october 26 - november 4, 2024

Martin luther reformation tour in germany, prepare to be inspired.

We’re glad you are considering this tour. Our hope is that it is an experience of a lifetime.


Pastor Bill Crabtree has served as a Lutheran pastor for 35 years.  He has served as Sr. Pastor at Emanuel Lutheran in Lodi, Ca and Silverdale Lutheran in Silverdale, WA (near Seattle).  The Reformation and Martin Luther’s life are a lifelong passion for him.  He has served as a pastor for Wittenberg English Ministries in 2016 during a sabbatical where he spent a month in Germany studying and learning. Teaching about Luther and the Reformation continues to be central to his pastoral teaching ministry and he is excited to connect all the places, events, and sites we will visit with specific writings of Martin Luther and other Reformers.  


Travel with us from the capital of Germany, Berlin, through the beautiful landscape of northeastern Germany visiting some of Europe’s most historic towns and sites.  Learn about Berlin’s past and present as we visit landmarks of the city’s Prussian, Imperial, Nazi, and Cold War eras as well as today’s modern city.  Enjoy picturesque medieval towns and villages, storybook castles and palaces, and stunning landscapes of forests, rivers, and mountains. 

We will follow Martin Luther’s accomplishments in life, from birth to death, throughout the region.  A German theologian and religious reformer,  Luther was the catalyst for the 16 th century Protestant Reformation.  Luther precipitated a movement that reformed certain basic tenets of Christian belief and resulted in the division of Christendom between Roman Catholicism and new Protestant traditions. Learn, see, and experience his life and beliefs while enriching your spiritual knowledge and understanding.  

DATES: LED BY: LODGING: Berlin Wittenberg Erfur t Mainz PRICING: Land Only SINGLE SUPPLEMENT:

October 26 - november 4, 2024 pastor bill crabtree park inn radisson hotel best western soibeman hotel raddison blu hotel novotel hotel $3,585 per person (+) $495 per person, day and details:.

DAY 1: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2024 - DEPART USA FOR BERLIN, GERMANY Overnight flight to Berlin – dinner on flight.

DAY 2: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2024 - BERLIN Arrival in Berlin, Germany. Transfer to local hotel is the responsibility of the traveler and at their own expense.


DAY 3: MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2024 – BERLIN Tour Berlin. 


DAY 4: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2024 – WITTENBERG Today we begin our tour in the city known as the birthplace of the Reformation. Luther lived here from 1512 until his death. Upon arriving, he lived in Lutherhalle (Luther House) with other Augustinian Monks. Later, Luther and his wife raised six children here. We will visit All Saints Castle Church where Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door launching the Protestant Reformation and which contains the graves of Luther and Philip Melanchthon, a life-long collaborator with Luther to reform the Catholic Church. Visits to Wittenberg University where reformers Luther and Melanchthon taught and the temporary exhibition from Luther House, which is the largest and greatest museum of Reformation history in the world. (Luther House is undergoing renovation). We will also visit the Stadtkirche of St. Marien (Town Church of St. Mary) where Luther married, preached, baptised his children, and where the bread and wine of communion was first distributed to the congregation. It is considered the mother-church of the Protestant Reformation.


DAY 5: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2024 - HALLE / EISLEBEN / ERFURT We start the day in Halle, visiting the Market Church to see the special exhibition showing Luther's death mask and a collection of Luther Bibles, many with his own handwritten notes. We later drive to Lutherstadt Eisleben, where Luther was born and where he died. This charming medieval town remains much the same as in Luther’s time. Enjoy visiting where Luther was born, St. Peters Church where he was baptized and St. Andrews church where he preached his last sermon shortly before he died in 1546 at the age of 62. Enjoy visiting the birthplace of composer Georg Frederick Handel as well. A short drive takes us to Erfurt for dinner and overnight.


DAY 6: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2024 - ERFURT This morning our tour begins at the important Augustinian Monastery and Church built in 1277 and where Luther was a monk from 1505 until 1511. Luther studied at the university here but took a break from his education to serve as representative in Rome for the German Augustinian monasteries. See the austere cell where Luther spent his formative years as he struggles with his theological demons. Our tour includes a visit to the Cathedral, the Church of St. Severin, and the famous merchant’s Bridge. A special “Luther Meal” with dishes from the area and live music will be a special treat for dinner tonight!


DAY 7: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2024 - EISENACH / MAINZ Leaving Erfurt this morning, we soon arrive at Wartburg Castle overlooking the town of Eisenach. This castle provided a refuge for Martin Luther for 10 months where he completed a translation of the New Testament into German. When Luther spoke out against corruption in the Catholic Church, he was declared an outlaw and needed to hide. His friend, German prince, Frederick the Wise, helped him into disguise and gave him a refuge here. After our visit, we continue to Eisenach, not only where Luther spent some formative years but also is birthplace of composer Johann Sebastian Bach! Some free time here to visit the Luther House or the Bach House before we drive to Maintz on the Rhine River.


