A Broken Backpack

17 Inspiring Traveling Girls

by Melissa Giroux | Last updated Jan 27, 2023 | Travel Tips

Most people dream of traveling the world. They will secretly be scrolling through their Facebook and Instagram feed and dream a little. These 17 travel girls have inspiring stories too.

What would you do if you had countless money?  That’d be easy for me; I’d travel the world – without worrying too much about my old friend (read “best enemy”) – the bank account.

Most people seem to think you need to travel with a lot of savings.

Some others think traveling is a bit crazy/scary/impossible.

When I first started A Broken Backpack , I had one goal in mind; to prove you could travel long-term without being rich/even if you’re broke. I wanted to inspire the world to travel; to see what’s out there.

Many people ask me how I afford to travel so much, how to travel when broke, and more importantly, what it’s like to travel solo.

For some reason, it seems that my blog is more appealing to the male adventurers – but this time, I wanted to encourage the ladies out there to travel more. Let’s celebrate the girls who travel!

If you have been stuck in the dreaming stage for a while, I’m pretty sure these 17 traveling girls will convince you to take that trip. Girls that travel… for the win!

I divided this article into three inspiring sections which I could actually even call three easy steps:

1. Chase the most beautiful places on Earth;

2. Challenge the world;

3. And never return.


Finally free on easter island, polynesia/chile – kimberly erin of a walkaboot.

View this post on Instagram This was my dream ❤️ I need a new one now. A post shared by Kimberly Erin👣Adventure Travel (@walkaboottravel) on Jun 6, 2017 at 4:15pm PDT

I found my freedom on Easter Island, I really did. I had been struggling at home, both with a relationship and with finding my place in this world, when with perfect timing, my family took a vacation to Peru. The magical Easter Island had always been on my mind, let’s just say I’ve always had an addiction to the mysterious. While in Peru I realized I was closer to Easter Island than ever before; I had been saving money, and on top of everything else home just did not feel productive.  On the last day, I looked at my dad and said: “please cancel my flights, I think I need to do this”. Twenty-four hours later and I was on a bus to Santiago Chile, to catch my flights to the illusive Isla de Pascua (Easter Island).

I remember with great clarity the morning I arrived on Easter Island.  After dropping my bag off at my hostel I immediately walked into the small town of Rapa Nui. I made my way directly to the shoreline. I gazed upon the ocean, I looked to the Moai statue to my right, and to the small town coffee shop to my left, I took a deep breath and for the first time in a while felt tranquility. This was it. I finally felt at peace with myself. It was here where I let go of a fading relationship at home, the societal pressures presented by my country of Canada, and began to do what was best for me….3 years later, I have not stopped traveling, I am still on that trip that gave me my freedom, that allowed me to fall in love again, and which filled my life with opportunity.

Road Tripping with my Dad Through Norway – Jamie Italiane of The Daily Adventures of Me

View this post on Instagram So much on my blog right now is about Norway because it was one of the most stunning places I have ever been! My two others on that list are Iceland and Moorea. When I am in a place like that I can not stop taking pictures! What tops your list of prettiest place you have been? I really want to get to the Faroe Islands, Patagonia and Croatia because I have a feeling they may make it on the list too. . . . . . #getaway #travelblog #travelpics #mytravelgram #travelphotography #worldcaptures #tourism #worldplaces #worldingram #traveller #traveler #tourlina #we_heart_norway #norge #visitnorway #visitnorwayusa #ilovenorway #bestofnorway #nortrip #dreamchasersnorway #Excellent_Nordic #gotravelgirls A post shared by Jamie Italiane-Decubellis ✈️ (@dailyadventuresofme) on Jun 5, 2017 at 5:09pm PDT

There were so many reasons not to take a trip to Norway… a lack of money, no more time off work, too much time away from my kids. Heck, it was not even a country that was on my bucket list. I am over 40, own a business and have many people who rely on me. But as has always been true for me with traveling, I am so glad that I did not listen to all my excuses. I now have another place to add to my list of my favorite and most stunning places on earth.

I am not sure why Norway wasn’t on my radar. Nature gets me excited. I love hiking, waterfalls, and bodies of water. Norway is full of tall wooded mountain ranges, emerald green fjords at the foot of sweeping cliffs, quaint red and white villages tucked into the crooks where fjord and mountain meet.The coastline is made up of islands. I even saw one of the most stunning public restrooms with a glass floor floating over a rushing creek at the head of the waterfall!

Best of all, I got to take my dad along on this trip with me! Very little in life is as precious as time with our favorite people. While we were in the village of Undredal, which was just astounding, we found out his mother had died. She meant so much to both of us, but we felt so blessed to be together in this place and that this was exactly where the universe wanted us to be. So, get on out there and experience this globe! No excuses!

Discovering my Inner Zen in Hawaii, USA – Justine Cross of Wanderer of the World

View this post on Instagram I found my inner zen from feeding these little birds at Byodo-In Temple … what brings an inner zen feeling to you? 🏮🐣🍃 A post shared by 🌍 Justine & Scott 🌍 (@_wanderers_of_the_world_) on Feb 5, 2017 at 6:11am PST

Exploring Hawaii was the moment I truly found my inner zen. When traveling, you’ll often come across places you love, you may even find some you hate, but then there are the places that really take hold of every inch of you. Even after leaving, that place is all you can think about, you want to travel back there as soon as you can and you probably never wanted to leave in the first place. For me, that place was Hawaii.

After exploring two of the islands: O’ahu and The Big Island, I discovered so much beauty and kindness there, which is what lead me to find my own inner zen. In Hawaii, you can find beautiful beaches, dramatic landscapes, fiery volcanoes and glimpses of the Milky Way with nothing but your own eyes!

On the island of O’ahu, near Kaneohe is a magnificent Buddhist Temple: Byodo-In Temple. This is an absolute must see if you’re also after your own Zen moment. Here, you can marvel at the golden Buddha statue, revel in the temple’s exquisite beauty and feed birds that are so tame that they just hop onto your hands.

In all of my travels, I have not yet once found somewhere that is so stunning as Hawaii is. I’d urge anyone thinking of traveling there to go for it – it is as incredible a place as your imagination thinks it is!

Exploring the Most Beautiful Beach at Whitsundays in Australia – Becky Angell of Becky the Traveller

View this post on Instagram Guessing game…. where is this gorgeous beach? Wish I was still that tanned 😢 #travels #travelling #wanderlust #beautiful #beaches #guessthelocation #throwback #bestbeach #nofilters #ilovetotravel #gorgeousbeaches #BTTinAustralia A post shared by Becky the Traveller (@beckythetraveller) on Nov 6, 2016 at 6:48am PST

A beach is just a beach isn’t it! Well, I thought that until I visited the beautiful Whitehaven Beach on the Whitsunday Islands just off the East Coast of Australia .

A 7km stretch of the whitest sand I’ve ever seen. Against the turquoise waters, it really is a postcard perfect setting. You can get to the island by sea or air. I opted for a boat trip, the cheaper option as well!

Just arriving at the beach you get a real sense of its beauty. But it wasn’t until my bare feet touched the silky sand I had the real “wow moment”. The white silica sand that is among the purest in the world, you need to try it for yourself!

A few meters up the beach and you have a luscious green tropical bush. Great for exploring and there’s a great lookout point if you take the path to the top. Watch out for the sleeping monitor lizards. You can’t miss them as they are over a meter long. But they will soon get out of your way when they hear you coming!

The fact that this beach is on an island means that experience isn’t shared with hundreds of other people. And sometimes that’s what makes somewhere so beautiful.

Became a Disney Princess in Cappadocia, Turkey – Sonal of Drifter Planet

View this post on Instagram Someone asked me yesterday what’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever visited. It took me no time to say Cappadocia. There are caves, fairy chimneys, underground cities.. ❤️and pretty much everything that can make you forget real world. This place made me feel like a Disney princess 👸! Looks like a set from Star Wars, no? Well, this place was the inspiration for Planet Tatooine! A post shared by Sonal | Drifter Planet (@drifterplanet) on Mar 6, 2017 at 8:21am PST

Cappadocia is one of those places where you will actually feel that you’re on another planet. There are strange volcanic formations, fairy chimneys, hot air balloons, underground cities.. and pretty much everything that will make you feel you’re in a fantasy world.

To make things even better, there are caves inside Cappadocia’s strange formations and people actually live in them. There are hotels, hostels, and bars INSIDE these caves and you can sleep inside one too instead of a room. My eyes literally popped out their sockets as soon as I stepped inside Cappadocia’s backpacker hub – Goreme.

I visited Cappadocia at a time when everyone warned me not to visit Turkey because of the unrest. I’m happy I did not listen to them because Cappadocia was my dream destination since years and I did everything possible to make it happen.

Exploring Alien-Like Landscapes in a Country No One Knows: Montenegro – Milou of Explorista.net

View this post on Instagram Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. ✨ #yesweBalkan A post shared by Milou van Roon | Explorista.nl (@explorista) on Jul 18, 2015 at 11:23pm PDT

When planning my road trip through the Balkan I was lead not so much to where I wanted to go, but mostly by time restraint. If I’d had my way I could’ve traveled for months on end and still not seen everything I’d wanted to – the Balkan really is that diverse and beautiful of an area. But I I only had three weeks. And so I and my permanent marker zoned in on my must visits: Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Ideally, I also wanted to visit Kotor in Montenegro, as I’d seen the images and loved how beautiful it looked. I figured I was in the area anyway, so why not.

Since we were planning to go from Sarajevo to Montenegro, it made sense to make a stop somewhere in between. The choice landed on Durmitor, a natural park in northern Montenegro that seemed beautiful and little known. Its high location would offer some respite from the 35-degree weather we’d encountered all throughout our trip so far. Getting to Durmitor was a journey worthy of its own book, but let me summarize it by telling you it involved twisty mountain dirt roads, passing a truck on a one and a half car wide mountain pass, and driving over an actual plank at some point – all the while I promised God I would better my life if we’d just make it to Durmitor in one piece. It’s a great story.

Upon driving into Montenegro from the north side we were greeted with fjords that would give Norway a serious run for its money. We then took another mountain road into Durmitor and spent the afternoon driving through the desolate landscapes that were as close to otherworldly as I’ve ever seen. In wintertime, Durmitor acts as a ski resort, but in summertime it’s quiet, green and filled with breathtaking views and beautiful drives. In the whole afternoon, we probably didn’t pass more than thirty other cars. One of my favorite things about Durmitor is the changing landscape – one moment you’re driving through flat highlands that look like you’re on Mars, then dramatic canyons and later you’re sat in the sun by a lake. And you’ve got it almost all to yourself. As I round up one of my favorite memories, I have to ask you for a favor though: please go visit ASAP, but don’t tell anyone. Let’s keep this place our little secret. Deal?

