Trekking and Climbing Merbabu in Central Java: The Guide

Published by yokha on february 13, 2019 february 13, 2019.

Mount Merbabu (3145m above sea level) is located in the center of Java, facing Mount Merapi, so they are called “twin” volcanoes. Merbabu is a dormant stratovolcano, and is accessible from Semarang, Solo, Magelang or Yogyakarta. it’s up to you.

merbabu trip

  • From Semarang:
  • From Yogyakarta :
  • From Solo:
  • From Semarang:
  • From Solo :
  • From Yogyakarta :
  • 1.1.3 How to go to Cunthel
  • 1.1.4 How to go to Wekas
  • 1.2 When to go to Merbabu
  • 1.3 Is there an entrance fee and how much?
  • 1.4 Where to Sleep?
  • 1.5 Climbing Merbabu, with or without Guide?
  • 1.6 Where to find guide and porter service?
  • 1.7 Where to find hiking equipment?
  • 1.8 4 Mistake you should avoid before climbing Merbabu
  • 1.9 What to do around Yogyakarta, Semarang, Solo and Magelang?
  • 2.1 Via Selo
  • 2.2 Via Thekelan
  • 2.3 Via Wekas
  • 2.4 Via Suwanting
  • 3.1.1 Detailed Program and Itinerary
  • 3.2.1 Included :
  • 3.2.2 Excluded :
  • 4 Merbabu Mountain

9 Things You Need to Know Before Climbing Merbabu

Mount Merbabu (Indonesian: Gunung Merbabu) is a dormant stratovolcano in Central Java province on the Indonesian island of Java. The name Merbabu could be loosely translated as ‘Mountain of Ash’ from the Javanese combined words; Meru means “mountain” and awu or abu means “ash”.

The active Mount Merapi volcano is directly adjacent to its south-east side, while the city of Salatiga is located on its northern foothills. At 1,500m high broad saddle islands between Merbabu and Merapi, the site of the village of Selo, Java and highly fertile farming land.

There are two peaks; Syarif (3,119 m) and Kenteng Songo (3,145 m). Three U-shaped radial valleys extend from the Kenteng Songo summit in northwesterly, northeastly and southeastly directions.

How to go to Merbabu?

Merbabu is accessible from the villages of Thekelan, Chuntel, Wekas, Suwanting and Selo, which are also accessible from Semarang, Yogyakarta, Solo (Surakarta) and Magelang. Semarang and Yogyakarta have international airports with very good domestic connections. Solo also has a non-international airport. The most favourite route is from Selo.

How to go to Thekelan Village?

Thekelan is a small village in Salatiga. You can use private car for the most simple way to go to this village. This village also accessible from some city in Central Java. F

From Semarang:

  • You must find some bus to go to Salatiga.
  • From Salatiga, search bus to go to Magelang and stop at Kopeng Tourism area.
  • From here, you must continue with ojek to go to Thekelan Village.

From Yogyakarta :

  • From Jombor Bus Station, search bus to go to Magelang.
  • From Magelang, search bus to go to Salatiga and stop at Kopeng Tourism area.
  • From here you must continue with ojek to go to Thekelan Village.
  • From Tirtonadi Bus Station, search bus by route Solo-Semarang
  • Stop at Salatiga Bus Station.

How to go to Selo?

Selo is small village in Boyolali city, located beetwen Merbabu and Merapi. You can use private car for the most simple way to go to this village. This village also accessible from some city in Central Java.

  • You can go with Semarang – Solo Bus (IDR 20.000)
  • Stop at Sunggingan Bus Station, Boyolali. Then walk to Sunggingan Traditional Market.
  • Continue with small bus to go to Cepogo Traditional Market ( IDR 15.000)
  • Continue with small bus to go to Selo Traditional Market ( IDR 10.000)
  • From here you must continue to the Selo Climbing Office with Ojek (IDR 20.000-25.000)

From Solo :

  • From Tirtonadi Bus Station, go with Solo-Semarang Bus ( IDR 10.000)
  • Stop at Pandanarang Hospital
  • You must using Train to go to Solo Balapan Train Station (Pramex)
  • From Balapan Train Station walk on the bridge to go to Tirtonadi Bus Station
  • Follow the step from Solo.

How to go to Cunthel

This village have same transportation with Thekelan, after that just ask to Ojek driver that you want to go to Cunthel Basecamp.

How to go to Wekas

The first thing you must to do is go to Magelang.

  • Take a Magelang – Salatiga bus and then stop at the gate of Wekas Village
  • Take ojek from the gate of Wekas Village to the Wekas Basecamp.

When to go to Merbabu

Merbabu is usually closed between Januari to Februari and if there is forest burn or Rescue Operation.

Is there an entrance fee and how much?

  • Foreign Tourist IDR 280.000/person
  • Local Tourist IDR 30.000/person

Where to Sleep?

Kopeng as a tourism area have more varian of homestay and hotel, while in Selo you have limited homestay. You can also looking for hotel in Solo or Yogyakarta with many variable of hotel.

Climbing Merbabu, with or without Guide?

Having a guide is not mandatory. However, if you want to climb in peace and in your pace, having a guide is the best option.

Where to find guide and porter service?

To use the services of a porter, you must contact the climbing post of each routes to ask for the availability of a guide and porter. Or you can use travel organizer services to accommodate your needs.

Where to find hiking equipment?

It is almost impossible to rent camping equipment, especially since the hiker very often starts from point A and ends at point B. The best is to bring your own equipment.

4 Mistake you should avoid before climbing Merbabu

  • Not bring enough water, some route have no water source. water source is very limited at Merbabu.
  • Hiking alone and not well informed about the track, especially when you start from Cunthel and Thekelan.
  • Not Bring proper equipment for hiking, sometimes the wind blow very strong at Merbabu.
  • Coming when Merbabu is close for hiking activity.

What to do around Yogyakarta, Semarang, Solo and Magelang?

There is many thing to do around Yogyakarta, Semarang, Solo, and Magelang. There are many tourism object you can visit like temple, beach, kraton, etc.

Hiking and Climbing Mount Merbabu

merbabu trip

The climb of Mount Merbabu can be done by several route or trails:

merbabu trip

The Merbabu Via Selo hiking trail is currently a relatively more crowded route than the other lines. Beautiful scenery with savannas that spread wide make the trip more enjoyable. Coupled with this route, the nearby neighboring Merbabu Mountain, Merapi, can be seen clearly.

At the beginning of the climb, climbers will be greeted by a welcome gate from Gunung Merbabu National Park. Entering the forest gate, the atmosphere of the left and right lanes is filled with pine trees and leaks, in the afternoon it will feel cool. The road is still quite gentle for a 15 minute journey. After walking 1-1.5 hours arrived at post 1 (Dok Malang). This post is still in the thick of trees.

After post 1, the track has not felt quite steep, there is one climb that is quite steep and at its peak is a shadow post. Only after walking 20 minutes from the shadow post climbers will arrive at post 2 (Pandean) the distance from 1-2 posts is practically long.

Furthermore, the distance between posts 2 and 3 is not far away. About 45 minutes walk, climbers will arrive at post 3 (Watu Tulis) the scenery here is quite beautiful with Merapi which is quite clearly visible when the weather is not foggy. Coupled with the lush edelweiss trees.

Towards heading 4 (Sabana 1) climbers will be faced with a fairly steep path. lanes with clay dominance easily make your steps slip. You have to be more careful across this section.

Sabana 1 is one of the interesting places for camping, its flat place and beautiful scenery may be the reason for the climbers to choose to set up their tent here. But the wind in this place is quite fast, even more so it is prone to storms.

