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travel extra pack last minute avis

Critique positive la plus pertinente

Ma réservation de dernière min, critique négative la plus pertinente, séjour à l'hôtel djerba a, avis le plus voté, fraude carte debite 2 fois a t.



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Mon expérience avec a été globalement positive, surtout en ce qui concerne la recherche d'un large éventail d'offres de voyage souvent plus abordables par rapport à d'autres sites. Le processus de réservation était simple, et j'ai pu choisir parmi une gamme diversifiée d'hôtels et de vols. Bien que j'aie remarqué que certains clients mentionnent des problèmes avec le service client, mes interactions personnelles ont été adéquates, bien qu'il y ait certainement une marge d'amélioration en termes de temps de réponse. La valeur offerte par en fait un service que je considérerais à nouveau pour la planification de voyages futurs.

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Vacances aux Canaries

On a passé des vacances incroyables aux Canaries pendant 10 jours avec deux autres couples. L'hôtel où on a logé, directement sur la plage sans route devant, avait des chambres spacieuses, confortables et bien entretenues. La formule demi-pension offrait un buffet de qualité et le personnel était super accueillant et serviable. Le rapport qualité-prix du forfait réservé via Lastminute était top. En plus, tout s'est bien passé pour les vols et on a reçu nos cartes d'embarquement à temps. Merci Lastminute pour ces vacances géniales !

Voyage à Naples Italie, Hôtel Diamond 3*

Mon séjour à Naples, en Italie, pendant 4 nuits à l'Hôtel Diamond réservé avec a été plutôt satisfaisant. La chambre double deluxe était exactement comme sur la réservation. Le personnel de l'hôtel était vraiment sympa et à l'écoute de nos besoins. Cependant, malgré le lit confortable, il y avait une odeur persistante et désagréable dans la salle de bain, même après avoir essayé d'aérer. De plus, la douche aurait bien besoin d'une rénovation car les joints de carrelage étaient sales voire inexistants.

Achat billet Genève-Pappete

Après avoir réservé notre vol de Genève à Papeete, nous étions vraiment surpris de voir que le montant débité était plus élevé que prévu. On dirait que l'assurance FullFlex était automatiquement cochée lors du paiement. Heureusement, après avoir appelé le service client, le remboursement de l'assurance a été fait tout de suite. On remercie LastMinute pour leur rapidité à régler le problème.

Ma réservation de dernière minute

Le service client était vraiment top, j'ai réussi à réserver mon séjour à la dernière minute sans souci. L'hôtel était super et le petit déjeuner était délicieux. Mon vol est arrivé à l'heure et le service Arlando Express était vraiment au top. Je recommande vivement !

Mon vol retardé

C'était tellement ennuyeux, on pensait qu'on partirait en vacances directement, mais non, à cause de la grève, on a dû attendre l'après-midi. Heureusement, Last Minute nous a prévenu la veille sinon on aurait eu des problèmes.

Ma nouvelle aventure shopping

J'ai récemment acheté une superbe veste en jean sur Last Minute et je dois dire que je suis vraiment impressionné par la qualité du produit. La livraison a été super rapide et le service client était vraiment utile. De plus, le prix était vraiment raisonnable et j'ai trouvé plein de bonnes affaires. Je vous recommande vivement ce site pour tous vos besoins de dernière minute!

Bonne expérience personnelle

Mon voyage en général s'est bien passé et je n'ai eu aucun problème avec les réservations que j'ai effectuées via ce portail. Mais cela n'excuse pas le fait qu'ils ont apparemment peu de moyens d'entrer en contact avec eux, ce qui se reflète dans les avis ici, donc quelque chose à améliorer

Séjour à l'hôtel avec transfert aéroport

Mon séjour à l'hôtel était vraiment top! Tout s'est passé comme prévu, le transfert de l'aéroport à l'hôtel était rapide et efficace. J'ai réservé mes excursions en ligne, mais j'ai été un peu déçu de devoir payer des frais supplémentaires à la fin de mon séjour. 40 euros pour 4 jours, ça fait un peu cher! Mais à part ça, tout s'est bien passé.

Achat voyagecomplet Majorque

Nous avons eu une super expérience avec Lastminute pour notre voyage à Majorque. On a réservé un vol, un hôtel 5 étoiles et une location de voiture à l'aéroport. Tout s'est bien passé, on n'a rencontré aucun problème. Les prix étaient compétitifs et le service était top. On recommande chaudement Lastminute pour vos prochains voyages.

Voyage Vienne

Mon voyage à Vienne a été génial! La ville est tellement belle et j'ai adoré chaque instant. Les vols se sont bien passés et mon hôtel était super bien placé. Mais j'ai eu un souci avec le transport de l'hôtel à l'aéroport. Quand j'ai confirmé ma réservation, le chauffeur voulait venir nous chercher trop tard, ce qui aurait entraîné un retard pour notre vol. J'ai dû annuler et prendre un taxi, ce qui a doucement vidé mon porte-monnaie.

Séjour à l'hôtel Djerba Aqua Resort

L'hôtel Djerba Aqua Resort, c'est un endroit un peu vieillot, mais le personnel est vraiment attentionné et dévoué. Les chambres sont propres mais auraient besoin d'un petit coup de frais. Notre séjour a été légèrement gâché par le service de Lastminute. Notre contact sur place, Meriem, n'était pas très fiable. Elle a tenté de nous vendre des sorties, mais elle a ensuite disparu sans nous donner les infos nécessaires pour notre départ. Heureusement, les hôtesses d'accueil de l'hôtel ont réussi à nous dégoter un taxi à la dernière minute, ce qui nous a évité de louper notre enregistrement.

Voyage modifié

Mon voyage en Sicile pour l'été était programmé depuis un moment, mais mon vol a été changé pour partir le lendemain matin à 6h. Cela a gâché une journée de vacances, sans aucune compensation pour la nuit d'hôtel ni la location de voiture déjà réservée. En plus, impossible de reporter le vol sans frais supplémentaires énormes. Ça a vraiment été décevant et a impacté mes vacances prévues.

Ma réservation

J'ai appelé directement l'entreprise et une employée vraiment adorable m'a aidé à faire ma réservation. Elle m'a donné d'excellents conseils et je suis vraiment satisfaite du service. Un grand merci à elle !

Billet Premium

Oh là là! J'ai acheté un billet en Mars en choisissant l'option Premium, pensant pouvoir l'annuler si besoin. Mais quelle arnaque! Lorsque j'ai contacté le service client pour annuler mon billet, j'ai découvert que je ne serais remboursé que des taxes (70 à 210€ sur un billet à 700€). De plus, je n'ai reçu les détails de cette option Premium qu'après avoir payé, et surprise, c'est une option de base chez d'autres sites!

Réservation vacances

La réservation a été super simple et rapide! J'ai trouvé des super offres pour mes vacances de dernière minute. Mais bon, j'étais un peu déçu car il manquait des détails sur certains services inclus.

billets d'avion

Cette compagnie est vraiment nulle, ils ne remboursent que si l'autre compagnie est d'accord. Je crois qu'il vaut mieux planifier son propre voyage, cela revient au même avec peut-être de meilleures garanties et moins cher. Je ne recommande pas ce service. Il vaut mieux éviter de réserver des transports avec eux, c'est trop cher et le service est mauvais.

Bagages à main trop petits

J'étais super déçu en voyant que les bagages à main que j'ai achetés étaient vraiment trop petits. Puis, le lendemain, j'ai réalisé que je pouvais pas réserver de valise en soute avec cette compagnie, et ça a vraiment compliqué mon voyage.

Billets de train + hotel

A fuir ! 1ère réservation sur ce site mais belle et bien la dernière ! Réservation sur le site de 2 allers retour en train + 2 nuits d'hôtel On nous informe que les billets seront téléchargeables sur l'application 24h avant le départ après confirmation de notre part . 24h avant le départ, nous confirmons notre départ et recevons 1 message qui nous dit que dans quelques heures nous obtiendrons nos billets sur le site. Ayant attendu toute l'après-midi de la veille, aucun billets mis en ligne en fin d'après-midi, nous contactons à 4 reprises le tchat (pas de téléphone bien évidemment) qui après avoir eux aussi tenté de télécharger nos billets sans y parvenir, nous informe que nous devons contacter la SNCF (en gros, débrouillez vous quoi !) La SNCF nous réponds que nous n'avons pas acheté nos billets par leur biais, et n'ont donc pas accès à nos réservations...Après plusieurs tentatives et appels, la SNCF nous a quand même bien dépatouillé en nous envoyant nos billets par mail, merci à la SNCF ! Au retour, un peu à l'avance à la gare, un train prévu avant le nôtre, nous tentons de faire un échange en gare, et rebelote, comme on est passé par un site de réservation l'échange est impossible... Bref, résultat de cette expérience, aucun service après-vente du site last, (mais débit immédiat du prix de la réservation), sans s'assurer que les clients pourront effectivement bien partir, puisque eux mêmes ne pouvait nous fournir nos billets de train !

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Piscine fermée sans être averti dommage

Très bel hôtel, très propre, déco au top, personnel agréable qui fait l'effort de parler français. L'hôtel est bien situé géographiquement. Le seul point négatif est la fermeture de la piscine le 9 septembre, sans avoir été prévenu ni à la réception, ni sur le site de réservation! Grosse déception car nous avions justement réservé cet hôtel des dernières chaleurs de septembre il faisait quand même 29°!

Date de l'expérience : 06 septembre 2024

Belle escapade à Istanbul mais des choses à améliorer...

Le voyage s'est bien passée sur la compagnie Pegasus Aeroport SWB assez loin de la ville Hotel : super belle vue sur le bosphore et la cote asiatique en face, mais tres mal isolé beaucoup de bruits exterieurs. petit déjeuner turc unique tous les jours (sans buffet) et pas de fruits par ailleurs malgre la gentillesse du personnel on ressent un manque de porfessionalisme pour un 4 etoiles A améliorer l'interieur des chambres (dans SDE) et échanges avec les clients

Date de l'expérience : 02 septembre 2024

Le choix des destinations, des hôtels est très large. Par contre les associations de vols avion ne sont pas toujours judicieux. Il serait appréciable de pouvoir choisir le vol aller puis le vol retour séparément.

Date de l'expérience : 11 septembre 2024

expérience client irréprochable

Notre expérience de réservation s'est passée dans les meilleures conditions, un large choix d'hôtels nous a été proposé à des prix très attractifs et des réductions intéressantes pour les clients fidèles. Je souligne également la rapidité pour les validations des dossiers ( réservation hôtel, détail des vols, cartes embarquement ...) et le suivi client de la part de lastminute.