Local is Beautiful: New England – Cathy of Nothing But New England

View this post on Instagram New Hampshire I'm glad you are my home! ❄🍁Where is your home? . . #newenglanders #whitemountains A post shared by ROARLOUD.NET (@roarloudtravel) on Oct 26, 2016 at 7:57am PDT

I have lived in New England my whole life.  Miles of beaches and rugged mountains to hike are a quick drive for me.  Red, yellow and orange foliage in Autumn I see every fall. While some dread the snowy cold winters here, I love the winter wonderland the forests and mountains become.   Until I became a traveler I didn’t appreciate how beautiful my home was.

Hiking Mt. Kilimanjaro I found similarities to the White Mountains in New Hampshire.  Some viewpoints and sections of the trail reminded me of home. Then in the gorgeous islands of the Azores, the ever-changing weather made me feel right at home, it was typical New England weather!

My wanderlust and desire to see the world will not go away but my home and heart will always be in New England (which is beautiful in any season by the way).


Traveling to bangladesh when everyone said “no” – alice teacake of teacake travels.

View this post on Instagram Teacake's got new threads! And the architecture here makes it extra exquisite! 👗 A post shared by Alice Teacake 🧠 Hypnotherapist (@teacaketravels) on Jan 1, 2016 at 6:18pm PST

There is so much in this world that people don’t understand and therefore misjudge. Me included – we all do it. When the idea of traveling in Bangladesh came to me, there were many things people wanted to voice. “You’ll get shot”. “People are horribly poor”. “Women shouldn’t go there”. “You’ll run into trouble”. There were 3 things I knew about Bangladesh for sure. It’s one of the most populated countries in the world. It also has one of the longest unbroken beaches in the world. And, down south in its vast mangrove forests, you can go Bengal Tiger spotting.

When I arrived, it was overwhelming and I was nervous. Locals were incredibly curious. I was surrounded most of the time and police constantly questioned me about why the hell I was there.

Yet, I also found the most generous and kindest culture. I wandered through stunning ancient architecture. I savored the most delectable curries. I hiked to spectacular waterfalls and I navigated possibly the craziest city in the world: Dhaka.

When I left, I sighed in relief because everything was full on 24/7 and I just needed space to breathe. Yet, as soon as I touched down outside its borders, all I wanted to do was dive right back into that chaos. Bangladesh has been on my mind ever since: I’m hoping to go for Round 2 later this year.  

The Crossroads: An Inner Struggle of Change – Maegan White of The Wanderlust Dietitian

I choose to challenge the world: I just celebrated 5 years with my career as a dietitian. That is what society wants for me. However, my heart breaks because I am removed from the life I yearn to live. My eyes have been opened and enlightened to the world of travel and the joy that comes with connecting to people from distinct parts of the world. I need more than just 2 weeks’ vacation to explore it!

Ditch the 9-5: I am tired of mundane routines, expectations, and responsibilities placed on me by others; I can no longer withstand the work-life balance of slaving away for 5 days with only 2 days of respite.

For the first time, I am being brave, I am listening to my heart and challenging the world around me. I am buying an RV and moving abroad to gallivant around Europe and the UK! I am recreating my life, despite society’s norms!

When you choose your own path instead of the path others “want” for you, there is always going to be a backlash and mixed emotions. At the end of the day, live the life YOU want and dare to be different! Just GO!

As Elizabeth Gilbert says in Eat, Pray, Love, “It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else’s life with perfection.”

Terror is For Wimps: Getting Over my Fear and Heading to the Middle East – Katie Williams of Traveling Spud

View this post on Instagram Seriously obsessed with the mosques in Istanbul. This is my first Muslim country and the first time I had to wear a head scarf! I'm channeling my inner Carrie Mathison and I kinda like it 😊 A post shared by Katie•Travel Blogger (@travelingspud) on Dec 22, 2016 at 1:18pm PST

I took off on my year-long solo trip around the world in September 2016 and after traveling around Europe by myself for about 3 months I had an urge to visit the Middle East.

Turkey had been on my bucket list forever, but in November 2016, the media would not stop talking about ISIS and the terror attacks happening. I really wanted to go, but I was scared! So, I asked everyone I knew for advice. The consensus was a big fat: “don’t go.”

So, after listening to everyone, I decided not to go. I was depressed about it, but thought maybe it was for the best?

Then, right as I had thrown the idea out and a bomb had just hit the stadium in Istanbul, a girl walked into my hostel. We immediately hit it off and I asked her where she was from. SHE SAID TURKEY!

I knew it was a sign! She told me why I SHOULD go and how I shouldn’t listen to other people’s opinions. My gut knew she was right! Long story short, I went to Turkey . I felt safe. It was amazing. And right afterward I went to Israel and Jordan. It’s all because I had a special girl from Turkey tell me what I already knew deep down. Always listen to your gut!

Embracing The Chase: First Solo Hostel Experience – Gemma Armit of Two Scots Abroad

Back in 2011, way back, before Gemma and Craig existed, I participated in a three-week group camping trip from the west to east coast USA. During the trip, I bonded with a lovely group of (mainly) girls but really found friendship with a Londoner called Kaci. We were as thick as thieves; hiking at Yosemite, line dancing in Houston, and partying in NOLA. As the group trip drew to a close we knew we had only one night in New York together so we booked a Brooklyn hostel (very cool), hit Forever 21 on Times Square (my parents were actually there too at this point), caught the subway to Coney Island, dined, slept and then parted ways. Holy crap! I was actually now traveling solo. My mission? To find friends to see the British band Metronomy playing at Pier 54 (for free, I love NYC!) the following day. I still remember pouncing on a guy with dark crazy hair who turned out to be a social subjects teacher too and was up for seeing them with me. We picked up pals along the way and watched Metronomy in the sun. I then took a solo bus ride to Boston and an internal flight to Chicago. The fear kicked in again on my second evening, I remember my heart pounding rapidly as I approached the hostel social area with a bottle of wine in my hand. Luckily the first two backpackers I came across were Aussies who accepted a glass of my cheap zinfandel. There haven’t been many moments in my life that I’ve experienced that engulfing fear but I think everyone should experience at least once.


A trip to australia turned into a life there – stephanie parker of big world small pockets.

View this post on Instagram Sometimes, you just can't wait to get there 👣 A post shared by Big World Small Pockets (@bigworldsmallpockets) on Apr 19, 2017 at 12:23am PDT

Heading to Australia on my 1-year working holiday visa I had no idea that 4 years later I’d still be there.

But that’s what love does to you I guess!

Yes, I fell in love with the beaches of Australia, the colors of the Outback and the beautiful heat, but I also fell in love with an Australian … I guess it happens to the best of us!

Only 3 months after arriving in the country we met and being housemates, had already moved in together.

During holidays from work, we took lots of trips together exploring the country including to Uluru, Melbourne and even back to my family in the UK.

But we knew the road was calling us long term.

After living together for a year and after all my residency visa documents had been lodged, the scene was set and off we took on a magical budget 4wd adventure around Australia in a battered old Landrover.

A year later and we’ve made it as far as Perth, having started in Brisbane. We are taking a pit stop to earn some money, but hope to continue our loop of this great island soon. After that, and as soon as my residency is granted, adventures further abroad lie in store for us!

We can’t wait!

Finding Home in a Person – Amy Hartle of Two Drifters

View this post on Instagram Where there is love, there is hope 💙 A post shared by Nathan + Amy Hartle (@twodriftersxo) on Nov 9, 2016 at 7:26am PST

I didn’t set out to travel the world with the intention of finding a husband, but I did.

In 2011, I stayed in a UK hostel (the cheapest one in Edinburgh) and there was my fellow budget-conscious traveler, Nathan, in the same dorm room.

What began as a sweet, spontaneous and romantic trip, eventually turned into something more. We kept in touch across the miles and even across continents at one point. Our mutual love of travel was so important to us, so we kept following our dreams. Eventually, our dreams led us to be together.

Now, we have traveled and continue to travel the world hand in hand. In fact, being in a relationship (and now married) has probably led us to travel even more frequently and farther. We’ve driven 5000 miles across Australia. Went swimming with whale sharks. Camped in the wild hills of Wales . Explored castles in Romania. Enjoyed museums in Montreal. And so much more. The adventures never end when you have the person you love by your side.

It just goes to show that you never know who you’ll meet out on the road when you choose to follow your passion and explore the world. And wherever you may be, that person becomes your home.

Carving a Path One Country at a Time – Laura Nalin of Willful and Wildhearted

View this post on Instagram The main reason we were in Ravello was to celebrate the #marjoramwedding17! The weather was perfect, the company was excellent and a random dog made an appearance as @dani_marj walked down the aisle. That's gotta be some sort of good luck charm, right? 💗🇮🇹✨#igersitalia #ig_europe #europa A post shared by Laura Nalin | Travel Blogger (@willfulandwildhearted) on May 26, 2017 at 4:21am PDT

I intended to stay in Seoul, South Korea just one year when I moved abroad in 2013. About six months into my journey, I met my sweet boyfriend – a chance meeting that would completely turn my world around. Although I wasn’t keen on the idea of staying in Seoul when I met him, I had a feeling in my gut that our budding relationship was worth it. We spent our weekends exploring the nooks and crannies of the quirky country we called home, musing about the funny and – at times – frustrating cultural differences between British and American cultures, and, more importantly, growing together and learning how to work as a team.

We left South Korea in 2016 and used our work bonuses to fund a five-month backpacking trip through Southeast Asia . Our trip led us to New Zealand, where we lived and worked for almost nine months, and now at the start of yet another new and exciting chapter together. We’re currently visiting his family in Scotland, and will be jetting off to our new adopted home: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, next week.

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that plane journey to South Korea would lead me to where I am today, but that’s the beauty of traveling and stepping into the unknown. While we don’t plan on settling down in either of our respective countries anytime soon, we feel grateful each day for being afforded the opportunities to create our own happiness. Has it always been easy? Hell no! Will there always be hurdles to jump over? Absolutely. I wouldn’t have it any other way, though. Take that leap – I promise it’ll bring forth some sort of positive change or realization.

For the Love of Travel – Laura Lynch of Savored Journeys

View this post on Instagram Guess where we are! Our first trip to Munich Oktoberfest. What a great festival. There's so much revelry and merriment. A post shared by Laura Lynch @ Savored Journeys (@savoredjourneys) on Sep 24, 2016 at 12:54pm PDT

You could say I’ve always had the travel bug. I picked it up just after high school and I spent a good part of 10 years traveling mostly either solo or with a travel buddy.