DAY 8: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2024 - MAINZ / WORMS / HEIDELBERG We begin today driving to Worms, one of the oldest cities in northern Europe. In Worms, Martin Luther appears before the assembly (Diet) of the Holy Roman Empire to answer questions of heresy. Standing before the Roman Emperor Karl V, he uttered his faith-affirming, death defying proclamation – “Here I stand, I can do no other. God help me.” Spend the afternoon in the beautiful city of Heidelberg. Visit Heidelberg University where Luther put forth his “theology of the cross” which advanced the growing realization that Luther’s Biblical theology was fundamentally and essentially at odds with late Medieval Roman Catholicism.

DAY 9: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2024 - RHINE CRUISE / MAINZ  This morning visits Rhine River city of Mainz. Enjoy a tour of the city. Rhine River Cruise Guttenberg Museum




Payment Info

$3,585 pp - land only, price includes.

  • Superior hotel accommodations
  • All transfers while touring & sightseeing days 
  • Gratuity for driver, guide, hotel staff
  • Entrance fees for sites indicated in the itinerary
  • Daily buffet breakfast and dinner in hotels
  • Headset for each passenger


  • Domestic or International airfare
  • Ground transfer from the Berlin Airport to the group hotel
  • Ground transfer from the group hotel to the Frankfurt Airport at the conclusion of the tour
  • Hotel cost for travelers arriving prior to OCTOBER 27, 2024
  • Hotel cost for travelers checking out of the hotel after 11:00 AM on NOVEMBER 4, 2024
  • Optional Travel Protection Insurance
  • Lunches and gratuity for lunches
  • Optional Sites not included in itinerary that have entrance fees
  • All beverages including alcoholic beverages
  • Personal incidentals charged to hotel room
  • Single Supplement Fee for those wanting to room alone or if a roommate cannot be assigned by Faith Based Expeditions
  • Bottled water on board the tour bus
  • Porteage at the hotels
  • Items of personal nature
  • Incidental cost in participant’s hotel roo4

Contact by Phone

206-679-6893, contact by email, [email protected], inspiring your spiritual journey, enter your tour code, don't have a code, contact faith based expeditions, your church isn't taking a tour, recommend fbe to your church.

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luther tour germany

Luther & The Reformation Group Tour

Discover Germany and the key sites associated with Luther, 'the Father of the Reformation', plus Berlin and Bavaria. 

Tour Highlights

luther tour germany

  • Wittenberg to see Luther's house, the university where he worked and the church where he is buried beneath the pulpit.
  • Melanchthon House, given to Philipp Melanchthon, the 'Teacher of Germany'.
  • Eisenach and Luther's House, Wartburg Castle and Luther's Cell where he translated the Bible and St George's Church.
  • Lutherstadt Eisleben and Luther's birthplace and where he died in 1546.
  • Erfurt: the monastery where Luther studied, St Mary's Cathedral where he was ordained and the Luther Stone.
  • Dessau, where he preached.
  • Augsburg, where he refused to revoke his Theses and site of the Augsburg Confession. See priceless early Lutheran manuscripts, documents and paintings.
  • Torgau, including the Castle, the Castle Church and St. Mary's Church, where Luther's wife Katharina von Bora is buried.
  • Coburg Castle in beautiful Bavaria, where he took refuge.
  • Marburg, site of the Marburg Colloquy, which attempted to solve a disputate between Luther and Ulrich Zwingli over the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
  • The 300 year old 'Francke Foundations', a centre of Lutheran Pietism that included an orphanage, school and Bible society and where Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, patriarch of the Lutheran Church in America, studied.
  • Berlin: key sites such as the Reichstag, Berlin Gate, Topography of Terror, Potsdamer Platz, Berlin Cathedral and Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church.
  • Buchenwald concentration camp, where Pastor Paul Schneider, the first Protestant minister to be matyred by the Nazis, was imprisoned. Also Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German Lutheran minister who was involved in a plot to assassinate Hitler.

Picture Gallery

luther tour germany

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I was very fortunate to be on their 70th and 75th D-Day celebration tours. The service and attention to details was exceptional. It was very moving to go back.

As a Jane Austen enthusiast, this tour was perfect - and the Jane Austen Festival in Bath was just fabulous to see!

Words fail me...The Downton Abbey was a perfectly wonderful travel experience! We did not know we would be the ONLY guests at the Abbey. When we realised how truly exclusive our tour was we were speechless! Surreal being there and actually meeting Lady Carnarvon.

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Protestant Itineraries »

Germany », in the footsteps of martin luther.

Here I stand; I can do no other. God help me. Amen (Martin Luther). We are in for an unforgettable experience as we follow the footsteps of a man who changed the course of the world. Not only did Martin Luther’s courage and convictions initiate the Protestant Reformation, but his translation of the Bible into the language of his people impacted German culture, his hymns influenced the development of singing in churches throughout the world, and his cherished union with Katharina von Bora (My Katie is in all things so obliging and pleasing to me that I would not exchange my poverty for the riches of Croesus.) set a model for the practice of clerical marriage. As we pilgrimage through Germany, through the great cities and beautiful countryside of Luther’s world, we will gain a deeper understanding and keener appreciation of his exemplary life, and will come away with a desire to live our own lives more courageously and purposefully.

