
The 27 Different Types of Cruise Ship Jobs

Cruise ships are often called “floating cities” and with good reason. The average cruise ship employs over 1,000 people on any given voyage, and there are typically about four passengers per crew member.

But is working on a cruise ship a fun job?

Many people see working aboard a cruise ship as a life of travel and adventure, not to mention opportunities to meet people from all over the world.

However, there is no “one size fits all” staff position aboard each ship, and getting the right job for your personality and interests is key to enjoying your time at sea.

Of course, knowing where to start can be a bit overwhelming, considering there are so many types of cruise ship jobs.

Furthermore, the amount of jobs available depends on several factors, including the type of ship, the specific cruise line, the destination(s) and length of the voyage, and even the intended passenger demographic (a family-focused cruise, for instance, will have different crew needs than an adults-only cruise).

If you think this could be an exciting new career choice, it’s a good idea to go over the 27 types of cruise ship jobs and where exactly they fit in the “floating city.”

Table of Contents

1. Deck Personnel

Deck Personnel

Every cruise needs people to actually keep the ship running and afloat. Deck personnel encompasses a range of positions responsible for the ship’s navigation, safety, and security.

These include the ship captain, safety officer, and other officers on the bridge, as well as able seamen who may work on the bridge or other areas of the ship to keep things running smoothly.

Few entry-level positions are typically available among the deck personnel, as a high level of maritime and/or practical maintenance experience is required.

2. Engineers


Modern cruise ships no longer run on furnaces, but they do run on systems that consist of gas turbines, diesel-electric power, or in many cases, a combination of power sources.

These complex systems require a lot of knowledge and human surveillance to function properly, which is where the ship’s engineers come in.

Like the deck personnel, being among the cruise ship engineer team or “engine team” is typically not an entry-level position.

This type of work requires years of training, either aboard another vessel (often military or industrial transportation) or on land in an industrial capacity.

3. Deckhands


In addition to the more technical ship crew, there are also members of the deck crew who may perform support work in non-mechanical capacities.

These deckhands are considered to be the general handymen of the ship staff.

This portion of the crew can include janitorial work, carpentry, and stateroom maintenance. For example, if a passenger arrives onboard and finds that their bathroom door is not shutting, a member of the deck crew may be called to fix it for them.

Both the general deck crew and deck personnel may be grouped in the ship’s “deck department.”

4. Office Staff

Office Staff

All cruise lines have office staff who are responsible for arranging the cruise itineraries, passenger bookings, accounting, sales and marketing, clerical work, and general office tasks.

Most of these positions are performed on shore at the cruise line’s main office, but some of these team members may be expected to go aboard cruises to work.

For example, marketing staff may take part in an active cruise to take photos and otherwise capture the experience for advertising and PR purposes.

All cruise ships have their own office staff members who keep worker schedules and itineraries organized and help handle any issues while at sea.

5. Activity Staff

Activity staff

Passengers need activities to keep them occupied while they’re aboard the cruise ship! Activity staff members are vital parts of the cruise voyage, coordinating and running different activities throughout the day and evening.

From running shuffleboard tournaments by the pool to hosting trivia games in the theater at night, these crew members are considered vital to the cruise experience.

The ship’s cruise director is typically considered the head of the activity staff. They are typically the most visible and vocal members of the ship’s crew, often making daily announcements on the ship intercom and serving as hosts for the main activities on the itinerary.

6. Entertainers

cover band

Cruise entertainers often work closely with the activity staff, and in some cases, they may all fall under the department under the cruise director.

These crew members are responsible for putting on shows and providing visual and audible entertainment for the ship’s passengers.

They also may function as DJs or musicians, providing background music in various areas throughout the day.

In addition to working in the ship theater (or theaters, depending on the size of the ship), entertainers may work during lunch or dinner, in the ship bars or lounges, or otherwise work to provide entertainment during the day and evenings.

7. Fitness Team Members


The ship’s fitness team may be in their own category or considered part of the activities and entertainment crew members.

Typically led by the fitness director and a gym manager, these crew members are responsible for scheduling workouts and physical fitness activities for passengers to participate in.

They may run classes, act as personal trainers, host special yoga sessions, conduct dancing lessons, or even just be available to provide general advice and instruction in the ship’s gym.

In many cases, some level of experience and fitness knowledge is required to work on the ship’s fitness team.

Depending on the type of physical activity and equipment involved, some certification may be required.

8. Spa Staff


Most large cruise ships have a spa these days, and some may even offer spa services in passenger staterooms.

The spa staff encompasses a wide range of positions, from receptionists to massage therapists, cosmetologists, and beauticians.

Though there may be some exceptions, spa staff members of the crew typically only work during daytime hours aboard a cruise ship.

While some spa positions may have entry-level availability, many of these positions require at least basic certifications and training.

In some cases, cruise ships may hire specific spa or beautician companies to supply these staff members.

Depending on the special events (like weddings) booked on the ship, cosmetologists and beauticians may also be scheduled to work additional hours.

Some may also do the makeup and hair of performers in the cruise’s shows.

9. Food and Beverage (front of house)

F & B servers

In the world of food and beverage, there are two kinds of staff – front of house, and back of house.

The same goes for the food and beverage team on cruise ships.

The front-of-house staff members consist of the people who work directly with passengers at the ship’s restaurants, bars, and buffets.

These crew members are the ship’s bartenders, servers (waiters), back servers, barbacks, restaurant hosts, and food runners.

They may be assigned to just one location on the ship, or their shifts may rotate locations.

Depending on the special events scheduled for the voyage, the front-of-house staff may also perform catering duties.

10. Food and Beverage (back of house)

back of house

Although passengers typically only interact with front-of-house food and beverage staff, the back-of-house staff is just as important.

These crew members make and plan all of the food in the ship’s restaurants, bars, and dining halls.

The back-of-house team consists of the head chef, sous chefs, line cooks, dishwashers, and sometimes others.

Some members of the back-of-house food and beverage staff will also be responsible for feeding the ship crew in general.

Since many crew members work while restaurants and buffets are open, they need other options in the crew-only portions of the ship.

11. General Hospitality Team


Some cruise ships have a general hospitality team, which may work in a variety of positions throughout the ship and often is closely aligned with the activity and entertainment crew members.

However, the hospitality crew interacts more directly with the ship’s passengers and performs duties aligned with those of a hotel.

They help handle issues with any of the passenger’s accommodations, can assist with restaurant reservations, and field general questions during the voyage.

This team also includes the cruise’s customer service professionals.

12. Bedroom Stewards

Bedroom Stewards

In addition to general hospitality staff, cruise ships have a team of bedroom stewards that act as cleaning and maid service for all passenger rooms.

These team members are a vital part of the hotel portion of the cruise experience, ensuring all rooms (typically hundreds to thousands) on the ship are cleaned and turned down daily.

On some cruise ships, these stewards participate further in creating a fun atmosphere for passengers by setting up regular towel displays or leaving fun surprises in public areas or staterooms.

13. Retail Staff

Retail Staff

Nearly all large cruise ships these days have a selection of retail options right aboard the ship. From kiosks to physical stores, these areas need staff to run them.

Working in retail aboard a cruise ship is fairly similar in job function to working in retail in a mall or other shopping experience, and there may be many positions open that are entry-level.

Retail staff typically work daytime hours, though some ships may have certain stores or kiosks open late.

There may also be pop-up sales areas during shows or special events.

14. Childcare and Youth Staff

child care

Not all cruises are child-friendly, but many are, and these require various activities throughout each day to both keep children occupied and provide a source of relief for parents when needed.

Functioning in roles similar to camp counselors, cruise childcare and youth staff run child-exclusive and family-friendly activities in different areas around the ship.

Some also provide babysitting services that can be booked at any time during the voyage.

Many of these childcare and youth staff positions are entry-level, but supervisory positions may require prior experience working in childcare on cruise ships.

15. Medical Team

Medical Team

Accidents happen, and every cruise ship, therefore, requires a medical team to be on board at all times during the voyage.

These vital staff members deal with everything from minor injuries during ship activities to major, unexpected events like someone going into cardiac arrest or having a severe allergic reaction at the buffet.

Prior experience and certifications are typically required of medical team crew members, though there may be some assistant positions open in this department that require less training.

16. Photographers

ship photographers

If you’ve ever been on a cruise, you may have noticed that there are often people wearing uniforms (or at the very least, nametags) who stop passengers and ask for photos.

These are the ship photographers, and they are there to both document the voyage for the cruise line and to provide passengers with the opportunity to commemorate their experience with a professional photograph.

The number of hours a ship photographer works on each cruise will vary depending on special events and cruise line needs, but many will end up doing at least one day of taking scheduled photos with passengers who want them.

In some cases, professional cruise ship photographers may have to provide their own equipment.

17. IT Personnel

IT staff

Information Technology or “IT” staff have become increasingly important on cruise ships over time.

That’s because more cruise ships are offering WiFi and other technological amenities to passengers, and they need IT staff to ensure it all works properly.