Date de l'expérience : 04 septembre 2024

Superbe hôtel

Superbe hôtel , à proximité des boîtes de nuit donc emplacement parfait. Chambres spacieuses et propres. Personnels accueillants et disponibles . je recommande

Date de l'expérience : 22 août 2024

le voyage a été bon mis a part l'hôtel.

Dans l'ensemble le voyage a été bon. Pour Lastminute il faudrait revoir le catalogue des hôtels, celui où nous étions n'était pas a la hauteur des trois étoiles. Hôtel délabré, quartier louche, le prix et le personnel était la pour relever le niveau. Pour le processus d'embarquement rapide, le message reçu 20h avant le départ,était " il y a un problème, on vous rembourse et demerdez vous". Pour tout le reste, tout était ok.

Singapour et Malaisie pour pas cher

Je cherchais des billets d'avion pour la Malaisie qui étaient devenus hors de prix. J'ai donc pris un billet d'avion pour Singapour d'un intervalle d'un mois, ce qui m'a laissé le temps de visiter les deux pays dans son fond en comble et tout ça pour un billet n'avoisinant même pas les 600E. Best experience

Date de l'expérience : 07 août 2024

J’ai réservé un voyage tout inclu sur Booking qui a redirigé la réservation sur last minute. J’ai fait le choix de faire une réservation annulable car j’ai réservé longtemps à l’avance. J’ai annulé bien avant l’échéance et j’ai été prélevée de plus de la moitié du montant, et même après plusieurs discussions avec le service client ils n’ont jamais voulu me rembourser.

Date de l'expérience : 18 juin 2024

Un grand choix de séjours de qualité

Un grand choix de séjour à prix compétitifs. L'hôtel correspondait parfaitement à la description avec en plus une ambiance très chaleureuse et familiale. Nous sommes donc ravis et n'hésiterons pas à relouer via Lastminute.

Date de l'expérience : 11 août 2024

L'hôtel est bien situé et le personnel…

L'hôtel est bien situé et le personnel est sympa. Seule ombre au tableau, un imbécile qui décide de fumer une cigarette dans sa chambre à minuit. Résultat : l'alarme incendie qui se déclenche et tout le monde doit quitter sa chambre rapidement! Un peu de respect messieurs les clients !!

Date de l'expérience : 10 août 2024

Bien mais pas 100% satisfait

Réservation vol + hôtel + sièges dans l'avion aller-retour pour un voyage a New York pour 5 personnes. Nous avons décidés de réserver ce jour car les sièges dans l'avion à un tarif correcte commençaient à manquer (37 € le siège par personne et par vol) Surprise le lendemain matin, un mail nous disant que suite à une erreur technique nos sièges n'ont pas pu être réservés mais que nous pourrons les réserver directement auprès de la compagnie une fois le solde du voyage réglé à savoir après le 10 Octobre. Résultat nous ne savons pas si nous allons voyager ensemble tous les 5 dans l'avion. Déçu de cette situation et pas certain que pourra résoudre notre situation.

Première fois avec Last Minute

Première fois avec Last Minute. Simplicité de réservation pour un combo vols + hôtel . Juste un souci pour le check in des vols qui devait être effectué à notre place par la plate-forme, mais en raison d’un souci technique cela a échoué . Nous avons immédiatement été avertis et remboursés du montant du service, et avons fait nous même le check in donc pas très grave. Le logement réservé était conforme à ce qui était annoncé par Last Minute. Nous avons passé un agréable séjour en Algarve au Portugal.

Date de l'expérience : 07 juin 2024

Reservation simple et efficace

Choix de l'hotel rapide et efficace comme pour le vol aller et retour. L'hotel etait mieux que sur la description. Je recommande sans heditation pour toutes vos reservations. Que du positif !!!

Date de l'expérience : 18 août 2024

Voyage effectué sans encombre pour le…

Voyage effectué sans encombre pour le vol rien à redire. A l'inverse pour l'hôtel notre situation n'était pas agréable (chambre avec une vue sur un mur à l'étage -1 donc peu de luminosité, accompagné par des voisins fort bruyants (cris, frappe sur le mur toc à la première heure et tard le soir entre les deux portes voisines), de plus la douche était sombre due à un manque de lumière et le mini-bar sentait le renfermé car pas de froid et donc des produits ne donnant pas envie de consommer, pour finir aucuns accès à un micro-ondes ou quoi que ce soit pour réchauffer quelque chose.) Nous avons aussi eu la chance de profiter d'une télévision bloquée sur la langue locale donc aucuns intérêt car nous ne maîtrisons pas assez la lange.

Date de l'expérience : 01 septembre 2024

Très bien, malheureusement nous avons eu un imprévu plusieurs mois avant (vol avancé). Il nous a été impossible de modifier la réservation. (La modification coutait le même prix que l'annulation de la nuitée)

Date de l'expérience : 13 mai 2024

À fuir absolument

À fuir absolument. Ma compagne et moi avons dû annuler notre premier voyage avec Lastminute, ils nous ont remboursé 60% de la somme malgré l'annulation comprise, des mois en avance. Des dizaines de prises de contact par des plateformes impersonnelles et toujours pas de facture détaillée. Seule réponse : on ne peut rien faire. Du vol tout simplement. Ne prenez pas le risque de vous retrouver à l'étranger avec une telle compagnie

Date de l'expérience : 21 août 2024

Très bonne expérience

Très bonne expérience. Possibilité de trouver des réservations proches du tarif direct. Nombreuses possibilités sur un même lieu. Moins une étoile car il n'est pas possible de cumuler 2 bons cadeaux sur une même réservation.

Date de l'expérience : 27 août 2024

Bonne expérience pour le combiné "vol+hôtel"

Très bonne expérience avec le combiné vol+hôtel, tout s'est passé comme décrit, les horaires vol prévus étaient correctes, et l'hôtel mieux que prévu, le personnel très agréable, petit hic ,de la compagnie aérienne"le vol retour était bien en retard" malheureusement on a raté notre correspondance pour le car et on a du acheter des billets et faire une course dans Paris pour avoir le dernier train vers la Normandie (très très stressant....) à 1 minute près !!

Date de l'expérience : 25 août 2024

Résa annulée de LastMin et débit acompte

Annulation réservation de LastMinute Qq minutes après notre réservation , nous recevons un mail pour nous expliquer que notre voyage est annulé suit à une modification des conditions tarifaires de leur fournisseur. Certes nous sommes déçus mais cela n'est pas le plus critique... Ce qui est le plus grave, c'est que le montant de notre réservation a été encaissé et le remboursement sera fait quelques jours plus tard. Au moment ou j'écris ce mail, le remboursement n'est toujours pas arrivé.. Bref , l'argent donné va générer des interêts bancaires pendant un certain temps. Imaginer que ce scénario se reproduise à plusieurs clients, le bénéfice financier ne sera pas à négliger Dans mon fort intérieur, je soupçonne que ce scénario n 'est pas fortuit. Pour ma part ,cette première expérience avec Last minute sera la LastExperience... Pour éviter que cela ce reproduise , pourquoi Lastminute ne débite pas le montant de la réservation après avoir reçu une confirmation de la part du fournisseur?

Date de l'expérience : 07 septembre 2024

Hôtel très bien situé, proche des commerces des restaurants et de la plage Les chambres en front de mer sont un peu petites mais très agréables.. La piscine est très petite et peu profonde ne vous fiez pas à la photo, les transats peu nombreux qui la bordent sont vite pris d’assaut. D’autres sont disponibles sur la plage mais au prix de 7€ la journée. Le personnel est peu aimable hormis les femmes de ménage et l’homme d entretien. Concernant le restaurant, il s’apparente plus à une cantine, la diversité, la qualité et la présentation des plats sont médiocres. Les jus de fruits sont des jus bas de gamme, chimiques, ils sont juste infectes. Si vous prévoyez de séjourner dans cet établissement, prenez uniquement les chambres en frond de mer, fuyez la demie pension ou le hall inclusif, vous pourrez vous restaurer dans les nombreuses tavernes à proximité qui proposent des plats locaux de qualité pour des tarifs très abordables

Date de l'expérience : 10 juin 2024

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travel extra pack last minute avis

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Booked Travel package with Last minute…

Booked Travel package with Last minute .com for . £3248.32 and was charged £323.26 extra for travel extra pack i never asked for What is this all about ???????????

Date of experience : May 29, 2024

Garbage service from scam company

Garbage service from scam company, made a fully refundable hotel booking. went to cancel and no where on their site is there an option to cancel, try calling them for 5 days on different times and no one ever picks up their phone. Opened a ticket on their support site, twice now, and still no response. Never experienced such a shameless stealing tactic.. how is this scam organisation let to operate?

Date of experience : July 17, 2020

Awful service been waiting since June…

Awful service been waiting since June unable to get through by phone. Sent many emails which come back. Now going through resolver and if no luck will take it further. Booked same flights as friends Turkish Airlines They booked direct got their refunds I booked through last minuite and no refund. Company has no customer service and is a shambles. Desperately need these funds back now so disappointed!

Date of experience : December 02, 2020

Terrible Customer Service - AVOID!

I have been trying for over a month to get a refund for an outbound flight that was cancelled by the airline. The process is insane. It is impossible to talk to anyone other than a chatbot. Finally, after numerous enquiries, today my "options for refund" arrived via email. Turns out that anything other than a travel voucher with the same company involves a 35 Euro admin fee and will take months, even though the cancellation came from their side. Ripoff!

Date of experience : April 25, 2023

Terrible standards and foreign customer service in India

Scam! They sell single rooms as doubles and the hotels say 5* but are not- This is the sites rating no way five star- avoid this company scam Holidays poor quality and use customer services companies based aboard - golden bay hotel- falling apart AVOID THEM !

Date of experience : June 13, 2022

Shame that big companies with valid registered IDs are allowed to be a scam. Banks should blacklist them for any transactions going to the merchant . They just take the money and never pay the airlines . Airlines just get to know a booking id which is incomplete as they never got money . Pathetic . Business model has been shaped to loot people. The company should be blacklisted in the interest of people who can’t go through such stressful experience

Date of experience : February 16, 2022

Terrible company _Lastminute

I wish I could give them 0* !!!!!! How can a company exist without customer service, no email _no telephone to contact. We booked tickets 14/5/2022, unfortunately, it has one ticket mistake in the last name. We contacted them immediately but everyday got same answer " we are dealing with that don't worry sir!" and 1 month already pass, didn't get anything from them, although we were pushing them nearly everyday. Our trip will fly at next week. Now my family like seating on the fire!

Date of experience : June 14, 2022

My account was charged $107

My account was charged $107. For not exactly sure for what yet. Very difficult to track these ppl down. This should be interesting, based on reviews, getting money refunded. I was indeed searching for reservations for a particular night which I never found in the end. It would seem as though somehow a reservation was wrought out of the process. So far though, I've been unable to track down any such reservation info. Will file a dispute with credit card company if I can't get anywhere with it myself.

