Employee journey mapping: everything you need to know

employee journey map template

The experience that your employees have in your organization has a direct impact on your business. The better the experience that you offer at each touchpoint in the employee journey, the more likely they are to become happy, engaged and productive members of your team. And given the recent shift in employee expectations and the increasing demand for improved working environments, the employee experience has never been so important. In fact, according to a 2021 report by Isolved, 92% of HR leaders said that employee experience is now a top priority for them .

The first step in improving your employee experience is understanding the entire employee lifecycle. And this is where employee journey mapping becomes a vital resource to have in your HR toolbelt. An employee journey map can help you better understand the experience your workforce has at each stage of their time at your company. That way, you can identify what you need to improve in order to offer the best possible experience. This, in turn, will help you attract and retain loyal, engaged and productive talent in your business.

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Table of Contents

What is the employee journey?  

The employee journey, also known as the employee lifecycle , covers every touchpoint that an employee has with your company . The journey begins when a candidate applies for a position with your company and ends when an employee leaves their job. The primary stages of the journey relate to attraction, recruitment, onboarding, retention, development and separation.  

Notable experiences within the earlier stages of the employee journey include an employee’s first job interview, their first day at work, and their first performance review. When an employee has a good experience at each of these initial touchpoints, it sets them up to have a positive overall experience at your company. And this is the first step in making a good impression so that a new employee is motivated to become an engaged and productive member of your workforce. 

What is employee journey mapping?  

Employee journey mapping is the process of creating a defined timeline that covers each stage of the employee lifecycle. The aim is to identify the ‘ moments that matter ’ for employees so that you can improve each touchpoint and offer the best possible employee experience. That way, you can build an engaged, loyal and productive workforce.

The most important aspect to consider when you map your employee journey is the perspectives of employees at each stage of their lifecycle. 

How many applicants accept your invites to interviews? What percentage of candidates accept your job offers? How do new employees feel about your onboarding processes? Do employees feel they are being offered enough training and development opportunities? Do they get valuable feedback from their performance reviews? What are your retention levels like?

In terms of separation, at which stage of the employee journey do leavers tend to become disengaged? Why do employees leave your company? What would they improve about your employee experience? Are they happy with your organization’s management style?

You can find answers to these questions by collecting feedback at each touchpoint of the journey . For example, during onboarding and performance reviews, by sharing employee satisfaction and engagement surveys, and by conducting exit interviews. You can also find valuable feedback from sites like Glassdoor where ex-employees are more likely to be honest about their experience with you and what they would change.

What are the benefits of employee journey mapping? 

There are a number of reasons why it’s important to map the employee journey:

  • The biggest benefit is that it provides you with a visual representation of the employee lifecycle that helps you understand how your staff experience every interaction they have with your organization. This provides you with the insights you need in order to improve each touchpoint in your model so that you can offer the best possible experience to employees. And this is vital because the better the experience that employees have with you, the more likely they are to remain at your company and become productive and engaged members of staff .
  • By gathering the right employee feedback at every stage of their lifecycle you can identify at which points employees feel engaged and disengaged . In other words, you can determine what you’re doing well, and what you need to improve in terms of your internal processes. You can also collect valuable information to help you define the experience that you can offer, helping you create job descriptions that give candidates a clear understanding of what their role involves . 
  • The feedback you collect from employee satisfaction surveys and performance reviews can help you design learning and development strategies that encourage your employees to build on their skills and realize their full potential.
  • Above all, by implementing measures to improve your overall experience, you can improve your reputation as an employer and attract the talent you need to build a loyal and driven workforce . 

What steps are included in the employee journey?

There are numerous stages in the employee journey. Generally speaking, though, they can be broken down into 6 specific phases. These are attraction, recruitment, onboarding, retention, development, and separation.

It’s important to understand what employees expect at each of these stages. That way, you can balance their expectations with those of your organization.

We are now going to look at each of these 6 phases. For each stage of the journey, think about the experience that your employees have, what they might be feeling, and whether there are any potential barriers that you need to address. 

This is the first stage of your employee journey, and it is where potential applicants are first exposed to your employer brand . This is a vital stage because if a candidate’s first impression of your organization is negative then they are unlikely to accept a job offer from you.

Think about the following:

Where do you advertise your job openings? How can candidates apply for positions? Do you communicate directly with all applicants? Do you promote the value you have to offer as an employer?

Overall, though, the best way to improve this initial stage of the employee journey is to focus on building your brand and reputation. Think about what you have to offer potential applicants and whether your EVP is strong enough to attract candidates with a genuine interest in working at your company.


The next stage of the employee journey is recruitment. This is when an employee passes from applicant to employee, and the experience they have at this stage has a big impact on the opinion they form of you as an employer .

The best way to improve this touchpoint is to use the right tools to streamline your recruitment processes so that you can focus more on building positive experiences. It’s also important to create clear and informative job descriptions so that applicants understand their roles and your expectations. 

Here are a few tips to consider:

  • Be specific about the skills and abilities you are looking for so that nobody wastes their time.
  • Involve your existing employees. Encourage them to refer potential candidates and to share opinions on the skills new team members should possess. Ask managers to sit in on interviews.
  • Offer attractive benefits and compensation to keep you competitive as an employer and help you attract top talent.  

Once you have hired a new employee, the next stage in their employee journey is onboarding and orientation. This is where you give employees more information about their roles and responsibilities. This is also where you share all the tools and resources they will need to perform their duties. Plus, you should be giving new hires the opportunity to ask important questions at this stage. All this will help employees understand how to blend into your company culture.

During this stage, make sure you share enough information so that new hires understand your goals, attitudes, and values as a company . You want them to understand the role they will play in helping to build your organization. Check out this onboarding checklist for more information about this stage of the employee lifecycle.

Here are some tips to help you make this stage a positive experience:

  • Make employees feel welcome and provide them with as much information as possible.
  • Be as clear as possible about your expectations .
  • Provide as much training as possible.
  • Conduct regular check-ins  to see how new employees are settling in and if they are integrating well with the team.

Once you’ve got your new hires settled in and ramped up, you need to make sure they are happy enough to stay at your organization. This is a vital stage of the employee journey because if your employees are not satisfied and decide to leave, then the time and money you invested in sourcing, hiring and onboarding them will be wasted.

Essentially, this is all about doing what you can to provide a working environment where your employees are happy and motivated.

There are a few strategies you should implement to improve your chances of nurturing happy employees:

  • Focus on building relationships with your employees.
  • Foster a culture of respect and transparency .
  • Promote open lines of communication amongst all team members. 
  • Seek out employee feedback and measure team morale frequently.
  • Understand what motivates each of your employees.
  • Implement a rewards and recognition program to keep your employees motivated.
  • Build a nurturing and supportive culture that promotes employee satisfaction and engagement.


Another vital touchpoint in the employee journey that will help you retain employees is offering opportunities for them to develop their skills . It’s important to make your employees feel valued and challenged and that they have a clear career path in your organization. That way, they won’t be tempted to seek opportunities for professional development elsewhere.

Here are a few tips to help you improve this stage of the journey:

  • Meet with employees regularly to discuss their goals .
  • Regularly assess the knowledge and skills of all your employees.
  • Provide regular training opportunities .
  • Encourage external learning and reward employees who learn in their own time.
  • Get your managers to work with employees directly to help them prioritize the areas that require further development. 
  • Encourage your team members to be responsible for their own development .

The final stage of the employee life cycle is separation, also known as offboarding. This is what happens when an employee leaves your company. This might be due to retirement, new employment, or personal reasons. It also includes employees who you lay off . 