The IT team may also be expected to help set up lighting and other equipment for events and help troubleshoot anything that is not functioning as expected.

IT staff may also assist the ship’s captain and deck department with technological needs around the ship.

There will be a higher level of expertise required in these cases, but generally speaking, IT positions on a cruise ship may call for only general IT experience that does not necessarily need to have been on a cruise.

18. Excursion Managers

passengers deboard

Most cruise ships have various stops during the voyage, during which passengers deboard and head on land for some planned excursions.

This is why many cruise lines have a team of excursion managers on staff.

These crew members help plan and coordinate excursions with teams (sometimes external companies and people in different countries) on land and they help passengers book them.

They also are in charge of ensuring passengers have a safe, successful time on the excursion and are provided with all the information they need to make it back on the ship as scheduled.

Excursion managers may be considered part of the activities and/or entertainment crew, but the key difference is that their jobs focus primarily on what passengers do while off the ship.

19. Casino Staff

casino on a cruise ship

Not all cruise ships have casinos, but many do. Casino staff members are similar to activity, entertainment, and even front-of-house food and beverage staff in that they interact directly with guests and help ensure they have a good time.

However, they are in their own category because working on a casino floor requires its own set of skills and specific rules that must be followed.

Depending on the specific job within the casino, a high level of experience may be required. For example, someone working as a blackjack dealer must be an expert at the game and be prepared to help even the most inexperienced passengers play.

Cruise casino staff may also include cocktail servers and bouncers, similar to a regular casino on land.

20. Ship Naturalist

Ship Naturalist

Many cruise ships have at least one naturalist on staff, though they may be considered part of the general hospitality team.

What makes the naturalist unique, however, is that they are expected to both interact with passengers and help passengers interact with the world around them.

Because cruises are vacations, passengers are often exposed to wildlife and sights that they may not be familiar with.

The ship’s naturalist helps interested passengers learn more about these things and may also host events that go into more detail.

They may also be expected to provide fun information for the passenger’s welcome materials and itineraries.

21. Lifeguards and General Safety Staff

lifeguard cruise

Most modern cruise ships have pools and hot tubs. Lifeguards are therefore required during most hours to ensure the safety of all guests.

These jobs are highly similar to lifeguard positions on land, and they may require the same level of training.

Many cruise ships also have general safety staff who patrol the ship on a routine basis, helping to spot any issues and intervene when passengers are engaging in potentially dangerous activity.

22. Security Personnel

security personnel

Because cruise ships are like floating cities with so many passengers and crew members, there’s a need for 24/7 security personnel to help prevent issues.

Major cruise lines in particular are known for having fleets of security staff members on board, often run by people with prior experience in law enforcement on land.

There may be a mix of entry-level and experience-required positions here. There may also be stricter requirements in terms of drug testing and references for security positions on cruise ships.

23. Pursers


Pursers are like the accountants of a cruise ship at sea who also act as part of the hospitality team.

They help settle passenger accounts and deal with any billing issues, and they may work closely with casino staff as needed.

They also may be highly front-facing and work in a concierge-like capacity, fielding general questions in addition to those related to money.

Behind the scenes, cruise ship pursers have strict codes and systems they must adhere to in order to ensure passenger accounts are handled with care.

Any financial issues must be dealt with delicately and as safely as possible. Pursers often start in lower-ranking crew positions first before advancing.

24. Instructors

dancing instructor

Many cruise voyagers feature special instructors as part of their entertainment programs. However, the instructors themselves may not be considered a part of the regular entertainment staff or other entertainers.

Instead, they come on cruises on a limited basis to provide passengers with various types of instruction and classes, from philosophical lectures to painting and dancing.

Many cruise lines partner with outside agencies to bring on various instructors for their voyages.

25. Production Managers

cruise show

Production managers aboard a cruise ship are in charge of ensuring every show and event goes off without a hitch.

They help set up the equipment and make sure entertainers and other crew members are all where they need to be, on schedule.

They also ensure that doors are open on time and that the event starts when it should.

Cruise ship production managers are like TV or movie producers but for live events, and their positions typically require years of experience to fill.

They often work closely with the cruise director and activity staff.

26. Gentleman Host

ensuring a good time

A cruise ship gentleman host is among the more unique jobs in this industry by far. The gentleman host is solely in charge of ensuring single individuals have a good time.

They are there to step in as dance partners when one is needed, to provide conversation, and suggest fun activities on the itinerary that are friendly to solo travelers.

The gentleman host traditionally is there to accommodate single female passengers, but they are really there to mix and mingle with all passengers.

Some cruises may also have a “lady host” – a woman in this capacity. People serving in this role are typically selected for having a charming, easygoing personality, being outgoing but approachable, and having great dance skills, among other qualities.

27. Wine Steward

wine steward

Not to be confused with one of the ship’s bartenders, the wine steward solely focuses on wine.

They make pairing suggestions for guests and answer questions about the ship’s wine options, and they participate in putting together ship menus.

They also may host tasting classes during the voyage.

The wine steward is often a sommelier, a certified expert on wine and food pairings that go with it.

They are considered an important part of creating an “elevated” experience for guests.

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Cruise Job Directory

Directory of Cruise Ship Job Information

Types of Cruise Ship Jobs

types of jobs in cruise ships

There are over 300 types of jobs onboard cruise ships spanning a number of different departments, each requiring their own set of skills and qualifications. Many of these positions are similar to land-based jobs offering potential for a successful career, plus the added benefit of travel. A cruise ship is similar to a resort offering comparable employment options in Guest Services, Housekeeping, Food and Beverage, Entertainment and more. “More” also means that a cruise ship is very different than a land-based resort, requiring a crew of Deck and Technical personnel as well.

Most cruise lines separate their operations into two main categories, Hotel Operations and Marine Operations. Here is a breakdown of the cruise ship departments and the types of cruise ship jobs that can be found onboard a cruise ship.

Cruise Ship Jobs in Marine Operations

Marine Operations is responsible for navigating the ship from port to port, operating and maintaining the ship’s engines and hotel systems, providing shipboard safety and security, and complying with international as well as maritime rules and regulations. The Deck and Technical Departments consist of trained and experienced Officers and Ratings. Although the Staff Captain is head of the Deck Department, the Captain is the master of the whole ship with all heads of department reporting to him/her.

Here is a list of all the cruise ship positions in the Deck and Technical Departments along with some other jobs that are sometimes categorized under Marine Operations.

Deck Department Jobs

Captain Staff Captain Safety Officer (1st Officer, Chief Officer) Navigation Officer (1st Officer) 2nd Officer Third Officer Deck Cadet Bosun 2nd Bosun Deck Petty Officer (Fireman) AB Deck (Deck Crew) AB Helmsman (Quartermaster) AB Seaman (Deck Crew, Deck Repairman) Ordinary Seaman Deck Storekeeper Sanitation Utility Tiler Fitter Deck Marine Administrative Assistant (Deck Clerk) Environmental Officer Public Health and Safety Specialist Security Department Security Officer Deputy Security Officer Security Supervisor Security Guard Lifeguards Lifeguard Manager Lifeguard Supervisor Lifeguard Staff

Engine and Technical Department Jobs

Chief Engineer Staff Engineer (Assistant Chief Engineer) 1st Engineer 2nd Engineer 3rd Engineer Engine Cadet 1st Refrigeration Engineer (HVAC Engineer, Ventilation Officer) 2nd Refrigeration Engineer 3rd Refrigeration Engineer Sanitation Engineer Hotel Engineer Assistant Hotel Engineer Accommodations Maintenance Supervisor (Facilities Manager) Upholsterer Carpenter Assistant Carpenter Joiner Engine Crew Supervisor (Motorman) Engine Repairman (Mechanic) Engine Fitter Engine Crew Wiper Oiler Refrigeration Fitter (Fitter AC) Refrigeration Technician 1st Plumber 2nd Plumber Sanitation Technician Technical Storekeeper (Chief Stoker) 2nd Engine Storekeeper Technical Clerk Waste Disposal Supervisor Incinerator Operator (Waste Disposal Operator) Incinerator Technician Electrical Department Chief Electrician (Chief Electrical Technical Officer) 1st Electrical Engineer 1st Electronic Engineer (Communications Officer) 2nd Electrical Engineer 2nd Electronic Engineer 3rd Electrical Engineer Electrical Engineer Cadet 1st Electrical Fitter Assistant Electrical Fitter (Assistant Electrician)

Medical Department Jobs

Doctor Nurse Paramedic Medical Secretary

Cruise Ship Jobs in Hotel Operations

With more than a dozen operational areas, the Hotel Operations on a cruise ship is responsible for ensuring that each passenger may enjoy their cruise vacation. Departments include Guest Services, Housekeeping, Culinary, Food and Beverage, Entertainment , Gift Shops, Casino, and Spa. But, there are also jobs in Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, and Information Technology that work behind the scenes. The Hotel Director oversees the entire hotel operations, but ultimately reports to the Captain.

Here is a list of all the cruise ship positions in the remainder of the cruise ship’s departments.