Date of experience : April 18, 2021

Avoid at all costs

We have been trying to get our money back from this company since June. No one can afford to lose hundreds and hundreds of pounds but I’d been hoping to take my wife on a few days holiday in scotland because she has a tumour on her kidney and is now quite unwell. I feel that last minute don’t care one jot about our situation and it seems the only Avenue open now is legal action and involving the press. It’s absolutely scandalous.

Date of experience : November 12, 2020

This company are a complete joke, you just cannot make contact with them, have tried on numerous occasions without success. I booked with them on 11/01/20 for flights to Cardiff, I have a ten digit booking reference no, they now ask you for a nine digit ref and your original is not recognised. I did receive a credit note against my original booking then received a new invoice dated 22/10/20.. I have a horrible feeling that I have been scammed, cannot make any headway through my bank either.. DO NOT USE THESE TRICKSTERS..

Date of experience : January 21, 2021

Booked a trip that had a total of £900…

Booked a trip that had a total of £900 with £50 deposit. Then I read reviews on the hotel and they were awful (READ REVIEWS BEFORE BOOKING). So I then cancelled and rebooked a different hotel, and got charged £557 cancellation fee even tho I cancelled within 2 hours of booking. Biggest legit scammers out there

Date of experience : January 12, 2023

After an earlier review I had a…

After an earlier review I had a response from Last Minute on 21 August, promising feedback on the issue I raised within 28 days. Well it's now 29 September and still I have heard nothing. Only another 2 months before the first anniversary of my mother's death which caused the problem with my short break!

Date of experience : September 29, 2019

Booked through Google

Booked through Google, only to find out it was actually through LMT. After the stay, had separate charges from both LastMinuteTravel and the hotel. Called the hotel to say they shouldn't have charged me, they responded that LMT had not provided payment, so I am responsible and to call LMT. Was on hold for 1/2 hour before having to hang up due to other responsibilities. Surpised that Google allows such a disreputable company operate under their name.

Date of experience : July 23, 2021

Scam company that steals your money.

Scam and should be reported to the Better Business Bureau and sued into oblivion. Booked a hotel through, received confirmation number for booking,, only to show up at the hotel and they don't have my reservation because LMT never sent them one. Called LMT's "emergency line", only for the first person to hang up on me. Called 5 more times and was left on hold for hours and noone ever picked up. Stole $180 from me. Stay far away. This company is an absolute scam.

Date of experience : September 06, 2020

Reply from Last Minute Travel

Hi Richard, We are sorry to hear about your unfortunate experience and would like to help you in getting this issue sorted out. To better assist you, we have sent you a private message asking you for the booking details to expedite the process. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience. Thank you in advance, Last Minute Travel Team

Quick resolution (Fraud)

Update, the situation was quickly solved and I have received the money back. I have used this site in the past and so I will continue to use even though there has been this problem, which has been solved. Fraud, they took my money without a reservation (the hotel reservation failed because the credit card was refused, but they took the money anyway, how this is possible!!!)

Date of experience : January 22, 2020

Total Scam "Full Flex Ticket"

criminals - they appear with different name Bravofly and when you call you get Lat Minute Travel. We lost a full flex ticket because they were unable to change dates even they promised to do so. later they claimed the ticket was still active and considered it a no-show. We called multiple times to resolve but without success to resolve the situation. They just repeatedly assured they are still working on it then an auto-generated email from a different company then Bravofly instead Last Minute ended up in spam folder and the 2 weeks response frame in that email never has been brought to our attention nor a call to them was indicative about that 14d time frame or email sent to us.

Date of experience : August 17, 2022

Please avoid at all costs

Please avoid at all costs. Our tickets were cancelled with back In June with no explanation. We rebooked direct with the same airline as the flights were available but now 13 weeks later still no refunds. All we are getting is your refund will be issued soon. You are risking your money and your trip being ruined by booking with this company.

Date of experience : September 21, 2020

Hi Ehab, We are sorry to hear about your unfortunate experience. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, we received a high volume of cancellations and our customer support team is working hard to service your inquiries. In this situation, refunds are taking longer to process than usual. We would like to verify the status of your refund. We have sent you a private message asking you for the booking details to expedite the process. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience. Regards, Last Minute Travel Team

LM give a bad name!

As others have said, LM customer service won't do anything except acknowledge your request. I needed to delay a departure date due to Covid and they just kept delaying until the point it was too late and more costly to make changes. Funny how they give you access to make the booking but not to amend it. Maybe because they want to charge more money for late changes. Be very careful and please note that some holidays supplied on the site are actually supplied by Lastminute.

Date of experience : November 02, 2021


DON'T BOOK YOUR FLIGHT TICKET IN Last Minute Travel. Ever. I will strongly recommend all customers NOT TO USE Last Minute Travel (& BravoFly) from buying flight tickets. I had booked my flight from SGN to CPH which was cancelled due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. I have been trying several times to contact BravoFly Customer Service to refound my ticket without luck. They will NOT inform any phone no. none whatsoever. The best advice is to book your flight ticket DIRECTLY (if possible) from the recognized flight companies such as Qatar Airways, Emirates, Lufthansa, KLM, SAS, etc. Another advice is to CALL the Customer Service to get a dedicated phone contact no. BEFORE finalizing your booking.

Date of experience : April 20, 2020

Hello Kambiz, We apologize for any inconvenience you have experienced during this difficult time. We would like to assist you in correcting these errors, however, it seems that you've made your booking through Bravofly (part of a Lastminute Group who we are not associated with). We are Last Minute Travel part of Hotelbeds Group. Best Regards, Last Minute Travel Team

If I could give zero stars I would

If I could give zero stars I would. DO NOT USE last minute! They do not confirm your flights instantly like other companies, so by the time they get round to booking them the seats are gone!!!! As happened in our case, go direct with the airline and get instant confirmation! These people are not transparent about their processes as when you send your money you care only sending a booking request NOT confirming a booking! BEWARE

Date of experience : November 14, 2021

Est-il vrai que Marine Le Pen s’était déclarée contre le nucléaire ?

Dans l’actu


Guide d'achat : Top 5 des meilleures offres de voyage pour vos vacances d'été : Réservez vos vacances d’été au meilleur prix avec les offres Vacances d’été 2022 valables jusqu’à fin août.

Publié le 08/06/2022 à 19h27

Des séjours pour tous les goûts chez

Les experts de ont sélectionné avec soin une grande quantité de destinations pour tous les goûts. Que vous souhaitiez partir en France ou au bord de la Méditerranée ou que vous recherchiez des destinations plus exotiques et lointaines, le choix est vaste. Découvrez ici une sélection de ces destinations.

  • Manaya by Tanama Lodge, Punta Cana, République dominicaine

Cet établissement se trouve à moins de 10 minutes en voiture de la plage de Punta Cana et à proximité de la réserve écologique Reserva y Parque Ecologica Ojos Indigenas. Vous trouverez une belle piscine extérieure, ainsi qu’un sauna et un court de tennis. Les chambres sont climatisées et de nombreux équipements sont à votre disposition. La cuisine comprend un frigo, un micro-ondes et un four, pour y préparer vos petits plats de vacances avec tout le confort nécessaire. L’accès Wifi est gratuit.

Pour un séjour du 11 au 18 juillet, vous payerez 1 097,50€ grâce au Pack Travel Extra au lieu de 1 127,50€ en version Basi c. Vous obtiendrez en plus, un bon de 35€ par personne à valoir sur un prochain voyage.

  • Hôtel Dar Sonia, Djerba, Tunisie

Cet établissement propose des appartements avec tout le confort nécessaire pour passer de belles vacances d’été sur l’île de Djerba . Ces appartements sont équipés de la climatisation et bénéficient tous d’une petite cuisine équipée. Vous aurez accès au Wifi et à Internet gratuitement et bénéficierez d’une télévision avec écran plasma.

Pour un séjour du 11 au 18 juillet 2022 + vol compris, votre séjour sera à 687€ par personne avec le Pack Travel Extra de au lieu de 717€ par personne en formule Basic .

  • Costa Mar Aparthotel 3*, Lanzarote, Canaries

Cet appart hôtel se trouve dans le sud-est de l’île de Lanzarote dans les Canaries. Il est équipé de 2 piscines et d’un solarium avec chaises longues et parasols. Les appartements bénéficient tous de terrasses et leur vue donne sur la propriété. Ils disposent tous d’une kitchenette équipée pour un confort optimal pour votre séjour.

Pour des vacances 100% détente, cet hôtel propose également une formule demi-pension si vous le souhaitez.

  • Bungalow Aghir, Tunisie

Cet ensemble touristique situé à Midoun Aghir offre une belle proximité avec la plage. Ses bungalows sont équipés de tout le nécessaire pour un séjour réussi et sans tracas : salle de bains privative, cuisine tout équipée, connexion wifi gratuite, climatisation… Vous pourrez profiter tout au long de votre séjour de la grande piscine extérieure, du bain à remous et du bar.

Avec l’option Pack Travel Extra de, ce voyage comprenant le logement + le vol vous est proposé à 884,50€par personne au lieu de 914,50€ par personne en formule Basic . Vous recevrez également un bon de 35€ par personne à valoir sur un prochain séjour.

  • Oxygène, Marrakech, Maroc

Cet appartement situé dans le quartier de l’Hivernage à Marrakech comprend 2 chambres et 2 salles de bains, une cuisine équipée et un coin repas pour un confort au top. La connexion Wifi est gratuite. Son balcon a vue sur le jardin arboré et ombragé. L’Oxygène est doté d’une grande piscine extérieure, d’un bar et d’un salon commun.

Un séjour dans cet appartement du 11 au 18 juillet 2022, est proposé avec le Pack Travel Extra, au prix de 847,50€ par personne au lieu de 877,50€ en version Basic .

Les avantages de

Les experts de ont sélectionné avec soin une très grande quantité de destinations pour les vacances d’été 2022 . Le choix est vaste et les possibilités sont multiples selon vos goûts. Vous pourrez ainsi trouver des séjours en formule tout compris, pour partir sans tracas pour un séjour détente à 100 %. propose également une rubrique Dernière Minute . Vous pourrez donc vous décider jusqu’au dernier moment pour la destination de vos vacances de cet été, même si vous n’avez rien planifié en dehors de la date de vos vacances. Le choix reste large dans la rubrique Dernière Minute et vous y trouverez un séjour à votre goût.

Pour cet été, a mis en place le Pack Travel Extra . Celui-ci vous permettra de faire encore plus d’économies, en plus de celles que vous pourrez déjà réaliser sur votre séjour. Vous bénéficierez grâce à ce pack, d’une réduction supplémentaire sur le séjour que vous aurez sélectionné, mais vous obtiendrez aussi un bon de réduction pour votre prochain voyage.

