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+ Journey Into Space is a BBC Radio science fiction programme, written by BBC producer Charles Chilton. It was the last radio programme in the UK to attract a bigger evening audience than television. Originally, four series were produced (the fourth being a remake of the first), which went on to be translated into 17 languages (including Hindustani, Turkish and Dutch) and broadcast worldwide (including the United States, New Zealand, Australia and the Netherlands). Chilton went on to write three best-selling novels and several comic strip stories, based upon the radio series. The first series was created in 1953, soon after Riders of the Range (a popular Western, also written by Chilton) ended its six seasons on the BBC Light Programme. Michael Standing, then Head of the BBC Variety Department, asked Chilton if he could write a sci-fi programme, and Journey to the Moon (later known as Operation Luna) was the result. Each half-hour episode would usually end with a dramatic cliffhanger, to increase the audience's incentive to tune in to the next episode. The original magnetic recordings of the show were erased shortly after broadcast, and for several decades, it was believed that no recordings of the show still survived. However, in 1986, a set of mis-filed Transcription Service discs (produced for sale to overseas radio stations) were discovered, containing complete copies of the three original series (more accurately, the surviving version of the first season is a cut-down remake of the original, produced for the Transcription Service during the 1950s). This discovery enabled the BBC to begin re-broadcasting the show in the late 1980s, and release copies of the show, first on audio cassette, and more recently on CD and internet download.-WikiPedia

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Explore the Universe with Interactives and Videos

About ViewSpace

What is viewspace.

ViewSpace is a free, web-based collection of digital interactives and videos highlighting the latest developments in astronomy and Earth science.

ViewSpace gives you the opportunity to explore our planet, solar system, galaxy, and universe. Provided free with the support of NASA, ViewSpace is developed by a team of scientists, educators, and communication specialists who collaborate to ensure that content is accurate, up-to-date, engaging, relevant, and accessible to a wide audience.


ViewSpace interactives allow you to explore objects and materials from different perspectives, discovering how we can combine information to better understand the universe.

Split image of a disc-shaped galaxy. The left half of the image shows visible light in shades of brown and gray. The right side shows an infrared image in reds and blues.

Different forms of light: Explore visible and invisible wavelengths of light that help us understand features like the dusty brim of the Sombrero Galaxy roughly 30 million light-years away.

Split image of stars and dusty clouds. The left half of the image shows visible light of the dusty clouds in orange, brown, and blue. The right half of the image shows infrared light of the clouds in dark smoky gray, and the stars in orange.

Hidden objects: Unveil invisible light to reveal hidden objects like the stars forming inside Mystic Mountain, a pillar of gas and dust 7,500 light-years from Earth.

ViewSpace videos tell the stories of the planets, stars, galaxies, and universe, giving viewers the opportunity to experience space and Earth as seen with satellites and telescopes.

Screenshot of a video showing the Milky Way with two features called out in detail.

Astronomy: Explore the sky with stories told through spectacular imagery from space telescopes.

Screenshot of a video titled "Where on Earth?" showing a satellite image of the Marlborough Sounds, South Island of New Zealand

Earth science: Gain new perspectives on our home planet based on data gathered by Earth-orbiting satellites.

ViewSpace is produced by the Office of Public Outreach at the Space Telescope Science Institute , in partnership with the NASA's Universe of Learning project and NASA's Earth Observing System, Hubble Space Telescope Project, and James Webb Space Telescope Project.

ViewSpace has been exhibited in museums, planetariums, and science centers across the country since 2000.

What Will You Explore?

The Latest Discoveries in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Screenshot of a video titled "Chandra Spies Aftermath of Planet Collision" showing an illustration of rocky debris surrounding a star

Recent Natural Events and Satellite Views of Earth

Screenshot of a video called "EarthWatch: Eruption of Mount Sinabung" showing a satellite image of an erupting volcano

In-depth Stories of How Science and the Universe Work

Screenshot of a video showing the path of an eclipse on May 29, 1919

Stunning Imagery and Accessible Explanations

Screenshot of a video titled "Cosmic Tour: Monkey Head Nebula" showing a labeled image of a cloud of gas and dust

Sample Images from ViewSpace

Field of scattered galaxies overlaid with large semi-transparent areas of blue and pink

What objects and materials make up the universe, and how do we study the invisible as well as the visible?

Data from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and Chandra X-Ray Observatory are used to create a map of dark matter (blue) in galaxy cluster MACS J0717.5+3745.

A distorted galaxy arches over a hazy blue oval galaxy, appearing like a bird hovering over its egg

What are galaxies; how do they vary; and how do they form, interact, and change over time?

