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Cozumel Mejores Excursiones

Cozumel el cielo tour.

  • Todos los tours
  • El Cielo Cozumel Snorkel Tour

- Cotiza Aqui -

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Cozumel El Cielo Tour

Descripción rapida

Uno de los mejores lugares en la isla de Cozumel para conocer es la Playa el cielo , esta es una de las mejores excursiones para visitar este maravilloso lugar pues nuestra actividad Cozumel El Cielo Tour tiene todas las combinaciones más atractivas del destino.

Aquí hay un video , que, aunque no es de nosotros y hay ciertas cosas que no son iguales, en términos generales es una excursión muy semejante cheque este video

Es importante que cuando termine de ver el video regrese aquí para checar los detalles de la excursión

Si estas buscando una excursión que sea un tipo diferente de aventura, Cozumel El Cielo Tour es perfecta para ti. Es un perfecto balance de exploración y relajación, lleno de diversión con una de las mas cristalinas aguas del caribe mexicano puede ofrecer.

Incluye excelente snorkel en Cozumel , deliciosos bocadillos y a un precio muy asequible. El precio es de $550 pesos por persona + Impuestos y está en el mismo rango de precios que cualquier otro tour de El Cielo Cozumel snorkel tour en la isla, ¡pero no te divertirás tanto con nadie más!

Principal atractivo de Cozumel

Cozumel Estrellas de mar

Si Cozumel tiene algo de que presumir es de su increíble sistema arrecifal, sus aguas cristalinas y sus suaves corrientes son la delicia de nuestros visitantes, en esta excursión tendrás la oportunidad de visitar dos de los mejores arrecifes (en una sola inmersión) que la isla tiene para ofrecer, siempre bajo el cuidado de nuestros guías de snorkel que estarán al pendiente de su seguridad, pero además al pendiente de estar atentos a las sorpresas que puede haber en el camino, como tortugas, mantarrayas, peces multicolores etc.

Después visitaremos al famoso lugar llamado el cielo , debe su nombre a la combinación de las estrellas de mar que, junto con lo azul del mar, parece que estas viendo el cielo , pero en vez de haya arriba en las estrellas, es abajo en el fondo del mar.

Tour al Cielo Cozumel desde Playa del Carmen

Desafortunadamente no tenemos salidas desde Playa del Carmen en esta excursión, usted tendría que llegar hasta Cozumel en el ferry de pasajeros

Si estas en playa del Carmen y estas interesado en participar en esta excursión déjame decirte que es muy fácil llegar hasta la Isla de Cozumel , en nuestro tour El Cielo Cozumel desde Playa del Carmen , tenemos 3 salidas a lo largo del día:

Tour al Cielo Cozumel llegando en Crucero

Si visitas Cozumel en un crucero déjame decirte que las salidas son usualmente en la hora siguiente del arribo de ese crucero a la isla de Cozumel

Priorizamos hacer que nuestros huéspedes se sientan lo más cómodos posible , por el lugar de reunión es un lugar cercano a donde se encuentra su crucero, para evitar que tenga que lidiar con la molestia de tomar un taxi caro al puerto deportivo y evitar que tenga que lidiar con el problema del transporte. ¡Deja tus problemas en el muelle y elige esta excursión! Cozumel El Cielo Tour es perfecto para ti!

Cozumel tour de snorkel

Lo cuidaremos durante todo el recorrido, nuestro equipo es muy atento y cuidadoso al dar instrucciones para el Tour de Snorkel en Cozumel El Cielo y se asegurará de que se sienta cómodo y seguro disfrutando de la increíble vida submarina mientras practicas snorkel en aguas cristalinas, incluso los guias se sumerjen para señalar diferentes cosas de los arrecifes; ¡No creerá toda la belleza que verá , tortugas marinas, tiburones de arrecife, rayas, langostas y mucho más!

Te llevamos a dos de los mejores arrecifes (se visitan 2 arrecifes en la misma inmersión) de la isla para hacer snorkel; el arrecife Palancar y el arrecife Colombia , afortunadamente están muy cerca de la playa El Cielo de Cozumel . Eso significa que tan pronto como hayas terminado de hacer snorkel , ¡podremos ir al cielo en la tierra ! Esta es nuestra última parada del tour , ¡pero guardamos lo mejor para el final! ¡Es una de las playas deshabitadas más hermosas de Cozumel! Sin duda es un privilegio estar rodeado de tanta belleza y gente tan maravillosa, está parada definitivamente será el punto culminante de su viaje , ¡y debe verlo para creerlo!

  • Playa El Cielo

Cozumel el cielo tour familiar

Hermosa agua azul claro , en su mayoría partes poco profundas cerca de la playa, el agua es cálida, hasta la cintura, agua cristalina, arena blanca y suave; la piscina natural más hermosa del mundo con hermosas estrellas de mar . ¡Podrás conseguir las mejores fotos aquí!

Cozumel el cielo tour tiempo increible

Una vez que fondeemos en Playa El Cielo , ¡la fiesta comenzará! La mejor fiesta en la playa más hermosa , diversión garantizada, ¡reirás tanto, que te dolerá la cara de tanto hacerlo! ¿Hemos mencionado lo relajante que es este tour? Aperitivos, también tenemos BEBIDAS, ¡Comenzarás este viaje como un extraño y te irás como un amigo! Todos nuestros huéspedes, ya sea que formen parte de un tour privado o un tour grupal, pueden solicitar acomodaciones especiales, como botana o bebidas. Esto es posible gracias a nuestro Cozumel El Cielo Tour

Club de Playa

Después del desgaste de nadar llega el momento de relajarse , en un muy bonito club de playa con el que cuenta la compañía, en el cual todas las instalaciones están incluidas en el precio

Sin embargo tome en consideración que las bebidas y la comida no están incluidas

El club de playa cuenta con

  • Palapas de sombra
  • Playa para bañarse

Importante: Si usted no esta interesado en el club de playa es importante que lo mencione antes de tomar la excursion.

El club de playa solo se visita en las salidas de las 10:00 am y de las 12:00 pm, si usted toma la salida de las 02:00 pm, por limites del luz solar no se visitara el club de playa


Nuestros guías y tripulación saben divertirse y tienen mucha experiencia y los botes que tenemos son rápidos y agiles. Es posible que vea los enormes catamaranes con alrededor de 80 a 100 personas en ellos, pero estas excursiones son demasiado caras y están demasiado llenas de gente.

Sí, hay otros tours en Cozumel El Cielo Tour entre los que puede elegir que lo llevarán a Playa El Cielo , pero no podemos garantizar que tengan un equipo que hará todo lo posible para asegurarse de que lo atiendan y que lo hagan ¡Seguro que la pasa genial! Si necesitas algo, lo único que tienes que hacer es preguntar, seamos claros, este no es nuestro trabajo, ¡esta es nuestra pasión! El servicio, la atención y la profesionalidad que obtendrá de nuestro personal es asombroso.

Flexibilidad para reservar de ultimo minuto

Quiero esperar hasta el día de mi llegada para reservar la excursión Cozumel El Cielo Tour

No a todo el mundo le gusta planificar cada detalle de sus vacaciones con antelación. Puede que seas el tipo de persona que espera para reservar excursiones hasta el día de su llegada porque quiere ver cómo se siente, asegurarse de que el tiempo está bien, controlar el estado de ánimo de sus amigos o simplemente porque le gusta un poco de espontaneidad en la vida.

Si desea esperar hasta llegar a Playa del Carmen / Cancun para reservar la excursión Cozumel El Cielo Tour , no hay problema. Cuando esté en Playa del Carmen / Cancun, simplemente llámenos o envíenos un mensaje de WhatsApp a través de este sitio web desde su teléfono y reserve su recorrido.

Si reserva la excursión Cozumel El Cielo Tour en la mañana, es probable que todavía tengamos disponibilidad. Si no, te ayudaremos a encontrar algo más. El hecho de que espere hasta el último minuto no significa que esté obligado a reservar por anticipado. Incluso si tiene un grupo grande, normalmente podemos satisfacer sus necesidades si nos contacta entre las 7:00 y las 8:00 a. m.


Una vez que haya hecho su reserva , recibirá una confirmación por correo electrónico o WhatsApp que indica los detalles de la reserva y también verá la ubicación del punto de encuentro y las instrucciones explicadas de acuerdo con su crucero y su horario para atracar donde lo recogeremos. El lugar donde lo recogemos está a solo un par de minutos a pie hasta un muelle que está justo al lado de su crucero.

Asegúrese de reservar con anticipación porque nuestro recorrido se llena bastante rápido, no lo piense dos veces, solo resérvelo, ¡le garantizamos un buen momento! Apoye esta empresa local y las otras empresas familiares locales con las que trabajamos también. Si está buscando hermosas vistas de la isla, Cozumel El Cielo Tour , pasaras un buen rato y sus aguas cristalinas a un precio asequible , entonces ha encontrado el lugar correcto, ¡somos la mejor opción para usted!

Otras Excursiones

Además de Cozumel el cielo tour tenemos otras excursiones para aquellas personas que desean ver otras opciones muy interesantes de excursiones en la isla de Cozumel

  • Catamaran Cozumel El Cielo Tour
  • Excursion Playa El Cielo Cozumel en Catamaran
  • Cozumel Jeep Tour

Muy pronto estará en línea un blog en el cual compartiremos sugerencias, recomendaciones de como sacar el mejor provecho de tu visita a la Isla de Cozumel .

En él blog estarán plasmados años de experiencia y toda la sabiduría de una persona que ha visto los aciertos y errores mas comunes de nuestros visitantes.

En el contestamos preguntas tales como:

  • Tour El Cielo Cozumel precio
  • Tour El Cielo Cozumel precio barato
  • Como llegar a Playa El Cielo Cozumel

Redes Sociales

También te pedimos que si estas cómodo en redes sociales nos des un LIKE en nuestra página de Facebook. Desde aquí te lo vamos a agradecer.

Compartir por medio de tu red social favorita

El precio que tenemos actualmente son los siguientes

  • Adultos (+9 años) $550 pesos + $150 pesos de impuestos = $700 pesos por persona o $40 USD
  • Niños (3-9 años) $450 pesos + $150 pesos de impuestos = $600 pesos por niño o $35 USD
  • Infantes menores de 3 años no pagan sin embargo irían en los brazos de los papas

​El lugar toma lugar en Cozumel, por lo que es necesario que el cliente llegue a la Isla de Cozumel por sus propios medios, hay ferries desde Playa del Carmen a Cozumel cada hora desde las 08:00 am hasta las 09:00 pm

Una vez en Cozumel el lugar de reunión es al final del muelle, a tan solo 5 minutos de donde los deja el ferry de pasajeros que viene desde Playa del Carmen

  • Si usted viene desde Playa del Carmen debe llegar a Cozumel y el lugar de reunión es en la estatua de 3 golondrinas al final del muelle
  • Si usted esta en Cozumel, por favor díganos en qué hotel, pues si esta en algún hotel como Secrets, Allegro, Iberostar si usted decide pagar los impuestos del muelle podemos pasar por ustedes en el muelle del hotel

Cualquier duda que tengan estamos para servirle por favor, con toda confianza contacta al departamento de servicio al cliente estamos para servirle.

Estas son las cosas que tenemos incluidas en la excursion

Checa esta lista

  • Paseo en la embarcación
  • Visita al arrecife
  • Equipo de snorkel (Excepto aletas)
  • Guía de snorkel
  • Visita al cielo (Estrellas de mar)
  • Visita al cielito (Arenal)
  • Aperitivos (No es una comida formal)
  • Instalaciones en el club de playa

​En la excursión de Cozumel El Cielo Tour, queremos evitar malos entendidos, es importante que lea esta lista de las cosas que no están incluidas en la excursión​

  • NO INCLUYE IMPUESTOS DE $150 PESOS POR PERSONA 1.- Impuesto por uso de muelle 2.- Entrada al area natural protegida
  • Ferry de traslado de Cozumel a Playa del Carmen y viceversa (Solo aplica si viene afuera de Cozumel)
  • En el club de playa no incluye las bebidas y la comida (Sin embargo las instalaciones si están incluidas)
  • No proporcionamos aletas en la parte del snorkel
  • Si no está en la pestaña de incluido significa que no está incluido

Estas son las cosas que a nuestra consideración y en base a nuestra experiencia son las cosas más necesarias para tener una bonita actividad

  • Camara o Celular para tomar fotos
  • Ropa ligera
  • Sandalias o WaterShoes
  • Gorra para el sol
  • Lentes de sol
  • Playera de manga larga dry fit para protegerse del sol
  • Dinero extra
  • Traje de baño
  • Traer un cambio de ropa

Las formas de pago más normales las tenemos disponibles

  • Preferimos efectivo, pesos, dólares o euros
  • Depósitos bancarios OXXO etc. (Por lo menos con 2 días de anticipación)
  • Transferencias electrónicas (Por lo menos con 2 días de anticipación)
  • PayPal (hay un incremento del 4% por comisiones) (Por lo menos con 2 días de anticipación)

Preguntas frecuentes

Preguntas mas comunes, información general.

1.- ¿Que horarios de salida tienen?

Tenemos 3 salidas todos los dias, siempre y cuando las condiciones del tiempo lo permitan

2.- ¿Esta excursión de Cozumel El Cielo Tour sale todos los dias?

Si. esta excursión está disponible todos los dias, sin embargo depende de las condiciones del tiempo, por lo que es muy importante antes de salir de su hotel hable para saber si la excursión va a tomar lugar o no

3.- Quiero salir en un horario específico, ¿es posible?

Desafortunadamente no. Esta es una excursión compartida por lo que ya tenemos horarios de salida establecidos

4.- Cuanto dura la excursión de Cozumel El Cielo Tour

Si toma la excursión de las 10:00 o de las 12:00 dura un aproximado de 6 horas, si toma la excursión de las 2 dura 4 horas

5.- No se nadar ¿es un problema?

