territory’s mangrove population was devastated, has caused significant vulnerability to this rich and biodiverse coastal ecosystem. Since then, Unite BVI, has been working closely with local organisations to raise money for its regeneration.  

The immersive tour offers guests of Necker Island the chance to make a tangible positive difference by lending a hand in the mangrove conservation efforts as well as the opportunity to participate in regenerative activity, through planting critically important mangroves.  

GroundSea Adventures   operates the tour taking guests through indigenous mangroves either on a stand-up paddle or kayak. They will learn from an expert guide on how the propagules are cultivated and about the work that goes into their rehabilitation and preservation before getting hands-on with planting mangrove propagules at the HLSCC National Mangrove Nursery on the neighbouring island of Tortola.  

The tour is available for adults ($165) and children aged 12 to six ($135) and includes boat and taxi transfers, a donation to the HLSCC National Mangrove Nursery and out-planting. There is no cost for children aged six and under, however, they are required to share a double kayak with an adult. All profits of this new Necker Island guest experience will go to GroundSea Adventures and Unite BVI, to support projects and mangrove out-planting.

Necker Island can be booked exclusively, or individual rooms can be booked during certain times of the year.

Even more inspiration

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Turning plastic bottles into the T-shirts

Necker Island may well be one of the world’s most exclusive luxury private islands, but when it comes to what’s at the heart of it, sustainability is front and centre.

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Travel with Purpose - Mahali Mzuri

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The Best Room At… Necker Island

What really happens on Sir Richard Branson's private getaway in the British Virgin Islands?

an island with a few windmills

The plan wasn’t initially to open a hotel. “In the 1970s, Richard and Joan Branson came out to the British Virgin Islands,” explains James Basson, the general manager of Necker Island . “They were flying over the island in a helicopter when he fell in love with it and decided to buy it for Joan. Initially they bought the island purely to be a destination for family and friends, someplace they could come to relax. Slowly but surely, though, the island got bigger. Richard saw an opportunity to make a business out of it, and eventually he turned it into a hotel with all of the activities and offerings that you see today.”

What you say today is an awful lot more than just a getaway for a family. Necker Island sits on 74 acres in the North Sound of the British Virgin Islands, and boasts four different compounds with a combined 24 rooms for guests—who can either do full-island buyouts or can book individual rooms during select weeks. There’s a kind of luxurious summer camp feeling to the place; activities ranging from pickle ball to snorkeling are on offer, and guests shuttle around in golf carts that everyone calls “buggies.” Meals are eaten communally—and sometimes with the Bransons, if they’re on island—and there’s a prevailing feeling that anything you want to do, you can… even if that’s doing absolutely nothing.

necker island review

“The key thing is that you’re coming into somebody’s home,” Basson says. “The fact that it’s Richard Branson’s home is quite appealing, too. Necker has a great reputation, and that’s because of the barefoot luxury aspect of it. You have incredible service and a marvelous team that looks after you but knowing that you’re able to go behind the bar and grab your own drink if you’d like, or having lunch with Richard and his family, you’re getting to know people on a more personal level than at any other resort, and that makes it attractive. When guests leave, they really do leave as our friends.”

Here, Basson shares the details on his own favorite room and explains why a private island should be your next escape.

What do you consider to be the best room at the property and why?

Each accommodation block is special. You have the Bali Lo complex, which has a treehouse effect with indoor-outdoor living. When I arrived here, I stayed there for the first two months I lived in the Virgin Islands and I loved it! You also have the Temple House complex, which actually used to be Richard’s home. There’s the Bali Hi complex near the flamingo pond, with incredible views looking over the ocean. There are also 13 rooms at the Great House, with panoramic views. I think my favorite room has to be the Master Suite on top of the Great House. The size of it is incredible, you have your own hot tub, and outside bath and shower, 360-degree views of the British Virgin Islands. Guests have their own sound system, too, so they often have after parties up there.

necker island hotel review

How much does it cost per night?

Individual stays during select weeks start at $5,600 per night. Full-island buyouts begin at $118,500 per night.

How would you describe the guests and the vibe at the hotel?

Our guests want to get away from the hustle and bustle of their everyday lives. You’re in a really remote place here, in the middle of the ocean, and the island is yours. You can kick your shoes off, play tennis, do a bit of kite surfing, sit in the hot tub… it’s a place where you can just relax. There’s a huge variety of guests, from groups celebrating birthdays to multigenerational families and corporate getaways. They’re all here for the same reason, yes to have a great time, but also to do something different than any other vacation.

necker island hotel review

What feeling about the British Virgin Islands do you hope to impart to guests?

