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MUA Travel tự hào là một trong những đơn vị có tiềm lực tổ chức du lich M.I.C.E vì chúng tôi có hệ thống dối tác cung cấp các dịch vụ cao cấp như: hộ chiếu, vé máy bay, vận chuyển, khách sạn, dịch vụ ẩm thực, tổ chức sự kiện, ... nhằm hỗ trợ và đồng hành cùng các doanh nghiệp trong du lịch M.I.C.E trong và ngoài nước.

Công ty chúng tôi luôn trân trọng những giá trị nền tảng cho sự phát triển và thành công chung. Đó là các cơ hội được hợp tác với Quý khách hàng, Quý đối tác trên các lĩnh vực tiềm năng. Chúng tôi luôn tin tưởng rằng với một tập thể đoàn kết thống nhất, với sự ủng hộ mạnh mẽ của Quý khách hàng và đối tác, Du lịch Mỹ Úc Âu chắc chắn sẽ gặt hái được nhiều thành công trong tương lai!



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Tired of Urban Pollution? Let Us Escape to Mua Caves in Ninh Binh!

Tired of Urban Pollution? Let Us Escape to Mua Caves in Ninh Binh!

What to See in Vietnam’s Great Wall in Ninh Binh

Rachel Tran

Ninh Binh, apparently, is one of Vietnam’s most famous tourist attractions thanks to its wide range of cultural and natural heritages. Among these heritages, Mua Caves (Hang Múa in Vietnamese) or Dancing Cave stands out for its elegant natural beauty, because of which Mua Cave has been regarded as “The Great Wall of Vietnam” or “Tam Coc’s Muse”. This is also considered the most beautiful viewpoint in Ninh Binh, Vietnam.

I. Best Time To Explore Mua Cave – Vietnam’s Great Wall

Literally, Mua Cave welcomes every tourist in every single period of the year. However, according to experienced travellers, dry season (often from April to September ) would be a more appropriate season thanks to its comfortable weather and low precipitation. Especially, if visitors can come to Mua Cave in May or June, they will have a high chance of seeing a breathtaking picture, in which the enormous “golden” paddy fields and majestic mountainous scenery create a harmonious combination.

Best time to visit Mua caves

Nonetheless, as a plethora of tourists would come to Mua Cave that time to observe this beautiful scene, visitors who are not into travelling with hordes of tourists may feel uncomfortable. For those visitors, they would be highly recommended to go in the rainy season (which lasts from October to March) so that they can avoid being stuck in a tourist crowd (though going in this time means you can only see the vivid green of nature instead of the golden colour of the paddy fields, which is definitely a big regret!)

II. What Makes Mua Cave a Must-try?


1. Interesting History

When referring to Ninh Binh in general and Mua Cave specifically, one thing popping up in the Vietnamese’s minds is that it was once the Capital of Vietnam. Therefore, various Ninh Binh’s destinations may once be restricted for the Royal Family only.

Legend has it that: during the Vietnam-Mongolia war I, the Royal Family Tran moved from Thang Long (Vietnam’s Capital at that time, now is Hanoi) to Ninh Binh and Mua Cave was chosen as an entertaining place. When the King needed some entertainment, a number of beautiful dancers were supposed to come there and dance. This is the way Mua Cave got its name, which as mentioned above, literally means Dancing Cave. 

Missing the beauty of the King’s entertaining place in a good day would not seem a good idea, wouldn’t it?

Cultural beauty of Mua cave - Mua caves in harvest season

2. Cultural Beauty

Mua Cave, situated under Mua Mountain, is described by the locals as “an enormous bell put upside down”. The Cave has its side of about 800 meters square. Looking from the bottom of the mountain, various white stone steps leading to the mountain’s top shape like a miniature of “China’s Great Wall”. On the two sides of this “Great Wall”, there are delicate dragon and phoenix-shaped stones, which were thought to be carved in Tran Dynasty as they reflect exactly this Dynasty’s art spirit.

Unlike other tourist destinations in Ninh Binh , Mua Cave has a charming and peaceful cultural beauty. Though this area has been exploited quite soon compared to other Vietnam’s tourist attractions, the nature here successfully keeps its pristine beauty. Thanks to the local government’s decision of sustainably developing this area’s potential tourism, tourist-care services here take place well-orderly and the local citizens are in good manners, also, there are few fighting or rip-offs witnessed. 

For tourists who want to try the King’s feeling, there are music shows recreating the dancing scenery that happened in the Tran Dynasty. If tourists want to enjoy these shows, pre-check with the Cave’s managers so that you can manage your time to get there at the right time.

3. “Good For Health” (yes, you got it right, it is “Good For Health”)

There are two reasons why going to Mua Cave is a “healthy” decision.

Firstly, this destination’s air is so fresh and clean. Evidently, in this hustling modern life, sometimes clean air is the silver bullet which can help “erasing” people’s all stress and pressure. Visiting Mua Cave, visitors have a chance of temporarily forgetting their busy lives to just focus on the breathtaking view there.

Secondly, the natural beauty here is not free-access, if you want to enjoy it, you have to “do something”. As a massive number of travellers confirmed, the most special part of Mua Cave’s experience is to enjoy the area’s nature from the view of the mountain’s peak. However, before you can get this view as a reward, you have to come through “Vietnamese Great Wall”, which means you will have to climb nearly 500 white stone steps to the mountain’s top. These white stone steps, which connect the mountain’s top and bottom parts, is like a God-made way leading to the divine world. Although this seems at first a tiring challenge, it is “the sweetest climbing challenge” as the majestic scenery observed while climbing these steps will not make you regret, absolutely. 

III. Noticeable Activities and Attractions in/around Mua Cave

Activities in and around Mua caves in Ninh Binh

 1. Enjoy Stunning View From Mua Caves

As mentioned above, one of the reasons why the Mua Cave complex is a must-try for visitors is its pristine nature. At the very first look, Mua Cave takes people’s breath away by its “green” nature. In the middle of this Complex (which is mostly covered by numerous shade trees, providing people a relaxing atmosphere as well as resting places) lays an artificial pond. The pond has an ancient beauty, which is not only a decoration but also an “air conditioner” for this place. 

After finishing to roam around the complex, you may wonder that you have seen all the most beautiful sides of “Tam Coc’s Muse”. However, only when you reach the Mua mountain’s top can the whole beauty of this destination be observed.

Standing on the top of Mua Mountain is an enormous statue of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, whose view is directly toward Mua Cave Complex.

This Buddhist Goddess’ situation has the meaning that the whole Mua Cave Complex is put under her divine protection. Also by looking from this mountain’s top, people can get all the magnificent sides of this area into their eyes: the golden rice paddies, the serene rivers with small boats floating, the pristine nature…., all these scenery are so wonderful that if someone have to describe, he or she would definitely refer to them as various priceless ancient artworks.

2. “Check-in” Tower

After climbing to the top of the mountain, turn right if you want a stunning place for checking in (of course you can have a check-in in mostly every place of this destination; however, interestingly, there stands a tower which is (funnily) called the “Check-in Tower”).  

This tower’s architecture was made in Buddhist style, which is ubiquitous in countries where Buddhism is popular (such as India, Thailand, Laos,…). The tower’s bottom has the square shape, which represents the Land, the round top reflects the Water, the pointed parts are the symbol of Fire and the roofs over each tower’s floor remind people of the Wind’s power.