The Penguin and the Egg (Arp 142) is a pair of galaxies that are being distorted by their mutual gravitational attraction.

Bright Saturn tilted slightly right, with Titan in upper northern hemisphere

How do the Sun, planets, moons, comets, and asteroids interact as a system?

Saturn’s moon Titan casts a shadow as it passes between the planet and the Sun.

Milky Way curves across the sky, with outline of a fox appearing at the top of the arch. Line from the fox leads to inset box with telescope image of the Lobster Nebula

How do telescopes help us better understand the objects and materials that light up the sky?

With telescopes, we can see details of the Milky Way, including glowing clouds of dust and gas like the Lobster Nebula.

Black space scattered with many points of light, some with clear galaxy shapes, and others just appearing as dots

How fast is the universe expanding and what does this tell us about its past and future?

Over time, space expands, stretching the wavelenghts of light and causing the distant galaxies seen in the Ultra Deep Field image from the Hubble Space Telescope to look redder than the closer galaxies.

Graphic titled "Infrared Light Curve for the Transiting Exoplanet HD 219134b" showing a graph of observed star brightness on the y-axis versus elapsed time in days on the x-axis. A number of data points, plotted in orange, show a dip in brightness. In the background is an illustration of a star with a planet crossing in front of it. The dip in brightness shown on the graph corresponds to times when the planet is moving across the star.

How do we detect and study planets orbiting other stars?

Changes in the brightness of starlight, measured by NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope, indicates the presence of a planet orbiting the star.

Large, colorful, semi-transparent circular object on a background of space scattered with small orange points of light. The large object has a complex cloudy and filamentous texture, with regions of blue, green, orange-yellow, and red-purple.

What happens to stars at the end of their lives, and how do stellar explosions affect the space around them?

Visible, infrared, and X-ray light from supernova remnant Cassiopeia A reveal remains of an exploded star.

Many bright white, yellow, orange and blue galaxies of different shapes and sizes. Several of these galaxies have arc-like shapes.

How can we use interactions between light and matter to probe the deep universe?

The enormous mass of galaxy cluster Abell 370 bends the space around it, magnifying and distorting the light from more distant galaxies into arc-like streaks.

A supermassive black hole emitting neutrinos and gamma rays. The top right of the image shows a bright object, which is the black hole, surrounded by a disc of black and orange gas and dust. An orange beam shoots toward a planet at the bottom left of the image. The beam contains lambda and gamma symbols.

How are astronomers combining data from space and ground-based telescopes, particle detectors, and gravitational wave detectors to understand cosmic objects, processes, and events?

An artist’s illustration depicts the detection of neutrino particles and gamma rays emitted by a supermassive black hole at the center of a distant galaxy.

Pillars of gas and dust. Toward the center of the image are three dark brown pillars that rise from the bottom to the top of the screen. The leftmost pillar is the tallest, the rightmost pillar is the shortest, and the middle one is in-between left and right in size. Surrounding each pillar is an aura of glowing, yellow gas. The background is opaque, blue and purple at the top, and contains handful of red stars of various sizes.

How and where do stars form, and how do they shape their surroundings?

Pillars of gas and dust in the Eagle Nebula are sculpted and illuminated by stellar winds and high-energy radiation of bright stars.

Satellite image of Kilauea volcano in Hawaii.  The island containing the volcano is a mix of green and brown, and it has a perimeter going from the bottom left of the image to the top right of the image. Outside of that perimeter is water, which has a blue color. Shadows are cast on the land and water by clouds, which have a white color, that float above.

How can we use satellites to map, study, and monitor Earth’s land surface, oceans, and atmosphere?

An image captured by the Landsat 8 satellite in May 2018 shows active lava flows from Kilauea volcano in Hawaii.

Large oval fills most of the scene. The edges are black. The oval is mottled with blue and orange spots.

What evidence supports our theories of how the universe formed and how it has evolved over time?

A map of the sky from the Planck Space Telescope highlights variations in the cosmic microwave background radiation—energy left over from the big bang some 13.8 billion years ago.

Top half is the black background of space. Earth appears in the lower half, with its curvature splitting the scene. A satellite appears at top center. Small white circles appear where the satellite has mapped locations on Earth, appearing in a curved row. The one on the right looks like a spotlight that connects to the satellite that appears above.

What tools and methods do scientists use to study Earth and space?

NASA’s Soil Moisture Active Passive satellite (SMAP) helps scientists monitor droughts, predict floods, and improve farm productivity.

Illustration of seven planets close to one another against a black background that is speckled with stars.