I always wanted to find someone who shared my love of travel, but when I met Nick, he didn’t even own a passport. The more time we spent together, the more I knew I had to convince him that he would love traveling if he’d give it a chance. He finally got a passport and we headed off to South Africa for his very first overseas trip.

That trip turned out to be the gateway to a lifetime of traveling. We’ve been to 31 countries together in the past 6 years. Nick even had to renew his passport this year because it was full of stamps. And we have no intention of slowing down.

We love traveling together so much that in November 2017, we sold all our stuff, packed up and moved to London. One the way, we spent 2 months exploring Spain. And now we’re visiting a minimum of 2 countries every month. I never thought I’d be lucky enough to live in London, and I certainly never dreamed I’d be doing it with a wonderful husband who loves to travel just as much as I do.

Meeting and Going on Different Paths – Katherine of Tara Lets Anywhere

I was a homebody. When I signed up to join friends for a voluntourism trip to a community in an island most people haven’t heard of, I certainly wasn’t expecting to be swept off in an adventure, much more be swept off my feet.

I met my current partner in that event. For 3 glorious days, we helped give out slippers and school stuff to kids, leaped from two-story boats to crystal-clear green waters and drink coconuts that seemed to hold unlimited juice. We walked on sand that looks a shade of gold, too soft that our feet would sink a few inches deep each time we dare to step forward. He told me of his past excursions to different parts of our home country, the Philippines, and how his wanderlust started after he’s seen the beauty of Coron in Palawan.

Meeting him was the start of my own travel adventures.

For 2 years, we’d remained in the Philippines to explore its off-the-beaten provinces. We’d been far up north in Luzon to an island with scenic pastoral cliffs, down south to the pristine beaches and lagoons in Mindanao.

This year of 2017, we promised to do more, see more. We’re off to different countries. He’s planning to transfer to a city in the UAE, I’m about to work in another Southeast Asian country with amazing cuisine and culture. We’ll plan how we’ll see and visit each other. Right now, what’s important is how we’re there to support each other’s dreams, wholeheartedly.

Making A Life Of Travel (Fulfilled With Love) – Melissa Giroux of A Broken Backpack

View this post on Instagram It's crazy how I miss #Australia. I miss the blue skies, the sun, the road-trips… and my tan. I met this one while I was travelling in #Australia. And now, here I am, in the UK with him. Have you ever fell in love on the road? . . . #Backpackerlife #girlslovetravel #girlsborntotravel #shetravels #expediapic #staycurious #adventuretime #globetrotter #freedomthinkers #adventureculture #intothewild #womenwhoexplore #adventurethatislife #liveauthentic #lifewelltravelled #welovetravel #keepitwild #optouside #makeitcount #sheexplores #couplesofinstagram #travelcouple #travelcouplelife #australiagram #seeaustralia #anotherdayinwa #love A post shared by Melissa | Travel Blogger (@abrokenbackpack) on Jan 28, 2017 at 12:05am PST

I don’t even know how it happens. I was moving to the Canadian Rockies for two months with a simple goal in mind; improve my terrible English.  This time, life had other plans for me.  As I was planning my life back home, everything was falling apart. They say “No reason to stay is a good reason to leave” and I thought that “No reason to return could be a good reason to stay”.  The two-month trip became a five-month trip and here I was booking a one-way ticket to Australia .  I left for Australia with a tiny budget and huge dreams.  Two months later, I met someone special. He became my partner, my travel buddy, my best friend. We lived in a van, we became farmers and we discovered the best places in Australia.

Somewhere on the way, I decided to take the leap. I started this blog and I made sure I could afford to be on the road longer by creating a job that could bring me more freedom.

Love this? Take a look at the best quotes for wild women who love to travel!

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Adventurous is the New Pretty: 20 Female Travel Bloggers Redefining Beauty (Photos)

A tribute to the top female travel bloggers.

She’s the woman who you invite somewhere and will actually go.

Unless of course she can’t, only because she’s on her way to another adventure.

She’s the woman who has been enough places to treat everyone with kindness.

But probably did so before her first road trip.

She’s the woman who isn’t always unafraid, but willing to face her fears.

She’s the woman who shares the traveler spirit, even when she isn’t going anywhere. But who are we joking — she  is  going everywhere, both physically and figuratively.

She’s compassionate, strong-willed, polite but unconventional, and redefines pretty with an adventurous heart.

In lieu of International Woman’s Day this week, I would like bring your attention to several women pushing the boundaries of business, media, culture and adventure.

You might know them as the top female travel bloggers; but they are doing so much more than jumping out of airplanes.

It struck me when browsing through a post showcasing a new “normal” Barbie doll  how much time and money the media spends telling us that our fat, our acne, our scars, our physical “imperfections” are still beautiful. Hello, you’re still focusing on what’s on the outside, and not who’s getting out there.

I guess I’ve never worried that I’m too short (5 ‘1 1/2 + heels), or too brunette, or too whatever to be beautiful. This is mostly because I’ve assumed that my bubbly personality, strengths in leadership, and a heart bigger than my butt is what makes me attractive. I don’t feel intimidated by women who look Photoshopped because I’m too busy being inspired by women who climb mountains, start businesses, and are billboard examples of how to treat others.

I feel pretty when I think about who I am and what I’ve done, not what I look like.

I am not sure what makes you feel “pretty,” but when I look at these women, I think pretty awesome.

Happy day, every day, to International Women.

Cheers to my favorite alpha females, and strictly as an opinion from a fellow solo female traveler, the top female travel bloggers:

When You Thought Adventure Was Too Expensive. Top Female Travel Bloggers for Budget Travel:

When people say that travel is too expensive, I direct them to legends Anna and Sabrina, who have both travelled full-time with an income less than $10,000 a year before building their blogs into a budget travelers’ paradise.

1. Anna Kate, The Legendary Adventures of Anna

For five years, Anna has been a full-time solo adventure traveler. Being alone didn’t stop her from hiking Trolltunga in Norway, bungee jumping in Ecuador, and taking twelve hours of buses across the Dominican Republic.

Connect with Anna: Blog , Instagram , Facebook, Twitter

2. Sabrina Iovino, Just One Way Ticket

From Malaysia’s islands to volunteering in wildlife orphanages in Africa and uncovering the less glamorous side of the Philippines. Sabrina’s blunt, whole-hearted adventures show us that not only can you see the world on a budget, you can make it a better place too.

Connect with Sabrina: Blog ,   Facebook, Twitter

GloGraphics - Best Female Travel Blogs to Follow | from Travel-Break.net

3. Gloria Altanmo, The Blog Abroad

With a powerful and memorable voice, Glo pens her adventures as a black American woman taking on the world. From festivals to beaches, Gloria will warm your heart with her smile and passion.

Connect with Glo: Website   Facebook  Instagram   Youtube

Best Solo Female Travel Bloggers

I’m not the only one who has given up a cubicle career post-graduation to work while on the go. The following ladies have managed to match business and passion, facing real-life fears greater than bungee jumping (although we’ve all done that too ;))

TravelBreak.net - 20 female travel bloggers redefining beauty

4.  Kristin Addis, Be My Travel Muse

The UCSB alumni traded banking for solo hikes and hitchhiking throughout Asia (seriously). A digital nomad, Kristin continues to be a full-time adventure seeker across borders and is your go to female travel blogger.

Connect with Kristin: Blog, Facebook, Instagram , Twitter

TravelBreak.net - 20 female travel bloggers redefining beauty

5. Kiersten Rich, The Blonde Abroad

Goodbye corporate life, hello food, fashion, and festivals around the world. This bikini #BossBabe is more of a lady in leadership than meets the eye. She’s a keynote speaker, brand consultant, and global advocate for female adventure. Kiersten kicked the cubicle, and even features a series on her blog of women who have challenged traditional careers for a professional life of adventure.

Connect with Kiersten: Blog , Facebook, Instagram , Twitter 

TravelBreak.net - 20 female travel bloggers redefining beauty

6. Brooke Saward, World of Wanderlust

At twenty-two, Brooke left her home in Tasmania, Australia to conquer the globe. She quickly became an internet sensation and personal favorite of my own. Brooke sells e-books, created an app, and blogs transcontinentally, 100% full time.

Connect with Brooke: Blog , Facebook , Instagram , Twitter

Best Female Travel Bloggers for Couples Travel

Being a female traveler doesn’t mean that you have to venture on your own. The following women are partners in the adventure world, proving that fairy tale endings are for thrill seekers too.

7. Deb, The Planet D

Deb and Dave started their transcontinental journey pursuing careers as musicians. Reality hit and they pursued creative, yet conventional careers abroad in Toronto. Eventually, they made their dreams into goals and became full-time travelers. If their photos don’t inspire you, I really don’t know what will.

Connect with The Planet D: Blog , Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

Mappin Megan

8. Mapping Megan

Oh hi, imagine being American and falling in love with an Aussie in Tanzania, Africa, getting married with a volcano as a backdrop, and then  continue traveling the world as a pair. Megan has skydived in the Swiss Alps, gone sand-boarding in Peru, summited Mt. Kilimanjaro, and overcome the obstacles of a traveling as a couple.

Connect with Megan: Blog , Facebook , Twitter

The YouTube Experts Best Female Travel Bloggers on YouTube

The YouTube industry (much like the adventure industry, oh wait, most like most industries) is strongly dominated by men. These women show that adventure sees no gender!

MellyLee-RachelRudwall-Best Female Travel Vlogger

9. Rachel Rudwall, Rachel Roams

After shining behind the scenes, Rachel finally got in front of the camera to put a lens on the world. Seen in Thrillist, the Travel Channel, and an Emmy award winner, she partners up with Andrea (below) for How 2 Travelers.

Connect with Rachel: Blog,   Twitter,   Instagram,  and YouTube

Andrea Feczko

10. Andrea Fzecko, Ultra World Host

Because a degree from NYU isn’t enough, Andrea jet sets around the world to host ULTRA Music Festival.  Can I have your life please?

Connect with Andrea: Facebook , Instagram , Twitter, YouTube

The Professional Instagrammers Best Female Travel Bloggers on Instagram

Yep, no big deal.

Well, it is a big deal. Developing a community on social media, sharpening your photography skills, and giving up a traditional job to see the world isn’t easy (I would know — it’s actually miserably difficult). However, these women triumph with adventure and are role modelers in the traveler Instagram community. You’ve probably seen me mention them before because I have groupie love for their photos. There are real, strong adventurous women behind those cameras (or like iPhone’s). Check them out here!