Hotel Director (Hotel General Manager) Guest Relations (Guest Services) Assistant Hotel Director Guest Relations Manager (Customer Services Director) Assistant Guest Services Manager Suite Manager Concierge Yacht Club Concierge (MSC Cruises) Royal Genie (Royal Caribbean only) Group Coordinator Event Coordinator (Party Planner) Front Desk Manager Assistant Front Desk Manager (Front Desk Supervisor) Guest Services Supervisor Guest Administration Officer (Documentation Officer) Guest Departure Officer Guest Services Officer Junior Guest Services Officer Loyalty Ambassador Cruise Sales Associate (Future Cruise Consultant) Hotel Administrative Assistant International Ambassador Assistant International Ambassador Senior Desktop Publisher Program Publisher Printer Marketing and Revenue Manager Financial Controller Administration Purser Crew Payroll Manager (Crew Purser) Administration Purser – Payroll (Payroll Purser) Junior Payroll Purser

Information Technology Jobs

Digital Manager (Computer Officer) IT Assistant Manager IT Infrastructure Specialist ITV Coordinator Communication Service Specialist Internet Manager (iLounge Manager) iLounge Assistant (Royal Caribbean and Celebrity Cruises) Macologist (Royal Caribbean and Celebrity Cruises)

Human Resources Jobs

Human Resources Manager Crew Administrator Crew Relations Specialist Human Resources Specialist Learning and Development Consultant (Training and Development Manager) Crew Welfare Specialist

Housekeeping Jobs

Executive Housekeeper (Chief Housekeeper) Assistant Executive Housekeeper Housekeeping Administrator Housekeeping Supervisor (Accommodations Supervisor) Butler Stateroom Attendant (Stateroom Steward) Officers’ Steward Assistant Stateroom Steward Laundry Master Assistant Laundry Master Drycleaner Laundry attendant Linen Keeper Tailor Uniform Master Hotel Storekeeper Inventory Manager (Inventory Compliance Officer) Public Area Supervisor Deck Attendant Pool Deck Service Host Utility Cleaner (Hotel Steward) Florist Horticulturist Lawn Keeper Landscape Specialist

Culinary Jobs

Executive Chef Executive Sous Chef Junior Sous Chef Sous Chef 1st Cook (Commis Cook) 1st Pizza Cook Buffet Cook Chef Tournant Teppanyaki Chef Specialty Restaurant Chef de Cuisine Chief Baker (Chef de Partie – Baker) 1st Baker 2nd Baker Chief Butcher (Chef de Partie – Butchery) 1st Butcher 2nd Butcher Chief Pastry (Chef de Partie – Pastry) Assistant Pastry Chef Pastry Cook Chef de Partie – Sushi Sushi Cook Chef de Partie – Pantry Pantry Chef Pantry Cook Pantry Cook Assistant Chief Crew Cook Crew Cook Galley Operations Manager (Galley Area Supervisor) Sanitation Officer (Crystal Cruises) Assistant Galley Supervisor Dishwasher Galley Steward (Utility Galley Cleaner) Buffet Decorator Pantry Decorator Coffeeman Provision Master (Food Storekeeper) Assistant Provision Master Ice Carver

Food and Beverage Jobs

Food and Beverage Director (F&B Manager) Restaurant Manager Dining Room Assistant Manager Maitre’D Assistant Maitre’D Food and Beverage Supervisor Head Waiter Waiter Assistant Waiter Assistant Buffet Steward Sommelier Cellar Master Food and Beverage Administrator F&B Sanitation Room Service Attendant Snack Attendant (Buffet Steward) Beverage Manager Assistant Beverage Manager (Bar Supervisor) Bartender Barista Bar Server (Bar Steward) Bar Utility (Assistant Bar Steward)

Shore Excursions Jobs

Senior Destinations Manager Shore Excursions Manager Assistant Shore Excursions Manager Shore Excursions Staff Destination Concierge Port Lecturer (Destination Lecturer) Naturalist Shore Excursions Bike Escort (Bicycle Leader) Expedition Leader (Lindblad Expeditions) Assistant Expedition Leader (Lindblad Expeditions)

Entertainment Department Jobs

Entertainment Director Cruise Director Assistant Cruise Director Cruise Programs Administrator Activity Manager Activity Staff Activities Host (Cruise Staff) Aquatics Activity Staff Recreation Host (Disney Cruise Line) Disc Jockey Karaoke Host (Carnival Cruise Line) Amusement Specialist (MSC Cruises) Sports Manager (Sports Director) Sports Coordinator Sports Staff (Recreation Staff) Dive Manager Assistant Dive Manager Dive Instructor Life Stylist (Holland America only) Youth Activities Manager Youth Activities Assistant Manager Youth Staff Youth Staff (Nursery) Broadcast Manager Broadcast Operator Broadcast Technician (Video Technician) AV Manager AV Operator Digital Signage and ITV Specialist (Multimedia Manager) ITV Coordinator ITV Host Production Manager Stage Manager Production and Stage Manager – Aqua (Royal Caribbean only) Assistant Stage Manager Light Technician Lounge Technician Sound Technician Stage Technician (Rigging Specialist) Rigging Staff Stage Staff Aqua Staff Support Diver (Royal Caribbean only) Band Leader (Band Master) Show Band Musician Musicians (Piano Bar Entertainer, Quartets, Calypso Band, etc.) Headline Entertainer Enrichment Lecturer (Guest Speaker) Comedian Dancer Acrobat Singer Character Performer

Casino Department Jobs

Casino Manager Casino Supervisor Casino Dealer Casino Hostess Assistant Casino Hostess Cash Desk Manager (Head Casino Cashier) Cashier Cashier Trainee Slot Manager Slot Technician Casino Slot Attendant

Spa Department Jobs

Spa Manager Barber Beauty Therapist Hair Stylist Message Therapist Nail Technician Personal Trainer Spa Receptionist Acupuncturist Medi-Spa Physician Wellness Specialist (Lindblad Expeditions) Health and Fitness Supervisor (Crystal Cruises)

Gift Shops Department Jobs

Sales Manager Assistant Sales Manager Luxury Retail Boutique Manager Sales Associate – Jewelry Specialist Sales Associate – Beauty Specialist Sales Associate – Fine Watch Specialist Sales Associate – Visual Specialist Sales Associate – Promotions Specialist

Photography Department Jobs

Photo and Videography Manager Assistant Photo Manager Videographer Senior Photographer Junior Photographer Photo Lab Technician (MSC Cruises) Photo Instructor (Lindblad Expeditions)

Other Cruise Ship Jobs

Art Auctioneer (Gallery Manager) Art Steward Port and Shopping Guide

For information about how to apply for these cruise ship jobs, read the How to Apply for Cruise Ship Jobs section.

Updated:  September 25, 2020

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Working Onboard a Cruise Ship

We help create lasting memories.

There's nothing like bringing people together to share unique experiences and see the world, making them feel special and becoming part of the stories they tell for years to come. That's what we do and what you'll do if you join us.

As part of the Princess® family, you’ll develop your skills, work with committed crew members and travel to some of the most breathtaking places around the globe. And while an adventure at sea is its own reward, we offer a variety of programs to recognize employees who go above and beyond. Princess offers a winning combination of pay, benefits and lifelong friendships, so come aboard the Love Boat. We’re expecting you!

Why work onboard a Princess Cruises ship?

Don’t take our word for why it’s great to be at Princess — let our team members tell you! In the "I Love My Princess Job" video series, our colleagues on shore and at sea share what they love about their work.

Cruise Career Opportunities

Onboard departments.

We offer exciting cruise career opportunities in a variety of onboard departments. Working for Princess Cruises is ideal if you are looking to take your career to the next level and enjoy working in a challenging and unique environment. We employ team members of over 70 nationalities, creating a diverse and welcoming environment.

International recruitment partners

Princess Cruises cooperates with a world-wide network of recruiting agencies to select only the most qualified crew. Resumes may be forwarded to the agency that is nearest the applicant’s residence. Once received, candidates will be processed based on current available positions.

Fraudulent Employment Opportunities We have recently been made aware of fraudulent entities around the world claiming to represent Princess Cruises as recruitment partners. We are working closely with our Security department and local police authorities in various countries to prevent individuals from wrongly representing themselves as Princess' recruitment partners. We strongly suggest that you only discuss employment opportunities with the agencies/partners listed below. If you have any suspicion about the nature of ads or websites claiming to recruit on behalf of Princess Cruises, please contact the approved Princess agency located nearest your place of residence (choose from the list below).

Living & Working at Sea

Life onboard.

Not sure what to expect while working onboard a cruise ship? A career at sea affords you many unparalleled opportunities such as travelling to world-famous locations, building meaningful friendships with diverse colleagues, and gaining valuable professional skills in a world-class environment.

Unlike careers on land, however, working onboard a cruise ship has some unique conditions. Princess Cruises takes great pride in our efforts to make the adjustment to sea life as easy as possible so you can focus on making our guests feel special.

