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Tom Cruise Might Become the First Civilian to Spacewalk at the ISS

Universal is game to send Cruise into space for a proposed action film, but plans aren’t official yet

Sarah Kuta

Daily Correspondent

Astronaut on spacewalk

Astronauts spend years undergoing rigorous training before they make their first trip into space. And before becoming astronauts, they usually already have years of experience in related fields, such as engineering, geology, aeronautics, physics, medicine and biology; many have doctorates or have seen military combat.

But for actor Tom Cruise , a trip to space might just be another day at the office. Cruise hopes to shoot scenes for an as-yet-untitled action film at the International Space Station (ISS) in the near future. If he succeeds, he’d become “the first civilian to do a spacewalk outside of the space station,” according to Donna Langley , chairman of Universal Filmed Entertainment Group.

In a lengthy interview with the BBC ’s Katie Razzall, Langley reveals a few more details about the proposed movie, which is “still an aspiration at this stage,” per the BBC.

“Tom Cruise is taking us to space, he’s taking the world to space,” Langley tells the BBC. “That’s the plan. We have a great project in development with Tom.”

Tom Cruise at press conference

Cruise and director Doug Liman , who worked together on the 2014 movie Edge of Tomorrow , pitched the idea for the new film to Langley on a Zoom call during the pandemic. Though she didn’t share too many specific details about the plot, the general gist is that the storyline “actually takes place on earth, and then the character needs to go up to space to save the day.”

Cruise is already known for doing many of his own stunts, including some potentially dangerous ones , so it comes as no surprise that he’s willing to take a rocket to the space station for the sake of cinema. As Daniel Kreps writes for Rolling Stone , it’s unclear whether Cruise would actually go inside the ISS or just walk around outside of the orbiting laboratory.

NASA, for its part, seems willing to collaborate on the movie. Though he has since deleted the tweet, former NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine wrote in May 2020 that the agency is looking forward to working with Cruise. “We need popular media to inspire a new generation of engineers and scientists to make NASA’s ambitious plans a reality,” he wrote. Elon Musk, founder and CEO of SpaceX, which is working with NASA on a number of projects, replied that the project “should be a lot of fun!” As Deadline ’s Mike Fleming Jr. reported at the time, Musk, Cruise and NASA were all reportedly working together to make the film a reality.

Despite his lack of official astronaut training, Cruise does have some cinematic experience with space and aviation. In 2013, he played a futuristic drone technician who must defend Earth against alien invaders in Oblivion . He also narrated the 2002 Imax documentary Space Station 3D . One of his most popular air-and-space-related films, of course, is Top Gun , the 1986 flick about Navy fighter pilots. Cruise also recently starred in the sequel, Top Gun: Maverick .

Astronaut underwater

Since the space station’s launch nearly 24 years ago in 1998, ISS crewmembers have made just 253 spacewalks —in other words, they’re not something NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), Roscosmos or any of the other major space station partners take lightly. Spacewalks are inherently dangerous and, as such, NASA has a whole slew of rules and guidelines around them. As Paola Rosa-Aquino writes for , they’re also expensive and time-consuming—whenever possible, crewmembers try to use robotic arms to work outside the ISS.

Sometimes, though, astronauts (and Russian cosmonauts) have to go on spacewalks as a last resort. They typically have very specific reasons for leaving the space station, such as performing maintenance or installing new equipment. NASA calls these adventures “extravehicular activities.”

Wearing highly specialized suits outfitted with life support gear, crewmembers depart the space station through a special set of airlock doors. They remain attached to the space station via tethers, and they usually spend five to eight hours in space while completing their objectives.

Astronauts must complete special training before they undertake spacewalks. They spend a lot of time at NASA’s Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory near the Johnson Space Center in Houston. There, they practice spacewalks in a  6.2-million-gallon pool  in which they neither sink nor float. For every hour a crewmember will spend on an ISS spacewalk, they must spend seven hours in the pool, per NASA . They also train via virtual reality technologies that simulate extravehicular activities.

If Cruise ever does make it into orbit, there is another thing he’ll have to keep in mind: remembering to focus in the face of the vast cosmos. And that’s not necessarily an easy feat, as NASA astronaut Mike Fincke told CNN ’s Ashley Strickland last year.

“It’s really truly breathtaking,” he told the publication. “The only thing between you and the rest of the universe, seeing the whole cosmos of creation, is the glass faceplate of your visor on your helmet, and it’s just awe-inspiring.”

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Sarah Kuta

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Sarah Kuta is a writer and editor based in Longmont, Colorado. She covers history, science, travel, food and beverage, sustainability, economics and other topics.

Espace : Le film de Tom Cruise dans l’ISS se précise

Le film mettant en scène Tom Cruise à bord de l’ISS devrait être tourné d’ici la fin de l’année 2024.

Tom Cruise Top Gun Maverick

Quelques mois après le tournage du tout premier film réalisé dans l’espace , la Station Spatiale Internationale va avoir droit à une nouvelle envolée dans le monde du cinéma. Cette fois, c’est la star américaine Tom Cruise qui va se prêter au jeu, avec un film réalisé — en partie — au sein de l’ISS. Pour l’occasion l’acteur aura même droit à son propre module , baptisé SEE_1, et qui projette déjà de s’amarrer à la station à la rentrée 2024. Un module gonflable original mais pas inédit, qui devrait par la suite, permettre d’accueillir des tournages pour le cinéma, mais aussi des concerts, des émissions, et même des compétitions sportives, rapporte Variety.

Le synopsis se précise

Encore très mystérieux, ce long-métrage inédit mettant en scène Tom Cruise dans l’espace — le vrai — ne sera évidemment pas tourné entièrement sur l’ISS. Accompagné du seul réalisateur Doug Liman, le voyage en orbite de l’acteur devrait être relativement court , la majorité du long-métrage étant prévue sur Terre. Certaines images d’illustration pourraient cependant être tournées depuis une fusée , afin d’éviter au maximum l’utilisation de CGI.

Concernant le synopsis de l’histoire, on ne dispose d’encore rien de très précis. Toujours selon les informations de Variety, il ne s’agira pas d’un film de science-fiction comme on pourrait s’y attendre, mais plutôt d’une action-aventure , dans laquelle Tom Cruise campe le rôle d’un homme banal et foncièrement malchanceux. Par un concours de circonstances qu’on devine rocambolesque, le personnage se retrouvera finalement envoyé en orbite pour sauver la planète bleue d’une mort certaine.

Mission impossible pour Tom Cruise ?

