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Visa Application Form

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Forms to download and fill out online:

Schengen visa application form

For short-term stays in the Schengen area of *up to three months* in a six months period for tourist purposes, visits, etc.

  • Arabic – French (PDF, 370 kB, 02.09.2024)
  • Chinese – French (PDF, 510 kB, 02.09.2024)
  • English – German (PDF, 246 kB, 02.09.2024)
  • Portuguese – French (PDF, 243 kB, 02.09.2024)
  • Russian – German (PDF, 271 kB, 02.09.2024)
  • Spanish – French (PDF, 248 kB, 02.09.2024)
  • Turkish – German (PDF, 250 kB, 02.09.2024)
  • Italian – German (PDF, 247 kB, 02.09.2024)

National (type D) visa application form

For long-term stays (more than three months) in Switzerland subject to authorization (e.g. gainful employment, familiy reunification).

  • German – Italian (PDF, 251 kB, 02.09.2024)
  • English – German (PDF, 247 kB, 02.09.2024)
  • French – English (PDF, 244 kB, 02.09.2024)
  • Arabic – French (PDF, 344 kB, 02.09.2024)
  • Chinese (simplified) – French (PDF, 355 kB, 02.09.2024)
  • Chinese (traditional) – French (PDF, 379 kB, 02.09.2024)
  • Russian – German (PDF, 277 kB, 02.09.2024)
  • Spanish – French (PDF, 246 kB, 02.09.2024)
  • Portuguese – French (PDF, 244 kB, 02.09.2024)
  • Turkish – German (PDF, 323 kB, 02.09.2024)
  • Serbian – German (PDF, 252 kB, 02.09.2024)
  • Albanian – German (PDF, 250 kB, 02.09.2024)
  • Arabic – English (PDF, 332 kB, 02.09.2024)
  • Indonesian – German (PDF, 238 kB, 02.09.2024)

Additional visa application forms in local languages are available on the websites of Swiss representations abroad.

(Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA)

Last modification 28.06.2024

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tourist schengen visa application form

How to fill out the Schengen visa application form

How to fill out the Schengen visa application form

Applicants for Schengen visas are required to submit multiple supplemental documents and materials ( for a complete list of required documents, click here ). In general, the specific documents that you submit will depend on the type of Schengen visa you are applying for and what country you are applying to. However, no matter how you apply or where you apply to, you will have to fill out a Schengen visa application form.

What is the Schengen visa application form?

The Schengen visa application form is a document you must fill out and submit as part of your Schengen visa application. The form is described as “harmonized”, meaning it is the same format for every country and for every applicant. The form is comprised of 32 questions, and its purpose is to collect your biographical information, including your name, address, and date of birth, as well as basic information about your intended trip, such as where you are staying, how you plan on supporting yourself, and the type of visa you are requesting. Not all the questions will apply to you; some you may not need to fill out.

Where to access the form

How you access your Schengen visa application is determined by where you are applying from. Some consulates will allow you to apply and submit an application online, through an e-portal. Others will simply provide you a link to the harmonized form, which you can download and print out.

Filling out the form

Each of the 32 Schengen visa application form questions are explained below:

1. Surname (Family name):

Begin by writing down your surname. This is also known as your family name, or last name. This is your current surname (i.e. your legal name) and should match the name that is on your passport.

2. Surname at birth (Former family name(s)):

If you were born with a different family name than your current surname, enter it here. For example, if your last name changed when you got married, enter the name you had before you got married (i.e. the name you were born with).

3. First name(s) (Given name(s)):

Enter your first name. Again, this should be your complete first name, and should match the name on your travel document (passport). If you normally go by a shortened version of your first name (i.e. a nickname), make sure to enter your full legal first name, not your nickname.

4. Date of birth (day-month-year):

Enter the day you were born in order of Day, month, year. For example, if you were born on October 2 nd , 1969, you would enter: 02/10/1969.

5. Place of birth:

Enter the city where you were born.

6. Country of birth:

Enter the country where you were born.

7. Current nationality:

Nationality at birth, if different:

Other nationalities:

Enter your current nationality. If the nationality you have now is different from the nationality you were born with, you must enter your original nationality as well. If you hold multiple nationalities, you must enter those as well.

Check either the “male” or “female” box to indicate your sex.

9. Civil status:

Check one of the following boxes to indicate your current civil status; i.e. whether or not you are married (or were married previously) or are in some other legal relationship. The box options are: single, married, registered partnership, separated, divorced, widow(er). If none of the above boxes apply to you, select: other (please specify).

10. Parental authority (in case of minors) /legal guardian (surname, first name, address, if different from applicant’s, telephone no., e-mail address, and nationality):

You only need to fill this out if you are applying as a minor (i.e. if you are under 18). If you are a minor, you will need to supply the above biographical and contact information for your parent/legal guardian.

11. National identity number (where applicable):

You only need to fill this out if you come from a country that supplies its citizens with a national identity number. If you don’t come from one of those countries, leave this blank, or write n/a (not applicable).

12.  Type of travel document:

Check one of the following boxes to describe your type of passport. The options are Ordinary passport, Service passport, Official passport, and Special passport. If you are not a diplomat or other official, you likely have an ordinary passport. If none of the above boxes accurately describe your passport, or if you have some sort of non-passport travel document, select “other travel document,” (please specify), and then describe it in the space provided.