TravelBreak.net - 20 female travel bloggers redefining beauty

11. Lauren Bath, @LaurenEpBath

Recognized as Australia’s first professional Instagrammer, Lauren Bath will take you from Alberta to Dubai on your mobile device. A marketing strategist specializing in tourism, she CREATED a dreamy new career for all of us after giving up life as a chef.

Connect with Lauren: Instagram , Facebook, Google +

TravelBreak.net - 20 female travel bloggers redefining beauty

12. Sylvia, @Goldie_Berlin

Imagine being so good at what you do (traveling and taking pictures) that you can develop an entire company connecting fellow influencers to brands? Germany based founder of Brandnew IO manages her business while country hopping, and somehow still manages to comment on my Instagram photos. Goodness Sylvia, I don’t know how you do it!

Connect with Sylvia: Blog,    Instagram , and  Facebook

TravelBreak.net - 20 female travel bloggers redefining beauty

13. Ciler, @AudioSoup

Turkish hospitality and kindness is nothing will have you loving Ciler, a photographer, music junkie, and world traveler. An Istanbul native who reminds us that home itself has many wonders; she’ll also take you from Tanzania to Greece.

Connect with Ciler: Instagram and Facebook

TravelBreak.net - 20 female travel bloggers redefining beauty

14. Jewels Zee,

There’s a transparent kindness to Jewels Zee. You just know she was terrified to pursue Instagram professionally. but with talent like hers, it was an inevitable route. She continues to travel the world being a role model for her own daughters as well as young and old women and men alike.

Connect with Jewels: Facebook and Instagram 

Women Whose Health Led Them To Travel Most Inspirational Female Travel Bloggers

There’s nothing that I admire more than people who turn their obstacles into opportunities to live life to the fullest!

15. Nastasia Yakoub, Dame Traveler

Nastasia had just finished her nursing degree when she became bedridden from back surgery.

Unable to perform the physically demanding career she had invested her time and money to pursue, Nastasia developed a female-empowering community through Instagram which has since become a motivational blog. Nastasia also recently release a coffee table book featuring her favorite solo female travelers. Check it out.

Connect with Dame Traveler: Blog, Instagram , Facebook , Twitter

16. Misha, Wild Luxe

Misha, mother of two, combated cancer by unleashing her adventurous side. Her honesty and experiences make her more than a survivor: she’s an inspiration to live life everyday like you’re alive… because guess what, you are!

Connect with Wild Luxe: Blog , Instagram, Facebook

For the Love our Earth Best Female Travel Bloggers for Eco-Tourism

I would like to think that all professional travelers are environmentally conscious.  After all, how can we show you the world if we don’t take care of it? This next female travel blogger is a hero type of her own.

17. Alison’s Adventures

Alison Teal was a “Tarzan Child” raised in the wild by award-winning National Geographic photographers. She has been deemed “The Oprah of Adventure,” yet holds degrees from USC and UC Berkley. A pioneer in sustainability, the avid surfer also advocates for  Go Green.   Her surfboards are “made from soy based sustainable products, recycled coffee cups, and other Styrofoam.” If that wasn’t cool enough, she actually sells clothing (yoga pants, bikinis, and shirts) made from recycled water bottles! Your green hero in pink: Alison Teal :)

Connect with Alison: Website , Instagram , Facebook, Twitter

TravelBreak.net - 20 female travel bloggers redefining beauty

18.  Vanessa Rivers, Glitter&Mud Travel, SummerLove Swimwear

Vanessa went beyond her love of surfing and travel to create an eco-friendly swimwear line. The fabric consists of “100% regenerated polyamide fiber made from pre-consumer and post-consumer materials such as fishing nets, carpet fluff, and other waste diverted from landfills.”

Connect with Vanessa: Glitter&Mud Travel, Summer Love Swimwear, Facebook , Twitter

Female Travel Bloggers with a Full-Time Job

For anyone who runs one of the best female travel blogs, you know that travel and work is a full time job. However, there are people who have a conventional career and live an adventurous life.

Above all, I admire women who are doers, who push the boundaries of life and live to the fullest. You don’t have to quit your job to travel. So many more cheers to the women who don’t have a blog or social media community based on their adventurous lifestyle.

One of my best friends, included:

TravelBreak.net - 20 female travel bloggers redefining beauty

19. Laurie Satran

What better way to get past a divorce than allowing your company to re-locate you? Moving from Philly to Amsterdam, then a small town in Sweden, Laurie spent her weekends exploring Europe and discovering her true self. An “Ikea Backpacker,” photographer and Huffington Post blogger, Laurie jet-setting proof that you can always pursue your wildest dreams.

It’s never too late.

Connect with Laure: Instagram and Twitter

20. Who would you have added to this list?

You can learn more about me by navigating through this blog and connecting with me on social media. Links are below.

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25 Best Girls' Weekend Getaways Around the World

Girls just want to have fun.

beautiful travel girl

Whether you're traveling with your mom, sister, or a group of friends, nothing beats a getaway with the girls. These 25 spots around the world are the best girls' trip destinations for a weekend escape or a longer trip packed with fun, beautiful views, and lots of quality time.

Palm Beach, Florida

For an easy-to-reach domestic girls' trip destination that promises endless year-round sunshine, a pastel color palette, and palm tree-dotted beaches, head to Palm Beach, Florida . Fly into Palm Beach International Airport, and within minutes, you'll cross the bridge to one of the wealthiest yet most approachable zip codes in America — a town beloved for its history and hidden gems.

The Colony Hotel , located just steps from Worth Avenue (or the Rodeo Drive of the East Coast), is picture perfect. Plus, its pink façade, complimentary beach cruisers, green banana leaf wallpaper, chauffeured beach buggy, and poolside frosé bar are practically meant for a weekend with the girls. For a more luxurious option, splurge on a stay at The Breakers , a glamorous resort dating back to the Gilded Age.

Just across the Intracoastal Waterway, West Palm Beach offers more of a downtown feel. Stay at the Hilton West Palm Beach, where yoga, brunch, and District Fit wellness weekends make for the ideal girlfriend getaway or The Ben, a Marriott Autograph Collection hotel inspired by the pioneering spirit of old Florida. Spruzzo on the rooftop is a favorite among locals and visitors alike.

Want to up the ante even more? Each September brings Flavor Palm Beach , the restaurant month of the Palm Beaches, and October is Spa & Wellness Month , so plan a trip spanning both for the ultimate weekend away with your besties.

The Palm Beach region tops the list of the best places to visit in Florida , and with the Brightline train, you can easily add Fort Lauderdale and Miami to your weekend plans, too.

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Make it a spa weekend at Ojo Santa Fe , a lush, 70-acre mirage of sorts tucked into the desert of Santa Fe, New Mexico. For a rejuvenating trip with your girlfriends, plan to relax in the resort's outdoor soaking tubs and dine on farm-fresh meals during your all-inclusive stay. You can also look forward to accommodations in an adobe-style casita and daily wellness-centered activities such as yoga and meditation, horticulture, culinary and art classes, and even puppy playtime.

If you want a more urban take on Santa Fe, stay at La Posada de Santa Fe, a Tribute Portfolio Resort & Spa , a charming property that's within walking distance of the Santa Fe School of Cooking , where you can learn to create the traditional flavors of American Southwest cuisine.

California's Pacific Coast Highway

If you've ever dreamed of driving California's scenic Pacific Coast Highway , consider doing it with your girls. This trip comes with mind-blowing views, adorable roadside cafes, and other attractions worth pulling over for (including a Super Bloom , if you time it right).

You can drive the entire West Coast from San Diego to Seattle (though with more than 20 hours of driving, you might need more than a weekend), or just pick a particularly Instagram-worthy stretch, like Los Angeles to San Francisco, which clocks in at around six hours.

Want to skip the hassle of switching off drivers, being cramped in a vehicle, and having to stop for bathrooms and snacks? Tackle the journey by train on Amtrak's Coast Starlight route . You can book seats or sleeper cars and disembark in places like Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Monterey along the way. The rails snake along a cliffside and offer views just as beautiful as the highway approach, minus the drawbacks of driving.

U.S. East Coast on Amtrak

Already trekked the West Coast? Amtrak has an East Coast equivalent to its Coast Starlight adventure : the Silver Service/Palmetto route from Miami to New York City. You can stop in charming Southern cities, historic towns, and major hubs along the way; the route hits West Palm Beach, Orlando, Savannah, Charleston, Raleigh, Richmond, Baltimore, Alexandria, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, and many more before arriving in the Big Apple.

Whether you're in it for the food, the photo ops, or the educational opportunities, the Silver Service/Palmetto route is a solid choice for a fun trip with the girls.

Airbnb a Celebrity Home

There's nothing like a good theme to elevate a weekend getaway with the girls. Thanks to Airbnb, you can rent celebrity homes , like the Mexico mansion of Red Hot Chili Peppers' Chad Smith and Sonny and Cher's Hollywood-area bungalow in the trees. If you and your girls have been to every tour since the '70s, taking your super-fandom a step further by staying in Cher's bungalow only seems right.

Florida Keys

If you're dreaming of a tropical island vacation that requires no passport, consider the Florida Keys. From Key Largo to Key West, home of the southernmost point in the continental United States, this destination is packed with easygoing vibes and plenty of relaxing sea breezes.

Book a stay at Bungalows Key Largo, an all-inclusive property populated by stand-alone bungalows; Isla Bella Beach Resort, where every room on the private 24-acre property has an ocean view and oversized outdoor terrace (perfect for lounging with your girls); Playa Largo Resort & Spa , a Marriott Autograph Collection hotel where you can kayak, parasail, snorkel, paddleboard, or learn to sail; Baker's Cay Resort, a Curio Collection by Hilton property; or Little Palm Island Resort & Spa , the only private island resort in the U.S.

No matter where you go in the Keys, expect an adventurous weekend on the water: snorkeling, diving, boating, and fishing are among the water sports on offer.

On land, head to Robbie's in Islamorada to hand-feed massive tarpon. Craving fresh fish? Take it from a local: The Fish House in Key Largo is where you'll find the best fresh catch in the Keys, as it's one of the few remaining restaurants that sources solely from local commercial fishers and filets all fish on the premises.

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Cayman islands.

If you and your girls are up for an adventure, head to the Cayman Islands. Grand Cayman is a quick flight from Miami, and you can fit scuba diving, kitesurfing, sailing, and swimming with stingrays all into one weekend. Stay at Kimpton Seafire Resort + Spa on Grand Cayman or Southern Cross Club on Little Cayman and get ready for a tropical take on girl time.

Savannah, Georgia

Savannah, Georgia , is a favorite destination for its food, history, and, of course, irresistible Southern charm. Perry Lane Hotel serves as the perfect weekend launch pad, since it's within walking or biking distance to highlights like the Riverwalk, Leopold's Ice Cream , Forsyth Park, Plant Riverside District , and more. Plus, the hotel provides complimentary bicycles to guests.

