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Guide To The Getty Center In Los Angeles: What To See + Tips

Planning a visit to the Getty Center in Los Angeles? This is the ultimate guide to visiting the Getty, which is one of the best art museums in the United States. I identify 20 must see masterpieces and give you must know tips for visiting.

The Getty Center showcases the best art that money can buy. LA’s hilltop acropolis houses the magnificent collection of billionaire oil magnate J. Paul Getty.

Getty wasn’t just wealthy. He was a true connoisseur, a lifelong history buff and art lover. He built a fantastic art collection rich in Greco-Roman works and old master paintings.

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Today, 2 million tourists a year visit the Getty Center, housed in a fabulous Richard Meier designed museum space. They come for the fabulous art, gorgeous city views, water features, and lush gardens.

Overview Of The Getty Center

Who was j. paul getty.

J. Paul Getty was an oil tycoon and art enthusiast. He came from money and power. With a loan from his father, he invested in oil wells in the Middle East and became “the richest man in the history of the world.”

But Getty didn’t just have oil fever. Getty started seriously collecting art in the 1930s and was a passionate and lifelong collector. 

Trips to Italy left him with a taste for bronze and marble sculptures from ancient Greece and Rome. He then developed a taste for old masters from the Renaissance and Baroque periods.

Getty believed that art should be displayed in a place of “equal quality.” In 1954, he added a museum wing to his 64 acre Malibu ranch.

central Garden at the Getty Center

But that wasn’t enough space either. So, in 1974, Getty built a replica of an Italian villa from Herculaneum, known today as the Getty Villa , and moved his collection there.

Getty never saw his audacious villa-museum. In 1951, he moved to England for good. Getty didn’t return to the US because of a fear of flying. But he approved every Getty acquisition until his death in 1976.

Overview & History Of The Getty Center

Creation of the getty center.

In his will, Getty left the bulk of his fortune ($700 million) to the J. Paul Getty Trust. Overnight, the Getty became the most richly endowed museum in the world.

In 1984, the trust decided they needed more room to house the ever-burgeoning collection. It commissioned Richard Meier to build a billion dollar campus.

In 1996, the bulk of the museum’s collection was relocated there and the museum opened in 1997. The pieces from antiquity remained at the Getty Villa.

entrance to the Getty Center, with a sculpture by French artist Aristide Maillol

Perched on a hilltop, the Getty Center is a beguiling modern day temple made of rough surfaced travertine stone, aluminum panels, and glass. It’s a place where undulating lines follow the natural terrain of the Santa Monica Mountains.

Terraces offer beautiful views of the city and ocean. In the late afternoon, the buildings looks almost golden.

The Getty Center, moreover, is more than a museum. It’s an art institution and urban laboratory. It houses research and administrative centers, conservations programs, and a grant institution. The original collection that Getty amassed has also been expanded to include photographs, drawings, and sculptures.

Layout Of The Getty Center

You enter the museum up a flight of stairs to reach the large Museum Entrance Hall. There you can pick up a map of the museum and other brochures. You can also sign up for one of the Getty’s free tours.

The permanent collection is housed in four pavilions — North Pavilion, East Pavilion, South Pavilion, and West Pavilion. The galleries are minimalist, with skylights and coved ceilings that show off the art with natural light instead of electric light.

flowers bloom on a terrace at The Getty Center

The Getty’s most famous painting, Van Gogh’s ( Irises ), is in the West Pavilion. Adjacent to that pavilion is the Fran and Ray Stark Sculpture Terrace.

In the center of the complex is a museum courtyard and Exhibition Pavilion. When I was there, the Getty had mounted a fascinating Cy Twombly exhibit exploring the artist’s fascination with Greco-Roman art and poetry.

The Central Garden and Lower Terrace Sculpture Garden are to the Far East of the complex.

The separate pavilions and garden complexes allow you to catch your breath and relax in indoor/outdoor spaces as you proceed from pavilion to pavilion. It makes for a better museum experience than endlessly walking through the typical white or gray corridors.

You can check out this online map to help plan your visit.

Guide To The Getty Center: What To See

The Getty collection covers the period from the Middle Age to the early 20th century. There is no modern art save for the outdoor sculptures.

Here are the top 20 masterpieces and things to see on a visit to the Getty.

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1. Van Gogh, Irises

The absolute star of the Getty Center is Vincent Van Gogh’s Irises. In fact, it’s so sought after that the museum employees may point you right to the West pavilion where it’s housed.

Van Gogh was a Dutch Post-Impressionism artist now considered one of the greatest and most influential painters in art history.

Van Gogh’s work is notable for its swirling line, emotional honesty, and bold vivid color. His radical landscapes were like nothing anyone had painted before. 

Irises has Van Gogh’s trademark exuberance. It’s a swirling mass of green and blue flowers with powerful brush strokes. You can almost feel the paintings strong colors and rhythmic vitality.

Van Gogh painted the scene after slicing off his own ear and landing in an insane asylum. The irises were in the asylum garden, and provided a therapeutic outlet for the tortured artist.

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2. Edouard Manet, Spring

Manet is known as the “Father of Impressionism,” though he really preceded and overlapped with the movement.

Manet had a huge impact on the development of modernism. He led a bohemian life and scandalized the official Salon with his utter disregard for academic conventions and his strikingly modern images of urban life.

This late Manet portrait depicts a young actress as the embodiment of spring. The actress wears a floral ensemble and is set against a lush background of rhododendrons.

The painting is one of Manet’s most vibrant works. His color palette was typically darker. It was exhibited at the 1882 Paris Salon to rave reviews.

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3. Claude Monet Works

The Getty has a trio of significant paintings by the ever-popular Impressionist artist Claude Monet.

Sunrise is a painting that kicked off the Impressionism movement. Along with its companion piece Impression Sunrise at Paris’ Musee Marmottan Monet , it exemplifies Monet’s “plein air” (outdoor) approach to painting and his signature informal and spontaneous brushstrokes.

The painting shocked critics. They denigrated it as an unskilled “impression,” rather than a polished art work. That term gave rise to the movement’s name.

Wheatstacks  was Monet’s first series and the first in which he concentrated on a single subject. In each canvas, the light is different depending on the time of day he painted. The painting reveals Monet’s signature ability to capture form and light with small dabs of paint.

getty center tour

Rouen Cathedral was Monet’s third series, after the poplars and haystacks. Monet loved to paint the lacy western facade of Rouen cathedral in  Normandy . 

Monet painted 30 versions of Rouen Cathedral in Normandy in 1892-93. The Getty’s version was painted with morning light.

The cathedral series was a watershed moment in Monet’s career. The paintings were well-received by critics and found a ready commercial market.

READ : The Impressionism Trail In Normandy

Paul Cézanne, Still Life with Apples, 1893–1894

4. Cezanne, Still Life With Apples

Cezanne was a hugely influential painter of the late 19th century. Monet called Cezanne “the greatest of us all.” For Picasso, he was the father of modern art.

Cezanne threw away the long prevailing convention of single point perspective. He used multiple perspectives in a single canvas, portraying objects as sets of abstract shapes.

Still lifes were an obsessive motif for Cezanne. During the last 30 years of his life, he painted the objects in this painting –the green vase, the rum bottle, the ginger pot, and the apples — over and over again. His interest was not in the objects themselves, but in using them to experiment with shape, color, and lighting. 

Turner, Modern Rome, 1839

5. J.M.W. Turner, Modern Rome

Turner is Britain’s most famous and important Romantic era artist. In the mid 19th century, Turner shocked his colleagues with his loose brush strokes and fiery palette, presaging the later Impressionist movement. 

