travel fish feeder

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How to Easily Feed Your Fish on Vacation

Women relaxing in hammock on vacation while dreaming of feeding her fish at home

Let’s face it, an aquarium isn’t exactly travel friendly.

I mean, try slipping past a TSA agent with a fish tank in your possession – assuming you can carry it, that is!

The last time I flew, I was grilled just for having an open water bottle in my bag. Imagine what they would have done if I was carrying my fully stocked reef tank!

If you are planning your vacation, you only have one real option:

Leaving your fish at home.

And that can be a terrifying thought…

Spending your entire vacation worrying about how your fish are doing.

Today, I have something that will allow you to vacation in peace:

Three simple tricks you can use to keep your fish fed and happy while you are away from home.

It doesn’t matter if your fish are in a pond, saltwater or freshwater tank – all three of these options will work for you.

So, enjoy your vacation knowing full well that your fish won’t starve.

Should you feed your fish when you go on vacation?

Tetra aquarium fish eating a meal of freeze dried blood worms and mosquito larvae in their aquarium

Believe it or not, many fish can survive for weeks on end without food.

Let’s face it – fish in captivity have the good life!

Would your fish have food hand delivered to them in the wild?

Of course not!

In the wild, fish have it a whole lot tougher…

A good meal might not come along for days or even weeks.

Eating daily is a luxury.

So, exactly how long can fish survive without food?

Almost any fish can go two to three days without eating – many experienced fishkeepers will happily leave their fish for this length of time without feeding.

That’s good news if you are planning a mini weekend vacation.

But what if you want to vacation for longer?

What is the maximum amount of time you can go without feeding your fish?

As always, when it comes to fishkeeping, the answer isn’t black and white.

Just how long your fish can go without eating before they starve depends on the following:

  • 1. Size/age
  • 2. Herbivore/carnivore
  • 3. Type of fish

The size and age of your fish often determine how long they can go without eating. To put it simply, larger/older fish have more fat reserves they can draw on when times are tough. Big cichlids can go a lot longer without food than pencilfish.

Another factor is what your fish eats. Herbivores (plant eaters) will eat every day while carnivores (meat eaters) tend to go days between meals.

These are not hard and fast rules and can vary according to the type of fish in your tank.

But there is a trick you can use to determine how long your fish can survive without eating…

Do a trial run!

What I mean by this is, how long will your vacation be?

Three days? A week? Two weeks?

However long, this is the goal of your trial period.

Let’s say you are skipping town for a week. You will want to see how your fish hold up over seven days without food.

But it’s not just the food you want to stop. You need to skip all maintenance as well. After all, you won’t be performing any chores like water changes while on vacation.

During this time, monitor just how well your fish hold up. Check your fish for health and signs of stress daily and observe how everything holds up.

If your fish can go the distance then congratulations, you don’t need to do anything more. You can go on vacation knowing full well that your fish will be just fine.

However, if you had to end the trial early because your fish were worse for wear, then don’t worry. I have three solutions that you can use to keep your fish full while you enjoy your vacation!

1. Place your friend or neighbor on fish food duty!

Betta fish being fed by fish sitter

Forget a baby sitter, you need a fish sitter!

While a betta or a few goldfish will be relatively easy for even an inexperienced sitter, your reef tank is another story.

If you are lucky enough to be part of a hobbyist club or community, you might be able to convince someone to take care of your fish while you are away.

But failing that, you will need to call in a favor from a friend, family member or neighbor.

Just don’t expect too much…

Remember how much you had to learn when you set up your tank?

It is unfair to think that your neighbor or friend, who doesn’t have the same fishkeeping knowledge, could maintain your tank.

So, the trick is to keep it simple.

Very simple.

Forget water changes, forget cleaning the substrate , forget anything that is even remotely complicated…

Just leave your fish sitter with one simple instruction:

Keep your fish fed.

Now that sounds like a simple instruction, right?

If there is one thing that people who are inexperienced with fish love to do, it’s overfeed.

The best way to get around this is to pre-measure each feeding into a container.

I find that the best way to do this is with a pill organizer . It holds a perfect daily serving of whatever your fish’s favorite food is – kelp flake pellets, algae tabs. You can even use it to store servings of frozen brine shrimp or blood worms.

All your fish sitter has to do is empty each container of food into your tank at the appropriate time – it doesn’t get any easier than that!

You don’t want to come home to a stressed system just because your fish were overfed!

2. Feed your fish electronically – Automatic fish food feeders

Automatic fish food feeder sitting on top of glass tank aquarium

Can’t find a good fish sitter?

Your next best option is to call in the help of a robot to keep your fish fed.

I am talking about an automatic fish food feeder.

How this handy device works is actually very simple.

Load it up with your fish’s favorite food, set the timer and walk away.

Yep, that’s it!

The auto fish feeder will then dispense portions of fish treats every time the timer activates.

You can even set it up for multiple feedings each day.

Some brands of fish food feeders hold enough food to cover six weeks of feedings – more than enough time to cover the length of your dream vacation!

Want to know more? Check out our guide to the best automatic fish feeders to find the perfect one for you!

3. Food that feeds your fish – Slow release fish food

Fish eating slow release fish food vacation blocks at the bottom of fish tank

Slow release fish food is also known as vacation food – yeah, it’s pretty obvious that this product is designed to feed your fish while you are away from home.

These little blocks of fish food come in all different shapes, sizes…oh, and flavors! Whether you have bettas, bottom feeders or marine fish, there is a meal that your fishy friends will enjoy.

At first glance, slow release fish food doesn’t look like anything special. Just a hard, oversized chunk of fish food.

But how it works is actually quite clever…

Have you ever seen a bath bomb fizz the moment it comes into contact with water?

Well, these blocks of fish food work similarly.

Except instead of dissolving before your very eyes, these blocks of fish food break down over days.

As the block gets softer, it releases food into the tank, much to the joy of your hungry fish.

Slow release fish food is perhaps one of the cheapest solutions to feeding your fish while on vacation – a pack will only set you back a few dollars.

Simply toss a few blocks of food into your tank before you leave.

It’s that simple.

Fish food blocks are categorized by how long they will keep your fish fed.

Weekend feeder blocks last up to 3 days, just long enough to keep your fish fed while you escape for a weekend getaway.

Vacation feeder blocks last up to 14 days, long enough for you to take a long road trip or relaxing vacation.

Here are some of the most popular slow release fish foods on the market…

Want more info? Check out our detailed slow release fish food guide .

FAQs on Feeding Fish While on Vacation

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Let’s dive into your most asked questions and sprinkle in some tips about feeding fish when away.

How to Feed Fish While on Vacation?

I swear by an automatic fish feeder. These devices are perfect for feeding fish while on vacation. You can program them for multiple feedings each day, ensuring your fish are fed regularly.

Do Fish Manage Without Food on Short Trips?

You bet! Most fish can survive a couple of days without food. Knowing how long can fish go without food gives you peace of mind for those quick weekend getaways.

Automatic Fish Feeder: A Vacation Lifesaver

An automatic fish feeder is a reliable gadget to feed your fish in your absence. It’s an ideal vacation fish feeder since you can set it up for regular feedings, and it takes care of the rest.

Are Vacation Feeders Suitable for All Fish?

Absolutely! Just choose the right type for your aquatic pets. Whether it’s a vacation fish feeder for bettas or a slow-release option for community tanks, there’s a feeder for every need.

Feeding Fish During Extended Absences

For longer vacations, I always recommend a dependable automatic fish feeder. It’s essential to ensure the feeder has enough capacity to handle the entire duration you’re away.

DIY Feeding Methods: Yay or Nay?

I’ve seen creative DIY methods, but they can be hit or miss. For peace of mind, I stick to proven automatic feeders or vacation blocks.

Choosing the Right Automatic Fish Feeder

When I’m picking an automatic fish feeder, I consider my fish’s diet and the size of my tank. It’s all about finding the right balance to keep your fish happy and healthy while you’re enjoying your time off.

Trusty Fish-Sitter or Automated Feeding?

While asking a neighbor or friend to feed your fish is a good option, I find using an automatic fish feeder more reliable for consistent feeding, especially when I’m away for more than a few days.

Remember, a little preparation goes a long way in ensuring your fish are well-fed and happy while you’re out exploring the world. Happy travels and happy fish keeping!

So, there you have it. Three great methods to stop your fish from starving while you are on vacation.

Let’s face it, nothing is going to beat feeding your fish under your own watchful eye…

But these products and services will at least ensure that you have live fish to come home to!

How do you keep your fish fed when you are away from home? Let me know in the comments below!

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Ian Sterling, founder of, began his aquarium journey over 30 years ago, driven by a deep fascination for fish and their diverse personalities. His website,, is dedicated to making fishkeeping accessible and enjoyable, offering beginner-friendly guidance, expert insights, and a community for aquarists to connect and share experiences.

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Ian Sterling

Comments (13).

Went with fish feeder option. Fish won’t go hungry when I leave home now.

Good choice, a fish feeder is probably my favorite method of feeding fish while away from home. Every time I trust my family or friends, they always overfeed my fish.

I don’t feed my fish when I go away and they are just fine. I don’t see why anyone worries about them when they go on vacation. Fish are tough little things.

You make a good point, some fish will happily last without eating every day. I agree with you and actually covered this in the first section of the article. However, for extended periods away from home, it is a good idea to have someone or something that can take care of your fish while you are away from home.

I used one of those vacation feeders. The triangle block ones. It fogged up my entire tank. Don’t use them.

Unfortunately, this is a common experience by people who use vacation feeder blocks. Why not try an automatic fish feeder instead? It will allow you to feed your fish it’s favorite food while you are away!

What if you have a saltwater carnivore like say a trigger fish. I don’t have one but am considering getting into a larger saltwater aquarium. And vacations are one of my concerns. Let’s also say I have no one to come and feed it. Is there food I can supply it through an auto feeder?

Trigger fish are beautiful! Unfortunately, if your fish cannot eat freeze dried food (and there are many that can’t) the easiest solution is to have someone feed for you. This is the drawback of carnivorous fish. There may be a DIY fish feeder you could make, did you check out youtube?

Hi Ian, We’re going on vacation (at last!) for a couple of weeks and have planned for a relative to feed the fish minimally every 2 or 3 days. Does that sound ok? In view of that, we’re thinking to do a slightly larger water change the day we leave — say 50% — since we don’t want her getting involved with any of that. Could I please ask your thoughts on this? Should it be a larger percentage? Or smaller? Thank you!

Hi Catherine,

Sounds like you have this all sorted, including the slightly larger water change! Pre-measuring our feeding into containers would be the only additional bit of advice I could offer.

Thanks so much Ian! We missed your reply and are just back now but it obviously worked out fine as they’re all doing great ^_^

I’m glad it all went smoothly. I hope you had a lovely vacation!

Will my fish in a 60 gallons be Allright if I leave town for 2 days and not feed them?

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The 8 Best Automatic Fish Feeders

Throughout my career, I have encountered a wide variety of fish feeders that cater to different needs and preferences.

In this write-up, I will explore the best fish feeders available, considering their functionality, reliability, and compatibility with various aquarium setups.

Based on my past experience, it’s crucial to find a feeder that not only provides regular meals but also ensures the proper portion size for your fish. This will help prevent overfeeding and maintain a healthy environment in your aquarium.

It’s important to consider the ease of use and maintenance of the fish feeder, as well as its compatibility with different types of fish food.

Best Automatic Fish Feeders

After testing multiple fish feeders, here are the best automatic fish feeders:

Eheim Programmable Fish Feeder

This feeder is easy to use and reliable. It works well on rimless tanks but not on rimmed tanks. It is simple to program, up to 4 feedings a day, and has a fan that keeps the food dry. It is powered by AA batteries and is extremely reliable.

Fish Mate F14

This feeder is the best value for money. It can be attached to the hood or the edge of the aquarium. It has a smaller and more compact design that makes it suitable for different-sized aquariums. The compartment holds fish food in 14 separate trays, meaning it automatically dispenses the food 14 times before it needs to be filled again, making it perfect for long vacations. It is quite accurate and consistent with its feeding.

IntelliFeed Fish Feeder

This feeder is controller-capable and can feed multiple times a day. It is expensive and tricky to program, but its features are second to none in the industry.

NICREW Automatic Fish Feeder

This feeder is a budget-conscious and easy-to-use fish feeder. It can feed your fish up to 5 times daily and contains a built-in fan and ventilation system to keep your food dry.

Innovative Marine Frozen Food Feeder

This feeder is perfect for those who want to feed their fish frozen food. It is easy to use and can be programmed to feed up to 12 times a day.

Neptune Apex AFS

Petbank automatic fish feeder.

This feeder is rechargeable and can be programmed to feed up to 4 times a day. It is easy to use and reliable.

AquaMiracle Automatic Fish Feeder

This feeder is volume adjustable and can feed granules, pallets, and strips. 

Key Takeaways

  • Automatic fish feeders are a convenient option for hobbyists, as they can dispense precise amounts of food at specified intervals.
  • Vacation fish feeders are designed for extended periods of absence and provide a solution for feeding fish while owners are on vacation or business trips.
  • Timed fish feeders offer flexibility by allowing users to adjust feeding schedules according to specific requirements.
  • WiFi-enabled fish feeders allow remote control via smartphone applications, enabling easy monitoring and adjustments regardless of location.

Automatic Fish Feeders

Automatic fish feeders have gained popularity among aquarists due to their ability to dispense precise and regular amounts of food, promoting optimal nutrition and reducing the risk of overfeeding or underfeeding.

These devices are designed to automate the feeding process, ensuring that fish receive an appropriate amount of food at scheduled intervals.

One type of automatic fish feeder is the smart fish feeder, which incorporates advanced technology to enhance its functionality.

Smart fish feeders can be controlled remotely using a smartphone or other mobile devices.

This feature allows users to monitor and adjust feeding schedules from anywhere with an internet connection, providing convenience and flexibility for busy individuals.

Another type of automatic fish feeder is the smartphone-controlled fish feeder.

Similar to smart feeders, these devices enable users to control feeding schedules through their smartphones.

However, they may also offer additional features such as live video streaming, allowing owners to observe their fish while away from home.

The precision and consistency provided by automatic fish feeders can significantly benefit aquarium inhabitants.

By delivering consistent portions of food at regular intervals, these devices help maintain a balanced diet for the fish.

Furthermore, they reduce the risk of overfeeding, which can lead to water pollution and various health issues for aquatic organisms.

Automatic fish feeders offer numerous advantages for aquarists in terms of convenience and maintaining proper nutrition for their pets.

The emergence of smart fish feeders and smartphone-controlled feeders has further enhanced these benefits by incorporating advanced technology into the feeding process.

As more advancements continue in this field, aquarists can expect even greater control and customization options when it comes to providing optimal care for their aquatic companions.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Automatic Fish Feeder

When selecting an automated feeding device for aquatic pets, it is important to evaluate factors that can affect its performance and suitability.

Some key factors to consider when choosing an automatic fish feeder include the size of your aquarium and the number of fish you have.

Different feeders are designed for different tank sizes and fish populations, so it is crucial to select one that can dispense enough food without overfeeding or underfeeding.

Besides, consider the type of food your fish require. Some feeders are designed for specific types of food, while others can dispense a variety.

Make sure the feeder you choose is compatible with your fish’s dietary needs.

It is also important to assess the reliability and functionality of the feeder.

Look for features such as adjustable portion control, multiple feeding times, and a reliable timer.

Consider whether the feeder is easy to set up and clean. To properly set up and use an automatic fish feeder, carefully read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Ensure that it is securely attached to your aquarium or mounted in a suitable location. Test different portion sizes to find what works best for your fish.

By considering factors such as tank size, dietary needs, and feeder reliability, and following instructions, you can effectively feed your aquatic pets.

Vacation Fish Feeders Blocks

Feeding your fish while you’re away is made easy with vacation feeders.

These feeders come in different sizes, such as 2-day (weekend), 7-day, and 14-day options.

There are two main types:

one with food embedded in a calcium block , or the other with food in a gel form .

Both types gradually dissolve in the water, releasing food particles for the fish to eat. Vacation feeders have several advantages:

1. They provide food for your fish for up to 14 days while you’re away. 2. The blocks dissolve slowly, releasing food periodically. However, the calcium block dissolves faster in soft, acid water compared to hard, basic water. 3. They contain natural ingredients that meet the nutritional requirements of all aquarium fish. 4. It’s important to note that vacation feeders should not be used in fish bowls or non-filtered/non-aerated aquariums, as water circulation is necessary for the block to dissolve. 5. The gel blocks may be more suitable for certain water conditions, as they are plaster-free and do not cloud the water.

When using vacation feeders, make sure to consider the number of blocks needed for all the fish in the aquarium. It’s better to slightly underfeed the fish than to overfeed them during your absence. If you’re using larger calcium blocks, especially in soft water conditions, they can affect the aquarium’s water chemistry.

Gel feeders are less likely to cause changes in water quality, although some fish may not eat them.

WiFi-Enabled Fish Feeders

WiFi-enabled fish feeders have completely transformed the way aquarium enthusiasts can remotely monitor and control the feeding schedules of their aquatic pets.

These smart feeders come equipped with advanced technology that allows users to conveniently manage and automate the feeding process using their smartphones or computers.

By connecting to a home’s WiFi network, these feeders provide real-time access to feeding data and enable users to adjust settings from anywhere at any time.