From savanna 1 to heading to savanna 2 (post 5) it does not take a long time. Only about 40 minutes. The path is in the form of a steep slope, although not as tight as between post 3 to post 4 but the wind is quite strong at night. After reaching the top of the hill we will walk down and arrive at post 5 (savanna 2). Although the wind exposure still feels great but in my opinion this is the best place to set up the tent.

If you want to enjoy the sunrise at the top, you should start waking up at 3 am to prepare breakfast and climb to the top. Travel time to the top is around 1 – 1.5 hours. If you are lazy to wake up in the morning, sunrise can be enjoyed on the east hill of savanna. The advantage of this route is that sunrise can be enjoyed along the hiking trail.

Note: for climbers who start from Selo, water needs must be taken from the bottom/basecamp because all the way to the summit there is no water source.

Via Thekelan

Climbing from Pos Tekelan begins with passing fields and pine forests. From here we can see a very beautiful view towards Mount Telomoyo and Rawa Pening.

At the Pending Post we can find a spring, we will also find a small river (Kali Sowo). Before reaching Pos I, we will pass Pereng Putih and must be careful because the roads are very steep. Then we must pass through the dry river, from here a very beautiful view down to see the city of Salatiga especially at night.

From Pos I we will pass heterogeneous forest towards Pos 2, heading to Post 3 the path starts to open and the road starts to climb steeply. We will cross Mount Pertapan, the blast of strong winds is felt here, especially when in the open area. We can take refuge in Watu Gubug, a hollow stone that 5 people can enter. It is said that it is the gateway to the kingdom of supernatural beings.

If there is a storm we should not continue the trip because it will be very dangerous. Approaching post 4, we have to cross Mount Watu Tulis, the path is rather steep and lots of small sand and gravel that makes the track slippery, strong winds carry dust and sand so we must be ready to close our eyes when there are strong winds. Post 4 is at the top of Mount Watu Tulis with an altitude of 2,896 masl, also called Pos Pemancar because at its peak is a Radio Transmitter.

Heading to Post 5, this post is surrounded by beautiful hills and cliffs. We can go down to Condrodimuko’s crater. Here there are springs, distinguish between drinking water and sulfur water.

The journey continues by passing a very steep incline with ravines on the left and right sides. This path is called the Satan Bridge. Then we will arrive at the intersection, go left towards Syarif Peak (Pregodalem Mountain) and go right to the top of the elongated Kenteng Songo (Kenteng Songo Mountain – Selo Hiking Trail).

From the top of Kenteng songo, we can look at Mount Merapi with its peak that puffs up smoke at any time, looking very close. Westward, Sumbing Mountain and Sindoro Mountain look very clear and beautiful. Closer still looks Mount Telomoyo and Mount Ungaran. From a distance to the east looks Mount Lawu with its elongated peak.

Towards this Kenteng Songo Peak the path is very dangerous, besides being narrow and only 1 meter wide, on the left and right side there are also very steep rocky ravines. A very strong wind is ready to push climbers at any time. At this peak there are hollow mortar stones with 9 numbers according to paranormal vision.

The wekas route is the shortest route (6-7 hours of climbing to the summit) so there is rarely a flat track stretching. The path to heading to the Post 1 is quite wide with the underlying rocks. Along the way, you will find fields of typical highland people planted with Onions, Cabbage, Carrots, and Tobacco, also can be found rabbits whose feces are used as fertilizer. The route to heading Post 1 is a fairly uphill path with a travel time of 2 hours.

Post 1 is a plain with a flat land as a resting place. Around this area there are still many stalls and houses. After post 1, the trip still passes through the fields, then enters the pine forest. The travel time to heading Post 2 is 2 hours, with a steep uphill lane.

Pos 2 is an open and flat place, which can be used to build many tents. On Saturdays, Sundays and holidays Pos 2 is widely used by teenagers to camp. So that in those days many local people came to sell food. In this area there is a water source that is channeled through large pipes that are accommodated in a tub.

From Pos 2 there is a dead end lane that leads to a river that is used as a source of water for the people around Wekas ​​to the surrounding villages. This path follows the flow of water pipes along the edge of a cliff that leads to the river flow below the crater. There are two very steep rivers which form multi-level waterfalls, making it a very extraordinary sight.

After the post 2 lanes began to open until it met the intersection of the Kopeng line which was above post 5 (Watu Tulis), the Kopeng line. From this intersection to the Helipad post it only takes 15 minutes. The journey continues by passing very steep slopes and ravines on the left and right sides. This incline is called the Devil’s Bridge. Then we will arrive at the intersection, go left towards Syarif Peak (Pregodalem Mountain) and go right to the top of Kenteng Songo (Kenteng Songo Mountain).

Via Suwanting

The journey begins with a view of the residents’ fields on the right and left side. Fields in the form of mountain plants. The atmosphere is very cool and the path tends to be flat a bit uphill. The journey from the basecamp to Post 1 is only 30 minutes – 45 minutes. Before going to Post 1 we will meet with pine forests.

After leaving Post 1 and the pine forest then we find a path heavier than before. The path is dominated by lush vegetation and uphill paths. From Post 2 to Post 3 it takes around 90 minutes (1.5 hours).

In Post 2 this is usually used by climbers to set up tents. In this post we can also see the view of Mount Merapi. The journey continues to Post 3 takes about 2 hours. The path will be much more difficult than before. Before arriving at Post 3 we will find a water source called “Sendang Dampo Awang”.

In Post 3 this is also a favorite place to set up tents. From Post 3, the beautiful view of Mount Sindoro-Sumbing, Merapi and several other mountains was faintly visible. The journey to the top of Kenteng Songo or Triangulation we will pass through several hills with lush grass plants. These hills are called “savannas”. From Post 3 to the summit we will pass through savanna 1, savanna 2, and savanna 3. Savanna via the Suwanting path is as beautiful as the Selo path. Only 1.5 hours for the summit attack from Post 3.

Hiking and Climbing Merbabu with Go-Volcano

The highlights of the trip:

  • Beautiful view of Merapi volcano, Sindoro and Sumbing
  • Moderate level of fitness required to make the crossing trip
  • Perfect getaway from Semarang or Yogyakarta

Hiking and Trek of Merbabu by the North in 2 days 1 night

  • Duration : 2 Days
  • Price : Start from IDR 5.000.000
  • Level : 3/5

Detailed Program and Itinerary

Day 1 : Semarang or Yogyakarta – Wekas/Thekelan/Chuntel – Camp post 2/3

You will be greeted by your guide at your hotel in Semarang or Yogyakarta in the morning. It is also possible to pick you up at the airport (Semarang or Yogyakarta) if your flight arrives by 10:00 at the latest. You will then go to Wekas / Thekelan base camp by the highway, the trip will take about 2 hours. Upon arrival at the base camp, you will have a lunch box and you will start hiking to the campsite for about 3 to 4 hours. you will dine and sleep at the campsite. Accommodation : Tent (1 tent for 2 person) Meals Included : Lunch, Dinner

Day 2 : Camp 2/3 – Kenteng Songo Peak – Selo – Semarang/Yogyakarta

Wake up at 03:30 with light breakfast and coffee. You will begin the hike / trek at 4:00 am to arrive at the sunrise time at “Puncak Pemancar” with a view of Sindoro and Sumbing volcanoes in the northwest. You will continue the hike to the peak “Kenteng Songo” (true summit of Merbabu) you will have the best point of view on the Merapi volcano. Snack at the top. Then you will descend to Selo with a lunch stop around the Post 3. you will continue the hike to the village of Selo. From there you will be driven to your hotel in Semarang / Yogyakarta. End of service Accommodation : – Meals Included : Breakfast, Lunch
  • The services of an experienced English-speaking Go-Volcano guide (Francophone depending on availability) all along the circuit.
  • Experienced local guide and porters for camping gear.
  • Meals as indicated in the itinerary (6 meals). Beverages are NOT included.
  • Private car with air conditioner
  • Accommodation as indicated in the itinerary
  • Mineral water, snacks and fruits during the days of hiking
  • Camping equipment (1 tent / 2 persons, sleeping bag, inflatable mattress, inflatable pillow, camping chair, toilet tent)
  • tips & personal expenses (drinks, souvenirs)
  • Flight Ticket
  • Travel Insurance
  • Articles that are not mentioned in “included”

Merbabu Mountain

merbabu trip

Mount Merbabu is a dormant volcano, which offers magnificent views of central Java and the surrounding volcanoes. Merbabu has 3 peaks, namely Kenteng Songo in the middle (3.142 meters), Suwanting on the left (3.142 meters) and Sharif (3.119 meters). The Merapi is visible from Kenteng Songo. Sindoro and Sumbing visible from the others.

