top travel mileva

Top Travel Mileva è la creazione di un progetto e la realizzazione di un sogno.

Siamo due amiche viaggiatrici che hanno deciso nel marzo del 2007 di intraprendere IL GRANDE VIAGGIO e di unire la comune passione ed esperienza, allora decennale, aprendo la propria agenzia viaggi .

Nonostante i nostri caratteri e le nostre personalità siano estremamente diversi, affrontiamo la quotidianità in modo completo ed armonioso. La nostra agenzia, nel corso degli anni, è diventata così una realtà conosciuta ed apprezzata per la sua grande professionalità ed un punto di riferimento nel panorama turistico vicentino sinonimo di sicurezza e fiducia.

Mila Top travel Mileva agenzia viaggi

Ciao sono Mila, è da più di vent’anni che sono nel settore

Sono sempre stata curiosa di scoprire posti nuovi, sempre alla ricerca di  qualcosa di unico e speciale.

Adoro l’oceano Indiano, tutte le sue isole ed i paesi che vi si affacciano

Sono una persona solare, concreta e disponibile e credo che un sorriso sulle labbra aiuti sempre!

Il mio “plus” è come dico sempre ai miei viaggiatori, di “mettermi nei loro panni”:

quando organizzo un viaggio nulla è lasciato al caso e tutto è studiato nei dettagli.

Eva agenzia viaggi Top travel Mileva vicenza

Ciao, io sono l’anima rock dell’agenzia.

Eterna sognatrice ho legato la mia anima ai viaggi sin dai tempi degli studi con un legame indissolubile.

Amo i viaggi on the road liberi e fuori dagli schemi dove possa ritrovarmi nel set di un film, tra le pagine di un libro letto o ispirata da una canzone.

Gli Stati Uniti, il Medio Oriente e l’Africa Australe sono le destinazioni che io amo e sono una grande sostenitrice del pensiero “viaggiare con i bambini è molto facile”..basta conoscerne i segreti.

Unici, esclusivi e curiosi sono gli itinerari che io propongo…e se ci potessi abbinare anche una colonna sonora, sarebbe sicuramente country rock

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Amiamo stare a fianco del nostro cliente e ci piace seguirlo passo passo iniziando dalla consulenza conoscitiva, fino al suo rientro. Questo ci permette di offrire un servizio di alto livello dando il giusto supporto in ogni fase del viaggio.

Inoltre ti confidiamo un segreto…noi abbiamo dei super poteri: competenza, professionalità, esperienza, affidabilità…e dolcezza!

E se si presenta l’imprevisto? Vi raggiungiamo ovunque, in un battibaleno come ogni super eroe che si rispetti dando la nostra assistenza h24.

Amiamo viaggiare??? ovviamente sì, è il nostro ossigeno!!

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Cerchi un’ispirazione o conosci già la tua meta? Contattaci per una una consulenza dedicata.

Monica Gasparini

Come fare un regalo di sicuro successo a chi non può fare a meno di viaggiare?

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Agenzia selezionata Verastore dal 2012.


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Veratour è marchio di eccellenza nella villaggistica made in Italy al 100% e noi siamo onorate di essere un’agenzia selezionata Verastore dal 2012.

Questo significa che possiamo offrire ai nostri clienti una profonda conoscenza dei prodotti a marchio Veratour e la possibilità di garantire le migliori campagne commerciali sfruttando al meglio i vantaggi della prenotazione anticipata ed delle imperdibili offerte sulle partenze sotto data.

Disponiamo di una linea booking dedicata che ci permette di fornire una consulenza immediata e di elaborare velocemente i preventivi; inoltre, un’agenzia Verastore, beneficia di un’apertura vendite anticipata di una settimana, per i periodi di alta stagione, rispetto alle agenzie tradizionali.

Infine, prenotando presso un’agenzia Verastore si ha la possibilità di essere omaggiati con upgrade su voli e/o sistemazioni in villaggio, previa disponibilità.