One of the most notable features of WiFi-enabled fish feeders is their ability to create customized feeding schedules. This ensures that fish receive regular meals throughout the day, as users can set specific times for feeding sessions.

Moreover, these intelligent devices also offer portion control options, allowing users to dispense precise amounts of food during each feeding.

With the help of WiFi-enabled fish feeders, aquarium enthusiasts no longer need to worry about manually feeding their fish or being present at specific times.

These feeders provide a convenient and automated solution that ensures the well-being of aquatic pets.

WiFi-enabled fish feeders offer convenience and peace of mind for aquarium enthusiasts by providing remote access to feeding controls and monitoring capabilities.

With customizable settings and real-time data tracking, these devices help ensure optimal nutrition for aquatic pets even when owners are away from home.

Battery-Powered Fish Feeders

Battery-powered fish feeders offer a convenient and efficient way for aquarium enthusiasts to automate their aquatic pets’ feeding schedules.

These devices allow users to program specific feeding times and quantities, ensuring that their fish receive regular meals even when the owner is not present.

This is particularly beneficial for individuals who travel frequently or have busy schedules, as it eliminates the need for someone else to manually feed the fish.

In addition to convenience, battery-powered fish feeders help maintain a consistent feeding routine, which is essential for the health and well-being of fish.

Fish thrive on regularity, and irregular or inconsistent feeding can lead to stress and health issues. By automating the feeding process, owners can ensure that their fish receive food at set intervals throughout the day, promoting healthier eating habits and reducing stress.

Another advantage of battery-powered fish feeders is precise portion control.

These devices allow users to adjust the amount of food dispensed during each feeding session, preventing overfeeding or underfeeding. This level of accuracy helps maintain water quality by preventing excess food from accumulating in the tank and causing pollution.

Solar-Powered Fish Feeders

Solar-powered fish feeders are a fantastic way for aquarium enthusiasts to automate and regulate their aquatic pets’ feeding schedules.

These innovative devices harness the power of the sun to operate, making them environmentally friendly and sustainable.

By using solar energy, these feeders eliminate the need for batteries or electricity.

The design of solar-powered fish feeders incorporates solar panels, which convert sunlight into usable energy.

This renewable energy source not only reduces reliance on traditional power sources but also minimizes carbon emissions.

Compared to battery-powered or electric feeders, solar-powered feeders are a greener alternative.

They also save money over time since they don’t require constant battery replacements or charging.

One of the key advantages of solar-powered fish feeders is their ability to accurately regulate feeding schedules.

These devices can be programmed with specific feeding times and portion sizes, ensuring that aquatic pets receive consistent and appropriate amounts of food.

With this automation feature, there’s no room for human error or forgetfulness in maintaining regular feeding routines.

Durability and longevity are also essential features of solar-powered fish feeders.

They are typically made from high-quality materials that can withstand outdoor conditions such as rain or extreme temperatures.

With proper installation and maintenance, these feeders can last for many years without needing frequent repairs or replacements.

By installing a solar-powered fish feeder, aquarium enthusiasts can enjoy numerous benefits.

Not only does it simplify pet care, but it also promotes an eco-conscious approach to aquarium management.

These feeders utilize renewable energy, reduce environmental impact, and provide accurate and reliable feeding mechanisms for aquatic pets.

It’s a win-win situation for both pet owners and the planet.

How to Properly Set Up and Use an Automatic Fish Feeder

This discussion will focus on the proper setup and use of an automatic fish feeder, addressing several key points.

  • It is important to consider the type of fish food that can be used in an automatic fish feeder.
  • Understanding how often the food compartment should be refilled is crucial for maintaining a regular feeding schedule.
  • It is essential to assess whether an automatic fish feeder may cause disturbance to the fish and if it can be used for other aquatic animals.
  • Exploring the possibility of remotely controlling the fish feeder will also be discussed.

Final Verdict

Overall, the Eheim Programmable Fish Feeder is the best automatic fish feeder for rimless and sit-on-top applications. The Fish Mate F14 is the best value for money, and the IntelliFeed Fish Feeder is the best for advanced features.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i use any type of fish food in an automatic fish feeder.

It’s important to note that not all types of fish food are suitable for use in an automatic fish feeder. Different fish food types have specific compositions and characteristics that may affect their compatibility with automatic feeders.

Some automatic feeders are designed to dispense only dry pellets or flakes, while others can accommodate a wider range of food options such as freeze-dried or frozen foods.

To ensure proper functionality and nutrition for your aquatic pets, it is crucial to read the manufacturer’s instructions and specifications before using any particular type of fish food in an automatic feeder.

Using the wrong type of food can lead to clogging or malfunctioning of the feeder, resulting in inadequate or excessive feeding.

Moreover, alternative uses for certain types of fish food, such as live foods or fresh vegetables, may not be feasible with automatic feeders due to their different textures and perishability.

Therefore, it is recommended to choose fish foods specifically formulated for use in automatic feeders.

How often should I refill the food compartment?

To ensure optimal feeding for your aquatic pets, it is crucial to determine the appropriate frequency at which the food compartment of the device should be refilled.

Proper maintenance of the automatic fish feeder will help prevent overfeeding and maintain a clean environment for your fish.

Will an automatic fish feeder disturb the fish?

An important consideration when using an automatic fish feeder is whether it will cause disturbance to the fish. The potential impact on fish behavior and feeding routine should be taken into account.

While automatic feeders offer convenience by providing regular and timely meals for the fish, they may also disrupt their natural behaviors. Fish are known to have specific feeding routines and can be sensitive to changes in their environment.

The introduction of an automatic feeder may alter these routines, leading to potential stress or anxiety in the fish. It is important to carefully monitor the fish’s response when introducing a new feeding system and make adjustments if necessary, ensuring that the automatic feeder does not disturb their natural behaviors or negatively impact their overall well-being.

Can I control the fish feeder remotely?

The ability to remotely control the feeding process of aquatic animals is a great feature that can make feeding easier and more precise.

With remote control, you can schedule and adjust feeding times from anywhere, without needing to be near the fish feeder.

This feature is especially convenient for people who are away from home or have busy schedules.

You can connect the fish feeder to your smartphone or tablet using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, allowing you to monitor and change feeding schedules, portion sizes, and feeding frequencies from a distance using dedicated mobile apps.

Some advanced models even send real-time notifications about low food levels or equipment issues.

Can fish feeders be used for all types of fish?

An automated feeding system can be extended beyond fish to cater to other aquatic organisms.

Fish feeders can be used for a wide range of fish species, making them compatible with various types of fish.

The benefits of using fish feeders include accurate and consistent feeding, which promotes optimal growth and health.

Fish feeders also prevent overfeeding, reducing the risk of water pollution and disease outbreaks.

These devices are designed to dispense appropriate amounts of food at scheduled times, ensuring that all fish receive adequate nutrition without relying solely on manual feeding methods.

How often should I clean my fish feeder?

To maintain a fish feeder, regular cleaning is essential. Cleaning frequency depends on various factors such as the type of food used and the number of fish being fed. A general recommendation is to clean the feeder at least once a week to prevent food residue buildup and potential bacterial growth. Regular maintenance ensures optimal functioning and longevity of the feeder.

Are fish feeders suitable for outdoor ponds?

When considering the use of fish feeders in outdoor ponds , there are several factors to consider.

Pros include the convenience of automatic feeding and the ability to regulate portion sizes. Additionally, fish feeders can help maintain a consistent feeding schedule.

However, there are cons to using fish feeders as well. They may not be suitable for all types of fish and may lead to overfeeding if not carefully monitored.

Factors such as the size and type of fish, pond environment, and desired feeding schedule should be considered when choosing a fish feeder for outdoor ponds.

Can fish feeders dispense frozen or live food?

Fish feeders can dispense frozen or live food, depending on the model. This feature allows for a flexible feeding schedule, accommodating the specific dietary needs of fish.

The benefits of using a fish feeder include consistent and regulated feeding, reducing the risk of overfeeding or underfeeding. Feeding schedules can be programmed to ensure regular meals throughout the day, promoting healthy growth and development in fish.

Certain fish feeders have mechanisms to prevent food from clogging or spoiling, maintaining water quality in outdoor ponds.

What is the average lifespan of a fish feeder?

The average lifespan of a fish feeder depends on various factors such as the quality of materials used, frequency of use, and maintenance. Typically, fish feeders can last anywhere from 1 to 5 years.

To choose the right fish feeder with a longer lifespan, it is important to consider durable construction materials, reliable feeding mechanisms, and easy maintenance. Regular cleaning and proper storage can also help prolong the lifespan of a fish feeder.

Is it safe to use an automatic fish feeder when I am away on vacation?

When considering the safety of using an automatic fish feeder while on vacation, potential risks should be taken into account. These risks include overfeeding or underfeeding the fish, which can lead to health problems such as obesity or malnutrition.

Malfunctioning feeders may dispense excessive amounts of food that could pollute the aquarium water and harm the fish.

Alternatives to automatic fish feeders for feeding fish during vacations include asking a trusted person to manually feed the fish or using slow-release vacation food blocks specifically designed for this purpose.

How long does the battery of an automatic fish feeder last?

The battery lifespan of an automatic fish feeder typically depends on the model and usage. However, most automatic fish feeders can last for several months before requiring a battery replacement.

Using an automatic fish feeder has numerous benefits, such as ensuring regular feeding schedules for fish and preventing overfeeding. It also eliminates the need for manual feeding, making it convenient for aquarium owners who are away or have busy schedules.

Can I adjust the amount of food dispensed by an automatic fish feeder?

Yes, it is possible to adjust the amount of food dispensed by an automatic fish feeder. These feeders are equipped with settings that allow users to control the quantity of food released during each feeding session.

This feature offers several benefits, such as preventing overfeeding and maintaining a balanced diet for the fish. By adjusting the amount of food dispensed, fish owners can ensure their pets receive appropriate nutrition without wasting excess food or compromising water quality in aquariums.


The 7 Best Automatic Fish Feeders For 2024 [Tested And Reviewed]

Best Automatic Fish Feeder

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Are you struggling with finding an automatice fish feeder?

In this blog, we share the best products for feeding your fish while you are on vacation or away from your tank, from timed based feeders to even ones that work with frozen food.

With over  25 years of experience  in the aquarium hobby, I’ve assisted countless clients, hobbyists, and readers like you in figuring out how best to automate their aquariums. I’ve personally tested these products in real world scenarios to determine the automatic fish feeders on the market.

The Top Picks

Eheim Everyday

  • Easy to use

NICREW Auto Feeder

  • Lithium powered

Innovative Marine Frozen Food Feeder

  • Best for saltwater fish
  • Works with frozen food

Let’s get straight to the point and focus on our top picks. The best product I’m personally used and tested is the Eheim Everyday feeder. This is easy to use and can be mounted on rimless and rimmed aquariums. I’ve seen this used over expensive controller powered feeders because this is more reliable – a testament to the Eheim name.

The best value is the NICREW auto feeder. This lithium powered feeder has all the base features you want in a feeder at a great price. Lastly, the Innoviate Marine frozen food feeder is the best product for ease of mind feeding of frozen food before you head off to work or run errands. This is a great way to feed fish the best foods available and not pollute your tank.

The Candidates – A Quick Overview

Now that you know the top picks, let’s take a look at the products that made the cut in the roundup. I’ll go into detail about each aquarium product below.

The 7 Best Automatic Fish Feeders (2023 Updated)

1. eheim everyday.

EHEIM "Everyday" Fish Feeder

Best Auto Fish Feeder

Eheim's auto fish feeder is reliable, reasonably priced, and easy to use. A must for any busy fish keeper!

The EHEIM everyday fish feeder is a product that is designed to be used on a daily basis. With this fish feeder, you can feed multiple times a day and set the amount of fish food in each feeding. This product is built by Eheim, is very reliable, and backed with a 2-year warranty. The keys are splash resistant and there is a warning system that lets you know when the battery needs to be replaced.

The fish feeder comes with brackets so you can mount it on rimmed or rimless aquariums . The feeding chamber is aerated to keep fish fresh. You can see it in action below ( video source).

The device is very easy to program and has a great price. I have seen this in use over controller-powered fish food feeders due to its price and reliability. Just make sure you don’t place it near an air stone or power filter so the fish food inside doesn’t get wet and rotten.

Pros and Cons

  • Great brand name
  • Reasonable price
  • Doesn’t fit all rimmed aquariums
  • Can dump a lot of food

NICREW Automatic Fish Feeder

A cheap and simple to use fish feeder. Available battery-operated or Lithium charging

If you are looking for a budget-conscious and easy-to-use fish feeder, the NICREW automatic fish feeder deserves a look. This mighty little device can feed your fish up to 5 times daily. It contains a built-in fan and ventilation system to keep your food dry.

This fish feeder can dump a lot of food if you aren’t careful. You can adjust the portion amounts to the adjustable sliders. Given what I’ve seen from this product, however, I would only use this for flake food. With pellet food, it still dumps a ton of fish food even with the slider.

The adjustable clamp that comes with the fish feeder is able to fit on rimless and rimmed tanks. This is a great buy if you are on a budget.

  • Great Price
  • Battery and lithium charging models available
  • Bad instructions
  • Easy to overfeed

3. Innovative Marine Frozen Food Feeder

Innovative Marine Frozen Food Feeder

A great feeder for frozen food. Defrosts and feeds your fish all by itself!

One of the biggest downfalls of automatic feeders is that they cannot be used to dispense frozen food. It’s unfortunate since frozen food is the best-prepared food you can provide to your fish in the hobby. There is an excellent compromise to this problem though with Innovative Marine’s Gourmet Defroster .

This defroster holds your frozen food in a dispenser where your food defrosts and then automatically dispenses into your tank for your fish to eat. This is about as good as you can get when it comes to auto-feeding frozen food. You just place the food in the fish food dispenser, then walk away.

It is only good for one feeding, but this is amazing for those who are busy and who still want to feed the best foods available

  • Works for frozen food!
  • Magnet mounts
  • Only stores a single feeding

4. Neptune Apex AFS

Neptune Apex AFS

For those with aquarium controllers, this is the auto feeder to purchase. Capable with Neptune controllers.

For you advanced fishkeepers with aquarium controllers , the Neptune Apex AFS is what you have been looking for. Working with a unit that is capable with a controller has big benefits in how you feed. With the controller, you can schedule various pre-feeding tasks before your AFS dispenses food such as:

  • Turning off protein skimmer
  • Turn off return pumps
  • Turn everything back on after 10 minutes

Another feature that the AFS has is its stay-dry system. The AFS fish food dispenser extends and retracts for each feeding. The food drum is also sealed with gaskets to ensure there is no moisture that enters the unit. Because the unit is hooked into the controller system, it doesn’t need batteries to operate

The AFS was the world’s first fish feeder that was controller capable and set the benchmark for advanced feeders. It commands a high price point, but its features are second to none in the industry.

  • Works in aquarium controllers
  • Can feed multiple times a day
  • Tricky to program

5. OASE Fishguard

OASE Fishguard

A standalone simple to use auto fish feeder. Battery powered and easy to use

The OASE Fishguard is like a poor man’s AFS. Its feeding dispenser has a similar extension and retraction as the AFS and also has a sealer that keeps fish fresh in its air-locked seal.

Not many feeders have sealed fish food dispensers. The only one I could find that I was comfortable recommending was the AFS. This seal keeps food from getting soggy. The unit is Italian-made and comes with an industry-best 3-year warranty.

I would have put this fish feeder at the top of this list ahead of the Eheim if it wasn’t for its high price tag. It’s nearly double the price of the Eheim unit. For most hobbyists, this price is not reasonable. However, in a high-end setup with prized fish such as Discus Fish or reef tanks, I feel this is a justified purchase.

  • Italian made
  • Feeds up to 4 times daily

6. Lifegard Aquatics Intellifeed

Lifegard Aquatics IntelliFeed

An easy-to-use and programmable auto feeder. Can feed up to twice a day

The Intellifeed is a great rechargeable fish feeder that works great as an everyday fish feeder. The head is able to rotate 360 degrees, a unique feature among the other feeders on this list. The battery in the fish feeder is a lithium-ion battery that can be charged using the USB cable supplied. The unit has a battery power reader located on the bottom right of the display to let you know when the unit needs to be charged.

The clamp that comes with the unit is one of the widest on this list. You will have no issues mounting this on either rimmed or rimless tanks. Due to its large size, the fish feeder attaches to the tank securely. The clamp can also be removed and mounted to a surface using the double-sided tape included in the box.

The fish feeder has an on and off button without having to remove a battery and have your programming reset. It seems like a simple feature, but this makes the unit very convenient when you need it and when you don’t.

The unit is able to feed your fish up to 4 times a day. The features it provides come with a high price tag, but this is also one of the more available units locally. It’s easier to find this and the Eheim in local stores than any other unit on this list.

  • Found locally

7. Omega One 7 Day Feeder Block

Omega One Super Color

A feeding block that can be used when you are on vacation. Works for 7 days

Ah, the vacation feeder blocks . These are one of the most convenient temporary solutions you can buy at a local pet store. While they are easy to use and cheap, they tend to be pretty messy.

Not all fish will recognize and eat it as well. If your fish do not like it and won’t eat it, there is a good chance this product will produce ammonia spikes. Because overfeeding a tank can be catastrophic for your fish, I would recommend trying the product when you are home at first. This way you can see if your fish eat it and how much food is left over. Carefully monitor the tank activity and the ammonia levels.