Total rewards

Here at Princess Cruises, we understand how challenging it can be for our crew to work away from home for such substantial periods of time. Therefore, as a company we strive to help give you all the necessary resources and comforts to enable you to take care of our guests – and yourself.

While working onboard a Princess cruise ship, you can enjoy these living essentials provided by the company:

  • Furnished living accommodations
  • Crew cafeterias (also known as Crew Mess) with a variety of menu items from around the world
  • Laundry facilities and services
  • Crew Store with discounted convenience items such as toiletries and snacks
  • CrewCard pay system to help manage your finances at home while you are at sea

Cruise Employment Application Process & FAQs

As a well-known premium brand in the cruise industry, we receive a high volume of cruise employment inquiries each day. To help you understand what to expect if you are being considered for a position, we’ve outlined the application process below.

Princess Cruises works with a global network of authorized recruiters to attract and select the most qualified candidates to join us at sea. If you are being considered for a position, there could be several steps after your initial application before you are notified with a decision. Depending on the job you are applying for, these could include follow-up interviews with our corporate hiring managers.

If you are successful in your application, there are also several steps you will need to take to become travel-ready to work onboard. You will partner with a manning office that will help you obtain the required seafarer medical certificates, travel visas, and other required documentation to work at sea.

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  • Log in to Manage your Booking
  • MSC Cruises Check In
  • Norwegian Cruise Check In
  • Silversea Check In

Working on a Cruise: Beginner's Guide to a Job on a Cruise ship

Working on a Cruise: Beginner's Guide to a Job on a Cruise ship

Ahoy, cruise enthusiasts! Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work on one of the world's most magnificent cruise ships, like those from MSC Cruises or Princess Cruises? It's time to embark on an exciting journey as we explore the vast array of cruise ship job opportunities that await you on board these floating cities.

Whether you're a seasoned professional or a job seeker with no experience, there's a place for you in the vibrant and diverse world of cruise ship.

This guide is designed specifically for those of you who may have little knowledge about life and work on cruise ships, but are eager to dive into the ocean of possibilities.

So, grab your valid passport and let's set sail together to uncover the secrets of building a successful career at sea.

How to get a Job on a cruise ship: 1.  The Pros & Con of working onboard 2.  Exploring job opportunities 3.  Life on board 4.  Minimum requirements 5.  Where to apply

Unraveling the Mysteries of Cruise Ships

A floating paradise.

Cruise ships are much more than just a mode of transportation. They are floating paradises designed to provide guests with the ultimate vacation experience, combining travel, leisure, and entertainment.

From dazzling Broadway-style shows to gourmet dining experiences, these ships offer a world of indulgence and adventure, all while sailing through some of the most breathtaking destinations on the planet.

The Majestic Size and Scale of Modern Cruise Ships

Modern cruise ships are truly awe-inspiring, both in terms of their size and the sheer number of people they can accommodate.

Some of the largest cruise ships in the world can carry over 6,000 passengers and 2,000 crew members, making them floating cities in their own right. With multiple decks filled with a vast array of amenities and facilities, these ships offer endless opportunities for both passengers and crew to create unforgettable memories.

A photo of the Norwegian Sun, part of the Norwegian Cruise line fleet, luxurious cruise ship sailing on the open sea.

The Pros and Cons of Working on a Cruise Ship

Smooth sailing: the benefits of cruise ship life.

Working on a cruise ship comes with a boatload of perks that are hard to resist. As a crew member, you'll enjoy:

  • Travel opportunities: Sail to exotic destinations and explore the world, all while getting paid for it.
  • Meeting new people : Forge lasting friendships with crew members from diverse cultural backgrounds and make connections with passengers from around the globe.
  • Free accommodations and meals : Say goodbye to rent and grocery bills, as your room and board are provided by the cruise line.
  • Unique experiences: Engage in a variety of onboard activities, events, and entertainment programs that are exclusive to cruise ship life.

Navigating the Storms: The Challenges of Cruise Ship Work

While the benefits of working on a cruise ship are certainly alluring, it's important to acknowledge the potential drawbacks that come with this unique lifestyle:

  • Long hours: Be prepared to work long, sometimes irregular hours. Cruise ships operate 24/7, and your work schedule may be demanding. - When I worked on ships our weekly hours where about 65 hours / week.
  • Strict regulations: Cruise lines have strict rules and regulations in place for the safety and well-being of both passengers and crew. Adapting to these guidelines is essential.
  • Limited time off: While you'll have the opportunity to explore ports of call, your time ashore may be limited due to work responsibilities. - Never a full days, only a couple of hours here and there
  • Being away from family: Extended periods at sea mean spending significant time away from loved ones, which can be challenging for some individuals.

Two crew members in clean black uniforms stand at a polished guest services counter on a Norwegian Cruise ship, smiling and ready to assist guests.

All Hands on Deck: Exploring Job Opportunities Onboard

Navigating the departments of a cruise ship.

Cruise ships are like floating cities, complete with various departments working together to ensure smooth sailing and an unforgettable experience for passengers. Here's a brief overview of the different departments on a cruise ship and their core functions:

  • Deck Department: Responsible for navigating the ship, maintaining its safety and security, and overseeing deck operations. Key roles include the captain, officers, deckhands, and security personnel.
  • Engineering Department: Ensures that all technical and mechanical systems on the ship are functioning properly, including propulsion, power generation, and HVAC systems. Key roles include the chief engineer, officers, and various technicians.
  • Hotel Department: Manages all aspects of the ship's accommodations, food and beverage services, and guest services. They are the customers facing crew. Key roles include the hotel director, front office manager, housekeeping manager, and food and beverage manager.
  • Entertainment Department: Curates and delivers the onboard entertainment program, including shows, activities, and events. Key roles include the cruise director, entertainment staff, and performers such as singers, dancers, and musicians.
  • Medical Department: Provides medical care to passengers and crew, ensuring everyone's health and well-being. Key roles include the ship's doctor and nurses.
  • Shore Excursions Department: Organizes and manages off-ship activities and tours for passengers at each port of call. Key roles include the shore excursions manager and tour guides.

Each department plays a vital role in creating a seamless and enjoyable cruise experience for passengers while ensuring the efficient operation of the ship.

Officer in front of MSC Orchestra

Diving into Entry-Level Positions: No Experience Required

If you're just starting your voyage into the world of cruise ship jobs, fear not! There are plenty of entry-level positions that don't require previous experience or qualifications, allowing you to embark on a rewarding career at sea. Some of these roles include:

  • Galley cleaner: Keep the ship's kitchens spick and span.
  • Pot washer: Play a crucial role in maintaining cleanliness by washing dishes and kitchen utensils.
  • Bar utility: Ensure the bars are well-stocked and clean, ready for passengers to enjoy their favorite beverages.
  • Deckhand: Keep the deck areas pristine and assist with various tasks like stacking deckchairs.
  • Ordinary seaman: Tackle general cleaning and maintenance duties, making sure the ship is shipshape.
  • Entertainment team member: Bring the fun and excitement to passengers by assisting with shows, activities, and events.
  • Waiter: Provide top-notch service to guests in the ship's dining venues.

Crew members from NCL's entertainment staff having a blast at a white party. A perfect first job on a cruise ship for those starting out!

Navigating Specialized Roles: Expertise Required

For those with specific skills and experience, there are several specialized roles onboard that may pique your interest. These positions typically require qualifications, training, or prior experience in a similar field. Examples include:

  • Doctor: Provide medical care to passengers and crew, ensuring everyone stays healthy and safe.
  • Captain: Take the helm and steer the ship, overseeing all aspects of the vessel's operation and safety.
  • Cruise director: Lead the entertainment program, engage with passengers, and manage the onboard entertainment team.
  • SPA therapist: Offer rejuvenating treatments and therapies to guests, ensuring their relaxation and well-being during their cruise.
  • Casino dealer: Run exciting casino games for passengers while maintaining a professional and engaging atmosphere.

With these additional specialized roles, you can see that the cruise ship industry offers diverse opportunities for those with a wide range of expertise, making it an attractive career choice for many.

Chef onboard Scenic Eclipse preparing Dim Sum

Charting a Course for Long-Term Career Growth

Cruise ship offers incredible long-term career opportunities. One inspiring example is that of a Cruise Hotel Director, who started their journey as a humble waiter. Over the years, they advanced through various positions, gaining valuable experience and skills along the way. Eventually, they were promoted to the prestigious role of Hotel Director, overseeing all aspects of the ship's hotel operations.

This success story is a testament to the growth and advancement possibilities that await you in the world of cruise ship jobs. With dedication, hard work, and a passion for excellence, the sky (or should we say, the sea) is the limit!

Image suggestion: A photo of a Cruise Hotel Director smiling proudly, surrounded by their team.

Anchoring Down: Life on Board

Crew quarters, meals, and recreation: your home away from home.

As a cruise ship crew member, you'll find that life on board is a unique experience, with accommodations designed specifically for staff (not always so comfortable).

While crew cabins might be smaller than passenger staterooms, they are equipped with all the essentials you'll need, including a bed, storage space, and a private or shared bathroom.

