• Alcatraz Day Tour

Alcatraz Night Tour

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alcatraz sunset tour

The Complete Alcatraz Tour

Duration: Approximately 2 ½ Hours Available: Tuesday thru Saturday. 5:55 PM, 6:30 PM and 7:05 PM check-in thru Nov 2. Nov 3 thru March 2025: 3:50 PM and 4:45 PM check-in.

  • E-Ticket Mobile Check-in
  • Alcatraz Island roundtrip ferry
  • Access Inside Alcatraz Prison
  • 45-minute Cellhouse Audio Tour
  • Orientation video
  • Ranger and docent tours
  • Onboard narration
  • Guided tour
  • Other special activities

Buy Tickets Now

The Alcatraz Night Tour provides an engaging evening Alcatraz experience with special programs. This tour includes a personally narrated boat tour around the island; guided tours from the dock to the main prison building; "Doing Time: The Alcatraz Cellhouse Tour". Also, several programs and presentations are offered only at night. Visitors may choose to attend one or two during the course of their evening. Enjoy a sunset and breath-taking views of San Francisco as night falls. A truly exceptional experience.

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Where Are Those Morgans

Our Comparison Of The Alcatraz Island Day And Night Tours

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by Mark and Kristen Morgan

Published: September 2, 2020

Updated: August 23, 2024

Where Are Those Morgans Alcatraz Tours

Alcatraz Island has a story so intriguing that it draws in over 1.5 million visitors each year making it one of the most visited attractions in San Francisco. But there are a few different tour options and only one authorized seller of tickets so you’ll need to plan ahead to make the most of your visit. In this guide we compare the Alcatraz day and night tours to help you decide which one is a better option for your trip. Having been on both, we show you what we liked and didn’t like about each tour.

Our Experience

Woman sitting in an empty cell of Alcatraz prison during a night tour of the island

We’ve visited Alcatraz Island twice. The first time we included it as part of an epic 3 month road trip from New York to California during our 18 month honeymoon towards the end of 2019. For this trip, we took the Alcatraz day tour option because it was our first time in San Francisco and we didn’t have much time. The day tour was very interesting and offers a good base of information for those interested in the island.

The second time we visited Alcatraz in 2022 when we stopped in San Francisco before flying to Asia for 6 months. We spent several days in the city and had more time so we booked a night tour to Alcatraz. We wanted to compare the difference in the day and night tours. Overall, we think both options were done well and all of the photos in this guide we’re taken by us during both visits. Read more  about us .

What Is Alcatraz?

Group of visitors on on the Alcatraz cruise during a night tour of the island

Alcatraz is located in the San Francisco Bay and it has an extremely colorful past. So before we get into all the tour details, it’s important you know a little bit of background information about this mysterious island.

The first man to sail into what we now know as the San Francisco Bay was Juan Manuel de Ayala. He was the first person to lay eyes on the original island and mapped the entire bay in 1775, naming the tiny island Alcatraces. The name has since been slightly altered to Alcatraz.

Following the Gold Rush in the 1850’s, the US military built a fortress at the top of the island to protect the bay from naval invasion known as Fortress Alcatraz. On June 1st, 1854, the Alcatraz Lighthouse became the first lighthouse built on the west coast. By the late 1850’s, Alcatraz received its first military prisoners.

Close up view of the Alcatraz Lighthouse as the sun sets in the San Francisco Bay

In 1909, the US army demolished the Alcatraz Fortress and military prisoners built the prison we can visit today. Following rampant crime in the late 1920’s, the Department of Justice changed Alcatraz to a maximum security prison. This new prison officially opened in 1933.

Sadly, Alcatraz prison was eventually closed on March 21st, 1963 after almost 30 years of operation due to financial problems. Millions of gallons of fresh water had to be shipped to Alcatraz weekly and eventually the government decided it simply just wasn’t cost effective to maintain the prison any longer.

The island was left abandoned for 6 years and in 1969, a group of Indigenous activists set up base to raise awareness about the troubles they faced. Eventually Federal Marshalls intervened and removed all people from Alcatraz in 1971.

Alcatraz As A Tourist Attraction

Row of empty prison cells on Alcatraz Island

In 1973, Alcatraz was opened to the general public as a museum under the National Park Service as part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Today, it’s one of the most popular park service sites receiving well over one million visitors every year.

Since Alcatraz Island is managed by the NPS, there is only way one visitors can reach it. You must use Pier 33, often known as Alcatraz Landing. Pier 33 is located about halfway around San Francisco’s Embarcadero between Fisherman’s Wharf and the Ferry Building. Here’s the Google maps location .

There is only one company that owns the sole rights to ferry crossings from Pier 33 to Alcatraz Island under contract with NPS. You need to book all tours with Alcatraz Cruises because the docks on the island are only accessible to this one ferry line.

Alcatraz Cruise ferry run by City Experiences docked during a night tour

Travel Tip : It’s essential you book with Alcatraz Cruises if you want to go inside Alcatraz. No other tour company is allowed access to the museum grounds. Always read the fine print before booking any tour. Even if you charter a private boat, you won’t be able to enter.

If you plan to drive your own vehicle, there is no parking available directly at Pier 33. Nearby parking meters may not give you enough time for your Alcatraz tour, but sometimes you can find on-street parking in the Fisherman’s Wharf area.

The closest parking facility is the Pier 35 Lot at 2 Bay Street with over 100 spots, but it can be expensive on weekends. We used a combination of walking and public transportation to get to the pier. You can also use the historic San Francisco streetcars, look for the MUNI F Line and stop at Bay Street.

READ : The prefect San Francisco itinerary

Tour Options On The Island

Alcatraz is open for tours everyday except on Christmas, Thanksgiving and New Year’s day. The Alcatraz ferry is also run on a winter and summer schedule. No matter the time of year, the earliest tour always begin around 8:45am. The summer season will have more ferry crossings later as daylight lasts longer.

When you purchase a tour ticket, you’ll pick a time which corresponds to when your ferry departs from Pier 33. You can check the City Cruises official website here for the ferry departure schedule after you know what tour you want to book.

There are four different types of tours available with varying costs and access privileges. We booked the day and night options, but you can also opt for more with a Behind the Scenes Tour or a combo tour with Alcatraz and Angel Island.

Here are the options :

Chart comparing the four tour options on Alcatraz Island

Just by looking at the graph, you can see the day tour is the shortest option making this a good choice for visitors who don’t have a lot of time. We liked the night tour because it offered a few more extras for just a little bit more money.

All tours include a round trip ferry service to Alcatraz Island and the Cellhouse audio tour. We’ll show you exactly what to expect for the guided audio tour around the main cell blocks on the island. You’ll then have the chance to explore the island further and this is where the tours begin to differ.

The behind the Scenes Tour of Alcatraz is a unique opportunity and limited to a maximum of 30 people. It’s a small group tour led by a NPS Ranger or expert historical educator to off-limits areas most visitors don’t get to see. Afterwards, you can choose to participate in the full Alcatraz Night Tour experience or return to Pier 33 on any departing vessel.

Travel Tip : If you collect the National Park Passport Stamps , you’ll be able to pick up a few during your visit. There are two stamps to collect including one for the Alcatraz Island Lighthouse and one for the Golden Gate Recreation Area.

Our Alcatraz Island Day Tour

The Alcatraz day tour is a 2.5 hour long option and it gives you the chance to freely explore on your own. As you investigate, rangers are stationed throughout the island to answer any questions. Inside the complex, there are also many informational signs and exhibits.

We took the day tour of Alcatraz in the fall of 2019 and don’t want to give too much away. So we’ll simply give you an idea about what to expect and then you can decide if this is the tour for you.

1. Ferry Ride And Arrival

Large crowd waiting for a day tour to Alcatraz Island

After waiting in line at Pier 33, we boarded the ferry and sailed straight to Alcatraz Island. It took about 15 minutes so it’s a short ride. Onboard, there is a small snack bar and we decided to get two hot dogs to fill up.

To be honest, our hot dogs were pretty good and fairly priced considering we were on a tour. But water on the ferry is extremely expensive so look for the water bottle filling station to save yourself some cash. The ferry had many other snacks available and while the line was quite long, it moved quickly.

Upon arrival to Alcatraz Island, we disembarked and a large crowd gathered in front of Building 64. These were the residential apartments housing prison officers and it was first building constructed on Alcatraz. From here, a guide explained important information about where to go before we could explore freely.

Make sure you stay long enough to see what special programs are offered on that day. There will also be a ferry schedule sign nearby so check what time the ferry is headed back to Pier 33. From here, our large group was lead to the cellhouse.

Travel Tip : After you hear about the special programs, beeline it for the cellhouse audio tour so you can spend the rest of your time exploring the island (you’ll see plenty of signs directing you where to go).

2. Cellhouse Audio Tour

Visitors lining up in a shower room for a cellhouse audio tour

Follow the walkway as you head straight to the main prison entrance. There should be a sign outside indicating the start of the cellhouse audio tour. This will be your first real taste for the prison of Alcatraz. As you cast your eyes on the rusting grey-blue metal doors, you’ll immediately feel your insides crawl and shudder.

Once inside, make your way to the long narrow and very open shower room. Imagine taking a shower with some of the most hardened and creepy criminals in the history of the United States.

“Hey Mr. Scarface, could you please pass me the soap?”

Line up here until you reach the front to pick up your audio headset which is available in 10 different languages. This is where the tour officially begins. But keep an eye on the time if you want to see any special programs. If you have any questions about timing, feel free to ask the rangers because they’re incredibly helpful and want you to have to good time.

Listening device for the cellhouse audio tour

The cellhouse audio tour runs on a one way system and each location has a number. All you have to do is input that specific number when you get to the next location and the tour will start playing automatically. All devices come with a headset so you can easily listen.

You’ll slowly begin making your way around the cell blocks hearing the stories from the past. We thought it was fascinating to learn what happened here between these walls.

3. Sounds Of The Slammer

Row of empty cells in the Alcatraz prison

The Sounds of the Slammer was a special program from our day tour. It discussed what a typical cell looked like along with how the different prison blocks were arranged.