On this small tower’s walls carved the image of Nghê, one of the Dragon’s nine sons. Nghê’s appearance takes inspiration from the dog as well as the lion and can be considered as Vietnam’s “local” spirited animal. Different from China”Lân”, which is often the war power’s representation, Nghê is regarded as a peaceful spirited animal, of which the main duty is to protect people or important places.

As this check-in tower is a famous tourist attraction, you will have to line up if you want to have a check-in photo. However, if you do not want to waste time, you can wait until the complex is about to close and most tourists have gone. At that time, you will not have to wait for so long to have a check-in photo. 

Warning: If you are unlucky enough, the closing time may come before you can take your own picture. So, if you are so into this complex’s natural beauty or you desperately want to have a divine check-in photo, you had better come to the tower as soon as possible,…. to wait!

Mua cave viewpoint

3. “Hunting” Sunrise and Sunset at Mua Cave

In part 2. right above, if you turn right after climbing to the mountain’s top, you will reach the Check-in Tower. Then if you turn left, you will reach a perfect destination for observing Mua Cave’s Sunrise and sunset. This “sun observing” point is situated near the highest dragon and has no artificial stone steps, so “sunrise or sunset hunters” will have to stand on some natural ledges. As hunting sunrise and sunset are the two famous activities for Mua Cave’s travellers, there will be a large number of people being there to observe the sun. As a result,  you have to be as careful as possible so that you will not fall. 

Though this experience, in some way, may be regarded as quite dangerous, the sunrise and sunset’s beauty here are so “fresh” and pristine that hordes of people just come to Mua Cave to observe them. (Honestly, there is no other word that better describes Mua Cave’s beauty than “pristine”, so, in this blog, this word may be repeated a lot of times.)

IV. Suggested Methods on How to Get to Mua Cave

Located about 100 kilometers away from Hanoi, it is estimated to take people roughly 2 hours to get to Mua Cave if Hanoi is the setting off point. Overall, there are 2 main ways to get there: by coach and by motorbike.

  • By coach: the most convenient and most highly recommended way. Travellers can easily get on a coach to Ninh Binh at My Dinh or Giap Bat Station. However, the coach will only take you to the inner city. From the inner city, tourists will have to take a taxi to Mua Cave. It will take you about 70.000 VND (~$3) for the coach.
  • By motorbike: If you are a backpacker who wants to thoroughly enjoy the natural beauty of the way from Hanoi to Ninh Binh, motorbike is definitely a perfect means of transport that you can take advantage of. Though this means of transport is merely suitable for people having enough health, it will  allow you to enjoy the experience in your very own way. From Hanoi’s inner city, travellers can go on the Old National Highway 1A to Ha Nam, then continue to go to Ninh Binh. After reaching Ninh Binh, you can go on Road 491C to Khe Dau Ha Village, in which the Dancing Cave is located.

On the way to Mua Cave, you will have the opportunity to fully delight in the charming but sacred nature complex such as Trang An , Tam Coc – Bich Dong ,…, all of which are famous tourist attractions of Ninh Binh. If you are not in a hurry, visiting these places before going to Mua Cave would not be a bad idea. It will undeniably help you discover the whole fascinating beauty of Ninh Binh. 

V. Mua Cave Accommodation – Where To Stay Near Mua Cave?

Honestly, as Mua Cave is a famous attraction, visitors can find dozens of hotels or homestays with suitable locations on every single booking web. However, here are some destinations which mostly receive good reviews:

Where to stay in Mua cave - Mua cave ecoledge

1. Mua Cave Ecolodge

This is the most famous resort in the area surrounding Mua Cave. This resort has a leg up on other destinations thanks to its location being right next to Mua Cave Complex and right between Tam Coc- Bich Dong and Trang An Complex. With this “golden” location, tourists who choose this resort as a resting place can both conveniently move from this tourist site to another and have a good view toward all of Ninh Binh’s famous attractions. Noticeably, booking a Mua Cave Ecolodge’s room allow you to have a free Mua Cave’s entrance ticket (which, as mentioned above, costs 100.000 VND)

Because of its location as well as the free ticket offer, Mua Cave Ecolodge often runs out of rooms. Therefore, if you plan to stay at this resort, you have better book rooms soon.

Price range: 600.000 – 1.200.000 VND (vary due to travelling season) (~$25- $50)

Location: Khe Ha, Hoa Lu District, Ninh Binh Province

Phone: 0229 3619 679

Opening hours: all day everyday (can vary in National Holidays)

Services: This accommodation provides visitors with free wi-fi, breakfast and parking areas, also has an outdoor pool and laundry service.

2. Homestay Nguyen Shack Ninh Bình

Interesting place for those who want to try staying in a bamboo house! This homestay offers visitors a chance of resting in a bamboo bungalow situated on a lake laying in the middle of the exotic mountains. In my opinion, it would be an unforgettable experience if I can go resting in a totally eco-friendly place like that after a tired walking and sightseeing day.

Price range: 500.000 VND (vary due to travelling season)  (~$25)

Location: Mua Cave Road, Khe Ha Village, Ninh Xuan Commune, Hoa Lu District, Ninh Binh 

Opening hours: Full week, from 6 a.m to 11 p.m (can vary in National Holidays)

Phone: 0229 3618 678

Service: Free wi-fi and breakfast, friendly with kids and pets.

3. Phương Thảo Homestay

A lovely homestay with a reasonable price. Visitors can go cycling or go fishing IN the homestay’s garden. Moreover, this accommodation also provides currency exchange service for foreign visitors, which is evidently a big plus for this homestay.

Phone: 091 132 78 42

Price Range: 200.000 – 300.000 (vary due to travelling season) (~$10-$15)

Opening hours: All day every day (can vary in National Holidays)

VI. Mua Cave’s Cuisines – What to Eat in Mua Caves?

Goat meat - Mua caves ninh binh

1. Goat Meat

Ninh Binh is literally a mountainous area with various dangerous mountains. This special topography allows Ninh Binh in general and Mua Cave specifically an appropriate place for raising goats. If you haven’t tried goat meat, no one would believe that you have been to Ninh Binh

Unlike “countryside” goats, Ninh Binh Goats are gazed on in this place’s numerous mountains, which brings the meat a special flavor that can be found in nowhere but Mua Cave. A better meat quality, going together with the skills of experienced chefs specialising in cooking goat meat, will undoubtedly offer culinary enjoyers an unforgettable memory.

There are dozens of cooking ways for goat meat in Ninh Binh, all of which, in my opinion, are delicious and deserve a try of everybody. Travellers going to Mua Cave can try “Goat cooked with Mung Bean Sauce and Ginger” (Dê Tương Gừng), in which the tough goat meat is made to be soft and “sweet” by skilled chefs. Goat Porridge, Grilled Goat or Goat Spring Rolls are other must-try dishes when you come to Mua Cave Ninh Binh. The Goat meat, which is supposed to be tough and have foul smell, in these dishes, rocks!

Suggested restaurants:

  • Hoang Giang Ninh Binh Restaurant.

