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മനോരമ ലേഖകൻ

Published: March 15 , 2021 10:26 AM IST

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സഞ്ചാരികള്‍ക്ക് എന്നും പുതുമ നിറഞ്ഞ കാഴ്ചകള്‍ സമ്മാനിക്കുന്ന സുന്ദരയിടമാണ് വയനാട്. വയലും നാടും കാടും ചേരുന്ന അപൂർവം പ്രദേശങ്ങളിലൊന്നാണിവിടം. താമരശ്ശരി ചുരം കയറുന്നതുമുതൽ വയനാടിന്റെ ദൃശ്യചാരുതയ്ക്ക് തുടക്കമാകും. ചെറുതും വലുതുമായ നൂല്‍മഴയും കോടമഞ്ഞും പെയ്തിറങ്ങുന്ന ഈ ഹരിതഭൂവില്‍ എവിടേയ്ക്ക് കണ്ണുപായിച്ചാലും കാഴ്ചകളിലേക്കുള്ള കയറ്റിറക്കങ്ങളാണ്. വയനാടിന്റെ കാഴ്ചകളിലേക്ക്.

വന്യത തുളുമ്പി മുത്തങ്ങ

സുല്‍ത്താന്‍ ബത്തേരിയില്‍ നിന്ന് മൈസൂരിലേക്ക് പോകുന്ന വഴിയിലാണ് കേരളത്തിലെ രണ്ടാമത്തെ വലിയ വന്യജീവി സംരക്ഷണകേന്ദ്രമായ മുത്തങ്ങ സ്ഥിതിചെയ്യുന്നത്. ഇലപൊഴിയും മരങ്ങളും അര്‍ദ്ധ നിത്യഹരിത വനമേഖലയും ഉള്‍പ്പെടുന്ന ഈ പ്രദേശം പശ്ചിമഘട്ടത്തിന്‍റെ ജൈവസമൃദ്ധിയുടെ മകുടോദാഹരണമാണ്. കര്‍ണ്ണാടകയിലെ നാഗര്‍ഹോളെ, ബന്ദിപ്പൂര്‍ തുടങ്ങിയ ദേശീയോദ്യാനങ്ങളെ തമിഴ്നാട്ടിലെ മുതുമലൈ ദേശീയോദ്യാനവുമായി ബന്ധിപ്പിക്കുന്നത് മുത്തങ്ങയാണ്. ഒരു ദിവസത്തെ യാത്ര പോകാന്‍ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നവര്‍ക്ക് പറ്റിയ ഇടമാണ് മുത്തങ്ങ വനം.


സഞ്ചാരികൾക്ക് ജീപ്പ് സഫാരിയും ഒറുക്കിട്ടുണ്ട്. വനംവകുപ്പിന്‍റെ നേതൃത്വത്തിലാണ് ഇവിടെ ജീപ്പ് സഫാരി കൂടെ ഗൈഡും കാണും. രാവിലെയും വൈകീട്ടുമാണ് സഞ്ചാരികള്‍ക്ക് കാട്ടിലൂടെ ജീപ്പ് സഫാരി നടത്താനാവുക. 


ഹൃദയഹാരിയായ ചെമ്പ്രമുടി ഒറ്റനോട്ടത്തിൽ ആരെയും ആകർഷണവലയത്തിലാക്കും. കൽപ്പറ്റയിലെ മേൽപ്പാടിയിൽ നിന്ന് ഇവിടേ‌ക്ക് ‌വളരെ എളുപ്പത്തിൽ എത്തിച്ചേരാം. പച്ചപുതച്ച പുൽമേടുകളും ജലസമൃദ്ധമായ ഹൃദയതടാകവും തേടി സഞ്ചാരികളുടെ ഒഴുക്കാണ് ഇവിടേക്ക്. വയനാടന്‍ സൗന്ദര്യത്തിന്റെ മുഖ്യആകര്‍ഷകങ്ങളിലൊന്നാണ് ചെമ്പ്രപീക്ക്. ചെറുസസ്യങ്ങളും കാട്ടുപൂക്കളും അടങ്ങുന്ന സംരക്ഷിത ജൈവമേഖലയാണ് സമദ്രനിരപ്പില്‍ നിന്നും 6900 അടി ഉയരത്തിലുള്ള ചെമ്പ്ര. മഴക്കാലത്താണ് ഇവിടെ കൂടുതല്‍ മനോഹരമാകുന്നത്.

ബാണാസുര സാഗർ മല


ചെമ്പ്ര കഴിഞ്ഞാൽ കേരളത്തിലെ വയനാട് ജില്ലയിലെ ഏറ്റവും വലിയ രണ്ടാമത്തെ പർവതമാണ് ബാണാസുരമല. സമുദ്ര നിരപ്പിൽ നിന്ന് 6732 അടി ഉയരം. ചെങ്കുത്തായ മലനിരകളാണ് ഇവിടുത്തെ ആകർഷണം. ബാണാസുരമല കാവൽ നിൽക്കുന്ന അണക്കെട്ടിലൂടെയുള്ള  യാത്ര എപ്പോൾ നടത്തിയാലും  പുതുമ നിറഞ്ഞതുമാണ്. കൽപറ്റയിൽനിന്ന് 20 കിലോമീറ്റർ സ‍ഞ്ചാരിച്ചാൽ പടിഞ്ഞാറത്തറയെത്തും അവിെടനിന്ന് അൽപദൂരം പോയാൽ ഡാമായി. ഇൗ സുന്ദരകാഴ്ച തേടി നിരവധി സഞ്ചാരികള്‍ എത്തിച്ചേരാറുണ്ട്.

കുറുവ ദ്വീപ്

വയനാട്ടില്‍ ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതല്‍ സഞ്ചാരികളെത്തുന്ന ഇടമാണ് കബനിയുടെ മാറില്‍ ചിതറിക്കിടക്കുന്ന കുറുവ ദ്വീപ്. മാനന്തവാടി നിന്നും മൈസൂര്‍ പോകുന്ന വഴിയിലാണ് സഹ്യന്‍റെ ചുവട്ടിലായി ഈ പച്ച പുതച്ച ദ്വീപ്‌. 950 എക്കറോളം വിസ്തൃതിയില്‍ കബനി നദിയില്‍ ചിതറിക്കിടക്കുന്ന നൂറ്റിയമ്പതോളം ചെറു ദ്വീപുകള്‍ ആണ് കുറുവ ദ്വീപുകള്‍ എന്നറിയപ്പെടുന്നത്. കല്പറ്റയില്‍ നിന്ന് 40 കിലോ മീറ്ററും ബത്തേരിയില്‍ നിന്ന് 34 കിലോമീറ്ററും മാനന്തവാടിയില്‍ നിന്ന് 17 കിലോമീറ്ററുമാണ് ഇങ്ങോട്ടേക്കുള്ള ദൂരം. 


കാലവര്‍ഷമാണോ എന്നൊക്കെ നോക്കി വേണം കുറുവയിലേക്ക് യാത്ര പുറപ്പെടാന്‍. സാധാരണയായി മഴക്കാലത്ത് ഇവിടെ അടയ്ക്കും. ഇന്ത്യയിലെ തന്നെ ആള്‍പ്പാര്‍പ്പില്ലാത്ത ഏറ്റവും വലിയ ദ്വീപാണിത്. ജനവാസം ഇല്ലെങ്കിലും സഞ്ചാരികളുടെ ബഹളം എപ്പോഴും കാണും ഇവിടെ. 

പൂക്കോട് തടാകം

വയനാട്ടില്‍ ഏതു സമയത്തും ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതല്‍ സഞ്ചാരികള്‍ വിരുന്നെത്തുന്ന വിനോദ സഞ്ചാര കേന്ദ്രമാണ് പൂക്കോട് തടാകം. വയനാടിന്റെ വാല്‍ക്കണ്ണാടി എന്നു വേണമെങ്കില്‍ വിശേഷിപ്പിക്കാവുന്ന ഇൗ തടാകം മൂന്ന് കുന്നുകള്‍ക്കിടയില്‍ ഒരിക്കലും വറ്റാതെ നിറഞ്ഞുനില്‍ക്കുകയാണ്. തടാകം ചുറ്റിയുള്ള വഴികളില്‍ ഇരിപ്പിടങ്ങള്‍ ധാരാളമുണ്ട്. കൽപ്പറ്റയിൽ നിന്ന് 15 കിലോമീറ്റർ അകലെയായാണ് പൂക്കോട് തടാകം സ്ഥിതി ചെയ്യുന്നത്.

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wayanad tourism in malayalam

എഴുത്തും ചിത്രങ്ങളും: രമേഷ്‌കുമാര്‍ വെളളമുണ്ട

22 april 2024, 12:05 pm ist.

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കുനിയമ്മൽ കുറിച്യ തറവാട്

ഗ്രാ മങ്ങള്‍ക്കെല്ലാം തനിമ നഷ്ടപ്പെട്ടു എന്ന പരാതി വേണ്ട. ഇന്നും ഗ്രാമ വിശുദ്ധിയുടെ കഥകള്‍ പറയുന്ന ചില നാട്ടുവഴികള്‍ ഇവിടെയുണ്ട്. തനത് കാര്‍ഷികതാളവും അതിനൊപ്പാം നാടിന്റെ സംസ്‌കൃതിയെയും ഉയര്‍ത്തിപ്പിടിക്കുന്ന ചിലഗ്രാമങ്ങള്‍. ഉത്തരവാദിത്ത ടൂറിസം സ്ട്രീറ്റ് എത്തിനിക്കല്‍ ടൂറിസം എന്ന പേരിലെല്ലാം പദ്ധതികള്‍ വന്നെങ്കിലും വിനോദസഞ്ചാരികളുടെ ശ്രദ്ധ ഒരു പരിധിക്കപ്പുറം ഇതിലേക്ക് പതിഞ്ഞിരുന്നില്ല. ഈ പരിമിതികള്‍ക്കിടയിലും നിശബ്ദമായി നേട്ടങ്ങളുണ്ടാക്കിയ ചില ഇടങ്ങള്‍ നമുക്ക് ചുറ്റിലുമുണ്ട്. അങ്ങിനെയൊന്നാണ് വയനാട്ടിലെ കാവുംമന്ദത്ത് കുനിയമ്മല്‍ കുറിച്യ തറവാടിനോട് ചേര്‍ന്ന് രാധാകൃഷ്ണനും ലക്ഷ്മിയും വികസിപ്പിച്ചെടുത്ത ഒരു കേന്ദ്രം. താമരപൂക്കളുടെ നിറഭംഗിയില്‍ ഈ വേനല്‍ക്കാലം ഇവിടം അതിഥികള്‍ക്കായി വിരുന്നൊരുക്കുന്നു.

സാധ്യതകളുടെ ഗ്രാമീണ ടൂറിസം

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തനത് ഭക്ഷണ രുചിയുടെയും നാട്ടു സംസ്‌കൃതിയുടെയും കഥകള്‍ ഒരോ നാടിനും പറയാനുണ്ടാകും. പ്രാദേശികമായി നാടിനെ തൊട്ടറിയുകയെന്നതാണ് ഗ്രാമീണ ടൂറിസത്തിന്റെ ലക്ഷ്യവും. ഇത്തരത്തില്‍ വയനാടിന്റെ തനത് സംസ്‌കാരങ്ങളെ അടുത്തറിയാനുളള ടൂറിസം കേന്ദ്രങ്ങള്‍ കുറവാണ്. പലയിടങ്ങളിലായി പലരീതിയില്‍ ഈ ടൂറിസം ലക്ഷ്യങ്ങള്‍ ചിതറിക്കിടക്കുകയാണ്. ഇങ്ങനെയൊരു കേന്ദ്രത്തിലേക്കുള്ള അന്വേഷണം വയനാട്ടിലെ കാവുംമന്ദത്തുള്ള കുനിയമ്മല്‍ കുറിച്യതറവാട്ടിന്റെ മുറ്റത്ത് എത്തിച്ചേരും. പതിയെ ഒരു എത്തിനിക്കല്‍ ടൂറിസം കേന്ദ്രമായി വളരാനുള്ള തയ്യാറെടുപ്പിലാണ് ഇന്ന് ഈ തറവാടും പരിസരങ്ങളും.

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നഗര തിരക്കിന്റെ പാരവശ്യങ്ങളില്‍ നിന്നും അല്‍പ്പനേരം ചെലവഴിക്കാന്‍ ശാന്തമായൊരു ഇടം തേടുന്നവര്‍ക്ക് കുനിയിമ്മേല്‍ ഇന്ന് ഒരു മാതൃകയാണ്. പഴയ തറവാടും തണല്‍ മുറ്റങ്ങളും താമരക്കുളവുമെല്ലാം ചേര്‍ന്ന് പ്രാദേശിക ഗ്രാമീണ ടൂറിസത്തിന്റെ ചെറുപതിപ്പുകള്‍ ഇവര്‍ ഇവിടെ ഒരുക്കികഴിഞ്ഞു. തറവാടിന്റെ അരികിലായി ഏറുമാടവും അതിന് താഴത്തായി തനിനാടന്‍ വിഭവങ്ങളുടെ അടുക്കളയുമെല്ലാം ഇവര്‍ ഒരുക്കിയിട്ടുണ്ട്. രാവിലെ പത്തരമുതല്‍ വൈകീട്ട് മൂന്നരവരെ വിരുന്നുകാരെക്കൊണ്ട് ഇവിടം നിറയുന്നു. വയനാട്ടിലെ റിസോര്‍ട്ടുകളിലെത്തുന്ന സഞ്ചാരികളും ഇവിടേക്കെത്തുന്നു.

wayanad tourism in malayalam

വയനാടന്‍ കാപ്പികുടിക്കാം

wayanad tourism in malayalam

'എല്ലാരും പോവിഞ്ചോ വള്ളൂർക്കാവിലു'; കബനിയുടെ ...

wayanad tourism in malayalam

ചുറ്റമ്പലമില്ലാതെ ചേടാറ്റിലമ്മയും മുരിക്കന്മാരും, ...

wayanad tourism in malayalam

കരിങ്കുട്ടിച്ചാത്തൻ, രക്തചാമുണ്ഡി, വസൂരിമാല; ...

wayanad tourism in malayalam

വയനാടിന്റെ 'വാഗമൺ'; ആകാശം തൊടുന്ന കാഴ്ചകൾ ...

wayanad tourism in malayalam

തലയ്ക്കൽ ചന്തുവിന്റെയും കൊടുമല കുങ്കിയുടെയും ...

wayanad tourism in malayalam

സാഹസിക സഞ്ചാരികൾക്കായി വയനാട്ടിൽ പുതിയ ...

wayanad tourism in malayalam

മാച്ചിയമ്മ ചോദിക്കും: 'ഈ വീടിനെന്താ കുഴപ്പം? ...

കൊളോണിയല്‍ കാലത്താണ് വയനാട്ടില്‍ കാപ്പിയുടെ വേരോട്ടം. മഴയും മഞ്ഞും കൃത്യമായും ഇടവേളകളില്‍ വിരുന്നെത്തിയ വയനാട്ടിലെ ഏറ്റവും അനുയോജ്യമായ കാലാവസ്ഥയാണ് കാപ്പികൃഷിക്ക് ഇവിടെ വളരെ പെട്ടന്ന് വേരോട്ടമുണ്ടാക്കിയത്. വൈകാതെ വയനാടന്‍ കാപ്പിയുടെ പെരുമകള്‍ കടല്‍ കടന്നും പോയി. യുറോപ്പില്‍ പോലും ഈ കാപ്പി ഇടം പിടിച്ചതോടെ ലോകത്തിലെ നല്ല കാപ്പികുടിക്കാനുള്ളവരുടെ യാത്രകളെല്ലാം ചുരം കയറി വയനാടിന് മുകളിലെത്തും. വെല്ലം ചേര്‍ത്ത് അങ്ങിനെയൊരു കട്ടന്‍ കാപ്പി കുടിക്കാന്‍ ആഗ്രഹമുണ്ടെങ്കില്‍ കുനിയമ്മലിലേക്ക് വരാം. ഇവിടെ അതിനായി തന്നെ ഒരു അടുക്കള സദാ പുകയുന്നുണ്ട്. കലര്‍പ്പില്ലാത്ത വയനാടന്‍ കാപ്പിയുടെ നറുമണമുളള ഗ്രാമീണതയുടെ കുലീനതയില്‍ അല്‍പ്പനേരം ചെലവിടാം. കാപ്പി മാത്രമല്ല വയനാടന്‍ കപ്പയും ചമ്മന്തിയും എല്ലാമുള്ള നാടന്‍ വിഭവങ്ങളും ഇവിടെ തയ്യാറാണ്. ഈ തടാകത്തില്‍ ചൂണ്ടയിട്ട് മീന്‍ പിടിക്കാനും സൗകര്യം ഒരുക്കിയിട്ടുണ്ട്. വയനാട്ടിലെ തന്നെ ശുദ്ധജല തടാകത്തില്‍ വളരുന്ന മീന്‍ ഫ്രൈ ചെയ്ത് കഴിക്കാനും ഇവിടെ അടുപ്പ് റെഡിയാണ്.