In this Getty painting, Turner captures the Eternal City of Rome . The city’s ancient ruins are seen through a shimmering veil of paint and light. Amid these monuments, you see citizens carrying on with their day’s work.

The Getty acquired the painting in 2010 at a Sotheby’s auction in London for $44.9 million. Because the painting has always been behind glass, it’s in pristine condition, unusual for a Turner painting.

getty center tour

6. Goya, Bullfight

In the 19th century, Goya was the most famous painter in Spain, with no rival during his lifetime. He was the official court painter for Charles IV and Ferdinand VII, specializing in portraits and religious paintings.

Goya was known for capturing not only his subjects’ likenesses, but their personal expressiveness and individuality.

Bullfights were a lifelong theme for Goya. In this Getty painting, he depicts the fraught confrontation between a passionate picador, his terrified horse, and the besieged bull.

Goya painted this romantic scene at the end of his career. He had begun experimenting with different techniques and more ominous themes, as seen in the terrifying Black Paintings in the Prado Museum .

David, The Farewell of Telemachus and Eucharist, 1818

7. Jacques-Louis David, The Farewell of Telemachus and Eucharist

French artist Jacques-Louis David was a master of the grand Neo-Classical style of painting. It was a style and subject matter derived from antiquity. His painting are characterized by firm linear contours, pure colors, polished forms, and frieze-like compositions.

This painting is the very image of ideal love. It was inspired by characters from Homer’s Odyssey .

The son of Odysseus, Telemachus, falls in love with the nymph Eucharist. But he’s forced to end the romance to go off in search of his missing father. The painting conveys their sorrow.

Jean-Honoré Fragonard, The Fountain of Love,  1785

8. Jean-Honore Fragonard, The Fountain of Love

Fragonard was an 18th century French painter whose reputation rests on his light-hearted Rococo love scenes. He was renowned for his use of light, color and expressive brushstrokes.

Fragonard’s most famous painting is the iconic Swing in London’s Wallace Collection .

Like that one, this Getty Center painting, Fountain of Love , is set in a verdant and shadowy forest. Two young lovers rush to an ancient fountain to sip its magical waters. One sip and they will fall in love. It’s a dreamy and luminous moonlit image.

The Getty acquired the painting in 1999. X-ray analysis suggests that it was Fragonard’s primary version of the subject, and that a better known and more highly finished painting,  The Fountain of Love in the Wallace Collection, London , was painted afterward. 

Andrea Mantegna, The Adoration of the Magi, 1500

9. Andrea Mantegna, The Adoration of the Magi

Italian artist  Andrea Mantegna  bridged the Early and High Renaissance periods of art history. He was a pioneer of spatial illusionism.

Mantegna used visual distortions to create uncanny effects of 2D and 3D images on flat surfaces. His works reflect a perfectionist love of detail. 

This painting is a close up composition of half length figures set against a neutral background. It was inspired by ancient Roman reliefs. This private devotional piece was likely created for Mantegna’s patron, the Gonzaga family of Mantua .

Gentile da Fabriano, Coronation of the Virgin, 1420

10. Gentle de Fabriano, The Coronation of the Virgin

This beautiful painting is an early Renaissance work by Italian artist Gentile da Fabriano. In a formal ceremony, Christ crowns his mother, the Virgin Mary.

The painting was once a processional standard.Typical of Fabriano’s worth painting has richly saturated colors ad decorative gold leaf.

The other side of our panel once bore another painting, also by Gentile:  St. Francis Receiving the Stigmata . No one knows why the two pieces were separated.

Bronzino, Virgin and Child with Saint Elizabeth and Saint John the Baptist, 1540-45

11. Bronzino, Virgin and Child

Bronzino was a Mannerist (late Renaissance) painter in the Medici Court in Florence . He’s know as an elegant master of portraiture.

This is an arrestingly beautiful and deeply saturated composition of this common grouping. The gleaming figures are crisply outlined with luminous skin. They almost appear as marble statues.

The painting was only rediscovered. It went on view at the Getty in 2019 for the first time.

The painting shows Bronzino at the height of his career. Characteristic of his style are the enamel-like surface and the lavish use of expensive pigments.

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12. Titian, Penitent Magdalene

The Italian artist Titian was to Venice what Michelangelo was to Florence — a hugely important and defining artist. More than other Renaissance artist, the Venetians celebrated the sensual in art and often used courtesans as models.

Titian painted six versions of the Mary Magdalene, a famous penitent sinner. She’s a woman with a dissolute past who asks Jesus for forgiveness.

Titian portrays Mary with long, almost sensuous, copper brown hair. She tries to cover her breasts with it. She gazes upward at heaven, with a look of love and awe in her eyes.

Artemisia Gentileschi, Lucretia, 1627

13. Artemisia Gentileschi, Lucretia

The Getty owns a rare and striking painting by the Baroque master Artemisia Gentileschi , Lucretia . It’s flanked by paintings by her artist-father Orazio Gentileschi.

In  Lucretia , Gentileschi depicts a female figure on the brink of suicide. Lucretia was a Roman noblewoman. After being raped by the son of an Etruscan king, she killed herself rather than be dishonored as unchaste.

Many other painters have tackled Lucretia’s story. But none in the same way as Artemisia.

Artemisia shows the moment before the suicide, when Lucretia aims a dagger at her chest. She portrays a determined Lucretia, secure in her decision to end her life.

In the Baroque style, Lucretia’s skin and pearls are translucent and contrast with the horror of suicide.

Jan Steen, The Drawing Lesson, 1665

14. Jan Steen, The Drawing Lesson

Jan Steen was the humorist among Dutch Golden Age painters. He created nearly 800 paintings, most with a moral beneath the wit. In fact, moral ambiguity was a central concern of many 17th century Dutch artists.

But in The Drawing Lesson , Steen celebrates the status of the artist’s profession, a rare subject of the time. In it, a painter tutors a young boy and girl who are tasked with drawing a plaster cast of a male nude.

The studio is littered with objects that were the frequent subject of Dutch still lifes. Steen’s technique is especially refined.

Masaccio, Saint Andrew, 1426

15. Masaccio, Saint Andrew

The artist  Masaccio  was a Renaissance wunderkind. Though his life went by in a flash (he died at 27), he was a hugely innovative painter. He was the first painter in art history to experiment with linear point perspective. 

His radical ideas about what could be done on a flat surface helped shape the history of Western art. Some art historians call Masaccio the first truly Renaissance artist.

The Getty owns Masaccio’s painting of Saint Andrew . It’s a panel that was formerly in a private chapel in Pisa Italy .

The saint is shown with his usual attributes, a cross and a book. His features are careworn. His haunted gaze is one of the first steps toward the naturalism that would dominate Italian Renaissance art.

READ : Guide To Masaccio’s Brancacci Chapel In Florence

Workshop of Leonardo, Madonna and Child with Saint Anne, 1508-13

16. Workshop of Leonardo, Madonna and Child with Saint Anne

If you can’t get to the Louvre to see Leonardo da Vinci’s The Virgin and Child With Saint Anne , you can see a faithful copy of it at the Getty Center. It was created by Leonardo’s worship in Milan , possibly by his lover and pupil Salai.

In the painting, the infant Chris turns toward his mother as he mischievously tugs the ears of a lamb. It has the classic background landscape invented by Leonardo — a misty vista of mountains.

READ : Guide To the Paintings of Leonardo da Vinci

Rembrandt, Rembrandt Laughing, 1628

17. Rembrant, Rembrandt Laughing

Rembrandt is considered the greatest painter of the Dutch Golden Age.He was renowned for his ability both to depict very realistic human figures and portray deep human emotion.