Validée par la NASA, l’idée de mettre Tom Cruise en orbite constituera une aventure inédite pour l’acteur, pourtant habitué aux missions impossibles. Selon Universal, le tournage devrait débuter juste après la fin de Mission Impossible 8 , dont le coup d’envoi est prévu d’ici quelques semaines en Afrique du Sud, sous la direction de Christopher McQuarrie.

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Source : Variety

Espace ISS Tom Cruise

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Ont nous casse les bonbons au nom de l écologie et tout le monde trouve cool et normal d aller faire un film sur l Iss

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Producers on a Tom Cruise film set in space are planning to launch the world's first movie studio connected to the International Space Station

  • UK-based Space Entertainment Enterprise signed a deal to launch the first entertainment studio in space.
  • The ISS module is intended for creatives who want to film in low-orbit, micro-gravity environments.
  • The studio is tied to a highly-anticipated Tom Cruise-led project, which is working with SpaceX and NASA to shoot on the ISS.

Insider Today

The film industry is quite literally reaching new heights, with the forthcoming launch of the world's first entertainment studio and multi-purpose arena in space.

Elena and Dmitry Lesnevsky, producers on an upcoming Tom Cruise movie set in space, announced on Thursday that they signed a deal to build a fully operational movie studio connected to the International Space Station. The 20-foot-wide studio, dubbed Space Entertainment Enterprise-1 (SEE-1), is slated to launch December 2024 and will be the world's first functional entertainment and content studio in space.

SEE-1 will be developed in partnership with Huston-based space infrastructure developer, Axiom Space, the company behind the world's first commercial space station, Axiom Station. Once it's ready for launch, the studio will dock with Axiom Station, which is currently attached to the ISS.

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According to Axiom, the module will be able to support production, broadcast, and live-streaming for film, television, music, and sports projects.

"Adding a dedicated entertainment venue to Axiom Station's commercial capabilities in the form of SEE-1 will expand the station's utility as a platform for a global user base and highlight the range of opportunities the new space economy offers," Axiom president and CEO Michael Suffredini said in a statement.

The Levenskys' U.K. studio confirmed to CNBC it is currently in production on the Tom Cruise-led film, though it is not clear whether Cruise will wait for the debut of the SEE-1 studio to shoot. 

NASA previously granted Axiom a $140 million contract to attach its habitable module to the International Space Station. The company will eventually detach Axiom Station before the ISS retires, at which point it will become a free-flying space station.

The Lesnevskys plans on producing their own content from the SEE-1 module, but also said they plan to open up the habitable space station for use by other entertainment companies.

While the Cruise-led space movie currently remains untitled, the project is not tied to the actor's blockbuster "Mission Impossible" franchise, Deadline reported . The budget for the film is estimated to be a whopping $200 million, according to IMDB Pro .

Cruise, whose projects are known for pushing the limits in production and stunt filming capabilities , announced in 2020 he was working with Elon Musk's SpaceX and NASA to shoot the first narrative feature onboard the ISS.

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A talk with Tom Cruise as the astronauts cruise around the planet.

tom cruise dans l'iss

By Kenneth Chang

  • Sept. 17, 2021

Maverick has called space.

The Inspiration4 crew has talked to the actor Tom Cruise: Maverick was the call sign of his fighter pilot character in the 1986 movie “Top Gun.”

Rook, Nova, Hanks, and Leo spoke to @TomCruise sharing their experience from space. Maverick, you can be our wingman anytime. — Inspiration4 (@inspiration4x) September 17, 2021

Like the Top Gun character, the four astronauts orbiting Earth have their own call signs. Jared Isaacman, the billionaire underwriting the mission, has flown fighter jets and already had a call sign: Rook, short for rookie. As part of the training for flying to orbit, Mr. Isaacman took his crewmates up in the air for fighter jet flights so they could experience high-G forces during sharp turns.

The other three crew members chose their own call signs. Hayley Arceneaux is Nova, Sian Proctor is Leo and Christopher Sembroski is Hanks.

Mr. Cruise also has space dreams. In May 2020, Jim Bridenstine, then the administrator of NASA, confirmed that the space agency had talked with Mr. Cruise about shooting a film on the International Space Station.

Since then, there has been no update about the progress of the movie or when Mr. Cruise may blast off. But he will return to the cockpit in a sequel called “Top Gun: Maverick,” now expected to be released in May 2022.

But if he does go, he will probably not be the first actor shooting a movie in space. A Russian actress and a director are scheduled to visit the space station next month to make a movie named “Challenge,” about a surgeon sent to orbit to save the life of a Russian astronaut.

Kenneth Chang has been at The Times since 2000, writing about physics, geology, chemistry, and the planets. Before becoming a science writer, he was a graduate student whose research involved the control of chaos. More about Kenneth Chang

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Tom Cruise to shoot next movie out of this world — aboard space station

May 6, 2020 / 3:49 PM EDT / AFP

Tom Cruise will film his next Hollywood blockbuster on location — 250 miles up in the air and orbiting the Earth once every 90 minutes.

The "Top Gun" star will be flying through the stratosphere shooting an as-yet-unknown film aboard the International Space Station (ISS), NASA said Tuesday.

The space agency's director Jim Bridenstine confirmed the news on Twitter, saying he was excited that the move would "inspire a new generation of engineers and scientists" to work on space travel.

Cruise, 56, famously still does his own cliff-hanging, car-rolling stunts.

He got his commercial piloting license after his role in Top Gun as Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, a hotshot U.S. Navy pilot who has a dangerous and reckless flying style, and reportedly flew some aircraft in the long-awaited sequel to the 1986 classic due later this year.

But if his latest daring project goes ahead, Cruise will be the first Hollywood A-lister to appear onscreen from outside the planet's atmosphere.

Entertainment website Deadline Hollywood first reported rumors of the film shoot over the weekend, adding that tech mogul Elon Musk 's SpaceX venture was attached to the project.

SpaceX is slated to launch astronauts to space from U.S. soil for the first time in nearly a decade later this month aboard the Crew Dragon, which would dock with the ISS.

Musk and SpaceX have yet to confirm their involvement in the film venture, but Musk responded to Bridenstine's tweet with one of his own, saying it "should be a lot of fun."

Deadline Hollywood said there were few other details known about the movie project but reported it won't be part of Cruise's box office hit franchise "Mission: Impossible."

The seventh film in that series is set to hit screens next year following a production delay due to the coronavirus pandemic .

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Tom Cruise to Film Aboard the International Space Station

By Dave McNary

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Tom Cruise

One small step for Tom Cruise , one giant leap for moviemaking?

Cruise is partnering with NASA to shoot a movie, at least in part, aboard the Intl. Space Station, NASA has confirmed, the first narrative feature to be shot in space.

