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Students wearing 3D glasses view a visualization of an Egyptian tomb.

Students wearing 3D glasses take a virtual tour of ancient Egypt in Peter Der Manuelian’s “Pyramid Schemes” class.

Photos by Stephanie Mitchell/Harvard Staff Photographer

Alvin Powell

Harvard Staff Writer

Digital Giza Project lets scholars virtually visit sites in Egypt and beyond, and even print them in 3D

Four thousand years ago, a member of Egypt’s elite was buried on the Giza Plateau in an elaborate stone tomb, complete with several rooms and underground chambers.

Then, in 1912, a team from Harvard University and the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) in Boston excavated the tomb, of a type called a mastaba , and brought back with them a limestone wall from its chapel.

The wall, housed at the MFA, is inscribed with images of the deceased, an official named Akh-meret-nesut, and his family in various poses — sitting, leaning on a staff, throwing a lasso.

Today, more than a century later, Harvard doctoral student Inês Torres wants to know as much as she can about Akh-meret-nesut: who he was, what he did, and why he was buried on the Giza Plateau in the shadow of the pyramids long after pharaohs’ burials there had ceased.

But Torres faces a problem familiar to many scholars studying ancient Egypt: getting access to what she’s studying. With part of the tomb in Boston and part in Egypt, she’d have to time travel to see it intact. Other scholars may face different hurdles, but the problem is the same: Documents and images are held in faraway archives, artifacts and other relics of ancient Egypt have been dispersed, stolen, or destroyed, and tombs and monuments have been dismantled, weather-worn, or locked away behind passages filled in when an excavation closes.

Hurdles can also be economic: The object of study may be intact, but the plane fare and expenses of living for weeks in the field or lodged in the cities — Cairo, London, Berlin, Paris, Boston — that are home to museums with large Egyptian collections hard to come by.

It was with scholars like these in mind that Digital Giza Project was born.

The project was created in 2000 by Peter Der Manuelian , who at the time was on the curatorial staff at the MFA. A scholar of ancient Egypt, Manuelian said his initial vision was to create a digital record of the work of Harvard’s legendary Egyptology Professor and MFA curator George Reisner and the Harvard-MFA Expedition he led. The expedition was one of the major academic archaeological efforts at Giza and other sites in Egypt during the early 1900s.

Reisner, who led the expedition for more than 40 years, dug at 23 sites, and Manuelian soon realized that just digitizing material relating to the vast finds on the Giza Plateau — which includes not only the pyramids and the Sphinx, but also associated temples, nearby cemeteries, and even a workers’ village — would be a career-long challenge. In 2010, he moved to Harvard to become the Philip J. King Professor of Egyptology and director of the Harvard Semitic Museum , and he brought the Giza Project with him.

The project staff’s ambition has since expanded to include not just Reisner’s work at Giza, but that of other archaeologists at the site as well, making it a comprehensive resource for Giza archaeology. It contains some 77,000 images, 21,000 of them Harvard University-MFA Expedition glass-plate negatives, and 10,000 of Manuelian’s own images. It has published manuscripts as well as unpublished expedition records, dig diaries, object record books, and sketches and drawings made by the archaeologists doing the digging. In January, during Harvard’s winter recess, Manuelian visited Egypt and collected another 5,000 digital images — including panoramic photos — of Giza and related objects in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

A key feature of the Giza Project is the fact that the material it holds is cross-referenced online, allowing a researcher to seamlessly move from a 3D image of an object to scholarly articles about it to diary pages by the archaeologist who discovered it.

“For people who focus on this particular period, this is the main resource for them to go to,” Manuelian said. “It’s thrown the doors wide open to this material that was previously only in the publications that Reisner lived long enough to finish.”

As the work has advanced, so has technology. Manuelian’s vision has expanded to include 3D re-creations of statues and artifacts that allow researchers to view them online, rotate them, and zoom in on specific features. Looking to the future, he said, 3D models’ source codes could be made available, which would allow distant scholars with access to 3D printers to create their own physical models.

“All of this allows us to ask new questions and to put the data together in ways not possible before and to make intelligent links,” Manuelian said. “If someone gets a grant and decides to go to the MFA and look through their records, good luck. There’s just so much, it’s overwhelming. If you go to Giza today, a tomb may have been reburied or vandalized, or is in not as good shape as it was in 1916. Objects might have gone to the basement of the Cairo museum, never to be seen again.

“With our attempt to put this all together digitally, with diaries and maps and plans and things, it allows you, first of all, convenient access to the data and then you can start to notice patterns.”

The Giza Projects’ 3D modeling extends beyond artifacts to locations. Manuelian’s team has already created video-game-like 3D versions of the entire Giza Plateau, with the Khafre pyramid, the Sphinx, and several temples and tombs posted so far and more to come. Those models can be accessed from the Digital Giza website and toured using controls on a laptop or desktop computer. Other re-creations, using high-resolution photographs of tombs’ interiors, let visitors walk through virtual burial chambers using stereo headsets. Visitors can move around inside the tombs and even walk up to a wall to examine a particular relief or other detail. About 20 tombs have been modeled in detail so far, with hundreds more to go.

“My hope is eventually to fly drones over the site, documenting everything from the air,” Manuelian said. “And complementing that with walks up and down the ‘streets’ [between rows of tombs] creating 360-degree panoramic visualizations, all linked to the more-traditional archaeological data that we have already assembled.”

For someone like Torres, studying a tomb that has one room in Boston and the rest in Egypt, a virtual model is the only way to see the intact structure, so she’s planning on creating one as part of her doctoral work.

“This tomb is divided between two countries,” she said. “3D modeling is the only way we can put it back together again.”

The overarching goal, Manuelian said, is to make scholarship in Egyptology more accessible than ever. And, while digital images may not fully replace the real thing, he said, foundational study can be conducted using the wide array of material presented by the project, allowing scholars to conserve scarce resources for when they’re essential.

The project’s 3D re-creations and data visualizations, together with the capabilities of the Harvard Visualization Center, also allow the Giza Project to give students a unique educational experience. Last fall, Manuelian gathered his students in a tomb in cyber space, using the center’s virtual reality headsets, and linked the class to students in Zhejiang University in China. Students’ avatars gathered at the virtual site — in this case, the Sphinx — with the technology, allowing Manuelian to act as a cyber tour guide.

“The project is all of these diverse approaches,” Manuelian said. “It’s a traditional database and website. It’s the intelligent linking of this photo to that tomb to this diary page. It’s the 3D modeling as we try to build more and more of the necropolis all the time. And it’s ultimately intended to enable the kind of remote teaching — what I call educational telepresence — where we can all be at Giza virtually and visiting the site and having a lecture inside a decorated tomb chapel no matter where you live.”

giza pyramid tour harvard

Torres said there is an irony to studying Giza: It is one of the world’s most famous archaeological sites, but in many ways it is still unknown. While the pyramids and Sphinx are world-famous, and have been for centuries, in their shadow new tombs are still being uncovered, while known tombs, workers’ houses, and other sites are yet to be fully explored and studied.

“Giza is such a well-known site, but in some sense, it’s understudied,” Torres said. “Because the pyramids are so amazing, the things all around them fade.”

With so much work to be done, the access to digitized documents and materials might inspire scholars curious about ancient Egypt but without access to the sites themselves or a major Egyptological library to take up the job.

“I think that’s the way to go forward, to make sure everyone has access,” Torres said. “Possibly there are geniuses who don’t have a great library and could do something wonderful with the information.”

Another graduate student, Hilo Sugita, plans to study the sarcophagi found at Giza. Using the Giza Project’s data, she can examine photographs of inscriptions, find their original locations within tombs, and even create 3D models.

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“We have photographs, journals, glass negatives, letters, artifacts, publications,” Sugita said. “I think the Digital Giza Project is amazing because we’re trying to collect all the data about Giza everywhere and make it available on the website. You don’t have to go to the MFA, you don’t have to travel to Berlin.”

Technology’s advance is not without challenges, however. The digitization of archaeology, Manuelian said, is something like “the Wild West,” with competing file formats and uncertainty about how the growing data troves will be translated into next-generation software.

In addition, standards for what goes into a 3D re-creation are loose. Should a digital model reflect the state of a tomb as it was found, for example, or is it OK to color in reliefs on the walls to match paint residue found there? How far should digital re-creations go in filling in missing details, some of which are backed by scholarship, but others of which are more speculative, driven by knowledge of common practice rather than evidence at that specific site?

Early in the spring term, Manuelian gave students in his Gen Ed “Pyramid Schemes” class, which provides an overview of ancient Egypt, a glimpse of Giza using Giza Project models. The students visited the Harvard Visualization Center’s home on the second floor of the Geological Museum building, which is equipped with a curved floor-to-ceiling screen occupying one full wall and a suite of 3D and virtual reality tools.

He gave them a tour of both the technology — which can depict sites in detail — and the archaeology, showing them three-dimensional re-creations viewed with 3D glasses and letting them walk through a tomb via a virtual-reality headset.

Manuelian also encouraged students to not only soak up the experience, but to think about the challenges inherent in such an approach, where it might further education and scholarship, and what its shortcomings might be. And, with so much work still to do, he also made a pitch.

“This is a project that is waiting for people like you,” he said.

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Harvard Pyramid Tour

Pixel perfect design with awesome contents

giza pyramid tour harvard

  • Travel, Lifestyle
  • Feb 22, 2024

Welcome to the Harvard Pyramid Tour, an immersive journey through the iconic and historic structures that define the architectural landscape of Harvard University. As we embark on this captivating exploration, we will unveil the secrets, stories, and significance behind these remarkable pyramids that stand as testaments to Harvard's rich history and academic prowess. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of each pyramid, from the hallowed halls of academia to the vibrant hubs of student life. Prepare to be captivated by the blend of tradition and innovation that shapes the Harvard experience, making this tour a unique and enlightening adventure for all who seek to discover the hidden gems within the heart of this esteemed institution.

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Embark on a mesmerizing journey through time with our Pyramids of Giza Tour. Witness the awe-inspiring monuments that have captivated travelers for millennia—the Great Pyramid of Khufu, the enigmatic Sphinx, and the Pyramid of Menkaure. Our expert guides will lead you through the intricacies of these ancient wonders, unveiling the secrets of their construction and significance. This tour promises an immersive experience that will leave you with a profound appreciation for Egypt's rich history   View Tour Details

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Nicole Legnani

  • # david hopkins
  • # giza project
  • # jeremy kisala
  • # museum of fine arts
  • # peter der manuelian
  • # rachel aronin
  • # virtual reality

Bringing the Giza Pyramids to Life

3D or not 3D? That is the question. Egyptologists and digital artists discuss the advantages of navigating on screen through archaeological sites in 2D, versus donning 3D glasses for an even more immersive experience. Using 3D computer animation and digital artistry to reconstruct the ancient Egyptian site of Giza, arguably the most famous archaeological site in the world, the Giza Project at Harvard is bringing the site back to life on screen. This is happening at Harvard’s Visualization Center, located in the Geological Museum. Project staff, along with partners at Dassault Systèmes in Paris, are making it possible for students and researchers alike to become “participant observers” in the burial rites carried out by avatars of ancient Egyptians, and to experience the ancient landscape and monuments in real-time as never before. Both amateurs and experts enjoy the benefits of travel in time and space, the results of a collective and ongoing effort of the team, under the direction of Peter Der Manuelian, Philip J. King Professor of Egyptology and Founding Director of the Giza Archives Project at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. From 2000 to 2011, the Project at the MFA was benefited from more than $3 million in support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Part of the beauty (both artistic and scholarly) of the team’s forays into ancient Egypt is the excitement the 3D Giza site can encourage among its viewers, from amateurs to visiting Egyptologists of international renown. Beyond visitors’ initial (overwhelmingly positive) reactions, the Giza team members are gathering detailed feedback from scholars to improve the interface and experience. The Giza model also allows us to pose new research questions and new ways of viewing the site, both from above and below ground that were previously impossible.


Egyptologists Nicholas Picardo and Rachel Aronin, Giza Project Research Associates, work closely with the team´s technical artists, Rus Gant and David Hopkins, to ensure that all the structures and objects from the Giza Pyramids, temples and tombs are represented as accurately as possible on the Giza 3D model. They are updating and cross-referencing data from more than a century’s worth of maps, photos, expedition diaries, objects and other materials of the groundbreaking excavations led by George A. Reisner (class of 1889) for the joint Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition (1905–1947). Current excavation data are also being incorporated, as are Giza materials from a consortium of international collaborative partners from institutions in Berkeley, Berlin, Cairo, Philadelphia, Hildesheim, Leipzig, Turin, and Vienna.


Avatar of George A. Reisner (1867–1942), Harvard’s first Professor of Egyptology, standing in a Giza tomb chapel. Still image from 3D animation. Image courtesy of Dassault Systèmes, Paris.

But what is an accurate digital representation for a tomb that is more than four thousand years old? Hopkins and Gant note that where a damaged column of hieroglyphs appears on the tomb chapel wall of Queen Meresankh, colleagues Aronin and Picardo could theoretically reconstruct the missing signs based on Egyptological research. What, then, should be the conventions for displaying reconstructions of hieroglyphs? Manuelian dreams out loud, raising the possibility of introducing a timeline mode that would allow users to scroll from four thousand years ago to the present and back again, displaying the site in its original and current states, with many phases in between. Moreover, Manuelian raises the possibility of “crowdsourcing” selected monuments so that Egyptologists and digital artists from around the globe could get involved in populating the site with additional data at a faster pace. Gant notes that crowdsourcing was unimaginable ten years ago when the Giza work began. Today, powerful bandwidth and widespread access to the same digital tools and formats have leveled the playing field among research centers around the globe.


Digital reconstruction of the subterranean tomb chapel of Queen Meresankh (G 7530-7540), discovered by the Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition in 1927. Image courtesy of the Giza Project.

The research possibilities for the Giza 3D model have also increased dramatically. “We have now come to the point where we are no longer just using research in order to build a visual model,” adds Picardo, “but we are also reversing the process, taking the model and using it for research.” This is the “future of digital archaeology,” he contends, noting that it is “a pioneering effort in the field of Egyptology.” Already, images from the reconstructed models of selected Giza tombs grace Manuelian’s scholarly publications, including, most recently, Mastabas of Nucleus Cemetery G 2100. Manuelian and Gant also envision expanding accessibility to an even larger public, making the work available to visitors on the Giza Plateau itself, and in the forthcoming Grand Egyptian Museum, scheduled for completion a few years from now, as well as in museums at Harvard and elsewhere.


A museum visitor experiences the immersive environment of the Giza Plateau. Photo courtesy of the Giza Project.

The Giza Archives and Giza3D visualizations are at an exciting juncture in research, development and dissemination, with possibilities applicable to HarvardX and EdX as well. Aronin smiles as she acknowledges the Sisyphean task at hand; though the current crop of team members may not be able to render the entire repertoire of the Giza Plateau’s temples, tombs and artifacts in 3D, they will nevertheless set the stage for the next generation of scholars to come.

Check it out: http://www.gizapyramids.org http://giza3d.3ds.com

Pyramids of Giza: Ancient Egyptian Art and Archaeology

Learn about ancient egypt’s most famous archaeological site.

Join Harvard Professor Peter Der Manuelian in exploring the archaeology, history, art, and hieroglyphs surrounding the famous Egyptian Pyramids at Giza.

Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences

What You'll Learn

Where is Giza? How were the Pyramids built? How did the cemeteries and hundreds of decorated tombs around them develop? What was Giza’s contribution to this first great age of ancient Egyptian civilization, the Old Kingdom?

The Giza Plateau and its cemeteries — including the majestic Pyramids and the Great Sphinx — are stirring examples of ancient Egyptian architecture and culture. They provide windows into ancient Egyptian society, but also contain mysteries waiting to be solved. The Egyptian Pyramids at Giza provide an opportunity to explore the history of archaeology and to learn about some of the modern methods shaping the discipline today.

This introductory course will explore the art, archaeology, and history surrounding the Giza Pyramids. We will learn about Egyptian pharaohs and high officials of the Pyramid Age, follow in the footsteps of the great 20th-century expeditions, and discover how cutting-edge digital tools like 3D-modeling are reshaping the discipline of Egyptology.

Join us on this online journey to ancient Egypt’s most famous archaeological site as we uncover the history and significance of Giza, and use new digital techniques to unravel the mysteries of its ancient tombs and temples.

The course will be delivered via edX and connect learners around the world. By the end of the course, participants will understand:

  • The history and significance of the Giza Pyramids and surrounding cemeteries
  • Who explored the Pyramids and how they documented their discoveries
  • The cultural and religious significance of the Giza Pyramids, tombs, and temples
  • The role of hieroglyphic inscriptions in the tombs at Giza
  • An appreciation for Egyptian art of the Old Kingdom, or Pyramid Age
  • How digital technologies allow us to visualize ancient monuments in new ways
  • What the future holds for our understanding and experience of Giza

Your Instructor

Peter Der Manuelian received his Ph.D. in Egyptology from the University of Chicago in 1990. In 2009, he was appointed the “Philip J. King Professor of Egyptology” at Harvard University (Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, and Department of Anthropology). This is the first Egyptology chair at Harvard since the time of George Reisner (1867-1942), more than 75 years ago. He is director of the Harvard Semitic Museum, and also directs the Giza Project at Harvard, and the MA Program in Museum Studies at the Harvard Extension School. He joined the curatorial staff at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, in 1987, and was Giza Archives Project Director there from 2000–2011, in addition to teaching at Tufts University for ten years. His primary research interests include ancient Egyptian history, archaeology, digital epigraphy and visualization, the development of mortuary architecture, and the (icono)graphic nature of Egyptian language and culture in general.

Ways to take this course

When you enroll in this course, you will have the option of pursuing a Verified Certificate or Auditing the Course.

A Verified Certificate costs $219 and provides unlimited access to full course materials, activities, tests, and forums. At the end of the course, learners who earn a passing grade can receive a certificate. 

Alternatively, learners can Audit the course for free and have access to select course material, activities, tests, and forums.  Please note that this track does not offer a certificate for learners who earn a passing grade.

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The Giza Project at Harvard University

  • Project Director Peter Der Manuelian
  • Location Giza Plateau
  • Affiliation Harvard University
  • Project Dates 2000-Present

The Giza Project , a non-profit international initiative based at Harvard University, assembles information about all the archaeological activity at the most famous site in the world: the Giza Pyramids and surrounding cemeteries and settlements (third millennium BCE to present). Using digital archaeology, the Project unites diverse documentation to produce powerful online and traditional academic research tools and new teaching technologies. It presents academic information about Giza at all levels of expertise for the world community and strives to provide a model of archaeological information management.

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The mission statement above describes a project that began back in 2000 at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, with generous support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Rather than simply scan all 45,000 glass plate expedition negatives from George Reisner’s Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition (1905–1947), we decided instead to focus on “just” the 21,000 Giza photos, but link them intelligently with as much additional metadata as possible. Assembling a team of Egyptologists, PhD candidates, undergraduates, volunteers, and talented and dedicated MFA Museum Associates women, we transcribed expedition diaries, created artifact databases from original object register books, scanned maps, plans, sections, and epigraphic drawings of scenes and inscriptions, and converted scholarly publications into a massive Giza digital library of text-searchable pdf files. Everything fit into its appropriate module in our TMS collections management system, now dubbed “GizaCARD,” and the Project’s first website launched in 2005. Each of the hundreds of Giza tombs surrounding the Pyramids became a central “node” in our system, linked to its appropriate photos, diary pages, object records, drawings, publications, etc.