Location: Hang Ca Mountain, Truong Yen, Hoa Lu, Ninh Binh

Opening hours: full week, from 7 a.m–11.30 p.m (can vary in National Holidays)

Phone: 0229 3620 072

  • Thang Long Restaurant

Location: Trang An, Truong Yen, Hoa Lu, Ninh Binh

Opening hours: full week, from 7 a.m–10.30 p.m (can vary in National Holidays)

Phone: 097 515 54 58

2. Snake Eel/ Swamp Eel Roll (Gỏi Cá Nhệch)

This is a kind of specialty in Mua Cave Ninh Binh. Goi Ca Nhech has its main ingredient being the Snake eel – a type of Vietnamese paddy field eel. The eel, after being caught, will be washed by water mixed with lime, ash, or bamboo leaves to prevent the fishy smell. Then, the bones and skin will be removed before the meat is sliced and mixed with Thính to add flavor. (Thính: crushed fried sticky rice)

The eel’s skin, after being removed, will be fried to become the outer layer of the roll. The eel’s bones will be ground and mixed with chopped ginger, chilli, pepper and lemongrass to make the roll’s special sauce.

After preparation, Goi Ca Nhech will be served with some kinds of herbs like: Chervil, fish leaf, Ming Aralia,… The fresh feeling the eel meat brings, together with the comfortable smell of Thinh, the crispy fried eel skin and special taste of herbs, combines harmoniously with the special fish bone sauce, making the dish unforgettable for any travellers, even for ones who have just tried Goi Ca Nhech once.

Believe me, going to Mua Cave Ninh Binh but not trying Goi Ca Nhech would be a regret for any traveller. Goi Ca Nhech is definitely a must-try part and it undeniably contributes to Ninh Binh’s positive fame.

 Recommended places:

  • Vu Bao Kim Son Restaurant

Location: 6A, Phat Diem Dong Street, Phat Diem Town, Kim Son District, Ninh Binh

Opening hours: Full day full week (can vary in National Holidays)

Phone: 0229 3727 255

VII. Extra Notes When Traveling To Mua Caves

  • After leaving Mua Cave, roaming around the surrounding area to enjoy Vietnamese countryside atmosphere with its special “scent” and scenery is definitely not a bad opinion!
  • As Mua Cave Complex is a mountainous area, sometimes you will have to go through some dangerous paths with jagged rocks or some really slippery ones. Therefore, flip flops are not recommended as they can result in damages for travellers (or damages for your beloved phone!)
  • As you will have to climb to the Mua Mountain’s top in order to fully observe this complex’s beauty, sport shoes and clothes would be highly suggested. Moreover, remember to bring water in case you become tired after the “climbing challenge”.
  • If you visit Mua Cave soon in the morning or late in the afternoon, you can both prevent yourself from being stuck in a crowd of tourists and be able to enjoy the pristine sunrise or sunset scene.
  • The entrance fee includes a parking fee, so you can go with your means of transport until reaching the complex’s gate. You should not park them before reaching the gate as it will not only waste you money but also take you time to walk to the complex’s gate.

When people refer to Mua Cave Ninh Binh, they often regard it as a symbol of the peaceful, quiet but magnificent and majestic beauty. Going to Mua Cave, the exotic scenery here will help you escape the a nnoying urban hustle and bustle, which is priceless in these modern days.

VIII. Frequently Asked Questions

A: The best way to get from Ninh Binh to Mua Cave is renting a bicycle or motorbike. Tourists can also take a taxi from Ninh Binh city to Mua Caves.

A: It is about 85 km from Hanoi to Ninh Binh (2-3 hours of moving depending on types of transportation). Train is the best way

A: Dry season from April to September is the best time to visit Mua Caves thanks to its comfortable weather and low precipitation. Especially, tourists visiting Mua Caves in May – June and September – October can see the enormous “golden” paddy fields To avoid being stuck in the crowd, go to Mua Cave in rainy season, from March to October.

A: Mua peak/viewpoint has approximately 500 steps. It is not so hard to hike on the Lying Dragon Mountain is quite steep.

A: The opening hours of Mua Caves is 7 a.m – 7 p.m from Monday to Sunday.

A: Yes, you can stay overnight in Mua Caves. Try Mua Cave Ecolodge (Hang Mua) or Nguyen Shack (Ninh Binh). Besides, there are other options of accomodation for you to choose from (hotels, homestays, bungalows) in Trang An Complex, Hoa Lu and Tam Coc – Bich Dong. It is easily accessible by bicycle and motorbike.

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Where Are Those Morgans

How To Visit Mua Cave Viewpoint In Ninh Binh

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by Mark and Kristen Morgan

Published: March 2, 2020

Updated: December 18, 2023

Where Are Those Morgans Hang Mua Peak

Known as Hang Mua in Vietnamese, the Mua Cave Viewpoint is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Ninh Binh , Vietnam. After climbing 500 stairs, you will reach a beautiful 360 degree panoramic vista at the summit which is a great spot for watching sunset.

In this guide, we are going to show you everything you need to know about the Mua Cave Viewpoint.

Our Mua Caves Experience

Woman stood on swing in front of the sign for Mua Cave viewpoint or Khu Du Lich Hang Mua Peak

We spent 27 days traveling through Vietnam in  October 2018  as part of our 18 month trip around the world. During this trip, we hiked up to the Mua Cave Viewpoint in Ninh Binh on an incredibly hot and humid day. Read more  about us .

To make planning easy for you, we’re going to walk you through how to get to Mua Caves, where to purchase tickets and how to avoid the parking scam based on our own personal experiences.

Travel Tip : It’s important to note that while the area is commonly referred to as Mua Cave Viewpoint , it’s also known as Hang Mua Peak. These terms are used interchangeably, but refer to the same point of interest.

How To Get To Mua Caves Viewpoint

Use the map below to see directions from Tam Coc and Ninh Binh to Mua Caves.

  • Address : Ninh Xuân, Hoa Lư District, Ninh Bình 430000, Vietnam
  • Location : Google Maps

The Mua Caves Viewpoint is located within the Ninh Binh Province of Vietnam. It’s just 3 miles from the popular tourist destination of Tam Coc and 4 miles from Ninh Binh train station. You can reach the parking area by motorcycle or bicycle from Tam Coc or Ninh Binh. We hired a motorbike for the day from our hotel in Tam Coc and drove it to Mua Cave.

You can rent a motorbike for  100,000-150,000 VND  ($4-6) per day. Fuel for a full day will set you back no more than $3. Alternatively, you can rent a bicycle for  50,000 VND  ($2) per day. Many hotels even offer free use of bicycles in Tam Coc.

It should take about 10 minutes to ride your scooter from Tam Coc town to Mua Caves viewpoint. But one thing we learned is you might have a delay. For us, it was a herd of water buffalo walking down the narrow one lane road causing a backup of traffic.

We like the Mua Cave viewpoint because it’s easy to access, reasonably priced, provides a great workout and offers spectacular scenes worthy of Hollywood . You should also check out the Bich Dong Pagoda and Trang An boat tour after reading this guide.

Travel Tip : Because Ninh Binh is quieter compared to other cities in Vietnam, we used this region to learn how to ride our motorbikes in Vietnam so we could drive over the Hai Van Pass .

Getting To Ninh Binh Independently

Man on a hire bicycle next to an empty bike in Tam Coc

Are you planning to travel independently to Ninh Binh? Once you arrive at Ninh Binh train station, hire a motorbike right outside for roughly 150,000 VND ($6) and follow our map to Hang Mua.