“NASA is excited to work with @TomCruise on a film aboard the @Space_Station,” NASA administrator Jim Bridentsine tweeted on Tuesday. “We need popular media to inspire a new generation of engineers and scientists to make @NASA’s ambitious plans a reality.”

NASA is excited to work with @TomCruise on a film aboard the @Space_Station ! We need popular media to inspire a new generation of engineers and scientists to make @NASA ’s ambitious plans a reality. — Jim Bridenstine (@JimBridenstine) May 5, 2020

Deadline Hollywood first reported Monday night that Cruise and Elon Musk’s SpaceX were in the early stages of teaming up with NASA for an action-adventure feature film that would be shot in outer space. Plot details have not been revealed, although Deadline reports that it will not be an installment of Cruise’s “Mission: Impossible” franchise.

It’s unclear how Cruise will pull off this feat, but, even at 57, he’s insisted on doing his own stunts, including a freefall at 200 mph in 2018’s “Mission: Impossible — Fallout.”

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Cruise’s next film is “ Top Gun: Maverick ,” in which he reprises his role as Captain Pete “Maverick” Mitchell, a test pilot and flight instructor. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Paramount has moved “Top Gun: Maverick” off its July 12 release date to Dec. 23, 2020.

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Tom Cruise Might Be the First Civilian to Spacewalk Outside the ISS

The 60-year-old actor will launch to space to shoot a movie onboard the orbiting space station..

Tom Cruise at "The Mummy" New York Fan Event in New York City.

Tom Cruise is gearing up for the ultimate, gravity-defying stunt where he will be hanging off of a space station as it orbits the Earth at an altitude of 254 miles (408 kilometers).

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Indeed, the Hollywood star is not only heading to space for his next film location, but may be the first civilian to do a spacewalk outside the International Space Station (ISS). Cruise is known for doing his own stunts, and this will definitely take the actor’s daredevil reputation to new heights (quite literally!).

In a recent interview with BBC, Chairman of Universal Filmed Entertainment Group Donna Langley suggested that Cruise will perform the extravehicular activity outside the space station as part of the upcoming film shoot that’s set to take place on board the ISS.

Universal reportedly signed off on the project, although the film is still in the development stages. The film will shoot on board the ISS, and Cruise is supposed to board a rocket and head towards low Earth orbit for his role as a man tasked with saving Earth. Although the plot might be rather unoriginal, the film could break a few records during its shoot.

Cruise and director Doug Liman had pitched the film to Langley in 2020, she revealed in the BBC interview. At the time, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine sent out a tweet declaring the space agency’s support of the project. “NASA is excited to work with Tom Cruise on a film aboard the Space Station!,” he wrote . Reports had also suggested that Cruise was working with Elon Musk’s private space venture SpaceX on the project, assuming that the actor might ride aboard one of their rockets to get to the space station. “Should be a lot of fun!” Musk responded to Bridenstine’s Twitter post.

It’s not clear where the film stands today in terms of its timeline, but Langley said during the interview that Cruise will be “the first civilian to do a spacewalk outside of the space station.”

The ISS welcomed its first private astronaut crew earlier this year, where the four crew members spent 15 days living and working in the microgravity environment as part of Axiom Space’s Ax-1 mission. NASA is already planning for the second private crew to board the space station in the second quarter of 2023, and the space agency sent out a call for proposals for two more private astronaut missions to the ISS that could fly to low Earth orbit as early as late 2023. However, NASA stipulated that any mission concept that involves spacewalks conducted by the private astronaut mission will not be accepted.

On the other hand, the all-private Polaris Dawn crew , which is scheduled to launch in December, includes a spacewalk as part of the mission itinerary. It’s not clear whether Cruise will have enough time to beat the Polaris crew for the title of first civilian spacewalk, with the crew having already been training for their trip to space since May .

The 60-year-old actor will still have to put in the work to be able to go to space, and not just rely on a career of action-packed, cor ny and self-righteous movies (except for Vanilla Sky , that was great). But seriously, spacewalks are no joke , and Cruise better be ready for the microgravity environment.

An earlier version of this post incorrectly described this upcoming mission as being the first to film on board the ISS. A Russian film crew worked aboard the space station last year, making it the first to do so.

More: NASA Suspends ISS Spacewalks Because Its Spacesuits Are Leaking Water

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L'acteur Tom Cruise va se rendre dans l'espace, à bord de l'ISS pour tourner un film

Tom Cruise pourrait ainsi devenir le premier acteur à tourner dans l'espace

l'essentiel C'est une première historique. Tom Cruise doit tourner une séquence de son prochain film à bord de la Station Spatiale Internationale. Il deviendrait le premier acteur à tourner dans l'espace.

Hollywood à la conquête de l'espace ? En octobre 2021, Tom Cruise tournera une scène de son prochain film à bord de la Station Spatiale Internationale (ISS). Une première historique. 

Un projet incroyable, mais d'ores et déjà confirmé par la NASA et Elon Musk. Tom Cruise, 58 ans, partira en compagnie du réalisateur Doug Liman ; avec qui il a déjà tourné plusieurs films (Edge of Tomorrow, Barry Seal...). "Ça n'est pas un projet abstrait, on va le faire ce film ! On n'en parlerait pas si on n'avait pas déjà réglé toutes les histoires d'assurance", a affirmé le réalisateur selon France Info . Tom Cruise et Doug Liman embarqueront à bord d'une capsule Space X pour tourner une scène de leur prochain film dans la Station Spatiale Internationale. 

NASA is excited to work with @TomCruise on a film aboard the @Space_Station ! We need popular media to inspire a new generation of engineers and scientists to make @NASA ’s ambitious plans a reality. — Jim Bridenstine (@JimBridenstine) May 5, 2020

La star de Mission Impossible, l'un des rares acteurs d'Hollywood à réaliser lui-même toutes ses cascades, s'attaque donc à un nouveau challenge. Lui et son réalisateur devraient décoller d'ici octobre prochain pour une période de dix jours.

Côté budget, il s'élèverait à près de 200 millions de dollars (comptez au moins 50 millions par personne pour monter à bord d'une capsule Space X !) Reste que l'acteur américain ne croisera pas la route de Thomas Pesquet : l'astronaute français termine sa mission en août 2021. 

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Les ricains envoient la scientologie dans l'espace pour prouver que leur messie est bien Tom Crouuzze 🤪🤪 . Jésus est monté au Ciel par la grâce de Dieu, Cruze, lui, grâce au pognon 😂😂. Cordialement

tom cruise dans l'iss

et parmi ceux qui prétendent que cet argent permettraient de faire vivre des "pauvres", combien paieront pour voir le film ?

tom cruise dans l'iss

Pas moi, d'autant que je ne souhaite pas alimenter une secte !... Et je préfèrerais que cet argent soit utilisé pour ceux qui en ont besoin pour survivre. Ca dérange vos convictions mais je m'en contre fous !