No tiene que ser un experto nadador pero si estar cómodo en el agua, si usted no sabe nadar lo puede intentar pero lo mejor es hacerlo en la parte del cielo o en el arenal

6.- ¿Que tipo de embarcación tienen?

Son embarcaciones pequeñas y ágiles, para evitar tardar demasiado tiempo en llegar al sur de la isla, por favor solicite una foto de las embarcaciones para saber si están de acuerdo a sus expectativas

7.- ¿Cual es el lugar de reunión para la excursión de Cozumel El Cielo Tour?

Una vez en Cozumel, al final del muelle donde los deja el ferry que viene de Playa del Carmen, hay una estatua de 3 golondrinas, ese es el lugar de reunión. Está a tan solo 5 minutos caminando

8.- Se me hizo tarde, no alcance el ferry ¿Me pueden esperar?

Tengo que ser muy sincero, es muy difícil, podemos programar en el siguiente horario disponible o se puede volver al intentar el dia de mañana

Si ese es su caso, por favor avísenos lo más pronto posible para hacer los ajustes necesarios

9.- Ya estoy en el lugar de reunión, pero no los veo ¿qué hago?

Llame inmediatamente al número de contacto que se le proporcionó al hacer la reservación, o mande mensaje por WhatsApp

10.- Tienes servicio de traslado desde Playa del Carmen, Cancun o Tulum

Desafortunadamente no, no contamos con camionetas en la riviera maya, el cliente debe cruzar a la isla de Cozumel por sus propios medios

Si usted hace eso tiene más libertad de acción, pues no tiene que regresar en un horario específico, si toma el primer tour al término de la excursion puede aprovechar para conocer el centro de Cozumel, si toma el último tour puede cruzar más temprano igual para conocer antes de tomar el tour la isla

11.- traigo niños pequeños, ¿se puede tomar esta excursión?

Si, si los niños saben nadar o tienen experiencia de snorkel se la van a pasar de maravilla, si son niños muy pequeños habría que analizar cada caso, manda un mensaje y con gusto le ayudamos

12.- En Cozumel El Cielo Tour, ¿cual es la edad mínima para hacer snorkel?

Usualmente 7 años, aunque depende de cada niño, hay niños que saben nadar desde muy pequeños, importante usted debe estar al pendiente de sus hijos en el arrecife

Sobre mi visita

1.- No pude imprimir mi recibo de confirmación de servicios ¿Que sucede?

No pasa nada, todo está hecho para no imprimir nada, puede enseñar su recibo de manera digital en su celular

2.- ¿Puedo enseñar mi recibo en mi celular?

Si. De hecho, es el método recomendado

3.- ¿Cómo debo ir vestido?

Traje de baño, ropa cómoda y colores claros, un rash de manga larga dry fit

4.- ¿Tienen algún lugar para guardar mis cosas?

Desafortunadamente no contamos con lockers, el espacio en la embarcación es reducido, por favor solo traiga lo que llegue a necesitar en una mochila back pack

5.- ¿Qué días hay menos gente en la excursión?

Usualmente los inicios de semana, sin embargo, si es época de vacaciones todos los días puede haber un buen flujo de visitantes, por lo que puede variar

6.- ¿Puedo llevar mi propia comida o bebida?

Si, sin embargo en el club de playa tiene que consumir las bebidas y la comida que el club de playa vende, en la parte del cielo o cielito no hay problema

Que incluye

Que incluye si les reservo Cozumel El Cielo Tour

A grandes rasgos

2.- ¿Incluye lockers?

No, no tenemos lockers, por favor solo traiga lo necesario, recuerde es una excursión acuática las cosas se pueden mojar

3.- ¿Tenemos barra libre?, ¿todo lo que queramos tomar?

No, esta excursión solo incluye margaritas, es una excursión familiar

4.- ¿Cuánto tiempo dura la excursión?

Usualmente 6 horas si salen a las 10 o a las 12 y 4 horas si salen a las 2

Formas de pago, precios y promociones

1.- ¿Puedo pagar con tarjeta de crédito?

Desafortunadamente no, Solo aceptan pagos en efectivo. Pesos o USD dolares o euros

2.- Puedo pagar en efectivo cuando llegue a Cozumel

Si. Tenemos esa opción (Aplican restricciones) sin embargo solo le pedimos que sea una reservación seria y que si por alguna razon no van a poder asistir nos avise lo más pronto posible para vender esos espacios a otro cliente que esté interesado

3.- ¿Tienen alguna promoción?

Por el momento no, pero manda mensaje si son un grupo grande podemos analizar o crear algo para ustedes

4.- ¿Cuál es el precio de adultos?

$550 pesos + $150 pesos por impuestos = $700 pesos por persona, se considera adulto de 9 años para arriba

5.- ¿Cuánto cuestan los niños?

$450 pesos + $150 pesos por impuestos = $600 pesos por niño, se considera niños entre 3 y 9 años

5.- Tienes precio especial por adultos mayores, locales, personas con capacidades diferentes, agentes de viajes, locales

El precio ya esta con promoción, pero manda un mensaje a veces autorizan precios especiales de último minuto

Reservaciones, cambios y cancelaciones

1.- ¿Como puedo hacer la reservación?

El método recomendado es a través de la página web, pero también puede ser por WhatsApp, email o llamada telefónica

2.- ¿Como se que la reserva ya está hecha?

Si se le mandó un recibo de confirmación de servicios, con su número de confirmación, es una señal que la reserva ya está formalizada, pero cualquier duda por favor manda un email

3.- ¿Que horarios tiene para atención a clientes?

Estamos disponibles las 24 horas del día, sin embargo, las horas en que garantizamos el servicio son

  • Lunes a viernes de 07:00 am – 10:00 pm hora local
  • Sábados y Domingos de 07:00 am – 08:00 pm hora local

4.- ¿Con cuánta anticipación puedo hacer mi reserva?

El marco de reservaciones en donde podemos garantizar el mismo precio, es desde 15 dias antes de la excursión hasta 1 noche antes de la excursión

5.- ¿Puedo pasar mi reservación a otra persona?

Si, siempre y cuando nos avise y pase la información de la otra persona

6.- ¿Puedo cambiar la fecha de mi reservación?

Si, siempre y cuando nos avise lo más pronto posible para que esos espacios se puedan vender con algún otro cliente

7.- ¿No me siento bien? ¿Puedo cancelar?

Si, claro somos conscientes que a veces la cosas no salen como se planean, solo avísanos lo más pronto posible pata evitar penalizaciones

8.- ¿Cuáles son las políticas de cancelación y reembolso?

Usualmente son los siguientes criterios, pero puede variar por favor manda un email

  • Reembolso del 100% si es con 24 horas de anticipación
  • No hay reembolso si es no show

9.- ¿Puedo cancelar o cambiar la fecha de mi visita?

Si, solo avísenos lo más pronto posible, para hacer los ajustes necesarios

10.- ¿Con cuánta anticipación puedo hacer mi reservación?

Recomendamos entre 1 mes antes y una noche antes de la excursión

Ponemos a su disposición el siguiente itinerario, dejando muy en claro que todos los tiempos son aproximados y pueden variar por situaciones fuera de nuestro control, por seguridad del grupo o por común acuerdo de la mayoría de los participantes de la excursión.

Horarios de Check-In

Tenemos 3 horarios de CheckIn a las 10:00 am, 12:00 pm o 02:00 pm

Salida de la Excursión

Intentaremos en la medida de la posible salir lo más rápido posible, aunque depende del número de reservaciones que tengamos y además de la forma de pago de los demás clientes

Traslado hasta el arrecife

Desde el centro de Cozumel, hasta la zona de arrecifes el tiempo de traslado es de aproximadamente 45-60 minutos.

Es por eso que es recomendable usar embarcaciones rápidas y ágiles

Visita al Arrecife

Visitaremos el arrecife de Colombia y Palancar en una sola inmersión

Visita al Cielo (Estrellas de mar)

Visitaremos a las estrellas de mar en su hábitat natural, haciendo snorkel en un agua con un unas tonalidades inmejorables

Importante: Está estrictamente prohibido tocar las estrellas de mar

Visita el Arenal (El Cielito)

El arenal es una área de muy baja profundidad, es como una piscina, ahí puede tomar fotos y ademas a veces hay unas mantarrayas

Visita al Club de Playa

Visitaremos un club de playa, donde todas las instalaciones están incluidas en el precio, sin embargo las bebidas y la comida en el club de playa no están incluidas

Si no están interesados en el club de playa le pedimos hacerlo saber antes de tomar la excursión

Regreso al Centro de Cozumel

Pueden regresar al centro de Cozumel ya sea en taxi pagado por la compañía o en las embarcaciones. Importante la compañía provee el servicio de transportación siempre y cuando se cumplan las dos horas en el club de Playa

Para garantizar la seguridad de los participantes de la excursión tenemos algunas restricciones a su consideración

  • Recuerde que hay Impuestos que pagar $150 pesos por persona o $10 USD o 10 euros por persona
  • Para aplicar el pago el día de la excursion es solo grupos de menos de 4 personas. Si hace dos reservas no podemos garantizar que vayan en el mismo barco o en la misma sección del barco
  • Edad mínima para snorkel son 7 años
  • Es recomendable saber nadar para poder disfrutar del snorkel
  • Desafortunadamente solo aceptamos pago en efectivo
  • No esta diseñado para personas en silla de ruedas
  • Todos los menores de edad deben ir acompañados de un adulto responsable de ellos
  • No se permite personas con asma, problemas cardíacos, problemas de espalda y mujeres embarazadas
  • No se permite personas bajo el influjo de drogas o alcohol
  • Estar bien física y emocionalmente
  • Tener un sentimiento de respeto y tolerancia al prójimo

Nosotros no cobramos nada por adelantado, sin embargo si es un grupo por precaucion pedimos un deposito en el cual aplica los siguientes criterios

  • Cancelaciones 24 horas sin penalización
  • No Show No hay reembolso

"Nos encanto esta playa....color transparente...lleno de estrellas de mar, mantarrayas, quedamos fascinados"

"Playa El Cielo es una de las mejores opciones para visitar en Cozumel. Los colores, la vida marina (estrellas de mar, mantarrayas ) y la tranquilidad del agua la convierte en una zona paradisíaca. Puedes tomar un tour en los muelles de llegada a Cozumel y en 50 minutos estarás visitando los arrecifes Palancar y Colombia, y terminar en Playa El Cielo. El paseo puede durar 4 - 5 horas."

"Realmente el nombre de esta playa, parece literal. aguas cristalinas, arenas blancas... nos encanto... imperdible en la visita a cozumel"

"Sin duda uno de los lugares más increíbles del mundo, vimos muchísimos animales marinos increíbles!!! La vista padrísima! Todo un show natural!!"

"Los arrecifes son hermosos, el agua cristalina y a diferencia de Isla mujeres, no huele nada mal. Sin embargo, dejan bajar de la embarcación con bebidas a las personas y creo que eso puede llegar a ser problemático si no se cuida la recolección de residuos, tanto a la salud de la vida marina, como de las personas en general. Como punto final para tomar en cuenta, si van al banco de arena, luego hay rayas que nadan muy cerca de ti. Es asombroso, pero hay que tener cuidado de no molestarlas."

"Este lugar es el paraíso terrenal, hacer snokel en esta belleza natural es una experiencia fuera de este mundo, la intesidad de colores que puedes ver aquí es única en México, la barra de coral y el arrecife son espectaculares, no te puedes perder esta experiencia, es de verdad una maravilla natural."

"El agua es cristalina y permite ver las estrellas de mar. Son bastantes y estan a dos o tres metros. En verdad una experiencia muy interesante."

"Un paraíso,su mar turquesa hermosos arrecifes su fauna marina hermosa todo un día disfrutando de una gran vista."

Cuando a veces sientes que las fotos se han modificado para aparentar un color mas azul. No es el caso, es absolutamente CRISTALINO.

Muy buena playa para visitar y hacer snorkel o buceo. Si tienen la oportunidad de visitar Cozumel aunque sólo sea unas horas, hagan un tour y visiten el Cielo de Cozumel, disfrutaran de sus arrecifes y su vida marina.

"Un lugar mágico, hermoso, digno del caribe y que mejor que mexicano, puedes ver miles de estrellas de mar viviendo totalmente su hábitat al maximo!"

Escribe tu reseña

If you want a stunning vacation memory that will stay with you forever, then our PREMIUM El Cielo Snorkeling Tour is for YOU, because …

The Day You Visit This ‘Heaven On Earth’ Will Be Seared Into Your Memory Forever!

tours al cielo cozumel precios

The Spanish name, ‘El Cielo’, translates into English as ‘Heaven on Earth’ and never was a location more aptly named.

Imagine snorkeling in the Most Beautiful part of Cozumel’s Marine Park - within a closely protected area - entry to which is Forbidden to Most Snorkelers …

Because of that, it absolutely teems with a rich variety of marine life - in stark contrast to the relatively barren reefs which most of the snorkeling tours have to settle for, with far fewer fish and other species.

But we are in a privileged elite as one of the very few licensed operators to fulfill the very strict ecological demands by operating ultra eco-friendly boats.

And thus are allowed to enter the restricted marine life rich protected area forming Cozumel’s underwater wonderland – The Marine Park - in our glass-bottomed boats.

Allene and her boyfriend swimming in the blue waters amazed by the marine life.

Does that sound too good to be true?

That’s what Carol Bell from Lincoln, Nebraska thought – until she experienced our service …

tours al cielo cozumel precios

Carol​ ​Bell

Lincoln, Nebraska

tours al cielo cozumel precios

When I'm back on the island I'm booking again!"

When we arrived at our meeting point just across the street from our cruise pier we were welcomed as if we were family and immediately boarded the boat and the fun began right away.