Since focusing only on the parts of the Giza Necropolis excavated by the HU–MFA Expedition precluded any holistic attempt to study the entire site, we next brought on board all the museums and institutions with a direct archaeological connection to Giza. We have added digital data from Berkeley, Berlin, Cairo, Hildesheim, Leipzig, Philadelphia, Turin, and Vienna in an attempt to build “Giza International,” a sort of centralized repository. We also discovered in Egypt some seventy-four Arabic expedition diaries kept safely all these years by the descendants of George Reisner’s Egyptian foremen. Mellon Foundation funding totaled about $3.4 million and supported us from 2000 to 2010.

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Aiming to take our digital data to the next level, we teamed up with French 3D modeling company Dassault Systèmes (Paris and Waltham, MA) and immersive experience and virtual/augmented reality partner Emissive (Paris) to build 3D models of Giza for teaching and research. Breathing new life into old data came in particularly handy in 2010 when the Giza Project moved to Harvard University. Like George Reisner himself (1867–1942), who was also an MFA curator and Harvard professor, the Giza Project was now able to represent both institutions in a collaborative partnership. The work also fed directly into undergraduate and graduate courses taught in Harvard’s customized Visualization Lab classroom.

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Supported by a series of NEH grants, the Giza Project at Harvard roughly doubled the number of records online over what had been collected at the MFA. We expanded into “educational telepresence,” building out 3D models, not only for our new Harvard-based website, but for immersive stereo headset use as well. The Project’s outreach expanded as well, and a HarvardX online “Giza Pyramids” course (8 modules, 60 videos) has reached a total enrollment at this writing of 116,639 learners from 160 countries. Some of our work overlapped with the mission of the Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East, such as the free “Dreaming the Sphinx” augmented reality app for the Thutmose IV Sphinx Stela we launched on the Apple App and Google Play stores.

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From 2018 onwards, the Giza Project teamed up with Zhejiang University (ZJU) in Hangzhou. Visiting computer scientist Dr. Changyu Diao joined us for a year, contributing to a wide variety of projects, including back-end web coding, live-streaming our Giza classes to China, and 3D scanning and 3D printing, the last item thanks to several PLA printers generously donated by Sindoh.

Now just over twenty years on, with 152,464 items at present in our “GizaCARD” database and on our website, we have recently been enhancing the website (figure 6), with a IIIF-compliant “Mirador” image viewer; the ability to save and share collections (“MyGiza”); and educational features such as “Giza@School,” including an interactive timeline on Giza archaeological history. Through collaboration with ICONEM we hope to combine drone footage with our own interactive tours and a GIS overlay that will allow for enhanced research as well as edu-tourism. New sourcing documents will explain how we built our 3D structures, while photogrammetry and Sketchfab object models and virtual tours of Giza tomb chapels will enable a host of new scholarship opportunities.

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A description of the first decade of the Giza Project was published in 2017 by Harvard University Press . Funding remains an ongoing challenge but with proper support we hope to continue to document the past, present, and future at Giza, one of the world’s most important heritage sites.

  • Nicholas Picardo, Project Supervisor and Research Associate
  • Luke Hollis, Lead Technical Artist

Project Team Members:

After twenty years, the Giza Project has benefited from the work of almost 1,000 different people. Among those with fundamental contributions are Diane Flores, Catherine Pate, Nicholas Picardo, Rachel Aronin, Jeremy Kisala, Luke Hollis, Rus Gant, David Hopkins, Josh Widdicombe, Changyu Diao, and Harvard Egyptology and archaeology PhD candidates Laura Taronas, Kate Rose, Sara Zaia, Inês Torres, Hilo Sugita, Julia Puglisi, Sergio Alarcón Robledo, Nisha Kumar, and Gaia Bencini. We also thank Rashmi Singhal and Cole Crawford of DARTH, Jeff Steward (HAM), and Henry Perkins and the staff of Harvard’s FAS Research Computing. We also thank volunteers John Thompson, Doug Hall, Erika Kelley, Jenny Cashman, Daniel Leon, and Maarten Praet.

The Giza Project brings together archival holdings from a number of institutions, including:

  • The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (USA)
  • The Ägyptisches Museum der Universität Leipzig (Germany)
  • The Berlin Ägyptisches Museum (Germany)
  • The Egyptian Museum, Cairo (Egypt)
  • The Grand Egyptian Museum (Egypt)
  • The Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna (Austria)
  • The Museo Egizio, Turin (Italy)
  • The Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University (USA)
  • The Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley (USA)
  • The Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum, Hildesheim (Germany)
  • The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia (USA)
  • Ancient Egypt Research Associates

The Giza Project gratefully acknowledges current and past support from the following organizations:

  • The National Endowment for the Humanities
  • Harvard University
  • Mr. Sadek Wahba
  • Google for Education
  • Dassault Systèmes
  • Leon Levy Foundation
  • The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
  • Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

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Visit the Great Pyramids of Giza from Home

Generally speaking, traveling sits on the top of most people’s bucket lists. But during the pandemic, many of us haven’t traveled beyond our mailboxes or the grocery store. Trips to the Ghibli Museum and the Eiffel Tower may be off the table for now, but the internet is full of exciting resources that help us see the world from our homes . And even learn a thing or two in the process. Take the Digital Giza Project at Harvard University, for example. From the comfort of our living rooms, we can read about the Great Pyramids of Giza—and even go on 3D tours.

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The project, which first opened at Harvard in 2011, purports to have “the largest collection of information, media, and research materials ever assembled about the Pyramids and related sites on Egypt’s Giza Plateau.” (We first heard about it from DesignTAXI . ) Project Giza is a treasure trove of Giza-related materials. It features archival materials, archeological records, and collections from partner institutions all over the world.

But likely the most exciting part is Giza 3D, digital recreations of several sites in the Giza Plateau, including Khufu Pyramid , the Great Sphinx and the Sphinx Temple , Tomb of Queen Meresankh III , to name just a few.

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The project created the digital renderings using the archival records. They aim to replicate how the monuments and landmarks would have looked in Ancient Egypt . And, thus far, they’ve completed 20 thus far, although there are still “many hundreds” left to digitize.

The Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt

Sam Valadi/Flickr

For those who want to dig deeper into the world of ancient Egypt and the Giza Plateau, the project features a library of Giza-focused publications , including books, articles, bulletins, and so much more. Plus, there’s even a section designed for teachers and students. Giza @ School features materials and resources for students learning all about Ancient Egypt and the famous sites at Giza. Now we can visit Giza and dive into Ancient Egypt, even if we’re unable to go in person.


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Visit the Pyramids of Giza Without Even Leaving Your Couch

The Great Sphinx with the Pyramids of Giza in the distance.

If going to the Giza Plateau in person is the ultimate way to experience the ancient Pyramids of Giza, Harvard University’s Digital Giza is at least the next best thing.

As Nerdist reports , Digital Giza is an offshoot of Harvard’s Giza Project , an international endeavor to catalog and consolidate archives and information about the Giza Plateau from all over the world. Researchers have used this data to create a digital platform with 3D models, virtual walking tours, and other free interactive resources to help people explore the region from afar.

You can, for example, amble around the largest of the three pyramids, commissioned by King Khufu around 2550 BCE and also known as the Great Pyramid . Not only is it the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, it’s also the only one that still exists (That said, historians aren’t sure that some of them ever existed at all—hard evidence of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the Colossus of Rhodes, for example, has proven difficult to find.) The other two pyramids that tower over the rest of the plateau are the Pyramid of Khafre and the Pyramid of Menkaure, built by (and named for) Khufu’s son and grandson, respectively.

Digital Giza offers plenty of sites to explore beyond those three edifices. The Great Sphinx , thought to have been built during Khafre’s reign, is also a must-see. While it’s currently the same sandy color as the rest of the plateau, pigment residue suggests that it might’ve once been painted red, blue, yellow, and perhaps other vibrant hues. The platform also has virtual tours of several extravagant tombs, complete with details about the art and sculptures you see inside.

If you’re interested in an immersive (and educational) virtual vacation, you can explore Digital Giza here .

[h/t Nerdist ]

Digital Giza at Harvard University. Click for home.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Egyptian geography/nile river.

Egyptian civilization developed along the banks of the Nile River, which flows from south to north into the Mediterranean Sea. Because of the direction of the current, the southern part of the country is referred to as "Upper" Egypt (i.e., upstream), and the northern part (including the Delta, where the river splits into multiple branches) is called "Lower" Egypt. Until the construction of the Aswan High Dam in the 1960s, the Nile flooded every year during the summer months. When the floodwaters withdrew they left behind a layer of rich black silt, which the Egyptians used to fertilize their crops. Thus black was the color of life for the Egyptians, and they called their country "Kemet," meaning "the black land." This stood in contrast to the "Deshret" ("red land"), the land of the dead, referring to the inhospitable sands of the deserts which surround the Nile valley. Because it was the annual flood that created the fertile conditions allowing for life in the middle of a harsh desert environment, the ancient Greek historian Herodotus called Egypt the "gift of the Nile."

Suggested reading:

Manuelian, Peter Der. "The Nile," and Picardo, Nicholas. "The Desert & the Oases." In Manuelian, Peter Der. 30-Second Ancient Egypt: The 50 Most Important Achievements of a Timeless Civilization Each Explained in Half a Minute. London: Ivy Press, 2014, pp. 16-19.

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What and when was the Old Kingdom?

Broadly speaking, historians divide Egyptian history into three "Kingdoms" (Old, Middle, and New), each of which is divided into multiple dynasties (successive generations of a ruling family). The Old Kingdom (Dynasties 3-8, about 2650-2130 BCE) was the first manifestation of a unified Egyptian state, which joined the northern (Nile delta) and southern (Nile valley) halves of the country under a single ruler. This was a period of strong central government, which allowed Egypt’s kings to organize the tremendous labor force necessary for massive building projects like the pyramids (built in Dynasty 4).

Freed, Rita E. "Egypt in the Age of the Pyramids." In Markowitz, Yvonne J., Joyce L. Haynes and Rita E. Freed. Egypt in the Age of the Pyramids: Highlights from the Harvard University-Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Expedition. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 2002, pp. 17-20.

What is a pharaoh? How was Egyptian society structured?

Egyptian society was strictly hierarchical, with the pharaoh (king) and royal family at the top. The word "pharaoh" comes from the ancient Egyptian " per-aa ", meaning "Great House" or "Palace" (as modern Americans can refer to "the White House" and mean the President). The king (or, occasionally, queen) was believed to be the living embodiment of the god Horus, a sun god. According to myth, Horus fought against Seth, the god of chaos, to bring order and justice to the world. The king was meant to uphold this divine order (called " maat ") in human society. Below the king in the social structure were priests, the elite officials who oversaw the administration of the country, and skilled artists and craftspeople. At the bottom were the common people, who worked mainly as farmers or were employed on great building projects like the pyramids.

Freed, Rita E. "Life During the Pyramid Age." In Markowitz, Yvonne J., Joyce L. Haynes and Rita E. Freed. Egypt in the Age of the Pyramids: Highlights from the Harvard University-Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Expedition. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 2002, pp. 26-31.

Manuelian, Peter Der. "Pharaoh." In Manuelian, Peter Der. 30-Second Ancient Egypt: The 50 Most Important Achievements of a Timeless Civilization Each Explained in Half a Minute. London: Ivy Press, 2014, pp. 22-23.

Royal attire and symbols

Egyptian kings wore several different styles of crown. Most common were the "Red Crown" (representing Lower Egypt) and the "White Crown" (representing Upper Egypt); the two were frequently worn together as the "Double Crown" to demonstrate the king’s rule over the entire unified country. Kings were also shown wearing the " nemes ," a striped headdress (famously seen on the gold mask of Tutankhamun from the Valley of the Kings; at Giza, it can be seen on the head of the Great Sphinx, as well as on a number of royal statues). In addition to the crown or headdress the king wore a uraeus , a representation of a fierce protective cobra which was worn on the forehead to frighten pharaoh’s enemies. Kings also often wore a ceremonial braided false beard and carried one or more official scepters, maces, or staffs.

What is a pyramid?

Pyramids were the burial places for Egyptian royalty during the Old Kingdom (and in some later periods as well). The three large pyramids at Giza were built for three generations of Egyptian kings: Khufu, his son Khafre, and his grandson Menkaure. There are also several smaller pyramids at Giza, constructed for these kings’ wives and mothers. In Egyptian mythology, the world was created by raising a mound of land out of the sea; the triangular shape of the pyramid was meant to represent that first hill, so that the king could use the power of creation to be "reborn" into the afterlife. Although pyramids were built at multiple sites in Egypt, the ones at Giza are the largest, with the Great Pyramid of Khufu standing about 481 feet tall.

Lehner, Mark. "The Pyramid as Icon." In The Complete Pyramids: Solving the Ancient Mysteries. London: Thames and Hudson, 1997, pp. 34-35.

Allen, James P. "Why a Pyramid? Pyramid Religion." In Hawass, Zahi, ed. The Treasures of the Pyramids. Vercelli, Italy: White Star Publishers, 2003, pp. 22-27.

Pyramid Complexes

In addition to the pyramid itself, each royal burial complex had two temples associated with it: one at the river’s edge (the "valley temple"), with a harbor where the boats carrying the king’s body and funeral equipment would have docked; and one located next to the pyramid itself (the "pyramid temple" or "mortuary temple"). The two temples were connected by a long covered causeway, which the funerary procession would have followed on its way to bury the king in his pyramid. Each temple had a rotating staff of priests, who continued to serve the semi-divine king’s cult long after his death.

Lehner, Mark. "The Standard Pyramid Complex." In The Complete Pyramids: Solving the Ancient Mysteries. London: Thames and Hudson, 1997, pp. 18-19.

Because of Egypt’s location along the Nile, boats were a primary means of transportation, and the imagery of boats extends into mythology. The sun was believed to cross the sky in a boat, steered by the sun god Re. In death, the king hoped to become like Re and join him in his journey across the heavens. Several boats were buried in special pits beside the pyramids at Giza; these were perhaps meant to serve the king in the afterlife, and/or may have been used as part of the funeral procession to transport the king’s body to Giza for burial.

Altenmüller, Hartwig. "Funerary Boats and Boat Pits of the Old Kingdom." In Filip Coppens, ed. Abusir and Saqqara in the year 2001. Proceedings of the Symposium (Prague, September 25th-27th, 2001). Archiv Orientální 70, No. 3 (August 2002). Prague: Oriental Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, pp. 269-290.

Jones, Dilwyn. Boats. Egyptian Bookshelf. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1995.

Who built the pyramids?

Contrary to popular belief, the pyramids were not built by slaves (or aliens!). According to recent work at Giza, which has revealed the town and tombs of the pyramid builders, the workforce likely consisted of 20,000 to 30,000 native Egyptians. Some of them would have been skilled craftsmen, but most were manual laborers employed in cutting and hauling the massive blocks of stone. Egypt did not use money during this time period, so the workers were paid in food, primarily bread and beer.

Morell, Virginia. "The Pyramid Builders." National Geographic Magazine (November 2001): http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/data/2001/11/01/html/ft_20011101.5.fulltext.html

Lehner, Mark. "The Living Pyramid." In The Complete Pyramids: Solving the Ancient Mysteries. London: Thames and Hudson, 1997, pp. 200-225.

Website of the Ancient Egypt Research Association (AERA), currently exploring Giza’s "Lost City" of the pyramid builders: http://www.aeraweb.org/

What is the Sphinx?

In ancient Egypt, a sphinx was a mythical creature with the body of a lion (symbolizing the strength and power of the kingship) and a human head (usually that of the ruling king, wearing the royal headdress). The colossal Great Sphinx of Giza and its associated temple are located near the valley temple of Khafre, builder of the second pyramid at Giza, and are generally believed to have been built during his reign. The Sphinx is one of the earliest and largest monolithic statues in the world, 241 feet (73.5 m) long, 63 feet (19 m) wide, and 66 feet (20 m) high. During the New Kingdom (roughly a thousand years after its construction), the Sphinx was worshipped as Horemakhet ("Horus in the horizon"), a form of the sun god.

Lehner, Mark. "The Great Sphinx." In The Complete Pyramids: Solving the Ancient Mysteries. London: Thames and Hudson, 1997, pp. 127-133.

Lehner, Mark. "Reconstructing the Sphinx." Cambridge Archaeological Journal 2 no. 1 (April 1992), pp. 3-26.

What is a mastaba tomb?

The term " mastaba " (Arabic for "bench") refers to the many bench-shaped tombs that surround the pyramids. These tombs generally consist of a rectangular building made of limestone blocks or mud bricks, containing a small room or group of rooms (chapel) where offerings were made to the deceased. These chapels were often decorated with scenes of daily life, as well as images of food (bread, beer, and meat) to magically "feed" the deceased in the afterlife. Below the chapel, one or more shafts descend into the bedrock of the plateau, containing the burials of the tomb owner and sometimes his (or her) family.

Jánosi, Peter. "The Tombs of Officials. Houses of Eternity." In Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyramids. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1999, pp. 26–39.

Who was buried at Giza?

First and foremost, Giza was a royal cemetery. Kings themselves were buried there, inside the three great pyramids. But there are also thousands of other ancient burials at Giza. Many of these were for other members of the royal family. Queens sometimes had smaller, subsidiary pyramids next to their husbands’, and the cemetery to the east of the Great Pyramid contains tombs of princes, princesses, and other relatives of the king. Most of the remaining tombs across the plateau belonged to society’s elite: scribes, priests, bureaucrats, overseers of the workers who built the pyramids, and other high officials who served the royal court.

Markowitz, Yvonne J. "Excavating Giza." In Markowitz, Yvonne J., Joyce L. Haynes and Rita E. Freed. Egypt in the Age of the Pyramids: Highlights from the Harvard University-Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Expedition. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 2002, pp. 33-45.

Manuelian, Peter Der. "The Tombs of the High Officials at Giza." In Hawass, Zahi, ed. The Treasures of the Pyramids. Vercelli, Italy: White Star Publishers, 2003, pp. 190-220.

Egyptian funerary beliefs

The ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife which was fundamentally similar to life as they knew it, filled with the same activities and necessities (food, shelter, clothing) that they experienced on a daily basis. Thus tombs were thought of as "houses for eternity," which the spirit of the deceased would inhabit forever. They were filled with the sorts of things people expected to need – both full-size versions and durable, small-scale models of them – commonly including plates for food and beer jars. The walls of the tomb chapel were frequently carved with requests for food and drink, linen cloth, and "all good things" to sustain the spirit in the next world. In addition, the tomb owner’s children or grandchildren would periodically visit the tomb and leave food there for their relatives.

Allen, James P. "Some Aspects of the Non-royal Afterlife in the Old Kingdom." In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, pp. 9-17.

Lehner, Mark. "Tomb and Temple." In The Complete Pyramids: Solving the Ancient Mysteries. London: Thames and Hudson, 1997, pp. 22-30.