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Mileva Einstein-Maric

Mileva Einstein-Maric


Who Was Mileva Einstein-Maric?

Early life & education.

Mileva Einstein-Maric was born in 1875 in Titel, Austria-Hungary (now Serbia). Maric came from a fairly affluent family of Serbian descent. Well educated, she was allowed to attend an all-boys’ school in Zagreb as a teenager. Maric excelled at mathematics and physics. Later, she went to Switzerland to continue her studies.

After finishing her secondary studies in 1896, Maric enrolled at the University of Zurich. She only stayed there briefly, transferring to the Zurich Polytechnic School (later the Swiss Federal Institute or Technology or the ETH). Among her friends at university was Albert Einstein. They shared a love of science.

Relationship with Albert Einstein

Initially, Maric did well in her courses. She spent a semester in Heidelberg, Germany. While she was away, Maric began corresponding with Einstein. He nicknamed her “Dollie” and urged her to come back soon. Their friendship turned into a relationship after her return. While her parents accepted the match, Einstein’s parents opposed their relationship. They did not like the fact that Maric was several years older than him and was from a different religious and cultural background.

While her relationship flourished with Einstein, Maric struggled in her studies. She failed her final exams in 1900. Einstein graduated that year and looked for work. Staying on Zurich, Maric worked in a lab and prepared to retake her tests. But again her efforts were met with failure. Around this time, Maric discovered that she was pregnant with Einstein’s child.

Living with her family, Maric gave birth to their daughter, Lieserl, in early 1902. Stories vary as what happened to her. Some say that the girl was eventually given up for adoption. The last known mention of her is in a 1903 letter, which indicated that she had scarlet fever.

Einstein and Maric reunited in 1903. They married in Bern, Switzerland, on January 6, in a simple ceremony at the town hall. At the time, Einstein was working for the patent office there. The next year the couple welcomed their first son, Hans Albert.

It is unclear what role Maric played in Einstein’s work. While at the patent office, he spent much of his off time from work studying physics and working on theories. In 1905, Einstein published a series of papers, which became known as his greatest works. It was during this time that he introduced his theory of relativity and the famed formula, E=mc2.

The couple welcomed a second son, Eduard, in 1910. The next year, the Einstein family moved to Prague where Albert became a professor at the German University. They did not stay long. Einstein became a professor at the ETH in Zurich in 1912. Around this time, Einstein also became involved with his cousin, Elsa Lowenthal. The two corresponded for some time before Einstein took two positions in Berlin, where Lowenthal lived, in 1914.

Maric and her children moved to Berlin to be with Einstein that year. But she took the children back to Switzerland after only a few months. Einstein asked her for a divorce in 1916. After World War I, their divorce was finalized. Part of their agreement was that Maric was to receive the monetary award of the Nobel Prize if he ever won one. Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 and Maric was given the prize money.

Life after Einstein was difficult for Maric. She ran a boardinghouse for a time and gave lessons to make ends meet. In 1930, Maric was dealt a devastating blow when her son Eduard suffered a mental breakdown. He was eventually diagnosed with schizophrenia and spent the rest of his life in institutions. Her other son, Hans Albert, moved to the United States with his family in 1938. He joined the faculty of the University of California in 1947. Maric died in 1948.


  • Name: Mileva Einstein-Maric
  • Birth Year: 1875
  • Birth City: Titel
  • Birth Country: Serbia
  • Gender: Female
  • Best Known For: Mileva Einstein-Maric was the first wife of Nobel Prize-winning physicist Albert Einstein.
  • Science and Medicine
  • University of Zurich
  • Zurich Polytechnic School
  • Nacionalities
  • Death Year: 1948

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  • Article Title: Mileva Einstein-Maric Biography
  • Author: Editors
  • Website Name: The website
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  • Access Date:
  • Publisher: A&E; Television Networks
  • Last Updated: July 15, 2020
  • Original Published Date: April 2, 2014

