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Hospitality Management: todo lo que tienes que saber

hospitality and tourism management en espanol

El marketing turístico se ha tenido que renovar en los últimos años no solo por la llegada de la pandemia, sino también por la evolución tecnológica y las múltiples plataformas de distribución digital. El Hospitality Management es una de las áreas de marketing más demandadas en el sector del turismo, por eso hemos creado este artículo para explicarte de qué se trata. ¡Vamos a ello!

Te puede interesar: Master en Marketing Turístico

Índice de contenidos

¿Qué es Hospitality Management?

El Hospitality Management, es un término en inglés utilizado para referirse a la gestión de hospitalidad. Esta área implica responsabilidades como la supervisión de actividades administrativas y todo lo relacionado con brindar la mejor experiencia para los huéspedes.

A diferencia de otras profesiones dentro del turismo, como el gerente de alojamiento, el Hospitality Management abarca diversas industrias como alimentación, alojamiento, gestión de eventos, transporte, comercio minorista, entre otros.

Hay dos objetivos principales que van de la mano: mantener al cliente feliz a través de un servicio integral y personalizado y hacerlo con el presupuesto pautado.

Funciones del Hospitality Manager

Debido a que los clientes de hoy son más exigentes con la industria hotelera, el profesional en Hospitality Management deberá encargarse de brindarle todo lo que espera. Algunas de las actividad esenciales puede ser:

#1. Crear estrategias de promoción

No puede haber un negocio que operar si no hay clientes que lo conozcan. Es por ello que es importante tener conocimientos de planificación y elaboración de estrategias que ayuden a difundir el proyecto a través de los diferentes canales. Anuncios, creación de contenido, redes sociales , promociones, entre otros.

#2. Control de gastos y presupuestos

En el Hospitality Management es fundamental estar al tanto de todos los gastos que se realicen. Aunque ya se ha asignado un presupuesto fijo a cada departamento, también es necesario saber en qué se invierte. De esta manera, el gestor de hospitalidad puede conocer y revisar si estos fondos se están gastando de manera eficiente y, en caso contrario, volver a acceder al presupuesto general.

#3. Atención al cliente

La comunicación directa con el cliente es una labor diaria para aquel que trabaje dentro del Hospitality Management, por eso es fundamental v erificar que el cliente este a gusto con la experiencia y el establecimiento para que pueda, de cara a futuras ocasiones recomendarlo a sus amigos y compañeros. Hay tres pilares que suelen determinar la satisfacción de un cliente.

Master en Marketing Turístico

Conviértete en la palanca de crecimiento que el sector turístico necesita

  • Buena comunicación
  • Limpieza en todas las áreas
  • Resolver las quejas e incidencias.

Habilidades de un gestor de hospitalidad

El profesional de Hospitality Management debe tener una mentalidad de servicio y capacidad de trabajo en equipo. También requieren un nivel de conocimientos en el área comercial para poder desempeñar todas las funciones administrativas que conlleva el cargo. A continuación mencionamos algunas de las habilidades más importantes.

  • Capacidad de organización en los equipos de trabajo, así como la jerarquización de tareas.
  • Liderazgo para poder orientar al equipo en el cumplimiento de los objetivos.
  • Buena comunicación, t anto para gestionar los proveedores y el personal, como para poder dar una respuesta acertada a las inquietudes de los clientes.
  • Empatizar con el cliente
  • Saber gestionar conflictos que puedan surgir y tener la capacidad de solucionarlos de forma eficiente
  • Excelente conocimiento de idiomas .

Salidas profesionales de Hospitality Management

Debido a que el Hospitality Management es un área que abarca diferentes sectores, es bueno conocer algunos de los tipos de trabajos para los que estarías calificado al formarte. 

gerente general de hotel

Dentro de las funciones que pueden desempeñar son la supervisión de personal, promoción, contacto con proveedores e implementar procesos financieros como la gestión de nómina y presupuestos. Algunos puestos de trabajo involucrados dentro de esta área son:

  • Agente  de viajes: un agente de viajes investigará y planificará viajes para individuos, parejas y grupos. Este proceso puede implicar encontrar hoteles, reservar excursiones y compartir ofertas de vuelos
  • Marketing y relaciones públicas : una carrera en marketing y relaciones públicas se puede conectar tanto con la hospitalidad como con el turismo según las necesidades de la industria. El marketing y las relaciones públicas son importantes para un destino porque un nombre positivo en la prensa puede afectar la cantidad de personas que viajan a una ciudad turística, hotel u otra zona turística.


Parte de las actividades diarias podrán incluir el mantenimiento de los estándares de calidad y seguridad de los productos; pedir suministros para que siempre haya existencias en el stock; relación con proveedores e investigación de nuevas oportunidades en el mercado.

Gerente de planificación de eventos

La planificación de eventos es otra área clave del Hospitality Management que implica organización e interacción prácticas. Los rasgos de los profesionales exitosos con trabajos en la planificación de eventos pueden incluir ser flexibles, trabajar dentro de un presupuesto y tener una propensión a realizar múltiples tareas. Dentro de esta área puedes ocupar cargos como:

  • Planificador de eventos interno  : los planificadores de eventos pueden participar en todos los aspectos de un evento, incluida la reserva de clientes, la celebración de reuniones periódicas, la resolución de problemas en los detalles del evento y la organización de la limpieza posterior al evento.
  • Organizador de conferencias  : estos tipos de organizadores pueden ser contratados internamente por un lugar para organizar los asientos, las necesidades de los oradores principales, los itinerarios del día y más para una conferencia, feria comercial, exposición u otro evento.

¿Qué te ha parecido este contenido sobre Hospitality Management? Déjanos tu opinión en los comentarios.

Si te interesa formarte en el área de la hospitalidad con especial foco en el marketing digital te invitamos a participar de nuestro Master en Hospitality Management y Marketing Turístico en el que podrá aprender a gestionar y fidelizar a los clientes, así como a crear estrategias para conseguir posicionar tu organización en los mejores puestos de los motores de búsqueda cualquier proyecto turístico. ¡Te esperamos!

hospitality and tourism management en espanol

Lorena Ramírez

Periodista apasionada de los entornos digitales y la tecnología. Departamento de Marketing y Comunicación de IEBS Business School Leer más

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Hotel Management (Spanish Version) Specialization within Master's Degree in Hospitality Management

Hotel Management (Spanish Version)

Hotel Management (Spanish Version)

Book your place!

Specialize in hotel management

Thanks to the Hotel Management Specialization of the Master's Degree in Hotel and Food and Beverage Management you will obtain the necessary training to lead and manage hotel companies in the face of current changes.

At CETT-UB we are aware that the digital transformation, the 2030 agenda and its new environmental legislation, globalization or new trends in management are profoundly altering the foundations of companies and organizations in the hotel sector.

New opportunities are emerging for companies in the sector. Similarly, established hotel companies and organizations need new management profiles to adapt to this new context.

Hotel Management is a training that adapts to you! Choose face-to-face or online mode

Do you want to be part of the change in the hotel management model?

With our Master's degree in hotel management, you will be able to guide companies successfully to:

Design the strategic objectives of organizations and tourism accommodation companies.

Create hotel products and services in line with technological changes.

Understand new customer typologies.

Understand and overcome international competition .

Adapt and reinvent the hotel sector in the face of crises such as COVID-19.

Keep abreast of the latest trends in hotel management.

Contribute to improving the balance between hotel companies and their environment .

Discover more reasons to course this master.

Don't have a graduate, bachelor's or diploma degree, and you want to take a training course in Hotel Management? Get in touch with our Guidance team .
¿Te imaginas estudiar en un campus que tiene un hotel integrado donde puedes probar todo lo que aprendes? Esto es lo que ofrece el Hotel Universitario Alimara, ubicado en el Campus CETT, un espacio esencial para el desarrollo de la formación, la investigación y la transferencia de conocimiento en los ámbitos del turismo, la hotelería y la gastronomía.

hotel universitari alimara

Methodolgy and study modalities

The Master's Degree has its own learning system in which you will be the center of the learning process . You will learn thanks to your active participation in the classroom through learning by doing and interaction among students, or own methodologies such as CBL and PBL .