We snorkeled two reefs to see amazing marine life and the grand finale was a place called El Cielo, the most beautiful place in the world.

When I'm back on the island I'll be booking again. Thanks Alberto and Pancho for a fabulous time.

The FAMOUS El Cielo, Palancar & Colombia Snorkeling Tour…

When you slip gently into the warm, crystal clear tropical water...

You’ll enter a different world of turquoise colored silence with the wonderful feeling of weightlessness – just as if you were flying. And, if this is your first time snorkeling in these protected waters, you’ll be stunned at the sheer volume and variety of the colorful tropical fish swimming among the impressive reefs of both hard and soft coral. We encourage this desirable state of affairs by feeding the fish!

The Most Spectacular Snorkeling Reefs in the area lie within the protected Cozumel Marine Park area .

But, because we are one of the very few businesses who have invested in the high quality glass-bottomed boats, with the latest environmentally friendly engines, to meet the very strict ecological requirements needed to preserve this marine wonderland, you will enjoy a spectacular trip of a lifetime with us.

YOU'll visit a total of 3 different Snorkeling Locations . Which – needless to say – are 3 of the most astonishing among a whole area of spectacular reefs .

The first of these is the aptly named ‘Palancar Gardens Reef’…

Ronna and her boyfriend very stunned about the Cozumel corals.

Palancar Garden Reef is an impressive reef that consists of many different life forms. Many people who want to learn how to snorkel land in this spot.

What makes this reef unique is the presence of very high coral systems that have many different living beings on them. As we already said, this is a picture that you will remember forever.

While you are underwater, you will notice the beautiful sea turtles. They are very common in Palancar Gardens Reef. Besides, you will probably have a chance to see some butterflyfish, angelfish, black groupers and even some green moray eels too.

Generally speaking, this is a shallow reef which is perfect for novice snorkelers.

Then you’ll visit the ‘Colombia Shallows Reef’…

It is tough to say which reef in Cozumel is the best, but some things make this reef ideal for snorkelers.

For starters, this reef is in an area that looks like a natural bay. As the name suggests, the water is not very deep, and the experience level needed for snorkeling in this area is beginner/novice.

When it comes to marine life, this area blesses with extraordinary life forms. For instance, hawksbill sea turtles, as well as the green sea turtle, are probably the first thing you will notice in the waters.

Chrystal and her husband very happy to start a snorkeling tour with her son.

You'll also see moray eels, barracuda, octopuses, starfish, angelfish, grouper and other species of exotic fish.

This colorful reef will spice up your holiday in Cozumel. That's for sure.

Lastly - the highlight of the day - ‘El Cielo Beach’…

Angel snorkeling to the bottom of the sea and seeing some beautiful starfish on his way.

After you’ve had ample time to enjoy a breathtaking snorkel trip around both the Palancar Gardens Reef and the Colombia Shallow Reef, we travel the short distance to the sandbar of ‘El Cielo’ – ‘Heaven On Earth’ - for our beach party finale!

There you’ll be able to quickly understand why this magical spot is so aptly named as you drink in the magnificent beauty so readily visible in just four feet of beautiful turquoise, crystal clear water.

At the same time your mouth will be watering in anticipation of the feast to come as your guides prepare fresh guacamole for you to savor.

You'll enjoy an exceptional El Cielo Snorkeling excursion that is second to none - as many past customers will attest…

tours al cielo cozumel precios

Sherry​ ​Carson

Groveland, Massachusetts

tours al cielo cozumel precios

Ended the tour at El Cielo - White Sandy Beach, Blue Sky, Great Guacamole, Fruit, Beer and Drinks while listening to music"

Boat was there promptly to pick us up, smiles and good vibes from the crew that knows service is their game.

The ride to the first snorkeling reef was about 20 minutes there we saw turtles, a ray and barracudas.

The second spot was a shallow reef Alberto refers to as his "sacred garden" - kind a cute name for a place.

We ended the tour at "El Cielo" a white sand, sky blue beach where we had great guacamole, fruits, beer and drinks while listening to music, playing on the water and making acquaintances with the rest of the group.

Every day is a good day with Alberto!

You'll be escorted by fully Licensed & English Speaking Guides…

Every boat Captain and Snorkeling Guide (mostly my uncles and cousins) are Certified Snorkeling Guides and Speak excellent English , so your spectacular trip won’t be spoilt by having to struggle to understand what they are saying.

In fact, that is one risk you really cannot afford to take

Because – in situations like this, when safety must be paramount – it’s vital you immediately understand every word your crew says, without a second’s doubt or hesitation.

The three Carlson brothers swimming in the el cielo beach amazed by the sea life.

‘El Cielo Cozumel Tours’ is a family-owned business…

The Robinson family just relaxing at El Cielo Cozumel during a snorkeling tour.

Hi … my name is Alberto Novelo and I and my close family have been providing snorkeling tours in Cozumel for well over 20 years .

During that time, we have delighted multiple thousands of snorkelers, many of whom return again and again and have become firm friends.

What’s more, because this is a family business – not staffed by disinterested employees – every single member of my family is dedicated to making your snorkeling trip a memory you will cherish.

Snorkeling or Not - You'll enjoy the ride on our Glass-Bottomed Boats with plenty of Shade, Seating & Drinks…

Carolyn and her party snorkeling in shallow waters and following the guide's instructions.

As part of our Premium Service our Boats are all Glass-Bottomed with ample shade and plenty of comfortable seating...

So if you can’t swim (or simply don’t want to get wet) you will still enjoy the glorious sights in the crystal clear tropical waters below the boat from the comfort of your seat, shaded from the sun, with a cold drink at your elbow.

And if you are planning on snorkeling, then, during the short trip to the reefs, our guide will demonstrate exactly how to use the snorkeling equipment and how to snorkel for maximum comfort and safety.

Absolutely no overcrowding – ever!

So determined are we to ensure you enjoy the best possible experience on this wonderful day, we strictly limit our 22 person capacity boats to a maximum of 12 passengers.

This means we can give each and every one of you the personal attention you deserve as our VIP guests, particularly if this is your first time swimming underwater.

tours al cielo cozumel precios

Robert Harris

Traverse City, Michigan

tours al cielo cozumel precios

We saw another boat with over 20 people and I was relieved to be on a trip that was more attentive and organized"

Alberto was a great guide, very positive, funny, energetic and a great diver. He pointed out stingrays, conches, sea cucumbers, starfish, and many types of colorful fish.

The water is gorgeous and the reefs are amazing.

Pancho was a skilled boat driver.

We saw another boat with over 20 people on the snorkel trip and I was relieved to be on a trip that was more attentive and organized.

Alberto also sent me pics from the trip since I did not bring an underwater camera. I recommend bringing an underwater camera since there is so much to see.

I wouldn't hesitate to book a trip with these guys again! Thank you! Highly recommended!

What’s more, if you are a party of 10 or more, you can get a…

FREE upgrade to a ‘Private Boat Tour For Your Group Only’

Because I’ll be delighted to give you a FREE upgrade to a totally private boat tour where you’ll enjoy all the facilities and comforts of our standard PREMIUM boats – with the added benefit that you won’t be sharing your boat with anyone else.

You can also choose to start your trip at your desired time rather than the regular start time of 9:30 am. or 10:30am

There is no extra charge for this – you simply have to select 10+ passengers when making your booking online. And you'll get the Private Tour automatically.


Years in Business

Customers Served

Client Satisfaction

What sets us apart from other El Cielo tours in Cozumel?

Four important things …

Michelle and her brother enjoying a snorkeling time in El Cielo.

  • We are a family run and staffed business - and thus so far more interested in making your day wonderful in a way no employee could ever manage.
  • We are one of the elite few tour companies authorized to visit the most stunning reefs, which are located inside the protected area of the Cozumel Marine Park . That is Palancar Garden Reef, Colombia Shallow Reef, and the famous El Cielo sandbar.
  • Although our boats are designed to safely transport 22 people, we set a limit of 12 passengers, so we can give every one of our VIP guests a five star service and they have ample room to relax on our comfortable seating, which is carefully shaded for your maximum comfort.
  • We not only allow you to bring your infants, aged one and upwards, we also allow your children aged 3 and upwards to snorkel. They must all be supervised by one of your party at all time, however, a member of our crew will also be close at hand when under the water for extra safety.


Nervous about snorkeling for the first time.

So was Christine Morgan and her party from Fairview, Illinois. Read what happened next …

tours al cielo cozumel precios

Christine​ ​Morgan

Fairview, Illinois

First Time Snorkeling, so we were a bit nervous - But from the moment we stepped on Alberto's boat all apprehensions vanished"

As it was the first time we’d snorkeled, we were a bit nervous. But from the moment we stepped on his boat, all apprehensions subsided.

Such a caring, fun and upbeat crew to be with on his boat. Laughter was constant and drinks were plentiful! Alberto and his crew consistently ensured that we were comfortable, laughing and well taken care of.

Another crew member was constantly taking pictures so that we could solely enjoy the snorkeling experience.

El Cielo Tours was great in every way. Their website, their responsiveness, and especially the owner/guide Alberto, who was just outstanding.

Even if this is your First Time Snorkeling, YOU will enjoy an Extraordinary Adventure that few other excursions can match!

And if you are planning on snorkeling for the first time, our English speaking guide will demonstrate exactly how to use the snorkeling equipment and how to snorkel for maximum comfort and safety, during the short trip to the reefs.

Unlike many snorkeling companies operating out of Cozumel, we supply a brand new snorkel tube, free of charge, for your exclusive use.

So you can be confident that you – AND ONLY YOU – will have had this tube in your mouth. After your trip we carefully dispose of every tube in a totally eco-friendly way.

Ronna and her boyfriend very stunned about the Cozumel corals.

And that's Because we specialize in Families with Children & Beginner Snorkelers...

tours al cielo cozumel precios

Steve​ ​Edwards

Dallas, Texas

This was one friend's First Time Snorkeling, so Pancho stayed with her the whole time and made sure she was Safe"

I just want to say what a great time we had with Alberto and his crew.

The weather was fantastic and the water just as amazing as I remembered from last year.

This was one friend’s first time snorkeling, so Pancho stayed with her the whole time and made sure she was safe.

We saw a shark, ray and sea turtle among a lot of other beautiful fish.

At El Cielo the guacamole was delicious as were the Coronas. I totally recommend this if you like to snorkel and have a great time.


  • All snorkeling gear (Fins, Goggles, Life Jacket, & Disposable Snorkeling Tube).
  • Softdrinks and beer onboard (Beer, Soda, Purified Water).
  • Fresh Fruit.
  • Guacamole, Salsa (Pico de Gallo), & Chips.
  • Boat ride in our Glass Bottom Boats.
  • Professional and English speaking Snorkel Guides.
  • Snorkeling in 2 reefs in Cozumel's Marine Park (Colombia Reef & Palancar Gardens Reef).
  • Swim Party at Famous El Cielo sandbar.
  • Marine Park conservation fee.
  • Ground transportation from your Cruise Pier or hotel to our meeting point.
  • Ferry transportation when coming from the mainland (Playa del Carmen or Cancun).
  • Gratuities – optional, of course.
  • 3 different stops (2 Shallow Reefs + El Cielo sandbar).
  • No previous Snorkeling experience necessary.
  • Instructions and assistance with all aspects of Snorkeling gear and safety.
  • Small groups with personal attention.
  • Our meeting point is next door to the Cruise Pier.
  • Yes, our Dive Instructors speak English.
  • Your choice of 2 convenient start times: 9:30am and 10:30am.
  • Our Trips in two words: No Worries.
  • Colombia Shallows Reef.
  • Palancar Gardens Reef.
  • El Cielo sandbar.
  • All these are inside Cozumel Marine Park (Protected Area).


A convenient time for all Cruisers & Visitors

Your choice of time

  • For Groups of 10 or more people, we offer Private Tours at no extra cost.
  • You get to choose your own depart time.

If you are arriving on a Cruise ship, then allow 30 minutes from docking to cover any delay in embarkation.

If you are coming from Playa del Carmen, the Ferry ride to Cozumel lasts 30 minutes, and costs only $6usd each way. Ferries depart every hour both ways starting at 7am until 11pm.

Make sure to catch a Ferry at least 1 hour before your scheduled depart time.

Your tour lasts approximately 4 ½ hours.


Meeting up could not be easier – no matter where you’re coming from ...

We meet at the Motor Lobby of El Cid La Ceiba Hotel (located directly next door to the Cruise Pier), a very well known Hotel by the Cruise Pier area.

  • Coming in on a Cruise Ship? You’ll arrive at the Cruise Pier, which is just across the street from our meeting point (about 100 yards from both Puerta Maya, and TMM International Cruise Piers).
  • If you are staying in Cozumel: Everyone - including the staff at the hotel you’re staying at – knows where Motor Lobby of El Cid La Ceiba Hotel (located directly next door to the Cruise Pier) is and will happily give you directions. Or you can just hop in a taxi, because all the taxi drivers know the way!
  • Coming from Playa del Carmen or elsewhere on the mainland? Perfect, because you’ll arrive at the Cozumel Ferry Pier, which is just a few minutes away from our meeting point by taxi (and all the taxi drivers know where the Motor Lobby of El Cid La Ceiba Hotel is).

Wherever you’re coming from, you’ll receive full directions with your Confirmation Email that will be instantly sent to you when you book your snorkel tour.

You'll find us conveniently located near the Cruise Port...

tours al cielo cozumel precios

Paul​ ​Bailey

Palm Harbor, Florida

We literally just walked 50 yards to our meeting point where these guys were waiting us"

These guys definitely live up to the reviews on Trip Advisor.

We arrived in Cozumel and literally just walked 50 yards to our meeting point where these guys were waiting on us.