Two known moderate eruptions occurred in 1560 and 1797. The 1797 event was rated 2: Explosive, on the Volcanic Explosivity Index. An unconfirmed eruption may have occurred in 1570.

Geologically recent eruptions originated from a northwestern-south southeasterly fissure system that cut across the high-volume and high-volume lava flows from Kopeng and Kajor craters on the northern and southern flanks, respectively.

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Merbabu Day Hike

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  • Person ×2 US$474.78

Best hikes WEKAS ROUTE  National Park of Mount Merbabu Day Hike

On our Mount Merbabu day hike tour arrangement trip, you’ll be able to focus on enjoying yourself while we take care of the details. A local trekking guide will outfit you with gear, inform you about the landscapes you’re hiking through, and do everything they can to make your hiking trip an unforgettable one.

merbabu trip

Before You Go:

  • The tour will be confirmed at received time of your booking
  • Send to WhatsApp (+6281392171628) Full name & screenshot of your passport
  • One of your mobile numbers (for emergency purposes)
  • You will need a windproof jacket Outdoor pants, Trekking shoes, and Snacks (Chocolate, biscuit, or bread). 
  • All tours are based on private tours | Departure and Return at Borobudur, Magelang, and Yogyakarta (transfer/drop other cities is optional). 
  • Money Issues: You will be required to change the Indonesian Currency (IDR) for your holiday in Indonesia. Please ensure that you have good denominations of all Rupiah notes. In Indonesia, credit cards are accepted for expenses incurred at hotels and restaurants. However, small shops and small-town eateries in the countryside can only accept cash.

Fresh Morning 1-day for Merbabu day hike

  • 06:00 Hotel pickup (Pick-up time can adjust if the meeting point is at the airport or train station)
  • 07:30 Meet at BASECAMP WEKAS (MERBABU RESORT, Kedakan RW 04, Kenalan, Pakis.
  • 08:00 Breakfast, Packing, Briefing
  • 08:30 Start climbing
  • 12:00 Arrive at the top of Merbabu Syarif, have lunch
  • 13:00 Preparation for disembarkation
  • 14:30 Visit Merbabu Crater
  • 17:00 Arrive at Basecamp and go back to Yogyakarta
  • 18:30 Transfer to your hotel/airport/station (Yogyakarta area)
  • End of services

merbabu trip

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Find a Tour by

Description, yogyakarta’s merbabu day hike, national park contains some of the most beautiful mountain scenery in central java of indonesia..

Our Yogyakarta Merbabu day hike ranges from moderate 1-day hiking tours to beautiful afternoon-day adventures! Yogyakarta Merbabu day hike! with the towering summit, overlooking Mount Andong, and stunning vistas during hiking activity, this incredible Mount Merbabu tour will blow you trekking. A backcountry hiking trip in Merbabu will take you away from the crowded highways so you can experience these truly grand mountains in an intimate and adventurous way.

merbabu trip

Mount Merbabu Day Hike - One of the best hikes in daylight for spotting the abundant magnificent views of mountaineering.

Merbabu’s day trekking premier mountaineering destination flourishes popular and has more interest from adventure travelers. The wonderful views, and tropical forest of excellent trails, are well marked and offer climbers four to five hours. The informative guided hiking is a great opportunity for spotting mountainous natural wealth. morning hikes are also possible and show you a different side of Mt.Merbabu .

Mount Merbabu Day Hike

Merbabu is a wonderful mountain and phenomenal high trekking, truly a hiker’s paradise. With long day hike routes through the amazing forest (one day), the Merbabu day hike offers adventurous visitors the opportunity to combine mountain trekking, sightseeing, nature discovery, and natural interpretation in ways that are famous for Yogyakarta Hiking and truly unforgettable experiences.

Mount Merbabu day hike offers the most iconic hiking trips like your experience getting to know the local climbers that you will meet along the way up, as well as a more safe route that takes you into the heart of the Merbabu mountain. All of our Merbabu day hike trips feature local experts in guiding, local porters, and support staff.

merbabu trip

Check out our Mount Merbabu day hike and trekking tour and give us a chat at +6281392171628 for more information or direct reserve a spot today!

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Opentrip Merbabu

Opentrip Merbabu

Opentrip gunung merbabu via selo harga trip gunung jawa tengah ( g. merbabu, merapi, sumbing, sindoro, slamet, lawu , ungaran, prau & andong ).

Paket A (Premium) Jumlah 1 orang Rp 3.800.000/pax Jumlah 2 orang Rp 2.800.000/pax Jumlah 3 orang Rp 2.500.000/pax Jumlah 4 orang Rp 2.100.000/pax Jumlah 5-7 orang Rp 1.900.000/pax Jumlah 8-12 orang Rp 1.700.000/pax

1. Transport airport/stasiun ke basecamp 2. Makan Selama di Gunung dan Buah (menu bisa riquest) 3. 1 tenda untuk 2 Orang : Ya 4. Tenda Toilet 5. Matras Angin dan Sleepingbag 6. Meja dan Kursi 7. Peralatan Makan (piring, sendok, gelas) 8. Tiket Masuk Pendakian 9. Masker dan Handsanitizer 10. Ojek PP di triple S 11. Air Mineral selama trip

Paket B ( Hemat)

Jumlah 1 orang Rp 3.000.000/pax Jumlah 2 orang Rp 2.300.000/pax Jumlah 3 orang Rp 2.000.000/pax Jumlah 4 orang Rp 1.700.000/pax Jumlah 5-7 orang Rp 1.300.000/pax Jumlah 8-12 orang Rp 1.100.000/pax

1. Transport airport/stasiun ke basecamp 2. Makan Selama di Gunung dan Buah 3. 1 tenda untuk 2 Orang 4. Tenda Toilet 5. Peralatan Makan (piring, sendok, gelas) 6. Tiket Masuk Pendakian 7. Masker dan Handsanitizer 8. Matras biasa 9. Ojek PP di triple S

Paket C Sabahat Jumlah 3 orang Rp 1.400.000/pax Jumlah 4 orang Rp 1.200.000/pax Jumlah 5-10 orang Rp 900.000/pax

Fasilitas : C 1. Transport airport/stasiun ke basecamp 2. Makan Selama di Gunung dan Buah 3. 1 tenda untuk 2 Orang 4. Peralatan Makan (piring, sendok, gelas) 5. Tiket Masuk Pendakian

NB : Kalian dapat menentukan tanggal perjalanan sendiri untuk durasi sesuai intenary diatas dan bisa memilih paket VIP dengan fasilitas sangat lengkap.