Whatever the reason for leaving, it’s important to provide a positive experience at this final stage. Aside from anything else, when a team member leaves, it has an effect on your other employees. And this can impact your overall employee journey.

  • If an employee resigns, conduct an exit interview with them so that you can understand why they are leaving. Ask for open and honest feedback . Is there anything that you could have done to improve their experience with working with you?  
  • If you fire an employee, make sure you do it the right way . This includes following an established dismissal process, giving enough notice, and providing them with a clear and concise termination letter .

Best practices for creating an employee journey map

Now that we’ve discussed the various stages of the employee lifecycle, let’s finish by taking a look at a few best practices for creating an effective employee journey map. 

Above all, though, the best way to improve your employee journey is to engage with your employees at every touchpoint of their time with you so that you can better understand their needs and provide them with the best possible experience.

Segment your employees and create employee personas

Most companies will have a variety of different employee personas . These will depend on roles, departments, and level of seniority, among other factors. It’s important to keep this in mind when you begin the process of employee journey mapping, as the experience an executive has at your company is likely to be very different to the experience of an intern, for example. To the same effect, a finance administrator is likely to have a very different experience than an external sales rep. Make sure you take into account each and every individual experience at your company. 

Start by identifying your employee segments . Once you’ve done that, create a typical employee persona for each segment. Make sure you consider all the interactions each persona has with your organization. Are there any processes that might frustrate them currently? Are there any barriers preventing them from having a positive journey in your company? In terms of employee feedback, are there any specific departments where employees consistently report a lack of engagement or satisfaction?

Identify touchpoints that matter in the employee journey

When you create your map, make sure you identify all the moments that matter . In other words, the touchpoints that employees are most likely to remember when they leave your company. These usually include a candidate’s first interview with you, a new employee’s first day, and their onboarding experience. Memorable experiences also include performance reviews and any support they get for their professional development.

Did onboarding go smoothly? Did they receive regular communication from you? Are you providing enough information for employees to blend seamlessly into their new roles? 

The more memorable touchpoints you include in your map, and the more you focus on the employee experience at these touchpoints, the more complete your visual representation of their journey will be.

Create metrics for tracking your employee journey

Once you have created your employee journey map, you need to implement a strategy for measuring and monitoring each stage of the journey .

Make sure you define clear KPIs and objectives for each stage of your employee journey.  Obvious indicators include retention and turnover, but you should try to include goals that specifically target the employee experience. For example, you could set goals for improving your onboarding process, the channels you use for collecting employee feedback, or the training initiatives you offer employees. You could also implement regular pulse surveys to understand the experience your employees have at each stage of their journey. Any metrics related to onboarding, wellness and engagement are essential for understanding the employee experience.

Use the right tools to manage and collect employee feedback

The best way to ensure you offer the best employee experience is to use the right tools and software. The software you use should support you at each stage of the employee life cycle . Firstly, you need effective recruitment and onboarding software and an integrated employee portal. Secondly, you need tools to help you keep track of employee performance and support your L&D programs. Thirdly, you need tools for employee recognition, as this has a huge impact on building a positive, nurturing culture. Finally, you also need a platform to conduct employee surveys and appraisals so that you have access to honest and transparent feedback at each stage of the employee life cycle.

Factorial’s all-in-one solution supports you at each stage of the employee life cycle, including attracting, recruiting, engaging, retaining, and developing employees. Streamlining and automating all your HR processes with Factorial has a huge impact on improving the employee journey.

employee journey map gartner

Focus on continuous improvement

Your employee journey map should be an ongoing process . That means you need to monitor your employee experience regularly and update your map periodically. Send out regular employee surveys to keep your finger on the pulse of how your employees feel. When you identify problem areas, implement measures to improve them. 

Most importantly, make sure you are as objective as possible when you create your map. Don’t design the journey you want employees to have – create the journey they actually have. This means listening to what your employees have to say by collecting feedback at each stage of the employee lifecycle. After all, the best people to describe your employee journey are your employees themselves. They are your most important asset when it comes to designing a journey map that improves your employee experience.

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The complete employee journey map: Employee surveys from start to finish

The employee journey plays an integral role in sculpting and enriching the overall employee experience. When creating an effective employee journey map, it is evident that surveys are indispensable — particularly in deciphering pivotal touch points that directly influence employee retention.

With a proper employee journey map HR managers can build a positive work place culture where employees can thrive and grow their professional and personal skills.

Definition of the employee journey map

An employee journey map is a visual representation that outlines the various stages and touch points an employee encounters throughout their tenure within an organisation. It represents the complete lifecycle of an employee, starting from the initial stages of recruitment, onboarding, continuous development, potential transitions or promotions, to the eventual exit or career progression.

For an HR expert, employing surveys at different touch points along this journey is akin to placing strategic checkpoints to gather valuable insights and feedback. This is because these surveys act as navigational tools. They provide a comprehensive understanding of employee experiences, sentiments, pain points, and satisfaction levels at pivotal junctures.

By strategically deploying employee surveys, HR professionals can gain in-depth perspectives and identify areas for improvement. Moreover, you can tailor interventions to enhance the overall employee experience.

Netigate Employee Journey Map visualised

For example, surveys conducted during recruitment aid in refining hiring processes, while onboarding surveys facilitate smoother transitions. Furthermore, employee development surveys offer insights into skills and growth needs. In addition, 360° feedback evaluates leadership qualities, and exit interviews uncover reasons behind departures.

Collectively, these surveys empower you to make informed decisions , design targeted strategies , and help you nurture a positive working environment .

Employee journey touch points explored through event-based surveys

Employee journey mapping through various surveys, including onboarding, exit interviews, and 360° feedback, plays a pivotal role in capturing significant touch points along an employee’s journey. Therefore, these surveys not only fine-tune integration but also provide insights that are crucial for retaining talent.

Survey overview for the employee journey stages

  • Recruitment questionnaire: Shaping a positive candidate experience, refining the hiring process.
  • Onboarding survey: Tailoring onboarding experiences for seamless transitions.
  • Employee development survey: Assessing skills, guiding growth, and identifying training needs.
  • 360° feedback: Evaluating leadership qualities, fostering engagement and satisfaction.
  • Exit interview: Uncovering departure reasons to address underlying issues.

Each of these survey types serves as a valuable tool in understanding different stages of an employee’s tenure. And thus, will play a significant role in contributing to their experience within the organisation.

  • Create surveys based on our templates
  • Send surveys via email, links, API or individual logins
  • Analyse responses with filters & AI

Integrating surveys into the employee journey: A strategic approach

Their strategic placement within the employee journey map serves as a comprehensive guide. By illuminating areas of improvement and facilitating proactive measures, they boost employee satisfaction and retention.

Through these employee surveys intricately woven into the employee journey map, you will be able navigate the landscape of employee experiences. For instance, you will be able to identify critical touch points that ultimately shape a more engaging, supportive, and appreciative work environment.

Now, let’s take a look at the various touch point (or pit stops) of the employee journey:

1 st stop: Recruitment questionnaire

Surveys conducted during recruitment serve as crucial tools in refining the hiring process. They certainly are able to sculpt a positive candidate experience. Therefore, it marks an important beginning point of the employee journey.

Recruitment questionnaires not only enhance the candidate experience but also provide invaluable insights to shape a more effective and appealing recruitment strategy.

As you proceed, consider boosting your employer brand every step of the way: utilising platforms such as Glassdoor or Indeed will aid you in the long run. Not only will you gain more visibility, but also because you will ensure your brand maintains a positive reputation , gains a competitive edge, and continues to attract top talent consistently.