In addition, you can take this specialty in Hotel Management in face-to-face or blended online , adapting it to your personal and professional needs.

Un nou Turisme,

CETT-UB, cuatro estrellas en el QS Stars

El CETT-UB ha obtenido cuatro estrellas en la auditoría de QS Stars de Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) , una empresa británica de referencia especializada en el análisis de instituciones de educación superior en todo el mundo. La mejor calificación (cinco estrellas) corresponde a las categorías de Enseñanza y Empleabilidad .


Why study the Hotel Management specialization?

The Specialization in Hotel Management of the Master's Degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management of the CETT-UB focuses on hotel business management 's essential aspects. Thanks to Operations Management in Lodging, you will learn the operational dimension of the sector. Then you will deal with the strategic dimension , with subjects such as Marketing Management and Economic-Financial Management.


  • You will design memorable experiences to encourage customer loyalty.
  • We will accompany you from the direction and academic coordination of CETT-UB and guide you on your journey towards your personal and professional transformation.
  • Most of our students find jobs upon completion of the Master's degree or become self-employed.


  • It is the only Master's Degree 's Degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management awarded by the University of Barcelona and CETT-UB with Hotel Management's specialization.
  • We believe in learning by doing so that you can apply your knowledge in real cases, projects with companies, or challenges from the teaching staff.
  • We are the only center with a Master's Degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management with its own hotel . The Hotel Alimara, a four-star hotel with 157 rooms.
  • This program is tailored to your needs : choose between two languages (English and Spanish), two modes of attendance (face-to-face or blended learning), two specializations (restaurant management and hotel management). Also, if you want, you can study the two specialties at the same time. Do not hesitate to ask!
  • Possibility of doing a doctorate.


  • You will be part of a new generation of leaders who integrate tools such as design thinking or the customer journey to lead high-performance teams and respond to the hotel sector's current challenges.
  • The master's degree in hotel management includes team building and soft skills programs, which will allow you to detect your weaknesses and enhance your strengths to generate a change that will allow you to get the most out of your management tasks.
  • An outdoor training program to enhance your skills and generate a change will allow you to get the most out of your management tasks.
  • You will create your professional network with experts in the tourism sector and with your peers to promote your professional career nationally and internationally. Moreover, CETT Alumni's unique network will allow you to connect with more than 19,000 industry professionals.


  • A unique teaching faculty with a renowned and proven career . In parallel, active professionals also participate and contribute their experience through case studies and the analysis of new business models.
  • In our program collaborate, among others, Alex Urgell, Revenue director of Hotel Arts and W Hotels; Esther Comin, former director of several luxury hotels in Barcelona; Esperanza Abascal, HR manager of Six Senses Spa, Hotels & Resorts.
  • During your training, you will visit events and companies in the sector such as Mandarin Oriental, W Hotels, or Pulitzer.
  • CETT-UB has more than 900 collaboration agreements with leading companies: Royal Caribbean, Mandarin Oriental, Melià, Compass, Six Senses Spa, Renaissance Barcelona Hotels, Axel Hotels, W Barcelona and Hotel Pulitzer Barcelona, among others.

What do our master students think?

Danilly Condori Lerpido

Danilly Condori Lerpido

Jessica Peiffer

Jessica Peiffer

What objectives will you achieve with the Hotel Management Specialization?

The general objective of the Hotel Management specialty of the Master's Degree in Hotel and Food and Beverage Management is to give you the knowledge and tools to be able to:

  • Extend the essential knowledge to guarantee your success in Hotel Management.
  • Provide the necessary tools and techniques for diagnosing current and future strategic challenges in the hotel sector.
  • Formulate competitive and sustainable long-term strategies.
  • Prepare you to know how to apply more effective management models based on digital transformation and sustainability.
  • Develop your professional, personal, and interpersonal skills necessary to assume leadership positions.
  • Make the most of the opportunities offered by digitalization to market and design hotel industry services.

What competences will you acquire with this specialization?

Design and implement commercial strategies for new business opportunities in the hotel sector. Coordinate and lead the commercial activity in hotel companies. Optimize economic , financial, and human resources. Evaluate investments and make decisions on new projects, managing and controlling the associated risks. Define the necessary policies in line with the strategic objectives of the project. Develop digital skills for business management. Identify , pose, or solve a problem in a relevant and creative way. Be business-oriented. Undertake innovative projects. Exercise leadership. Work in teams and multicultural environments. To have an ethical commitment .

Photography from: Hotel Management (Spanish Version) | Master in Hotel Management (taught in Spanish)

Centro de recursos

Photography from: Hotel Management (Spanish Version) | Master in Hotel Management (taught in Spanish)

Course overview

In the first part , the Master's degree addresses the core subjects in the two specialties to lay the foundations of business management systems specific to the hotel and catering sector. In a second part , it allows specialization in business management through its two particular specialties:

itinerario del master con sus especialidades

This specialty focuses on understanding the world of catering from a business results-oriented perspective.

Learning takes place through a deep immersion in real cases of leading companies in the market, which provides a very accurate notion of the market and the current challenges.

Subjects such as Product and Service Innovation or Experience Management allow identifying customer needs in particular contexts. Other subjects such as Operations Management or Catering and Collectivities will teach you the latest technological tools to manage and make profitable gastronomic businesses or events.

The curriculum of the Official Master's Degree in Hotel and Catering Management has a duration of one academic year equivalent to one year.

Delivery of the Master's Capstone Project : The Master's Capstone Project delivery can be done in two exclusive calls (June or September)

Managers, businessmen, hotel owners, entrepreneurs and university graduates

The Hotel Management specialty is a program that responds to the tourism sector's need to attract and incorporate executive profiles . Executives with in-depth knowledge in management and business management to overcome the new dynamics of the accommodation sector.

It is aimed at all those who want to learn the latest techniques and trends or move up the career ladder. But at the same time, they need to improve their knowledge of the management, organization, and planning of accommodation businesses.

The Master's program focuses on four profiles:

Executives and professionals holding hotel management positions : The current context requires that professionals in the sector update their knowledge and professional skills. They must be up to date with the latest trends and tools in the hospitality sector.

Accommodation business owners and entrepreneurs : Entrepreneurs and owners who wish to learn the ins and outs of managing and running lodging businesses.

Entrepreneurs : People with initiative interested in undertaking and developing projects in this sector. They want to know the keys to success in the hotel business, understand its risks and deepen their business management knowledge and direction.

University graduates : People with a university degree and a minimum of two years of experience who want to improve their careers and expand their professional contacts in the hotel industry.

Masters 2020

Photography from: Hotel Management (Spanish Version) | Master in Hotel Management (taught in Spanish)

Professional areas

This specialization, with a practical and professional approach, will allow you to develop your career in the following areas of work:

Public Administration Travel Services & Transport Hospitality Industry & Operations Marketing & Events Gastronomy & Restaurant Retail & Product Technology Museums, Institutions and Leisure

Cuales son los ámbitos laborales del master de restauración y hoteleria

Career prospects

The main professional opportunities are:

  • Managing director of hotel companies or groups.
  • Head of corporate departments in hotel chains.
  • Head of marketing in a hotel organization.
  • Hotel division manager in business groups.
  • Consultant or trainer for tourist accommodation companies.
  • Entrepreneur in the accommodation and catering sector.

What our alumni says

Isabel Baez

Isabel Baez

Jordi Noguera

Jordi Noguera

Natalia Mateu

Natalia Mateu

How is the methodology of the Hotel Management specialization?

Our learning model is designed to facilitate the analysis and understanding of business management aspects through your active participation in classes, challenges, and projects.

It is based on three pillars:

CBL This study methodology is based on challenge-based learning (CBL) . During the course, you will have to respond to real challenges posed by teachers or organizations that are part of the CETT-UB partners network .

Thus, you will provide a concrete solution for a natural environment. Institutions such as Rusticae, Compass Group, Prezo, or Vilaplana, among others, have been part of the challenges to which our students have had to respond.