Chez, il est possible de payer vos vacances en plusieurs fois. Ceci est possible grâce à l’option de paiement Oney. Celle-ci permet de régler votre séjour en 3 ou 4 fois, par carte bancaire et sans frais.

Contenu proposé par nos experts bons plans, partenaires de 20 Minutes. La rédaction n’a pas participé à sa réalisation. Les prix mentionnés dans cet article le sont à titre indicatif et sont susceptibles d’évoluer. Certains liens de cet article sont des liens d'affiliation, susceptibles d'utiliser des traceurs afin de permettre à 20 Minutes de percevoir une commission en cas d'achat sur le site partenaire.

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travel extra pack last minute avis

How Useful is a Last-Minute Extra Pack for Travel?

Steve Jones

Table of Contents

Do Last-Minute Travels Require an Extra Pack?

Yes, last-minute travels often require an extra pack. This is because unforeseen circumstances or unplanned trips may have you forgetting some essentials which an extra pack can conveniently carry.

What Should One Consider While Packing Last-Minute for a Travel?

When packing last-minute for a travel, one should consider the length of the trip, the weather at the destination, and the activities planned for the trip. An extra pack can then be filled with things deemed essential.

What are the Advantages of Having an Extra Pack During Travel?

An extra pack helps in providing additional storage for necessary items. It provides extra space for souvenirs or gifts, and serves as a backup in case of baggage loss.

Can an Extra Pack Serve as Emergency Kit During Travel?

Yes, an extra pack can serve as an emergency kit during travel. It can be loaded with medical supplies, easy-to-eat foods, and other essentials that might be needed in an emergency.

What is the Best way to Organize an Extra Pack?

The best way to organize an extra pack is by grouping similar items together in separate compartments or using packing cubes.

Should Last-Minute Travels Include an Extra Pack?

Last-minute travels should ideally include an extra pack because it helps ensuring all necessities are covered even in a hurry.

Can One Avoid Extra Weight Charges with an Extra Pack?

Depending on the airline and the size of the pack, an extra pack can either help in avoiding extra weight charges if it is considered as a carry-on, or can potentially attract extra charges if it is too big or too heavy.

What Items are Ideal for Last-Minute Pack?

Ideally, last-minute pack should include toiletries, medications, travel documents, small snack, and other personal items that one might need immediately upon arriving at the destination.

Should One Have a Pre-Packed Extra Pack for Last-Minute Travel?

Having a pre-packed extra pack for last-minute travel is a smart move as it ensures that one does not forget any essential item in the rush of packing.

Can an Extra Pack Double as a Day Pack During Travel?

An extra pack can definitely double as a day pack during travel, especially when exploring the destination or carrying essentials for day activities.

Does One Need Special Packs for Travel?

While one does not necessarily need specialized packs for travel, using travel-specific packs can provide benefits such as durability, size-appropriateness, and additional compartments for better organization.

Should Food Be Included in the Extra Pack?

Depending on the travel conditions, including non-perishable, easy-to-prepare food in an extra pack can be helpful, especially in places where one’s dietary preferences might not be readily available.

What Should One Do If they Do Not Have an Extra Pack?

If one does not have an extra pack, they should ensure their main pack is organized well, and essential items are easy to locate.

Are Extra Packs Necessary For Short Trips?

For short trips, an extra pack might not be necessary unless there is a need to carry specific items that would fit more conveniently in a separate bag.

How Does One Avoid Overpacking in Last Minute Travels?

Avoiding overpacking can be achieved by sticking to a list of essentials, prioritizing items according to need, and making use of travel-sized versions of things.

Should an Extra Pack be Waterproof?

Having a waterproof extra pack is beneficial, especially if the travel involves activities like hiking, beach trips, or if the destination has unpredictable weather.

Can an Extra Pack Serve as a Sleepover Bag?

An extra pack can serve as a sleepover bag, as it can house important essentials like spare clothes, toiletries, and personal items for an overnight stay.

Steve Jones

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travel extra pack last minute avis

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I'm a Travel Writer — and This Is the One Last-minute Packing Hack I Swear By

Keep this bag locked and loaded for one more item off your last-minute-travel to-do list.

travel extra pack last minute avis

Even though I'm a type-A travel writer who loves to plan in advance and lives for a detailed itinerary, I somehow always find myself on last-minute scrambles to pack for unplanned trips. (I blame my spontaneous, type-B, go-with-the-flow husband.)

Instead of starting to plan ahead, which would be the obvious solution here, I've come up with a way to cope: the grab-and-go toiletry bag . It won't solve all your problems, but it crosses one major packing headache off the list — because forgetting a toiletry-bag item or having to throw it away because it's oversized can leave you without the most crucial travel items (from prescriptions to sunscreen). And it's easy to forget essentials, even those that should be obvious, when you're quickly throwing your bags together for a last-minute trip.

To pack like a travel writer, keep a ready-to-go toiletry bag forever stocked with travel-size minis of all your usual toiletries, plus an item like a special in-flight mask (or a tiny bottle of a super expensive perfume) to look forward to every time you travel.

Make sure everything in this bag is TSA-approved and in-flight ready, and instead of buying drugstore travel toiletries , invest in travel-size versions of your usual at-home items. It should be packed with travel-size, TSA-approved items only, so you never have to worry about whether your bag is good to go for any and every situation.

Don't touch this toiletry bag at home and you won't have to remember what to pack each time you jet off, because it's all in there already! There's an added perk if you're one of those people who takes weeks to unpack after a trip: the entire point of the grab-and-go toiletry bag is that you never have to unpack it.

Keep your travel toiletry bag packed and ready to jet at any given time, and it crosses one more worry off your last-minute travel to-do list.

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Les avantages du Pack Travel Extra Last Minute propose une option appelée Pack Travel Extra qui inclut à la fois l’hébergement et le vol, le tout à un prix avantageux de 884,50€ par personne au lieu de 914,50€ par personne en formule Basic. En plus de cela, vous recevrez un bon de réduction de 35€ par personne à utiliser lors d’un prochain séjour.

Table des matières

Les destinations incontournables pour l’été 2022

Si vous vous demandez où partir cet été, voici une liste des 22 destinations incontournables en 2022 :

  • Taormine, Sicile, Italie
  • Londres, Royaume-Uni
  • Santa Fe, Nouveau-Mexique, États-Unis
  • Dubaï, Émirats arabes unis
  • Ljubljana, Slovénie
  • Ischia, Campanie, Italie

Pourquoi Lastminute est moins cher ?

Vous vous demandez pourquoi Lastminute propose des prix plus bas ? Voici quelques raisons :

  • Les réservations de dernière minute peuvent être moins chères, avec des réductions allant jusqu’à 75%. Ces offres sont souvent proposées par des voyagistes.

Le meilleur site de voyage dernière minute

Si vous cherchez le meilleur site pour réserver à la dernière minute, est la plateforme idéale. Elle se spécialise dans les réservations de voyages de dernière minute, comme son nom l’indique.

En outre, comment ça marche Lastminute ? Le principe est simple : vous pouvez trouver des voyages complets à petits prix en vous rendant sur la page d’accueil du site et en choisissant ce qui vous intéresse le plus, que ce soit des vacances à l’étranger, des séjours courts ou des croisières.

Où partir en été à petit budget ?

Si vous cherchez des destinations estivales abordables, voici 10 pays où partir en vacances à petit budget :

  • Hongrie, à partir de 17 euros aller-retour
  • Bulgarie, à partir de 19 euros aller-retour
  • Grèce, à partir de 32 euros aller-retour
  • Inde, à partir de 375 euros aller-retour
  • Sri Lanka, à partir de 408 euros aller-retour
  • Cambodge, à partir de 517 euros aller-retour
  • Vietnam, à partir de 541 euros aller-retour
  • Honduras, à partir de 423 euros aller-retour

Les pays à visiter en 2022

Voici le top 10 des destinations et pays à visiter en 2022 :

  • Californie, le rêve américain
  • Bretagne, côté îles
  • Alentejo, le Portugal rural et authentique
  • Thaïlande, côté mer
  • Québec, au fil du Saint-Laurent
  • Bourgogne gourmande
  • Les îles du Dodécanèse, une Grèce au goût d’Orient

Où partir en vacances cet été en France à petit prix ?

Si vous souhaitez passer vos vacances en France à petit prix, voici quelques destinations avec leur prix moyen par nuit :

  • Paris – 152 €
  • Marseille – 125 €
  • Nice – 174 €
  • Marne-la-Vallée – 150 €
  • Porto-Vecchio – 323 €
  • Cannes – 270 €
  • Les Epesses – 121 €
  • Ajaccio – 181 €

Comment contacter Lastminute France ?

Si vous avez besoin de contacter Lastminute France, vous pouvez le faire par téléphone au 01 70 96 86 71 pour toutes les catégories : vol, train, hôtel, vol+hôtel, train+hôtel, séjour, croisière (prix d’un appel national).

Le meilleur moment pour acheter son billet d’avion

Pour acheter un billet d’avion au meilleur prix, il est préférable de le faire entre le mardi et le jeudi, de préférence dans la nuit du mardi au mercredi. De plus, les heures creuses, c’est-à-dire entre minuit et 6 heures du matin (surtout de 4 heures à 6 heures), sont souvent propices aux offres spéciales et aux réductions des frais de dossier.

Les jours de la semaine les moins chers pour les vols

Selon une enquête publiée par Air indemnité et Liligo, le jeudi matin est le meilleur moment pour réserver votre vol si vous souhaitez réaliser des économies. Les départs les mardis sont généralement moins chers, mais ils peuvent également être plus sujets aux retards et aux annulations.

Note: Repurposed visuals will be required to include in the new article.

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Jean Claude


What is travel extra pack last minute meaning?

What is travel extra pack last minute meaning, 1. can i book a travel extra pack last minute for any type of travel, 2. how far in advance can i book a travel extra pack last minute, 3. are last minute travel packages only available during the off-peak season, 4. are last minute travel packages reliable, 5. are last minute travel offers available globally, 6. can i customize a last minute travel package, 7. are last minute travel packages refundable, 8. how can i find the best last minute travel offers, 9. can last minute travel packages be booked online, 10. what should i consider before booking a last minute travel package, 11. can i earn loyalty points or rewards when booking a last minute travel package, 12. are there any risks associated with booking last minute travel packages.

Travel Extra Pack Last Minute is a term commonly used in the travel industry to refer to a special package or offer that becomes available for booking at the last minute. This type of offer is typically designed to cater to spontaneous travelers or those who have unexpected changes in their travel plans. It provides an opportunity for travelers to benefit from discounted rates or value-added benefits for booking their trips at short notice.

