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Carver Bikes

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  • Servicepartner
  • Cube Travel
  • Cube Travel Pro

Cube Travel Pro - Cube Travel - 2023 - 28 Zoll - Diamant

Cube Travel Pro jetzt günstig kaufen im Online Shop von Fahrrad XXL

Pure Eleganz und ein entspanntes Fahrgefühl dafür steht das CUBE Travel Pro. Dieses Trekking Bike gibt dir unendliche viele Möglichkeiten und viele geniale Details. Vor allem Riemenantrieb sowie die Möglichkeit 2,25 Zoll breite Reifen zu fahren lassen dieses Fahrrad herausstechen. Hier erfährst du alles Wichtige zu den verschiedenen Modellen.

Der Rahmen des CUBE Travel Pro

Der Rahmen des CUBE Travel Pro lässt optisch genauso wie technisch keine Wünsche offen. Das Rahmenmaterial ist Aluminium wodurch dieses schöne Trekkingbike seine eleganten Formen und sein geringes Gewicht bekommt. Zusätzlich ist das CUBE Travel Pro dadurch auch richtig stabil. Durch die vier Ösen im Rahmendreieck kannst du zwei Flaschenhalter direkt montieren. Damit hast du auf deinen Touren immer genug Flüssigkeit dabei.

Die Geometrie des CUBE Travel Pro ist sehr ausgewogen. Als waschechtes Trekkingbike hast du ein sportliches Fahrgefühl. Durch die entspannte Sitzposition ist aber auch der Komfort garantiert.

Der Rahmen ist sowohl in einer Herren-, als auch in einer Damenversion verfügbar.

Die Ausstattung des CUBE Travel Pro

Bei der Ausstattung des CUBE Travel Pro liegt der Fokus auf Funktionalität und Robustheit. Die verbaute Nabenschaltung von Shimano bietet dir mit acht Gängen eine große Übersetzungsbandbreite. Damit findest du garantiert immer den richtigen Gang. In Kombination mit dem Riemenantrieb musst du dich auch nie wieder mit schmierigen oder dreckigen Ketten beschäftigen. Der Riemenantrieb ist nämlich fast wartungsfrei.

Die hydraulischen Scheibenbremsen kommen ebenfalls von Shimano. Mit jeweils 160 mm Durchmesser bieten sie dir eine ordentliche Bremsleistung, egal bei welchem Wetter.

Der Rahmen und die Gabel wurden für richtig breite 29 Zoll Reifen konstruiert. Damit kannst du bis zu 2,25 Zoll breite Reifen beim CUBE Travel Pro fahren. Das sorgt für ordentlich viel Komfort und Grip.

Das CUBE Travel Pro bietet durch seine vielen Anbauteile viele Einsatzmöglichkeiten. Mit dem verbauten Gepäckträger, der Lichtanlage, sowie den Schutzblechen kannst du es rund um die Uhr, das ganze Jahr über einsetzen.

Einsatzgebiete des CUBE Travel Pro

Das CUBE Travel Pro ist ein voll ausgestattetes Trekkingbike. Daher ist es für große und kleine Ausflüge wie gemacht. Egal ob du gern durch die Natur fährst oder über Radwege, mit diesem Bike macht das richtig viel Spaß. Aber auch für die Stadt ist es mit seinem wartungsarmen Antrieb wie gemacht. Die praktischen Anbauteile lassen es zu einem idealen Alltagsbegleiter werden. Du kannst zum Beispiel sehr gut deine Einkäufe damit transportieren. Bei Regen und Dunkelheit ist es ebenso gut einsetzbar.

Alle Highlights des CUBE Travel Pro zusammengefasst

  • leichter, schöner und stabiler Aluminium-Rahmen
  • praktische Anbauteile bereits installiert
  • kräftige hydraulische Scheibenbremsen
  • sportlich entspannte Sitzposition

* Als Gegenleistung für die Abgabe der Bewertungen haben alle veröffentlichten Bewertungen an einem Gewinnspiel teilgenommen. ¹ Bei diesem Streichpreis handelt es sich um die unverbindliche Preisempfehlung des Herstellers (UVP). Technische Änderungen, Irrtümer und Schreibfehler vorbehalten. ² Bei diesem Streichpreis handelt es sich um eine ehemalige unverbindliche Preisempfehlung des Herstellers (ehemaliger UVP). Technische Änderungen, Irrtümer und Schreibfehler vorbehalten. ³ Der Gutschein gilt ausschließlich im Onlineshop fahrrad-xxl.de ab einem Mindestbestellwert von 100 €. ⁴ Repräsentatives Beispiel: Sollzinssatz 12,28 % p.a. fest für die gesamte Laufzeit, effektiver Jahreszins 12,99 %, Bestellwert 500,00 EUR, Vertragslaufzeit 12 Monate, Gesamtbetrag 533,51 EUR, monatliche Rate 45,00 EUR, letzte Rate 38,51 EUR. Angaben gemäß § 17 PAngV: Sollzinssatz: 0,00% – 12,28 %  p.a. fest für die gesamte Laufzeit; effektiver Jahreszins: 0,00% – 12,99% %; Nettokreditbetrag: 200 - 10.000 Euro; Vertragslaufzeit: 2 - 60 Monate. Anbieter: Fahrrad XXL.de GmbH & Co. KG, Unterschweinstiege 2-14 60549 Frankfurt am Main, Laufzeit: 27.08.2024 - 23.09.2024

  • alle Hersteller

Bikezeit - online günstig Räder kaufen!

1.199,00 € 1

lokal es Angebot

Stand: 10.09.2024 *

CUBE Travel Pro - Trekkingrad - 2023

Foto: CUBE Travel Pro Fahrrad Trekking

Rahmengröße: Rahmenhöhe ermitteln

cm cm cm löschen

Deine Körpergröße, bzw. Schrittlänge wird für die Berechnung der Rahmenhöhen auf allen weiteren Modellseiten übernommen.