Pilih Tanggal pendakianmu :

TANGGAL OPENTRIP GUNUNG MERBABU HARGA PERORANG MINIMAL 10 ORANG 25-26 Jan 2020 IDR 900.000 08-09 Feb 2020 IDR 900.000 22-23 Feb 2020 IDR 900.000 Bulan Maret 07-08 Mart 2020 IDR 900.000 21-22 Mart 2020 IDR 900.000 Bulan April 04-05 April 2020 IDR 900.000 10-11 April 2020 IDR 900.000 25-26 April 2020 IDR 900.000 Bulan Mei 01-02 Mei 2020 IDR 900.000 20-21 Mei 2020 IDR 900.000 Bulan Juni 20-21 Juni 2020 IDR 900.000 Bulan Juli 11-12 Juli 2020 IDR 900.000 25-26 Juli 2020 IDR 900.000 Bulan Agustus 01-02 Agst 2020 IDR 900.000 16-17 Agst 2020 IDR 900.000 21-22 Agst 2020 IDR 900.000 Bulan Sepetember 05-06 Sept 2020 IDR 900.000 26-27 Sept 2020 IDR 900.000 Bulan Oktober 10-11 Okt 2020 IDR 900.000 Bulan November 21-22 Nov 2020 IDR 900.000 Bulan Desember 05-06 Des 2020 IDR 900.000 19-20 Des 2020 IDR 900.000 26-27 Des 2020 IDR 900.000 Intenary Pendakian Gunung Merbabu Hari 1 07.00-08.00 : Kumpul di meeting point 08.00-12.00 : Perjalanan menuju Selo 12.00-13.00 : Persiapan pendakian 13.00-18.00 : Trekking menuju pos 4 18.00-xx.xx : Istirahat |Makan 1|

Hari 2 : Minggu 02.00-02.30 : Bangun persiapan summit |Makan 2| 02.30-06.00 : Trekking menuju puncak Merbabu 06.00-07.30 : Menikmati puncak Merbabu 07.30-09.00 : Kembali ke pos 4 09.00-10.00 : Istirahat, makan & packing |Makan 3| 10.00-14.00 : Turun kembali ke basecamp Selo 14.00-15.00 : Istirahat & persiapan pulang 15.00-17.30 : Perjalanan kembali ke Yogyakarta

*Itinerary bersifat kondisional menyesuaikan dengan sikon alam, fisik dan force majeure.

merbabu trip

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Mount Merbabu – Find The Gorgeous Savana in Java

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Adventure Details

Mount Merbabu is a dormant stratovolcano in Central Java, widely considered one of Java’s beautiful mountains with the spectacular views from the summit and many other mountains visible from the peak. The best time to view this otherworldly scene is sunrise. The dormant stratovolcano is nestled in the regencies of Magelang, Boyolali and Semarang.   Hikers usually spend one to two days marveling at the sunrise and the savanna. But hiker with good physical fitness can summit Mount Merbabu for night sunrise hike or even one day trail run to the top of Mountain. This hike is suitable for those seeking a short and easy volcano adventure; the path to the summit is well-marked and the summit offers excellent panoramic views. Merbabu’s trekking distance is 14 km- round trip, with elevation gain 2,108m.

Trip Summary

  • A trip exploring Mount Merbabu National Park, one of the most beautiful mountain in Central Java
  • Start/End: Surakarta or Yogyakarta Airport
  • Duration: 2 days
  • Elevation 3,145m located in Central Java, Indonesia
  • Trekking distance 14 km (back and forth)
  • Elevation gain from the entry point of Mount Merbabu : 2,108m
  • Accommodation: Camping
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate

What We Offer

  • Best value for excellent hassle-free services – either you are seeking for a challenging adventure or simply want to enjoy quiet time with the nature, your trips will be fully supported and equipped and freshly-cooked meals
  • Attention to safety and punctuality without diminishing personal touch

Departure & Return Location

Surakarta or Yogyakarta

Price Includes

  • 2 days of HASSLE FREE ADVENTURE, which included meals as indicated in the itinerary
  • Certified and English speaking mountain guides
  • Mountain Entrance Fees
  • Roundtrip overland transfer from Surakarta/Yogyakarta to Mount Merbabu entry point
  • 2 liters of mineral water/day/person during trekking
  • Standard first aid kit
  • Camping equipment, including comfortable tents, air mattress, lights, chairs and camping tables
  • Group porter for carrying camping equipment and logistics. In case you have more equipment/belonging like big camera or tripod then we suggest you to hire extra porter, the cost to hire extra porter to carry personal belongings is IDR 350.000,-/porter/day

Price Excludes

  • Travel Insurance
  • Personal Expenses
  • Personal equipment
  • Extra meals and drinks
  • Private porter which carry your personal equipment (Jacket, Camera, Tripod etc)
  • Services not mentioned above

What to bring

  • Small rucksack (25 liter capacity)
  • Long trouser
  • UV protector & Lip Balm
  • Gloves and socks
  • Trekking shoes
  • Trekking pole
  • Personal Medicine
  • KTP or passport


  • Pick up service at your hotel in  Surakarta or Yogyakarta in the morning at 7 AM
  • Transfer to the entry point of Mount Merbabu approximately 2-3 hours drive 
  • Start hiking to Sabana campsite Mt Merbabu 
  • Stay overnight camping 
  • Meals : Lunch and dinner 


  • Early wake up at 3 AM
  • hot drinks and snacks are provided before the summit bid
  • Summit Mt Merbabu approximately takes 1.5 hours. After summit then trek down to the campsite 
  • Brunch then trek down to basecamp
  • Transfer back to Surakarta or Yogyakarta
  • lunch at the local restaurant near the entry point 
  • Meals: Breakfast and lunch 
  • End of service

merbabu trip

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Mount Merbabu Day Hike from Yogyakarta

merbabu trip

Mount Merbabu Day Trekking is a day hike to one of the tallest mountains in Yogyakarta. A daylight worry-free trek.

Mount Merbabu Day Trekking

  • Daylight worry-free trek
  • Accompanied by local hiking guide
  • Private Adventure services
  • 04:45 AM – 05:00 AM Hotel pickup
  • 05:00 AM – 07:00 AM Arrive at Hiking Basecamp in Selo
  • 07:00 AM – 08:00 AM Short break relaxing for breakfast & hot coffee/tea
  • 08:00 AM – 01:00 PM Start hiking activity for the beautiful mountain of Merbabu via Selo
  • 01:00 PM – 02:00 PM Enjoy a magnificent view of Merbabu mountain overlooking Merapi mountain
  • 02:00 PM – 05:30 PM Leaving the summit and back to the basecamp
  • 05:30 PM – 07:00 PM Return & transfer to your hotel. End of service!
  • Select the total participant(s) ( 1 / 2 / 3 / etc)
  • Choose the month and date , then click CHECK AVAILABILITY
  • The price that must be paid (Total Price) then click ADD TO CHART
  • Review  Chart, a shopping chart display will appear that confirms the tour  program taken, the number of people / pax and the total price that must  be paid  then click CHECK OUT  
  • Then fill in the customer data ( Traveler Details ), do not forget to fill the hotel/accommodation info then click PLACE ORDER  
  • We will redirect you to the Payment Gateway, complete the Payment Details Field and Cardholder details then click Pay Now
  • Transactions Success , you will receive Travel Voucher  at once to your email.
  • Select display currency:
  • USD United State Dollar
  • SGD Singapore Dollar
  • AUD Australian Dollar

Select participants and date:


Get to the 3,145 meters high ! the hike to the summit of Mount Merbabu daylight hike is not for the faint of heart – have to try to stay in shape, but we must admit, we’ve never been able to complete this trek without following on the back of local hiking guide. And if you plan to reach the summit right at great moments, you’ll be greeted by the most magnificent view of puffy cloud fill the sky, making it feel more like a beautiful-colored wonderland than a national park of Mount Merbabu.