Aronin, Rachel. "Burial Equipment." In Manuelian, Peter Der. 30-Second Ancient Egypt: The 50 Most Important Achievements of a Timeless Civilization Each Explained in Half a Minute. London: Ivy Press, 2014, pp. 106-107.

The practice of mummifying the dead probably began accidentally, due to the natural drying effects of burial in the desert climate. The Egyptians then developed techniques to preserve the body even further, removing the internal organs and drying the body in salt before wrapping it in linen cloth. Egyptians believed that a person’s spirit remained connected to the body after death, and that if the body were destroyed they would not be able to enter the afterlife. Therefore preserving the body was extremely important, and a number of amulets were included in the mummy’s wrappings to help magically protect it from harm.

D’Auria, Sue. "Mummification in Ancient Egypt." In D’Auria, Sue, Peter Lacovara, and Catharine H. Roehrig, eds. Mummies & Magic: The Funerary Arts of Ancient Egypt. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1988, pp. 14-19.

Ikram, Salima. The Mummy in Ancient Egypt: Equipping the Dead for Eternity. London: Thames & Hudson, 1998.

Women at Giza

Relatively few women owned their own tombs at Giza, partially because space on the plateau was reserved for members of the bureaucratic elite who worked for the government, and such administrative positions were mostly held by men. Additionally, providing final resting places for women seems to have been seen as the responsibility of their male relatives, usually husbands, fathers, or sons. Many women appear in the wall decorations of their husbands’ tombs, suggesting that they may have been buried there as well. Women who did have their own tombs were mostly queens and princesses, who, as members of the royal family, had the right to be buried on the plateau.

Callender, Vivienne G. "A Contribution to the Burial of Women in the Old Kingdom." In Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2001, Proceedings of the Symposium, Prague, September 25th–27th, 2001. Edited by Filip Coppens. Archiv Orientální 70, no. 3 (August, 2002), pp. 337–350.

Hassan, Ali. The Queens of the Fourth Dynasty. Egypt: S.C.A. Press, 1997.

Roth, Ann Macy. "Little women: gender and hierarchic proportion in Old Kingdom mastaba chapels." In The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31–June 4, 2004. Edited by Miroslav Bárta. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, pp. 281–296.


The Egyptians had two main systems for writing their language. The first was hieroglyphs, which were not merely "picture-writing" but rather a complex system in which each character stood for a sound or group of sounds, much like letters in many modern languages. One special type of character (called a "determinative") had no sound but instead helped to classify a given word within larger categories. Hieroglyphs were generally carved in stone, and used for important documents such as royal decrees, or religious texts on tomb or temple walls. The second writing system was hieratic, which was a cursive script written in ink on papyrus or fragments of pottery (called ostraca ), which was used for everyday things such as letters and legal documents like wills and marriage contracts. Like modern Arabic and Hebrew (to which Egyptian is distantly related), the ancient Egyptian language did not write vowels.

Leprohon, Ronald J. "Writing." In Manuelian, Peter Der. 30-Second Ancient Egypt: The 50 Most Important Achievements of a Timeless Civilization Each Explained in Half a Minute. London: Ivy Press, 2014, pp. 120-121.

Fischer, Henry G. Ancient Egyptian Calligraphy. A Beginner's Guide to Writing Hieroglyphs. 4th edition. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1999.

Wilkinson, Richard H. Reading Egyptian Art: A Hieroglyphic Guide to Ancient Egyptian Painting and Sculpture. London: Thames & Hudson, 1992.

Gods and Goddesses

Osiris : Osiris was a god of fertility and vegetation. According to myth, he was also the first king of Egypt, and was murdered and dismembered by his jealous brother Seth , the god of chaos. His wife Isis gathered the parts of his body together again and bound them with bandages, creating the first mummy; Osiris was thereafter a god of the dead and ruler of the underworld.

Isis : Isis was the wife of Osiris. Along with her sister Nephthys , she was a protector goddess, particularly of the dead; the two were often shown together on coffins to guard the body. She was believed to have great magical powers and was able to bring her murdered husband Osiris back to life.

Horus : Typically shown in the form of a falcon, or as a man with a falcon’s head, Horus was the son of Osiris and Isis. He fought with his homicidal uncle Seth and claimed the throne of Egypt as the rightful heir of his father Osiris. He was thus the god of kingship, representing order and justice in the world, and was strongly associated with the sun. From the New Kingdom (1550-1070 BCE) on, the Great Sphinx at Giza was thought to represent a solar form of Horus called Horemakhet ("Horus in the horizon").

Anubis : Anubis was the jackal-headed god of the dead, who was associated with mummification and embalming after helping Isis bring Osiris back to life. In the realm of the dead, Anubis also oversaw the "Weighing of the Heart," a method of passing judgment over the deceased to decide who was worthy to enter the afterlife.

Re (or Ra ): Re was the primary sun god, represented in many forms but most commonly as a man with a hawk’s head and a headdress consisting of the sun’s disk encircled by a cobra. He was one of the major gods of Egypt throughout much of its history, and was associated with creation, kingship, and renewal.

Hathor : Hathor was the patron goddess of love, music, sexuality/fertility, and rebirth in the next life. She was the daughter of Re, a solar god, and was usually shown as a cow or a woman wearing cow’s horns around a sun disk. Many festivals (involving dancing, drinking, and sometimes ritual sex) were celebrated in her honor. She was mostly associated with Upper Egypt, although she was also important in the area around Memphis (which includes the important royal cemetery sites of Giza and Saqqara).

Bastet : Bastet was a warrior and protective goddess, depicted as a cat (or sometimes lion) or a woman with a cat’s head. She was associated with Lower Egypt (the Nile Delta). Hathor and Bastet are often shown together, representing the two halves of Egypt (for example, the southern door of the Khafre Valley Temple is inscribed for Hathor, and the northern door for Bastet).

Ptah : Ptah was the patron deity of artists and craftsmen, and was particularly prominent in the area around Memphis (which includes the important royal cemetery sites of Giza and Saqqara). He was also an important creator god, who magically made the world by thinking and speaking it into existence.

Amun : Amun was a powerful primordial creator god, whose name means "the hidden one." He is usually shown as a man wearing a headdress with two large feathers on it. He was worshipped as far back as the Old Kingdom but rose to become the king of all the gods during the New Kingdom, when he was associated with the sun god and worshipped as Amun-Re.

Khnum : Khnum was a ram-headed god, who was thought to embody the source of the life-giving Nile River. Because of this, he was also seen as a creator god and was said to have fashioned humanity from clay on a potter’s wheel.

Leprohon, Ronald J. "Re, the Sun God," Picardo, Nicholas. "Osiris & Resurrection," and Eaton-Krauss, M. "Amun." In Manuelian, Peter Der. 30-Second Ancient Egypt: The 50 Most Important Achievements of a Timeless Civilization Each Explained in Half a Minute. London: Ivy Press, 2014, pp. 98-101, 104-105.

Elements of Tombs and Tomb Equipment

Dodson, Aidan and Salima Ikram. The Tomb in Ancient Egypt. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2008.

False doors : The ancient Egyptians believed that the spirit of an individual continued to inhabit his or her tomb after death. Therefore tombs generally included a magical representation of a door (called "false" by Egyptologists, because it was not actually a functional door) by which the spirit could enter and leave the burial chamber throughout the day. They were typically located in the western wall of the mastaba chapel (west being the direction in which the land of the dead was located), and consisted of carved door jambs and lintels inscribed with the name and image of the deceased and/or members of their family, and a tablet above the door which often showed the tomb owner seated in front of a table laden with offerings (usually food). Surviving family members would also have left offerings of real food in front of the false door, so their relative could continue to eat in the afterlife.

Reisner, George A. A History of the Giza Necropolis. Vol. 1. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1942, pp. 372-379.

Offering tables and basins : Egyptians often placed carved stone basins (usually rectangular) or tables (often in the shape of the hieroglyph " hetep ," meaning "offering") in front of the false door or elsewhere in the tomb, to receive the food and other offerings left by relatives and priests. These were frequently inscribed with the name and titles of the deceased individual to whom they belonged.

Serdabs : A serdab is a hidden chamber found in some mastaba tombs, typically located in the chapel somewhere near the false door, in which statues of the tomb owner and/or their family members could be placed. These spaces were inaccessible once the tomb was completely built, with only a small window slit opening onto the main room of the chapel. The statues placed in these chambers probably served as stand-ins for the body of the deceased (which was buried farther away, in a shaft underneath the tomb) to receive the offerings made on behalf of the tomb owner.

Statues : Egyptians frequently placed statues in their tombs, believing that the statue could serve as a sort of backup body for the person’s spirit if something were to happen to the actual remains. These statues could show the tomb owner alone, or in a group with their spouse and/or children. They are generally not faithful portraits of what the person actually looked like, but are instead rather generalized versions of what an ideal body would look like: young and healthy, without much attention paid to particular facial features. It is rare indeed for a sculpture to be recognizable as a specific individual; the so-called "reserve heads" (see below) are perhaps the closest that the ancient Egyptians came to what we would now consider "portraiture."

Freed, Rita E. "Rethinking the rules for Old Kingdom sculpture. Observations on poses and attributes of limestone statuary from Giza." In The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31–June 4, 2004. Edited by Miroslav Bárta. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, pp. 145 –156.

Grzymski, Krzysztof. "Royal Statuary." In Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyramids. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1999, pp. 50–55.

Servant statues : One particular type of statue found in serdabs is the "servant statue" (more recently known as "serving statues"), so called because they show an individual performing menial labor (usually related to food preparation, such as grinding grain, baking bread, or making beer). They are often somewhat roughly carved, and are only rarely inscribed with the name of the person depicted. These figurines have traditionally been interpreted by Egyptologists as a way for the tomb owner to make sure they would have people to make food for them in the afterlife.

Roth, Ann Macy. "The Meaning of Menial Labor: "Servant Statues" in Old Kingdom Serdabs." Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 39 (2002) , pp. 103–121.

Breasted, James H. Egyptian Servant Statues. New York: Pantheon Books, 1948.

Reserve heads : A "reserve head" is an unusual kind of statue that is known from just over 30 examples, mostly from Dynasty 4 tombs at Giza. Unlike other ancient Egyptian statues, they are just heads, from the top of the skull to the bottom of the neck, and their faces are far less generic than those found on most sculpture – possibly even portraits. Egyptologists disagree on whether the Egyptians thought reserve heads could become spare heads for the dead in their afterlife (in case their actual heads got damaged in the tomb), or if instead reserve heads were used during the funeral as part of religious ceremonies for protection.

Roehrig, Catharine H. "Reserve Heads: An Enigma of Old Kingdom Sculpture." In Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyramids. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1999, pp. 72-81.

Millet, N.B. "The Reserve Heads of The Old Kingdom." In Studies in Ancient Egypt, the Aegean, and the Sudan. Essays in honor of Dows Dunham on the occasion of his 90th birthday, June 1, 1980. Edited by William K. Simpson and Whitney M. Davis. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1981, pp. 129–131.

Ushabtis : Ushabtis (also commonly spelled "shabtis" or "shawabtys") are a type of small funerary figurine, typically made of faience, which became popular in the New Kingdom and later periods. They show a deceased individual in the form of the god Osiris: mummified, with arms crossed over the chest. The ancient Egyptians believed that they could be called on to do work in the afterlife (just as in life), but that these figurines could magically take their place and do the hard labor for them (in Egyptian, " ushabti " means "one who answers," i.e., responding to the summons to work). Ushabtis were often inscribed with the name of the person to whom they belonged and a spell that would "bring them to life," and sometimes came in large sets so the deceased could have one for every day of the year!

Sarcophagi : A sarcophagus (literally, "eater of the body" in Greek) is a coffin made of stone, usually limestone or granite. Sarcophagi could be inscribed with a deceased individual’s name and titles, and sometimes decorated. They could either be freestanding or carved directly into the rock of a burial chamber, and they often contained one or more nested wooden coffins which held the remains of the deceased.

Jewelry, scarabs, and amulets : Egyptians were sometimes buried with jewelry, including necklaces, rings, bracelets, anklets, and gold caps for the fingers and toes, as well as many other forms of personal accessories. A wide variety of different types of amulets (made of gold, copper, shell, ivory, faience, and/or various semi-precious stones) were found at Giza, sometimes strung onto jewelry and at other times as separate objects. Some of these types include: small figurines of gods and goddesses, animals, part of the human body, hieroglyphs, and sacred symbols. The Egyptians regarded amulets as important sources of protection because of magical properties they believed were associated with their shapes, the materials they were made from, or both. Two particular types of amulets were by far the most common throughout ancient Egyptian history. The scarab amulet took the shape of a beetle, which was thought to be a form of the sun god as he pushed the solar disk across the sky every day. The other most popular amulet was the " udjat -eye" (sometimes called " wedjat -eye"), which took the form of a falcon’s eye to refer to the god Horus, whose sacrifices for his father, Osiris, infused the eye with protective qualities.

Andrews, Carol. Ancient Egyptian Jewelry. London: British Museum Press, 1990.

Andrews, Carol. Amulets of Ancient Egypt. London: British Museum Press, 1994.

Stelae : A stela (also spelled stele, plural: stelae) is a slab, usually made of stone, which was inscribed with texts and/or images. Stelae could be either freestanding or embedded in a wall. They served a number of purposes: they could record royal decrees or proclamations; show an individual making offerings to the gods, as a sort of lasting prayer that could be left at temples; or be part of a person’s tomb, showing them receiving offerings to sustain them in the afterlife.

Archaeological Methods

While people have been visiting and exploring Giza for many centuries, the turn of the 20th century saw the development of scientific archaeology, which involves the meticulous documentation of everything the archaeologist finds while excavating. Archaeologists kept daily diaries, recording where on the plateau they were working and what they found; any objects they discovered were assigned a number, and described (and sometimes drawn) in a register book; photographs were taken and plans and drawings made to document the various stages of excavation. Today, Egyptologists are using increasingly sophisticated technological methods to record and study archaeological data in as much detail as possible. By recording the contexts of all discoveries, scholars are able to explore more complex questions about ancient Egyptian society and the lives, beliefs, and achievements of the people who built such a magnificent civilization thousands of years ago.

Manuelian, Peter Der. "Eight years at the Giza Archives Project: past experiences and future plans for the Giza digital archive." Egyptian and Egyptological Documents, Archives, Libraries 1 (2009) , pp. 149-159.

Manuelian, Peter Der. "Excavating the Old Kingdom. The Giza Necropolis and Other Mastaba Fields." In Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyramids. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1999, pp. 138–153.

List of abbreviations of museums, institutions, and expeditions

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  • Tombs & Monuments
  • Sphinx Complex
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  • 08-Description
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Khufu Pyramid

Khufu pyramid complex.

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Excavation Diary Pages 34

Maps & plans 9, published documents 26, unpublished documents 12, full bibliography.

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

  • Tomb Owner Khufu
  • Excavator (Karl) Richard Lepsius, German, 1810–1884 Giovanni Battista Belzoni, Italian, 1778 –1823 Giovanni Battista Caviglia, Italian, 1770–1845
  • Lepsius No Lepsius IV L.IV
  • Other No 1 of Giza (Perring and Vyse) Great Pyramid First Pyramid
  • Alternate Reisner No G I
  • PorterMoss Date Dynasty 4
  • Remarks Khufu pyramid includes an enclosure wall.

Architectural fragment

Architectural fragment with cut marks

Fragments of Khufu Pyramid

Mortar from the Great Pyramid

  • MMA_17.6.143

Piece of Mokattam limestone

giza pyramid tour harvard

H. Lyman Story Diary, p.063

  • Diary page dates 02/25/1915

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  • Diary page dates 11/08/1914; 11/09/1914; 11/10/1914

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  • Diary page dates 11/11/1914

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  • Diary page dates 11/11/1914; 11/12/1914

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  • Diary page dates 11/12/1914; 11/13/1914

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  • Diary page dates 11/13/1914; 11/14/1914

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  • Diary page dates 11/14/1914; 11/15/1914

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  • Diary page dates 11/15/1914; 11/16/1914; 11/17/1914

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  • Diary page dates 11/17/1914

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  • Diary page dates 01/24/1915 through 05/29/1915

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  • Diary page dates 11/23/1915; 11/24/1915

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  • Diary page dates 12/16/1915; 12/17/1915; 12/18/1915

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  • Diary page dates 11/13/1924; 11/14/1924

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  • Diary page dates 01/05/1925

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  • Diary page dates 02/04/1925; 02/05/1925

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  • Diary page dates 02/05/1925

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  • Diary page dates 02/12/1925

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  • Diary page dates 02/16/1925; 02/17/1925; 02/18/1925

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  • Diary page dates 02/21/1925; 02/22/1925

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  • Diary page dates 02/23/1925; 02/24/1925

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  • Diary page dates 02/26/1925; 02/27/1925

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  • Diary page dates 03/07/1925

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  • Diary page dates 03/18/1925; 03/29/1925; 03/20/1925; 03/21/1925

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  • Diary page dates 04/07/1925

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giza pyramid tour harvard


giza pyramid tour harvard


  • Diary page dates 04/07/1925 through 06/07/1925

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  • Diary page dates 1925

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  • Diary page dates 01/08/1926

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  • Diary page dates 05/05/1932 through 05/14/1932

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  • Diary page dates 11/13/1935; 11/14/1935

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  • Diary page dates 02/12/1937 through 02/25/1937

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  • Diary page dates 02/06/1938

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  • Diary page dates 02/24/1938; 02/25/1938

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Enclosure Wall: rounded top

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General plan of Giza

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General plan of the Giza Plateau

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Khufu Pyramid, Plan and section of king’s chamber

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Khufu Pyramid, Sections

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Partial plan of Khufu Pyramid and G 2385

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Plan of Eastern Cemetery: W section, area E of Khufu Pyramid

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Plan of G 7000 X, with positions of Khufu Pyramid, G I-a, G I-b, G I-c, G I-x, G 7110-7120, G 7130-7140

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Plan of Khufu Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid Temple, G I-a, G I-b, G I-c, G 7000 X, G 7110-7120, G 7130-7140

View from Khafre Pyramid, looking NE (color plate)

  • ID HUMFA_EG025506

View of Khufu Causeway and Eastern Cemetery, looking W

  • ID HUMFA_EG025540

View of the Giza Pyramids, from the south

  • ID HUMFA_EG025474

Badawy, Alexander M. "The Periodic System of Building a Pyramid." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 63 (1977), pp. 52-58.

Bauval, Robert G. "Cheops's Pyramid: A New Dating Using the Latest Astronomical Data." Discussions in Egyptology 26 (1993), pp. 5-6.

Bauval, Robert G. "The Horizon of Khufu." Discussions in Egyptology 30 (1994), pp. 17-20.

Bauval, Robert G. "The Logistics of the Shafts in Cheops' Pyramid." Discussions in Egyptology 31 (1995), pp. 5-13.

Bauval, Robert G. "The Star-Shafts of Cheops's Pyramid." Discussions in Egyptology 29 (1994), pp. 23-28.

Bauval, Robert G. "The Upuaut Project: New Findings in the Southern Shaft of the Queen's Chamber in Cheops Pyramid." Discussions in Egyptology 27 (1993), pp. 5-7.

Bauval, Robert G. & A.G. Gilbert. "The Adze of Upuaut." Discussions in Egyptology 28 (1994), pp. 5-13.