wayanad tourism in malayalam

അരയേക്കറോളം വിസ്തൃതിയുളള കുളത്തില്‍ നിറയെ താമരകള്‍ വിരിഞ്ഞതോടെ ഈ കാഴ്ചകള്‍ കാണാനും ഇവിടെ ധാരാളം പേരെത്തുന്നു. താമരക്കുളത്തിലൂടെ കളി വഞ്ചിയിലൂടെയും തുഴയാം. പകല്‍ മുഴുവന്‍ വയനാടിന്റെ കുളിര്‍കാറ്റും ആസ്വദിച്ച് ഇവിടെ ഇരിക്കാം. വെറുതെ തുടങ്ങിയ സംരംഭം നല്ല രീതിയില്‍ മുന്നോട്ട് കൊണ്ടുപോകാന്‍ കഴിയുന്നുണ്ടെന്ന് കുനിയമ്മല്‍ തറവാട്ടംഗവും തരിയോട് ഗ്രാമപഞ്ചായത്ത് മുന്‍ പ്രസിഡന്റുമായിരുന്ന ലക്ഷ്മി രാധാകൃഷ്ണന്‍ പറയുന്നു. രാവിലെ പത്ത് മുതല്‍ വൈകീട്ട് നാലുവരെയാണ് ഇപ്പോള്‍ ഇവര്‍ സഞ്ചാരികളെ വരവേല്‍ക്കുന്നത്. ഈ സമയങ്ങളില്‍ ഇവിടെ തയ്യാറാക്കിയ ഏറുമാടവും സഞ്ചാരികള്‍ക്ക് ഉപയോഗിക്കാം. ഒരാള്‍ക്ക് നാടന്‍ ഭക്ഷ്യവിഭവങ്ങളടക്കം 500 രൂപയാണ് ഈടാക്കുന്നത്. മിക്ക ദിവസങ്ങളിലും റിസോര്‍ട്ടുകളിലും മറ്റും തങ്ങുന്ന വിനോദ സഞ്ചാരികള്‍ പകല്‍ സമയങ്ങളില്‍ ഇവിടെ സമയം ചെലവിടാനെത്തുന്നു. നേരം പോക്കിന് ആര്‍ച്ചറിയും ഇവിടെയുണ്ട്. ഇതോടെ ഒട്ടേറെ സഞ്ചാരികളുടെയും പ്രീയ കേന്ദ്രമായി ഇവിടം മാറുകയാണ്. 8943924490 എന്ന ഫോണ്‍ നമ്പറില്‍ മുന്‍കൂട്ടി വിളിച്ച് ബുക്ക് ചെയ്താല്‍ ഇതിനായുളള സൗകര്യങ്ങള്‍ ഇവിടെ ഒരുക്കും.

wayanad tourism in malayalam

കാണാം വലിയ താമരക്കുളം

താമരയുടെ വയനാട്ടിലെ ഏറ്റവും വലിയ ശേഖരവും കുനിയിലിന് സ്വന്തമാവുകയാണ്. അറുപത് വര്‍ഷത്തോളം പഴക്കമുള്ള ഓടുമേഞ്ഞ താറവാടിന് അഭിമുഖമായുള്ള വലിയ കുളത്തിലാണ് താമരപൂക്കളും ചാരുതയേകുന്നത്. നാലു വര്‍ഷങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് മുമ്പാണ് തറവാട്ട് സ്ഥലത്തുള്ള വലിയ കുളത്തില്‍ താമര വളര്‍ത്തുകയെന്ന ആശയത്തിന് വിത്തിടുന്നത്. രാധാകൃഷ്ണനും ഭാര്യ ലക്ഷ്മിയും ഇതിനെക്കുറിച്ചുള്ള അന്വേഷണമായി. താമര വിത്തുകളെക്കുറിച്ച് ഓണ്‍ലൈനില്‍ തിരയാന്‍ മക്കളും സഹായിച്ചു. ഒടുവില്‍ ഓണ്‍ലൈനായി എട്ടുവിത്തുകള്‍ വരുത്തി.

wayanad tourism in malayalam

വയനാട്ടിലെ കാലാവസ്ഥയില്‍ ഇതെങ്ങിനെ വളരും എന്നതിനെക്കുറിച്ചൊന്നും ആകുലപ്പെട്ടില്ല. പരീക്ഷിക്കാന്‍ തന്നെ തീരുമാനിച്ചു. ഓണ്‍ലൈനില്‍ ദിവസങ്ങളെടുത്ത് വന്ന, ആശിച്ചു കിട്ടിയ വിത്തില്‍ നാലെണ്ണം മാത്രമാണ് മുളപൊട്ടിയത്. ഇതിനെ കുളത്തിന്റെ ഏറ്റവും നടുവിലായി പ്രത്യേക ഇടമുണ്ടാക്കി നട്ടുപിടിപ്പിച്ചു. ഇവിടെ നിന്നും കൈകള്‍ നീട്ടിയും വേരുകളാഴ്ത്തിയും പിന്നെ താമരയുടെ വളര്‍ച്ചയായിരുന്നു. നാലുവര്‍ഷങ്ങള്‍ കൊണ്ട് ജലാശയം മുഴുവന്‍ താമരയിലകള്‍ കൊണ്ടു നിറഞ്ഞു. അധികം വൈകാതെ ഈ വേനലില്‍ വലിയൊരു താമരപൂക്കാലവും ഇവിടെയെത്തി. ഇടതടവില്ലാതെ താമര വിരിയാന്‍ തുടങ്ങിയതോടെ ഏത് കാലത്തും പൂക്കാലമായി. രണ്ട് കളിവഞ്ചികള്‍ കൂടി ഇതിനിടയിലേക്ക് ഇറക്കിവിട്ടതോടെ ഇപ്പോള്‍ സഞ്ചാരികളും ഇവിടേക്ക് എത്തി തുടങ്ങി. പുറത്തുനിന്നുള്ള വിനോദ സഞ്ചാരികള്‍ മുതല്‍ കല്ല്യാണ സേവ് ദ ഡേറ്റ് സംഘങ്ങള്‍ വരെയും തമാരക്കുളത്തില്‍ ഫോട്ടോഷൂട്ടിനായി ഇപ്പോള്‍ എത്തുന്നുണ്ട്.

Content Highlights: kuniyimmal kurichya tharavadu wayanad village tourism

wayanad tourism in malayalam

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ഖാർഗെയും പ്രിയങ്കയുമെത്തുന്നു; ഇന്നുമുതൽ ദേശീയനേതാക്കളുടെ പ്രചാരണം

കേരളത്തിൽ ബി.ജെ.പി. അക്കൗണ്ട് തുറക്കില്ല -കാരാട്ട്.

കമ്മന താബോർ പള്ളിയിൽ തിരുനാൾ തുടങ്ങി

കമ്മന താബോർ പള്ളിയിൽ തിരുനാൾ തുടങ്ങി

കരടിമണ്ണ് ശ്രീഭദ്രകാളി ദുർഗാദേവി ക്ഷേത്രത്തിൽ പ്രതിഷ്ഠാദിനോത്സവം, ജനകീയ പ്രശ്നങ്ങൾക്ക് പ്രഥമപരിഗണന നൽകണം.

വാര്‍ത്തകളോടു പ്രതികരിക്കുന്നവര്‍ അശ്ലീലവും അസഭ്യവും നിയമവിരുദ്ധവും അപകീര്‍ത്തികരവും സ്പര്‍ധ വളര്‍ത്തുന്നതുമായ പരാമര്‍ശങ്ങള്‍ ഒഴിവാക്കുക. വ്യക്തിപരമായ അധിക്ഷേപങ്ങള്‍ പാടില്ല. ഇത്തരം അഭിപ്രായങ്ങള്‍ സൈബര്‍ നിയമപ്രകാരം ശിക്ഷാര്‍ഹമാണ്. വായനക്കാരുടെ അഭിപ്രായങ്ങള്‍ വായനക്കാരുടേതു മാത്രമാണ്, മാതൃഭൂമിയുടേതല്ല. ദയവായി മലയാളത്തിലോ ഇംഗ്ലീഷിലോ മാത്രം അഭിപ്രായം എഴുതുക. മംഗ്ലീഷ് ഒഴിവാക്കുക..


navya nanda

'ഏറ്റവും സുന്ദരമായതെല്ലാം ഇവിടെയാണുണ്ടായത്'; ഗെയ്ഷകളുടെ നാട്ടില്‍ നവ്യ നവേലി


'അപ്പുവിന്റെ അച്ഛനാണ് ഞാന്‍'; ആരും പോകാത്ത കാട്ടുപാതയിലൂടെ കുടജാദ്രി കയറി മോഹന്‍ലാല്‍


കസന്‍ദ്‌സാക്കീസിന്റെ നഗരത്തില്‍ മാളവിക മോഹന്‍; ഫ്‌ളോറല്‍ ബിക്കിനി ചിത്രങ്ങള്‍ വൈറല്‍

mangala devi

കൊടുംകാട്ടിലൂടെ 15 കിലോമീറ്റര്‍, മംഗള വനത്തിലെ കണ്ണകി; മംഗളാദേവി ചിത്രാപൗര്‍ണമി 23-ന്

rashmika mandanna

ലക്ഷ്യങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് പിന്നാലെയോടി ജീവിക്കാന്‍ മറക്കരുത്;അബുദാബിയിലെ ദ്വീപില്‍ പിറന്നാളാഘോഷിച്ച് രശ്മിക

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  • 30 Wayanad Tourist Places

Places to Visit in Wayanad 

Quick navigation, popular wayanad tourist places, edakkal caves.

Edakkal Caves

Edakkal caves are well known for its pictorial depictions (cave art), which are thought to be of 6000 B C. To achieve the hollows, one needs to trek through the Ambukutty Mala. It will take around 45 minutes to climb the hill and you will never get baffled in your outing to these historical caves & it is one of the famous places to see in Wayanad.        

These carvings give incredible confirmation for a very enlightened society that lived in the pre-noteworthy age. Edakkal caves have drawn awesome consideration of archaeologists and students of history around the world. Location:   Edakkal Caves are located at Wayanad, Nenmeni, Kerala 673595 Timings: Opens from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Distance from Bangalore: Eddakal Caves are located at a distance of 273.5 km. Planning a trip to Kerala? Checkout our best-selling  Kerala Honeymoon Packages Also Checkout:  Kerala Family Packages

Kuruva Island

Kuruva Island

A perfect blend of different natural colours makes Kuruva Island one of Wayanad's best places to visit. It is a protected river delta with a number of islands over the middle of the Kabini River, the famous east-flowing river in Kerala. The island is sprawling across an area of 950 acres with a dense population and some rich and rare species of flora and fauna. It protects the evergreen forest ranges which provide a different ambience and thus making it an ideal choice for tourism.  There are bridges made of bamboo trees and many plants we have not even heard of. Natural lovers and adventure enthusiasts will find Kuruva Island the most suitable space for spending quality time with their beloved ones or even alone.

Activities: Boating, rafting, nature walking etc.

Location: It is located 17 kilometers east of Mananthavadi and 10 kilometers North West of Pulpa.

Chembra Peak

Chembra Peak

Looking for a weekend getaway this weekend, then head out to Wayanad and visit the famous Chembra Peak. Eight kilometres south of Kalpetta, close to the town of Meppady, lays the most elevated top in Wayanad. Chembra crest borders Nilgiri slopes in Tamil Nadu and Vallarimala in Kozhikode and it is one of the beautiful places to see in Wayanad.     

There is a heart moulded lake while in transit to the highest point of the pinnacle, which is accepted to have never become scarce, is a noteworthy vacation spot here. With authorization from the Forest Department, one-day treks and two-day natural life treks are conceivable.

Activities: Trekking is one of the most favoured activities here. Soak in the greenery of this region while you visit this destination. Location:  Kalpetta,  Wayanad district, Kerala. Distance from Bangalore: Chembra Peak is located at a distance of 306.5 km. Must Check:  Kerala Tour Packages From Mumbai

Chembra Peak Trek, Wayanad | Book Online & Save 15%

Tholpetty Wildlife Sanctuary

Tholpetty Wildlife Sanctuary

If someone makes a list of all the places to visit in Wayanad, Tholpetty Wildlife Sanctuary would always be a sure thing on that list. Located in the lap of Wayanad and the Western Ghats, this region is famed for the variety of wildlife that one can experience here. 

You can take in the views of several animals living in their natural habitats, like Elephants, Tigers, Leopards, Bears, deer, monkeys, and reptiles, fishes and bird species.

Activities: Wildlife safari Location:  Muthanga and Tholpetty, Kalpetta, India Timings: 7:00AM - 10:00AM and 2:00PM - 5:00PM Distance from Bangalore: 232km from Bangalore

Also Checkout:  Wayanad Tour Packages From Bangalore                             Wayanad Tour Packages From Chennai


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Chain Tree is one of the less explored Wayanad attractions but with an old history and a lot of admirers from different parts of the world. It is located on the national highway near the Pepper Wayanad Gate hotel. It is a Ficus tree which holds a massive steel chain which has a multiple stories and legends related to its existence and it is one of the best Wayanad tourist attractions. The major story is associated with a local tribal person called Karinthandan. 

He was killed by the British after seeking help from him to discover the routes through the ghat. The wilderness was the habitat of tribal people and there were no roads to cross the forests even during the British period. People believe that the spirit of that tribal person is in the tree and it causes accidents too many who crosses the hairpin bends. 

There is another story also related to it which says the killing of a Mahout who took the British people to Wayanad first and they did not want the Mahout to go back and get the Portugese. His spirit is the one which is in the tree, as the local people say.

Activities: Sightseeing

Location:  SH29, Lakkidi, Kunnathidavaka, Wayanad, Kerala 673576.

Distance from Bangalore: 306.1 kilometer.

Do Checkout:  Kerala Tour Packages From Ahemdabad

Neelimala View Point

Neelimala View Point

If you are looking for some fun-filled Wayanad tourist places then the famous Neelima View Point is a must visit for you. A place for thrill seekers, Neelimala View point can be reached  by means of trekking at the same time offering a few astonishing trek trails. The perspective of the valley from the best is essentially captivating alongside a beautiful vision of Meenmutty Falls and it is one of the best Wayanad places to see. From the point, vacationers can see the smooth white streams spouting through the walk, advancing towards the waterway.

One should walk a ton to achieve the place, individuals with joint and leg agony should take a legitimate care of themselves. Limited and uneven pathways from the closest motorable street will take voyagers to the perspective with the mountain folds of the Western Ghats towards its left and a sloping incline loaded with grass alongside stones on the privilege.

This magnificent sight in Wayanad is something that one can always remember all through life. Fog and fragrance around making such a spell, to the point that one will be lost in its magnificence for a drawn-out stretch of time. Activities: Few of the activities which are famous here are trekking, hiking. Location: Neelimala View Point is located at Vaduvanchal, Kerala 673581 Timings: Opens from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Distance from Bangalore: Neelimala View Point is located at a distance of 282.9 km. Popular Reads: Top best sightseeing places in Wayanad Great Deals Available On  Kerala Tour Packages From Bangalore

Meenmutty Waterfalls

Meenmutty Waterfalls

A major attraction and one of the scenic Wayanad tourist places is Meenmutty Waterfalls located at a distance of around 29 kilometers from Kalpetta. It is a famous waterfall in the state of Kerala. A three-tiered waterfall is a surprising sight to be visited. The waterfalls fall down from a height of 300 meters. To reach the waterfalls, you can do trekking for about 2 kilometres through the thick jungles from the Wayanad-Ooty Road.  It becomes very dangerous during monsoon and rainy seasons. The gushing waterfalls are located near the Neyyar Reservoir area. People with an adrenaline rush come here plenty to experience the different levels of rock climbing and trekking. The location exhibits an ideal blend of stunning natural sights with amazing trekking trails in Wayanad . Banasurasagar Dam is the closest attraction which gives the waterfalls fame among adventure lovers. Activities:  Trekking, rock climbing, rappelling, swimming etc. Location: Korome- Karimbil Rd, Thondernad, Kerala 670731. Distance from Bangalore: 288.7 kilometers.

Planning a Wayanad trip, Checkout:   Wayanad Tour Packages From Chennai Book Now -  Kerala Tour


Best of Munnar

 Places to Visit in Munnar, Tourist Places & Top Attractions

Banasura Sagar Dam

Banasura Sagar Dam

One of the major tourist places to visit in Wayanad is Banasura Sagar Dam which impounds the famous Karamanathodu tributary of the east-flowing river in Kerala that is Kabini River. The dam is encircled by beautiful nature with a lot of options to do trekking and similar adventure activities. Hundreds of tourists arrive at the dam to enjoy its beauty and take photographs. It is a part of the Indian Banasura Sagar Project consisting of a dam and a canal project. Activities:  Sightseeing, trekking, boating. Location:   It is located in Vythiri in Wayanad district, Kerala. Distance from Bangalore: 287.7 km Must Check:  Kerala Tour Packages From Delhi

Bamboo Forests

Bamboo Forests

What could be a better treat to your eyes than a vast greenery with a line of bamboo? All sounds amazing, right? The Nilgiri Biosphere Region additionally reaches out to an extensive extent of teak timberlands, and bamboo trenches and overwhelms. A perfect safari area, deer, buffalo, cheetahs and wild bears are among the spotted creatures here.

The Bamboo woods are simple to access to alternate places to see in Wayanad, for example, Begur, Bandipur, Mudumalai and Nagarhole Wildlife Sanctuaries. The connection between the backwoods and the sightseers in Muthanga has years of oldness. Soak in the amazing beauty of the region while you head out to this place. You will find some of Wayanad's homestays in the forest region which will make you amused by the lush greenery and beauty of the place. Activities: While you are visiting the Bamboo Forest you can indulge in wildlife safaris here. Location:  Muthanga, Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala  Distance from Bangalore: Bamboo Forests, Muthanga is located at a distance of 276.4 km via NH275 and NH766 Must Read: Best Homestays in Wayanad for relaxing stay

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Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary

Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary

A famous animal sanctuary in Kerala and one of the major places to visit in Wayanad is Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary which has an extent of 344.4 square kilometers with four ranges. The ranges are called Sulthan Bathery, Muthanga, Kurichiat and Tholpetty. It acts as a haven for many large and wild animals such Indian Bison, elephants, deer, tigers etc along with some unique birds. It is the second largest wildlife sanctuary in Kerala bestowed with lush green nature. Some endangered species of flora and fauna are there inside the sanctuary. It was established in the year of 1973 and now it is a major part of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve and a protected area network of Nagarhole and Bandipur of Karnataka in the north east part as well as of Mudumalai in the southeast part. Activities: jungle safari, nature walk, sightseeing, wildlife safari. Location:   Bathery, Puthupally Road, Sultan Bathery, Kerala 673592 Distance from Bangalore: 275.4 kilometers.

Checkout:  Kerala Tour Packages From Cochin


Best of Chikmagalur

 Places to Visit in Chikmagalur, Tourist Places & Attractions

Soochipara Falls

Soochipara Falls

Pookode Lake

Pookode Lake

When you visit Wayanad, a major hill station in Kerala, you should visit Pookode Lake which is considered to be one of the best places to visit in Wayanad. It is the most beautiful freshwater lake located in South India nestled amidst the large evergreen forests and multitudes of mountain slopes.