Meals for crew members are usually served in a dedicated crew mess, offering a variety of cuisines to cater to diverse tastes. You'll never go hungry, and you might even discover some new favorite dishes!

In your downtime, you can take advantage of recreational facilities available for crew members, such as gyms, lounges, and sometimes even crew-only swimming pools. These spaces provide a perfect opportunity to unwind after a long day of work.

Socializing at Sea: Building Friendships and Embracing Cultures

Working on a cruise ship offers a fantastic opportunity to make friends from all around the world. With crew members hailing from various countries and backgrounds, you'll have the chance to learn about different cultures and expand your global perspective.

Social events and gatherings are often organized for crew members, providing the perfect setting to forge lasting connections and share memorable experiences. Your fellow crew members will become your family at sea, making your time onboard all the more enjoyable.

Adapting to Life at Sea: Embracing the Unique Work Environment

Life on a cruise ship is undoubtedly different from working on land. Adapting to this unique environment is essential for a successful and fulfilling experience.

Be prepared for the potential challenges of living at sea, such as coping with limited personal space, adjusting to irregular work hours, and dealing with the occasional bout of seasickness.

Embrace the adventure and remember that the rewards – travel, friendships, and personal growth – are well worth any temporary inconveniences.

Crew member climbing down the ladder to enter the zodiac on Silver Galapagos. Silversea Cruises

Setting Sail: Meeting the Minimum Requirements for Cruise Ship Jobs

Before you can embark on your cruise ship career, there are some essential requirements you'll need to meet. These basic criteria ensure that you're prepared for life on board and can contribute effectively to the ship's operations:

  • Age: Be at least 18 or 21 years old, depending on the cruise line's requirements.
  • Language fluency: Be proficient in English, or another language specified by the cruise line, to communicate effectively with passengers and fellow crew members.
  • Valid passport: Ensure your passport is up to date and has enough validity remaining for the duration of your contract.
  • Visa or work permit: Obtain any required visas or work permits for the countries the ship will visit - the cruise line or agent will assist you with that.
  • Basic safety training certificate: Complete mandatory safety training courses, such as the Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping (STCW) certification.
  • Medical examination: Pass a comprehensive medical examination to confirm that you're fit for duty.
  • Criminal background check: Clear a criminal background check to guarantee the safety and security of passengers and crew.
  • Hard worker and people skills : you will be required to work long hours and interact a lot with guests. You will have to be comfortable with people. 

By meeting these requirements, you'll be well on your way to starting an exciting and rewarding career on the high seas. No to worry, the successful candidate will get help from the cruise business before the start of their employment in order to get ready for their new careers.

Picture of a passport and the Boarding pass for a ship crew member waiting to board a plane.

Sailing Through Salaries: How Much Do Cruise Ship Jobs Pay?

Setting sail with entry-level pay.

As you embark on your cruise ship career, it's important to understand the salary expectations for various roles. Entry-level positions, such as galley cleaners, pot washers, and deckhands, typically have lower salaries, starting around $500 per month. However, these roles often come with free accommodations, meals, and the opportunity to travel the world, which can offset the lower pay.

Anchoring Down Higher Pay with Specialized Roles

As you gain experience and move into specialized roles, your earning potential increases. For example, cruise ship doctors can earn over $10,000 per month, while other specialized roles like captains and entertainment directors also command higher salaries.

With dedication and hard work, you can climb the ranks and reap the rewards.

Misty sky hints at rain as captain stands confidently by the ship's balustrade. The side angle shot captures the allure of seafaring adventure.

Cruise line Job Portals:

For South Africa , for all beauty related job (Beauty & Massage Therapists, Fitness Instructor, hairdressers, assistant SPA manager and SPA manager) the SA Cew team can help you finding the right position. They can help all cruise job seekers with CV, STCW and VISA application, and the best is they are an amazing team .

SA Crew-Logo for your MSC CRUISE SHIP JOBS

Be aware of SCAM

Some fraudulent recruiters may pose as legitimate companies, promising high-paying positions and benefits, but their actual goal is to swindle money or personal information from unsuspecting job seekers.

To avoid being scammed, do your research and verify the legitimacy of the company and the job posting. Look for official websites, check online reviews, and contact the company directly to confirm the job's details and requirements.

In conclusion, dear aspiring seafarer, we've navigated the vast ocean of cruise ship job opportunities, from entry-level positions for those just starting out, to specialized roles for seasoned professionals.

We've explored the ups and downs of life on board, revealing the perks (travel and new friends) and the challenges (limited time off and long hours) that come with the territory.

And, of course, we've charted a course through the essential requirements needed to embark on this fantastic voyage.

So, as you stand at the helm of your own career adventure, remember that the cruise ship life is a unique, rewarding, and sometimes challenging experience.

But with the right attitude and a willingness to learn, you too can set sail toward a fulfilling and exciting career at sea. Anchors aweigh, future cruise ship star!

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Operating as giant hotels on water, oceangoing megaliners employ hundreds of people to work a variety of positions. Typically you’ll find jobs similar to what you’d expect at a five-star resort. There are opportunities for:

  • Hairdressers
  • Massage Therapists
  • Disc Jockeys
  • Childcare Workers
  • Gift Shop Workers
  • Entertainers
  • Food & Beverage Servers, and
  • Activity Coordinators

And that’s just the beginning. The smaller cruise ships and boats hire deckhands who are responsible for any number of passenger service duties. They may unfurl the sails one minute and whip up a breakfast the next.

In Focus: Jobs Available On Board – Royal Caribbean Cruises

When considering employment within this industry, bear in mind that your choice of positions may vary depending on a ship’s size, where it’s registered, its itinerary, and to some extent, the type of passenger the cruise line attracts. Job hunters should explore all opportunities for employment onboard a cruise ship, but should also be aware of those cases in which opportunities are limited.

In Focus: Picking a Position

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Cruise Ship Jobs Unveiled: Types, Pay Scale & Eligibility for a Thriving Maritime Career

29 April, 2022

Cruise Ship Jobs Unveiled: Types, Pay Scale & Eligibility for a Thriving Maritime Career.

Thousands of people work on a cruise ship in different departments from across 50 countries to make each cruise rail smoothly. Types of cruise ship jobs are generally divided into 2 categories: 

  • Deck and Engine Department 
  • Guest Service operations 

Let’s have a look at both of the departments on cruise ship jobs and the types of jobs available in both of them, along with their pay scale. 

Table of Contents

Types of jobs available on Cruise Ships

types of jobs in cruise ships

A. Crew (Deck and Engine Department) Cruise Ship Jobs

The marine operations division employees do everything that is vital to keep the ship running smoothly. The employees working in the Deck and Engine department are responsible for keeping the ship well-maintained and making sure it is functioning properly.

The crew also looks after the health and safety of everyone onboard the ship, keeps detailed records, and is knowledgeable of maritime laws and regulations. Apart from the Captain of the ship, there are a plethora of crew members working behind the scenes. For working in the Deck/Engine Department, you need to complete specialized pre-sea training from a D.G. approved college.

Below is the list of types of jobs available in the Deck and Engine Department on Cruise Ships.

1. Captain/Master of the ship

The Captain is the cruise ship’s highest-ranked officer and the Master. He/she has complete power to make executive decisions in order to protect the lives and safety of the ship’s staff and guests, and he/she must use the utmost caution and sound judgment.

Salary of the Captain of the Cruise Ship: The average cruise ship captain salary for a major cruise line is typically between US$9000 to US$13000 per month.

2. Staff Captain

After the captain of the ship, the Staff Captain is the second in command aboard the cruise ship. He/She is also the head of the Deck Department. The Staff captain has to be conversant with all of the Master’s tasks and responsibilities and must be capable of taking charge of the vessel. 

Salary of the Staff Captain of the Cruise Ship: Depending upon the cruise line and time served with the company, the salary for a staff captain of a cruise line ranges between 6000 to 8000 US Dollars per month or up.

3. Safety Officer

The Safety Officer is in charge of passenger and crew safety exercises, abandon ship protocols, crew safety training, ship tender monitoring, and safety instructions for all onboard staff, with special emphasis on emergency procedures and fire fighting.

Salary of the Safety Officer of the Cruise Ship: The average cruise ship Safety Officer’s salary for a major cruise line is typically between 5000 to 8000 US Dollars per month.

4. Environmental Compliance Officer

The Environmental Compliance Officer (ECO or EO) is a three-stripe, non-watch standing officer. He/She is in charge of following the cruise line’s environmental policy, as well as the training, implementation, and verification of regulatory compliance as it relates to relevant environmental laws.

Salary of the ECO or EO of the Cruise Ship: Depending upon the Cruise line and the contracts served, the average salary of the ECO of a cruise ship lies between US$1,000 to US$6,000 per month.

5. 1st Officer – Navigation

The Officer of the watch (OOW) is a designated navigation officer and is responsible for all navigation and watchkeeping issues. He/She reports to the Staff captain.

Salary of the 1st Officer of the Cruise Ship: Depending upon the Cruise line that the Officer is working with, the salary of the 1st Officer lies between US$5500 to US$8000 per month.