Pancho, and Alberto did a wonderful job as our guides. We saw sea turtles, many tropical fish and even a baby shark.

After snorkeling, we headed to the one of the most beautiful natural swimming pools on earth, El Cielo, for a pleasantly relaxing time with drinks and fresh guacamole dip made by Pancho and Alberto.

I will definitely recommend to family and friends a future excursion to Cozumel.

Thank you Pancho!


Here's what you can expect from this Awesome Excursion:

Meeting up for your Snorkeling Tour

You’ll find our Meeting Point at the Motor Lobby of El Cid La Ceiba Hotel, located next to the Cruise Ship Pier.

We have our Boats moored at the Pier of El Cid La Ceiba Hotel, conveniently located just steps from the Cruise Piers.

On our Way to the First Reef

Feel your excitement explode as the powerful eco-friendly engine revs up and we cast off to begin your adventure of a lifetime!

You hardly notice the short trip to the Marine Park because you’re absorbed in the crew’s demonstration of how to use the high-quality snorkeling equipment.

We visit a total of three spots.

Palancar Gardens Reef (the first stop)

Colombia shallows reef.

When it comes to marine life, this area is blessed with extraordinary life forms. For instance, hawksbill sea turtles, as well as the green sea turtle, are probably the first thing you will notice in the waters.

El Cielo Beach (Heaven on Earth as most travelers call it)

On our way back to the pier.

Can we really have packed so much excitement and lifetime memories in just four hours?

Relax on board between dives, with ample shade provided while you sip a cool soft drink, beer or water with our compliments, and excitedly swap experiences with your fellow divers.

All too soon, it’s time to head back to the pier.

Back at the Meeting Point

Once the Tour is over, we’ll go back to our original Meeting Location at the El Cid La Ceiba Hotel (next door to the Cruise Pier) the Place where we first met you in the morning.

From here you can walk back to your Cruise Ship, or take a Taxi back to your Hotel is you’re staying in Cozumel.

As a result, you’re probably already planning your next trip with us, like so many others before you, who return again and again.


You get all this – and much more for just...

By booking Online directly with us, we are able to keep your fees down to rock bottom, while providing you with a true five-star experience.

  • Cozumel Marine Park Conservation Fee is INCLUDED in the Price.
  • All Fees & Taxes included. No surprises.

Immediately after your payment is processed you’ll receive a Confirmation Email with full directions to our meeting point , and all your Reservation details.

If you can’t print the Confirmation Email because you don’t have access to a printer, simply make a note of the directions and arrive at our meeting point with your passport or any other photo ID.


My Refund Policy has you covered:

  • If there's bad weather on the day of your trip and the harbour master shuts down the port for small boats like mine. I will give you a FULL REFUND.
  • If you are coming to Cozumel via Cruise Ship, and your Cruise gets re-routed off Cozumel for any reason. I will give you a FULL REFUND.
  • No questions asked.

tours al cielo cozumel precios


As I’ve already mentioned, access to the fragile ecosystems that make up the protected Cozumel Marine Park is severely limited.

Paul amazed by a starfish he found snorkeling in El Cielo Cozumel.

Despite this, the eco-friendly nature of our high end glass-bottomed boats, fully equipped with shading and comfortable seating for 22 qualify us to operate ONLY 3 boats.

However, despite being licensed to take 22 passengers, we restrict most parties to 12 so you enjoy maximum comfort and close personal attention at all times, particularly when snorkeling. It’s almost like a private charter.

So, between our 3 boats, we can take a total of 36 passengers.

And, because we are one of very few businesses able to provide the highest quality snorkeling experience and most of our clients come from the cruise ships, bringing in around 20,000 cruise visitors daily - we tend to get booked up lightening fast for every day of the week.

So you now have to come to a fast decision

You can either pause and take ages to ‘think about it’ only to come back later and be dismayed to see your choice of day has been taken.

That means, if you only have that one day for your trip, you’ll either have to forgo the trip entirely or have to settle for a second rate trip which will NOT include the marine life rich reefs of Palancar Gardens and Colombia Shallow Reefs plus the beach party on the beautiful ‘El Cielo’ sandbar.

Instead, you will have to make do with the relatively barren reefs that most tour companies visit which were not considered spectacular enough to be part of the ecology-rich Marine Park that we are licensed to visit.

Larae and her brothers very happy taking a snorkeling tour.

What’s more, the general tourist area is not protected like the Marine Park, so there is a quite marked difference in the quality and quantity of the marine life.

And the chances are high you will be crammed onto a boat (that might not even have a glass bottom) with 20 or more other folks, severely limiting your enjoyment and perhaps you’ll struggle to understand your guide’s broken English.

Mattie amazed by the colorful fish she found in a reef near to El Cielo Cozumel.

You can make the smart move and decide right now which day you want to become the memory of a lifetime by booking our El Cielo Snorkeling Tour that visits the awesome Cozumel Marine Park with its spectacular marine life and finishes in a setting to die for – the aptly named ‘Heaven On Earth’.

Then, once you’ve made your booking, you’ll experience a wonderful feeling of calm, because you’ll know you’ve made the right choice.

So you can relax and look forward to that magical moment when you step onto our boat.

I and all my family are eagerly looking forward to welcoming you to Cozumel and showing you our wonderful Marine Park first hand!

Alberto Novelo

El cielo cozumel snorkeling tour, the excursion summary.

  • Yes, our Guides speak English.
  • Your choice of 2 convenient start times: 9:30am; and 10:30am.

Jenna and her brother on the surface of the water seeing the fish.

Why should the best be reserved for others & not you?

Haven’t you worked hard to afford this trip to Cozumel and so don’t you deserve the best that is on offer?

But, despite enjoying our fair share of the very limited licenses empowering us to enter the beautiful protected area of the Cozumel Marine Park, we often have difficulty coping with all the bookings from the 20,000 cruise passengers that arrive in Cozumel daily.

I’d bitterly regret it if – now you know what a wonderland the Marine Park is – your hesitation in booking means you are denied the full experience only a PREMIUM snorkeling service like ours can provide and you have to settle for second best.

So I strongly suggest you check the availability on your chosen day - RIGHT NOW – and then go ahead and book your seats before it's too late.

I’ll leave the last words to Michelle Johnson …

tours al cielo cozumel precios

Michelle​ ​Johnson

Nashville, Tennessee

When you get back you want to go back out the next day!"

Alberto provides an excursion like few others. He takes care of the details so you enjoy a carefree day of snorkeling and basking in the clear blue waters off Cozumel.

So, if you are looking for relaxation and the chance to see things you only imagine or see on TV this is your guide.

Alberto makes it fun and when you get back you want to go back out the next day...with Alberto... Enjoy the trip. Can't tell you all we saw but we saw a lot including a nurse shark and sea turtles.

Frequently Asked Questions

YES. The meeting point for cruise passengers is located directly next door from the Cruise Pier at the Motor Lobby of El Cid La Ceiba Hotel.

You will arrive at the Ferry Pier, which is next door from our meeting point at the Motor Lobby of El Cid La Ceiba Hotel. You will receive full directions with the confirmation of your booking.

Our meeting point is at the Motor Lobby of El Cid La Ceiba Hotel and you will receive full directions to there with the confirmation of your booking.

We set off at 9.30 am seven days a week and the tour last approximately four and a half hours.

However, if your party has a minimum of ten people, we can make a special trip, by prior arrangement, if you prefer at 1.30 pm any day of the week.

All three of our top quality glass-bottomed boats have a capacity of 22 passengers, but to guarantee your total comfort and personal attention we rarely exceed 12 passengers.

That ensures you have a wide choice of seating and you receive personal attention at all times.

But this does mean we get booked up very quickly.

So booking your seats without delay is the best way to be certain of securing your trip of a lifetime.

You can check our website at any time, night or day, and get a constantly updated completely accurate picture of our availability.

But please note, that can change in a heartbeat.

So – if you see a slot you want – book it right away. Because, with 80% of our bookings coming from the 20,000 daily cruise visitors, available slots tend to disappear as fast as a puddle in the desert.

As you are coming by cruise ship, please remember there will be plenty of other folks all trying to disembark at the same time as you. So pick a departure time at least 30 MINUTES AFTER you are supposed to dock to allow for the delays in embarkation.

You will need to catch a ferry at least ONE HOUR BEFORE our scheduled departure time. Bear in mind our meeting point is about a mile from the Ferry Pier, which is where you will arrive on Cozumel.

You will receive full directions with your emailed booking confirmation.

NO. Unlike other tour companies, the cost of your disposable one time use snorkel tube plus the Marine Park entry fee and the beach party meal of freshly prepared guacamole, salsa, french fries and drinks are all provided, with our compliments, free of extra charge.

NO. This is one expense you will have to carry, because it would not be fair to the roughly 80% of our clients who only have a 50 yard walk to our meeting point if we were to add the cost of your ferry trip to our prices.

NO. This is one expense you will have to carry, because it would not be fair to the roughly 80% of our clients who only have a 50 yard walk to our meeting point if we were to add the cost of your taxi fare to our prices.

In that very rare event, we would immediately issue you with a full refund.

tours al cielo cozumel precios

Tour Tres Cielos Cozumel VIP y EcoPark

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Tour al Cielo Cozumel en Barco o Catamaran

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Tour Del Cielo Club de Playa en JEEP

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Tour al Cielo Cozumel en barco Privado VIP

tours al cielo cozumel precios

Tour al Cielo Cozumel y arrecifes en barco

Tour al cielo cozumel.

El Tour El Cielo Cozumel es una actividad que te permite disfrutar de aguas cristalinas y suaves corrientes, al mismo tiempo que se puede disfrutar de las estrellas de mar y gran variedad de peces tropicales coloridos.

En este tour podrás ver las estrellas del mar en el Cielo Cozumel y en la mayoría de las ocasiones se pueden observar tortugas, mantarrayas, y otras especies marinas. En todos nuestros Tours al Cielo Cozumel, podrás disfrutar de un mar cristalino, y realizar snorkel para admirar la fauna marina. El tour incluye bebidas, equipo de snorkel, snacks y traslado.

Realiza este Tour al cielo con precios desde $490 pesos (sin impuestos)

¿Qué incluye el Tour al Cielo Cozumel?

Características del Tour al Cielo Cozumel en Barco

tours al cielo cozumel precios

  • Traslado en barco desde el centro de Cozumel hasta el Cielo Cozumel Estrellas
  • Equipo de Snorkel para la actividad y visoreo de estrellas de mar en el Cielo Cozumel
  • Traslado al Cielito
  • Alimentos Snacks y bebidas
  • Retorno al centro de Cozumel

tours al cielo cozumel precios

  • Impuestos de $150 pesos por persona, por uso de muelle y entrada al área natural protegida
  • Fotografías impresas y fotografo
  • Aletas para realizar Snorkel

tours al cielo cozumel precios

  • Horarios: 10:00, 11:00, 12:00
  • Punto de encuentro: Muelle Aqua Safari, Rafael Melgar
  • Recomendación: presentarse 15 minutos antes
  • Itinerario: 10:00 Salida, 11:00 Snorkel en el Cielo Estrellas, 12:00 Nadar en la playa Cielito 13:00 Retorno
  • PRECIO: $790 , OFERTA: $490

Tour al Cielo Cozumel Garantizado

Compra segura, garantía de satisfacción total durante toda la excursión

Reembolso Seguro

  • Su dinero está seguro, en caso de existir algún problema en su viaje o por mal tiempo y cierre del puerto por capitanía; usted recibe un reembolso total.
  • Cuenta con la posibilidad de pagar al abordar el tour.

Mejor Precio

  • Podemos garantizarle los precios más bajos para el Tour al Cielo Cozumel, debido a que no tenemos intermediarios.
  • Usted paga al abordar el tour.

Oficinas en Cozumel

  • Contamos con personal disponible para atenderle de manera presencial en el momento de su arribo.
  • Nuestras formas de pago son oficiales y pueden ser presenciales.
  • Aquí la opinion de nuestros clientes

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El Cielo Tour in Cozumel Mexico: Ultimate Guide for 2024

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Do you want to visit El Cielo Cozumel? You’ve come to the right guide!

El Cielo is an exclusive snorkeling spot in Cozumel, offering an incredible opportunity to snorkel with giant starfish in unbelievably clear turquoise waters.

I’m a travel blogger that lives in Playa del Carmen and I’m here to tell you that El Cielo is the most stunning snorkeling spot you’re going to find in Riviera Maya!

But this remote snorkeling location can only be visited by boat, which means you’ll need to book a tour to get there.


El Cielo Cozumel Starfish

⌚️ Don’t have time to read the full article?

The best El Cielo snorkeling tour is this Cozumel Snorkeling Tour: Palancar, Colombia, and El Cielo Reefs with over 590 5-star reviews!

In this post, I’m sharing everything you need to know about the El Cielo tour in Cozumel , including my top tour recommendations, detailed itinerary information, and tips for visiting.

Ready to find out more about the El Cielo Cozumel tour? Let’s get started!

El Cielo Cozumel

About El Cielo Cozumel

Only accessible by boat, El Cielo in Cozumel is a snorkeling spot where you can see a surplus of starfish and snorkel in unbelievably turquoise waters.

This El Cielo tour is one of the most popular things to do in Cozumel , which will take you to El Cielo in addition to some impressive snorkeling at world-renowned coral reefs.

Of all the snorkeling tours in Cozumel that I’ve done, El Cielo is honestly the most impressive with its bright turquoise water and has been by far my favorite snorkeling experience!

El Cielo Cozumel

Where is El Cielo?

El Cielo (“Heaven” in Spanish) is located on the southwestern tip of Cozumel island in Mexico. 

You may hear it referred to as “Playa El Cielo” but it’s not really a beach per se but more of a shallower area of water right off the coast of the island.   

It’s considered one of the best snorkeling spots in Cozumel and is known for its abundance of starfish and crystal clear water.