Tour Itinerary

luther tour germany


Reformation Tour Berlin to Geneva

  • Information

Lands of Martin Luther in Germany & Switzerland

History and christianity combined in a tour following the life of martin luther .

In this tour, we are following the life and teachings of Martin Luther through his motherland Germany and Switzerland. It is an experience of a lifetime as you understand in-depth his struggles and journey spreading Christianity. Highlights of this journey are the  House of Luther in Wittenberg , Germany – Wartburg Castle ( where Luther translated the Bible to German)-Erfurt, which was Luther’s “Spiritual Home” (It was the place studied and became a Monk)…  And many more meaningful destinations while at the same time, you will have the opportunity to explore each place’s culture.


Tour to Germany

Day 1: Departure USA

Day 2: arrival berlin & tour, day 3: berlin to wittemberg, day 4: tour wittemberg, day 5: erfurt, day 6: erfurt - day trip to eisenach, day 7: worms & heidelberg, day 8: heidelberg castle & tour, day 9: black forest open air museum, day 10: reformation tour of zurich & luzern sightseeing, day 11: reformation tour of geneva, day 12: departure.

Tour to Most Famous and Unique Sites of Rome

Educational Opportunities Tours

Reformation in germany: in the footsteps of martin luther | 2024.


Join us for Reformation in Germany as we walk in the footsteps of Martin Luther, starting at $3,748* from New York, NY, on the dates below. You will take a driving tour of Berlin, where you will see Brandenburg Gate, the rebuilt  Reichstag, the ruins of the Kaiser Wilhelm Gedachtniskirche, the Berlin Wall, Checkpoint Charlie, Wittenberg, the Palace Church door, Schlosskirche, where Luther was buried, explore Luther Halle, a former monastery where Martin lived with his family, Halle, Market Church, Eisleben, Luther was baptized at St. Petri (St. Peter & St. Paul’s Church), the Luther Family Home, walk the medieval cobblestone streets past St. Andrew’s Church, where Luther preached his last sermon. At Erfurt, visit St. Mary’s Cathedral, the Augustinian Monastery, Eisenach, Luther House Museum, Wartburg Castle, and much more!

Select Your Departure Date April 16, 2024 October 1, 2024

Register Early & Save $150 11 Months Prior to Departure $125 10 Months Prior to Departure $100 9 Months Prior to Departure $75 8 Months Prior to Departure $50 7 Months Prior to Departure $25 6 Months Prior to Departure Full deposit required. Savings deducted from balance.

What’s Included

  • All Inclusive Pricing
  • Breakfast and Dinner Daily
  • Deluxe A/C Motor Coaches
  • Entrance and Program Fees
  • First Class Hotels
  • Fuel Surcharges and Gov't Taxes
  • Guided Tours
  • Hotel Gratuities
  • International Airfare from NY
  • Overseas Airport Transfers
  • Administrative Fee

^ Additional Baggage & Optional fees may apply.

† If air purchased through EO.

  • Download Brochure

Daily Itinerary

Day 1 depart the usa.

Depart on your international overnight flight.

Day 2 Arrive in Germany

Arrive this morning in Berlin, where our representative will greet you and escort you to your bus. A driving tour of Berlin will introduce you to such sites as the Brandenburg Gate and the rebuilt Reichstag, whose transparent dome represents the nation’s open government. Pass the ruins of the Kaiser Wilhelm Gedachtniskirche, left as a poignant reminder of what was lost in the Second World War, and stop at a section of the Berlin Wall, a stark testimony to the once divided city. Take a photo at Checkpoint Charlie, the infamous crossing point from East to West Berlin during the Cold War Era. Dinner and overnight in Wittenberg.

Day 3 Wittenberg

This morning, wander the Wittenberg town where Luther lived and taught for 36 years. See where he posted his 95 Theses on the Palace Church door, giving voice to the Reformation. Visit Schlosskirche, where Luther was buried, and explore Luther Halle, a former monastery where Martin lived with his family. This afternoon, explore on your own through the town’s museums and shops. Enjoy an English Service held by the local Luther English Ministry team before returning to your hotel for dinner and overnight.

Day 4 Halle and Eisleben

Start the day in Halle, where Luther supported the Market Church constructed here. George Handel would be baptized here in 1685. Cardinal Albert of Mainz precipitated the onset of the Reformation by selling indulgences, and the Protestants in Halle bought him out of his position. Continue to Eisleben, where Luther‘s life both began and ended. Luther was baptized at St. Petri (St. Peter & St. Paul’s Church), where you can see portraits of his wife and parents. This charming little town includes the Luther Family Home, and the house Luther was visiting at the time of his death. Walk the medieval cobblestone streets past St. Andrew’s Church, where Luther preached his last sermon. Dinner and overnight in Erfurt.

Day 5 Erfurt

Erfurt was called the “city of spires” in Luther’s day. Visit St. Mary’s Cathedral and the Augustinian Monastery, where Luther was ordained into the priesthood in 1507. Visit the Veste, the 900-year-old fortress of Coburg, where Luther took refuge from his enemies behind its triple ramparts. Return to your hotel for dinner and overnight.