If everything checks out on your observation test, then give the product a try. I don’t recommend using these types of products when you go on vacation without testing first. There is too much at risk if your fish ignore or refuse to eat the food.

  • Set and forget
  • Readily available
  • Not the best food
  • Can cloud water

Our Criteria

Automatic fish feeders are not all created the same. There are available at different price points and with different features. Here is what I’m looking for:

  • Brand Name – I don’t like generic or Chinese-based brands. I want quality brands with good warranties
  • Quality – High-quality brands are engineered well and are built to last
  • Features – I’m looking for products that can feed your fish multiple times a day
  • Price – I’m looking at various price points so there is a product at every price point.

Buyer’s Guide

We reviewed the products that I recommend. I know there are others that will appear in stores that you may have an interest in so let’s go over what to look for.

What To Look For When Purchasing

Here are a few things in bullets that will help you make a good decision.

  • Brand name – look for strong brands like Fluval, OASE, Eheim for freshwater and Neptune, Innovative for marine specialized products
  • Warranty – Good brands back their products with long warranties. A 1-year warranty should be seen as suspect
  • Programming – Can the unit be programmed to feed multiple times a day and can the feed amount be controlled
  • Mounts and seals – Can the unit be secured and mounted and is the container sealed from water in the event it falls into the tank

What Food Can You Put In These

The food types you can put into a fish feeder is a major question I get from readers. In general, most feeders will accommodate either flake or frozen food. You can place freeze-dried food, but oftentimes the freeze-dried food is too large or whole to be used efficiently in the fish feeder. I’ve written guides on both flake and pellet food that you can check out for detailed product reviews. I’ll summarize below:

Flake Foods

Flake food is great to place in a fish feeder as it is both convenient and easy to feed. If you have a freshwater tank, consider using Cobalt Aquatics Tropical Flakes . this flake food contains probiotics and has a color-enhancing formula. In lower-quality fish feeders, you may struggle to keep flake food dry as the humidity of the tank will cause the food to get wet and spoil.

Cobalt Aquatics Tropical Flake

Best Tropical Fish Flake Food

Cobalt offers a premium level flake food with probiotics. A color enhancing formula that works great for all tropical fish

Pellet Foods

Pellet foods are great to use in fish feeders. They are typically superior in nutritional content than flake foods. For freshwater fish, I would recommend Fluval Bug Bites. For saltwater fish, I would recommend Chroma Boost by Reef Nutrition. The main thing to watch out for with pellet foods is accidentally overfeeding your tank. Measure carefully and use a high-quality fish feeder so your pellets stay dry.

Reef Nutriton Chroma Boost Pellets

A coral and fish food all in the same package. Highly nutritious and fish love it. Works great in auto feeders

How Much Food Should I Put In?

I would recommend that you put less than you typically would feed your fish in your automatic fish feeder when you first start out. The main issue with automatic fish feeders is overfeeding. Most fish feeders will just dump all the food at once into the tank where you might spread the fish out throughout your tank or feed them little by little. Your fish also haven’t been trained to look at your fish feeder for food. They are used to looking at you and responding to you coming to the tank to feed them.

Because of these factors, it’s not uncommon to have your first attempts at using a fish feeder not go well. Feed less and give your fish time. If you are going on vacation, buy the automatic feeder now and get your fish used to it. Learn how much you can feed with it and how often. Then when you go on vacation, cut the amount of food by half to prevent any accidental overfeeding.

Can You Feed Fish Automatically?

Yes, you can feed fish automatically with an automatic fish feeder. These devices can typically dispense flake and pellet foods daily so your fish can eat. They can be programmed to feed at certain times as well!

How Do I Feed My Fish When I Go On Vacation?

There are two ways to feed your fish when you go on vacation. One way is to purchase an automatic fish feeder so your fish can be fed while you are away. The other way to is place a bit less than what you feed daily in zip lock bags, mark them for what day, and have someone you know to feed your fish with this.

In planted tanks, it is possible to make your tank go dormant for up to a week, but that topic is big enough to be covered in a future post.

How long do batteries last in an automatic fish feeder?

Typically, the batteries in an automatic fish feeder will last 4-6 weeks. Your fish food in the container will run out before your batteries, so check your container and replace your fish food when it runs out or if it gets wet or stale.

Are automatic feeders good?

A quality automatic fish feeder can be used on a daily basis. The main issues with these products are that they can dispense too much food or food can get wet or rotten. As long as you program these fish feeders well and maintain the product so your fish food doesn’t rot, these fish feeders will do their jobs well.

How many days can they go without food?

Typically, a fish can go 1-2 weeks without eating . However, a fish that is not eating usually means something is wrong with them. Whether it is stress, bullying, or various fish diseases , you should observe your fish if they are not eating for any sign of stress.

Closing Thoughts

Automatic fish feeders can be a convenient way to keep your fish fed and healthy, but it’s important to use them correctly. Overfeeding can cause problems for your fish, so make sure you are using a product that seals the food in and that you are buying from quality brands. Leave a comment below and let us know how you like to feed your fish!

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Mark Valderrama

I’m thrilled that you found Aquarium Store Depot! Here you’ll find information on fish, aquariums, and all things aquatics related. I’m a hobbyist (being doing this since I was 11) and here to help other hobbyists thrive with their aquariums! I adhere to a high quality Editorial Process and Review products with real life field usage and practical analysis.

9 Types Of Geophagus (With Pictures)

The 7 best plants for cichlid tank (that they won't eat), why angelfish and guppies are a deadly combo.

Hi thanks for this information, my main concern is fish food being dumped, i actually work away from home up to a month at a time, so need a good system. I do have friends stopping in the check on them. I do have bottom algae eating bottom dwellers and am not sure how to dispense to them other than having a separate dispenser, which is possible.

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Types Of Geophagus

How Long Can Fish Go Without Food? Our Top 7 Vacation Fish Care Tips

You can ensure your fish will be well cared for no matter how long you’re away.

travel fish feeder

Mint Images RF / Getty Images

Additional Tips

If you are traveling for the holidays or planning to go on a vacation soon, one of the top questions you may be wondering is how long can fish go without food? Fortunately, there are several easy options to feed your fish during holiday and vacation periods.

Learn more about how to care for your fish while you're away.

Purchase a Vacation Feeder

The simplest option for feeding is to use vacation feeders. They are available in 2-day (weekend), 7-day, and 14-day sizes. There are two basic types: one where the food is embedded in a calcium block, and the other style has the food in a gel. In each case, the block gradually dissolves in the water, releasing food particles for the fish to eat. Make sure that the number of blocks used in the aquarium is sufficient for all of the fish in the aquarium. But it is better to underfeed the fish than overfeed them for the time you are away.

Use an Automatic Feeder

You can also purchase an automatic fish feeder , which comes in electric plug-in models and battery-operated models. They have timers that can be set to dispense the proper amount of food one or more times per day. The opening in the food-holding dispenser can be adjusted to deliver a certain amount of food at each feeding. These are great to use anytime, and if you have it before you go on vacation, you can adjust the timing and dispensed food quantity to feed the fish correctly every day. As long as the food dispenser is full before you leave, and holds enough food to dispense for the duration you will be gone, these work well for feeding your fish while you are away.

Hire a Fish Sitter

If you are going on an extended vacation or holiday (more than a week), you should have someone tend your fish. The most important thing to impress upon your helper is that they should not overfeed your fish. Excess food will foul the aquarium and can prove lethal. Many fish will "beg" for more food even when they are well-fed ( Angelfish are notorious for begging), but should not be indulged. In order to prevent your house sitter from giving too much food, you should pre-measure each meal in a small container or plastic bag.

Hold Off On Feeding Your Fish

Living in a watery environment has its advantages—fish don't have to wait for you to give them a drink. As for food, freshwater fish are quite capable of going for several days without a meal. Healthy adult fish can go for a week or two without feeding. However, young fish don't have the fat stores of adult fish and they cannot go without eating very long.

Get a Timer

Aquarium lights normally should be turned off at night and turned back on in the morning.  Lighting  is easy to handle by purchasing a timer. There's no need to get a fancy or expensive one, as long as it will turn the aquarium lights on and off once each day. Put the light on a timer and leave it that way all the time. Then, your fish will have a consistent day/night cycle, and you have one less thing to do each day.

Preset Your Air Conditioner

During summer vacations, set your air conditioning to kick in if the  room temperature rises above 80  degrees, and your fish will be quite comfortable while you are away. If you do not have air conditioning, it is wise to arrange for someone to come in and check the fish in the event of a heat wave

Give Your Fish an Exam

Another important factor is the physical condition of your fish. Just before leaving on your holiday or vacation, examine them to ensure that none of them  appear to be sick . If you notice any abnormalities, consult a  fish shop  or an aquatic  veterinarian  before leaving. Otherwise, you risk coming home to an aquarium of sick or dying fish.

Here is a final checklist of things to do before you leave:

  • Clean the aquarium  a week before you leave.
  • Completely top off the aquarium with water the day before you leave.
  • Check the water temperature to verify it's in the proper range.
  • Check the filter and make sure it's running at full capacity.
  • Carefully examine all the fish to ensure they are healthy.
  • If you have a fish sitter, measure food into a dispenser for them.
  • Give your fish sitter your number and the number of the local pet shop.

Now, go enjoy the holidays!

It largely depends on the type of fish you keep, so your best bet is looking into the species of your fish before deciding on feeding habits.

This also depends on the type of fish you have. Some fish can only go a couple days without food while others can go a week or more.

Having a functional filter at all times is ideal, but things happen. Your fish should be okay for a few days without a working filter, but you'll want to find a replacement as soon as you can.

More from The Spruce Pets

6 Best Automatic Fish Feeder Options (Reviews)

Aquarists typically aim for uniformity in their tanks when it comes to maintaining water quality, lighting, and feeding routines. However, adhering to a set schedule for feeding can be difficult depending on personal schedules and any unforeseen circumstances such as vacations or late work hours. This can leave the fish in the aquarium very hungry. To simplify this task, using an automatic fish feeder can be a helpful solution.

If you just want to skip to our favorite, we recommend the EHEIM automatic fish feeder . We recommend this EHEIM feeder because it is affordable, durable, and reliable.

Automatic fish feeders can make the fish feed process effortless and exact, day in and day out. We put together these reviews and a buyer’s guide to help you choose the best automatic fish feeder for your tank.

Table of Contents

Recommended Automatic Fish Feeders:

What is an automatic fish feeder.

An automatic fish feeder is a device that sits on top of your tank and delivers fish food to your tank on a set schedule. They typically get mounted to your tank’s lid or rim, and they have a fully enclosed compartment to hold food and keep it dry.

They work on a timer, releasing food at each interval you set.

Different Types of Automatic Feeders

There are two primary types of automatic feeders: those with rotating barrels and those with individual compartments for portion control.

Rotating Barrel Fish Feeder

A rotating barrel fish feeder holds a single compartment that you fill with food. When the timing interval you set is reached, the device spins the barrel, and the food inside falls out of a hole in the top.

Rotating barrel feeders are extremely simple to set up, and you don’t have to weigh out or measure the food you place in them. You can simply fill them and forget them.

However, these feeders don’t measure the food delivered to your fish. You can calibrate it a bit, but you’ll never get super precise feedings with this type of feeder.

Portion Control Fish Feeder

Portion control feeders contain multiple compartments, typically arranged in a horizontal wheel. You fill each compartment with a single feeding, which you can measure or weigh meticulously for an exact feeding.

At the scheduled feeding time, the wheel rotates and drops the food from a single compartment into your tank.

These feeders are super precise, but it can be a bit of a pain to have to fill each compartment individually.

How Does an Automatic Fish Feeder Work?

Automatic fish feeders use an internal clock to keep track of the time. You can program them to deliver food at any point during a 24-hour period.

When the designated feeding time arrives, the timer triggers the barrel to rotate a given number of degrees or a portion control wheel to turn and empty the next food compartment.

Many automatic fish feeders can be programmed to feed multiple times a day if needed. Some rotating barrel feeders even allow you to set how much the barrel rotates during a feeding, giving you some control over the amount of food that gets delivered.

Why Do You Need an Automatic Fish Feeder?

If you’re guaranteed to be home every single day at the exact time your fish need to be fed, then you don’t need an automatic fish feeder – but that isn’t a realistic scenario for the large majority of aquarists. Automatic fish feeders keep your fish fed no matter what happens in your schedule.

Fish do best with a routine, and work, family life, vacation, and unexpected emergencies can all get in the way of that.

Although most people can find others who will lend a helping hand and feed their fish for them while they’re away or unexpectedly busy, we all know that no one will care for our fish the way we do. Additionally, we’re all guilty of forgetting to feed our fish from time to time. 

An automatic fish feeder keeps your fish happily fed, avoids over-feeding and the related nitrite and nitrate spikes , and gives you peace of mind no matter what else is going on in your life. If you combine them with self-cleaning fish tanks , you have an almost automatic aquarium.

How to Choose an Automatic Fish Feeder for Your Aquarium

There are a few key factors you’ll want to keep in mind when you’re deciding which automatic feeder is best for your setup.

1. How Long Will You Be Gone?

First, consider how long you plan to be away from your fish. Most people rely on their automatic feeders to deliver food while they’re at work, busy with errands, or on a short vacation. For aquarists who will rarely be away for more than a week vacation, most automatic feeders will suffice.

However, if you plan on being on vacation for longer, or you’d rather go more time without having to refill the feeder, you will want to make sure that you choose one that can hold a large quantity of food and deliver it in small amounts.

Rotating barrel feeders are typically better for more extended periods, but you’ll want one that can feed consistent portions even when the barrel is full. As you’ll see in our reviews below, this is a lot to ask for!

Most portion control feeders can hold a maximum of 14 days, so they’re only suitable for those who will be away for two weeks or less.

2. Type of Food

The type of food you feed your fish can dramatically affect how accurate your feeder is and how often your fish get the proper amount of food. Some auto fish feeders are better suited to flake or pellet style foods.

For example, Betta food contains tiny pellets that easily tumble out of a rotating barrel feeder in huge quantities. Using a barrel feeder for Bettas can leave an immense amount of uneaten food in your Betta tank , which will cause dangerous and potentially deadly spikes of nitrites and nitrates. A portion control feeder is likely best for small food like Betta pellets.

Similarly, large flakes can get caught up in a barrel feeder’s small opening if it isn’t set correctly. Smaller flakes are typically fine for both types of feeders, but given that the food tends to clump together, you’re best off with a portion control option.

Larger food, like wafers or big pellets, can be challenging and even impossible to calibrate for successfully with a rotating barrel feeder. Most aquarists find that big pieces of food are best served with a portion control feeder.

Additionally, the number and type of fish in your tank can help you decide which feeder – or feeders – to purchase. Tanks with multiple species often require some combination of wafers, pellets, and flakes.

If you have a multi-species tank that you feed different types of food each day, a portion control feeder with large compartments is likely best for you. Rotating barrel feeders won’t deliver equal amounts of each food no matter how well you calibrate them, so you’re better off filling individual compartments with all of the food you need to deliver.

If you have multiple fish species that eat at different times of the day, you’ll be better off with several portion control feeders or a single one that allows for customized scheduling.

As with any piece of equipment for your fish tanks, the cost is going to be important. You’ll always want to consider your budget carefully when choosing a feeder, especially since they aren’t absolutely necessary and more important equipment may take precedence.

If you’re looking for a convenient option for making sure your fish don’t starve while you’re away or busy, we recommend balancing your budget with reliability first. A feeder that delivers food consistency will give you peace of mind and keep your fish safe and happy.

If you’re the type of aquarist who enjoys total control over your tanks and meticulously maintains water quality, then opting for a more expensive portion control feeder that you can tune with precision will likely suit you best.

Lastly, consider the online reviews of any product you’re considering. It’s best to hear how reliable and consistent a feeder is from other aquarists who have used them before committing to the purchase yourself.

How to Set Up an Automatic Fish Feeder

Setting up an automatic fish feeder consists of three main steps.

Mounting the Feeder

Before your feeder can drop food into your tank, you’ll need to mount it above the water level. Feeders come in two mounting options: rim mount and lid mount.

Rim mount feeders use a squeeze clamp or a screwing clamp mechanism to clip to the rim of your aquarium. They’re usually super simple to set up, and they can be repositioned easily to other parts of the tank if you ever change your setup.

To attach a rim mount feeder, simply clamp it to the rim of your tank, making sure that the opening under the barrel or portion control wheel is positioned over the water.

Lid mount feeders attach to or sit on top of your aquarium hood. Some use clips or clamps to grip onto the lid, while others simply rest on top. Those that clip to openings in the hood are more secure for obvious reasons.

If your lid mount feeder comes with a clamp, secure it to an opening in your aquarium cover. Make sure that the opening for food to come out is positioned over the water. If your lid mount doesn’t include a clamp, simply place it on the hood or a nearby ledge with the hole set over the water.

Filling the Feeder

Once your feeder is mounted, fill it with food. For rotating barrel feeders, you can simply dump the food into the container. If you have a portion control feeder, fill each compartment with a single serving of food.

Make sure to close the feeder once it’s filled to prevent water from getting into it and potentially ruining the food.