   Auswahl zurücksetzen

Fahrrad Angebot

1 lokal verfügbares Angebot für CUBE Travel Pro - Trekkingrad - 2023 für 1.199,00 €


Technische daten, bremsanlage, kraftübertragung, beleuchtung.

Bei Cube weiß man, dass funktionelle, robuste Bikes ebenso viel Spaß bringen können wie die Vollblüter. Mit der 8-Gang Nabenschaltung und einem Gates Zahnriemen fährt sich das Travel Pro so leicht, sauber und geräuscharm, dass es eine wahre Freude ist.


Eine Auswahl an Bewertungen und Erfahrungsberichten für das Travel Pro von CUBE aus 2023.

„Super Fahrrad für das Tägliche!“ (Quelle von Thomas auf Fahrrad-XXL.de)
„Habe das Fahrrad nur zum Pendeln für die Arbeit und bin absolut zufrieden. Es fährt sich sehr angenehm und ist dank des Riemens Wartungsarm und Wetterunempfindlich - ein perfekter Allrounder. Habe mir nur eine gefederte Sattelstütze geholt da es für Kopfsteinpflaster sonst etwas hart war. Mit entsprechenden Fahrrad taschen ein perfekter Begleiter!“ (Quelle von Florian auf Fahrrad-XXL.de)
„Perfekter Reisebegleiter“ (Quelle von Yannik auf Fahrrad-XXL.de)
„Wartungsarm, bequem und robust! Bin sehr zufrieden!“ (Quelle von Monica auf Fahrrad-XXL.de)
„Riemenantrieb ist super wartungsarm und du hast kein Ölgeschmiere. 8-Gang-Nabenschaltung ist auch wartungsfrei. Für lange, größere Steigungen ist dann doch eine Schaltung mit kleineren Gängen zu empfehlen. Das Cube ist ein super Alltags- und Tourenrad. Bin sehr zufrieden.“ (Quelle von Dieter auf Fahrrad-XXL.de)
„Ist mein bestes Fahrrad bis dato (bin 63) und ich habe schon nahezu alle klassischen "Marken" durch. Beim dem Vorgänger, dasselbe Rad in anderer Farbe, konnte ich gleich losfahren und mußte in 18 Monaten nichts nachstellen! Dann wurde es gestohlen. Bei meinem neuen Cube mußte ich nun doch tatsächlich den Sattel auf meine Höhe einstellen :). Mein Lieblingsrad! Und ich bin sehr kritisch!“ (Quelle von Reinhard auf Fahrrad-XXL.de)
„Schönes Bike, Beleuchtung und Verkabelung allerdings fragwürdig (Mini-Reflektoren, Mini-Lampen, dazu schlampig verkabelt), Rahmen-Größe zu klein („xl“ reicht nicht wirklich für meine 1,92m; dann liegt der Sattel über dem nicht verstellbaren Vorbau)“ (Quelle auf Lucky Bike)
„Durchdachte gute Technik! Macht Spaß !“ (Quelle auf Lucky Bike)
„Bike ist noch neu und muss erst noch richtig getestet werden“ (Quelle auf Lucky Bike)

Ähnliche Fahrräder-Modelle

Creme Cycles Ristretto Speedster 60,5 cm

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Ristretto Speedster

Fahrrad Trekking - 2023

HAWK Trekking Gent Super Deluxe Plus 28″

Trekking Gent Super Deluxe Plus 28″

Fahrrad Trekking - 2020

Bergamont Horizon N8 Belt Gent Diamant | 48 cm

Horizon N8 Belt

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Diamant 139 L



16 lokale CUBE-Fahrradläden in der Umgebung von Berlin 

Zweirad-Profi in Berlin



Grevesmühlener Str. 34 13059 Berlin


Rad Company Kreuzberg

Hagelberger Str. 53 links 10965 Berlin


Rad Company Schöneberg

Großgörschenstr. 8 10827 Berlin


BIKE24 Store Moabit

Invalidenstr. 73 10557 Berlin


Kantstr. 36 10625 Berlin


Das RADhaus Pankow

Treskowstr. 5 13089 Berlin


Premium Bikeshop

Pastor-Niemöller-Platz 8 13156 Berlin


Das RADhaus Reinickendorf

Auguste-Viktoria-Allee 99-100 13403 Berlin


Rad Company Marienfelde

Motzener Str. 3 12277 Berlin


Das RADhaus Lichterfelde

Hildburghauser Str. 248a 12207 Berlin


Das RADhaus Berlin Biesdorf

Alt-Biesdorf 45 12683 Berlin


Das RADhaus Rudow

Alt-Rudow 73 12355 Berlin


CUBE Store Berlin-Spandau

Center Am Juliusturm 40-46, 1. Etage 13599 Berlin


Fahrrad Rütters

Ernst-Haeckel-Straße 14 12621 Berlin


Das RADhaus Spandau

Päwesiner Weg 19 13581 Berlin


Bölschestr. 60 12587 Berlin


Fahrrad Beratung und Fahrrad Ratgeber

Sonstiges vom cube travel pro, schaltwerk vom cube travel pro, bremsanlage vom cube travel pro, laufrad vom cube travel pro, weitere varianten.

  • Travel Pro Rahmengröße L
  • Travel Pro Rahmengröße M
  • Travel Pro Rahmengröße S
  • Travel Pro Rahmengröße XL
  • Travel Pro Rahmengröße XS

Fragen und Antworten zum CUBE Travel Pro, Modelljahr 2023

Welche preisempfehlung hat der hersteller cube angegeben.

Die UVP für das Angebot vom Travel Pro beträgt 1.199,00 €.

Wie viele Gänge hat das Travel Pro von CUBE?

Die Nabenschaltung des Travel Pro hat 8 Gänge.

Wie schwer ist das Travel Pro von CUBE?

Das Gewicht wird vom Hersteller CUBE mit 15,4 kg angegeben.

Hat das Travel Pro von CUBE eine Rücktrittbremse?

Nein, es ist eine hydraulische Scheibenbremse von Shimano verbaut.

Gibt es das CUBE, Travel Pro aktuell günstiger?