Alcatraz housed four main cell blocks (A,B, C and D) each with three tiers of cells. Some cells measured no more than 9ft by 5ft wide so just imagine a bed, toilet and sink inside these tiny dimensions. It certainly doesn’t leave a lot of room for maneuvering.

C block sign on a prison wall

Cell blocks B and C were the longest rows and contained the most cells. In between cell blocks, each corridor was a given a famous street name such as Broadway, Michigan and Park Avenue. Cell block D is where misbehaving prisoners were sent. If they had a particularly serious offense, they would find themselves in one of the six segregation units known as the Hole.

Each hardened steel cell door was operated by a series of levers and mechanisms located at the end of that particular row of cells. Individual or multiple cells could be opened at the same time using this mechanism. It was innovative technology at the time, replacing the traditional lock and key method.

Michigan Avenue cell block on Alcatraz

We enjoyed the Sounds of the Slammer because this program discussed the opening and closing of cell doors. It also included a practical demonstration plus stories from during and after the operation of Alcatraz prison. Unfortunately, we weren’t allowed to open the cell door using bed sheets and a wheel to lasso the level like Sean Connery in the Rock !

4. Escape Attempts

Informational board about an escape attempt from Alcatraz

Alcatraz was officially dubbed the inescapable island but there were a series of escape attempts over the years. Did anyone make it out successfully? Well, that still remains a mystery.

Are you a romantic who wants to believe that someone managed to escape, despite the fact they were in prison for committing a serious and heinous crime? Or are you a firm believer of facts, logic and physics that suggest no one made it out alive?

In a nutshell, there were 14 escape attempts made by a total of 36 inmates throughout Alcatraz prison history. Some of the stories are sad while other stories are downright hilarious and full of ingenuity.

Escape attempt from prison with a dummy head in a bed

During our day tour, there was an escape attempts special program taking place in the dining hall next to the cell house. It was a highlight for us thanks to some fantastic storytelling by the park ranger who led the program.

We won’t divulge any more information here so you can hear all about these wild stories for yourself when you visit. Or if you can’t wait, you can read more about the escape attempts here .

5. San Francisco Views From Alcatraz

Ruins of old buildings on Alcatraz Island with San Francisco in the background

For the remaining part of our day tour, we explored the island on our own. As you can see in our photo, certain outdoor spaces were closed, but there was still so much to see. We visited the Recreation Yard, Rose Garden, Officer’s Club, Water Tower, Warden’s House, and Model Industries Building.

The views of the San Francisco Bay were absolutely stunning and we found numerous viewpoints to soak it all up. Depending on the time of day and positioning of the sun, you can snap photographs of Oakland Bridge, San Francisco city and the Golden Gate Bridge.

READ : Best Golden Gate Bridge photo spots

Our Alcatraz Night Tour

Night shot of Alcatraz Island with sun setting behind the Golden Gate Bridge

When we revisited San Francisco in 2022, we wanted to see what the island was like at night. So we took the Alcatraz Night Tour on October 11th which fell during the seasonal change schedule (typically around Oct 11th to Nov 5th). This time of year is the best of both worlds because we had the chance to explore areas usually closed at night due to increased lighting from daylight savings time.

Overall we think the Night Tour at Alcatraz offers a little more bang for your buck. But it’s only only available Tuesday to Saturdays so you’ll have to plan around these days. Similar to the day tour, a round trip ferry service is included in the ticket.

1. Better Ferry Experience

Guests lining up for a snack on the ferry

The first thing we instantly noticed about the night tour was the detailed live narration on the ferry as we sailed to Alcatraz Island. During the entire crossing, we learned about the history of San Francisco and the Bay.

Travel Tip : If you choose to stay for the night tour, you’ll be on Alcatraz Island for about 5 hours. There is food available on the Alcatraz ferry, but not on the island so you might need to plan accordingly.

Another highlight was the route the ferry took after leaving Pier 33. We completed a full circle around Alcatraz Island which is not done on the day tour. The narration on the ferry explained additional information we had not previously learned about.

Back side view of Alcatraz Island with a small sea cave underneath

As we circled the entire island, we got to see some of the sea caves which were used in one prisoners escape. If you look closely at the buoys in the water, you may also get a glimpse of a sea lion sunning himself.

A sea lion sunning himself on a buoy in the San Francisco Bay

Travel Tip : The water around Alcatraz Island has an average temperature of about 54°F (12°C) with little variation that would prove challenging for escapes. However, avid open water swimmers do swim across the bay regularly.

2. Arrival On Alcatraz

People walking up a ramp during a guided tour of Alcatraz at night

The boat was split into two groups of about 100 people and two tour guides met us right at the the dock. After both groups were on land, we headed in opposite directions. We liked that there was only one boat on the island during our entire night tour and it was a welcome relief from the large crowds we experienced during the day tour.

Our group headed to the right and the tour guide spoke about various points of interest on our 20 minute walk. We ended at the entrance of the cell house audio tour. And similar to the day tour, we picked up our audio guide headsets in the shower room and listened to the familiar voices once again.

After we ended our audio tour and handed in our headsets, we were met by a docent who was was about to give a special program in just a few minutes.

Tour guide presenting a special program during an Alcatraz night tour

Perfect timing, we stayed for the special program and chatted with the park ranger. We won’t be disclosing the special programs on the Alcatraz night tour so you can be completely surprised. The best advice we can give you is to speak with the rangers and tour guides because they always know the ins and outs of the island.

Following our own advice, the ranger we spoke to gave us some great advice about how to maximize our time on Alcatraz Island. However, this won’t pertain to every night because programs and experiences are constantly changing.

As long as you attend the cellhouse audio tour, one or two of the special programs and spend a little time exploring on your own, we think you’ve done extremely well. So anything else will be a bonus!

3. Hospital And A Sunset

Alcatraz night tour informational sign

In between the two special programs we chose to attend, we learned the old Alcatraz hospital was to be opened at 5:30pm which is an area we had never seen. So we hot footed it to the hospital just in time to see the the remnants of the old Alcatraz operating room, exam rooms, pharmacy and sick wards.

Old operating room in the Alcatraz hospital during an Alcatraz night tour

As former scientists, we enjoyed seeing how the hospital operated. This experience alone was certainly worth our visit. Not that many people knew about the opening of the hospital so always ask the rangers when you get to the island.

Another great part about the night tour is that you have a little more time to explore the island compared to the day tour. So even after our audio tour, two special programs and the hospital visit, we still had time to see a few other areas.

Many of the same outdoor areas were open, but it was interesting to see the buildings on Alcatraz light up as the sun started to set on the horizon. The colors in the sky slowly transitioned to bright pink and orange. At this point, we started to watch our time a bit more closely because we certainly didn’t want to be spending the night on the island if we missed the ferry.

Tree blocking part of the sunset over the Golden Gate Bridge

Our ferry was scheduled to leave the dock as the sun was setting behind the Golden Gate Bridge. This night tour was the perfect ending to a day in San Francisco. And that concludes our comparison!

Before visiting Alcatraz, you might want to watch some of these old movies to get in the mood:

  • Birdman of Alcatraz (1962)
  • Point Blank (1967)
  • The Enforcer (1976)
  • Escape From Alcatraz (1979)
  • The Rock (1996) – Our personal favorite!
  • The Book of Eli (2010)

Even the Harry Potter Franchise created by JK Rowling features Azkaban prison which can only be based on one place…

READ : PCH road trip from San Francisco to San Diego

How To Get Tickets

City Experiences are the official provider of Alcatraz Island tour tickets. The best way to book tickets is directly with them on the official website here . But you can also book combination tickets if you want to see more of San Francisco.

Each tour we mention is an authorized seller of Alcatraz Cruises through City Experiences and these can be a great option if you can’t get tickets too. Here are highly rated options:

While Alcatraz is run by the NPS, ticket prices include roundtrip ferry transportation, the cellhouse audio tour provided by the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy and a Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act fee. Since there is no federal entrance fee, unfortunately America the Beautiful passes don’t give you free entry.

Our Alcatraz Island Photos

We took hundreds of photos on the island for our Alcatraz day and night tour comparison. Here are a few of our favorites:

Perspective photo of San Francisco through a window in the Alcatraz prison on a day tour

The Morgan Conclusion

What we like : We were genuinely surprised at how well the Alcatraz day and night tours were put together. Each tour option offered something unique and it’s nice to see many different options. We also really enjoyed the special programs run by park rangers because we learned so much. Even with two visits, we’d visit Alcatraz again because it’s such a fascinating place.

What we don’t like : There are a few downsides to visiting Alcatraz. Depending on the tour you book, it can be pricey, but we do think it’s a fair price point for what you get. Our day tour was also packed because there were a few boats on the island at the same time which made it very crowded. And since Alcatraz tours will take at least 3 hours, it can be hard to add to your itinerary if you’re short on time.

Is Alcatraz worth visiting?  Yes, visiting Alcatraz is worth it. But overall, we’d recommend the night tour over the day tour for a few reasons:

  • Onboard ferry narration and circling around the entire island is worth it
  • Smaller tour sizes make for an intimate experience
  • Ability to see San Francisco Bay as the sun sets from Alcatraz Island
  • Chance to explore bonus areas often closed to general public
  • More information is offered with docent guided tours and talks

However, if you can only fit one Alcatraz tour into your schedule, the day tour is still a great option and it’s slightly cheaper.

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We hope our day and night tour comparison to Alcatraz helps with planning your visit!

Please let us know if you have any questions about visiting Alcatraz in the comments below.

Happy Travels ,

Mark and Kristen

Enjoy this guide? Pin it for your visit!

alcatraz sunset tour

Note : This article contains affiliate links. When you make a purchase using one of these affiliate links, we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.

All Rights Reserved © Where Are Those Morgans, LLC. Republishing this article and/or any of its contents (text, photography, maps, graphics, etc.) in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.

alcatraz sunset tour

Mark and Kristen Morgan are travel, hiking and photography experts. Over the last 6 years traveling full time, they have explored more than 40 countries and 30 US states.