The lake provides space to Panamaram, a small rivulet that becomes the Kabani River to originate. The Pookode Lake is spreading across an area of 8.5 hectares with a depth of around 6.5 meters. Geographical experts found that the lake resembles the shape of India’s map. It is a perennial freshwater lake protected by the forested hills and it acts as a haven for freshwater fish and a lot of blue lotus flowers. In some Wayanad tour packages visit to this is place is included while in some you have to go on your own. Activities: T rekking, birding, nature walking, boating. Location: Pookode Lake, Kalpetta, Wayanad, Kerala, 673121, India. Distance from Bangalore: 303.1 kilometers. Do Checkout:   Kerala Tour Packages From Kolkata Also Checkout & Book:  Vr Park Dubai Tickets

Jain Temple

Jain Temple

Another Wayanad tourist place that is a must-visit attraction for you is the Jain Temple at Sulthan Bathery. A standout amongst the most imperative among the numerous Jain temples in Kerala, the Bathery Temple in Sulthan Bathery is accepted to have been worked in the thirteenth century. Its plan is emphatically affected by the design style of the then-ruling Vijayanagar Dynasty.

Another interesting element is the somewhat checkered history of the sanctuary which initially filled in as a place of worship, next as a focal point of business exchange lastly, as the ammo store or battery of Tipu Sulthan's armed force. A square rock section with a cutting of Mahavir Jain can be found in the inward sanctorum of the sanctuary which is encompassed by an open verandah.

There is a raised stage made of rock before the principal entrance. This too holds cut columns and their fluted sections end with no crown stones. The encompassing grounds too are cleared in granites.

Location: Jain Temple, Sulthan Bathery is located at Bangalore-Calicut Highway, Sultan Bathery, Kerala 673592

Distance from Bangalore: Jain Temple, Sulthan Bathery is located at a distance of 267.4km.

Must Check:  Kerala Tour Packages From Nagpur


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Phantom Rock

Phantom Rock

Another fascinating Wayanad tourist place which is a must-see attraction for you is the Phantom Rock. Phantom Rock (Cheengeri Mala) is a prestigious place that is as one of a kind as its name. It's an archaeological ponder that can be not really seen anyplace else on the planet. The stone is normally thrown in the state of the apparition skull and henceforth is well known by the name of Phantom Rock everywhere throughout the world.  The beautiful place is 26 km far from Kalpetta and can be come to by trekking on tight paths. Like different spots of Wayanad, Cheengeri Mala is likewise one of the most loved spots for trekkers and explorers. The pleasant rock is standing tall at a rise of 2600 m over the ocean level and is encompassed by the rich greenery; it's a picture-perfect place for those who are looking for peace and solitude.

Location: Phantom Rock is located at Kumbleri, Kerala 673591

Lakkidi View Point

Lakkidi View Point

Lakkidi is the passage of Wayanad as it is situated at the peak of the serpentine Thamarassery ghat pass. There are nine clasp bends from Adivaram (Downhill) to Lakkidi through the mountains and a voyage through the serpentine ghat pass and it is one of the best Wayanad tourist attractions. The lavish greenery of the slopes, chasms, and streams are seen on the two sides of the section up the slope are certain to wait in the guests' psyche for quite a while.

Visitors frequently stop by Lakkidi View Point, the vantage point which offers stunning perspectives of the encompassing bluffs and valleys. Lakkidi has additionally risen as a well-known hill station with numerous resorts and bungalows.

You can see monkeys skipping through the roadside and once you begin setting out through the street to Vythiri, you will see a ficus tree on the left side. You will likewise see a substantial tie tied down to the ground and tied around the strong branches of the tree.

Location: Lakkidi View Point is located at Kozhikode-Mysore-Kollegal Highway, Lakkidi, Kerala 673576

Distance from Bangalore: Lakkidi View Point is located at a distance of 307 km.

Click here to book:   Kerala Tour Packages From Vadodara

Other Tourist Places in Wayanad

The bamboo factory.

The Bamboo Factory

This is among fascinating Wayanad tourist places. The Bamboo Factory in Uravuis an initiative to bring back the art of making crafts using bamboo. Uravu means ‘the bamboo village’ and quite appropriately the locals here earn their living as bamboo craftsmen.

Here bamboo is used to make various souvenirs and even houses. Wayanad serves the dual purpose of being a source of income for the locals due to its bamboo vegetation and also a responsible tourism spot. One could spend an entire day here learning to make bamboo crafts.

Wayanad with its rich history, abounding folklores, misty mountain ranges and ambitious waterfalls has become an ideal holiday destination over the years. Be it for families, couples, group of friends or corporate teams, very few places in the world offer such appeal and charm that pleases every heart. If you are an adventurous soul or seeking a romantic getaway, searching for history or simply want to relax in the lap of nature...Wayanad will satiate all your needs and desires!

Location:  100 Acres Road Thrikkaipatta, Kerala Timings:  All day. Distance from Bangalore:  280 km from Bangalore

Must Check:  Kerala Tour Packages From Bangalore


Best of Alleppey

 Places to Visit in Alleppey, Tourist Places & Top Attractions

Pakshipathalam Bird Sanctuary

Pakshipathalam Bird Sanctuary

Nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts find the places to visit in Wayanad beautiful and they seek for reasons to linger and extend their holidays. One such place in Wayanad every nature lover would love is Pakshipathalam Bird Sanctuary. It is one of the most important bird sanctuaries in Kerala. Bird watching is a common activity done by the locals as well as tourists here. Ornithologists are found in plenty who come to know more about the world of rare birds. The virgin forests create the protection for these rare species of birds. The pathways leading to the sanctuary is a suitable place for trekking in Wayanad  which let the tourists watch lush greenery, streams and hills. Edible Nest Swift Light is the main reason behind the fame this sanctuary has achieved. Inside the sanctuary, there is the nest which is made of solidified saliva and it is used to make bird’s nest soup. Within the boundaries of the bird sanctuary, one can find a temple and a watchtower to help the tourists to come and go out of the sanctuary easily.

Activities: Trekking, birding, camping etc.

Location: It is located in Tholpetty, 7 kilometers from Thirunelli Temple.

Distance from Bangalore: 264 kilometers.

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Thirunelli Temple

Thirunelli Temple

An ancient temple which is famous all over Kerala and other states of India is Thirunelli Temple located in Wayanad on the side of Brahmagiri hills. It is dedicated to Lord Maha Vishnu. One of the major features of the temple is its location at an altitude of around 900 meters in a valley completely bounded by mountains and forest ranges.  But it is one of the most visited pilgrim centre in Wayanad and an important religious place for the majority of population in South India. The name Thirunelli comes from the words nelli which is given to the tree of gooseberry. There is also a belief that there are Puranas in which the temple is mentioned. There are a lot of legends existing related to this temple which are coming from the ancient mythology texts of Hindus. Activities: S ightseeing, pilgrimage etc. Location: North Wayanad, Thirunelly Road, Thirunelly, Kerala 670646. Distance from Bangalore: 257.7 kilometers.

Planning a trip to Kerala? Checkout our best selling  Wayanad Tour Packages From Calicut Must Book & Checkout:  Alleppey Tour Packages

Karlad Lake

Karlad Lake

Best of Kochi

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Pazhassi Raja Tomb

Pazhassi Raja Tomb

Pallikkunnu Church

Pallikkunnu Church

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Krishnagiri Cricket Stadium

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Ripon Tea Factory

Ripon Tea Factory

From its aroma to the refreshing taste, Tea has always been one of the favorite beverages of all time. Spread in an enormous 443 hectares of land at an alarming altitude of 2000 meters from the ground, the Ripon Tea Factory is one of the best stimulating Wayanad tourist places. Considering that the tea factory was established in the 18th century by the British, the place has got a bit of history behind itself.  The factory is also celebrated for its premium quality of extravagant tea that are segregated into dust, leaf and blended flavors. The Ripon Tea Factory is open between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM when visitors can pay a visit here and enjoy various flavors of delicious tea. This should be among the first places to visit in Wayanad, especially for tea lovers. Activities: Witness the tea making process, first hand, Try various kinds of tea. Location: Situated near Meppadi town of Wayanad in Kerala, Wayanad, Kerala 673577 Distance From Bangalore: 289 Km, 6Hr 23 min Must Book & Checkout -  Kerala Tour Packages From Chennai

Sulthan Bathery

Sulthan Bathery

Wayanad Heritage Museum

Wayanad Heritage Museum

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Karapuzha Dam

Karapuzha Dam



Beginning in the Brahmagiri Hills, Papanisini river is one of the most important pilgrim tourist places in Wayanad. Literally, it translates to ‘washes away all sins’ and the river is considered to have divine powers. 

Tourists flock here during Amavasya to take a dip in its waters and offer their prayers. The enchanting setting of the lush green hills and the gushing waters of the stream makes this river an idyllic spot.

This holy mountain stream also has a sacred rock Pinnappara where the last rites of the dead are performed. 

It is a popular belief that Lord Rama and Lakshmana performed the ‘pithrukarma’ of their father King Dasaratha, standing on this rock. Surrounded by such majestic surroundings and having attached so many popular legends, this place is one of the most interesting Wayanad tourist places.

Location: Thirunelly Temple post, Mananthavady, Kerala

Best Time to visit: One should visit here from the month of September to March.

Timings: The temple remains open from 5:30 am to 12 pm and then from 5:30 pm to 8 pm.

Distance from Wayanad: It is 50 kilometres away from the bus station in Wayanad.

Pazhassi Tomb

Pazhassi Tomb

Paying tribute to one of Kerala’s great king Pazhassi Raja, this tomb is one of the must-visits for history buffs among places to visit in Wayanad. Known as the ‘Lion of Kerala’, Pazhassi Raja was known for his bravery and guerrilla warfare against the British. 

This tomb is built over the land where he was cremated after the British shot him. One of the main attractions of this place is the museum and the sword of Pazhassi Raja that is kept here. 

It is maintained by the Kerala State Archaeology Department and has on showcase many mural paintings, antique coins and other historical artefacts. Pazhazzi Tomb is also a great place to appreciate the beautiful landscape of Wayanad with an interesting trip.

Location: Pazhassi Raja Museum, Mananthavady, Kerala

Best Time to visit: Pazhassi Tomb can be visited throughout the year.

Entry fee: INR 20/ USD 0.31

Timings: The timings are from 9 am to 5 pm. It is closed on Monday.

Distance from Wayanad: The distance between the two places is approximately 20 kilometres.

Varambetta Mosque

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Wayanad Top Attractions


One of the most spellbinding places to visit in Wayanad, Banasura Sagar Dam is a picturesque tourist hotspot. Known for being India’s largest earthen dam, it boasts of extensive natural beauty with beautiful flora and fauna, majestic hills and mesmerising waterfalls. The Banasura Sagar is a photographer’s delight and offers the most beautiful views from the top of the hill.It is also famous among adventure enthusiasts who look forward to thrilling activities like boating, trekking, horse racing and camel rides. For the avid trekkers, Banasura hill peak is hailed as one of the most challenging treks. Along with that Banasura Hill Resort adds to the charm of this place that is known as the only ‘earthen’ resort in the country.Location: Banasura Sagar Dam, Padinjarathara, KeralaBest Time to visit: November to May offers the most ideal time to visit Banasura Sagar DamEntry fee: INR 10/ USD 0.15 per personTimings: The opening timings are from 9:00 am to 5:00 pmDistance from Wayanad: It is just 2.3 kilometres away from the bus station.

Kuruva Island

Located in the middle of Kabini river, Kuruva Island is a natural paradise that is replete with diverse flora and fauna in the most beautiful surroundings. It is blessed with evergreen forests all around that makes it a mesmerising picnic spot away from all pollution and noise of the city.One of the most exciting things about Kuruva Island for tourists is their famous boat rides on bamboo rafts. Trekkers also visit Kuruva Island to explore the pristine environment and witness the most exotic species of plants, animals and birds here.  The enthralling beauty of this island attracts many people who wish to escape the hustle and bustle of their lives and surround themselves in the serenity of nature.Location: Kuruvadweep, KeralaBest Time to visit: Kuruva Island could be visited from October to MayEntry fee: INR 80/ USD 1.23 for Indians and INR 150/USD 2.3 for foreignersTimings: The visiting hours are from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. Mondays are holidayDistance from Wayanad: It is located 36 kilometres away.

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Banasura Sagar Dam

Chembra peak

Chembra peak


Adorning the northern hills of Kerala is the beautiful district of Wayanad, maintained by the District Tourism Promotion Council, Wayanad.  This area is famous for its large amount of camping and trekking trails, breathtaking waterfalls, caves, bird-watching sites, flora, fauna and an overall plethora of magnificent sights. This area has been a tourist favourite over the years. People are especially delighted by the range of exotic products including spices, coffee, tea, bamboo products, honey and herbal plants available here.  Kanthanpara Waterfalls is one hotspot in Wayanad that allures tourists from all over the world. Apart from these magnificent falls, Wayanad calls you to experience the stunning beauty of Karapuzha Dam, Pookode & Karlad Lake as well. If you are an adventure seeker, then Cheengari Rock Adventure Center is a must-visit place for you. Another must-visit place in Wayanad is the Edakkal Caves. The caves are two natural rock formations believed to have been formed by a large split in a huge rock. The carvings inside are extremely beautiful.  Contact:   DTPC Wayanad, Civil Station, North Kalpetta, Wayanad. Phone: + 91 4936 202134 Mail: [email protected] Website:

Getting there

Nearest railway station: Calicut Railway Station is 62 km away

Nearest airport: Calicut International Airport, about 65 km | Kannur International Airport, about 95 km

  Topics: Responsible Tourism   Trekking   Wildlife   Wayanad  

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Kuruva Island Resort & Spa

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Wayanad Uncovered: 26 Hidden Gems You Need to Visit


Wayanad is a charming district in northern Kerala, India, known for its beautiful surroundings, hilly landscape, and wide range of wildlife. Wayanad, which is hidden away in the Western Ghats, is known for its flowing rivers, spice plantations, and thick forests. For those who love the outdoors, the area is a sanctuary, providing a calm diversion from the bustle of the metropolis.

Wander through the historic rainforests of Muthanga, explore the magnificent Chembra Peak, or simply relax by the serene Pookode Lake. With sights like the Edakkal Caves, where prehistoric petroglyphs reveal a glimpse into the region’s past, Wayanad is likewise rich in history and culture. Wayanad is a singular fusion of natural beauty and cultural heritage, enhanced by the region’s vibrant tribal communities.

Wayanad is a wildlife and ecotourism haven, in addition to its scenic beauty. Elephants, leopards, and uncommon bird species can be found in the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, which is a part of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. The area’s eco-friendly programmes and conservation efforts demonstrate its dedication to sustainable tourism. To appreciate and help preserve Wayanad’s natural treasures, tourists can participate in eco-friendly tourism activities like wildlife safaris and guided nature walks. Wayanad is a living example of how human civilization and the natural world can coexist peacefully because of its striking landscapes, diverse culture, and dedication to conservation.

wayanad tourism in malayalam

Table of Contents

History of Wayanad

Wayanad, a district in the Indian state of Kerala, has a rich and ancient history that has seen the rise and fall of numerous civilizations. The area may have been inhabited as early as the Neolithic period, according to archaeological evidence such as the ancient rock engravings found in the Edakkal Caves. The caves also serve as evidence for the existence of numerous cultures and civilizations over the years.

After having been a part of the Kalinga kingdom in the sixth century, Wayanad came under the control of the Western Ganga dynasty. The area then joined the Vijayanagara Empire and, in the seventeenth century, became a part of the Mysore Kingdom. Following the Anglo-Mysore Wars, the British East India Company took over Wayanad and included it in the Madras Presidency.

The Pazhassi Raja’s rebellion against British rule is one of the most significant periods in Wayanad’s history. The “Lion of Kerala,” Pazhassi Raja, led a valiant guerrilla war against the British army in the early 1800s. His actions are seen as a representation of the resistance to colonial oppression.

Following India’s independence in 1947, Wayanad was incorporated into the state of Kerala. Since then, the area has grown to become a well-known travel destination, praised for its wildlife, natural beauty, and rich cultural history. Wayanad’s rich historical fabric continues to draw tourists eager to discover its far-reaching origins and wide range of cultural influences.

wayanad tourism in malayalam

Tourist attractions in Wayanad

Many tourist attractions can be found in Wayanad, a charming district in Kerala, India; each one offers a distinctive fusion of natural beauty and cultural significance. This is a thorough guide to some of Wayanad’s must-see locations:

  • Chembra Peak , Wayanad: The highest peak in Wayanad, Chembra offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes. The heart-shaped Chembra Lake on the way adds a romantic touch to the trek.
  • Edakkal Caves Wayanad: Explore the ancient Edakkal Caves, adorned with prehistoric rock engravings. The trek to these caves is an adventure in itself, offering a glimpse into Wayanad’s historical roots.
  • Banasura Sagar Dam Wayanad: Set against the Banasura Hills, this is the largest earth dam in India. Boating on the reservoir and the panoramic views make it a serene destination.
  • Thirunelli Temple Wayanad: Nestled amidst the Brahmagiri hills, this ancient temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu is known for its tranquil surroundings and the Papanasini River.
  • Chain Tree Wayanad: This ancient Ficus tree is associated with a local legend and is a curious sight for visitors, adding a touch of mystery to the journey.
  • Jain Temple Wayanad: Immerse yourself in the serene ambiance of this Jain temple, known for its intricate architecture and spiritual significance.
  • Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary: A haven for nature lovers, this sanctuary is home to diverse flora and fauna. Safaris through Muthanga and Tholpetty offer a chance to spot elephants, deer, and various bird species.
  • Lakkidi View Point Wayanad: Capture panoramic views of the Western Ghats from this viewpoint, situated at the gateway of Wayanad.
  • Kuruva Island Wayanad: Uninhabited and teeming with biodiversity, Kuruva Island is a tranquil spot on the Kabini River, perfect for nature enthusiasts.
  • Pakshipathalam Bird Sanctuary Wayanad: Accessible through a challenging trek, this sanctuary is a paradise for bird watchers, housing a unique cave associated with ancient legends.
  • Pookode Lake Wayanad is a freshwater lake that is ideal for boating and picnics because of its surrounding lush vegetation.
  • Neelimala View Point Wayanad: Offering stunning views of Meenmutty Falls and the valleys below, Neelimala is a popular trekking destination.
  • Meenmutty Waterfalls Wayanad: Cascading down in three tiers, Meenmutty is one of the largest waterfalls in Wayanad, accessible through a rewarding trek.
  • Soochipara Falls Wayanad: Surrounded by dense forests, these falls are a breathtaking sight, reachable through a picturesque trek.
  • Pazhassi Raja Tomb Wayanad: Pay homage to the legendary Pazhassi Raja, known as the “Lion of Kerala,” at his tomb.
  • Uravu Wayanad: Engage in the vibrant local culture through Uravu, a community-based organization promoting bamboo-based crafts.
  • Tholpetty Wildlife Sanctuary Wayanad: Another entry point to the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, offering wildlife safaris for a closer look at the region’s biodiversity.
  • A tranquil lake with lots of vegetation surrounding it, Karlad Lake Wayanad is ideal for boating and relaxation.
  • Kanthanpara Waterfalls Wayanad: A lesser-known gem, these waterfalls offer a peaceful retreat away from the crowds.
  • Wayanad Heritage Museum: Explore the rich history and culture of Wayanad through artifacts and exhibits at this museum.
  • A picturesque reservoir with hills surrounding it, Karapuzha Dam Wayanad is perfect for a peaceful getaway.
  • Cheengeri Hills Wayanad: Trek to these hills for panoramic views of the landscape.
  • Korome Mosque Wayanad: Experience the architectural beauty and cultural significance of this mosque.
  • Pallikunnu Church Wayanad: A historic church with religious and architectural importance.
  • Priyadarshini Tea Environs Wayanad: Discover the tea plantations of Wayanad and enjoy the picturesque landscapes.
  • Valliyoorkavu Bhagavathy Temple Wayanad: Visit this ancient temple dedicated to Goddess Bhagavathy, reflecting the religious diversity of the region.