Die Fahrradsuchmaschine & Preisvergleich marktplatz.bike findet aktuell ein Angebot für das Travel Pro, 2023.

Wie groß sind die Laufräder vom CUBE, Travel Pro?

Beim Travel Pro aus dem Jahr 2023 wurden Laufräder in der Größe 28 Zoll verbaut.

Aus welchem Material ist der Fahrradrahmen beim Travel Pro?

Beim Travel Pro 2023 kommt Aluminium als Werkstoff zum Einsatz.

Beliebte Bike-Kategorien

CUBE CUBE 2023 CUBE Händler Fahrräder Trekking alle Angebote reduziert

Bike-ID: 1630609839

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  • Cube Travel Pro

Cube Travel Pro - Cube Travel - 2023 - 28 Zoll - Diamant

Cube Travel Pro jetzt günstig kaufen im Online Shop von Fahrrad XXL

Pure Eleganz und ein entspanntes Fahrgefühl dafür steht das CUBE Travel Pro. Dieses Trekking Bike gibt dir unendliche viele Möglichkeiten und viele geniale Details. Vor allem Riemenantrieb sowie die Möglichkeit 2,25 Zoll breite Reifen zu fahren lassen dieses Fahrrad herausstechen. Hier erfährst du alles Wichtige zu den verschiedenen Modellen.

Der Rahmen des CUBE Travel Pro

Der Rahmen des CUBE Travel Pro lässt optisch genauso wie technisch keine Wünsche offen. Das Rahmenmaterial ist Aluminium wodurch dieses schöne Trekkingbike seine eleganten Formen und sein geringes Gewicht bekommt. Zusätzlich ist das CUBE Travel Pro dadurch auch richtig stabil. Durch die vier Ösen im Rahmendreieck kannst du zwei Flaschenhalter direkt montieren. Damit hast du auf deinen Touren immer genug Flüssigkeit dabei.

Die Geometrie des CUBE Travel Pro ist sehr ausgewogen. Als waschechtes Trekkingbike hast du ein sportliches Fahrgefühl. Durch die entspannte Sitzposition ist aber auch der Komfort garantiert.

Der Rahmen ist sowohl in einer Herren-, als auch in einer Damenversion verfügbar.

Die Ausstattung des CUBE Travel Pro

Bei der Ausstattung des CUBE Travel Pro liegt der Fokus auf Funktionalität und Robustheit. Die verbaute Nabenschaltung von Shimano bietet dir mit acht Gängen eine große Übersetzungsbandbreite. Damit findest du garantiert immer den richtigen Gang. In Kombination mit dem Riemenantrieb musst du dich auch nie wieder mit schmierigen oder dreckigen Ketten beschäftigen. Der Riemenantrieb ist nämlich fast wartungsfrei.

Die hydraulischen Scheibenbremsen kommen ebenfalls von Shimano. Mit jeweils 160 mm Durchmesser bieten sie dir eine ordentliche Bremsleistung, egal bei welchem Wetter.

Der Rahmen und die Gabel wurden für richtig breite 29 Zoll Reifen konstruiert. Damit kannst du bis zu 2,25 Zoll breite Reifen beim CUBE Travel Pro fahren. Das sorgt für ordentlich viel Komfort und Grip.

Das CUBE Travel Pro bietet durch seine vielen Anbauteile viele Einsatzmöglichkeiten. Mit dem verbauten Gepäckträger, der Lichtanlage, sowie den Schutzblechen kannst du es rund um die Uhr, das ganze Jahr über einsetzen.

Einsatzgebiete des CUBE Travel Pro

Das CUBE Travel Pro ist ein voll ausgestattetes Trekkingbike. Daher ist es für große und kleine Ausflüge wie gemacht. Egal ob du gern durch die Natur fährst oder über Radwege, mit diesem Bike macht das richtig viel Spaß. Aber auch für die Stadt ist es mit seinem wartungsarmen Antrieb wie gemacht. Die praktischen Anbauteile lassen es zu einem idealen Alltagsbegleiter werden. Du kannst zum Beispiel sehr gut deine Einkäufe damit transportieren. Bei Regen und Dunkelheit ist es ebenso gut einsetzbar.

Alle Highlights des CUBE Travel Pro zusammengefasst

  • leichter, schöner und stabiler Aluminium-Rahmen
  • praktische Anbauteile bereits installiert
  • kräftige hydraulische Scheibenbremsen
  • sportlich entspannte Sitzposition

* Als Gegenleistung für die Abgabe der Bewertungen haben alle veröffentlichten Bewertungen an einem Gewinnspiel teilgenommen. ¹ Bei diesem Streichpreis handelt es sich um die unverbindliche Preisempfehlung des Herstellers (UVP). Technische Änderungen, Irrtümer und Schreibfehler vorbehalten. ² Bei diesem Streichpreis handelt es sich um eine ehemalige unverbindliche Preisempfehlung des Herstellers (ehemaliger UVP). Technische Änderungen, Irrtümer und Schreibfehler vorbehalten. ³ Der Gutschein gilt ausschließlich im Onlineshop fahrrad-xxl.at ab einem Mindestbestellwert von 100 €.

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2021 Cube Travel Pro - Hybrid Bike - Black

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A refund will be issued once the products have been received and inspected by CJ Performance Cycles, usually within 14 days.



At CUBE we believe that practical, durable bikes can also be fun

The Travel Pro's Shimano 8-speed hub gear and Gates belt drive is so clean, quiet and easy to live with, you'll wonder how you managed without it. Powerful Shimano hydraulic disc brakes, grippy 29er Schwalbe tyres and full-length mudguards keep you safe in all weathers. And the semi-integrated carrier, kickstand and dynamo-powered lighting system ensure you're ready for any journey.