Day 6 Eisenach

Martin Luther lived in Eisenach during his student days. Learn about Luther’s life and the Reformation at the Luther House Museum, and tour the famous Wartburg Castle, where Luther translated the New Testament into German in 1522. View the room where Luther completed his translation in just 11 weeks. Travel to the Rhine River area. Check into your area hotel for dinner and overnight.

Day 7 Worms and Heidelberg

Explore the ancient city of Worms, where Luther refused to back down from his criticism of the church during the famous Diet of Worms. The Reformation Monument features statues of significant figures in the Reformation. View the castle twice struck by lightning in Heidelberg and explore the charming Old Town’s cobblestone lanes and medieval atmosphere. Heidelberg University played an essential role in the debates over the Reformation. Continue to Mainz for dinner and overnight.

Day 8 Mainz, Gutenberg Press, Rhine Cruise

This morning, visit the Rhine River city of Mainz, where Johann Gutenberg developed the process of moveable type that allowed printing to be done on a production scale. Enjoy a cruise on the Rhine River past medieval castles before staying overnight in Frankfurt. Return to your hotel for dinner and overnight.

Day 9 Return to the USA

Return home with memories of the people and places of the Reformation in Germany.

Enhance Your Journey

Berlin pre-tour starting from $698.

$698 |  April 16 - 19, 2023 or September 29 - October 2, 2023

Enjoy Two days in Berlin on your own. Hotel and breakfast included.  

Departure Dates

  • Tuesday, October 1, 2024 From $3748 Register Now! --> From $3748* Register Now!

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  • Martin Luther
  • City sightseeing
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  • Museum tours
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Matin Luther Germany Tour

■  1. Day  - Dresden. Arrival in Dresden. This city offers several interesting sights for tourists. The Frauenkirche, Semperoper und and the castle between others characterize the image of the skyline city.  You will get to know the old city, as well as the modern Dresden with its exclusive shopping malls. Enjoy Dresden to the full. In the afternoon we will make a walking tour through the old town of Dresden. Stroll with your tourguide through this wonderful old city. You will visit most of the important sights of the city as Zwinger, Residenzschloss, Theaterplatz with Semperoper, Hofkirche, Fürstenzug, Neumarkt with Frauenkirche, Brühlsche Terrasse. After the baroque beauty of the old town you will get to know the fantastic world of grandeur. The historical „Grüne Gewölbe“ was built by August The Greatest, who wanted to show its gold work and its private collection of jewellery. Dip into the wonderful world of fascinating piece of arts. At night you have the option to visit the Semperoper. Overnight at Dresden. ■  2. Day  - Dresden / Halle. Breakfast at the hotel. Afterwards we will drive Halle, where we will visit the State Museum and the death mask of Martin Luther at the Market church. The best way to get to know the 1200 year old city of Halle at the Saale is by feet. Enjoy the city, stroll around the lively streets and places as well as the small quiet lanes. Our tourguide will tell you anecdotes and funny story about the life of the nobles at the Saale. You will see sights from different centuries during your walking tour. At night: Free for leisure. Overnight at Halle. ■  3. Day  - Halle / Freyburg Unstrut. Breakfast at Hotel. After breakfast we will go to Freyburg Unstrut. Visit of the Naumburger Dom, the market place and the Wenzelskirche with its beautiful baroque organ. During the afternoon you will get to know the beautiful landscape of Saale and Unstrut. You visit the convent of Zisterzinser, Bad Kösen and Rudelsberg and the wine cellar Rotkäpchen. Afterwards we drive back to Freyburg. At Night: Dinner at the restaurant Schloss Neuenburg. Overnight at Freyburg Unstrut. ■  4. Day  - Freyburg und Unstrut. Today we will learn a little bit more about astronomics. The Arche Nebra introduces you to the fascinating world of the sky disc of Nebra – the oldest known depiction of the cosmo in the world. Close where they found the the sky disc, is the visitor centre with important information about astronomy and archaeology. In the afternoon we will go to Eisleben, where we will visit the birth and death house of Martin Luther. And than we will go to Quedlinburg, where we will stay for two nights. At Night: at your leisure. Overnight at Quedlinburg. . ■  5. Day  - Quedlinburg. Discover in Quedlinburg eight century of half timbered houses, stroll along the cobblestones street and let you inspire from small little streets and Romanic churches. Enjoy the special atmosphere in the medieval city. First of all you will visit the old town of Quedlinburg. You will visit the world heritage of Quedlinburg which is the historical city, the castle mountain and the “Münzberg”.  In the afternoon we will continue the trip to Halberstadt, where we will visit the famous cathedral. The St Stephanus cathedral is one of the most gorgeous gothic churches in Germany. It was built between 1236 and 1486.  Overnight at the romantic city of Quedlinburg. ■  6. Day  - Quedlinburg – After breakfast we will continue the trip to Wittenberg with a Stopp at Dessau, to visit the beautiful Garden of the Wörlitzer Castle, a symbol of the open minded way of thinking of the house of princes in Dessau. We will continue the trip to Wittenber. Overnight at Wittenberg. . ■  7. Day  - Wittenberg. Discover a piece of world history and meet the famous father of the reformation Dr. Martin Luther and his contemporaries. Traces of this period are all over the city and you can still feel the spirit of this time. But Witthenberg has much more to show to you as only the Luther sights. There is much more to see. The tourguide will help you to find for you the best option to know Wittenberg. At night: Dinner at a typical restaurant. Overnight at Wittenberg. ■  8. Day  - Wittenberg – Leipzig. Breakfast at hotel. We will continue the trip to Leipzig the trade city of the East. In the afternoon you will discover the city of Bach, by feet and by bus. You will see the sight of Bach, the street of Katharinen with ist old town houses and of course the European battle monument. After the lunch break you have the possibility to visit the house of Schillers work in Gohlis or the castle of Gohlis. At night we will say good bye to you at a typical German restaurant. Overnight at Leipzig. ■  9. Day  - Leipzig. Transfer to the airport or train station.