6. 2nd Officer

The 2nd Officer is a two-stripe Navigation and Watch Keeping Officer and Bridge Team Member. During his/her watch the OOW is representing the Master and reports to the Chief Officer. 

Salary of the 2nd Officer of the Cruise Ship: The average salary of the 2nd Officer on the Cruise Ship ranges between US$4700 to US$7000 per month.

7. 3rd Officer

The Third Officer is an assistant to the OOW or the Junior Watch Keeping Officer on the ship. Reports to the Officer of the Watch (either 1st or 2nd Officer) for navigation and watchkeeping aspects and to the Staff Captain for all other tasks.

Salary of the 3rd Officer of the Cruise Ship: Depending upon the Cruise line and the contracts served, the average salary of the 3rd Officer of a cruise ship lies between US$4,500 to US$6,200 per month.

8. Deck Cadet

The list of Deck Cadet duties includes maintaining ship areas, making sure that lifesaving equipment is available and functioning, performing necessary repairs, assisting with the driving of the ship, mooring, and anchoring, and handling various port operations.

Salary of the Deck Cadet of the Cruise Ship: A Deck Cadet on a Cruise Ship earns around US$1500 to US$2200 per month, which gradually increases as contracts complete.

9. Chief Security Officer

The Chief Security Officer is a three-striped officer in charge of enforcing the company’s security policy as well as all security activities on board the cruise ship when at sea and in port. He or she must be a properly qualified security specialist who is knowledgeable about illegal drug trafficking and anti-terrorist tactics.

Salary of the Chief Security Officer of the Cruise Ship: The Chief Security Officer on a Cruise Ship earns approximately US$4500 to US$7000 per month.

10. Deputy Security Officer

The Deputy Security Officer is a two-stripe officer whose main responsibility is to control and supervise all points of entry to the cruise ship. He/she reports to the Chief Security Officer and to the Staff Captain. He/she Performs security and safety inspections of the ship on a regular basis in order to ensure that appropriate security measures are maintained and all safety equipment is in proper working condition.

Salary of the Deputy Security Officer of the Cruise Ship: Depending upon the Cruise ship’s paying standards, a Deputy Security Officer can earn around US$2200 to US$3800 per month.

11. Security Guard

The Security Guard is in charge of the ship’s access points as well as the screening of visitors, personnel, and their luggage. While the ship is in port, the Security Guard is stationed at the Gangway, and while at anchor, the Security Guard is stationed at the tender docking stations both ashore and on the vessel.

Salary of the Security Guard of the Cruise Ship: US$1200 to US$1800 per month is the normal salary range of a Security guard on a cruise ship.

The Bosun or Boatswain is the highest-ranking rating (non-officer) position in the Deck Department. The Bosun is in charge of all subordinate deck rating positions aboard the cruise ship and his/her main duties and responsibilities include supervising, coordinating, and coaching evaluating all non-officer deck personnel – Quartermaster, Carpenter, Able Seaman, Ordinary Seaman positions.

Salary of the Bosun of the Cruise Ship: The average salary of the Bosun lies between US$2500 to US$4700 per month and up depending on the cruise line and time served with the company.

13. Able Seaman

The Able Seaman (AB) is a non-officer member of the deck crew (deck rating position). The duties of Able Seaman include performing a variety of routine maintenance duties in order to preserve the painted surface of the ship such as chipping, cleaning, painting, and removing rust spots from the deck and sides of the ship.

Salary of the Able Seaman of the Cruise Ship: An Able Seaman secures a salary ranging between US$1300 to US$2600 on a Cruise Ship.

14. Ordinary Seaman

This is the department’s entry-level non-watch standing rank, and the OS functions as an assistant to the Able Seaman, learning the profession and gaining experience while working in order to promote to the AB position after accumulating sufficient sea time and passing the appropriate exams.

Salary of the Ordinary Seaman of the Cruise Ship: The average cruise ship salary of an Ordinary Seaman for a major cruise line is typically between US$1200 to US$1800 per month.

15. Firefighting Team Leader

A cruise ship’s Fireman (Firefighter Team Leader) is a one and a half or two-stripe petty officer who is in charge of directing and managing the onboard Firefighting Team’s actions in terms of fire risks prevention and successful fire fighting.

Salary of the Firefighting Team Leader of the Cruise Ship: The average salary of a Cruise Ship’s firefighting team leader ranges between US$4900 to US$5700. 

B. Staff (Guest Service operations) Cruise Ship Jobs

Apart from the crew working in the Deck/Engine Department, the rest of the employees on a cruise ship all form part of the overall guest service operations. This category of types of jobs on Cruise ships is made up of several little departments including Hospitality, Activity and ShipBoard Entertainment, Personal and Medical Care, and more. 

People working in these departments generally interact directly with the guests and serve as the front face of the Cruise Crew. For working in the Guest Service Operations Department, you need to hold relevant experience of at least 2-3 years. 

Below is the list of types of jobs available in the Guest Service Operations Department on Cruise Ships.

1. Hotel Director

The Hotel Director of a Cruise ship plans, coordinates, and controls the operation of the Hotel organization. He/She directs the function of all Hotel personnel through the management of department heads. He/She ensures the highest level of guest satisfaction by providing quality guest services and amenities.

Salary of the Hotel Director of the Cruise Ship: The salary of the Hotel Director starts from US$7000 per month and can go up as per the Cruise Ship standards. 

2. Head Chef

The Head Chef is in charge of overseeing the preparation of all meals on a cruise ship. He/She manages the galley staff and plans the menus and works closely with the ship’s food and beverage manager to keep costs within budget. The FNB department is one of the most popular types of jobs on Cruise ships.

Salary of the Head Chef of the Cruise Ship: Depending upon the Cruise line and contracts completed, the average salary of the Head chef ranges between US$5800 to US$7400 per month.

3. Assistant F&B/Bar Manager

Responsible for ensuring efficient management and the highest possible level of all food and beverage services aboard the cruise ship while at the same time meeting the budget targets of the cruise line and maintaining cost-effective operations.

Salary of the Assistant F&B/Bar Manager of the Cruise Ship: The Assistant F&B/Bar Manager can earn from US$4800 to US$6700 per month.

4. Waiter/Waitress

The Waiter/Waitress is responsible for all food and service-related issues within his/her workstation and serves passengers according to the highest standards set by the cruise line. They must relay all passengers’ orders to the galley, then serve the various courses and beverages making sure that all items look presentable and are properly garnished and decorated before serving.

Salary of the Waiter/Waitress of the Cruise Ship: The Waiter/Waitress can earn US$2500 US$4200 per month depending on the cruise line, size of the ship, and gratuities received from passengers.

5. Bartender

The Bartenders on a Cruise ship are responsible for providing professional and courteous service to passengers in all bars and beverage outlets throughout the cruise ship as well as serving staff and crew members in the crew bar.

Salary of the Bartender of the Cruise Ship: A Bartender can earn US$2200 US$3600 per month depending on the cruise line, size of the ship, and gratuities received from passengers.

6. Chief Housekeeper/Assistant Chief Housekeeper

The chief Housekeeper is the supervisor of the housekeeping department: cabin services, room services, bell services, passenger baggage handling and distribution. This division is responsible for making passengers comfortable while they are in their rooms and includes the care of the cabins, room and messenger service, and laundry pick up and delivery. 

Salary of the Chief Housekeeper of the Cruise Ship: They can earn between US$3000 to US$3800 or more depending on the amount of tips and gratuities. 

Chief Purser manages the company safe, ship clearance, and handles all the ship’s documents. The position supervises the front desk team, coordinates onboard special requests from the Expedition team, charterers and Passengers.

Salary of the Purser of the Cruise Ship: The average salary of the Purser on a Cruise Ship lies between US$4500 to US$5400 per month.

8. Casino Manager/Assistant Casino Manager

The casino Manager directly supervises, supports, and evaluates the performance of the subordinate casino operation positions – Assistant Casino Manager, Casino Senior Supervisor, Cash Desk Manager, Slot Manager, Casino Dealer/ Croupier, Slot Technician, and Cashier.

Salary of the Casino Manager of the Cruise Ship: The casino manager earns around US$4300 to US$5700 per month, depending on the cruise line, commission, and size of the ship.

9. Supervisor/Pit Boss

The Pit Supervisor will guarantee that the highest efficiency, guest service, and security requirements are reached in accordance with the company’s policies and procedures, as well as the directions outlined in the Casino Operations Manual.

Salary of the Pit Supervisor of the Cruise Ship: The salary of the Pit Supervisor ranges from US$1300 to US$5000 or more, depending upon the Cruise line and contracts completed. 

10. Gift Shop Manager/Salon Manager

The Gift Shop Manager oversees all the gift shops and boutiques operations, accounting, and manages retail sales staff. The salon manager oversees the entire operations envelope of the spa and fitness division aboard the cruise ship.