His extensive self-portraits (over 80) form a unique visual biography of the artist. He always portrayed himself without vanity and with a vulnerable sincerity.

In 2012, the Getty acquired one of Rembrandt’s self portraits, Rembrandt Laughing . It’s an early self-portrait, depicting the 22 year old artist as a soldier. His features are animated as if captured in a spontaneous moment.

Parmigianino, Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist and Mary Magdalene, 1535–1540

18. Parmigianino, Virgin and Child With Saint John the Baptist and Mary Magdalene , 1535-40

With the possible exception of his nemesis Correggio, Parmigianino was the leading painter of Palma Italy. He was technically adept virtuoso who also worked in Rome and Bologna. 

Like Bronzino, he was brilliant exponent of the Mannerist style. The Getty painting has a polished and enamel-like surface, with a lush landscape.

The original function of this painting is unknown, but its scale and subject matter imply that it was perhaps independently commissioned for a private chapel. The unconventional iconography of this painting typifies Parmigianino’s innovative work. 

READ : Best Renaissance Paintings in the United States

Marino Marini, Angel of the Citadel, 1950

19. Modern Outdoor Sculpture

The Getty Center has an impressive collection of outdoor sculpture, consisting mostly of works bequeathed by the late legendary film producer Ray Stark and his wife, Fran.

Most of the sculptures can be found in The Fran and Ray Stark Sculpture Garden (near the tram) and The Fran and Ray Stark Sculpture Terrace (adjacent to the Museum’s West Pavilion).

I’ll just highlight a few pieces.

Aristide Maillol, Air, design 1938; cast 1962

Aristide Maillol’s  Air is located on the Museum’s grand staircase, You’ll see it as you enter the complex.

Maillol was a French sculptor who specialized in monumental sculptures of nude women. His sculptures were both objects and allegorical.

With a grayish-blue surface, Air seems to float in space. She’s idealized, a personification of air. You’ll also find his Torso of Dina and Torso of Summer on the museum grounds.

Rene Magritte, Delusons of Grandeur, 1967

Marino Marini is known for his equestrian sculptures. Angel of the Citadel depicts a man astride his horse, excited by the pure joy of living. Every part of his body is alert and stretched, even, intentionally, his manhood.

Seated Cardinal is a work by Italian artist Giacomo Manzu on the south terrace. Manzu created sculptures that were not simply representational, but were also symbols of universal meaning. This simplified form was inspired by the stiff looking cardinals he encountered at St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City .

The Getty also owns some bronze sculptures by British artist Henry Moore. He was a radical and experimental artist who became the leading sculptor of his generation and a pioneer of modern sculpture.

You can see his intentionally distorted Seated Woman , Draped Reclining Mother and Baby , and his Bronze Form (more than 14 feet high!). The reclining pose was one of Moore’s favorite, as was the mother and child theme.

Henry Moore, Seated Woman, designed 1958–59 and cast 1975

A couple other modern sculptures to looks for are Roy Lichtenstein’s Three Brushstrokes , Alberto Giacometti’s Standing Woman I , and Rene Magritte’s Delusion of Grandeur .

20. Getty Gardens

From its inception, outdoor gardens were pivotal to the Getty’s mission of building a beautiful space to experience art.

Architects wanted the landscape and architecture to interact and reflect the changing seasons, with brilliant pink and red blooms contrasting with the pale travertine. 32 full time gardeners work at the Getty to achieve this sublime effect.

The most beloved space is the Central Garden. Designed by Robert Irwin, you access the garden by a zig zagging path, a stream coursing underneath. The garden culminates in a reflecting pool in which a maze of colorful azaleas seem to float.

Five water gardens also enliven the space at the Getty. The Museum Courtyard has a long reflecting pool with jets and a secluded pool with rocks and a fountain.

me at the Getty center LA

Practical Guide & Tips For Visiting The Getty Center

1200 Getty Center Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90049

The Getty Center is open Tuesday through Friday and Sunday from 10:00 am to 5:30 pm. Saturday hours are 10:00 am to 8:00 pm. Closed Mondays.

The Getty Center is completely free, which is amazing for a museum of this caliber. To visit, you just have to book a timed entry ticket online (no fee). You’ll be turned away without a reservation.

Print your ticket out to show the attendants. But they can also look up your ticket by name, if you’re traveling and don’t have access to a printer.

If you’re visiting in the high season (summer), you should book several weeks in advance. Otherwise, it’s probably fine to book several days or a week in advance.

the Getty Center, designed by architect Richard Meier

The Getty offers many free tour. They leave from the Information Desk and include:

  • Architecture Tour : 45 minute outdoor tour at 11:00 am, 12:00 pm, 1:00 pm, and 2:00 pm
  • Garden Tour : 45 minute outdoor tour focusing on the Central Garden at 11:00 am, 12:00 pm, 1:00 pm, and 2:00 pm
  • Spotlight Tour : Quick 20 minute tour of the special exhibition at the Getty at 11:15 am, 12:15 pm, 1:15 pm, and 2:15 pm
  • Collections Tour : 45 minute tour featuring select masterpieces at 11:30 am, 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm, and 2:30 pm

For a more extensive tour, you may want to book this 90 minute guided tour , which focuses on either the highlights or a particular period of art history.

Parking & Shuttle :

You’ll need to park in the designated parking lot, which costs $20. You get a ticket and pay at the pay station machine on your way out.

From the parking lot, you will need to check in and give your ticket to the attendant. Then, you board a tram that takes you to the Getty Center in 5 minutes or so. On the brief ride, you’ll see the unfolding vistas of the museum.

Cactus Garden at the Getty Center

How Long To Visit The Getty Center?

I think the Getty Center deserves at least 3 hours for a first time visitor. It’s a large complex. There are many pavilions, special exhibitions, the gardens, the outdoor sculptures, etc.

If you are an art lover, you may want to dedicate the better part of the day to the Getty.

For example, you could arrive around 10:00-10:30 am, break for lunch at the Garden Terrace Cafe, and then spend a couple more hours admiring the art. You’ll need to make a reservation on Open Table for the restaurant.

sculpture terrace

Food at the Getty Center :

There are four food options at the Getty Center.

The Restaurant on the Plaza level is a sit down space with majestic views. You’ll need to make reservations in advance on Open Table to ensure a a spot, it’s poplar. You can also book afternoon tea on Friday and Saturday from 2:00 to 3:00 pm.

There’s also the Garden Terrace Cafe overlooking the Central Arden and a self service cafe on the lower level with sandwiches, soups, etc.

There’s also a coffee art with food and beverages in the Museum Courtyard. This honestly wasn’t bad. I missed my reservation at the restaurant beccause there is just so much to see, but had a tasty chicken curry wrap instead.

Rock Fountain at the Getty

Is The Getty Center Worth Visiting?

100% yes. The Getty Center is one of the top museums in the United States and it’s magnificent.

Even if you’re not an art lover, it will delight. The buildings and gardens are beautiful and you have stunning views of LA from every terrace.

If you’re an art lover that admires Old Masters, the Getty is a must visit US bucket list destination. Plus, it has one of the most famous Van Gogh paintings in the US.

the Getty Villa in Pacific Palisades

What To Visit Near The Getty Center

The best place to visit in conjunction with the Getty Center is the Getty Villa, just 15-25 minutes down the road.

The villa is a pristine recreation of a seaside Roman estate housing billionaire oilman J. Paul Getty’s collection of Greco-Roman antiquities. It’s wonderful and the perfect way to see all of the Getty’s treasures in one day!

Here’s my compete guide to the Getty Villa .

I hope you’ve enjoyed my guide to the Getty Center. You may enjoy these other US travel guides and resources:

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If you’d like to visit the Getty Center, pin it for later.