Benefits of a recruitment questionnaire

  • Gather preferences regarding job aspects like location, compensation, and responsibilities.
  • Acquire market insights and monitor recruitment progress.
  • Measure satisfaction levels of hiring managers for informed decision-making.

More on recruitment questionnaires — Unlocking the benefits of survey-based recruitment 

2 nd stop: Onboarding survey

Investing in comprehensive onboarding processes as the second stop in your employee journey map alongside targeted onboarding survey s yields insights that significantly benefit team productivity and employee retention. Leveraging onboarding surveys doesn’t just smoothen new hires’ transitions; it also nurtures a positive work environment right from the beginning. Thus, you are consistently working towards ensuring long-term employee commitment.

Advantages of an onboarding survey

  • Reduction in HR expenses and enhanced productivity.
  • Improvement in employee satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Refinement of onboarding processes leading to better outcomes.

For more details on onboarding surveys, we recommend:

  • How investing in employee onboarding helps employees thrive
  • Guidelines for Successful Employee Onboarding Survey
  • How a better onboarding program can reduce employee turnover

3 rd stop: Employee development

Employee development evaluations as an important middle part of your employee journey with structured training plans help you show your dedication to nurturing growth. This in turn will aid you with building trust within the workforce.

In essence, employee development surveys serve as catalysts, not just for individual growth but also for actively building a culture of continuous improvement within the organisation.

Elements of an employee development survey

  • Skills assessment: reviewing technical, soft, and leadership skills.
  • Performance evaluation: acknowledging past achievements and identifying areas needing improvement.
  • Feedback from peers/managers: gathering diverse perspectives on contributions.
  • Career aspirations discussion: aligning personal goals with organisational objectives.
  • Identification of training needs: addressing skill gaps effectively.
  • Personal development plan : collaboratively outlining a roadmap for career advancement.

Depending on your organisation and its scale, you may want to focus on training leaders to pass on knowledge and skills to their team members.

Download this eBook — 10 tips on how online surveys can help you to become a better HR manager

4 th stop: 360° feedback

360° feedback plays a crucial role in the employee journey map by identifying leadership strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Above all, these 360° reviews are directly contributing to heightened employee satisfaction and engagement. Integrating 360° feedback fosters a more robust leadership framework. As a result, properly trained and well supported leadership will positively impact organisational culture and employee motivation.

Advantages of 360° feedback

  • Comprehensive assessment of leadership qualities.
  • Targeted development plans crafted for leaders.
  • Enhanced overall employee satisfaction and engagement levels.

360 degree feedback evaluation as crucial part of the employee journey. The leaders are reviewed on four different levels by their supervisor, colleagues at the same level, direct reports and also through a self-assessment.

We recommend these resources for a deep-dive into 360° feedback:

  • article: How to work with 360 degree feedback: Definition, variations, and advantages
  • ebook: 360-degree feedback: Why leadership feedback matters
  • article: 360 degree feedback example questions
  • Netigate Consulting offer: Netigate 360° Leadership Feedback

5 th stop: Exit interviews

Exit interviews serve as vital sources of feedback to improve employee retention and elevate the overall employee experience. Oftentimes exit interviews are neglected as the final stop of an employee journey map, however, its benefits cannot be understated. Learning from why some employees choose to leave can help you retain the other employees.

Significance of exit interviews

  • Proactive identification of issues and subsequent implementation of corrective measures.
  • Encouragement of honesty and transparency for valuable insights.
  • Appreciation shown to departing and remaining employees in pursuit of continuous improvement.

Utilising exit interviews isn’t just about farewells; it’s a strategic approach towards learning from departures. For example, they aid you in ensuring lasting improvements, and acknowledging the value of every employee’s experience.

The boomerang effect: reconsidering former employees’ return

Boomerang employees , those who return after leaving, offer advantages if their exit was amicable. Moreover, their familiarity speeds up onboarding and brings in fresh perspectives. But it’s not always a seamless return as both parties evolve.

Deciding to rehire isn’t simple . Consider the following:

  • Exit amicability : How was their departure handled?
  • Past impact : What was their contribution before leaving?
  • Changed circumstances : Have the reasons for leaving changed?
  • New skills : Have they acquired new skills that could benefit the company?

Tailored approaches for each case are crucial. This is why feedback strategies can provide insights for better rehiring decisions.

In conclusion, recognising the importance of exit interviews, regardless of whether an employee returns as a boomerang employee or not, shows appreciation for both departing and remaining employees.

We recommend this article for further reading — What to ask in an employee exit interview?

How to create your employee journey map?

Employee journey mapping involves various techniques to visualise and understand the employee experience across different touch points within an organisation.

Start by visualising the employee journey on a timeline or flowchart . Afterwards, highlight touch points, emotions, interactions, and pain points at each stage. This will help you in understanding the holistic journey.

Example of an employee journey map in the

You can even think about doing this together in a team involving stakeholders, including employees, managers, and other HR professionals, in workshops or co-creation sessions . Collaboratively map the employee journey by incorporating diverse perspectives.

You could even think about creating personas of employees based on demographics, roles, goals, and pain points. This might help you in understanding different employee needs and behaviours.

If you already have employed the help of surveys before, then think about all the data you already have at your disposal. This will allow you to strengthen your employee journey map with actual data .

How survey data can improve your whole employee journey

So, let’s say, you have mapped out your whole journey and strategically placed your employee surveys exactly at each touchpoint — now what? We, at Netigate, we always preach that we don’t encourage surveys for the sake of having done them. This doesn’t benefit anyone and only wastes resources (obviously). This is why utilising the power of data insights extracted from employee surveys holds unparalleled significance.

Through meticulous analysis, these insights unveil a gold mine of information . They provide you with a profound understanding of employee sentiments, preferences, and pain points across various touch points in their journey. These invaluable data “nuggets” empower you to make informed, strategic decisions.

By deciphering trends, patterns, and correlations within the survey data, organisations gain a compass to navigate towards targeted interventions and improvements . This data-driven approach not only enhances employee engagement and satisfaction but also enables proactive measures to address specific challenges and amplify strengths within the workforce.

With actionable insights from surveys, organisations can refine processes and tailor experiences. As a result, they enable you to work towards a workplace culture with your employees’ needs at the center that thrives on continual improvement.

Conclusion — a well-rounded employee journey map

When it comes to developing a robust employee journey map, employee surveys are indispensable instruments. This is especially true for identifying critical touch points that significantly impact employee retention. These employee surveys, strategically placed at different junctures of the employee journey, serve as compasses. In other words, they guide organisations towards understanding and enhancing the employee experience.

By deploying specific surveys such as recruitment questionnaires, onboarding assessments, employee development evaluations, and exit interviews, companies gain profound insights into the nuanced needs and expectations of their workforce at every stage. These touch point or event-based surveys not only reveal the factors that attract top talent during recruitment but also ensure a seamless onboarding experience, nurturing employee growth through targeted development strategies, and comprehensively evaluating the reasons behind employee departures.

After all, constantly striving to enhance the overall employee experience involves a continuous effort to improve employee retention — even in the face of employee departures. Balancing the insights from these surveys is key to shaping a journey that not only retains talent but also propels the organisation towards continual growth and success.

However, please note that continuous monitoring, analysis, and adaptation of the employee journey map is crucial for your overall success in retaining your employees. Above all, evolve your strategies based on changing employee needs and market dynamics.

The Netigate Consulting team supports you in developing your feedback journeys for your Total Experience Management (TXM) , but also for the individual optimisation of your Employee Experience. You are interested, but don’t know where to start? No worries, in a quick call — no strings attached — we are more than happy to take a look at your employee journey.