Is Earth unique? Are we alone?

Observations from space telescopes have revealed thousands of exoplanets of different of sizes, compositions, temperatures, and atmospheres, including seven rocky Earth-sized planets of the TRAPPIST-1 system, 40 light-years from Earth (artist’s illustration).

Where Is ViewSpace?

ViewSpace videos are on exhibit at museums, science centers, and planetariums across the country.

ViewSpace interactives are available online.

Use the map to find a ViewSpace video location near you.

Location Spotlight

Photograph showing a monitor with a ViewSpace astronomy video playing, mounted at eye-level on a wall beneath the word, "Planetarium." The monitor sits between two sets of glass-fronted cases displaying historical photos and newspapers, and images and posters about space.

Worcester, Massachusetts

Photograph of a monitor showing a ViewSpace video. The monitor appears to be on a wall in a lobby area which also includes nature photos.

Westcave Preserve

Round Mountain, Texas

Photograph of a ViewSpace video playing to people in an auditorium.

Lowell Observatory

Flagstaff, Arizona

Photograph of a ViewSpace video playing on a large monitor mounted on a brick wall outside of an exhibit hall.

Maryland Science Center

Baltimore, Maryland

Lobby and open door of dark room labeled Edelman Planetarium with images of space covering wall panels, that also read There's more to explore. Lobby includes small table and chairs and cart with computer station.

Edelman Planetarium at Rowan University

Glassboro, New Jersey

Museum exhibit with large image of Hubble over Earth below sign reading Best of Hubble with three monitors showing different images. Another poster and monitor display are visible.

Clark Planetarium

Salt Lake City, Utah

Becoming a ViewSpace Venue

ViewSpace provides informal learning sites with engaging, accurate, relevant, and up-to-date astronomy and Earth science content. Access to ViewSpace is free, requiring only registration, a computer or Smart TV, and persistent internet access. ViewSpace content is self-updating and videos can be set to play automatically, requiring minimal staff effort to maintain.

Join hundreds of others in featuring ViewSpace as part of your exhibits.

Who Produces and Supports ViewSpace?

ViewSpace is produced by the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, and is provided free of charge through financial support and subject matter expertise from the NASA’s Universe of Learning project, NASA’s Earth Observing System Project Science Office, NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope Project, and NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope Project.

Funded by NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, NASA’s Universe of Learning is an integrated astrophysics STEM learning and literacy project developed through a partnership between the Space Telescope Science Institute, Caltech/IPAC, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, and Sonoma State University.

NASA’s Earth Observing System (EOS) is a coordinated series of satellites designed to observe Earth’s land, atmosphere, oceans, and biosphere. As part of the Earth Science Division of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, the EOS Project Science Office (EOSPSO) is committed to sharing information with both researchers and the general public.

The Hubble Space Telescope and James Webb Space Telescope are two of NASA’s flagship missions designed to explore and advance our understanding of the universe. The missions’ communications programs are dedicated to sharing scientific advances and making the world’s astronomical information accessible to all.


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There are three images. The top right is Cassiopeia A. This image of Cassiopeia A resembles a disk of electric light with red clouds, glowing white streaks, red and orange flames, and an area near the center of the remnant resembling a somewhat circular region of green lightning. X-rays from Chandra are blue and reveal hot gas, mostly from supernova debris from the destroyed star, and include elements like silicon and iron. X-rays are also present as thin arcs in the outer regions of the remnant. Infrared data from Webb is red, green, and blue. Webb highlights infrared emission from dust that is warmed up because it is embedded in the hot gas seen by Chandra, and from much cooler supernova debris. Hubble data shows a multitude of stars that permeate the field of view. The image on the bottom is 30 Doradus. This release features a composite image of 30 Doradus, otherwise known as the Tarantula Nebula, a region of active star formation in a neighboring galaxy. In the image, royal blue and purple gas clouds interact with red and orange gas clouds. Specks of light and large gleaming stars peek through the colourful clouds. The patches of royal blue and purple gas clouds represent X-ray data collected by the Chandra Observatory. The brightest and most prominent blue cloud appears at the center of the image, roughly shaped like an upward pointing triangle. Darker X-ray clouds can be found near the right and left edges of the image. The red and orange gas clouds represent infrared data from the James Webb Space Telescope. These patches resemble clouds of roiling fire. The brightest and most prominent infrared cloud appears at our upper left, roughly shaped like a downward pointing triangle. Wispy white clouds outline the upward pointing bright blue triangle in the center of the image. Inside this frame is a brilliant gleaming star with six long, thin, diffraction spikes. Beside it is a cluster of smaller bright specks showing young stars in the nebula. The final image is NGC 6872. In this composite image, a large spiral galaxy has some of its superheated gas stolen by a smaller, nearby neighbor. Centered in the frame, NGC 6872 is a large spiral galaxy with two elongated arms that stretch toward our upper right and lower left. Near the white dot at the heart of the galaxy, a cloud of neon purple tints the arms, which appear steel blue at the tips. The purple represents hot gas detected by Chandra. Just to the upper left of NGC 6872 is a second spiral galaxy. Its spiraling arms are much smaller, but the bright white dot at its core is quite large, suggesting a supermassive black hole. Some of the steel blue matter and gas from NGC 6872’s lower arm appears to be floating toward the smaller galaxy, likely pulled toward the supermassive black hole.

