Travel assist.

Travel Assist integrates several systems and functions, which we present separately on the following pages. When they are interconnected, the car can make driving a lot easier and increase travelling comfort . Once activated, Travel Assist can automatically stop and restart, keep the car in lane, follow other vehicles in a traffic jam, or show the surrounding traffic on a display in front of you.


The new Predictive Cruise Control expands the adaptive cruise control’s functions. Besides keeping track of the traffic ahead, it also processes recognised travel signs and speed limits stored in the navigation system. This enables it to adjust speed in good time, for example when it is approaching a bend , a roundabout, or an intersection, or in response to speed limits .


A picture processing module searches scanned pictures for known traffic signs and compares the results with the navigation data. The system processes speed limit signs, no-overtaking signs, no-entry signs on one-way streets and any supplementary instructions, as well as associated restriction clearance signs, and then displays them to the driver.


This assist is designed to keep you in the centre of the lane. This system works in conjunction with a camera to recognise lane markings on the road, including yellow lines during roadworks, traffic cones, and other roadside or lane borders. The enhanced “Adaptive” variant (only available as part of Travel Assist) means that the system intervenes in an attempt to keep the vehicle in the selected track within the traffic lane , and the car does not “weave”.


Traffic Jam Assist makes it easier to drive a car in traffic jams . It draws on the Adaptive Cruise Control and Adaptive Lane Assist to start, brake and turn the car to copy the movement of surrounding vehicles in a traffic jam.


Emergency Assist reduces risk of an incident if the driver is not feeling well. If Adaptive Lane Assist detects that the driver does not have hands on the steering wheel even after a warning alert, Emergency Assist is activated, decelerates the car to halt while keeping it in lane and activating the hazard warning lights.

Škoda Octavia Travel Assist

Travel assist.

Travel Assist integrates several systems and functions, which we present separately on the following pages. When they are interconnected, the car can make driving a lot easier and increase travelling comfort . Once activated, Travel Assist can automatically stop and restart, keep the car in lane, follow other vehicles in a traffic jam, or show the surrounding traffic on a display in front of you.

Predictive Cruise Control

The new Predictive Cruise Control expands the adaptive cruise control’s functions. Besides keeping track of the traffic ahead, it also processes recognised travel signs and speed limits stored in the navigation system. This enables it to adjust speed in good time, for example when it is approaching a bend , a roundabout, or an intersection, or in response to speed limits .

Traffic Sign Recognition

A picture processing module searches scanned pictures for known traffic signs and compares the results with the navigation data. The system processes speed limit signs, no-overtaking signs, no-entry signs on one-way streets and any supplementary instructions, as well as associated restriction clearance signs, and then displays them to the driver.

Adaptive Lane Assist

Lane Assist can tell when you stray from a lane unintentionally . This system works in conjunction with a camera to recognise lane markings on the road, including yellow lines during roadworks, traffic cones, and other roadside or lane borders. The enhanced “Adaptive” variant (only available as part of Travel Assist) means that the system intervenes in an attempt to keep the vehicle in the selected track within the traffic lane , and the car does not “weave”.

Traffic Jam Assist

Traffic Jam Assist makes it easier to drive a car in traffic jams . It draws on the Adaptive Cruise Control and Adaptive Lane Assist to start, brake and turn the car to copy the movement of surrounding vehicles in a traffic jam.

Emergency Assist

Emergency Assist reduces risk of an incident if the driver is not feeling well. If Adaptive Lane Assist detects that the driver does not have hands on the steering wheel even after a warning alert, Emergency Assist is activated, decelerates the car to halt while keeping it in lane and activating the hazard warning lights.

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Skoda working on fix for Travel Assist issue

Skoda owners experiencing a persistent issue with the Travel Assist feature will have to wait longer as the company continues to work on a fix.

William Stopford

Volkswagen Group Australia has conceded it hasn’t been able to fix a technical issue that has been bothering Skoda owners, and says it’s still working on a solution.

Owners have been reporting on social media, including on the AuSkoda Facebook group, since as far back as early last year about issues with the Travel Assist feature.

Vehicles such as the Skoda Octavia , Karoq , Kodiaq and Superb have been reported by owners as suffering from the issue, where chimes sound and warning messages flash in the instrument cluster as frequently as every few seconds advising “Travel Assist unavailable”.