13.  Number of travel document:

Almost all passports/travel documents have a number. If you have a passport, your passport number will be located on the inside pages, usually on the same page as your photo.

14.  Date of issue:

This is when your passport (or travel document) was issued. If you have a passport, your date of issue will be located on the inside pages, usually on the same page as your photo.

15.  Valid until:

This is when your passport is valid until. If you have a passport, its “valid until” date will be located on the inside pages, usually on the same page as your photo.

16.  Issued by (country):

Enter the country that issued your passport. This information can also be found on your passport, sometimes under the title “authority” rather than “issuer”.

17.  Personal data of the family member who is an EU, EEA or CH citizen if applicable

You only need to fill this out if you have a family member who is a citizen of the European Union, the European Economic Area, or Switzerland. If you are, you should provide their first and last name, date of birth, nationality, and travel number/ID card.

18.  Family relationship with an EU, EEA or CH citizen if applicable:

Check one of the following boxes to describe the nature of your relationship with your family member who is a citizen of one of the above places. If none of the above boxes accurately describe your relationship to this person, select “other” (please specify).

19.  Applicant’s home and email address and telephone number:

Enter the address where you are currently living, even if the address is temporary. Provide a working email address and telephone number; make sure you enter these numbers correctly so that you can be reached in the event you need to provide more information.

20.  Residence in a country other than the country of current nationality:

If you have residence in a country that is different from the country you are a national of, select the box “yes”. If it is a resident permit or equivalent, fill in the country in the provided space. If it is not, you must still fill in the country it’s for in the provided space; for both options you must put the also put the date it’s valid until.

21.  Current occupation:

  • If you are working, enter your current profession.
  • If you are not working because you are in school, put “student”.
  • If you are a family member of an EU, EEA or CH citizen, you don’t have to fill this question out.

22.  Employer and employer’s address and telephone number. For students, name and address of educational establishment:

  • If you are working, give your employer’s contact information. Whoever is looking over your application may contact the person whose number you provided in order to verify the information you provided, so make sure you provide their correct contact information.
  • If you are not working because you are a student, fill in the name and address of your school.

23.  Purpose of the journey:

Select the boxes which best describes your reason for travelling. Your options are: Tourism, Business, Visiting family or friends, Cultural, Sports, Official visit, Medical reasons, Study, Airport transit. If none of the above boxes accurately describe why you are travelling, select: “Other” and write down your reason. You should select the box which best describes your primary reason for travel. For example, if you are travelling primarily to undergo a medical procedure, but you are also seeing friends and family, you should select “Medical reasons”. However, if you are travelling for two equally important reasons, such as for cultural and sports purposes (say, for example, you are going to participate in a soccer tournament and then a cultural event) you should select both “Cultural” and “Sports”.

24.  Additional information on purpose of stay:

If there is more information about your reason for travelling that you think is relevant, you can enter it here in the space provided.

25.  Member state of main destination (and other Member States of destination, if applicable):

Here is where you will enter the country that is your primary destination in the Schengen area. This is the place you will be spending the most time on your trip, and it may be different from your Member State of first entry. In most cases, this will also be the state whose consulate/embassy you are applying through, as most applicants for Schengen visas are instructed to submit their application through the consulate/embassy of the country where they will be spending the most time on their trip. For example, if you are travelling mainly to visit friends in Germany, but you are entering the Schengen Area through France, you will enter “Germany” as your main destination.

26.  Member of state of first entry :

This is where you are entering the Schengen area for the first time on your visa period. For example, if you receive a Schengen visa and you fly from Egypt to France, and this is the first time you enter the Schengen area on that visa, your state of first entry will be France. As noted above, sometimes the Member State of first entry is different from the Member State of main destination. For example, even if you are only planning on transiting through a French airport on your way to spend 80 days in Germany, you must still put France as your Member State of first entry.

27.  Number of entries requested:

  • This is where you will enter the number of times you wish to enter and exit the Schengen area on your Schengen visa during your visa validity period.
  • A single-entry Schengen visa means you are allowed just one entry into the Schengen area. Should you leave the Schengen area for whatever reason, your visa will have been utilized, and therefore rendered invalid.
  • Unlike the single entry, the Double Entry Schengen Visa allows you to leave the Schengen area and re-enter it. It is therefore valid for two entries into the Schengen area.
  • A multiple entry Schengen visa allows you to enter, leave, and renter the Schengen area as many times as you want.

Intended date of arrival of the first intended stay in the Schengen area:

Intended date of departure from the Schengen area after the first intended stay:

This is the (intended) date of the first time you enter the Schengen area and the date of the first time you leave the Schengen area post entry. Regardless of whether or not you intend to return to the Schengen area after you exit (i.e. whether you have a single entry visa or a double/multiple entry visa) you will still need to put down the date you intend to leave it for the first time. Therefore, if you plan to enter the Schengen area March 1 st 2021, and you intend to leave it on April 2 nd 2021 to go to a non-Schengen country (even if it’s just for a day, and you plan to return to the Schengen area right after) you must put your intended date of entry as March 1 st , and your date of departure from the Schengen area as April 2 nd .