Salary of the Gift Shop Manager/Salon Manager: The Gift Shop manager on a Cruise Ship can earn around US$3800-US$6700 depending upon the company and the contract.

11. Cruise Director/Assistant Cruise Director

The Cruise director is the head of the entertainment department and is in charge of all onboard entertainment. He/She coordinates and implements all the daily activities, acting as a Master of Ceremonies (MC) at social activities and evening shows while the Assistant Cruise Director assists the Cruise Director with the efficient running of the team.

Salary of the Cruise Director/Assistant Cruise Director of the Cruise Ship: The salary range for the CD and ACD lies between US$4000 to US$7500 per month.

12. Music Director

The Music Director is an excellent musician who usually performs in one of the house orchestras (showbands) aboard the cruise ship. He/She reports to the Cruise Director and is in charge of the entire music department, acting as a liaison between the Cruise Director and each musician within the department.

Salary of the Music Director of the Cruise Ship: The Bandmaster or the Music Director earns a salary of US$2400 to US$3500 depending upon the type of cruise line. 

13. Band Members and Dancers

The band members and dancers perform the required shows approved by the Director of Entertainment of the cruise line or by the Production Company Manager. They report to the Cast Performance Manager and to the Cruise Director.

Salary of the Band members and dancers of the Cruise Ship: The show dancers and performers earn an average monthly salary of US$2400 to US$3200.

14. Youth Staff

The Youth Staff onboard a Cruise ship take care of organizing and leading youth activities, for all ages between 3 and 17, in designated activity centers, assigned areas and throughout the ship. They also communicate with parents in a tactful and courteous manner to generate a high level of comfort.

Salary of the Youth Staff of the Cruise Ship: Depending upon the Cruise line, the salary of the Youth Staff ranges between US$1800 to US$2200 per month.

15. Cruise Staff

The Cruise (Activities) staff hosts, coordinates, and takes care of all adult shipboard recreational, entertainment and social activities. They enthusiastically socialize with the guests in public areas and lounges throughout the ship. 

Salary of the Cruise Staff of the Cruise Ship: US$1800 to US$2200 is the salary range of the Cruise Staff on the majority of Cruise lines. 

Frequently Asked Questions on Cruise Ship Jobs

1. how do you get a job on a cruise ship.

To get a job on a Cruise ship, you can apply through a recruitment agency. Major cruise lines have officially licensed recruiting agencies and hiring partners all around the world that handle acquiring and evaluating job applications as well as scheduling individual and group job interviews. You can also apply through the Cruise company’s website or attend a Cruise job fair.

2. Do cruise ship jobs pay well?

Cruise ship jobs can pay really well. Even the lowest salary range lies between US$1500 to US$2000 per month. For higher positions, the salary range can go as above as US$60,000 to US$1,00,000 per month. Check out the details above to know the salary range of specific job types on a Cruise ship.

3. What are people who work on cruises called?

People working on a Cruise Ship/types of Cruise Ship Jobs are divided into two categories: Deck & Engine Department and Guest Service Operations. The Deck/Engine department includes positions like Captain, Deck cadet, Environmental officer, Safety officer, etc. The Guest Service Operations include positions like Cruise director, Hotel director, Head chef, Casino manager, Music director, and more.

4. What qualifications do you need to work on a cruise ship?

Normally, an experience of 1-2 years is required for any designation. However, it’s possible to work on a cruise ship with no prior experience if you have transferable skills. You will have to start at an entry-level position, unless you’re applying for a specialist role that you’re already qualified for, such as a doctor. 

5. What is the best cabin position on a cruise ship?

The lower and more central positions on the ship will make you feel less swayed away. Even if you choose a balconied stateroom, choose the lowest level and the most midship one you can find. The higher decks and cabins at the very front (forward) or back (aft) of the ship will roll the most.

6. How many hours a day do cruise ship workers work?

Most cruise ship workers will work between 10 and 12 hours a day, seven days a week. They are normally given a number of breaks. Regulations state that crew members can’t work more than 14 hours per day. 

7. Do cruise ship workers get days off?

Generally, cruise ship workers don’t get any days off. Rather, they work for 10-12 hours a day for all the 7 days of the week during their contract, which is generally of 6-8 months. Many crew members then choose to have a break on land for 2-3 months before returning for another contract.

We hope that you now have a clear idea of the kind of cruise ship jobs available. There are lots of other jobs that fall under the hierarchy. If you wish to join a Cruise line and make a career on the seas, we’re here to help! Contact us and we’ll guide you through the complete process of joining the Cruise of your dreams!

Seafarers Employment Agreement: Rights and Essential Clauses

Introduction of Shahid Beheshti Port in Chabahar:

Located in the Sistan and Baluchestan province of Iran, the Shahid Beheshti Port in Chabahar stands as a pivotal milestone in the region’s economic landscape. This strategic port, inaugurated in 2017, has rapidly gained recognition as a game-changer in global trade and geopolitical dynamics, owing to its promising potential and advantageous positioning.

Historical Context and Significance Shahid Beheshti Port in Chabahar:

The development of Chabahar port between India and Iran, marking a significant leap toward enhancing connectivity and trade routes in the region. This collaboration aimed to establish an alternative trade route that bypassed Pakistan, offering Afghanistan and Central Asian countries easier access to global markets. The port was envisioned not only as a commercial hub but also as a means to bolster regional stability and foster economic growth. The Chabahar port’s strategic significance lies in its proximity to the Indian Ocean, serving as a gateway for Indian goods to reach Afghanistan and further into Central Asia. It also provides an alternative route that bypasses Pakistan, resolving the historic issues of limited trade access to landlocked Afghanistan. The port’s location holds immense promise for transforming regional dynamics by facilitating trade and fostering economic development in Afghanistan and Central Asia.

types of jobs in cruise ships

Safety is another critical component of the curriculum. Students learn about maritime regulations, emergency procedures, and risk management to ensure the safety of crew members, passengers, and cargo.

Additionally, B.Tech Marine Engineering programs often include practical training components, such as internships or onboard experiences. This hands-on training provides students with real-world exposure to the challenges and responsibilities of working in the marine industry.

Upon graduation, students can pursue careers in various sectors of the maritime industry, including shipping companies, shipyards, offshore oil and gas exploration, marine research, and naval architecture firms. They may work as marine engineers, naval architects, ship surveyors, or maritime consultants.

In summary, B.Tech Marine Engineering is a specialized undergraduate program that equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to design, operate, and maintain marine vessels and related infrastructure, preparing them for diverse career opportunities in the maritime industry.

Benefits of Studying B.Tech Marine Engineering

A B.Tech in Marine Engineering opens the door to a world of exciting opportunities. It equips you with the knowledge and skills to become an expert in the design, operation, and maintenance of the complex systems that power and navigate ships and other ocean-going vessels. Let's dive into some of the key benefits of pursuing this unique degree:

Leadership & Teamwork

A successful career at sea hinges on effective leadership and teamwork. Marine Engineers often oversee a team of technicians and work closely with ship's officers to ensure smooth operation. The program fosters these skills through project work, group assignments, and potentially even leadership roles within student organizations.

Contribute to global trade

The maritime industry is the backbone of global trade. Ships transport over 90% of the world's goods. By contributing your expertise, you'll play a vital role in keeping the global economy moving. This can be a source of professional satisfaction, knowing your work facilitates the flow of essential goods across continents.

The Shahid Beheshti Port in Chabahar, strategically situated along the southeastern coastline of Iran in the Gulf of Oman, stands as a beacon of collaboration, economic potential, and strategic importance in the global trade landscape. Its crucial location, advantages in trade and infrastructure, and the promise it holds for regional economic growth make it an attractive investment prospect for foreign stakeholders seeking to diversify their trade interests and gain access to untapped markets in the region. As the port continues to expand and strengthen its operations, its pivotal role in reshaping global trade dynamics becomes increasingly apparent. The Chabahar port, with its strategic location, stands as a testament to the transformative power of collaborative economic visions, representing a beacon of opportunity in an ever-evolving global economy.

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Royal Caribbean cruise ship cabin and suite guide: Everything you want to know

Gene Sloan

Picking a cabin on a Royal Caribbean ship can be a daunting task.

For starters, there is an eye-popping number of cabins available on many Royal Caribbean ships. The line is known for operating the world's biggest cruise vessels — ships so big that some have nearly 3,000 cabins each.

But it's not just the sheer volume of cabins that makes picking a room on a Royal Caribbean ship challenging. It's also the number of cabin categories.

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On some Royal Caribbean ships, there are as many as 34 different types of cabins — each a little different than the last.

The backstory here is that Royal Caribbean ships are designed to appeal to a wide demographic, including travelers with varying budgets. That prompted Royal Caribbean to offer a wide mix of cabin types.

The line offers rooms that range from relatively low-cost, windowless "inside" cabins measuring just 149 square feet (perfect for the budget traveler) to massive, multi-room suites that can be more than 10 times that size.

A Royal Caribbean cabin primer

types of jobs in cruise ships

Like many other cruise ships, Royal Caribbean vessels offer cabins in four broad categories: windowless inside cabins, ocean-view cabins, balcony cabins and suites.