Payer pour aller voir Cruise?...heu

Chut! Ils vont lui faire croire qu'il se trouve sur Mars en faisant atterrir la capsule en Palestine.

Il en profitera pour régler la situation, aucune mission impossible pour la scientologie.

Signaler un abus

Screen Rant

New tom cruise movie will film aboard the iss confirms nasa.

Tom Cruise's most recently announced ground-breaking film will not only be shot in space, but aboard the International Space Station, NASA confirms.

Tom Cruise 's newest movie will film aboard the ISS, confirms NASA. Cruise has long been seen as one of the leading boundary pushing actors working, having taken the Mission: Impossible series (and action films in general) to dizzying new heights. It should come as no surprise to many, then, that given the star’s extensive background and willingness to endure actual physical harm in order to entertain audiences, a trip to space was bound to happen eventually.

Recent news has revealed that Cruise is busy working out the specifics of a new action project, which will be shot in space . The currently unnamed film will reportedly see Cruise join forces with Elon Musk’s SpaceX program, as well as NASA. At present there remains many unanswered questions, and for some, the news seems absurd, given all the different ways in which such an endeavor could be hugely problematic. What’s more, the reality of such a project is perhaps too much for many to take on right now, given the current state of Hollywood and the world. However, few people seem to enjoy exactly this sort of challenge more than Cruise, and so far, the project is looking increasingly real.

Related: Where To Watch Every Mission: Impossible Movie Online

The latest bit of publicly confirmed information on the project comes to fans courtesy of a tweet from NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine . In it, Bridenstine reveals the unnamed project will film aboard the International Space Station (ISS). The ISS is a low orbit space station, which is operated and manned by five different nations and their respective space agencies. You can check out Bridenstine’s tweet below, in which he delivers the exciting news as well as his hopes that Cruise’s film will help " to inspire a new generation of engineers and scientists ":

The ISS has been in orbit now for over two decades and has been occupied for 19 years. As previously mentioned, it is a joint project between the space agencies of the United States, Canada, Japan, Russia and Europe. There’s currently no information regarding how much of Cruise’s new film will take place on the ISS, but the fact that any filming at all is taking place there is quite phenomenal. At present, Cruise still needs to finish work on both Mission: Impossible 7 and 8 , and even then it’s hard to imagine any work taking place in outer space and aboard the ISS as long as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a major issue. Nonetheless, even if the film doesn’t arrive for years, the mere idea of Cruise shooting in space is amazing.

At the same time, however, Cruise’s need to shoot a film in space could simply annoy some. With his never ending desire to up the ante, the question has to be asked if audiences are really going to know the difference between an actual space station in outer space or special effects and a set done on earth. Is Cruise going to space out of necessity, or is the entire thing little more than a publicity stunt borne out of his desire for another tick on his bucket list? All of it remains to be seen, and right now all that is certain about this new project is that it is filled with risk and will undoubtedly be a massive financial gamble. Then again, judging by Tom Cruise ’s resume, that’s exactly how he prefers things.

Next: How Tall Is Tom Cruise?

Source: Jim Bridenstine/Twitter

Tom Cruise Will Be the First Civilian to Spacewalk Outside of the ISS

Universal Pictures Chairwoman Donna Langley reveals that Tom Cruise's upcoming film could make him the first civilian to spacewalk outside the ISS.

Tom Cruise is looking to make history on his next film.

The actor is currently developing an untitled action movie with director Doug Liman that will see the Mission: Impossible star hopefully become the first civilian to do a spacewalk outside the International Space Station. "Tom Cruise is taking us to space. He’s taking the world to space. That’s the plan," Universal Pictures Chairwoman Donna Langley said in an interview with BBC . "We have a great project in development with Tom, that does contemplate him doing just that. Taking a rocket up to the space station and shooting and hopefully being the first civilian to do a spacewalk outside of the space station."

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Langley also revealed new details about the upcoming space film, which has been in development since May 2020. Cruise will play "a down-on-his-luck guy who finds himself in the position of being the only person who could save Earth." The movie is expected to take place mostly on Earth, but will send Cruise's character to space "to save the day." The film has reportedly been budgeted at $200 million, with Cruise set to earn upwards of $60 million for his role as both producer and star.

A Flight That Would Make Maverick Proud

Cruise can currently be seen as United States Navy Captain Pete "Maverick" Mitchell in Top Gun: Maverick , which has enjoyed a long and successful run in theaters. Maverick is currently the highest-grossing film of 2022, having earned just shy of $1.5 billion at the global box office. The film's resounding success has led many critics and moviegoers to declare the long-awaited sequel the film of the summer . Just as Maverick saw TOPGUN graduates embark on a mission the likes of which no living pilot has ever seen, Cruise's upcoming space film will see Universal attempt something no other studio in Hollywood has done before: film a narrative feature film in outer space.

The untitled project reunites Cruise with Liman after previously collaborating on the films Edge of Tomorrow (2014) and American Made (2020). While further details on the upcoming film remain under wraps, both NASA and Elon Musk’s SpaceX company are reportedly involved with the film's scenes that will be shot in space.

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Cruise is currently busy finishing filming on Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part Two , which will once again be directed by Christopher McQuarrie. While Universal's space film is believed to be Cruise's next project after Mission: Impossible , the actor is also developing three future films with McQuarrie. One will be an original song and dance-style musical, another will be an original action film with franchise potential, and the last is a potential solo project featuring Cruise's Tropic Thunder character Les Grossman .

Cruise will next appear in Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One , which is scheduled to open in theaters on July 14, 2023.

Source: BBC

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Tom Cruise will work with NASA on first movie filmed in space, NASA says

The international space station will be the set.

By Loren Grush

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International Space Station

NASA is working with Tom Cruise to film the first movie shot in space, according to NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine. The details of the project aren’t clear, but Bridenstine says the film will take place aboard the International Space Station.

Bridenstine didn’t say how Cruise will be participating in the adventure, but a NASA spokesperson confirmed to CNN that Cruise will launch to space and stay on board the ISS. Cruise is well-known for performing increasingly impressive stunts in his recent films, including clutching the side of an Airbus A400 as it takes off in 2015’s Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation . It’s hard to think of a more difficult stunt to pull than making a feature film in space.