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The Tale of Mileva Einstein-Marić

March 14, 2019

Women in Science: Struggle & Success, the Tale of Mileva Einstein-Marić, Einstein’s Wife

SupaduDev | History of Science 

Albert Einstein’s  first wife, Mileva Einstein-Marić, was forgotten for decades. Einstein’s Wife:  The Real Story of Mileva Einstein-Marić reexamines the history of this unknown woman. “Hers is a story that is not often told,” writes co-writer Allen Esterson, “Yet, when closely examined, it provides important and valuable insights into the struggle of this determined woman then, and for some even nowadays, for status and recognition in science.” She tragically did not achieve her full potential as a scientist or teacher, nor did she realize her hopes and dreams in marriage and in life, yet her story deserves to be told and her legacy honored.

In Ruth Lew in Sime’s featured essay below, she offers historical context for some of the obstacles women in science faced in the early twentieth century.

Warning: This excerpt contains discussion of suicide which may be triggering to readers.

Marić’s story resonates with us, and for good reason. We recognize the determined girl in a school for boys, the confident student who set her sights on a career in physics, the passionate young woman who wanted an egalitarian marriage. We understand that Mileva was pushing the limits of what girls and women were allowed to do, and that she and women like her succeeded in bringing about change for others. By the turn of the twentieth century, Germany and Austria-Hungary, the Western European states most resistant to the idea of higher education for women, finally opened their universities to women students. Education was an essential step toward equality for women, but it was only the first. If a woman wanted to pursue a career in science, there was no obvious path for her to follow. Even the most brilliant and ambitious women encountered formidable social and institutional barriers that would remain in place for generations, with effects that are still noticeable today.

It is important to remember that there have always been women who were scientists and mathematicians. Long before women had access to universities or even much schooling, there were individuals of great creativity, even genius, who were acclaimed by their peers and remembered by historians; the list includes Laura Bassi, Emilie du Chatelet, Sophie Germain, Mary Somerville, Sofia Kovalevskaia. Most women scientists learned from family members and worked in domestic surroundings, because that is where most scientific practice took place.  Caroline Herschel, for example, assisted her brother with his astronomical observations and became an important astronomer in her own right.  Maria Mitchell learned astronomy from her father and gained international recognition for discovering a new comet, the first American to do so. Marie Anne Paulze Lavoisier worked with her husband in the chemistry laboratory in their home, their partnership captured in a stunning double portrait by Jacques-Louis David. Historians have uncovered many such women; very likely there are many more whose names we do not yet know.

In the nineteenth century scientific practice became increasingly professionalized, and more gender-segregated. To the extent that a scientist was expected to be a man with a full-time paid position outside the home, science itself came to be seen as intrinsically masculine, and women, however well educated, were left out. Women occupied whatever scientific niches were available to them, often in jobs that were essential but regarded (and paid) as if they were peripheral. They worked as illustrators, librarians, textbook writers, technicians, and assistants. They were professors in women’s colleges, where they taught, did research, and campaigned for women’s rights. They were hired by observatories, industrial laboratories, and government facilities as human “computers,” in groups that were entirely segregated by gender and at times by race. They were recruited for the Manhattan Project and then dismissed when the war was over. They clustered into research fields that were more receptive to women, including radioactivity, X-ray crystallography, and astronomy.  And, quite often, they joined their husbands in collaborative scientific marriages, much as Mileva and Albert envisioned in their student days.

