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Tour Mohammed VI

BESIX et Six Construct construisent la Tour Mohammed VI, la plus haute tour du Maroc. Un édifice présentant une haute qualité environnementale avec les certifications LEED Gold et HQE, une esthétique particulièrement fine et un condensé d’innovations développées par le Département Ingénierie de BESIX.

La plus haute tour du Maroc

Atteignant une hauteur de 250 mètres, la Tour Mohammed VI a été pensée afin d’être visible à 50 kilomètres à la ronde. D’une superficie totale de 102.800 m², l’immeuble est composé d’une tour, elle-même installée sur un podium, le tout évoquant une fusée sur son pas de tir.

L’intérieur de l’immeuble a été conçu sur 55 étages, accueillant un hôtel de luxe, des bureaux, des appartements de haut standing ou encore une terrasse d’observation à son sommet, le tout accessible via un total de 40 ascenseurs dont 23 dans la tour et 17 dans le podium.

La structure de l’édifice tient non seulement compte de données habituelles, par exemple le vent ou les réalités sismiques, mais également des crues de son voisin, le fleuve Bouregreg. Le contreventement est assuré à 70% par son noyau en béton et à 30% par la structure des portiques acier de la façade. Le haut de la tour accueillant des appartements, un système d’amortisseur harmonique servant à limiter les oscillations sera installé dans les derniers étages.

Conçues par le Département BESIX Façade, les façades présentent une esthétique particulièrement fine sur une surface de plus de 70.000 m², en l’occurrence de 41.000 m² pour la tour et de 32.500 m² pour le podium. Transparente au nord, la façade sud de la tour accueille des panneaux photovoltaïques.

Culture, Environnement, Innovations

La Tour Mohammed VI constitue l’édifice emblématique du plan d’aménagement de la Vallée de Bouregreg, en l’occurrence l’une des principales composantes du programme «Rabat Ville Lumière, Capitale Marocaine de la Culture». Celui-ci prévoit la réalisation de grands projets urbains structurants, dont le Grand Théâtre de Rabat et la Maison des Arts et de la Culture.

La façade sud de la tour sera intégralement équipée de 3350 m 2 de panneaux photovoltaïques tandis que des systèmes de récupération des eaux de pluie et de recyclage des eaux usées ont été intégrés à la conception du bâtiment. L’eau chaude elle-même émane d’un système interne de récupération d’énergie. L’ouvrage a été conçu afin d’être certifié LEED Gold et HQE et donc conforme aux standards internationaux les plus élevés en matière de haute qualité environnementale.

Enfin, les innovations apportées par le Département Ingénierie de BESIX garantissent un ouvrage à la pointe des techniques contemporaines dans le domaine de la construction.

Détails du projet

Nom du projet


Gratte-ciels, Hôtels, Bureaux, Résidentiel

Type de contrat

Design & Build


Rabat, Maroc

Parties prenantes

Six Construct, BESIX

Partenaire(s) externe(s)

O TOWER (Groupe FinanceCom)

Période de construction

2018 - 2023

Rafael de la Hoz & Hakim Benjelloun

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La Tour Mohammed VI, la plus haute d'Afrique, expliquée par Othman Benjelloun

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La future Tour comptera 55 étages, abritant une composante bureaux , une partie résidentielle, un hôtel. . DR

La "Tour Mohammed VI" est un projet qui s'intègre harmonieusement dans l'environnement plein de lumière où baigne Rabat, a indiqué Othman Benjelloun, PDG de la BMCE-Bank, dans une allocution prononcée devant le roi, lors de la cérémonie de lancement officiel des travaux de ce projet.

"Nous avons l’immense fierté et, en même temps, la grande responsabilité de réaliser une Tour qui doit s’intégrer dans l’aménagement que Votre Majesté avez impulsé pour la Vallée du Bouregreg afin d’accueillir plusieurs symboles du riche patrimoine culturel et civilisationnel du Royaume, le Grand Théâtre, la Maison des Arts et de la Culture, la Bibliothèque des Archives Nationales", a dit Benjelloun.