Benefits of Travel Extra Pack Last Minute:

– Cost Savings: One of the main advantages of booking a Last Minute travel package is the potential for cost savings. Travel providers often offer discounted rates or exclusive deals to fill up empty spaces on flights, hotels, or tour packages that would otherwise go unsold.

– Flexibility: Last-minute travel bookings allow for greater flexibility in terms of departure dates and destination choices. As these packages are usually available for a limited time, travelers can take advantage of attractive deals and enjoy spontaneous adventures.

– Value-Added Benefits: In addition to cost savings, Last Minute travel packages may also include additional perks, such as complimentary upgrades, free meals, or exclusive access to certain amenities. These value-added benefits enhance the overall travel experience and provide extra value for money.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Last Minute travel packages are available for various types of travel, including flights, hotel stays, cruises, and vacation packages. It provides flexibility for travelers to book a wide range of travel arrangements at short notice.

The availability of Last Minute travel packages may vary depending on the travel provider and destination. In some cases, these offers may become available just a few days before the departure date, while in other instances, they may be available up to a few weeks in advance.

While Last Minute travel packages are more commonly associated with off-peak times when travel providers are looking to fill empty spaces, they can also be available during peak seasons. It’s always worth checking for Last Minute offers regardless of the time of year.

Yes, Last Minute travel packages offered by reputable travel providers are reliable. However, it’s important to research and choose a trusted provider to ensure a smooth and enjoyable travel experience.

Yes, Last Minute travel offers can be found for destinations worldwide. Whether you’re planning a domestic or international trip, there is a possibility of finding attractive Last Minute deals.

Depending on the travel provider, customization options may be available for Last Minute travel packages. This allows travelers to add or remove specific components, such as flights, accommodations, or activities, to tailor the package to their preferences.

The refund policies for Last Minute travel packages may vary among travel providers. It’s important to review the terms and conditions before making a booking. Some packages may offer partial or full refunds, while others may have stricter cancellation policies.

To find the best Last Minute travel offers, consider signing up for newsletters or alerts from travel providers. Additionally, regularly checking travel websites, social media platforms, and mobile apps can help you stay updated on the latest deals and promotions.

Yes, most travel providers offer online booking options for Last Minute travel packages, making it convenient for travelers to browse and book these offers from the comfort of their own homes or while on the go.

Before booking a Last Minute travel package, consider the following factors: – Destination and travel dates: Ensure the package aligns with your desired destination and travel dates. – Inclusions: Review what is included in the package, such as accommodations, flights, meals, and activities. – Price and value: Assess the price compared to the value and benefits offered. – Reviews and ratings: Read reviews and check ratings of the travel provider and the specific package to gauge customer satisfaction.

Some travel providers may offer loyalty points or rewards programs that allow you to earn points when booking Last Minute travel packages. These points can then be redeemed for future travel or other rewards.

While Last Minute travel packages can offer great deals and flexibility, there are a few associated risks to consider: – Limited availability: Due to the last-minute nature of these packages, availability may be limited, especially during peak travel seasons. – Less time for research: Booking last minute does not allow for extensive research and comparison, so it’s important to be sure of your preferences and needs. – Potential changes or disruptions: Last-minute bookings may be more susceptible to changes or disruptions in travel arrangements. It’s wise to familiarize yourself with the provider’s policies regarding changes and cancellations.

Remember, booking a Travel Extra Pack Last Minute can be an exciting and cost-effective way to embark on spontaneous travel adventures. Take advantage of the flexibility and savings these packages offer, and always research and book with trusted travel providers for a stress-free experience.

About The Author

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Aarav Crowe

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Beyond Red Square

Travel Tips to Kabardino-Balkaria: More than Mt. Elbrus!

If you’ve traveled to the North Caucasus before, there is a good chance you’ve already been to Kabardino-Balkaria, and you didn’t even know it!  Kabardino-Balkaria lies in the center of the North Caucasus region, is home to Mt. Elbrus, but more than that is a treasure chest of travel possibilities.  Here is our guide to traveling through the republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, or 9 travel tips to this beautiful land:

1. How do I get there?

Kabardino-Balkaria hosts a large number of both foreign and Russian travelers every year, and has an improving infrastructure able to handle the incoming masses.  Let’s start with the obvious.  You might be a mountain climber or skier coming to enjoy the slopes of Mt. Elbrus.  That means you’re likely arriving on an airplane to Russia.  Here are your travel options:

A. Plane – We advise you fly into the Mineralni Vodi (MRV) airport in the Stavropol Region, which is about 45 minutes from the border of Kabardino-Balkaria.  MRV is the largest airport in the North Caucasus, and has daily direct flights to and from all 3 airpots in Moscow (SVO, DME, and VKO), direct flights from St. Petersburg, and several international flight routes as well, including from Istanbul, Dubai, Greece, Tel Aviv, and Bishkek.  The MRV airport has a growing infrastructure and is the most obvious choice to fly into if going to Elbrus.  From MRV, it’s a 2 hr. drive to Nalchik, and a 3.5 hr. drive to Mt. Elbrus.

That being said, the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria, Nalchik (NAL), also has a small regional airport with a daily flight to/from Moscow as well as weekly flights to Istanbul. As is to be expected in most smaller, regional airports around Russia, the service standard at a small airport like this will be minimal.  As a result, we recommend you flying in and out of MRV if able.  It’s a 2 hr. drive to Elbrus from Nalchik.  You can also fly into other regional airports which are 2 hrs. from Nalchik, such as OGZ in North Ossetia (Vladikavkaz) or IGT in Ingushetia (Magas).

B.  Car/Public Transport – If you have a car, are using a taxi, or are hitch-hiking your way to Kabardino-Balkaria, the region is accessible by a variety of roads and vehicles.  A major Russian federal highway E50 runs through Pyatigorsk into Kabardino-Balkaria, and can take you towards Mt. Elbrus, Nalchik, and deeper into the North Caucasus.  There are daily mini-buses, or “marshrutkas”, that travel to Nalchik from Pyatigorsk, Vladikavkaz, Grozny, and Magas, if you’re coming from a neighboring republic.  From the main Nalchik bus station, there is a marshrutka that goes to Terskol (i.e. Mt. Elbrus) daily around 12:30 pm; for that matter,  marshrutkas run daily into every valley of this beautiful republic.  For the seasoned international traveler, you can drive from the country of Georgia up the famed “Georgian Military Highway” through the heart of the Caucasus Mountains, cross the border into Russia at the “Verkhni Lars” border stop, and be in Nalchik in about 2.5 hours as well. 

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Anyone traveling on their own should download the “Yandex” taxi app, which is Russia’s version of Uber, and has a very user-friendly app with affordable prices.  In smaller villages/towns where Yandex’s service doesn’t reach, just ask a local and they’ll direct you to a friend or relative who can taxi you where you need to go!

C.  Train – Kabardino-Balkaria is also very accessible by the famous cross-country Russian train system if that’s your preferred method of travel.  Almost all trains to the North Caucasus pass through Mineralni Vodi in the Stavropol region to the north, so make sure wherever you are coming from, Mineralni Vodi is one of the stops.  Despite Nalchik having a train station, the city is about 45 minutes from the main railway route that runs diagonal through the North Caucasus, and as a result it’s a bit convoluted to get a train directly to Nalchik.  That being said, the town Prokhladni is a regular stop on trains going to/coming from Baku, Makhachkala, Grozny, Nazran, and Vladikavkaz, so you can always hop off there and find your way by public transport or taxi.

2.  What are the best places to stay?

This list could get exhaustive, fast. 🙂  Let’s first look at an overview of the republic’s geography, followed by hotel recommendations:

A. Nalchik – This is the capital city of Kabardino-Balkaria, with a population of around 250,000.  Nalchik is growing and new, modern hotels are being built regularly.  Here are some of our recommendations:

-Modern and comfortable:  Azimut , Butik Otel

-Budget with less frills:  Hotel Rossia , Korona

You could comfortably spend a week in Nalchik, while doing day trips into Kabardino-Balkaria’s beautiful mountain valleys.

B.  Baksan Valley – This is the most traveled road in Kabardino-Balkaria, the road to Mt. Elbrus.  If you have questions about its safety because of travel warnings, please see our detailed blog here of the drive to erase any doubts or fears.  Needless to say, because of the draw of Mt. Elbrus, there are a huge variety of lodging options at the end of this valley, from 4-star to mid-range to budget to hostel.  Here are just a few we’ll recommend from our experience:

-Modern and comfortable 4-star-ish:  Azau Star , Kristall 139

-Budget with less frills 3-star-ish:   Laguna , Povorot

If you’re a mountain climber with your sites set on the summit of Elbrus, you’ll have to spend at least 3-4 nights at Elbrus’s famous base camp at 13,000 feet.  The “barrel huts” are not easy to book directly with, and we highly recommend you do your climb (and hence, have your bookings handled) through a trusted climbing company.  Here are two shelters at base camp we recommend:

-Modern and comfortable:  Leaprus

-Budget with less frills:  Heart of Elbrus Lodge

If you’re interested in climbing Mt. Elbrus and staying in these barrel huts, click  here  to see our climbing itineraries, pricing, and group dates.

C.  Chegem Valley – Chegem Valley is the adjacent valley to Elbrus’s Baksan Valley, and is famous for its beautiful waterfalls as well as being Russia’s top paragliding location.  The “ Paradrome ” has modest accommodations for those wanting to get to know this beautiful valley for a longer period of time.

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D.  Upper Balkaria, or Cherek Valley – This is another beautiful mountain gorge not too far from Nalchik.  There is an authentic lodging complex in Upper Balkaria called Tau-El, with amazing local food for meals as well.

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E.  Border Zone lodging – Several of Kabardino-Balkaria’s mountain gorges run into the border zone with neighboring country Georgia, i.e. an area that foreigners cannot enter without a special permit from the local government (often taking 2 months to receive).  There is a famous mountaineering lodge in Bezengi Valley, where several generations of Russian mountain climbers have honed their craft in the Caucasus Mountains.  Perpendicular to Baksan Valley (about 25 minutes from the base of Mt. Elbrus) is Adyr-Suu Valley, where there is a lodge for back-country skiers to stay, while trying their hands (and feet!) on the untouched snow of that valley.  Both these valleys require border permits for foreigners, but are possible to access for the more adventurous!

3.  Top cities to visit?

Most locals would agree that Nalchik is the main city of significance to visit in Kabardino-Balkaria, but let’s be honest, even more would say, “Just go to the mountains!”  Tirnauz is the capital of the Elbrus district, and is an interesting town to spend some time in, with its unique location in the mountains and place in Soviet history as a once-booming mining town.  The main thing to consider in visiting Nalchik and other cities in the lowlands, is the chance to experience Kabardian culture and food.  Whereas the deeper you go into the valleys, the more you’ll encounter Balkar culture and food.