End of Services.

If you want to extend your stay, please do not hesitate to contact us!

9-days from € 1299 per person

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Best of Germany & the Protestant Reformation 10-Day Tour

Click on the tabs for more information, price per person double occupancy.

Click here for "Frequently Asked Questions"

Price Includes: 4 star hotels, breakfast daily, 2 dinners, modern transportation, sightseeing as listed.

Not Included: Airfare, travel/cancellation insurance, lunches, 6 dinners, gratuities ($11 per person per touring day will be added to final invoice).

luther tour germany

Day 1: Depart USA

Overnight flight to Europe.

Day 2: Worms, Karlsruhe

luther tour germany

We arrive in Frankfurt, Germany this morning From here we continue on to Worms, thought to be one of the oldest towns in Germany. We visit the world’s largest Memorial to the Reformation and the Church of the Holy Trinity, which is believed to be the place where the decisive hearing took place. We also visit St. Peter’s Cathedral, one of the most exquisite examples of Romanesque architecture and scene of several milestones of European history. In 1048, Bruno of Egisheim-Dagsburg was elected pope Leo IX here and in 1521, Martin Luther was summoned by emperor Charles V to recant his teachings be-fore the Diet of Worms, a historic assembly that was to change the history of Christianity. Behind the cathedral in the Heylshof Park marks a plaque on the ground the place where Luther made his brave declaration. We continue on to visit Europe’s oldest Jewish cemetery, the Holy Sands and the former Jewish quarter. Our lodging next two evenings will be in nearby Karlsruhe.

Day 3: Mainz, Rhine River Cruise

luther tour germany

This morning, we visit Mainz, the birthplace of printing. Aa guided tour through the Gutenberg Muse-um is documenting the evolution of printing and displaying Gutenberg’s first Bible as well as the world‘s tiniest Bible. Jon Gooseflesh, better known as Johannes Gutenberg is considered to be the most important individual-contributor of the Second Millennium. Then we tour St. Martin's Cathedral, built in the 8th century and towering in all its might and grandeur the city. Seven king's coronations took place in the course of the centuries in the Mainz cathedral. If time is still available visit St. Stephen’s Church, famous for its marvellous Chagall windows. From here, we travel northward to the Rhine River and relax on a delightful and picturesque cruise from St. Goarshausen, past magnificent castles and the famous Loreley Rock to charming Rudesheim. We return to Karlsruhe.

Day 4: Heidelberg, Rothenburg, Romantic Road

luther tour germany

This morning, we travel on to one of the most charming cities in the entire world - Heidelberg, ancient capital of the Palatinate and home of Germany's oldest university. But most importantly, it was a stronghold of German Reformed Protestants beginning in 1560. One of the great confessional statements of the Reformation, the Heidelberg Catechism was produced here in 1563. Heidelberg Castle, a most impressive historic landmark of Germany, stands majestically overlooking the Neckar River. The structure, now largely in ruins, preserves numerous examples of Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque German architecture. The afternoon adventure includes the panoramic "Romantic Road" with a visit to the best preserved medieval town in all of Europe, Rothenburg. We see the quaint Rathaus (town hall) with its tower and have free time for coffee and shopping in the many delightful shops. Our lodging for the next two evenings will be in Augsburg. Dinner is included at a local restaurant tonight.

Day 5: Neuschwanstein Castle, Oberammergau, Augsburg

luther tour germany

This morning we travel into the Alpine region of Bavaria to the Rococo-style chapel in the Meadow and Ludwig II’s most luxurious former residence, the Neuschwanstein Castle. Travel to the village of Oberammergau where the Passion Play takes place every 10 years. You will have a little free time to explore the painted houses, woodcarver shops, and have some lunch. In the afternoon, a walking tour of Augsburg, site of the Augsburg Confession, will bring to light the history behind much of our doctrine today. It was here in 1518 at St. Anne's Church that Luther met the papal legate, Cardinal Cajetan, who demanded that Luther submit to the pope. Augsburg was also the site of another Imperial Diet (1530) and in the town hall the Peace of Augsburg was signed in 1555 ending for a time the religious wars in Germany between the Catholics and the Protestants.