PBL With project-based learning (PBL) , you will tackle transversal projects that respond to a real concrete problem in the tourism sector. In this way, you will develop collaboration, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills applied in a natural work environment.

CASE STUDIES You will visit different organizations and institutions of the sector in Barcelona. You will have the opportunity to learn and apply the concepts thanks to the exposure to real situations from their own managers.

Detail of the program of the Hotel Management Specialization

Total Master Credits: 60 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)

*This degree is in the process of modifying part of its study plan and some subjects indicated are pending a favorable resolution by the Quality Agency of the University System of Catalonia.

Master's Capstone Project

The Master's Capstone Project (MCP) (15 ECTS) is the completion of the Master's learning process, where the competencies you have acquired are reflected, as well as their application and development. It is a work of business and or academic application. According to your interests and professional motivations , you will expand some aspects of the chosen specialization.

To obtain this Master's degree , students must pass this integrative subject. Thus, the MCP is an instrument to train our students to analyze tourism problems and facts through research methods based on the identification and use of different variables. It is also an assessment tool for the Master's competencies with a globalizing perspective.

The MCP is individual . You will have to carry out your work under the supervision of a professor where you can choose between three typologies:

  • Applied research projects linked to the CETT-UB Research Groups.
  • Professional application projects proposed by companies and collaborating organizations.
  • Business plans to develop business ideas.

Each project is unique and requires a different approach and attention appropriate to its objectives and subject matter. Your tutor will set the guidelines to follow.

Internship in first-class companies and institutions

During your training period at CETT-UB, you will have the opportunity to do your internship in first-class companies and institutions, to apply and complement the knowledge acquired, and at the same time to promote the acquisition of skills that prepare them for the exercise of professional activities.

The internships have two modalities :

  • Curricular : linked to subjects of the program you are taking and that are part of its academic curriculum, therefore, mandatory.
  • Extracurricular : not included in the syllabus and are voluntary.

The internships are carried out through university-entrepreneur cooperation agreements and are supervised by expert subject professors.

CETT-UB will help you find the most suitable opportunities for your professional profile and your motivations among the more than 900 requests from companies we receive annually. Likewise, we will help you contact and accompany you in accessing the most attractive companies and institutions to your professional objectives.

As a differential feature to the market, the CETT-UB has its group of companies dedicated to training and offering quality hotel and tourism services so that you can apply this practical knowledge without leaving the Campus:

Hotel Alimara

  • Àgora Residence
  • Aula Restaurant
  • Summum Restaurant & Bar

For more information, visit the Career Services , contact us by email at [email protected] , or you can also visit us on the second floor of the Campus.

Get an official title

At the end of this Master, you will obtain the following degree depending on the chosen specialty:

Official Degree University of Barcelona: University Master's Degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management. Code 4311520 of the Universities, Centers and Degrees (RUCT) Registry of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training of the Government of Spain.

BOE. Resolution of November 14, 2014, of the University of Barcelona, publishing the Master's Degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management syllabus.

Obtained verification of the curriculum by the Council of Universities, following a report by the Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya, as well as the authorization of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia, and established the official nature of the degree by agreement of the Council of Ministers of September 26, 2014 (published in BOE of October 18, 2014).

Joint Specialization: By taking the Master's degree, you will be able to take, if you wish, a second specialty within the official program. Taking a double specialization will broaden your competencies and help you face a very dynamic and competitive labor market in an even more tangible way. Specialization in Hotel Management by the University of Barcelona and Food and Beverage Management by the University of Barcelona.

You can only do one specialization per year, always respecting the teaching periods.

The specialization in Hotel Management adapts to you

We adapt to you and your personal and professional needs. That is why we offer you this program in two modalities: one Face-to-face , on the CETT-UB Campus, and one Online , in which you will carry out eight months of online training and three face-to-face weeks of a practical nature.

FACE-TO-FACE modality

The face-to-face modality of the specialty of Hotel Management of the Official Master's Degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management is offered in a schedule that makes it possible to make compatible the training with your job development .

The main characteristics of this modality are:

You will come to class at campus CETT , enjoy modern and state-of-the-art facilities and share the classroom and network with faculty and other students.

You will make visits to leading companies in the sector to learn about trends and the reality of the industry .

As part of your academic curriculum, you will carry out team building and networking activities outside the classroom (with the industry and with your peers).

You will also do collaborative and cooperative work activities .

You will have access to our online campus .

You will enjoy all the support services that CETT students have (Career counselling, work placements and internships, among many others).

modalitat presencial

You will enjoy lectures and active learning methodologies that include case studies, learning by doing, challenges, demonstrations, etc. You will also perform group and individual activities .

You will be able to join activities such as Master Classes, round tables or CETT Observatories .

You will have at your disposal tutorials with your professors and subject coordinators .

The Hotel Management specialization of the master's degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management follows an comprehensive and proactive learning methodology , with a sequential modular format.

On the one hand, it is based on the theoretical-practical integration of training methods and strategies that contribute to your professional and personal growth. The program thus allows involvement at a more individual level, meeting your expectations and specific educational needs. On the other hand, you are the protagonist, in an educational environment that favors the development of your learning in an analytical, reflective and autonomous way, with the support of teachers, tutors and international experts in the sector, who guide you during the Master.

How do you work all this in the ** face-to-face modality **?

  • With active participation : You will learn through your own system in which you will be the center of the learning process. For this reason, your active participation in the classroom will be promoted through learning by doing and interaction between students, or own methodologies such as ABR and ABP.
  • With 360º training : Through content, visits to organizations, training activities and a group of teachers and collaborators with a reputable and solid track record.
  • Making 'Pro Meetings' : Spaces where you will come into direct contact with industry experts.
  • Promoting networking : International professionals, such as hotel and restaurant executives and managers, backed by their professional careers, share their experiences and invite you to create debate and encourage networking.


Also with a very hands-on methodology that includes:

  • Team building/outdoor training dynamization workshops : You will work on the acquired management skills, in a dynamic and fresh environment, with professionals and experts in human talent management.
  • Hospitality challenge : These are sessions at the Hotel Alimara del CETT in which you will participate in the development of the most relevant challenges in the hotel and restaurant industry with professionals, to demonstrate your hard and soft skills in building solutions for the future of business in the sector.
  • Fuck up sessions : You will learn in a practical and fun way about the big mistakes made by professionals and companies in the sector, in this way you will identify aspects of improvement and how to be resilient to face the challenges of the future.
  • Professional visits : You will make professional and leisure visits that will allow you to build a solid professional network and gain first-hand access to good practices from the business world.

The Master does not have final exams .

The evaluation is continuous throughout the academic program. You will have to carry out different activities, papers or written tests , individual or in groups, that correspond to the themes of each subject and that the teachers evaluate progressively.

Each activity is assigned a percentage of the final grade, which corresponds to the difficulty and the time required to complete it. In each subject, the percentages and delivery dates of the activities are identified so that you can manage the dedication time well.

ONLINE modality

The online modality allows you to combine your work and personal activity with a high-level academic training .

It is a training designed for those people interested in taking the program but who, due to their professional or personal circumstances, cannot attend face-to-face classes or travel to Barcelona for 9 months.

You will study 100% online so you can manage your study time at any time and from anywhere, according to your needs.

It will allow you to learn actively with different innovative methodologies that promote your professional growth and your learning in management skills .

It will provide you with personalized support from teachers and weekly monitoring from our team of experts.

Enhance participation thanks to the variety of digital tools that facilitate communication and collaborative learning. The exchange of information between students and teachers is permanent through forums and chats.

Modalitat online

The Hotel Management specialization follows an comprehensive and proactive learning methodology , with a sequential modular format.

How do you work all this in online mode ? Following an inverted class strategy or flipped classroom :

  • Autonomous work : You will work autonomously (self-study) the educational material and the training microcapsules available in the virtual classroom, to prepare the readings and activities proposed by teachers and experts.
  • Directed work : You will analyze case studies, dossiers, activities assigned by the teachers, etc.
  • Networking : International such as hotel and restaurant executives and managers, backed by their professional careers, share their experiences and invite you to create debate and encourage networking.