4.  Best local foods to try?

There are 3 types of food that come to mind, when spending time in Kabardino-Balkaria:

A. Khychiny – This is one of the staple national dishes of the Balkar people, and what you’ll inevitably be served if guests of local Balkars.  It’s a thin buttery flat bread, sometimes cooked with fillings of cottage cheese, fresh greens, or potatoes.  It is often slathered in butter, but wow is that some tasty greasy goodness! 🙂

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B.  Shashlik – Shashlik is a MUST for any visit anywhere in the North Caucasus!  Most people would agree that it’s the national food of the entire region.  Shashlik is meat shish kabobs; while pork and turkey can be found in some parts of the Caucasus, lamb or chicken are the preferred shashlik meats of choice in Kabardino-Balkaria. 

C.  Soup – No matter where you are in Russia, you’re sure to find a local soup that people love.  Kabardino-Balkaria is no different.  Especially in the winter months in the mountain valleys, there’s nothing better than to come inside from the cold weather and warm your body up to a bowl of hearty Caucasus soup.  Whether Georgian kharcho or local Balkar lakhman, make sure to try your hand at one of these soups with a side of fresh baked bread/lavash!

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5.  Top Hole-In-The-Wall restaurants:

Of course, for a republic of this size, we’re bound to leave at least a few great local joints off our list, but here are a few to get you started. ***Note:  Restaurants in the North Caucasus are much better known for their food than their service, so prepare for tasty food, but manage your expectations about service:

-Elbrus – Kogutai Restaurant at Mt. Cheget – While this isn’t a hole-in-the-wall restaurant per se, it’s one of many to choose from in the Cheget tourist village, and we have found them to provide consistently good food and service.  Kogutai has a nice interior, and maybe most important, an English-language menu with good pictures. 🙂  There also is a nice outdoor patio with fantastic views of the surrounding mountains.

-Nalchik #1 – Tameris Restaurant – This is a cafe with a relaxed atmosphere in the capital Nalchik.  Local tour company Elbrus Elevation has taken foreign groups there on multiple occasions and always had good experiences.  Address is ul. Kuliyeva 3. 

-Nalchik #2 – Cafe-Bar Oasis – You have to know where this restaurant is to find it, but once inside, you won’t regret it!  There is a unique cafeteria-style ordering process, that includes several dishes being cooked on the spot once ordered.  You can sample local Kabardian dishes here.  The seating area is very modern and a pleasant atmosphere to have a meal in.  Address is ul. Kuliyeva 2. 

-Upper Balkaria – Tau-El Restaurant – This is the restaurant part of the Tau-El Tourist Complex in Upper Balkaria.  Whether spending the night or just passing through, make sure to stop here for a meal!

6.  Must-See Sites

This republic is so chock full of “must-see” destinations, it’s impossible to narrow the list down.  Here are just a few suggestions to get you started: (***Mt. Elbrus is a no-brainer and we’re assuming that’s on your list)

A. El-Tyubu and Paradrome – This is an amazing area towards the end of Chegem Valley.  Many tourists visit the famous Chegem Waterfalls and don’t drive any further down this gorge, which really is a shame.  El-Tyubu is a picturesque Balkar village with several historical sites to see, including some ancient mausoleums.  The real gem of the area, though, is the Paradrome , which is Russia’s premier paragliding destination.  The combination of the scenic surrounding mountains and constant winds produces almost daily conditions to sail through the beautiful Caucasus sky.  Highly recommend!

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B.  Upper Balkaria – Also known as Cherek Valley, the entire drive to the actual village of Upper Balkaria is one big destination.  First, you can spend time at the 3 consecutive “ Blue Lakes ”, one of which is one of Russia’s deepest lakes with an underground spring.  Then, the drive itself becomes an adventure, as you pass by steep rock walls with a huge drop-off on the other side.  If you’re able to walk this part of the road, that is a bonus!  Once you’ve made your way through the valley walls, the region opens up into a beautiful panoramic view.  Many years ago, there were multiple villages in this region, but they’ve since been condensed into one main village.  You can see some of the ancient Balkar towers that their ancestors used to live in as well.

C.  Djili-Suu – Although hard to pronounce and not easy to get to, Djili-Suu is one of those places in the North Caucasus that people rave about that you “have to” visit.  It’s actually on the North side of Mt. Elbrus, and more accessible from the Mineral Waters region (2 hrs. from Kislovodsk).  The base camp for Elbrus climbers summiting the mountain from the North side is at Djili-Suu.  This area is famous in Russia for its numerous natural healing springs, as well as unique climate conditions that make for beneficial, long holidays for seeking a respite from their daily grind.  There are wide swaths of land available for camping, with probably the most unrivaled views of Mt. Elbrus in the North Caucasus.  Make sure to check this out!

7.  Off-the-beaten path destinations

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A. King’s Waterfalls (Tsarskie), or Gedmisht – Probably the valley in Kabardino-Balkaria with the least amount of hype is the Malka Valley, which is the northernmost valley and mainly runs through the Kabardian lowlands.  At the point where the villages end, though (Khabas), the asphalt turns into dirt and the hills start to rise, culminating with the incredible King’s Waterfalls, or as one friend put it, Avatar Waterfalls.  These stunning waterfalls are best visited in the early summer, when everything is lush green and the water flow is strong, with many streams of water flowing down the earth’s surface.  The different colors are incredible and it’s hard to look away.  Once you’ve enjoyed the waterfalls, enjoy a meal of shashlik at one of the nearby lunch huts.  Having an off-road vehicle is ideal to visit these falls, but worth the time and effort!

B.  One-seater chair lift at Elbrus – As the infrastructure at Mt. Elbrus has modernized, some of the more “authentic” experiences have gone to the way-side.  This is one experience still available, though!  From the 2nd (11,000 ft.) to 3rd level (12,500 ft.) of Mt. Elbrus (whether skiing, going to base camp, or just touring), there is a single-seater chair lift for 100 rubles each way (less than $2).  This is an amazing experience if you have the time.  It’s 8-10 minutes each way, and a surreal experience of the majestic Caucasus mountain range surrounding you, skiers silently passing you by underneath, and in general enjoying the silent expanse of nature all around.  The chair lifts are from the Soviet times and so it feels like something from a different era.  For mountain climbers, the newer group cable car gives better access to most of base camp, but several huts are pretty close to this chair lift, so it still may be a good option for you.

C.  Abandoned Mines above Tirnauz – Tirnauz is about 1 hr. from Mt. Elbrus, and a town everyone drives through to and from the mountain.  Although today it looks old and half-abandoned, it was a booming mining town in the 20th century.  About a 45-minute drive above the city with an off-road vehicle, you can see the remains of the mining operations.  Learning about this history combined with the breath-taking views of the Baksan Valley and even into Georgia, you’ll wonder why more people aren’t visiting this place.  This is a great spot to see eagles soaring in the sky, as well as admire the Soviet city plan of Tirnauz from above.

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8.  What do I need border zone passes to visit?

In Russia, any area within 5-10 km of a neighboring country, without a clearly delineated border (i.e. in the mountains) is considered a special border zone, and patrolled by Russian border guards.  This area IS accessible to all Russian citizens with their passports, but is NOT legally accessible to foreign citizens UNLESS you have a special permit from the FSB (Federal Security Bureau).  These permits are accessible, either through a tour operator or local friend, but require you to submit your application 45-60 days in advance.

Areas in Kabardino-Balkaria that are worth a visit if you have a border zone pass:

A.  Bezengi Wall – This is at the end of the Bezengi Valley, and holds a place of lore among Russian mountain climbers.  Many mountain guides go through training in this valley.  Five of the Caucasus Mountain’ range’s highest seven peaks are a part of the Bezengi Wall, so you can imagine the draw it has for climbers. There are great areas for trekking and camping in this area. 

B.  Adyr-Suu Gorge – This remote valley runs perpendicular to Baksan Valley and is about 25 minutes from the base of Mt. Elbrus.  It’s marked at the entrance by a relic of the past, a car lift from Soviet days that auto-cranks your car (and you) about 50 meters up the mountain.  After 45-60 minutes of driving on gravel road, the gorge opens up into a flat valley with a beautiful view of the surrounding mountains.  The Adyr-Suu Alpine Lodge is at the end of this valley and where back-country skiers base out of during the acclimatization phase of their Mt. Elbrus ski tours.  This is truly a place where you can experience untouched powder!

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C.  Mt. Cheget (Elbrus) – Cheget is a neighboring mountain to Mt. Elbrus and where many climbers will acclimatize, both at its base and while doing some hikes.  It also is famous in Russia for its free-ride terrain for more experienced skiers.  Standard access to the chair lifts and mountain are available to all (i.e. mountain climbers don’t need to worry about accidentally crossing into the zone), but anyone wanting to summit the peak of Cheget OR visit the beautiful Cheget Lake needs a border permit. 

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Foreigners violating the border zone areas is considered a serious offense in Russia; make sure to do your due diligence if wanting to visit one of these areas!  We highly recommend using a local tour operator and always traveling with a local person if visiting one of these areas.

9.  Any cultural “do’s” or “don’t’s” to be aware of

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Kabardino-Balkaria is a fascinating republic with a combination of traditional and modern society.  The more you interact with local people, the more you’ll see a mixture of Muslim faith, post-Soviet mentality, and ancient local traditions all wrapped together.   

Kabardians mainly live in the lowlands (Nalchik, Baksan, and lowland villages), while Balkars primarily live in the mountain valleys (Elbrus, Chegem, Upper Balkaria, etc.).  There is a large population of Russians in the region as well.  Foreigners visit every area of the region regularly, and so local people are used to and will welcome your presence.

Come with an open mind to learn about these peoples, their traditions, and their land.  You won’t regret your trip to Kabardino-Balkaria!

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***Want to learn more?  Here are several self-published resources from the podcast “ CaucasTalk ” related to Kabardino-Balkaria:

– Travel Tips to Kabardino-Balkaria (audio version of this blog)

– History of Mt. Elbrus (Part 1)

– History of Mt. Elbrus (Part 2)

– Interview with Local Elbrus guide

– Climbing Elbrus: Interview with American guide

– Who are the Kabardians? (Part 1)

– Who are the Kabardians? (Part 2)

– Skiing in the North Caucasus (Elbrus and more)


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  • We no longer offer travel services to Russia. See Caucasus Quest Tours for new destinations
  • Is it Safe to Travel to the Caucasus in 2024?
  • Climbing Kazbek & Kilimanjaro: Comparing two 5,000+ meter peaks
  • How to Train to climb Mt. Kazbek in Georgia

Our Elbrus Climbing Tours

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  • Climb Elbrus North Route
  • Climb Elbrus & The Capitals
  • Climb Elbrus & The Caucasus

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ALL Travel Services to Russia and Mt. Elbrus have been indefinitely suspended as of Feb. 2022.