To book this Mount Merbabu Camping 2D1N, you have to send your copy passport/s ( we do the registration & administrations )

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Pindul Cave Tubing is a full of fun, river estuaries, tubing activity - allows for a range of thrilling activities to be undertaken and a host of wonders for everyone to discover.

The Special and Only local Online Travel Agent ( OTA ) of Jomblang Cave Tour under license PT. PESONA INDAH INDO WISATA (   NIB No. 1511220132858 ) .  We make travel easy, so you can have all the fun !

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The Spice Route End

Independent travel & culture guides to indonesia, hiking (and registering for) mount merbabu independently.

August 22, 2022 Elliot Centre of Java 10

Mount Merbabu is a great hike in Central Java offering superb views over Mount Merapi.

Several routes exist to the summit, I chose to hike from Selo, which is the closest route from Solo or Yogyakarta.

Mount Merbabu is protected by a national park status, which involves special regulation that applies to hikers. In this article, I will explain how to work around them as a foreigner hiking independently.

The hike from Selo

The hike is pleasant and not difficult, at least by the month of August which was quite dry. It took me 3h40 to reach Triangulasi summit from Selo basecamp. Spent one hour on the summit and descended in 1h40.

The track goes through 3 successive rest posts, then leaves the forest and reaches a first camping ground called Sabana 1 . After a reasonably short but steep hike you reach the second camping ground ( Sabana 2 ) then another steep section and you reached Triangulasi summit at 3145m.

Despite setting off at 9AM (time to find companions and register), Merbabu remained clear of clouds throughout the day. Clouds got denser and denser around Mount Merapi as the day was advancing though.

You can reasonably hope for perfectly clear views of Merapi around sunrise. As it is now not possible to hike at night, the only options for this is to camp (and so pays another day of NP entrance fee).

Also when I reached the summit I could barely see Mount Sumbing, Sindoro, Prau because of clouds.

Great information about the hike can be found on Gunung Bagging .

The hiking track from Selo is shown in Maps.Me.

Budget wrap-up

  • National Park permit : 150’000Rp for one day (weekday, increases to 225’000Rp on weekends and public holidays. You will likely want to avoid these days unless you enjoy crowds).
  • Flat fee for hiking and insurance : 5’000 + 2’000Rp.
  • Entrance ticket to basecamp : 5’000Rp.
  • Motorbike parking in basecamp : 5’000Rp.
  • Group one-time fee for ranger service in case of evacuation : 15’000Rp.
  • Packed lunch, biscuit and water bought at the basecamp : 26’000Rp.

Total cost of the hike itself (one day) : 208’000Rp.

To this, one should add :

  • Permits for my local companions : 34’000Rp.
  • Night in Selo Homestay : 200’000Rp.
  • Motorbike rental from Solo : 85’000Rp/day (+ gas).

How to register online to hike Mount Merbabu in 2022 ?

You cannot anymore just show up at the trailhead, register for hiking and hike. A mandatory registration online has been put in place since a few years.

Basically the most difficult part of this hike today is to register…

The issue is that no one really thought about the case of foreign tourists using that system (starting by translating the booking website in English !). My guess is that it was assumed that foreigners would mostly hike through travel agency.

Few rules to know

  • All hikers must register beforehand on the national park website . Registration shows up immediately on the rangers system so it’s possible to register on site provided that the hikers cap has not been reached yet.
  • There is a daily cap on the number of hikers allowed. This cap is often reached in weekends and public holidays. The number of remaining spot can be checked ( here , or go to the National Park website and click on CEK KUOTA link on the upper horizontal menu). There is not specific cap for foreign hikers as for Gunung Semeru for instance.
  • Hikers can only enter the trail (at least in Selo) between 8AM and 5PM. It is now impossible to hike in the middle of the night to enjoy the sunrise. Camping is mandatory to enjoy the sunrise from the mountain.
  • It is impossible to register online for 1 or 2 people . The booking must be done for 3 people minimum. Members of one group can nonetheless exit at different days or time.
  • Each group must report everything it brings up and it is checked when exiting. This is to make sure no trash is left on the trail.

Registering online to hike Merbabu

In this section, I will assume that you are already a party of 3 people or more. If you are alone or two, I’ll explain how to work around the rule in the next section.

  • First step is to check that there are still spots available on your date to hike. Go to the NP website and look for CEK KUOTA link. At the time of this article’s writing, the direct link is this .
  • Now go to the NP website homepage, click on the big ‘BOOKING ONLINE’ blue button.
  • On the next page click on ‘BOOKING NOW’.
  • On the next page look for ‘JALUR PENDAKIAN SELO’ (Selo hiking route) and click on the orange button under the picture reading ‘Lihat Detail’.
  • On the next page click on ‘BOOKING SEKARANG’.
  • On the next page, tick the two boxes and click on the orange button ‘DAFTAR’ on the bottom.
  • Select on the calendar the date you want to hike, if it reads ‘PENUH’ in red it means that all spots have been taken already.
  • Jumlah Hari Pendakian (Number of hiking days) : select ‘1 Hari’ (1 day) if you don’t camp, ‘2 Hari’ (2 days) if you camp.
  • Jalur Turun (Descending route) : it seems that you can only pick ‘Jalur Pendakian Selo’.
  • Nama Ketua Rombongan : Full name as per ID of the group leader.
  • NIK Ketua Rombongan : your NIK if you are Indonesian. If you are foreigner, input 1360000000000001 (must be 16 digits, adjust on the number of 0 if necessary).
  • NO. Telepon : Phone Number.
  • NO. Telepon : Phone Number of the person to contact in case of emergency.
  • Email : an email. You need to have access to this email as booking code will be sent there.
  • Usia : age of the leader.
  • Berat Badan : weight of the leader.
  • Alamat : your adress.
  • Provinsi (sesuai KTP ) : if you are a foreign tourist, pick Jawa Tengah.
  • Kota/Kabupaten (sesuai KTP ) : if you are a foreign tourist, pick Kabupaten Boyolali.
  • Kota/Kabupaten Domisili : if you are a foreign tourist, pick Kabupaten Boyolali.
  • Jumlah Rombongan : pick 3 or more depending on the size of the group.

At this stage, you need now to enter the following information for all group members including the leader :

  • Nama (sesuai KTP ) : full name as per ID.
  • NIK : for Indonesian input your NIK. For foreigners input 1360000000000001 for the first foreigner, 1360000000000002 for the second and so on.
  • Alamat sesuai KTP : your adress.
  • Kabupaten/Kota domisili : if you are a foreign tourist, look for Kabupaten Boyolali. It is sorted first by province, then by alphabetical order. If you are on your phone you need to go through all the kabupaten of Sumatra, then DKI Jakarta, then Banten, Jawa Barat and eventually Jawa Tengah. If on laptop you can search for Boyolali.
  • Usia : age.
  • BB (kg) : weight.
  • No. HP : phone number.

Once this is done, click on the button ‘Hitung Biaya Tiket’ in the bottom. This will be wrong as the website doesn’t handle foreigners and their special pricing.

At this point, you may have to click on another button but you should received an email entitled : Kode OTP Konfirmasi Pemrosesan Data Booking .

You enter this OTP code to the platform and then you receive another email entitled Informasi Kode Booking Sementara . You enter this booking code to the platform and you shall receive a final email entitled Informasi Booking Objek Wisata Jalur Pendakian Selo .

You can now go to the trailhead to pay your tickets !