  • Frame Aluminium Superlite Trekking Sport 29 Taper Double Butted
  • Size Men: XS (46cm), S (50cm), M (54cm), L (58cm), XL (62cm), Trapeze: XS (46cm), S (50cm), M (54cm)
  • Fork Aluminium Rigid Fork 29" Tapered
  • Headset CUBE H868P, Semi-Integrated
  • Stem CUBE Performance Stem Pro, 31.8mm
  • Handlebar CUBE Comfort Trail Bar, 660mm
  • Grips Natural Fit Comfort
  • Shifters Shimano Alfine SL-S503
  • Brake System Shimano BR-MT200, Hydr. Disc Brake (160/160)
  • Crankset Gates S150 CDN, 46T, 170mm, BB Thun Zumba
  • Chain Gates CDN, 120T
  • Colour black´n´teak
  • Cassette Gates Rear Sprocket CDN, 22T
  • Front Hub Shimano DH-3D37, Hub Dynamo, QR, Centerlock
  • Rear Hub Shimano Nexus SG-C6001-8D, 8-Speed
  • Rims CUBE EX21, 32H, Disc, Tubeless Ready
  • Tyres Schwalbe Marathon Almotion, Performance, Kevlar, 55-622
  • Pedals ACID PP Trekking
  • Saddle Natural Fit Sequence
  • Seat Post CUBE Performance Post, 27.2mm
  • Seatclamp CUBE Screwlock, 31.8mm
  • Front Light CUBE Shiny 50
  • Rear Light CUBE Nano, Steady
  • Kickstand CUBEstand Cmpt
  • Mudguards ACID 65
  • Bell Mini Bell
  • Carrier ACID Semi-Integrated Carrier, ACID RILink Adapter Compatible and Rail
  • Weight 15,3 kg

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At CUBE we believe that practical, durable bikes can also be fun. The Travel Pro's Shimano 8-speed hub gears and Gates belt drive are so clean, quiet and easy to live with, you'll wonder how you managed without them. Powerful Shimano hydraulic disc brakes, grippy 29er Schwalbe tyres and full-length mudguards keep you safe in all weathers. And the semi-integrated carrier, kickstand and dynamo-powered lighting system ensure you're ready for any journey.


It's the details that matter, so that your bike just gets out of the way and lets you enjoy the ride. That's why we used double-butted aluminium tubes for the Travel's frame – so that it's both light and strong. It's the reason there's enough clearance to run tough, comfortable 29er tyres up to 2.15in wide. And it's the thinking behind the light, accurate aluminium fork's lowrider rack compatibility and the semi-integrated luggage carrier. Just jump on and ride.

Bike details


Best touring bikes 2024: tourers for adventures on two wheels

Although there are many bikes capable of cycle trips, the best touring bikes remain the optimal tool for longer journeys

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best touring bike

Our pick of the best touring bikes

What to look for in a touring bike.

The allure of the open road is one of cycling’s enduring themes. Touring by bicycle allows for this on a grand scale, travelling for several days, often in far-flung places with all your kit strapped to the bike. Of course, micro-adventures closer to home can be just as much fun and still keep the spirit of adventure alive.

Whether you’re planning an expedition abroad or fancy exploring more local roads in far greater detail, a touring bike is the ideal tool for the job. Designed for cycling long distances in comfort, the bikes should be both stable and reliable in their handling, as well as providing all the mounts you need for pannier racks and bags and mudguards . Self-sufficiency is one of the tenets of cycling touring, so the bikes are usually designed with ease of maintenance in mind, too.

The good news for touring cyclists is that the range of bikes available to cater for their needs has grown substantially in the last few years.

In this guide, we've rounded up the more traditional options. If you're thinking of going off-road, perhaps investigate gravel orientated options in our buying guide here , and if you plan to go quick and travel light, see endurance road bikes here .

There's more on what to look for in a touring bike below - but first, here are our top picks of the best touring bikes.

Best Touring BIkes: Genesis Tour de Fer 30

Genesis Tour de Fer 30 touring bike

Specifications, reasons to buy, reasons to avoid.

This is a bike that's been created exclusively to provide a comfortable and practical ride for a touring cyclist. The Reynolds 725 Heat-Treated Chromoly frame promises a springy ride and an incredibly strong base.

The 160mm rotor mechanical disc brakes are a more modern introduction with a nod to practicality, especially in the wet. Although we’ve found mechanical TRP Spyre brake calipers aren’t quite as powerful or as easy to modulate as a hydraulic brakeset, they are easy to adjust and highly reliable – perfect for a long-distance tour.

A 10-speed Shimano Tiagra drivetrain is about right for a bike at this price point, but in our experience, a 50/39/30 crankset provides gears that are just a bit too big for cycle touring – particularly over hilly terrain. 

But you can always swap this out for a smaller ringed option down the line. We find that with a cassette of 11-34t, going for a granny ring of 26t is generally a good bet.

We’ve always found Schwalbe’s Marathon tyres to be highly puncture resistant and with a good wear rate. In 35c, these are capable of traversing broken roads and tamer gravel, but if you’re planning on spending a large amount of time off road you would want something a bit plumper.

Handily, this bike come with many of the accessories we think are a must. Firstly, mudguards, but also dynamo powered front and rear lights, bottle cages and the Tubus pannier racks front and rear.

Surly Disc Trucker without any extra accessories

Surly Disc Trucker

A spin-off of Surly's much-revered Long Haul Trucker, the Disc Trucker keeps many of the much-loved versatility and can-do attitude, but this time with the addition of mechanical disc brakes and thru-axles – unlike the Genesis Tour de Fer 30 which has disc brakes and QR axles.

Opinion is a little split on thru-axles for touring – if you have any catastrophic issues with your hubs in more remote countries, you're unlikely to be able to find a replacement locally. That said, those kind of hub issues are quite rare and if it does happen you can always get a replacement sent out. For the improved alignment between the rotor and the caliper, we think the benefits outweigh the negatives.

A multitude of braze-on mount means the Disc Trucker is capable of running front and rear bags, full-coverage fenders, two water bottles, a spare spoke and even a pump peg. However, in not coming with these accessories, you will have to factor these into the cost, making the value for money a little less than the Genesis Tour de Fer 30 or the Kona Sutra.

With both 26" and 700c wheel build options available, the Disc Trucker can be as adventurous as you choose. The 26" (in sizes 42-58cm) is capable of taking up to 2.1" tires, while the 700c version (in sizes 56-64cm) has room for up to 42mm tires — both with fenders.