Wayanad’s diverse array of attractions ensures a memorable experience for every traveler, combining natural wonders, cultural heritage, and spiritual sites.

wayanad tourism in malayalam

Best time to visit Wayanad

The post-monsoon and winter seasons, which span from October to May, are the ideal times to visit Wayanad. The nice weather during this time of year makes it perfect for seeing all that Wayanad has to offer. These months offer a pleasant and comfortable climate for outdoor activities, with temperatures ranging from 15 to 30 degrees Celsius (59 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit).

October to November (post-monsoon): The weather starts to cool down and the scenery turns lusciously green after the monsoon rains. With the surroundings at their most vibrant, now is a great time to explore waterfalls, go on nature walks, and go trekking.

Winter in Wayanad lasts from December to February. It has pleasant days and chilly nights. It’s a great time for outdoor activities, wildlife safaris, and sightseeing. For the most part, the weather is dry, which is nice for tourists.

Pre-monsoon months of March through May: As summer draws near, temperatures begin to rise, but Wayanad is still comparatively cooler than other regions of India. For those who prefer warmer weather and want to explore the area without a lot of rain, now is a good time to go.

It’s important to remember that Wayanad experiences heavy rainfall during the monsoon season , which runs from June to September, making certain areas vulnerable to landslides and flooding. It is therefore advised to avoid traveling during these months, particularly if you intend to partake in outdoor activities.

Although the best time to explore Wayanad’s natural and cultural wonders varies depending on personal preferences, October to May is usually thought to be the best window for a well-rounded experience in comfortable weather.

wayanad tourism in malayalam

Frequently Asked Questions

Top 10 places to visit in wayanad.

Located in Kerala’s Western Ghats, Wayanad offers an extensive list of attractions. A few of the best locations to explore are Kuruva Island, Soochipara Falls, Pookode Lake, Edakkal Caves, Banasura Sagar Dam, Thirunelli Temple, Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, and Lakkidi View Point.

Wayanad Tourist Places for Family

Wayanad offers a range of family-friendly attractions. Pookode Lake is ideal for boating, while Kuruva Island provides a serene natural setting. The Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary offers a safari experience for wildlife enthusiasts, and Tholpetty Wildlife Sanctuary is another option. Meenmutty and Soochipara Falls are exciting spots for families who enjoy outdoor adventures.

Places to Visit in Wayanad in 1 Day

For a one-day visit, prioritize key attractions like Chembra Peak, Pookode Lake, Edakkal Caves, and Lakkidi View Point. These sites offer a mix of natural beauty and cultural richness, providing a snapshot of Wayanad’s diverse offerings within a short timeframe.

Places to Visit in Wayanad in 2 Days

With two days, you can explore additional attractions. Day one can include Chembra Peak, Edakkal Caves, and Pookode Lake. On day two, visit Banasura Sagar Dam, Thirunelli Temple, Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, and, optionally, Kuruva Island. This extended itinerary allows for a more in-depth experience of Wayanad’s beauty and heritage.

What is Wayanad Famous for?

Wayanad is well-known for its biodiversity, verdant landscapes, and rich cultural legacy. The area is well-known for its hiking trails on Chembra Peak and its ancient rock engravings in the Edakkal Caves. The Banasura Sagar Dam, one of the biggest earth dams in India, and the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, which is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna, further enhance its reputation. The district’s historical sites, waterfalls, and tea plantations all contribute to its fame.

wayanad tourism in malayalam

In conclusion, Wayanad is an enthralling location that skillfully combines historical significance, cultural heritage, and natural beauty. Every sight on this Kerala treasure, from the majestic Chembra Peak to the historic Edakkal Caves, the serene Pookode Lake to the energetic Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, reveals a different side of this treasure.

For every type of traveler, Wayanad provides a varied and rewarding experience, whether it is hiking through lush landscapes, going on wildlife safaris, or getting lost in the intricate web of history and culture. This Western Ghats district is renowned for its well-balanced blend of tradition and modernity, which contributes to its stunning scenery and well-earned notoriety. Travelers who are fortunate enough to experience Wayanad’s wonders will never forget it as they pass through tea plantations, climb mountain peaks, and take in the mosaic of cultures.

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Places of interest.

This land with its lush greenery and majestic look stands on top of the Deccan plateau with its tall and impressive ridges, scattered dense forests, deep valleys, twisted jungles and rugged terrains. Wayanad offers some the breathtaking tourist spots in the world. Some the prominent places in Wayanad to visit are the Chembra peak where you can see the most exhilarating beauty of this land and ideal place for adventure tourism. Edakkal caves with its pre historic carvings are a breathtaking beauty which prompted historians and archaeologists to rewrite the history of this land. Kuruva Island in the Kabani River is an ideal spot for picnics with its awesome flora and fauna of the evergreen forest which is full of rare species of birds and different types of orchids and herbs. Lakkidi known as the gateway of Wayanad is the highest location point with a picturesque view. Muthanga wild life sanctuary is the biggest abode of wild animals like elephant, bison, tiger, cheetah, bear and spotted deer’s. Pakshipathalam is an ideal spot for adventure tourism and trekking. Pazhassi Raja Tomb where the lion of Kerala Pazhassi Raja is cremated is an ideal picnic spot for tourists with boating facilities, children’s playground and an aquarium. Some of the other places of interests are Pookot Lake, Sentinel Rock Waterfalls, and Kanthanpara waterfalls. Soochippara waterfalls and Banasura Sagar Dam the biggest earth dam in India.

Nearest Places

Muthanga wildlife sanctuary, edakkal caves, kuruvadweep, thirunelli temple, what to shop.

Wayanad is famous for its pure honey and spices which is in high demand in the domestic and foreign markets. Gooseberry (amla) kept in honey is one of the favorite local items. Tribal artifacts are the most sought after item here.

  • Rich in art and cultural heritage
  • Strong historical significance dating back to the stone ages
  • Biggest earth Dam of the country
  • Yet to be explored areas and virgin forest

How to reach


Wayanad offers a wide range of entertainment activities for tourists. Kuruva Island in the river Kabani is an ideal spot for picnics and Pakshipathalam and Chembra peak is an ideal spot for adventure tourism and trekking. Pazhassi Raja Tomb is an ideal picnic spot for tourists with boating facilities, children’s playground and an aquarium. Pookot fresh water lake is also an ideal spot for entertainment with boating facility, green house and an aquarium. House boats are available to sail down the Kabana River and Pookot Lake and enjoy the scenic beauty on both sides of the land. Most of the locals provide Wayanad home stay for tourist in most of the places.

Food & Cuisines

Most of the hill resorts in Wayanad serve excellent south Indian cuisines. Some of the special cuisines are Poricha kootu, Moru kootan, and Avvial and Pal payasam. Tourists can also have north Indian foods, biriyani and Jain cuisine as per their choice. The people of Wayanad are fond of rice and it is their staple food and Rasam, Sāmbhar, Moru koottan and Poricha koottu are some of dishes taken with rice. Some of the Kuruma tribal foods are boiled wild tubers with honey, fried rock crabs, karakkundappam, bamboo rice payasam, fried mushroom, muddha ada and vada, coconut rice, kallu puttu and pollayappam.

Arts & Culture

Wayanad has a good tradition in the field of art and culture and most of the tribal events and folk dances of tribal’s are performed during February and may. Tribal’s art forms performed by Paniyas are Vattakali and Koodiyattam using instruments like thudi and kuzhal, Gadhika by Adiyas, Kolkali by Kurumas and the Nellukuthu pattu by kurichias tribes. Onam is celebrated with great pomp and show during the month of August/September. Other festivals like Maha shivrathri and vishu are also celebrated with pomp and show.

Wayanad is a lush green paradise situated in the Western Ghats of Kerala with a long history dating back to Stone Age. This blessed land is clean, quiet, pristine, hypnotizing and enchanting with a cultural and social understanding still to be discovered. During the ancient times this land was ruled by the rajas of the Veda tribe and later on ruled by the Pazhassi Raja of Kottayam. After the Sreerangapattanam truce Tipu Sultan handed over the entire Malabar region including Wayanad to the British. The British changed the whole geography of this land with plateaus being used to cultivate tea and other cash crops and roads being laid across the dangerous slopes of mountains extending up to Mysore.

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  • 2 Other destinations
  • 3.1 History
  • 5.1 Main routes
  • 6 Get around
  • 7.1 Kalpetta area
  • 7.2 Sultan Bathery area
  • 7.3 Mananthavady area
  • 12 Stay safe

wayanad tourism in malayalam

Wayanad is a beautiful mountainous district in the Malabar region of Kerala located on the western ghats. It is sparsely populated and rural, with most of the land area covered with forests. The district abounds with hill stations , wildlife sanctuaries, rivers, dams, tea estates and trekking opportunities, with temples and heritage locations thrown in for good measure. Spread over 2,132 square kilometres, the district lies at an elevation of 700 metres, with its highest point reaching 2,100.

Wayanad borders Karnataka to its east and Tamil Nadu to its southeast. The districts of Kozhikode , Kannur and Malappuram form its eastern, northern and southern borders respectively. Wayanad is a popular weekend destination for travellers from Bangalore and Mysore .

wayanad tourism in malayalam

Cities [ edit ]


Wayanad is divided into three talukas - Vythiri, Mananthavady and Sultan Bathery, named after the towns that serve as their headquarters.

wayanad tourism in malayalam

  • 11.610278 76.082778 1 Kalpetta - the headquarters and largest city in the district.
  • 11.8 76 2 Mananthavady - a little town located on the banks of the river with the same name, home to the Latin church.
  • 11.67 76.28 3 Sultan Bathery - gets its name from the time when it was the military outpost of Tipu Sultan's army, where he placed his artillery battery.
  • 11.79 76.17 4 Pulpally - small town in a thickly forested area
  • 11.5667 76.15 5 Meppadi - scenic village with hiking, mountaineering, and tea estates
  • 11.54966 76.03638 6 Vythiri - a hill station and headquarters of the taluka with the same name.

Other destinations [ edit ]

  • 11.84763 76.0853 1 Begur Wildlife Sanctuary — has a huge variety of animals such as elephants, deer, tigers, boars, and leopards as well as a diverse population of birds
  • 11.646 76.364 2 Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary — at Muthanga, near Sultan Battery , home to large population of elephants, and other wildlife, including some tigers

Understand [ edit ]

Wayanad is the best place in Kerala for hill tourism. Most parts of the district are protected forest and the remaining area is lush green cultivation with a relatively thinner population.

Urbanization has reached only 4% of the district. The altitude reaches up to 2,100 ft in some parts of Wayanad.

History [ edit ]

Wayanad gets its name from Vayal Naadu, or "The land of the paddy fields". It shares much of its history with Karnataka, having been a possession of many of the dynasties that ruled that state, including the Kadambas, the Chalukyas and the Hoysalas. This history accounts for the existence of Jain temples in this region, though Jainism has a negligible presence in modern Kerala.

In the 18th century, the region of Wayanad was at the centre of a tripartite conflict between Hyder Ali (and later his son Tipu Sultan), Pazhassi Raja, a ruler of the kingdom of Kottayam , and the British. Wayanad changed hands multiple times. When it was with Tipu, he stationed his artillery battery in the village we now know as Sultan Bathery. After Tipu was defeated and killed by the British, Pazhassi Raja rebelled against the British over the status of Wayanad that ultimately resulted in the killing of the Raja, whose tomb can still be seen in the district.

Wayanad finally came under the British who made it part of the Malabar district of the Madras Province. After independence, Madras province became Madras state. When the states were reorganized on linguistic lines, Wayanad became part of Kerala due to the prominence of its Malayali speaking population

Talk [ edit ]

Malayalam is the most commonly spoken language. English is understood by about half the people, but most lack conversational fluency, so you may not get a reply. According to Wikipedia, there is a Kannada-speaking population in Wayanad, but Kannada is not understood widely.

Get in [ edit ]

wayanad tourism in malayalam

The district has neither an airport nor railway lines, so the only way to get in is by road. The nearest airport and railway stations are located at Kozhikode , around 100km away. Bangalore and Mysore are the other two nearby cities with airports, Of the two, Bangalore is the more realistic option as there are few flights to Mysore at the moment.

Driving in from Karnataka via Mysore or Madikeri is easier than from other districts of Kerala, Access from Kerala is difficult because of the mountain passes or 'ghat roads'.

Buses are available from Kozhikode and Mysore .

Night traffic is banned towards Mysore, Bangalore side. However, night traffic is allowed through Mananthavady .

Main routes [ edit ]

  • Bangalore-Mysore-Gundalpet-MuthangaForest-Sultanbathery. 256 km (good roads with too many humps inside the forest. You can expect six humps every 6 km).
  • Sultan Bathery-Kolagappara-Kakkavayal-Muttil-Kalpetta-Chundale-Vythiri. 35 km (Wayanad Main Road)
  • Ooty-Gudalur-Devarshola-Sultan Bathery. 92 km
  • Kozhikode-Thamarassery-Vythiri-Kalpetta. 70 km.
  • Kannur-Iritty-Kottiyoor-Boystown-Mananthavady. 94 km (Very steep and risky climb)
  • Thalassery-Kuthuparamba-Nedumpoyil-Periya-Boystown-Mananthavady. 82 km
  • Vadakara-Kuttiady-Niravilpuzha-Kanhirangad-Kallody-Mananthvady. 67 km
  • Vadakara-Kuttiady-Kanhirangad-Vellamunda-Tharuvana-Padincharethara- Kalpetta. 88 km
  • Malappuram-Nilambur-Vazhikkadavu-Gudalur-Sultanbathery. 120 km
  • Mananthavady-Kutta-Gonikupa-Virajpet-Madikeri. 115 km. Night traffic is allowed only in this route.
  • Mysore-HDKote-Bavali-Mananthavady. 112 km (No hump issue, night traffic is not allowed).
  • Mananthavady-Nalammile-Panamaram-Kambalakkad-Kalpetta. 37 km

Get around [ edit ]

  • Autorikshaws charge ₹15.00 per km
  • Buses charge only ₹.00 for three km.
  • Walking is impossible as numerous noisy motorcycles pester you even in village roads.

KSRTC buses are available to longer distances.

  • bus stations in Wayanad tend to disappoint you with the shortage of buses and no facility for sitting. But the KSRTC bus station at Sultan Battery has good connections to places inside Wayanad or outside Wayanad.
  • Cars can be rented for as cheap as ₹1800 a day with a driver. The rate is even cheaper if you rent without a driver.

You can drink coffee at this bus station, but any snacks purchased will be immediately snatched by the ubiquitous monkey groups.

See [ edit ]

wayanad tourism in malayalam

The attractions in this region can be broadly categorized into three based on proximity. A 3-4 day tour allows covering all or most of these attractions. For further info, refer details on each town.

Kalpetta area [ edit ]

  • Banasura Sagar Dam
  • Chembra Hills.
  • Karappuzha Dam
  • Meenmutty Falls
  • Pookode Lake
  • Meppadi Hills

Sultan Bathery area [ edit ]

  • Jain Temple
  • Tholpetty Sanctuary
  • Agricultural University
  • Edakkal Caves
  • Wayanad (Muthanga) wildlife sanctuary

wayanad tourism in malayalam

Mananthavady area [ edit ]

  • Kuruva Islands
  • Latin Church
  • Pakshipathalam
  • Pazhassi Raja Museum
  • Thirunelli Temple
  • Kutta Forest
  • Nagarhole National Park
  • Pulpally - Bathery forest road

Do [ edit ]

  • Hiking in the hills
  • Walking in the tea estates
  • Enjoying lakes and rivers
  • Watching the Wildlife
  • Walking in the serene villages

Eat [ edit ]

wayanad tourism in malayalam

Kerala food is available in restaurants. European food is available in resorts and home stays only.

Bamboo rice (called Mulayari by locals) can be found in Wayanad. These are seeds of the Bamboo plant, richer in protein than rice and wheat, but tasting like rice. Bamboo rice payasam stalls can be spotted near Edakkal caves walkway. Bamboo is said to yield seeds after a long span, so it is said that harvesting bamboo rice is a 'once-in-a-lifetime' experience.

Home-made chocolates and local Wayanad tea and coffee are also sold in many places. Shops near Edakkal caves offer many options such as spiced versions.

Drink [ edit ]

Beer and wine are easily available. Stronger drinks are prohibited. Kambalakkad though does not have beer- you'd have to get it from Kalpetta or a neighboring town.

Sleep [ edit ]

Lodges in Wayanad have the cheapest tariff compared to other parts of Kerala. Resorts and home stays are expensive options. Accommodation below ₹500 per night are available in Kalpetta and Sultan Bathery towns. Mananthavady is even cheaper. Resorts and homestays charge between ₹2,000 and ₹4,000 per night. They can also arrange tours and trips.