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The complete employee journey map: Employee surveys from start to finish

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What Is HR Transformation—and What Does It Achieve?

Your road map to driving hr operational excellence and strategic impact in a world of hybrid work, download your hr transformation toolkit, actionable guidance and tools to drive change.

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HR transformation describes the evolution of the HR function so that service delivery, talent and technology are seamlessly adapted and integrated into HR strategy to create greater business value—by driving both operational excellence and strategic impact.

For chief human resources officers (CHROs), HR transformation is about evolving their own role and the HR function to better align people strategy, processes and technology with business goals to deliver more impact for all stakeholders.

The HR function has always been critical to enterprise operations, involved as it is in everything from workforce planning to performance management and compensation . But HR transformation has become more urgent in the pandemic era as talent becomes an even greater driver of competitive advantage.

Hybrid work models, cost pressures and fast-evolving employee expectations create both risks and opportunities for organisations to differentiate themselves through the way they attract, retain and treat people . HR transformation is likely to be a critical prerequisite for success.

What does HR transformation deliver?

  • World-class leadership . CHROs must surface and deliver against stakeholder expectations for them to be strategic thinkers and visionaries who successfully lead their HR team and the enterprise through volatile business conditions and an increasingly hybrid work environment.
  • Modern HR operating model . HR structures must evolve to deliver the expanding and increasing ‘on-demand’ service options that business leaders, managers and employees seek today—and to meet core needs for business value and agility in HR service delivery.
  • Future-forward roles and competencies . HR business partners (HRBPs) need to be effective in the evolving operating model, and HR teams need the skills to advise and strategise with business leaders around evolving hybrid and other work models.
  • Integrated HR technology and analytics . HR leaders must be able to identify and leverage technologies and talent analytics that can help them plan workforce strategies, innovate on process , secure remote operations, keep employee data private and help business leaders make faster, smarter decisions.

4 Key Components of HR Transformation

Hr leadership, hr operating model, hr capabilities, hr technology enablement, where effective chros focus.

Highly effective CHROs drive impact and business results by:

  • Building a strategy for the HR function and adapting it as the business changes
  • Spearheading business strategy development
  • Positioning the HR function (operating model, structure and staffing) to meet business needs
  • Optimising the HR function’s budget

The best CHROs also know how to distribute HR leadership among their direct reports to balance efficiency and control of key projects and create a future-focussed, financially disciplined function.

Model of a World-Class CHRO

The Gartner Model of the World-Class CHRO provides a road map for greater personal effectiveness and leadership, based on the best demonstrated qualities of HR leaders in five core roles:

  • Board’s leader of human capital
  • Creator of talent strategy
  • Enterprise change leader
  • Driver of culture and purpose
  • Trusted advisor and coach

To be most effective, CHROs must discuss with their CEOs which of these roles to prioritise, based on the imperatives facing senior leadership and the strategic position and direction of the business. (CHROs should never ignore any of these roles, despite prioritising some over others at times.)

In their increasingly strategic position, CHROs are also having more interactions with the board, yet many still struggle to influence board decisions. Gartner defines success in board interactions as ensuring the board is best-positioned to have discussions and make decisions that help the CEO, C-suite and organisation achieve their goals.

CHROs can drive greater success by ensuring the board composition and culture are designed to encourage openness, trust, inclusivity and respect, and that executives and non-executive directors understand the role of each member and commit to continuous improvement.

CHRO’s critical role as creator of talent strategy

Notably, while the pandemic and hybrid work environments have not changed the Model of a World-Class CHRO, the CHRO’s role as creator of talent strategy and associated strategic workforce planning has shot to the fore. (Also explore ‘ What Is HR Strategy?’ )

Devising a people strategy that maps to business needs requires CHROs to identify strategic priorities, analyse emerging trends , translate priorities and trends into workforce capability needs, and prioritise those capabilities.

Gartner research shows that headed into 2022, building critical skills and competencies was a priority for 59% of HR leaders—but the challenge is complex. Gartner TalentNeuron ™ data reveals that the total number of skills required for a single job is increasing 6.3% annually. Many of today’s new and emerging skills are also difficult to obtain.

World-class CHROs will leverage labour market intelligence (see Gartner TalentNeuron ™) and talent analytics (also known as HR analytics, workforce analytics and people analytics) to forecast the future workforce and create long- and short-term sourcing plans with deep knowledge of the competitive landscape for critical skills. This enables them to be effective human capital leaders for the board.

The HR operating model is a foundational piece of any HR transformation effort as it structures and organises the people, processes and mechanisms by which the HR function delivers value to stakeholders, both internal and external.

In evaluating the performance of the existing operating model, HR leaders must consider all its moving parts—from the use of HRBPs and SSCs to the opportunities for leveraging technology. But first, HR leaders must know the strategic objectives for the HR function and their enterprise—and be ready to adapt as needed.

4 ways HR operating models are evolving

Gartner expects progressive CHROs to transform the HR operating model in the following key ways:

  • Reinvent the HRBP role as one of strategic talent leadership
  • Create a dynamic pool of HR problem solvers
  • Provide agile support with next-generation centres of excellence (COEs)
  • Build a robust HR operations and service delivery team  

For more detail, see  ‘ What Is an HR Operating Model—and How Can You Evolve Yours?’

HR transformation will require HR leaders and teams to build new capabilities to tackle a range of business priorities, including:

New ways of working . In today’s hybrid and other new working environments, HR leaders and teams need new skills and competencies—and must develop them in the organisation’s managers and leaders—to ensure a happy, healthy workforce that can generate sustained performance .

Increasing competition for talent . Tight labour-market conditions and new ways of working make it more difficult to find critical talent. HR increasingly needs data-driven workforce insights—and the skills needed to turn talent analytics into workforce plans and decisions.

Evolving HRBP roles . As the HR operating model changes, optimising the use of centres of excellence (COEs) and shared services centres (SSCs), the HRBP role is likely to be split among three new and more specialised roles, each requiring unique skills and capabilities. 

HR competencies to tackle new workforce needs

Pandemic-era workplace trends include employees being more vocal about their need for flexibility , influence and self-determination in the workplace, and an all-time low tolerance of subpar conditions. HR teams must have the skills and competencies to create and deliver a human-centric work proposition —and develop managers and leaders who can be empathetic to the increasingly divergent needs and preferences of employees dispersed in remote and hybrid working environments. 

HR must also be able to collaborate effectively with business leaders to ensure they can effectively manage their hybrid workforce and maintain a healthy culture , while aligning goal-setting and performance management to drive enterprise goals.

HR analytics to compete for talent

Talent analytics is one of the fastest growing areas in HR, with new ways of working and a competitive labour market driving increased demand for data-driven workforce insights.

Gartner research finds that the most common talent analytics roles are:

  • Analyst/consultant (found on 90% of teams)
  • Data and analytics manager (found on 60% of teams)
  • Data scientist (found on 57% of teams)

As talent analytics leaders scale their teams, they expect to focus on hiring:

  • Data scientists (63% of leaders anticipate hiring in 2022)
  • Analytics and talent intelligence developers (56% of leaders anticipate hiring in 2022)

Analysts/consultants (50% of leaders anticipate hiring in 2022)

Many talent analytics leaders are prioritising training, technology and vendors as they look to upskill their workforce and maximise HR’s effective use of analytics. In addition to technical skills, talent analytics leaders must ensure their teams have the collaboration and storytelling skills needed to share insights effectively. This empowers end users to use data and analytics to inform decision making and buy into the adoption of tools. (Also see the ‘HR Technology and Analytics’ tab.)