There are no airports close by so travel by plane isn’t an option. But you can take a bus from Hanoi and many other popular spots on the typical Vietnam tourist trail. We took a bus directly from Halong Bay to Tam Coc, Ninh Binh.

Use 12Go Asia to check the best available options for travel. You’ll find the cheapest and quickest options are typically by bus or train .

Further Reading : How to survive the Vietnam sleeper bus

Buffalo causing a backup of traffic in Tam Coc

Best Tours From Hanoi

Side shot of man and woman on a motorbike with rice paddies in the background

Another option would be to travel from Hanoi to Ninh Binh with Tam Coc and Trang An included as part of a full day organized tour with transport completely covered .

Most tours include entrances fees to Mua Cave Viewpoint, Hoa Lu ancient capital, Bich Dong Pagoda and the Trang An Boat Tour.

Here are top rated tours from Hanoi to Mua Caves :

  • Tam Coc and Mua Cave – This full day tour takes you to Tam Coc, Hoa Lu as well as Mua Caves in an air-conditioned bus with hotel pick up and drop off in Hanoi’s Old Quarter.
  • Trang An and Mua Cave – Another full day tour option to Trang An, Hoa Lu and Mua Caves with a buffet lunch included.
  • Ninh Binh + Hoa Lu 2 day tour – If you have more time, consider this two day tour of Ninh Binh featuring Tam Coc, Hoa Lu, Mua Cave and the chance to ride a bike along rural roads next to rice paddies.

Travel Tip : Be sure to read the full descriptions and reviews of each tour to make sure it includes everything you want to see.

How To Avoid The Parking Scam

Motorbike parked next to the entrance to Mua Cave Viewpoint in Tam Coc

When you travel to Vietnam, you are going to be on the receiving end of some attempted scams . Unfortunately, as the country grows with tourism, the scams also become more common.

One of the most common scams is coercing tourists to pay over the odds for parking a bicycle or motorbike when visiting the Mua Cave viewpoint.

Line of bicycles with a few mopeds parked at the entrance to Mua Cave viewpoint

The best place to park when visiting Hang Mua peak is at the Mua Caves Ecolodge. But as you begin your approach up the dusty road towards the main entrance, locals will swarm out into the road in front of you.

They will demand that you dismount and park immediately for a hefty charge. Some of them might even be in police officer uniforms blowing whistles at you.

But just ignore them all .

However, that’s easier said than done when they grab a hold of your motorbike . Or stand right in front of you as you try to drive on ahead.

This can be incredibly nerve racking, but what you need to do is stay firm, don’t get flustered and don’t get off . Continue driving until you reach the end of the road, which is the entrance to the viewpoint trail.

You can park your motorbike or bicycle for 10,000 VND ($0.41) inside the Hang Mua Ecolodge hotel at the entrance. We parked our motorbike outside the entrance right next to a small white shrine as you can see above.

When we visited Mua Caves in 2018, you could park in this lot for free, but you now have to pay a small fee. However, this is still the best option for parking because it’s the cheapest price and your bike will be safe in this lot.

Mua Caves Entrance Fee

Two entry tickets to Mua Cave viewpoint and Hang Mua Peak showing the entrance fee

After getting through the chaos leading up to the Hang Mua Econolodge, you will notice a small ticketing area when you arrive at the main entrance. Tickets for hiking to the Mua Caves viewpoint cost 100,000 VND (about $4.12) per person. Mua Cave is open everyday from 6:00am-7:00pm so you have plenty of time to visit.

You do not need to book in advance to visit the Mua Cave Viewpoint. You can purchase a ticket right on site when you visit. If you are booking a tour, your entry ticket may already be included.

Many people suggest staying at Mua Caves Ecolodge because the entrance to the Mua Cave viewpoint is directly on site.

>> Book Mua Caves Ecolodge here

Here are a few pros and cons for staying close by at the Mua Caves Ecolodge:

  • Located directly within the Mua Caves complex
  • You can access the viewpoint anytime during opening hours
  • Free entrance to the Mua Cave
  • They provide pick up from train station if you need transport
  • You will have to deal with the scammers every time you leave
  • Can be expensive and busy depending on the time of year
  • Not many restaurant options nearby

Best Things To Do At Mua Cave Viewpoint

Once you enter the Hang Mua site, there’s a strange but fascinating mixture of things to see before you reach Mua Cave and the steps up to its viewpoint. You will see a sign for Khu Du Lich Hang Mua Peak . When translated into english, this means Mua Peak Cave Tourist Area .

There is a lot to see which is why we wanted to break down the main highlights for you. This way you won’t miss anything during your visit.

1. Entrance Grounds

You will find immaculately clean, curated and attractive water features with bamboo houses and horse statues . Then you will cross a wooden bridge surrounded by trees and overhanging branches with swings hanging off them overlooking an emerald green lake .

Here are a few photos to show you what we mean:

Bamboo hut and pond with stone Lillies near the entrance to Mua Cave or Khu Du Lich Hang Mua Peak

The area is lovely and neatly finished, but it’s certainly not what we were expecting, especially for somewhere this rural. The contrast between artificial and real on either side of the entrance was a double take.

A white wooden bridge crossing over a deep green river at Mua Cave viewpoint or Khu Du Lich Hang Mua Peak

There are many spots to take great photos for those who want to get a different Instagram shot . Be sure to take some time exploring this area before or after you climb to Mua Cave Viewpoint.

2. Mua Cave

Entrance to the Mua Cave in Ninh Binh Vietnam

Most blogs don’t even mention this, but there is a Mua Cave onsite. It was flooded when we visited so we could not enter. But you will see the entrance when you visit.

We found it extremely difficult to find information regarding this cave because it often gets overshadowed by the viewpoints. However, it does exist.

3. Tiger Cave

Small entrance to tiger cave in Ninh Binh Vietnam

Located near the beginning of the stone steps, you’ll find a small entrance to Tiger Cave. From looking at our photo, you can see the entrance was pretty tight.

A statue inside tiger cave at Mua Cave viewpoint

Tiger cave only contains a few paths that lead to a small body of water . You’ll also find a rough and ready restaurant with vending machines.

But we’d recommend you bring your own snacks and water. If you have been to the caves in Phong Nha, this is very small in comparison and it will only take a few minutes to explore.

Further Reading : Best things to do in Phong Nha

4. Lying Dragon Mountain

A mysterious stone staircase leading up to a stunning viewpoint Ninh Binh

In order to reach the two viewpoints at Mua Caves, you will have to walk up about 500 stairs . It may seem a little daunting especially in the humidity, but we can tell you it’s worth it.

According to AllTrails , it takes about 25 minutes to climb one way up the Mua Cave viewpoint. We agree with this time frame and you should allow about 1.5 hours for your visit . Plan on more time if you want to take a lot of photos.

We found it interesting to learn the staircase was built with the Great Wall of China as a reference. As soon as you start climbing, it won’t be long until the views begin to wow you.

A colorful stone dragon at the start of stone staircase leading to the Mua Cave viewpoints

The very bottom section of the staircase is adorned with a colorful stone dragon snaking its way down as a beautifully designed handrail. The dragon’s head marks the beginning of your climb, and there’s another dragon at the top to mark the summit.