Stay safe [ edit ]

  • The eastern hills of Kerala are vulnerable to attacks from an Indian communist group called Maoists. In early 2015, they attacked the ticket counter of Silent Valley National Park, Mukkali. As the Maoists are armed and dangerous, be careful when you trek in lonely areas.
  • Leeches are common in the hills. Carry some table salt to dislodge the leeches.
  • Monkeys can be a nuisance, especially at places like Lakkidi viewpoint. Be careful and keep your car windows closed, and food items hidden. Try to keep a wooden stick with you in order to scare monkeys away.

Go next [ edit ]

  • Mysore , 145 km
  • Kozhikode , 70 km
  • Ooty , 118 km
  • Madikeri 143 km
  • Kutta, Gonikuppa and Virajpet

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"Nature's Abode"

Wayanad tourism.

Nestled in the Western Ghats of Kerala, Wayanad in Kerala is famous for its spice plantations and wildlife. Situated at an altitude ranging from 700 to 2100 meters above sea level, this picturesque region is blessed with verdant forests, mist-covered hills, and glistening waterfalls, making it a haven for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts alike. With its name derived from 'Vayal Nadu,' meaning 'Land of Paddy Fields,' Wayanad boasts fertile valleys and terraced fields that contribute to its thriving agricultural economy.  Wayanad is best known for the wildlife reserves. Home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including rare species like the Indian bison, elephants, and leopards, the region is a biodiversity hotspot, offering ample opportunities for wildlife enthusiasts and nature photographers to explore its natural treasures. Wayanad wildlife reserve is an integral part of the Nilgiri biosphere reserve peacefully located amidst the serene hills of Western Ghats. Nature lovers can explore the serene beauty of Soochipara and Meenmutty waterfalls , cascading amidst lush greenery, or embark on wildlife safaris in the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary to spot elusive species like the Malabar Giant Squirrel and the Royal Bengal Tiger.

Wayanad's cultural heritage is as rich as its natural beauty, with traces of ancient civilizations dating back to the Neolithic Age. The region is dotted with archaeological sites, ancient temples, and tribal villages, providing insights into its fascinating history and vibrant cultural tapestry. Visitors can immerse themselves in the local way of life by interacting with indigenous tribes like the Paniyas, Kurichiyas, and Kurumas, known for their unique traditions, art forms, and hospitality. Popular attractions include the Thirunelli Temple , an ancient shrine nestled amidst the Brahmagiri Hills, and the Banasura Sagar Dam , offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. The allure of Wayanad extends beyond its scenic landscapes and cultural heritage, offering a plethora of recreational activities and attractions for travelers to indulge in. Trekking enthusiasts can embark on exhilarating trails through the dense forests of Chembra Peak , Pakshipathalam , and Edakkal Caves famous for its ancient petroglyphs and rock formations, while adventure seekers can enjoy thrilling experiences like bamboo rafting on the Kabini River or zip-lining amidst the treetops of Wayanad's adventure parks. In addition to its natural and cultural attractions, Wayanad is renowned for its thriving spice plantations, tea estates, and coffee farms, where visitors can embark on guided tours to learn about the cultivation and processing of various spices and crops. The region's culinary scene is equally enticing, with traditional Kerala cuisine featuring flavorsome dishes like Malabar biryani, appam with stew, and fish curry, providing a delightful gastronomic journey for food lovers exploring Wayanad's culinary delights. Wayanad is a perfect weekend idea from the cities of South India. If taking a road trip from Bangalore, you will drive through three national parks: Nagarhole , Bandipur and Mudumalai . The best time to visit Wayanad is during the winter months from October to March, when the weather is pleasant for outdoor activities and sightseeing.

Must Visit Places in Wayanad

Banasura Sagar Dam

Banasura Sagar Dam

Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary

Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary

Chembra Peak

Chembra Peak

Edakkal Caves

Edakkal Caves

Places To Visit In Wayanad

Stay in a Treehouse

Stay in a Treehouse

Soochipara Falls

Soochipara Falls

Top Hotels In Wayanad

₽ 1,356 onwards

₽ 514 onwards

₽ 776 onwards

₽ 1,098 onwards

₽ 2,219 onwards

More on Wayanad Travel

Trekking in wayanad, location of wayanad, wildlife in wayanad, history of wayanad, suggested itinerary for wayanad, best time to visit wayanad, top stories about wayanad tourism.

Wildlife & Nature

Wildlife & Nature

Things to Do in Wayanad



Gorgeous Waterfalls in Wayanad with Silvery Waters to Allure Every Traveller

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Wayanad, Kerala

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Popular Questions And Answers on Wayanad

Q. Can we have bike trip in June mid from Bangalore to Wayanad?

Chandan Satapathi

Q. Brozzz...there is bungee jumping here....?

Q. I have heard Wayanad is very beautiful. Which season should I go in to have the best experience?

Sravan Samudrala

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Kerala <span>Tourism</span>

Places to Visit in Wayanad | Wayanad Tourism

wayanad tourism in malayalam

Wayanad is often called as the green paradise in God’s own country “Kerala”. It is a hill station, 700 meters to 2000 meters above sea level, in northern part of Kerala with the mist clad peaks. The place is famous for its scenic beauty, wildlife and traditional concepts.

Wayanad promises you memorable holidays, full of greenery, misty mountains, wildlife sanctuaries, lakes, dams, waterfalls, tea estates, coffee estates, full of panoramic views and top of it very pleasant climate throughout the year.

The unique geographical features of Wayanad, expressed in rugged mist-covered mountains and pastoral valleys, lend this northern district a peculiar charm and a delightful challenge for hikers and nature lovers.

Wayanad is one of the districts in Kerala that has been able to retain its pristine nature. Hidden away in the hills of this land are some of the oldest tribes, as yet untouched by civilisation.

Places to Visit in Wayanad

1. wayanad wildlife sanctuary.

There are plenty of tourist spots in and around Wayanad. The most famous among them are Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary established in the year 1973. Extremely rich in biodiversity, the sanctuary is an integral part of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, which was established for the sole purpose of conserving and protecting the biological heritage of the region. The sanctuary is very rich in flora and fauna.

2. Muthanga Wildlife Sanctuary

Muthanga wildlife sanctuary is situated about 16 km east of Sultan Bathery. It is regarded as the biggest abode of wildlife in Malabar region of Kerala. Main wildlife here includes elephant, spotted deer, tiger, and panthers etc. you can enjoy elephant safari in this sanctuary.

3. Edakkal Cave

Edakkal caves are situated on Ambukuthi Hills about 10 kilometers from Sulthan Bathery, in Wayanad district of Kerala. It has been formed due to a large split in a huge rock, and the resulting landscape represent the world's richest pictographic gallery of its kind.

The depth of both the clefts is about 30ft. On the rock walls you can spot some interesting carvings, which represent human and animal figures and objects commonly used by people at that time.

These carvings speak of a highly civilized people of prehistoric age and inspire the archaeologists and historians to rewrite the history of Wayanad and Kerala as a whole.

4. Thirunelli Temple

A piece of great temple architect Thirunelli temple is situated 29 kms north east of Mananthavady in the Brahmagiri hills. The temple comprises of 30 granite columns. Papanasini River running downhill adds beauty to the place. It is believed that a bath in holy water of the river washes away all the sins.

5. Banasura Dam

This is regarded as the largest earth dam of India. Many islands type of landscape emerges here during the monsoons, when the dam is full of water. These islands with the background of the Banasura hill can surely provide a hypnotizing sight to tourists.

6. Chembra Peak

Located about 2000 meters above the sea level, Chembra is the highest peak in Wayanad hills and provide ideal conditions for trekking. You can enjoy the scenic beauty of Wayanad, from the top of Chembra. The picturesque surroundings never fail to charm you with its beauty. Trekking to the Chembra peak is a risky mountaineering endeavor. Tourists can camp for one or two days at the top of the peak.

7. Kuruva Island

The Kuruva Island having green lush cover of evergreen forests is situated on bank of river Kabini and it is an ideal picnic spot. You can spot rare species of birds, orchids and herbs here.

8. Pookot Lake

It is a natural freshwater lake surrounded by evergreen forest and sloppy hills. A freshwater aquarium with large variety of fish is an added attraction here. Tourists here can enjoy boating. The weather here is lustrous and rich in the scenic beauty. Spices and handicraft items are also arranged for sale at Pookat. The lake is situated 3 km east of Vythiri.

9. Sentinel Rock Waterfalls

Located at 22 km south of Kalpetta and locally known as Soochippara is a very popular leisure destination. It is famous as a picnic spot as well as a trekking center. It is about 200m high and ideal for rock climbing.

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Sunrise admired by twins from Kurumbalakotta hill top

Wayanad-Top 15 Must Visit Places You Shouldn’t Miss

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Kerala – God’s Own Country

We often stumbled upon this phrase and wondered why it was called so. To quench our curiosity we packed our bags and set out to explore what this state had to offer. As we entered Kerala in the blink of an eye we were surrounded by lush green landscapes, and crystal clear waters and thought to ourselves that this was indeed a green paradise.

The beauty of Wayanad coffee plantaions

Our first stop was in the hills of Wayanad. The name “Wayanad” has its origins in “Vayal Naatu” (Malayalam) which translates to “The land of paddy fields”. An eco-tourism destination nestled amidst the Western Ghats, situated on the borders between Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, has altitudes ranging from 700 to 2100 m. Its vast expanse is covered with untouched landscapes, waterfalls, lakes, wildlife sanctuaries, tea and coffee plantations, and an abundance of serenity.

A Visitor’s Guide To Wayanad

Table of Contents

Best Time To Visit

At a height of 6,890 feet above sea level, it is cold throughout the year, with the temperature often dipping even during summer nights. The weather is quite pleasant between early September and April and that’s the best time to experience the scenery.

Languages Spoken

Malayalam is spoken throughout the district. Since Wayanad shares borders with the states of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, a few people speak Kannada and Tamil. You can still communicate with the locals if you speak Hindi/English.

Network Availability

Kalpetta and Sulthan Bathery, located at the center of the district, have good network connectivity. Other tourist places have moderate to good network availability.

ATM Availability

There are many ATMs available across Wayanad. As digital payments are not popular in the region, have enough cash with you at all times.

How To Reach?

The nearest airports to Wayanad are Calicut International Airport (99 Km, Airport Code- CCJ) and Kannur International Airport (94 Km, Airport Code- CCN). From here, a two-hour drive via public transport or a cab will take you to your destination.

Kozhikode Railway Station (110 Km, Station code- CLT) is the nearest railway station. This station is well-connected with major Indian cities like Chennai, Goa, Mumbai, Mangalore, Ernakulam, and more.

Wayanad is well-connected with the roadways. The government bus systems, KRTC and KSRTC, offer services from various cities. This is the cheapest and easiest way to reach Wayanad.

Note: Any route that crosses the Bandipur tiger reserve is closed from 9 PM to 6 AM.

To Roam Around Wayanad

Wayanad is a district with no coastal areas or railway lines. You can visit all the places only by the road. Buses are not frequent, but auto rickshaws are available to hop on and off to nearby places. The best way to explore the place is to rent a car or a bike. A car would be comfortable, but to absorb the scenic views and cool breeze we suggest you travel by, a two-wheeler. Not many local two-wheeler rentals are available in Wayanad though. Royal Brothers is a reliable rental service which is situated in Kalpetta and Sulthan Bathery.

Note: OLA/ UBER is not available in the Wayanad district.

Where To Stay?

Choose your stay either in Sulthan Bathery or Kalpetta.

Kalpetta town , being the headquarters of Wayanad is the heart of the place. Almost all the sightseeing places are in proximity to Kalpetta. From homestays that are easy on your pockets to luxurious resorts, you can find it all here. Sulthan Bathery on the other hand is 25 Km away from Kalpetta town and is also an ideal place to stay.

Little on the pricier side, if you’re a nature lover who wants to experience it in all its glory, you can stay in Vythri amidst the coffee plantations. Stay in a treehouse at the height of 70 feet in Vythri village resort which offers a variety of pleasures. Here are a few recommendations.

  • Biriyomz Residency ($)
  • Zanbaq residency ($)
  • Zostel Plus Wayanad ($$)
  • Woodrose Resort ($$$)
  • Flora Vythiri Resort ($$$)
  • Wayanad Wild – Rainforest Lodge by CGH Earth ($$$)

Where To Eat?

Kerala Sadhya - cuisine to eat in Wayanad

If you want to try authentic Kerala Sadhya, visit the 1980s A Nostalgic Restaurant, located near Kalpetta. For budget options, we recommend the Kalpana Hotel in Kalpetta.

Note: Start your morning with a heavy breakfast from the place you’re staying, as the eateries open only in the late morning/afternoon. Online food delivery chains like Swiggy and Zomato are not available in the region.

Places To Visit In Wayanad

Here are 15 destinations handpicked by us.

1. Chembra Peak

The heart shaped lake of Wayanad- at Chembra Peak

Popular for its heart-shaped crystal lake that never dries even in the peak of summer, Chembra is the highest peak in Wayanad at 6890 ft. above sea level. It remains the prime spot for trekking in the Nilgiris mountain ranges. However, for any trekking expeditions, prior permission from the Meppady forest department is a must. The mesmerizing heart-shaped lake located en route uphill is known as “Hridhayathadakam”. A trip to Wayanad is incomplete without visiting the Chembra Peak.

  • Distance: 8 Km from Kalpetta
  • Trekking distance: 9 Km
  • Trek time: 3-4 hours
  • Timing: 7 AM and 2 PM on all days
  • Best time to trek: Post-monsoon (September- February)
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Tent stay/ camping: Available. For 5 members: Rs. 4375 for Indians, Rs. 8750 for Foreigners. (Banned now)
  •  Fees: Entry fee for students- Rs.15, Adults- Rs.20, Foreigners- Rs.30. For a group of 10 people: Rs.750 for Indians, Rs. 1500 for foreigners. Charges for the camera- Rs. 40 for Indians, Rs.80 for foreigners. Additional charges: Rs. 75 for Indians and Rs. 300 for foreigners. (This includes the mandatory guide fees)

Note: You cannot touch the Heart-shaped lake or take a dip in it. Chembra Peak is a plastic-free zone. However, you can pay Rs.20 as a deposit at the ticket counter for carrying a water bottle throughout the trek which can be redeemed once you show the bottle, after completing the trek.

Chembra Peak is reopened for tourists after 3 years by the forest department . Please contact the range officer to check before planning one.

Range Forest Office, Meppady: 04936-282001

Chembra peak sunrise view

Don’t lose heart yet. Start early and go to the trek start point to watch the sunrise above tea estates with a view of mountains peeping above the clouds.

2. Pookode Lake

Pookode lake - the largest lake in Wayanad

Straight out of a holiday postcard, this beautiful natural freshwater lake surrounded by evergreen mountains spans an area of 8.5 hectares. At the entrance, you will find handicrafts and the spices emporium. For all the tourists who like to collect souvenirs as a remembrance of your trip here’s your chance. There are several boating options ranging from 2-person pedal boats to 8-seater rowboats (at an additional cost). Take a stroll on the beautiful pathway that surrounds the lake.

  • Timing: 9 AM – 5 PM
  • Entry Fee: Rs 10 for adults and Rs 5 for children
  • Parking facilities: Not available.
  • Other Activities and Attractions: Cycling, horse riding, freshwater aquarium, fish spa, children’s park, and magic mirror shows at an additional cost.

3. Kurumbalakotta

Sunrise from Kurumbalakotta hill top

At 3249 feet above sea level, this monolithic hill is the hotspot for sunrise and sunset views. As you stand there above a dense layer of clouds you’ll witness the first rays of orange light piercing the clouds and the sky will be splashed with orange hues. A site that will quench the wanderlust in you. Camping and tent stay options are available for adrenaline junkies who’d want to get high on the breathtaking 360° view of the Wayanad district.

There are two routes to reach the summit of Kurumbalakotta. The shortest route, recommended by Google Maps, is damp and slippery during the monsoon making the path very difficult to climb even for the locals. The other route is ideal for kids and families, filled with tourists during the golden hours. When you reach the top, there are tiny food stalls for quick snacks to restore your energy.

  • Distance: 20 Km from Kalpetta
  • Timing: Open throughout the year
  •  Best time to visit: post-monsoon (September-February)
  •  Difficulty: easy
  •  Entry Fee: Free
  • Trek time: 30-60 mins
  • Tent stay/ Camping: Available
  • Parking facilities: Available at the foothills of Kurumbalakotta

4. Phantom Rock

The Phanthom or skull shaped rock

Locally known as Cheengeri Mala or Thalappara, this naturally formed rock resembles a skull, hence the name Phantom. This archaeological wonder stands tall at an elevation of 2600 m above sea level and is surrounded by greenery. Though it is not possible to climb the Phantom rock, there are other rock formations in the surroundings that you can try climbing.

  • Distance from Kalpetta: 13 Km
  • Timing: Recommended to visit during the daytime
  • Entry Fee:  Free
  • Parking facilities: Not available
  • Activity: Rock climbing

 5. Hidden Gem of Wayanad

The hidden gem of Wayanad near Phanthom rock

Near the Phantom rock, is the hidden gem of Wayanad. We stumbled upon this place while exploring. You’d lose yourself in the reflections of surrounding rocks on the pond as a chill breeze brushes against your cheeks. The wind creates ripples on the still water forming patterns that are pleasing to your eyes. It’s surely a sight that’ll leave you spellbound. Not shown on Google Maps, this place isn’t popular among tourists.

6. Edakkal Caves

Edakkal caves with inscriptions on the wall

Names can sometimes be misleading. Such is the case with Edakkal Caves which are not actually caves. This naturally formed cave is set high on the hills of Ambukutty Mala at an altitude of 1,200 m above sea level. The view of Wayanad from the entrance of the cave is worth a picture. It is quite famous for its visual archives of paintings and graphic signs on the rocks that are believed to be from the Neolithic and Mesolithic ages which date back to 6000 BC. Due to these intriguing facets, this site has garnered a great deal of attention from archeologists and historians from around the world. 