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Last Updated on August 31, 2023 by Leslie Livingston


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Visiting the Getty Center: Everything You Need to Know

Visiting the Getty Center: Everything You Need to Know

Explore art and architecture at the Getty Center, a top Los Angeles cultural destination. Team

December 01, 2023

The Getty Center , located in Los Angeles, California , is a world-renowned art museum that attracts visitors from all over the world. The museum is home to an extensive collection of art, ranging from ancient to modern, and features exhibits that showcase the work of some of the most famous artists in history. Visitors to the Getty Center can expect to see works by artists such as Vincent van Gogh, Rembrandt, and Pablo Picasso.

To visit the Getty Center, visitors must obtain tickets in advance. The museum also offers a variety of tours, including self-guided tours and guided tours led by knowledgeable docents. If you are planning a visit to the Getty Center, here is some helpful information to make your trip as smooth as possible.

getty center tour

Admission and Hours

Admission to the Getty Center is always free , but you will need to reserve a ticket in advance. This can be easily done online through the Getty Center's website . The ticket reservation system allows you to choose a specific date and time for your visit, which helps to manage crowds and ensure a more enjoyable experience for everyone.

The Getty Center is open Tuesday through Sunday, from 10 AM to 5:30 PM and from 10 AM to 8 PM on Saturdays. It is closed on Mondays, as well as on certain holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. It is recommended that you arrive at least an hour before closing time to ensure that you have enough time to see everything.

Getty Center Parking

Parking at the Getty Center can be challenging, as the museum is located on a hilltop and has limited parking spaces. Visitors are encouraged to use public transportation, specifically the 761 bus line that stops at the entrance.  

Parking at the Getty Center is available for a fee of $20 per car or motorcycle, and it will be $15 after 3 PM. Overall, visiting the Getty Center is a must-do experience for anyone interested in art and culture. Its impressive collection, stunning architecture, and beautiful gardens will surely be a highlight of your trip to Los Angeles.

getty center tour

Exhibits at the Getty Center

The Getty Center is a world-renowned museum that houses a diverse collection of art from various cultures and time periods. The center features a range of exhibits that are sure to pique the interest of art enthusiasts and casual visitors alike.

Current Exhibits

The Getty Center currently has several exhibits on display, each showcasing a different aspect of art and culture. One of the most popular exhibits is "Sheila Metzner: From Life," which features the famous American photographer Sheila Metzner. 

Another currently displayed exhibit is "Arthur Tress: Rambles, Dreams, and Shadows”. This exhibit showcases the chronicle of Arthur Tresse’s early life. From 1968 to 1978, he emerged as a prominent figure in the New York photography industry. 

Throughout this period, his artistic methodology underwent a transformation, shifting from the social documentary tradition to an audacious new approach that drew inspiration from his interior realms of hallucinations, daydreams, and nightmares.

Upcoming Exhibits

The Getty Center is continually planning and curating future exhibits that promise to captivate and inspire visitors. With a commitment to showcasing diverse and thought-provoking art, the center's upcoming exhibitions are anticipated to offer a rich tapestry of artistic expression spanning various genres, time periods, and cultural influences. 

From immersive installations to retrospectives of renowned artists, the future exhibits at the Getty Center are poised to engage audiences with compelling narratives and visually stunning works of art. Whether exploring contemporary themes or delving into historical perspectives, these exhibitions are set to provide a dynamic and enriching experience for art enthusiasts and museum-goers.

Nearby Attractions

The Getty Center is located in a beautiful area of Los Angeles with many nearby attractions. Visitors can take a stroll through the nearby Brentwood Country Mart, which is a charming outdoor shopping center with many boutiques and restaurants.

The Skirball Cultural Center is also nearby and is a great place to learn about Jewish history and culture. Visitors can explore the center's exhibitions, attend events, and enjoy the beautiful gardens.

Overall, the Getty Center is a must-visit destination for art lovers and anyone interested in exploring the cultural offerings of Los Angeles. With its impressive collection, stunning architecture, and beautiful location, the Getty Center is sure to provide a memorable experience for all who visit.

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The J. Paul Getty Museum Los Angeles, United States

The J. Paul Getty Museum at the Getty Center features works of art dating from the eighth through the twenty-first century, showcased against a backdrop of dramatic architecture, tranquil gardens, and breathtaking views of Los Angeles. The collection includes European paintings, drawings, sculpture, illuminated manuscripts, decorative arts, and European, Asian, and American photographs.

The J. Paul Getty Museum at the Getty Villa in Malibu features Greek, Roman, and Etruscan antiquities presented in a setting modeled after a first-century Roman country house, the Villa dei Papiri in Herculaneum, Italy.

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Getty to Griffith Tour

The Getty Center to Griffith Observatory Guided Tour

Art, astronomy, and the best views in all of los angeles.

  • When 10 AM Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
  • Duration 6 hours
  • Meeting Point In front of TASCHEN Store Hollywood at 6333 W. 3rd St.

$89 per adult

Local experts, worry-free booking.

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  • Get an insider’s look at these two famous landmarks on our guided tour designed by an astronomical artist.
  • Explore art, science, architecture, movie trivia, LA history, and much more.
  • Learn how The Getty Center and creator J. Paul Getty established a cultural hub overlooking the beaches of LA.
  • Discover the history of Griffith Park, a gift to the city from philanthropist Griffith J. Griffith.
  • See exhibits at both locations with an expert to show you highlights you don’t want to miss.
  • Enjoy panoramic views of the coastline, LA Basin and Hollywood Sign from the top of The Getty and Griffith Park.
  • Upgrade for an out-of-this-world planetarium show at Griffith Observatory, featuring art by the guide who designed your tour!

Getty Center

What you'll do

The Getty Center and Griffith Observatory are two of LA’s best landmarks, but they can be hard to reach and even harder to navigate once you’re here. 

The Getty includes thousands of pre-20th-century European paintings and decorative arts inside and beautifully landscaped gardens outdoors. Meanwhile, the observatory features 67,000 square feet of exhibition space and a planetarium. How can you possibly experience it all without missing anything?

We have the pros here to help! This tour was designed not only by some of the observatory’s former employees but also an astronomical artist that worked on the current planetarium show. We’ll enhance your experience by taking you on a curated journey through art, space and time. We cover everything from art and science to history, architecture and movie trivia. 

And get ready for the incredible photos. There are so many Instagrammable shots at both locations. You’ll be blown away by these stellar West Coast views.

Don’t forget the opportunity to add a show in the world-famous planetarium theater with our optional upgrade available for ages 5 and older. It’s a 40-minute immersive show with live narration that’s truly out of this world.

Ready to discover the wonders of The Getty Center and the Griffith Observatory all in one perfect day? We can’t wait to show you the real stars of LA!

Original Farmers Market

Our meeting point and a celebrity hotspot

The Getty Center (30-minute highlights tour + 60 minutes free time)

Featuring European paintings and sculptures from the 1800s to present day

Bus ride to Griffith Park

Narrated tour through Beverly Hills, Sunset Strip, and Hollywood as we drive to the observatory

Food options available at both The Getty and Griffith Observatory cafes or BYO to enjoy at either destination

Griffith Observatory (15-minute highlights tour + 60 minutes free time)

Your doorway to the cosmos and a glimpse of our place in it

Hollywood Sign

One of the best views of this LA icon

Optional upgrade: Samuel Oschin Planetarium

A show in an immersive theater with a high-tech star projector

Ride back and dropoff

Returning to the Original Farmers Market

Make this tour private

Book this tour for just your group, starting from $199.

Plan your trip

Planetarium tickets.