Cook, R.J. "A Note on the Geometry of the Star-shafts in the Pyramid of Khufu." Discussions in Egyptology 36 (1996), pp. 21-23.

Cook, R.J. "The Elaboration of the Giza Site-Plan." Discussions in Egyptology 31 (1995), pp. 35-45.

Cook, R.J. "The Stellar Geometry of the Great Pyramid." Discussions in Egyptology 29 (1994), pp. 29-36.

Cwiek, Andrzej. Relief Decoration in the Royal Funerary Complexes of the Old Kingdom: Studies in the Development, Scene Content and Iconography . Warsaw: Institute of Archaeology, Faculty of History, Warsaw University, 2003.

Dorner, Josef. "Das Basisviereck der Cheopspyramide." In Peter Jánosi, ed. Structure and Significance: Thoughts on Ancient Egyptian Architecture , Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2005, pp. 275-281.

Edwards, I.E.S. "The Air-Channels of Chephren's Pyramid." In William Kelly Simpson and Whitney M. Davis, eds. Studies in Ancient Egypt, the Aegean, and the Sudan: Essays in Honor of Dows Dunham on the Occasion of his 90th Birthday, June 1, 1980. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1981, pp. 55-57.

Haase, Michael. "Brennpunkt Giza. Die Schachtsysteme der Cheops-Pyramide." Sokar 5 (2. Halbjahr 2002), pp. 3-13.

Haase, Michael. "Der Serviceschacht der Cheops-Pyramide. Bemerkungen zur Konstruktion des Verbindungsschachtes zwischen Großer Galerie und absteigendem Korridor." Sokar 9 (2. Halbjahr 2004), pp. 12-17.

Hawass, Zahi. "Khufu's National Project: The Great Pyramid of Giza in the Year 2528 B.C." In Peter Jánosi, ed. Structure and Significance: Thoughts on Ancient Egyptian Architecture , Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2005, pp. 305-334.

Hawass, Zahi. "The Discovery of the Pyramidion of the Satellite Pyramid of Khufu [GID], with an Appendix by Josef Dorner" In Charles C. Van Siclen III, ed. Iubilate Conlegae. Studies in Memory of Abdel Aziz Sadek , Part 1 . Varia Aegyptiaca 10, Nos. 2-3 (August-December 1995). San Antonio: Van Siclen Books, 1997, pp. 105-124.

Hellestam, Sigvard. "The Pyramid of Cheops as Calendar." Discussions in Egyptology 28 (1994), pp. 21-27.

Lehner, Mark. "Giza. A Contextual Approach to the Pyramids." Archiv für Orientforschung 32 (1985), pp. 136-158.

Lehner, Mark. "The Development of the Giza Necropolis. The Khufu Project." Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo 41 (1985), pp. 109-143.

Love, Serena. "Stones, Ancestors, and Pyramids: Investigating the Pre-pyramid Landscape of Memphis." In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology . Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, pp. 209-218.

Münch, Hans-Hubertus, "Categorizing Archaeological Finds: the Funerary Material of Queen Hetepheres I at Giza." Antiquity 74, No 286 (2000), pp. 898-908.

Petrie, W. M. Flinders. The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh. London: Histories & Mysteries of Man Ltd., 1990 (1st ed. London: Field and Tuer, 1883).

Porter, Bertha, and Rosalind L.B. Moss. Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings 3: Memphis (Abû Rawâsh to Dahshûr). Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1931. 2nd edition. 3: M emphis, Part 1 (Abû Rawâsh to Abûsîr), revised and augmented by Jaromír Málek. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1974.

Verner, Miroslav. "Archaeological Remarks on the 4th and 5th Dynasty Chronology." Archiv Orientální 69, No. 3 (August 2002), pp. 363-418.

  • Date: August 2001

Wainwright, G.A. "Review of 'Einige zur dritten Bauperiode der grossen Pyramide bei Gise'." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 23 (1937), pp. 127-129.

giza pyramid tour harvard

A History of the Giza Necropolis II, Unpublished 1942 Manuscript, Appendix B: East Cemetery (Cem. 7000), Page ApxB 115

  • ID: HUMFA_GN2_K11_ApxB1_p115

giza pyramid tour harvard

A History of the Giza Necropolis II, Unpublished 1942 Manuscript, Appendix B: East Cemetery (Cem. 7000), Page ApxB 115 (alternate version)

  • ID: HUMFA_GN2_K13_ApxB2_p115

giza pyramid tour harvard

A History of the Giza Necropolis II, Unpublished 1942 Manuscript, Chapter 10: Burials and Burial Equipment, Page 169

  • ID: HUMFA_GN2_K03_ChapX_p169

giza pyramid tour harvard

A History of the Giza Necropolis II, Unpublished 1942 Manuscript, Chapter 10: Burials and Burial Equipment, Page 169 (alternate version)

  • ID: HUMFA_GN2_K03_ChapX2_p169

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A History of the Giza Necropolis II, Unpublished 1942 Manuscript, Chapter 10: Burials and Burial Equipment, Page 170

  • ID: HUMFA_GN2_K03_ChapX_p170

giza pyramid tour harvard

A History of the Giza Necropolis II, Unpublished 1942 Manuscript, Chapter 10: Burials and Burial Equipment, Page 170 (alternate version)

  • ID: HUMFA_GN2_K03_ChapX2_p170

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A History of the Giza Necropolis III, Unpublished 1942 Manuscript, Chapter 15: Chronological Order of Finished Mastabas in the Giza Necropolis, page 060

  • ID: HUMFA_GN3_K14_p060

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A History of the Giza Necropolis III, Unpublished 1942 Manuscript, Chapter 16: The Royal Family of Dynasty Four, page 115

  • ID: HUMFA_GN3_L01_p115

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A History of the Giza Necropolis III, Unpublished 1942 Manuscript, Chapter 16: The Royal Family of Dynasty Four, page 127

  • ID: HUMFA_GN3_L01_p127

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A History of the Giza Necropolis III, Unpublished 1942 Manuscript, Chapter 16: The Royal Family of Dynasty Four, page 135

  • ID: HUMFA_GN3_L01_p135

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A History of the Giza Necropolis III, Unpublished 1942 Manuscript, Chapter 16: The Royal Family of Dynasty Four, page 136

  • ID: HUMFA_GN3_L01_p136

giza pyramid tour harvard

The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter I: The Minor Cemetery, p.001

  • ID: UPM_GMC_chapterI_001

Badawy, Alexander M. "The Periodic System of Building a Pyramid." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 63 (1977), pp. 52-54, 58.

Bauval, Robert G. "The Horizon of Khufu." Discussions in Egyptology 30 (1994), pp. 17-20.

Bauval, Robert G. "The Star-Shafts of Cheops's Pyramid." Discussions in Egyptology 29 (1994), pp. 23-28.

Bauval, Robert G. & A.G. Gilbert. "The Adze of Upuaut." Discussions in Egyptology 28 (1994), pp. 5-9, 11-12, figs. 1-3.

Bauval, Robert G. "Cheops's Pyramid: A New Dating Using the Latest Astronomical Data." Discussions in Egyptology 26 (1993), pp. 5-6.

Becker, Jürgen. "Die Chephren-Pyramide. Planänderung des Baukörpers und ihre Auswirkung auf das Kammersystem." Sokar 8 (1. Halbjahr 2004), pp. 7-11, 14-17, notes 10, 19, 51.

Bothmer, Bernard V. Egypt 1950: My First Visit. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2003, p. 148.

Cook, R.J. "The Stellar Geometry of the Great Pyramid." Discussions in Egyptology 29 (1994), pp. 29-36.

Cwiek, Andrzej. Relief Decoration in the Royal Funerary Complexes of the Old Kingdom: Studies in the Development, Scene Content and Iconography. Warsaw: Institute of Archaeology, Faculty of History, Warsaw University, 2003, pp. 93-95, 98.

Dorner, Josef. "Das Basisviereck der Cheopspyramide." In Peter Janosi, ed. Structure and Significance: Thoughts on Ancient Egyptian Architecture, Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2005, pp. 275-281.

Edwards, I.E.S. "The Air-Channels of Chephren's Pyramid." In William Kelly Simpson and Whitney M. Davis, eds. Studies in Ancient Egypt, the Aegean, and the Sudan: Essays in Honor of Dows Dunham on the Occasion of his 90th Birthday, June 1, 1980. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1981, pp. 55-57.

Flentye, Laurel. "The Mastabas of Ankh-haf (G 7510) and Akhethetep and Meretites (G 7650) in the Eastern Cemetery at Giza: A Reassessment." In Zahi Hawass and Janet Richards, eds. The Archaeology and Art of Ancient Egypt. Essays in Honor of David B. O'Connor, Vol. I. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte, Cahier no. 36. Cairo: Supreme Council of Antiquities, 2007, pp. 293, 300, 302, 303.

Flentye, Laurel. "The Development of Art in the Fourth Dynasty: The Eastern and GIS Cemeteries at Giza." In Mamdouh Eldmaty and Mai Trad, eds. Egyptian Museum Collections Around the World: Studies for the Centennial of the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. Cairo: Supreme Council of Antiquities, 2002, pp. 385-386.

Haase, Michael. "Das 'Giza Archiv-Projekt.' Interview mit Peter Der Manuelian." Sokar 10 (2005), p. 10.

Haase, Michael. "Der Serviceschacht der Cheops-Pyramide. Bemerkungen zur Konstruktion des Verbindungsschachtes zwischen Großer Galerie und absteigendem Korridor." Sokar 9 (2. Halbjahr 2004), pp. 12-17.

Haase, Michael. "Brennpunkt Giza. Die Schachtsysteme der Cheops-Pyramide." Sokar 5 (2. Halbjahr 2002), pp. 3-13.

Hanna, Hany. "Cheops Wooden Boat and its Museum; Condition Case Study." In Hany Hanna, ed. ICOM-CC-Wood, Furniture and Lacquer. International Conference on Heritage of Naqada and Qus Region. Monastery of the Archangel Michael, Naqada, Egypt. 22-28 January 2007. Preprints 1. Egypt: International Council of Museums & Diocese of Naqada and Qus, 2007, pp. 183-186.

Hawass, Zahi. "Excavating the Old Kingdom. The Egyptian Archaeologists." In Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyramids. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1999, pp. 155, 157, 159.

Hawass, Zahi. "Pyramid Construction. New Evidence Discovered at Giza." In Heike Guksch and Daniel Polz, eds. Stationen. Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte Ägyptens Rainer Stadelmann gewidmet, Mainz: Philipp von Zabern, 1998, pp. 53–59, figs. 5, 6.

Hawass, Zahi. "The Discovery of the Harbors of Khufu and Khafre at Gîza." In Catherine Berger and Bernard Mathieu, eds. Études sur l'Ancien Empire et la nécropole de Saqqâra dédiées à Jean-Philippe Lauer. Orientalia Monspeliensia IX. Montpellier: Université Paul Valéry, 1997, pp. 250-251, figs. 1, 2.

Hawass, Zahi. "Zahi Hawass talks to KMT about matters on the Giza Plateau (Interview)." KMT 8, no. 2 (Summer 1997), pp. 19-21, 24.

Hawass, Zahi. "The Great Sphinx at Giza: Date and Function." In Gian Maria Zaccone and Tomaso Ricardi di Netro (eds.) Sesto Congresso Internazionale di Egittologia. Atti, Volume II. Turin, 1993, pp. 178, 181, 183, 185-188.

Hawass, Zahi. "A Burial with an Unusual Plaster Mask in the Western Cemetery of Khufu's Pyramid." In Renée Friedman and Barbara Adams, eds. The Followers of Horus. Studies dedicated to Michael Allen Hoffman 1944-1990. Egyptian Studies Association Publication No. 2. Oxbow Monograph 20. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 1992, pp. 327-328.

Hawass, Zahi. "The Khufu Statuette: Is it an Old Kingdom Sculpture?" In Paule Posener-Kriéger, ed. Mélanges Gamal Eddin Mokhtar, vol. I. Cairo: Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 1985, pp. 383, 388-391.

Heick-Hansen, Bent. "The Sphinx temple." In Gian Maria Zaccone and Tomaso Ricardi di Netro (eds.) Sesto Congresso Internazionale di Egittologia. Atti, Volume I. Turin, 1993, pp. 243-245, figs. 9, 10.

Hellestam, Sigvard. "The Pyramid of Cheops as Calendar." Discussions in Egyptology 28 (1994), pp. 21, 23-25.

Hery, François-Xavier. "L'"inachevé" à la salle souterraine de la pyramide de Kheops." Sesto Congresso Internazionale di Egittologia. Atti, Volume I. Turin, 1993, pp. 259, 261-263, figs. 1-3.

Jánosi, Peter. "Bemerkungen zur Entstehung, Lage und Datierung der Nekropolenfelder von Giza unter Cheops." Sokar 4 (1. Halbjahr 2002), pp. 4-9.

Lehner, Mark. "Giza. A Contextual Approach to the Pyramids." Archiv für Orientforschung 32 (1985), pp. 141-143, 145, 147-153, 155-156, 158, figs. 6a-b, 7.

Lehner, Mark. "The Development of the Giza Necropolis. The Khufu Project." Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo 41 (1985), pp. 109-143.

Manuelian, Peter Der. "Excavating the Old Kingdom. The Giza Necropolis and Other Mastaba Fields." In Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyramids. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1999, pp. 138-140, 142, 144, 146-148, 150, 152, note 5, figs. 79, 80, 87, 88, 90, unnumbered fig.

Münch, Hans-Hubertus, "Categorizing Archaeological Finds: the Funerary Material of Queen Hetepheres I at Giza." Antiquity 74, No 286 (2000), pp. 898-899, 906.

el-Naggar, Salah. "Les couvrements de granit dans les pyramides de Giza." In Peter Janosi, ed. Structure and Significance: Thoughts on Ancient Egyptian Architecture, Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2005, pp. 429-432, 434, fig. 1.

Porter, Bertha, and Rosalind L.B. Moss. Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings 3: Memphis (Abû Rawâsh to Dahshûr). Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1931. 2nd edition. 3: Memphis, Part 1 (Abû Rawâsh to Abûsîr), revised and augmented by Jaromír Málek. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1974, pp. 11-16.

Quibell, A.A. The Pyramids of Giza. Cairo: C.M.S. Bookshop, undated, pp. 8, 10, 12, 15-18, 24, unnumbered figs.

Rowe, Alan. "Studies in the Archaeology of the Near East II: Some Facts Concerning the Gread Pyramids of el-Gîza and Their Royal Constructors." Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 44, No. 1 (September 1961), pp. 103, 105, 107, 109-110, 114-115.

Sakovich, Anthony P. "Explaining the Shafts in Khufu's Pyramid at Giza." Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 42 (2005-6), pp. 1-12, figs. 2-4.

Scharff, Alexander. "On the Statuary of the Old Kingdom." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 26 (1941), p. 43.

Thomas, Elizabeth. "Air Channels in the Great Pyramid." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 39 (1953), p. 113.

Wainwright, G.A. "Review of 'Einige zur dritten Bauperiode der grossen Pyramide bei Gise'." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 23 (1937), pp. 127-129.

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View all 478 Photos

3D Models 1

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Khufu Pyramid (primary model)

Khafre Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Causeway

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid Complex

Khufu Pyramid Complex and Khafre Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-c

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-c

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Western Cemetery

General View: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

General View: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, Khufu Boat Museum

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2000, Khufu Pyramid

Ancient People

giza pyramid tour harvard

  • Type Tomb Owner
  • Remarks Second king of Dynasty 4, son of Snefru. Builder of the Great Pyramid at Giza, the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still standing. Known two thousand years later by the Greeks as King Cheops. Horus name: [mDdw] Medjedu. Full birth-name: Khnum-Khufu.

Modern People

(Karl) Richard Lepsius

  • Type Excavator
  • Nationality & Dates German, 1810–1884
  • Remarks Egyptologist. Nationality and life dates from Who was Who in Egyptology.

Giovanni Battista Belzoni

  • Nationality & Dates Italian, 1778 –1823
  • Remarks Belzoni was a circus strongman, Italian adventurer, and self-taught archaeologist.

Giovanni Battista Caviglia

  • Nationality & Dates Italian, 1770–1845
  • Remarks Caviglia was an early explorer of the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx.

ID: HUMFA_EG010037

Subjects: Maps and plans: General plan of Giza

Maps and plans: General plan of Giza


Subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

Description: General view, including Khufu pyramid, Pyramids Road (Sharia el-Haram), and inundation, looking E from E of Harvard Camp house

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid


Subjects: Menkaure Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, Menkaure pyramid temple

Description: Menkaure pyramid temple and cemetery, looking NNE to Khafre and Khufu pyramids from point 7

Menkaure Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, Menkaure pyramid temple


Subjects: Menkaure Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, Menkaure Pyramid, Menkaure pyramid temple

Menkaure Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, Menkaure Pyramid, Menkaure pyramid temple


Description: Menkaure pyramid temple and cemetery, looking NNE to Khafre and Khufu pyramids from point 8

Menkaure Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, Menkaure pyramid temple


Subjects: Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

Description: Khufu pyramid and Pyramids Road (Sharia el-Haram), looking NE from E of Harvard Camp house

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid


Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Menkaure Pyramid

Description: Three pyramids (Khufu, Khafre, Menkaure) seen from desert about one mile to SW

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Menkaure Pyramid


Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; View: G III-a, G III-b, G III-c, Menkaure pyramid, Khafre pyramid, Khufu pyramid

Description: General view of pyramids, subsidiary pyramids (G III-a, G III-b, G III-c) S of Menkaure pyramid, Menkaure pyramid (foreground), Khafre and Khufu pyramids (background), looking NNE from S of Menkaure pyramid (rephotograph of A448/5883)

General view: Site: Giza; View: G III-a, G III-b, G III-c, Menkaure pyramid, Khafre pyramid, Khufu pyramid

ID: HUMFA_C13155-01_OS

Description: Khufu pyramid, looking SE

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: HUMFA_C13142-01_OS

Subjects: Menkaure Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: G III-a, G III-b, G III-c, Menkaure pyramid, Khafre pyramid, Khufu pyramid

Description: General view, subsidiary pyramids (G III-a, G III-b, G III-c) S of Menkaure pyramid, Menkaure pyramid (foreground), Khafre and Khufu pyramids (background), looking NNE from S of Menkaure pyramid (rephotograph of A448/5883)

Menkaure Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: G III-a, G III-b, G III-c, Menkaure pyramid, Khafre pyramid, Khufu pyramid

ID: HUMFA_D1161-01_NS

Description: Men at work at base of S face of Khufu pyramid

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid


Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; View: Giza, Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

Description: Khufu and Khafre pyramids, looking SSE from gravel hill N of wadi

General view: Site: Giza; View: Giza, Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid


Description: General view of pyramids, Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure pyramids, looking NE from desert about one mile to SW

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Menkaure Pyramid


Description: Menkaure pyramid temple and cemetery, looking NNE to Khafre and Khufu pyramids (slightly different vantage point than A25A)

Menkaure Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, Menkaure pyramid temple


General view: Site: Giza; View: G III-a, G III-b, G III-c, Menkaure pyramid, Khafre pyramid, Khufu pyramid

ID: HUMFA_B13064-01_OS

Description: Harvard Camp buildings(?), looking E to Khufu pyramid and Pyramids Road (Sharia el-Haram)