Skoda working on fix for Travel Assist issue

Some – but not all – owners have had their steering wheels replaced as a consequence, though some have reported the issue has continued to occur.

“An initial solution did not succeed. A permanent solution is being sought with the factory for this issue,” said a spokesperson for Volkswagen Group Australia.

“In some instances, steering wheels have been replaced.

“The brand isn’t letting up on chasing this issue to ground.”

Skoda working on fix for Travel Assist issue

Skoda says its Travel Assist feature combines lane-keep assist, adaptive cruise control, traffic sign recognition and Traffic Jam Assist to control the accelerator, brakes and steering.

“I had the steering wheel replaced on my Superb a few months ago, but the Travel Assist is still faulty,” said one owner on the AuSkoda Facebook group.

The owner shared the response they received from their service manager, which they said read: “In the spirit of transparency, on the 1st June 2022, the repair procedure for the fault detected in your vehicle was updated by the manufacturer advising to ‘wait further instruction’ from factory”.

Skoda working on fix for Travel Assist issue

A Kodiaq owner posted they were told by their Skoda dealer they’d been instructed not to replace their steering wheel.

“No clue when a fix is available and advised they have been waiting 13 months for a fix and apparently replaced steering wheels still have the issue reoccurring,” said the owner.

“Best they could do was disconnect something in the steering wheel. Still get the initial ping and warning lights on start up and the warning lights now stay on constantly minus… the constant pinging.”

Volkswagen Group Australia says that both it and its dealers “have been in all respects responsive” but wasn’t able to advise a timeframe for when a fix would be deployed.

William Stopford is an automotive journalist based in Brisbane, Australia. William is a Business/Journalism graduate from the Queensland University of Technology who loves to travel, briefly lived in the US, and has a particular interest in the American car industry.

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Škoda Octavia kelionės pagalbos sistema

Kelionės pagalbos sistema.

Kelionės pagalbininkas „Travel Assist“ sujungia keletą sistemų ir funkcijų, kurios atskirai aprašytos toliau. Kai jos sąveikauja tarpusavyje, automobilis gali žymiai palengvinti važiavimą ir padidinti kelionės patogumą . Aktyvavus „Travel Assist“ kelionės pagalbą automobilyje, jis gali automatiškai sustoti ir vėl užvesti, išsilaikyti toje pačioje eismo juostoje, sekti kitas transporto priemones spūstyje ar prieš jus esančiame ekrane atvaizduoti eismą aplink jus.

Nuspėjančioji pastovaus greičio palaikymo sistema

Naujoji nuspėjančioji pastovaus greičio sistema praplečia prisitaikančios pastovaus greičio palaikymo sistemos funkcijas. Ji ne tik stebi eismą, bet ir apdoroja atpažintus kelio ženklus ir greičio apribojimų informaciją, saugomą navigacijos sistemoje. Tai leidžia laiku koreguoti greitį , pavyzdžiui, artėjant prie kelio posūkio , žiedinės ar paprastos sankryžos arba atsižvelgiant į greičio apribojimus .

Kelio ženklų atpažinimas

Vaizdų apdorojimo modulis nuskaitytuose vaizduose ieško žinomų kelio ženklų ir lygina gautus rezultatus su navigacijos sistemos duomenimis. Sistema apdoroja užfiksuotus greitį ribojančius , lenkimą draudžiančius , vienos krypties gatvėse įvažiavimą draudžiančius ir visus papildomos informacijos ženklus, taip pat susijusius apribojimų pabaigą skelbiančius ženklus, ir parodo juos vairuotojui.

Prisitaikančioji eismo juostos pagalbinė sistema

„Lane Assist“ funkcija gali įspėti, jei netyčia išvažiuojate iš pasirinktos eismo juostos . Ši sistema veikia kartu su kamera ir atpažįsta kelio ženklinimo linijas , įskaitant geltonas linijas kelio darbų ruožuose, signalinius kūgius ir kitus kelio ar juostos ribų žymeklius. Patobulintas „prisitaikantis“ sistemos variantas (galimas tik kaip „Travel Assist“ dalis) reiškia, kad sistema įsikiša stengdamasi išlaikyti transporto priemonę pasirinktoje eismo juostoje ir automobilis „nevinguriuoja“.