D’une hauteur de 250 m, la future Tour comptera 55 étages abritant une composante "bureaux", une partie résidentielle, un hôtel et un observatoire dans les quatre derniers étages, a précisé le PDG de BMCE-Bank, soulignant que "cette icône architecturale se doit de préserver ses racines marocaines tout en les drapant de l’internationalité et l’africanité que Sa Majesté le Roi a bâties sur des fondations solides".

Lire aussi : Vidéo. Tour Mohammed VI: les images de la maquette

Ces mêmes fondations permettront à cette Tour de porter haut la dynamique insufflée par la stratégie de développement que le souverain a tracée pour le Royaume du Maroc en le positionnant légitimement comme porte d’entrée privilégiée vers l’Afrique, comme terre hospitalière d’investissement, a fait observer Benjelloun. Le PDG de BMCE-Bank a formulé, à cette occasion, le souhait que le roi, "veuille bien accorder Sa bénédiction royale à cette Tour en la baptisant de Son Auguste Nom".

Lire aussi : BMCE Bank of Africa: voici les heureux adjudicataires de la plus haute tour d'Afrique

Il a rappelé, par la même occasion, que des études préliminaires multidimensionnelles (géologiques, techniques, architecturales et environnementales) ont été menées depuis le 9 mars 2016, date de la pose par le roi de la première pierre de cette Tour.

Cette période fut "également l’occasion de renforcer le Consortium des entreprises" chargés de la réalisation de ce chantier, en invitant un des leaders mondiaux de la construction de par le monde, la société belge BESIX, à se joindre aux côtés du Leader chinois CRCCI et de l’entreprise marocaine TGCC.

LEs contenus liés

Economie | Retrouvez toute l'actualité du Maroc et du monde, en temps réel, sur le premier site d'information francophone au Maroc : www.le360.ma

Le roi Mohammed VI préside le lancement officiel de la construction de la "Tour Mohammed VI" à Salé

Economie | Retrouvez toute l'actualité du Maroc et du monde, en temps réel, sur le premier site d'information francophone au Maroc : www.le360.ma

Vidéo. Tour Mohammed VI: les images de la maquette

Economie | Retrouvez toute l'actualité du Maroc et du monde, en temps réel, sur le premier site d'information francophone au Maroc : www.le360.ma

BMCE Bank of Africa: voici les heureux adjudicataires de la plus haute tour d'Afrique

Vidéo. Rabat: tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur le projet de la plus haute tour d'Afrique

Economie | Retrouvez toute l'actualité du Maroc et du monde, en temps réel, sur le premier site d'information francophone au Maroc : www.le360.ma

Vidéo. BMCE Bank of Africa: Pourquoi Othman Benjelloun ne décroche toujours pas

Economie | Retrouvez toute l'actualité du Maroc et du monde, en temps réel, sur le premier site d'information francophone au Maroc : www.le360.ma

Vidéos. Cité Mohammed VI Tanger-Tech: les engagements d'Othman Benjelloun

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Tour Mohammed VI à Rabat, au Maroc

Tour Mohammed VI

Le projet « Tour Mohammed VI » se compose d’une tour à usage mixte. Elle est constituée de diverses composantes : hôtel, bureaux, résidences, commerces, parking et d’un podium. Situé dans la vallée de Bouregreg à Rabat au Maroc, le projet s’appuie sur sa situation géographique : la tour ouvrant ses visuels sur la mer et la ville.

Le projet concerne la conception et la construction d’un Immeuble de Grande Hauteur (IGH) de 250 m, sur 55 étages, et un podium de 26 650 m² sur 2 étages, il est composé de différentes parties : des bureaux situés aux niveaux inférieurs, une partie résidentielle localisée sur les niveaux intermédiaires et un hôtel réservé aux niveaux supérieurs.

Le projet inclut également un bâtiment socle au centre duquel se dresse la tour, avec un étage sous-sol et deux étages sur sol, à usage public, comprenant un centre multidisciplinaire, des restaurants, un spa et une piscine.

Le maître d’ouvrage ainsi que le groupement d’entreprises BESIX-TGCC souhaitent inscrire ce projet dans une démarche de construction durable et se sont engagés dans le processus de certification LEED et HQE avec un niveau de performance visé LEED Gold et HQE Très Bon pour l’ensemble des composantes de la tour.