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid


Description: Khufu pyramid, looking E from G 2000 (= Lepsius 23)

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid


Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; View: Giza, Khafre pyramid, Khufu pyramid

Description: Khafre and Khufu pyramids, looking N

General view: Site: Giza; View: Giza, Khafre pyramid, Khufu pyramid


Description: Cemetery W of Khufu pyramid, looking E

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid


Description: Khufu and Khafre pyramids, looking E to inundation

General view: Site: Giza; View: Giza, Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid


Description: View between Khufu and Khafre pyramids, looking E to inundation

General view: Site: Giza; View: Giza, Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid


Description: Khufu pyramid etc, looking E from E of Harvard Camp house

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid


Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid


Subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2342 = G 5520, Khufu pyramid

Description: Khufu pyramid, looking SE (area around G 2342 (= G 5520 = Lepsius 28, foreground)

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2342 = G 5520, Khufu pyramid


Subjects: Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

Description: Graf Zeppelin over Khufu pyramid (photograph by Noel F. Wheeler)

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


Subjects: Sphinx Complex: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx, Khufu pyramid

Description: Sphinx, looking NW to Khufu pyramid

Sphinx Complex: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx, Khufu pyramid


Description: Khufu pyramid, looking NE from Khafre pyramid. [Image also known as: A5877_NS]

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid


Description: Khufu and Khafre pyramids, looking SW from cultivation. [Image also known as: A5878_NS]

General view: Site: Giza; View: Giza, Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid


Description: Khufu and Khafre pyramids, looking SW from cultivation. [Image also known as: A5927_NS]

General view: Site: Giza; View: Giza, Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid


Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; View: G III-a, G III-b, G III-c, Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid, Menkaure pyramid

Description: General view of pyramids, subsidiary pyramids (G III-a, G III-b, G III-c) S of Menkaure pyramid, Menkaure pyramid (foreground), Khafre and Khufu pyramids (background), looking NNE from S of Menkaure pyramid. [Image also known as: A5879_NS]

General view: Site: Giza; View: G III-a, G III-b, G III-c, Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid, Menkaure pyramid


Description: General view of pyramids, subsidiary pyramids (G III-a, G III-b, G III-c) S of Menkaure pyramid, Menkaure pyramid (foreground), Khafre and Khufu pyramids (background), looking NNE from S of Menkaure pyramid. [Image also known as: A5880_NS]

General view: Site: Giza; View: G III-a, G III-b, G III-c, Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid, Menkaure pyramid


Description: Khafre and Khufu pyramids, looking N (Menkaure causeway) from S. [Image also known as: A5881_NS]

General view: Site: Giza; View: Giza, Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid


Description: General view of pyramids, subsidiary pyramids (G III-a, G III-b, G III-c) S of Menkaure pyramid, Menkaure pyramid (foreground), Khafre and Khufu pyramids (background), looking NNE from S of Menkaure pyramid (rephotographed as A7858 and C13142.01). [Image also known as: A5883_NS]

General view: Site: Giza; View: G III-a, G III-b, G III-c, Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid, Menkaure pyramid


Description: Khufu pyramid and ancient dump on N before our excavation, looking SE from across wadi to NW. [Image also known as: A5882_NS]

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid


General view: Site: Giza; View: Giza, Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid


Subjects: Menkaure Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Menkaure Pyramid

Menkaure Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Menkaure Pyramid


Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; View: Giza, Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid, Menkaure pyramid

General view: Site: Giza; View: Giza, Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid, Menkaure pyramid


Description: Khufu pyramid, looking NE from Khafre pyramid. [Image also known as: A442_NS]


Description: Khufu and Khafre pyramids, looking SW from cultivation. [Image also known as: A443_NS]


Description: General view of pyramids, subsidiary pyramids (G III-a, G III-b, G III-c) S of Menkaure pyramid, Menkaure pyramid (foreground), Khafre and Khufu pyramids (background), looking NNE from S of Menkaure pyramid. [Image also known as: A445_NS]

General view: Site: Giza; View: G III-a, G III-b, G III-c, Menkaure pyramid, Khafre pyramid, Khufu pyramid


Description: General view of pyramids, subsidiary pyramids (G III-a, G III-b, G III-c) S of Menkaure pyramid, Menkaure pyramid (foreground), Khafre and Khufu pyramids (background), looking NNE from S of Menkaure pyramid. [Image also known as: A446_NS]

General view: Site: Giza; View: G III-a, G III-b, G III-c, Menkaure pyramid, Khafre pyramid, Khufu pyramid


Description: Khufu and Khafre pyramids, looking N (Menkaure causeway) from S. [Image also known as: A447_NS]

General view: Site: Giza; View: Giza, Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid, Menkaure pyramid


Description: Khufu pyramid and ancient dump on N before our excavation, looking SE from across wadi to NW. [Image also known as: A450_NS]

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


Description: General view of pyramids, subsidiary pyramids (G III-a, G III-b, G III-c) S of Menkaure pyramid, Menkaure pyramid (foreground), Khafre and Khufu pyramids (background), looking NNE from S of Menkaure pyramid (rephotographed as A7858 and C13142.01). [Image also known as: A448_NS]

General view: Site: Giza; View: G III-a, G III-b, G III-c, Menkaure pyramid, Khafre pyramid, Khufu pyramid


Description: Khufu and Khafre pyramids, looking SW from cultivation. [Image also known as: A444_NS]


Description: General view, looking NE to Khufu pyramid and beyond from three-quarters up NE corner Khafre pyramid

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid


Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; View: Giza, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Inundation, looking ENE past Khufu pyramid to Pyramids Road (Sharia el-Haram)

General view: Site: Giza; View: Giza, Khufu Pyramid


Description: Inundation, looking E past S side of Khufu pyramid

General view: Site: Giza; View: Giza, Khufu Pyramid


Description: Khufu pyramid, looking NE from Khafre pyramid. [Image also known as: B7198_NS]

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid


Description: Khufu pyramid, looking SW from cultivation to NE. [Image also known as: B7194_NS]

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid


Description: Khufu pyramid, looking SE from across wadi at NW. [Image also known as: B7209_NS]

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid


Description: Khufu and Khafre pyramids, looking NE from desert to SW. [Image also known as: B7190_NS]

General view: Site: Giza; View: Giza, Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid


Description: Khufu and Khafre pyramids, looking SW from cultivation. [Image also known as: B7191_NS]

General view: Site: Giza; View: Giza, Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid


Description: Khufu pyramid, looking SSW from cultivation. [Image also known as: B7192_NS]

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid


Description: Khufu and Khafre pyramids, looking SW from cultivation. [Image also known as: B7193_NS]

General view: Site: Giza; View: Giza, Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid


Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; View: Menkaure pyramid, Khafre pyramid, Khufu pyramid

Description: General view of pyramids, subsidiary pyramids S of Menkaure, Menkaure, Khafre, and Khufu pyramids, looking NNE. [Image also known as: B7200_NS]

General view: Site: Giza; View: Menkaure pyramid, Khafre pyramid, Khufu pyramid


Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; View: Khafre pyramid, Khufu pyramid, Menkaure pyramid

Description: General view of pyramids, Khafre (center), Khufu (left), and Menkaure (right), looking NW. [Image also known as: B7760_NS]

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khafre pyramid, Khufu pyramid, Menkaure pyramid


Subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Giza, G 4800, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Space S of G 4800, N side of great wall, looking E to Khufu pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Giza, G 4800, Khufu Pyramid


Description: Trench along E face of pyramid enclosure wall, looking N from SW corner

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.063.21

Description: Khufu pyramid emerging from morning fog, looking SE from G 2150 (10:00 am)

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.069.08

Subjects: Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu causeway

Description: Khufu causeway, looking W to Khufu pyramid

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu causeway

ID: PDM_1993.071.23

Subjects: People & places: Site: Giza; View: Farouk rest-house, Khufu pyramid

Description: Khufu Pyramid from Farouk rest-house courtyard (serving as cafeteria and police station) at NE corner of Khufu pyramid, looking SW

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Farouk rest-house, Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.077.24

Description: Khufu pyramid and western cemetery, looking SE

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.074.01

Subjects: People & places: Site: Giza

Description: Pink truck convoy, looking E from western cemetery (NW corner of Khufu pyramid, background right)

People & places: Site: Giza

ID: PDM_1993.074.02

Description: Pink truck convoy, looking E from western cemetery (Khufu pyramid, background)

People & places: Site: Giza

ID: PDM_1993.074.24

Subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2100, G 2100-I, Khufu pyramid

Description: Cemetery G 2100: G 2100 and G 2100-I, W faces, looking E toward Khufu pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2100, G 2100-I, Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.079.01

Subjects: People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

Description: Top of Khufu pyramid: Peter Der Manuelian at SW corner, looking SW toward Khafre pyramid

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.091.12

Subjects: People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

Description: Inspector Mohammed Sadek with Khufu pyramid in background

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.088.22

Description: Khufu pyramid, W face, looking E from top of G 2100-I

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.088.23

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.100.01

Subjects: General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

Description: Peter Janosi and Khufu Pyramid, from top of G 2000, looking SE

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.100.02

Subjects: People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

Description: PR shot: Peter Der Manuelian and Khufu Pyramid, looking SE from top of G 2000

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.102.23

Description: Khufu Pyramid, Egyptian visitors at entrance on Friday, looking E

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.117.34

Description: Khufu pyramid, N side, Friday crowds, looking E

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.122.06

Description: View of Khufu pyramid, S side, looking N from inside inspectorate/rest-house SE of Khafre pyramid

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.123.09

Description: General view of pyramids, Khufu pyramid, looking N from S of Giza

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.123.10

Description: General view of Khufu pyramid, looking N from S of Giza

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.123.24

Description: General view of Khufu pyramid, looking W from Nazlet el-Samman, balcony of Ahmed el-Ghabry (evening)

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.051.25

Subjects: Central Field (Hassan): Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Sphinx

Description: Central Field (Hassan) cemetery, general view, looking NW to Sphinx and Khufu pyramid

Central Field (Hassan): Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Sphinx

ID: PDM_1993.079.08

Description: Khufu pyramid, looking down SW corner (inspector Mohamed Sadek)

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.124.01

Description: Inspector Mohamed Sadek and Peter Janosi with NE corner of Khufu pyramid in background

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.124.02

Description: Khufu pyramid, SW corner, looking NE

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.124.03

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.124.04

Description: Khufu pyramid, with Khufu Boat Museum, looking E along S face

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.124.05

Description: Khufu pyramid, looking down SW corner

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.124.09

Subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza

Description: Western Cemetery, looking NW from halfway up Khufu pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza

ID: PDM_1993.124.12

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.124.13

Description: Khufu pyramid, looking N along W face

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.124.19

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.124.20

Description: Khufu pyramid, looking down SW corner (inspector Mohamed Sadek and Peter Janosi)

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.124.22

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.125.05

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.125.06

Description: Khufu pyramid, top, looking NE (inspector Mohamed Sadek)

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.125.07

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.125.08

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.125.17

Description: Khufu pyramid, top, looking W (Peter Janosi and inspector Mohamed Sadek)

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.126.08

Description: Khufu pyramid, looking E along S face

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.126.09

Description: Khufu pyramid, looking up to NE

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.126.10

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.126.14

Description: Khufu pyramid, looking N along W face (inspector Mohamed Sadek)

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.126.15

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.127.35

Description: Peter Janosi at NW corner (top) of Khufu pyramid, looking N

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.129.08

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.130.03

Description: Khufu pyramid, top, looking E to Eastern Cemetery (inspector Mohamed Sadek and Peter Janosi)

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.130.12

Description: Khufu pyramid, top, looking E (Peter Janosi and inspector Mohamed Sadek)

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.130.18

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.130.19

Description: Khufu pyramid, top, looking E (inspector Mohamed Sadek and Peter Janosi)

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.001.20

Description: Brian Snyder and inspector Aiman climbing E face of Khufu pyramid

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.001.21

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.001.22

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.001.23

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.001.24

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.001.25

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.001.26

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.001.27

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.001.28

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.001.29

Description: Brian Snyder and inspector Aiman climbing E face of Khufu pyramid, looking SW to Khafre pyramid

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.006.06

Description: Khufu pyramid, looking E from cemetery 4000

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.008.06

Description: Khufu pyramid, from rest house, looking E

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.008.16

Description: Khufu pyramid, top, looking NE

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.016.29

Description: “Giza Day” celebrations, looking S across Sharia el-Haram (Pyramids Road) toward Khufu pyramid

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.016.30

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.016.33

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.016.35

Description: “Giza Day” celebrations, looking S across Sharia el-Haram (Pyramids Road) toward Khufu pyramid and Khafre pyramid

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.016.37

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.016.38

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.017.01

Description: “Giza Day” celebrations, with large balloon, looking S toward north face of Khufu pyramid

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.017.02

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.018.02

Description: General view across Cemetery G 2000 toward west face of G 2100-I, Merib, looking E toward Khufu pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.018.05

Subjects: People & places: Site: Giza; View: G 2000, Khufu pyramid

Description: Brian Snyder photographing on top of mastaba G 2000 (= Lepsius 23), looking E toward Khufu pyramid

People & places: Site: Giza; View: G 2000, Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.018.06

People & places: Site: Giza; View: G 2000, Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.018.11

Description: Brian Snyder and inspector Aiman climbing E face of Khufu pyramid, looking NW

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.018.12

Description: Brian Snyder climbing E face of Khufu pyramid, looking W

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.018.13

Description: Khufu pyramid, SE corner, looking WSW to Khafre pyramid (Brian Snyder climbing E face)

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.018.14

Description: Brian Snyder and inspector Aiman climbing E face of Khufu pyramid, looking W

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.026.12

Subjects: People & places: Site: Giza; View: Harvard Camp, Khufu pyramid

Description: Harvard Camp, lower house (terrace of Sadat rest-house), looking E toward Khufu pyramid (photographer Brian Snyder)

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Harvard Camp, Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.033.17

Description: Khufu pyramid, looking S from Mena House hotel garden

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.033.19

Subjects: Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

Description: Khufu and Khafre pyramids, looking S from Mena House hotel garden

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.033.24

Description: Khufu pyramid, looking S from Mena House hotel pool area

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.033.28

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.200.14

Subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2100-I, Khufu pyramid

Description: Western Cemetery, general view, cemetery G 4000, looking SE from top of mastaba G 2000 toward Khufu pyramid (image 6 of 11 sequential images, panning counterclockwise from S to N, PDM_1999.200.09 through PDM_1999.200.19)

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2100-I, Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.200.15

Description: Western Cemetery, general view, cemetery G 2100, including G 2100 and G 2100-I, looking E from top of mastaba G 2000 toward Khufu pyramid (photographer Brian Snyder) (image 7 of 11 sequential images, panning counterclockwise from S to N, PDM_1999.200.09 through PDM_1999.200.19)

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2100-I, Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.200.16

Description: Western Cemetery, general view, cemetery G 2100, including G 2100 and G 2100-I, looking E from top of mastaba G 2000 toward Khufu pyramid (photographer Brian Snyder) (image 8 of 11 sequential images, panning counterclockwise from S to N, PDM_1999.200.09 through PDM_1999.200.19)

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2100-I, Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.200.20

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.200.21

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.200.22

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.200.23

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.200.24

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.200.28

Description: Brian Snyder and inspector Aiman climbing E face of Khufu pyramid, looking SW

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.200.29

Subjects: Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khufu boat pit

Description: Khufu pyramid, SW corner, and Khufu boat pit, looking SW

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khufu boat pit

ID: PDM_1999.200.31

Description: Khufu pyramid temple, from top of pyramid G I-a, looking NW

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.200.32

Subjects: Eastern Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, G 7000 X

Description: Khufu causeway, G 7000 X, Hetepheres I, from top of pyramid G I-a, looking NE

Eastern Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, G 7000 X

ID: PDM_1999.200.33

Description: Khufu pyramid, SW corner, looking SW from of subsidiary pyramid G I-a

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.201.02

Description: Cemetery G 4000, looking E toward Khufu pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.201.10

Description: Khufu pyramid, looking E over Western Cemetery enclosure wall

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.201.18

Description: General view in front of former Harvard Camp area, looking E toward Khufu pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1999.201.19

Subjects: General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

Description: General view in front of former Harvard Camp area, looking E toward Khufu and Khafre pyramids

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_00158

Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

Description: Khufu pyramid and Khafre pyramid, looking SE from Le Meridien Pyramids Hotel balcony of room 454 (evening)

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_00160

Description: Khufu pyramid and Khafre pyramid from Le Meridien Pyramids Hotel balcony of room 454, looking SE, early morning

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_00161

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_00162

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_00163

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_00164

Description: Khufu pyramid and Khafre pyramid from Le Meridien Pyramids Hotel balcony of room 454, looking SE, morning

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_00215

Subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid, Harvard Camp

Description: Khufu pyramid and Khafre pyramid, looking E from Harvard Camp

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid, Harvard Camp

ID: PDM_00231

Subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Harvard Camp, Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

Description: Road from Harvard Camp, looking E to Khufu pyramid and Khafre pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Harvard Camp, Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_00233

Subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

Description: View between Khufu pyramid and Khafre pyramid, looking E from Harvard Camp area toward Nazlet es-Saman

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_00316

Description: Khufu pyramid and Khafre pyramid from Le Meridien Pyramids Hotel balcony of room 454, looking SE, evening

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_00317

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_00318

Description: Khufu pyramid and Khafre pyramid, looking SE from Le Meridien Pyramids Hotel balcony of room 454 (night)

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_00319

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_00320

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_00321

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_00322

Description: Khufu pyramid and Khafre pyramid from Le Meridien Pyramids Hotel balcony of room 454, looking SE, morning fog

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_00323

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_00324

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_00528

Subjects: Eastern Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

Description: area E of Khufu pyramid temple, looking E

Eastern Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_00685

Description: Passage tunnel underneath Khufu causeway, looking N

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_00963

Description: Western Cemetery, general view, looking E from G 2001 toward mastabas G 2100 and G 2100-I and Khufu pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza

ID: PDM_01049

Description: View along S face of Khufu pyramid, looking E to Khufu Boat Museum

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_01335

Description: From top of “big dump” north of G 2000s tombs, looking E to Khufu pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_01351

Description: General view of area of Wadi Cemetery, looking SE over storage magazine toward Khufu pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza

ID: PDM_01352

Description: General view of area of Wadi Cemetery, looking SE toward Khufu pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza

ID: PDM_01353

Description: Khufu pyramid and Khafre pyramid from Le Meridien Pyramids Hotel balcony of room 454, looking SE

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_01369

Description: Khufu pyramid and Khafre pyramid, looking SE from Le Meridien Pyramids Hotel balcony of room 454 (image 1 of 10 sequential “time lapse” images)

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_01370

Description: Khufu pyramid and Khafre pyramid, looking SE from Le Meridien Pyramids Hotel balcony of room 454 (image 2 of 10 sequential “time lapse” images)

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_01372

Description: Khufu pyramid and Khafre pyramid, looking SE from Le Meridien Pyramids Hotel balcony of room 454 (image 3 of 10 sequential “time lapse” images)

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_01373

Description: Khufu pyramid and Khafre pyramid, looking SE from Le Meridien Pyramids Hotel balcony of room 454 (image 4 of 10 sequential “time lapse” images)