Of course, you can't go to Savannah without dining at The Olde Pink House , but The Grey — a restaurant and bar in a repurposed Greyhound bus station — is another solid option. Drive to the nearby Wormsloe State Historic Site for a dose of history; have drinks at the underground Alley Cat Lounge after exploring the American Prohibition Museum ; and don't forget to close out your day with a ghost tour through Savannah's haunted streets.

Nevada is chock-full of Wild West road trip routes, but the Free-Range Art Highway from Reno to Las Vegas only takes about seven hours, so it's easy to accomplish in a weekend, and you'll pass bizarre roadside art, wide-open deserts, and the ghostly remnants of Gold Rush-era boom towns.

Spend the night at the (haunted) Mizpah Hotel in Tonopah, and make sure to include spots like La Casita , the International Car Forest of the Last Church , Happy Burro (for memorable chili), Rhyolite , and the Goldwell Open Air Museum on your weekend road trip itinerary.

Rent a Tesla or another electric vehicle: This route is the first rollout of the Nevada Electric Highway and has charging stations placed at strategic locations along the way.

New York City

When it comes to putting together an action-packed weekend, you couldn't ask for a destination that offers more to do and see than New York City . Do yourselves a favor and grab a CityPass, which comes with entry for up to 12 of New York's top attractions. Make time for activities like walking the High Line, biking through Central Park, indulging in pizza, and catching a Broadway play. Stay in the heart of the action at Renaissance New York Times Square, which offers a stellar location with views of the flashing neon signs of Times Square. For those who prefer something smaller and more customized, there are plenty of great boutique hotels in New York City as well.

Alexandria, Virginia

Just a few minutes outside of Washington, D.C. sits one of the most charming cities in America: Alexandria, Virginia . Alexandria was the hometown of first U.S. president George Washington. Today, it's home to 200 independent restaurants and boutiques (read: amazing shopping and food) and provides quick access to the big-city perks of nearby D.C. while maintaining a slower-paced, small-town feel.

Stay at Hotel Indigo Old Town Alexandria , located just off the main drag of King Street, and hop on and off the free King Street Trolley to explore the historic district. Your girls will love snapping photos in front of the Spite House and Captain's Row, grabbing cocktails at The People's Drug and Captain Gregory's (a speakeasy tucked into a donut shop), and walking the waterfront with a view of D.C. across the Potomac River.

Want to let your hair down and enjoy a vacation with your girls without having to bother with planning, logistics, budgeting, and coordinating schedules? Booking a cruise is a seamless way to organize an all-inclusive girls' trip and make sure everyone's happy. With some research and advance booking, a cruise can even be a cheap girls' trip , with food, drinks, and a range of activities included.

Short cruises are available year-round and head to destinations ranging from the U.S. to the Caribbean, Mexico, and even Europe. Check itineraries from cruise lines like Royal Caribbean , Celebrity Cruises , and Virgin Voyages , which have a classy feel tied with a youthful verve, ideal for a fun-loving group of ladies.

Miami, Florida

No place packs a sizzle quite like Miami, Florida , and your girls will love the contrast of sunny beaches and energetic nightlife. If you want to get the most out of your trip, go in August — it's hot, yes, but it's also the only month when there's an overlap between Miami's spa , restaurant , and hotel months. You can stay in five-star hotels, indulge in luxurious spa treatments, and dine at Miami's best restaurants for a more affordable price.

Charlotte, North Carolina

If your girls love a mix of outdoor adventure, amazing food, and city living, then Charlotte, North Carolina , is an ideal weekend getaway option.

Head to the U.S. National Whitewater Center, an official Olympic training site and home of the world's largest man-made whitewater river . Here, you can grab a day pass for unlimited access to activities like rock climbing, bouldering, zip lining, kayaking, yoga, stand-up paddleboarding, and whitewater rafting, all spread across the 1,300-acre complex.

Queen Park Social , a restaurant, bar, and gaming center, is another fun place to play — albeit with less adventurous activities (think old-school string bowling, shuffleboard, Jenga, and arcade-style games).

Optimist Hall is another can't-miss venue in Charlotte. The building underwent $60 million in renovations to transform an old textile mill into a bustling food hall with a wide variety of vendors slinging everything from hot chicken to cold-pressed juices to some of the most delicious dumplings outside of China (courtesy of The Dumpling Lady ). And, of course, it's not a trip to the South without some good Carolina-style barbecue. For that, head to Noble Smoke , where melt-in-your-mouth meats are prepared in wood-fired smokers around back.

Palm Springs, California

Palm Springs is a perfectly Californian getaway, providing exactly the kind of laid-back vibes you'd expect from SoCal — Coachella season or not. Whether your girls are into hot springs, vintage boutiques, spas, mid-century modern architecture, hiking, or a stylish hotel scene, Palm Springs makes it easy to please. Book a stay at Ace Hotel & Swim Club , a Palm Springs classic.

Tulum, Mexico

Whether your group is after a lively party scene or simply wants to unplug, Tulum delivers. You can swim in cenotes, explore Mayan ruins, indulge in an outdoor spa day, or just relax near the ocean. Plus, you'll be able to fill up on fresh fruits, juices, and tasty Mexican cuisine, complete with margaritas straight from the source. When it comes to accommodations, Papaya Playa Project and Nômade are super-photogenic favorites.

Cartagena, Colombia

Located on Colombia's Caribbean coast , Cartagena is a relatively short direct flight from many destinations in the U.S., yet you'll feel as if you've touched down in another world entirely. Expect colorful streets, amazing food, and nights spent salsa dancing, plus artisan goods to shop and beautiful beaches to explore. Wander the walled Old Town with your group and you'll quickly understand Cartagena's appeal.

London, England

If you're departing from the East Coast, spending a long weekend in London is more practical than you'd think — a nonstop flight from New York, for example, takes as little as six and a half hours. It might be a whirlwind weekend, but London makes for one of the best girls' trips in Europe. Even if the trip is a bit of a whirlwind, a walk over Tower Bridge, an elegant afternoon tea, the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace, and hearing the tolling bells of Big Ben with your girls is more than worth it.

ABC Islands (Aruba, Bonaire, or Curaçao)

Longing for a Caribbean getaway? Head to the ABC Islands — Aruba , Bonaire , and Curaçao — part of the Dutch Caribbean. Each presents a European feel splashed with the colorful vibrance of the Caribbean and accented by some of the world's most beautiful beaches. In Curaçao's capital, Willemstad, you can pose in front of stepped gable façades in a rainbow of colors or visit the blue curaçao distillery.

In Aruba, stay at the Renaissance Wind Creek Aruba Resort for access to the hotel's 40-acre private island, home of the Instagram-famous flamingos. For a bit of adventure, join a Jeep to Arikok National Park, where you can swim in a natural pool and visit caves with paintings from the Arawak people.

Lisbon, Portugal

Gautier Houba/Travel + Leisure

With many direct flights available from the U.S., the Portuguese capital of Lisbon is doable in a long weekend . A flight from New York takes around six and a half hours, and you can often find good deals from major hubs. Lisbon's reasonable prices make it an affordable girls' trip destination full of wine, rich culture, appealing architecture, and picturesque beaches just outside the city. Ride the trams, explore Belém Tower and Jerónimos Monastery, walk Pink Street, and snack on all the pasteis de nata you can handle.

Providence, Rhode Island

The capital of Rhode Island , Providence, has a lot to love, including Plant City, the world's first plant-based vegan food hall, and WaterFire , an awe-inspiring downtown celebration that involves dramatic fire and art displays along the Providence and Woonasquatucket rivers. Providence has a big-city feel with many trendy bars, restaurants, and hotels, yet is far more laid-back than your typical urban break.

Looking to get out of the city? Head to Bristol on Mount Hope Bay and stay at the historic Bradford-Dimond-Norris House , a family-run bed-and-breakfast, and dig into fresh New England seafood at The Lobster Pot .

Orlando, Florida

David Pavlina/Travel + Leisure

Sure, it's one of the busiest destinations in the country, but there's a reason for its popularity: Orlando, Florida , is packed with things to do for all ages.

You and your friends can don matching Mickey ears and hop between Disney's four parks for the weekend, or opt for adrenaline-filled thrills and Harry Potter magic at Universal's parks . Stay in one of the many Disney-sanctioned properties with easy access to the parks, such as Signia by Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek , and relax at your resort in between park visits.

Dine at Disney Springs just outside the parks — Wine Bar George has girls' night written all over it — or Bigfire at CityWalk , which connects Universal Studios and Universal's Islands of Adventure, for a buzzy late night on the town.

Alternatively, head away from the parks to spots like East End Market , where both Domu and Gideon's Bakehouse cookies are a must, Mia's Italian Kitchen for bottomless brunch, Plant Street Market (on-site Crooked Can Brewing Company is a local favorite), or ritzy Winter Park for the best of central Florida without the crowds.

The West Orange Trail is another perfect Orlando activity if you're tired of tourists and theme park lines. You can rent a bicycle from Bikes and Blades and explore a peaceful, lesser-known side of the area, complete with oak canopies and lakeside views.

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago is a great pick for a city break , even during its famously frigid winters. In the colder months, you can go ice skating, treat yourself to over-the-top hot chocolate creations, sip wine in riverside "igloos," and warm up over a shared deep-dish pizza. Summers in Chicago are even more glorious — it's the perfect time to hit up the city's festivals, beaches, and rooftop bars.

No matter the season, stay at the historic Palmer House , home of one of the most stunning Art Deco lobbies in the world; book tickets for a play; and stop by Goddess and the Baker for a slice of rainbow cake and a gold glitter latte.

Located around 80 miles off the coast of Florida, the Bahamas is a surprisingly easy-to-reach island destination. Whether you head to Nassau or one of the Out Islands, you're in for a weekend of relaxing, sipping cocktails, filling up on fresh conch ceviche, and just enjoying everything that makes a tropical vacation so dreamy.

Stay at any of the three resort properties at Baha Mar or opt for a room at Atlantis, the ultimate in Bahamian indulgence — The Cove has an adults-only pool and a more upscale vibe. Book your group a wine-blending class at colorful Bahama Barrels by Graycliff and you'll each get to blend your very own bottle of vino to take home as a souvenir. And, of course, work in plenty of beach and pool time.