Necker has done and continues to do a lot for the local community. The majority of our team is made up of local people, and we support a lot of local suppliers. From a philanthropic perspective, we do a lot with the local community and also with the Unite BVI Foundation to give back. What makes Necker different from a lot of properties is that we have wildlife on our island, which is an incredible story in itself; we have more than 1,000 animals from flamingos to lemurs and giant tortoises, and 75% of our animals are endangered species, so we have an incredible team that looks after them. Also, there’s our sustainability. We have wind turbines and more than 1,200 solar panels, which means that we’re probably running between 80 and 90% on renewable energy, which is incredible. All of that is about giving back; we’re doing our best to lessen our footprint every day, and that all plays a part in fitting into the community.

What’s a local attraction that you always recommend?

Because there’s so much to offer, I want to make sure people have a chance to try a little bit of everything. You can spend time with our engineers to find out about our sustainability efforts, you can tour with the wildlife team and feed the lemurs, which is one of my favorite things to do, you can do water sports—everything from kite surfing to whizzing around the island on sea bobs or snorkeling. We’ve got tennis, we’ve got pickle ball, you are going to dine in locations all around the island. At the same time, the beauty of Necker is that when you come here, you don’t feel forced to do anything. You can take the time to sit back, soak up the sun, and just relax. I’d say to do as much as you can, but don’t miss the chance to wind down and take in the beauty.

Headshot of Adam Rathe

Adam Rathe is Town & Country 's Deputy Features Director, covering arts and culture and a range of other subjects. 

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  1. Nature Tour

    Due to the fact Necker Island is a private island and Gumption has been given exclusive privilege to bring guests, the availability of the island is not guaranteed more than 30 days out and is based on the Branson family's schedule. The tour is focused entirely on Necker Island's mission of conservation and wildlife.

  2. Experience Unique BVI Wildlife Tour with Gumption's Learning Adventures!

    Gumption's Necker Island wildlife tour is a unique opportunity to spend and exciting and fun-filled two hours on a private Caribbean island discovering and interacting with some diverse and amazing animals. Necker Island has rock iguanas, giant tortoises, pink flamingos, lemurs, scarlet ibis and cockatoos, just to name a few of the species ...

  3. Necker Island Nature Tour

    Contact Information. Tel: +1 284-494-4289. Fax: +1 305-503-9495. Email: [email protected]. While the resort on Necker island will reopen in October, you can already visit the island in a nature tour which we can highly recommend!

  4. Necker Island Wildlife Tour with Gumption's Learning Adventures

    Necker Island (just one of the 60 + islands and cays in the BVI) is the quintessential Caribbean playground of the rich and famous. Privately owned by Sir Richard Branson, it is his permanent Island residence and a working full-time luxury resort. Normally reserved for the mega-wealthy, a night's stay on the island for you and 30 of your ...

  5. Trip with Gumption to Necker Island Nature Tour

    Sea It Clear Tours: Trip with Gumption to Necker Island Nature Tour - See 245 traveler reviews, 430 candid photos, and great deals for North Sound, Virgin Gorda, at Tripadvisor. ... Nature & Wildlife Tours, Night Tours, Scuba & Snorkeling More. VG1150, Virgin Gorda. Open today: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Save. Review Highlights

  6. Necker Island Tour

    Sea It Clear Tours: Necker Island Tour - do it if you can! - See 245 traveler reviews, 430 candid photos, and great deals for North Sound, Virgin Gorda, at Tripadvisor. ... If you can combine it with the limited edition wildlife tour on Necker Island then this is a must. A great experience for adults and kids alike. We saw many different types ...


    A tour of the nearby islands, with snorkelling and stops at the best beach bars along the way. ... Overseen by a dedicated wildlife specialist team, Necker Island has transformed into a natural breeding habitat for several endangered species such as giant tortoises, rare Madagascan lemurs, lizards, and flamingos. In May 2021, Necker Island ...

  8. Visiting Sir Richard Branson's Necker Island Nature Preserve

    Sea It Clear Tours: Visiting Sir Richard Branson's Necker Island Nature Preserve - Just Do It - See 245 traveler reviews, 430 candid photos, and great deals for North Sound, Virgin Gorda, at Tripadvisor.

  9. Necker Island

    Welcome to Necker Island, Sir Richard Branson's private island paradise in the British Virgin Islands, a stunning and unspoiled area of the Caribbean. At 74 acres, Necker Island sits in turquoise waters surrounded by coral reefs, fringed with beautiful white sandy beaches and is home to the most spectacular wildlife. For total privacy ...