On the newer Royal Caribbean ships, the vast majority of the cabins are balcony cabins. Over the years, cruise lines have discovered that cruisers will pay a significant premium to have a balcony with their cabin, prompting a rush to add more balcony cabins to ships.

Related: The 5 best cabin locations on any cruise ship

For instance, on Royal Caribbean's four-year-old Symphony of the Seas , 65% of the 2,759 cabins are balcony cabins; the next-largest category of cabins are inside cabins followed by ocean-view cabins and suites. Here's the exact breakdown:

  • Inside cabins: 599 (22%).
  • Ocean-view cabins: 176 (6%).
  • Balcony cabins: 1,796 (65%).
  • Suites: 188 (7%).

There are far fewer balcony cabins on older Royal Caribbean ships (and all older cruise ships in general). Only 12% of the cabins on Royal Caribbean's oldest vessel, the 1996-built Grandeur of the Seas, are balcony cabins.

Inside cabins and ocean-view cabins make up the majority (78% in total) of cabins on Grandeur of the Seas. Suites account for 9% of the cabins on the ship. Here's the exact breakdown:

  • Inside cabins: 399 (40%).
  • Ocean-view cabins: 381 (38%).
  • Balcony cabins: 122 (12%).
  • Suites: 94 (9%).

The takeaway here is that you'll have a tougher time locking down a balcony cabin on an older Royal Caribbean ship than on a newer vessel. If you're planning a cruise on one of the line's older vessels and a balcony cabin is a must, you'll want to book early to ensure you get one.

You'll also want to book early if you're aiming for a suite. An old saw in the cruise industry is that "ships sell from the top and the bottom." That is, the first cabins on any vessel to sell out are the most-expensive cabins, which are the suites, and the least-expensive cabins, which typically are the inside cabins. The "middle" sells last.

Related: The ultimate guide to Royal Caribbean

You'll find multiple subcategories within each of the four broad categories of cabins on Royal Caribbean ships. Symphony of the Seas, for instance, has 15 different types of suites alone; suites range from a junior suite with a balcony (Category J3) that measures 287 square feet to a Royal Loft Suite (Category RL) that measures five times that amount.

If you count two types of Symphony of the Seas suites that come in two versions — a standard version and a slightly altered, "accessible" version — there are actually 17 different categories of suites on the vessel.

Royal Caribbean cabins generally have a modern look with clean lines and contemporary furniture, plus lots of storage cleverly worked into the design.

Inside cabins on Royal Caribbean ships

types of jobs in cruise ships

Inside cabins are designed for passengers on a tight budget. On Royal Caribbean ships, these rooms are almost always the least-expensive option when booking a cabin. You can often save considerable money by booking an inside cabin versus an ocean-view or higher-level cabin.

What you'll give up, of course, is that ocean view. Your room will have four walls and no windows offering a glimpse of the outside world (at least, not a traditional window — more on that in a moment).

You'll also be in a very small room. Inside cabins on Symphony of the Seas measure just 149 square feet, quite a bit less than the typical ocean-view cabin on the vessel (those range from 179 to 272 square feet). The typical balcony cabin on Symphony of the Seas is 182 square feet, not including a 50-square-foot balcony.

As I mentioned above, there is one way to get a glimpse of the outside world from an inside cabin on a Royal Caribbean ship. In one of the great cruising innovations, Royal Caribbean has created some inside cabins with a "virtual balcony" that offers a view of the outside.

Related: The upside of booking an inside cabin

types of jobs in cruise ships

The virtual balcony is a high-definition screen built into one end of the windowless room that projects a real-time view of the ocean outside. It's designed to make you think you're actually in a balcony cabin with a view, and it is quite realistic-looking.

Just don't try to walk through the faux balcony opening.

Ocean-view cabins on Royal Caribbean ships

With an ocean-view cabin, you get a window looking out to the sea but not an attached balcony where you can sit outside and enjoy the fresh air.

Royal Caribbean's newer ships have relatively few such cabins, as cabins that face outward are usually built with balconies now.

Related: The 6 classes of Royal Caribbean ships, explained

In general, ocean-view cabins on Royal Caribbean ships are bigger than inside cabins and around the same size as balcony cabins (when comparing their interior space). But you can sometimes find ocean-view cabins that are significantly bigger than a typical balcony cabin. This is sometimes the case for ocean-view cabins at the front or back of ships, where there can be relatively large but oddly shaped rooms with windows but no balconies.

Royal Caribbean has built ocean-view cabins at the front of some ships that incorporate the angled space in the front part of the superstructure. As a result, they have sloping windows, and a bit more floor space around these windows (see the image below).

types of jobs in cruise ships

Royal Caribbean's Radiance-class ships, notably, have a category called Ultra Spacious Ocean View; it includes cabins at the front and back of the ship that measure 319 square feet — nearly twice as much as the typical ocean-view cabin on the vessels (which measures 170 square feet). Each of these bigger ocean-view cabins has two twin beds that can convert into a royal king bed, one double sofa bed and either one Pullman bed and one twin bed or two Pullman beds.

These bigger cabins can hold up to six people, making them popular with families.

Balcony cabins on Royal Caribbean ships

Balcony cabins are what everyone wants these days, and Royal Caribbean is delivering, with huge numbers of balcony cabins on all its newest ships. On the line's five Oasis-class ships, which began debuting in 2009, around 65% of rooms are balcony cabins. On the line's even-newer Quantum-class ships, which began debuting in 2014, the percentage is even higher — around 69%.

The typical Royal Caribbean balcony cabin has a contemporary look, with clean lines and relatively minimalist furniture. It will typically offer twin beds that can be converted into a royal king bed, a desk and a sofa that often pulls out into an additional bed. It typically measures around 180 square feet, not including the balcony area.

types of jobs in cruise ships

A few Royal Caribbean ships have balcony cabins that face toward the vessel's center, not toward the outside. If this seems like a paradox, it is. It results from an unusual design feature of one series of Royal Caribbean ships, the Oasis class.

Related: 6 reasons to book a balcony cabin

The Oasis-class vessels are so wide that they have room for an interior, open-air "Boardwalk" amusement area at their backs lined with inward-facing cabins. On Oasis-class ships, you thus can get a balcony cabin facing the sea or a balcony cabin facing inward, toward the Boardwalk area.

types of jobs in cruise ships

Suites on Royal Caribbean ships

Royal Caribbean is known for having some of the cruise world's most spectacular suites, including (on some ships) suites that sprawl over two decks.

Royal Caribbean isn't a luxury cruise line. However, the top suites on its vessels offer an experience keeping with what you'll find on some of the world's top luxury ships. Depending on the ship, these suites can come with such perks as private butlers (called Royal Genies) who attend to your every need, access to a private restaurant, access to a private suite lounge and sun deck, reserved seating in entertainment venues and priority boarding and disembarkation.

Related: 7 reasons you should splurge on a suite on your next cruise

They also have a much higher price tag than the typical Royal Caribbean cabin. These rooms are aimed at well-heeled travelers who, for whatever reason, prefer the sort of mass-market, megaship cruise experience that Royal Caribbean offers over the more intimate, white-glove experience you'll find on the small ships that luxury lines operate.

types of jobs in cruise ships

As noted above, there is a wide range of suite categories on some Royal Caribbean ships. Among the line's most spectacular suites are the Royal Loft Suites on some of the newer Royal Caribbean vessels. Two decks high, they offer a soaring living room space framed by a glass wall that offers stunning views.

Related: The 5 most spectacular suites at sea

types of jobs in cruise ships

The Royal Loft Suites on Oasis-class ships measure nearly 1,800 square feet and feature two bedrooms, a large living room with a soaring ceiling and a dining area. The Royal Loft Suites on Quantum-class vessels are nearly 1,640 square feet and also sprawl over two decks.

Royal Caribbean is also famous for its Ultimate Family Suite : a two-deck-high suite complex designed for families with young kids. It offers a slide from a second-floor kids room to the main level and extras like a foosball table. Currently, there are only Ultimate Family Suites on three Royal Caribbean ships: Wonder of the Seas , Symphony of the Seas and Spectrum of the Seas.

Note that these family suites often carry an astronomical price, falling in the $20,000-a-week range.

Smaller suites on Royal Caribbean ships include Grand Loft Suites, which can measure around 700 to 850 square feet. That's much smaller than the Royal Loft Suites but about four times the size of a standard balcony cabin.

types of jobs in cruise ships

Bottom line

Royal Caribbean has something for everyone when it comes to cabins on its ships. You can book a small, inside cabin that will get you on board one of the line's vessels at a very reasonable cost, or a huge suite that will set you back many times more but come with all sorts of perks.

Planning a cruise? Start with these stories:

  • A beginners guide to picking a cruise line
  • The 8 worst cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • A quick guide to the most popular cruise lines
  • 21 tips and tricks that will make your cruise go smoothly
  • 15 ways cruisers waste money
  • 12 best cruises for people who never want to grow up
  • What to pack for your first cruise


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