
ADMR de l'Indre-et-Loire

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37000 TOURS

Société :  775 348 568 Active

  • Dernière mise à jour le :  01-03-2024
  • Dernière mise à jour INSEE : 01-03-2024
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AAFP-ADMR , demeurant au 6 RUE DE LA BONDONNIERE , 37000 TOURS, immatriculée au répertoire des entreprises et établissements de l'INSEE sous le numéro 775348568 00020, agissant en sa qualité d'Association déclarée.

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Présentation de la société AAFP-ADMR (AAFP-ADMR)

AAFP-ADMR , association déclarée, immatriculée sous le SIREN 775348568, est en activité depuis 124 ans. Localisée à TOURS (37000), elle est spécialisée dans le secteur d'activité de l'aide à domicile. Son effectif est compris entre 20 et 49 salariés. recense 1  établissement , aucun événement .

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Du 01-01-2008

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Aafp-admr  - 37000 actif.

Adresse :  6 RUE DE LA BONDONNIERE - 37000 TOURS

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37000 TOURS

La société AAFP-ADMR, Association déclarée, exerce son activité depuis 124 ans à TOURS (37000), département Indre-et-Loire, région Centre-Val de Loire. La société évolue dans le secteur d'activité suivant : Action sociale sans hébergement. Son code NAF ou APE est : Aide à domicile. Elle dépend de la convention collective : Convention collective nationale de la branche de l'aide, de l'accompagnement, des soins et des services à domicile (2941). La société AAFP-ADMR n’est pas signataire de la charte RUBYPAYEUR. À ce jour, AAFP-ADMR n’a pas reçu d'avis concernant ses pratiques de paiement et n’a pas de retard de paiement signalé par les membres RUBYPAYEUR. La notation de la société AAFP-ADMR est disponible pour les abonnés RUBYPAYEUR.

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Landa Breaks Collarbone In Another Tour Of Basque Country Crash

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Mikel Landa broke his collarbone in the Tour of the Basque Country stage five on Friday, with the race still reeling from a horrific mass crash the day before.

Two-time Tour de France champion Jonas Vingegaard suffered lung damage, broken ribs and a broken collarbone on Thursday, while Remco Evenepoel also broke his collarbone in the same incident.

Primoz Roglic, who had been leading the general classification, retired despite not sustaining fractures in Thursday's crash, while Jay Vine, Sean Quinn and Steff Cras were also hospitalised.

Soudal Quick-Step riders Landa and Gil Gelders were forced out of the race on Friday after another crash.

It was a fast day's racing on the 175.9 kilometre run from Vitoria-Gasteiz to Amorebieta-Etxano, won by Romain Gregoire who edged a bunch sprint to the line.

Spaniard Landa, who finished second in the race last year and in 2018, was pictured on a stretcher being put in an ambulance.

The Belgian team said Landa had fractured his collarbone and "will now undergo further investigation to determine the best path for his recovery".

Lidl-Trek's Mattias Skjelmose defended the yellow jersey he inherited after Roglic's retirement with Max Schachmann two seconds behind after finishing third on stage five.

Gregoire edged Orluis Aular in a photo finish to claim his first world tour win.

"I feel incredibly satisfied, it was a super quick day today and I'm super proud to have won," said a delighted Gregoire.

"I had to really fight right until the end, even up to the finish line I didn't know whether I had won, it was a little bit stressful."

The final stage on Saturday starts and ends in Eibar, featuring seven classified climbs over 137.8 kilometres.

Last year Vingegaard crushed his opponents in a carbon copy of the stage, also claiming general classification victory.

The Dane's injuries pose a question mark over his hopes of recording a third successive Tour de France triumph this summer, with the race beginning on June 29 in Florence, Italy.

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Red Square & Moscow City Tour

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  • Experience medieval Kitay Gorod (China town).
  • Wander picturesque Red Square and Alexander Garden.
  • Explore grand Christ the Savior Cathedral on our Red Square tour.
  • Breathtaking panoramic views from Patriarch bridge.
  • Enjoy a hearty lunch on the large open verandah and marvel at the stunning views of the Kremlin.
  • Learn about Russian culture from the local through relaxed cultural discussions.

Tour Itinerary:

Red square:.