28.  Fingerprints collected previously for the purpose of applying for a Schengen visa:

Fingerprints are known as “biometric information”, and their collection is a standard part of the Schengen visa application process for any applicant over 12 years old. Check the box for either “Yes” or “No” depending on whether or not you have submitted fingerprints before when applying for a previous Schengen visa. If you have previously submitted fingerprints for a Schengen visa, check “Yes”, and put the date you submitted them (if you can recall it) as well as the sticker number of the visa you received (if you indeed received one) when you submitted your fingerprints. If you have previously submitted fingerprints for a Schengen visa application (within the last 10 years), you likely will not need to resubmit them because they are already in the Schengen system. Please note, if you have previously applied and submitted fingerprints in pursuit of a national visa for a Schengen state (but not a Schengen visa) you will still need to submit fingerprints.

29.  Entry permit for the final country of destination, where applicable:

You will need to provide proof that when you leave the Schengen area you will be approved for entry in the non-Schengen country you are entering. This stipulation is particularly relevant if you are leaving a Schengen state to enter a non-Schengen country where you do not have citizenship or residency in. If this is the case, you may have to provide an entry permit to that country you intend to enter.

Issued by/valid until :

If you do have an entry permit, you must write down which country issued it and the date it’s valid until.

30.  Surname and first name of the inviting person(s) in the Member State(s). If not applicable, name of hotel(s) or temporary accommodation(s) in the Member State(s):

  • If you are being invited to the Schengen area by someone who lives there, you must supply his or her name, address, and contact information. Alternatively, if you intend to stay in a hotel, you must provide that hotel’s name, address and contact information. To summarize; you must provide the name and contact information of whoever you are staying with (or wherever you are staying) in the Schengen area. If you are planning on staying with several people in several states, try to put all of their names and addresses/contact info down. Otherwise, write down the name of the person/place where you will be staying the longest throughout your stay.

31.  Name and address of inviting company/organisation (Surname, first name, address, telephone no. and e-mail address of contact person in company/organisation):

  • If you were invited to a Schengen state by a company or organisation (as is often the case for those applying for a Schengen visa for Business purposes) you will have to provide the name of the company, address, and complete contact information.

32.  Cost of living during the applicant’s stay is covered:

  • This question is meant to determine how you are going to financially support yourself during your trip in the Schengen area.
  • If you will be paying for your trip yourself, you should select the box “by the applicant himself/herself, and then select one or multiple of the 5 means of support (such as cash and credit card). If none of the 5 boxes accurately describe how you will pay for your trip, select the box “other” and specify how you intend to cover your costs in the space provided.
  • If someone is helping you pay for your trip, you should select the box “by a sponsor (host, company, organization)”.If the person who paying for your stay is the person who invited you on the trip (i.e. the person you listed as your host in box 31), or if the company/organization who is paying for your stay is the same organization/company who invited you on the trip, please specify this in the space provided, and select the box: “referred to in field 30 or 31”. Then select your mean(s) of support (cash, credit, etc).

When you have reached the end of the application, you will be asked to sign the form (or if you are a minor, your parent/guardian will sign it) and also provide where and when you are signing it (i.e. the country you are in and the time). If you sign the form, you are signaling you have read and consent to the information outlined in several paragraphs, which attests to, among other things, your knowledge of the fact that you won’t get your money back if your visa is rejected, your consent to the collection of your fingerprints and other personal data/information, your assertion that the information you provided is correct, and that you will not exceed your allowed time in the Schengen area under the terms of your visa. If you read and consent to all the terms and conditions of the application, you should sign and submit it, along with the rest of your application!

If you are applying for a Schengen Visa, Travel Medical Insurance is mandatory. To simplify your application process, Insurte, partners with leading European Insurance Companies operating under EU regulations provide Travel Medical Insurances. If you wish to proceed, please click below:


Visa Traveler

Exploring the world one country at a time

Schengen Visa for Tourists: Everything You Need to Know

Updated: October 19, 2023

Schengen Visa Image

The Schengen visa is a type of visa that allows you to travel freely within the Schengen area. As per the UN, the continent of Europe is comprised of 44 countries. Of these, 27 countries are part of the Schengen agreement. The Schengen agreement abolished internal borders between these 27 countries.

A Schengen visa is a unified visa for short stays (up to 90 days) for these 27 European countries. Therefore, a Schengen visa is the only visa you will need to travel to any of these 27 countries.

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The Schengen visa policy was introduced in 1995 which abolished internal borders between the Schengen countries. 

Once you have obtained a Schengen visa, you can travel freely between the Schengen member countries without any border controls. For example, if you enter France and would like to go to Germany, you will not pass through passport controls at the France-Germany border. 

Keep in mind that the Schengen visa policy only applies to the Schengen area and not to the entire European Union.

Schengen visa countries

There are currently 27 countries in the Schengen area that you can visit with a single Schengen visa. Below is the list of countries.

  • Czech Republic
  • Liechtenstein
  • Netherlands
  • Switzerland

Apart from the above 27 Schengen member countries, you also travel to 50 non-Schengen countries visa-free using a Schengen visa .