Calibrating the Feeder

Calibrating your automatic fish feeder will ensure that your fish get the proper amount of food during each feeding. It will help avoid your tank not getting enough food, as well as overfeeding and the associated spikes in nitrites and nitrates in your fish tank .

For portion control feeders, the calibration will be simple. Just use the buttons and prompts on your feeder to schedule feeding times. Most include a single feeding option for each 24-hour period, while others allow for multiple feedings each day. Make sure you set your feeder based on your fish species and their eating habits.

For rotating barrel feeders, calibration will be the most challenging part of the setup and will likely take some time and practice. We recommend starting with your feeder mounted to a chair, desk, or another platform away from your tank while you test.

Begin by filling the barrel with food and adjusting the opening based on the size of the food. For small pellets, leave a very slight gap and leave a larger one for flakes or more substantial pellets.

Use the “feed now” option available on most automatic feeders to dispense food onto a paper plate. Do this several more times and gauge how consistent and appropriate the serving is. If the serving is too large, close the food opening a bit more and test again. If the serving is too small, make the food opening a bit wider and continue testing.

Keep testing and measuring until you have the opening set properly to where the appropriate amount of food comes out each time. You’ll never get the amount exact, but this single testing process should get you close in a relatively short amount of time.

Note that rotating barrel feeders tend to deliver more food when they’re full than when they’re half full or near to empty. Consider this variance in your testing.

Best Automatic Fish Feeder Options

After our own extensive testing, we’ve decided on what we believe are the best automatic fish feeders. We’ll offer a brief list and then get into some in-depth reviews below. If you have a large pond or small lake, check out our automatic feeders for ponds guide .

  • EHEIM Everyday Fish Feeder
  • FishMate Aquarium Fish Feeder
  • IntelliFeed Fish Feeder
  • Hydor Automatic Fish Feeder
  • Penn-Plax Battery Operated Fish Feeder
  • Fish Mate Pond Fish Feeder

1. Our All-Around Recommendation: EHEIM Everyday Fish Feeder

This is a rotating barrel feeder that delivers food reliably every single day.

It’s very straightforward to set, and after calibration, it offers a somewhat consistent portion. However, the amount of food isn’t precise, and it can vary depending on how full the barrel is.

It includes a small fan that circulates air within the food compartment to keep it dry. This works well if the feeder is placed correctly.

This feeder is very affordable, and it seems durable. We’re confident it will last for several years, so it’s an excellent value for the money.

  • It includes a drying fan to keep food from spoiling
  • The three control buttons and LCD screen make it a breeze to set up
  • It reliably feeds fish
  • It holds a lot of food to decrease the time between refilling
  • It’s durable and affordable
  • It isn’t very precise with food quantity
  • The feeding varies depending on how full the barrel is

2. FishMate Aquarium Fish Feeder

This is a portion control feeder that can hold food for up to 14 days if a single daily feeding is needed.

You can ensure exact portions for each feeding with this product. However, you will have to take the time to refill it each time it empties.

It’s effortless to program, and you’ll have the option of one to four feedings every day, making it great for tanks with multiple species.

It doesn’t include a fan to keep food dry, but we didn’t have any issues with wet food.

It’s affordable and feels very durable.

  • It includes a programmable timer for up to four feedings daily
  • The compartments are large enough for most food types
  • It delivers precise portions reliably
  • It’s straightforward to set up
  • It’s affordable and high-quality
  • It doesn’t include a drying fan
  • You’ll have to take the time to measure out each feeding

3. IntelliFeed Fish Feeder

This is a rotating drum feeder that is highly programmable and customizable. You can set up to twelve feedings daily with four scheduled times and three allotments of food each time for better precision. However, it isn’t as accurate as a portion control feeder.

This feeder doesn’t include a fan, but it keeps food dry by moving it to an enclosed space that isn’t situated over your tank water.

It’s very expensive, but it’s made with high-quality components. Additionally, the customization options make this worth the money, especially for larger, more costly tanks with multiple species.

  • It removes food from over the water to help keep it dry
  • It includes a highly programmable computer controller
  • It’s ideal for large tanks with multiple species
  • It’s durable
  • It’s very expensive
  • It isn’t quite as precise as a portion control feeder

4. Hydor Automatic Fish Feeder

This is a rotating drum feeder that offers a good deal of customization. You can choose up to three feedings each day, and you have three options for the estimated quantity for each feeding. This makes the product suitable for larger tanks with multiple fish species

It has a hose port to connect the feeder to an air pump to help keep food dry.

It can only hold enough food for about a week, so you’ll have to refill it regularly to ensure your fish continuously get fed.

It’s relatively inexpensive, and it seems to be durable.

  • It includes a hook-up to an air pump to keep food dry
  • It offers customization for larger tanks
  • It’s suitable for tanks with multiple species
  • It’s affordable and well-made
  • It feeds reliably
  • It isn’t as precise as a portion control feeder
  • It only holds enough food for about seven days

5. Penn-Plax Battery Operated Fish Feeder

This is a rotating drum fish feeder, so it’s not as accurate with serving size as a portion control feeder. It’s also less precise than some other drum feeders, and it varies quite a bit depending on how full the container is.

It’s not programmable, so you can only set it to feed your fish every 12 hours.

It does, however, feed reliably. It’s battery-operated, so you won’t have to worry about routing another cord around your tank.

It’s a breeze to set up, it’s super affordable, and it’s made of quality components.

  • It’s battery-operated, so you won’t have to deal with cord management
  • The rotating dial makes feeding very reliable
  • It holds between three and four weeks worth of food
  • It’s effortless to set up
  • It’s very affordable
  • It isn’t programmable
  • It doesn’t include a fan to keep food dry
  • It’s not as precise as most other options

6. Fish Mate Pond Fish Feeder

This is a drum feeder designed for use with large ponds. It can hold an immense amount of food, so it’s an excellent option for big tanks or ponds that you plan to leave alone for several weeks at a time.

You can program this product to feed three times a day with different portions each time.

It doesn’t include a fan to keep food dry, so you may have some issues with wet pellets or flakes.

It’s not the most precise feeder, but it’s great for feeding numerous fish when precision doesn’t matter too much.

  • The large capacity container holds weeks’ worth of food
  • The computer is programmable for varying feeding times and portions
  • It’s reliable
  • It can be left alone for weeks at a time
  • It’s ideal for large tanks or ponds
  • It’s rather expensive
  • It isn’t very precise

Automatic Fish Feeder FAQs

How can i feed my fish while on vacation.

If you plan on going away for several days or weeks, you could ask a friend or relative to feed your fish for you. However, all aquarists know that no one will care for their tanks like they do. We recommend purchasing an automatic fish feeder for peace of mind and the most reliable feeding while you’re away .

How Can I Feed My Fish When I Am Not Home?

Busy schedules, errands, work, school, and emergencies can all leave you out of the house when your fish need feeding. The best way to feed your fish reliably even when you’re not home is to buy and install an automatic fish feeder. We recommend the very affordable EHEIM Automatic Feeding Unit . Your vacation fish feeder will make your time away from home more relaxing, knowing that your fish are happy and fed.

How Long Can You Go Without Feeding Fish?

The actual time frame depends on the species and size of the fish. Most healthy fish can go about three days without food. However, consistency in your tank is the best way to keep your tank inhabitants happy and healthy. If you think you’ll miss or forget a feeding, we recommend using an automatic feeder to keep feeding times on a regular schedule.

What is the Best Automatic Fish Feeder for Bettas?

Betta pellets are tiny, so many automatic feeders overfeed Betta tanks. This can result in dangerous nitrite and nitrate spikes and many other issues if they’re not appropriately calibrated, which can harm and even kill your fish. A portion control feeder is best suited to deliver carefully measured allotments of food to your Betta on a set schedule.

We recommend the FishMate Aquarium Fish Feeder for precise, reliable feeding for your Betta tank.

What is the Best Automatic Fish Feeder for Goldfish?

Goldfish typically eat flakes. It’s fairly easy to get a relatively precise measurement for flakes whether you use a rotating drum or a portion control feeder.

Regardless of the style you choose, you should opt for a feeder that includes a fan or an air hose hook-up to help keep the food dry. Flakes are very prone to moisture build-up and clumping, so a feeder should be able to reduce humidity in the food chamber for the best results.

We recommend the EHEIM Automatic Feeding Unit for Goldfish tanks. It’s reliable, reasonably accurate, and the included fan will keep your flakes dry and safe from tank water and humidity.

Is It Better to Feed Fish in the Morning or at Night?

Most fish naturally feed in the morning, so early feedings are typically best. However, some species, like Catfish and other herbivores, graze throughout the day. Nocturnal species, like some eels, feed only at night.

The timing of your feedings should coincide with the schedule your specific species would follow in the wild for the best results.

Will Fish Stop Eating When They Are Full?

Fish generally will not stop eating when they’re full. The recommended amount of food is typically as much as your fish will eat in about three or four minutes. Beyond that, overfeeding can occur, which creates multiple complications that can include death.

Should You Feed Fish Every Day?

You should feed most fish species once or twice daily. There are some exceptions, like fry or adolescent fish needing three to four feedings. Generally, at least one daily feeding is required for most species to remain healthy and happy.

Maintaining a consistent feeding schedule for your fish is important because it helps keep them healthy and disease-free. However, busy schedules, long work days, and vacations easily get in the way of consistent feeding times. Luckily, you can use an automatic fish feeder to deliver food to your aquarium reliably and accurately without much input from you at all.

Our all-around favorite automatic feeder is the EHEIM Automatic Feeding Unit . It’s very reliable, it’s made with high-quality and durable materials, it includes a fan to keep food dry, and it can feed your tank for long periods while you’re away.

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3 Automatic Fish Feeders for While You’re on Vacation

By: Chewy Editorial Updated: January 20, 2021

travel fish feeder

Home / BeSmart / Shop Savvy / 3 Automatic Fish Feeders for While You’re on Vacation

You’ve got your aquarium set up nicely and your fish are happily swimming about the tank, but now you have a vacation planned. How will you feed your fish? While you can ask your neighbor or perhaps a relative to help out with feeding your fish, it might be better to invest in an automatic fish feeder. An automatic fish feeder can perform those duties for you, and you won’t have to rely on someone who might forget.

Automatic or vacation fish feeders have been around for a long time and have come a long way from the days when you just dropped a big piece of fish food into the tank so the fish could eat when they wanted, or a cumbersome piece of hardware that didn’t always work as described.

The march of technology has made automatic fish feeders easier to use and program. These devices enable you to basically, as Ron Popeil said on his old rotisserie informercials, “set it and forget it.”

Today’s fish feeders often use digital technology to spread out a 24-hour fish-feeding schedule. This enables fishkeepers to fully control the portions their fish receive to avoid clouding the tank’s water.

Within this roundup, we will look at three modern automatic fish feeders for aquariums.

1. EHEIM Everyday Fish Feeder Food Dispenser

fish food dispenser


Automatic fish feeders, like EHEIM’s Everyday Fish Feeder Food Dispenser, frequently take advantage of digital technology to make the fish feeding task nearly effortless.

Incorporating splash-proof buttons and the capability to automatically feed fish for up to a week, EHEIM’s Everyday Fish Feeder Food Dispenser may be the right fish feeder for you.

It features a 100mL flake food (or granule) capacity and an aerated chamber to ensure the food stays fresh. You can program the dispenser for a single feeding per day or twice feeding through its secondary program.

Simply add AA batteries, set the dispenser’s digital clock and set the feeding time. You also can feed your fish manually, and the device mounts to the side of your tank for easy servicing.

Note: Freeze-dried foods are not compatible with this unit.

2. Current USA AquaChef Aquarium Fish Feeder

automatic fish feeder

This vacation fish feeder can feed fish automatically up to four times a day. The unit mounts to the side of the aquarium by a mounting bracket and enables users to adjust the amount of food dispensed as well as provide a single or double feeding.

This fish feeder uses a moisture-resistant food hopper to keep fish food fresh and can dispense most types of food, including flakes, pellets and even food crumbles. It comes with the required two AA batteries, so you can program and mount the fish feeder right out of the box. It also comes with a one-year warranty from Current USA.

3. Fish Mate F14 Aquarium Fish Feeder

automatic fish feeder

The Fish Mate Aquarium Fish Feeder can be mounted on the glass edge of the aquarium, the hood or on a condensation tray. Once you install the AA battery, set the timer and schedule up to 14 feedings, so if you feed your fish once a day, you can schedule up to 2 weeks of feeding. The fish feeder also supports up to four timed feedings a day and comes with a 3-year warranty.

With an automatic fish feeder, you won’t have to worry if your fish are fed on time. Just top off the water in your tank, clean out your fish tank filters , set your vacation fish feeder and enjoy your trip!

By John Virata

Featured Image: via Chewy Studios

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Modest Fish

5 Best Automatic Fish Feeders Tested & Reviewed 2024

Katherine Morgan

  • January 20, 2024
  • Maintenance Gear Product Reviews

I tested five different automatic feeders by installing them on aquariums in my house and using them for several months.

I really like the Eheim Programmable Fish Feeder the best; it’s easy to use and reliable. But, this feeder doesn’t work well on rimmed tanks. It does great as a sit-on-top feeder or mounted on the side of a rimless tank, but the bracket doesn’t attach well to tank rims.

For rimmed tanks, I liked the Petbank (previously named Zacro) Rechargeable Automatic Feeder. I was able to clamp this feeder on the plastic rim of my 55 gallon tank and have used it for several months now. It has done a great job of staying in place and dispensing food every day. But, this feeder is not a good choice if you need a sit-on-top feeder; its base is not heavy enough.

This review will explain how I tested each of the five fish feeders and ranked them.

Review Overview: Best Automatic Fish Feeders

Test results for automatic fish feeders

Eheim Programmable (Best for Rimless Tanks)

  • Dimensions: 2.5″ x 2.5″ x 5.5″
  • Batteries: 2 AA batteries (included)
  • Max Feedings per day: 4

Eheim Programmable Fish Feeder was my favorite overall for rimless tanks. During months of testing it was easy to use and reliable.

Simple operation

  • Long time between battery changes
  • Stable base for sit-on-top operation
  • Fan keeps food dry
  • Mounting bracket does not work well on rimmed tanks

Eheim auto feeder mounted

Overall Score : 4.4/5

Installation: 4/5

Programming: 4/5

Reliability: 5/5

Petbank Rechargeable (Best For Rimmed Tanks)

  • Dimensions: 6.5″ x 4.72″ x 3.46″
  • Batteries: Rechargeable

Petbank (previously Zacro), did an excellent job staying in place and dispensing food over the months of testing. Ideal for rimmed ranks but not as a sit-on-top as the base is not heavy enough.

  • Long battery life
  • Rechargeable battery
  • Simple programming
  • Great grip on the side of tank
  • Only clamps to the thin part of a rimmed tank
  • Can’t be used as sit-on-top feeder

Zacro auto feeder mounted on fish tank

How I Tested the Automatic Fish Feeders

I wanted to get a genuine feel for what it’s like to use these feeders. 

So, I installed each of them on some of my aquariums and investigated what it was like to use each one. On a daily basis for several weeks.

In particular, I was looking at:

  • How difficult is it to install the feeder on different kinds of tanks? 
  • How stable is the clamp that holds the feeder on the side of the tank?
  • Can it be mounted on the side of the tank? Or will it only sit on top of the lid?
  • Programming – how difficult is it to get scheduled feeding times programmed into the feeder?
  • Power Source – does the feeder run on batteries or does it need to be plugged into power? Does it use disposable batteries or rechargeable ones?
  • Reliability – does the feeder reliably maintain its scheduled times? Or can things like power outages potentially interfere with operation?

Best Automatic Fish Feeders Reviewed

best automatic fish feeders boxed

1. Eheim Programmable Fish Feeder

  • Installation – works on rimless or as a sit-on-top but does not work on rimmed tanks
  • Programming – very simple to program, up to 4 feedings a day
  • Power Source – AA batteries
  • Reliability – extremely reliable and has a fan that keeps the food dry

Eheim automatic feeder unboxed

This is my top choice of all the feeders I tested.

Eheim has made a simple to use, super reliable little workhorse with this feeder.

It only takes a few button presses to program in up to 4 feedings per day. You can program the drum to turn one or two times for each feeding.

The only real problem I had with this feeder was trying to get it installed on my rimmed tanks. The clamp that it comes with works well on a rimless tank, but it was not able to get a stable grip on any of the tank rims.

I ended up preferring to use this as a sit-on-top feeder rather than using the mounting bracket. The base of the feeder is heavily weighted, making it very stable, even when the drum is completely filled with heavy food, like pellets.

It runs on two AA batteries. I was able to run it for over 5 months on the same batteries. 

This Eheim feeder is straightforward and simple. It gets the job done with very little fuss. I highly recommend it.


  • Simple operation 
  • Extremely reliable


Top Pick For Rimless Tanks: Eheim Programmable Fish Feeder

Last update on 2024-08-22 / Commissions Earned / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

2. Petbank (previously Zacro) Rechargeable Automatic Fish Feeder

  • Installation – works on rimless and rimmed tanks but is not weighted enough for sit-on-top operation
  • Programming – very simple to program, 4 different feeding times
  • Power Source – rechargeable battery
  • Reliability – very reliable, keeps food dry and holds onto programming as long as battery is charged

Zacro rechargeable automatic feeder unboxed

I’ve really been impressed with this feeder. It has reliably fed my fish every day for several months. It dispenses a consistent amount of food for each meal.