Evaluation is continuous throughout the academic program. You will have to carry out different activities, assignments or written tests , individual or group, that correspond to the themes of each subject and that the teachers evaluate progressively.

Each activity is assigned a percentage of the final grade, which corresponds to the difficulty and the time required to complete it. In each subject, the percentages and delivery dates of the activities are identified so that you can manage your dedication time well.

What type of evaluation activities will you find in the online format?

  • Basic comprehension activities. Activities of this type are exercises that teachers propose to ensure understanding of the content worked on.
  • Deepening activities. These are analysis and reflection activities through which you must demonstrate your learning and correct interpretation of the contents and knowledge acquired during the development of each topic. These types of activities propose: case studies, problem solving based on challenges, creation of process maps and online collaborative activities.
  • Debates. The debates raised in the forum space are mandatory and, therefore, evaluable. The following criteria will be taken into account in the evaluation: participation, sending reasoned responses with criteria and proactive nature.

Meet the teaching staff of Hotel Management

Marc abel riera, ester almenar taya, enric almiñana serra, jordi arcos pumarola, álvaro enrique arrieta valle, maite audet palau, juan luis carratalà alastruey, eva casado alcaraz, jordi castelló grasa, anais cavallín, esther comín celades, francisco javier de diego rodríguez, laia encinar prat, lluc guarro serrahima, josep antoni iglesias millán, ramón iglesias tovar, mª del pilar leal londoño, núria louzao belmonte, sandro lucarini labarta, josé mª marcos pujol, alejandro daniel miguel garcía, jesús molina rodríguez, alejandro sevy elias, alex urgel fornes, lucas vidaller hediard, cett at your service.

As a CETT student, you will enjoy all the advantages that the center has to offer:

Access to the Resource Center for learning and research:

  • The University of Barcelona has an extensive catalog of databases to consult documents, reports, and scientific articles.
  • Have access to CETT's own resources to reinforce, complete, and expand training. All information (both physical and digital) is available in the different spaces dedicated to this function.
  • Free access to the entire digital library of World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) resources.

As a center affiliated with the University of Barcelona, we enjoy the advantages of being part of the most prestigious university in Spain: UB Libraries - UB Sports Services - We are UB Card

Discounts at the University of Barcelona School of Modern Languages . Besides, thanks to the University of Barcelona University Card, you will enjoy promotions on products and services such as opticians, restaurants, technology, pharmacies, accommodation, travel, leisure activities, among others.

CETT has different restaurant services , such as the Fòrum or the Aula Restaurant CETT . The Fòrum is a space that favors creativity and cultural exchange among students. It has a varied, healthy, seasonal gastronomic offer that adapts to the day's different times. It is also possible to eat at the Aula Restaurant CETT, an à la carte restaurant with the same characteristics as an authentic gastronomic restaurant.

Be part of the CETT Alumni community to be in contact with CETT's extensive alumni network.

  • Discount at ÀGORA BCN International University Residence . We are the only higher education tourism center with a student residence to stay here while you study. As a CETT student, you will have unique conditions . Do not hesitate to ask!

Photography from: Hotel Management (Spanish Version) | Master in Hotel Management (taught in Spanish)

Learning spaces

At CETT we are committed to creating a learning context that consolidates our own training model , with high added value resources oriented to experience, experimentation, sharing and learning, in a unique Campus.

Our students have access to different multipurpose learning spaces: the Eidos Space, La Plaça, the Creativity and Innovation Space, the Computer Classrooms or the Reception Classroom, among others.

In addition, if you are an international student, you will also have access to the International Relations Office , which will help and advise you with the procedures you need.

CETT International support

Because we understand the challenge of living in an environment that is not your own, the CETT-UB Campus offers you the International Relations Office (IRO) , as an area designed to provide guidance, advice, and attention to international students during the Master's programs.

Our International Relations team will give you the necessary information related to logistical aspects of life in Barcelona, such as residency registration, the processing of your foreign resident's identity number (NIE), or how to find accommodation in the city.

Procedures related to your academic stay

The IRO team will provide you with updated information on the necessary procedures to carry out once you are in the city. They will provide you with guidance on essential documents such as your foreign resident's identity number (NIE), the official census at the City Council, or your university student card.

If your native language is not Spanish, the IRO team will advise how and where to learn it. They will also tell you where to learn Catalan, facilitating your integration into the city's daily life . Besides, you will strengthen your Spanish through the certified courses offered by our Language Department at CETT-UB. On the other hand, if you want to practice any different language informally, you can participate for free in our language exchange program with CETT students.


CETT-UB is the only higher education center with a residence hall - Agora BCN , with affordable prices for the CETT student community. We also have our four-star hotel, Hotel Alimara , where you and your family and friends can enjoy advantages and discounts.

Support to boost your professional career

At CETT-UB, you have a team of expert professionals who will watch over your professional career from the moment you become part of our community.

We want you to be informed and prepared to achieve the professional goals you have set for yourself. With this motivation, you will find a team of people who will accompany you during the process in a personalized way.

Thanks to the collaboration of the main companies in the tourism sector , you will be able to know and put into practice the most useful tools to access and develop in the labor market.

The service we put at your disposal is based on three fundamental pillars:

  • Continuous professional guidance focused on you, identifying your profile's strengths, analyzing your previous experience and training, and supporting us in your main motivations for growth.
  • Our close relationship with the leading players in the tourism sector , built up over more than 50 years of presence in the market, training professionals with highly sought-after skills and values.
  • Design and develop a whole range of activities, spaces for debate, and tools that we make available to you, enabling you to face any challenge you may encounter throughout your professional career.

In this way, we invite you to participate in a dynamic process adapted to your expectations that encompasses the following phases:

Definition of your professional milestones :

  • In-depth analysis of your entry profile.
  • Establishment of realistic objectives and monitoring of your roadmap.
  • Guidance in the design and development of your personalized Career Plan.

Design and elaboration of the main tools for the relationship with the labor market .

  • Review and correction of resumes and cover letters, adapting the professional objective to the market demands.
  • Letter of recommendation. Students who are in the selection process will be able to count on CETT-UB references.
  • Access to the primary research channels and access to internship and job opportunities:
  • Handling of offers and self-applications. We support you to make your profile more visible to companies and headhunters, giving you references for your application.
  • Application follow-up. We help you to know where your application is in the selection process.

Personalized coaching

  • Guidance on the search for employment opportunities
  • Simulation of job interviews and feedback on the aspects to improve
  • Competency-based interviews and mentoring for those profiles with difficulties in following the job search process or at risk of social exclusion
  • Preparation of presentations for you to learn first-hand about companies' needs to analyze the possibilities of short and medium-term linkage with an organization and exchange concerns with professionals of reference

Networking and Dynamization of activities:

  • Corporate presentations during your training period
  • Master Classes oriented to know strategic sectors
  • Dynamics and corporate challenges incorporated into your training sessions
  • Marketplaces and face-to-face/virtual job fairs where more than a hundred companies participate annually in the Campus in the personalized recruitment of talent.

Job Center with exclusive access to:

  • Over 900 internship opportunities managed annually.
  • More than 1,500 job opportunities annually.
  • Follow-up of applications submitted
  • Adaptation of customized curricula vitae and cover letters.

In addition, Career Services will help you find and manage the curricular and extracurricular internships that best suit you.

For more information, visit the Career Services area , contact us by email at [email protected] , or you can also visit us on the second floor of the Campus.

Career Services

Photography from: Hotel Management (Spanish Version) | Master in Hotel Management (taught in Spanish)

Career Services integrates a team of professionals that guide and help students throughout their degree and facilitates them contacting some of the best companies in the sector to favour their professional development towards a future job offer.

Being close to old students

CETT-Alumni was born as the CETT-UB Alumni Association on March 1, 1994, as an initiative to offer a service to alumni, a space for personal and professional guidance, and a meeting point for experts in the tourism, gastronomy, and hospitality sector, with the CETT-UB as their common bond.