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_01374

Description: Khufu pyramid and Khafre pyramid, looking SE from Le Meridien Pyramids Hotel balcony of room 454 (image 5 of 10 sequential “time lapse” images)

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_01375

Description: Khufu pyramid and Khafre pyramid, looking SE from Le Meridien Pyramids Hotel balcony of room 454 (image 6 of 10 sequential “time lapse” images)

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_01376

Description: Khufu pyramid and Khafre pyramid, looking SE from Le Meridien Pyramids Hotel balcony of room 454 (image 7 of 10 sequential “time lapse” images)

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_01377

Description: Khufu pyramid and Khafre pyramid, looking SE from Le Meridien Pyramids Hotel balcony of room 454 (image 8 of 10 sequential “time lapse” images)

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_01378

Description: Khufu pyramid and Khafre pyramid, looking SE from Le Meridien Pyramids Hotel balcony of room 454 (image 9 of 10 sequential “time lapse” images)

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_01379

Description: Khufu pyramid and Khafre pyramid, looking SE from Le Meridien Pyramids Hotel balcony of room 454 (image 10 of 10 sequential “time lapse” images)

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_01380

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_02299

Description: Alexandria Road, looking SE toward Khufu pyramid

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_02300

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_02304

Description: Excavation cutting trench on north side of Khufu pyramid

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_02483

Description: Khufu pyramid, north face, looking SE

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_02555

Description: Khufu pyramid and Boat Museum, looking NW from top of Southern Mount across Central Field

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_02565

Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx, Khufu pyramid

Description: General view, Central Field, Sphinx, and Khufu pyramid, looking NW from top of Southern Mount (Muslim cemetery in foreground)

General view: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx, Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_02566

Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx, Khafre valley temple, Khufu pyramid

Description: General view, Central Field, Sphinx, Khafre valley temple, and Khufu pyramid, looking NW from top of Southern Mount (Muslim cemetery in foreground)

General view: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx, Khafre valley temple, Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_02572

Subjects: Central Field (Hassan): Site: Giza; View: Central Field, Khufu pyramid

Description: Central Field and Khufu pyramid, looking NW from top of Southern Mount

Central Field (Hassan): Site: Giza; View: Central Field, Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_02573

Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; View: G 8400, Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

Description: General view, Central Field, G 8400 = Khentkaus pyramid, Khufu and Khafre pyramids, looking NW from top of Southern Mount

General view: Site: Giza; View: G 8400, Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_02584

Subjects: Central Field (Hassan): Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

Description: Central Field, and Khufu pyramid, looking NW from top of Southern Mount

Central Field (Hassan): Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_02592

Description: Khufu pyramid, Central Field, and modern Muslim Cemetery, looking NW from top of Southern Mount

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_02594

Subjects: General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx, Khufu pyramid

Description: Sphinx (profile, proper right), Central Field, and Khufu pyramid, looking N from top of Southern Mount

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx, Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_02603

Central Field (Hassan): Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_02604

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_02618

Description: Khufu and Khafre pyramids, looking NW from base of Southern Mount

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_02619

Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; View: G 8400, Khufu pyramid

Description: General view, G 8400 = Khentkaus pyramid, high security wall, and Khufu pyramid, looking N from base of Southern Mount

General view: Site: Giza; View: G 8400, Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_02620

Description: General view, G 8400 = Khentkaus pyramid, high security wall, and Khufu pyramid, looking N from S of Southern Mount

General view: Site: Giza; View: G 8400, Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_03399

Description: Khufu pyramid, south side, hole blasted by Howard Vyse

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_03401

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_03402

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_05656

Description: Khufu pyramid, northwest corner, looking S

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_05657

Description: Khufu pyramid, northwest corner, looking E

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_05658

Description: Khufu pyramid, southwest corner, looking E

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_05659

Description: Khufu pyramid, southwest corner, looking N

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_05669

Description: Khufu pyramid, northeast corner, looking S

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_05670

Description: Khufu pyramid, northeast corner, looking W

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_05809

Subjects: Central Field (Hassan): Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

Description: Central Field: general view of Janosi zone 3, looking N to Khufu and Khafre pyramids

Central Field (Hassan): Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_05852

Description: Khufu pyramid, southeast corner, looking N

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_05853

Description: Khufu pyramid, southeast corner, looking W

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_05861

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_05862

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_05876

Subjects: General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, SCA antiquities admission buildings

Description: New SCA antiquities admission buildings (formerly Rowad trench area), looking S to Khufu and Khafre pyramids

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, SCA antiquities admission buildings

ID: PDM_06111

Description: Harvard Camp, asphalt helipad for former Anwar Sadat rest-house, with Beverly Waters, looking E toward Khufu pyramid

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_06117

Description: Far Western Cemetery: Decauville railroad car, looking E toward Khufu pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_06118

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_06120

Description: Far Western Cemetery: Decauville railroad tracks, looking E toward Khufu pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_06121

Description: Far Western Cemetery: Decauville railroad tracks, looking E toward Khufu and Khafre pyramids

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_06156

Description: Western Cemetery: general view toward Cemetery 1200 from Abu Bakr Cemetery, Brown University/Cairo University excavations, with Decauville railroad cars, looking E

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_06157

Description: Western Cemetery: general view toward Cemetery 1200 from Abu Bakr Cemetery, Brown University/Cairo University excavations, with Decauville railroad car, looking E

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_06182

Description: Cemetery en Echelon and Khufu pyramid, from Junker 1912 debris ramp, looking SE

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_06247

Description: General view of pyramids, Khufu and Khafre pyramids, looking E from Harvard Camp

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_06251

Description: Far Western Cemetery, Decauville railroad tracks from Zahi Hawass recent excavations, looking E toward Khufu and Khafre pyramids

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_06252

Description: Far Western Cemetery, Decauville railroad tracks from Zahi Hawass recent excavations, looking E toward Khufu pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_06253

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid

ID: PDM_06254

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid

ID: PDM_1993.003.04

Subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2220, Khufu pyramid

Description: Cemetery G 2100: from northeast corner of G 2220, looking SE toward Khufu pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2220, Khufu pyramid


Subjects: Central Field (Hassan): Site: Giza; View: Central Field, Khufu Pyramid, Sphinx

Description: Central Field, Sphinx, and Khufu pyramid, looking N from Southern Mount over Muslim cemetery

Central Field (Hassan): Site: Giza; View: Central Field, Khufu Pyramid, Sphinx


Description: Khufu pyramid, looking E across N face

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


Description: Top of Khufu pyramid, looking SW to Khafre pyramid

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


Description: Top of Khufu pyramid, looking S at Lynn Holden and Carter Wentworth sitting on SE corner

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


Subjects: General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

Description: Mena House golf course and Pyramids Road (Sharia el-Haram), looking N from top of Khufu pyramid

General view/misc.: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


Description: Khufu pyramid and expedition land rover, looking E from Western Cemetery

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


Description: Khufu pyramid, Lepsius Expedition modern hieroglyphic inscription to Prussian Kaiser Friedrich Wilhelm IV (January 1843), above entrance on N side, looking SE

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


Description: Khufu pyramid, southwest corner, looking NE from top of Khafre pyramid

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


Description: Khufu pyramid and sun, looking SE(?)

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


Subjects: Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, G I-b, G I-c

Description: Khufu pyramid, looking NW from between subsidiary pyramids G I-b (to N) and G I-c (to S)

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, G I-b, G I-c


Description: Khufu pyramid, looking W along N face toward Senedjemib Complex

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


Description: Khufu pyramid, queen’s chamber, Rudolf Gantenbrink air channel photography (video) project, left to right: Mohamed Shiha, Rainer Stadelmann, Mohamed Sadek

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


Description: Khufu pyramid, looking E along N face toward Farouk rest-house

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


Description: Khufu pyramid, N face, looking SE

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


Description: Khufu pyramid, NW corner, looking S

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


Description: Khufu pyramid, looking SE along N face toward Farouk rest-house

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


Description: Passage tunnel underneath Khufu causeway, looking S

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu causeway


Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu causeway


Subjects: Sphinx Complex: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Sphinx complex, NW corner of cavity, looking NW toward Khufu pyramid

Sphinx Complex: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx, Khufu Pyramid


Description: Khufu pyramid, NE corner, looking SW

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


Description: Khufu pyramid, NW corner, climbing the pyramid, looking NW

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


Subjects: Khafre Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Khafre pyramid, Peter Der Manuelian by casing preserved at top, looking NE toward Khufu pyramid

Khafre Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid


Description: Khufu pyramid, N side, entrance, looking SE

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


Description: Khufu pyramid, queen’s chamber, Rudolf Gantenbrink air channel photography (video) project, Mohamed Shiha, Rainer Stadelmann, and Mohamed Sadek

People & places: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


Description: Khufu pyramid, S face with Khufu Boat Museum, looking NE

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid


Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khufu Boat Museum

Description: Aerial view of Khufu pyramid, Western Cemetery, Eastern Cemetery, Cemetery G I-S and Khufu Boat Museum, looking N

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khufu Boat Museum


Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, G I-a, G I-b, G I-c

Description: Aerial view of Giza, including Khufu pyramid and subsidiary pyramids G I-a, G I-b, and G I-c, looking W

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, G I-a, G I-b, G I-c


Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid, Menkaure pyramid, Sphinx

Description: Aerial view of Giza, including Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure pyramids, Central Field, and Sphinx complex, looking W

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid, Menkaure pyramid, Sphinx


Description: Aerial view of Khufu pyramid, Cemetery G I-S and Khufu Boat Museum, looking SE

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khufu Boat Museum


Description: Aerial view of Giza, Khufu and Khafre pyramids, looking NE

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu pyramid, Khafre pyramid


Description: Area of cultivation, looking NW toward Khufu and Khafre pyramids

People & places: Site: Giza


People & places: Site: Giza


Subjects: Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza

Description: Khufu pyramid enclosure wall, W side of pyramid, looking NE

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza


Description: Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure pyramids, general view, looking NW

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Menkaure Pyramid

ID: KHM_o_neg_nr_0493

Description: Menkaure, Khafre, and Khufu pyramids, general view, looking N

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Menkaure Pyramid

ID: KHM_o_neg_nr_0501

Description: Menkaure, Khafre, and Khufu pyramids, general view, looking NNE

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Menkaure Pyramid

ID: MMA_17.6.143_001

Subjects: Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

Description: Specimen of mortar from the Great Pyramid (MMA_17.6.143)

Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: MMA_17.6.143_002

Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: MMA_23.187_001

Description: Specimen of mortar from the Great Pyramid (MMA_23.187)

Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: MMA_23.187_002

Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: MMA_23.187_003

Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: TUR_LastraGizaA5553

Description: Photograph of the pyramid of Khufu taken during the annual Nile flood by Félix Bonfils.

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: TUR_LastraGizaA5555

Subjects: Eastern Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 7391; Khufu Pyramid

Description: Excavations in the area of G 7391 (mastaba of Iteti) southeast of the pyramid of Khufu.

Eastern Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 7391; Khufu Pyramid

ID: TUR_LastraGizaA5562

Description: Photograph of the pyramid of Khufu taken by Félix Bonfils.

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: TUR_LastraGizaA5563

Description: Photograph of the eastern face of the pyramid of Khufu, taken by Antonio Beato.

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: TUR_LastraGizaA5564

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: TUR_LastraGizaA5571

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: TUR_LastraGizaA5572

Subjects: Sphinx/Sphinx temple: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx; Khufu Pyramid

Description: The Sphinx, buried in sand, looking NW toward the pyramid of Khufu.

Sphinx/Sphinx temple: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx; Khufu Pyramid

ID: TUR_LastraGizaA5573

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: TUR_LastraGizaA5575

Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx; Khufu Pyramid

Description: Photograph of the Sphinx buried in sand, looking NW toward the pyramid of Khufu, taken by Antonio Beato.

General view: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx; Khufu Pyramid

ID: TUR_LastraGizaA5576

Description: Photograph of visitors climbing the pyramid of Khufu taken by Félix Bonfils.

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: TUR_LastraGizaA5578

Description: Photograph of visitors climbing the NW corner of the pyramid of Khufu taken by Félix Bonfils.

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: UPM_33742

Subjects: Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; view: Khufu Pyramid

Description: Khufu Pyramid, from lower house of Harvard Camp, looking E.

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; view: Khufu Pyramid

ID: UPM_33743

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; view: Khufu Pyramid

ID: UPM_33744

Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; view: Harvard Camp, Khafre Pyramid, Menkaure Pyramid

Description: Harvard Camp, general view, looking SE towards Khafre Pyramid, with Menkaure Pyramid in the distance.

General view: Site: Giza; view: Harvard Camp, Khafre Pyramid, Menkaure Pyramid

ID: ASU_A11_001

Subjects: Sphinx Complex: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx

Description: Sphinx, from S side looking N, with Khufu Pyramid in background

Sphinx Complex: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx

ID: ASU_A11_003

Description: Sphinx, head, from S side looking N, with Khufu Pyramid in background

Sphinx Complex: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx

ID: ASU_A11_004

Description: Sphinx, from S side looking slightly W of N, with Khufu Pyramid in background

Sphinx Complex: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx

ID: ASU_A11_009

Description: Sphinx, from Khafre Causeway, looking NW, with Khufu Pyramid in background

Sphinx Complex: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx

ID: ASU_A3_019

Subjects: Khafre Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Causeway, Sphinx

Description: Khafre Causeway, looking NW across to Sphinx, with Khufu Pyramid in the background

Khafre Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Causeway, Sphinx

ID: ASU_A11_021

Description: Sphinx, from Khafre Causeway, looking slightly W of N, with Khufu Pyramid in background

Sphinx Complex: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx

ID: ASU_panorama_008

Description: Panorama: Sphinx, with Temple of Amenhetep II, Khufu Pyramid, and Khafre Pyramid in background

Sphinx Complex: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx

ID: ASU_panorama_011

Description: Panorama: Sphinx, with Temple of Amenhetep II and Khufu Pyramid in background

Sphinx Complex: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx

ID: ASU_A4_005

Subjects: Khafre Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Causeway

Description: Area along S side of Khafre Causeway, looking W, with Menkaure Pyramid (left) and Khafre Pyramid (center) in background

Khafre Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Causeway

ID: ASU_A10_001

Subjects: Sphinx Complex: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx Temple

Description: Sphinx Temple, E face, looking NW, with Khufu Pyramid at left

Sphinx Complex: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx Temple

ID: ASU_A10_002

Description: Sphinx Temple, E face, looking NW, with Khufu Pyramid in background

Sphinx Complex: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx Temple

ID: ASU_A11_024

Description: Khafre Causeway, from E end, looking W toward Khafre Pyramid

Khafre Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Causeway

ID: ASU_A11_036

Description: Sphinx, rear portion, from Khafre Causeway, looking roughly NW, with Khufu Pyramid in background

Sphinx Complex: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_011

Subjects: Khufu Pyramid Complex, Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Western Cemetery, G 5411, G 5210, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Western Cemetery, from near SW corner of Khufu Pyramid, looking N with Khufu Pyramid at right, and G 5411 and G 5210 in background (left)

Khufu Pyramid Complex, Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Western Cemetery, G 5411, G 5210, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_012

Subjects: Khafre Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

Description: Khufu Pyramid, from SW corner, looking NE

Khafre Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_013

Subjects: Khufu Pyramid Complex, Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Western Cemetery, G 5411, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Western Cemetery, with S face of G 5411, and Khufu Pyramid, from near SW corner of Khufu Pyramid, looking NE

Khufu Pyramid Complex, Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Western Cemetery, G 5411, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_014

Subjects: Khufu Pyramid Complex, Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Western Cemetery, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Western Cemetery, from near SW corner of Khufu Pyramid, closeup of ground near G 5411, looking roughly E

Khufu Pyramid Complex, Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Western Cemetery, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_017

Subjects: Khufu Pyramid Complex, Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 5411, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Western Cemetery,G 5411, closeup of wall, with Khufu Pyramid in background, looking roughly NE

Khufu Pyramid Complex, Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 5411, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_018

Subjects: Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khufu Boat Museum

Description: Khufu Pyramid and Khufu Boat Museum, from SW corner of Khufu Pyramid, looking ENE

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khufu Boat Museum

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_245

Description: Base of Khufu Pyramid, from N side looking S

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_246

Description: Base of Khufu Pyramid, closeup of ground, from N side looking S

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_247

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_248

Description: Base of Khufu Pyramid, from N side looking SSE

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_257

Description: Khufu Pyramid, from NW corner, looking SSE

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_025

Description: Khufu Pyramid and Khufu Boat Museum, from SW corner of Khufu Pyramid, looking E

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khufu Boat Museum

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_026

Subjects: Khufu Pyramid Complex, Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 5210, G 5220, Khufu Pyramid

Description: G 5210, E face and chapel, with G 5220 in background and Khufu Pyramid at right, looking N

Khufu Pyramid Complex, Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 5210, G 5220, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_002

Subjects: General View: Site: Giza

Description: General view from Mena House Hotel, with Khufu Pyramid in the backgound

General View: Site: Giza

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_223

Subjects: Eastern Cemetery and Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Causeway, Khufu Pyramid, G I-a, G 7810

Description: Khufu Causeway area, from NE of G 7810(?) (visible at left), looking WSW towards Khufu Pyramid and G I-a, with Khafre Pyramid in background

Eastern Cemetery and Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Causeway, Khufu Pyramid, G I-a, G 7810

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_224

Subjects: Eastern Cemetery and Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Causeway, Khufu Pyramid, G I-a, G I-b, G 7810

Description: Khufu Causeway area, from N of G 7810(?) (visible at far left), looking WSW towards Khufu Pyramid and G I-a and G I-b, with Khafre Pyramid in background

Eastern Cemetery and Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Causeway, Khufu Pyramid, G I-a, G I-b, G 7810

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_228

Subjects: Eastern Cemetery and Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: G 7413, G 7410-7420, Khufu Pyramid, G I-a, G I-b, G I-c

Description: Eastern Cemetery: G 7413, W half (midground left, with horses), G 7410-7420 (far left), Khufu Pyramid and subsidiary pyramids G I-c, G I-b, and G I-a, looking SW towards Khafre Pyramid

Eastern Cemetery and Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: G 7413, G 7410-7420, Khufu Pyramid, G I-a, G I-b, G I-c

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_261

Subjects: General view: Site: Giza

Description: Giza Plateau visitor center, with Khufu and Khafre Pyramids in background

General view: Site: Giza

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_266

Description: Giza Plateau entrance road, with Khufu Pyramid in background

General View: Site: Giza

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_267

Description: Modern security wall along N edge of plateau, from entrance road, looking SE, with Khufu Pyramid in background (right)

General View: Site: Giza

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_271

Description: Khufu Pyramid, from road to Mena House, looking S across modern security wall

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_272

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_273

Description: General view from area of Mena House Hotel, with Khufu Pyramid in the backgound

General view: Site: Giza

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_274

General view: Site: Giza

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_103

Description: Area to E of Khafre Valley Temple and Sphinx Temple, Egyptian excavations (2011), looking NNW, with Sphinx Temple and Khufu Pyramid in background

Sphinx Complex: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx Temple

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_107

Subjects: Khafre Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Valley Temple

Description: Khafre Valley Temple harbor area, S ramp, closeup of blocks on N side, looking NW, with Khafre Valley Temple and Khufu Pyramid in background

Khafre Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Valley Temple

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_182

Subjects: Sphinx Complex: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx Complex