New NASA Sonifications Listen to the Universe’s Past

What’s Up: September 2024 Skywatching Tips from NASA

What’s Up: September 2024 Skywatching Tips from NASA

Still image from PREFIRE animation

NASA Mission Gets Its First Snapshot of Polar Heat Emissions

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NASA'S Europa Clipper Spacecraft

NASA Invites Social Creators to Experience Launch of Europa Clipper Mission

NASA’s Mini BurstCube Mission Detects Mega Blast

NASA’s Mini BurstCube Mission Detects Mega Blast

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NASA Astronaut Don Pettit’s Science of Opportunity on Space Station

Technicians are building tooling in High Bay 2 at NASA Kennedy that will allow NASA and Boeing, the SLS core stage lead contractor, to vertically integrate the core stage.

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NASA Seeks Input for Astrobee Free-flying Space Robots

An aircraft is centered in the image facing the left. It is on a runway of dark gray concrete and the surroundings are primarily dry grass, with another runway at the top of the image.

NASA Earth Scientists Take Flight, Set Sail to Verify PACE Satellite Data

A green forested island sits in bright blue water, that turns teal as it touches land. IN the tip left of the picture, a white haze shows where rain is coming down.

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The image shows a compact, handheld water dispenser device placed on a table, with several vacuum-sealed packets of food arranged in front of it. The device is white with yellow tape and has various labels and instructions on its surface. It includes a large, graduated syringe-like component marked in milliliters, used for precise water measurement. The food packets in front of the device contain different types of rehydratable meals in various colors and textures, indicating the preparation of food for consumption in a space environment. The background features a white grid pattern, enhancing the focus on the device and food packets.

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An up-close view of ice that covers propeller blades inside the Icing Research Tunnel.

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Research Plane Dons New Colors for NASA Hybrid Electric Flight Tests 

A white Gulfstream IV airplane flies to the left of the frame over a tan desert landscape below and blue mountain ranges in the back of the image. The plane’s tail features the NASA logo, and its wings have winglets. Visible in the lower right third of the image, directly behind the airplane’s wingtip is the Mojave Air and Space Port in Mojave, California. 

NASA G-IV Plane Will Carry Next-Generation Science Instrument

Two robotic arms wrapped in gold material sitting on top of a black and silver box.

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A prototype of a robot built to access underwater areas where Antarctic ice shelves meet land is lowered through the ice during a field test north of Alaska in March.

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In this photo taken from the International Space Station, the Moon passes in front of the Sun casting its shadow, or umbra, and darkening a portion of the Earth's surface above Texas during the annular solar eclipse Oct. 14, 2023.

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A close up image of a set of massive solar arrays measuring about 46.5 feet (14.2 meters) long and about 13.5 feet (4.1 meters) high on NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft inside the agency’s Payload Hazardous Servicing Facility at Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

La NASA invita a los medios al lanzamiento de Europa Clipper

A man supporting the installation of the X-59 ejection seat.

El X-59 de la NASA avanza en las pruebas de preparación para volar

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Nasa decides to bring starliner spacecraft back to earth without crew .

The headshot image of Jessica Taveau

Jessica Taveau

Nasa headquarters.

A group of NASA leaders sit at a table to conduct a live news conference at NASA Johnson.

NASA will return Boeing’s Starliner to Earth without astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams aboard the spacecraft, the agency announced Saturday. The uncrewed return allows NASA and Boeing to continue gathering testing data on Starliner during its upcoming flight home, while also not accepting more risk than necessary for its crew.

Wilmore and Williams, who flew to the International Space Station in June aboard NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test, have been busy supporting station research, maintenance, and Starliner system testing and data analysis, among other activities.