Tickets are available on-site for $10 per adult and $6 per child aged 5-12. Children under 5 aren’t allowed in the theater.


This tour is accessible for strollers and wheelchairs.

Tour ending point

This tour ends at Original Farmers Market.

Refund policy

We offer a 100% refund up to 24 hours before the start time.

Matt provided an exceptional tour experience at the Getty Museum and Griffith Observatory. His deep knowledge of the artworks, engaging storytelling, and friendly demeanor enhanced our visit. Highly recommended for an informative and enjoyable tour!

Meeting point

You’ll board the bus in front of TASCHEN bookstore at 6333 W. 3rd St., Los Angeles, CA 90036. Look for your guide wearing official ExperienceFirst gear.

Do I need a seat for my infant or toddler?

There are no reserved seats for children 2 and under (and no charge for their ticket), and they are required to sit on your lap. If you’d like a seat for your toddler or infant, please purchase one at the child rate. Children 3 and older require their own seat. Car seats are optional and must be provided by you with a reserved seat.

What is the rescheduling policy?

We understand plans change. We offer a 100% refund or the option to reschedule up to 24 hours prior to your tour start time. Within 24 hours of your tour, we would have incurred hard costs and therefore cannot allow rescheduling or cancellation without costs.

When should I get there?

Plan to show up 15 minutes early. The tour starts promptly, and you may not be able to catch up if you arrive late.

What if it rains?

Our tours run rain or shine. If there’s extreme weather and we have to cancel, you’ll get a full refund.

Are gratuities included?

Tips aren’t included but are always appreciated by our guides. If you think your guide did an outstanding job, a tip is a great way to show that.

LA travel guides

The Getty Center exterior of building in LA

The Getty Center in LA: Come for the Art, Stay for the Gardens

The Getty Center is the larger and more well-known of the two J. Paul Getty Museum locations in Los Angeles, the other being…

Griffith Observatory

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Griffith Observatory is truly a magical place to visit. Nestled in the hills overlooking the glittering LA skyline and Hollywood Sign, it’s easy…

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Hollywood Sign and Griffith Park Hike


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Getty Center: International Art & Gardens

Exterior of the Getty Center

Come visit the fabulous Getty Center situated on 110 acres in the Santa Monica Mountains overlooking Brentwood.

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Journey with us to the magnificent Getty Center, perched on 110 acres in the Santa Monica Mountains, offering a mesmerizing panoramic view of Brentwood. Unlike its smaller counterpart, the Getty Villa in Malibu, this sprawling museum boasts an array of ever-evolving exhibitions. Marvel at a rich assortment of pre-20th-century European masterpieces—from paintings, drawings, and illuminated manuscripts to sculptures and decorative arts. Take in the vivid tapestry of 19th- and 20th-century American and European photography. Traverse lush gardens and terraces unveiling breathtaking vistas, spanning from Downtown Los Angeles to the serene Pacific Ocean, and enjoy a leisurely lunch on your own at one of the center’s charming eateries. Whether you're a first-timer or a returning guest, join us to discover both new exhibits and timeless treasures.

All-day Excursion

All times and routing are approximate and subject to change without notice.

9:45am - 10:15am

Comfort stop

11:30am - 4:30pm

Time at the Getty Center to explore and enjoy lunch on your own at the museum

6:00pm - 6:30pm

Depart for local drop-offs

Tour Manager:  5/11 - Marianna Pinto*  10/12 - Susie Vetter*

Activity Level: Moderate

Some stairs and or inclines may be present at destination. Moderate walking is required to experience all exhibits at the museum; however, walking is self-paced and there are plenty of places to stop and rest. Persons of limited mobility should consult with a physician as to the suitability of this tour in relation to their physical abilities.

What's Included in the Tour Fare

Round-trip luxury motor coach transportation from pickup locations throughout San Diego County

Professional Tour Manager throughout the trip

Complimentary bottled water and snacks on the coach

Entrance into the Getty Center

What's Not Included in the Tour Fare

Gratuities for the Tour Manager and driver

What's on Display at the Getty Center and Getty Villa

Click the Useful Links tab to plan based on current and future exhibitions. Please let us know if there's a future exhibit you'd like to see. We might add a tour date based on your suggestion!

How to Make a Reservation

Making your reservation is easy. Simply click the Book Now button above to select your date and confirm your space online, 24/7. You can also call the DayTripper Tours reservations department at (619) 334-3394 during business hours of M-F, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.


Although not necessary to fully enjoy your trip, a personal smartphone can greatly enhance your tour experience. Take high-quality photos, share your experience on social media in real time, search for nearby restaurants and topics of interest, set reminders, and more.

14-Day Cancellation Deadline:

If you purchased the optional Cancellation Protection Plan (CPP) prior to the deadline, you can cancel your booking at any time for any reason and you'll receive a full refund of the tour fare.

If you declined the CPP, you may cancel your reservation fourteen (14) or more days prior to the departure date to receive a refund less a $15 per person cancellation fee. Alternatively, when you cancel your booking fourteen (14) or more days prior to the departure date, you can avoid the cancellation fee by transferring the funds to another tour or a non-refundable voucher, which can be applied to any future excursion booked within one year of the original tour date. Bookings canceled within 14 days of the departure date are nonrefundable and nontransferable for any reason. Name changes on daytrips are always permitted at no additional cost.

* Tour Manager is subject to change without notice.

Below is a list of pick-up points available on this tour.

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Academy Museum of Motion Pictures in LA

Los Angeles Traveler

Visiting The Getty Center: Tips For A Great Visit To A Local Favorite

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One of our family’s absolute favorite things to do in Los Angeles is spend a day at The Getty Center! Located in the Brentwood neighborhood of the Westside, you can easily spend a full day enjoying everything it has to offer or just visit for a few hours before you head to Santa Monica for example.

In this guide to visiting The Getty Center, I’m sharing some of my favorite tips for how to make the most of your experience. After probably a hundred visits, we’ve explored it all!

Best tips for visiting The Getty Center

1. getty center tickets are free, but you have to reserve them in advance.

getty center tour

While you could just walk into The Getty for many years, due to its overwhelming popularity and public health crowd control you’ll need a reservation now. You can book your tickets here . The system is really user friendly and even tells you how availability looks for each day and time!

You’ll need to show the ticket at the base of the mountain before getting on the tram, but you can just use the QR code on your phone. There are generally tickets available a day in advance so you don’t need to stress, but if you know when you want to visit there’s no harm in grabbing your Getty Museum tickets early.

2. The Getty Center is close on Mondays, and weekends are often busy

getty center tour

Let’s be real: all the best things to do in LA are busy on weekends. Historically The Getty Center could get extremely crowded and see enormous lines to take the tram, though the current ticketing system helps.

Since The Getty Center is closed on Mondays, Tuesday through Friday are the best days to visit The Getty Center. I prefer going first thing in the morning when the crowds are lightest, but another amazing option is to visit The Getty Center on Saturday in late afternoon. Not only does The Getty have extended hours until 8pm, but you’ll be there for the incredible sunset views over the Pacific Ocean! It’s one of the best places in LA to watch the sunset.

3. There are great food options at The Getty Center

getty center tour

Our family loves eating at The Getty! There are options for all price points and styles.

If you arrive right at opening and need fuel for your day, stop by the Museum Courtyard Coffee Cart. They have plenty of drink options (including caffeinated ones for those of us who like to start our days that way) plus a selection of pastries. You can even order in advance online to skip the lines – that can be helpful on the weekend.

For lunch you’ll want to visit the Cafe, which has everything from Mexican food to grill to soups and more. There’s something for everyone. The food offers solid quality and the dining room is gorgeous thanks to its massive wall of windows that looks out to the Santa Monica mountains and Pacific Ocean.