Although touring bikes generally do have a more relaxed position than a typical road bike, designed as they are for comfortably covering long distances, the Disc Trucker does have a particularly high front end. This isn't necessarily a problem, but if you are coming from a road cycling background, you may find just such an elevated position a little uncomfortable 

Made from a CroMoly Steel, the Disc Trucker comes equipped with a Shimano Alivio/Sora drivetrain, with the 48/36/26 triple Alivio crankset and 11-34 9-speed Shimano cassette provides a gearing range we find to be a great balance between top-end speed and low-end winching – particularly if you’re planning on maxing out the rider and kit weight limit of 161kg (355lb).

Best Touring Bikes: Kona Sutra

Kona Sutra All Road touring bike

The gloss black Sutra is made from Kona 's Cromoly steel frame and is kitted out with smooth-rolling Schwalbe Marathon Mondial 700x40c tires on WTB STi23 rims, which are now tubeless-compatible.

The current model has replaced the previous Shimano Deore 3x10 drivetrain with 2x10 chainset from Shimano's GRX gravel range. It's a move that's unlikely to please the touring purists. The 46/30t chainrings are matched with a 11-36t cassette, which sees the bike's gearing range reduced. It should still see you up the steep climbs, just perhaps not in as much comfort as before.

Gone too are the bar-end shifters, replaced with Shimano 10-speed Tiagra road shifters. Again it's quite the change, moving the Sutra from a traditional tourer into a far more modern interpretation. It reduces some of the bike's previous mechanical simplicity, which is appealing if your tours are long and overseas. That said the move to STI levers will appeal if you're used to riding a regular bike.

Another nod to modernity are the TRP disc brakes, which are blend of mechanical and hydraulic, and the frame's thru-axles.

With a Brooks B17 leather saddle, mudguards and a front pannier rack finishing off this tourer, this good-looking bike oozes style.

The leather Brooks saddle does require a bit more care than what you might be used to – it need to be kept covered from heavy rain and needs a semi regular application of cream to keep the leather supple. But by functioning essentially as a hammock, it is exceptionally comfortable and only gets better over time as it moulds to your shape – it wears in, rather than out..

Ridgeback Voyage with mudguards and a rear rack

Ridgeback Voyage

Classic styling never goes out of date - and the vintage-looking Voyage has got it by the bucket load, though a redesign means that modern tech has not been overlooked.

The Ridgeback Voyage uses Reynolds 520 tubing for the frame, with a CroMoly steel fork. A rack and full mudguards (fenders) come as standard. 

The Shimano 48/36/26t triple chainset paired with an 11-34 cassette offers a good range of gearing although with relatively large jumps between the gears due to having just nine gears at the rear. 

We don’t find this to be too much of an issue when taking it steady on a cycle tour but would prefer something a little tighter if multiple very high mileage days are planned.

Shifting and braking is taken care of by Shimano's reliable Sora levers and Tektro cantilever rim brakes. The latter certainly help make the Voyage a maintenance-friendly machine - easy to maintain and find replaces for, even in remote locations - although disc brakes may be a preferred choice for all-weather tourers.

Alex rims with a high spoke count are pretty dependable, even if not the flashiest and fitted with 32c Continental Contact tyres, they can handle a little off road, but are best suited to the tarmac.  

Trek 520 disc touring bike with front and rear panniers

Trek 520 disc touring bike

Constructed from Trek's CroMoly steel, the frame has been designed around disc brakes and fitted with a rack and fenders mounts.

The Bontrager Affinity rims are tubeless-ready, which might be worth setting up if you want a bit of a faster ride when commuting. But for long-term touring it’s generally best to stick with inner tubes so as to avoid the added complication of sealant drying out. Bontrager’s 38c H1 hard-case Ultimate tyres offer good puncture resistance themselves.

The drivetrain is a mixture of Shimano parts with Sora shifters. The crankset is a triple, with 48/36/26 tooth chainrings, and the cassette is an 11-36 so you'll have ample gears when the road goes up. TRP Spyre C 2.0 mechanical disc mechanical discs look after stopping.

However, with only nine sprockets on the cassette, the jumps between the gears are a little large, as with the Ridgeback Voyage. But if this does cause you an issue, and if you find yourself not using all of the gears, you could fit a tighter range cassette for smaller jumps.

Like the Genesis Tour de Fer 30, the wheel axles are QR, which can make getting the rotor and caliper aligned properly a little more difficult than with a thru-axle system

The overall weight comes in at 14.26 kg / 31.4 lbs in a size 57, which is lighter than some of the more traditional options.

Best Touring Bikes: Cube Travel Pro

Cube Travel Pro Trapeze touring bike

Cube offers its Travel Pro tourer in both a traditional crossbar and step-through frame design, with the latter making mounting and dismounting this robust, aluminum bike easy and convenient.

The convenience theme is carried through much of the bike. It's equipped with a Shimano Nexus internal hub gear system and a Gates CDN Belt Drive system which offers super low maintenance compared with a more traditional chain and derailleur system.

With this eight-speed hub, the jumps between the gears is a little larger and the overall range a little lower than you can get with a derailleur system, and it's not quite as efficient. But that said, if you're planning on taking it steady on your cycle tour, those points are pretty immaterial compared to the benefit of much lower maintenance.  

There's plenty of clearance for extra-wide tires and the wheels are currently wrapped in Schwalbe's Marathon Almotion 29x2.15in rubber.

Finishing off this functional tourer are full-length fenders, an adjustable CUBE stand Pro kickstand, a Knog Oi bell, lights (front and rear), and a semi-integrated carrier for pannier bags; these features will have you covered for any adventure.

Best Touring Bikes: Salsa Marrakesh

Salsa Marrakesh

The Marrakesh is designed to take you touring wherever you wish — including a trip around the world if necessary. The frame is built from 4130 CroMoly tubing and has a serious array of mounts. There's room for up to five bottle cages thanks to extra fork mounts plus it comes fitted with front and rear racks. There's even a mount to carry a spare spoke.