You can mount this feeder on a rimless tank, but it is not weighted enough to be used as a sit-on-top feeder. 

You can also mount this Petbank (previously Zacro), feeder on a rimmed tank, but you may only be able to get it to bite down on a small portion of the tank rim. I thought this might make the feeder really precarious, but it’s held on for months with no problem.

Well, I did manage to knock it off one time, but I accidentally hit it really hard with a bucket, so I can’t really blame the feeder.

It has always kept the food dry, and it has a great battery life, going over 6 months on a single charge.

This feeder would be my number one choice for a rimmed tank.

Top Pick For Rimmed Tanks: Petbank Rechargeable Fish Feeder

3. Noodoky Rechargeable Automatic Fish Feeder

  • Installation – works on rimless and rimmed but is not weighted enough for sit-on-top. This has the best clamp out of all the feeders tested. 
  • Programming – easy to program up to 4 feedings a day
  • Reliability – mostly reliable but charge doesn’t last as long as the Zacro

Noodoky automatic feeder unboxed

This feeder is kind of middle of the road as far as I’m concerned. It wasn’t at all bad, in fact, I like the mounting clamp on this feeder better than all the others.

But, its base is not weighted enough for it to be used as a sit-on-top feeder.

Noodoky automatic feeder mounted on fish tank

The programming and rechargeable battery are very similar to what you get from the Zacro feeder. However, the battery charge on the Noodoky does not last as long as the Zacro. 

I got 6 months from one charge on the Zacro, but only 4 months on the Noodoky. For this reason, I took a point off for reliability for the Noodoky.

But, I do have to say, that if you’ve had a hard time getting other feeders to clamp onto the side of your tank, you might want to try this one since the clamp opens so wide.

  • Best clamp among feeders tested
  • Around 4 months of battery life
  • Can’t be used as a sit-on-top feeder
  • Battery life isn’t as long as the Zacro

Noodoky Automatic Fish Feeder

4. Fish Mate F14 Aquarium Fish Feeder

  • Installation – works as a sit-on-top feeder, but cannot be installed on the side of the aquarium
  • Programming – you can “program” up to 4 feedings a day with this feeder
  • Power Source – single AA battery
  • Reliability – can be somewhat unreliable. You have to make sure to check on it because there is no indicator to tell you it has power.

fish mate f14 auto feeder unboxed

To be honest, I do not like this feeder AT ALL. 

First off, it’s a HUGE pain to load food into this thing. The food goes into little individual compartments of a wheel inside a feeder. The wheel isn’t actually attached to anything, it just rests there so it can easily turn.

So, if you give the feeder the slightest bump, the wheel moves and dumps food everywhere. I cussed a blue streak more than once while testing this feeder.

fish mate f14 feeder mounted

You “program” this by putting little red pegs into holes at intervals around a large central dial. The mechanism works like old school clockwork, the big dial slowly turns like the hour hand on a clockface. 

When the dial hits a peg, it pushes the wheel that you put food into along and dumps the food from one of the compartments out of the bottom of the feeder. 

This part works fairly well, but there is no indicator to let you know the feeder has power or is working. So you have to set it up and then keep checking back on it to make sure that the wheel is turning and dispensing food.

Several times during testing I set it up but the wheel didn’t turn. I kept having to mess with it to get it to work.

What’s the point of an automatic feeder if I have to check up on it a bunch?

Also, at most, you can only set up 14 individual feedings with this device. All the others on the list have a turning drum that you can load with 5 times as much food. 

This feeder is way more of a pain than it is worth. I really don’t recommend it.

  • Can’t really think of any
  • Pain in the butt to load with food
  • Can only be used as a sit-on-top feeder
  • Only holds 14 feedings
  • No power indicator

Fish Mate F14 Aquarium Fish Feeder

5. iLondafish Wi-Fi Aquarium Feeder

  • Installation – I could not install this feeder on any of my tanks. The mounting bracket doesn’t cinch down tight enough for a rimless tank and won’t grip a rimmed tank solidly enough to be stable. The slightest touch and it falls into the tank water. Base isn’t heavy enough to be a sit-on-top feeder.
  • Programming – programming with the free smartphone app is great
  • Power Source – must be plugged into a USB
  • Reliability – any loss of power will dump all of the saved settings

ilonda auto feeder unboxed

As much as I hated the Fish Mate, this one is even worse. For the first time ever, I handed out scores of zero points. 

Yep, it was THAT bad.

This is definitely the most high tech of all the feeders that I tested. 

You can easily program in scheduled feedings by downloading the free iLonda app and connecting the feeder to your phone or tablet over Wi-Fi. 

Then you can quickly and easily program in multiple feeding times. 

And all that is super cool, but the design of this feeder makes it basically useless. 

I really, really wanted to like this feeder. The app makes programming it so easy, but it’s got some huge flaws.

I don’t like that you have to keep this feeder plugged into power all the time. I understand that staying connected to Wi-Fi takes up a lot of power, but it’s much more convenient for feeders to run on batteries. 

Then you don’t have to figure out how to make room for yet another cord around the back of the fish tank.

There is another major downside to this automatic feeder: if it loses power, even for just a few seconds, it loses all of its programming. 

All of your settings are still saved on the app, but you have to reconnect to the feeder on your phone and toggle the on/off slider for each saved mealtime. If you don’t do this, the feeder just doesn’t dispense at all. 

Even worse, there’s no visible indicator of this. The light on the top of the feeder just stays on like it always does. You can walk right past it and have no idea that it’s not functioning anymore.

So, you’re always running the risk that any little power blip will disable your feeding schedule.

Unfortunately, the power blips off at my place quite regularly. So, this pitfall is a major pain in the butt at my house.

But worst of all, I could not get this feeder installed on any of my tanks, rimmed or rimless.

I could not get this filter to attach properly to my 55 gallon or my 40 gallon long, both of which have rims.

travel fish feeder

The bracket would screw on, but the screws don’t grab on tightly enough. At the slightest touch, the feeder dumps itself into the tank water.

And the bracket doesn’t tighten down enough to even pinch the glass on a rimless tank at all. There is a big gap between the screws and the side of the tank. 

You can kinda get it to hang there, but it sits at a funny angle, is completely unstable and food can’t go out the door of the drum.

So, I really like the app, but this is otherwise completely useless. 

  • Super easy to program times with free app
  • Can repeat feedings on certain days of the week
  • Could not install it on any of my tanks!
  • If the power goes out, it loses all programming
  • Can’t use if you don’t have Wi-Fi
  • Has to be plugged into the wall

LONDAFISH Fish Feeder, Plastic, Multiple Pets

Which Automatic Fish Feeder is Best?

The Eheim is the best automatic fish feeder for rimless and sit-on-top applications. And the Zacro for rimmed tanks.

Definitely, my favorite of all of these has been the Eheim automatic feeder. It’s really simple to install and use.

The only real problem I had with this feeder was trying to get it mounted on the side of my rimmed tanks. The bracket just really didn’t fit properly over the plastic rim on either my 55 or 40  gallon tanks. 

I had no choice but to make it a sit-on-top feeder. 

So, if you really have your heart set on mounting the feeder on the side of the tank, and your aquarium has a rim, the Zacro feeder might be a better choice for you. 

I couldn’t get the bracket on the Zacro to grab the entire rim, only the thin part that sticks up, but this feeder has solidly stayed on the tank other than being hit with a bucket like a wrecking ball.

The Zacro feeder has been really reliable and I’ve gotten months of use out of a single charge. It’s kind of amazing.

I hope you find this article helpful.

Top Pick For Rimless & Sit-On-Top Applications: Eheim Programmable Fish Feeder

Do You Need an Automatic Fish Feeder?

Maybe? Maybe not?

I highly recommend getting an automatic feeder set up if you plan on leaving your house for more than a few days and need to make sure your fish get fed.

I have seen so many horror stories over the years on forums that were caused by someone having to leave an inexperienced person in charge of feeding their fish. 

So often, people who don’t know much about aquariums drastically overfeed fish when left to their own devices. 

I’ve seen countless stories about tanks that were turned into toxic soup . Friends and relatives mean well, but they get fooled by fish that constantly beg for food . 

They end up dumping WAY too much food into the tank, the food rots and ammonia and nitrates skyrocket. 

It’s bad news.

It’s often better to get an automatic feeder set up so you can ensure an appropriate amount of food is being added to the tank and the correct number of meals are dispensed each day.

However, I don’t generally recommend that you use an automatic fish feeder for prolonged daily use. It’s better to feed your fish by hand and ensure that all the food is being eaten. If uneaten food starts to accumulate in the tank, it can put off deadly ammonia and kill your fish.

That’s why I always recommend that you watch your fish closely while they eat. Don’t just dump food in the tank and walk away. Really watch them. 

Plus, getting to feed your fish and watch them get excited and dart around the tank for food is one of the best parts of having an aquarium, in my opinion.  

There is a certain amount of trial and error with getting any automatic feeder set up. Make sure that you experiment with how much food is dispensed at meal times with the feeder off the tank. This prevents accidentally dumping too much food into your tank. Get the ration figured out and then install the feeder.

Katherine Morgan

  • Katherine Morgan

Hey, there! I'm Katherine from Northwest Florida. An aquarium specialist, I've kept tanks for over two decades, enjoy experimenting with low-tech planted setups and an avid South American cichlid enthusiast.

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The Aquarium Guide

Best Automatic Fish Feeders in 2024

Adam Edmond Image

  • By Adam Edmond

travel fish feeder

Check Latest Price

Whether or not you are at home, the Eheim automatic fish feeder will ensure your beloved fish are fed the right amount at the times you select daily. Program feeding times throughout the day. Simply input the time selection and portion size in the auto fish feeder, and rest assured that the Eheim is on the job and will feed your fish. 

It’s straightforward to use and has an easy-to-read user manual to help you precisely set your feeding routine. The unit can hold 100 ml of fish food and will dispense the food in the selected portion sizes. 

Fish pellets often turn stale near a humid environment, but the built-in fan and ventilation system on the automatic feeder help keep the fish food dry.

  • Automatic fish feeder
  • Feeds the right amount of food
  • Set feeding time per day 
  • Built-in ventilation system 

Why We Like It

We like the built-in fan and ventilation system that keeps the food in the auto fish feeder fresh for feeding time.

2. Fish Mate F14 Aquarium Fish Feeder

Fish Mate F14 Aquarium Fish Feeder

The Fish Mate automatic fish feeder gives you a clear view of the food that remains in the unit for your fish. You have complete control over the food in each compartment, eliminating the risk of overfeeding your fish. There is enough room in the auto fish feeder to feed your fish for 14 meals.

The feeder timer is easy to set to feed your fish from 1-4 times daily. The quartz-powered timer is up to the task of feeding your little marine creatures at the same time every day. With just one AA battery, you can expect to power the automatic fish feeder for a year! The battery indicator light will notify you when the battery starts running low.

  • Clear view of the food
  • Easy to use
  • Lower battery indicator
  • Quartz timer

Whether your fish eat twice or even four times daily, the automatic fish feeder can get the portion size right and dispense food effectively.

3. Petbank Automatic Fish Feeder (CY009)

Petbank Automatic Fish Feeder

You never have to worry about a flat battery leaving your fish hungry with this Petbank Automatic Fish Feeder . Recharge the device with the USB cable, but it can also operate on AA batteries or the built-in lithium battery. The device is more economical on your wallet and better for the environment.

The lithium battery is 800 times rechargeable! It’s a large-capacity feeder capable of holding 200ml of fish food and can dispense the correct portion sizes of granules, pellets, flakes, and powders. You can set the feeding times for the day and how much food to dispense. It is the perfect device for all fish species.

  • Rechargeable lithium battery
  • Large food portion capacity
  • Suitable for different fish food types
  • Can feed up to 4 times a day

Why We Like It 

A rechargeable battery keeps the money in your wallet and a smile on your face, knowing you never need to worry about a flat battery.

4. Torlam Auto Fish Feeder

Torlam Auto Fish Feeder

The timer of the Torlan automatic fish feeder is easy to program, and you can set it to feed your fish every day. You can mount the fish feeder on the side of the tank or the tank lid, whatever suits your tank design. A moisture prevention design also keeps the food dry to minimize clumping and keep the food fresh. It’s compatible with most fish foods, including flakes, pellets, powders, and more.

The rotatable pedestal makes it easy to fill up the food compartment, and the large capacity of the food chamber decreases the frequency of refills.

  • Easy to program and set
  • It can be mounted in two places
  • Keeps food fresh and dry
  • Rotating pedestal

Why We Like It  

It doesn’t matter what type of tank you have; you can mount the automatic fish feeder on the lid or the side of the tank.

5. Havergo Automatic Fish Feeder for Aquariums

Havergo Automatic Fish Feeder for Aquariums

The Havergo automatic feeder has several great design innovations that make it an excellent choice for an automatic fish feeder. Including a sealed chamber for the fish food is handy, but the mixer is ideal for breaking up clumps to ensure accurate dispensing. 

Equipped with a large feed container of 230 ml, the feeder is ideal for larger tanks to help eliminate frequent refilling. The high-tech feeding system controller is intuitive, and you can set six different daily feeding periods with adjustable feeding volumes. If your fish are large and slow to digest food, this unit allows alternative day feeding to minimize waste buildup in the tank.  

Sadly, the feeder is only for fish pellet food of 1-4 millimeters in diameter. Powders, flakes, and liquids cannot pass from the feeding opening. 

  • Regular feeding intervals of 1-6 times per day
  • Feeds pelleted food of 1-4 mm in diameter for easy dispensing
  • The stirrer helps prevent clogging
  • A sealed silo tank stops moisture and bug penetration

The design is minimalist, and the programming feature is easy to use. With an AA battery backup and USB rechargeable batteries, a sudden loss of power won’t stop the feeder from doing its job.

6. Petbank Automatic Fish Feeder for Aquarium

Petbank Automatic Fish Feeder

The futuristic design, diverse feeding chambers, and unique feeding programmability of the Petbank Automatic Fish Feeder for Aquariums are just some of the things you will love about this automatic fish feeder. 

Unlike other feeders with a single food chamber for your fish food, this feeder has 16 compartments (15 being usable for feeding, and the 16th chamber the dispensing chamber). You can select different foods for each ration and time when to dispense the food. 

You can’t feed flakes or shrimps from this feeder, but you can feed mealworms and different sizes and shape pellets. The feeding chamber is also fully secured to prevent it from getting wet and clogging the food. 

Rations can be up to two grams in weight, and the automatic feeder is ideal for any size tank that receives a ration of this size at a time. Using the programmable feeding schedule, you can select three feedings daily, with up to three compartments per feeding. Set the schedule to feed every day, every second day, every third day, or even every fourth day. 

Use the suction cups or the clamps that attach to the side of the aquarium to mount the automatic feeder. 

The 700 mAh battery is fully rechargeable with a USB, lasting for as much as two months per charge. There are no additional battery systems as a backup.      

  • There are 15 feeding chambers 
  • Many different feeding scheduling options 
  • Can feed up to three compartments per session 
  • Individual rations can be tailored according to what your fish need

The feeder looks like a flying saucer—what’s not to like? The design is classy, and the functionality of the LCD screen is excellent for setting a more intricate routine for feeding.

7. Aoyar Automatic Fish Feeder for Aquarium

Aoyar Automatic Fish Feeder

The Aoyar Automatic Fish Feeder offers a rather unique take on reducing waste when feeding your fish. The feeder comes with a feeding ring secured to the tank side with a suction cup. This prevents the food from floating all over the water’s surface, helping fish eat more efficiently and preventing excess food from sinking to the bottom.

Use the auto feeder to dispense meals 1-4 times a day, and set the feeder to spin 1-3 laps of the silo, helping to control the amount of feed dispensed. 

Swing the feeder around when refilling, and it can comfortably handle all types of fish food except liquids. The sliding feed port helps eliminate moisture problems. 

  • Large silo capacity of 200 ml 
  • Dispense food by rotating 1-3 laps of the silo
  • Set 1-4 feeding periods per day
  • Includes fish feeding ring

Adding a feeding ring helps minimize wastage, and the silo is moisture sealed, helping to reduce clumping and blockage.

8. Hygger Large Programmable Auto Pond Feeder

Hygger Large Programmable Auto Pond Feeder

But what about when you have a large aquarium or a pond with big fish to feed? What then? Luckily, the Hygger Large Programmable Auto Pond Feeder will handle all your large-volume meal rations.  

The Hygger is a large-scale automatic feeder that delivers bigger rations aimed at fully grown big fish. The feeder can dispense pellets or sticks sized 4-10 mm, so only feed fish that are large enough fish with this feeder. Also note the feeder dispenses 25 grams per ration with the small auger or 90 grams with the large spaced auger, which does limit ration sizes a little. 

The automatic feeder can hold a total volume of 5 pounds of food, which means you can fill it, and it will last several weeks, depending on how many fish you are feeding and how frequently. 

The timer can set six feeding slots daily, while the feeding auger can set 1-9 portions per feeding. This is an ideal automatic feeder if you regularly feed portions of 25 grams and are going away. 

Note that the feeder has a pillar base and is mounted externally to the tank, not on the side of the canopy. 