For a special treat, try to snag a Saturday dinner reservation at the Restaurant at The Getty Center. We haven’t had a chance to eat there yet but I’ve heard the food is wonderful and the views are unbeatable. The Restaurant books up for dinner several weeks in advance, so if you want to enjoy those epic sunset views over dinner be sure to reserve early! Keep in mind that some Saturday nights also have 6pm concerts so those time slots may fill up faster. Alternatively, you can go for Afternoon Tea on Fridays from 2-3pm if you reserve here .

If none of that is your speed, you can always pack a picnic to enjoy on the huge grassy lawn adjacent to the garden

4. There are more things to do at The Getty Center than you probably realize

getty center tour

There are plenty of things to do at The Getty Center, so you should allow ample time! Here’s a sampling of what we do in a typical day:

  • Ride the Getty tram up the mountain to access the museum and enjoy amazing views – this is our kids’ favorite activity!
  • Check out the incredible Impressionist collection and rotating photography exhibit of the West pavilion
  • Appreciate the architecture, fountains and views from the museum courtyard
  • Wind through the garden maze below – don’t miss the kinetic sculptures on the north side!

5. You’ll probably have to pay for parking at The Getty Center

While Getty Center tickets are free, most visitors are required to pay $20 to park their cars in the lot. There are a few options to save on that fee though.

The easiest option to save on Getty Center parking is to go late in the day. On most days, if you arrive after 3pm you’ll pay only $15. On days when the Getty Museum is open late (like Saturdays) you’ll pay just $10 to park after 6pm.

Even better, US active duty service members and veterans can get their parking validated for free at the information desk between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

If you want to avoid renting a car in Los Angeles , bus 761 will drop you off right in front of The Getty Center.

Read more: Should I Rent A Car In Los Angeles? Honest Pros and Cons

Where to stay near The Getty Center

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One of our favorite places to stay in Los Angeles is just down the street from The Getty: the Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel . We’ve stayed there as a couple and more recently with kids and it’s a wonderful oasis in the heart of the city! It’s just 5 minutes by car or 10 minutes by bus.

You can read my full Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel review for more info.

Getty Center FAQs

getty center tour

The Getty Center is a massive art museum, but it’s really so much more. It offers galleries, gardens, views and more.

The Getty Center is free to visit, but you’ll have to pay for parking if you drive there.

-Both The Getty Center and The Getty Villa Museum are sibling museums located 15 miles apart – the Getty Center is in Brentwood along the 405, while the Villa is in Pacific Palisades along the Pacific Coast Highway. -The Getty Center has a broad-ranging art collection that includes everything from antique furniture to contemporary photography, while The Getty Villa focuses on Greek and Roman art. -The Getty Center’s buildings reflect gorgeous modern architecture made with stark white tile and travertine marble, while The Getty Villa is a replica of the ancient Roman Villa de Papyri . The Villa itself is an incredible attraction in LA and worth seeing! Pro tip: If you visit both The Getty Center and The Getty Villa in the same day, you only have to pay for parking once!

Where to go next

Don’t miss these additional articles as you’re planning your trip to LA!

  • 8 Amazing Places To Stay In Westwood, Los Angeles
  • 5 Best Activities to do in Westwood
  • 10 Great Places to Eat in the Westwood Village

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Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays, May 2 - May 30, at 11 am

Museum Entrance Hall

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Experience the mental health benefits of engaging with art during these 20-minute explorations. Tours are first come, first served. Please arrive a few minutes early to secure your spot at the Information Desk.

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Rostov Veliky: What to see in this city-in-a-kremlin

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How to get there from Moscow: by bus (some go directly from Domodedovo or Sheremetyevo airport; travel time 3-5 hrs) or by train from Yaroslavsky railway station (travel time 2:40-3:40 hrs).

When not to go: the first week of January and the first week of May (these are official holidays in Russia and you’ll be fighting for elbow room)

Without wishing to offend Rostov residents, once you’ve seen the kremlin, your sightseeing tour is pretty much done. By the way, don’t confuse Rostov Veliky with Rostov-on-Don, which lies 1,500 km further south. 

To-do list:

  • Go inside the Assumption Cathedral
  • Listen to some bell-ringing
  • Buy souvenir jewelry made using the special Rostov enamel technique
  • Watch the Soviet movie Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession (preferably before you go)
  • Walk around the perimeter walls and see where Ivan Vasilyevich and George Miloslavsky escape from the tsarist guards (a famous scene from the above-mentioned film)
  • Admire the ducks in the pond by Vladykhovy (Ruler’s) Court (and get your skates on in winter)
  • Drink sbiten or medovukha (two types of mead) in the Metropolitan apple orchard, and try church-made baked products
  • Take a selfie against the backdrop of Lake Nero 

Why Rostov Kremlin is a fraud

getty center tour

Many old Russian cities have a kremlin. In days of yore, life was largely concentrated within these fortresses. The high fortified walls with arrow slots and observation towers made any invading force think long and hard before advancing.

However, Rostov Kremlin was built when the threat from enemies had abated. Therefore, the external solidity of the walls and outward display of strength are for show more than anything else. A giveaway is the overly wide gates. During a real siege, they would have turned the fortress into an open goal.

Moreover, this particular kremlin served a different purpose: it was the residence of Rostov Metropolitan Ivan III, which he had custom-built for himself in 1650-80.

getty center tour

The Orthodox diocese in Rostov was established by Metropolitan Mikhail of Kiev, the first such holy leader, almost immediately after the baptism of Ancient Rus way back in 991, which makes it one of the oldest in the country alongside Novgorod. In those days, Rostov wielded tremendous power in the church hierarchy, with Yaroslavl, Moscow, Vladimir-Suzdal, and other churches in neighboring provinces and regions all under its thumb.

The late 16th century saw the rise of a Moscow-centered patriarchy in Rus, independent of Constantinople. The Rostov diocese expanded into a metropolis, and the new metropolitan needed his own residence. 

What’s inside the kremlin

Rostov Kremlin is essentially divided into three walled sections.

getty center tour

A - Cathedral Square

In the center of the square stands the Assumption Cathedral. The oldest structure inside the kremlin, it was in fact built more than a century before the residence, in the 1510s. Incidentally, its architecture is strongly reminiscent of the Assumption Cathedral inside the Kremlin in Moscow.

getty center tour

Last century, restorers found fragments of a 12th-century painting that pointed to the existence of another, earlier white-stone church on this site. Although destroyed by fire, part of the walls had evidently survived and a new church had been built over them.

In addition to the paintings, be sure to pay attention to the preserved Baroque-style 18th-century iconostasis.

The cathedral also has a large belfry adjoined to the wall.

B – Arkhiereisky (Bishop’s) Court

getty center tour

This is actually the courtyard of the church hierarch, i.e. the metropolitan. The layout of the buildings around the garden and pond was his own design. Back in 1883, a museum of church antiquities was opened in the White Chamber (no. 12 in the diagram), which is still open to visitors today.

getty center tour

Meanwhile, the Samuilovy Building (no. 10) houses a picture gallery, including some works from Ancient Rus. And in the largest chamber, Red (no. 13), there is a historical exposition and a restaurant serving Russian cuisine.

Hard to imagine a kremlin-based restaurant? Then you’ll be even more surprised to learn there’s also a hotel (no. 8). The 17th-century building, whose first and second floors are made of stone and wood respectively, has long received guests of the metropolitan. Booking these days is simpler than it used to be. Very affordable rooms can be reserved on .

getty center tour

Visit the Museum of Rostov Enamel, a type of local craft in which superfine painting is applied to white enamel. The traditional pattern is flowers, and the technique is used to make pendants, rings, earrings, and much more.