How to Get to El Cielo Cozumel

El Cielo can only be visited by boat, which makes getting there a little more difficult.

You can either book a tour or hire a boat directly from one of the beaches on Cozumel. 

I have done both options and booking a tour is definitely easier, especially if you’re not familiar with getting around Cozumel on your own.

Book an El Cielo Tour

If you’re coming from Playa del Carmen , the easiest way to visit El Cielo is to book a tour ahead of time online. 

⚠️ El Cielo snorkeling tours are also sold by street vendors on 5th Avenue and while these tours may be cheaper, I would NOT recommend this option.

Here’s why: I actually did this the very first time I went to El Cielo and when we arrived at the meeting point in Cozumel, the tour operator had absolutely no record of our tour purchase and almost didn’t let us go on the tour–it was very stressful and was almost a huge disappointment 😭

For peace of mind, book a tour online so you have an electronic record of your tour confirmation and dedicated customer service to resolve any issues.

El Cielo Cozumel

El Cielo Tour Recommendations

There are many El Cielo Cozumel snorkeling tours available to fit your needs, and some that include roundtrip transportation and hotel pick-up. 

The tour leaves from the marina in Cozumel so if you’re comfortable taking the ferry and getting to Cozumel from Playa del Carmen on your own, I would recommend booking a tour that meets in Cozumel.

Otherwise, an all-inclusive tour that includes ferry tickets and pickup from hotels in Playa del Carmen or the Riviera Maya would be your easiest and most hassle-free option. 

Here are my El Cielo tour recommendations:

  • El Cielo Tour that meets in Cozumel: BOOK HERE ▶︎
  • El Cielo Tour that includes hotel pickup: BOOK HERE ▶︎
  • El Cielo Private Tour: BOOK HERE ▶︎

How much does the El Cielo Cozumel tour cost?

The cost of El Cielo Cozumel tours will vary depending on which transportation option you prefer.

The prices for the tour generally start around $65 USD if you’re meeting in Cozumel.

The price can go up to $150+ USD for the more all-inclusive tours that include pickup from hotels in Riviera Maya .

Keep in mind for the tours that meet in Cozumel, you will still need to pay for roundtrip ferry tickets, which cost an additional $33 USD.

Travelista Tip:  If you have a group of 6 of more, consider a  private tour to El Cielo which comes out to be only about $70 USD per person.

Take a boat from a beach club in Cozumel

Another option for visiting El Cielo is taking a boat from a beach club on Cozumel.

You can do this from Playa Palancar , which is a stunning beach on the southern part of the island. 

On the beach, you’ll find a dive shop that offers boat tours to El Cielo and nearby reefs.

This is a cheaper option and offers the same tour experience but you still have to get to Cozumel on your own, as well as take a taxi to Playa Palancar, which costs about $25 USD each way.

What’s included in the El Cielo tour?

Again, what’s included in the tour will vary depending on the tour operator and if you select a tour with transportation included. 

But here’s what’s included in the majority of El Cielo tours:

  • Roundtrip boat trip from Cozumel marina
  • Snorkeling at two different coral reefs–Palancar Reef and Colombia Reef
  • Snorkeling with starfish at El Cielo
  • Leisurely stop at “El Cielito” beach
  • Snorkeling equipment
  • Life jackets
  • Bottled water, soft drinks, and beer (2 per person)

El Cielo Tour Itinerary

The tour start time will vary depending on whether you choose a tour with hotel pickup in Playa del Carmen or the Rivera Maya. 

Pickup from your hotel can be as early as 7:00AM or if you’re meeting in Cozumel, the departure time will likely be around 11:00AM.

⚠️ Keep in mind the tour leaves from the Cozumel ferry at this time so you have to plan ahead to take the ferry from Playa del Carmen to Cozumel which leaves approximately every hour .

Once you arrive at the ferry, you will meet your tour guide at the designated meeting point outside of downtown San Miguel de Cozumel and they will escort you to the boat nearby. 

You’ll then set off to begin your snorkeling experience at two different reefs–Palancar and Colombia, followed by snorkeling at El Cielo, and a leisurely stop at El Cielito beach. The tour duration is approximately 4 hours .

Ultramar Ferry to Cozumel

First Stop: Palancar Reef

After departing from the marina near the Cozumel ferry, you’ll cruise down the coast and the first stop on the tour is snorkeling at Palancar Reef. 

The Cozumel reef system is actually the second longest in the world, only second to Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.

You’ll be outfitted with snorkeling masks and life jackets and then you’ll be ready to jump into the sea! 

The water at Palancar Reef is about 20-40 feet deep and there are many colorful fish and different types of coral to be seen.

El Cielo Snorkeling

Second Stop: Colombia Reef

The next stop on the tour is Colombia Reef, which is just a short boat ride away.  Colombia Reef is a bit shallower at around 15-30 feet deep. 

The snorkeling here was pretty similar to Palancar Reef, and in my opinion not all that impressive–the visibility wasn’t great on the day that we went!

Third Stop: El Cielo

The third stop of the tour is visiting El Cielo, which is definitely the highlight of the tour! 

I can’t even explain how pretty the color of the water is–the pictures really don’t do it justice!

And the amount of starfish you get to see at Cielo is really spectacular–it’s definitely the best place to snorkel in Cozumel!

The water at El Cielo is about 7-8 feet deep so it’s still pretty deep but you can choose to remove your life jacket if you wish. 

It was really fun to dive down for an up close view of the starfish.  Check out my video below for a better look!

El Cielo Starfish

Last Stop: El Cielito Cozumel

After visiting El Cielo, you’ll then head over to Playa El Cielito (“Little Heaven”), which is a very shallow beach nearby with equally stunning turquoise water. 

The boat will anchor here and you’ll be served some light snacks like sliced cheese and jicama, as well as beverages while getting to relax in the shallow water.

Playa Cielito is really a beyond gorgeous place to rest and relax after all the excitement of snorkeling and starfish hunting.

After visiting El Cielito, you’ll get back on the boat and return to the Cozumel ferry.

El Cielito

What to Do After the Cozumel El Cielo Tour

The tour will end around 2:00PM so you’ll still have some free time in Cozumel if you don’t book an all-inclusive tour.  

There are many things to do in Cozumel but I would highly recommend visiting Playa Palancar , as it’s one of the prettiest beaches I’ve seen on the island.

Playa Palancar is about a 30 minute drive from the ferry and the taxi will cost around $25 USD each way but it’s definitely worth the trip. 

There are a couple of different beach clubs there where you can rent lounge chairs and enjoy some beach snacks and frozen cocktails.  A perfect way to end the day!

Playa Palancar Cozumel

What to Wear on the El Cielo Tour

Here’s what I recommend wearing on the El Cielo Snorkeling Tour:

  • One-Piece Swimsuit: For most of the tour you will be in the water so you’ll definitely need to wear a swimsuit. I always prefer to wear a one-piece swimsuit when going on snorkeling tours since they provide more coverage and less hassle with the life vests and snorkeling equipment.
  • Swimsuit coverup: Wear a coverup or shorts and a tank top over your swimsuit to be comfortable on the ferry ride.
  • Waterproof sandals or flip flops: Wear comfortable sandals or flip flops that you don’t mind getting wet. You’ll remove them as soon as you get on the boat.
  • Sun Hat: If you want to bring a hat, make sure to wear one with a wind lanyard or that fits securely on your head as it can easily blow off when you’re traveling by boat.

What to Bring on the El Cielo Tour

Here are a few essential items I would recommend bringing on the El Cielo tour:

  • Biodegradable Sunscreen: Be sure to wear biodegradable sunscreen as regular sunscreen is prohibited on the tour as it is damaging to the coral reefs.
  • Beach Towel: You’ll definitely want to bring a towel to dry off after snorkeling. These microfiber beach towels are great as they are lightweight and dry quickly.
  • GoPro or waterproof camera: Be sure to bring a GoPro (or the less expensive AKASO Brave ) waterproof camera to capture your experience. El Cielo offers an amazing photo opportunity for an up close view of the starfish.
  • Snorkel Gear: You can also bring your own snorkel set if you prefer.  Snorkeling equipment is provided on the tour but having your own ensures cleanliness and the best fit.
  • Change of Clothes: It’s also a good idea to bring a change of clothes to change into after the tour so you’re not stuck in a wet swimsuit for the return trip.
  • Cash for tips: I would also recommend bringing some extra cash to tip the tour guides at the end of the tour. This is something I often forget and then feel terrible at the end of an amazing tour experience.

GoPro HERO12 Black - Waterproof Action Camera with 5.3K60 Ultra HD Video, 27MP Photos, HDR, 1/1.9" Image Sensor, Live Streaming, Webcam, Stabilization

✅ Sunscreen

Sun Bum Original SPF 50 Sunscreen Spray |Vegan and Hawaii 104 Reef Act Compliant (Octinoxate & Oxybenzone Free) Broad Spectrum Moisturizing UVA/UVB Sunscreen with Vitamin E | 6 oz

✅ Beach Towel

Rainleaf Microfiber Towel Perfect Travel & Sports &Camping Towel.Fast Drying - Super Absorbent - Ultra Compact.Suitable for Backpacking,Gym,Beach,Swimming,Yoga

✅ Snorkel Set

PRODIVE Premium Dry Top Snorkel Set for Adults - Tempered Glass Diving Mask, Anti-Fog Lens for Best Vision, Easy Adjustable Strap, Waterproof Snorkel Bag Included - Snorkeling Gear for Adults (Aqua)

El Cielo Cozumel Video

Visiting El Cielo: FAQs

Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about visiting El Cielo in Cozumel:

El Cielo can only be visited by boat so you’ll need to book a guided boat tour to take you there.

El Cielo is a shallow sandbar off the coast of Cozumel, Mexico that is home to giant starfish and crystal clear turquoise water.

No, you cannot swim to El Cielo. The snorkeling spot is located about a half mile off shore and can only be accessed by boat.

No, you cannot get to Playa El Cielo by car. The snorkeling spot is located about a half mile off shore and can only be accessed by boat.

El Cielo is located about 30 minutes from the Cozumel cruise port.

Conclusion: El Cielo Cozumel Tour Guide

So are you ready to tour El Cielo Cozumel?  I really hope this El Cielo tour guide was helpful and you get to experience such a beautiful place!

It’s definitely one of the most memorable Playa del Carmen boat tours I’ve been on–the color of the water is just so unbelievably clear!

If you’re ready to see El Cielo for yourself, this El Cielo snorkeling tour is the one that I personally did and recommend. Plus, it has over 590 5-star reviews!

And for more Playa del Carmen snorkeling tours , check out my guides to swimming with whale sharks in Isla Mujeres , swimming with sea turtles in Akumal , and a snorkeling and cenote tour at Cenote Zapote near Puerto Morelos .

🇲🇽 Traveling to Mexico soon?

These are the Mexico travel resources I use and recommend:

🏨 Hotels : I always find the best deals for Mexico hotels and resorts on Expedia or . If you prefer a vacation rental, check VRBO as they are often cheaper than AirBnB’s added fees!

✈️ Flights : I recommend using Skyscanner for the best Mexico flight deals. Be sure to sign up for their price alerts for your preferred travel dates.

🚗 Rental Cars : I recommend using Discover Cars because you can compare multiple car rental companies and see detailed ratings for overall value, ease of pick-up, efficiency of agents, car condition, and overall time spent.

🚙 Cancun Airport Transportation : I recommend booking a private transfer with Cancun Airport Transportation for the quickest and most hassle-free option!

🤿 Tours & Activities: I always use Viator or GetYourGuide for booking tours and activities in Mexico. You can cancel up to 24 hours before the tour for a full refund, plus they have excellent customer service if you were to have any issues.

🚨 Travel Insurance: After my Dad broke his hand in a taxi accident in Playa del Carmen, I always recommend buying travel insurance before your trip for added peace of mind! I recommend Travel Insurance Master for short trips or Safety Wing for digital nomads.

☀️ Biodegradable Sunscreen : Don’t forget to add biodegradable sunscreen to your Mexico packing list ! Regular sunscreen is prohibited when swimming in the ocean and cenotes in Mexico, so you’ll need to pack some biodegradable sunscreen for sun protection. I recommend Sun Bum Sunscreen , which is reef-friendly, vegan, and cruelty-free.

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Allison Sicking is the founder of Viva La Travelista. After moving to Playa del Carmen, Mexico in 2018, she created her travel blog to empower others to travel safely and confidently in Mexico and other Spanish-speaking countries. Using her Spanish language skills and expertise in Mexico travel, she is passionate about teaching others to travel Mexico like a local.

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Bienvenidos a,

En este sitio web encontraran la información general acerca de la playa El cielo en la punta sur de Cozumel , un útil mapa con la ubicación del lugar. Información de los tours guiados al cielo ya sea saliendo de Cancún o Playa del Carmen y la información de contacto y pagos con tarjeta de crédito.

Conocimos el cielo en Cozumel hace 20 años, quedamos enamorados del lugar, desde hace mas de 10 años ofrecemos este tour que ha sido disfrutado por cientos de turistas de todo el mundo. Nuestra misión es dar un mejor servicio que los demás y la satisfacción total de nuestros clientes.

Estamos seguros que su visita al cielo en Cozumel será una de las experiencias más bonitas que pueda tener en la vida, porque disfrutara al máximo la excepcional belleza del Caribe Mexicano , siendo este un lugar único que no se puede perder visitar durante sus próximas vacaciones.

Disfrutara de la naturaleza al máximo, la vista de las playas vírgenes de blanca arena de la isla de Cozumel, el mar azul cristalino, sus peces multicolores, estrellas de mar, tortugas entre otras especies. Un tour para recordar siempre para quienes admiran la naturaleza ….