  • Can feed fish for several weeks with the large capacity feeder
  • Select feeding per day or alternate on which days to feed
  • Electrically powered, and no battery power
  • One of the few feeders that has the capacity for large-size pellets

The Hygger feeder is an ideal automatic feeder for ponds or large aquariums of 100 gallons or more, and it feeds rations of 25 grams or more. 

9. Hygger Automatic Fish Feeder for Aquarium, WiFi Intelligent Fish Food Dispenser with APP

Hygger Automatic Fish Feeder

Suppose you have the budget and want a really intelligent automatic fish feeder that you can monitor long distances. In that case, the H ygger Automatic Fish Feeder for Aquarium, WiFi Intelligent Fish Food Dispenser with APP is for you. This automatic fish feeder comes with WiFi and a 2K HD camera so you can see your fish, record them, and do visual inspections while traveling (or if you’re stuck at work). 

By connecting the feeder to a power bank, you can ensure your fish are never without care due to a power outage again. The rechargeable feeder connects with USB for charging, and you can go to town with the detailed app that allows you to change the feeding routine, even when you’re not there. 

The app even informs you when the feeder is running low on food so you can fill it up before your feeder is empty. It also records each feeding, so you can create a comprehensive feeding record, which is ideal for sensitive fish.

  • WiFi connection for remote access
  • 230 ml capacity container 
  • 1-15 meals per day
  • Accurate feeding up to 0.1 grams per meal
  • Additional power supply via power bank

The use of technology is excellent with the Hyger WiFi auto fish feeder. The food chamber is sealed against moisture, helping to prevent clogging of the feed mechanism.

10. Tropinova Aquarium Automatic Fish Feeder

Tropinova Aquarium Automatic Fish Feeder

Finally, for a fish feeder that’s super affordable, practical, and really easy to refill, the Tropinova Aquarium Automatic Fish Feeder is an ideal option. The design is elegant, and there are no unnecessary frills that you end up paying for. 

To refill the feeder, simply slide the feed hatch forward, add your feed, close it, and set it for automatic feeding. The unit runs off two AA batteries; you can choose rechargeable batteries to cut costs further. 

The large 200 ml food silo can feed 5-6 fish for about a week, and you can set the amount the feeder should provide based on how many rotations per feeding you choose. Choose 1-3 daily feeding times and determine the ration size you’d like fed.

A great bonus is that the feeder can handle flakes, pellets, sticks, powders, and more, so you don’t have to change your fish feed simply to match the feeder’s requirements.    

  • Affordable and versatile design
  • Large food silo 
  • 1-3 feeding per day
  • Determine food ration based on silo rotations
  • Waterproof food shield
  • Easy to fill

This is an excellent beginner-friendly automatic fish feeder. It’s super easy to program, and you get all the basic features and an easy-to-fill feeder that fits rimless and rimmed tanks .

Best Automatic Fish Feeder Buying Guide

Aquarists hate going on holiday because they dread returning to a tank with little bloated fish floating on the surface from not eating enough. Automatic fish feeders are the solution, but getting the right one is essential. 

There are a few considerations to examine to check whether your new automatic fish feeder will really meet your and your fish’s needs. If you follow our guide, you will choose an auto fish feeder that will feed your fish according to your routine and give you several years of service. 

The size or capacity of an automatic fish feeder refers to how much fish food your auto feeder can hold. A larger one is necessary for a large capacity tank with many fish, as it will decrease the frequency of refills. However, you may not need a large-capacity automatic fish feeder if you only have a couple of fish or baby guppies.

So, to determine the device size needed, look at how much food you usually dispense per feeding session. Larger fish tend to eat more, so even if you only have a few, you may need to buy a larger one than a tank with a few smaller fish.

The battery is another essential consideration when shopping for the best automatic fish feeders. Most fish feeders require AA batteries to operate. If you choose such a model, we strongly advise purchasing one with a low battery indicator. It will notify you a while before your battery runs out, ensuring the unit has enough power to run for a scheduled feeding routine when you are away.

An automatic fish feeder with rechargeable batteries is a great option to save on costs. These rechargeable feeders have USB cables that plug into any compatible device or adapter. 

Recharging it frequently or continuously ensures the auto fish feeder will always continue working in your absence. If you choose a unit that offers both an AA battery and a rechargeable lithium-ion battery, then you really have the best of both worlds.

Portion Settings

You must ensure you feed your fish the right amount of food with the automatic feeder to avoid overfeeding. The timer control will also dispense food to your aquatic creatures at the right time daily. Automatic fish feeders with quartz timers offer the highest precision.

You also need to check the fish feeder can dispense the correct type of fish food, whether it be powders, pellets, flakes, and more. You don’t want to switch up your fish’s diet just to use the automatic fish feeder. 

Correct feeding greatly influences your fish’s health, including their color , immunity, and development, so choose a feeder that can handle the proper feeding routine.

The following setting is the frequency or how often your automatic feeder distributes food daily. Most of our top feeders can dispense food 1-4 times daily. Generally, your aquatic companions should eat several smaller meals rather than one or two big meals throughout the day. Overfeeding in one session encourages the decomposition of leftover food, so smaller meals are best.

It’s easy to forget and skip a meal here and there when you are busy, so to avoid these mishaps, rely on an auto feeder to feed your fish at a predetermined time.

An LCD screen is very handy with this type of device. While an LCD screen may be a luxury that many deem unnecessary, seeing just how much food you are putting in and all other relevant details will be helpful when setting up the device.


Moisture is your number one enemy when storing fish food (and this includes the food in your automatic feeder). The best automatic fish feeder will have safeguards to reduce moisture buildup in the compartment. What happens when too much moisture accumulates in the automatic feeder? The dry fish food will clump up, clog the feeder, and eventually lead to a malfunction.

Placement on the Tank

The next part is the mounting of the automatic feeder. The type of mounting fixture of the feeder will depend on your tank design and setup. Some feeders are mounted on the side of the tank or the lid.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

How does an automatic fish feeder work.

Each fish feeder has an internal timer that you preset to dispense a measured portion of food at a particular time of the day. Its primary purpose is to feed your fish whenever you aren’t home.

You can set it to feed your fish as many times a day as you need. If you only use the feeder to feed your fish when you are at work, then select a twice daily schedule. Choose the feeding schedule that suits your daily fish feeding needs.

How Can I Feed My Fish While on Vacation?

An automatic fish feeder is the best way to keep your fish fed while traveling. If you have a roommate or family nearby, you can also ask them to help. However, humans are fallible, and the best way to ensure your fish will enjoy seamless feeding is with automatic fish feeders.

You may even find an automatic fish feeder an indispensable part of your life whether you are on vacation or not. We lead busy lives, and sometimes, taking time out of your day at specific intervals to feed fish just isn’t possible. If true for you, you can benefit from one of these automatic fish feeders.

Are There Downsides to an Automatic Fish Feeder?

The one downside you may have yet to consider is the lack of interaction with your fish. You may miss out on feeding joys if you rely only on an automatic fish feeder. However, using a fish feeder may be inevitable when you go on vacation.

However, there could be possible risks to using an automatic feeder. If you don’t check on battery levels, the feeder may run out of power when you least expect it and place your fish at risk. Always check whether the feeder you buy has a rechargeable lithium-ion battery or alternative power source.

Is All Fish Food Compatible with an Automatic Feeder?

Not all fish feeders are created equal. Some fish feeders cannot handle a particular type of food. You’re in luck, however, because most of the feeder options we presented can be used for all types of fish food (except for live types). You must ensure your fish feeder meets your pets’ dietary needs.

Hopefully, your aquarium inhabitants will thrive on the same type or relatively similar food to make things easier.

What Are the Benefits of an Automatic Fish Feeder?

Fish feeders provide more benefits than not. One benefit, and we’d argue that it’s the biggest, is the freedom it provides when traveling. You no longer need to worry about getting home at a particular time to meet your fish’s feeding schedules. The worst thing an aquarist can do is forget to feed their fish and maintain the tank conditions .

With a feeder, you won’t owe your friends and family members any favors for asking them to take care of your fish when you are out of the country. Another thing that all pets, no matter the species, benefit from is consistency. Consistently feeding your fish at set intervals will ensure their health.

A fish feeder can take care of that for you without you needing to rush home and stop what you are doing.

There is no debate that an automatic fish feeder is one of the best additions to your tank. Not only does it benefit your fish buddies, but you as well. You also have the option to hand feed and enlist the help of a fish feeder if you don’t want to cut off all interaction with your aquatic pals completely.

If you aren’t sure about where to begin, you can refer to our top 10 list as a good starting point and use our guide to help narrow down all the choices. With the right fish feeder, your life will become infinitely easier!

Did You Know?

When you clean up all the leftovers in the tank you avoid contaminating the water. Fish are naturally opportunistic and they will eat whatever food they find, so they may not always be hungry at feeding time. Only allot a specific amount of food; if you start noticing your fish do not devour it all, you can lessen the amount.

Excess food will contaminate the water and cause a rise in nitrite and ammonia levels, but it can also clog the filters. So, use an automatic feeder to minimize overfeeding and waste.

4 thoughts on “Best Automatic Fish Feeders in 2024”

I should have one of these. I am usually busy away from home and these will really help me.

Yes, everyone should get one of this. I just got mine last week before I went for a short holiday.

My flakes in my rotating fish feeder get wet and clump bad. How do i keep my food dry so it will dispense?

You probably placed it a little too near to the water level. Try to place it higher. =)

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Best Automatic Fish Feeder: for Everyday Use, Vacations, Kids’ Aquariums, & More

best automatic fish feeder

As a kid, the idea of an automatic fish feeder weirded me out.

We had a gravity-based one in place for my cat whenever we traveled – which encouraged the already chubby kitty to go hog wild over that kibble – and I never thought I’d like them for any other purpose.

But as an adult, I’ve grown to see the value in having a high-quality, well-made automatic fish feeder.

There are some days when I’m just too stinkin’ tired to get up and sprinkle in the food the betta and firefish need. There are weekends when I’m running around like an insane person trying to run all those errands I didn’t get to during the week.

And then there are travel weeks. I can’t ask my cat to feed the fish, so I use an automatic feeder .

When I first started out, though, I thought all feeders were pretty much the same. But since doing some research and looking into them for my own use, I realized why we need a deep dive into the products.

Some of them work great, some of them don’t work at all, and some of them work great for only specific things.

So, if you’re like I was before getting started in fish keeping, you’ll want to know a few things about these auto fish feeder reviews and how to interpret them.

Best Automatic Fish Feeder Quick-Find Table

Do you need an automatic fish feeder if so, when.


If you’re new to taking various types of fish or simply looking into upgrades for your fish tank, you’ve probably seen lots of comments on aquarium fish feeders and auto feeders for fish.

If you don’t travel a whole lot, you might not think twice about these handy devices.

But I do have a few arguments I’d like to present for why you might need one and when you might employ it.

Everyday Fish Feeding is So Much Easier with an automatic fish feeder

If you’re on a work-from-home schedule like more of us are nowadays, it’s easy to think you’ve got all the time in the world to get everything done.

However, if you’re like me, you’ve realized that working from home tends to mean working 24/7.

If you’re not sitting at the desk, you’re dreaming about the work you need to get done the next week.

One of the things I’ve done to help myself find more time in my daily life for the necessities of life – let alone the pleasurable things like, oh, eating pizza with the spouse – is by simplifying with simple tools that ease up my schedule.

It might seem like a small thing, but an auto fish feeder for everyday feedings frees up stress and time.

I wouldn’t use one every day for every feeding.

After all, some of the fun in keeping fish is watching those little boogers dart around chasing the flakes and pellets – but an auto feeder frees up my hands and mind for moments when I just don’t need to have one more thing on my checklist.

The Right automatic fish feeder Can Help Your Kids Keep Their Pets Alive

Another thing I love about a high-quality, easy-to-use automatic fish food dispenser is that kids can keep their fish alive longer using them.

I mean, maybe your kids are nothing like I was, but when I was little, my fish usually died within a week because I’d forget to sprinkle in those flakes regularly. And my little heart was crushed every time.

If the auto feeder you get is easy to use, has a good battery life and easy to understand LCD display, your kids can learn to better care for their fish with a little help from a Fishmate F14 or IDS Home Automatic Aquarium Feeder.

Travel Times and Late Nights are Worry-Free with an automatic fish feeder

If you do work from an office, like to travel, or sometimes have a social life, you could also potentially benefit from an automatic feeder.

With a dispenser dropping food at 11 pm for you when you’re out at a Christmas party or Fourth of July bash, you can stop worrying about that Angelfish and Tang making it through the evening without you.

And if you get the right feeder, you can set it up for fish feeding times throughout the day for a single day, a long weekend, or in some cases, a full week while you’re out of town.

I’d still ask the neighbors to take a peek if you’re gone that long, but at least you’ll be worrying less about the fish getting enough to eat while you’re gone.

No More Issues with Overfeeding with an automatic fish feeder

Another benefit of automatic feeders for fish tanks is that they give out proper portion sizes every time.

They measure, so you don’t have to. Just program the device – or use the sliding feature – to designate the right amount and you’re all set.

Disadvantages to automatic fish feeder usage

Of course, with all technology, even simple mechanical pieces like auto fish feeders, there are some disadvantages and glitches.

Sometimes automatic fish feeders Fail

While the highest-quality feeders that are well-maintained rarely do so, fish feeders can fail.

The wrong food, too much moisture, the wrong setting, or a piece of food that gets misplaced can all cause aquarium auto feeders to fail from time to time.

That means your fish could go without food or could have too much food dumped into the environment – which usually means overfeeding.

Ammonia spikes can happen, algae breakouts are at risk, and fish getting ill can all happen from food build-up in a fish tank.

So when you are home, check the functionality of your auto feeder fairly regularly, and if you’re away, ask a neighbor or friend to check on the feeder to make sure it’s working properly.

And, more importantly, make sure you’re getting a highly rated option that users report few jams happening with. ( Hint hint: All the ones we recommend below pass this test. )

Frozen Fish Food May Cause Issues with Your automatic fish feeder

If you’ve got an aquarium dwelling critter who loves the frozen food route, you may find that some feeders won’t help him out too much.

Be sure to look carefully through the reviews and make sure your frozen food options will work with them, otherwise, despite quality manufacture, you may have a malfunctioning feeder on your hands.

Automatic Feeders May Decrease Your Aquarium’s Aesthetics


Some people don’t mind the look of the best auto fish feeders, but some folks just don’t like them.

If you’re super picky about the way things look, be sure to find a feeder that can be placed discreetly or won’t be objectionable to your set up.

How to Choose the Best Automatic Fish Feeder for Aquariums

Since there are about a thousand options out there in nearly every category of fish keeping accessory, it’s important to make solid notes on what you do and do not need in a new device.

If you’re new to auto feeders for fish, you’ll particularly want to pay close attention so you know what to look for as you dive into this deep end.

Think through your needs first, and then compare and contrast the various features, functions, options, and who’s going to be using the feeder to take care of your fish from day to day or while you’re away.

How Much the Hopper Holds

The very first thing on our list can sometimes be a little tricky to determine. As I’ve done research and tried out feeders myself, I’ve still found I just don’t know on some of them.

But if you can find out how much the hopper holds, you’ll have a pretty solid idea of how much food you can dispense over a given period of time.

Be mindful of the fact that the number of fish you have will probably change a few times over the next six months to a year.

After all, who doesn’t want more fish? – and that you may need a few different fish food dispensers or feeders capable of feeding different type of fish you have.

And if you travel a lot, have late nights, or otherwise just expect to use the auto-feeder all the time without tons of maintenance, keep in mind how much time you need to have your feedings covered for you in a given week.

Top Tip: Be sure to check the capacity – and the reviews noted from the real-life users on how accurate that capacity is.

Battery Life of the Feeder

Not all of the models tell you how long they last. As I did my own reviews, I mentioned the times whenever I could calculate them, but the easiest way to estimate battery life is by seeing how many batteries and what types they use.

Top Tip: A good quality AA battery lasts for  4.2-watt hours  typically, which means two will generally run your feeder for about 2.5 months or more, if it feeds your fish two to three times per day.

To help improve your chances of never running out of power – a problem which can lead to illness for your fish from not being fed properly – it’s a good idea to look for a device with a clear battery indicator.

Is There a Ventilation System or Fan?

Most of the models I’ve come across in my search do not offer specs on the ventilation of the devices.

However, there are a few models that state that they include a “fan and ventilation system,” while others say things like, “moisture-resistant hopper.”

Both of these mean your fish food will last longer without going bad or clogging up the dispenser’s works.

Ease of Use

ZOO Wroclaw Africarium

An obvious point in this question is also how easy is the feeder to use.

All of the ones I’ve recommended below are easy to set up, mount, clean, and maintain, but that is not true of all fish feeders out there.

Be sure to check the reviews on all of these issues before purchasing. Nobody wants a feeder that’s more of a headache to use than feed the fish without.

What Type of Food Does the Feeder Hold?

When it comes to fish feeders, they’re definitely not all created equally.

Not just quality of manufacture changes from feeder to feeder, but the types of food they can put out for your fish changes from model to model.

Many automatic fish feeders hold flakes, powders, or pellets, but some are more limited.

If you have a particular type of food you’re offering to your fish while you’re gone, be sure that the automatic fish feeder you choose holds that kind of food.

Author Note: Most automatic feeders don’t do great with fish flakes. They’ll stick together in the feeder and clog it up.