As an association of CETT-UB alumni, its primary mission is to promote the relationship between them, thus creating a network of professionals. Their shared link is to be CETT alumni.

The main objectives of CETT-Alumni are:

  • To promote the lifelong professional development of its associates at all levels and to favor access to the world of work, professional promotion, and lifelong learning. To foster creating a hub for exchanging knowledge and experiences among alumni, offering them the association as a meeting point in the professional world.
  • To facilitate knowledge and networking through conferences, lectures, colloquium dinners, and expert sessions. CETT Alumni wants to be a center of opinion and influence on the tourism environment.
  • To establish agreements with other organizations , favoring synergies that generate value for alumni.

Àgora BCN International University Residence

CETT-UB is the only university tourism center that has a student residence, the Ágora BCN International University Residence . As a student of any of our degrees you will enjoy exclusive discounts so you can stay here while you study. Ask us without obligation!

Photography from: Hotel Management (Spanish Version) | Master in Hotel Management (taught in Spanish)

As part of our application companies we have our own four-star hotel, the Hotel Alimara . Located at the foot of the Collserola mountain range and within the CETT Campus itself, both you and your family members will be able to enjoy advantages and discounts.

Photography from: Hotel Management (Spanish Version) | Master in Hotel Management (taught in Spanish)

We want to shape the best professionals

That is why to access the Hotel Management Specialization , we encourage you to have the following skills:

  • Have a creative, visionary personality with a marked consumer orientation and endowed with a strategic and international vision of current and future tourism opportunities and challenges.
  • Possess an entrepreneurial spirit , and want to implement your business projects in the tourism, hotel, and gastronomic sector with guarantees of success.
  • Be empathetic and willing to work as part of a team.
  • To have leadership, teamwork , and project management skills .
  • Possess basic knowledge of tourism business management and research applied to tourism markets.
  • Be aware of and sensitive to sustainable and responsible tourism development .
  • Have a good level of foreign languages , which is a fundamental skill for your good professional positioning and development academically at an international level.

Check the price of the specialty in Hotel Management

*The fees of the University of Barcelona (UB) are an amount that the student of an affiliated center has to pay for academic services to the University and is paid at the same time as the registration. This amount is exempt from any type of discount.

** This price is for cash payments. Consult the prices and conditions for other payment methods with our Future Students Guidance Team .

Financial aid


Deductible qualification through FUNDAE

Have you any doubt?

What do I need to access the Master?

Students from undergraduate degrees in the field of business and project management in the field of tourism and hospitality must not take any type of supplement.

The Master has a range of subjects designed exclusively to adapt to the specific needs of potential students as training complements, thus students from undergraduate degrees in the field of business management and administration will have to take one of the following subjects depending on the specialization of the chosen master's degree:

  • Management of accommodation companies (6 ECTS)
  • Culinary organization and operations management (6 ECTS)

Students coming from other undergraduate degrees in disciplinary fields other than the previous ones will have to take the subjects:

  • Economic and financial management of tourism companies (6 ECTS)
  • Management of accommodation companies (6 ECTS) or Culinary organization and operations management (6 ECTS), depending on the specialization you want to study.

The procedure for admission to the degree can be consulted in the corresponding section of Study access information .

Know all our scholarships

CETT Foundation, with the firm conviction that training and transmission of knowledge are fundamental , extends the study aid program already offered annually to students and includes new scholarships for the 2022/2023 academic year.

Besides, CETT will also accept payments in 6, 10, or 12 months through bank financing plus a 5 % discount of total enrollment fees should students wish to choose this option. Find out about the special conditions.

Our Guidance Team will answer you

Alexandra Miquel

Masters and Postgraduates Coordinator

Óscar Palacios

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Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management

Face to Face

Intake dates

January, April and October

Etudiante Ascencia

About the Diploma

The current situation makes this an ideal time to train and prepare to acquire the necessary knowledge to grow and develop professionally in the tourism industry. The new challenges facing the sector require prepared and well-trained professionals who can face the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities.

General Information

Mode: Face-to-Face Duration: 12 months Language of Instruction: English/Spanish/French Accrediting body: Ascencia La Defense, member of the College de Paris, Paris, France

  • Spanish Language: 12 ECTS
  • Structure of Tourist Market: 4 ECTS
  • Event Marketing: 3 ECTS
  • Reception and Reservation: 6 ECTS
  • Protocol and Public Relations: 4 ECTS
  • Human Resources in Accommodation: 4 ECTS
  • Direction of Tourist Accommodation: 6 ECTS
  • Business and Entrepreneurship: 3 ECTS
  • Internships (subject to conditions): 18 ECTS

Entry Requirements

For the international students – a diploma of completed secondary education, a diploma or certificate of a completed final examination for secondary or higher secondary school, or a senior school examination certificate and at least 18 years of age.

The school will interview international students to assess if the English language is up to the academic level or foreign qualification equating to Common European Framework.

Program Outcomes

  • Offer an international vision in the tourism industry in a global and changing environment.
  • Ensure business management geared towards obtaining results.
  • Develop the capacity for innovation and management of managers of tourism and hotel companies.
  • Train the future leaders of the global hotel and tourism industry, equipping them with the necessary managerial skills and competencies.
  • Offer the perspectives and strategies necessary to create ethical leaders of global tourism organizations.
  • Generate networking that helps in the development of the professional career through the exchange of professional experiences.

Admission Process

  • STEP 1 - Evaluation of credentials
  • STEP 2 - Confirmation
  • STEP 3 - Selection interview
  • STEP 4 - Admission
  • STEP 5 - Enrollment

Do you wish to join the Ascencia Business School community ? The registration and admission procedure is simple and totally free. Our team can get back to you for any questions!

Ascencia Valencia

Carrer Julio Just 7 46120 Alboraya, Valencia – Spain Tel. : +34 613 381 373 Contact us

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Collège de Paris

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Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Management (BS)

Program description.

The BS in Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Management prepares students for management positions in one of the largest economic sectors worldwide. Combining a thorough liberal arts program of study with industry- specific business classes, students gain in-depth knowledge in the areas of hospitality finance, sales and marketing, revenue management, special event planning, destination development, and food and beverage operations. Students learn how to develop new hotel and resort concepts, market tourism destinations, and manage tourism and convention bureaus. Frequent site visits, industry events, and guest speakers ensure that students make use of all the opportunities New York City has to offer, both in and out of the classroom. In addition, they gain hands-on experience through internships, which develop them into successful—and highly employable—industry professionals.

New York University's Office of Undergraduate Admissions supports the application process for all undergraduate programs at NYU.  For additional information about undergraduate admissions, including application requirements, see How to Apply . 

Program Requirements


The program requires the completion of 128 credits, and students may choose one of six concentrations listed below.

The BS in Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Management prepares students for a wide range of careers in hotels, restaurants, catering companies, real estate and management services companies, online travel agencies, marketing and PR firms, destination marketing organizations, event companies and consulting firms. The degree has six concentrations:

Event Management

This concentration explores career opportunities in festivals, weddings and social events, trade shows, and experiential marketing.

The event sector is growing fast, and offers a wealth of career opportunities. Whether you are interested in festivals, weddings, business conventions or sporting events, this concentration will equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in this exciting field.

Event planning, design and production are a central focus of this concentration. Event planners/producers coordinate every detail of the event: from the venue and speakers to arranging for printed materials and audio-visual equipment. They develop the concept for the event, and liaise with suppliers and staff. Event planners/producers may work for non-profit organizations, associations, hotels, corporations, and government. Many are independent business owners and coordinate events for a range of clients.

Events can also play an important role in a company’s marketing strategy. Experiential or event marketing is a promotional strategy that involves face-to-face contact between companies and their customers at special events like concerts, fairs, and sporting events. Brands use event marketing entertainment (like shows, contests, or parties) to reach consumers through direct hand-to-hand sampling or interactive displays.

Marketing and Analytics

In this concentration, students study hospitality and travel sales and marketing, as well as strategies and processes that optimize a business’s revenues.

The marketing and analytics concentration provides students with in-depth knowledge of the marketing functions of hospitality businesses.  Professionals in marketing and branding roles need strong analytical skills as they conduct market research, oversee multimedia advertising campaigns, and consult with outside agencies, promotional representatives and corporate executives.