Russia and Moscow are synonymous with Red Square and the Kremlin and that's hardly surprising as you'll find these places absolutely stunning!

  • - Walk-through the Resurrection Gate and don’t forget to flip a coin so you’ll be sure to come back one day!
  • - Visit the world's famous Kazan Cathedral .
  • - See the State Department Store (GUM), once the Upper Trading Stalls, which were built over a century ago and still operating!
  • - Admire the lovely St. Basil's Cathedral! The French diplomat Marquis de Custine commented that it combined "the scales of a golden fish, the enamelled skin of a serpent, the changeful hues of the lizard, the glossy rose and azure of the pigeon's neck" and wondered at "the men who go to worship God in this box of confectionery work".
  • - Walk by Lobnoye Mesto (literally meaning "Execution Place", or "Place of Skulls"), once Ivan the Terrible's stage for religious ceremonies, speeches, and important events.
  • - Entering the Alexander Garden , you’ll take in spectacular views of Russian architecture from ancient to Soviet times, as well as the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier with an eternal flame. Watch Changing of the Guard Ceremony every hour in summer and every half an hour in winter.


Stroll along medieval Kitai-gorod with its strong ancient Russia feel, known for its bohemian lifestyle, markets and arts.

  • - Nikolskaya Street. Here you will find the Russia's first publishing house, the second oldest monastery, and Ferryn Pharmacy, known as the number one pharmacy back in Soviet times and famous for its Empire-style architecture.
  • - Ilinka Street. The financial street of the Kitaigorod (China Town) district, where you’ll find the Gostiny Dvor (Merchant’s Yard), which is now a showroom for Ferraris and Maseratis. The street was designed in the 1790s by Catherine the Great.
  • - Varvarka street. The oldest street in Moscow, which dates back to the 14th century, and still has remnants of early Muscovite architecture, such as the Old English Court and the Palace of the Romanov’s.
  • - Kamergersky Lane. Only a small road of about 250 meters, it is home to some of the oldest artifacts of the city, as each building holds a fascinating story. Some of Russia's most famous writers, poets, and composers from as far back as the Golden Age of Russian culture, have lived or worked on this lane.

Historic City Center

Walk the historical old center of Moscow with its cool local vibe, including the main Tverskaya street , and indulge in desserts in the first grocery “Eliseev's store” , housed in an 18th century neoclassical building, famous for its baroque interior and decoration.

From our tour. Impressions of our American tourist:

At 3:30, as energy flagged, lunch was on the agenda at a Ukrainian restaurant.  Just in time!  We asked our guide to order for us.  We all had the same thing....borscht (the Ukrainian version has beans and more tomatoes than the Russian version, which has more beets and includes beef). 

The special high bread served is called galushki.  Our main course was golubtsy...a dish of minced meat rolled in braised cabbage leaves.  Both dishes called for optional sour cream as a topping....of course, yes, please....I recommend it. 

Full, satisfied, and completely refreshed, it was off to Red Square and St. Basil's and GUM department store.  Red Square is not so named because of the color of the brick walls of the Kremlin.  Rather the word for 'red' and the word for 'beautiful' are similar in pronunciation....and, there you have it. 

As we made the turn by the National Museum in front of which is the mounted sculpture of the "Marshall of Victory," Giorgy Zhukov from WWII and caught our first view of St. Basil's, my friend and I simultaneously emitted "Oooohhhhh!"  There it was....the iconic onion domes of St. Basil's! was open until 7....we had about 30 minutes and were allowed in, AND we could take photos with no flash. 

Now, I can give you a taste of what we saw in the other cathedrals in Cathedral Square.  What we learned is that St. Vasily and St. Basil are one in the same....Russian/English.  He was a common man who wandered Moscow unclothed and barefoot.  But, all, even Ivan the Terrible, heeded his opinions derived from his visions.  Ivan had this cathedral built over his tomb. 

As we exited and took photos up close of the onion domes, Inna presented us with chocolate (how did she know we were ready for another energy boost, and we each got a big piece of chocolate.  The baby's name pictured on the wrapper of this famous Russian chocolate is Alyonka....the Russian Gerber baby, don't you think? 

One could wear out the credit card in GUM's (capitalized because it is actually a government abbreviation), but the 'kitty' and my credit card stayed in my pocket as we strolled through the glass-topped arcade. 