Montréal, Canada

For a city break with cute alleys, cafés, and cobblestone streets, head to Montréal in Canada's French-speaking region of Québec. You and your pals can fill up on poutine (and enjoy the rest of the city's thriving food scene), hike Mount Royal, wander historic Old Montréal, ride ferris wheel La Grande Roue de Montréal, visit the Notre-Dame Basilica of Montréal, and enjoy a breath of fresh air at the Montréal Botanical Garden. Book a hotel in the Old Town for both charm and a convenient location near Montréal's many highlights. Depending on when you go, a visit to Montréal can be one of the best girls' trips on a budget, as the US dollar is strong against the Canadian dollar and prices tend to be lower than in comparable cities like New York.

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Travel Fashion Girl

The 7 Best Travel Outfits According to Our Readers

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Do you tend to reach for one outfit all the time in your closet? The same can be said for travel outfits. Our readers share their recommendations for the all time best travel outfits so you can feel comfortable and chic wherever you go. Find out what they said!

The Best Travel Outfits

As you can guess from our name, we’re all about traveling fashionably while still staying comfortable and weather-appropriate. We’re also big on capsule wardrobes and packing minimally.

With this in mind, we asked our readers the ultimate question:

If you could only wear one outfit every single day for an entire trip, what would it be?

Here’s what our readers say are the best travel outfits:

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Cardigan | Top | Bag | Sunglasses | Earrings | Skirt | Lipstick | Flats

Feminine Chic

“ A sleeveless top, cardigan, black skirt, and ballet flats . I think that could be dressed up or down for most of my activities.”

If you prefer dresses and skirts to pants, this is a great travel outfit idea for summer or warmer spring and fall seasons. This type of outfit can easily be dressed up or down, so you can take it from day or night.

For cooler seasons, swap the sleeveless top for a sweater and add tights. Another reader recommended adding a scarf to this look for a pop of color or warmth.

beautiful travel girl

Backpack | Boots | Dress | Lipstick | Leggings | Necklace | Palette

Winter Romance

“ Merino wool dress or tunic, black leggings, necklace, and ankle boots. ”

When we envision strolling down the old cobblestone streets of Europe, we think of this outfit. There’s nothing more comfy and cozy yet chic and sophisticated as a dress with tights and boots.

Even if you don’t normally wear dresses, a merino tunic with leggings is a nice alternative, and is comfy enough for plane rides while stylish enough for a dinner at a nice restaurant.

For ankle boots, go for a flat heel if you plan on walking a lot, or a short heel for dressier occasions.

You can still pack your light  in a small suitcase even when you travel in winter by using packing cubes to compress your clothing as shown in this video !

beautiful travel girl

Hat | Jeans | Sunglasses | Bag | Top | Earrings | Sandals | Lipstick | Sunscreen | Cardigan

Beachside Casual

“ My distressed girlfriend jeans, a white or black tee, long open cardigan, and my flip flops !”

As much as dressing up is fun, there’s nothing better than jeans and a tee. Girlfriend jeans are the most comfortable jeans style. To keep from looking sloppy, go for a slimmer fitting tee.

When you’re by the beach or in locations like Florida or Southern California, take along a duster cardigan for warmth and flip flops for shoes.

And if you aren’t a fan of jeans, another reader recommended swapping denim pants for a maxi skirt.

beautiful travel girl

Top  | Scarf | Longsleeve | Bag | Earrings |  Leggings  | Spray |  Boots

Airplane Comfort

“ Comfy leggings, a soft material t-shirt, ankle boots, and my Icebreaker long-sleeve shirt layered over the t-shirt in case it gets cold.”

Planes are notoriously horrible in terms of temperature. Sometimes it’s freezing, while other times it’s stuffy and hot. This outfit is the perfect solution.

We recommend workout-type leggings, which help you keep a steadier body temperature. The t-shirt will keep you comfy if it gets warm. If it’s cold, layer with the long-sleeve shirt.

Ankle boots will keep your feet warm, too. For an easier trip through security, go for a slip-on or zip style bootie so you can quickly slip them on or off. Or, pull on some compression socks for comfort.

beautiful travel girl

Cardigan  | Watch |  Top  |  Earrings  | Sunglasses | Shoes |  Bag  |  Jeans

Sporty and Stylish

“ Jeans, a tee, a boyfriend cardigan, and Superga tennis shoes .”

So many readers recommended the ultimate three-piece outfit formula: jeans, a tee, and sneakers. One recommended black jeans with a white v-neck tee for classic sophistication. Or, go for more colorful options if you’re traveling to South America, Spain, or another location known for color.

When it gets cool, layer with a boyfriend cardigan or an open chambray button down top.

And for sneakers, we can’t get enough of Superga . White is perfect for a preppy style, while black or grey is great if you’re worried about getting them dirty.

beautiful travel girl

Bracelet | Sunglasses | Sandals | Dress | Lip Balm | Necklace |  Bag

Fashion Meets Function

“If I had to choose just one outfit, I’d go for a simple black dress and Birkenstocks with my favorite leather fringe necklace .”

A black dress is the perfect combination of fashion and function. Black never goes out of style, and you can go longer without washing it. You can easily transform it with jewelry and scarves.

As for shoes, we love Birkenstocks! They’re the comfiest sandals with amazing support. There are so many styles, too, so there’s something for everyone.

beautiful travel girl

Blouse | Coat | Scarf | Lipstick |  Bag  | Flats | Pants

Classic Sophistication

“ Black ankle-length pants, a white button down blouse, ballet flats, a trench coat and silk scarf .”

When you’re traveling to France or Italy, what better than to take a styling cue from Audrey Hepburn! A white-button down is always a classic option, and there are a number of non-ironing styles, too.

Another reader recommended this same outfit but swapped the flats for loafers and the black pants for dark skinny jeans.

What are your tips for the best travel outfits? Share in the comments below!

For more tips and ideas on travel fashion, please read:

  • 8 Ways to Wear a Skirt
  • How to Wear a Leather Jacket
  • How to Wear One Dress, Many Ways
  • Different Ways to Wear A Scarf
  • Trench Coat Outfits to Wear Around the World



We hope you liked this post on the best travel outfits. Please share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Thanks for reading!


I find it almost impossible to withstand the cold (-2-10), specifically in England, by wearing tights under a dress. I’ve tried thermal with jeans, freezing cold still. I’ve tried fleece lined pants, still very cold. I pair them with tall leather boots. I’m allergic to wool, so wool base layer is out. What can I do to keep my legs warm if I choose to wear tights? I was thinking thermal under the dress, but then I’ll bulk up and the “look” isn’t quite going to be there. ?


Hi Eunice, thanks for your question! For other options please take a look at these posts for some ideas: https://www.travelfashiongirl.com/tights-for-women/ https://www.travelfashiongirl.com/how-to-pack-for-cold-weather/ https://www.travelfashiongirl.com/how-to-pack-for-cold-weather/ Hope this helps 🙂

Thank you, Alex. I’ve been following your page for sometime now and have benefitted greatly from the articles I’ve read. This is still very tricky for me. What I meant is that if I still choose to wear a woollen dress, yet still feel freezing cold with fleece lined tights, do you think it’ll work if I wear another layer of thermal under the tights? Wouldn’t that bulk up, hence less attractive looking? I don’t have ultra slim legs to begin with ?

Hi Eunice, If you’re wearing a dress I’d wear a pair of regular black tights under a pair of fleece or warm leggings. It’s warmer than you’d think :). Hope this helps!

Sue martin

I’m going premium flight to Barbados and I want to wear a dress with 3” wedges, I’ll change my footwear for the flight. I’m 5’1 and size 16. I’m aware that I’m limited but I’m going to find a creaseless fabric probably navy spot or tan. I fancy midi length. Have you any ideas please? I’m 61 years of age but still like to dress trendy.

Hi Sue, thank you for your question. Have a look at this article for some different options for dresses: https://www.travelfashiongirl.com/cute-summer-dresses-for-women/ I would highly recommend that you join our TFG facebook group and post your question there: https://www.facebook.com/groups/travelfashiongirls/ Its a fabulous community of helpful female travelers of all ages that have the best advice and recommendations to share. Hope this helps. Have an amazing trip! ?

Donna Weaver

Love these outfits!

Hi Donna, thank you for your lovely feedback! ? So pleased you enjoyed the article!

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We Are Travel Girls

A Community Created To Inspire, Connect, Educate & Empower Female Travelers

GIRLS GETAWAY · January 31, 2024 Last Updated on July 24, 2024


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The Ultimate Girls Getaways Destinations For 2024

2024 is the perfect time for a girl’s getaway! Perhaps you have been putting off a trip for a while or have been trying to decide where to go for a while – well, 2024 is the year to take that trip!

Whether you are planning a girl’s getaway with your best friends or a bachelorette party or want to treat your mum or sisters to an unforgettable girls’ adventure, we have 25 great options to inspire you to take that trip and help you decide where to go.

We believe girls’ getaways are one of the best adventures you can ever go on, with so many great options in the USA, Japan, Europe and Africa and South America, from hiking trips in Patagonia, to Caribbean beach adventures and cultural getaways in Asia, there is a trip for every budget and travel style.

So pack your bags and get ready for an unforgettable 2024 girls’ getaway.

Read on to find out what destinations are included in our list of the ultimate girls’ getaways for 2024.


1) malawi eight-day safari with travel girls getaways.

Malawi is a landlocked country in Southeastern Africa, bordered by Zambia to the west, Tanzania to the north and northeast, and Mozambique to the east, south, and southwest. Malawi is still relatively underrated as a tourist destination but it was voted one of the top 50 places to visit in 2020 by Travel + Leisure and was featured in Forbes as a top girls’ getaway destination.

Travel Girls Getaways by We Are Travel Girls offers affordable luxury women’s group trips to unique destinations around the world including our annual trip to Malawi. During our Malawi Safari & Charity Trip you will engage in inspirational community mentoring work, witness the beauty of rolling tea estates, and enjoy a two-night safari adventure, including a unique riverboat safari where you’ll get up close and personal with elephants, lions and crocodiles!

Your Malawi adventure will conclude with a two-day digital detox on the picturesque Mumbo Island, named one of Sunday Times ‘ Top 100 Places to Stay in 2017. This one-in-a-lifetime adventure is designed for women who want to travel with a purpose, contribute to inspiring community initiatives, and discover an off-the-beaten-path destination in Africa.

Bookings will open soon for a fall 2024 Malawi trip! To be notified when we open bookings, subscribe to our email list . 

Best Time To Visit: May to October

Book Your Malawi Getaway: Travel Girls Getaways

2) Explore A Tropical Oasis At Sports Illustrated Resorts Marina & Villas Cap Cana

The most celebrated name in sports recently launched Sports Illustrated Resorts with a mission to provide a vibrant, exciting, and interactive experience for their guests!