“Spaceflight is risky, even at its safest and most routine. A test flight, by nature, is neither safe, nor routine. The decision to keep Butch and Suni aboard the International Space Station and bring Boeing’s Starliner home uncrewed is the result of our commitment to safety: our core value and our North Star,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “I’m grateful to both the NASA and Boeing teams for all their incredible and detailed work.”

Wilmore and Williams will continue their work formally as part of the Expedition 71/72 crew through February 2025. They will fly home aboard a Dragon spacecraft with two other crew members assigned to the agency’s SpaceX Crew-9 mission. Starliner is expected to depart from the space station and make a safe, controlled autonomous re-entry and landing in early September.

NASA and Boeing identified helium leaks and experienced issues with the spacecraft reaction control thrusters on June 6 as Starliner approached the space station. Since then, engineering teams have completed a significant amount of work , including reviewing a collection of data, conducting flight and ground testing, hosting independent reviews with agency propulsion experts, and developing various return contingency plans. The uncertainty and lack of expert concurrence does not meet the agency’s safety and performance requirements for human spaceflight, thus prompting NASA leadership to move the astronauts to the Crew-9 mission.

“Decisions like this are never easy, but I want to commend our NASA and Boeing teams for their thorough analysis, transparent discussions, and focus on safety during the Crew Flight Test,” said Ken Bowersox, associate administrator for NASA’s Space Operations Mission Directorate. “We’ve learned a lot about the spacecraft during its journey to the station and its docked operations. We also will continue to gather more data about Starliner during the uncrewed return and improve the system for future flights to the space station.”

NASA's Boeing Crew Flight Test astronauts (from top) Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams pose on June 13, 2024 for a portrait inside the vestibule between the forward port on the International Space Station's Harmony module and Boeing's Starliner spacecraft.

Starliner is designed to operate autonomously and previously completed two uncrewed flights. NASA and Boeing will work together to adjust end-of-mission planning and Starliner’s systems to set up for the uncrewed return in the coming weeks. Starliner must return to Earth before the Crew-9 mission launches to ensure a docking port is available on station.

“Starliner is a very capable spacecraft and, ultimately, this comes down to needing a higher level of certainty to perform a crewed return,” said Steve Stich, manager of NASA’s Commercial Crew Program. “The NASA and Boeing teams have completed a tremendous amount of testing and analysis, and this flight test is providing critical information on Starliner’s performance in space. Our efforts will help prepare for the uncrewed return and will greatly benefit future corrective actions for the spacecraft.”

NASA’s Commercial Crew Program requires spacecraft fly a crewed test flight to prove the system is ready for regular flights to and from the space station. Following Starliner’s return, the agency will review all mission-related data to inform what additional actions are required to meet NASA’s certification requirements.

The agency’s SpaceX Crew-9 mission, originally slated with four crew members , will launch no earlier than Tuesday, Sept. 24. The agency will share more information about the Crew-9 complement when details are finalized. 

NASA and SpaceX currently are working several items before launch, including reconfiguring seats on the Crew-9 Dragon, and adjusting the manifest to carry additional cargo, personal effects, and Dragon-specific spacesuits for Wilmore and Williams. In addition, NASA and SpaceX now will use new facilities at Space Launch Complex-40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida to launch Crew-9, which provides increased operational flexibility around NASA’s planned Europa Clipper launch.

The Crew-9 mission will be the ninth rotational mission to the space station under NASA’s Commercial Crew Program, which works with the American aerospace industry to meet the goal of safe, reliable, and cost-effective transportation to and from the orbital outpost on American-made rockets and spacecraft launching from American soil.

For more than two decades, people have lived and worked continuously aboard the International Space Station, advancing scientific knowledge and demonstrating new technologies, making research breakthroughs not possible on Earth. The station is a critical testbed for NASA to understand and overcome the challenges of long-duration spaceflight and to expand commercial opportunities in low Earth orbit. As commercial companies focus on providing human space transportation services and destinations as part of a robust low Earth orbit economy , NASA’s Artemis campaign is underway at the Moon where the agency is preparing for future human exploration of Mars.

Find more information on NASA’s Commercial Crew Program at:



Meira Bernstein / Josh Finch Headquarters, Washington 202-358-1100 [email protected] / [email protected]

Steve Siceloff / Danielle Sempsrott / Stephanie Plucinsky Kennedy Space Center, Florida 321-867-2468 [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]

Leah Cheshier / Sandra Jones Johnson Space Center, Houston 281-483-5111 [email protected] / [email protected]

Related Terms

  • International Space Station (ISS)
  • Commercial Crew
  • Kennedy Space Center

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Journey into space : the first three decades of space exploration

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  11. Journey Into Space

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