Marketers and revenue managers currently evolve in an increasingly digital and data-driven environment. They are tasked to develop and implement strategies to maximize the business's revenues and profitability. On the basis of daily reports, they make predictions of demand and make distribution channels and pricing decisions. They also leverage the power of loyalty programs and optimize the entire guest acquisition phase; in partnership with travel agencies - on and offline - and other travel intermediaries.

Leadership and Management

This concentration focuses on the operational aspects of hospitality businesses – a great concentration for budding general managers!

The leadership and management concentration provides students with in-depth knowledge of the operational aspects of hospitality businesses. This is an attractive concentration for budding general managers, as the concentration includes aspects of sales and marketing, food and beverage management, but also leadership and law. Hotel operations roles are available in a wide range of departments: front desk, catering, events, housekeeping and human resources. Professionals in operations oversee the daily activities of their teams, and aim to ensure guest satisfaction.

Hotel Real Estate Finance and Development

This concentration provides students with in-depth knowledge of financial management and the hotel development process.

The hotel real estate finance and development concentration provides students with in-depth knowledge of financial management and the hotel development process. Hotel finance careers may include responsibilities such as overseeing the financial processes of the hotel, maintaining audits and reports, producing monthly income statements, and coordinating budgets and forecasts. The hospitality sector is mostly associated with the hotel industry, however, many other asset classes fall into this sector, including large scale resorts, spas, timeshares, restaurants and casinos.

Another aspect of this concentration is hotel development and asset management. Many well-known hotel brand names do not own the building in which the hotel operates, but rather contract their management and brand name to the owner for a fee. Owners and real estate investment trusts employ analysts to maximize the returns earned by the property. Hotel investment professionals produce valuations, and make recommendations about the development of new assets or the remodeling of existing assets.

Travel and Tourism Development

This concentration prepares students for careers in destination marketing organizations, (online) travel agents, tour operators, airlines, cruise lines, PR firms, and visitor attractions.

The travel and tourism industry has shown remarkable resilience in the face of economic challenges, geopolitical conditions and natural disasters. It remains one of the largest and fastest growing industry sectors in the world. Graduate tourism degrees prepare students for a wealth of careers in the public, private and voluntary sectors. WTTC estimates that the travel and tourism sectors support 292 million jobs worldwide, or 1 in every 10 jobs.

The travel and tourism development concentration prepares students for careers in destination marketing organizations, (online) travel agents, tour operators, airlines, cruise lines, event companies, development agencies, marketing and PR firms and visitor attractions. Students will explore various aspects of this large and multi-faceted sector, including casinos, special interest tourism products, sports tourism and mega-events, entrepreneurship and destination marketing.


In this concentration, students will learn the different aspects of the typical entrepreneurship journey: from ideation, to prototyping,  to business launch, and management as applied to hospitality.

Entrepreneurship plays a crucial role in innovation, economic development and competitiveness. The entrepreneurship concentration provides students with in-depth knowledge of the crucial role that entrepreneurship plays in the travel and hospitality business. It also provides them with the entrepreneurial and innovative mindset sought after by many employers. The courses offer an overview of the different aspects of the typical entrepreneurship cycle, from ideation to business launch and management. Courses in this concentration are experiential,  applying theory to real world problems and opportunities.

Sample Plan of Study

Learning outcomes.

Upon successful completion of the program, graduates will:

  • Comprehend the historical development of the industry, including its key global stakeholders, terminology and data/information sources.
  • Develop analytical and critical thinking skills, by understanding the selection of appropriate research methods and data, and the principles of analyzing data effectively to address industry challenges.
  • Develop the business skills and attributes required of contemporary, global hospitality and tourism professionals, to include the areas of management, service, leadership, communication, ethical responsibility, finance and technology.
  • Develop strong business writing skills, as well as engaging and effective presentation skills.
  • Develop a specialized focus on a specific area of study within hospitality and tourism.
  • Prepare for successful careers by integrating work experiences with academics.

NYU Policies

School of professional studies policies.

University-wide policies can be found on the New York University Policy pages .

Additional academic policies can be found on the School of Professional Studies academic policy pag e. 

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What is the translation of "hospitality management" in Spanish?

"hospitality management" in spanish.

  • volume_up gestión de hospitalidad
  • volume_up gestión de la hospitalidad

Context sentences

Similar translations, english contextual examples of "hospitality management" in english.

These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. bab.la is not responsible for their content.

  • open_in_new Link to source
  • warning Request revision

Similar translations for "hospitality management" in Spanish

  • de recepción
  • hospitalidad
  • de gestión de empresas
  • de administración de empresas
  • gestión empresarial
  • gerenciamiento
  • empresariado
  • tratamiento
  • administración
  • directorial
  • hospital ward
  • hospital worker
  • hospital-acquired infection
  • hospital-based care
  • hospitalism
  • hospitality
  • hospitality degree
  • hospitality experience
  • hospitality extended to
  • hospitality industry
  • hospitality management
  • hospitality services
  • hospitality shown
  • hospitality suite
  • hospitality tent
  • hospitality venues
  • hospitality workers
  • hospitalization
  • hospitalization expenses
  • hospitalization rate
  • hospitalize

Do you want to translate into other languages? Have a look at our English-Romanian dictionary .

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What to Know About Hospitality and Tourism Management Degree Programs

Hospitality management degrees are designed to train future leaders in the hospitality industry.

How to Study Hospitality Management

Businessman with just arrived a hotel room opening door.

Getty Images

Running a company in any segment of the hospitality industry requires not only financial and marketing prowess, but also an understanding of how to create an inviting environment for guests.

The art and science of hosting strangers is an essential skill for people working in many kinds of businesses, including airlines, casinos, cruise ships, festivals, hotels and restaurants.

Running a company in any segment of the hospitality industry requires not only financial and marketing prowess, but also an understanding of how to create an inviting environment for guests. Cultivating that marketable skill set is the goal of associate, bachelor's and graduate programs in hospitality management.

What a Hospitality Management Degree Is and What Classes It Requires

The goal of any course of study in hospitality management is to train people to create and maintain spaces where others will immediately feel at home.

“Understanding how to take care of the customer is a foundational aspect of the hospitality discipline,” Angela Ramsey, senior director of communication at the University of Nevada—Las Vegas William F. Harrah College of Hospitality, explained in an email.

Hospitality management degrees are, foremost, degrees in business, says Michael Sabitoni, chair of the food and beverage management department and the international travel and tourism studies department at Johnson & Wales University in Rhode Island. They include classes in accounting, finance, human resources, law and technology, he says.

However, unlike a general business degree, a hospitality degree typically includes specialized coursework focusing on the hospitality industry, such as classes on food service business operations, event management principles, and hotel and resort leadership, Sabitoni says. An overview class about tourism is also typically included in hospitality management programs, and industry internships are often mandatory, he adds.

Many hospitality degree programs require students to participate in experiential learning by helping to operate a student-run hotel or restaurant. They may also contain classes on:

  • Eco-tourism or sustainable travel
  • Global tourism and special considerations involved with international trips
  • Customer service protocols
  • Assessing the quality of guest experiences
  • Specific types of hospitality establishments, such as country clubs, golf courses, resorts, stadiums, timeshares or theme parks
  • Nuances involved in planning certain kinds of events, such as conventions or weddings
  • Concerns that face certain demographics of customers, including women and people of color
  • Various types of tourism, including business trips and visits to cultural destinations or historical sites

Top Undergraduate Schools With Hospitality Management Majors

Many U.S. colleges and universities allow undergraduates to major in hospitality management, including multiple nationally renowned academic institutions. Cornell University of New York, an Ivy League college, has a school devoted to hospitality.

Exceptional hospitality programs are often based in major metropolitan areas that attract significant tourism. For example, New York University and Boston University in Massachusetts offer a hospitality management degree.