  10. Necker Island

    Tour Necker Island in the BVI. When you and your family or friends come on your amazing charter yacht vacation with Epic Yacht Charters in the beautiful British Virgin Islands, you may want to see some wildlife on a eco-tour of Necker island. Sir Richard Branson, owner of the island, has granted limited tours to leave little impact on his private island.

  11. Natural Necker: looking at the wonderful wildlife on Necker

    Published on 3 February 2023. Necker Island is a kaleidoscope of flora, fauna, beautiful birds, ancient giant tortoises, cheeky lemurs, hundreds of flamingos, colourful coral and endangered species. The wildlife on the island fills me with joy every day, and I'm forever grateful to the wildlife team (headed up by Vaman Ramlall) who have ...

  12. Reef Tour

    Night tours run as late as 10:30 and 11:30pm. Tour Prices. . 1-2 Hours charged at an hourly rate. $40.00 per hour per adult. $30.00 per hour per child between ages 1-12. 3-5 Hours. Charged at a 1/2 day rate of $500 up to 6 people; $25 extra per person from 7-10 people. Full-day adventure around Virgin Gorda.

  13. Necker Island Review: Our Guide to Richard Branson's British Virgin

    Necker Island is, pure and simple, a love story. Sure, its jaw-dropping, turquoise-water-enveloped beauty will make your heart go pitter-patter. And yes, Necker's seemingly infinite array of infinity and private plunge pools are nothing if not romantic, but the love I'm talking about goes deeper, and starts deeper, stretching back to when Richard Branson first spotted the 73-acre island ...

  14. Sea It Clear Tours

    245 reviews. #1 of 3 Tours & Activities in North Sound. Scuba & SnorkellingBoat ToursNight ToursNature & Wildlife Tours. Closed now. 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM. Write a review. See all photos. About. Gumption's Experience is run and hosted by a passionate Virgin Islander and entrepreneur.

  15. Meet the wildlife of Necker Island

    Titanic tortoises. With the largest recorded weighing over 48 stone, the giant tortoises on Necker are a sight to behold. Native to a coral atoll called Aldabra in the Seychelles, they've been on the island since the early 2000s with the oldest tortoise named Umpire being born around 1950. With 12 hatchlings born in 2021 and the first Aldabra ...

  16. Gumption's Necker Tours

    Gumption's Necker Tours. 348 likes · 1 talking about this. Gumption's nature tour is an unique opportunity that allows you to feel the excitement of the wildlife on Necker. Fun learning experience &...

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    Book. Crystal-clear waters with spectacular coral reefs and palm-fringed white sandy beaches await your arrival at Necker Island. Located in the British Virgin Islands, it's one of the most luxurious private islands in the world and home to Sir Richard Branson. Sleeping up to 48 guests across 24 rooms, guest accommodation includes bedrooms in ...

  18. Take a Tour of Necker Island

    Take A Tour Of Necker Island. Necker Island is located in the British Virgin Islands and is surrounded by turquoise waters, coral reefs and white sandy beaches. But nature hasn't always been so kind to the island. | Necker Island. By Islands Staff Jan. 23, 2015. Necker Island has been called "the ultimate private island."

  19. Necker Nature Tour

    Sea It Clear Tours: Necker Nature Tour - See 244 traveler reviews, 430 candid photos, and great deals for North Sound, Virgin Gorda, at Tripadvisor.

  20. Mangrove Conservation at Necker Island

    Necker Island may be one of the most famous and luxurious private islands in the world, but it also has a deeply rooted commitment to conservation, sustainability and community development to ensure the British Virgin Islands continues to thrive for years to come. Launched in July 2023 to coincide with World Mangrove Day, a new Mangrove Conservation Tour in partnership with Unite BVI, the not ...

  21. The Best Room At… Necker Island

    What makes Necker different from a lot of properties is that we have wildlife on our island, which is an incredible story in itself; we have more than 1,000 animals from flamingos to lemurs and ...

  22. Necker Island Tours

    Explore Necker Island when you travel to Hawaii! Find out everything you need to know and book your tours and tickets before visiting Necker Island. ... Necker Island Tours. Packages; Stays; Flights; Things to do; Choose one or more items to build your trip: Stay added. Flight added. Add a car. 1 room, 2 travelers. Travelers. Room 1.

  23. Necker Island Tour with Gumption is UNPARALLELED anywhere in the world

    Sea It Clear Tours: Necker Island Tour with Gumption is UNPARALLELED anywhere in the world! - See 245 traveler reviews, 430 candid photos, and great deals for North Sound, Virgin Gorda, at Tripadvisor. ... Outdoor Activities, Tours, Boat Tours & Water Sports, Nature & Wildlife Tours, Night Tours, Scuba & Snorkeling More. VG1150, Virgin Gorda.