  • Timing: 9:30 AM- 4:30 PM (closed on Mondays)
  • Trekking distance: 1.5 Km (380 steps approx.)
  • Trek time: 45-60 minutes
  •  Entry Fee: Rs. 30 for adults, Rs. 20 for children, Rs. 40 for foreign tourists, Rs. 50 for a camera, and Rs. 200 for taking videos
  • Tour Guide: Tour guides from the Archaeological Society of India are available to explain everything.
  • Parking facilities: Available
  • Restroom facilities: Available

Note: Edakkal Cave is a plastic-free zone.

7. Banasura Sagar Dam

Reflection of Banasura hills on the water bodies of Banasura Sagar dam

At the foothills of Banasura Hills is the largest earthen dam in India and the second largest in Asia. It is named after the hills as Banasura Sagar Dam. This tourist attraction offers various activities such as horse riding, kayaking, jeep riding, speed boat riding, zip-lining, and a fish spa in the nature park, making it an ideal place for families and kids. Do not miss out on the majestic view of the Banasura hills in the backdrop by opting for the speedboat ride (Rs.950 for 5 persons for 20-30 mins) that gives you a chance to see the magnificent landscape.

Banasura sagar dam speed boat ride

  • Timing: 8:30 AM- 5:45 PM (open on all days)
  •  Best time to visit: November to May
  • Entry Fee: Rs. 30 for adults, Rs. 10 for children. Additional charges of Rs.40 for a still camera and Rs. 200 for a video camera
  • Parking facilities: Available at Rs. 10 per vehicle
  • Restroom facilities: Available near the park

8. Meenmutty Waterfall

Located close to the Banasura Sagar Dam, this three-tiered waterfall, at a height of 300 m is the biggest in Wayanad and the second largest in Kerala. Meenmutty is the combination of two Malayalam words, Meen (fish) and Mutty (blocked) which means the fishes are blocked here. With a short trek of 1 Km through the moist deciduous forest, you can see the white waters of Meenmutty crash into the ground with a deep roar that serenades every single visitor.

Note: Meenmutty waterfall is seasonal and has only little to no water during the summer. It is closed during rainy seasons due to the high inflow of water.

  • Timing: 9 AM to 4 PM
  • Best time to visit: October to May (post-monsoon)
  • Entry Fee:  Rs. 30 for adults, Rs. 15 for children, Rs. 60 for foreigners. Additional charges of Rs. 75 for the camera.

9. Neelimala Viewpoint

The view of Soochipara waterfalls from Neelimala viewpoint

This spectacular sight is something no wanderer should ever miss. One gets a pristine panoramic view of the great Meenmutty Waterfall, Chembra Peak, Chaliyar River, Sunrise Valley, and the mountain folds of western ghats, making people throng to this destination in large numbers. The trek starts from Vaduvanchal main road, but due to the damp and uneven pathways, you are not allowed to trek by yourself. 

  • Trek distance: 2 – 3 Km
  • Entry Fee:  Free. Additional charges for hiring a jeep (Rs. 500-Rs. 800 for 6 persons) and a guide (Rs. 200-Rs. 400) which are mandatory.

10. Lakkidi Viewpoint

The view of mountains form Lakkidi view point

Near the Pookode lake resides the Lakkidi viewpoint which is the entrance to the Wayanad district. Tourists usually stop by to capture the mountains and the snake road of nine hairpin bends.

  • Timing: Open on all days
  • Entry Fee: Free
  • Parking facilities: Not available. You can park your vehicle on the side road

11. Kanthampara Waterfall

Kamthampara waterfalls during summer

Smaller than the Meenmutty and Soochipara waterfalls, this waterfall is quite easy to access. The water descends from a height of 30 m and cascades over two steps. The upper part has a tiny pool where the kids can have a good time, while the lower is much bigger and surrounded by dense forest. If you’re looking for a few moments of calm under a canopy of greenery, this is the place for you.

  • Timing: 9 AM to 5 PM
  • Entry Fee: Rs. 40 for Adults, Rs. 20 for children, Rs. 100 for the camera and Rs. 250 for the video camera
  • Parking: Available near the ticket counter

12. Kuruva Dweep

Bamboo boat ride Kuruva Dweep or Kuruva island

Spread over 950 acres of land, this uninhabited island in the middle of the Kabini River is popular for its peaceful surroundings. The dense forest is the abode of rare species of trees and birds. Here families can take a stroll while being surrounded by nature. On reaching the parking lot, walk to the riverside for around 50m and then cross the lake on a bamboo raft to reach the island.

  • Timing: 9 AM – 4 PM (Only 200 visitors allowed per day), DPTC ticket counter closes at 4:15 PM, Forest Department counter closes at 4:30.
  • Best time to visit: December – May
  • The time required: Exploring the island will take 3-4 hrs.
  • DTPC entry fee: Rs.10
  • Bamboo boat ride: Rs.5 per head
  • Forest Department fee: Rs. 80 for Indians, Rs. 150 for foreigners.
  • Parking facilities:  Rs. 50 for a car/ jeep, Rs. 10 for a two-wheeler
  •  Activities and Attractions: Jungle walk, River safari
  • Restroom facility: Available

Note: You may want to purchase passes well in advance as only 200 visitors are allowed per day. Food and drinks are not allowed on the island. Kuruva is a plastic-free zone that is closed during the rainy and monsoon seasons (May to early December) as the water level rises to a dangerously high level.

13. Nellarachal Viewpoint

Nellarachal viewpoint - the most peaceful lake

This unexplored sunset viewpoint is about 12 Km from Edakkal caves. An offbeat location that offers a panoramic view of the Karapuzha Dam’s water bodies with the mountains in the background. A quiet place where you can just sit by and relax at the edge of the water. 

  • Timings: Open on all days
  • Entry fee: Free
  • Parking: Available
  • Restroom facility: Not Available

14. Soochipara Waterfall

Soochipara waterfalls from height

Soochipara Waterfall, also known as the Sentinel Rock Waterfall is located in the Vellarimala mountain range. Soochippara is derived from the two words – “Soochi” meaning needle and “Para” meaning rock. This three-tiered waterfall is an ideal place for trekking and rock climbing. The water falls from a height of 200 m. You can also take a dip in the waters after walking for about 2 Km.

  • Best time to visit: Monsoon 
  • Time required: 1 – 2hrs
  • Entry Fee: Rs. 65 for adults, Rs. 33 for students, Rs. 133 for foreigners. Additional charges for the camera.
  • Parking: Rs. 10 for two-wheeler, Rs. 15 for three-wheeler, Rs. 40 for card/ jeep, Rs. 50 for a minibus, Rs. 100 for a bus.

15. 900 Kandi

900 Khandi Glass Bridge

This last spot gives you the feeling of standing at the edge of the world. From the glass bridge, take a few moments to see and soak in the stupendous Aranamala peak. If you’re a photography enthusiast who likes to flaunt your explorations on Instagram, this one is for you. Since the road to this place isn’t good, hire a jeep or walk to it. You can also visit the cave and the waterfall or do the scenic swing that is situated nearby.

  • The time allowed to stand on the glass bridge: 4-10 minutes depending on the crowd
  • Entry fee for the glass bridge: Rs. 100 for 30 feet, Rs. 200 for 90 feet
  • Swing Price: Rs. 100
  • Jeep charges: Rs. 1700
  • Camping: Allowed

Other tourist attractions in Wayanad include a visit to coffee and spice plantations, Muthanga Wildlife Sanctuary, the Pakshipathalam trek for bird lovers, the Thusharagiri trek, and the Brahmagiri trek which you can visit if you have more time.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many days are required to visit wayanad.

A minimum of 2 full days are required to cover almost all the places of Wayanad. Several wonderful treks require additional days.

What is Wayanad famous for?

Wayanad is famous for its breathtaking sunrises, coffee plantations, and trekking trails.

Is Wayanad worth visiting?

Yes. Residing in the hills of the Western Ghats, Wayanad is known as a “green paradise”. This hill is an ideal destination for people of all age groups.

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Wayanad Photos & Images

900 Kandi

About Wayanad

wayanad tourism in malayalam

Attractions Tea Gardens, Dams

wayanad tourism in malayalam

Best Season July to March

wayanad tourism in malayalam

Ideal Duration 3 Days

wayanad tourism in malayalam

Languages Malayalam

Wayanad tourist places.

If you are planning a trip to Kerala, you cannot afford to miss spellbinding tourist places in Wayanad that give an enthralling experience.

Kuruva Island: Situated amidst the tributaries of River Kabani, Kuruva Island one of the best tourist places in Wayanad occupied by rare birds, flora, and herbs that are a sight to the sore eyes.

Pookode Lake: Nestled between evergreen forest and the Western Ghats, this scenic freshwater lake is one of the most preferred Wayanad places for photographers and nature lovers.

Wildlife Wayanad Sanctuary: Rich in biodiversity, the sanctuary is an integral part of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve and is a must-visit during your Wayanad tourism.

Chembra Peak: Situated 2100 m above sea level, Chembra is the highest peak in Wayanad and lives up to its billing of being one of the most picturesque Wayanad tourist places as the route to the peak is past waterfalls and lush greenery.

Banasura Sagar Dam: Known for being India’s largest earthen dam, Banasura Sagar Dam is one of the most spellbinding Wayanad tourist places that boast of extensive natural beauty.

Edakkal Caves: The only place in India with Stone Age carvings belonging to the Neolithic and Mesolithic Age, Eddakal caves are one of the Wayanad tourist places that have archaeological significance.

Thirunelli Temple: Popular as Kashi of South, this temple is dedicated to Lord Maha Vishnu and is a must-visit during your Wayanad tourism. It is the only temple in the world where one can enjoy all rituals related to one’s life from birth to death and life after death.

From historic artifacts to the most mesmerizing creations of nature, tourist places in Wayanad offer a surreal respite for tourists.

Plan your Wayanad tourism trip with us and explore the Wayanad places that are sure to take your breath away.

Popular Questions About Wayanad

What kind of place is wayanad.

Among the prettiest territories of Kerala, Wayanad is a prominent town that boasts of serenity as well as tranquility. From gorgeous hills to tea and coffee plantations to wildlife, Wayanad has a plethora of things to offer. Situated on the fringe of Tamil Nadu and Kerala, Wayanad is loaded with charming waterfalls, caves, resorts, and homestays.

What are the top attractions in Wayanad district?

Kuruva Island, Pookode Lake, Wildlife Wayanad Sanctuary, Chembra peak, Banasura Sagar Dam, Edakkal Caves, and Thirunelli Temple are some of the top attractions in the Wayanad district.

Which is the best month to visit Wayanad?

Even though the weather in Wayanad is pleasant all year round, the best time to visit Wayanad is between October and May.

What are the most popular activities to do in Wayanad district with family?

Trekking to Chembra Peak, enjoying boating at Pookode lake, exploring flora and fauna at Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, bamboo rafting at Kuruva Island , ziplining in the hills of Kerala and strolling amidst beautiful grains are the most popular activities to do in Wayanad district.

Best time to visit Wayanad

Wayanad remains a pleasant destination throughout the year. Its high elevation and dense forests mean it stays cool during the hot and humid summer months, while the colder winter days coincide with many colourful festivals. It's still wise to avoid the monsoon months if you're travelling for outdoor excursions and adventure.

Monsoon season spans from June through to October. Torrential rain and widespread flooding mean it's inadvisable to attempt any outdoor trekking or exploring, so you'll miss out on most of what Wayanad has to offer.

September, however, is at the tail end of the monsoon season and the ideal time to visit. Prices are still off-season, but the mountains, forests and waterfalls are at the peak of their luscious green beauty. It's also an excellent time to spot animals profiting from the renewal of nature's bounty.

The weather is cooler and drier between October and February. While this is the perfect time for outdoor activities and sports, beware of the peak season prices from December to January, as well as larger crowds.

Between March and May, Kerala's summer hits its peak, with sweltering and humid weather, making conditions less than ideal for anything but doing nothing. However, Wayanad stays relatively fresh due to its high elevation, so take advantage of the off-season prices, avoid the crowds and start exploring!

Each season in Wayanad has its own appeal and the winter season is best among the various seasons for Wayanad tourism. Enjoy a warm, cozy stay and explore the Wayanad tourist places as the mist gets thicker from October to February.

How to Reach Wayanad

Wayanad is an enchanting, unspoilt and quietly secluded hill station. Verdant rice paddies, red-tinted earth and brightly tinted spice plantations come together to create a harmonious canvas of intense colours, exotic smells and enticing sounds of wildlife, while dense forests keep the heat and humidity at bay.

Dotted with misty valleys, sprinkling waterfalls, and spice plantations, Wayanad tourism is easy as this green paradise is connected to all major cities of the world and the cities within the country through various modes of transport.

wayanad tourism in malayalam

The nearest airport to Wayanad is Calicut International Airport, in Kozhikode. It's well-connected to major cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, Coimbatore, Goa, Madurai and Chennai, as well as centres in the Middle East.

wayanad tourism in malayalam

Kozhikode is also home to the nearest train station to Wayanad, with links to significant junctions like Mangalore, Trivandrum, Chennai, Coimbatore, Goa and Mumbai. However, both the train station and the airport are over a hundred kilometres away from your final destination. You'll need to catch a bus, cab or private taxi to Wayanad.

wayanad tourism in malayalam

Wayanad is connected to cities like Bangalore, Trivandrum, Mangalore and Kochi by express bus services, making bus travel the easiest and most inexpensive way to get there. The state-owned KSRTC buses also connect Wayanad with the whole of Kerala in an extensive network, so you'll be able to travel to Wayanad by bus from most places. You can purchase your tickets online on the KSRTC website, or at the bus terminal counter in the train stations.

Ask a Question

Questions on wayanad, e asked by ere santos from, canada , march 20, 2024 16:54: pm, which treehouse will be a part of this package .

This is the best honeymoon package that I came across among all the Kerala Travel Websites. Can you let me know which Treehouse will be a part of this package.

wayanad tourism in malayalam

Answered by Niranjana(Travel Advisor), March 20, 2024

Thanks for letting us know that this is among the best Kerala Honeymoon Packages that you came across. We have multiple treehouse partnerships and would suggest the best option available as per the availability on your travel dates and the arrangements you are looking for.

R Asked by Richa from, Amsterdam, Holland , February 28, 2024 12:06: PM

Can i get alchohol in houseboat.

We are planning to book a houseboat tour with your company in February and wanted to know whether alcohol will be available in houseboat

Answered by Niranjana(Travel Advisor), February 28, 2024

Hello Richa, Alcohol is not served in houseboat. However you can get it from the givernment approved shops for your personal consumption on the way and consume in the houseboat

J Asked by Johnny from, US , February 28, 2024 12:06: PM

Kerala's switzerland.

Which place is known as Kerala’s Switzerland?

Perched at an astounding height of 1,100 m above sea level, Vagamon is known as Kerala’s Switzerland. The temperature lies between 10 to 25 degrees Celsius and the hill station has a cool climate throughout the year that attracts tourists.

F Asked by Faiza Rizvi from, Surat, India , February 25, 2024 15:21: PM

Price for cgh earth hotel package.

What would be the price for 2 adults and 2 kids (11 and 6 years old)..we are looking for 1 room with 1 extra bed.

Answered by Niranjana(Travel Advisor), February 25, 2024

The Price will vary based on your travel timings, season and kind of rooms you select. Please contact us with travel details to get a FREE Holiday Itinerary and an all inclusive price

L Asked by Ling from, Taiwan , December 9, 2023 19:14: PM

Group tour in houseboat.

I am interested in houseboat trips, but I travel alone. Do you provide group tours?

Answered by Niranjana(Travel Advisor), December 9, 2023

Hello Ling, We do provide Shikara Tours for solo travellers but not group tour on Boatels. Kindly let us know your travel date by clicking on Get a FREE Holiday Plan on the top of the page

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Wayanad Tourist Attractions

1 900 kandi, 2 muthanga wildlife sanctuary, 3 kuruva island, 4 banasura sagar dam, 5 soochipara waterfalls, 6 chembra peak, 7 edakkel caves, 8 jain temple, 10 pakshipathalam, wayanad travel guide.

15 Best Homestays In Wayanad For Your Next Vacay!

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Madman's Journey

Wayanad Travel Blog – Joy amidst Leas

Wayanad travel blog – unlike most of my travels, this trip wasn’t planned, making it all the more interesting. Neither was Wayanad how I’d anticipated it to be! We initially planned on visiting Varkala, a coastal town on the south end of Kerala .

But a drive from Bangalore over 700 km proved to be a hectic journey. We stuck to the closest of Kerala’s forest paradise – Wayanad.

wayanad travel blog

Thus, it’s the location itself that makes Wayanad all more popular, it’s reasonable distance from Kerala’s northern metropolitan cities. Here goes my Wayanad travel blog!

Table of Contents

Wayanad Travel Blog: Is Wayanad Worth Going?

Yes! For someone like me, who enjoys hiking, adventure sports, and striking plantation views in the backdrop, it’s worth it all.

We had a huge hitch in decided where to go in Kerala. Some of us stuck to believing there’s not much to do in Wayanad apart from strolling its plantations ( like Ooty ). However, there is actually a handful of adventurous things to try here.

wayanad kerala

Not to mention, with Wayanad being a tourism spot, there are quite amazing facilities for all types of travelers. But that’s about it – the hilly town is perfect for a 4-5 days itinerary, no more. It’s a tiny rural town afterall.

Yet staying in a hostel here, I found out that a lot of travelers, both solo and couples, were staying for over a week. Most didn’t even check out Wayanad, they simply stayed at the scenic hostel spot amidst plantations on remote peaks.

It wasn’t the things to do in Wayanad, they were bothered about. In contrast, some visitors were mere on workations. They worked from their laptops sitting among tea plantations, a swing hanging from a large tree, an elevated viewpoint overlooking the panaromic landscape of forest, villages, and hills below.

Wayand Travel Blog: Essentials to Keep in Mind

Visiting Kerala in the mid-winter (January, 2023) and glancing at Google images of Wayanad, I expected the place to be chilly like Ooty . The temperature was more or less similar to Bangalore’s.

In fact, Bangalore was colder than Wayanad at the time! Here are some things to keep in mind about Wayanad, Kerala to get a vivid idea of what to expect.

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Wayanad is during the winters with the moderate cool weather from October to February. This is also the peak season in Wayanad.

Wayanad is such a place where each season exhibits its own beauty. While summer (March to May) is humid, it’s a shoulder season where still quite many people visit. The forest’s canopies providing refugee from the summer heat is a bliss.