How to Know if a Hospitality Management Degree Is Right for You

An interest in the food and beverage sector, a love for travel or an interest in entertaining people may lead someone to consider pursuing a degree in hospitality management. But prospective students should be aware that the hospitality sector has leadership roles for people with all kinds of interests and personalities.

Though some managerial positions in the hospitality industry are customer-facing jobs that require significant people skills, there are also back-of-the-house managerial jobs that concentrate on logistics, Sabitoni says.

Significant cultural awareness and strong communication abilities are essential in hospitality. Foreign language skills are also valuable but not mandatory, Sabitoni says.

What You Can Do With a Hospitality Management Degree

Hospitality programs are designed to train future leaders in the sector.

“It can include anything within the hospitality vertical, from hotel investment companies to real estate firms to our big brands which are the Marriotts, the Hiltons, the Four Seasons, to data analytics companies to Googles to Amazons,” says Kate Walsh, dean of the Peter and Stephanie Nolan School of Hotel Administration at Cornell. “Anything that touches hospitality as a part of their business product is something where our students get involved.”

Real estate investment firms often invest in hotel buildings, so people with degrees in hospitality management sometimes find jobs in the real estate sector, Walsh says. Alumni of hospitality management programs sometimes become management consultants who concentrate on assisting companies in the hospitality industry, she adds.

Executive and director roles in the industry typically require at least a bachelor's degree. Many high-level leadership positions at U.S. hospitality firms pay annual salaries above $70,000, according to an article published by Monster.com, a job website.

In 2020, graduates of Cornell's Nolan School had an average base salary of slightly over $69,000 and an average bonus of nearly $15,000, according to the school's employment report .

Considerations for Potential Hospitality Students

Aspiring hospitality managers should be aware of trends that may affect them when they enter the industry, experts say.

This sector has severe labor shortages at hotels and restaurants, many of which laid off workers due to pandemic-related safety measures and now have struggled to replace those workers even after raising wages.

Because of these staffing concerns, many hospitality companies have introduced initiatives to recruit and retain talented staff, improve working conditions, increase job satisfaction and reduce employee turnover, Walsh says.

When comparing hospitality programs, prospective students should investigate whether those programs include experiential learning opportunities, experts say, noting that hands-on projects are one of the best ways to gain hospitality skills. It’s also optimal if hospitality schools offer courses on design, which can inform aesthetic choices about how a hospitality venue looks, according to experts.

“I think the industry needs innovative thinkers," Walsh says. "They need people who think big culturally, who are comfortable with different modes of work, so it’s a great time to join the industry. The industry is trying to be extremely intentional in providing compelling career paths.”

Searching for a grad school? Get our  complete rankings of Best Graduate Schools.

Grad Degree Jobs With $100K+ Salaries

hospitality and tourism management en espanol

Tags: Travel , food and drink , education , students , graduate schools , colleges

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What Is Hospitality Management? Careers, Skills, Salaries, and More

Hospitality management involves all the tasks and aspects of managing a hospitality business. These businesses focus on welcoming customers and providing them with pleasant experiences through dining, lodging, events, entertainment, or travel.

[Featured image] A person working in hospitality management stands in a hotel lobby holding a laptop computer.

Take a closer look at how hospitality management is different from hotel management and examples of hospitality management career paths. You'll also discover the skills and education needed to succeed in this industry, the job outlook, and how to get started.

Hospitality management vs. hotel management

Hotel management has to do with the lodging industry only, and hospitality management involves a variety of industries. Hotel management is a type of hospitality administration. You'll find that hospitality businesses typically fall under one of five key categories:

Food and beverage

Meetings and events

Travel and tourism 

Career paths in hospitality management 

A background in hospitality management may open a variety of job opportunities. Here are some of the career paths you can take.

*All salary data sourced from Indeed as of January 2024

Hotel manager

Hotel managers use business, management, and interpersonal skills to oversee the day-to-day operations of a hotel, motel, lodge, inn, or resort. The various hotel department heads report directly to them, and they must know all areas of hotel management. Depending on size, the departments within a hotel might include:

Food and beverage services

Front office


Human resources

Information technology

Kitchen and food production

Maintenance and engineering

Marketing and sales

The level of education needed for a hotel general manager depends on the business size. You'll likely need a first university degree in hotel management or hospitality to work for a full-service hotel. Smaller hotels will often hire general managers with relevant vocational training. Luxury hotels may require a second university degree in hospitality management. 

Average annual base salary (IN): ₹4,40,000 

Restaurant manager

Restaurant managers perform all the tasks that ensure a restaurant runs smoothly, such as:

Hiring restaurant staff

Setting schedules

Dealing with customer problems

Overseeing food prep and plating

Ordering food and restaurant supplies

Special skills that might benefit you in this job include working under pressure, flexibility with your schedule, and good communication skills. 

To become a restaurant manager, you can finish secondary school and work your way up to a position in a restaurant, or you can get a university degree. Many restaurant management positions call for coursework or vocational training in restaurant or hospitality management.  

Average annual base salary (IN): ₹4,20,000 

Front office manager

Front office managers are responsible for the operation of a front office. In the hospitality industry, this might be the front office of a hotel, a casino, an event company, or an eco-adventure business. Some duties may include:

Overseeing the front office staff

Record keeping

Answering phone calls

Interacting with customers 

You'll need workplace skills to communicate in person and in writing, good supervisory skills, and the capacity to work well under pressure. 

You'll need at least to finish secondary school to become a front office manager and some experience working in a front office. Or, you can get a first university degree in communications, business management, or human resources .  

Average annual base salary (IN): ₹2,80,000 

Housekeeping Manager

A housekeeping manager is in charge of the housekeeping department in a business that provides lodging like a hotel or resort. Some duties include:

Hiring and training housekeeping staff

Managing staff schedules

Overseeing housekeeping needs for regular business and events

Helping out with cleaning tasks 

To get a position as a housekeeping manager, you might only need to finish secondary school and gain significant housekeeping experience. However, some housekeeping manager positions require a hotel or hospitality management certification.

Special skills needed for this job include:

The ability to work independently or with a team

Superior customer service

Good time management skills

Average annual salary (IN) : ₹3,36,000 

Sommeliers have a deep knowledge of wine and understand how to recommend and serve it to customers. Their knowledge of wine might include:

Types of grapes used to make wines

Where wine grapes are grown

Select wine regions around the world

The proper way to taste wine  

Becoming a sommelier helps to have experience in a fine dining restaurant as a front-of-house attendant. Working up to a sommelier position is possible, but an educational programme designed specifically for sommeliers can efficiently learn what you need to know. 

Two institutions offering advanced wine or sommelier education programmes include the Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) and the Sonal Holland Wine Academy. The time it takes to get these certifications can span from three months to three years.

Average annual salary (IN): ₹2,88,000

Catering assistant

Catering assistants work for catering companies, preparing and serving meals for events. Special skills needed for this position include knowledge of food preparation, food service, and food safety. You'll also need good time management and customer service skills . 

Catering assistant duties include:

Loading and unloading food and catering supplies

Washing, cutting, and peeling foods

Preparing salads and sauces

Setting up dining areas and buffets 

To become a catering assistant, you'll usually need to complete secondary school and get experience working in the food industry. 

Average annual salary (IN): ₹2,76,000 

Travel agent

Travel agents plan different aspects of trips for travellers. Duties typically include conducting research and consulting with customers. They're also responsible for booking flights, cruises, car rentals, hotels, tours, restaurant reservations, and event tickets. Special skills valuable to travel agents include good verbal communication, time management, and working under pressure. 

 To become a travel agent, you'll need to finish secondary school and take at least a few courses in travel planning from a college or a vocational programme. 

Average annual salary (IN): ₹2,77,740

As a tour guide, you'll inform visitors or travellers about a particular place or a group of destinations. Examples include museums, government buildings, historic sites, parks, neighbourhoods, and whole towns or cities. Additional job duties might include:

Collecting fees

Providing maps and brochures

Translating for foreign visitors

Giving briefings on safety procedures

Special skills that benefit tour guides include:

An engaging personality

Comfort with public speaking

The ability to stay organised

Foreign language skills 

Event planner

As an event planner, you're responsible for the activities that ensure an event goes smoothly. Your duties often include:

Booking event sites 

Hiring caterers, entertainment, photographers, and other vendors

Consulting with customers

Overseeing staff

Negotiating vendor contracts

Supervising event setup and breakdown 

Necessary event planner skills include time management, working under pressure, and attention to detail.