Labour market intelligence tools and platforms like Gartner TalentNeuron ™ can help HR departments analyse competitor hiring trends, discover new demand for key talent and understand market disruptors, but HR leaders and their teams must be able to turn such insights into decisions by:

Incorporating competitive intelligence into talent and business strategic planning

Acquiring talent based on what the competition is doing

Using data on emerging trends and risks and external labour market data to forecast talent demand

More specialised roles for HRBPs

As the HR operating model evolves, the HRBP role is likely to be split into three more specialised roles, each requiring certain skills and capabilities. 

HRBP as strategic talent leaders

Strategic talent leaders are a new, VP-level evolution of the HRBP, focussing solely on HR’s strategic priorities. They tackle the most pressing talent opportunities and challenges throughout the organisation and are aligned with a specific business unit or function for which they own talent management strategies.

Success requires strong partnership skills and the ability to influence the aligned business unit or functional leader. Using and interpreting labour market intelligence and other talent analytics is critical to inform decision making and guide the business effectively.

For example, labour market intelligence (see Gartner TalentNeuron ™) integrated into strategy from the outset can help drive decisions about:

Optimal locations for future investment based on the availability of talent, competition, cost and macroeconomic factors

The best locations to consolidate your footprint based on talent availability

The positive or negative impact your location decision will have on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) objectives

HRBPs as problem solvers

A dynamic pool of problem solvers is critical to the success of the HR operating model of the future . HRBPs will be key members of such teams, which will work on a variety of projects and include a range of experts, such as consultants and COE partners. HRBP contributors to these teams will lie at the heart of the HR function, driving resource creation and upgrades, practices and policies used by HR and the entire workforce.

The primary responsibility of problem-solving HRBPs is to define talent problems and hypothesise, test and build solutions. Core competencies for this role are similar to those of a consultant competency model: project management, stakeholder management, strong inductive and deductive reasoning skills, as well as creativity and innovation.

HRBPs as people relations managers

These are a central pool of HR staff who help address employees’ and managers’ most urgent needs. This role takes on much of the work that is traditionally owned by the HRBP role, including compliance, employee relations issues and manager support.

The role is similar to a traditional junior-level HRBP, making those with a strong understanding of the processes, policies and systems within HR well-suited for it.

HR technology, managed properly, can deliver on a range of outcomes, but technology leaders must be able to demonstrate the impact of technology on cost optimisation, digital transformation, operational efficiency and employee experience.

As radical flexibility and hybrid work environments become the norm, it’s imperative to use technology to provide a seamless employee experience with technology. Virtual and technology-enabled processes can create both positive and negative impacts, and Gartner research shows that employees who are dissatisfied with workplace technology are twice as likely to look for new positions externally than internally.

People-first technology strategy

A humanised HR technology strategy improves the employee experience by ensuring the technology is simple and augments employees’ and managers’ workflows rather than demanding technology adoption for its own sake. HR technology road maps must also provide equal access to digital resources for all employees, regardless of where work takes place.

To empower and engage their workforce, HR leaders need a people-first HR technology function. This means that the pillars of their operating model—the processes, structure, team capabilities and network—must be informed and aligned to create a better employee experience. When successful, a people-first HR technology function can improve key people and business metrics around DEI, well-being, collaboration and innovation.

Emerging HR technology

Innovations such as artificial intelligence (AI) , machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), virtual assistants (VAs) and virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) all play a part in this evolution toward more virtual HR processes. However, understanding these innovations and selecting the most appropriate solutions are not enough to ensure HR supports the whole employee life cycle.

HR leaders responsible for investing in emerging technology need to:

Focus on trends that have an immediate impact for employees and HR operations

Drive HR process innovation using a digital-first, location-independent strategy by creating a road map to move from ad hoc, task-based automation projects to end-to-end process transformations 

Create a more secure remote operations environment by enhancing employee data privacy and adopting adaptive access management strategies

Assess trends that are likely to impact HR strategy over the next five years by evaluating the function’s capabilities in collecting, maintaining and analysing complex datasets to turn them into actionable insights that influence employee behaviour

Talent analytics technology solutions

With the growing importance of talent strategy, CHROs also need new approaches and supporting technologies to track, develop and deploy talent. AI-enabled talent marketplaces and skills and worker data platforms are key. Application leaders must plan to incorporate them into their technology road maps.

For example, HR leaders need more automated ways to map and detect skills—in conjunction with strategic workforce planning efforts. They can apply skills data across many processes, including hiring, staffing, scheduling, learning and development, labour market analysis and workforce planning. (It is also an essential component of the internal talent marketplace.)

What CHROs need, though, is to turn data into actionable insights. This means locating critical talent hotspots and identifying skill relationships and competition for in-demand skills.

Consider, for example, the current state of the labour market for AI-oriented roles in research and development (R&D). By scoping the labour market outlook for these roles, including data on hiring difficulty, talent pools, salary and the most sought-after skills, Gartner TalentNeuron ™ data shows how great the competition is for talent in the U.S. (where there are only 8 candidates per job opening for AI-oriented R&D roles) compared to India (173 candidates per job).

CHROs need these types of insights to start formulating or adjusting talent strategies to prepare their organisations to pursue their future ambitions.

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What the 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for IPS reveals about employee experience challenges

  • June 12, 2024

Firstup was recently named as a Leader in the Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Intranet Packaged Solutions . This milestone presents the perfect opportunity to examine the business challenges organizations face and how Firstup’s focus on enhancing employee productivity and providing hyper-personalized experiences solves them. 

Demystifying Magic Quadrant™ research

Let’s start with the basics. What is a Gartner® Magic Quadrant™? Since it was first introduced in the mid-90s, Gartner® has used the framework to analyze technology categories. The reports provide unbiased guidance and insights into a market’s direction and maturity, as well as the vendors providing solutions within the space.

While “Magic Quadrant™” is used to describe each research report as a whole, the name is really drawing attention to the graphic that depicts a market using a two-dimensional matrix. Solution providers that meet certain criteria like size, sales, and market reach are invited to participate in an in-depth evaluation that spans not only the technology available today, but their product roadmap and business strategy. The findings are then plotted on the matrix based on their Completeness of Vision and Ability to Execute—landing participants in one of four grids.

  • Leaders execute well against their current vision and are well positioned for tomorrow.
  • Visionaries understand where the market is going or have a vision for changing market rules, but do not yet execute well.
  • Niche Players focus successfully on a small segment, or are unfocused and do not out-innovate or outperform others.
  • Challengers execute well today or may dominate a large segment, but do not demonstrate an understanding of market direction.

Introducing Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Intranet Packaged Solutions

At last count, Gartner® produces Magic Quadrant™ research for about 100 different technology categories annually. This year, Gartner® expanded its scope to include a Magic Quadrant™ for Intranet Packaged Solutions , a first-of-its-kind analysis of the employee communications space and 15 technology providers vying for position in the coveted Leaders corner.

It goes without saying that Firstup is thrilled to be recognized as a Leader. But to understand why we believe we received the placement, it’s important to consider this.

Intranets have existed about as long as the Magic Quadrant™. Why was 2023 the year Gartner® decided to include Intranet Packaged Solutions as a category for the extensive analysis? 

Employee experience problems persist

Firstup views the expansion as affirmation that organizations continue to struggle with and seek solutions for fundamental employee productivity and communication issues. Many are looking for a panacea to alleviate real business problems.  

  • Productivity and performance are adversely affected by time wasted looking for information, accessing disparate systems, and following complex processes.
  • Disengaged and disconnected workers are on the rise—and they are voting with their feet. 
  • Critical workforce segments are difficult to reach because they are on the frontline, remote, in different regions, or speak a different language. 
  • Communicators and HR teams don’t often have access to robust employee data, making it impossible to personalize communications and segment with any precision. 
  • Top-down, one-size-fits-all communications are ineffective and impossible to measure.