In Vietnamese culture, the dragon brings rain which is important for agriculture in the region.

Looking up at the steep stone steps gives you the feeling that you’ve been transported to Middle Earth and you’re following Gollum up the staircase to Mordor . Luckily, there are no orcs here, only tourists.

View of the main entrance from a few steps up towards the viewpoint at Mua Cave in Ninh Binh Vietnam

The climb can be tiring for any fitness level, especially in the heat and humidity. So just be careful you don’t overdo it, take as many breaks as you need and remember it’s only 500 steps.

Travel Tip : Visit early in the morning to avoid climbing to Mua Cave Viewpoint at the hottest part of the day.

5. Small Pagoda Viewpoint

Narrow staircase slalom to pagoda atop rock

Around 15 minutes into your climb, you will reach a fork in the path . Take the right first if you wish to summit both peaks individually, saving the more epic views for the second peak. The path on the right will lead you to more steps and eventually a tall stone pagoda perched atop a narrow pyramid like peak.

When we visited, this smaller peak was much quieter than the higher peak. You may need to adjust your plans depending on the crowds . As you stand at the top, the best place to see Ninh Binh city is behind you.

Views over waterlogged paddy fields in Tam Coc vietnam

From this vantage point, you will be rewarded with views over endless flat rice fields with sporadic limestone karsts towering out of the grounds like gigantic shark fins piercing out of perfectly still water.

If it is much quieter up on this summit than the next, this is a good opportunity to get the photos you want without having to queue for camera space.

Looking back at viewpoint 1 from the summit of Mua Cave

As you can see, the views become even better. It’s definitely more than worth the effort to get here. Continue on and take the left path next. You are only minutes away from one of the best vistas in all of Vietnam.

6. Big Pagoda Viewpoint

Gorgeous deep green trees on mountains with a river running through

Not long after taking the left path, you will come across the first viewpoint facing towards the Ngo Dong River . And what a sight you’ll see.

Once you’ve taken in the incredible scene for the first time, collect yourself and look around . If there’s no one else at the same viewpoint, now is the time to snap some photos while you have chance.

Woman looking out across the beautiful scenery as a river cuts through massive limestone karsts

Flanked on either side by rice paddies and locals wading out to tend to their crops, the Ngo Dong River carves its way through towering limestone mountains. The very first time we saw this marks one of our favorite memories from Vietnam .

Continue to make your way up the remainder of the stone stairs towards the top. Stop off any time you get a chance to snap a quick photo with that unbelievable view behind you.

A stone wall in the foreground showcasing a river surrounded by limestone karsts in the background

Once you arrive at the summit, you will be welcomed by a statue of Quan Am , the Goddess of Mercy. The Goddess overlooks the rice fields and represents prosperity in the region.

In addition to the amazing views, be sure to admire the architecture and details of the surrounding area. The statue is covered by a typical Asian tiled roof atop 4 stone pillars.

Woman posing for a photo on top of the stone dragon at Mua Cave viewpoint

7. Dragon Summit

The higher you get, the more impressive the vista becomes.

By the time you reach the Goddess of Mercy at the summit, you will have unobstructed 360 degree panoramic views of Tam Coc, Ngo Dong River and a huge amount of the Ninh Binh province.

Look for boats slowly gliding along the river, steered by men and women who use their feet to control the oars. This will be a section of the Tam Coc boat ride . However, we recommend taking the Trang An boat ride instead as it’s an official UNESCO Heritage Site.

Look past Quan Am and you will finally spot the large stone Mua Cave dragon with a long slinking tail that meanders like a curving river.

Stone dragon at the summit of Mua Cave viewpoint

The mountain you are standing on top of is called Nui Ngoa Long by the locals which translates to Lying Dragon Mountain . Once you see the statue, you will understand how this mountain got its name.

After 9:00am, the dragon statue will be packed with people and your best bet is to arrive for the tranquility of sunrise. We submitted Mua Cave Viewpoint at the worst time of day around 3:00pm . It was extremely busy.

Fortunately, a wave of people left all at once and we were able to quickly, but very carefully navigate our way up the sharp jagged rocks to get our photos with the dragon. Please use extreme caution when climbing over the rocks.

Further Reading : Tips you should know about Vietnam before visiting

Best Time To Visit

Man and women posing for a photo with the river and mountains in background

There are two considerations when visiting Hang Mua Peak, time of day and time of year .

The best time of day to visit Mua Cave is early in the morning around 6:00am . By arriving early, you beat the tour bus crowds and intolerable heat. It will be much quieter and cooler around sunrise.

Alternatively, you can visit for sunset like we did because the sun sets over the mountains directly in line down the river to the west. But although we expected it to be busy for sunset, we couldn’t believe how busy it actually got .

You should avoid the middle of the day if possible when the sun is at it’s strongest.

Man enjoying the view at the summit of Mua Cave with rice paddies in the background

The best time of year to visit Mua Caves depends on what you want to see and how it fits in with the rest of your schedule. Vietnam has an interesting and often baffling climate.

There are 7 different climatic regions in Vietnam. Therefore, if you plan to visit Sapa, Ninh Binh, Phong Nha, Ho Chi Minh, it’s almost impossible to plan by weather.

Late May is an ideal time if you are planning your trip solely around Ninh Binh. However, anywhere between May to June or September to October will be a good time of the year to visit.

The months of May to June will be the perfect time to see the famous golden rice paddies surrounding the river. While September to October is a bit cooler but offers the harvest season.

Further Reading : Best things to do in Ninh Binh

Tips For Visiting

Woman sitting on a stone wall with Tam Coc river in background

Here are a few important tips you should consider during your visit to the Hang Mua Peak in Ninh Binh, Vietnam:

  • The Mua Cave Viewpoint trail is open from 6:00am-7:00pm . If you arrive earlier than 6:00am, there may be a guard on duty to let you in. If you stay later than 7:00pm, no one will come to check for stranglers so make sure you don’t get locked in.
  • Don’t let the locals scam you into parking on the entrance road . Be sure to continue down the dirt road and pay 10,000 VND to park at the Mua Caves Ecolodge.
  • Sunset is the most popular time to visit . Try to arrive at sunrise for the best experience and smaller crowds.
  • Avoid visiting Mua Cave Viewpoint in the rain . Visibility may be limited and it will be extremely slippery. If you have some flexibility, wait for a clear day.
  • Wear sturdy footwear to climb the stairs . The ground is uneven and you want to have the best grip possible.
  • Be sure to bring extra water . It’s an uncomfortable climb up to the top in the humidity.
  • You can find shops selling dresses nearby if you need an outfit change . This costs about 100,000 and 150,000 VND ($4-6) per day depending on what you pick.

Looking for a place to stay nearby? We stayed at Tam Coc Dream Homestay and here are a few top rated hotel options for the region:

  • Tam Coc Sunrise – Budget
  • Tam Coc Wonderland – Mid-range
  • Tam Coc Garden – Luxury

Tam Coc is a gorgeous rural town perfectly located among all the best things to do in Ninh Binh.

In Conclusion

So is the Mua Cave Viewpoint worth visiting?

Yes! According to TripAdvisor , the Mua Caves are the second best thing to do in Ninh Binh after the Trang An Grottoes. We think both are great activities that should definitely be included on your Vietnam itinerary. What we enjoyed the most about Mua Cave was the far reaching views over limestone karts shrouded in mist.