Understanding the Locals

Apart from the tourism-focused stays, restaurants, and attractions, it’s fairly difficult to talk with the locals. Not many speak English in Kerala, or Hindi for that matter, thus making it difficult to communicate here.

Almost all public signboards and busboards are in Malayalam as well. Our first stop in Kerala was a local biryani restaurant where we were tried finding vegetarian food. The only communication we made was calling out ‘Biryani?’ and ‘vegetarian?’.

To which the local would shake his head or nod as he pleased.

history of wayanad

Internet Connectivity in Wayanad

The internet connectivity in urban parts of the town is mediocre and enough to find directions on Maps. But probably not enough for a zoom video call. When staying in Wayanad, request your stay about internet arrangement before booking.

Remote parts of Wayanad are far from network coverage. It can get tough getting 4G mobile network signal. Though we stayed at Zostel Plus Wayanad on a remote peak, an infrastructure was in place for strong network connectivity.

During the trip, I had to attend a couple zoom meetings that went with no hitches with the internet. There was, however, trouble finding network while driving through through the narrow paths.

When traveling Kerala by a personal vehicle, I recommend downloading your destination routes prior.

What to Pack

Get both sets of clothing, light clothes like t-shirts, shorts, and trousers for touring and warmer clothes like jackets and sweater for the nights and mornings.

Just like Bangalore, the heat gets pricky during the day and yet one can’t stay long out without a sweater by night. Get sports shoes and caps for hiking the Chembra Peak.

Wayanad Travel Blog: Our 3-Day itinerary

We made a 3-days trip out of which I stayed back 1-day. I’d Zoom meetings to attend to. But in overall – the stay, the places we visited along with trekking and some adventure activities, the whole trip was perfect for the 3 days. I regretted missing out on a day, but I hadn’t any choice.

Here’s how our 3 days in Wayanad went.

wayanad travel blog

Day 1: Driving for 6 Hours

With Wayanad being the closest hotspot in Kerala from Bangalore at 290 km, we planned on driving early morning. As our punctuality would reward it, we began late around 8 a.m… ish.

We had decided on not racing the Honda City – we weren’t in a hurry. So we made stops for breakfast and a late lunch, thus adding a couple more hours to the 6 hours road trip. The fun began when we started driving from Meppadi, Wayanad up the hilly terrains.

The narrow curvy roads though remote, were well-built smooth tar tracks. As we drove up, we couldn’t help but stop for breathing in the serene valley forests belows.

Zostel Plus Wayanad First Impressions

Finally reaching the spot in the evening, we did find the location remote and were hesitant about our stay expectations. But I’m not exageratting when I say this – It couldn’t have been better.

The ambiance, staff, the location amidst plantation, the backpacker dormitories, and the overall cleanliness. There was a canteen which I found to be moderate. Some found it unreliable so they brought along their snacks.

My favorite part was its history. It was first opened as a tea estate by the British Rule in 1920s. The thatched rooves then saw themselves converted into a hospital post-independence.

While talking to the nightguard of the hostel around midnight, he talked of how he was born in this very hospital. Only in 2019 during the pandemic was the run-down structure acquired by Zostel – making a beautiful accommodation property.

zostel plus wayanad review

If I’m visiting Wayanad again, I wouldn’t be surprised to find myself staying here again. The price at Rs. 800 per head for a night is pretty reasonable as well!

For backpackers, this is my best recommendation. Check out its availability on below. Hurry before you miss out on deals. The best part of Book now and pay when you get there!

Campfire Nights with other Wanderers

Wayanad travel blog. We didn’t get out after checking in the first evening. It was already dusk and we were exhausted. Besides, with the Kalpetta region standing among elephant forests, wandering out after dusk wasn’t encouraged. Yes, elephants do tread the place at night!

So we stuck to the comforts of evening campfire and soothing greenery. The common lounge areas and a small library with plush couches were simply amazing. The reception area even had guitars, ukes, and other instruments.

Anyhow, I’d brought my own guitar along. We met a lot of new travelers – people from different parts of the country, some even foreign. Some enthusiastic about meeting strangers, some enjoying the campfire, and some nervous to socialize.

wayanad travel blog, wayanad staycation

The fun part was how we stayed for 3 nights here and we met different people every single night by the same fireplace! Sometimes I stayed by the company, sometimes I took off with my guitar to play in solitude. Either way, they were amazing evenings.

Some were real travelers here, some were kids like us – out for a trip, and most on workations. Yet all of us talked of range of topics for hours. A few stayed longer, others left early confiding to their beds. We’d stay over midnights witnessing clear starry skies.

Day 2: Ziplining, Glass Bridge, and a Jeep Ride (while I stayed back)

Wayanad travel blog : Staying excited and awake over midnight the previous evening, we woke up late with a lazy breakfast at the canteen. Later on, the rest went out for the day’s itinerary while I stayed back.

I had a meeting to attend late afternoon. I didn’t mind with the laid back comfort of the hostel and company of other people on workations. However, I did miss out on a great deal – things you shouldn’t miss out on when in Wayanad.

Wayanad boasts the longest zipline in Kerala with a 300-meter stretch. The picturesque views of plantation as you glide down is something worth looking forward to.

While ziplining’s all fun, the stories of 900 kandi glass bridge were endless from my friends. Apparently, it wasn’t just the transparent bridge – it was the edgy jeep ride up the rough terrain that made it memorable.

From Kalladi, it’s a 6 km trip up with buggies that wobble throughout the rocky terrain up to the glass bridge. It costs Rs. 300-400 depending on how you negotiate with the local jeeps here. Private vehicles aren’t allowed in, thus making jeeps the only option. Trekking is another option.

900 kandi glass bridge wayanad kerala, kerala travel blog

Now, what was I doing all this while back at Zostel? Sitting amidst the plantations in one of the sitting areas, I typed away an article (on this blog, of course) and later attended that important meeting.

But the interesting part was staying back along with other travelers like me who talked of their experiences and lives. I met a man who’d volunteered for months in Isha, Coimbatore and was on a voyage covering South India after cruising through the north on his BMW motorcycle!

That reminded of an article I’d written on the benefits of traveling solo and why I should get back to it some day. The last solo travel I had had was in Singapore for 5 days .

Day 3: Chembra Peak and Quad Biking

Our final day was planned ahead for ascending the Chembra Peak at dawn. Always being a morning person, I woke everyone up and we headed out to get our entry tickets.

The forest department here allows only for the first 200 visitors per day, it’s an elephant’s land afterall. So get there early around 7 a.m. The punctual forest officer to approve tickets casually walked in 30 minutes late after we’d arrived at the counter.

After some hustle, we got through with our tickets and a sticker on our plastic bottle that was refundable later. It cost us Rs. 1770 in total for our group of 5. I later checked many sites that mention Rs. 750 for a 10-member group. But as of January, 2023 – this was the price we paid.

Frustrated with the forest officer’s late arrival, we hurried to the trek’s starting point as we’d already missed sunrise.

But we’d mistaken – it wasn’t the mere sunrise view we had paid for. It was the trek itself. We began walking at first, then slowly ascended under canopies. Then began actually climbing steep lifesize rocks.

After an hour or two after some huffs and puffs, a forest guide at his post appeared. He informed in his best broken Hindi that we were halfway there. That’s when we realized what we’d paid for, it was the long trek! And it couldn’t have been better.

While we initially begun out climbing as a group, I couldn’t help but climb faster with the adrenaline rush. We raced up the hills at some point. Around 10:30 or so, we made it to the infamous Heart Lake.

chembra peak wayanad trekking, chembra peak trek guide

A naturally formed waterbody atop the mountain range with a view of the clouds floating below at one side and the remaining tip looming over. It was spectacular. However, we weren’t allowed to climb further. So we stopped here a good while.

After endless pictures and music as we went, we descended the Chembra Peak. Descending took less effort – just make sure to wear shoes with good grip.

Quad Biking out of the Blue

Wayanad travel blog . Hesitant whether to head out for lunch or continue with the activities. We were hungry but we’d have to go all the way down to Kalpetta for lunch. The Chembra Peak is remote afterall.

As luck turned out, there was a temporary stall selling watermelon slices, buttermilk, brownies, and few other picnic items you could think of. Since we were hungry, we couldn’t help bother prices and began feasting on whatever caught our eye.

It wasn’t until we realized we were already full and finished almost half the tiny stall! Amused with what we’d done, we began descending towards our parked car – and that’s where we found the quad bike parked.

The quad bike track was right by the parking lot. Bargaining down to around Rs. 300 per lap for a person, we got the bike in our hands. I wasn’t sure it’d be worth just a lap over the mud track.

But gripping my fingers onto the handle bars and man-handling the bike was simply out of the world! For someone who hasn’t ridden a quad bike before, it was quite worth the shot.

The same rental agency (Circuit Wheelz) that lent us the quad bike and its track also offered mountain biking with premium bikes. But with the trek and the quad bike handling, we hadn’t any energy left for it.

So we waved all of it goodbye. To the heart-shaped lake, the quadbike, and of course the tiny foodstall.

zostel plus wayanad night view

Wayanad Travel Blog: Tailpiece

That makes up for my Wayanad travel blog. This post was less informative and more of my personal experience. If you’re looking for a guide to Wayanad, I’ll be working on it very soon!

But to sum it up – I’d say Wayanad is a pleasant spot to visit for any type of visitor. Someone who’s looking for a short not-so-far weekend getaway or someone who loves road trips. It takes no more than a good 3-4 days to get around all the must-visit places here.

But some do stay longer to detox themselves from the city noise. The weather’s pleasant and the peaks are a paradise afterall.

As for getting around, I never did try local transport myself, but I’d highly recommend getting your own vehicle. It’s easier to get around the remote parts of the town at your own pace.

With Wayanad being a touristy area now, people are welcoming to foreigners here. The only hitch can be communicating with the locals at times. When (and if) I learn the Malayalam language some day, I’d probably have a more intense story to tell. But for now, this sums up my Wayanad Travel blog :)

zostel plus wayanad review, zostel wayanad travel experience

Manas Patil

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wayanad tourism in malayalam

Wonderful journey to the Green Paradise of Kerala - Wayanad

Photo of Jishnu Ambadi

Wayanad is a hill station in Kerala, which attracts a large number of local as well as foreign tourists. The chilling climate in Wayanad with its marvellous natural beauty makes it one of the best tourist attractions in God’s own Country and called as the green paradise of Kerala. Some of the major tourist attractions in Wayanad are Edakkal Caves, Chembra Peak , Lakkidi View Point , Kuruvadweep and Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary. I was on a budget trip and also wasn’t in a hurry to visit all the locations.

My Trip to Wayanad

We reached Wayanad in the evening. It was already getting dark, much sooner than other parts of Kerala . We stopped at Lakkidi Viewpoint, which is the gateway of Wayanad. Nearly 200 people were relaxing and enjoying the beauty of nature. We parked our bike on the side of the road where several other cars and bikes were parked. There was no proper parking area, so it was a bit dangerous to park the bike on the side of the road without much lighting. We were amazed to see the scenery from there. It was pretty dark and the view of fog slowing rising from the valleys to the top of the hills was an experience to remember forever. Everyone was busy clicking photos of the raising fog but I saw most people were complaining they couldn’t catch any proper pictures in the camera since the fog was covering all the views in the already dark valleys.

My friend didn’t want to leave the viewpoint but we had to move on. We didn’t have any reservation for the hotel, so we had to drive around and find a place to stay. The first hotel we noticed was Hotel Pepper Wayanad Gate, which is along the highway itself just 2 kilometers from the viewpoint. Even though we had seen good reviews of Pepper Wayanad Gate, we decided to skip it since it was beyond our budget. We reached Kalpetta , which is a small town but still active in the night. There were many hotels and we found one small hotel, which is close to the main junction and looked matching our budget. We walked into the reception and asked for a room. The guy in the reception stared at me as if I have come asking for a free room but showed me a few options. We took a double bed non-A/c room on the second floor. I was wondering who would need an A/c room in the chilling weather there. One good thing about such budget hotels is, they don’t charge anything extra for the rooms with good views. After all, most people coming into such hotels just need room to sleep at the best price and they don’t care for the views from the room. But we were lucky to get a room overlooking the hills. We opened the window and the view of mountains and valleys at far was really amazing.

We planned a trip of three days but later extended for one more day as we couldn't cover all the places on our itinerary. I'm not going to write more about the tourist spots we visited during the trip as I'm uploading images of the destinations we have visited and also including important information about the spot.

It was a fabulous trip and we enjoyed a lot. After several hours of driving, we both were tired and decided to sleep early after a quick dinner in the “thattukada” (country style restaurant) next to the hotel. Maybe because we were too hungry, the dosa and chutney tasted like the best food I have ever eaten! We had a chat with the hotel guy about the places to visit in Wayanad , other than the places we had already visited. He told about a list of activities to do in Wayanad including trekking, hiking, off road riding, camping and rafting. Also, gave the contact number of a company who arranges such activities for the tourists. We promised to come back to do all activities we missed doing this time and decided to try the bamboo rafting this time . Read more about my experience of bamboo rafting in Wayanad .

Wayanad Churam

A beautiful view of curved roads. I personally suggest Wayanad ghat roads as one of the most adventurous routes in Kerala to drive on.

Photo of Wayanad Churam, Kozhikode, Kerala, India by Jishnu Ambadi

Soochipara Waterfalls

A refreshing spot to be with friends

Photo of Soochipara Waterfalls, Wayanad, Kerala, India by Jishnu Ambadi

Banasura Sagar Dam

Photo of Banasura Sagar Dam, Padinjarathara, Kerala, India by Jishnu Ambadi

Pookode Lake

Photo of Pookode Lake, Kunnathidavaka, Kerala, India by Jishnu Ambadi


Photo of Kuruvadweep, Wayanad, Kerala, India by Jishnu Ambadi

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wayanad tourism in malayalam

Wayanad, with her enchanting vistas and captivating secrets, is a land without equal.

wayanad tourism in malayalam

Wayanad’s rich history stretches back to the Neolithic Age, with the Edakkal Caves being one of the oldest signs of human settlement to be discovered. The caves seem to have been inhabited by several human settlers over the course of time. Even though very little is known about these ancient settlers, the cave paintings at Edakkal, the burial sites discovered around the caves, and the ancient earthenware found within are proof of their existence.

The region is home to some of the oldest temples in India and also played a pivotal role in the worldwide spice trade. In fact it was the legendary spice gardens of Wayanad that prompted the European powers to establish direct sea routes to India. Many a war has been fought for the dominion of this lucrative trade. Even now the best pepper in the world comes from Wayanad’s green slopes.

The people of Wayanad have a warm welcoming nature and share a special bond with their land.Agriculture and tourism are the two major professions pursued. Malayalam is the most widely used language here, but most government and tourism officials have a working knowledge of English and Hindi.

Even though Wayanad is the least populated district in Kerala, it has the highest tribal population. Each tribe had its own special trade and purpose. The Kurichiyas and Kurumas have a strong martial history; the Uralis are primarily an artisan tribe, while the Kaatunayakans were considered the chieftains of the jungles.Wayanad also has many other tribes, with their own trades and skills. Some of the tribes still speak their own languages. These languages are usually without script, and are only known by spoken word.

Apart from the tribes, Wayanad also has a religiously diverse population. Hindu, Muslim, Christian and Jain populations, have all brought their own subculture and influences to Wayanad, making it a tolerant, multicultural society.

wayanad tourism in malayalam

Wayanad has a relatively cool climate with a mean temperature of 19 to 32 degree Celsius. Humidity levels are usually quite high throughout the year. Wayanad receives some of the highest rainfall levels in the country. Monsoon chasers have a double window with the South-West Monsoon usually hitting Wayanad during the June-September months, and the North-West Monsoon in October-November.

The rainy seasons are the best time to visit Wayanad if you want to see the forests, waterfalls andvegetation at it best. The double monsoons and the accompanying mists have lead to Wayanad being called “the home of the monsoon”

Alternatively the summer months of March-May are better suited for outdoor activities and wildlife safaris. Animal sightings tend to be better in summer owing to many animals migrating to the forests of Wayanad from other reserves, in search of better water resources and prey

Kannur 104 KM Calicut 98 KM Mysore 123 KM Coimbatore 236 KM Cochin 245 KM Bangalore 318 KM

Calicut Kannur Mysore Coimbatore Bangalore Cochin

Wayanad is landlocked by the Calicut, Malapuram and Kannur districts of Kerala, Kodagu, Mysore and Chamraja Nagar districts of Karnataka, and the Nilgiris district of Tamil Nadu. It is accessible by road through multiple entry points from all three states. The drive to Wayanad, along long winding roads surrounded by dense forests and the breathtaking landscape is an experience that shouldn’t be missed.​


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Rahul Gandhi falls ill; to skip LS poll campaigns in Kerala tomorrow


Wayanad: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi who is contesting as UDF candidate from Wayanad called off his programmes in Kerala after falling sick due to food poisoning. The sitting Wayanad MP has planned to attend election campaign meetings in Kerala on April 22, Monday.  

Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee acting president M M Hassan announced the cancellation of Rahul's programmes in Kerala on Sunday. 

He was expected to participate in the election campaigns at Thrissur, Mavelikkara and Alappuzha parliamentary constituencies on Monday.

'Wayanad needs a full-time MP, not tourist or guest' : Annie Raja, Surendran take a swipe at Rahul Gandhi

'Wayanad needs a full-time MP, not tourist or guest' : Annie Raja, Surendran take a swipe at Rahul Gandhi

LS polls: Rahul Gandhi to reach Wayanad on April 3, likely to file nomination

LS polls: Rahul Gandhi to reach Wayanad on April 3, likely to file nomination

He also skipped the INDIA Bloc rally in Jharkhand's Ranchi on Sunday because of health issues. Earlier, party sources informed that he fell ill suddenly on Sunday. Later, AICC president Mallikarjun Kharge said that Rahul suffered food poisoning.

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Adventure Tourism in Wayanad

Chembra Peak, Wayanad, Kerala, India

Recreational Tourism in Wayanad

Pookot Lake, Wayanad, Kerala, India

Come to Wayanad to relax and rejuvenate your mind, body and soul. The following destinations at Wayand are noted to be the best places for doing recreational activities. Boating Facilities can be arranged...