How to register if you are alone or 2

You have 2 options :

  • Hire a porter and/or a guide to make a 3 people party. Then register together as explained above.
  • The best case would be to find 2 or 1 other people unregistered directly at the trailhead. That’s what I did but I don’t guarantee it will work every day.
  • Registering is quite annoying to do especially on a phone. People may not be willing to go through that again.
  • Each group is responsible for its own trash. People may be afraid of risking a fine by registering with you and then splitting ways.

As you can see, nothing is impossible (I’m the living proof of it) but the best options is definitely to form a 3 people group before registration. It’s not an issue of you are all foreigners.

Practical tips

I reached Selo from Solo by rented motorbike but this can also be done from Yogyakarta. In Solo I fully recommend Arya Trans Solo to rent a bike (

Solo is closer than Yogyakarta and has much more relaxed traffic.

In Selo, I slept in Homestay Wijaya. The streets going from the main road to Selo basecamp is full of homestays. I picked this one because the owner was outside and smiled at me.

Price was 200’000Rp per night per room (2 people). Hot shower available, good mattress and blankets. I didn’t compare prices, there are maybe cheaper options in the street.

Otherwise you can sleep at the basecamp in dormitory for way cheaper.


In Desember 2022, the System was changed… You must make an account first, then paying by bank transfer.. Need 2-3 Days to get verify Code.

I’m mountain Guide at Merbabu and Merapi by the way. I can make everything easy if you want hike Merbabu

Hi, do you have any information on hiring a guide and how much that would cost for a day hike up Merbabu? Thank you!

Hi Sura, this guide is so helpful! A group of 6 (including myself) are looking to hike Arjuno-welirang at the end of the month of June. Do you cover that area as well, or have a good reference for where we can find a great guide (not a tour)?

All the best, Jeremiah

Hello, I am not receiving the verify code. Do you know how to get the code faster? We are a group of 6 who wants to hike merbabu this coming sunday.

Can u help me Sura

Hello Sura, I’m interested in finding a guide to hike mount merbabu, could you give me your contact? Thanks!

WhatsApp: +62 815 4861 5234

I hiked from Selo, started around 10am by myself at the official starting point. Didn’t register anywhere, no one stopped or asked me anything. Locals were very friendly as I hiked past them.

Perhaps I was lucky.

Lastly, on Strava’s global heatmap you can see a slight deviation from the route that avoids the official entry point, starting slightly to the West.

Hi im in merbabu Contact my if you need help or something about merbabu +6285600345758

I highly recommend Sura…! +6281548615234 he is very professional and friendly. He is an amazing guide and amazing experience!

He arranged everything and replied to all my questions on WhatsApp. He is fluent in English and knows a lot about the trail and the mountains providing insightful information and sharing. his knowledge.

The food was very good and the camping too. I was very lucky having him as guide. Thank you for everything.

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Mount Merbabu Hiking Trip

merbabu trip

Our package includes everything you need to have an unforgettable trip. From your transfer to the base camp to a professional local trekking guide and porter, we provide all the logistics for your trip. We also provide camping and trekking equipment, so you don't have to worry about bringing anything but your sense of adventure.

To ensure a seamless and hassle-free experience, we highly recommend booking well in advance. Please note that the Gunung Merbabu National Park Hall (BTNGMb) has recently imposed a registration system via online booking. Don't miss out on this opportunity to hike one of the most stunning mountains in Central Java. Book your Mount Merbabu hiking and camping tour with us today and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime!

Note: Hiking packages to other mountains such as Prau in Dieng, Wonosobo or Sindoro / Sumbing at Temanggung, Central Java are also available. Contact us for further details. Show more Show less Important Information Inclusion

  • Transport by private air-conditioned car
  • Hotel pickup and drop-off
  • Private trekking
  • camping and trekking equipments
  • Logistics during activities
  • English speaking trekking guide
  • Personal Expense
  • Gratuities (optional)
  • No special trekking skill is required, yet participants should be physically and mentally fit for adventure activities that may include walking several hours and high altitude with cold weather
  • Please consult your doctor if you have a history of suffering from the following ailments: heart disease, hypertension, chronic asthma, peptic ulcer, severe anemia, diabetes, epileptic fits, arthritis, palpitations, hepatitis, muscular cramps, obesity and any other sickness that may be triggered by severe cold, exertion and high altitude
  • Tripsona will not be held liable or responsible for failure to execute activities arrangements specified herein due directly or indirectly to acts of nature (force majeure), strikes, riots, war or any other condition beyond its control. Tripsona will take NO responsibility for any injury or death caused by natural disasters or any other conditions beyond our control
  • Tripsona has the right to cancel or postpone climbing because of bad weather or any natural disaster such as landslide, flood, earthquake, etc.
  • Tripsona is the service provider.
  • Guests have to be in healthy condition, physically and mentally. Inform us if you have any special health condition so we can prepare.
  • When you decided to make a booking means you understand and agree to the terms and conditions of the provider.
  • Obey all the rules applied to the tourism destinations during your time in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  • You are obliged to not doing anything harming the nature in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (like throwing garbage not in its place, holding or standing at the coral reefs, etc.)
  • The result of the documentation that the provider provided belongs to the provider and can be used for any promotional activity.
  • You are required to fill the booking form correctly to prevent problems occurring in the future.
  • For the convenience of both parties, you will be required to provide full payment in advance to secure your booking. Full payment must be done in Indonesian Rupiah currency through bank transfer (domestic) or in US Dollar currency through Paypal (international).
  • Depending on your company policy, payments may be made in two or three stages, with the following details: (1) Two stages, 50% down payment, and 50% repayment maximum fourteen days before D-Day; or (2) Three stages, 40% down payment, 40% after evaluation, and 20% repayment maximum fourteen days before D-Day.
  • Because of the nature of this service which is the collaboration of various service providers, such as buses, restaurants, hotels, resorts, tourist attractions, etc. The change of schedule or cancellation will confirm the policy of such parties. We cannot guarantee that a change of schedule will be free of any additional fees and cancellation will be able to refund your money.
  • The process of schedule changes and cancellations resolved by the amicable way and with goodwill from both sides. The refund will be transferred to the payer bank account (domestic) or via Paypal (international).
  • As we are not responsible for the weather, flight, bus delays, or any transportation services outside our service. We find these are not valid reasons for canceling your confirmed schedule trip departure. No shows are responsible for 100% of trip fees, no refund fees will be provided.
  • If you cannot show up at the meeting point on time, please contact our staff so we can adjust everything accordingly. However, there will be no time extension.
  • In the event of force majeure that makes us unable to provide services, the refund process will follow the force majeure policy of collaboration parties. Refund fees will be transferred to the payer account (domestic) or via Paypal (international).

More Tour Packages

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Do you want to design your own itinerary? Click contact below: Laras Erlin Rico

CV Tripsona Indonesia "Simply Astonishing!" Jalan Mojo No. 10, Baciro, Yogyakarta 55225, Indonesia

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Start living your dreams today.

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2D1N Mount Merbabu Trek

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Mount Merbabu strategically located in the center of Java Island is a hidden gem of Indonesia’s mountains. Though not as well cited as its neighbours – Mount Semeru (highest volcano in Indonesia) and Merapi (most active volcano in Indonesia) – it offers a more pleasant climb and equally scenic view. From its summit, one can enjoy a 360 degrees unblocked view of Central Java mountain landscape; Gunung Sumbing (3371m), Gunung Sindoro (3136m) and the Dieng Plateau to the west, Gunung Telemoyo (1894m) and Gunung Ungaran (2050m) to the north, Gunung Lawu (3118m) to the east and menacing Gunung Merapi (2930m) in the south. It has five volcanic calderas, Condrodimuko, Kombang, Kendang, Rebab and Sambernyowo but no major activities has been reported in past decades. For this trek, you will be taking the western route up and the southern route down the mountain with an overnight stay in tent which will allow you to see enjoy the scenery from various vantage points. Look out for the beautiful ubiquitous Javanese edelweiss (aka the Everlasting Flower) which is endemic to the mountains of Indonesia.