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Want more Vietnam content?  Head over to our  Vietnam Travel Guides  to see example itineraries, tips about Vietnam and popular city guides.

We hope our guide to the Mua Cave Viewpoint helps you plan your visit to Ninh Binh in Vietnam!

Please let us know if you have any questions about Mua Cave Viewpoint or Hang Mua Peak in the comments below.

Happy Travels ,

Mark and Kristen

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Mark and Kristen Morgan are travel, hiking and photography experts. Over the last 6 years traveling full time, they have explored more than 40 countries and 30 US states.

Where Are Those Morgans has been featured in USA Today, Gestalten, Get Your Guide, CityPASS and Condé Nast Traveler along with various other publications. Read more about us .

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Hanoi Explore Travel – A Professional Organizer of Ninh Binh Tour, Halong

Mua Cave is worth being visited in Ninh Binh?

Mua Cave is worth being visited in Ninh Binh, believe me !

The Mua Cave brings you one of the best panoramic view of one of the nicest sceneries in Viet Nam- that’s Ninh Binh- which is known as a wonder of the world, the Telegraph from UK said “It’s an area known locally as Vietnam’s ‘Inland Halong Bay’” or Mua Cave – The Vietnamese “Great Wall of China”

Table of Contents


This can’t be denied since more and more foreigners choose Mua Cave( Hang Mua – Vietnamese name) for their short holidays while being in the north of Viet Nam.

>>> For more fascinating in Ninh Binh, check: What to Do & See in Ninh Binh? Top 25 Best Things to do for first Timers!

The Completed Guide to have an amazing trip to Mua Cave

Visit Mua Cave, you totally get challenging to finally enjoy wonderful relaxation on the top of Mua Cave mountain with a majestic world around you. You can’t wait anymore to see some beautiful picture of Mua Cave Ninh Binh below:


So visiting Hang Mua – Mua Cave in just 1 day, it’s cheap and easy, why not? Answer 4 questions below will help you to decide more certainly, because they provide you almost things you need to have experiences in this attraction.

You might want to check out:

  • BEST itinerary to Ninh Binh
  • Explore TOP Ninh Binh One Day Tour

Location and Entrance Fee

  • Mua Cave Ninh Binh or Hang Mua is near Hanoi city, far from it about 90 km.  It belongs to a cultural land of Ninh Binh. Mua cave is located in Khe Dau Ha village, Ninh Xuan commune, Hoa Lu district, Ninh Binh province. Together with Trang An ecological tourism complex, the terrain of Mua cave looks majestic with rolling mountains surrounding a whole large delta like a rampart is protecting the country inside.
  • Do you know that the name of Mua cave was originated from an old time story, when the King Tran came to Hoa Lu captital, he often stopped at Mua cave so there were dancing performances by emperial maids, so people call the cave is “Mua” ( dancing)

>>> Open on Google Map

Mua Caves entrance fee ticket

  • Ticket Price: 100.000 VND/person (US $4)

When should you visit Mua Cave ?

  • In the summer it’s a Best time to visit Mua cave viewpoint for you to catch a panoramic view of ripe rice fields. But don’t worry at any time you totally admire peacefully imposing and stunning beauty of Ninh Binh.
  • As you can see the best time to see Mua caves is when Vietnamese farmers are planting rice then even green or yellow rice paddies all attract you immediately.
  • This period of time will start from May to July of a year.  If at that time it’s on a sunny day you will have memorable day trip in Mua cave.


  • But sometimes it’s far too hot and you may get tired that influences on your mood. A cool day is a good choice to visit Ninh Binh with watching sunset or the flow of dawn as should-do activities.
  • Another tip is that you should avoid rainny seasons because of disadvantages of moving.  Moreover the gray sky prevents us from taking nice photos.
  • Above of all, your schedule or hobby is most important to decide when you should visit Mua cave.

>>> Check out more: When is the Best time to visit Ninh Binh to have your an amazing trip in Mua Cave

How to get to Mua Caves Ninh Binh?

If you depart from Hanoi to Mua Caves, you can go by train, motorbike and bus. It takes you about 2 hours. Mua cave is only 6km away from the center of Ninh Binh city, so it’s easy for you to catch a taxi get to the hotel/homestay.

For the shuttle bus , there are two options: the buses will pick you up at the fore-arranged address or you can go catch the bus at the bus stations. If you want to catch the bus yourself, you can go to:

  • Giap Bat bus station at 6 Giai Phong street, Hoang Mai district.
  • Yen Nghia bus station at Highway 6, Ha Dong district.
  • Nuoc Ngam bus station at 1 Ngoc Hoi road, Hoang Mai district.
  • My Dinh bus station at 20 Pham Hung.

Tips for each sort of transportation from Hanoi: ( applied for 1 day trip)

  • You should take a train departing from 6:00 am to save your 1 day if you have only 1 day in Ninh Binh. A train ticket costs from 80.000 VND
  • Go by bus is the most popular form of transportation for foreigners. Price is from 150.000 VND/way but they will pick you up from your hotel/airbnb if you stay in the Hanoi center. Sometimes, some people feel more comfortable to hire a private car, which seems to be more suitable for families.
  • Ride a motobike sounds interesting for any one who loves exploring. Viet Nam is a “world of motorbike” here you never find it difficult to hire a motorbike for 1 day. However to find a good renter in Hanoi can make you confused, don’t hesitate to contact Hanoi Explore Travel , our local colleague in Hanoi is willing to help you to hire a motorbike will the best pric e.

What things to do in Mua Caves Ninh Binh ?

Attractive beauty – Less touristy than other places in Ninh Binh

  • Planning a trip to Mua caves, besides you take a ride to the cave you will being overcoming 486 stone steps to see beautiful sceneries on the top of Mua mountain. The road to Mua cave was imitated as Great wall of China. Although it may make you tired because of high steps, it becomes more interesting if you climb slowly and on the way you can take some nice photos.
  • Since you end your climbing, on the top of Mua cave, every worries will gone with the wind. Any tiring feeling will disappear, instead limitness and expanses of fat rice crops ( Tam Coc rice fileds) appears magically in front of your eyes.

Take photos at the virtual tower

  • Following the path leading to the foot of the mountain and climb nearly 500 stairs to the top of the mountain to explore this tower. The ramp up to the stand in Mua cave is too steep, it takes about 25 minutes to 45 minutes depending on your strength.
  • After we had climbed mountain, you will see a highest tower in Mua cave with Vietnamese traditional architecture. The view is so beautiful from up above with a clear blue sky and majestic mountains


Explore Dragon Peak Sunset + The Goddess of Mercy’s Shrine

  • At the top of the highest mountain there are two roads: One path to the right signed one of The Goddess of Mercy’s shrines and the other to the right signed a dragon with beautiful stonework creates a specific for it – you can witness the one of masterpiece in Ninh Binh.
  • Although Mua cave is closed at 5pm and sunset down around 6:30 pm. However, you still can enjoy the sky had begun to turn orange when the sun set behind the mountain top


The most amazing view – Peak of Mua Cave viewpoint

  • Mua Cave is known as one of the muses of Tam Coc, because at the top of Mua Cave you can have a most realistic and vivid panoramic view of Tam Coc with fields, blue rivers running slow and lazy, and majestic limestone mountains, the combination makes a wonderful picture.
  • The scene of Mua cave will surely captivate your heart and you will have an unforgettable impression on your travels. Nature lovers and photo lovers should not miss this place on their journey.