Those intending to visit the Schengen countries for tourism must either be visa-exempt or hold a valid Schengen visa from the embassy. 

  • Visa EXEMPTION (ETIAS from 2024)
  • Type-A (Airport Transit Visa)
  • Single-entry
  • Double-entry
  • Multiple-entry
  • Type-D (Long Stay Visa for stays more than 90 days)
  • Limited Territorial Schengen Visa

For this guide, we will focus only on visas for tourism intent, that is Type-C Uniform Schengen visas. 


Schengen Visa Requirements by Nationality

Minimum passport validity required to enter the Schengen area

Passport must be valid for at least 3 months from your planned departure from Schengen area.

Example: If your trip is from Mar 10 to Mar 20, your passport must be valid at least until Jun 20.

Visa EXEMPT nationalities

90-day entry.

  • Antigua And Barbuda
  • Bosnia And Herzegovina
  • El Salvador
  • Marshall Islands
  • New Zealand
  • North Macedonia
  • Solomon Islands
  • South Korea
  • St Kitts And Nevis
  • St Vincent and The Grenadines
  • Timor-Leste
  • Trinidad And Tobago
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United States of America
  • United Kingdom
  • Vatican City

Visa REQUIRED nationalities

  • Afghanistan
  • Burkina Faso
  • Central African Republic
  • Congo, Dem. Rep. of
  • Congo, Rep. of
  • Cote d’Ivoire
  • Dominican Republic
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • North Korea
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Philippines
  • Sao Tome And Principe
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Sierra Leone
  • South Africa
  • South Sudan
  • Turkmenistan

IMPORTANT Palestine and Kosovo are not recognized by at least one Schengen member state. If you are a Palestinian or Kosovo national, please inquire at your nearest Schengen consulate for visa requirements for your passport.


Currently, 62 nationalities can enter the Schengen area without a visa. Though you do not require a visa, you must consider the total duration of your stay in the Schengen area and must carry the mandatory documents.

Duration of Stay in Schengen Area – the 90 days/180 days rule

Non-EU Passport holders who are visa EXEMPT are allowed to stay in the Schengen area countries for up to 90 days within a period of 180 days. This “90 days in any 180 days” applies to all short-stay visitors to the Schengen area.

  • Stays in EU countries that are NOT part of the Schengen area (Bulgaria, Romania, Cyprus and Ireland) are not counted in calculating the period of stay.
  • Stays in non-EU countries that are part of the Schengen area (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) are counted in calculating the period of stay compliance with the 90-day / 180-day rule.
  • Both the day of entry and the day of exit are counted in the calculation.
  • The 180-day period is referenced backward from the day of checking.
  • A simple rule of thumb is, if you are out of the Schengen area for a continuous period of 90 days allows you a new stay of 90 days.

You can use the Schengen calculator to determine the number of days you are allowed to stay in the Schengen area. Here is the manual on how to use the Schengen calculator.

Documents to carry

Visa EXEMPT individuals must carry the following documents when entering the Schengen member states.

  • Valid passport
  • Proof of onward travel
  • Proof of accommodation


Schengen visa sample

Currently, 104 non-EU nationals require a visa to enter the Schengen area. These nationals must be in possession of a Schengen visa when entering the Schengen zone.

Validity of Schengen Visa

The Schengen visa validity depends on whether you are a first-time applicant or a subsequent applicant. 

First-time application: If you are applying for the first time, your visa will be valid for the exact number of days you have asked for. In some instances, you may get a few buffer days as additional. 

For example, if your itinerary is 12 days, your visa will be valid for exactly 12 days. 

As a first-time visa applicant, I suggest adding a few extra days to your itinerary so you will get a few extra days on your visa validity. That way, you can have some flexibility in your travel plans.

First-time Schengen visas are usually single-entry or double-entry. 

Subsequent applications: If you are applying for the second or third time, you may likely get a visa valid for 90 days. The visa may likely be multiple-entry. 

Rules for obtaining Schengen visa valid for 1, 2 or 5 years

  • To obtain a 1-year Schengen visa, you must have obtained and used 3 Schengen visas within the last 2 years
  • To obtain a 2-year Schengen visa, you must have obtained and used a 1-year Schengen visa within the last 2 years
  • To obtain a 5-year Schengen visa, you must have obtained and used a 2-year Schengen visa within the last 3 years

Duration of Stay in Schengen area – the 90 days/180 days rule

Visa-required passport holders are allowed to stay in the Schengen area for up to 90 days within a period of 180 days. This “90 days in any 180 days” applies to all short-stay visitors to the Schengen area.

  • Stays in non-EU countries that are part of the Schengen area (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) are counted in calculating the period of stay compliance with the 90 days / 180-day rule.

Where to apply for Schengen visa

Most tourists plan to travel to more than one country during their Europe trip. The Schengen visa is valid for 27 countries, so you must first determine your Schengen country of application. This helps greatly in avoiding visa delays and refusals.

Follow the below guidelines to determine your country of application.

CASE 1: If you plan to visit only one Schengen country, you must apply for your visa at the consulate of that particular country.