Where Are Those Morgans has been featured in USA Today, Gestalten, Get Your Guide, CityPASS and Condé Nast Traveler along with various other publications. Read more about us .

6 thoughts on “Our Comparison Of The Alcatraz Island Day And Night Tours”

Thank you so much for this post! I didn’t realize the website I almost bought tickets on was not the official tour company, so I saved money and was able to book the behind the scenes tour that the website I was looking at said wasn’t available!

You’re very welcome, Elizabeth. We hope you have a fantastic trip to San Francisco and enjoy the Alcatraz tour!

Alcatraz is easily one of our favorite San Fran attractions. We’ve been 2x. I’m always blown away by the walking tour. Absolutely love the step by step information. I always highly recommend visiting Alcatraz.

Yes we thoroughly enjoyed the tour of Alcatraz and would do it again. Highly recommend for first time visitors to SF!

Alcatraz seems like a great place to visit, so much history in one place. It must of been a harsh place to serve time but also to work, not your average commute.

You’re right, not a typical commute! We were worried the Alcatraz tour wouldn’t hold up to our expectations but it did with room to spare. Definitely recommend it if you get a chance to visit San Francisco.

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Alcatraz Day Tour + Big Bus Sunset Tour

Alcatraz only sold as part of a combination package only one type of tour package may be made per purchase.

  • Tour Package Highlights
  • Alcatraz Day Tour
  • Big Bus Sunset Loop Tour

Alcatraz Day Tour + 1 Day Hop-On/Hop-Off Essential Big Bus

  • Alcatraz - Plan for 3 hours (if time/schedule permits, you may choose a later return boat)
  • Big Bus Blue Line Loop = ~1 hour at 6:30 PM (Any day you choose)

No Hotel Pickup.

No reservations needed for Big Bus tour. Activate and take it any day before or after Alcatraz. See details on tabs.


Alcatraz Face Value: $45.25 Adults & Juniors (12+), $42.65 Seniors (62+), $27.55 Kids (5-11), Free for Ages 0-4


alcatraz sunset tour

DiscoverTown Tours is an Official Tour and Travel Partner of Alcatraz City Cruises


Discover America’s most infamous prison, with a chance to go inside the cells and feel the cold and dark life firsthand. Alcatraz operated as a federal penitentiary from 1933 to 1963, housing notorious criminals including Al Capone, Machine Gun Kelly, and Creepy Karpis. During the award-winning 45-minute cell house audio headset tour you will learn of escape attempts, riots, bizarre characters, and much more. Displays include prison life, guard controls, and how Frank Morris and 2 others made their infamous “Escape From Alcatraz.”

Alcatraz is continually one of the most popular tours in the country

  • Video History Presentation – No Charge
  • Audio Tour includes sound effects, interviews with prisoners and guards, and historic details
  • The Cellhouse Audio Tour is available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
  • Bookstore with information in many languages
  • Permanent exhibit T he Big Lockup: Mass Incarceration in the United States
  • Other rotating exhibits
  • Visit the prison Recreation Yard, talk with Park Rangers, and walk the Perimeter Trail (note that parts of Alcatraz Island may be closed to the general public periodically – for repairs, wildlife protection, or other concerns) 
  • Unlimited photo opportunities and great views looking back at the City or out to the Golden Gate Bridge

Please arrive 30 minutes early. No Hotel Pickup. Your tour begins with a 10-15 minute boat trip from Pier 33. Expect your stay on Alcatraz Island to be about 2-2.5-3 hours round trip). Boats return from the island every 30 minutes. You control the clock. 

Discover the beauty of SF as it lights up in the evening on our San Francisco Night Tour by bus. 

The tour makes its way through over Nob Hill and steeply down California Street through the financial district, then across the Bay Bridge, where you’ll stop for the view of the city skyline from Treasure Island, site of the 1939 World Fair...

where the view is fabulous.

Heading back into the city, the tour will continue along the Embarcadero to view the glittering lights along the Port of San Francisco.

alcatraz sunset tour

Additional Info

DiscoverTown Tours is an internet-based tour reseller. Upon purchase, you will receive a voucher including instructions for ticket pickup and taking tours.


Incredible adventures logo on a green background, showcasing the beauty of San Francisco.

  • Tours in San Francisco
  • Alcatraz Tours and….
  • Tours from San Francisco
  • Tours from Las Vegas
  • Yosemite National Park Tours
  • Hotels Rooms
  • Private Tours
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  • Gift Certificates

San Francisco Bay Cruise + Alcatraz Night Tour

  • Pick Up Location(s) Alcatraz Cruise - Pier 33 in Fisherman’s Wharf, Bay Cruise - Pier 43 1/2
  • Duration 8 hr approx
  • Transportation Hybrid Ferry to Alcatraz Island Biodiesel Ship for the Sunset Cruise

A woman on a tour in California's Yosemite National Park, gazing out over a body of water with an island in the background.

A Day Cruise in San Francisco Bay and an Alcatraz Island Night Tour

Alcatraz Island is San Francisco’s #1 attraction, and you can see it for yourself on an unforgettable night tour! The night experience is incredible for numerous reasons, from the eerie ambiance to the exclusive access you have to parts of the island closed during the daytime.

But before you visit ‘The Rock’, you can enjoy a wonderful day cruise in San Francisco Bay! Glide along the city’s breathtaking waterfront, under the majestic Golden Gate Bridge, and get your first taste of the notorious Alcatraz Island from the water.

En route, you will discover more about San Francisco’s history and world-famous landmarks. During the cruise, frequent wildlife encounters include those with seagulls, pelicans, and sea lions. At times, you may even see dolphins and whales!

If you have any questions about this Alcatraz Night Tour and San Francisco Bay Cruise package, please get in touch for the answers you need.

Would you prefer to reverse these experiences? Look no further than our Alcatraz Day Tour and San Francisco Bay Sunset Cruise package!

About Your Alcatraz Island Tour

Alcatraz is a must-see for any traveler visiting San Francisco. After collecting your tour tickets at Pier 33, you’ll take the ferry out to the island. The journey offers amazing views of the San Francisco skyline, Golden Gate Bridge, and Angel Island. Upon arrival, you’ll learn a brief history of “The Rock” and then head up to the prison.

You’ll be equipped with an audio tour titled “Doing Time”, in which you’ll hear interviews from former inmates and learn more history about Alcatraz. The tour generally takes people two to three hours. Don’t forget your jacket – it can get chilly out on the bay!

For security purposes, a government-issued photo ID is required for all guests to board the Alcatraz ferry.

The Alcatraz audio tour is available in English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Mandarin, Portuguese and Korean. Alcatraz tickets are subject to limited availability, so book your tickets today!

You can find even more options for visiting ‘The Rock’ by browsing our full range of Alcatraz tours , including the Two-day San Francisco City Tour and Alcatraz Tour and the Muir Woods, Sausalito, Aquarium, and Alcatraz Night Tour .

Alcatraz Night Tour and San Francisco Bay Cruise Departure

  • Arrive 30 minutes prior to departure for check-in.
  • Please arrive 30 minutes early for check-in.
  • Ferries depart Alcatraz Island 8:40pm & 9:25pm and return to Pier 33.

Day Cruise in San Francisco and Alcatraz Island Night Tour Highlights

  • Alcatraz Night Tour Tickets
  • Cruise past historic Fort Point
  • San Francisco Skyline and Waterfronts
  • Float under the Golden Gate Bridge
  • Cruise past Sausalito/Angel Island

Price Includes

  • Bay Cruise (1 hour)
  • Alcatraz Night Tour tickets

Price Excludes

  • Transportation to/from Fisherman’s Wharf
  • Guide Gratuity (customary 15-20% of tour cost as per TripAdvisor tipping guide)

Why We Love This San Francisco Bay Cruise and Alcatraz Night Tour

“This is one of the best audio tours I’ve ever experienced. They really take you back in time and make you feel like you were actually there. It is such an incredible experience, and the view of the SF skyline from the island can’t be beat!”

Day Cruise in San Francisco and Alcatraz Night Tour Itinerary

Please note that due to conditions outside of our control (special events, traffic), it is sometimes necessary to alter your itinerary to best suit the needs of the group. While we guarantee that we’ll do our best to provide you with all of the highlights within this itinerary (conditions permitting), we do not guarantee them in this specific order.


Head to Pier 43 1/2 at Fisherman’s Wharf to board the ship. Please arrive 30 minutes prior to departure.


Launched in 1939 as part of the Golden Gate International Exposition, this cruise has been a highlight of any visit to San Francisco for 70 years. Sail along San Francisco’s breathtaking waterfront, under the majestic Golden Gate Bridge, and closely around notorious Alcatraz Island. On route, discover San Francisco’s history and world famous landmarks through personal headphone audio in 12 languages. During the cruise, frequent wildlife encounters include seagulls, pelicans and sea lions. At times, you may see even dolphins and whales. So be alert! Departing from Pier 43 ½ in the heart of Historic Fisherman’s Wharf, sail past the San Francisco skyline, the famous swimming clubs of Aquatic Park, the historic vessels at Hyde Street Pier, the San Francisco Maritime Park, and numerous other exciting sights.

Back on land, you’re free to do as you wish until your Alcatraz departure! Grab some delicious seafood at a local restaurant, go shopping, or see the sights.

Your Alcatraz Night Tour departs from Pier 33 in Fisherman’s Wharf. You must make your own way to pick up your Alcatraz tickets from the Group Services Window and meet the ferry. You may pick up your tickets any time the day of your tour, but they MUST be claimed no later than 30 minutes prior to the tour departure. You will need a valid ID and your paid voucher to pick up the tickets.

8:40pm & 9:25pm:

Arrive at least 30 minutes prior to departure time. Board your ferry and ride across the San Francisco Bay to Alcatraz Island. See the San Francisco Skyline, the Golden Gate Bridge, and Angel Island from the ferry! Take a loop around the island for exclusive views. Depart the ferry at Alcatraz and follow your guide up into the prison.