Tour al Cielo Cozumel Económico

Paseo al Cielo Cozumel de 5 horas en la lancha de 26" capacidad para 6 personas. Incluye: cerveza, aguas, refrescos, guacamole y equipo de esnorquel.

Tour Privado a El Cielo Cozumel

Tour Privado al Cielo Cozumel en una lancha de lujo de 28" con capacidad para 6 personas.

Tour a El Cielo Cozumel en Avión saliendo de Cancún o Playa del Carmen

Tour VIP Áero al Cielo Cozumel en un Yate Bayliner

Galería de Fotos

Cielo azul, lleno de estrellas.

Tours a El Cielo Cozumel

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El Cielo Cozumel Tour: Ultimate Travel Guide

Are you planning to visit El Cielo Cozumel and snorkel with starfish in stunning blue waters? You’re in the right spot! Check out my complete guide to learn everything you must know about the El Cielo Tour in Cozumel.

About El Cielo Cozumel

Only accessible via the boat. El Cielo in Cozumel is a snorkeling destination where you will see an abundance of starfish and dip in the stunning clear waters.

A tour called the El Cielo tour is one of the most sought-after tourist attractions in Cozumel. It will bring visitors through El Cielo in addition to incredible snorkeling in the world-renowned coral reefs.

El Cielo Cozumel Snorkel

Where is El Cielo?

El Cielo (“Heaven” in Spanish) is located on the southwest coast of Cozumel, the island of Mexico.

It’s often referred to as “Playa El Cielo”, but it’s not the beach itself but rather a more shallow section of water just near the shore in the middle of the island.

It’s one of the most popular snorkeling destinations in Cozumel and is renowned for its abundance of starfish and crystal clear water.

How To Get To El Cielo Cozumel

El Cielo can only be accessible by boat, making the journey more challenging. You can arrange a tour or rent boats or a catamaran direct from Cozumel.

I’ve tried both as well. Booking a trip is more spartan, particularly if you’re not familiar with the area of Cozumel by yourself.

Book A Tour

If you’re travelling via Playa del Carmen, the most convenient method to get to El Cielo is to book the tour in advance on the internet.

Street vendors along 5th Avenue sell El Cielo snorkeling tours, and while these tours are cheaper than the other options, I would  not  recommend this choice.

I’ve done it before, and when we got to the location of the meeting, the tour operator didn’t have any information about our purchase and was almost refusing to allow us to go on the tour.

To be sure of your booking Book your trip online so that you get confirmation of your tour and dedicated customer service that can resolve any problems.

Tour Recommendations

Numerous El Cielo Cozumel snorkeling tours are suitable for your needs, including round-trip transportation and hotel pickup.

The tour departs from the dock in Cozumel; therefore, it’s a good idea to take the ferry and reach Cozumel by yourself. I suggest making a reservation for a tour that begins in Cozumel.

If not, an all-inclusive trip that includes ferry tickets and pickup of your accommodation at Playa del Carmen or the Riviera Maya is the most convenient and hassle-free choice.

tours al cielo cozumel precios

the El Cielo Cozumel tour cost?

The price associated with El Cielo Cozumel tours will depend on your choice of transport. Prices for the tour typically start at USD 55 when you’re meeting in Cozumel.

The cost can rise from $130 or more USD on more comprehensive tours, including pick-up of Hotels in Riviera Maya.

Be aware that for tours that start in Cozumel, they require to purchase round-trip ferry tickets that cost an additional USD 25.

Take a boat from a beach club in Cozumel

Another option to visit El Cielo is renting an excursion boat from a beach club on Cozumel. This can be done starting from Playa Palancar, an incredible beach located at the southern end of the Island.

There’s a dive shop at the beach offering boat trips towards El Cielo and nearby reefs.

This is the cheapest alternative and provides the same experience, but you’ll still need to travel to Cozumel on your own and get a taxi ride to Playa Palancar, which costs around USD 15 each way.

What’s included in the El Cielo tour?

What’s included in the tour can vary based on the tour operator and when you opt for a tour that includes transportation. Here’s what’s fit for the vast majority of El Cielo tours:

  • Roundtrip boat trip departing from Cozumel marina
  • Snorkeling at two coral reefs: the Palancar Reef and Colombia Reef
  • Snorkeling with starfish in El Cielo
  • Stop for a relaxing break at “El Cielito” beach
  • Snorkeling equipment
  • Life jackets
  • Soft drinks, bottle-sealed water and beers (2 per person)

El Cielo Tour Itinerary

The tour’s start time depends on whether you select an excursion with hotel pickup in Playa del Carmen or the Rivera Maya.

Transfers from your hotel may start as early as 7:00 morning or, if you’re meeting in Cozumel, the departure time is likely around 11:00 am.

Remember that this tour departs on the Cozumel ferry around this point; therefore, you must prepare for your ferry ride from Playa del Carmen to Cozumel, which leaves every hour.

After arriving at the ferry terminal, you’ll greet your tour guides at the specified meeting place just outside central San Miguel de Cozumel, and then they’ll take you to the nearby boat.

Then, you’ll begin your snorkeling journey on two different reefs – Palancar and Colombia. Then, you’ll go the snorkeling experience on El Cielo and a relaxing visit to El Cielito beach. The duration of the tour is around 3 hours.

Palancar Reef

The First Stop: Palancar Reef

After leaving the marina near Cozumel, you’ll depart from the marina. Cozumel ferry port, passengers will travel across the coastline. The initial stop of your tour will be snorkeling on Palancar Reef.

It is believed that the Cozumel Reef system is the second most extended reef system in the world and is second after Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.

You’ll be equipped with snorkeling masks and life jackets, and you’ll be able to jump into the ocean !

The water in Palancar Reef is about 20-40 feet deep. There are a variety of colorful fish as well as various coral species to see.

The Second Stop Colombia Reef

The next destination on tour is Colombia Reef, which is only a brief boat ride from the mainland. Colombia Reef is a bit smaller at 15-30 feet deep.

This snorkeling was like Palancar Reef, and in my view, not that amazing (at most on the day we went).

Third Stop: El Cielo

The third stop on tour was El Cielo. To me, El Cielo was the highlight of the trip.

I don’t know how beautiful the watercolour is, and how many species of starfish were visible was genuinely fantastic. El Cielo is definitely the most ideal spot to snorkel in Cozumel!

The water is around 7-8 feet deep. It’s profound. You may opt to take off your life jacket should you want.

Last Stop: El Cielito Cozumel

After visiting El Cielo, you’ll go towards Playa El Cielito (“Little Heaven”). That is a highly shallow beach with stunning turquoise waters.

El Cielo Starfish

The boat will be anchored, and guests will be served drinks and snacks while relaxing in the shallow waters.

Playa Cielito is a breathtaking spot to unwind and unwind after the adrenaline of starfish and snorkel hunts.

After exploring El Cielito, You’ll return to the ferry to get back to Cozumel.

What to do after the Cozumel El Cielo tour

The tour is scheduled to end at 2 pm, which means you’ll be able to spend some time at leisure in Cozumel even if you do not book an entire tour.

There are a lot of activities to enjoy in Cozumel. However, I’d strongly advise taking a trip to Playa Palancar, since it’s one of the most beautiful beaches I’ve ever seen on the entire island.

Playa Palancar is about a 15 minutes ride from where the ferry is, and the taxi cost is around USD 15 per way. However, it’s well worth the drive.

There are several beach clubs where you can lease lounge chairs and enjoy drinks and snacks from the beach. The perfect way to wind down your day!

What should you wear to the El Cielo tour?

Most of the time, you’ll be in the water, so it is essential to wear an appropriate swimsuit.

I prefer wearing a one-piece swimming suit when I go on snorkeling trips since they offer excellent coverage and are less stressful with life gear and snorkeling equipment.

Also, you’ll need an easy cover-up, flip-flops, sandals, and a sun hat. If you’re wearing a hat, put it well on your head, as it’s likely to blow away on a boat ride.

It’s recommended to carry an extra set of clothes to change into following the trip so that you don’t get trapped in a wet swimming suit on the return journey.

What do you need to bring for the El Cielo tour?

Here are a few important things I’d recommend taking for this tour: El Cielo tour:

  • Biodegradable sunscreen:  Be sure to wear biodegradable sunscreen since regular sunscreen isn’t allowed during the trip as it causes harm to coral reefs.
  • Beach Towel:  It is essential to have towels to dry your skin after snorkeling. The Microfiber Beach Towels are ideal since they’re lightweight and dry fast.
  • GoPro or waterproof camera  Make sure you bring a GoPro or waterproof camera to record your adventure. El Cielo offers a unique photo opportunity to capture close-up views of the starfish.
  • Snorkel Equipment:  You can also bring your own snorkeling set. Snorkeling equipment is included during the tour, but having your own will ensure cleanliness and the most comfortable fit.
  • Snacks:  Feel free to bring a few snacks to eat while you relax on El Cielo beach Cozumel. Our tour was just served slices of cheese and fresh Jicama.
  • Cash to tip the tour guide:  I would also suggest bringing money to pay the guide after your tour. It’s something that I frequently overlook and then am sad after an unforgettable tour.

Are you all set to go on a tour of El Cielo Cozumel? I hope this guide to El Cielo tours was helpful and that you get to see this stunning area!

It’s definitely among the best snorkeling trips I’ve ever been on.

For additional Playa del Carmen snorkeling excursions, I have compiled a guide to whale sharks swimming within Isla Mujeres and a snorkeling tour and cenote within Puerto Morelos.

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Cozumel Best Excursions

  • Cozumel Private Jeep Tour
  • Amazing custom tour
  • Cultural Tour

El Cielo Tour

  • Snorkel Tour by Boat
  • Walking Tour
  • Cozumel Family Jeep Tour

Our El Cielo Snorkel Cozumel Tour is an exclusive snorkel tour owned and operated by our family and is only available through us.

We are the first of the El Cielo Snorkel Cozumel Tour and have created the pioneers Cozumel Snorkel and Cielo Tour available in Cozumel Mexico. Many have tried to create a similar tour, but nothing compares to our fun and entertaining crew.


Customers from punta langosta pier.

Our service begins at the meeting site (if you cruise ship docked at the Punta Langosta Pier,  the meeting point will be at the entrance of Hooters  which is located across the street from the Punta Langosta Pier).

Customers from SSA and Puerta Maya Pier

Our service begins at the meeting site (if you cruise ship at the SSA Pier the meeting point will be at Plaza Maya, you need to get out side to the street and the just cross the street and walk 25 yards to the right hand side).

(if you cruise ship docked at the Puerta Maya pier the meeting point will be at Plaza Maya, you need to get outside to the street and then walk 150 yards to the left hand side to get to Plaza Maya)

Customers from Playa del Carmen

Our service begins at the meeting site (if you come from the mainland “Playa del Carmen” the meeting point will be the monument to the swallow which is located outside San Miguel Pier).

Once we pick you up from the cruise pier, we ask you if there is any specific places you want to go, or things that you would like to do.



  • Licensed Captains
  • Beer & Liquor (corona, vodka, ron, tequila)
  • Water & Soda
  • Freshly Made Guacamole
  • Freshly Cut Fruits
  • Snorkel Equipment
  • Bilingual Snorkel Guide


  • Towel & Swimming
  • Sunblock (biodegradable preferably)


Flexible Time


Price per kids:, click here to see more tour details.

cielo snorkel group

One of the reasons so many choose us and continue to visit year after year,   is because we offer small group tours that allow our guests to have a more personalized experience with us. Every tour is a unique experience, that is designed to accommodate that particular group on board.

We offer our guests so much more and being a small family owned business, each one of our family members help contribute, to make sure everyone has an extraordinary experience no matter what. We are the only tour operator who picks up their guests directly from the cruise pier and also pick you up from your resort, without having to deal with the hassle of taking a taxi to the marina and look for their snorkel boat or deal with taxis overcharging you.

All of our snorkel tours are small group tours, where our guests have plenty space to move around and feel comfortable. We do have much larger yachts that accommodate for up to 25 people, but these yachts are for private snorkel tours only.

Most of our guests are repeat customers who come year after year to enjoy our Snorkel Cozumel Cielo tour.

What does our tour offer?

Our boats are all designed to maneuver in the shallow waters of El Cielo. When snorkeling in Cozumel with our famous snorkel tour, you will notice that the locations we go are only occupied by divers, because we are pretty much the only snorkel tour operator who takes our guests to the best reefs, where they will see the most magnificent underwater sights available in Cozumel. We almost always see sea turtles. If you have snorkeled in Cozumel before and have suggestions, we’ll make sure to take them into consideration and visit your desired snorkel location. 99% of the Snorkel tours in Cozumel overcharge and take their guests to the local reefs for only 2 hours so they can make more money by taking people on several trips a day. There is no way you will get to experience the best reefs in Cozumel with only 2 hours, because it takes more than 30 minutes to get to the best reefs, and we have very fast boats which get you there much faster. Only a small percentage of boats have their Marine Park passes, and 99% of them are dive boat, not snorkel boats. All of our boats are certified and have Marine Park Passes, so were able to take you where most all other Cozumel snorkel tours can not. Make sure to always ask them if they have their Marine park passes if they plan on taking you to Palancar Reef, Columbia Reef or El Cielo.