Your Purpose for the Automatic Fish Feeder?

Additionally, it’s important to know what your purpose is before you buy an automatic fish feeder.

Are you planning on using them for a weekend? A week? Every day so you don’t have as much daily maintenance.

Top Tip: Different feeders meet different needs. Be sure that the feeder you’re purchasing has reviews that mention your specific needs.

What Kind of Programmability Does the Feeder Offer?

Programmability is one of the best features of an automatic fish feeder. However, some of them are exceptionally complicated.

If you’re tech savvy and have the desire, go for it!

If you’re looking for something simple, though, be sure to look for an automatic fish feeder that doesn’t have a lot of frills.

How Frequently the Feeder Will Dispense Food

The final thing to look into before choosing fish feeders for tanks is how frequently you can set it to feed your fish.

Author Note: If you feed your fish twice a day, most models will work for you.

But if you have several species who eat at different times, that’s a big factor in which feeder(s) is right for your situation. Be sure to pay special attention to this feature.

Reviews of the Best Automatic Fish Feeders

Through research and my own use of automatic fish feeders, I’ve uncovered what I believe are the best options, listed below.

There are options for everyone, including people with small tanks, betta fish, fish who eat pellets, and more.


When you look up the best automatic fish feeder for pellets, you’re going to find this one on almost everybody’s list.

I was skeptical – always am of anything with that much across the board enthusiasm from reviewers – but as I dug in, I saw why the Eheim Battery Operated Auto Fish Feeder is so popular among reviewers and real-life users alike.

The Eheim Automatic feeding unit is a simple, easy to use automatic fish feeder unit that anyone can use.

It’s easy to program, has a “feed now” type override button for feeding outside of scheduled feeding times, and has a great LCD screen for easy programming and understanding of what’s going on.

What you need to know about this feeder:

  • Best for: Fish that eat often, everyday feedings, long travel plans
  • Type of food: Most types of food
  • Number of feedings per day: Maximum of 8 feedings per day
  • Quantity per feeding: 100 milliliters, or 3.3 fluid ounces
  • Plugin or battery-powered: 2 AA batteries
  • Max capacity: up to 6-weeks’ worth of feedings with certain foods
  • Fan included: Yes
  • Feed Now Button: Yes

If you read all the specs, you’ll see why this is such a popular unit among the 2,300+ real-life users who’ve reviewed it on Amazon, and why I use it when I need an auto fish food dispenser.

It’s easy to set up for use, easy to take apart for cleaning, holds a lot of food – flakes and fluids, specifically – and is incredibly easy to program for feedings up to 8 times per day over a 6-week period.

This is the perfect feeder for anyone who travels for long periods of time, travels often, or simply doesn’t have the capability of giving frequent feedings on a daily basis.

The fan and ventilation system included is designed specifically with this kind of low-maintenance lifestyle in mind, helping to keep the food dry and aerated to avoid rot.

The feeder features:

  • Easy to read LCD screen and programming
  • Easy start guide
  • Splash-proof buttons
  • Adjustable slider for easy portioning
  • Drum won’t stop with feed slot in the downward position

The Eheim automatic feeder comes with a 3-year warranty from the manufacturer.

>> Tap Here to Read More Reviews and See Today’s Price on <<

#2. Ycozy Automatic Fish Feeder Digital


For a straight up, easy to install, easy to use automatic fish feeder, the second most popular choice on the web, the Ycozy Automatic Fish Feeder Digital Automatic fish feeder not only allows you to feed your fish up to 4 times a day.

But it allows you program different rotations within those feeding times.

If you’re not sure which way to set up the feeder, you’ve got two choices. You can either use the built-in clamp – which is extremely adjustable – or grab some double-sided and apply the lightweight feeder to the outside of your aquarium.

The feeder allows you to use just about any feed type you need and requires standard AAA batteries that will keep the feeder going for up to 3-months straight without needing to be replaced.

  • Best for: Daily feedings, weekend travel, odd hours/late nights
  • Type of food: Flakes, pellets, powders, strips
  • Number of feedings per day: Up to 4 feedings per day, 1-2 rotations per feeding
  • Plugin or battery-powered: 2 AAA batteries
  • Max capacity: Unspecified
  • Fan included: No

Another nice thing about this feeder is that it works for fish, frogs, turtles, or any other aquatic animal because the feeder can handle almost any type of food.

Just follow the instructions carefully for set up to make sure the gears don’t get stuck.

Easily program the feeder to give out food up to four times per day by clicking through clock and program settings. Just set it to local time and let it go.

Then, to adjust the amount of food dispense, adjust the slider to increase or decrease the portion as necessary per rotation.

The Ycozy Automatic Fish Feeder digital automatic fish feeder comes with the 2 AAA batteries, an instruction manual, and a 12-month warranty with great customer service.

#3. FishMate F14


If you’ve got a betta, a pocket of goldfish, or tend to just be gone for the weekend, the Fishmate F14 automatic feeder might be the ticket for you.

The feeder uses a timer to carefully portion out the food and release according to the settings you put for this flake-friendly feeder. (Though it works with all types of fish food.)

The Fishmate F14 timed automatic fish feeder is one of the easiest options on the market.

The feeder offers up to 14 individual feedings, based on how you set it up. And, thankfully, set up and programming is pretty darn easy.

  • Best for: Betta, goldfish, weekend, short holidays, late nights,
  • Type of food: All types of food, including flakes
  • Number of feedings per day: Up to 8 times per day
  • Plugin or battery-powered: 1 AA battery only
  • Max capacity: 14 individual meals
  • Feed Now Button: No

You can mount this unique and versatile feeder on the aquarium hood or the edge of the glass with provided brackets.

Just fill the feeder – 14 meal slots in the feeder – and set the timer using the simple instructions provided. You can give your fish a varied diet easily with this one!

The feeder is compact and reliable. And you can attach an airline from a small aquarium pump to blow dry air through the feeder to keep it dry and fresh without clogging up the works.

The feeder is appropriate for aquariums up to 39 gallons for small to heavily stocked aquariums.

It should be noted that the portions per meal are fairly small, so this is not the solution for a week-long vacation, unless you only need a few meals per each.

IDS feeder

For the very basic, budget-friendly automatic fish feeder, the IDS Home Aquarium Feeder is a great option.

The little feeder puts out food once or twice a day, depending on your needs, and keeps ticking away until the next time.

The IDS Home Aquarium Feeder kind of looks like a clear pencil sharpener with it’s clear auto feeder drum that drops off food for your fish either every 12 or 24-hours, depending on the setting you choose.

Fill up the feeder and let it go for up to several days, depending on the number of fish you’ve got.

  • Best for: Everyday use, short trips away, kids’ fish keeping
  • Type of food: flakes and granules
  • Number of feedings per day: 1 or 2
  • Plugin or battery-powered: 2 AA batteries (not included)

Personally, I like this one for everyday use and for kids’ aquariums more than anything else.

It’s easy to load up with enough food for several days for one or two fish or with food for one or two days for several fish.

The feeder allows use of granules or flakes, making it an easy to use feeder for kids and many of the most popular starter fish buddies.

Quickly give a manual feeding, too, with the quick “manual” button that releases a single serving into the water.

The feeder is really easy to clean, which is another reason this makes for a great first automatic feeder for kids to use.

They can watch the clear drum clear out a few times each week before cleaning it on their own, use the simple settings to re-establish the timings, and voila – done!

The feeder also uses a unique swirl control for smooth, silent operation that helps prevent clogging and jamming, whatever type of food is used.


If you’re looking for a high capacity feeder for your large aquarium or pond, the P7000 automatic fish food feeder is the way to go.

This sucker holds up to 30 cups of food (6.5 pounds) and allows for up to 3 timed releases of food throughout a single day.

This large, high-quality automatic feeder is a great option for those with large tanks, ponds, or for those who travel often and need lots of feedings timed out for them while they’re gone.

The P7000 allows up to 3 feedings per day, with variable feeding sizes to get in the right amount of your school.

Variable feed sizes

  • Best for: Ponds, large tanks, long trips
  • Type of food: Just about anything
  • Number of feedings per day: Up to 3 feedings per day
  • Plugin or battery-powered: 4 C batteries (not included)
  • Max capacity: 30 cups / 6.5 pounds

The automatic feeder is a free-standing feeder or an be mounted on a base for whatever your situation is.

The free-standing option is best for outdoor settings where the green of the feeder blends in more naturally than other models might.

The feeder operates smoothly, quietly, and simply, with super easy installation and simple programming options.

Just be sure to read the manual for finding the quickest, easiest ways to set everything, especially before heading out on a long trip.

Your Vacation and Late Nights Can Be Worry-Free

Automatic fish feeders can make life so much easier, and far less worrisome. You install the feeder, fill the hopper, set the timer, and let them run.

Just check them often, keep them clean, and be aware of how well your fish are taking the to automatic feeding schedule.

You’ll most likely discover happier, healthier fish swimming around.

About The Author

travel fish feeder

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Betta Care Fish Guide

How To Feed Betta Fish While On Vacation (Top 6 Ways)

Last Updated on 2023-11-24

One of the biggest questions most fishkeepers ask is how to feed betta fish while on vacation. Fortunately, there are lots of different solutions for you. So if you’re scratching your head wondering how to feed your betta fish while on vacation, then you’ve come to the right place.

Keep reading to find out 6 different methods you can use to make sure your betta doesn’t starve while you’re on vacation!

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

  • The best option to feed betta fish while on vacation is to ask a friend, family member, or neighbor to feed the betta, as they can follow instructions and even perform water changes.
  • Fasting the betta for short periods (up to 4 days) is a natural and beneficial option, mimicking their wild feeding patterns and aiding in digestion.
  • Using a high-quality mechanical auto-feeder is a reliable choice, with caution against cheap feeders that may malfunction and overfeed the betta.
  • Feeding blocks are an option but may not disperse food evenly and might lack necessary nutrients for the betta.
  • Feeder fish, especially fry, can be introduced to the tank if it’s large enough, providing live snacks for the betta.
  • Leaving the betta in a pet store while on vacation is a last resort option, with potential downsides such as transportation stress and exposure to diseases from connected tanks.

How To Feed Betta Fish While On Vacation

There are 6 common ways to feed betta fish while on vacation. Obviously, none of them are going to be as good as if you feed him yourself. However, for short periods of time, they can work. Here are the best options.

Ask A Friend/Family Member/Neighbour

This is by far the best way you can make sure your betta is fed while you’re on vacation. Getting someone to feed him every day is going to cause the least amount of stress for you and your fish.

As long as they follow your instructions then they’re going to do a great job of feeding your betta . As well as feeding, they’ll also be able to check your betta and make sure that everything’s okay.

If you’re going away for a longer period of time and they’re willing, they can also perform water changes for you which will be extremely beneficial.

However, there are some problems with letting other people feed your betta . First of all, they may feel bad for your betta only getting a couple of pieces of food, and overfeed him. Not only is this bad for his health but any food he doesn’t eat will also pollute the water and potentially cause an ammonia spike.

A good way to overcome this is to use a pillbox to ration out his food. If you do this, then they can only give him so much a day. If you don’t want to use a pillbox then make sure they know how important it is that they don’t overfeed your betta.

Even though they think he looks hungry, remind them that he’s just being greedy.

Don’t Feed Him

This is another option that may sound cruel, but actually, maybe quite good for your betta. If you’re only going on a weekend break (no more than 4 days) then you don’t need to worry about your betta being fed.

Think about it this way, in the wild, they wouldn’t get food every day. And not only is this going to mimic the natural way of life for them, but it’s also going to help their digestive system. Fasting bettas is fairly common, and it’s a great way of reducing the chances of them becoming constipated.

However, be warned, you shouldn’t fast your betta for more than 3 days. After 3 days your bettas body will go into starvation mode, which will stress him. This stress can often result in an increased chance of sickness.

Lastly, this may not be recommended with juvenile bettas or bettas that are elderly. They’re not going to be as strong as a healthy adult betta.

feed betta fish,vacation

Use A Mechanical Auto-Feeder

This is the second-best option on the list IF you buy a decent auto feeder. If you buy a cheap one then it could be extremely damaging and even fatal to your betta.

Mechanical auto feeders work by rationing food out daily that you put into them. When you have a high-quality one they release the food exactly when you set them. However, if you have a low-quality one, then trouble can normally occur.

A lot of the time with low-quality auto-feeders, the food doesn’t get dropped out at all, or even worse it all drops out at once. Your betta simply can’t eat all the food that’s dropped out at once and it quickly starts to rot. And obviously, once it’s rotting the ammonia levels in your tank begin to soar.

As well as not being the most reliable, cheap feeders can often let moisture into them. When moisture enters them it ruins the food that you’ve been storing. In a lot of cases, it will clump together which once again results in large amounts coming out at the same time or getting stuck completely.

So if you’re going to buy a mechanical feeder, make sure you buy one you can trust. I personally like to use the EHEIM Automatic Feeding Unit , which can store more than enough for a couple of weeks on holiday!

Lastly, when choosing a mechanical auto feeder there are two things you need to consider. If you get a battery-powered one, then there’s a chance the batteries are going to run out. However, if you get a plugin one, then there’s the chance that it could short circuit. While the chances of this happening are slim. It’s still important not to rule it out.

Using Feeding Blocks

Another choice is to use feeding blocks. These are similar to auto-feeders in theory. You just put the block in your tank it will disperse food over a certain time period. That’s what they’re supposed to do anyway.

However, most of the time they don’t disperse food evenly. Your tank just ends up with too much food being released at once causing pollution. Or not enough food being released which means your betta spends a lot of time going hungry.

On top of this, a lot of the feeders don’t have the required nutrients your betta is going to need in them. They’re most often made for omnivorous tropical fish. If you’re going to use feeding blocks, you should use them as a last resort, when all other options aren’t going to work.

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Use Feeder Fish

If it’s possible, you could always let your betta eat feeder fish if you’re going on holiday for a short period of time. When we’re talking about feeder fish, I don’t mean fully grown fish, but rather fish fry.

All kinds of fry can work, just make sure that you’re adding enough to keep your betta satisfied, but not too many that they’re going to grow to adolescence.

If you want to add feeder fish, it’s best off only doing it if you have a larger tank. If you’re keeping your betta in anything smaller than 10 gallons and the feeder fish grow to full size, then the bioload will be too much for a smaller tank.

Endler’s livebearers and platies can also be another option if your tank is big enough. They are constantly breeding, and their babies will make a great live snack for your betta!

(Have you ever wondered whether bettas should eat daphnia , bloodworms , or goldfish food ?)

Leave Them In A Pet Store

While this option isn’t as common anymore there’s no harm in asking. Some pet stores allow you to leave your fish with them for a couple of weeks if you’re going on holiday (for a price of course).

The benefit of this is that you know that your betta is going to be looked after and not fed too much etc. However, there are also some downsides.

First of all, it’s never good to transport fish too much as it’s going to cause stress. Not only are they going to be stressed by transportation. but they’re also going to have to adjust to different water parameters which will affect their body too.

Lastly, a lot of pet stores have tanks that are all connected. If there’s a disease in one of the tanks, then it could end up reaching your betta.

Just like using a feeding block this one should be a last resort and not the first thing you should go for.

Check out this video on how to care for your betta during vacation!

Final Thoughts On How To Feed Betta Fish While On Vacation

As you can see there are a lot of great methods you can use for feeding your betta fish (and some that you can use as a last resort). Ideally, you should find a friend, neighbour or family member that will look after your fish while you’re away. And if you’re only going away for a couple of days then don’t be afraid to fast your betta.

Failing mechanical feeders make great choices and if you can’t get one of those then try adding some feeder fish to your tank.

Lastly, if you really have to, try leaving your fish at a pet store or leave food blocks in your tank for them.

Now that you know how to feed your betta while you’re on vacation you may think your jobs done. However, tank maintenance will still be required if you’re gone for longer periods of time.

If you want to master the tricks of Betta fish care, you need a complete guide. Click here to read one!


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Giant rat-sized spiders that feed on fish return to the UK with 10,000 breeding females

22 August 2024, 14:15

The Fen Raft Spider is back in the UK in great numbers after a successful project to save them from extinction

By Alice Dear

The Fen Raft Spider is expected to have its best year on record after conservation work to increase the numbers of this once almost extinct species.

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A spider species known for growing as large as a rat and feeding on fish is set to return to areas of the UK in huge numbers with an estimated 10,000 breeding females on the loose.

We're of course talking about the Fen Raft Spider, a large brown arachnid that can grow to the size of man's hand and spins webs of up to 30cm.

It is the biggest species of spider found in the UK (out of the 660) and eats anything from dragonflies to small fish and tadpoles, which they hunt as they run across water.

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The Fen Raft Spider is back in such vast numbers after conversation work by the RSPB and Chester Zoo who have helped the spiders back from the edge of extinction.

The Fen Raft Spider can grow as large as a rat and feeds on fish

In 2010, the project was created to breed the spider species and later release them in the wild, in habitats more suitable for them to live. Two years later, the RSPB released the Fen Raft Spiders to Cantley Marshes and since then they have spread to surrounding areas, mostly around Norfolk and Suffolk.

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The Fen Raft Spider lived for hundreds of years in the wetlands of the UK, however, during the industrial revolution many of their habitats were destroyed and by the 20th Century they were almost extinct.