Departing for Alcatraz

San Francisco sunset cruises are always special, but prepare for something truly extraordinary. Board your ferry and ride across the San Francisco Bay to Alcatraz Island. See the San Francisco skyline, the Golden Gate Bridge, and Angel Island from the ferry! Disembark the ferry at Alcatraz and follow your guide up into the prison.

On Alcatraz Island

Enjoy the audio tour “Doing Time” with commentary from inmates and guards that experienced the prison when it was operational. You may take as much time as you’d like on the island; the ferries return to SF approximately every 30-40 minutes.

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  • Alcatraz Night Tour

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By  Karen

Updated August 23, 2024.

The Alcatraz Night Tour

The night tour has been voted the best tour of Alcatraz, and it books up even faster than the day tour.

So, how much better is the night tour, and should you make an effort to get night tour tickets? 

The Night Tour vs. the Day Tour. Which is better?

In many ways, the night tour is pretty similar to the day tour. But as the sun starts to go down, and the crowds thin out, it takes on a magical quality not present during the daytime.

I'd been out to the Rock many times, but seeing it at night had a very different feel; the prison was eerier and the island more charming somehow.

Plus, it was cool getting to see areas not open during the day and hearing stories about the prison and its inmates from the park rangers.

Night tour on Alcatraz, view of old fort and bay lights.

Included in the night tour:

  • Transportation out to Alcatraz on the ferry.
  • A narrated tour as the ferry circles the island.
  • A guided tour up to the cell block.
  • Audio self-guided tour inside the prison.
  • Extra programs like guided tours of areas not accessible to the day tours. 

Visitors are also able to explore areas outside the prison, including the Civil War buildings, gardens and the area around the lighthouse and ruins of the warden's house.

Night tour on Alcatraz, sunset view of city skyline.

There is an interesting film about the history of Alcatraz, shown in the theater on the dock, which you can watch before or after the tours.

How the Night Tour works:

Getting to alcatraz....

Night Tour schedule. The night tour ferries leave from Alcatraz Landing on Pier 33.

In summer , there are three sailings out to the Rock (Tuesday through Saturday) at 5:55, 6:30, and 7:10 pm, and in winter (starting Nov), only one sailing (Tuesday through Saturday) at 3:50 pm (two over the Christmas holidays).

Normally, the ride out to the island takes about 15 minutes, but on the night tour, the captain sails around Alcatraz before docking on the island. 

On the trip out, there's a live narration about the history of Alcatraz and what's available on the island, but I have to say it was pretty hard to hear it over the noise of the engines.

It's fun seeing all sides of Alcatraz, which you don't see on the day tour. 

Alcatraz island building, new Indian sign

On the island...

When the boat arrives on Alcatraz, the passengers are divided into three groups so that the entrance to the cell block is staggered.  The first group is assigned a guide, who gives a brief intro talk, then leads them up the hill. 

On the way up, the guide gives a presentation about the island and what to expect on the evening's tour. Then the first group enters the cell block and gets their audio gadget and headset to do the self-guided exploration of the prison.

Same process for the second and third groups, so they don't all arrive at prison at the same time.

The tram is also available on the night tours for visitors with difficulty walking up the steep hill. They run about every 30 minutes, and meet the ferries at the dock.

The Audio Tour of the Prison

When you enter the cell block at the top of the hill, you'll find yourself in the prisoners' shower room, where the audio tour gadgets and headsets are handed out.

You can choose from English, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Mandarin and Korean.

When you get your audio device, you are directed to a sign near the entrance to the cell block which says Tour Starts Here  and told to turn on the recording.

The whole audio tour lasts 45 minutes.

The gadget is delightfully simple: red and green buttons. It's either going or not going. Beautiful!

You can pause it any time, and rewind or fast forward. You don't have to put in a number for a location like in many museums.

The audio narration tells you where to go and plays recordings of actual prisoners and guards from Alcatraz telling their stories. 

You'll hear the sound effects of the shoot-outs, clanging doors, etc. Very well done.

Tips for avoiding the crowds...

One  advantage of the night tour is that only three boats go out to the island during the evening (and only one in winter), whereas 15 (!) boats go out during the day, and numbers can build up as the day goes on, since visitors can take any boat back.

But all the day tour folks have to leave the island before the night tours start going out.

Even so, I found the crowds pretty intense, because the corridors are not that wide, and everyone in the group is trying to see the same cell at the same time.

Crowds in Alcatraz cell block corridor, night tour

One solution: (which I didn't think of until later)... be one of the last ones off the boat to be in the third group.

Then once you get into the cell block for the audio tour, hang back and let the group start ahead of you.  Start your audio tour after most of the group has moved on.

Otherwise, you may find yourself waiting for a turn to see each place on the tour and trying to peer over people's heads.

Another idea : head outside when you first get to the cell block, explore the island, then come back inside after 7:45 pm (summer schedule) when the visitors on both boats will have finished their audio tours.

Here's what the corridors look like later in the evening (after 7:45 or so) when most people are outside.

Alcatraz night tour, tiers of cells

It's really cool to wander through the prison when there's hardly anyone around. You can go into the open cells and explore on your own; it's a bit haunting and you can get a better feel of the prison atmosphere.

alcatraz night tour, inside cell

Special programs

The night tour gives you a choice of extra guided tours to areas not normally available during the day.

It used to include the hospital, but they're doing repairs on it at the moment, so you'll see other areas like the second floor cells and A Block which is usually closed off.

On one of our night tours, there was a guided tour of areas associated with Machine Gun Kelly. 

There are also extra lectures on various topics. For our first night tour, there was a talk on the lives of the guards and families, and another one on a notorious kidnapper sent to Alcatraz.

Tidbit: kidnappers of rich tycoons were looking at $250,000 in ransom money, quite a haul in the 1930's. 

On our second night tour, a ranger gave a talk on the 1930's gangsters' method of robbing banks vs. the modern pattern (the gangsters were more organized, and more violent, and a number of them ended up in Alcatraz), and another ranger gave a talk on escape attempts.

The guide announces the times for these tours during the trip up to the cell block, and they are also posted in the building, near the prison entrance and in the bookstore/gift shop in the prison building.

Board with special programs schedule, Alcatraz night tour.

Exploring outside the prison.

When you finish the audio tour inside the cell block, you can head outside to the area where the Alcatraz lighthouse sits.

From there, you can see the ruins of the warden's house and can follow the paths down to other areas of the island.

Alcatraz after dark, couple on walkway

Other things to see: buildings from the Civil War era, gardens, and nesting areas for birds.

If it's a clear night, the views of the city and the Golden Gate Bridge are spectacular as the sun goes down. 

Alcatraz night tour, Golden Gate Bridge view at sunset

Note:   There's been a fair amount of construction going on at Alcatraz for the past couple of years to repair the damage done by decades of salty air, but it's winding down now. 

Consequently, certain areas may not be accessible on the night tour, depending where repairs are being done at the time. But most of the areas normally open on the tour are available now, including the prisoners' exercise yard. 

The Birds on Alcatraz

Alcatraz is a major nesting site for large numbers of sea gulls, snowy egrets, cormorants and other sea birds. It's not so obvious during the day, but as the sun goes down, the resident birds come in for the night and the numbers are impressive.

The squawking of the gulls and flapping of all the wings makes you realize just how many are living on the island.

The birds are building nests and laying eggs in April and May, and the chicks are born in June. There's a good map that shows their nesting areas on this  Park Service publication .

Very few birds lived on Alcatraz while it was a prison (the Bird Man didn't keep any birds while he was here; that happened in Leavenworth).

The cormorants spend their whole lives out on the open ocean and only come to land during the spring to nest and raise their chicks.

Cormorants nesting, April on Alcatraz, night tour

The Bird Man of Alcatraz didn't raise his birds on Alcatraz. He did that at another prison prior to his time on Alcatraz.

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Tickets for the night tour

Alcatraz night tour tickets can be purchased 3 ways:

  • Online from City Experiences, the official company that has the tour concession from the Park Service, at cityexperiences.com
  • By phone at 415 981-7625.
  • At the ticket booth on Pier 33, Alcatraz Landing (9 am-6:30 pm).

Current night tour prices:

  • Adults: $56.30
  • Ages 12-17: $55.10
  • Kids (5-11): 33.00
  • Seniors (62+): $52.25
  • Under 5: free

Night tour departure times:

As the length of daylight changes during the year, the departure times change as well. The night tours run 5 evenings a week , year-round.

Most of the year,  t he night tour runs Tuesday through Saturday, with three sailings each night; departures are at 5:55, 6:30 and 7:10 pm.

In winter , the tours leave once a day at 3:50 pm (with two sailings over the Christmas and New Years holidays).

The return times  also vary with the seasons; they're posted at Pier 33 and on the dock on Alcatraz. You can return on any of the boats. But check the notices for the current departure times.

Holiday schedule. There are two sailings a night from Dec 16-Jan 7. 3:50 and 4:45 pm, last boat returning at 7:40 pm.

Getting night tour tickets

It can be a challenge. Alcatraz night tour tickets are tougher to get than the day tour tickets because there are a lot fewer of them.

Historically, by May they were usually sold out two months in advance, often almost three months, and aren't included in most of the combination tours. But now there are a few packages that include the night tour. See night tour combos below for a list.

Winter is easier; you can probably snag some night tour tickets just a few days away.

Big change from the past! As of early June 2024, you can actually get them for the next day! Possibly because they have added a third sailing. Hopefully, this will continue to be the case.

Insider tip: the night tour is included in the Behind the Scenes tour, so if the night tour tickets are sold out, check for Behind the Scenes tickets. They tend to be scarce as well, but you might get lucky. 

More info on the Behind the Scenes tour.

Night tour tickets sold out?

orange push pin

There are ways to get  night tour tickets even if they're sold out for the day you want.  

Here are three ways to score tickets for sold out days:

  • Check for canceled tickets  on sold-out days on the official website, cityexperiences.com. And keep checking. You might get lucky!
  • Check the combination tours (see below) for tickets. Now there are combo tours that include the night tour.
  • Night Tour standby tickets . You can still get same-day tickets for the night tour and there's  a good chance of getting on the boat.  See standby tickets  for more details.