Tiger Cave + Flower Garden

  • Tiger Cave is located on the left of the entrance. Walk through the artificial lakes, through the small paths and an ancient large, mossy green artificial lake is the entrance to the cave.
  • This cave don’t have a large surface area. There is an underground stream deep inside cave. However, it only appears during the summer
  • Located on the right hand side of the entrance is the valley of colorful flowers. A large lotus lake. However, if you come here in the summer, you will have the opportunity to take photos and enjoy the lotus


Take check-in photos at brilliant lotus lakes

  • Mua Cave becomes brilliant and romantic, especially during the lotus blooming season. When lotus flowers bloom, they display vibrant pink and white hues that captivate onlookers. All you have to do is choose the right outfit to capture gorgeous pictures.
  • In addition, there is also a wooden bridge along the shore of the lotus lakes for visitors to choose as a check-in place. According to those who have visited Mua Cave, early morning is the best time to take nice photos there.
  • Furthermore, you can sit on a boat to immerse yourself in the space of the lotus lake. A lovely scene will be created as lotus flowers blossom beneath the serene patch of green lotus leaves.

See How to fit Mua Cave (Hang Mua) in your ultimate itinerary:

  • 1 Day in Mua cave : Start your trip from Hanoi in the morning, you will arrive in Ninh Binh at about 10:00, then spend your first time to visit Tam Coc, or Trang An, Bai Dinh Pagoda, Hoa Lu Ancient Capital until noon. Find yourself a restaurant nearby for lunch. The next time, it’s used for exploring Mua cave on the top of Mua moutain. Come back to your bus to go to Hanoi at about 16:30- 17:00
  • 2 Days visiting Mua Cave : Before you start climbing up the cave, staying 1 night in Ninh Binh on the previous day is a good ideal. Located under the foot of Mua mountain, known by many visitors “Mua cave Ecolodge” is a good place to stay. To know why it should be your choice or find other accommodations you should read this post:   9 Best Place To Stay in Ninh Binh

How to make a perfect trip to Mua Caves from Hanoi?

Should I take a tour in Mua Cave or I go by myself ?

Well, this question never gives you a correct answer. If buying a tour you don’t have to be worried about anything. Everything is well-organized by suppliers with a fixed schedule, restaurant, hotel, knowledge tourguide, transportation 2 ways…

It’s an example for a typical tour even including 3 places to visit in 1 day in Ninh Binh. Pick up 1 suitable Itinerary include Mua Cave for you: 

>>> Deluxe Hoa Lu Trang An Mua Cave Small Group Tour – Limousine Transfer – All In One: Biking, Hiking, Boat Trip <<<

” Deluxe Trang An Mua Cave Small Group Tour (Maximum 15 participants) is one of the most satisfying boat tour in Ninh Binh with a combination of visiting picturesque Trang An Tour at Ecotourism Landscape and exploring a spectacular Mua caves.

It will make your day become memorable because of a fixed convenient schedule for climbing to the top of the Mua cave seeing how a panoramic view of Ninh Binh is, slowly moving on a rowing boat in Ecotourism Trang An Tour to discover mysterious caves. “

>>> Deluxe Hoa Lu Tam Coc Mua Cave Small Group – Limousine Transfer 

” Deluxe Hoa Lu Tam Coc Mua Cave Small Group Day Tour from Hanoi is a great trip to explore one of the most attractive activities such as visiting Hoa Lu Ancient Capital, taking a rowing 2 hours bamboo boat trip, riding on the peaceful Ngo Dong river, cycling through the nicest paddy fields in Vietnam, …”

 >>> Discover Bai Dinh Pagoda and Beauty of Mua Cave: Deluxe Bai Dinh Trang An Mua Cave Small Group – Limousine Transfer <<<

This Bai Dinh Trang An Mua Cave Tour is highly recommended for family groups including children, elders or groups of friends… with a reasonable itinerary and great price. “

By yourself

On the other hand, you like travelling by yourself or with your travel mates, here is some calculations for your trip:

  • Transportation: From US $6- $15
  • Food: US $10- $20
  • Bike/motorbike renting if you wan to go around Mua Cave: US $2- $5
  • Mua cave ticket : ~ US $4/ticket
  • Tea/coffee/drink: US $2- $5

What are most famous Attraction and Activities Nearby

Mua Cave is one of the most popular attractions that you can select for your trip to Ninh Binh. Besides, there are other destinations nearby, so you can expand your schedule.


Such as Hoa Lu Ancient Capital, Tam Coc, Bich Dong Pagoda, Thung Nham Bird Park, Thien Ha Galaxy, Trang An landscape complex, Bai Dinh pagoda complex, Phat Diem Church, Cuc Phuong National Park. All of them has their own appeal.

Among them, you can consider Tam Coc – Bich Dong, Thung Nham Bird Park, Hoa Lu Ancient Capital, Bai Dinh Pagoda, Trang An Grottoes. They are the most popular tourist destinations and are near Mua Cave.

  • Tam Coc Ninh Binh is a unique complex of cave systems and limestone mountains, along with picturesque scenery of peaceful countryside. Coming to Tam Coc, visitors will experience more than 2 hours of sitting on a small boat along the Ngo Dong river, through green rice fields, limestone cliffs, and admiring the beauty of the caves.


Thung Nham Bird Park

  • It belongs to Ninh Hai commune, Hoa Lu district and is surrounded by tropical forests over limestone mountain chains with a lot of valleys and caves. Thung Nham Bird Park is a natural paradise that draws visitors from all over the world. With its lush forests, tranquil lakes, and breathtaking karst landscapes, Thung Nham is a place of great natural beauty and biodiversity in Ninh Binh.


 Bich Dong Pagoda Complex

Bich Dong pagoda is a temple surrounded by a lake with blooming lotus flowers. The path to the top of Bich Dong goes through a cave decorated with impressive statues. And on the top of Bich Dong, you will have a grandstand view. This is also a great place to have beautiful memories for your trip

The best thing is the entrance fee to Tam Coc – Bich Dong to be free!

  • Tam Coc – Bich Dong Pagoda
  • Tam Coc Boat Ride on Ngo Dong River

Bai Dinh Pagoda

  • Bai Dinh Pagoda and Temple is a large temple complex with many Asian and Vietnamese records established as the temple has the largest gold-plated Buddha image in Asia, the temple has the longest Arhat corridor in Asia, and the Maitreya statue. Southeast Asia’s largest bronze … You will be impressed by the religious and fascinating beauty of the Bai Dinh Temple complex. ! If you love ancient Asian architecture, you should mark this place on your map.

Trang An Landscape Complex

  • Trang An landscape complex is a breathtaking landscape of almost vertical limestone populations surrounding valleys and rivers. Also known as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Trang An will surprise you with the beauty of nature
  • You will take 2.5 hours by boat to visit famous caves such as Light cave, Dark cave,  Ba Giot Cave, Nau Ruou, Sinh cave , Si Si cave, etc. Don’t forget to bring your camera as you will be taking great photos here.