C - Metropolitan Garden

getty center tour

This is perhaps the most pleasant area in the whole kremlin, where one can sit on a bench and admire the apple trees and small pond at leisure. It is reminiscent of the El Mona Garden in Jerusalem, since Metropolitan Ivan III was generally guided by the Holy City in planning his residence. As such, the church in the Assumption Cathedral belfry is dedicated to the Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

getty center tour

In the garden there is a marquee with church-made food (we recommend the curd patties!) and drinks. Try the herbal aromatic sbiten or low-alcohol medovukha – if they’re good enough for his Holiness the Metropolitan, who are we to turn our noses up!

Entry to the kremlin costs 70 rubles, and the price covers the Assumption Cathedral. All other museums and churches require separate tickets. A single ticket for everything costs 800 rubles.

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  • Rostov’s Savior Frescoes: Fire and brimstone in a brilliant setting
  • Sergiev Posad: What to see and do in Russia’s most Orthodox city
  • Pereslavl-Zalessky: What to see in a city where every house is a museum

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Small Group Uzbekistan Tours 2024-2025

Rostov, Russia

Rostov, Russia

Tours, Attractions and Things To Do in Rostov

Perhaps the most exciting walk along the route of the Golden Ring awaits you in Rostov. This ancient city has preserved the unique atmosphere of medieval Russia thanks to its many monuments - ancient castles, churches, monasteries ... This unique heritage of the past testifies about the rich and long history of the city. Rostov is indeed one of the oldest Russian cities. It is mentioned in the chronicles from 862.

The background of Rostov tells that those lands were originally inhabited by pagan Finno-Ugric tribes, the Merya, who founded Sarskoye settlement there. Only in the 10th – 11th centuries the territory of Rostov became inhabited by Slavs who came from the north. In 988 Rostov lands were given to the great Russian ruler, Yaroslav the Wise. Then they were passed to his son Vsevolod and later, his grandson, Vladimir Monomakh and his descendants, Yuri Dolgoruky, Andrei Bogoliubsky etc. From the 10th to the 12th century Rostov along with Suzdal was the capital of the Rostov-Suzdal principality. Later, the center of principality moved to Vladimir.

In the beginning of the 13th century the independent principality of Rostov emerged. It was the time of the city’s unprecedented economic and cultural progress. The city grew with newly built churches, fortresses, palaces, and temples. Rostov became one of the largest cities in the northeast Russia. It was even called Rostov the Great, like Novgorod. No other city in Russia was granted such an honor. But the rapid prosperity of the city was interrupted by the Mongol invasion in 1238. However, the city quickly regained its grandeur. The infighting among the rulers of Rostov split it into separate parts. In the 13th century it was divided into Rostov, Yaroslavl and Uglich principalities. Using the weakness of the local rulers, Moscow princes took possession of Rostov lands. In the 15th century Rostov was fully annexed by Moscow.

In the times of Great Troubles Rostov was burned down and looted by the Polish-Lithuanian invaders. The end of the century in Rostov saw the beginning of the so-called Rostov Kremlin, the residence of Rostov metropolitans.

Besides, Rostov is famous for being the birthplace of St. Sergius of Radonezh, the founder of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. The best souvenirs, brought from Rostov, will be the products with the famous Rostov “finift’” – the enamel painting.


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Travis kelce attends f1 race in miami after kentucky derby outing, travis kelce trading horses for horsepower ... attends miami grand prix.

Travis Kelce 's in his Industrial Revolution era ... trading horseback riding for car racing -- 'cause he just arrived at the 2024 Miami Grand Prix!

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Videos of the Kansas City Chiefs star are starting to populate online ... and, we gotta say TK's rocking a far chiller -- and, definitely more comfortable-looking ensemble -- for today's event.

Check out the clip ... Travis walks in wearing a loose-fitting green shirt and matching shorts, backward hat and sunglasses on -- a far cry from his full suit and fedora 'fit at the Kentucky Derby Saturday.

Welcome to Florida, Travis 🤙🤙 — BWT Alpine F1 Team (@AlpineF1Team) May 5, 2024 @AlpineF1Team

Of course ... Travis isn't just a fan today -- he's actively supporting the team he's got an ownership interest in, Alpine Racing. Kelce and his teammate Patrick Mahomes bought into the team back in October.

It marks the end of a busy weekend for Killa Trav who seems to be on a tour of star-studded sporting events.

Like we said ... Travis partied hard at the KD in Louisville yesterday and even hung out backstage at a Chainsmokers show late Friday night -- so, we know the guy's been throwing down with the best of 'em.

It seems he's without his better half, Taylor Swift this weekend ... who kicks off more international "Eras" tour shows later this week and is presumably in or on her way to Paris -- though we don't know for sure if that's the case.

Anyhoo ... looks like Travis is enjoying his action-packed weekend -- even if he's riding solo on this adventure.

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First-Timers Stray Kids Wear Custom Hilfiger to the 2024 Met Gala

By Irene Kim

Image may contain Clothing Footwear Shoe Adult Person People Formal Wear Suit Coat Blazer Jacket and Groupshot

Many of our favorite K-pop stars have attended the Met Gala, including Jennie (2023) and Rosé (2021) of Blackpink and NCT’s Johnny , but never have all members of a group shown up to the first Monday in May together and wearing the same designer—until tonight, that is. All eight Stray Kids flew from Seoul to make their red-carpet debut at the 2024 Met Gala in custom looks by Tommy Hilfiger. “Representing Tommy Hilfiger as eight members for the first time on the Met Gala carpet is truly a rare and honorable moment for us,” said Felix, a doe-eyed blonde Australian who has 22 million Instagram followers and counting.

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The Tommy Hilfiger most of us are familiar with is preppy and all-American, but for the Met Gala, he wanted to be sure to channel the evening’s theme while staying true to his brand DNA. His signature red, white, and blue color scheme is incorporated throughout the eight members’ ’fits, with elegant floral detailing finishing off the looks. And if you thought that Hilfiger was taking an understated approach tonight, you thought wrong. This evening the members first walked on the carpet in what looked like your everyday wool peacoats but soon pulled them open to reveal that the linings formed the American flag.

Underneath their patriotic coats, Bang Chan, the leader of Stray Kids, wears a classic navy three-piece wool suit lined with red piping and topped off with a gold floral pin at the lapel, while Felix (who you may recognize from Nicolas Ghesquière’s fall 2024 Louis Vuitton runway) is in all white, sporting a silk suit embroidered with intricate flowers that goes exceptionally well with The Garden of Time dress code.

Image may contain Huang Junjie Clothing Formal Wear Suit Long Sleeve Sleeve Tuxedo Coat Adult Person and Fashion

Hyunjin and Lee Know, who form the group’s dance and visual line, have opted for red, the former in a red double-breasted suit with gold crested buttons and the latter in a double-breasted blazer featuring red buttonhole details on the lapels.

Rappers Changbin and Han, meanwhile, are wearing matching button-ups. The shirts feature a translucent classic Tommy Hilfiger Ithaca stripe finished off with a gold floral button at the top. Rounding out the octet, I.N and Seungmin both paired their cotton shirts with satin suits. For Seungmin, as a longtime fan of Hilfiger, the evening is an unreal experience. “Tommy Hilfiger was a brand that I loved growing up, so it’s unreal to me that I grew up to become the model for the brand and even attend the Met Gala as its ambassador. It is such a great honor,” he said.