Night Combo Tours

Another option:  do the night tour together with another activity, in a combination package.

This is one of the ways of getting those hard-to-get night tour tickets when they're sold out.

Until 2018, it wasn't possible to find a combination deal that included the Alcatraz night tour, but now there are a smallish number of them.

They disappeared during Covid, and are just starting to return.

Three night tour combos are now available (August 2024):  

Alcatraz Night Tour combos:

Alcatraz Night Tour & SF Bay Cruise.

Go on the Alcatraz Night Tour and do a boat tour of the bay.

Sail around San Francisco Bay, out under the Golden Gate Bridge, and along the waterfront, with a great view of the city skyline.

See Alcatraz Night Tour & SF Bay Cruise  for info and booking.

Alcatraz Night Tour with Muir Woods and Sausalito. 

Cross the Golden Gate Bridge with a stop at a viewpoint. Explore the ancient redwoods, then see the charming seaside town of Sausalito. Next it's off to the night tour of Alcatraz.

See  Alcatraz Night Tour/Muir Woods/Sausalito  for info and booking.

Alcatraz Night Tour & Yosemite Day Tour.

See Alcatraz at night the first day, plus entry to the Aquarium of the Bay at Pier 39. Next day, get picked up at your hotel for an all day trip to Yosemite, including a tour of Yosemite, then three hours to explore there.

See  Alcatraz Night Tour/Yosemite  for info and booking.

Otherwise, you can book a Day Tour by itself or a Day Tour combined with other San Francisco attractions, like the popular Alcatraz/Muir Woods/Sausalito Tour , or the Alcatraz/Bay Cruise Tour .

See Alcatraz day tour combos for a list.

Spooky scene of Alcatraz cellblock at night

Is Alcatraz haunted?  There aren't any ghost tours on Alcatraz, but there are plenty of ghost stories about it!

Check out the  spooky encounters  some visitors and staff have reported.

Heading home

There are currently two return boat to get back to the city after the night tour, but don't miss the last one!

Return times vary by season. In summer, the return boats leave at 8:40  and 9:25 pm, but the winter departure is at 6:40 pm, so be sure to check the signs for the current times.

They blow a warning horn and do a search of the island each night before the last boat leaves to make sure there aren't any overnight visitors!

We went out in summer on the 5:55 pm ferry and found 2.5 hours was plenty to see and do everything, so we took the 8:40 pm boat back.

It was pretty dark by that time, but Alcatraz is well lit at night, so finding our way back down to the dock was easy.

In mid-summer, you'll have to take the last boat back to see the city lights.

Alcatraz night tour, walkway under bridge

It was so pretty out on the island with the lights of the city sparkling in the distance.

Alcatraz seemed more intimate and magical after dark; not at all scary, but very welcoming and friendly. Almost like being on a private island. Highly recommended!

For information on the other Alcatraz tours available, see Alcatraz prison tours .

For more tips for visiting the island,  including where to catch the ferry and how to get there, see  visiting Alcatraz .

If you're driving , check out my article on where to park for Alcatraz and other attractions on the Embarcadero.

Is Alcatraz sold out , for both the day and night tours?

See my suggestions on getting the tickets .

The Dinner Cruise

SF dinner cruise, city and bridge lights.

If you want to experience the city lights at night from the bay, City Experiences has a fun dinner/dance cruise .

We had a great time on it. See my dinner cruise page for info and photos for my experience

Check rates and availability to book it.

More to explore...

Alcatraz prison yard

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alcatraz sunset tour


Alcatraz night tour – tickets, prices, ferry timings, what to expect

Night tour of Alcatraz Island

The Alcatraz night tour is a unique activity limited to just a few hundred tourists per evening and includes special activities and presentations not offered during the day.

Alcatraz Island night tour is one of the fascinating things to do in San Francisco.

This article covers everything you must know before booking tickets to the Alcatraz Night Tour.

Top Tickets

# Alcatraz Night Tour with SF Bay Cruise # Muir Woods, Sausalito & Alcatraz Night Tour

Table of contents

Alcatraz night tour tickets.

Entrance of Alcatraz Jail at night

Since the night tour of Alcatraz is a limited-edition activity, there is enormous demand, and the tickets sell out soon.

During the peak summer months of April to September, night tours get booked several weeks (if not months) in advance.

As a result, only combo tours such as this are available. For instance, this ticket includes nightly access to Alcatraz and a Bay Cruise any day later.

This night tour to the prison off the city of San Francisco starts at three times – 5.55 pm, 6.30 pm, and 7.05 pm.

Once on the island, expert historians host nightly talks covering various topics.

This night tour includes a special “around the island” route, an experience not offered during daytime tours of Alcatraz.

Alcatraz night tour ticket price

Adult ticket (12+ years): US$159 Youth ticket (5 to 11 years): US$149 Child ticket (up to 4 years): Free entry

If you are trying for an Alcatraz night tour ticket at the last minute, rest assured it will be difficult. Check out how to buy Alcatraz Island tickets at the last minute .

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What to expect on a night tour

The night tour starts with a scenic ferry ride against the glittering San Francisco skyline.

Wander through the penitentiary walls under the haunting glow of lamplight, where former inmates’ tales take on an eerie layer of intrigue.

The award-winning audio tour, narrated by those who lived it, echoes through the dimly lit cells, sharing secrets of escape attempts and the penitentiary’s storied past.

What the night tours include

Your Alcatraz night tour includes the round-trip ferry ride to and from the Island.

Before you land on the island, you enjoy a guided tour around Alcatraz Island.

The onboard narration points out the hidden spots used for attempted prison escapes and prison structures unreachable by foot.

Once the ferry docks, a Ranger will lead you up a steep 400 meters (1312 feet) uphill walk.

The walk up to the Cellhouse includes many stops to explore the history from pre-Civil War, Military cannon, family life on the Island, etc.

You will also stop for breathtaking views of San Francisco city and the Golden Gate Bridge.

Once you reach the Cellhouse, you explore it at your own pace using the Alcatraz audio tour.

The Award-winning audio presentation ‘Doing Time: The Alcatraz Cellhouse Tour’ helps you learn about the Cell House, the inmates, the living conditions, the escape attempts, and the riots.

Once the audio tour is over, you can explore the optional programs and exhibits at the Alcatraz Cell House.

Inside the cellhouse on Alcatraz island

As a bonus, you see the Bay Area all lit up in its glory during your return.

Some visitors who have been to Alcatraz Island during the day and at night found the night tour a bit spooky.

The nocturnal guided tour of Alcatraz is open to a limited set of tourists every day.

You must hurry if you want to book your seat on the nighttime ferry.

Where do night tours start from

Both day and night tours to Alcatraz Island start from Pier 33, also known as Alcatraz Landing.  Get Directions

It is just 400 meters (a quarter of a mile) from Fisherman’s Wharf.

Alcatraz Landing has a ticket booth, waiting area, and finally, the boarding area from where you get on the cruise boats.

Alcatraz night tour timings

View of Alcatraz Island after dark

During the peak months of March to October, Alcatraz Island night tours sail out at 5.55 pm, 6.30 pm, and 7.05 pm, and from November to March, the ferry departs at 3.50 pm and 4.45 pm. 

Visitors can book night tours from Thursday to Monday during the summer months and during the winter months from Tuesday to Saturday.

How long does the Alcatraz night tour take

Most visitors spend three hours on the Alcatraz night tour.

Since only two ferries leave the island after the night tours are over, you can’t cut short the time.

Most of the days, the first ferry that leaves Alcatraz island after dark reaches capacity.

Tour duration in summer

During the summer months, the Alcatraz cruises designated for the night tour depart Pier 33 at 5.55 pm and 6.30 pm.

The return trips start from Alcatraz island at 8.40 pm and 9.25 pm.

If you start from the earliest cruise departing at 5.55 pm and return by the last cruise departing the island at 9.25 pm, your Alcatraz tour will be over in three and a half hours.

And if you depart at 6.30 pm by the second available cruise, the maximum duration of your Alcatraz night tour will be three hours.

Tour duration in winter

During winter, only one cruise makes the trip to  Alcatraz island , taking tourists on their night tour.

It departs at 3.50 pm from Pier 33 Alcatraz Landing and reaches the island at 4.05 pm. The same cruise then returns to the mainland at 6.40 pm.

In short, a night tour of Alcatraz in winter also lasts three hours.

Occasionally, there may be a second cruise, depending on demand.

Night tour vs day tour

There are four significant differences between the Alcatraz day tours and after-dark tours – the night tour is costlier, exclusive, scarier, and offers better views on the horizon.

Cost of the tour

One of the significant differences is in the cost of the night tour ticket. An adult’s night tour ticket costs $7 more than the day tour tickets.

The higher price tag is because of the limited availability and access to special programs.

Exclusivity of the tour

The night tour is more exclusive than the day tour because of the lesser number of tickets.

For instance, during the summer months, 14-15 ferries start from Alcatraz Landing to take the tourists on day tours.

In sharp contrast, only two ferries depart for Alcatraz Island carrying the night tour ticket holders.

The creepiness factor

The creepiness factor of Alcatraz multiplies manifold at night.

The fact that there is a lesser number of people touring with you makes it scarier.

The human guides who take you through the Alcatraz night tour capitalize on the ‘darkness’ factor.

They give special presentations, such as making all the steel doors close together as they would when Alcatraz was a real prison.

The loud sound of these doors closing is disturbing and stays with you even after returning from the tour.

Exceptional views

During the summer months, the Alcatraz night tour starts at Alcatraz Landing Pier 33 at 5:55 pm or 6:30 pm.

In the winter months, there is only one ferry at 3.50 pm.

Since you are on Alcatraz Island during sunset, you see exceptional views of the Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco city when the sun goes down.

During the return ferry, visitors get to see the glittering San Francisco skyline.

What to wear for night tour

Since you will be walking on all kinds of roads – gravel, mud, paved – and climbing stairways, it is better to wear comfortable and covered walking shoes during your night visit to Alcatraz.