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Visiting Russia - Nalchik, Capital of Kabardino-Balkaria

By Koryo Tours

Nalchik, capital of Kabardino-Balkaria

Visiting Russia – Nalchik

Yoshkar-ola | cheboksary  |  astrakhan | elista | stalingrad (volograd)  | abakan  |  nalchik  | validkavkaz  | makhachkala  |  grozny.

Nalchik is a small city of around 240,000 people and serves as the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria, one of the lesser-known republics spread across the beautiful North Caucasus area of Russia, the mountain range that separates the former soviet states of Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan from the Russian Federation.

This region has incredible diversity in ethnic groups and is a melting pot at the edge of empire. While there have been civilisations in the Caucasus for millennia Nalchik as a city is only a century old, having been a Russian fort since 1724. Today’s Nalchik is a mostly peaceful and relaxing place, being in the foothills of the mountains it has many areas of great beauty and multiple sanatoria for people looking to take the waters, over the last century it has certainly had its share of turbulence though, being occupied by Romanian troops fighting on the side of the Nazis, who embarked on an effort to exterminate the ancient community of Mountain Jews in the area (unsuccessfully), plus a 2005 Islamic militant attack on Russian security forces.

These days Nalchik is known as a clean city, a place for relaxing, and the starting point of expeditions to summit Mt. Elbrus, the tallest mountain in Europe, which lies within Kabardino-Balkaria.

Kabardians make up the largest ethnic group at just under 50% of the city’s population, followed by Russians, Balkars, other Caucasian nationalities as well as Ukrainians, Mountain Jews still live in the area but in very small numbers now, most having emigrated to Israel.



Nalchik Airport (NAL) is a small one but is fully functional for getting in and out, usually the foreigners arriving here will be mountaineers heading for Elbrus.

The Airport is only 3km from the city centre so you could even walk into town from here, otherwise, there are taxis and marshrutkas waiting for arrivals. Flights arrive only from Moscow and St. Petersburg usually, the Caucasus has other larger airports for other international flights (such as those to Sochi). Nalchik has a railway station, dating from 1915, with links to Moscow and across the Caucasus. A good option for travelling around the region in a relaxing manner (usually slower than taking a marshrutka between cities though) For getting around inside Nalchik there are public buses all over the place, easy to use and very cheap. Otherwise most of the centre is very walkable, the main ‘high street’ is Lenin Avenue, which runs for several km through the centre of the city.


Concord Square

The centre of Nalchik and a good place to start a walking tour of the city, with the Kabardino-Balkaria parliament building on one side and Lenin stands at the other, fountains in the middle and Lenin Avenue cutting through the square

Religious Buildings

The central buildings of the main religions practised in Nalchik are both fine examples of their respective architectural styles; the Central Mosque and the Cathedral of Mary Magdalene are both worth visiting. Dress codes apply.

Not actually in Nalchik, but only 50km or so away so the city is the ideal base for starting an expedition. This is Europe’s highest mountain and a dormant volcano. There are cable car/chairlift options to get t the top for those who don’t wish to do it the hard way. It is possible to get up and down this mountain n a single day, making it certainly the simplest of the 7 continental highest peaks to climb.

Museum of the Kabardino-Balkar Republic

Great for explaining where you are and the history of the area. Mostly in Russian only though and does tend to assume some knowledge in advance. Still a good stop to get some intro into the complex history of this city and area in general.

Atazhukin Garden

A large park complex running for more than 2km along the eastern side of the city, alongside the Nalchik River. A very pleasant place with so much to see and do. The basic Nalchik Zoo is here, walking trails, restaurants and cafes, theatres, a very retro funfair, and a rickety but reliable cable car running up to a lovely viewpoint to see over the city and out to Mt. Elbrus.

Topped by a restaurant building built in the shape of a Kabardian warrior. An excellent few hours can be spent exploring this park and mingling with the locals of all ages who do their relaxing here.

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We have been trying to get our money back from this company since June. No one can afford to lose hundreds and hundreds of pounds but I’d been hoping to take my wife on a few days holiday in scotland because she has a tumour on her kidney and is now quite unwell. I feel that last minute don’t care one jot about our situation and it seems the only Avenue open now is legal action and involving the press. It’s absolutely scandalous.

Date of experience : 12 November 2020

This company are a complete joke, you just cannot make contact with them, have tried on numerous occasions without success. I booked with them on 11/01/20 for flights to Cardiff, I have a ten digit booking reference no, they now ask you for a nine digit ref and your original is not recognised. I did receive a credit note against my original booking then received a new invoice dated 22/10/20.. I have a horrible feeling that I have been scammed, cannot make any headway through my bank either.. DO NOT USE THESE TRICKSTERS..

Date of experience : 21 January 2021

Booked a trip that had a total of £900…

Booked a trip that had a total of £900 with £50 deposit. Then I read reviews on the hotel and they were awful (READ REVIEWS BEFORE BOOKING). So I then cancelled and rebooked a different hotel, and got charged £557 cancellation fee even tho I cancelled within 2 hours of booking. Biggest legit scammers out there

Date of experience : 12 January 2023

After an earlier review I had a…

After an earlier review I had a response from Last Minute on 21 August, promising feedback on the issue I raised within 28 days. Well it's now 29 September and still I have heard nothing. Only another 2 months before the first anniversary of my mother's death which caused the problem with my short break!

Date of experience : 29 September 2019

Booked through Google

Booked through Google, only to find out it was actually through LMT. After the stay, had separate charges from both LastMinuteTravel and the hotel. Called the hotel to say they shouldn't have charged me, they responded that LMT had not provided payment, so I am responsible and to call LMT. Was on hold for 1/2 hour before having to hang up due to other responsibilities. Surpised that Google allows such a disreputable company operate under their name.

Date of experience : 23 July 2021

Scam company that steals your money.

Scam and should be reported to the Better Business Bureau and sued into oblivion. Booked a hotel through, received confirmation number for booking,, only to show up at the hotel and they don't have my reservation because LMT never sent them one. Called LMT's "emergency line", only for the first person to hang up on me. Called 5 more times and was left on hold for hours and noone ever picked up. Stole $180 from me. Stay far away. This company is an absolute scam.

Date of experience : 06 September 2020

Reply from Last Minute Travel

Hi Richard, We are sorry to hear about your unfortunate experience and would like to help you in getting this issue sorted out. To better assist you, we have sent you a private message asking you for the booking details to expedite the process. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience. Thank you in advance, Last Minute Travel Team

Quick resolution (Fraud)

Update, the situation was quickly solved and I have received the money back. I have used this site in the past and so I will continue to use even though there has been this problem, which has been solved. Fraud, they took my money without a reservation (the hotel reservation failed because the credit card was refused, but they took the money anyway, how this is possible!!!)

Date of experience : 22 January 2020

Total Scam "Full Flex Ticket"

criminals - they appear with different name Bravofly and when you call you get Lat Minute Travel. We lost a full flex ticket because they were unable to change dates even they promised to do so. later they claimed the ticket was still active and considered it a no-show. We called multiple times to resolve but without success to resolve the situation. They just repeatedly assured they are still working on it then an auto-generated email from a different company then Bravofly instead Last Minute ended up in spam folder and the 2 weeks response frame in that email never has been brought to our attention nor a call to them was indicative about that 14d time frame or email sent to us.

Date of experience : 17 August 2022

Please avoid at all costs

Please avoid at all costs. Our tickets were cancelled with back In June with no explanation. We rebooked direct with the same airline as the flights were available but now 13 weeks later still no refunds. All we are getting is your refund will be issued soon. You are risking your money and your trip being ruined by booking with this company.

Date of experience : 21 September 2020

Hi Ehab, We are sorry to hear about your unfortunate experience. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, we received a high volume of cancellations and our customer support team is working hard to service your inquiries. In this situation, refunds are taking longer to process than usual. We would like to verify the status of your refund. We have sent you a private message asking you for the booking details to expedite the process. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience. Regards, Last Minute Travel Team

LM give a bad name!

As others have said, LM customer service won't do anything except acknowledge your request. I needed to delay a departure date due to Covid and they just kept delaying until the point it was too late and more costly to make changes. Funny how they give you access to make the booking but not to amend it. Maybe because they want to charge more money for late changes. Be very careful and please note that some holidays supplied on the site are actually supplied by Lastminute.

Date of experience : 02 November 2021


DON'T BOOK YOUR FLIGHT TICKET IN Last Minute Travel. Ever. I will strongly recommend all customers NOT TO USE Last Minute Travel (& BravoFly) from buying flight tickets. I had booked my flight from SGN to CPH which was cancelled due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. I have been trying several times to contact BravoFly Customer Service to refound my ticket without luck. They will NOT inform any phone no. none whatsoever. The best advice is to book your flight ticket DIRECTLY (if possible) from the recognized flight companies such as Qatar Airways, Emirates, Lufthansa, KLM, SAS, etc. Another advice is to CALL the Customer Service to get a dedicated phone contact no. BEFORE finalizing your booking.

Date of experience : 20 April 2020

Hello Kambiz, We apologize for any inconvenience you have experienced during this difficult time. We would like to assist you in correcting these errors, however, it seems that you've made your booking through Bravofly (part of a Lastminute Group who we are not associated with). We are Last Minute Travel part of Hotelbeds Group. Best Regards, Last Minute Travel Team

If I could give zero stars I would

If I could give zero stars I would. DO NOT USE last minute! They do not confirm your flights instantly like other companies, so by the time they get round to booking them the seats are gone!!!! As happened in our case, go direct with the airline and get instant confirmation! These people are not transparent about their processes as when you send your money you care only sending a booking request NOT confirming a booking! BEWARE

Date of experience : 14 November 2021

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9 places in Kabardino-Balkaria every adventurer needs to visit (PHOTOS)

An amazing journey through the mountains of Kabardino-Balkaria.

An amazing journey through the mountains of Kabardino-Balkaria.

Together with local tour guide Artyem Babaritsky, we show you why this is one of the most underrated regions of Russia. According to Artem, the nature on the territory of Kabardino Balkaria is more “rigid” and “serious” than in the neighboring republics of the Caucasus. This is comparable to a human face: one moment it is kind and smiling (while we are in the Karachay-Cherkessia) and then suddenly this kind face starts to frown and becomes more severe.

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The most famous attraction of the republic – and the Caucasus in general – is Mount Elbrus, the highest peak of the European continent. With a mighty height of 5,642 meters above sea level, Elbrus is actually a dormant volcano. Its permanent icecap feeds 22 glaciers, which, in turn, give rise to the Baksan, Kuban and Malka rivers.