Since we only take a small group of people, we will be able to provide personal assistance to those who may need it, and who may not feel as confident in the water. So if you never went snorkeling or aren’t a strong swimmer, don’t worry, our snorkel guides are specialized in helping you get in and out of the water, and assist you while your in. Our boats make it much easier to get in and out of the water like most of the other snorkel & dive boats available.

cielo family

After snorkeling the best reefs in Cozumel, which are Palancar Reef, Columbia Reef & Palancar Gardens (Shallow), we’ll head over to El Cielo Cozumel. Depending on the group that day, we may go to Palancar Gardens first, since it is a shallow reef. El Cielo means “HEAVEN”, and fits it perfectly, because it’s the most spectacular place in the Caribbean Sea. Our boats are able to navigate to the perfect shallow spots in El Cielo, and making it very easy to get in and out of the water. The water in Cielo is very shallow usually only waste deep, and is known as a sandbar. El Cielo is only accessible by boat and is about a half mile from the coast and 30 minutes from the cruise ships. There’s powdered white sand that massages your feet every step you take, so you’re able to walk around barefoot without any worries. We have floats that you may use to float around and relax. You’ll have your choice of drinks, which include beer, Liquor (Tequila of course, or Vodka etc. and take special requests), Soda and Iced cold water. You’re more than welcome to bring your own favorite beverage as well, or let us know so we have it ready for you. Our snorkel guides will prepare freshly made fruits, guacamole, and special requests you may have. Our guacamole is very famous and loved by all!

Being a small snorkel tour operator, it allows us to give our guests a more fun and entertaining experience. We love what we do and make sure our guests have an amazing experience no matter what.


01 cielo snorkeling couple


Pies Viajeros

Tour por "EL CIELO", Cozumel : Cuánto cuesta y qué incluye | Pies Viajeros Riviera Maya – julio 29, 2019


¿Quieres conocer El Cielo ? Tranquilo, no me refiero a que pases a mejor vida…

Ubicado en la Isla de Cozumel , El Cielo es un banco de arena ubicado a 800 metros de la costa y se conoce así, por que aquí puedes nadar, hacer snorkel y observar estrellas de mar gracias la claridad de sus aguas.

Este lugar se ha convertido en uno de los destinos favoritos de quienes visitan la isla. Es algo único e inolvidable que puedes disfrutar en tus próximas vacaciones… ¿Quieres saber más? Continua leyendo 

Conoce el Cenote Azul en la Riviera Maya


Primero, debes saber que El Cielo es uno de los destinos que se incluyen en diferentes tours. Llegando a Cozumel, podrás observar a diferentes operadores turísticos que ofrecen estos viajes, saliendo desde el muelle fiscal.

Hay muchas opciones, pero yo te recomiendo acercarte con los chicos de Playa Mía Grand Beach Park.

tours al cielo cozumel precios

El tour es en un catamaran y puedes disfrutar de hermosas vistas.

El tour dura alrededor de 6 horas (Saliendo a las 11:00 a.m) y primero se visita el Arrecife Colombia, la segunda barrera arrecifal más grande del mundo.

Aquí, se puede nadar y practicar snorkel por 30 minutos. El tour incluye el uso de chalecos, equipo y asesoría de guías certificados en todo momento. Podrás observar diferentes especies de peces, mantarrayas y hasta tortugas.


Podrás ver peces y arrecifes

¿Ya conoces Isla Mujeres? Conoce las 10 actividades más populares.

Después, llega el momento más esperado… llegamos a El Cielo e inmediatamente se observa el cambio en el color del mar. Aquí se puede estar unos 40 minutos y nadar tranquilamente, mientras observas su blanca arena y si tienes suerte, muchas estrellas de mar.

Recuerda que es muy importante que no toques ni saques nada del ecosistema … Es vital disminuir el impacto ecológico de este hermoso rincón natural. Evita realizar cualquier cosa que pueda dañar el equilibrio de la zona.


  • No olvides que esta prohibido el uso de bloqueadores o cremas, aunque sean biodegradables.
  • El Cielo es poco profundo , pero si no sabes nadar utiliza siempre el chaleco salvavidas.
  • Durante el tour se ofrecen bebidas : agua, cerveza y cócteles.
  • Procura desayunar bien y mantenerte hidratado por que es una actividad que requiere esfuerzo físico.


Después de la actividad, el barco parte hacia el Parque Playa Mía donde se puede disfrutar de las instalaciones y recuperar energías con la comida del buffet. Las amenidades incluidas son:

  • Parque flotante, toboganes, kayaks, velero, botes de pedal, bicicletas acuáticas, camastros, albercas, área para niños, chalecos salvavidas y ping pong.

tours al cielo cozumel precios


Parque Playa Mía maneja diferentes tarifas y paquetes, desde un daypass en sus instalaciones, comidas incluidas, transportación y también un paquete completo que además incluye el Tour por Arrecifes Colombia + El Cielo.

Puedes contratar el servicio directamente en el muelle fiscal o por su sitio web aquí.  El precio general es de $1,170.00 MXN para adultos y $990.00 MXN para niños.

tours al cielo cozumel precios

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Vive esta increíble experiencia y disfruta de un día increíble por el caribe mexicano, ¡Súper recomendado!

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tours al cielo cozumel precios

El Cielo Cozumel Snorkel Tour

el cielo cozumel snorkel tour

Es un lugar inmejorable, acompañado de nuestro capitán y guía local tomaremos nuestra lancha para dirigiros a esta zona, los arrecifes son preciosos, una pasada, enormes montañas de coral tanto en Palancar, Colombia les encantará y en el cielo esta plagado de estrellas de mar.

Visitaremos estos 4 hermosos lugares en nuestro tour:

Arrecife Palancar Se localiza a dos kilómetros de la costa sur de la isla. Reconocido como uno de los arrecifes de coral más espectaculares del mundo, Palancar ofrece todo lo que un buzo deportivo puede soñar: saludables colonias de coral, coloridos abanicos, esponjas gigantes y una abundante variedad de peces tropicales. Pero son sus fascinantes grutas y pronunciados abismos los que maravillan a los miles de aventureros que llegan día con día a disfrutar de esta maravilla natural.

El Cielo Cozumel y El Cielito Descubre donde viven las estrellas en el Caribe Mexicano haciendo snorkel en El Cielo en Cozumel. Este popular lugar es ideal para principiantes, ya que el agua es poco profunda y clara, y lo más importante, ¡el fondo del océano está lleno de estrellas marinas! Verás estas fascinantes criaturas de cerca en este increíble lugar que te muestra otro lado del mundo submarino en Cozumel.

Arrecife Colombia El Arrecife Colombia es simplemente espectacular. Con una impresionante pendiente de la plataforma continental con casi 24 m de profundidad, este lugar es perfecto para el buceo profundo. Aquí encontrarás cuevas maravillosas, túneles y cavernas, así como gigantescos corales. Si eres un buzo experimentado no debes perderte la experiencia inolvidable de explorar este magnífico arrecife.

Tour el cielo Cozumel Precio Recomendado • Precio Adulto: $ 980.00 pesos mexicanos • Menor De 4 a 10 años. $ 810.00 pesos mexicanos

PROMOCIÓN TIEMPO LIMITADO!! • Precio Adulto: $ 700.00 pesos mexicanos. • Menor De 4 a 10 años. $ 600.00 pesos mexicanos. • TU te Ahorras: Adulto: $ 280 MXN (40%), Menor: $ 210 MXN (35%).

Horarios Tour el Cielo Cozumel

• Dos salidas diarias: 10:00 am. y 2:00 pm. • Salidas de Lunes a Domingo

• Lancha Compartida • 4 Lugares para nadar y hacer Snorkel (El Cielo, Cielito, Arrecife Palancar, Arrecife Colombia) • Tubo de Snorkel (Boquilla Nueva) • Chaleco • Equipo de Snorkel (Mascara) • 2 Cervezas por persona al finalizar el tour de snorkel • Agua, Refresco y fruta de temporada abordo de la embarcación • Ceviche de pescado

No Incluye: • Transportación Marítima (Playa del Carmen – Cozumel – Playa del Carmen). • Alimentos • Propinas • Impuesto de muelle y parque marino $ 100 pesos mexicanos por adulto y menores (incluyendo bebes e infantes). Se paga en efectivo antes de abordar la embarcación. • IVA 16% en caso de requerir factura.

Asegúrate de traer: • Tolla • Traje de baño de una vez puesto • Si traes una mochila podrás dejarla abordo de la lancha (Puedes traer fruta o barritas integrales etc). • Ropa y Zapatos confortables • Bloqueador Solar Biodegradable • Lentes de Sol • Dinero en efectivo

Nota Importante !! Esta es una actividad de Snorkeling, el tiempo aproximado en cada sitio es de 20 a 25 minutos, recuerde siempre que vamos a observar la vida marina en su habitad natural por lo que las condiciones del mar pueden variar pero Si naturaleza y el clima lo permiten podemos disfrutar de Estrellas de mar, peces y si hay suerte tortugas, delfines, mantarrayas o algún tiburón gata.

Dos de nuestros puntos de visita (arrecife Palancar y Colombia) se encuentran a mar abierto por lo que algunas veces las condiciones de oleaje y vientos pueden variar en cualquier momento haciendo la actividad pueda sufrir cambios en el itinerario, pero se propondrá arrecifes o lugares alternos de similares características a fin de cumplir con los tiempos ofertados, siempre tratando de que el cliente disfrute de las maravillas del mundo subacuático de Cozumel.

tours al cielo cozumel precios

El Cielo Cozumel Snorkel Tour FAQ

¿cuánto dura el tour, ¿costo del ferry, ¿qué horario de ferry tomar para llegar al tour, ¿de donde sale, ¿cuándo se puede cancelar la actividad y obtener un reembolso, estoy hospedado en cozumel, ¿cómo puedo reservar, ¿con cuanto tiempo de anticipación debo reservar, ¿puedo reservar llegando a cozumel, ya realice mi pago ¿qué paso sigue.

tours al cielo cozumel precios

Todo lo que necesitas saber del clima para tu próxima actividad.

tours al cielo cozumel precios

Flexibilidad de reprogramación y anulación en todos nuestros tours y programas


tours al cielo cozumel precios


el cielo cozumel snorkeling tour in cozumel cielo heaven


snorkel el cielo Cozumel cielo tour

We are a family owned business who are orginally from the states and have vacationed to Cozumel many times before moving here over 20 years ago. We have taken the large group, elbow to elbow snorkel tours and would never do that to our guests. All of our snorkel tours are small group tours, where our guests have plenty space to move around and feel comfortable. We do have much larger yachts that accomodate for up to 35 people, but these yachts are for private snorkel tours only.

Most of our guests are repeat customers who come year after year to enjoy our Cozumel Snorkel & Cielo tour.


snorkel el cielo Cozumel cielo tour

Being a small snorkel tour operator, it allows us to give our guests a more fun and entertaining experience. We love what we do and make sure our guests have an amazing experience no matter what.

TOUR TIMES Flexible Times



  • BEER & LIQUOR (Corona, Vodka, Tequila...)
  • Gratuities (Optional)
  • Towel & Swimming Suit
  • Sun Screen (Biodegradable Recommended)
  • Sunglasses BOOK NOW

paypal payments

How to Book  

Photo Gallery for Cozumel Snorkel & Cielo Tour

The Famous Legend Boat in cielo Cozumel Mexico


Cozumel Snorkel Tour & El Cielo Cozumel

Tour Time: 9:30AM, 10:30AM & 1:30PM *FLEXIBLE TIMES AVAIL.*

Price:  $50 & Kids: $40

Duration:  4-4½ hours

Transportion:   INCLUDED


Snorkeling Cozumel with the #1 Rated Family tour operator

We are a small family tour operator in Cozumel that has been providing our famous Cozumel Snorkel excursion for over 25 years with over 2,500 reviews. Rated the #1 Snorkel tour operator in Cozumel for many years. What makes our snorkel tours unique, is the fact that we only provide small group tours for our guests. We place around 12 snorkel guests in our snorkel boats that can fit 18 comfortably. But we do accommodate large groups of up to 50 guests. This allows for a more comfortable snorkel experience, and more personalized experience for our guests with our professionally certified guides. If you have more than 8 people in your group, you may ask for a private boat at no additional cost. No hidden fees. Snorkel gear, specialized snorkel lifevests and and marine park passes included.   WE ARE THE ONLY LICENSED TOUR OPERATOR WHO PROVIDES TRANSPORTATION FROM CRUISE PIERS, RESORTS/HOTELS (within cozumel) & FERRY AT NO ADDITIONAL COST.

What's  included in our Cozumel Snorkeling Tour

3 of the best reefs in cozumel.


El Cielo Cozumel Sandbar


​ Transportation Included & No  Hidden fees


What will you see?


Our family offers the best Cozumel snorkeling experience, taking you to the most breathtaking reefs in the area, including Palancar Reef and Colombia Reef. Unlike other operators who only provide a 2-hour tour, our Cozumel snorkeling adventure lasts over 4 hours, giving you ample time to fully immerse yourself in the beauty of each coral reef. We also take you to a secret location in Cozumel where you can snorkel in a shallow reef filled with vibrant sea fans and other colorful marine life. You may even have the chance to swim alongside a sea turtle! Our small group tours, led by certified guides, provide a personalized and comfortable experience for all guests.

After experiencing the best snorkeling spots in Cozumel, we like to treat our guests to a visit to El Cielo Cozumel. This shallow area in the Caribbean, located about a half mile from the Cozumel shore, boasts crystal-clear waters and soft white sand that feels like a massage with every step you take. It's the perfect place to unwind and relax after your snorkeling adventure in Cozumel.

Starfish Beach Cozumel is the perfect spot to relax and unwind after an exciting snorkeling tour in Cozumel. The water at this beach reaches your waist and offers the ideal place to cool off and enjoy some refreshments and delicious food. Spend your day at Starfish Beach Cozumel and create unforgettable memories.

Watch as we prepare our famous guacamole right in front of you. We offer a variety of drinks such as soda, beer (including Corona, Sol, etc.), liquor (including Tequila, etc.), and iced cold water. Our guests are welcome to have as many drinks as they want, and we always ensure that there is plenty of food and drinks on board. In addition, we serve freshly cut delicious fruits to our guests.

We want to make sure that our guests have the best possible experience on our snorkel tour, so if you have any special requests for food or drinks, please let us know in the additional comments section on the reservation page. We are happy to accommodate your requests, including birthday celebrations or any other special event, to ensure that you have an unforgettable time on our Cozumel snorkel tour.