Sandals, high heels, open-toe shoes, etc., are a strict no-no.

The weather on Alcatraz is unpredictable and subject to change at short notice, so it is better to dress up in layers and bring along a light jacket or sweater.

If you are visiting during winter and early spring, be prepared for rain.

Alcatraz night tour reviews

Jail at Alcatraz Island Prison

According to TripAdvisor, Alcatraz Island is the number one landmark in San Francisco.

It is rated 4.5, with some very positive reviews.

The Alcatraz Night tour has also got some great reviews. Here are two such reviews –

Night tour – a little chilly but lots of fun

We did the night tour during the summer and it was amazing. We sailed into the fog and arrived on the island, and after about an hour or so, the fog had dissipated, leaving some amazing views of the city. – Maxsimmo

Night tour was stunning!

Simply amazing! The audio tour was awesome, esp. listening to former wardens and prisoners caught my heart. Recommend the night tour so u can watch the sunset. The best viewpoint is from the entrance to the courtyard. It is completely worth the money and is highly recommended. DominikaSVK

Sources # Alcatrazislandtickets.com # Cityexperiences.com # Inside-guide-to-san-francisco-tourism.com # Parksconservancy.org The travel specialists at TheBetterVacation.com use only high-quality sources while researching & writing their articles. We make every attempt to keep our content current, reliable and trustworthy .

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This article was researched & written by

Jamshed V Rajan

He is a two-faced traveler, who enjoys both the hustle-bustle of an urban holiday and the serenity of a break from the rest of the World. During some of his vacations, he is a resort hopper, and on others, he barely spends time in his hotel. He loves to try mouth-watering local cuisines, especially non-vegetarian dishes. Favourite Cities: Amsterdam, Las Vegas, Dublin, Prague, Vienna

1 thought on “Alcatraz night tour – tickets, prices, ferry timings, what to expect”

Knowing where to park for a night tour would be a great addition to this post

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Alcatraz Tours

Alcatraz Tours

Escaping to Alcatraz ? Enjoy the trip. And make sure to check out the Parks Conservancy's award-winning "Doing Time: The Alcatraz Cellhouse Tour." The audio tour is included with the purchase of an Alcatraz tour ticket. Get your Alcatraz tickets from Alcatraz City Cruises here  or call (415) 981-ROCK (7625). 

Also try our unique Alcatraz Night Tours  and Behind the Scenes Tours . You’ll get access to hidden areas of the island on small tours led by NPS rangers and historical experts from the Parks Conservancy. No two tours are ever the same, perfect for a birthday or other special occasion. Get tickets today from Alcatraz City Cruises  and find more info about how you can Escape to Alcatraz !

To purchase Alcatraz tour tickets and for tour schedule information, call (415) 981-7625 or visit Alcatraz Cruises .

Be sure to buy tickets several days in advance (up to several weeks in summer), as tours sell out quickly. Wear warm clothing and comfortable walking shoes, bring your camera, and get ready to have an exciting and memorable visit to The Rock!

Guided tours are offered each day by park rangers and other staff. You’ll learn about:

  • The island’s natural history
  • San Francisco Bay
  • Civilian life of correctional officers
  • Escape attempts
  • Restored historical gardens

Alcatraz Tour Features

Fresh-air ferry ride Speed across the bay through the wind and salt spray as the ferry takes you from Pier 33 to one of the most infamous island prisons of all time. The make-believe home of Clint Eastwood in Escape from Alcatraz, the prison housed many a bad guy in its heyday.

Walk-in prison experience Step behind bars into the depths of a maximum-security cell house. See where prisoners ate, slept, exercised, or did time in the isolation of the “Treatment Unit,” or worse still, in the complete darkness of the “Hole.” Learn how some of the convicts made their escapes.

Sound and light Take advantage of the audiovisual aids to learn some history: the cell house audio tour features voices and stories of actual inmates and guards, and a video exhibit explains the birth of the Native American Red Power movement at Alcatraz.

Special Alcatraz Tours

Alcatraz Historic Gardens Tours Join a garden docent for a walk through the restored historic gardens and learn about the softer side of the Rock. Tours leave the Alcatraz dock every Friday and Sunday at 9:30 am. On Wednesdays from 11 am–2 pm, have your questions answered by a gardener at the Officer’s Row overlook and enjoy a personal tour of these gardens.

Alcatraz Night Tour You can also experience the island at night on the Alcatraz Night Tour , a unique program limited to just a few hundred visitors each evening. Called the “best tour of the Bay Area” by the San Francisco Chronicle, it includes special programs, tours, and activities offered only to the island’s night visitors.

The Alcatraz Night Tour operates year-round, Thursday-Monday evenings. The evening includes roundtrip ferry transportation, a live boat narration, a guided tour from Dock to Cellhouse, the Cellhouse Audio Tour, a keepsake souvenir brochure, recreation use fee, and a variety of special programs and presentations offered only at night. To purchase tickets visit Alcatraz Cruises or call (415) 981-7625.

Proceeds from the Alcatraz Night Tour support preservation and restoration projects on Alcatraz and throughout the Golden Gate National Parks. For general (non-ticket) Night Tour information, please call (415) 561-4926.

Become an Alcatraz Night Tour volunteer —Volunteers with the Alcatraz Night Tour work in one of America’s most famous sites. Activities include welcoming and orienting arriving visitors, showing them some lesser known areas of the island as well as performing resource protection duties. If you would like to join our team as a VIP, please call the NPS volunteer hotline at (415) 561-4755, the Night Tour directly at (415) 561-4927.

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  • Alcatraz Prison Tours
  • Night Tours

Alcatraz Night Tour: What to Expect from this Popular Tour of The Rock

Jill on a windy day at the Golden Gate Bridge

by Jill Loeffler   •

Updated: March 18, 2024

The Alcatraz night tour offers a more personalized option for visiting this top San Francisco attraction. This is also a great option for anyone who has already visited during the day and is looking to experience something a little different. 

I love visiting Alcatraz at night because the groups are smaller and the only people on the island are the people from your ferry. This way, you can get around quite a bit better and squeeze in more photos that aren't crowded with other visitors. 

Cells during the night tour of Alcatraz Prison

One question I get a lot is if I like the day or night tour better. My response is always the Alcatraz night tour.

It's such a cool feeling to be on the island at night, as you get a better idea of what it was like to be a prisoner here. I also like it better because there are fewer people around.

It costs a little more than the Alcatraz day tour and does not run as frequently, so it's a little more difficult to fit it into most people's schedules. 

However, if you do have the choice between the two, go on the night tour. I know you will have a great time and LOVE it! 

Disclaimer : I receive a small commission from some of the links on this page.

What to Expect on the Alcatraz Night Tour

Two perks that are not offered on the day tour are the boat taking you around the island before you dock and the simultaneous live narration on the ferry ride.

After you get off the ferry, the Alcatraz night tour starts with a brief overview of what to expect given a park ranger. This is the same as during the day but includes information on additional things to do that evening.

Tip: It can get pretty windy and chilly on the ferry and island at night, so bring a warm jacket or windbreaker. I also recommend wearing long pants and comfortable shoes.

Even though they call them night tours, they are really evening tours as you will arrive on the island before it gets dark and leave shortly after dark.

Special Programs at Night

As you walk up the steep hill to the main cell house, additional rangers are on hand giving details on the history of this old federal and military prison and its famous prisoners .

Just to give you an example of what to expect, during my last visit, they had a very informative talk about Al Capone ( learn more about him and why he ended up here ) at a stop along the steep hill to the cell house. 

The water tower during the evening tour of Alcatraz

After two or three stops for these talks, you will reach the main cell house. This is where you will pick up your self-guided audio tour headset for your walk around this iconic landmark.

Self-Guided Cellhouse Audio Tour

Once you pick up your audio you will head to the main floor of the cell hours on a self-guided tour at your own pace. The audio tour takes you on a designated path where you will learn even more about Al Capone, Machine Gun Kelley, and Robert Stroud, the Birdman of Alcatraz. 

On the Alcatraz Island night tour, you will explore this former federal prison to see what it was like to be a prisoner here. You will walk past and get the chance to enter a few of the solitary confinement cells. 

You will see the cell block and the cells where Frank Morris, John Anglin, and his brother Clarence Anglin plotted and attempted their escape. Learn more about this and other escape attempts here before your visit .

Along the way, you will see the library where books were stored for the inmates. You will also spend some time in the food service area where they ate all three meals daily. 

Even though it's a self-guided tour, it usually takes about 45 minutes. 

Want to learn more about the history of Alcatraz before you visit? Check out this page  which talks more about the prisoners and life in this maximum-security prison in the middle of San Francisco Bay.

Finishing Up Your Tour

Once you complete your audio tour, you will have some time to explore on your own. You will find a few more special programs given by the forest rangers. You will also have access to a few special areas that aren't open during the Alcatraz day tour.

During my last Alcatraz night tour, they opened some of the rooms in the medical area upstairs, where many prisoners stayed when they were ill. Rangers were also on hand to answer questions and provide additional information about these areas.

You can also roam around outside. You will get some great views of the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco city lights, and all around the San Francisco Bay Area.

They don't publish which additional area will be open during these tours, but you can usually expect to see more of the island on the Alcatraz night tour than by day.

Alcatraz Night Tour Tickets

The challenge with the night tours is getting tickets. They only run a few nights a week and only one or two ferries a night.

Not only do they run on a limited schedule, but they also only allow around 300 people per tour. This creates a more intimate visiting experience, but it also creates a high demand for these tickets.

Limited access to these tickets and this tour also make it a more special trip. 

Alcatraz is part of the National Park Service. However, you cannot visit with your National Parks Pass. You must purchase tickets before your visit.

Winter Schedule: Early November - Early March

During the winter months, Alcatraz City Cruises only runs one tour a night to the island, only Tuesday through Saturday. This means that only 300 people a day can take this tour. 

The departure time is 3:50 pm from Pier 33 and the return time is 6:40 pm from the island. 