In the morning, pick up by our friendly guide from the airport or your hotel in Yogyakarta to the mountain trailhead at Suwanting Village. You will start the trek at 1300 meters above sea level. After trekking for about 7-8 hours, you will reach the campsite at 2700 meters above sea level where you will set up tent for the night.

Overnight: Camping in tent

merbabu trip


Wake up early in the morning at 3am for the summit climb. At the summit (3142m), you will be rewarded with beautiful sunrise view across Central Java. Thereafter, you will descend the mountain via another route to Selo Village where you will be transferred back to Yogyakarta.

merbabu trip

Package includes:

  • Two way transfer between airport/hotel and Mount Merbabu
  • All trekking arrangement (trekking permit, English speaking guide, meals during the trek, drinking water, tents, sleeping bag, mats, camping chairs, camping table, camping toilet, porter to carry communal items)

Package excludes:

All items not mentioned in the above inclusion list but not limited to:

  • Return international air tickets
  • Travel insurance
  • Personal porter (SGD 40 each day up to 15kg load)
  • Tips to mountain guide and porters
  • All expenses of a personal nature


merbabu trip


Climbing Season:  During the dry months from May to October

Rainy Season:  December to March

Temperature:  It can get very cold and it can rain even during the climbing season. Warm clothing and rain gears are necessary.

Difficulty Level:  Climbing Mt Merbabu is tough but anyone with good fitness and hiking experience should be able to cope. Since it is only a 2D 1N climb, you should bring along only essential items (warm clothing, change of dry clothing for the night, headlight and trekking stick) for the climb.  Normal trekking throughout except for some light scrambling. No rock climbing or technical climbing skills needed.


For those who do not wish to camp on the mountain, it is also possible to do an overnight trek from Selo Village. You will be picked up from Yogyakarta or Solo at around 11pm, start trek around 1am to reach summit in time for sunrise. You will be back in your hotel around 2pm. Good fitness level is required for this option.

Other hikes in the area include:

  • Mount Merapi
  • Mount Sindoro & Sumbing

merbabu trip


Contact us today to find out more!

IWT LLP, acts only as an agent for The Client in acquiring transportation, accommodations, sightseeing, trekking and other services for The Client’s benefit, and on the express condition that IWT LLP shall not be liable nor responsible for any loss (including without limitation, direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential loss, economic loss), damage, mishap, bodily injury, death, delay, defect, omission or any irregularity that may be caused to The Client, third parties or properties. IWT LLP is to be released from all liabilities deriving from acts of terrorism, hijacking, civil unrest, natural calamities, labour strikes, thefts or any other factors beyond IWT LLP’s control. Any losses and expenses are to be borne by The Client. In the event that IWT LLP is found liable by a court of competent jurisdiction on any basis in relation to The Client’s booking done via IWT LLP, IWT LLP’s maximum liability to the client is limited to the cost of the booking in question.  See our full  Terms and Conditions .

Basecamp Merbabu

Layanan Pendakian Gunung Merbabu

Jadikan setiap langkah pendakianmu lebih mudah dan berkesan dengan layanan lengkap dari Basecamp Merbabu. Bergabunglah dengan kami dan temukan keajaiban dan Keindahan alam Gunung Merbabu secara menyeluruh!

Layanan Kami

Kami adalah mitra setia dalam menjadikan pengalaman pendakianmu lebih mudah, aman, dan tak terlupakan.

Porter Merbabu

Dengan tim porter yang handal, kami memastikan barang bawaan sampai ke tempat tujuan dengan selamat.

Guide Merbabu

Guide berpengalaman kami akan mengawal langkahmu, memandu melalui rute terbaik, dan membagikan pengetahuan lokal yang berharga.

Rental Outdoor

Rental peralatan outdoor? Kami Menyediakan tenda hingga peralatan makan, kami menyediakan perlengkapan berkualitas untuk mendukung petualanganmu.


Tidak perlu khawatir tentang transportasi! Kami menyediakan layanan transportasi yang nyaman

Kami Menyediakan akomodasi yang ramah pendaki untuk memastikan istirahatmu sebelum dan sesudah pendakian.


Layanan dokumentasi pendakian kami akan mengabadikan momen-momen tak terlupakan di Gunung Merbabu.

Private Trip Gunung Merbabu

Jelajahi Gunung Merbabu dengan gaya Anda sendiri. Temukan pilihan trip yang sesuai dengan keinginan Anda.

Private Trip Merbabu Ekonomi Class

Dengan kelas ekonomi, nikmati pendakian yang terjangkau tanpa mengorbankan kualitas. Tetap merasakan pesona Gunung Merbabu dengan layanan yang sederhana namun handal. Pengalaman alam yang autentik menanti Anda tanpa beban berlebih.

Private Trip Merbabu Business Class

Tingkatkan pengalaman pendakian Anda dengan kelas bisnis. Nikmati kenyamanan ekstra, peralatan yang lebih baik, dan pelayanan yang lebih personal. Petualangan Anda menjadi lebih berkelas tanpa kehilangan sentuhan keaslian alam.

Private Trip Merbabu Luxury Class

Untuk mereka yang menginginkan yang terbaik dari yang terbaik, kelas luxury kami adalah pilihan yang tepat. Dengan fasilitas mewah, layanan eksklusif, dan pengalaman yang disesuaikan sepenuhnya dengan kebutuhan Anda, setiap detik di Gunung Merbabu menjadi sebuah kenangan yang tak terlupakan.

Tektok Trip Gunung Merbabu

Ingin merasakan pesona Gunung Merbabu dalam waktu singkat atau mencari pengalaman pendakian yang lebih Personal? Tektok Trip Merbabu atau Pendakian dalam Satu Hari ke Gunung Merbabu adalah pilihan tepat untukmu!

Registrasi dan Booking Kuota

Klik booking Now untuk melakuna Registrasi ID Pendaki dan Gunakan ID Pendaki Untuk melakukan Booking Kuota dan Simaksi Pendakian Gunung Merbabu

merbabu trip

Exploring Merbabu Mountain, An Open Trip Adventure In 2023

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A Complete Guide to a Memorable Merbabu 2023 Open Trip

There’s no better way to explore the beauty of Indonesia than to take an open trip to Merbabu Mountain in 2023. Located in the Central Java province, Merbabu Mountain is a popular destination for hikers, campers and nature enthusiasts alike. With its lush, dense forests and breathtaking views, a trip to Merbabu Mountain is sure to be a memorable one. Whether you’re looking for an outdoor adventure or a peaceful retreat, the open trip to Merbabu Mountain is the perfect way to experience the natural beauty of Indonesia. Here’s everything you need to know about an open trip to Merbabu Mountain in 2023.

Exploring Merbabu Open Trip In Indonesia

  • Jadwal Open Trip Gunung Slamet 2023-2024 | PAKET HEMAT | via Bambangan | via Permadi

What Is Merbabu Mountain?

What is an open trip, what can you expect from a merbabu mountain open trip, how to prepare for a merbabu mountain open trip.

  • Make sure you have all the necessary gear, such as a quality tent, sleeping bag, and camping stove.
  • Pack plenty of food and water to last you during the trip.
  • Bring a good pair of hiking shoes, as you will be trekking through the mountain.
  • Bring a camera to capture the stunning views of the mountain.
  • Bring a first aid kit to treat any injuries or illnesses you may incur during the trip.
  • Check the weather before you leave and be prepared for any unexpected changes.
  • Follow the instructions of the local tour guide at all times.