Naturally, if you’re into mountain climbing, this is a peak that you will want to conquer at least once in your lifetime. Here are some detailed accounts of what it entails.

And this is what you’ll see along the way.

Not into mountain climbing? Not to worry! In summer, you can still reach an altitude of 3,658 meters from the bottom of the Azau Valley, thanks to a small network of cable cars and ski lifts. This will give you a bird’s eye view of the entire Main Caucasus Ridge – an extremely impressive sight to behold. And, of course, you’ll be right at the foot of the Elbrus glacier.

travel extra pack last minute avis

In winter, skiers and snowboarders can shred some sweet gnar on 23 kilometers of slopes serviced by 6 ski lifts. The winter sports area is situated between the elevations of 2,350 and 3,840 meters. There are plenty of accommodation options for a comfortable stay and a good selection of cafes and restaurants to refuel your energy supplies.

2. Dzhily-su

travel extra pack last minute avis

Translated from the local language, “Dzhily-su” means “warm waters”. The Tract is located on the slopes of the heart of the Caucasus at an altitude of about 2,400 meters above sea level, where you can enjoy the breathtaking view of Mount Elbrus on a clear day. On the territory of Dzhily-su, there are many unique mineral springs that aid in healing from various diseases and strengthening the body.

“It’s an amazing sensation when you lie in a warm mineral bath and dozens of small bubbles rise around you. Also, Dzhily-su is the land of waterfalls that bear beautiful male names like Sultan, Emir and Shah. Thanks to the unusual energy, esoterics are particularly fond of this place, because there are natural sand castles, amazing stone mushrooms and the energetic mountains Sirkh and Tuzluk,” Artyem says.

travel extra pack last minute avis

The road to Dzhily-su is considered one of the most beautiful in all of Russia: It’s a serpentine-like asphalt mountain road that follows along a huge cliff, over which you will see many eagles circling. If you decide to do the trip on your own, Artyem warns that you must get hold of an off road vehicle, because many of the roads that you will need to take are dusty gravel roads. 

3. Chegem Canyon, Gorge, Waterfalls and Paragliding 

travel extra pack last minute avis

This is one of the main tourist attractions of Kabardino-Balkaria and it’s not hard to see why.

“The views that stretch along the Chegem gorge are simply amazing. The Chegem gorge is quite big. You will begin your encounter with this area with the beautiful Chegem waterfalls that cascade down the rocky slope. Right at the foot of the rocks, there is a small market where local women sell various hand woven wool products. There is a ‘ladder of happiness’ consisting of two 222 steps, leading to the source of the waterfalls at the top of the cliff. Climbing it is not at all difficult, the views are amazing and there is a cozy cafe at the top, as well as at the bottom, where you can enjoy dishes of national cuisine,” Artyem says.

In winter, the Chegem waterfalls freeze and have a certain wild beauty to them. Some locals say that, perhaps, they are even more beautiful than in the summer. Ice pillars and columns of frozen jets and streams of water, like giant twisted candles, or stalactites, hang down all the way to the river.

travel extra pack last minute avis

There is no more asphalt road beyond the waterfalls, but you can still continue along the gorge on gravel, along the turbulent Chegem River. The road is very dusty, so Artyem advises visitors to drive along it in a car with closed windows and the air conditioning on. After about 30 kilometers, you will arrive at a paragliding station.

According to Artyem, the Chegem paragliding station is famous for its powerful, ascending wind currents. Thanks to them, paragliders can soar in the sky from morning to evening. On the territory of the station, there is also a zip line and a few other adrenaline-filled activities for those looking for some thrills. 

4. El-TyuByu

travel extra pack last minute avis

If time permits, you can continue moving along the Chegem gorge and arrive at the village of El-TuByu, a place with enormous history. This mysterious ancient Balkarian village is the focal point of the history of the entire Balkaria. Ancient watchtowers, remains of Greek temples and anomalous phenomena attract both adventure seekers and connoisseurs of beauty. The main highrise, the Balkarukov Tower, is also dubbed the ‘Tower of Love’. Legend has it that Akhtugan Balkarukov built it to defend against the relatives of the beautiful Kerime, stolen by him from Dagestan.

Not far from the village, two ancient defensive Greek stairs go up a rocky wall. They rise to a height of about 30 meters and lead to a small area surrounded by walls up to two meters high and about half a meter thick. A bit above the Greek stairs are the ancient Balkar mausoleums, where local nobility were buried in the VIII-XVIII centuries. Artyem advises to go with a tour guide, because there is just so much incredible history in this village. 

5. Valley of the Narzans

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The Valley of the Narzans is a balneoclimatic resort area. It is located in the foothills of the northern slope of the Skalisty Ridge of the Greater Caucasus, in the Khasaut River valley, at an altitude of 1,300 meters above sea level (near the border with Karachay-Cherkessia).

What is Narzan water? It takes six years for the water from the melting snow in the mountains to become Narzan water. It needs this time to find its way through the fissures and cracks in the underground rocks, become enriched by more than 20 minerals and salts, congregate in the underground lakes and then appear on the surface as a spring. In the local language, its name sounds like “Nart-san-e”, which means “a drink of brave warriors”.

Visitors can come with empty bottles and fill them with different kinds of mineral water. The territory of the valley also has cafes with local delicacies and plenty of souvenir stands, where the local women sell traditional knitwear, mountain honey and other arts and crafts and delicacies from the region. 

6. Shadkhurei Karst Lakes

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The two lakes - Lower and Upper Shadkhuei - are still little researched. Underwater currents, turmoils and a large network of underwater canals prevent scientists from doing deeper research. The estimated depth of each lake is more than 200 meters, though there is no data yet on the actual depth.

“This is a great place to spend some time, especially during the summer months. The water temperature is kept at the same level all year round – about +15 degrees Celsius. The two lakes are located close to each other and fascinate visitors with their magical colors, luring them into their emerald water,” Artyem says.

In Artyem’s experience, only with rare exceptions, no visitor can resist the urge to plunge into the water. Even without bathing accessories, both ladies and gents make it their priority to jump into the turquoise waters. Around the lakes there are a few gazebos so you can easily stay for the whole day, have a picnic and swim in the lakes to your heart’s content.

7. Chateau Erken

travel extra pack last minute avis

A little piece of Europe in the middle of the Caucasus Mountains, Chateau Erken is a majestic pseudo castle in the Romanesque style (it was actually built in the 1990s) surrounded by about 1,000 hectares of vineyards.

“If you want to have a relaxing day, try experiencing the fairy tale that is Chateau Erken. It stands right on the water and is absolutely stunning. There is also the option to do some wine tasting inside,” Artyem says. 

8. Upper Balkaria, Blue Lake and Aushiger Thermal Springs

travel extra pack last minute avis

These three places make for an easy day trip, because of their proximity to one another. Start your journey at the Blue Lake . The deep blue waters of this stunning lake, hidden in Russia’s Caucasus mountains, are shrouded in mystery. It’s uninhabited by fish and avoided by locals, but, in recent years, it’s become a popular site for tourists.

After soaking in the lake’s beauty, continue onwards to Upper Balkaria, which is just several kilometers away along the Cherek gorge. This is a small ancient village that almost seems like it’s hiding from the outside world. Architectural monuments, defensive towers, graves and ground crypts have been preserved there. Upper Balkaria serves as an excellent example of Balkarian life and culture. You’ll learn a lot about the ancient auls (Caucasian mountain or desert settlements) and Balkarian settlements from different historical periods. 

On the left bank of the Cherek River, in the village of Aushiger, there are a few healing hot springs. The territory of the health resort includes a healing lake, an open reservoir and indoor baths.

9. Adyr-su Gorge

travel extra pack last minute avis

“This place can be reached by car, mostly by asphalt road. Then, the car drives into a special lift, together with people and climbs up along the cliff. What a sight this is! There is a border control here, so it’s a good idea to have some ID on you,” Artyem cautions.

After driving along a relatively easy dirt road, you will get to a mountain climbing base. From there, you can take part in some light trekking, 4 kilometers there and back. Adventurers also have the opportunity to make a wish in the Valley of Desires, see waterfalls, go to the glacier and the huge, magical mountain Ulu Tau, which means “Mother Mountain”. Finish up the hike at the Silver Spring.

“Here, you can always encounter wild mustangs, they always come to graze on the beautiful meadows of lush grass and drink the healing water from the spring. The spring is the source of incredible strength - locals say that whoever plunges into it three times will be healed of many diseases,” Artyem boasts.

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  11. Last Minute Travel Reviews

    Total Scam "Full Flex Ticket". criminals - they appear with different name Bravofly and when you call you get Lat Minute Travel. We lost a full flex ticket because they were unable to change dates even they promised to do so. later they claimed the ticket was still active and considered it a no-show.

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    Book your holiday extras early. It pays to book your airport parking, airport hotel or your lounge as soon as you book your flights. Prices usually go up nearer the date you fly, and last year Holiday Extras saved our airport parking customers £100 each on average when they pre-booked their airport parking instead of paying on the day. Book Today.

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    Travel Extra Pack Last Minute is a term commonly used in the travel industry to refer to a special package or offer that becomes available for booking at the last minute. This type of offer is typically designed to cater to spontaneous travelers or those who have unexpected changes in their travel plans. It provides an opportunity for travelers ...

  19. Travel Tips to Kabardino-Balkaria: More than Mt. Elbrus!

    B. Car/Public Transport - If you have a car, are using a taxi, or are hitch-hiking your way to Kabardino-Balkaria, the region is accessible by a variety of roads and vehicles. A major Russian federal highway E50 runs through Pyatigorsk into Kabardino-Balkaria, and can take you towards Mt. Elbrus, Nalchik, and deeper into the North Caucasus.

  20. Visiting Russia

    Visiting Russia - Nalchik. Nalchik is a small city of around 240,000 people and serves as the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria, one of the lesser-known republics spread across the beautiful North Caucasus area of Russia, the mountain range that separates the former soviet states of Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan from the Russian Federation.

  21. Last Minute Travel Reviews

    Total Scam "Full Flex Ticket". criminals - they appear with different name Bravofly and when you call you get Lat Minute Travel. We lost a full flex ticket because they were unable to change dates even they promised to do so. later they claimed the ticket was still active and considered it a no-show.

  22. Nalchik

    In 1921, 4 years after the October revolution, Nalchik was registered a city. In 1942-1943, during World War II, the city was occupied by Nazi Germany and Romania and the population of Mountain Jews suffered as a result. On October 13, 2005, a group of fighters took over the city, attacking the police and army headquarters.

  23. 9 places in Kabardino-Balkaria every adventurer needs to visit (PHOTOS)

    A bit above the Greek stairs are the ancient Balkar mausoleums, where local nobility were buried in the VIII-XVIII centuries. Artyem advises to go with a tour guide, because there is just so much ...