Maître d’o uvrage : O TOWER S.A.

Équipe de Maîtrise d’œuvre : Architecte : Hakim BENJELLOUN CHB ARCHITECTS – Rafael DE LA-HOZ / BE Techniques : OMNIUM Technologique / OPC : QUALICONSULT / Entreprise générale : BESIX – TGCC

Mission effectuée : Conception PRO du lot hôtellerie en Plomberie, Climatisation, Incendie SPK, Électricité CFO/CFA, Revue de conception du socle en CVC, Plomberie, Électricité CFO/CFA et Vérification des calculs du bilan thermique sur les recommandations LEED

Surfaces : 70 000 m² (41 000 m² Tour et 32 500 m² Podium)

Calendrier : 2018 – 2022

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Lijiang and Shangri-La Tour with Club Med

6 Days Lijiang & Shangri-La Tour with Club Med Resort

Lijiang and Shangri-La, top representative travel destinations in Yunnan, are both ideally harmonious and beautiful with unique nature landscapes and rich ethnic minority culture charm, which are always quite “hot” among visitors from home and abroad, also for seeking the steps of James Hilton.

This 6-day tour is tailored to catch all top nature and culture bests of both Lijiang and Shangri-La in a classic way, plus 2 wonderful nights at 2021 brand-new Club Med Lijiang resort ! Just treat your eyes and soul with the resplendent old towns, villages, Naxi and Tibetan minority characters, paintings, music, dances, costumes, etc., shining snow mountains, lovely lakes, holy monasteries, powerful gorge, and local architectures to understand why Lijiang and Shangri-La are so much longed by world visitors. Furthermore, make full use of the valuable All-inclusive Package of Club Med Lijiang to soak in your pleasant releasing time with various included activities and entertainment shows, delicate food and drinks, catering services and the heart-melting smiling enthusiastic G.Os. You will get the real meaning of the harmony, idyll and happiness of a peaceful resort! Please contact us directly to get the nice quotation to start your trip plan!

  •  Type : Private Tour
  •  Tour Code : CD-LJSGCM-06
  • 1. This price is for one person, based on a group of 2 adults sharing one double-bed room in a 4-star hotel and traveling in low seasons;
  • 2. This price is subject to change according to your traveling season, group size, hotel class, change of activities and possible fluctuation of currency exchange rate.
  •  Theme : Nature / Culture / Vacation