We then strolled through some of Moscow's lovely pedestrian streets; paused to listen as a wonderful quartet performed Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" in an underground passage to cross the busy street (hooray!....we DID have our 'classical concert' experience after all; a request Alina tried in vain to fill because none was scheduled those days), saw the Bolshoi, which means 'big' (my friend has yet to recover that their performance schedule did not coincide with our cruise), saw the Central Telegraph Building, dating from the 1930's, and made our way to the Ritz-Carlton to see the night view of Moscow from the rooftop bar, called O2. 

There were fleece blankets to wrap yourself in....yes, it got that cold when the sun set.  We each ordered something hot to drink...the ginger, mint, lemon tea served to me in a parfait glass (for 600 rubles...about $ pay for the view here!) was delightful and hit the spot perfectly.  It was time to call it a night....

What you get:

  • + A friend in Moscow.
  • + Private & customized Moscow tour.
  • + An exciting city tour, not just boring history lessons.
  • + An authentic experience of local life.
  • + Flexibility during the tour: changes can be made at any time to suit individual preferences.
  • + Amazing deals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the very best cafes & restaurants. Discounts on weekdays (Mon-Fri).
  • + A photo session amongst spectacular Moscow scenery that can be treasured for a lifetime.
  • + Good value for souvenirs, taxis, and hotels.
  • + Expert advice on what to do, where to go, and how to make the most of your time.

*This Moscow city tour can be modified to meet your requirements.

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Theatres in Moscow

Cultural life of Moscow city is various and rich! Operas, ballets, symphonic concerts... Russian composers have created some of the most beautiful classical music. Russian classical music is very popular in Moscow. It is performed in many beautiful historical venues. Do not forget to include a visit to a concert hall in your itinerary when you are planning your stay in Moscow! And do it in advance.

There are almost no restrictions on dress code in Russian theatres. Visitors may wear jeans and sports shoes, they may have a backpack with them. Only shorts are not allowed.

A typical feature of Russian theatre – visitors are bringing a lot of flowers which they present to their favorite performers after the show.

Here are some practical advices where to go and how to buy tickets.

The Bolshoi Theatre

The Bolshoi Theatre is the oldest, the most famous and popular opera and ballet theatre in Russia. The word “Bolshoi” means “big” in Russian. You can buy a ticket online in advance, 2-3 months before the date of performance on the official website . Prices for famous ballets are high: 6-8 thousand rubles for a seat in stalls. Tickets to operas are cheaper: you can get a good seat for 4-5 thousand rubles. Tickets are cheaper for daytime performances and performances on the New Stage. The New Stage is situated in the light-green building to the left of the Bolshoi's main building. The quality of operas and ballets shown on the New Stage is excellent too. However, you should pay attention that many seats of the Bolshoi’s Old and New Stages have limited visibility . If you want to see the Bolshoi’s Old Stage but all tickets are sold out, you can order a tour of the theatre. You can book such a tour on the official website.

If you want, following Russian tradition, to give flowers to the performers at the end of the show, in the Bolshoi flowers should be presented via special staff who collects these flowers in advance.

In August the Bolshoi is closed.

The Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Music Theatre

This theatre is noteworthy. On one hand, it offers brilliant classical opera and ballet performances. On the other hand, it is an experimental venue for modern artists. You can check the program and buy tickets online here . If you are opera lover, get a ticket to see superstar Hibla Gerzmava . The theatre has a very beautiful historic building and a stage with a good view from every seat. Tickets are twice cheaper than in the Bolshoi.

The Novaya Opera

“Novaya” means “New” in Russian. This opera house was founded in 1991 by a famous conductor Eugene Kolobov. Its repertoire has several directions: Russian and Western classics, original shows and divertissements, and operas of the 20th and 21st centuries. It is very popular with Muscovites for excellent quality of performances, a comfortable hall, a beautiful Art Nouveau building and a historic park Hermitage, which is situated right next to it. You can buy tickets online here .