Elsewhere there are bar-end shifters and a 3x9-speed Shimano Alivio groupset. The gearing range is designed to get you up the steep stuff even when fully loaded thanks to 48/36/36 triple chainring paired with an 11-36t cassette. The shifters also make roadside maintenance a little easier.

Its world-touring credentials are further aided by its generous tire clearance - 700 x 40mm even with mudguards (fenders), and comes stock with Maxxis Roamer 42mm tires. This means you should eat up the miles in comfort even when the road gets rough.

It's difficult to lay out specific criteria when it comes to choosing a touring bike because the beauty of touring is that it can be whatever you want it to be – there is no single best touring bike for everyone, what is best for you depends on the type of tours you want to go on. However, there are key elements to consider when selecting your two-wheeled riding buddy, which will enable you to get the best touring bike for you.

Touring bike frame

A Columbus steel touring bike frame

If you're planning a longer trip, and intend the bike to be used primarily for such adventures, then the resilience and comfort of steel is a sensible choice. As such, most of the best touring bikes will feature this metal. The amount you're willing to invest will dictate the weight, strength and character of the steel you end up with.

When looking at steel touring bikes, expect to see the word 'Chromoly' a lot. This is a form of low alloy steel that is used when strength is particularly important. It takes its name from two of the primary alloying (mixing of metals) elements used: “chromium” and “molybdenum”.

If you're planning on using the bike for touring and other duties: club runs, commutes, shorter rides where speed might be more in your interest, consider aluminum or carbon .

Bikes suitable for touring will have a relaxed geometry: a shorter top tube and taller stack to put the rider in a more relaxed position. The wheelbase will be longer, to create a feeling of stability. You'll also notice that the chainstays are longer - this means panniers can be mounted without a chance of clipping your heels and it allows for better distribution when panniers are full.

Touring bike wheels

Elsewhere in the cycling world, we talk about low weight and aerodynamics when it comes to bicycle wheels. And sure, if you're aiming to break a world record on your cycle tour then those are probably still very important areas to consider.

However, if you mainly want to get to somewhere rather far away, and you'd like to arrive there with a wheel that's still true and contains the same number of spokes you left with, then a strong wheel is what you desire. Look for a higher spoke count that you might opt for on a speedy road bike.

The best touring bikes will generally have at least 36 spokes per wheel, tandem touring bike can even go as high as 48. 

Touring bike tyres

Close shot of a touring bike tyre with knobs for off road grip

It's incredible how much difference a set of tyres can make to a bike. The frame can be designed with comfort top of the agenda, but put on some narrow rubber shoes and pump them up to the wrong tyre pressure and you'll be bumping about all over the road.

Most touring cyclists will want to go for wider tyres - 28mm+, when compared with their road racing cousins. The further off the beaten track you want to go, the wider they should be. If you plan on tackling some light trails, look for 32mm+.

Touring bike brakes

A hydraulic disc brake caliper and rotor

Traditionally, touring bikes had rim brakes and these will certainly do the job for most road-based tours. However, disc brakes do provide far superior stopping power, especially in the wet, and they are now more common than rim brake on the best touring bikes

Since disc brakes don't rely upon the rim to bring the bike to a halt, they also reduce the risk of the rims becoming worn through debris building up on the pads.

Add in that many touring cyclists are carrying luggage, therefore adding to the overall load, powerful brakes that work in all weathers do seem like a sensible addition. However, not everyone likes the appearance of disc brakes on a traditional steel machine and the pads are a tiny bit harder to replace and set up, which is worth considering if you're maintaining your bike on the road.

Luggage and Lights on a touring bike

A purpose-built touring bike will come with pannier racks fitted, as well as fenders and perhaps even built-in lights. These all add to the overall weight, but if the intended purpose requires them, it's no bother.

If you plan to use the bike for other purposes, like group rides, then you may want to look for a bike that comes with eyelets for guards and racks, so that you can remove and fit them as and when.

There's a lot of clever luggage solutions around these days, such as frame bags and oversized saddlebags , that allow you to do away with panniers if you'd rather distribute weight differently.

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Michelle Arthurs-Brennan the Editor of Cycling Weekly website. An NCTJ qualified traditional journalist by trade, Michelle began her career working for local newspapers. She's worked within the cycling industry since 2012, and joined the Cycling Weekly team in 2017, having previously been Editor at Total Women's Cycling. Prior to welcoming her daughter in 2022, Michelle raced on the road, track, and in time trials, and still rides as much as she can - albeit a fair proportion indoors, for now.

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cube travel pro fahrrad xxl

Cube Travel Pro City Bike

cube travel pro fahrrad xxl

  • Description

cube travel pro fahrrad xxl

At CUBE we believe that practical, durable bikes can also be fun. The Travel Pro's Shimano 8-speed hub gear and Gates belt drive is so clean, quiet and easy to live with, you'll wonder how you managed without it. Powerful Shimano hydraulic disc brakes, grippy 29er Schwalbe tyres and full-length mudguards keep you safe in all weathers. And the semi-integrated carrier, kickstand and dynamo-powered lighting system ensure you're ready for any journey.

  • It's the details that matter, so that your bike just gets out of the way and lets you enjoy the ride.
  • That's why we used double-butted aluminium tubes for the Travel's frame - so that it's both light and strong.
  • It's the reason there's enough clearance to run tough, comfortable 700c tyres up to 42mm wide.
  • And it's the thinking behind the light, accurate aluminium fork's lowrider rack compatibility and the semi-integrated luggage carrier.
  • Just jump on and ride. 