While some event planning jobs require a first university degree in hospitality management, several certifications may also help you qualify for more positions. Examples of online certificates you can get include a Certificate in Meeting Management (CMM) or the Certified Special Events Professional (CSEP) credential. 

Average annual salary (IN): ₹6,36,000

Marketing manager

As a marketing manager at a hotel, you're responsible for maximising profits by boosting customer awareness and satisfaction. Duties typically include:

Managing hotel marketing staff 

Promoting the hotel through print, radio, video, and online marketing

Conducting market research to determine the needs of customers 

Building good customer relations 

Becoming a hotel marketing manager requires a first university degree in marketing or hotel management and some experience in sales or marketing.   

Average annual salary (IN): ₹14,00,000 

Do you need a degree to work in hospitality management?

Whether or not you need a degree to work in hospitality management depends on the job. While a tour guide may not need a university degree, a hotel general manager often requires a first and second university degree. 

What skills do you need to work in hospitality management?

Good communication skills, attention to detail, and proficiency in the technical skills specific to your job may help you succeed in hospitality management. Here's a look at the workplace and technical skills you will typically need.  

Workplace skills

Since jobs in the hospitality industry focus on giving customers enjoyable experiences, certain people skills are valuable. These often include:


Time management

Ability to multitask

Attention to detail

A positive attitude



Technical skills

The types of technical skills you'll need for a job in the hospitality industry depend on the particular job. For instance, if you have a position as a front office manager, you may need to be good with numbers and have familiarity with accounting software. For an event planning position, you'd want to know about design, and as a hotel marketing manager, you would benefit from having a solid grasp of social media.

What is the job outlook for hospitality management?

The coronavirus pandemic greatly affected the leisure and hospitality industry, but this sector is bouncing back in India. By 2027, experts predict income from India's travel and tourism market will grow to (US) $125 billion as compared to roughly (US) $75 billion in 2020 [ 1 ]. Therefore, the job outlook appears bright.  

To pursue your interest in a career in hospitality management, here are a few ways to get started:

Consider an internship or an entry-level job in the hospitality industry to determine if it's a good fit for you.

Identify if you have special knowledge or skills that would transfer to a hospitality management position.

Get a better understanding of the industry by taking a few hospitality courses. 

If you're interested in being a hotel general manager, front office manager, or marketing manager, check out this Hotel Management Specialisation offered by ESSEC Business School on Coursera. If the travel and tourism industry is more to your liking, you might be interested in a Sustainable Tourism Course from the University of Copenhagen. 

Article sources

1. India Brand Equity Foundation. “Tourism & Hospitality Industry in India, https://www.ibef.org/industry/tourism-hospitality-india .” Accessed February 4, 2024.

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Metallurgicheskii Zavod Electrostal AO (Russia)

In 1993 "Elektrostal" was transformed into an open joint stock company. The factory occupies a leading position among the manufacturers of high quality steel. The plant is a producer of high-temperature nickel alloys in a wide variety. It has a unique set of metallurgical equipment: open induction and arc furnaces, furnace steel processing unit, vacuum induction, vacuum- arc furnaces and others. The factory has implemented and certified quality management system ISO 9000, received international certificates for all products. Elektrostal today is a major supplier in Russia starting blanks for the production of blades, discs and rolls for gas turbine engines. Among them are companies in the aerospace industry, defense plants, and energy complex, automotive, mechanical engineering and instrument-making plants.

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    Anuncios, creación de contenido, redes sociales, promociones, entre otros. #2. Control de gastos y presupuestos. En el Hospitality Management es fundamental estar al tanto de todos los gastos que se realicen. Aunque ya se ha asignado un presupuesto fijo a cada departamento, también es necesario saber en qué se invierte.

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    A UNIQUE PROGRAM. It is the only Master's Degree's Degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management awarded by the University of Barcelona and CETT-UB with Hotel Management's specialization.; We believe in learning by doing so that you can apply your knowledge in real cases, projects with companies, or challenges from the teaching staff.; We are the only center with a Master's Degree in Hotel and ...

  5. Hospitality Management translation in Spanish

    EIDE is a private institution, offering a good range of language courses as well as Higher Vocational Qualifications in Hospitality Management and Tourism.: EIDE es una institución privada, que ofrece cursos de idiomas, así como mayor cualificación profesional en administración hotelera y turismo.: For more information on developing your own exciting career in Hospitality Management with ...

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    About the Diploma. The current situation makes this an ideal time to train and prepare to acquire the necessary knowledge to grow and develop professionally in the tourism industry. The new challenges facing the sector require prepared and well-trained professionals who can face the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities.

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    Program Description. The BS in Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Management prepares students for management positions in one of the largest economic sectors worldwide. Combining a thorough liberal arts program of study with industry- specific business classes, students gain in-depth knowledge in the areas of hospitality finance, sales and ...


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    Traduce hospitality and tourism management.. Ver traducciones en inglés y español con pronunciaciones de audio, ejemplos y traducciones palabra por palabra. ... hospitality and tourism management programs. Durante la feria, se reúnen los representantes de Le Cordon Bleu para aprender más sobre las artes culinarias, el vino, el restaurante ...

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    1. (hospitable treatment) a. la hospitalidad. (F) I was pleasantly surprised by the warm hospitality I received from everyone I met in New York.Me quedé agradablemente sorprendido por la cálida hospitalidad que recibí de todos los que conocí en Nueva York. 2. (industry)

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    la maceta. flowerpot. 🚀 Remove ads. la maceta. Translate Hospitality and tourism management. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.

  13. Traducción de "hospitality management" en español

    For students who want to specialize in restaurant, tourism, or hotel administration, hospitality management can be an ideal field of study. Para los estudiantes que quieren especializarse en restaurantes, turismo o administración hotelera, la gestión de la hospitalidad puede ser un campo ideal de estudio.

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    Hospitality and tourism sector: authorized investments created 2,277 jobs, for a growth rate of roughly 374 per cent. daccess-ods.un.org. daccess-ods.un.org. Las inversiones autorizadas se tradujeron en la creación de 2.277 puestos de trabajo, con una tasa de crecimiento de aproximadamente el 374%. ... Tourism, and Recreation Management ...

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    Hospitality management degrees are, foremost, degrees in business, says Michael Sabitoni, chair of the food and beverage management department and the international travel and tourism studies ...

  16. What Is Hospitality Management? Careers, Skills, Salaries ...

    Careers, Skills, Salaries, and More. Hospitality management involves all the tasks and aspects of managing a hospitality business. These businesses focus on welcoming customers and providing them with pleasant experiences through dining, lodging, events, entertainment, or travel. Take a closer look at how hospitality management is different ...

  17. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management

    About the journal. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management is the official journal of CAUTHE (Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education Inc.) The journal is committed to a broad range of topics including tourism and travel management, leisure and recreation studies and the emerging field of …. View full aims & scope.

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    Translate Tourism and hospitality management. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.


    Total number of rooms reached 81. The hotel has got a number of significant advantages: comfortable location, luxury and standard hotel rooms, free parking, moderate prices and highly qualified staff. According the experts in the tourism and hospitality business the hotel is reckoned the leading middle class hotel in Moscow region.

  21. Metallurgicheskii Zavod Electrostal AO (Russia)

    The factory has implemented and certified quality management system ISO 9000, received international certificates for all products. Elektrostal today is a major supplier in Russia starting blanks for the production of blades, discs and rolls for gas turbine engines. Among them are companies in the aerospace industry, defense plants, and energy ...

  22. Apelsin Hotel

    Total number of rooms reached 81. The hotel has got a number of significant advantages: comfortable location, luxury and standard hotel rooms, free parking, moderate prices and highly qualified staff. According the experts in the tourism and hospitality business the hotel is reckoned the leading middle class hotel in Moscow region.