Eismo spūsčių pagalbos sistema

„Traffic Jam Assist“ eismo spūsčių pagalbos sistema leidžia lengviau vairuoti automobilį eismo spūstyse . Sistema pasitelkia „Adaptive Cruise Control“ greičio palaikymo ir „Adaptive Lane Assist“ eismo juostos pagalbos sistemas, kad būtų galima užvesti, stabdyti ir nukreipti automobilį kartu su eismu, kopijuojant kitų transporto priemonių judėjimą eismo spūstyje .

Avarinė pagalbos sistema

„Emergency Assist“ avarinė pagalbos sistema sumažina eismo įvykio riziką , jei vairuotojas pasijunta blogai. Jei „Adaptive Lane Assist“ prisitaikančioji eismo juostos pagalbos sistema nustato, kad vairuotojas nelaiko rankų ant vairo net po įspėjamojo signalo, įjungiama „Emergency Assist“ avarinė pagalbos sistema, kuri stabdo automobilį, kol jis sustoja , išlaikydama jį eismo juostoje ir įjungusi avarinių šviesų signalą.

Norint naudotis „Škoda Connect“ (toliau - „Paslaugos“), būtina sudaryti atskirą internetinę sutartį su „Škoda Auto a.s.“. Norėdami naudotis Paslaugomis visą sutarties laikotarpį, klientas turi 90 dienų registracijos terminą www.skoda-connect.com portale po transporto priemonės perdavimo. Skubios pagalbos iškvietimo paslauga įjungiama, kai tik transporto priemonė pristatoma, papildomai nereikia registruotis.

Teikiamų paslaugų prieinamumas įvairiose šalyse gali skirtis, atsižvelgiant į transporto priemonės tipą, pagaminimo metus ir transporto priemonės įrangos lygį. Kai kurios paslaugos gali būti prieinamos vėliau, po automobilio perdavimo. Paslaugos teikiamos tik remiantis viešai prieinamomis telekomunikacijų technologijomis. Dėl nuolatinio technologijų, ypač mobiliojo tinklo, tobulinimo, „Škoda Auto a.s.“ garantuoja nuolatinį šių paslaugų prieinamumą visą jų galiojimo laiką. Dėl galimų plėtros pokyčių teikiamos paslaugos gali būti visam laikui nepasiekiamos.

Norint naudotis paslaugomis, jums reikia duomenų ryšio tarp savo įrenginio (išmaniojo telefono, planšetinio kompiuterio, asmeninio kompiuterio ir kt.) ir duomenų serverio. Šis duomenų ryšys nėra paslaugų dalis. Daugiau informacijos apie paslaugas galite rasti svetainėje www.skoda.lt/connect arba pas įgaliotą Škoda atstovą.

Škoda Octavia – Travel Assist

Travel assist.

Der Travel Assist vereint mehrere Systeme und Funktionen miteinander, die in Kombination das Fahren erleichtern und den Fahrkomfort erhöhen. Sobald die Funktionen aktiviert sind, kann der Travel Assist z. B. das Abbremsen und Anfahren in Stausituationen koordinieren, das Fahrzeug in der Spur halten, anderen Fahrzeugen bei Stau folgen oder den Verkehr in Ihrer Umgebung auf dem Display anzeigen.

Adaptiver Abstandsassistent "Adaptive Cruise Control"

Der Prädiktive Abstandsassistent ("Predictive/Adaptive Cruise Control", pACC) erweitert die Funktionen des adaptiven Abstandsassistenten. Er verfolgt den vorausfahrenden Verkehr, verarbeitet erkannte Verkehrszeichen und im Navigationssystem gespeicherte Tempolimits und passt rechtzeitig die Geschwindigkeit an, etwa wenn Sie sich einer Kurve, einem Kreisverkehr oder einer Kreuzung nähern, oder auf Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungen reagieren.

Verkehrszeichenerkennung "Traffic Sign Recognition"

Das System erkennt Schilder zu Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungen, Überholverboten, Einfahrtsverboten in Einbahnstraßen sowie Sperrungen von Straßen und zeigt sie auf dem Display an.

Adaptiver Spurhalteassistent "Adaptive Lane Assist"

Dieses System erkennt Fahrbahnmarkierungen auf der Straße, einschließlich gelber Linien bei Baustellen, Verkehrskegeln und anderen Straßenrand- oder Fahrbahnbegrenzungen. Wenn Sie unbeabsichtigt von der Fahrspur abkommen, greift es aktiv ein, um das Fahrzeug wieder in die ausgewählte Fahrspur zu bringen, ohne dass es „schlängelt“.