Example: If you are traveling to Spain only, then you must apply for your visa at the Spain Embassy or Consulate.

CASE 2: If you plan to visit several Schengen countries, you must apply for your visa at the consulate of the country of your main destination (the country where you will be spending most days).

Example: If your itinerary is 10 days of which 4 days in Spain and 6 days in France, then you must apply for your visa at the French consulate since you will be spending more time in France.

CASE 3: If you intend to visit several Schengen countries but do not have a main destination (same amount of days in each country) then you should apply for your visa at the consulate of the country of your first point of entry.

Example: If your itinerary is 10 days of which you will be spending 5 days in the Netherlands first and 5 days in France after, then you must apply for a visa at the Netherlands Consulate since the Netherlands is your first port of entry.

When to apply for Schengen visa

You must apply for your Schengen visa no later than 15 days prior to your travel. Otherwise, your application will not be accepted.

You can apply for your visa up to 6 months in advance. So, apply as soon as you can to avoid delays, refusals and disappointments.

Schengen Visa Application Process

There is a plan to implement online systems of Schengen visas. But as of now, the visa can only be applied in person. Visa application is a 4 step process

  • Fill out your Schengen visa application form 14076-02 (online or offline)
  • Schedule an in-person Schengen visa appointment (at the consulate or visa agent such as VFS Global)
  • Appear in person to submit your visa application, documents, biometrics and visa fee
  • Pick up your original passport with the approved visa.

You can apply for a Schengen visa through a visa/travel agency in some countries. Travel agencies that offer vacation packages to Europe usually are allowed to apply for the visa on your behalf.

Documents required for Schengen visa

The following documents are required for your Schengen visa.

  • Filled and signed visa application form (online or downloadable from the consulate page)
  • Original passport
  • Copy of the visa/residence permit if applying in a third country
  • One recent passport-size photo
  • Confirmed round-trip flight reservation
  • Proof of health insurance
  • 3-month bank statement
  • 3-month salary slips
  • Original signed employment letter
  • Cover letter with a detailed itinerary

Application Form

Filling out the application form can be done online or offline depending on the Schengen country. For example, the application form for France is online whereas for Spain, it’s paper.

Photo Requirements

The photo must be 4.5cm x 3.5cm. That is, 4.5cm high and 3.5 cm wide. The face must be 3.2 to 3.6cm or 70-80% of the photo.

Proof of Health Insurance

It’s MANDATORY to submit travel medical insurance for Schengen visa . You must attach a certificate of travel health insurance in the Schengen area or worldwide with 100% coverage with no deductibles or co-pays.

It must have a minimum coverage of €30,000 EUR for medical, hospitalization, emergencies and repatriation services.

You can purchase Schengen travel insurance from any online provider. You can cancel and get a refund if your visa is denied. Once you purchase the travel insurance for your desired dates, you can download the visa letter that you can submit with your visa application.

Recommended Schengen visa insurance:

  • VisitorsCoverage | Meets Schengen visa insurance requirements | Costs $1 a day

Schengen Visa Fee

The Schengen visa fee for an adult is approximately €80 EUR. For children between the ages of 6 and 12, it’s €40 EUR. Children under the age of 6 are exempt from paying the visa fee.

The fee must be paid in local currency, in the form of cash or bank money order. Most Schengen consulates have outsourced the visa process to VFS or BLS. Therefore, in addition to the visa fee, you may have to pay a fee for biometric collection and courier services.

Schengen Visa Processing Time

Schengen visa processing can take from 15 calendar days to 45 calendar days depending on the consulate, country or agent. Apply no later than 15 days prior to your travel. Otherwise, your application will not be accepted.


Schengen Entry and Exit Stamps

Entering Schengen Zone by Air

You do not need to fill in any arrival/departure card on entering the Schengen area. Do not panic if your flight attendant did not give you an arrival/departure card on your flight.

At the immigration, you will generally be asked about your final destination, places you will be visiting and the number of days you are planning on staying. You might also be asked if it is your first time in Europe.

The immigration officer will stamp your passport upon arrival. The number of days you are allowed to stay will not be marked on your passport.

As always, carry a copy of your return ticket and hotel booking just in case. If you are traveling on a one-way ticket, don’t forget to get proof of onward ticket .

Leaving Schengen Zone by Air

You must go through passport control on exiting the Schengen area. You will not be asked any questions unless you have overstayed your visa. Passport control is fairly quick, about 10-15 minutes depending on the airport.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the minimum bank balance required for a Schengen visa?

The minimum bank balance required for a Schengen visa depends on the country you are applying from and the duration of your stay. As a general rule, you should have at least €60 per day for your stay in the Schengen area. This should cover your travel expenses, including accommodation, food, and transportation.

Does Schengen visa cover Switzerland?

Yes, the Schengen visa covers Switzerland. Switzerland is a member of the Schengen Area. You can travel to Switzerland and other Schengen countries with a single visa.

Which Schengen visa is hardest?

There is no specific Schengen visa that is considered the hardest to obtain. But visa refusal statistics show that Norway, France and Belgium have the highest refusal rates.

Which country gives fastest Schengen visa?

The processing time for a Schengen visa may vary depending on the country you are applying from and the purpose of your visit. However, some countries may have faster processing times than others. For example, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are known to have relatively fast processing times.