Day 6: Coburg, Erfurt

luther tour germany

This morning we travel northward to view the fortress of Coburg known as Veste, the place of Luther's imprisonment in 1530. We visit the apartment where he stayed and continued his translation work, a chapel where he spoke and worshiped, and a gallery of period paintings. This afternoon we spend time in nearby Erfurt, where Luther attended the university. A highlight will be the Augustinian Monastery where he spent his early years as a monk and the famed doors that he closed on his pro-testing friends after saying "You can see me today, but never again." You will find it interesting and uplifting to hear how the studies here brought him to his understanding of scripture. Our lodging this evening will be in Erfurt.

Day 7: Erfurt, Eisleben, Leipzig

luther tour germany

Leaving Erfurt, we visit Eisleben which is noted among the most significant in Luther's history; he was born here in 1483, died here in 1546 and old manuscripts indicate that he felt a special affinity to Eisleben. We will see the house of his birth and death, St. Andrews Church where he preached his last sermon, the Luther Monument, and St. Anne's Church with the famous Biblical scenes hewn in stone and many other sites. This afternoon we travel to the beautiful city of Leipzig, Bach's city, with free time and a visit to St. Thomas Church where Bach was choir master and organist. Our dinner and lodging this evening will beat the hotel in Leipzig.

Day 8: Leipzig, Wittenberg, Berlin

luther tour germany

We continue on the Reformation Trail today with a visit to Wittenberg where Martin Luther lived and taught for 36 years. You will see the Castle Church door area where Luther posted his 95 Theses, giving birth to the Reformation (only view from outside due to construction works). This beautiful church is also the burial site of Luther. We see the university where Luther taught and the Luther House which is the greatest museum of Reformation History in the world with a detailed history dis-play of his life and accomplishments, historical documents and an outstanding collection of period paintings of his life and family members. Our lodging for the next two evenings will be in Berlin.

Day 9: Berlin, Pergamon Museum

luther tour germany

We enjoy an inspirational guided tour of this fascinating city including the “East Side Gallery”, the longest continuous and still standing section of the Berlin Wall, the infamous “Checkpoint Charlie”, the majestic main gate the “Brandenburger Tor” and nearby “Holocaust Memorial,” a memorial to the Jewish victims of the Holocaust. We continue on to the German Parliament (Reichstag) with a visit to the roof terrace, the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, the refurbished city center and Gendarmenmarkt, Alexanderplatz, the famous boulevard “Unter den Linden”. In the afternoon you will have time at lei-sure or the opportunity to visit the GDR Museum to find out more about life under socialism or visit the world-famous Pergamon Museum with its many treasures including the Ishtar Gate and the Market Gate of Miletus. Note: During the current stage of renovations in the Pergamon Museum, the hall containing the Pergamon Altar will be closed to the public for five years, due for reopening in 2019. The South Wing featuring the Market Gate of Miletus, the Ishtar Gate and Processional Way from Babylon, as well as the Museum of Islamic Art, remains unaffected and will be open to the public during this time.

Day 10: Departure

We transfer to the airport early this morning for our flight home.

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Martin Luther and The Reformation Tour | 2024

luther tour germany

Join Dr. Erwin & Rebecca Lutzer for A Historical Journey: Martin Martin Luther and The Reformation with Visits To World War II Sites. This 10-day tour will journey through Germany from May 6-15, 2024.

Listen to compelling lectures from Pastor Lutzer, based on his books Rescuing The Gospel and Hitler's Cross . During the tour, you'll visit Berlin, Wittenberg — hometown of Martin Luther, Leipzig — home of J.S. Bach, Munich — birthplace of the Third Reich, and many other historic cities. This will be a wonderful opportunity to enjoy European culture and glean lessons from history.

You'll be richly rewarded with a better understanding of our own Christian history, the struggles in our own cultural context, and of course, the joy of meeting new friends. Booking Deadline : January 30, 2024 .  Deposit due along with booking Full Payment Due : January 30, 2024 . Tour is full : If you're still interested, contact Thomas Tours below to join a waiting list.

Learn more  OR call 800-473-1551 .  Download a printable brochure. Note:  To all who sign up, Pastor Lutzer will send his books  Rescuing the Gospel: The Story and Significance of the Reformation and Hitler’s Cross: How the Cross of Christ was Used to Advance the Nazi Agenda .


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luther tour germany

Reformation Tours, LLC

Reformation Tours specializes in quality Christian and cultural tours of Europe, including tours with a focus on Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, John Wesley, C.S. Lewis, Jan Hus and many more.  We are delighted to have new owners and Rowena will be continuing as a Tour Consultant for the new owners. If you’re ready to plan your 2024/2025 tour, please visit our Plan a Tour page. We would like to extend our thanks to all who have traveled with us over the past two decades.

We invite you to experience travel from a Christian perspective, with opportunities to fellowship, have fun, and be encouraged in your faith. One of our favorite passages is Psalm 145:4-5 “One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts. They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty—and I will meditate on your wonderful works.”

The new Reformation Tours website will be launched very soon. Thank you for your patience!