Their first hotel, Sports Illustrated Resorts Marina & Villas Cap Cana , is the perfect destination in the Dominican Republic for an amazing girl’s getaway! Located in the Punta Cana area of the island, this all-inclusive luxury resort provides an ideal destination for adventure lovers looking for an action-packed girls’ trip.

The resort offers one and two-bedroom villas, perfect for your girl’s group, with plenty of space to relax and enjoy breathtaking views of the marina and resort.

If your girls love adventure and thrill, you can try a motocross lesson, take on the ecological trail, go on a bike tour, and enjoy an array of water sports. For something more relaxing, you and your girls can play a round of golf, tan on the beach, or enjoy a cocktail in their expansive swimming pool.

Cap Cana is known for its high-end resorts and beautiful public beach that is dotted with palms and is popular for kitesurfing, kayaking, and snorkeling. Bars, restaurants, shops, and cigar lounges line the vibrant Cap Cana Marina, making it an ideal spot to explore on your girls’ getaway in the Dominican Republic.

The next Sports Illustrated Resort will be opening in Orlando, Florida soon . Subscribe to SI Resorts to be notified when they open new hotel destinations!

Best Time To Visit: November to April

Book Your Girls Getaway: Sports Illustrated Resorts Marina & Villas Cap Cana

3) Lake Tahoe Ski Retreat

Our founder, Vanessa Rivers , meticulously plans each of our trips to offer our guests a distinct way to travel and discover a new destination. Our Travel Girls Getaways itineraries are jam-packed with guided tours, sightseeing, unique dining experiences, and a few surprises along the way!

This spring we are excited to offer our first ever Lake Tahoe Skiing and Hiking Retreat where we’ll show you the best of Lake Tahoe while enjoying six days of skiing, hiking, sailing on Lake Tahoe, fun group meals, daily yoga, goal setting and manifestation workshops and much more! 

Related Articles: The Ultimate Lake Tahoe Guide and 30 Things To Do In Lake Tahoe

4) Action Packed Adventures in Alaska

An Alaskan cruise is an incredible place for a girl’s getaway and an opportunity to visit remote towns and villages that are only accessible by boat or via a long train or car journey. Alaskan cruises typically board in Vancouver, Seattle, or Anchorage. These starting points also make great one or two-day getaways before you board your cruise. These cruises provide an unforgettable bucket list experience of sailing past glaciers, anchoring in National Parks, and docking in small towns with lots of activities and tours to enjoy.

The choice of cruise route depends on your and your family’s or friends’ preference. Smaller cruise ships can navigate the internal passages and national parks easily, where you can witness the awe-inspiring natural beauty of wonders such as the Hubbard Glacier.

With an array of amenities such as drink packages, multiple restaurants, lots of shows and entertainment, swimming pools, and more, you can enjoy an all-inclusive experience while exploring Alaska and stopping off at fantastic locations.

Popular stops on Alaskan cruises include Juneau, Skagway, Ketchikan, Sitka and Whittier.

Book Your Cruise: 7-night Alaska Cruise

5) Ski In The Incredible French Alps

If you’re planning a winter 2024 girls’ getaway, consider booking a skiing or snowboarding trip to the beautiful French Alps, which offer epic spring skiing conditions.

The Alps are the highest and most extensive mountain range in Europe, spanning across multiple countries. You can ski in a resort that runs in Italy, Switzerland, and France all in one day. The French Alps boast some of the most popular and largest ski areas in Europe and the world, such as Chamonix, Val-d’Isère, Courchevel, Megève and Val Thorens.

These ski areas are world-class and much cheaper alternatives to skiing in the United States – French resorts also come with croissants, cheese and incredible wine!

6) A Scenic Tour Around The Whitsundays

The Whitsundays are a cluster of tropical islands situated just 34 miles off the coast of Queensland, Australia. These islands are famous for their gorgeous white-sand beaches, sailing opportunities, and easy access to the Great Barrier Reef, making it an ideal destination for a girl’s trip in Australia.

You can get to the Whitsundays easily via Airlie Beach, which is a great destination on its own and a great option as a base to explore the islands by taking a series of day trips. The Whitsundays are a group of 74 islands, with the most popular being Hamilton Island. This island is a beloved holiday spot for Australian families, with some residents even living on the island year-round.

You can explore the islands by taking boat trips or by taking to the air on a helicopter or small plane tour . Whichever your transportation of choice, you have to visit Whitehaven Beach .

Best Time To Visit: September to January

7) Dance The Night Away In Las Vegas

Las Vegas often comes to mind when you think of a girl’s getaway or bachelorette party filled with partying and lively nightlife. The city that never sleeps has grand luxury hotels, day and night clubs, wild pool parties and world-famous restaurants.

However, if that isn’t your group’s ideal vacation, Las Vegas also offers a wide range of options and activities with national parks and lots of activities to enjoy. There’s something for everyone, with incredible brunch spots and both boutique and designer shopping galore. If you head out of the city, there are plenty of day trip options, such as the Grand Canyon and Zion National Park .

Best Time To Visit: Year Round

Related Articles: The Ultimate Las Vegas Bachelorette Party Guide and 10 Day Trips To Take From Las Vegas

8) Listen To Live Music In Nashville

Nashville has become a popular destination for US for girls’ getaways. In the last decade, the city has experienced significant growth as newcomers from different parts of the country have been attracted by the Southern hospitality, great music and stunning countryside.

With plenty of things to do on a girl’s getaway, from pub crawls to watching a show at the Grand Ole Opry and visiting the famous Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum on a tour.

Nashville has a variety of activities, restaurants and accommodations that cater to every type of girl group, whether you are looking for a typical party getaway in a luxury hotel or a more relaxed trip, staying in a vacation rental and enjoying the countryside and museums.

Best Time To Visit: Spring or Fall

Related Articles: The Ultimate Nashville Bachelorette Party Guide and 10 Best Brunch Spots In Nashville .

9) Explore And Admire The Streets Of Rome

Rome is a culturally rich and historic city, renowned for its landmarks and delicious pasta!

With plenty for your girls to do and explore on a weekend trip, which could be combined with a week-long or summer trip around Italy. Rome is home to the iconic Colosseum, the Trevi Fountain, The Vatican City and The Spanish Steps; there is no shortage of things to do and see.

Both Rome and Italy are known for their delicious cuisine, featuring fresh flavors and produce such as pecorino (fava beans and cheese) and puntarella (chicory shoots with anchovies).

Related Articles:  How To Do Rome In One Day On A Budget and How To See Rome Like A Local .

10) Glamping & Cultural Experiences In Morrocco 

Are you and your friends seeking a unique and cultural experience? Then, Morocco might be the perfect destination for you! Cultural enthusiasts can explore the vibrant streets of Marrakech and wander through the ancient mosques, palaces, and bustling food stalls in the medical medina.

Morocco is the perfect destination for you if you are an artist or a shopaholic. The country offers a wide variety of Moroccan handicrafts, such as colorful rugs, hand-welded lanterns, unique leather goods, jewelry, and more. 

For food lovers, Morocco is known for its exceptional cuisine served in world-renowned restaurants.

Luxury lovers can indulge themselves by staying in palatial riads, which are traditional Moroccan homes with iconic central courtyards.

Adventurers can explore the Sahara Desert’s sprawling dunes, which are located nearby. You can enjoy a couple of nights of glamping and ATV excursions.

Travel Girls Getaways offers a popular Morroco Country Tour . Join our email list to be notified when we open bookings for our next Morocco getaway.

Related Articles: Camping In Morocco’s Sarah Desert and 5 Reasons To Visit Chefchaouen

11) Hiking And Scenic Views In Patagonia

Patagonia is the best place to visit for adventure or hiking-loving girl gangs, with plenty of hiking options, great food and breathtaking landscapes.

Patagonia is a region located at the southern tip of South America, shared by Argentina and Chile. Made famous for incredible hikes and its remote towns and landscapes. Depending on your ability and desires, the area is filled with multi-day, hour-long, and half-day or full-day hikes.

The region is filled with glacial rivers and streams covered in scrubland and ancient woodland. It is also home to glaciers and lakes, characterized by mountain ranges (especially in Chile).

Popular hikes include the 46-mile “W” in Torres del Paine National Park (Chile), 15.5-mile Laguna de Los Tres in Parque Nacional Los Glaciares (Argentina), 13.6-mile Laguna Torre in Parque Nacional Los Glaciares (Argentina) and the 1.2-mile Laguna de Los Témpanos in Parque Nacional Queulat (Chile).

Best Time To Visit: October to February

12) Take A Summer Getaway In The Hamptons

The Hamptons is a group of seaside communities situated on the South Fork of eastern Long Island. It is a popular summer destination for New York and East Coast residents, many of whom have summer homes in the area. The area is known for its long stretches of gorgeous beaches, farmland, and charming towns and villages.

You can admire the 18th-century shingle buildings and estates that are hidden behind tall boxwood hedges. One of the towns in the area, East Hampton, is famous for its high-end restaurants, bars, and designer boutiques, making it a popular spot for those looking for luxury and sophistication.

If you’re planning an incredible girls’ getaway on the East Coast, or if you’re seeking a fun-filled beach getaway, the Hamptons should be on your list of top girls’ getaway destinations.

Best Time To Visit: May to September

Related Articles:  The Ultimate Hamptons Bachelorette Party Guide and The 10 Best AirBnBs in The Hamptons .

13) Beaches And Drinks In Cabo San Lucas

Cabo San Lucas, or simply Cabo, is a luxurious resort city located on the southern tip of Baja California in Mexico. It’s a place where the desert meets the mountains, making it a great option for a peaceful girls’ getaway with just a few nightlife options. Cabo offers more luxury and fewer nightlife options than other destinations on the list and other Mexican destinations.

Cabo is renowned for its large sandy beaches, scuba diving, spas and wildlife. As a result, it has become one of the best Mexican girls’ getaway destinations.

Best Time To Visit: December to March or May to June

Related Articles: The 13 Best AirBnBs in Cabo and 10 Best Mexico Girls Getaway Destinations .

14) Celebrate St Patrick’s Day In Dublin

St Patrick’s Day in Dublin is unlike anything you or your girls will have ever experienced before. The main celebration is the parade, when half a million people will line the streets to watch the colorful floats make their way from the start at Parnell Square to the finishing point at the junction of Kevin Street and Cuffe Street.

While St Patrick’s Day takes place on one day of the year, it’s a great time to visit Dublin and Ireland for a long weekend or weeklong trip, with plenty of other things to do and see around the city and further into the countryside.

The Irish city is also the home and birthplace of Guinness, and you can visit the Guinness Storehouse to learn all about the history of the famous drink and how it was created.