News of a possible collaboration between Cruise and NASA was first reported by Deadline . The report said that Cruise was working with SpaceX to shoot the film, though neither NASA nor SpaceX has confirmed that speculation. SpaceX did announce in February that it will launch four private citizens to orbit around Earth at the end of 2021 or in early 2022 . The passengers are set to fly in SpaceX’s newly developed Crew Dragon spacecraft, which is slated to fly its first NASA astronauts to the International Space Station later this month.

When asked for comment, NASA declined to provide more details. “We will say more about the project at the appropriate time,” a NASA spokesperson told The Verge . “Anything else would be premature.” Hours later, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk tweeted at Bridenstine : “Should be a lot of fun!”

Update May 6th, 11:40AM ET: This post was updated to include additional reporting from CNN.

Update May 5th, 8:08PM ET: This post was updated to include a statement from NASA and an Elon Musk tweet.

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Foust Forward | Tom Cruise, the ISS, and the challenges of making movies in space

tom cruise dans l'iss

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tom cruise dans l'iss

NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine has frequently discussed how the agency could be a beacon of hope during the coronavirus pandemic. He argued that missions like the upcoming SpaceX Demo-2 commercial crew test flight and launch of the Mars 2020 rover could uplift the public’s spirits and show what the nation was capable of doing during an otherwise dark chapter.

But those missions might get upstaged by Tom Cruise. The entertainment publication Deadline first reported May 4 that the superstar was in talks with both NASA and SpaceX to film an action adventure movie on the International Space Station. The article suggested that Cruise, known for doing many of his own stunts, would go to the station.

Bridenstine appeared to confirm that in a tweet the next day, writing that “NASA is excited to work with @TomCruise on a film aboard the @Space_Station!” The statement was a little ambiguous, though, leaving open the possibility that Cruise may stay on terra firma during the film’s production, just as he did when he narrated a 2002 IMAX documentary about the station.

The idea of producing a feature film or television show in space has been around for decades. The cash-strapped Russian space program of the post-Soviet era was interested in any project that could generate hard currency, which led to filming of commercials on Mir and the ISS for companies ranging from Radio Shack to an Israeli milk producer.

More ambitious projects, though, foundered. A Russian director, Yuri Kara, sought to fly two actors to Mir for what was described as a “sci-fi romance” film in the 1990s but failed to secure the funding. At the peak of his fame from the Survivor reality TV show, Mark Burnett proposed Destination: Mir, a reality show where the winner went to Mir, but the station crashed to Earth before the show could launch. And director James Cameron lobbied for years to fly to the ISS for a documentary but has remained grounded.

From a technical and legal standpoint, filming a movie on the ISS is now more feasible than ever. Commercial crew vehicles like Crew Dragon and Starliner offer improved access to the station, while Axiom Space is planning a commercial module for the ISS that could offer additional volume to accommodate filmmaking. NASA now has a commercial use policy for the ISS along with a price list for the use of space station resources.

The real challenge is, like so many other space-related ventures, closing the business case. A seat on a commercial crew vehicle is likely to cost at least $50 million, with a movie requiring at least two or three seats (say, two actors and a director/camera operator.) That’s as much as $150 million before accounting for the other costs of filming in space, as well as salaries, marketing and other expenses. By comparison, Cruise’s latest Mission: Impossible film, Mission: Impossible – Fallout, cost $178 million.

Moreover, you don’t need to go to space to make a convincing space film. While Gravity’s depiction of an orbital debris cascade wiping out everything in low Earth orbit was hyperbolic, much of the rest of the movie looked quite realistic. You didn’t need much suspension of disbelief to think that Sandra Bullock really was floating inside the space station, rather than a soundstage. And it cost just $100 million.

With the movie industry struggling right now — productions halted, new releases postponed and theaters closed — its appetite for an extremely expensive new project, even with a star like Cruise attached and the unique aspect of filming in space, might be limited. The Deadline article noted no studio had yet signed onto the project.

If anyone can make this work, it’s Cruise. In a 2018 interview with the magazine Empire, Cameron said he and Cruise discussed back in 2000 flying together on a Soyuz mission to the ISS for a film project, although the idea never got far. But in the end, it may be a mission even Ethan Hunt can’t accept


Jeff Foust writes about space policy, commercial space, and related topics for SpaceNews.

His Foust Forward column appears in every issue of the magazine. This column ran in the May 11, 2020 issue.

Jeff Foust writes about space policy, commercial space, and related topics for SpaceNews. He earned a Ph.D. in planetary sciences from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a bachelor’s degree with honors in geophysics and planetary science... More by Jeff Foust

tom cruise dans l'iss

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The Russian actor Yulia Peresild

Space race 2: Russian actor bound for ISS in same month as Tom Cruise

Hollywood star is aiming to be first to shoot a feature film in space, but Russia has launched rival bid

The space race appears set for a relaunch following the news that Russia is to send an actor and director to the International Space Station in October, with the ambition of making the first feature film in space.

The crew are scheduled to begin their expedition on 5 October 2021. While on the space station they could encounter some fellow film-makers: Tom Cruise and the director Doug Liman, who are also due to travel there in October to make a movie.

The exact date of Cruise’s blastoff has not yet been revealed, but the departure of the Russians in the first few days of the month suggests an intention to beat the Americans.

Russia was first reported to be mounting a rival production last year, shortly after plans were confirmed last summer for Cruise, who will be 59 at the time of his mission, to go into low Earth orbit, backed by Nasa and Elon Musk.

Tom Cruise.

In November 2020, a casting announcement from the Russian space agency Roscosmos said it was searching for “a real superhero to go to the stars … at the same time as becoming a big international star”.

Potential candidates for the female lead in the film needed to be between 25 and 40 years old and a Russian citizen, to weigh between 50kg and 70kg and have a “chest girth” of up to 112cm.

“Additionally, she must be able to run 1km in three and a half minutes or less, swim 800 metres freestyle in 20 minutes, and dive from a 3-metre springboard with an impressive technique.” Previous acting experience was not required.

On Thursday it was announced that the actor Yulia Peresild, 36, and the director Klim Shipenko, 37, had been chosen. Both will undergo training including centrifuge tests and flights in zero gravity, starting no later than 1 June. This pre-flight boot camp will be documented by one of Russia’s main TV channels, Channel One, which will also be involved in producing the film.

Peresild’s previous work includes roles in popular Russian TV series and a number of patriotic war films, including 2015’s Battle for Sevastopol, in which she played Lyudmila Pavlichenko, a young Soviet woman who joined the red army and became an accomplished sniper.

Shipenko’s most recent release was Salyut 7, a disaster movie recreating the 1985 Soyuz T-13 mission to dock with and retrieve a space station after contact with it was been lost.