They do offer a second tour at 4:45 pm only during the busy holiday weekends. 

Pictures from inside Alcatraz during the night tour.

Summer Schedule: Early March - Early November

In the summer, they run three ferries. The first one usually leaves at 5:55 pm, the second at 6:30 pm, and the third at 7:05 pm. 

The return ferries leave the island at 7:55 pm, 8:40 pm, and 9:25 pm.

They will tell you all of this when you arrive, so you don't have to worry about writing it all down or bringing it with you.

I just want to give you an idea of how long you get to stay on the island during the Alcatraz night tour.

>> More about taking the ferry to Alcatraz

Tickets for the Alcatraz Night Tour

In the past, tickets would only go on sale 90 days in advance. Right now, they are releasing them about six months in advance so you can book them earlier.

I don't know when or if they will switch back to the 90-day lead time, but wanted to make you aware in case you don't see any tickets for your time frame.

Here is the current pricing (subject to change at anytime):

  • Adults: $56.30
  • Juniors, 12 - 17 Years: $55.15
  • Kids, 5 - 11 Years: $33.00
  • Seniors (62+): $52.25

The only place to purchase these is directly through the official site on Alcatraz Cruises ( find tickets ). Book them as soon as you can, so you don't miss out on the amazing adventure!

Your Alcatraz night tour will leave from Pier 33 at Alcatraz Landing, which is an easy walk from San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf district .

Other Alcatraz Tickets

In addition to the Alcatraz night tour tickets, you will also find these other official ticket options. You can purchase all of these directly through the official website for Alcatraz City Cruises. There are some retailers that are also allowed to sell Alcatraz combo tickets that I explain in the section below. 

Day Tours : The day tour is the most popular Alcatraz cell house tour. They run daily (except on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day. Several tickets are available each day. All Alcatraz Prison tickets include roundtrip ferry transportation. Learn more about this tour here . 

Behind-the-Scenes Tour : The Behind-the-Scenes tour is another great option. This one offers a personally guided tour that lasts about 1.5 to 2 hours. It's also a small group tour with only about up to 20 people per tour. It runs during the day, costs a bit more, but is an amazing way to really get to see a lot of Alcatraz.

Note : I get questions all the time about purchasing Alcatraz day and night tours from other venues. There are a handful of designated resellers that will allow you to find tickets when they are sold out (a few are recommended below). However, not all tickets are legitimate. If you are unsure, please reach out to me and I'll help you decide if where you plan to buy is offering real tickets. I usually answer back within 24 hours.

More Alcatraz Combo Ticket Options

If you find that the Alcatraz night tour is booked or you would prefer to go during the day, then check out some of the great combo tour tickets available. These are also great for last-minute purchases or if the day tours are sold out as well.

The one I recommend often is the one through GetYourGuide. This Alcatraz tour package includes the day trip to Alcatraz as well as a 1-day ticket for their Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour. You can see several of our most popular attractions with the ease of their bus tour that takes you right to each one. Find out more about the tickets on GetYourGuide .

Other combo tickets are available on GetYourGuide. They've created a round-up of the best offerings from agencies all around town. Some include a visit to Alcatraz as well as a ferry ride to Sausalito, a wine tour, or a bike ride over the Golden Gate Bridge. Find their ticket selection here .

Alcatraz Night Tour from San Francisco

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My Wishlist

Alcatraz Day Tour & San Francisco Bay Sunset Cruise

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  • Sunset Tours

Alcatraz Day Tour & San Francisco Bay Sunset Cruise

  • Alcatraz Tour Tickets (a $38.35 USD ticket value)
  • San Francisco Skyline and Waterfronts
  • Float under the Golden Gate Bridge
  • Cruise past Sausalito/Angel Island
  • Enjoy live music, food, and drink

Tour Length: All day

Pickup locations: Alcatraz Island Tour departures begin ~ 10 a.m., depending on the day. Check the ferry times before you go! The Sunset Cruise departs between 5:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. depending on the season. Both tours will depart from Fisherman’s Wharf

Alcatraz Island is the #1 attraction in San Francisco, and you can see it for yourself! Make your way to Fisherman’s Wharf on day 1 where you can pick up your Alcatraz tickets and explore the area.

Later that evening, board a biodiesel-powered ship for a relaxing and fun-filled cruise of the San Francisco Bay, with sunset views of the Golden Gate Bridge, Angel Island, the San Francisco skyline, and more! Join us for a perfect day on the Bay!


Alcatraz is a must-see for any traveler visiting San Francisco.

You’ll take the ferry out to the island, with amazing views of the San Francisco skyline, Golden Gate Bridge, and Angel Island.

Upon arrival, you’ll learn a brief history of “The Rock” and then head up to the prison. You’ll be equipped with an audio tour titled “Doing Time”, in which you’ll hear interviews from former inmates and learn more history about Alcatraz. You may explore for as long as you want (the ferry departs for the mainland approximately every 30-40 minutes).

The tour generally takes people about two and a half hours. Don’t forget your jacket – it can get chilly out on the bay!

Alcatraz Info:

  • For security purposes, a government-issued photo ID is required for all guests to board the Alcatraz ferry
  • Alcatraz audio tour is available in English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Mandarin, Portuguese and Korean
  • You may leave Alcatraz Island at any time; ferries depart every 30 to 40 minutes; the last departing ferry is usually 6:30 pm

Alcatraz tickets are subject to limited availability, so book your tickets today!

Your package includes the Alcatraz Ferry and Bay Cruise on the same day. There is no transportation provided; you must make your own way to Fisherman’s Wharf for these activities.

The Aquarium of the Bay is at Pier 39, and you may spend as much of your day there as you like.  When it’s time for your Alcatraz Cruise, make your way to Pier 33 in Fisherman’s Wharf to pick up your Alcatraz tickets from the Group Services Window and meet the ferry. You may pick up your tickets any time the day of your tour, but they MUST be claimed no later than 30 minutes prior to the tour departure. You will need a valid ID and your paid voucher to pick up the tickets.


Board your ferry and ride across the San Francisco Bay to Alcatraz Island. See the San Francisco Skyline, the Golden Gate Bridge, and Angel Island from the ferry! Depart the ferry at Alcatraz and follow your guide up into the prison.


Enjoy the audio tour “Doing Time” with commentary from inmates and guards that experienced the prison when it was operational. You may take as much time as you’d like on the island; the ferries return to SF approximately every 30-40 minutes.


Head to Pier 41 to board your ship. Be there at least 15 minutes early to guarantee entry. Launched in 1939 as part of the Golden Gate International Exposition, this cruise has been a highlight of any visit to San Francisco for 70 years. Sail along San Francisco’s breathtaking waterfront, under the majestic Golden Gate Bridge, and closely around notorious Alcatraz Island. On route, discover San Francisco’s history and world-famous landmarks through personal headphone audio in 12 languages. During the cruise, frequent wildlife encounters include seagulls, pelicans and sea lions. At times, you may see even dolphins and whales. So be alert! Departing from Pier 43 ½ in the heart of Historic Fisherman’s Wharf, sail past the San Francisco skyline, the famous swimming clubs of Aquatic Park, the historic vessels at Hyde Street Pier, the San Francisco Maritime Park, and numerous other exciting sights. On the Sunset Cruise, enjoy spectacular sunset views, live guitar music, and a hearty appetizer buffet that includes a variety of sandwiches, salads, fruit, and dessert, as you sail on beautiful San Francisco Bay with its amazing waterfront of modern skyscrapers, historic landmarks, and natural beauty. A full bar with drinks, snacks and merchandise is also available aboard. Come and cruise the bay with us!

This adventure is operated by Incredible Adventures

Incredible Adventures reserves the right to cancel any trip. If a trip is canceled due to bad weather, inadequate load requirements, or any reason (excepting those listed above), a 100% refund will be issued. If at all possible, a comparable tour product will be offered to the guest in lieu of canceling. In such cases where minimum load requirements are not met, we cannot be responsible for paying any expenses you may have incurred other than to refund monies due to you for tour price. A $150 cleaning/repair charge will be added for any severe damage to the vehicles during the tour (including liquid spillage requiring upholstery cleaning).

In the event that you must cancel your reservation, you may transfer your reservation to a friend or relative at the last moment, just please inform us of the change.

Overnight tours All overnight bookings have cancellation fees. Cancellations made more than 21 days in advance of the tour date have a 10% fee. Cancellations made less than 21 days from the departure date have a 50% cancellation fee. No-shows and cancellations within 24 hours will be charged 100% of the tour rate.

Day tours Cancellations  made between 72-24 hours prior to departure, have a cancellation fee of 50%.

Private and Charter Tour Cancellations For cancellation more than 7 days in advance of departure, or if your tour is unable to depart as scheduled due to travel restrictions, you will be able to reschedule your trip and we will transfer your payment to your new date of travel. For cancellation between 7 and 4 days, you will be charged 50% of the entire amount paid. For cancellation 3 days or less in advance of departure and No-Shows, you will be charged 100% of the entire amount due.

Alcatraz Packages 20% of base trip price plus the full cost of Alcatraz ticket for any confirmed reservation canceled up to 72 hours prior to tour departure. 50% of base trip price plus full cost of Alcatraz ticket for any confirmed reservation canceled between 72 and 24 hours prior to tour departure. 100% of total trip price for any confirmed reservation canceled within 24 hours of tour departure or No-Show. There will be no refund or rescheduling for missed Alcatraz departures.

No Shows Passenger no-shows and cancellations within 24 hours of any tour departure time are are not valid for refund.

No refund will be given to anyone who is denied service because of refusal to wear a seat belt or to follow the rules and regulations of the carrier.

Please Note:  If you’ve booked with a 3rd party, ie. TripAdvisor, Get Your Guide, etc. please contact them directly as you are subject to their cancellation policy.

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Alcatraz Tour in San Francisco

Over a million tourists visit Alcatraz Tour in San Francisco every year.

alcatraz tour san francisco

Have you ever imagined yourself a criminal while watching American actions or popular world-known series about mafia, clans, and cartels?