While people who have a phobia of spiders won't be happy to hear this news, experts have reassured the public that they are not venomous and prefer to live in marshy areas - in other words, not in your home!

The Fen Raft Spider is not venomous and is mostly found in the wetlands of the UK

Tim Strudwick, the reserves manager for the RSPB in Norfolk said on the project: "We just don’t know how far they are going to spread and that’s what’s exciting, seeing which bits of habitat they take over next."

He went on: "The fen raft spider is one of the UK’s rarest invertebrates and we are proud of the role our reserves and teams have played in its recovery.

“These spiders have an important role in maintaining the rich aquatic diversity found in the grazing ditches on our reserves. The females are impressive in size, but also beautiful – they are truly special to see.”

  • Read more: Experts reveal the house plants that repel spiders as they invade homes
  • Read more: 8 ways to protect your home from spiders as they invade this autumn

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PENN-PLAX Daily-Double Automatic Fish Feeder for Aquariums – Battery Operated (AA) – Features On/Off Switch – Perfect for Vacations, Holidays, and Weekend Travel

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PENN-PLAX Daily-Double Automatic Fish Feeder for Aquariums – Battery Operated (AA) – Features On/Off Switch – Perfect for Vacations, Holidays, and Weekend Travel

( $22.49 / Count )

On/Off Switch

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About this item.

  • PERFECT FOR VACATIONS & HOLIDAYS: The Daily-Double Automatic Fish Feeder is the perfect solution for aquarists who want to make sure their fish are fed during a weekend trip, a vacation, or a holiday stay. The large capacity food drum holds enough flake food for up to 4 weeks!
  • FEEDS TWICE A DAY: This battery-operated fish feeder cycles through 12-hour intervals, and requires 1 AA battery to operate. In other words, this feeder automatically feeds fish twice a day. Please note that this is a preset setting, and cannot be changed or altered. The newly featured On/Off switch allows you to better set each 12-hour interval. Battery Not Included.
  • FLAKE FISH FOOD: The Daily-Double Automatic Fish Feeder is designed to dispense finely crushed flake food. Larger flakes should be broken up to prevent clogging. If you wish to try pellet food, fill the drum only to 1/3 capacity, and check regularly for proper rotation.
  • KEEPING MOISTURE OUT: To keep food dry, do not place above any bubbling aquarium accessories, such as air stones, aerating ornaments, or turbulent filters. The moisture created by these accessories may be absorbed by the flakes, causing unnecessary clogging.
  • ADDITIONAL FEATURES: This feeder can be either mounted to a tank or can be freestanding on top of an aquarium cover or lid. In addition, there’s a built-in adjustable food dispenser that allows you to regulate the quantity of food your fish are receiving. Moreover, this newest model includes an On/Off Switch, allowing you to set when the 12-hour interval begins.

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PENN-PLAX Daily-Double Automatic Fish Feeder for Aquariums – Battery Operated (AA) – Features On/Off Switch – Perfect for Vac

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Take a Closer Look at the Daily-Double Automatic Fish Feeder

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  • Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 4 x 3 x 4 inches; 5.6 ounces
  • Item model number ‏ : ‎ DDAF5
  • Date First Available ‏ : ‎ January 5, 2023
  • Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Penn-Plax
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BRQXQVD9
  • #149 in Automatic Fish Feeders

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Shop PENN-PLAX for All Your Pet’s Needs: PENN-PLAX is a manufacturer and distributor of top quality pet supplies, who specialize in creating excellent pet products for animals, both great and small.

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  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 1 star 54% 9% 15% 7% 15% 15%

Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them.

To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness.

Customers say

Customers have negative opinions about the amount of food that the pet feeder dispenses. They say that it doesn't quite put out enough food for their goldfish, and that it's hard to control the amount. They also dislike moisture, condensation, and flakes. Opinions are mixed on performance, quality, ease of use, and value.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Customers have mixed opinions about the performance of the pet feeder. Some mention that it works well, while others say that it didn't work. Some customers say that the feeder works reliably with granulated food, pellets, or crisps, while other customers say it didn’t work at all.

"This works great for my aquaponics system - feeding the fish...." Read more

"...I suppose for a big tank with lots of fish this might work but it doesnt work for me ...." Read more

"...It works reliably with granulated food , pellets or crisps...." Read more

" it gets wet, which it does by the fact that it is over water, it stops working . So, great for a few days.. but after that becomes jello food mess" Read more

Customers are mixed about the quality of the pet feeder. Some mention it is very reliable and the battery lasts forever, while others say it was kinda hard to set up and broke before they could even use it. Some say it's of good quality and function properly, while other say it is somewhat flimsy and not good for long term use.

"...I did destroy the first one I had because the inner works snapped when I tried to manually adjust it...." Read more

"... Great quality & the humidity doesnt get inside." Read more

"...The unit is plastic and the initial impression is that it is somewhat flimsy ... so far so good, though." Read more

"...The food lasted two weeks while we were away. Fish survived. It doesn't required setting time of day so is a very simple machine...." Read more

Customers are mixed about the ease of use of the pet feeder. Some mention it's extremely easy to use and simple, while others say it'd be hard to set up and not programmable.

"...It doesn't required setting time of day so is a very simple machine ...." Read more

"...The feed timing can't be adjusted , except to choose when you want the cycle to begin; it always feeds 12 hours apart...." Read more

"...I was gone for 3 weeks and my fish were fat and healthy. Extremely easy to use and barely uses any battery...." Read more

" These feeders are simple . So they just work. They are THE most reliable auto feeder out there and I have tried most of them...." Read more

Customers are mixed about the value of the pet feeder. Some mention it's worth every penny, a good deal, and pleased with the performance for the price, while others say it'd be better off buying a different product. The feeder is cheaply built and has poor quality components.

"... Great little feeder for the price . No issues so far." Read more

"...The bad; The tabs to load the feed chamber are extremely cheap plastic and brittle, BE CAREFUL OPENING IT" Read more

"This is my second purchase for this item and I absolutely love it ! Inexpensive and easy to use...." Read more

"... great for the price ." Read more

Customers are dissatisfied with the amount of food this pet feeder dispenses. They mention that it dispends too much food, it's hard to control the amount, and it makes a mess. Some say that the food gets clumped up inside the machine and it molded.

"...It does dispense a lot of food so I put some tape over the whole to save the problem. Great quality & the humidity doesnt get inside." Read more

"...a huge bottle....but unless the drum is filled a good way the pellets just drop out ...." Read more

"...this isn't a very accurate method of measuring, and the amount per feeding can vary a lot depending on factors such as the type of food and how full..." Read more

"...This one scoops just too much pellets even when it’s dialed down to minimum!" Read more

Customers are dissatisfied with the moisture that gets inside the pet feeder. They say that the moisture buildup causes the food to stick together and block the feeding. Some customers also mention that the water splashed on it stopped working.

"...User modifications:I had some issues with moisture collecting in the drum and spoiling the food, so following the advice in other reviews I..." Read more

"...1. The moisture build up causes pellets or flakes to stick inside and block the feeding hole or worse is when mold builds up inside and you will..." Read more

"...They operate well but moisture gets inside the container and makes the food stick together...." Read more

"...size/design or the overall design of this feeder but the food inside the feeder got wet and clumped together on numerous occasions." Read more

Customers are dissatisfied with the condensation buildup in the pet feeder. They say that it makes the fish food soggy and moldy. Some customers also mention that the tank is cloudy for weeks after using the feeder.

" stick inside and block the feeding hole or worse is when mold builds up inside and you will have to throw away the fish food.2...." Read more

"...However, all the other reviewers are correct in that condensation does get into the feeder and spoils the food inside...." Read more

"Gets the job done but not for extended travel because food gets humid and clumps ...." Read more

"...came with everything working but if you put it above the tank condensation builds up and makes the fish food very soggy and the food won't come out..." Read more

Customers are dissatisfied with the flakes in the pet feeder. They mention that the fflakes have to be small or it won't function. The opening for the food scooper was way too big and would drop about 30 pieces of flakes. Some customers also say that the product is not for small tanks and that the fish doesn't like flake food. They also say the trays crunch up into dust.

"...The opening for the food scooper was way too big and would drop about 30 pieces of food at a time; my boyfriend and I were able to adjust the amount..." Read more

"...The only thing was that I wish the clamp fit my tank right . Thankfully I could lean it up against the bookshelf that I have my tank on...." Read more

"The hole of the feeder is a bit too big you have to make modifications to it." Read more

" Doesn't like flake food . Tends to clog and I have to clean it out a couple times a month. Does rotate and mount easily." Read more

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    hygger WiFi Automatic Fish Feeder, Intelligent Timing Fish Feeder, Automatic Dispenser Control with APP for Vacation, 230ML Large Capacity Auto Fish Feeder for Aquarium and Turtle Tank with USB Cable. $99.99. Check Latest Price. We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.

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    Slow release fish food is perhaps one of the cheapest solutions to feeding your fish while on vacation - a pack will only set you back a few dollars. Simply toss a few blocks of food into your tank before you leave. It's that simple. Fish food blocks are categorized by how long they will keep your fish fed.

  3. Amazon Best Sellers: Best Automatic Fish Feeders

    1 offer from $17.99. #7. API VACATION PYRAMID FISH FEEDER 14-Day 1.2-Ounce Automatic Fish Feeder, Whites & Tans. 5,732. 7 offers from $4.05. #8. SunGrow 2 Betta Feeding Ring, Prevent Water Turbulence from Washing Food into Filter, Practical Round Floating Food, Suitable for Guppy, Goldfish and Other Small Fish. 428.

  4. Vacation Fish Feeder

    Pawfly Automatic Fish Feeder for Aquarium Auto Vacation Timer Fish Feeder for Fish Tank 60 ml Adjustable Fish Food Dispenser for Pellets Flakes Strips, Battery Operated (Battery Not Included) 300+ bought in past month. $12.99 $ 12. 99 ($12.99 $12.99 /Count) FREE delivery Tue, Aug 20 on $35 of items shipped by Amazon.

  5. The 5 Best Automatic Fish Feeders of 2024

    Our Top Picks. Best Overall: FishMate F14 Automatic Fish Feeder at Chewy $23. Jump to Review. Best with Camera: EC Technology Automatic Fish Feeder with Camera at Amazon $99. Jump to Review. Best for Small Tanks: Petbank Automatic Feeder CY-109 at Amazon $31.

  6. The 8 Best Automatic Fish Feeder (TOP 20 Tested!)

    This is particularly beneficial for individuals who travel frequently or have busy schedules, as it eliminates the need for someone else to manually feed the fish. In addition to convenience, battery-powered fish feeders help maintain a consistent feeding routine, which is essential for the health and well-being of fish.

  7. The 7 Best Automatic Fish Feeders For 2024 [Tested And Reviewed]

    The Intellifeed is a great rechargeable fish feeder that works great as an everyday fish feeder. The head is able to rotate 360 degrees, a unique feature among the other feeders on this list. The battery in the fish feeder is a lithium-ion battery that can be charged using the USB cable supplied.

  8. hygger LCD Control Automatic Pond Fish Feeder, Capacity 5.5L,DC 12V

    hygger automatic large capacity pond fish feeder. hygger LCD control automatic pond fish feeder is specially designed for outdoor use, with good waterproof design, it can be installed beside the pond. It will run as what you set, automatically feed fish on time every day. This fish feeder is reliable to use, the capacity of the feeder container ...

  9. Vacation and Holiday Fish Care

    Fortunately, there are several easy options to feed your fish during holiday and vacation periods. Learn more about how to care for your fish while you're away. 01 of 07. Purchase a Vacation Feeder . The simplest option for feeding is to use vacation feeders. They are available in 2-day (weekend), 7-day, and 14-day sizes.

  10. 6 Best Automatic Fish Feeder Options (Reviews)

    Check Price on Amazon. Hydor Automatic Fish Feeder - Battery Powered, with Air Connection - Original EkoMixo. Check Price on Amazon. PENN-PLAX Daily-Double II Automatic Fish Feeder for Aquariums - Battery Operated (AA) - Great... Check Price on Amazon. Fish Mate P7000 Pond Fish Feeder. Check Price on Amazon.

  11. The Best Automatic Fish Feeders

    The Petbank Automatic Fish Feeder is great for bigger tanks (typically over 50 gallons). It has a large feed bucket (200 mL) and can hold a variety of different types of fish food, from flakes to powders and granules. ... if you want a fish feeder for when you travel, and you plan to leave the country for weeks at a time, you'll definitely ...

  12. 3 Automatic Fish Feeders for When You're Traveling

    Within this roundup, we will look at three modern automatic fish feeders for aquariums. 1. EHEIM Everyday Fish Feeder Food Dispenser. Automatic fish feeders, like EHEIM's Everyday Fish Feeder Food Dispenser, frequently take advantage of digital technology to make the fish feeding task nearly effortless.

  13. Automatic Fish Tank Feeder

    FREESEA Automatic Fish Feeder for Aquarium: Auto Fish Food Dispenser with Timer for Small Tank Betta Turtle - Battery Vacation Self Feeding for Flakes. ... Battery Operated (AA) - Features On/Off Switch - Perfect for Vacations, Holidays, and Weekend Travel. 3.8 out of 5 stars. 417. $21.97 $ 21. 97. FREE delivery Mon, Aug 5 on $35 of items ...

  14. 5 Best Automatic Fish Feeders Tested & Reviewed (2024)

    Last update on 2024-08-14 / Commissions Earned / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API. 4. Fish Mate F14 Aquarium Fish Feeder. Installation - works as a sit-on-top feeder, but cannot be installed on the side of the aquarium. Programming - you can "program" up to 4 feedings a day with this feeder.

  15. Best Automatic Fish Feeders in 2024

    Whether your fish eat twice or even four times daily, the automatic fish feeder can get the portion size right and dispense food effectively. 3. Petbank Automatic Fish Feeder (CY009) Check Latest Price. You never have to worry about a flat battery leaving your fish hungry with this Petbank Automatic Fish Feeder.

  16. Best Automatic Fish Feeder: Top 5 Reviews and Ratings For 2024

    BEST LARGE CAPACITY POND FEEDER. #5. P7000. If you're looking for a high capacity feeder for your large aquarium or pond, the P7000 automatic fish food feeder is the way to go. This sucker holds up to 30 cups of food (6.5 pounds) and allows for up to 3 timed releases of food throughout a single day.

  17. The Best Automatic Betta Vacation Feeders on the Market

    Because of the 360°rotation of the pedestal of digital fish feeder, you can rotate it to the satisfying position after it is installed. $25.98. Buy on Amazon. TOPBRY Digital Auto Vacation Feeder is an invaluable piece of kit for betta lovers who want the peace of mind that USB rechargeable batteries bring.

  18. Tetra Vacation Tropical Slow Release Fish Feeder Food

    TetraMin Tropical Tablets Bottom Feeder Fish Food, 1.69-oz jar TetraMin Tropical Tablets Bottom Feeder Fish Food,... Rated 4.2 out of 5 stars. 4.2. 33 Reviews. $5.29 Chewy Price. $5.03 Chewy Price. Add to Cart. Penn-Plax Pro Balance Vacation Starfish Shape Blocks Fish Feeder, 4 Starfis...

  19. : Ycozy Automatic Fish Feeder for Aquarium Auto Food

    Automatic Fish Feeder for Aquarium with Timer,LCD Display-320ML Large Capacity AdjustableFish Feeder Automatic Dispenser,Operated Feeders for Goldfish, Automatic Turtle Feeder for Vacation (Black) 26 $27.99 $ 27 . 99

  20. How To Feed Betta Fish While On Vacation (Top 6 Ways)

    Key Takeaways: The best option to feed betta fish while on vacation is to ask a friend, family member, or neighbor to feed the betta, as they can follow instructions and even perform water changes. Fasting the betta for short periods (up to 4 days) is a natural and beneficial option, mimicking their wild feeding patterns and aiding in digestion ...

  21. How to Feed Betta Fish While on Vacation: 3 Vet Approved Methods

    The 3 Ways to Feed Betta Fish While on Vacation. 1. Hire a Pet Sitter, Family Member, or Friend. Our first option is probably the easiest and best choice on our list. It's the best way to ensure seamless care while you're away. A set of eyes checking on your betta helps you stay on top of any issues while you're away.

  22. Pond Automatic Fish Feeder (4.5L),Large Pond Fish Feeder Automatic

    About this item 【Intelligence】The automatic pond fish feeder can be set up to achieve the effect of punctual and quantitative feeding. automatic fish feeder for pond can record an 8-second voice to imitate the owner's voice when feeding and play it at feeding time, and can be set to feed fish from 1 to 4 times a day at will, and auto fish feeder can set up to 99 days of reminder function.

  23. Giant rat-sized spiders that feed on fish return to the UK with 10,000

    Giant rat-sized spiders that feed on fish return to the UK with 10,000 breeding females. 22 August 2024, 14:15. The Fen Raft Spider is back in the UK in great numbers after a successful project to ...

  24. PENN-PLAX Daily-Double Automatic Fish Feeder for Aquariums

    FEEDS TWICE A DAY: This battery-operated fish feeder cycles through 12-hour intervals, and requires 1 AA battery to operate. In other words, this feeder automatically feeds fish twice a day. Please note that this is a preset setting, and cannot be changed or altered. The newly featured On/Off switch allows you to better set each 12-hour interval.