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  • Have a nice stroll in Lijiang Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage site and a center of the Naxi people, where you’ll see stunning panorama scenery;
  • Enjoy leisurely exploration around the Old Town of Lijiang with visits to Yuhu Village and Baisha Village for Baisha Mural Paintings;
  • View the First Bend of Yangtze River and enjoy light hiking to Upper Tiger Leaping Gorge on the way to sacred Shangri-La;
  • Release both your body and mind in the earthly paradise with fairytale scenery and authentic Tibetan Buddhist culture spirit at top sites in Shangri-La;
  • Soak in the authentic French styled happiness and cultural essence of Lijiang Naxi ethnic minority with plentiful activities and entertainments;
  • Spend 2 awesome nights at brand-new Club Med Lijiang with everything covered greatly in a valuable All-inclusive vacation package.
  • Trip Itinerary
  • Price Guide
  • Guides, Cars, Hotels & Meals
  • Make an Inquiry
Day 1 Lijiang Arrival & Lijiang Arrive in Lijiang - Lijiang Old Town
Ni Hao!  Welcome to Lijiang, a very impressive ancient city! Upon arrival at the airport or railway station, your guide and driver will meet you at the arrival hall and transfer you to the hotel in ancient town area with a private car which is comfortable, air-conditioned and non-smoking.  After a short rest, you’ll start a memorable tour in  Lijiang Ancient Town  (Dayan Ancient Town). Established in the Ming dynasty as a commercial center, Lijiang Old Town  is a well-preserved 800-year-old town for Naxi ethnic group, listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997. Walk to the central area of the old town and visit Mufu Palace . A saying goes “there is Forbidden City in the North, Mu’s Residence in the South”. Mu’s Residence was called the miniature Forbidden City. Looked from a far distance, it likes a grand imperial palace and it is famous for the grandness and architectural buildings. Getting into the palace, you can know Tusi’s ruling history and appreciate Naxi people’s brilliant culture and fine arts. Then, wander through the old alleys, old bridges, featured shops and bars to  Sifang Street Square , a mingling ground to enjoy lively atmosphere and unwind yourself. If time permits, join the Naxi people and tourists to dance happily in a round. ( Optional Activity:  Take a leisure walk up to the  Lion Hill  and climb up the 33-meter-tall  Wanggu Tower  - the landmark building of Lijiang to enjoy a panoramic view of the whole old town and overlook the magnificent Jade Dragon Snow Mountain in the distance.) Arrival Ideas:  There’re direct flights from Kunming, Chengdu, Chongqing, Lhasa, Beijing, Xian, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Guiyang, etc to Lijiang Sanyi Airport. Trains are available from Kunming (about 3-3.5 hours), Dali (about 2-3 hours) to Lijiang Railway Station.  Rosa's Group from Spain visited Mufu Palace in 2023 Marcin from USA visited Lijiang Old Town in 2023
Day 2 Lijiang - Club Med Lijiang (B, L, D) Dongba Culture Museum - Black Dragon Pool Park - Yuhu Village - Baisha Murals - Club Med Lijiang
After breakfast, your guide and driver will pick you up at your hotel. First, you’ll be transferred out of Lijiang Old Town to  Dongba Culture Museum  where more than 10,000 Dongba cultural relics show mysterious Dongba culture of the Naxi people. Take a gentle walk to  Black Dragon Pool Park  to enjoy gorgeous view and peaceful surroundings. If weather permits, get to the best spot to overlook the snow-capped Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and shoot some amazing pictures. Then, transfer to  Yuhu Village  which is located at the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. Walking into this authentic Naxi Village, you’ll see unique stone houses, Naxi ladies dressing in traditional clothes, kids playing, a tranquil Yuhu Lake… explore leisurely around the village and then go to explore  the Former Residence of Joseph Rock , who was an Austrian-American Botanist came to Lijiang and stayed in Yuhu Village for 27 years and made huge research work on Naxi minority. Later, head to Baisha Village and appreciate the ancient  Baisha Mural Paintings . Houses here are arranged on a north-south axis around a central, terraced square. Visit Dabaoji Palace and Liuli Temple to view murals painted over 1000 years ago which depict subjects relating to Buddhism, Taoism and the life of the Naxi people, incorporating cultural elements of the Bai people. (Optional experience: You can have in-depth cultural experience to learn how to make Baisha embroidery instructed by the local masters in Baisha Village.) After the visiting, be transferred to the nearby Club Med Lijiang , newly open in October, 2021. Your guide will help check in at the hotel. Enjoy your own time exploring around and joining the wonderful shows and parties by the resort and stay over night at Club Med Lijiang! Carrie from China visited Black Dragon Pool Park in 2021 Welcome to Club Med Lijiang Club Med Lijiang Daisy from Thailand visited Baisha Village in 2018
Day 3 Club Med Lijiang (B, L, D) Full Day with Diverse Included Activities and Personal Relax at Club Med Lijiang
Good morning! Start your wonderful nice day with magnificent Jade Dragon Snow Mountain against the beautiful clear blue sky in Lijiang! Enjoy the substantial breakfast at the elegant restaurant with fine view outside the window. Then, have a terrific joyous and relaxing full day at Club Med Lijiang with more than 20 interesting entertainment activities, sport items, theme courses, etc. covered. Apart from your family and friends, the professional smiling G.Os (Gentils Organisateurs) will be your best playmates and teachers to immerse into each item in the authentic French flavor with superb fun and mental releasing! Archery, tennis, trapeze, cooking, painting, “Amazing Family!” games and classes, circus, magic, music, dance performances with local Lijiang cultural charm, etc. are all well arranged for your active participation for as more happiness and harvest as possible! The lunch is specially designed for a rich selection of fresh local Naxi ethnic flavor and international tastes in a buffet style. Then, you can spend some personal peaceful time with a glass of drink by the pond / pool or in your room. After the delicate dinner, continue your fantastic time with diverse shows, parties and other night entertainment before your sleeping! Stay overnight at Club Med Lijiang and have a sweet dream! Club Med Lijiang Naxi Characters Write Leaning "Amazing Family!" Activity at Club Med Lijiang Climbing Experience at Club Med Lijiang Musical Entertainment at Club Med Lijiang Delicate Club Med Lijiang Food