Where to Stay During Your Merbabu Mountain Open Trip

What to do during your merbabu mountain open trip, related posts.



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  • Central Java /
  • Mount Merbabu National Park /

Mount Merbabu via Suwanting

Mount Merbabu via Suwanting, Mount Merbabu National Park, Boyolali, Central Java, Indonesia |

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Get to know this 6.7-mile out-and-back trail near Boyolali, Central Java. Generally considered a challenging route, it takes an average of 7 h 48 min to complete. This is a very popular area for backpacking, birding, and camping, so you'll likely encounter other people while exploring. The best times to visit this trail are July through September.

Mount Merbabu via Suwanting map

Tried without booking online and hoped to pay locally and they redirected me to the Selo entrance which is 45 mins away

Merbabu Mountain, via Suwanting Great mountains


At the entrance they charged us 310K IDR plus 100K IDR for entrance and online registration ( we are foreigners) . Online registration page doesn’t have English version. The stuff here also don’t speak English, and we had to use google translate. It took more than half an hour trying to register on their website as we didn’t receive the verification codes. At the end they took our information and passport photos and money first, and waited for us to come to complete the registration. It was a very stressful beginning to the trail, hence the tree stars. The trail was quite steep and dusty, with multiple parts people sliding down. We climbed only over 1400 meters meaning about a 300 meters before the peak in about in about 3 and a half hours. Near the peak the view of Merapi on the left and the sunset over the clouds was truly majestic. It was worth all the stress and drama at the beginning. I honestly ignored some of the comments here and underestimated the trail. It was indeed challenging.

The entrance fee for foreigner is unreasonably high which costs 350k per person (tickets and something called tour management fee)… Better do online registration before you go which is bit complicated and might take 10mins..

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Fantastic trail, very easy to follow. Very very steep grade almost from the start to the very top. Very dusty and very busy., I think approximately 500-600 ppl maybe more.climbing and slipping and sliding sending up dust clouds, bring a mask. This was a harder climb than Sindoro, Almost felt like I was never going to reach the summit. However I finally did. After 3:20:00. Masses of ppl at the top trying to take selfies, make content, eating food, and enjoying the view. I arrived after sunrise and that was bad enough, could not imagine how cramped it would be in sunrise. So many ppl. The views of Sindoro and Sumbing , Lawu and of course Merabi.

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No discount for the uphill trail. But whenever gasping for breath - stop and just look at the Merapi which stand strong next to you. So beautiful. . The km wasn’t right because lost of internet connection plus my phone battery. It’s actually more more more than that…

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Trail is well marked. Getting to trail head is easy via grab. Coming back via grab is unlikely due to mountain location. Basecamp have transport options back to town. Prices are above Grab app of course. The signboard suggested a one way trip time of 11hours from Basecamp to the peak. Great views along the way of Mt Merapi and Mt Sumbing, Mt Sundoro.

This path is different from the two paths I took before, it is more difficult but it all pays off

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  1. Open Trip Gunung Merbabu via Suwanting/Selo by Kopdar Trip Indonesia

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  5. Trekking Tour in Mount Merbabu

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  2. Trekking and Climbing Merbabu in Central Java: The Guide

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  3. Mount Merbabu National Park

    Merbabu is one of the favorite mountains located in Central Java Indonesia. Merbabu can be achieved through several areas, including Wekas, Suwanting, Selo Gancik (new), Selo Gancik (old), there may still be some other areas that I have not mentioned. I will explain Merbabu via Selo Gancik (new). Distance of Jogja-Selo Gancik approximately 2.5 ...

  4. Open Trip Gunung Merbabu by Kopdar Trip Indonesia

    Open Trip Gunung Merbabu by Kopdar Trip Indonesia. Claim compensation if you find cheaper ones! For Nataru or Public Holidays/Big Holidays/Long Holidays, there is an increase in fees from the normal rate. Extra charge for Nataru is 50,000 IDR/pax. For April 2024, it's an extra 100,000 - 150,000 IDR/pax. Climb to Mount Merbabu.

  5. Open Trip Gunung Merbabu by Kopdar Trip Indonesia

    IDR 845.000. Lihat Paket. Beli tiket Open Trip Gunung Merbabu via Suwanting/Selo by Kopdar Trip Indonesia 2024 JAMINAN HARGA TERMURAH. Nikmati wisata terpopuler dengan harga promo di

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  7. Merbabu Day Hike

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  8. Opentrip Merbabu

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  9. Mount Merbabu Day Hiking Tour

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  10. 2D1N Private Mount Merbabu Trekking Tour from Yogyakarta

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  11. Mount Merbabu, Central Java

    Mount Merbabu: Our most recommended tours and activities. From Yogyakarta: Mount Merbabu Sunrise & Sunset Hike. Day 1 Be picked up from your accommodation in Yogyakarta at 09.00AM and take the approximate 2 hour journey to New Selo Village, located on the northern side of the volcano. At afternoon, go through some preparations and start the climb.

  12. MOUNT MERBABU (Gunung Merbabu) + HIKING + SUNRISE

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  13. Mount Merbabu

    Mount Merbabu is a dormant stratovolcano in Central Java, widely considered one of Java's beautiful mountains with the spectacular views from the summit and many other mountains visible from the peak. ... Merbabu's trekking distance is 14 km- round trip, with elevation gain 2,108m. Trip Summary. A trip exploring Mount Merbabu National Park ...

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  16. Hiking (and registering for) Mount Merbabu Independently

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  17. Mount Merbabu Hiking Trip

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  18. 2D1N Mount Merbabu Trek

    Mount Merbabu strategically located in the center of Java Island is a hidden gem of Indonesia's mountains. Though not as well cited as its neighbours - Mount Semeru and Merapi - it offers a more pleasant climb and equally scenic view. ... - YT (Group of 3 on a 2D1N Mt Merbabu Camping trip in Nov 2018) Hi Bob, thanks very much for making the ...

  19. Best hikes and trails in Mount Merbabu National Park

    Whatever you have planned for the day, you can find the perfect trail for your next trip to Mount Merbabu National Park. Description. Mount Merbabu National Park, also known as Gunung Merbabu and the "Mountain of Ash" is a stratovolcano in Java. Mount Merbabu exploded twice in the past, once during 1560 and another during 1797 which was rated ...

  20. Home

    Private Trip Merbabu Luxury Class Untuk mereka yang menginginkan yang terbaik dari yang terbaik, kelas luxury kami adalah pilihan yang tepat. Dengan fasilitas mewah, layanan eksklusif, dan pengalaman yang disesuaikan sepenuhnya dengan kebutuhan Anda, setiap detik di Gunung Merbabu menjadi sebuah kenangan yang tak terlupakan.

  21. Merbabu Mountain Trail, Central Java, Indonesia

    Mount Merbabu is a volcano located in Central Java, near the city of Jogjakarta. Because of its close location, Merbabu is a perfect high ground to see the currently active Merapi Mountain. Visitors must register ahead of time before attempting to hike Mount Merbabu. ... Aug-2022: more like 7miles round trip from Selo to the Triangulasi peak ...

  22. Exploring Merbabu Mountain, An Open Trip Adventure In 2023

    An open trip is a type of adventure holiday where participants are given freedom to ...

  23. Mount Merbabu via Suwanting, Central Java, Indonesia

    Mount Merbabu via Suwanting. Get to know this 6.7-mile out-and-back trail near Boyolali, Central Java. Generally considered a challenging route, it takes an average of 7 h 48 min to complete. This is a very popular area for backpacking, birding, and camping, so you'll likely encounter other people while exploring.