Roscosmos said Challenge will be a “space drama” that would aim to “popularise Russia’s space activities, as well as glorify cosmonaut profession”. No further details of the plot or about Peresild’s role have been released.

Roscosmos’s director general, Dmitry Rogozin, will co-produce the film.

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Le film de Tom Cruise dans l'espace sera tourné seulement en partie dans l'ISS

L'acteur Tom Cruise

L'acteur Tom Cruise - Chris Delmas - AFP

On en sait désormais un peu plus sur le film que Tom Cruise prévoit de tourner dans l'espace. Selon les informations de Variety , seulement une partie du tournage aura lieu dans l'ISS. Le reste se déroulera sur Terre.

Plus étonnant encore, le long-métrage ne sera pas une histoire de science-fiction, mais un récit d'aventures où Tom Cruise incarnera un homme malchanceux qui se trouve être la seule personne capable de sauver le monde.

Le tournage se déroulera l'année prochaine. Le réalisateur Doug Liman ( Edge of Tomorrow ) travaille encore sur le scénario avec Christopher McQuarrie, fidèle collaborateur de Tom Cruise et réalisateur de Jack Reacher et des derniers Mission Impossible .

Ce projet spatial sera le prochain film de Tom Cruise une fois le tournage du huitième volet de Mission Impossible terminé. Prévu initialement pour juillet 2023, le film a été repoussé à juin 2024 à cause de la pandémie. Une suite de Top Gun et le septième volet de Mission Impossible doivent sortir d'ici là.

Déjà un film russe tourné dans l'ISS

Une fiction russe, Le Défi , a déjà été tournée au cours de l'automne dernier dans l'ISS. Réalisé en 12 jours, ce film réalisé par Klim Chipenko met en scène une médecin (Ioulia Peressild) ayant pour mission de sauver un cosmonaute.

Ce premier long-métrage tourné dans l'espace a eu valeur d'"expérience", a estimé Klim Chipenko, qui a manié la caméra, le maquillage et l'éclairage dans l'espace exigu du segment russe de l'ISS.

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La Space Entertainment Enterprise (S.E.E) a enfin révélé son intention de lancer en décembre 2024 un studio de cinéma dans l'espace . Baptisée SEE-1, cette entité sera rattachée à l'ISS avant de s'en détacher à partir de 2028 et de graviter autour.

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NASA confirms work on a Tom Cruise movie to be shot aboard the International Space Station

tom cruise dans l'iss

NASA is indeed working with actor Tom Cruise on a film to be shot in space — aboard the International Space Station (ISS), it turns out. NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine confirmed the news, which was detailed in an earlier report , via a tweet today . The ISS setting is a new detail to the plan, which was first reported by Deadline , and which also named SpaceX as a potential partner on the film project, which is said to be in an early preparatory phase.

NASA has previously talked about how it would like to open the ISS to more commercial ventures, and offering it as a filming location is definitely one way to do that. Bridenstine notes that including scientific endeavors like the floating orbital platform in popular media serves as a way “to inspire a new generation of engineers and scientists” that can help the agency achieve its goals.

SpaceX will presumably take part as Cruise rides to the ISS (assuming the actor is actually going to be the one heading there to film on site, but I have a hard time imagining Cruise would pass that up). The SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule is set for a final demonstration mission later this month to establish its ability to carry humans to and from the ISS with a crew launch of two NASA astronauts.

NASA and SpaceX have planned to make part of the Crew Dragon’s passenger capacity available to commercial entities. The spacecraft can carry up to seven passengers, but NASA will only ever book four of those seats, according to the agency’s plans. The idea is that commercial bookings can help the agency offset the cost of launches further still.

Paying for an actor (or two?) and a film crew to take a trip to the ISS will definitely help with sharing the cost of gas for the ride. No word yet on when this will actually take place, or how set in stone the plans are, however. SpaceX has previously announced that it will be offering private tourist flights aboard Crew Dragon, with the current plan to start those either late next year, or in 2022.

Au premier plan, le segment Axiom de la Station spatiale internationale avec le module gonflable SEE-1 (la grosse boule) qui fera office de lieu de divertissement. Le segment Axoim pourrait compter jusqu'à 6 modules et une coupole d'observation de la Terre. Les deux premiers modules de ce segment, le nœud de jonction Node 1 (AxN1) et le module d'habitation (AxH), seront réalisés par Thales Alenia Space. © Space Entertainment Enterprise

Bientôt un studio de cinéma dans l'espace pour Tom Cruise

Tourisme spatial

Station spatiale internationale

Vols habités

Privatisation de l'espace

Thales Alenia Space

Tom Cruise, qui doit tourner à bord de la Station spatiale internationale les scènes d’un film réalisé par Doug Liman, aura son propre studio en orbite. Baptisé SEE_1, ce module sera amarré au segment Axiom de la Station spatiale. Son lancement est prévu en septembre 2024.

au sommaire

Les producteurs du futur film que doit tourner l'acteur américain Tom Cruise dans l'espace, à bord de la Station spatiale internationale, ont annoncé qu'ils prévoyaient de fixer un studio au segment Axiom du complexe orbital complexe orbital . Ils ont passé un contrat avec Axiom Space pour la réalisation de ce module. Les détails financiers du contrat du studio avec Axiom n'ont pas été divulgués. On ne sait pas grand chose sur ce projet de film ni sur la nature des scènes qui seront tournées et pour lesquelles Tom Cruise ne s'est pas exprimé publiquement. Space Entertainment Enterprise , qui produira le film, est actuellement en discussion avec des investisseurs et des partenaires potentiels et prévoit une nouvelle levée de fonds.

Le saviez-vous ?

Le film que doit tourner Tom Cruise à bord de la Station spatiale internationale ne sera pas le premier réalisé à bord du complexe orbital. L’actrice Yulia Peresild et Klim Shipenko, le réalisateur du film «  The Challenge  » dont la sortie est prévue vers la fin de l'année 2022, ont séjourné à bord de l’ISS en octobre 2021 pour tourner plusieurs scènes du film. Tom Cruise, qui souhaitait devenir le premier acteur à tourner dans l'espace, s'est donc fait griller la politesse par l'actrice russe Yulia Peresild.

Le lancement de ce module, baptisé SEE-1, pour Space Entertainment Enterprise,  est prévu en décembre 2024. Il agrandira le segment Axiom que la société prévoit de connecter à la station spatiale en septembre 2024. Les deux premiers éléments d'Axiom seront construits par Thales Alenia Space, ils seront le nœud de jonction Node Node 1 (AxN1) et le module d'habitation (AxH). Le but d'Axiom Space est de rendre autonome sa station et de la séparer de l'ISS d'ici une dizaine d'années.