Day 4 Lijiang - Shangri-La (B, L) First Bend of Yangtze River - Tiger Leaping Gorge
After breakfast, your guide and driver will pick you up at your hotel. First, drive about 52 kilometers from Lijiang to view  the First Bend of Yangtze River . The upper reach of the Yangtze River is Jinsha River coming down from Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and when it arrives at Shigu Town, it is obstructed by Hailuo Mountain and forms a V-shape turn. Then it changes the direction and goes to the northeast. You’ll reach the observation deck to catch a panoramic view of the bend, an extraordinary turn nearly about 180 degrees with beautiful and marvelous views like a wonderful landscape painting unfolding before your eyes. You’ll have a look at local market and Red Army’s Long March Memorial Monument in Shigu Town. Later, be transferred to visit the one of the deepest and most spectacular river canyon in the world - Tiger Leaping Gorge. It is also a part of UNESCO World Heritage Site called Three Parallel of Yunnan Protected Areas. This steep gorge is situated between the 5596 meters Jade Dragon Snow Mountain to the south and 5396 meters Haba Snow Mountain to the north. Measuring 17 kilometers in length, the whole gorge is divided into three parts: upper, middle and lower gorge and you’ll pay a visit to the maturest section - Upper Tiger Leaping Gorge . Walk about 1,000 stairs along the plank road from the entrance to the Tiger Leaping Rock. Take a moment to enjoy the magnificent gorge view and rolling waves. Tiger Leaping Gorge travel tips: 1) This gorge is suitable for most travelers with easy walk. Comfortable shoes are recommended. 2) There are also optional elevators for you to go down from the entrance to the sightseeing platform by the river. After the hiking tour, you’ll be driven to  Shangri-La . With about 1.5 hours' driving, enjoy the enchanting natural scenery along the way. Welcome to Shangri-La (Zhongdian, altitude: 3459meters), the Garden of Eden! Upon arrival, go to explore Dukezong Old Town . With a history over 1300 years, Dukezong Old Town is the largest and the best preserved Tibetan community in China. Climb up to the top of Guishan Hill (or Tortoise Hill) to have a panoramic view of both the endless snow-capped mountains surrounded the pure land and the large scale of the old town with countless Tibetan dwellings. Join in the tourists to turn the largest Prayer Wheel in the world in clockwise direction. (Optional experience: If you are interested in making traditional Tibetan Thangka, you can learn at Shangri-la Thangka Institute. Programs here include Thangka painting, chanting, Tibetan language and calligraphy.) Accommodate in Shangri-la. Ana's Group from Belgium and Mexico visited Tiger Leaping Gorge in 2020 The Panoramic View of Dukezong Old Town Daisy from Thailand visited First Bend of Yangtze River in 2018
Day 5 Shangri-La (B, L) Songzanlin Monastery - Pudacuo National Park - Local Tibetan Family Visiting
After breakfast, your guide and driver will pick you up at your hotel. First, you'll be transferred with 7 kilometers' driving to Songzanlin Monastery (Ganden Sumtseling Gompa), reputed as the "Little Potala Palace" for it was built according to the complex of Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet. Established by the Fifth Dalai Lama in 1679, the monastery belongs to Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism, and it is also the largest Buddhist monastery in Yunnan Province with around 700 monks and lamas. Walk 147 steps to get atop of the monastery and pay clockwise visit to the three main lamasery buildings where you can not only see the Buddhism treasures, but also enjoy large number of monks of all ages going about their daily routines, praying, chanting, cooking and resting. It should be a nice trip to get in-depth understanding about Tibetan Buddhism. If time permits, take some quiet time to walk around the peaceful Lamuyangcuo Lake and shoot panorama view of Songzanlin Monastery with reflection in the clear water. Then, drive about 27 kilometers to Pudacuo National Park . This 1,300-square-kilometer national park is notable as the first national park in China to meet International Union for Conservation of Nature standards. It is renowned for well-preserved primitive landscape, which is endowed with lakes, wetlands, forests, meadows, streams, brooks, rare plants and animals. Throw yourself into the lush green forest with diverse species of flora and fauna, walk along the plank road to catch the gorgeous scenery. There are also many hiking opportunities. ( Notes: 1) the altitude of Pudacuo is at 3500m-4150m so you should avoid strong activities to avoid high altitude sickness; 2) part of the national park is currently closed for environment protection and recovery.) After the merry time in the park, pay a visit to a local Tibetan family to experience the highly-praised hospitality of Tibetan people and taste some special Tibetan snacks and butter tea. (Optional Experience: If you are interested in the Tibetan people's daily drinks, you can follow the locals to involve in the process of making butter tea.) Shudu Lake of Pudacuo National Park Magnificent Songzanlin Monastery, Picture Shared by Our Guest Bondny Pudacuo National Park
Day 6 Shangri-La/Zhongdian Departure (B) Airport/train station drop off
Today is free for you to relax until your driver escort you to catch you flight/train to next destination. Departure ideas : After Shangri-la, you can catch a high speed train to Lijiang, Kunming and other destinations, or directly take a flight to Kunming, Chengdu, Lhasa, Chongqing, etc.