Description: Cliff face to N of Sphinx, from E end, with modern wall (left) and Khafre Pyramid and Khufu Pyramid in background, looking W

Sphinx Complex: Site: Giza; View: Sphinx Complex

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_233

Subjects: Eastern Cemetery and Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: G 7110-7120: G 7110, G 7210-7220: G 7120, G I-a, G I-b, G I-c, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Eastern Cemetery and Khufu Pyramid Complex: N faces of G 7210-7220 (far left) and G 7110-7120 (left), subsidiary pyramids G I-c, G I-b, and G I-a, and base of Khufu Pyramid (far right)

Eastern Cemetery and Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: G 7110-7120: G 7110, G 7210-7220: G 7120, G I-a, G I-b, G I-c, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_235

Description: Khufu Pyramid, N half of E face, from E of Farouk rest-house

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_237

Subjects: Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid Temple

Description: Khufu Pyramid Temple area, looking SW towards G I-a (left) and Khufu Pyramid (right)

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid Temple

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_238

Description: Khufu Pyramid Temple, closeup of basalt paving, looking SW, with base of Khufu Pyramid in background

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid Temple

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_239

Description: Khufu Pyramid Temple, closeup of ground, looking SW, with base of Khufu Pyramid in background

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid Temple

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_275

Description: General view from area of Mena House Hotel, with Khufu Pyramid and Khafre Pyramid in the backgound

General view: Site: Giza

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_276

Description: Khufu Pyramid, from area of Mena House Hotel, looking SSE

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.17_281

General View: Site: Giza

ID: PDM_2011.01.16_001

Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.16_002

Subjects: General View: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

Description: Panorama: General view from Mena House Hotel, with Khufu Pyramid (far left) and modern security wall

General View: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.16_003

Description: Khufu Pyramid, from Mena House Hotel

General View: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.16_005

General View: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_183

Description: Khafre Pyramid, NW corner, looking NE towards Khufu Pyramid

Khafre Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_184

Description: Khafre Pyramid, NW corner and enclosure area, looking NE towards Khufu Pyramid

Khafre Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_185

Subjects: Khafre Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Quarry, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Khafre Quarry, N wall, looking NNE, with edge of Khufu Pyramid (right)

Khafre Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Quarry, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_189

Subjects: Khafre Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Quarry, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Area to N of Khafre Pyramid, including Khafre Quarry, from NW corner looking E along N face, with Khufu Pyramid at left

Khafre Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Quarry, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_215

Subjects: General View: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid

Description: View from tourist road in far Western Cemetery, looking roughly E towards Khufu Pyramid and Khafre Pyramid

General View: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_219

Description: Helipad for former Anwar Sadat rest-house, looking E towards Khufu Pyramid and Khafre Pyramid

General View: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_221

Description: Helipad for former Anwar Sadat rest-house, looking ENE towards Khufu Pyramid

General View: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_253

Subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2000, Cemetery G 1200, Cemetery G 1700, Cemetery G 1800, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Panorama: View of Cemetery G 1700 and Cemetery G 1800 (?), looking NE towards Cemetery G 1200 and G 2000, with Khufu Pyramid in the background (right)

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2000, Cemetery G 1200, Cemetery G 1700, Cemetery G 1800, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_312

Subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2220, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Cemetery G 2100: G 2220, chapel, E wall, relief (unfinished raised relief, figures of standing couple), looking SE, with Khufu Pyramid in the background

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2220, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_314

Subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Cemetery en Echelon, Khufu Pyramid

Description: View from NE corner of G 2220, looking SE across Cemetery en Echelon towards Khufu Pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Cemetery en Echelon, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_402

Description: Base of Khufu Pyramid, N face, looking SE

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_052

Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, Menkaure Causeway

Description: Khafre Pyramid and Khufu Pyramid, looking N across Menkaure Causeway

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, Menkaure Causeway

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_190

Description: Khafre pyramid, N side, quarry enclosure wall, Ramesside graffito of May, looking NNE, with Khufu Pyramid (right)

Khafre Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_193

Description: Khafre Quarry, NW corner, looking ENE towards Khufu Pyramid

Khafre Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Quarry, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_195

Subjects: Khafre Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Quarry, Khufu Pyramid, G I-South Cemetery, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-c

Description: Khafre Quarry, NW corner, looking E, with Khufu Pyramid (background left), Khufu Boat Museum, part of G I-South Cemetery, and G I-c (background center)

Khafre Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Quarry, Khufu Pyramid, G I-South Cemetery, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-c

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_197

Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; View: Western Cemetery, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Panorama: area to N of Khafre Pyramid, red dirt for new road road (2011), looking NNE towards Western Cemetery and Khufu Pyramid

General view: Site: Giza; View: Western Cemetery, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_198

Subjects: General View: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, G I-South Cemetery, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-c

Description: Khufu Pyramid, from near NW corner of Khafre Pyramid enclosure, looking ENE across red dirt for new road (2011), with Khufu Boat Museum, part of G I-South Cemetery, and G I-c

General View: Site: Giza; View:  Khufu Pyramid, G I-South Cemetery, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-c

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_199

Description: Khufu Pyramid, from W side, looking ENE across red dirt for new road (2011), with Khufu Boat Museum, part of G I-South Cemetery, and G I-c (midground right)

General View: Site: Giza; View:  Khufu Pyramid, G I-South Cemetery, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-c

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_224

Description: View from far Western Cemetery, area of helipad for former Anwar Sadat rest-house, looking E twards Khufu Pyramid and Khafre Pyramid

General View: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_226

Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, G I-South Cemetery, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-c, G 6050, G 6010

Description: View from helipad for former Anwar Sadat rest-house, looking ENE towards Khufu Pyramid, with G 6050 and G 6010 (foreground left), and Khufu Boat Museum, G I-c, and G I-South Cemetery (midground right)

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, G I-South Cemetery, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-c, G 6050, G 6010

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_227

Subjects: General View: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Western Cemetery

Description: View from helipad for former Anwar Sadat rest-house, looking NE towards Khufu Pyramid and Western Cemetery

General View: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Western Cemetery

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_257

Subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Cemetery G 1700, Cemetery G 1800, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Far Western Cemetery, area of Cemetery G 1700 and Cemetery G 1800, looking E towards Khufu Pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Cemetery G 1700, Cemetery G 1800, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_258

Subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Cemetery G 1700, Cemetery G 1800, Khufu Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid

Description: Far Western Cemetery, area of Cemetery G 1700 and Cemetery G 1800, looking ESE towards Khufu Pyramid and Khafre Pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Cemetery G 1700, Cemetery G 1800, Khufu Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_259

Subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 1201, S 2539/2541, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Street between G 1201 and S 2539/2541, looking E towards Khufu Pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 1201, S 2539/2541, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_262

Subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 4000, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Dismantled Junker dig house and N wall of G 4000, looking E towards Khufu Pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 4000, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_294

Subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2151, G 2150, G 2170, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Cemetery G 2100: G 2151 (abutting N end of G 2150), looking SE at N faces of G 2150 and G 2170, with Khufu Pyramid in the background

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2151, G 2150, G 2170, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_316

Subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Cemetery en Echelon, Khufu Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid

Description: Panorama: view from near NE corner of G 2220, looking SE across Cemetery en Echelon towards Khufu Pyramid and Khafre Pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Cemetery en Echelon, Khufu Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_317

Description: View from near NE corner of G 2220, looking E across modern buildings and N part of Cemetery en Echelon towards Khufu Pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Cemetery en Echelon, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_318

Description: View from near NE corner of G 2220, looking SE across modern buildings and Cemetery en Echelon towards Khufu Pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Cemetery en Echelon, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_319

Subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Cemetery en Echelon, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

Description: View from NE of G 2220, looking SSE across Cemetery en Echelon towards Khafre Pyramid, with Khufu Pyramid at left

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Cemetery en Echelon, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_403

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_404

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_405

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_406

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_407

Description: Khufu Pyramid, N face, looking SSE

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_413

Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; View: Cemetery en Echelon, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Panorama: general view from N edge of Giza Plateau, looking S across Cemetery en Echelon towards Khufu Pyramid and Khafre Pyramid

General view: Site: Giza; View: Cemetery en Echelon, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_414

Subjects: General View: Site: Giza; View: Cemetery en Echelon, Khufu Pyramid

Description: General view from N edge of Giza Plateau, looking SE across Cemetery en Echelon towards Khufu Pyramid

General View: Site: Giza; View: Cemetery en Echelon, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_415

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_417

Description: View of Khufu and Khafre Pyramids through windows of Mena House Hotel

General View: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_200

Subjects: Khufu Pyramid Complex and G I-South Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, G I-South Cemetery, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-b, G I-c

Description: Khufu Pyramid (left), Khufu Boat Museum, G I-b, G I-c, and G I-South Cemetery, from W side looking E

Khufu Pyramid Complex and G I-South Cemetery: Site: Giza; View:  Khufu Pyramid, G I-South Cemetery, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-b, G I-c

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_032

Subjects: Menkaure Quarry Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: MQ 121, MQ 130, MQ 101(?), MQ 132, MQ 133, MQ 102, MQ 500, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Menkaure Quarry Cemetery, including (from left to right) entrances to MQ 121 and MQ 130, MQ 101(?) (in terrace above MQ 130), MQ 132, MQ 133 (under sand heap), MQ 102, and MQ 500, looking N towards Khafre and Khufu Pyramids

Menkaure Quarry Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: MQ 121, MQ 130, MQ 101(?), MQ 132, MQ 133, MQ 102, MQ 500, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_033

Subjects: Menkaure Quarry Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: MQ 123, MQ 124, MQ 105, MQ 120, MQ 134, MQ 121, MQ 130, MQ 101(?), MQ 131, MQ 132, MQ 133, MQ 102, MQ 500, MQ 502, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Menkaure Quarry Cemetery, including (from left to right) edge of MQ 123, entrance to MQ 124, MQ 105, MQ 120, MQ 134, entrances to MQ 121 and MQ 130, MQ 101(?) (in terrace above MQ 130), MQ 131 (shafts only, in front of MQ 121 and MQ 130), MQ 132, MQ 133 (under sand heap), MQ 102, MQ 500, and MQ 502, looking N towards Khafre Pyramid and Khufu Pyramid

Menkaure Quarry Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: MQ 123, MQ 124, MQ 105, MQ 120, MQ 134, MQ 121, MQ 130, MQ 101(?), MQ 131, MQ 132, MQ 133, MQ 102, MQ 500, MQ 502, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_100

Subjects: Menkaure Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Menkaure Pyramid Temple, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Menkaure Pyramid Temple, courtyard, looking NE towards Khafre Pyramid, with Khufu Pyramid in the background

Menkaure Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Menkaure Pyramid Temple, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_201

Subjects: Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-c

Description: Khufu Pyramid, from on new red dirt road (2011), looking E, with Khufu Boat Museum and G I-c (midground center)

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View:  Khufu Pyramid,  Khufu Boat Museum, G I-c

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_202

Description: New red dirt road (2011), looking E towards Khufu Pyramid (left), G I-b, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-c, and G I-South Cemetery (midground, center to right)

Khufu Pyramid Complex and G I-South Cemetery: Site: Giza; View:  Khufu Pyramid, G I-South Cemetery, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-b, G I-c

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_205

Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, G 80, G 6027, G 6028, G 6050, G 6020, G 6010, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-South Cemetery, G I-c

Description: Khufu Pyramid, W face, with southern edge of the Western Cemetery, including G 80(?) G 6027, G 6028, G 6050, G 6020, and G 6010 (midground left) and Khufu Boat Museum, G I-c, and G I-S Cemetery (midground right)

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, G 80, G 6027, G 6028, G 6050, G 6020, G 6010, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-South Cemetery, G I-c

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_206

Subjects: General View: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, G 80, G 6027, G 6028, G 6050, G 6040, G 6020, G 6010, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-South Cemetery, G I-c

Description: Khufu Pyramid, W face, with southern edge of the Western Cemetery, including G 80(?) G 6027, G 6028, G 6050, G 6040, G 6020, and G 6010 (midground left) and Khufu Boat Museum, G I-c, and G I-S Cemetery (midground right)

General View: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, G 80, G 6027, G 6028, G 6050, G 6040, G 6020, G 6010, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-South Cemetery, G I-c

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_234

Description: View from W of helipad for former Anwar Sadat rest-house, looking E towards Khufu Pyramid and Khafre Pyramid

General View: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_239

Subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Western Cemetery, G 2000, Khufu Pyramid

Description: View from far western edge of Western Cemetery, including G 2000 (large mastaba, midground center), looking E towards Khufu Pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Western Cemetery, G 2000, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_240

Subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Western Cemetery, G 2000, G 30, Khufu Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid

Description: View from far western edge of Western Cemetery, including G 2000 (large mastaba, midground left) and unexcavated mastaba G 30 (midground, right of center) looking E towards Khufu Pyramid, with Khafre Pyramid at right

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Western Cemetery, G 2000, G 30, Khufu Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_241

Subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Western Cemetery, G 30, Khufu Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid

Description: View from far western edge of Western Cemetery, including unexcavated mastaba G 30 (midground, center) looking ESE towards Khufu Pyramid and Khafre Pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Western Cemetery, G 30, Khufu Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_270

Subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 4150, G 4160, Cemetery G 4000, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Cemetery G 4000: View from between G G 4150 and G 4160, looking E towards Khufu Pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 4150, G 4160, Cemetery G 4000, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_298

Subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2152, G 2153, G 2138, G 2156', Khufu Pyramid

Description: Cemetery G 2100 (area between G 2220 and G 2150): area of G 2152 and G 2153, with S walls of G 2138 and G 2156' (left) and corner of G 2151 (foreground, far right), looking E towards Khufu Pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2152, G 2153, G 2138, G 2156', Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_372

Subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2353, G 2360, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Cemetery G 2300: G 2353, Herunefer, chapel entrance, with relif on E door jamb (Herunefer, his wife Nedjetpet, and his eldest son Khufuhetep depicted), looking SE at NW corner of G 2360, with Khufu Pyramid in the background

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2353, G 2360, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_026

Subjects: Menkaure Quarry Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: MQ 136, MQ 106, MQ 123, MQ 105, MQ 120, MQ 134, MQ 121, MQ 130, MQ 101(?), MQ 131, MQ 132, Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Menkaure Quarry Cemetery, including edge of MQ 136 (far left), MQ 106 and MQ 123 (from left to center), MQ 105, MQ 120, and MQ 134 (from center to foreground right), entrances to MQ 121 and MQ 130 (midground right), MQ 101(?) (in terrace above entrance to MQ 130), MQ 131 (shafts only, in front of MQ 121 and MQ 130), and rear wall of MQ 132 (far right), looking N, with Menkaure, Khafre, and Khufu Pyramids in the background

Menkaure Quarry Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: MQ 136, MQ 106, MQ 123, MQ 105, MQ 120, MQ 134, MQ 121, MQ 130, MQ 101(?), MQ 131, MQ 132, Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_027

Subjects: Menkaure Quarry Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: MQ 123, MQ 105, MQ 120, MQ 134, MQ 121, MQ 130, MQ 101, MQ 131, MQ 132, MQ 133, MQ 102, MQ 500, MQ 502, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Menkaure Quarry Cemetery, including MQ 123 (left), MQ 105, MQ 120, and MQ 134 ( from left to center), entrances to MQ 121 and MQ 130 (center), MQ 101(?) (in terrace above MQ 130), MQ 131 (shafts only, in front of MQ 121 and MQ 130), rear wall of MQ 132 (adjacent to entrance to MQ 130), MQ 133 (under sand heap), MQ 102 (right), MQ 500 and MQ 502 (far right), looking N towards Khafre Pyramid and Khufu Pyramid

Menkaure Quarry Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: MQ 123, MQ 105, MQ 120, MQ 134, MQ 121, MQ 130, MQ 101, MQ 131, MQ 132, MQ 133, MQ 102, MQ 500, MQ 502, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.18_029

Subjects: Menkaure Quarry Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: MQ 136, MQ 106, MQ 105, MQ 120, MQ 121, MQ 130, MQ 101(?), MQ 131, MQ 132, MQ 133, MQ 102, MQ 500, MQ 502, Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Panorama: Menkaure Quarry Cemetery, including (from left to right) MQ 136, MQ 106, MQ 105, MQ 120, entrances to MQ 121 and MQ 130, MQ 101(?) (in terrace above entrance to MQ 130), MQ 131 (shafts only, in front of MQ 121 and MQ 130), MQ 132, MQ 133 (under sand heap), MQ 102, MQ 500, and MQ 502, looking N, with Menkaure, Khafre, and Khufu Pyramids in the background

Menkaure Quarry Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: MQ 136, MQ 106, MQ 105, MQ 120, MQ 121, MQ 130, MQ 101(?), MQ 131, MQ 132, MQ 133, MQ 102, MQ 500, MQ 502, Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_001

Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; View: Central Field, Sphinx, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

Description: General view of Giza Plateau from near NE corner of modern Muslim Cemetery, looking NW across Central Field and Sphinx towards Khafre Pyramid and Khufu Pyramid

General view: Site: Giza; View: Central Field, Sphinx, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_037

Subjects: Menkaure Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Menkaure Valley Temple, G 8400, Khufu Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Muslim Cemetery

Description: S of Menkaure Valley Temple Ante-town area, ongoing excavations (2011), looking N along security wall for Muslim cemetery towards G 8400 and Central Field, with Khufu Pyramid and Khafre Pyramid in the background

Menkaure Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Menkaure Valley Temple, G 8400, Khufu Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Muslim Cemetery

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_107

Subjects: General View: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, Muslim Cemetery

Description: View from just W of Southern Mount, looking NW across security wall for Muslim cemetery towards Khafre Pyramid and Khufu Pyramid

General View: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, Muslim Cemetery

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_110

Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; View: Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, Muslim Cemetery

Description: View from just W of Southern Mount, looking NW across security wall for Muslim cemetery towards Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, and Khufu Pyramid

General view: Site: Giza; View: Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, Muslim Cemetery

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_113

Subjects: General View: Site: Giza; View: Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, Muslim Cemetery

Description: View from just W of Southern Mount, looking W across security wall for Muslim cemetery towards Menkaure Pyramid and Khafre Pyramid

General View: Site: Giza; View: Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, Muslim Cemetery

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_179

Subjects: Central Field (Hassan): Site: Giza; View: Central Field, Khufu Pyramid

Description: General view of Central Field, looking NNW towards Khufu Pyramid

Central Field (Hassan): Site: Giza; View: Central Field, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_180

Subjects: Central Field (Hassan): Site: Giza; View: Central Field, Khufu Pyramid, G I-c

Description: General view of Central Field, looking N towards Khufu Pyramid and G I-c

Central Field (Hassan): Site: Giza; View: Central Field, Khufu Pyramid, G I-c

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_182

Subjects: General View: Site: Giza; View: Southern Mount, Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, G 8400, Central Field

Description: Panorama: view from on top of Southern Mount, looking NW across Muslim Cemetery towards Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, G 8400, and Central Field

General View: Site: Giza; View: Southern Mount, Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, G 8400, Central Field

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_383

Subjects: Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-South Cemetery

Description: Khufu Pyramid, S face, with G I-South Cemetery and Khufu Boat Museum, looking N

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-South Cemetery

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_384

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-South Cemetery

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_385

Description: Khufu Pyramid, S face, with part of G I-South Cemetery and Khufu Boat Museum, looking NNE

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-South Cemetery

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_388

Description: SW of Khufu Pyramid, looking NNE at red dirt for tourist road and W face of Khufu Pyramid

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_487

Description: Near NE corner of Khufu Pyramid, closeup of ground, looking ?