Stauassistent "Traffic Jam Assist"

Der Stauassistent ("Traffic Jam Assist") erleichtert die Fahrzeugsteuerung im Stau. Er wird vom adaptiven Abstandsassistenten und dem adaptiven Spurhalteassistenten unterstützt, um selbständig anzufahren, zu bremsen und das Fahrzeug in Übereinstimmung mit den umgebenden Fahrzeugen im Stau zu lenken.

Notfallassistent "Emergency Assist"

Der Notfallassistent ("Emergency Assist") greift im Falle einer Fahruntüchtigkeit ein. Registriert das System in einem festgelegten Zeitraum keine Lenkbewegung oder anderweitige Aktion, ertönt ein Warnsignal. Erfolgt keine Reaktion, wird der Notfallassistent aktiviert, der das Fahrzeug zum Stillstand bringt und die Warnblinkanlage aktiviert. Es wird automatisch ein Notruf abgesetzt und die Hupe und Innenbeleuchtung aktiviert.

⁰ Unsere Mitarbeiter sind montags bis samstags von 08:00 bis 18:00 Uhr gerne persönlich für Sie da.

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Die angegebenen Verbrauchs- und Emissionswerte wurden nach dem gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen WLTP-Verfahren (Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure) ermittelt, das ab dem 1. September 2018 schrittweise das frühere NEFZ-Verfahren (neuer europäischer Fahrzyklus) ersetzte. Der Gesetzgeber arbeitet an einer Novellierung der Pkw-EnVKV und empfiehlt in der Zwischenzeit für Fahrzeuge, die nicht mehr auf Grundlage des NEFZ-Verfahrens homologiert werden können, die Angabe der WLTP-Werte, welche wegen der realistischeren Prüfbedingungen in vielen Fällen höher sind als die nach dem früheren NEFZ-Verfahren. Informationen zu den Unterschieden zwischen WLTP und NEFZ finden Sie unter https://www.skoda-auto.de/wltp .

Weitere Informationen zum offiziellen Kraftstoffverbrauch und den offiziellen spezifischen CO₂-Emissionen neuer Personenkraftwagen können dem ‚Leitfaden über den Kraftstoffverbrauch, die CO₂-Emissionen und den Stromverbrauch neuer Personenkraftwagen’ entnommen werden, der an allen Verkaufsstellen und bei der DAT Deutsche Automobil Treuhand GmbH, Hellmuth-Hirth-Straße 1, D-73760 Ostfildern oder unter https://www.dat.de unentgeltlich erhältlich ist. 

Unter Škoda Connect sind Infotainment Online und Care Connect erhältlich. Die Dienste sind modellabhängig, teilweise kostenpflichtig und ihre Verfügbarkeit ist abhängig vom Land und vom Mobilfunkempfang. Registrierung bei der Škoda Auto a.s. erforderlich, außer für eCall. Nutzung von Infotainment Online nur mit Škoda Navigationssystem. Je nach Ausstattung des Fahrzeugs können ein zusätzlicher Internetzugang und Datentarif erforderlich sein, wodurch ggf. zusätzliche Kosten entstehen (WLAN-Hotspot eines mobilen Endgeräts, Mobiltelefon mit rSAP oder SIM-Karte mit Datenoption). Care Connect (Remote Access) wird mit der MyŠkoda App gesteuert, wofür ein Smartphone (iOS oder Android) mit Internetzugang benötigt wird. Nähere Informationen zu Škoda Connect erhalten Sie bei Ihrem Škoda Partner und unter www.skoda-auto.de/connect .

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Alle Produkte zum Nachrüsten für Ihren Skoda Octavia Typ NX ab Modelljahr 2020 bis heute.

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  • Probeverbau: Ja
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Safety: Travel Assist and up to nine airbags

Safety: Travel Assist and up to nine airbags

› Travel Assist includes five to eight assistance systems › Increased comfort thanks to Park Assist, Area View and Trailer Assist › Optional Crew Protect Assist reacts to impending collisions

Mladá Boleslav / Megève, 28 June 2021 – The refreshed ŠKODA KODIAQ offers improved assistance systems and safety features, as well as nine airbags, to protect its occupants in the best possible way. The optional Crew Protect Assist feature reacts to imminent collisions to help reduce the severity of an accident. Travel Assist incorporates five to eight assistance systems, including Predictive Cruise Control, Adaptive Lane Assist and an improved version of Traffic Sign Recognition.