Recommended Add-on Options

The quotation for this trip is from request per person.

1. This price is for one person, based on a group of 2 adults sharing one standard double-bed room in a 4-star hotel and traveling with our private tour in low seasons. 2. This price is subject to change according to your traveling season, group size, hotel class, change of activities in your itinerary and possible fluctuation of currency exchange rate. If you want a lower price, you can get more people to join you, or use economy class hotels. 3. This price is only valid to March 31, 2025. 4. Reference exchange rate of USD 1=RMB 7.00. The final quote is based on current exchange rate. It may change according to the currency fluctuation, while the RMB quotation will be remained the same.

What's included?

  • Professional licensed English-speaking guide;
  • Admission tickets for all attractions listed in the itinerary;
  • Accommodation as listed in the itinerary (4-star standard);
  • 2 nights' accommodation at Club Med Lijiang as listed in the itinerary;
  • Necessary vehicle transfers as listed in the itinerary;
  • Airport (and train station) pick up in Lijiang and drop off in Shangri-La;
  • Luggage Transfers: between airports (railway station) and hotels;
  • All meals as listed( “B” for Chinese and Western breakfast buffet in your hotel; “L” for Chinese Lunch in local restaurant; “D” for Chinese dinner in local restaurant.);
  • The included activities and sports selection offered by Club Med during the stay at Club Med Lijiang;
  • All-day drink and snack service at the bar during the stay at Club Med Lijiang;
  • All-day performances and night parties based on the schedule of the resort during the stay at Club Med Lijiang;
  • Wi-Fi access at the resort at Club Med Lijiang;
  • Child-caring service for children above 4 years old during the stay at Club Med Lijiang;
  • International Insurance by Club Med Lijiang;
  • Accident insurance;
  • Our service charge, including tour planning, handling, operational and communication charges.

What's excluded?

  • China visa;
  • Domestic/International flights or high-speed trains to Lijiang / off Shangri-La;
  • Accommodation not listed in the itinerary;
  • Single Room Supplement;
  • Tourist sites which are not listed in the itinerary;
  • Recommended optional activities (walking up to Lion Hill and Wangu Tower, making Baisha embroidery, making butter tea at a local Tibetan family, making Tibetan Thangka);
  • Optional transportation in tourist areas as listed in the itinerary (Elevator between the entrance and sightseeing platform of Upper Tiger Leaping Gorge);
  • Activities, sports, lessons and other services with extra payment at Club Med Lijiang;
  • Specific imported and domestic wines and liquors with extra payments by Club Med Lijiang;
  • Supervision service at the “Petit Club Med” for children of 0-3 years old;
  • Excess Baggage Charges;
  • Optional tips to guides, drivers, etc.;
  • Personal expenses.

Check What our delighted customers are saying about our services

So sorry for the long delay, I am still travelling and haven’t been on the laptop so much.

Very good tour, very happy with all arrangements. I am willing to recommend your service to my friends who also have an interest to visit China.