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_488

Description: Khufu Pyramid, N side, looking W

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_489

Description: Khufu Pyramid, N side, closeup of ground, looking W

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_490

Description: Khufu Pyramid, N side, closeup of ground, looking ?

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_491

Subjects: Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Cemetery en Echelon

Description: N of Khufu Pyramid, looking WNW, with edge of Cemetery en Echelon

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Cemetery en Echelon

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_005

Subjects: Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Sphinx, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-c, G I-b

Description: Khufu Pyramid, SE corner, looking NW, with Sphinx, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-c, and G I-b

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Sphinx, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-c, G I-b

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_006

Subjects: General View: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khufu Boat Museum, Sphinx, Khafre Valley Temple, G I-c

Description: General view from near NE corner of modern Muslim Cemetery, looking N, with Khufu Pyramid, Khufu Boat Museum, Sphinx, Khafre Valley Temple, and G I-c

General View: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khufu Boat Museum, Sphinx, Khafre Valley Temple, G I-c

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_011

Subjects: Central Field (Hassan): Site: Giza; View: G 8960, Khufu Pyramid, Sphinx, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-c, G I-b

Description: Central Field, including G 8960 (midground center), looking NW towards Sphinx, Khufu Pyramid, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-c, and G I-b

Central Field (Hassan): Site: Giza; View: G 8960, Khufu Pyramid, Sphinx, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-c, G I-b

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_119

General View: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, Muslim Cemetery

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_120

Subjects: General View: Site: Giza; View: Southern Mount, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Southern Mount, from SW corner looking N towards Khufu Pyramid

General View: Site: Giza; View: Southern Mount, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_228

Subjects: South Giza administrative area (Lehner): Site: Giza; View: South Giza, Muslim Cemetery, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

Description: View from N side of Heit el-Ghorab (Wall of the Crow), looking NW across Muslim Cemetery towards Khafre Pyramid and Khufu Pyramid

South Giza administrative area (Lehner): Site: Giza; View: South Giza, Muslim Cemetery, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_389

Description: SW of Khufu Pyramid, looking NE at red dirt for tourist road, G I-South Cemetery, Khufu Boat Museum, and S face of Khufu Pyramid

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-South Cemetery

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_329

Subjects: Central Field (Hassan): Site: Giza; View: G 8064, G 8070, G 8066, G 8080, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Central Field, tombs along W cliff face, including G 8064 (foreground), entrance to G 8070 (not clearly visible in cliff face to N of G 8064), G 8066 (midground, with modern security door), and G 8080, looking N towards Khufu Pyramid

Central Field (Hassan): Site: Giza; View: G 8064, G 8070, G 8066, G 8080, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_344

Subjects: Central Field (Hassan): Site: Giza; View: G 8130, Khufu Pyramid

Description: G 8130, columns on E side, looking N towards Khufu Pyramid

Central Field (Hassan): Site: Giza; View: G 8130, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_201

Subjects: General View: Site: Giza; View: Muslim Cemetery, Central Field, Khufu Pyramid, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-c

Description: View from E of Southern Mount, looking NW across Muslim Cemetery and Central Field towards Khufu Pyramid, Khufu Boat Museum, and G I-c

General View: Site: Giza; View: Muslim Cemetery, Central Field, Khufu Pyramid, Khufu Boat Museum, G I-c

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_345

Description: G 8130, columns on E side and inscribed block in sand, looking N towards Khufu Pyramid

Central Field (Hassan): Site: Giza; View: G 8130, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_479

Description: General view from NE of G 2220, looking SE across Cemetery en Echelon towards Khufu Pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Cemetery en Echelon, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_481

Description: Khufu Pyramid, NE corner, looking SW

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_018

Subjects: Central Field (Hassan): Site: Giza; View: Khentkaus Town, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Khentkaus Town area, ongoing excavations (2011), looking NW across Central Field tombs towards Khafre Pyramid and Khufu Pyramid

Central Field (Hassan): Site: Giza; View: Khentkaus Town, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_138

Subjects: General View: Site: Giza; View: Southern Mount, Khafre Pyramid, Central Field, Khufu Pyramid, Muslim Cemetery

Description: View from on top of Southern Mount, looking NW across Muslim Cemetery towards Khafre Pyramid, Central Field, and Khufu Pyramid

General View: Site: Giza; View: Southern Mount, Khafre Pyramid, Central Field, Khufu Pyramid, Muslim Cemetery

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_140

Description: On top of Southern Mount, looking N towards Khufu Pyramid

General View: Site: Giza; View: Southern Mount, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_260

Subjects: General View: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khufu Boat Museum

Description: General view from southern edge of Giza Plateau, looking N at Khufu Pyramid and Khufu Boat Museum

General View: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khufu Boat Museum

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_261

General View: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khufu Boat Museum

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_145

Subjects: Central Field (Hassan): Site: Giza; View: Central Field, G 8400, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Central Field, area to N and E of G 8400 (midground, far left), looking NNW towards Khufu Pyramid

Central Field (Hassan): Site: Giza; View: Central Field, G 8400, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_031

Subjects: Menkaure Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Menkaure Valley Temple, G 8400, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Panorama: Menkaure Valley Temple Ante-town area, ongoing excavations (2011), looking NW towards G 8400, Khafre Pyramid, and Khufu Pyramid

Menkaure Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Menkaure Valley Temple, G 8400, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_069

Description: Menkaure Valley Temple Ante-town, area W of Vestibule 2 (= room 202 on Hassan plan, 1943), looking NW towards G 8400, Khafre Pyramid, and Khufu Pyramid

Menkaure Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Menkaure Valley Temple, G 8400, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_149

General View: Site: Giza; View: Southern Mount, Khafre Pyramid, Central Field, Khufu Pyramid, Muslim Cemetery

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_154

Subjects: General View: Site: Giza; View: Southern Mount, Khafre Pyramid, Central Field, Khufu Pyramid, Muslim Cemetery, Eastern Cemetery

Description: General view from on top of Southern Mount, looking roughly NNW towards Muslim Cemetery and Central Field, with Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, and Eastern Cemetery in the background

General View: Site: Giza; View: Southern Mount, Khafre Pyramid, Central Field, Khufu Pyramid, Muslim Cemetery, Eastern Cemetery

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_156

Description: View from on top of Southern Mount, looking NW towards Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, G 8400, and Central Field

General View: Site: Giza; View: Southern Mount, Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, G 8400, Central Field

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_271

General View: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid, Khufu Boat Museum

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_175

Description: Khufu Pyramid, S face, looking NNW across Central Field

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_482

Description: Base of Khufu Pyramid, NE corner, looking SW

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_158

Subjects: General View: Site: Giza; View: Southern Mount, Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, G 8400, Central Field, Muslim Cemetery

Description: View from on top of Southern Mount, looking NW towards Muslim Cemetery, Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, G 8400, and Central Field (with Andreas Laake)

General View: Site: Giza; View: Southern Mount, Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, G 8400, Central Field, Muslim Cemetery

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_483

Description: Base of Khufu Pyramid, NE corner, closeup, looking SW

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_484

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_485

Description: Base of Khufu Pyramid, NE corner, closeup of ground, looking ?

Khufu Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_159

Description: View from on top of Southern Mount, looking NW towards Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, G 8400, and Central Field (with Andreas Laake)

General View: Site: Giza; View: Southern Mount, Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, G 8400, Central Field

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_160

General View: Site: Giza; View: Southern Mount, Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, G 8400, Central Field

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_161

General View: Site: Giza; View: Southern Mount, Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, G 8400, Central Field

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_162

General View: Site: Giza; View: Southern Mount, Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, G 8400, Central Field

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_163

Subjects: General View: Site: Giza; View: Southern Mount, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, G 8400, Central Field, Muslim Cemetery

Description: View from on top of Southern Mount, looking NNW towards Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, G 8400, Central Field, and Muslim Cemetery (with Peter Der Manuelian)

General View: Site: Giza; View: Southern Mount, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, G 8400, Central Field, Muslim Cemetery

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_164

Subjects: General View: Site: Giza; View: Southern Mount, Khufu Pyramid, Central Field, Muslim Cemetery

Description: View from on top of Southern Mount, looking N towards Muslim Cemetery, Central Field, and Khufu Pyramid (with Peter Der Manuelian)

General View: Site: Giza; View: Southern Mount, Khufu Pyramid, Central Field, Muslim Cemetery

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_165

General View: Site: Giza; View: Southern Mount, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, G 8400, Central Field, Muslim Cemetery

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_300

Subjects: Menkaure Quarry Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: MQ 102, MQ 500, MQ 502, Khufu Pyramid, G I-c

Description: Eastern end of Menkaure Quarry Cemetery, including MQ 102, MQ 500, and MQ 502, looking NE towards Khufu Pyramid and G I-c

Menkaure Quarry Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: MQ 102, MQ 500, MQ 502, Khufu Pyramid, G I-c

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_302

Description: Menkaure Pyramid Temple, from S side looking N towards Khafre Pyramid and Khufu Pyramid

Menkaure Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Menkaure Pyramid Temple, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_454

Subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2110, G 2100, Khufu Pyramid

Description: On top of G 2000, looking ESE at G 2110, G 2100, and Khufu Pyramid

Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2110, G 2100, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_036

Menkaure Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Menkaure Valley Temple, G 8400, Khufu Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Muslim Cemetery

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_092

Description: General view of Central Field, including G 8400, from S side looking N towards Khufu Pyramid

Central Field (Hassan): Site: Giza; View: Central Field, G 8400, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_171

Description: View from on top of Southern Mount, looking NW across Muslim Cemetery towards Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, G 8400, and Central Field

General View: Site: Giza; View: Southern Mount, Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, G 8400, Central Field, Muslim Cemetery

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_172

General View: Site: Giza; View: Southern Mount, Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, G 8400, Central Field

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_096

Subjects: General View: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Pyramid, G 8400, Khufu Pyramid

Description: View from SW corner of Muslim Cemetery, looking NW towards Khafre Pyramid, G 8400, and Khufu Pyramid

General View: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Pyramid, G 8400, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_097

Subjects: General View: Site: Giza; View: Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, G 8400, Khufu Pyramid

Description: Panorama: view from SW corner of Muslim Cemetery, looking NW towards Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, G 8400, and Khufu Pyramid

General View: Site: Giza; View: Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, G 8400, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_098

Description: View from SW corner of Muslim Cemetery, looking NW towards Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, G 8400, and Khufu Pyramid

General View: Site: Giza; View: Menkaure Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid, G 8400, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_100

Subjects: General view: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Pyramid, G 8400, Khufu Pyramid

Description: View from SW corner of Muslim Cemetery, looking NNW towards Khafre Pyramid, G 8400, and Khufu Pyramid

General view: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Pyramid, G 8400, Khufu Pyramid

ID: PDM_2011.01.19_101

General View: Site: Giza; View: Khafre Pyramid, G 8400, Khufu Pyramid

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Giza 3D: Visualizing the Pyramids

3D model of the Giza tomb of Meresankh

HUBweek comes to Cabot Science Library .

Join  Peter Der Manuelian , Philip J. King Professor of Egyptology;  Director, Harvard Semitic Museum; as he presents the HUBweek  Spoke Event  Giza 3D: Visualizing the Pyramids. 

As part of the Giza Project at Harvard, a 3D, archaeologically accurate computer model of the pyramids, tombs, and temples at the famous Giza Pyramids, just west of modern Cairo, is being used for teaching and research. The work is largely based on the excavations of the Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition (1905–1947). This talk will show the computer model, and present other experiments in new technologies for bringing the site back to life, for scholars, students, and the public worldwide. Read more about Peter Der Manuelian and the Giza Project  here .

What is HUBweek? Billed as a festival for the future,  HUBweek explores the revolutionary intersections of art, science, and technology being created across Boston. 


  1. Thanks to Harvard University, you can now virtually enter the Great

    giza pyramid tour harvard

  2. Harvard's Digital Giza Project Lets You Access the Largest Online

    giza pyramid tour harvard

  3. Explore the Pyramid of Giza Virtually at the Giza Project at Harvard

    giza pyramid tour harvard

  4. Thanks to Harvard University, you can now virtually enter the Great

    giza pyramid tour harvard

  5. Universidad de Harvard: ya podés entrar virtualmente en 3D y 360º en la

    giza pyramid tour harvard

  6. Harvard University developed a VR tour of the Great Pyramid of Giza in

    giza pyramid tour harvard


  1. Great Pyramids of Giza. مجمع أهرامات الجيزة Великие Пирамиды Гизы

  2. Giza Pyramids ka tour! River Nile ki story! Mazydaar lunch! Talabat se order kia Dinner! Fun day 😊!

  3. Giza pyramid Tour, Egypt Pyramids Trips

  4. ##pyramids of Giza#Geeta ka pyramid##architecture of pyramid Giza##shout historical Maurya

  5. Inside The Great Pyramid of Giza



  1. Giza 3D

    Explore the ancient wonders of the Giza pyramids in 3D with Digital Giza, a project by Harvard University that recreates the history and culture of Egypt.

  2. Digital Giza

    The Giza Project gives you access to the largest collection of information, media, and research materials ever assembled about the Pyramids and related sites on Egypt's Giza Plateau. Search the archives: or go to Advanced Search. Digital Giza has been made possible in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the human ...

  3. DIGITAL GIZA: Giza 3D Tour of the Giza Plateau

    Animated video production that provides a general, introductory tour of the Giza Plateau. The Giza Project at Harvard University http://giza.fas.harvard.edu ...

  4. Harvard's Digital Giza Project allows scholars to explore Egypt

    Photos by Stephanie Mitchell/Harvard Staff Photographer. Alvin Powell Harvard Staff Writer May 15, 2019 long read Digital Giza Project lets scholars virtually visit sites in Egypt and beyond, and even print them in 3D ... Manuelian's team has already created video-game-like 3D versions of the entire Giza Plateau, with the Khafre pyramid, the ...

  5. Virtual tour of the Giza Pyramids

    Take a walking tour of the Giza Pyramids with Harvard Professor Peter Der Manuelian.From our online course, "Pyramids of Giza: Ancient Egyptian Art and Archa...

  6. DIGITAL GIZA: Giza 3D

    Animated video production that provides a guided tour of the main components of the Khafre Pyramid Complex at Giza. The Giza Project at Harvard University ht...

  7. Giza Project

    The Giza Project is non-profit international initiative based at Harvard University. Through digital archaeology, we assemble, curate, and present archaeological records about one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world, the Giza Pyramids and surrounding cemeteries and settlements. The Project manages arguably the world's largest ...

  8. Top 10 Harvard Pyramid Tour

    Top 10 Harvard Pyramid Tour Pyramids of Giza Tour. Embark on a mesmerizing journey through time with our Pyramids of Giza Tour. Witness the awe-inspiring monuments that have captivated travelers for millennia—the Great Pyramid of Khufu, the enigmatic Sphinx, and the Pyramid of Menkaure.

  9. Bringing the Giza Pyramids to Life

    The research possibilities for the Giza 3D model have also increased dramatically. "We have now come to the point where we are no longer just using research in order to build a visual model," adds Picardo, "but we are also reversing the process, taking the model and using it for research.". This is the "future of digital archaeology ...

  10. Digital Giza

    There are also several smaller pyramids at Giza, constructed for these kings' wives and mothers. In Egyptian mythology, the world was created by raising a mound of land out of the sea; the triangular shape of the pyramid was meant to represent that first hill, so that the king could use the power of creation to be "reborn" into the afterlife.

  11. Digital Giza

    Animated video production that tells the story of the hidden Giza tomb of Queen Hetepheres, as told by Hetepheres herself along with George Reisner, the archaeologist who excavated the tomb and all of its contents in the early 1900s. Together they relate the mystery surrounding the Queen's final resting place.

  12. Pyramids of Giza: Ancient Egyptian Art and Archaeology

    The Egyptian Pyramids at Giza provide an opportunity to explore the history of archaeology and to learn about some of the modern methods shaping the discipline today. ... more than 75 years ago. He is director of the Harvard Semitic Museum, and also directs the Giza Project at Harvard, and the MA Program in Museum Studies at the Harvard ...

  13. Digital Giza

    The Giza Project is a non-profit international initiative based at Harvard University. Through digital archaeology, we assemble, curate, and present archaeological records about one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world, the Giza Pyramids and surrounding cemeteries and settlements. The Project manages arguably the world's ...

  14. The Giza Project at Harvard University

    The Giza Project, a non-profit international initiative based at Harvard University, assembles information about all the archaeological activity at the most famous site in the world: the Giza Pyramids and surrounding cemeteries and settlements (third millennium BCE to present). Using digital archaeology, the Project unites diverse documentation to produce powerful online and traditional ...

  15. 3D Virtual Reality of the Great Pyramid of Giza

    Digital Giza Project lets scholars virtually visit sites in Egypt and beyond, and even print them in 3D.Four thousand years ago, a member of Egypt's elite wa...

  16. Giza 3D: Harvard's Journey to Ancient Egypt

    Peter Der Manuelian. Barbara Bell Professor of Egyptology. Director, Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East. Harvard University. 6 Divinity Avenue. Cambridge, MA 02138. (617) 496-8558. [email protected]. See Also.

  17. Visit the Great Pyramids of Giza from Home

    Take the Digital Giza Project at Harvard University, for example. From the comfort of our living rooms, we can read about the Great Pyramids of Giza—and even go on 3D tours. The project, which ...

  18. Giza 3D: Harvard's Journey to Ancient Egypt

    Harvard University brings the Giza Plateau to life! Watch to learn more about their Giza 3D project, the Harvard Semitics Museum, and virtual reality technol...

  19. Take a Virtual Tour of the Pyramids of Giza

    Visit the Pyramids of Giza Without Even Leaving Your Couch. By Ellen Gutoskey | 2021-04-15T17:00:00Z. ... As Nerdist reports, Digital Giza is an offshoot of Harvard's Giza Project, an ...

  20. Digital Giza

    The Sphinx is one of the earliest and largest monolithic statues in the world, 241 feet (73.5 m) long, 63 feet (19 m) wide, and 66 feet (20 m) high. During the New Kingdom (roughly a thousand years after its construction), the Sphinx was worshipped as Horemakhet ("Horus in the horizon"), a form of the sun god.

  21. Digital Giza

    Rowe, Alan. "Studies in the Archaeology of the Near East II: Some Facts Concerning the Gread Pyramids of el-Gîza and Their Royal Constructors." Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 44, No. 1 (September 1961), pp. 103, 105, 107, 109-110, 114-115. Sakovich, Anthony P. "Explaining the Shafts in Khufu's Pyramid at Giza."

  22. Giza 3D: Visualizing the Pyramids

    As part of the Giza Project at Harvard, a 3D, archaeologically accurate computer model of the pyramids, tombs, and temples at the famous Giza Pyramids, just west of modern Cairo, is being used for teaching and research. The work is largely based on the excavations of the Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition (1905-1947).

  23. Thanks to Harvard University, you can now virtually see the Great

    Thanks to Harvard University, you can now virtually see the Great Pyramid of Giza from the inside in 3D and 360º.Tour: https://giza.mused.org/en/guided/266/i...