Galina Vishnevskaya Opera Center

The Opera Center has become one of the best theatrical venues in Moscow. It was founded in 2002 by great diva Galina Vishnevskaya. Nowadays its artistic director is Olga Rostropovich, daughter of Galina Vishnevskaya and her husband Mstislav Rostropovich, great cellist and conductor. Not only best young opera singers perform here, but also world music stars do; chamber and symphonic concerts, theatrical productions and musical festivals take place here. You can see what is on the program here . Unfortunately “booking tickets online” is available in Russian only. If you need help, you can contact us at and we can book a ticket for you. 

Tchaikovsky Concert Hall and The Great Hall of Moscow Conservatory

These are two major concert halls for symphonic music in Moscow. Both feature excellent acoustics, impressive interior, various repertoire and best performers. You can check the program here . You need just to switch to English. Booking tickets online is available only for owners of Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian phone numbers. If you need help, you can contact us and we can book a ticket for you. 

Moscow International Performing Arts Center (MIPAC)

This modern and elegant concert hall houses performances of national and foreign symphony orchestras, chamber ensembles, solo instrumentalists, opera singers, ballet dancers, theatre companies, jazz bands, variety and traditional ensembles. Actually, it has three concert halls placed on three different levels and having separate entrances. The President of MIPAC is People’s Artist of the USSR Vladimir Spivakov, conductor of “Virtuosy Moskvy” orchestra. You can see pictures of the concert halls here . The program is impressive in its variety but is not translated into English. You can contact us at and we can find a performance for you.

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The State Tretyakov Gallery

The State Tretyakov Gallery (usually being called Tretyakovka) is an art gallery in Moscow, specialized in Russian visual arts and it’s one of the world’s biggest collections. The Gallery is named after Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, Moscow merchant and patron of arts, and it’s been bearing his name with proud and gratitude for over a hundred years. In 1856 Tretyakov started his collection by acquiring two works by Russian artists, "Skirmish with Finnish Smugglers" by V.G. Khudyakov and "The Temptation" by N. G. Schilder.

Gallery of European and American Art of the 19th-20th Centuries

Gallery of European and American Art of the 19th-20th Centuries

Moscow City Center - Tour Duration: 1 hour

The Art Gallery is a section of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. It's rooms  contain the artworks by masters  of the 19th and 20th centuries:  Art of Romanticism, Realism, Academic and Salon Art, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Symbolism, Avant-garde and artistic trends of the 19th century as well as the paintings of Ingres, Delacroix, Corot, Daumier, Courbet, Millet, Monet, Renoir, Cezanne, Gauguin, Van Gogh, Toulouse-Lautrec, Matisse, Picasso, Kandinsky, Chagall, Rodin, Maillol, Bourdelle and other masters of the 19th and 20th centuries.

About Me in Short

Guide, Driver and Photographer Arthur Lookyanov

My name's Arthur Lookyanov, I'm a private tour guide, personal driver and photographer in Moscow, Russia. I work in my business and run my website from 2002. Read more about me and my services , check out testimonials of my former business and travel clients from all over the World, hit me up on Twitter or other social websites. I hope that you will like my photos as well.

See you in Moscow!

  • Russian Visa Invitation Letter Support
  • Moscow Airports: A Virtual Guide (Written by a Real-life Guide)
  • Exploring Moscow for the First Time? A Personal Guide is What You Need!
  • Don’t miss a great chance of seeing fairy-tale town of Suzdal

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Innovation Center Skolkovo – Territory of the Future

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Lights of Nikolskaya Street in Winter Twilight

Lights of Nikolskaya Street in Winter Twilight

People walking up and down Nikolskaya street in winter twilight decorated with LED creating a festive atmosphere in any season. The picture is taken near GUM building (at the right) and Red Square.

Arthur Lookyanov's Photostream on Flickr

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    AAFP-ADMR . Service d'Aide et d'Accompagnement à Domicile. 6 rue de la Bondonnière, 37000 TOURS. Téléphone: E-mail: [email protected]. ... Pour la CAF, une zone d'intervention comprend Tours et son agglomération mais aussi le nord du département ainsi que Chateau-Renault.

  2. Aide aux personnes âgées, malades ou en situation de handicap

    AAFP-ADMR . Service d'Aide et d'Accompagnement à Domicile. 6 rue de la Bondonnière, 37000 TOURS. Téléphone: E-mail: [email protected]. Demandez un devis gratuit. Aide aux personnes âgées, malades ou en situation de handicap .