Une actrice et un réalisateur viennent de décoller pour l'espace

D'un diamètre de 6 mètres, ce module sera, d'après le communiqué du studio Space Entertainment Enterprise,  le «  premier studio de contenu et de divertissement au monde et une arène arène polyvalente dans l'espace  ». Ce module ne sera pas construit en acier. Il sera gonflable et devrait s'inspirer de la technologie utilisée par l'entreprise, aujourd'hui fermée, Bigelow Aerospace Bigelow Aerospace qui a connecté à la Station spatiale internationale le module gonflable Beam en septembre 2016. Ce module a prouvé depuis sa solidité et son ergonomie. La Nasa continue de l'utiliser et s'en sert pour stocker du matériel, essentiellement scientifique.

Vue d'artiste de la future station spatiale commerciale Axiom après avoir été séparée de la Station spatiale internationale. Les modules pressurisés de cette station seront construits par Thales Alenia Space. © <em>Space Entertainment Enterprise</em>

Le segment Axiom sera desservi par les Crew Dragon de SpaceX

L'ajout d'un module, qui pourra être adapté en « lieu de divertissement » au segment Axiom de la Station spatiale, devrait renforcer l'attractivité commerciale d'Axiom Space qui commercialise son segment pour de multiples activités. Axiom Space, dont les contrats de lancement signés avec SpaceX SpaceX ,  porte porte  à quatre le nombre de missions habitées qui seront lancées à destination de la Station spatiale internationale d'ici 2023. Ces missions seront réalisées par le Falcon 9 et le Crew Dragon de SpaceX. 

La première mission d'Axiom, AX-1, annoncée en mars 2020 mars 2020 , a déjà été approuvée par la Nasa et devrait être lancée vers l'ISS en septembre 2024. À terme, Axiom souhaite proposer jusqu'à deux vols privés vers l'ISS par an.

Nasa : la mission de Tom Cruise à bord de l'ISS se précise

Article de Rémy Decourt Rémy Decourt publié le 30/10/2020

L'acteur américain Tom Cruise et le réalisateur Doug Liman devraient rejoindre la Station spatiale internationale à bord d'une capsule Crew Dragon de SpaceX, affrétée par Axiom Space. Pendant cette mission d'une durée durée de dix jours, les deux stars ne vont pas faire de tourisme. Ils tourneront et réaliseront mais ni le scénario ni l'intrigue n'ont été dévoilés.

Lors d'une table ronde qui s'est tenue pendant l'édition 2020 du Congrès international d' astronautique astronautique  (IAC), Michael Suffredini, P.-D.G. d'Axiom Space a passé en revue l'ensemble des projets spatiaux de son entreprise dont ceux liés au tourisme spatial . Pour rappel, Axiom Space est une start-up start-up créée en 2016 dont le cofondateur Michael Suffredini a été directeur du programme ISS à la Nasa de 2005 à 2015.

Dans le cadre de son programme NextStep, destiné à ouvrir davantage l' orbite orbite basse au secteur privé, la Nasa a retenu en janvier dernier Axiom Space pour fournir, à partir du second semestre 2024, de nouveaux modules habitables commerciaux. Rattachés à l'avant de la Station spatiale internationale , ils créeront ainsi un «  segment Axiom  » ouvert au tourisme.

Mais le principal sujet de discussion a concerné le projet d'une mission habitée, entièrement privée, à destination de la Station spatiale internationale. D'une durée de 10 jours, cette mission sera la première à ne transporter que des astronautes astronautes privés, sans membre d'équipage d'une agence spatiale gouvernementale. Alors que sept personnes se sont déjà envolées vers l'ISS en tant que touristes de l'espace, toutes ont profité des sièges disponibles de missions russes Soyouz Soyouz financées par l'agence spatiale russe Roscosmos.

Ce voyage est prévu en octobre 2021 à bord d'un capsule Crew Dragon de SpaceX avec trois passagers dont l'identité n'a pas encore été révélée. On sait que le pilote du Crew Dragon sera l'astronaute Michael López-Alegría, 62 ans. Ce vétéran de la Nasa a quatre vols spatiaux à son palmarès. Il sera entraîné par Axiom.

Un film tourné à bord de l'ISS

Michael Suffredini n'a pas souhaité rendre public le nom des trois passages mais nous pensons que deux des trois passagers seront Tom Cruise, qui va à bord du complexe orbital pour tourner un film et Doug Liman qui le réalisera. On doit à ce réalisateur plusieurs films dont Edge Edge of Tomorrow , La mémoire dans la peau ou encore, Mr. & Mrs. Smith .

Pour l'heure, Axiom Space finalise les contrats avec SpaceX (le transporteur), la Nasa (qui loue et met à disposition à l'équipe du film la partie américaine de la Station spatiale internationale) et les trois passagers. Il serait intéressant de savoir si une compagnie d'assurances s'est engagée à assurer le vol et le séjour de Tom Cruise, un des acteurs les plus bankable au monde, et à quel prix !

Axiom Space espère finaliser ces contrats d'ici la fin octobre, début novembre de façon à réaliser cette mission lors du quatrième trimestre 2021.

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Illustration générée à l'aide d'une IA de la surface d'Encelade, au premier plan, et de la lune elle-même à l'arrière-plan. © XD, Futura avec Dall-e

On sait pourquoi cette fascinante lune de Saturne crache des panaches de glace

L'Irlande est riche en vestiges du Néolithique. Certains sont visibles, comme ici le dolmen de Poulnabrone, d'autres sont subtilement cachés dans le paysage, comme ces anciennes voies identifiées par une nouvelle étude. © Helen Hotson, Adobe Stock


Découverte d’allées de procession cachées dans le paysage en Irlande

Vue d'artiste de module de station spatiale. © Gravitics

Les États-Unis préparent-ils une station spatiale militaire ?

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  • Axiom Space
  • Thalles Alenia Space
  • Space Entertainment Enterprise

À voir aussi

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Définitions associées

  • La nasa : la définition
  • Ce que "station spatiale internationale" veut dire
  • Qu'est-ce que le crew dragon ?
  • Signification de "acier"
  • Un nœud : qu'est-ce que c'est ?