Current Tours

luther tour germany

Pathways to the Heart of Scotland

luther tour germany

Luther, Castles, and Oktoberfest Tour

luther tour germany

Steps of Paul Cruise Tour

luther tour germany

Walking the Faith Steps of Gospel Freedom

luther tour germany

Kirk in the Hills Pilgrimage

luther tour germany

Presbyterian Highlights of Scotland

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The Treasures of Italy Tour

luther tour germany

Renaissance Italy Tour

luther tour germany

Tyndale Study Tour

luther tour germany

Reformation Heritage Tour

luther tour germany

Following Luther: Celebrating Faith and Love

luther tour germany

Highlights of Scotland

luther tour germany

Christian Heritage of England and Scotland

luther tour germany

Hymns & Heritage of England and Scotland

Reformation tours, ltd.

Head Office: Hall Gate House, 29cCranfield Road, Kilkeel, Co. Down, N. Ireland BT34 4LJ US Office: 12316 244th St. Chisago City, MN 55013 Toll Free: (800) 303-5534

Email: [email protected]


  1. 2019 Martin Luther Germany Pilgrimage All Inclusive Tour Package

    luther tour germany

  2. Luther tour with english speaking Guide

    luther tour germany

  3. Martin Luther Religious Tour in Germany

    luther tour germany

  4. Visit Germany

    luther tour germany

  5. 5-five-5: Luther Memorials in Eisleben and Wittenberg (Germany)

    luther tour germany

  6. Tour the Germany of Luther’s Reformation 500 years later

    luther tour germany


  1. The Footsteps of Martin Luther In Wittenberg, Germany 🇩🇪 #wittenberg

  2. Tour Martin Luther's Augustinian Monastery in Erfurt, Germany

  3. Bach House in Eisenach, Germany

  4. Powiedziałaś muz.Leonard Luther sł.Krzysztof Lebionko

  5. LZ öffnet Türen: Leser sehen Luther-Ausstellung im Landesmuseum

  6. The Inspiring Six


  1. Footsteps of Luther Reformation Tour

    Day 6: Wednesday, June 1, 2022: Eisenach, Erfurt. In 1521, while fleeing from the wrath of the Pope, Luther took refuge in the Wartburg Castle after a fake kidnapping staged by his friend and protector, Frederick the Wise. We will tour the Wartburg and see where Luther finished translating the New Testament into German in just eleven weeks.

  2. Footsteps of Martin Luther in Germany Tour

    Day 3: Wittenberg. This morning our local guide will take us on a tour of Lutherstadt Wittenberg. It was here in 1517 that Martin Luther nailed his famous 95 Theses to the door of Castle Church (Schlosskirche). Although the original doors were destroyed in the Seven Years War, we can see Luther's texts cast in bronze on the new doors.

  3. Germany Lutheran Heritage Tour

    Our guided tour includes a visit to the Luther Room where "Junker Jörg" translated the Bible. Overnight Eisenach . Day 7, Coburg, Rothenburg (B) Our journey continues as we step off the beaten-path to the well-preserved 11th century medieval town of Coburg and a guided tour of one of Germany's largest castles Veste Coburg, the fortress ...

  4. 2024 ~ Germany; In the Footsteps of Martin Luther

    Day 7 Wartburg Castle, Walk the "Luther Way" Trail to Eisenach, Bach Museum (B) This morning we visit the magnificent Wartburg Castle. It was here where Luther took refuge while translating the New Testament into the German language. Our guided tour includes a visit to the Luther Room where "Junker Jörg" translated the Bible.

  5. Lands of Martin Luther Reformation Tours to Germany

    Lands of Martin Luther Reformation Tours Explore the Lands of Luther and the Reformation Movement When Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, he changed the face of Christianity forever. Nawas International invites you to experience Luther's life and influence on one of our Lands of Martin

  6. Martin Luther Religious Tour in Germany

    Day 4 : Heidelberg - Eisenach - Erfurt. Visit the Lutherhaus, where Martin Luther lived from 1498 to 1501. This picturesque half-timbered house is one of Eisenach's oldest buildings, and is now a museum with fascinating multimedia exhibits detailing Martin Luther's life and times, as well as his teachings.

  7. In the Footsteps of Luther

    This afternoon a local guide will take us on a tour of Erfurt including the Augustinian Monastery, where Luther studied for the priesthood and St. Mary's Cathedral, the site of Luther's ordination. (B/D) Day 7: Coburg, Rothenburg. This morning we will head south to the lovely city of Coburg to visit the famous Veste Coburg, the fortress ...

  8. Germany: Martin Luther Reformation Tour

    DINNER AND OVERNIGHT IN BERLIN. DAY 3: MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2024 - BERLIN. Tour Berlin. BREAKFAST, DINNER AND OVERNIGHT IN BERLIN. DAY 4: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2024 - WITTENBERG. Today we begin our tour in the city known as the birthplace of the Reformation. Luther lived here from 1512 until his death.

  9. Protestant Tours Germany

    Martin Luther's posting of his 95 Theses on the door of All Saints' Church in Wittenberg, Germany in 1517 (objecting to the sale of indulgences) marked a new and fervent religious force throughout Germany and Europe known as the Christian Reformation. Biblical Tours, Christian Tours and Christian Group Tours of this holy land provide us ...

  10. Tours International

    Unforgettable group tour visiting key sites associated with Luther and the Reformation, plus Berlin and Bavaria. USA/CANADA TOLL FREE 888-505-1050 -UK +44 (0)1892 515825 ... Melanchthon House, given to Philipp Melanchthon, the 'Teacher of Germany'. Eisenach and Luther's House, Wartburg Castle and Luther's Cell where he translated the Bible and ...