Image may contain Kim Taekyong Clothing Formal Wear Suit Tuxedo Blazer Coat Jacket Adult Person and Accessories

The group has sold out stadium tours across Asia, Australia, and North America, but walking the biggest event in fashion didn’t come without some nerves. “I’m nervous since this is our first Met but will power through to be the most presentable for this amazing opportunity,” Han told Vogue . “We couldn’t have done it without Stays, our fans, for always supporting us.”

Hilfiger was in his feelings too. “Dressing all eight Stray Kids—a global force in pop music—for a Met Gala red-carpet experience has been one for the books,” he said. “One of the special things about Stray Kids is each member has a completely individual style, and they all complement each other perfectly. This enabled us to design a sartorially cohesive yet distinctively personalized ensemble for them, reflecting their different personalities. The outfits blend our classic American cool style with floral and botanical details that pay homage to the story by J.G. Ballard and the time flower at the center of the tale. It was tailored with a distinctive Tommy twist to make this one night to remember.”

Image may contain Xu Kai Clothing Formal Wear Suit Tuxedo Coat Blazer Jacket and Shirt

So can we expect a Stray Kids appearance at New York Fashion Week? Bang Chan, Changbin, and Lee Know (the members who have yet to make a Fashion Week appearance) sure hope so, pending the team’s schedules next September. Bang Chan said, “All the members are very interested in fashion, and attending shows is an experience that we can’t forget. There are still members among us who haven’t been able to experience the wonders of the shows yet, but I can assure you that we are all very willing to attend! Fingers crossed for New York Fashion Week!” We’re willing to bet that Stays are also crossing their fingers.

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Campus protests over the Gaza war

Columbia and emory universities change commencement plans after weeks of turmoil.

Rachel Treisman

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Protesters seen in tents on Columbia University's campus on April 24. The school later suspended protesters who didn't leave, and called New York City police to arrest those who occupied a building on campus. Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images hide caption

Protesters seen in tents on Columbia University's campus on April 24. The school later suspended protesters who didn't leave, and called New York City police to arrest those who occupied a building on campus.

Two universities announced changes to their commencement plans on Monday, after a tumultuous few weeks on campus.

Columbia University is canceling its main ceremony and will focus on multiple school-specific celebrations instead. And Emory University announced it will relocate graduation from its Atlanta campus to a complex in Duluth, Ga., over 20 miles away.

Officials at the New York City institution said in their Monday announcement that based on feedback from students, they will prioritize Class Days and school-level ceremonies, "where students are honored individually alongside their peers," rather than the universitywide ceremony that had been scheduled for May 15.

"Our students emphasized that these smaller-scale, school-based celebrations are most meaningful to them and their families," the announcement from Columbia reads. "They are eager to cross the stage to applause and family pride and hear from their school's invited guest speakers. As a result, we will focus our resources on those school ceremonies and on keeping them safe, respectful, and running smoothly."

New York police arrest 300 people as they clear Hamilton Hall at Columbia University

New York police arrest 300 people as they clear Hamilton Hall at Columbia University

As part of that effort, the university is relocating those ceremonies, which were originally scheduled to take place on the South Lawn — where protesters picketed and camped out in tents for two weeks , calling for an end to war in Gaza and university investment in Israel, until police cleared out campus last Wednesday.

Those ceremonies will move to the Baker Athletics Complex, Columbia's main venue for outdoor sports. The events will run from May 10-16, with tickets required. Columbia College will hold its ceremony on the morning of May 14, followed by the affiliated Barnard College the next day.

Columbia President Minouche Shafik had previously requested a New York Police Department presence on campus through at least May 17, "to maintain order and ensure encampments are not reestablished."

She wrote to the NYPD on April 30, as police arrived to remove pro-Palestinian protesters who had occupied a building on campus earlier that day. It was the second time that month that Shafik called in city police to break up protests on campus.

NYC says half of those arrested at 2 pro-Palestinian campus protests were not students

NYC says half of those arrested at 2 pro-Palestinian campus protests were not students

Police broke up the "Gaza Solidarity Encampment" and arrested more than 100 people on April 18, the day after it was first set up. Demonstrators regrouped, forming another encampment that continued to grow even as administrators negotiated with student activists over an agreement that would result in its removal.

On April 29, after negotiations stalled, Columbia began suspending students who did not heed its warning to leave the encampment by 2 p.m. The next day, dozens of students began occupying Hamilton Hall — in an echo of the school's 1968 protests — and barricading themselves inside.

The university — which had already shifted to hybrid learning for the rest of the semester — was essentially under lockdown. Police entered Hamilton Hall , arresting 112 protesters. New York City officials said over the weekend that 29% of them were not affiliated with the school.

Shafik has faced widespread criticism and calls to resign from both sides of the aisle over her handling of the protest, though maintains the backing of Columbia's board of trustees.

In Columbia University's protests of 1968 and 2024, what's similar — and different

In Columbia University's protests of 1968 and 2024, what's similar — and different

Officials acknowledged on Monday that "these past few weeks have been incredibly difficult for our community."

And they said they are continuing to solicit student feedback about the possibility of a "festive event on May 15 to take the place of a large, formal ceremony."

Columbia is the second major university to cancel part of its graduation ceremony. The University of Southern California announced in late April that it would cancel its main graduation ceremony , several days and considerable backlash after it scrapped its valedictorian speech over security concerns.

Other schools are forging ahead with graduation as planned, but expecting — and for some, already experiencing — protests during the day. Over the weekend, students and faculty at Indiana University held an alternate graduation ceremony , while dozens of pro-Palestinian protesters waving flags and banners briefly disrupted the University of Michigan's graduation.

Emory is moving its graduation off-campus

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Protesters and police clash during an April 25 pro-Palestinian protest at Emory University's campus in Atlanta. Elijah Nouvelage/AFP via Getty Images hide caption

Protesters and police clash during an April 25 pro-Palestinian protest at Emory University's campus in Atlanta.

Emory President Gregory Fenves announced on Monday that the school will hold its commencement ceremonies off-campus, citing security concerns.

The change applies to the universitywide ceremony on May 13, as well as the diploma ceremonies for each of its nine schools. Graduation events will begin on May 10, according to a revised calendar .

They will be held at the Gas South District in Duluth, an area that includes an arena and a convention center. It is about 20 miles northeast of Emory's Atlanta campus and 30 miles northwest of its Oxford campus, according to the university.

Mass arrests roil college campuses amid pro-Palestinian protests

Mass arrests roil college campuses amid pro-Palestinian protests

Fenves acknowledged in a note to the community that the "news will be deeply disappointing to many of you."

"Please know that this decision was not taken lightly," he added. "It was made in close consultation with the Emory Police Department, security advisors, and other agencies — each of which advised against holding Commencement events on our campuses."

He also congratulated the "like no other" Class of 2024, noting the pandemic interrupted may of their high school graduations and forced them to begin college online.

"You will have your moment together, in person, alongside the people who matter to you the most," he added.

The announcement comes after more than a week of student protests against the Israel-Hamas war and the construction of a controversial public safety training center, dubbed "Cop City."

Demonstrations intensified as university, city and state law enforcement officers clashed with and forcibly arrested some two dozen protesters on April 25, including students and faculty members.

Three student journalists on the protests rocking their campuses

Emory's arts and science faculty have since passed a no-confidence vote against Fenves, and undergraduate students are holding a vote of their own Monday into Tuesday.

As campus protests continue , Emory officials are urging graduates to heed security warnings for commencement activities.

Gas South District venues have various requirements for security screening, event safety, and guest conduct, according to its website , including prohibiting backpacks and "signs on sticks or oversized signs (no larger than 8 1/2" x 11")."

An FAQ on Emory's commencement webpage also outlines the school's expression-related protocols for commencement, which it says are "similar to events that are held on campus."

  • columbia university
  • college graduation
  • student protests


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