Best Time To Visit: March

Related Articles:  Glendalough – The Perfect Day Trip From Dublin

15) Chase The Northern Lights In Norway

If you’re planning a bucket-list girls’ getaway adventure, consider a trip to Norway during the winter months to see the Northern Lights.

You and your friends can have an amazing time riding snowmobiles , racing through the frozen tundra, visiting an authentic reindeer farm, and learning about the indigenous culture.

Don’t forget to pack your warm clothes and thermals, and be sure to head out late at night to witness the incredible Northern Lights.

Best Time To Visit: September to March

16) Hike and Seek Zen In Joshua Tree

Joshua Tree is a charming town in Southern California, overlooking the Coachella and Hidden Valley. Despite having a small population, it offers plenty of things to see and do.

The town is surrounded by stunning hiking trails and unique Joshua Trees and cactus-dotted Colorado and the Mojave Desert, offering panoramic views of the Coachella Valley.

Joshua Tree National Park is an awe-inspiring and breathtaking area of California. Though it may be a little off the beaten track, the park can be reached within two hours from Los Angeles and within one hour from Palm Springs. It is the perfect escape from LA for a nearby girls’ weekend or even for those traveling from further away to get out of the city and visit a different and unique area of California.

Related Articles:  The Ultimate Joshua Tree Bachelorette Guide and 5 Unique Experiences In Joshua Tree and Palm Springs .

17) Go Wine Tasting In Iconic Napa Valley

Napa Valley, located in the heart of California’s Wine Country, is world-renowned for its wine-tasting experiences. But beyond wine tasting, there are plenty of other activities and attractions that are worth exploring and enjoying, too.

With your best friends by your side, take in the breathtaking views of the rolling hills on unique hikes to enjoy the serene views.

Napa Valley is comprised of several small towns, each with its own distinct personality. Napa, Yountville, St. Helena, and Calistoga are the most popular towns from south to north, and it is easy to travel between each of them by car.

If you’re looking to plan a fantastic girls’ weekend in the United States, look no further than Napa Valley. If you’re searching for a relaxed getaway filled with wine, Napa Valley should be at the top of your list of places to visit.

Best Time To Visit: April or May

Related Articles:  The Ultimate Napa Valley Bachelorette Party Guide and Wine Tasting Guide: A Weekend Getaway To Napa Valley .

18) Explore And Spend Time Outdoors In Bend, Oregon

Bend, Oregon is a well-known destination for outdoor enthusiasts. Bend is known for its warm summers, river tubing, High Desert State Park, hiking trails, and vibrant music scene. Downtown Bend has a hipster vibe and a craft beer scene.

Bend and its surrounding areas provide plenty of activities all year round. During winter, visitors can enjoy dog sledding, Nordic skiing, skiing, snowboarding, snow blast tubing park, and snowshoeing on nearby Mt. Bachelor. In summer, Bend is great for camping, exploring downtown, attending festivals or concerts, mountain biking, hiking and caving.

The city is located between the peaks of the Cascade mountain range and the high desert plateau, making it an ideal location for adventure seekers looking for an exciting experience or as a stop-off on a Pacific Northwest road trip.

If you’re in need of relaxation, Bend, Oregon, also boasts full-day spas, along with happy hours in breweries. For something different, you can even go on a half-day volcano tour , exploring the shores of the sparkling Paulina Lake and passing a towering lava flow!

19) Relax In A Balinese Paradise

Bali is a small island, but it offers an incredible diversity of experiences, making it a perfect choice for a girls’ getaway further afield.

Seminyak is known for its shopping and dining, Kuta for its nightlife, and Uluwatu for its surfing. The markets and rice terraces around Ubud, and the stunning waterfalls of North Bali are also worth exploring. With so many things to do in Bali, you and your girls will never run out of options.

While in Bali, you and your girls can also visit world-class nightclubs or opt for a stay in a luxury resort.

Best Time To Visit: April to October

Related Articles: The Best Regions To Visit In Bali and Women’s Retreat in Bali by Travel Girls Getaways

20) Shop, Relax And Indulge In Dubai

Located in the United Arab Emirates, Dubai is well-known for its glitz, glamour, ultra-luxury hotels and award-winning restaurants.

Boosting extravagance and luxury, it is located in a modern oasis in the heart of the Arabian desert. In Dubai, you and your girls can spend the day partying at a beach bar/club, shop for luxury gifts, skydive, watch the incredible fountain show, relax on the Palm or purchase souvenirs in the Old Market, filled with spices, gold, and textiles. In Dubai, you can even go snowboarding or skiing and take in the sights of the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa .

Although no trip to Dubai is complete without taking a trip to the desert .

Best Time To Visit: October to May

21) Experience Mardi Gras In Nola

New Orleans, or Nola, is famous for Mardi Gras, daiquiris and Bourbon Street. With year-round parades and over-the-top street drinking, it’s the perfect destination for a festive bachelorette weekend or a girls’ getaway.

Mardi Gras is a festival that is celebrated in southern Louisiana, particularly in New Orleans. The festivities commence in January, but the main celebrations occur in the two weeks leading up to Shrove Tuesday. Typically, one significant parade takes place each day and some days have multiple large parades.

The most extensive and intricate parades are held during the last five days of the Mardi Gras season. During the final week, numerous events are conducted across New Orleans and nearby communities, including parades and masquerade balls.

During the weekend before Shrove Tuesday, visitors from all over the world experience the uniqueness of New Orleans during the Mardi Gras finale. This time is a great time to take a weekend or weeklong trip to the city with your girls.

Best Time To Visit: February

Related Articles: The Ultimate New Orleans Bachelorette Pary Guide and New Orleans, Louisana Ultimate City Guide .

22) Explore The Picturesque Streets Of Kyoto, Japan

Kyoto is a breathtakingly beautiful city and ideal for a girls’ getaway. If you’re planning your first trip to Japan, then Kyoto should be on your list.

This ancient city perfectly blends history, culture and natural beauty. During your stay, make sure you explore the stunning shrines, temples and Zen gardens. The captivating Nishiki Food Markets are a unique and wonderful culinary experience, with some of the best Japanese food options available here.

If you’re looking for a unique experience in Kyoto, hire kimonos and spend a day wandering around the charming streets of Gion. Gion is known for its traditional-style houses, where you can immerse yourself in the pre-World War II Geisha era. It’s a fantastic way to experience the culture and history of this enchanting city.

Best Time To Visit: Fall or Spring

23) Exploring Barcelona’s Culture And Food Scene

If you and your friends haven’t visited Barcelona yet, you should consider adding it to your list of vacation destinations for a girl’s getaway in 2024! Located on the northeastern coast of Spain, Barcelona is an ideal European summer destination for girls.

The city is filled with festivals and live events during the summer, so there’s always something happening around every corner.

Just picture yourself sitting by the ocean eating paella or tapas with a glass of sangria in hand – that’s the kind of experience you can expect in Barcelona during the summer.

There are plenty of things to do and see, including seeing the unfinished Sagrada Família, walking around the La Boqueria Market, visiting the Cathedral of Barcelona and the Gothic Quarter and exploring Park Güell .

Best Time To Visit: April to July

Related Articles: A Girls Getaway Guide to Barcelona and 20 Reasons To Fall In Love With Barcelona .

24) Road Trip Around Iceland

Iceland is a remarkable destination for a road trip or campervan adventure. Traveling at your own pace lets you fully experience everything Iceland offers. This type of trip is also a cost-effective way to explore the country, which is known for being expensive.

The duration of your trip will determine how much of Iceland you can see. If you have 2-3 days, you can visit Reykjavik, the Blue Lagoon, the Golden Circle, or the South Coast. For a 5-7 day trip, you can comfortably explore Reykjavik, most of Iceland’s South Coast (including the Glacier Lagoon), and the Golden Circle. An ideal 10-12 day trip can cover the Golden Circle, the Blue Lagoon, the South Coast, Northern Iceland and the Snaefellsnes Peninsula.

Related Articles:  Ultimate Iceland Roadtrip Packing Guide  and Ultimate Iceland First Timer’s Campervan Guide .

25) See The New York City Skyline

New York City is one of the most renowned cities in the world, offering a diverse range of activities and attractions that cater to everyone’s interests. Located on the East Coast of the United States, its rich history, vibrant energy, and 24/7 excitement make it a dream destination for many travelers.

New York City boasts top-notch museums, world-class dining, excellent bars, great shopping, and a wide variety of tours and activities, making it the perfect place for a girls’ getaway. Whether you’re looking to explore the city’s iconic landmarks, discover its hidden gems, or simply indulge in some retail therapy, NYC has something for everyone, including the Empire State Building, Rockafeller Center, Madison Square Garden, Central Park and the 9/11 Memorial and Museum.

Related Articles:  The Ultimate New York City Bachelorette Guide and Where To Stay In New York: Best Areas and Hotels .

26) Go Surfing in Malibu

Malibu is a renowned beach town located to the west of Los Angeles, California. It is famous for its luxurious beach homes, frequent celebrity sightings, and picturesque beaches.

The town boasts 26 miles of unspoiled coastline that runs up the coast from Los Angeles. If you plan to spend quality time with your girlfriends in California, a great activity for a day trip or girls’ getaway would be to visit Malibu for a surf lesson at the iconic Surfrider Beach.

Our founder, Vanessa Rivers, teaches private surf lessons year-round at Surfrider Beach and would love to take you and your girlfriends surfing when you visit Malibu!

The waves are perfect for beginners and also cater to intermediate and advanced surfers as well. There are three points at Surfrider Beach (First Point, Second Point, and Third Point) each offering a unique wave for every level.

Related Articles: The 20 Best AirBnBs in Malibu, California and California Articles .

Ultimate Girls Getaways For 2024 Wrap Up

I hope you’ve found this 2024 girls’ getaway guide helpful and that you are now excited to visit one or more of these destinations with your girls.

If you have questions about any of the destinations on this list or tips for our readers, please leave these in the comments below! And suppose you’re interested in visiting other cities in the United States. In that case, you can check out all our bachelorette party articles  for inspiration or all our  girl’s getaway guides  for other trip ideas.

We hope that this article has inspired you to take a girl’s getaway in 2024! I f you have any questions or advice to share with our readers, please leave these in the comments below.

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Read More About Girls Getaways

  • 10 Reasons To Join A Travel Girls Getaway
  • A Girl’s Guide To Vegas – When You Aren’t Into Clubs
  • How To Have The Perfect Girls Getaway In Barcelona
  • 8 Great Girls Getaway Ideas
  • How To Plan The Perfect Bachelorette Trip

We Are Travel Girls Co-Founder Vanessa Rivers Connect with Vanessa Website | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest |  YouTube 

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