Hello Wonder,

Our kids really enjoyed the trip. They were very delighted and thankful for the nice experiences and they loved China a lot which makes me happy because I love this country a lot as well. So thank you for your efforts to make this happen.

Thanks for all the arrangements made and also compliment to the professionalism of the driver throughout the trip.


Thank you for the tickets. They seem to be ok.

With best regards

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We are one of the few China travel agencies who have kept active and received lots of feedbacks and reviews during pandemic years


How Our Teams Serve you at China Discovery

"Highest Standards of Quality and Honesty" is the core value of each specialized team at China Discovery.

Eveyone in our company is working hard for only one goal, which is to ensure the highest level of service, luxury, and attention to detail from the minute you begin planning your trip, to the day you return home.

1-on-1 Travel Consultant

China Tour

Our travel consultants are professional, experienced and responsible, helping you from the very beginning to the end of your China trip!

After sending us an inquiry, one of our travel consultants will get back to you within 0.5~23.5 hrs. In the next few days, he/she will be working closely with you to formulate a customized tour plan, as well as providing professional suggestions based on your travel interests, time, and budget.

Beside, he/she will keep in contact with you during your entire tour in China, continually checking if everything is going well as planned.

la tour med 6

We're working at Chengdu Bamboo International Tours, local based in Chengdu.

Local Tour Guides

China Tour

Our local guide in every destination is not only very friendly, enthusiastic but also very informative and knowledgeable.

Once you arrive in the destination, the patient and punctual guides will pick you up and take you to get under skin of the city at your own pace. By in-depth discovery and explanation, they’ll show you more about the history, culture, customs and authentic local life. Throughout the journey, they're not only expert guides who take care of all the details but also fellow travelers who are dedicated to help you explore in comfort and style.

la tour med 6

Our guides are passionate about what they do, and it shows all the way!

Local Drivers & Vehicle

la tour med 6

Using our private transfer service makes you comfortable, relaxed and worry free all the way!

Our private service includes licensed drivers with many years’ driving experience and air-conditioned, non-smoking, clean and well-maintained cars/vans. Drivers are local, polite, friendly and helpful, taking you to your tourist sites, hotels, airport/train stations in safety. All kinds of vehicle are offered, and yours depends on the size of your group. Usually, we offer sedan cars, SUVs, business vans (MPV) and different types of buses, all with extra space for your luggage.

la tour med 6

Our private transfer service guarantees you the highest comfort!

Comfortable & Homelike Hotels

China Tour

In each destination, you’ll enjoy a comfortable stay in a great location!

The hotels we choose are based on star rating, great locations, well-equipped facilities, cozy bed, high quality service and guests’ feedbacks. Choices are a lot ranging from luxury 5 star, comfortable 4 star to budget 3 star. You could decide where to stay to best suit for your budget and likes. Generally, the hotels have both Western and Chinese breakfast with a wide choices.

If you have already got an ideal hotel, please feel free to tell our travel consultants and they'll book the hotel for you.

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Have good sleep in our well-selected hotels in all the destinations of China.

Meals & Dining

China Tour

We can satisfy all the dietary requirements no matter you want Chinese local food, western food, vegetarian food or muslin food.

The restaurants we will take you for lunch or dinner are all designated tourist restaurants approved by local tourist administration bureau. They have very good sanitary conditions and the food is prepared fresh and clean.

There will be some meals excluded in your itinerary as you like, and your private guide will be delighted to give you some suggestions and take you to the local restaurants to taste like Beijing Roast Duck, Xian Dumpling Dinner, Sichuan Hotpot, etc., if you are interested in local food tasting.

la tour med 6

All the dining options will satisfy your stomach!

Photo gallery of this trip

Mufu Palace-202301-Rosa's Group from Spain

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You're inquiring about the " 6 Days Lijiang & Shangri-La Tour with Club Med Resort "

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“Very good experience”


“Awesome China tour from northeast to southwest”

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Jean-Marie Mégevand

Jean-Marie Mégevand

Surgeon, specialist in abdominal, general and trauma surgery, member of the swiss medical association (fmh).

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Consultations by appointment only.