Which country gives Schengen visa easiest?

There is no specific country that gives Schengen visa easiest. But visa refusal statistics show that Finland, Hungary, Estonia and Poland have the lowest refusal rates.

Do US citizens need a visa to enter the Schengen area?

No, US citizens do not need a visa to enter the Schengen area. US citizens can travel to the Schengen territory for up to 90 days within any 180-day period without a visa for tourism or business purposes.

Schengen Visa Requirements - Eiffel Tower Paris France

Europe is usually the first choice for most first-time international travelers. It’s a dream for most people to visit European countries at least once in their lifetime. Europe has such an impeccable beauty, history, art, and cuisine.

A Schengen visa allows you to travel freely within the Schengen area, comprised of 27 European countries. Non-EU nationals who are visa-exempt and visa-required are allowed to stay in the Schengen zone for up to 90 days within a 180-day period.

Schengen visas are single, double or multiple-entry visas. First-time Schengen visas are limited in validity, but subsequent visas are 90 days to 5 years of validity.

  • European Comission, Migration and Home Affairs
  • European Union Law (EUR-Lex), Visa Code


Thirumal Motati

Thirumal Motati is an expert in tourist visa matters. He has been traveling the world on tourist visas for more than a decade. With his expertise, he has obtained several tourist visas, including the most strenuous ones such as the US, UK, Canada, and Schengen, some of which were granted multiple times. He has also set foot inside US consulates on numerous occasions. Mr. Motati has uncovered the secrets to successful visa applications. His guidance has enabled countless individuals to obtain their visas and fulfill their travel dreams. His statements have been mentioned in publications like Yahoo, BBC, The Hindu, and Travel Zoo.


I highly recommend using these websites to plan your trip. I use these websites myself to apply for my visas, book my flights and hotels and purchase my travel insurance.

01. Apply for your visa

Get a verifiable flight itinerary for your visa application from DummyTicket247 . DummyTicket247 is a flight search engine to search and book flight itineraries for visas instantly. These flight itineraries are guaranteed to be valid for 2 weeks and work for all visa applications.

02. Book your fight

Find the cheapest flight tickets using Skyscanner . Skyscanner includes all budget airlines and you are guaranteed to find the cheapest flight to your destination.

03. Book your hotel

Book your hotel from Booking.com . Booking.com has pretty much every hotel, hostel and guesthouse from every destination.

04. Get your onward ticket

If traveling on a one-way ticket, use BestOnwardTicket to get proof of onward ticket for just $12, valid for 48 hours.

05. Purchase your insurance

Purchase travel medical insurance for your trip from HeyMondo . HeyMondo offers a 5% discount to Visa Traveler readers (use the link above), and covers all medical and travel emergencies during your trip.

Need more? Check out my travel resources page  for the best websites to plan your trip.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER We are not affiliated with immigration, embassies or governments of any country. The content in this article is for educational and general informational purposes only, and shall not be understood or construed as, visa, immigration or legal advice. Your use of information provided in this article is solely at your own risk and you expressly agree not to rely upon any information contained in this article as a substitute for professional visa or immigration advice. Under no circumstance shall be held liable or responsible for any errors or omissions in this article or for any damage you may suffer in respect to any actions taken or not taken based on any or all of the information in this article. Please refer to our full disclaimer for further information.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. Please refer to our full disclosure for further information.


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What Is A Schengen Transit Visa? From Documents Required To Process, Here’s Your Guide To Applying For It!

What Is A Schengen Transit Visa? From Documents Required To Process, Here’s Your Guide To Applying For It!

Ensure a smooth travel experience with this comprehensive guide..

What Is A Schengen Transit Visa? From Documents Required To Process, Here’s Your Guide To Applying For It!

Picture this: you’re excited about a dream vacation or an important trip to a destination outside Europe. But there’s one crucial stopover—a layover in a Schengen country. It seems like a simple connection but it could quickly turn into a travel nightmare if you don’t have the right paperwork. Enter the Schengen transit visa, an essential travel document that ensures your journey through certain European airports goes smoothly, without cancellations or costly disruptions.

What Is A Schengen Transit Visa?

visa process

If you’re flying to a non-Schengen country with a layover in a Schengen nation, you may need a Schengen transit visa. This visa ensures that you can legally transit through certain Schengen countries, even if you don’t plan to leave the airport. It’s an essential requirement for Indian travellers to avoid issues such as flight cancellations or losing non-refundable tickets.

A Schengen transit visa allows Indian travellers to pass through Schengen countries to reach non-Schengen destinations. It’s mandatory even if you are not leaving the airport terminal. Without this visa, airlines may not allow you to board, and your entire journey could be jeopardised.