  • FRAME: Aluminium Superlite, Urban 29, Taper, Double Butted
  • SIZE: Men: XS (46cm), S (50cm), M (54cm), L (58cm), XL (62cm), Trapeze: XS (46cm), S (50cm), M (54cm)
  • FORK: Aluminium Rigid Fork, 29", Tapered
  • SPROCKET: Gates Rear Sprocket CDN, 22T
  • BRAKE SYSTEM: Shimano BR-MT200, Hydr. Disc Brake (160/160)
  • SHIFTERS: Shimano Alfine SL-S503
  • CRANKSET: Gates S150 CDN, 46T, 170mm, BB Thun Zumba
  • DRIVE BELT: Gates CDN, 120T
  • FRONT HUB: Shimano DH-3D37, Hub Dynamo, QR, Centerlock
  • REAR HUB: Shimano Nexus SG-C6001-8D, 8-Speed
  • RIMS: CUBE EX21, 32H, Disc, Tubeless Ready
  • TYRES: Schwalbe Marathon Almoition, PerfL, Kevlar, 55x622
  • STEM: CUBE Performance Stem Pro, 31.8mm
  • HANDLEBAR: CUBE Comfort Trail Bar, 660mm
  • GRIPS: Natural Fit Comfort
  • SEAT POST: CUBE Performance Post, 27.2mm
  • SEATCLAMP: CUBE Screwlock, 31.8mm
  • SADDLE: Natural Fit Sequence
  • HEADSET: CUBE FPH868, Top 1 1/8", Bottom 1 1/2", Semi-Integrated
  • PEDALS: ACID PP Trekking
  • FRONT LIGHT: CUBE Shiny 50
  • REAR LIGHT: ACID Mudguard Rear Light PRO-D, 6V, AC
  • KICKSTAND: CUBEstand Cmpt
  • BELL: Easy Bell
  • CARRIER: ACID Semi-Integrated Carrier, ACID RILink Adapter Compatible
  • WEIGHT: 15,5 kg

Cube Travel

Note: Manufacturer may reserve the right to change the specification of that listed or shown on this page. This could include but not limited to specification or colour

Manufacturer's Code: 55020046, 55020050, 55020054, 55020058, 55020062

Barcodes: 4054571374097, 4054571374103, 4054571374110, 4054571374127, 4054571374134

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Size / XS, SM, MD

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  • Frame Aluminium Superlite, Urban 29, Taper, Double Butted
  • Fork Aluminium Rigid Fork, 29"", Tapered
  • Hubs Shimano Nexus SG-C6001-8D, 8-Speed
  • Wheels CUBE EX21, 32H, Disc, Tubeless Ready
  • Tires Schwalbe Marathon Almoition, PerfL, Kevlar, 55x622
  • Crank Gates S150 CDN, 46T, 170mm, BB Thun Zumba
  • Bottom Bracket Thun Zumba, 68mm BSA
  • Shifters Shimano Alfine SL-S503
  • Brakeset Shimano BR-MT200, Hydr. Disc Brake (160/160)
  • Handlebar CUBE Comfort Trail Bar, 660mm
  • Saddle Natural Fit Sequence
  • Seatpost CUBE Performance Post, 27.2mm
  • Stem CUBE Performance Stem Pro, 31.8mm
  • Grips ACID Travel Comfort
  • Headset CUBE FPH868, Semi-Integrated

Q: How much is a 2022 Cube TRAVEL, PRO?

A 2022 Cube TRAVEL, PRO is typically priced around €1,199 EUR when new. Be sure to shop around for the best price, and also look to the used market for a great deal.

Q: Where to buy a 2022 Cube TRAVEL, PRO?

The 2022 Cube TRAVEL, PRO may be purchased directly from Cube .

Q: What size 2022 Cube TRAVEL, PRO should I get?

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Kurskiy Gosudarstvennyy Tsirk

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  1. Cube Travel Pro 2021 28 Zoll kaufen

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  2. Cube Travel Pro 2020 29 Zoll bestellen

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  3. Cube Travel Pro 2016 28 Zoll -18%

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  4. Cube Travel Pro 2021 28 Zoll kaufen

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  5. Cube Travel Hybrid Pro 500 2016 28 Zoll kaufen

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  6. Cube Travel Pro 2021 28 Zoll bestellen

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  1. Fahrrad XXL

  2. CUBE travel pro 2014

  3. CUBE Nutrail Series

  4. Cube Cross Race Pro. 2022 cross race. More Speed Trek

  5. Обзор велосипеда Cube LTD Pro 2x 27.5 (2016)

  6. Unsere Bikepacking Gravel Packliste mit ultraleichtem Zelt und Kochsetup für Radreisen


  1. Die Cube Travel Pro Serie jetzt bei Fahrrad XXL kaufen

    leichter, schöner und stabiler Aluminium-Rahmen. praktische Anbauteile bereits installiert. kräftige hydraulische Scheibenbremsen. sportlich entspannte Sitzposition. 10 € Rabatt auf deine nächste Bestellung!³. Die Cube Travel Pro Serie bei Fahrrad XXL ☝ Größte Auswahl Deutschlands Versand am nächsten Tag Persönliche Beratung Jetzt ...


    At a glance. The 2021 Cube TRAVEL PRO is an commuter aluminium road bike. It sports 29 wheels, is priced at €1,049 EUR and comes in a range of sizes, including XS, SM, MD, LG, XL. The bike is part of Cube 's Travel range of road bikes.

  3. CUBE Travel Pro

    Das Travel Pro aus 2023 von CUBE ist ein Trekking-Fahrrad und wird auf marktplatz.bike in der Angebotsübersicht für Fahrräder geführt. Das Gesamtgewicht wird beim Travel Pro vom Hersteller CUBE mit 15,4 kg angegeben. Die unverbindliche Preisempfehlung des Herstellers ist 1.199,00 €. Alle Informationen zu diesem Tourenrad & Trekkingbike zu ...


    2021 CUBE. TRAVEL PRO. ... Buy if you need a bike for big miles and aren't fond of maintenance. Highs. All-weather ready, quiet and clean belt drive, dynamo lighting and rack already fitted. Lows. ... CUBE Performance Stem Pro, 31.8mm. Handlebar: CUBE Comfort Trail Bar, 660mm. Saddle:

  5. 2023 CUBE TRAVEL, PRO

    View on cube.eu Add to Watch List Learn about CUBE Report data problem. Add to Comparison. Where to Buy ‹ › Sale. 1.069 € 1.199 € Fahrrad XXL  Travel Pro - 2023 - 28 Zoll - Diamant. In Stock: 58cm. Sale. 1.069 € 1.199 € Fahrrad XXL  Travel Pro - 2023 - 28 Zoll - Damen Sport.