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  • Hôpital de La Tour Avenue J.-D. Maillard 1 bis CH-1217 Meyrin

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Gastroenterological & abdominal surgery, general surgery & traumatology, la tour obesity, centre la tour des pathologies digestives, languages spoken.

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La Santa Grifa with Dharius- Que Siga La Mata Dando Tour 2024

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Fast Lane Access - LA SANTA GRIFA - Not a Concert Ticket

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HOB Foundation Room VIP Access -La Santa Grifa -Not a Concert Ticket**

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La Santa Grifa


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Photo of Med Tours LA - Los Angeles, CA, US. Book your summer Cannabis Experience Tour

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Photo of Brandi D.

Perfect was to see the south side of LA. Booking the tours were fast & easy. Duane and his friend were funny & patient. We saw some areas of Friday movie set and Nipsy mural. We ran into Snoop popup food spot. The parry bus was cool, comfortable, spacious, and fully stocked for 420 smokers! Out beach trip was the safe & perfect way to visit the west coast. Recommend them when u come to visit.

Photo of Kerelle C.

Our tour guide was very knowledgable, friendly and detailed. He knew a lot about the neighborhoods and was very attentive. My man and I loved it

Photo of Bzbmatt S.

I took my Boi Jesus for his bachelor party and this event was hype the whole time! You get discounts at the dispensaries you go to. The bus had a great set up, with good audio and a flat screen at the back of the bus. The driver drives smooth enough to roll blunts while cruising through LA and Beverly Hills. Normally in a 4 hour smoke sesh you need to entertain yourself, but the bus ride and views from bus accommodated all entertainment needs. I would definitely do this again.

Photo of Sherelle D.

If there was a 10 star review I'd certainly fill in all ten. This was a professionally run tour. Got to see SoCal via the Beaches & Bud tour . Great ride on a fabulous bus that has music. Visual screen to watch . Free give always. Nice dispensaries along the way! Driver & Guide very knowledgeable on the cannabis experience. Try it you will love it.

Photo of Victoria S.

This was the ultimate experience! To experience this "budding" industry in LA and someone else is doing the driving. Went to Cookies and MedMen as well as stopped at the Grove in Santa Monica at the Farmers Market for lunch. This is a first class operation, outstanding customer service! They have everything on the bus and you can medicate while enjoying the LA scene and not have to drive. Went to top notch dispensaries and spent the afternoon with folks with wonderful energy. It was truly a day to remember that I will definitely go and do again SOON. The best!!

Photo of Alyssa B.

It was okay. Our host was very nice and funny, but the tour itself was not worth $130 each. The website said this tour takes you to scenic places like the Hollywood sign, Santa Monica, the Walk of Fame, etc. We were told that we would be able to pull over and take pictures at these places but we didn't even stop at one! We went to 3 or 4 dispensaries and 1 lounge. The places were all cool with very great customer service and many options on what to purchase. But in all reality, we could have just drove or ubered to all of these places on our own. Online it also said you will receive a backstage tour on how dispensaries are ran but our backstage tour was literally just walking into a storage closet. We also didn't realize this was a private tour, we booked it under the impression it was more of a party bus. The car was basically a suv with really uncormfortable seats that you're sitting in for 75% of the tour. At the end of the day what they describe as the tour online is not at all what we received. We did receive a few free treats which were very nice. I'm not saying we didn't enjoy ourselves, but I would have rather have spent $130 plus the money spent in the stores on something else.

Photo of Duane C.

Jun 22, 2018

We certainly appreciate your business and your awesome feedback, Yes, we are offering private tours, and we asked you if okay with it and you said you were. We usually begin the tour at 10am for specific reasons relating to traffic,and began at 11am because you all were coming from OC. You should have been charged $100 per person, which I believe you paid, if not please let us know and we will reimburse you the difference. In terms of the picture opportunities, were were already 1 hour behind and we spent a little longer at the lounge than anticipated, and the only way to get you to your lunch in DTLA as well as the Jungle Boys and have you back to your vehicle before traffic was to move a little faster, and we apologize about that as well. We are clearly not for everyone and it sounds like you were disappointed in our service, please let us know how we can make it right at this point. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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By Msimsofocusednow B.

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