But that’s just looking at it from the employer’s perspective! As for employees? They want experiences that mirror those they receive in their personal lives as consumers. They expect hyper-personalized, relevant, and timely communications and effortless access to information and services. 

Organizations are falling far short of meeting those expectations. 

If they’re digitally connected workers, they’re inundated with one-size-fits-all communications across countless channels. It’s easier to tune out notifications than to spend time sorting through them. Frontline workers have the opposite problem. They’re left in the dark or reliant on managers to pass information along. Meanwhile, everyone is frustrated by disjointed processes and tools and information spread across multiple systems.

All too often, employees — regardless of role or location — feel unsupported and confused. Loyalty goes down. CVs and applications go out. Attrition goes up. It’s a vicious cycle. 

“Employees want experiences that mirror those they receive in their personal lives as consumers.”

How Firstup solves employee experience problems

Firstup’s position in the Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ is a tremendous achievement. We view it as reinforcement that organizations are placing their workforce at the center and have prioritized intelligent, timely communications and centralized productivity tools. They recognize that a true solution to solving their business challenges requires:

Omni-channel Ability to manage and deliver relevant and engaging experiences across various channels, devices, and endpoints.

Personalization Targeting and context awareness to ensure a relevant and individualized experience for the employee based on attributes, roles, segments, behavioral data, and other factors.

Platform Extensibility Architecture that makes it easy to integrate with and add components to — enhancing its configurability, composability, orchestration, and interoperability.

Analytics Analytics and insights to continually improve the performance, effectiveness, and utility of digital experiences.

Publishing Centralized platform for communicators to plan, create, coordinate, customize, distribute, and measure the effectiveness of content.

“We looked at building something off of SharePoint or a custom app, but having a platform purpose-built for engagement and experience is more important.”

Paul Baltes

Director of Communications

90% adoption in just the first few months!

Read their story

Let’s take a closer look at how Firstup uniquely delivers on these capabilities to solve our customers’ challenges.  

Firstup is a purpose-built communication and engagement platform The most important element of any great experience is communication. Firstup makes it easy to plan, build, deliver, and measure hyper-personalized communications across the entire employee journey.

Firstup is optimized for intelligent delivery and personalization at scale Firstup is the only platform built with the employee at the center — activating employee attributes AND behavioral data with AI to intelligently automate and orchestrate hyper-personalized campaigns.

Firstup is omni-channel Firstup leverages employee data to optimize what message to send, when to send, and (perhaps most pertinent to this blog post) where to send. Sometimes that’s an intranet ; other times, it could be a mobile app, email, Slack, or even a digital sign. The goal is to get the communication into the hands of those who need it.

Firstup is built for productivity Firstup APIs and AI-powered Assistant provide employees with streamlined access to the tools and information they need to perform at their best.

The intranet road ahead

While the intranet has been around for quite some time, 2023 may prove to be a landmark year for employee experience. With the first ever Magic Quadrant™ for employee communications, Gartner is giving worthy recognition to the importance of not only the technology, but the real-world challenges organizations are trying to address.

Firstup is honored to be included as a Leader in the Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Intranet Packaged Solutions, and look forward to delivering even greater innovation in the years to come. 

More about Employee Experience

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How to improve the employee experience according to HR and communication experts

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Employee Lifecycle

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Increasing retention through employee journey mapping.

7 min read Journey mapping is an activity typically associated with customer experience programs, but used properly, employee journey mapping can also be a great way to understand the moments that matter most to employees as part of an employee experience program. Find out how to build an employee journey map and use it to improve the experience for your staff.

Taking a lifecycle approach to employee experience

Many employee experience programs still start and end with an employee engagement survey — a single, once-a-year activity that looks to understand the state of employee engagement and the impact of different drivers on engagement.

But think about your own experience at work compared to those around you. Some people will have only recently started, others will have been in seat for a long time and everyone will have had a different experience from the next person whether that’s going through a different onboarding process , attending different training courses or reaching different career milestones by the time the next survey comes around.

In short, everyone is at a different stage in the employee journey.

With an annual or biannual survey, it’s almost impossible to understand how those personal experiences shape the key outcomes of employee experience like engagement, motivation or productivity.

Increasingly, organisations are taking a lifecycle approach to employee experience that looks to capture feedback and insights at every stage of the lifecycle.

It allows them to understand the moments along the employee journey that matter most, how they impact the experience and what they can do, at each stage, to have a positive impact on metrics like engagement, attrition and productivity.

Free eBook: Employee Lifecycle Feedback

Understand the moments that matter with employee journey mapping

Much like CX professionals map out the customer journey to identify pain points and areas for improvement, HR teams can plot the end-to-end journey an employee has at an organisation to start to understand how each stage impacts the employee experience as a whole.

From recruitment all the way through to exit, it allows you to plot out every moment that matters and understand what you can do to improve the experience.

Here’s how to start building your employee journey:

1. Segment your employees

Throughout the organisation you’re likely to have plenty of different employee personas, and their interactions with the company will be very different. So start by identifying your employee segments. Ideally it should be based on their interactions with the company – for example, an engineer is likely to have a very different experience from someone in your marketing team — rather than demographics like age and gender (these should be splits you look at in the data later rather than as a guiding principle for your personas, as within those demographics there will be plenty of variance in the experience).

2. Establish the journey for each persona

Now you know your personas, you can start to map out the interactions they have with the organisation from their first contact (usually before they’re hired) all the way through to them eventually leaving. You’ll need to bring in a cross-functional team to input on this, as different teams and departments will likely have different interactions along the way. You may even want to consider looking at the interactions post-exit as in some cases retirees or past employees may come back or have an interaction with the organisation later on or act as advocates for the organisation.

3. Map feedback and insights to the employee journey

To truly understand the impact of each interaction on the employee experience, you need to be able to map feedback to each stage in the lifecycle. So for each persona, make sure there is a feedback mechanism attached to each stage in the journey that meets them where they are and provides them with the opportunity to give feedback in the moment — this is much more useful than waiting up to 12 months to ask them about it, as you’ll get the most honest, useful feedback while the experience is still fresh in their mind.

4. Align your measurements at different stages in the employee journey

It’s likely that different stages in the journey will be managed by different teams. For example, your recruiting, training or onboarding teams. In order to link insights across the journey, you need to make sure that everyone agrees on a consistent approach to measurement whether that’s using a simple metric like eNPS with open-text follow-up questions or something like a 5-point Likert scale. Taking those two examples, one gives a numeric value, the other a text value — it makes it much harder to compare if they’re each used by different teams. If every team follows the same approach however, it’s much easier to bring that data together into a holistic data set and start to make connections to see how the experience at one touchpoint impacts others.

5. Use automation to manage feedback at scale

Manually sending out a survey every time someone takes a training course, goes for promotion or interacts with any of the other moments that matter along the journey is a drain on resources. So make sure you integrate your employee experience program with your HRIS and set up triggers to automatically send a request for feedback when an employee hits a certain milestone.

6. Combine the employee journey with your engagement survey

A lifecycle approach to employee experience doesn’t mean giving up on your employee engagement survey altogether. In fact, the engagement survey should be your cornerstone — a less frequent, but more in-depth view of the state of employee experience and the key drivers that are impacting it either positively or negatively. Many organisations choose to do shorter, more frequent surveys like bi-annual engagement surveys or monthly employee pulse surveys as an alternative to the annual survey. However you run it, it’s essential you connect it to your feedback mechanisms across the lifecycle.