The ŠKODA KODIAQ can be equipped with up to nine airbags to fully protect its occupants in the event of an accident. Driver and front passenger airbags are fitted as standard in EU countries, as are front side airbags, curtain airbags and a knee airbag for the driver. Side airbags in the second row of seats are optional together with Crew Protect Assist. If the vehicle sensors detect an imminent collision or register sudden braking, this system automatically closes any open windows and the panoramic roof, activates the hazard lights and pre-tensions the front seat belts.


A wealth of assistance systems increase safety and comfort

Numerous assistance systems are available for the ŠKODA KODIAQ which aim to prevent accidents from occurring. Front Assist with Predictive Pedestrian Protection and City Emergency Brake function are included as standard within the EU. Up to a distance of 70 m, the optional Side Assist warns the driver of vehicles approaching from behind in good time.

ŠKODA KODIAQ - Infographic

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Travel Assist makes use of radar- and camera-based systems as well as navigation data

Journeys are made safer by Travel Assist, which is available in two versions and includes Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC). This uses images from the camera on the windscreen as well as data from the navigation system and, if desired, reacts in good time to speed limits or corners. In combination with a DSG, the ACC’s Stop & Go function can automatically bring the vehicle to a standstill and have it pull away again automatically within up to three seconds. Travel Assist also includes a more precise version of Traffic Sign Recognition (thanks to an improved camera), Adaptive Lane Assist (now able to identify road works and all road markings), Traffic Jam Assist and Emergency Assist. The enhanced version of Travel Assist also includes Side Assist with Rear Traffic Alert and Park Assist. Using Hands-on Detect, this system also checks whether the driver is touching the steering wheel every 15 seconds or whether they may no longer have control due to a potential medical emergency. In this case, Emergency Assist activates the hazard lights and brings the car to a stop in its current lane.

ŠKODA KODIAQ - Infographic

Convenient parking assistance

In addition to the optional rear-view camera, Area View provides an overview of the car’s immediate surroundings when parking or manoeuvring. For this purpose, four cameras create a 360-degree image around the vehicle, which is shown on the central display. The integrated Manoeuvre Assist detects obstacles in front of and behind the vehicle and brakes automatically if necessary. The current version of the optional Park Assist feature takes over the steering when driving in and out of parallel and bay parking spaces, and can now also automatically park forwards into bays. If desired, Trailer Assist can lend a helping hand when reverse parking while towing, by turning the steering wheel and guiding the vehicle and trailer to follow the angle the driver would like to use (set by the driver using the turn-switch for the wing mirrors).


Christian Heubner Head of Product Communications  T +420 730 862 420 [email protected]

Zdeněk Štěpánek Spokesperson – Product Communications T +420 730 861 579 [email protected]

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ŠKODA KODIAQ - Infographic

ŠKODA KODIAQ - Infographic


ŠKODA KODIAQ - Infographic



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  9. ŠKODA OCTAVIA Travel Assist

    This assist is designed to keep you in the centre of the lane. This system works in conjunction with a camera to recognise lane markings on the road, including yellow lines during roadworks, traffic cones, and other roadside or lane borders. The enhanced "Adaptive" variant (only available as part of Travel Assist) means that the system ...

  10. Octavia

    Travel Assist integrates several systems and functions, which we present separately on the following pages. When they are interconnected, the car can make driving a lot easier and increase travelling comfort. Once activated, Travel Assist can automatically stop and restart, keep the car in lane, follow other vehicles in a traffic jam, or show ...

  11. PDF Safety: Travel Assist and up to nine airbags

    Travel Assist makes use of radar- and camera-based systems as well as navigation data ... [email protected] [email protected] ŠKODA Media Room ... OCTAVIA and SUPERB as well as the KAMIQ, KAROQ, KODIAQ, ENYAQ iV and KUSHAQ. › delivered over one million vehicles to customers around the world in 2020. › has been a ...