>>> More About: Trang An Boat Ride – A Spectacular Boat Ride Must Do in Ninh Binh

Hoa Lu Ancient Capital

  • The former capital of Vietnam is located 90 km south of Hanoi, protected by high limestone mountains and earthen walls. Hoa Lu is a beautiful old city, the economic and political center of Dai Con Viet, a kingdom extending from northern Vietnam to the center during the 10th and 11th centuries.

>>> Check out more: Explore Hoa Lu Ancient Capital in Ninh Binh

What to eat?

Traditonal cuisine is a key to make your trip memorable. Find these dishes in Ninh Binh such as medium-rare goat meat with lemon, goat meat cooked on oil pan, baked goat meat, crisp rice dipped with sauce…to taste and learn more about cuisine in Ninh Binh

>>> Read More: TOP 15 Must Try Food in Ninh Binh for Foodies

Tips for the best trip to Mua Cave – Ninh Binh

There are a few things you should keep in mind before starting your trip to Mua Cave – Vietnam:

  • Clothing: Wearing comfortable clothing and sporting shoes will help you move more easily as you will climb mountains and move for extended periods of time.
  • Food and drink: To prevent dehydration and lessen weariness, don’t forget to pack a bottle of water.
  • Safety: Make sure you are physically fit for the hike. You should also refrain from snapping pictures in dangerous areas!
  • Photography attire: Hang Mua is the most beautiful and remarkable spot for check-in photos in Ninh Binh. Having an impressive outfit will help you take more perfect photos.

There is a free makeup and picture accessory rental service in the Hang Mua area where you can select beautiful outfits in the conventional or historical styles.

Here are some addresses where you may rent costumes in Hang Mua, Ninh Binh to get the most stunning pictures.

  • Dam Shop: People’s Committee of Ninh Tien commune, Nguyen Huu An street.
  • She Vintage: Hanh Cung Village, Hoa Lu, Ninh Binh
  • Chi Chi shop: Khe Ha, Ninh Xuan, Hoa Lu, Ninh Binh

Frequently Asked Questions

We are here for you! If you have any questions about this cruise, please don’t hesitate to contact us 24/7 and we will get back to you latest within 2 hours! Got a question about this tour? Reach out to our travel experts.

Mua Caves is open: Sun – Sat 6:00 AM – 7:00 PM

4.6/5 - (39 votes)

We recommend booking Mua Cave ahead of time to secure your spot. If you book with Tripadvisor, you can cancel up to 24 hours before your tour starts for a full refund. See all 307 Tam Coc tours on our webiste

Here are a list of Hotels near Mua Caves:

  • Mua Cave Ecolodge (Hang Mua) – Ninh Binh Province
  • Nguyen Shack – Ninh Binh
  • Happiness Homestay
  • Hang Mua Central Homestay
  • Hoa Lu Shack Homestay – Bamboo Bungalow

Here are a list of Best Restaurants near Mua Caves:

  • Monalisa Bar & Restaurant
  • Lac Hong Restaurant
  • An Khang Banh Mi and Drinks
  • Chu’s House Tam Coc
  • Brick Coffee Shop




Ninh Binh to Sapa: A completed guide to choose the best transportation option!

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Traveling from Hanoi to Ninh Binh by Train – Tips, Ticket, Route

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Rybinsk – the city of Russia’s Golden Ring

No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Architecture , Cities , Photos , Travel

Rybinsk city is located in Yaroslavl oblast of Russia and has the population of about 207,000. Rybinsk received its coat of arms, present name and status of the city in 1777. The name can be translated as “The fish city”. Rybinsk is known for the preserved architectural monuments of the late 18th – early 20th century. The following photos of Rybinsk were captured by Maxim Yashin .

Rybinsk city, Russia view 1

More photos of Rybinsk

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Tags:  Yaroslavl oblast

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1.277.840 vnd.

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  12. THE 30 BEST Places to Visit in Rybinsk (UPDATED 2024 ...

    It is hard to imagine someone can visit the city and miss the chance to enjoy the city centre where the bridge is... 9. Museum Soviet Era. 21. Speciality Museums. The 1941 museum has three floors and fifteen halls. In the park of sculptures of the USSR there is a carriage from 1893 with an exhibition inside.

  13. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Rybinsk (2024)

    By Marsshure. Very nice monument to the Soviet poet Lev Oshanin who was born in Rybinsk. Good view to Volga river and nice place to... 5. Mother-Volga. 51. Monuments & Statues. By sheilallan. On the Viking cruise from Moscow to St Petersburg you pass this almost immediately after leaving the Rybinsk lock - one...

  14. Bảo Việt| Bảo hiểm du lịch quốc tế

    Chương trình "Bảo hiểm du lịch quốc tế" của Bảo Việt sẽ là người bạn đồng hành không thể thiếu của bạn trong mọi chuyến du lịch, công tác, thăm người thân, du học. Được thiết kế phù hợp với khả năng tài chính và nhu cầu của khách hàng, với quyền lợi bảo hiểm đa dạng, phạm vi bảo vệ toàn ...

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  16. Mua Cave, Ninh Binh: History, Activities, Accomodation & Transport

    Because of its location as well as the free ticket offer, Mua Cave Ecolodge often runs out of rooms. Therefore, if you plan to stay at this resort, you have better book rooms soon. Price range: 600.000 - 1.200.000 VND (vary due to travelling season) (~$25- $50) Location: Khe Ha, Hoa Lu District, Ninh Binh Province.

  17. How To Visit Mua Cave Viewpoint In Ninh Binh

    Address: Ninh Xuân, Hoa Lư District, Ninh Bình 430000, Vietnam. Location: Google Maps. The Mua Caves Viewpoint is located within the Ninh Binh Province of Vietnam. It's just 3 miles from the popular tourist destination of Tam Coc and 4 miles from Ninh Binh train station. You can reach the parking area by motorcycle or bicycle from Tam Coc ...

  18. MUA Travel & Tours

    MUA Travel & Tours, Lekki, Lagos, Nigeria. 85 likes · 2 were here. A customer-centric company providing timely,customized,personalized & efficient...

  19. Klook

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  20. Rybinsk

    No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Cities, Photos, Travel. Rybinsk, first mentioned in 1071, is the second largest city in Yaroslavl Oblast located on the banks of the Volga River, about 87 km northwest of Yaroslavl and 313 km north of Moscow. During the time of the Russian Empire, it was the country's largest grain trading center.

  21. Mua Cave is worth being visited in Ninh Binh?

    The Mua Cave brings you one of the best panoramic view of one of the nicest sceneries in Viet Nam- that's Ninh Binh- which is known as a wonder of the world, the Telegraph from UK said "It's an area known locally as Vietnam's 'Inland Halong Bay'" or Mua Cave - The Vietnamese "Great Wall of China". Mua Cave - The most ...

  22. Rybinsk

    No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Architecture, Cities, Photos, Travel. Rybinsk city is located in Yaroslavl oblast of Russia and has the population of about 207,000. Rybinsk received its coat of arms, present name and status of the city in 1777. The name can be translated as "The fish city".

  23. Traveloka

    Tận hưởng cuộc sống theo cách riêng với Traveloka! Đáp ứng mọi nhu cầu du lịch và phong cách sống từ vé máy bay, khách sạn, vé vui chơi chỉ với 1 cú click chuột