  11. Visiting Germany's Lutherland by Rick Steves

    Today, visitors can tour the Augustinian Monastery and Church, including the austere cell where Luther spent his formative years, and the church where he struggled with theological demons. Just west of Erfurt is another important Luther landmark: Wartburg Castle, perched over the town of Eisenach. When Luther spoke out against Church corruption ...

  12. In the Footsteps of Martin Luther

    Germany ». In the Footsteps of Martin Luther. (8 nights / 10 days) Click To Call About This Tour. call(877) 732-4845now about this tour. Here I stand; I can do no other. God help me. Amen (Martin Luther). We are in for an unforgettable experience as we follow the footsteps of a man who changed the course of the world.

  13. Protestant Reformation Tour|Lutheran Tours |Inspired Voyager

    Our guided tour of Wittenberg will take us to the main sites connected with Martin Luther, including the Schlosskirche (Castle Church) where he nailed his famous 95 Theses to the door in 1517. Although the original door was destroyed in a fire, the replica has all 95 Theses in bronze, which is magnificent.

  14. Educational Opportunities Tours / Tours · Reformation in Germany: In

    Join us for Reformation in Germany as we walk in the footsteps of Martin Luther, starting at $3,748* from New York, NY, on the dates below. You will take a driving tour of Berlin, where you will see Brandenburg Gate, the rebuilt Reichstag, the ruins of the Kaiser Wilhelm Gedachtniskirche, the Berlin Wall, Checkpoint Charlie, Wittenberg, the Palace Church door, Schlosskirche, where Luther was ...

  15. German Reformation & Luther 9 Day Tour

    We tour Heidelberg Castle, a most impressive historic landmark of Germany that stands majestically overlooking the Neckar River. The structure, now largely in ruins, preserves numerous examples of Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque German architecture. Our next stop is in Worms. It was here, during the Imperial Diet in 1521, that Martin Luther ...

  16. Martin Luther Tour Germany

    Schedule. Matin Luther Germany Tour. 1. Day - Dresden. Arrival in Dresden. This city offers several interesting sights for tourists. The Frauenkirche, Semperoper und and the castle between others characterize the image of the skyline city. You will get to know the old city, as well as the modern Dresden with its exclusive shopping malls.

  17. Luther and Bonhoeffer Heritage Tour

    Optional pre-tour hotel in Berlin, Germany for $100 per person. Berlin, Germany March 1-2, 2024 Park Inn by Radisson Berlin Alexanderplatz 7 10178 Berlin. Wittenberg, Germany March 2-3, 2024 Marta Hotel (new name for Luther Hotel) Neustraße 7-10 06886 Lutherstadt Wittenberg. Erfurt, Germany March 3-4, 2024 Mercure Hotel Meienbergstr. 26-27 ...

  18. Best of Germany & the Protestant Reformation 10-Day Tour

    It was here in 1518 at St. Anne's Church that Luther met the papal legate, Cardinal Cajetan, who demanded that Luther submit to the pope. Augsburg was also the site of another Imperial Diet (1530) and in the town hall the Peace of Augsburg was signed in 1555 ending for a time the religious wars in Germany between the Catholics and the Protestants.

  19. Martin Luther and The Reformation Tour

    Join Dr. Erwin & Rebecca Lutzer for A Historical Journey: Martin Martin Luther and The Reformation with Visits To World War II Sites.This 10-day tour will journey through Germany from May 6-15, 2024. Listen to compelling lectures from Pastor Lutzer, based on his books Rescuing The Gospel and Hitler's Cross.During the tour, you'll visit Berlin, Wittenberg — hometown of Martin Luther, Leipzig ...

  20. Bavaria & Beyond Tours

    Lutherland Summer Tour - Small Group Tour. Lutherland Summer Tour - July 22nd - August 2nd, 2023. Come visit the Heart of Germany and learn about one of the most transformative events in European history. Enjoy visits to beautiful medieval cities in the Thüringen, Franconian, and Bavarian regions of Germany.

  21. Lutheran Tours

    Sample 10-day tour of Germany and Czech Republic including the cities of Munich, Oberammergau, Prague, Dresden, Erfurt, Eisenach, Wittenberg, Berlin. Learn More. On the Trail of the Reformation. Sample Tour. This is a sample 12 day tour of Germany, France and Switzerland. Focus on Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, and Hus. Learn More. Heroes of the ...

  22. Best of Germany in 13 Days Tour

    The Best of Germany tour begins with the sound of seagulls in Hamburg, a city that tickles tourists with its people-friendly harbor and a nearly Nordic vibe. ... Martin Luther, Nazi, post war.Tour members were outstanding. The vibe was just right. Favorite "WOW" moment "The Rhine River valley. We stayed 2 nights in Bacharach and visited ...

  23. Reformation Tours, LLC

    Reformation Tours specializes in quality tours to Europe, including Lutheran, Presbyterian, Baptist, and Methodist-themed tours. [email protected] 1-800-303-5534