  12. Skoda working on fix for Travel Assist issue

    Join the Convo. Volkswagen Group Australia has conceded it hasn't been able to fix a technical issue that has been bothering Skoda owners, and says it's still working on a solution. Owners have been reporting on social media, including on the AuSkoda Facebook group, since as far back as early last year about issues with the Travel Assist ...

  13. Travel Assist

    Kelionės pagalbininkas „Travel Assist" sujungia keletą sistemų ir funkcijų, kurios atskirai aprašytos toliau. Kai jos sąveikauja tarpusavyje, automobilis gali žymiai palengvinti važiavimą ir padidinti kelionės patogumą.Aktyvavus „Travel Assist" kelionės pagalbą automobilyje, jis gali automatiškai sustoti ir vėl užvesti, išsilaikyti toje pačioje eismo juostoje, sekti ...

  14. Travel assist retrofit

    Skoda Octavia Mk IV (2020 > ) Travel assist retrofit. Hello, I am gathering information about possibility of retrofitting travel assist (or at least correct adaptive lane guidance) on my octavia RS 2021. I do not have: Columbus, traffic sign recognition, side assist. I do have: ACC, DSG, simple lane assist (lane departure prevention).

  15. Ihr persönlicher Travel Assistent im Škoda Octavia

    Travel Assist. Der Travel Assist vereint mehrere Systeme und Funktionen miteinander, die in Kombination das Fahren erleichtern und den Fahrkomfort erhöhen. Sobald die Funktionen aktiviert sind, kann der Travel Assist z. B. das Abbremsen und Anfahren in Stausituationen koordinieren, das Fahrzeug in der Spur halten, anderen Fahrzeugen bei Stau ...

  16. Skoda Octavia 2020: Assistenzsysteme im Test: ACC ...

    0:32 ACC & Lane Assist1:50 Travel Assist & Traveler Paket3:14 ACC Steuerung 4:20 Passiver Spurhalteassistent5:05 Assisted Driving View6:00 Side Assist6:35 Ei...

  17. Retrofit solutions for Skoda Octavia NX

    Cable set heated windscreen for Skoda Octavia NX. Product number: 49865. Manufacturer: KUFATEC. Specific cable set for retrofitting the heated windscreen for Skoda Octavia NXEasy commissioning with minimal expenditure of timeScope of delivery:cable set1 x relays1 x fuseNotes:It is necessary to replace the front window. €199.00*.

  18. Travel assist retrofit

    I have finally tried this, Skoda Kodiaq with a two spoke steering wheel with the travel assist button that I really thought was not even connected. First I had: A5 Driver Assistance - Long Coding - HC_Warn_Intensity - Setting_over_Menu (activates the Travel Assist menu in the interface) HC_WARN_INTENSITY -> setting_over_menu

  19. Safety: Travel Assist and up to nine airbags

    Mladá Boleslav / Megève, 28 June 2021 - The refreshed ŠKODA KODIAQ offers improved assistance systems and safety features, as well as nine airbags, to protect its occupants in the best possible way. The optional Crew Protect Assist feature reacts to imminent collisions to help reduce the severity of an accident.

  20. 2062172 Travel Assist sporadically unavailable

    Location: Aix-en-Provence, FR. Model: Skoda Octavia RS 2.0 TSI NX5. Year: 2020. Posted 10 July, 2023. Unfortunately that's going to work in my case. The Travel Assist option was installed way after the vehicle fabrication by myself, so I am not getting formal communication from Skoda about the Service Campaign.

  21. UPDATE Travel Assist

    #octavia #octaviaiv #TravelassistDas 3te Lenkrad ist dran! Funktioniert nun endlich der Travel Assist? Hier die Antwort! 0:00 Einleitung0:30 Was ist der Trav...

  22. 2062172 Travel Assist sporadically unavailable

    I took my car in today cos my travel assist kept on beeping and disabling the past 48 hours, and the notes say: ... Model: Skoda Octavia NX - 1.5TSI DSG E-TEC Year: 2022 Share; Posted 24 May, 2023. 10 minutes ago, mitchec said: Typical Skoda/VW response. 'Not heard of this problem'. They're just waiting for warranties to expire on early ...

  23. Skoda Octavia NX ACC, Lane Assist, Totwinkelwarner und HUD

    Mal ein kleiner Ausblick auf die Asdistenzsysteme des neuen Skoda Octavia NX 2021 auf der Autobahn. Sehr schönes fahren und gute Grafiken im volldigitalen Di...