Documents Required

Here’s what you’ll need to submit when applying for a Schengen transit visa:

  • A valid Indian passport with at least 3 months validity beyond your exit from the Schengen area
  • A copy of the passport information page
  • A completed Schengen transit visa application form
  • Two passport-sized photos (35mm x 45mm) taken in the last 6 months
  • Visa for the destination country
  • Flight ticket confirming onward travel
  • Travel insurance covering at least €30,000 (around ₹27 lakhs)
  • Proof of payment of visa fees

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How To Apply For A Schengen Transit Visa

application process

Here’s a step-by-step guide to applying for it from India:

  • Begin by downloading the Schengen transit visa application form and filling it with your details.
  • Provide accurate personal details, including name, date of birth, passport information, and purpose of transit.
  • Submit the completed form to the Embassy or Consulate of the Schengen country where you will be transiting.
  • Schedule an appointment for a visa interview and document verification.
  • Collect all required documents and bring them to the scheduled interview.
  • You will be asked about the purpose of your visit and may need to provide your biometrics.
  • Pay the applicable fees and submit your application for processing.

Once processed, you’ll be notified to collect your visa from the embassy or application centre.

The cost of the Schengen transit visa for Indians is €80 (approx. ₹7,405) for adults and €40 (approx. ₹3,702) for children. The processing time for a Schengen transit visa usually takes around 15 days. However, it’s advisable to apply at least 30 days before your travel to avoid any delays.

Obtaining this visa is crucial for Indian travellers transiting through specific Schengen countries. 

Cover Image Courtesy: Canva

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  6. How to fill Schengen Visa application form || 2018 || Saudi Arabia


  1. Download Schengen Visa Application Form 2024

    Click here to download the New Harmonised Schengen Visa Application Form. It is valid for all Schengen member countries. This is the only form to be used starting from 02.02.2020. The short-stay visa application form bears the reference "cerfa No. -14076*02" (do not use outdated forms bearing the reference "cerfa No. -12160*01");

  2. Schengen Tourist Visa

    To apply for a Schengen visa for tourism/leisure purposes, you must complete the following steps: Check if you need a visa. Determine if you qualify for a Tourist visa. Find out where to submit your application. Complete and download the visa application form. Schedule your Tourist visa appointment.

  3. Applying for a Schengen Visa in United States

    One of the first steps when applying for a Schengen visa from the U.S. is to download and complete the visa application form. Although this form is the same for all Schengen countries (harmonized), many embassies or consulate offices prefer that applicants complete it through a specific online application or through a visa center.

  4. Applying for a Schengen visa

    Where to apply. You must lodge your application for a Schengen visa at the consulate of the country you intend to visit. Visiting more than 1 Schengen countries: apply at the consulate of the country where you will spend the longest time. Visiting several Schengen countries (for stays of equal length): apply at the consulate of the first ...

  5. Visa Application Form

    Schengen visa application form. For short-term stays in the Schengen area of *up to three months* in a six months period for tourist purposes, visits, etc. Arabic - French (PDF, 370 kB, 02.09.2024) Chinese - French (PDF, 510 kB, 02.09.2024) English - German (PDF, 246 kB, 02.09.2024)

  6. PDF Harmonised application form Application for Schengen Visa This

    Application for Schengen Visa This application form is free 1 Family members of EU, EEA or CH citizens shall not fill in fields no.21 , 22 , 30 , 31 and 3 2 (marked with *). Fields 1-3 shall be filled in in accordance with the data in the travel document. 1. Surname (Family name): FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Date of application: Application number: 2.

  7. Schengen Visa for Visitors

    Schengen Visa Requirements for Visitors. Here are the documents that you need to submit to apply for a Schengen visitor visa: Schengen Visitor Visa Application Form. You can complete the form online and print two copies of it. Two photographs in accordance with the Schengen visa photo requirements. They should be not older 6-months, 35-40mm ...

  8. PDF Checklist for a visa application Tourism

    5.1 Travel itinerary (travel reservation to and from Schengen area in your name, not a ticket) 5.2 Documents proving your visit is for tourist purposes. 5.3 Hotel reservation(s) for the duration of your visit. 5.4 Bank statements of the last three months. 5.5 If you are employed: a declaration from your employer stating the period of your absence.

  9. Schengen Visa for Tourists

    Schengen Tourist Visa Application Form. The form must be completely filled online, downloaded in two copies and signed at the end. Two photographs in line with the Schengen requirements. They should be no more than 6-months old, 35-40mm in width, close up of your head and top of your shoulders so that your face takes up 70-80% of the ...

  10. Download Schengen Visa Application Form

    The Schengen zone consists of 29 European countries that have eliminated their borders, and their citizens can travel freely between member countries. Furthermore, citizens of other countries can easily apply for a visa to visit any member country because of a uniformed tourist permit known as the "Schengen Visa"- usually valid for 90 days in a 180 day period.

  11. PDF Application for Schengen Visa

    Harmonised application form Application for Schengen Visa This application form is free Family members of EU, EEA or CH citizens or of UK nationals who are Withdrawal Agreement beneficiaries shall not fill in fields no.21, 22, 30, 31 and 32 (marked with*). Fields 1-3 shall be filled in in accordance with the data in the travel document. 1.

  12. Online application

    Visa Application Guidelines; France in the Schengen area; Short-stay visa; Airport Transit Visa; Long-stay visa; Tourism / Private stay . Tourist or Private visit; Young traveller (working holiday) Volunteering; Professional purpose . Business travel; Self employed person or liberal activity; Job Search - Business Creation; Salaried employment

  13. How to fill out the Schengen visa application form

    Filling out the form. Each of the 32 Schengen visa application form questions are explained below: 1. Surname (Family name): Begin by writing down your surname. This is also known as your family name, or last name. This is your current surname (i.e. your legal name) and should match the name that is on your passport. 2.