  1. Tom Cruise ira dans l'espace à bord de l'ISS pour son prochain film

    tom cruise dans l'iss

  2. La NASA et SpaceX aideront Tom Cruise à tourner un film dans l’espace

    tom cruise dans l'iss

  3. 👨‍🚀 Tom Cruise is filming at the International Space Station

    tom cruise dans l'iss

  4. De nouveaux détails sur le film d’action que Tom Cruise veut tourner

    tom cruise dans l'iss

  5. Tom Cruise tournera un film à bord de l'ISS en octobre 2021

    tom cruise dans l'iss

  6. Tom Cruise x NASA To Shoot Movie In SPACE on The ISS!!

    tom cruise dans l'iss


  1. Tom Cruise dans des hostilités


  1. Tom Cruise Might Become the First Civilian to Spacewalk at the ISS

    But for actor Tom Cruise, a trip to space might just be another day at the office. Cruise hopes to shoot scenes for an as-yet-untitled action film at the International Space Station (ISS) in the ...

  2. Espace : Le film de Tom Cruise dans l'ISS se précise

    Espace : Le film de Tom Cruise dans l'ISS se précise. Le film mettant en scène Tom Cruise à bord de l'ISS devrait être tourné d'ici la fin de l'année 2024. Quelques mois après le tournage du tout premier film réalisé dans l'espace, la Station Spatiale Internationale va avoir droit à une nouvelle envolée dans le monde du ...

  3. Tom Cruise's Space Movie Will Include Him Doing an Actual Spacewalk

    Posted: Oct 11, 2022 2:01 pm. Mission Impossible and Top Gun: Maverick star Tom Cruise is set to star in a movie shot in space thanks to a partnership with NASA, and Universal wants to make him ...

  4. Tom Cruise dans l'espace: comment l'acteur veut surpasser les ...

    "Prendre une fusée jusqu'à l'ISS" De quoi surpasser les Russes, qui ont tourné en octobre 2021 le premier film dans l'espace.Mais sans sortir de l'ISS. Car si le projet de Tom Cruise de tourner ...

  5. Le film de Tom Cruise dans l'espace ne sera tourné qu'en partie à la

    Le prochain film de Tom Cruise qui devrait avoir lieu dans l'espace ne sera qu'en partie tourné dans la station spatiale internationale (ISS). Après la fiction russe « Le Défi » tournée ...

  6. Tom Cruise Movie Producers to Launch Studio in Space Connected to ISS

    The ISS module is intended for creatives who want to film in low-orbit, micro-gravity environments. The studio is tied to a highly-anticipated Tom Cruise-led project, which is working with SpaceX ...

  7. Tom Cruise Talks to SpaceX Inspiration4 Astronauts in Orbit

    Maverick has called space. The Inspiration4 crew has talked to the actor Tom Cruise: Maverick was the call sign of his fighter pilot character in the 1986 movie "Top Gun.". Rook, Nova, Hanks ...

  8. Tom Cruise to shoot next movie at International Space Station

    May 6, 2020 / 3:49 PM EDT / AFP. Tom Cruise will film his next Hollywood blockbuster on location — 250 miles up in the air and orbiting the Earth once every 90 minutes. The "Top Gun" star will ...

  9. Tom Cruise to Film Aboard the International Space Station

    Cruise is partnering with NASA to shoot a movie, at least in part, aboard the Intl. Space Station, NASA has confirmed, the first narrative feature to be shot in space. "NASA is excited to work ...

  10. Tom Cruise Might Be First Civilian to Spacewalk Outside the ISS

    Tom Cruise Might Be the First Civilian to Spacewalk Outside the ISS The 60-year-old actor will launch to space to shoot a movie onboard the orbiting space station.

  11. L'acteur Tom Cruise va se rendre dans l'espace, à bord de l'ISS pour

    C'est une première historique. Tom Cruise doit tourner une séquence de son prochain film à bord de la Station Spatiale Internationale. Il deviendrait le premier acteur à tourner dans l'espace.

  12. New Tom Cruise Movie Will Film Aboard The ISS Confirms NASA

    Published May 6, 2020. Tom Cruise's most recently announced ground-breaking film will not only be shot in space, but aboard the International Space Station, NASA confirms. Tom Cruise 's newest movie will film aboard the ISS, confirms NASA. Cruise has long been seen as one of the leading boundary pushing actors working, having taken the Mission ...

  13. Tom Cruise Will Be the First Civilian to Spacewalk Outside of the ISS

    By Lee Freitag. Published Oct 11, 2022. Universal Pictures Chairwoman Donna Langley reveals that Tom Cruise's upcoming film could make him the first civilian to spacewalk outside the ISS. Tom Cruise is looking to make history on his next film. The actor is currently developing an untitled action movie with director Doug Liman that will see the ...

  14. Tom Cruise will work with NASA on first movie filmed in space, NASA

    Update May 5th, 8:08PM ET: This post was updated to include a statement from NASA and an Elon Musk tweet. NASA is working with Tom Cruise to film the first movie shot in space, according to NASA ...

  15. Foust Forward

    By comparison, Cruise's latest Mission: Impossible film, Mission: Impossible - Fallout, cost $178 million. Moreover, you don't need to go to space to make a convincing space film. While ...

  16. Space race 2: Russian actor bound for ISS in same month as Tom Cruise

    Tom Cruise is also due to arrive at the ISS. Photograph: NBCUniversal/Getty Images. In November 2020, a casting announcement from the Russian space agency Roscosmos said it was searching for "a ...

  17. "On y travaille assidûment": Tom Cruise donne des nouvelles de ...

    Tom Cruise a confirmé au micro de la revue spécialisée Variety que son film spatial, qu'il veut tourner dans l'ISS, était toujours d'actualité.

  18. Le film de Tom Cruise dans l'espace sera tourné seulement en ...

    On en sait désormais un peu plus sur le film que Tom Cruise prévoit de tourner dans l'espace. Selon les informations de Variety, seulement une partie du tournage aura lieu dans l'ISS.Le reste se ...

  19. NASA confirms work on a Tom Cruise movie to be shot aboard the

    The ISS setting is a new detail to the plan, which […] NASA is indeed working with actor Tom Cruise on a film to be shot in space — aboard the International Space Station (ISS), it turns out.

  20. Bientôt un studio de cinéma dans l'espace pour Tom Cruise

    Nasa : la mission de Tom Cruise à bord de l'ISS se précise. ... Tom Cruise va tourner le premier film dans l'espace avec la Nasa et SpaceX. brève • 08/05/2020. Sciences. La chimie.

  21. Russia beats Tom Cruise in race for first movie shot in space

    March 8, 2023 6:38 pm CET. By Paul Dallison. Russia has released a trailer for "The Challenge," the first feature film to be shot in space. It was shot some 400 kilometers above Earth on the International Space Station (ISS) in 2021 — before the invasion of Ukraine — and will be released next month, making it the first movie in which ...