Thirunelly Temple, Wayanad, Kerala, India


Edakkal Caves, tribes, Wayanad, Kerala, India

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During his recent campaign tour in Wayanad, AICC leader Rahul Gandhi engaged with locals, even travelling in an auto rickshaw while discussing the benefits of voting for Congress. Seeking re-election from Wayanad, Gandhi has taken on CPI's Annie Raja, while criticizing PM Modi and CM Pinarayi Vijayan. The trust between Congress and Left appears strained, with Gandhi questioning the ED's inaction against Vijayan. Despite facing criticism, Gandhi remains popular among local Muslims. However, some are skeptical about his ability to maintain his lead, especially with his changed role since 2019.


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‘Congress will win 20 seats in Kerala,’ says Sachin Pilot in Wayanad

22 april 2024, 08:31 pm ist.

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Congress leader Sachin Pilot | Filephoto: PTI

Wayanad: Congress leader Sachin Pilot on Monday exuded confidence in the opposition coalition, the INDIA bloc forming a government at the Centre and said that Congress will win 20 seats in Kerala in the Lok Sabha elections.

During the roadshow, Sachin Pilot questioned the BJP government about what they have done in the last 10 years.

"The BJP government has not done any work in the last 10 years. The 2024 Lok Sabha elections are for a new change. The UDF has promised to work for the elderly, farmers and young people and women. The BJP has used the CBI and ED against Rahul Gandhi. In the last 10 years, the BJP has not done anything for the middle class and the poor. You can see the language of the BJP leaders and see what kind of agenda they are setting. Rahul Gandhi always raises the issues of Wayanad and talks about his constituency, this time also people will vote for Rahul Gandhi and make Congress win 20 seats in Kerala," Pilot told ANI.

He further said that the agenda for the election should be development, progress, and prosperity adding that there is a "sense of arrogance" in the NDA government.

"This is a national election. The agenda for the election should be development, progress, and prosperity. The 10 years of the NDA government, have to give answers for why we have record unemployment in this country today. The sense of arrogance in the government is now clearly visible. The statements made by the top leaders of the BJP show that they are on a back foot in the first round of voting. The feedback we've got is that it INDIA bloc is far ahead of the NDA. In Kerala, there are 20 seats that go to polls. Last time we got 19 seats. I am absolutely confident that we will get 20 out of 20 seats and Rahul Gandhi will win by a bigger margin than he won last time," he said.

Pilot further said that the Congress manifesto is a manifesto for the prosperity of this country adding that the statements given by the BJP leaders show that they are rattled and they are quite nervous about the results.

"I don't know why the Prime Minister is saying these things. There is no reason. We take everybody along. This country belongs to all of us. But the statements given by the BJP leaders show that they are rattled and they are quite nervous about the results...UDF will win 20 on 20 seats (in Kerala)," he said.

He further asserted that in the Lok Sabha elections, the Congress and the INDIA bloc would perform well adding that the INDIA bloc will form the government on June 4.

"The LDF government is working in the state but is not successful in delivering development. Their government is facing serious corruption charges. There is violence in the state and violence in politics as well. The people of Kerala will show the LDF the real mirror. It is also clear to the people what the agenda of the BJP is and the agenda of Congress is absolutely clear. We will work for women, farmers, the elderly, and young people. The Congress and the INDIA bloc will perform well. The Congress manifesto aims to bring prosperity to India. It is clear from the statements given by BJP leaders that they are nervous about the election results.

Reacting to the electoral bonds issue, Sachin Pilot asked the BJP government to disclose the recipient's name

"The Supreme Court has called the electoral bond illegal. If they want transparency, then why is the BJP not disclosing the recipient's name? Even after the Supreme Court's intervention, the name has been kept hidden. Donations have been received, which is a huge corruption, and the BJP will have to answer," he said.

All 20 Lok Sabha constituencies in Kerala will vote in a single phase on April 26. Counting will be held on June 4.

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Wayanad Lok Sabha election 2024: Will Rahul Gandhi prevail in three-way fight with Left's Annie Raja, BJP's K Surendran

Wayanad lok sabha polls: this time around, however, the wayanad contest is unlikely to be a cakewalk for rahul gandhi..

Mehak Agarwal

  • Updated Apr 21, 2024, 12:03 PM IST

The BJP has fielded its state president K Surendran whereas the ruling Left has fielded Annie Raja against the Gandhi scion. 

Voters and political pundits have a keen eye on Kerala's Wayanad Lok Sabha constituency, the idyllic land of paddy fields located in the Western Ghats. All the 20 seats in Kerala will go to polls in a single phase on April 26. Congress MP Rahul Gandhi is not only eyeing his second victory from Wayanad but will also take the big decision of contesting from the Gandhi family pocket borough Amethi in Uttar Pradesh after voting is complete in the constituency on April 26.

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This time around, however, the Wayanad contest is unlikely to be a cakewalk for Rahul Gandhi. The BJP has fielded its state president K Surendran whereas the ruling Left has fielded Annie Raja against the Gandhi scion. 

Rahul Gandhi's poll promises 

In order to bolster Congress' political fortunes, Rahul Gandhi has made many promises in these elections. These promises include legal guarantee of minimum support price for crops to farmers, social security for gig workers, Rs 5,000 crore fund for startups, filling upto 30 lakh vacancies in government jobs, laws to curb government recruitment exam paper leaks.

Besides this, the Congress scion has also promised to directly deposit Rs 1 lakh annually into the bank accounts of poor women under the Mahalaxmi Guarantee scheme. He has also promised Aadhi Aabadi Pura Hakk, i.e., 50 per cent reservation for women in all new recruitments for Central government jobs. 

PM Modi, K Surendran remind RaGa of Amethi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently took a jibe at Gandhi and said that he will run away from Wayanad too the same way he had to run away from Amethi. "Congress' shehzada (prince) is facing a crisis in Wayanad. Prince and his aides are waiting for polling on April 26. You can assume that he will leave Wayanad as he ran away from Amethi," the Prime Minister said at a rally. 

Last month, Kerala BJP president K Surendran said Rahul Gandhi will face the same fate as Amethi in Wayanad this time around. In 2019, Gandhi lost the Congress stronghold Amethi against BJP's Smriti Irani. 

Talking to the media, Surendran said, "Wayanad is a constituency where there is a development crisis. Rahul Gandhi has done nothing for the constituency. He will meet the same fate in Wayanad as he encountered in Amethi last time."

Wayanad-- Rahul Gandhi's refuge after losing Amethi in 2019

In 2019, Gandhi went to Wayanad after he lost Amethi to Union minister Smriti Irani by more than 55,000 votes. The decision to move to Wayanad at the time proved to be beneficial as the Congress leader won the seat by more than 7 lakh votes and commanded a vote share of 64.7 per cent. 

The reason for Gandhi's move to Wayanad lies beyond losing Amethi to the fiery Smriti Irani. The seat has been a Congress stronghold since the 2009 Lok Sabha elections. In 2009, Congress leader M.I. Shanavas won from the constituency.

He secured more than 4.10 lakh votes and a vote share of 49.8 per cent. Shanavas won from Wayanad for the second time in the 2014 general elections. In the 2014 polls, M.I. Shanavas secured more than 3.77 lakh votes and a vote share of 41.2 per cent. 

INDIA bloc members question Rahul Gandhi

Not only this, INDIA alliance member and Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan also questioned Gandhi's decision to contest from Wayanad for the second time. Vijayan questioned who and what exactly is Rahul Gandhi fighting against. "Who is Rahul Gandhi fighting against in Kerala? Can we say he is contesting against K Surendran in Kerala? Can we say he came to Kerala to fight against the BJP? He is coming here to contest against the LDF," he said. 

CPI candidate from the constituency Annie Raja also questioned Gandhi over his candidature from the same constituency. She said people of Wayanad are very disappointed with Gandhi's performance. Annie Raja added people told her that the Congress MP did not come and stand by them even during the most difficult times. 

"What people are telling me? They are asking me very angrily will you be like him? Like him (Rahul Gandhi)? I said what happened? No, we voted for him (Rahul Gandhi) and the propaganda was he would be the Prime Minister. He could not become the PM but at least he could have taken the name of this constituency which has only 4 letters in Malayalam, 'Wayanad'," she said. 


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Wayanad Congress general secretary joins BJP, slams Rahul Gandhi

Pm sudhakaran, general secretary of the wayanad district congress committee, has resigned from the party and joined the bjp today..

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Wayanad Congress leader joins BJP

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PM Sudhakaran, general secretary of the Wayanad District Congress Committee, has resigned from the party and joined the BJP on Sunday. After quitting the party, he questioned Wayanad Congress MP Rahul Gandhi 's accessibility towards the common man when he was not even accessible to him.

Sudhakaran joined the BJP at an election committee office in Kalpetta.

Addressing a function held at the committee office, the former Congress leader said, "I am joining the BJP as I am an admirer of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his policies towards development. The BJP is a party that has more relevance in today's society."

"For the further implementation of Prime Minister Modi's development projects, (Kerala BJP chief) K Surendran should be elected as the MP from Wayanad and I will work towards that. If the people of Wayanad elect K Surendran, it would prove to be more beneficial for them," he added.

In the Lok Sabha elections in Kerala on April 26, Rahul Gandhi is up against the BJP's Surendran and CPI leader Annie Raja in Wayanad.

Sudhakaran went on to say that "Wayanad will be destroyed if Rahul Gandhi, who cheated the people for five years, is given another chance".

He also asked whether the Congress MP was ready to assure the people of Wayanad that he would not contest in Amethi, the party leader's former stronghold in Uttar Pradesh.

For the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, the Congress is yet to announce a candidate for Amethi .

Rahul Gandhi had won the Amethi seat for three consecutive times since 2004.

However, Union Minister Smriti Irani defeated him in the 2019 general elections by 55,000 votes, earning her the tag of 'giant slayer'.

While filing his nomination from Wayanad on April 3, Rahul Gandhi called the Lok Sabha constituency his "home" .

“From them (people of Wayanad), I have learned a great deal over the last five years and received an abundance of love and affection. It is with great pride and humility that I file my nomination for Lok Sabha 2024 once again from this beautiful land,” he tweeted.

But the suspense on a Congress candidate from Amethi has fuelled speculation on Rahul Gandhi also contesting from the high-profile seat.

Addressing a joint press conference with Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav, Rahul Gandhi said, "Whatever the Central Election Committee (CEC) and Congress president will ask me to do, I will do it ... Such decisions are made at our CEC." Published By: Karishma Saurabh Kalita Published On: Apr 21, 2024



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  8. Mesmerizing Top Tourist Spots in Wayanad, Kerala

    Explore the top tourist spots in Wayanad, Kerala including Chembra peak, Kuruva Island, Pookode lake, Muthanga wildlife sanctuary, Edakkal Caves, Soochipara Falls, Banasura Sagar Dam. ... Malayalam Cinema; Kerala Tourism; Kerala Hotels; Get In Touch + 91 98460 43403.

  9. Exploring Wayanad, the haven of history, heritage and eco-tourism spots

    Places To Visit. 1. Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary. It is the second largest wildlife sanctuary in India and is home to various species of flora and fauna. Founded in 1973, the sanctuary is famous for spotting tigers and elephants. A wildlife safari here is a must to get a glimpse of the jungle and its activities.

  10. Wayanad Uncovered: 26 Hidden Gems You Need to Visit

    Top 10 Places to Visit in Wayanad. Located in Kerala's Western Ghats, Wayanad offers an extensive list of attractions. A few of the best locations to explore are Kuruva Island, Soochipara Falls, Pookode Lake, Edakkal Caves, Banasura Sagar Dam, Thirunelli Temple, Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, and Lakkidi View Point.

  11. Wayanad District

    Wayanad with its lush greenery and majestic look stands on top of the Deccan plateau with its tall and impressive ridges, scattered dense forests, deep valleys, twisted jungles and rugged terrains. Wayanad offers some the breathtaking tourist spots in the world. Some the prominent places in Wayanad to visit are the Chembra peak where you can see the most exhilarating beauty of this land and ...

  12. 25 Handpicked Tourist Places In Wayanad For Your Hilly Vacation

    October to May is the best time to visit Wayanad. The times in between December to February are much cooler than the other months of the year with downfall of temperature up to 10°C. so this is the best time to travel to Wayanad. Here is a list of 25 tourist places in Wayanad which you must cover during your trips. 1. Banasura Sagar Dam.

  13. Wayanad

    Wayanad is the best place in Kerala for hill tourism. Most parts of the district are protected forest and the remaining area is lush green cultivation with a relatively thinner population. Urbanization has reached only 4% of the district. The altitude reaches up to 2,100 ft in some parts of Wayanad.

  14. Wayanad Tourism (2024)

    Get the best Information about Wayanad Tourism. Get travel guides and plan your trip to Wayanad with tour packages, places to visit, sightseeing, hotels, and reviews by other travellers ... However, the principal languages spoken are Malayalam and English. Later in November 1980, it was declared as the 12th district of Kerala formed out of land ...

  15. Best Places to Visit in Wayanad

    3. Edakkal Cave. Edakkal caves are situated on Ambukuthi Hills about 10 kilometers from Sulthan Bathery, in Wayanad district of Kerala. It has been formed due to a large split in a huge rock, and the resulting landscape represent the world's richest pictographic gallery of its kind. The depth of both the clefts is about 30ft.

  16. Wayanad-Top 15 Must Visit Places You Shouldn't Miss

    The name "Wayanad" has its origins in "Vayal Naatu" (Malayalam) which translates to "The land of paddy fields". An eco-tourism destination nestled amidst the Western Ghats, situated on the borders between Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, has altitudes ranging from 700 to 2100 m.

  17. വയനാട് ജില്ല

    പ്രധാന താൾ ഉള്ളടക്കം; സമകാലികം; പുതിയ താളുകൾ ഏതെങ്കിലും താൾ

  18. Wayanad Tourism- Tourist Places

    The attractions in Wayand include Chenbra peak, kuruva Dweep,Pakshipathalam bird sanctuary,Pazhassi Raja Tomb, Soochipara falls, Muthanga wildlife Sanctuary. etc. Situated on the Southern tip of the Deccan plateau, here are few tourist places in. Wayanad with pictures that are glorified by the Western Ghats with lofty ridges and clear lakes.

  19. Perfect Wayanad Travel Blog, Kerala 2023: Joy amidst Leas

    Wayand Travel Blog: Essentials to Keep in Mind. Visiting Kerala in the mid-winter (January, 2023) and glancing at Google images of Wayanad, I expected the place to be chilly like Ooty. The temperature was more or less similar to Bangalore's. In fact, Bangalore was colder than Wayanad at the time!

  20. Wonderful journey to the Green Paradise of Kerala

    Wayanad is a hill station in Kerala, which attracts a large number of local as well as foreign tourists. The chilling climate in Wayanad with its marvellous natural beauty makes it one of the best tourist attractions in God's own Country and called as the green paradise of Kerala. Some of the major tourist attractions in Wayanad are Edakkal Caves, Chembra Peak, Lakkidi View Point ...

  21. Top 12 Places to Visit In Wayanad

    Best place to visit in Wayanad : This video contain Information regarding Major attractions of Wayanad district in KeralaMalayalam Vlog by Wayanadan BlogFee...

  22. Places to Visit in Wayanad: Tourist Places in Wayanad, Wayanad Tourism

    Wayanad got a place in the map of India on 1st November 1980 after it was established as the 12th district in Kerala. Earlier, the place was known as Mayakshetra that means "Maya's Land". Mayakshetra came to be known as Mayanad that thereafter, became Wayanad. Tourist Places In Wayanad

  23. About

    The people of Wayanad have a warm welcoming nature and share a special bond with their land.Agriculture and tourism are the two major professions pursued. Malayalam is the most widely used language here, but most government and tourism officials have a working knowledge of English and Hindi. Even though Wayanad is the least populated district ...

  24. Rahul Gandhi falls ill; to skip LS poll campaigns in Kerala tomorrow

    Wayanad: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi who is contesting as UDF candidate from Wayanad called off his programmes in Kerala after falling sick due to food poisoning. The sitting Wayanad MP has planned to attend election campaign meetings in Kerala on April 22, Monday. Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee acting president M M Hassan announced the ...

  25. Adventure Tourism in Wayanad

    Wayanad tourism has a rich smattering of Adventure, cultural, Piligrim and historical attractions. Wayanad is the nature's paradise in Kerala where tourists can rejuvenate their body and mind. ... Malayalam Cinema; Kerala Tourism; Kerala Hotels; Get In Touch + 91 98460 43403.

  26. Wayanad: INDIA BLOC partners battle it out; No more PM-face, now it's

    During his recent campaign tour in Wayanad, AICC leader Rahul Gandhi engaged with locals, even travelling in an auto rickshaw while discussing the benefits of voting for Congress. Seeking re-election from Wayanad, Gandhi has taken on CPI's Annie Raja, while criticizing PM Modi and CM Pinarayi Vijayan. The trust between Congress and Left appears strained, with Gandhi questioning the ED's ...

  27. 'Congress will win 20 seats in Kerala,' says Sachin Pilot in Wayanad

    Wayanad: Congress leader Sachin Pilot on Monday exuded confidence in the opposition coalition, the INDIA bloc forming a government at the Centre and said that Congress will win 20 seats in Kerala ...

  28. Maharashtra: PM Modi says Rahul Gandhi will run away from Wayanad like

    Addressing a rally in Maharashtra's Nanded, PM Modi referred to Gandhi as shehzada (prince) and said that Congress was waiting for polling in Wayanad on April 26. Taking a dig, he said Gandhi would "run away" from the seat the way he "ran away" from Amethi in 2019. " Congress ke shehzade unhe bhi Wayanad mein sankat dikh raha hai.

  29. Wayanad Lok Sabha election 2024: Will Rahul Gandhi prevail in three-way

    Voters and political pundits have a keen eye on Kerala's Wayanad Lok Sabha constituency, the idyllic land of paddy fields located in the Western Ghats. All the 20 seats in Kerala will go to polls ...

  30. Wayanad Congress general secretary joins BJP, slams Rahul Gandhi

    Rahul Gandhi had won the Amethi seat for three consecutive times since 2004. However, Union Minister Smriti Irani defeated him in the 2019 general elections by 55,000 votes, earning her the tag of 'giant slayer'. While filing his nomination from Wayanad on April 3, Rahul Gandhi called the Lok Sabha constituency his "home". "From them (people of Wayanad), I have learned a great deal over the ...