  14. Applying for a Schengen Visa: Step-by-Step Guide

    To apply for a Schengen visa, follow these steps: Check if You Need a Schengen Visa. Find Out Where to Submit Your Application. Schedule an Appointment. Fill Out the Schengen Visa Application Form. Gather the Required Documents. Attend the Visa Interview. Pay the Visa Fee. Wait For an Answer.

  15. PDF Application for Schengen Visa

    Harmonised application form (1) Application for Schengen Visa This application form is free. Photo 1 Surname (Family name) (x) ... Fields 1-3 shall be filled in in accordance with the data in the travel document. 26 Schengen visas issued during the past three years No Yes. Date(s) of validity from to

  16. Schengen Visa form: how to fill in an application

    A step-by-step guide to filling in your Schengen Visa form. 1.,2., and 3. You will need to give your first name, surname, as well as your surname at birth. 4.,5., 6., and 7. You will need to give your date, place, and country of birth, as well as your nationality at birth. 8. and 9. You will also need to submit your gender and legal marital status.

  17. PDF Application Schengen Visa

    CONSULATE USE ONLY. 44. I am aware of and consent to the following: any personal data concerning me which appear on this visa application form will be supplied to the relevant authorities in the Schengen states and processed by those authorities, if necessary, for the purposes of a decision on my visa application.

  18. Travelling from the U.S. to Europe

    How Long Can a U.S. Citizen Stay in Europe Without a Visa? U.S passport holders can stay in the Schengen Area for a maximum of 90 days out of every 180-day period.. Pay attention to the period you spend in the Schengen since overstaying always results in consequences such as fines or deportation, even when it is unintentional.. Many people get confused when it comes to the 90/180 rule.

  19. Schengen Visa for Tourists: Everything You Need to Know

    Fill out your Schengen visa application form 14076-02 (online or offline) Schedule an in-person Schengen visa appointment (at the consulate or visa agent such as VFS Global) Appear in person to submit your visa application, documents, biometrics and visa fee. Pick up your original passport with the approved visa.

  20. How to Fill-in the Schengen Visa Application Form?

    Here's a step-by-step guide on how to fill out the Schengen visa application form: Number. Field. Answer. 1. Surname (Family name) Write down your surname or family name the same as it's written on your travel document or passport. 2. Surname at birth (Former family name (s))

  21. Documents Required for a Schengen Visa Application

    The following list of documents are required for any short-term Schengen visa application: Visa application form. Fully completed and signed. Two recently taken photos must be attached. Both photos must be taken within the last three months, according to the visa photo requirements.

  22. How to Apply for a Schengen Visa

    To apply for a Schengen Visa, you will need to provide various documents to the embassy or consulate of the Schengen country where you are applying. These documents typically include: A Schengen Visa application form. To learn how to complete the Schengen visa application form, follow the link. Your valid passport.

  23. Checklist for a Schengen visa for Tourism

    6. Certificate of the travel agency confirming the booking of an organized trip OR any other appropriate document indicating the travel plans - detailed travel initerary. 7: Proof of accommodation: Hotel reservations, rental of holiday home or campus residence reservation or If the applicant intends to stay with a family member or a friend, proof of sponsorship and/or private accommodation ...

  24. Schengen Tourist Visa

    The application fee for a Schengen Tourist visa is €90, but certain categories may qualify for reduced fees or exemption from payment, depending on their circumstances. The visa fees are consistent across all member countries. Wait for the Response. Be patient as you await a response regarding your Tourist visa application.

  25. Schengen Visa Information

    A Schengen visa is a travel permit issued by Schengen Area members to third-country nationals listed in Annex I of Regulation (EU) 2018/1806 for short-term purposes, such as tourism or business trips. ... While you are completing the visa application form, you just have to specify the reason why you are requesting the Schengen visa. ...

  26. What Is A Schengen Transit Visa? From Documents Required To Process

    Once processed, you'll be notified to collect your visa from the embassy or application centre. The cost of the Schengen transit visa for Indians is €80 (approx. ₹7,405) for adults and €40 (approx. ₹3,702) for children. The processing time for a Schengen transit visa usually takes around 15 days.

  27. Download Italy Visa Application Form

    Click on the link below or the following image to download the New Italy Short Stay Schengen Visa Application Form. Get Schengen insurance from Europ Assistance and Secure your visa to Italy. The travel insurance policies from Europ Assistance are accepted by Italian embassies and consulates worldwide. You can also cancel it free of charge […]

  28. Schengen Visa Application Cover Letter

    Amina Patel 1234 Main Street, New Delhi India Email: [Your Email] Phone: [Your Phone Number] November 10, 2023Embassy of Italy New Delhi IndiaSubject: Application for Schengen Tourist Visa - Amina Patel, Passport No: YZ123456Dear Visa Officer,. I am writing to respectfully submit my application for a Schengen tourist visa for my planned visit to Italy, which is scheduled from February 1 to ...