We provide transportation, and located next to the cruise piers where we use the dock there to pick up our guests. Marine park fees included. Make sure that the tour operator has Marine Park permits, because many do not and are pirates and are not allowed to snorkel/dive in the Marine Park, which includes Palancar Reef, Colombia Reef & El Cielo Sandbar. 80% of boats do not have these, so make sure they do. They no longer provide permits, and if you are on a boat that doesn't, it could ruin your day in Cozumel if they are stopped. So avoid purchasing tours from vendors outside cruise ship piers and ferry. 

With Cozumel being one of the best snorkeling and diving destinations, the opportunities to observe sea creatures are endless. Our team of professional snorkel guides have been working with us for many years and are highly experienced in navigating the reef system to find specific sea creatures. It's common for us to encounter sea turtles, as Cozumel has an excellent ecosystem for them. If you have any specific requests for sea creatures you'd like to see, feel free to ask and we will take you to the best location to spot them. Our Cozumel snorkeling tours take you to the most beautiful and exclusive locations, including the breathtaking El Cielo Cozumel bay (also known as Starfish Cozumel) where you can truly experience paradise during your visit.

starfish el cielo cozumel snorkeling tour

Cozumel Snorkeling Tour and El Cielo

Cozumel Snorkeling Tour and El Cielo

Cozumel Snorkeling Tour, Discover the best reefs of Cozumel

On this Cozumel Snorkeling Tour , you will visit Palancar Reef and Colombia Reef as well as one of the most magnificent places in the Caribbean Sea, known as the “El Cielo Cozumel” sandbank. “El Cielo” translates to “HEAVEN” and there you will experience just that, a slice of Heaven on earth.

You will for sure be taken care of throughout your tour. Our crew is very attentive and careful when giving directions for the Cozumel Snorkeling Tour and El Cielo, and will make sure you feel comfortable and safe while enjoying the amazing underwater life when you snorkel in the crystal clear water. The guide is very experienced and will dive down to point out different things from the reefs. You won’t believe all the beauty you will see, like sea turtles, reef sharks, sting rays, lobsters, and so much more!

If you are looking for a tour that is a different kind of adventure, this is the perfect one for you! It is the perfect balance of exploration and relaxation; Unforgettable and fun filled, with the most beautiful water on earth!

We take you to two of the best reefs on the island to snorkel at; the Palancar reef and the Colombia reef, colorful fish and gorgeous coral are some of the things you may see while doing our Cozumel Snorkeling Tour.

Playa Mia Cozumel

After your breath-taking snorkel tour to the best Cozumel snorkeling spots, we like to take our guests to El Cielo Cozumel, which is a shallow area in the Caribbean about a half mile from the Cozumel shore, that has crystal clear water & white powdered sand that massages your feet every step you take in Cielo.

This is our last stop of the tour, It is one of the most beautiful uninhabited beaches of Cozumel! It certainly is a privilege to be surrounded by such beauty and such wonderful people. This stop will definitely be the highlight of your trip, and you must see it to believe it! Beautiful light blue water, mostly shallow parts near the beach, the water is warm, waist deep, crystal clear,  and the sand is soft and white; the most beautiful natural swimming pool on earth with awesome starfish. You will be able to get some amazing photos here!

Once we anchor at El Cielo the party will begin! Best partying on the most beautiful beach, guaranteed fun, so much so that your face just may hurt from all the smiling and laughing! Have we mentioned how relaxing this tour is? Homemade snacks on board, fresh-made guacamole, fruit, as well as beverages will be served. You will start out on this trip as a stranger and leave as a friend!

Let us know if you have a birthday or special event you would like to celebrate, and we’ll make sure you have an amazing celebration with some special items like a cake included during your snorkel tour in Cozumel.

catamaran snorkel tour cozumel island mexico

tours al cielo cozumel precios




el cielo (marlene)


peloneytor exa.png


Quienes somos.

somos una agencia 100% local de tours. nuestro objetivo es hacer de tu recorrido una experiecia unica e inolvidable. estamos aptos para navegar a diferentes partes de la isla de cozumel

en la hermosas aguas cristalinas del mar caribe. realizamos nuestros recorridos en embarcaciones  100% seguras, confortables, limpias y bonitas.


  1. Tour por "EL CIELO", Cozumel : Cuánto cuesta y qué incluye

    tours al cielo cozumel precios

  2. El Cielo Tour in Cozumel: A Complete Guide

    tours al cielo cozumel precios

  3. ¡Tour completo a "El Cielo" en Cozumel con transporte incluido! (Cancún

    tours al cielo cozumel precios

  4. Tour de Snorkel el Cielo Cozumel desde Cancún

    tours al cielo cozumel precios


    tours al cielo cozumel precios

  6. Tour por "EL CIELO", Cozumel : Cuánto cuesta y qué incluye

    tours al cielo cozumel precios


  1. Cozumel El Cielo Tour ¡WOW! ECONOMICO $550 MXN + Impuestos

    Excursion a Playa el Cielo en Cozumel, Precio $550 pesos mxn + Impuestos INCLUYE Snorkel en el arrecife * Visita al Cielo * Visita al Arena EL Cielito. Reservar $80 + Imp USD por persona. WhatsApp (+52) 987 112 9491. IN - ES; Cozumel Mejores Excursiones ... Tour al Cielo Cozumel llegando en Crucero.

  2. El Cielo Cozumel: #1 El Cielo Beach Cozumel Tours from $69

    Find and Book OFFICIAL El Cielo Cozumel ® Tours. Check out prices, reviews and photos of El Cielo Beach Cozumel ®. Rated #1 EXCURSION during 2024 by Carnival Cruisers. el cielo cozumel Check Availability Toggle navigation. INSTANT BOOKING ACCESS. Check Availability 1-800-491-2505; Contact Us; Home; 1-800-491-2505; Pricing ...

  3. Tour al Cielo Cozumel

    Tours al cielo Cozumel a un super precio, tour al cielo cozumel en barco o catamaran, tour al cielo cozumel en jeep y Playa Del Cielo, Tour al cielo cozumel en barco privado, todo al mejor precio, Te ofrecemos diferentes opciones de tours para visitar y conocer el Cielo Cozumel, el cielito y las estrellas del Cielo Cozumel, ahorra tiempo y dinero.

  4. El Cielo Tour in Cozumel Mexico: Ultimate Guide for 2024

    El Cielo ("Heaven" in Spanish) is located on the southwestern tip of Cozumel island in Mexico. You may hear it referred to as "Playa El Cielo" but it's not really a beach per se but more of a shallower area of water right off the coast of the island. It's considered one of the best snorkeling spots in Cozumel and is known for its ...

  5. Playa El Cielo

    Reserva Playa El Cielo, Cozumel en Tripadvisor: Consulta 637 opiniones, artículos, y 483 fotos de Playa El Cielo, clasificada en Tripadvisor en el N.°13 de 128 atracciones en Cozumel. ... Recomendado Tours y lugares de interés Cruceros, navegación y tours acuáticos Actividades al aire libre Deportes acuáticos. Tour de esnórquel en ...

  6. El Cielo Cozumel Tours, Reef Snorkel in Cozumel

    On this website you will find general information about El cielo beach at the southern east side of Cozumel, Mexico, a useful map with the location of the place. Information of the guided tours to the sky either leaving from Cancun or Playa del Carmen and the contact information and payment info with credit card.. We knew El Cielo in Cozumel 20 years ago, we got in love with the place, for ...

  7. Tours a El Cielo Cozumel

    Información de los tours guiados al cielo ya sea saliendo de Cancún o Playa del Carmen y la información de contacto y pagos con tarjeta de crédito. Conocimos el cielo en Cozumel hace 20 años, quedamos enamorados del lugar, desde hace mas de 10 años ofrecemos este tour que ha sido disfrutado por cientos de turistas de todo el mundo.

  8. El Cielo Cozumel Tour: Ultimate Travel Guide

    El Cielo ("Heaven" in Spanish) is located on the southwest coast of Cozumel, the island of Mexico. It's often referred to as "Playa El Cielo", but it's not the beach itself but rather a more shallow section of water just near the shore in the middle of the island. It's one of the most popular snorkeling destinations in Cozumel and ...

  9. Tour Todo Incluido Cozumel El Cielo desde Cancún

    El precio de Tour Todo Incluido Cozumel El Cielo desde Cancún comienza desde $3,179.97. ... Al inicio del tour, quedé satisfecho con la buena organización con la que se manejo el tour. Me recogieron a la hora acordada en mi hotel y el transporte hacia Tulum fue cómodo y seguro. El guía, se presentó muy amablemente.

  10. El Cielo Tour

    El Cielo Tour Our El Cielo Snorkel Cozumel Tour is an exclusive snorkel tour owned and operated by our family and is only available through us. We are the first of the El Cielo Snorkel Cozumel Tour and have created the pioneers Cozumel Snorkel and Cielo Tour available in Cozumel Mexico. Many have tried to create a similar tour, but nothing ...

  11. Tour por "EL CIELO", Cozumel : Cuánto cuesta y qué incluye

    Ubicado en la Isla de Cozumel, El Cielo es un banco de arena ubicado a 800 metros de la costa y se conoce así, por que aquí puedes nadar, hacer snorkel y observar estrellas de mar gracias la claridad de sus aguas.. Este lugar se ha convertido en uno de los destinos favoritos de quienes visitan la isla. Es algo único e inolvidable que puedes disfrutar en tus próximas vacaciones…

  12. El Cielo Cozumel Snorkel Tour

    Tour el cielo Cozumel Precio Recomendado • Precio Adulto: $ 980.00 pesos mexicanos • Menor De 4 a 10 años. $ 810.00 pesos mexicanos. ... • 2 Cervezas por persona al finalizar el tour de snorkel • Agua, Refresco y fruta de temporada abordo de la embarcación • Ceviche de pescado.

  13. Isla Cozumel y Playa El Cielo: Tours, Precios y Horarios

    3 días. Precio. Adulto: US$ 120 por persona. Niño (3 a 11 años): US$ 108 por persona. Te pasaremos a buscar a tu alojamiento para realizar el tour Isla Cozumel y Playa El Cielo. Pasarás por Playa del Carmen, lugar desde donde se toma el ferry para llegar a esta isla del mar Caribe, puerto popular de los cruceros y famosa por sus sitios de ...

  14. Cozumel El cielo

    Being a small snorkel tour operator, it allows us to give our guests a more fun and entertaining experience. We love what we do and make sure our guests have an amazing experience no matter what. Discover El Cielo Cozumel with the #1 Cozumel Snorkel & El Cielo Tour. Visit the Cozumel El Cielo Sandbar & 3 of the Best Reefs in Cozumel for 40% OFF ...

  15. Cozumel Snorkeling tour to El Cielo Beach 2024

    Maybe Tours Cozumel Quintana Roo México. Muelle Fiscal, Av. Rafael E. Melgar, Centro, 77600 Cozumel, Q.R., Mexico. Open in Google Maps. Meeting time is 15 minutes before your tour time at the Cozumel ferry, at the MAYBE TOURS Booth.

  16. Cozumel Snorkel Tour & El Cielo Cozumel

    Our family offers the best Cozumel snorkeling experience, taking you to the most breathtaking reefs in the area, including Palancar Reef and Colombia Reef. Unlike other operators who only provide a 2-hour tour, our Cozumel snorkeling adventure lasts over 4 hours, giving you ample time to fully immerse yourself in the beauty of each coral reef.

  17. Cozumel Snorkeling Tour and El Cielo

    TOTAL PRICE. $50.00 USD PER PERSON. On this Cozumel Snorkeling Tour, you will visit Palancar Reef and Colombia Reef as well as one of the most magnificent places in the Caribbean Sea, known as the "El Cielo Cozumel" sandbank. "El Cielo" translates to "HEAVEN" and there you will experience just that, a slice of Heaven on earth.


    Conoce el Combo Tour al Cielo Cozumel + lancha transparente en Cozumel, todo en un solo día, con comida incluida y snacks. Un plan ideal para aprovechar al m...

  19. Tour en Lancha 26" Al Cielo Cozumel

    Ofrecemos el tour en lancha compartida saliendo de la marina de Fonatur en la Isla de Cozumel. El trayecto en lancha de la marina al cielo toma 45 minutos. Nos reunimos en el centro de Cozumel en la plaza principal en el monumento de las golondrinas a las 9: 45 am para ser trasladados a la marina. De ahí partiremos al cielo donde disfrutaremos ...

  20. Tours

    somos una agencia 100% local de tours. nuestro objetivo es hacer de tu recorrido una experiecia unica e inolvidable. estamos aptos para navegar a diferentes partes de la isla de cozumel. en la hermosas aguas cristalinas del mar caribe. realizamos nuestros recorridos en embarcaciones 100% seguras, confortables, limpias y bonitas. FACEBOOK.

  21. 2024 Tour de Snorkel El Cielo Cozumel

    Nuestro tour de esnórquel en Cozumel lo lleva más tiempo que la mayoría, lo que le brinda la oportunidad de experimentar verdaderamente las vistas espectaculares de cada arrecife de coral. Leer más. desde. $1,176.52. por adulto. El precio más bajo garantizadoReserva ahora y paga despuésCancelación gratuita.

  22. Cozumel Catamaran tour al Cielo

    20 likes, 0 comments - cozumelcatamaranMarch 7, 2024 on : "¡Qué belleza de lugar es Cozumel! ️ . . . . . #islacozumel #cozumel #elcielo #mar #aguacristalina #crystalwater #marturque...". Cozumel Catamaran tour al Cielo | ¡Qué belleza de lugar es Cozumel! 😍 ️🌊 . . . . . #islacozumel #cozumel #elcielo #mar #aguacristalina # ...