  3. PDF Reglement De Fonctionnement Aafp-admr

    de l'AAFP-ADMR située 6 rue de la Bondonnière 37000 Tours. Il est remis à chaque personne amenée à exercer une activité au sein du service à titre salarié, libéral ou bénévole. Des bénévoles peuvent également être investis dans des missions particulières ne se substituant pas à l'inte vention des p ofessionnels.


    Voir le profil complet de AAFP. Fondée en 1946, nous sommes un SAAD composé de plus de 40 collaborateurs et de plus de 300 bénéficiaires. Notre association est composée de : <br>- Technicien/ne de l'Intervention Sociale et Familiale (TISF). <br>- Auxiliaire de Vie Sociale (AVS). <br>- Aide Educative à Domicile Intensive (équipe AEDI ...

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    AAFP-ADMR37 | 9 followers on LinkedIn. Nous sommes un SAAD composé de plus de 40 collaborateurs et 300 bénéficiaires. ... Tours, Centre-Val de Loire 9 followers Follow View all 4 employees ...

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    AAFP-ADMR. 104 AVENUE PASTEUR 49100 ANGERS . Nous contacter : Email : [email protected]. Nous situer : Voir la carte. Horaires. Lundi : De 09h00 à 12h30 et de 14h00 à 17h00 Mardi : De 09h00 à 12h30 et de 14h00 à 17h00 Mercredi : De 09h00 à 12h30 et de 14h00 à 17h00 Jeudi : De 09h00 à 12h30 et de 14h00 à 17h00 ...


    Présentation. L'association ADMR TOURS NORD TOURAINE intervient sur les communes suivantes : La Membrolle-sur-Choisille, Mettray, Parçay-Meslay, Rochecorbon, Tours. Elle est animée par une équipe de bénévoles qui encadrent une équipe de salariés. ADMR TOURS NORD TOURAINE.

  9. L'ADMR 37 recrute

    Vous pouvez demander l'accès, la rectification, l'effacement ou la portabilité de vos données, définir des directives relatives à leur sort après votre décès, ou vous opposer à leur traitement pour un motif légitime en vous adressant à : Fédération ADMR de l'Indre-et-Loire - 22, rue Fernand Léger BP 4134 37041 TOURS Cedex ou ...

  10. AAFP-ADMR à Tours

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  12. AAFP-ADMR (TOURS) Chiffre d'affaires, résultat, bilans sur SOCIETE.COM

    AAFP-ADMR, demeurant au 6 RUE DE LA BONDONNIERE, 37000 TOURS, ... -ADMR, association déclarée, immatriculée sous le SIREN 775348568, est en activité depuis 123 ans. Localisée à TOURS (37000), elle est spécialisée dans le secteur d'activité de l'aide à domicile.

  13. Aafp-admr association Aidants familiaux autonomie auxiliaires gÈre

    Aafp-admr association Aidants familiaux autonomie auxiliaires gÈre médiation Tours. Informations et situation de l'association Aafp-admr Interventions sociales dans la ville de Tours. thèmes : aidants familiaux, Autonomie, auxiliaires, GÈRE, médiation, prévention, Promotion, protection de l'enfance, suicide. 6 Rue de la Bondonnière 37000 ...

  14. AAFP-ADMR (775348568)

    La société AAFP-ADMR, Association déclarée, exerce son activité depuis 124 ans à TOURS (37000), département Indre-et-Loire, région Centre-Val de Loire. La société évolue dans le secteur d'activité suivant : Action sociale sans hébergement. Son code NAF ou APE est : Aide à domicile.

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    L'association ADMR TOURS SUD TOURAINE intervient sur les communes suivantes : Tours. ... Union nationale ADMR 184 A, rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis 75484 Paris Cedex 10 ou directement auprès du Délégué à la Protection des Données que nous avons désigné ou son représentant : . Si vous estimez, après nous avoir contactés, que vos droits ...

  21. Arts & Culture Tours by Moscow Guide and Driver

    Moscow City Center - Tour Duration: 1 hour. The Art Gallery is a section of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. It's rooms contain the artworks by masters of the 19th and 20th centuries: Art of Romanticism, Realism, Academic and Salon Art, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Symbolism, Avant-garde and artistic trends of the 19th century as well as the paintings of Ingres, Delacroix, Corot ...