    At CUBE we believe that practical, durable bikes can also be fun. The Travel Pro's Shimano 8-speed hub gear and Gates belt drive is so clean, quiet and easy to live with, you'll wonder how you managed without it. Powerful Shimano hydraulic disc brakes, grippy 29er Schwalbe tyres and full-length mudguards keep you safe in all weathers.

  7. Die Cube Travel Pro Serie jetzt bei Fahrrad XXL kaufen

    Die Cube Travel Pro Serie bei Fahrrad XXL ☝ Größte Auswahl Österreichs Versand am nächsten Tag Online Beratung Jetzt kaufen! ... Pure Eleganz und ein entspanntes Fahrgefühl dafür steht das CUBE Travel Pro. Dieses Trekking Bike gibt dir unendliche viele Möglichkeiten und viele geniale Details. Vor allem Riemenantrieb sowie die ...

  8. 2021 Cube Travel Pro

    2021 Cube Travel Pro - Hybrid Bike - Black. Season:2021. Brand:Cube. Code:450200. At CUBE we believe that practical, durable bikes can also be fun. The Travel Pro's Shimano 8-speed hub gear and Gates belt drive is so clean, quiet and easy to live with, you'll wonder how you managed without it. Powerful Shimano hydraulic disc brakes, grippy 29er ...


    At CUBE we believe that practical, durable bikes can also be fun. The Travel Pro's Shimano 8-speed hub gear and Gates belt drive is so clean, quiet and easy to live with, you'll wonder how you managed without it. Powerful Shimano hydraulic disc brakes, grippy 29er Schwalbe tyres and full-length mudguards keep you safe in all weathers.

  10. Review: Cube Travel [2022] Hybrid Bike PRO VS EXC VS SL

    The Cube Travel comes in four different version for 2022, we'll see them in detail in this article: For now let's just list name and prices. Cube Travel - Price: $949. Cube Travel PRO - Price: $1,099. Cube Travel EXC - Price: $1,299. Cube Travel SL - Price: $1,899.

  11. 2022 CUBE TRAVEL, PRO

    Cube Stereo ONE22 HPC EX 29 review - short travel trail ripper. Oct 2023 · Sean Fishpool. A hardtail rider discovers how liberating an all-round trail bike can be. Highs. Comfortable, composed but lively. Sublime Fox 34 Float Factory FIT GRIP2 fork. Strong, hassle-free performance from XT brakes and gears.


    At CUBE we believe that practical, durable bikes can also be fun. The Travel Pro's Shimano 8-speed hub gears and Gates belt drive are so clean, quiet and easy to live with, you'll wonder how you managed without them. Powerful Shimano hydraulic disc brakes, grippy 29er Schwalbe tyres and full-length mudguards keep you safe in all weathers.

  13. Best touring bikes 2024: tourers for adventures on two wheels

    With both 26" and 700c wheel build options available, the Disc Trucker can be as adventurous as you choose. The 26" (in sizes 42-58cm) is capable of taking up to 2.1" tires, while the 700c version ...

  14. Cube Travel Pro City Bike

    Cube Travel Pro City Bike, At CUBE we believe that practical - durable bikes can also be fun - The Travel Pro's Shimano 8-speed hub gear and Gates belt drive is so clean - quiet and easy to live with - you'll wonder how you ma,Bikes - City Bikes,Cycle SuperStore ... SIZE: Men: XS (46cm), S (50cm), M (54cm), L (58cm), XL (62cm), Trapeze: XS ...

  15. 2022 CUBE TRAVEL, PRO

    Specs, reviews & prices for the 2022 Cube TRAVEL, PRO. Compare forks, shocks, wheels and other components on current and past bikes. View and share reviews, comments and questions on road bikes. Huge selection of road bikes from brands such as Trek, Specialized, Giant, Santa Cruz, Norco and more.

  16. [2] December 8: Kursk Oblast / Курская область (5 min timer)

    Today's map: Kursk Oblast / Курская область by Geometygod (1k+) Link to the challenge here | Deadline: November 9, 8.25 pm UTC (11.25 pm in Kursk)…

  17. Kursk Oblast, Russia

    Explore a complete list of bird species observations in this area.

  18. Kursk Travel Guide

    Kursk is a city in Kursk Oblast, Russia. It has many popular attractions, including Синема 5 — ТРЦ "Central Park" Курск, Grinnfil'm, Wonderful Island Aquapark, perfect for a trip! Show Less. Clear 12 - 23℃.

  19. 2023 CUBE TRAVEL, PRO

    2023 CUBE. TRAVEL, PRO. A 700c aluminum frame commuter bike with high-end components and hydraulic disc brakes. Compare the full range. Manufacturer Price. €1,199 ($1,317) ... CUBE Performance Stem Pro, 31.8mm. Handlebar: CUBE Comfort Trail Bar, 660mm. Saddle: Natural Fit Sequence. Seatpost:

  20. Kursk

    Kursk - Travel guide at Wikivoyage

  21. 2022 CUBE TRAVEL, PRO

    A 700c aluminum frame commuter bike with high-end components and hydraulic disc brakes. ... Sizing; Reviews; Geometry; Specs; Rider Notes; Overview 2022 CUBE. TRAVEL, PRO. A 700c aluminum frame commuter bike with high-end components and hydraulic disc brakes. Compare the full range. Manufacturer Price. £1,199. Weight: 15.4 kg ...

  22. 2024 CUBE TRAVEL, PRO

    Cube Stereo ONE22 HPC EX 29 review - short travel trail ripper. Oct 2023 · Sean Fishpool. A hardtail rider discovers how liberating an all-round trail bike can be. Highs. Comfortable, composed but lively. Sublime Fox 34 Float Factory FIT GRIP2 fork. Strong, hassle-free performance from XT brakes and gears.