To use an example like onboarding feedback, on its own, it will likely show you how your onboarding process is perceived and what can be improved, but it won’t necessarily show the impact on engagement, productivity or attrition. When you combine it with your engagement survey (which does measure these things) you can then start to see connections – how did that improvement to onboarding affect engagement for employees in their first year? Did it reduce attrition? Did it promote cross-functional collaboration? Do those employees who went through the new program understand better how their work contributes to the organisations success? It’s only by connecting all these different feedback mechanisms that you’ll know the answer.

Related resources

Employee retention strategies 25 min read, succession planning 8 min read, employee onboarding 21 min read, employee turnover 23 min read, retention rate 13 min read, employee attrition 16 min read, employee offboarding 14 min read, request demo.

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  • 28 augustus 2024

Een optimale employee journey: de belangrijkste momenten en touchpoints

Het is tijd voor een modern HR-beleid. Een beleid dat ervoor zorgt dat je medewerkers boeit en bindt, en waarin ze kunnen blijven leren en ontwikkelen. Een goed ingerichte employee journey legt de basis voor een modern HR-beleid. In dit artikel leggen we uit wat de belangrijke momenten en touchpoints in de employee journey zijn en hoe het jouw organisatie op voorsprong brengt.

Beeld Een optimale employee journey: de belangrijkste momenten en touchpoints

Meer dan ooit is ons werk een weerspiegeling van wie we zijn. Het moet uitdagend zijn, zingeving bieden, bijdragen aan persoonlijke ontwikkeling, de werk-privébalans moet in orde zijn en collega’s moeten vrienden zijn. Oh, en het moet ook nog eens lekker betalen.

Organisaties met een modern HR-beleid het gaan het winnen van de oude garde

Kortom: de moderne medewerker vraagt nogal wat. En geef je dat niet? Dan liggen de banen voor het oprapen. Je kunt hier van alles van vinden, maar het feit is dat de huidige generatie medewerkers niet meer alleen voor het salaris en die dikke leasebak bij jouw organisatie blijft.

Wat is nou precies de employee journey? De belangrijkste momenten en touchpoints 

Met de employee journey bedoelen we de gehele medewerkersreis, van de sollicitatie tot het verlaten van de organisatie. En in die tussentijd wil je natuurlijk dat jouw medewerkers positieve ervaringen opdoen. Een complete medewerkersreis bestaat uit meerdere stappen.

Deze stappen doorloopt iedere medewerker minimaal één keer.

  • Vacatureprogramma - Geef je sollicitant een goed beeld van je organisatie
  • Preboarding - Geef je nieuwe collega een warm welkom, ruim vóór de eerste werkdag
  • Onboarding - Zorg voor een goed inwerkprogramma voor nieuwe medewerkers
  • Einde-proeftijdgesprek - Evalueer de proeftijd en kom er samen achter of er een match is
  • Binden en boeien - Betrek je collega’s bij je organisatie en zorg voor werkplezier
  • Medewerkersonderzoeken - Vraag naar de ervaringen onder jouw collega’s
  • Gesprekken voeren - Ga regelmatig in gesprek met je medewerkers
  • Ontwikkeling en groei - Zorg ervoor dat medewerkers blijven leren en ontwikkelen
  • Exitgesprek en -analyse - Zorg dat vertrekkende collega’s met een positief gevoel jouw organisatie verlaten

Waarom is een goed ingerichte employee journey zo belangrijk?

Een goede medewerkersreis is bepalend voor het werkplezier. Hoe meer blije medewerkers, hoe meer succes de organisatie heeft.

  • Het zorgt voor betrokken én gemotiveerde medewerkers - Een positieve employee journey zorgt ervoor dat medewerkers zich gewaardeerd en ondersteund voelen. Je kunt je voorstellen dat betrokken medewerkers gemotiveerder zijn dan medewerkers die geen binding voelen met de organisatie.
  • Je houdt talent binnen de organisatie - In een arbeidsmarkt waar medewerkers het voor het kiezen hebben, is het binnenhouden van talent essentieel. Blijf in gesprek met je medewerkers over hun voortgang en ontwikkeling, maak inzichtelijk waar carrièrekansen liggen, en beloon met een loyaliteitsprogramma. Een goed ingerichte medewerkersreis zorgt voor tevreden medewerkers die graag bij je organisatie blijven. Wist je dat organisaties die inzetten op voortgang en ontwikkeling 59% minder verloop hebben dan ouderwetse organisaties? (1)
  • Betere resultaten - Gemotiveerde en betrokken medewerkers presteren beter. Dit draagt bij aan betere resultaten voor de organisatie. Simpel.
  • Je wordt populair! - Je kunt vacatures adverteren tot je een ons weegt, maar de beste ambassadeurs voor jouw organisatie zijn je medewerkers. En wanneer zij positieve ervaringen hebben, delen ze die met vrienden en familie. Het werven van nieuw talent wordt ineens een stuk makkelijker.
  • Tevreden klanten - Tevreden medewerkers zijn vaak meer betrokken bij hun werk. Wanneer je medewerkers enthousiast zijn, brengen ze dit over op klanten. Dit verhoogt de klanttevredenheid en loyaliteit met 10%! (2)

Een goede employee journey draagt op strategisch niveau bij aan het welzijn van je medewerkers én aan de doelen van de organisatie. Een win-winsituatie dus.

(1) Gallup, 2020 (2) Gallup, 2017

Wil jij aan de slag met het inrichten van de employee journey voor jouw organisatie? Tijdens de workshop van WELDER tijdens HR Day 2024  breng je jouw ideale medewerkersreis in kaart. Wat zijn de belangrijke momenten en touchpoints binnen die reis? En hoe kan je daar als HR-afdeling op inspelen? Ga naar huis met een concrete opzet van de employee journey en wees de concurrentie een stap voor!

HR Day 2024 It's a jungle out there

employee journey map gartner

Kom 1 oktober naar Bussum voor HR Day 2024, hét inspiratie- en netwerkevent voor HR-professionals. Navigeer samen met vakgenoten en experts door de jungle van HR-uitdagingen. Kies je ideale (groeps)ticket en schrijf je nu in.


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Good afternoon! My husband and I are planning a trip to Moscow. I want to book tickets in advance. We’re going to stay in the center of the city, where we’ll meet our interpreter. Please, advise us, which airport to choose. Thank you!

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March 27, 2018

Actually, all three Moscow airports, which are Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo, and Vnukovo, are connected to major railway stations in the center of the city (Belorusskiy, Paveletskiy, and Kiyevskiy respect

You are right, I forgot about Vnukovo.



When I was in Moscow for the K-1 I used Sheremetyevo airport. It's very easy to navigate there and it's connected with city by modern railroad "Aeroexpress" that takes you to the Belorusskiy vokzal in

Dashinka   23,961

Not really sure it matters.  When I met my fiancé in Moscow, I went through Sheremetyevo since I flew Delta/Aeroflot, but I think different airlines fly into both.  I believe both airports (Sheremeyevo and Domodedovo) have rail transportation to the city center, so it depends on your airline.


Visa Received : 2014-04-04 (K1 - see timeline for details)

US Entry : 2014-09-12

POE: Detroit

Marriage : 2014-09-27

I-765 Approved: 2015-01-09

I-485 Interview: 2015-03-11

I-485 Approved: 2015-03-13

Green Card Received: 2015-03-24 Yeah!!!