Have you ever thought , what it feels like to be a prisoner, walk down those halls, eat that food, sleep in those cells on plank beds?

Have you ever found yourself working your mind on an escape plan together with a main movie character?

Alcatraz tour will take you to the atmosphere of those times when it was one of the most famous American prisons.

San Francisco Alcatraz

Intriguing Island

Having arrived at the Island on a ferry from the Pier 33, firstly you should look around and explore the area:

  • prison building, which is the biggest construction on the Island
  • houses of guards’ families
  • playgrounds for inmates’ entertainment
  • wild nature: plants and flowers
  • birds, mostly gulls; they inhabit the Island, that is why you will see a lot of them there
  • view of the city behind the ocean, which was the most unloved view in the cells of block D; it was considered a torture for prisoners, as it reminded them of freedom, they did not have and would most probably never see again.

Alcatraz tour

Creepy building

The internal organization of the Building itself is worth mentioning as well.  Prison corridors are named after popular American streets. No wonder if you find yourself walking down Broadway towards Times Square.

The building itself spreads the spirit of imprisonment with all those photos of correctional officers, criminals, their prison cells, kitchen, common area, outside courts etc. You will picture the life prisoners actually had in there.

San Francisco Alcatraz

Just for you to know, the Island was converted into the Museum in 1987. It became very popular due to its location and the purpose of foundation itself. As unsinkable Titanic, Alcatraz was an inescapable prison for most dangerous criminals and venturous felons. Even after masterly planned escapes, those who survived in ice-cold waters were taken back to prison by the guards.

Visiting Alcatraz

The most horrifying and mysterious world-known prison even though no longer active, still draws a lot of attention of travelers and is one of the biggest attractions for tourists coming from everywhere.

Alcatraz is an Island with lighthouses, which primary purpose was to signal arriving ships of approaching the rocky coast on a foggy weather. In the 19 th century the island was used as a military fort for the Bay defense, and later as a security prison for the most dangerous criminals. In 1973 the prison was converted into the Museum and nowadays is still open for public.

san francisco alcatraz

Life of prisoners

To absorb the spirit of the place you should get inside and see the “In-door life” of an Island.  Walking down the prison corridors, getting into the cells, seeing that mode of life, prisoners had there, will terrify you a little at the beginning. All corridors are called after popular American streets and avenues, e.g. the main corridor is a Broadway , which crosses Michigan Avenue and so on.

Walking along, your attention will be drawn to the photos of correctional officers and inmates, which will help to see the “image” more clearly. You will see the kitchen equipped with tear gas containers along the perimeter, the menu with the list of food provided, visitation booths, library etc.

Alcatraz tour

Life stories  

Numerous stories about the imprisonment life of the criminals, their deliberate attempts to escape and mysterious disappearances – all these facts and other enigmatic legends are being narrated during the audio tour through Alcatraz. Some of them will make you surprised , some of them will make you sympathize felons. But anyways be sure you will be taken to a new level of understanding of Life and History.

Alcatraz tour may not be realistic if you have just one day in the city, but is a must-do if you have at least  2 days in San Francisco.

After the tour you may want to spend some time at the souvenir shop on the Island, where you can purchase prison dishes, kitchenware and even the Key from Alcatraz!

things to do in San Francisco

Now it’s the right time to get back to freedom, to San Francisco embankment!

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How to get there: subway station – Kolomenskoye, Prospect Andropova 39

When:  August (3 August 2019)

Price: 4000-8000 rubles (€54-€108)

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  5. Alcatraz Night Tour

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    Alcatraz is open for tours everyday except on Christmas, Thanksgiving and New Year's day. The Alcatraz ferry is also run on a winter and summer schedule. No matter the time of year, the earliest tour always begin around 8:45am. The summer season will have more ferry crossings later as daylight lasts longer.

  7. Alcatraz Day Tour + Big Bus Sunset Tour

    DAYTIME ROUND TRIP ALCATRAZ CITY CRUISES FERRY TO ALCATRAZ ISLAND INCLUDING CELLHOUSE AUDIO TOUR. DiscoverTown Tours is an Official Tour and Travel Partner of Alcatraz City Cruises. NOT SOLD SEPARATELY • SOLD ONLY AS PART OF A TOUR PACKAGE. Alcatraz Face Value: $45.25 Adults & Juniors (12+), $42.65 Seniors (62+), $27.55 Kids (5-11), Free for ...

  8. San Francisco Bay Cruise + Alcatraz Night Tour

    Bay Cruise departs at 11:00am or 1:00pm from Pier 43 1/2 Fisherman's Wharf. Arrive 30 minutes prior to departure for check-in. Alcatraz Island Night Tour night departs at 5:55pm from Pier 33. Please arrive 30 minutes early for check-in. Ferries depart Alcatraz Island 8:40pm & 9:25pm and return to Pier 33.

  9. The BEST Alcatraz Sunset tours 2024

    The best Alcatraz Sunset tours are: San Francisco: California Sunset Boat Cruise; San Francisco: Golden Gate Bridge and Bay Sunset Cruise; San Francisco: Luxury Brunch or Dinner Cruise on the Bay; San Francisco: Sky Star Wheel - Fisherman's Wharf; San Francisco: Bay Sailing Tour with Drinks

  10. The Alcatraz Night Tour. Insider tips!

    Alcatraz night tour tickets can be purchased 3 ways: Online from City Experiences, the official company that has the tour concession from the Park Service, at cityexperiences.com. By phone at 415 981-7625. At the ticket booth on Pier 33, Alcatraz Landing (9 am-6:30 pm).

  11. Alcatraz Cruises (Official Provider)

    1934 - 1963. Alcatraz and history go hand in hand. Once home to some of America's most notorious criminals, the federal penitentiary that operated here from 1934 to 1963 brought a dark mystique to "The Rock". The presence of infamous inmates, like Al "Scarface" Capone and the "Birdman" Robert Stroud, helped to establish the ...

  12. Alcatraz night tour

    During the summer months, the Alcatraz night tour starts at Alcatraz Landing Pier 33 at 5:55 pm or 6:30 pm. In the winter months, there is only one ferry at 3.50 pm. Since you are on Alcatraz Island during sunset, you see exceptional views of the Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco city when the sun goes down.

  13. Alcatraz Tours

    Get your Alcatraz tickets from Alcatraz City Cruises here or call (415) 981-ROCK (7625). Also try our unique Alcatraz Night Tours and Behind the Scenes Tours. You'll get access to hidden areas of the island on small tours led by NPS rangers and historical experts from the Parks Conservancy.

  14. Jail and Sail: Alcatraz Tour and Sunset or Twilight Bay Cruise

    All taxes, fees and gratuities. Includes tickets to Alcatraz ($39.90 USD value) Round-trip ferry to and from Alcatraz Island. Award-winning self-guided Cellhouse Audio tour in multiple languages. Sunset Cruise or Twilight Cruise (depending on option selected) Hotel pickup and drop-off.

  15. Alcatraz Night Tour: What to Expect and Ferry Schedule

    Winter Schedule: Early November - Early March. During the winter months, Alcatraz City Cruises only runs one tour a night to the island, only Tuesday through Saturday. This means that only 300 people a day can take this tour. The departure time is 3:50 pm from Pier 33 and the return time is 6:40 pm from the island.

  16. Official Alcatraz Prison Tour + Open-Top Bus Sunset Tour

    This tour package includes a visit to the famous Alcatraz prison site, as well as a Bay Bridge + Treasure Island Night Tour! One of the undeniable highlights of our San Francisco Bus Tour is the journey across the iconic Bay Bridge, with top-deck views across the bay. With a stop at the Treasure Island, you'll be able to take some great ...

  17. Alcatraz Day Tour & San Francisco Bay Sunset Cruise

    Alcatraz Tour Tickets (a $38.35 USD ticket value) San Francisco Skyline and Waterfronts. Float under the Golden Gate Bridge. Cruise past Sausalito/Angel Island. Enjoy live music, food, and drink. Tour Length: All day. Pickup locations: Alcatraz Island Tour departures begin ~ 10 a.m., depending on the day.

  18. Alcatraz Tour in San Francisco

    Alcatraz is an Island with lighthouses, which primary purpose was to signal arriving ships of approaching the rocky coast on a foggy weather. In the 19 th century the island was used as a military fort for the Bay defense, and later as a security prison for the most dangerous criminals. In 1973 the prison was converted into the Museum and ...

  19. The BEST Alcatraz Sunset tours 2024

    Book the most popular Sunset tours in Alcatraz. Best price and money back guarantee! Read the reviews of your fellow travelers.

  20. Discovering Alcatraz Island: A Historical Journey

    Welcome to our blog as we embark on an exciting virtual tour of Alcatraz Island, an iconic landmark situated in the heart of San Francisco Bay. Steeped in rich history and known as "The Rock," Alcatraz Island is synonymous with the infamous Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary, which housed some of America's most notorious criminals. ...

  21. Tours in Moscow and St Petersburg

    In Moscow. In Moscow we offer you a city tour to discover most of the city in an original way as well as a night tour to admire the lights. Our pubcrawl is ideal to explore Moscow's night-life and have fun. If you are craving to discover Russian culture, come impress your senses during our monastery diner or join our 100% Russian Banya Excursion.The latest will also bring you to Sergiyev ...

  22. Picnic Afisha Festival (August 3)

    Picnic Afisha, the largest one-day open-air music festival in Moscow, gathers annually more than 50,000 music-lovers. It takes place in one of Moscow's most beautiful parks Kolomenskoye, a former tsar's estate, now a state-owned historical, architectural and nature reserve museum, located within a 20 minute ride south-east from the city center. Each year the line up has a nice mixture of local ...

  23. Alcatraz Day Tour

    Admission to the grounds of Liberty Island and Ellis Island See Alcatraz, the Golden Gate Bridge, Fort Point, and more! Restricted to Bay Area residents on select dates. Add a pair of tickets to cart to receive BOGO. Discount will apply at checkout. I agree to receive email updates from the Hornblower Group Family of Companies in accordance ...