I-751 ROC Submitted: 2016-12-20

I-751 NOA Received:   2016-12-29

I-751 Biometrics Appt.:  2017-01-26

I-751 Interview:   2018-04-10

I-751 Approved:   2018-05-04

N400 Filed:   2018-01-13

N400 Biometrics:   2018-02-22

N400 Interview:   2018-04-10

N400 Approved:  2018-04-10

Oath Ceremony:  2018-06-11 - DONE!!!!!!!

JSWH   262

10 minutes ago, Ellanata said: Good afternoon! My husband and I are planning a trip to Moscow. I want to book tickets in advance. We’re going to stay in the center of the city, where we’ll meet our interpreter. Please, advise us, which airport to choose. Thank you!  

Actually, all three Moscow airports, which are Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo, and Vnukovo, are connected to major railway stations in the center of the city (Belorusskiy, Paveletskiy, and Kiyevskiy respectively) by the rapid trains. They are very fast, convenient, and affordable. If I had to choose between three airports I would go for Sheremetyevo. It is hands down the best one of all three. There are also many more airlines flying to SVO.  Have a safe and fun trip to Russia! 

  • Dashinka and Ellanata
15 minutes ago, JSWH said: Actually, all three Moscow airports, which are Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo, and Vnukovo, are connected to major railway stations in the center of the city (Belorusskiy, Paveletskiy, and Kiyevskiy respectively) by the rapid trains. They are very fast, convenient, and affordable. If I had to choose between three airports I would go for Sheremetyevo. It is hands down the best one of all three. There are also many more airlines flying to SVO.  Have a safe and fun trip to Russia! 
  • JSWH and Ellanata

Daniel.k   1

Hello! It’ll take you 1.5 hours to get from the edge of the city to its center. You should take this into account. The shortest road to the center of Moscow is from Vnukovo and Sheremetyevo airports. General information about Moscow airports can be found at https://www.moscovery.com/airports/ . The website offers a lot of useful reviews for tourists. Here, you can choose a hotel in the center of the capital based on feedback and recommendations.  

Amy_and_Victor   159

When I was in Moscow for the K-1 I used Sheremetyevo airport. It's very easy to navigate there and it's connected with city by modern railroad "Aeroexpress" that takes you to the Belorusskiy vokzal in Moscow (Belorussian railroad station) in about half hour. Tickets were very affordable and Belorusskiy vokzal has a lot of public transportation around you can use to get where you need in Moscow.

- Victor from Russia

  • Ellanata and Dashinka

Our timlines K1 visa - Citizenship (06.28.2011 - 08.01.2016)

K1 Visa Timeline (06.28.2011 - 04.07.2012)

  • 06-28-2011: I-129F sent to Dallas
  • 07-05-2011: NOA1 (CSC)
  • 01-05-2012: NOA2 (184 days since NOA1)
  • 01-13-2012: NVC passed
  • 01-19-2012: Embassy received our case


  • 03-08-2012: POE
  • 04-07-2012: Wedding!

AOS/EAD Timeline (04.26.2012 - 12.13.2012)

  • 04-26-2012: I-485 and I-765 sent to Chicago Lockbox
  • 05-02-2012: NOA1 (both I-485 and I-765)
  • 05-23-2012: Biometrics taken
  • 07-02-2012: Employment Authorization Issued (07-09-2012 - received in the mail)
  • 12-03-2012: Made Service Request for I-485, because case is beyond processing time
  • 12-07-2012: I-485 APPROVED! 219 days since NOA1. No interview/RFE
  • 12-13-2012: GreenCard in the mailbox, done with AOS!

Lifting of conditions Timeline (09.04.2014 - 01.14.2015)

  • 09-04-2014: I-751 sent to CSC
  • 09-08-2014: NOA1
  • 11-10-2014: Biometrics taken
  • 01-07-2015: Approved! Only 122 days since NOA1. No interview/RFE
  • 01-14-2015: GreenCard in the mailbox

Citizenship Timeline (09.03.2015 - 01.08.2016)

- 09-03-2015: N-400 sent to Phoenix

- 09-10-2015: NOA1

- 10-08-2015: Biometrics taken

- 10-28-2015: Case is in line for an interview

- 11-02-2015: Letter with Naturalization Interview Appointment

- 12-07-2015: Interview passed

- 01-08-2016: Naturalization Oath Ceremony, I'm a US citizen now!

Thank you! We’ll be in Moscow for the first time, therefore we want to plan a trip in advance.

RuslanF   0

Ellanata , if you’ve made an appointment with your interpreter right after the flight, note that there are a lot of traffic jams in Moscow and you can’t calculate the exact time of your arrival to the destination place. 

What is the fastest way to get from the airport to the center of the city?

8 hours ago, Ellanata said: What is the fastest way to get from the airport to the center of the city?

A rapid train, no doubt. For example, it takes 35 minutes from SVO to the center, metro station Belorusskaya. Trains depart every 30 minutes. 

You can buy tickets online in advance and print them out, so you don't have to deal with that upon arrival. 


19 hours ago, Ellanata said: What is the fastest way to get from the airport to the center of the city?

You may use Aeroexpress first, and then get to the center of Moscow by subway.

What is Aeroexpress? My husband and I were to take a taxi at the airport and drive to the hotel, where the appointment with the interpreter will take place.  

1 hour ago, Ellanata said: What is Aeroexpress? My husband and I were to take a taxi at the airport and drive to the hotel, where the appointment with the interpreter will take place.  

Aeroexpress is a train at the airports that bring you into the general central area of Moscow.  It will be faster than a taxi, and once you arrive at the Moscow train station, you can get a taxi to your hotel.

2 hours ago, Ellanata said: What is Aeroexpress? My husband and I were to take a taxi at the airport and drive to the hotel, where the appointment with the interpreter will take place.  

This is a high-speed train, by which you can get from the airport to the train stations in 45 minutes. And it’ll take you no more than 20 minutes to get from the train stations to the center of Moscow by subway.

LaceyZ   0

Ellanata, you’d better install an application with a city map on your mobile phones before travelling to Moscow. It will help you not get lost in Moscow. You can set up the necessary routes and look for the location of places of interest.

employee journey map gartner

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Members of the local team in China are enjoying an office space of their very own — a shift from the previous location, which was occupied by associates from several other organizations as well. The Shanghai-themed design mixes the city’s old with the new, and the 5-star building with  WELL  Gold certified facilities offers a commuter-friendly, healthier working environment. Associates enjoyed an opening celebration, which included a traditional office blessing and Lion Dance.

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  3. Key Moments of The Employee Journey Map: [Template]

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  1. Tool: Digital Employee Experience Journey Maps

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  3. Hype Cycle for Hybrid Work, 2023

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  4. The Employee Journey: A Hands-On Guide

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  5. Employee Journey Mapping: The 6 Essential Steps

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  6. How to design an employee journey map (with template)

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  7. Employee journey mapping: everything you need to know

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  8. How to Design an Employee Journey Map: A Step-by-Step Guide

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  9. Navigating Employee Journey Mapping: A Complete Guide

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  12. How journey maps can optimize the employee experience

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  13. Use Journey Maps in User Experience Design and Digital Workplaces

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  14. The Basics of Employee Journey Mapping

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  17. Een optimale employee journey: de belangrijkste momenten en touchpoints

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    Good afternoon! My husband and I are planning a trip to Moscow. I want to book tickets in advance. We're going to stay in the center of the city, where we'll meet our interpreter. Please, advise us, which airport to choose. Thank you!

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  24. Customer Journey Maps

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  25. Worldwide Offices

    Gurgaon Gartner India Research & Advisory Services Pvt. Ltd. 12th floor DLF Cyber Park Block-C, Udyog Vihar-II Sector-20 Gurugram, Haryana 122002 India +91 124 6500000 Fax: +91 22 66459 769 [email protected]