One of the most successful and visible marital collaborations was that of Marie and Pierre Curie. In 1903, when they were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics (with Henri Becquerel) for their discoveries in radioactivity, the public reaction was a mixture of excitement and disbelief that a woman, wife, and mother could be an important scientist.  By the time the Czech American biochemists Gerty and Carl Cori were awarded the 1947 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (with Bernardo O. Houssay) for their studies of carbohydrate metabolism, high-level women scientists were no longer a complete rarity, but it is notable that for both Nobel couples, in France and the United States, some forty years apart, it was the husband who had position and status while the wife made do in marginal jobs. This pattern persisted for much of the twentieth century, and it applied to couples who did not collaborate directly, such as the German American theoretical physicist Maria Goeppert-Mayer and her American husband Joseph Mayer, a physical chemist. For the first thirty years of their marriage Joe was a distinguished university professor while Maria held a series of adjunct positions, even though she was internationally recognized for her theoretical work in quantum physics and nuclear physics. In 1960 both Joe and Maria accepted professorships at the University of California, San Diego, and in 1963 Maria was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics (with J. Hans D. Jensen) for the discovery and development of the nuclear shell model. A local newspaper headline, “La Jolla Mother Wins Nobel Prize,” shows just how unimaginable it still was, sixty years after Marie Curie’s first Nobel Prize, for the words “scientist” or “physicist” to be used when referring to a woman.

We know less about unsuccessful scientific couples, but one exceptionally tragic instance is quite well documented. When Clara Immerwahr married the physical chemist Fritz Haber she had a doctorate in physical chemistry from Breslau University (in 1900, eight years before women were officially accepted as students), several publications, and an intense desire to continue scientific research. Clara hoped she and Fritz would be able to work together, but that did not take place and their marriage was unhappy. In 1915, when Fritz was home in Berlin for a few days on leave from the war, Clara killed herself with his service pistol. Although some writers have interpreted Clara’s suicide as a protest against her husband’s leadership in developing poison gas warfare, existing documents indicate that she had long been despondent about her failed marriage and her loss of identity as a scientist.

Of the first generation of university-educated women scientists, many chose to remain single in order to devote themselves to their work. Even so, relatively few had untroubled careers, even when their achievements were extraordinary. Emmy Noether is regarded as one of the most important mathematicians of the twentieth century, known for her far-reaching innovations in modern abstract algebra and for profoundly influencing the development of modern physics with her solution to the problem of energy conservation in Einstein’s general theory of relativity. For most of her twenty-five years of professional life in Germany, primarily in Gottingen, she did not have a paid university position, despite the efforts of her colleagues. For years the university would not allow her to undergo Habilitation, the qualification process for an academic position, for no reason other than her gender. It was not until 1933, when she was forced to emigrate due to Nazi racial policies, that Noether had a position with a decent salary. She accepted a professorship at Bryn Mawr, a women’s college near Philadelphia, and maintained contact with Einstein and other colleagues in Princeton until her untimely death in 1935.

The Austrian physicist Marietta Blau pioneered the use of photographic emulsions for imaging high-energy nuclear particles and events. In 1937 she and a co-worker, Hertha Wambacher, found that heavy nuclei in the emulsion had been explosively disintegrated by cosmic radiation, a discovery that dazzled the nuclear physics community and launched the field of particle physics. Blau worked in Vienna at the Institute for Radium Research, where more than a third of the scientists were women. Although none of the researchers had regular paid positions, the men could undergo “habilitation” while very few women did; when Blau inquired about it she was told, “Woman and Jew: that is too much.” Her lack of academic standing made her emigration difficult. After leaving Vienna in 1938 she was unable to do research in her field for the next ten years, and by the time of her death she and her work had been almost entirely forgotten.

Lise Meitner, a native of Vienna, made her professional home in Berlin, where she worked in radioactivity, pioneered the new field of nuclear physics, and, with the chemists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann, was a co-discoverer of nuclear fission. Meitner’s interdisciplinary partnership with Hahn was essential for her start, giving her a place to work and a chance to prove herself at a time when women had no prospects for a position in academic research. Once underway, her career was extraordinary: in 1913, a permanent appointment in the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Chemistry; in 1917, her own section for physics in the Institute, the equivalent of a university professorship; habilitation in 1922 and an adjunct professorship at the University of Berlin in 1926—each step a milestone for the inclusion of women into German science. In the 1920s Einstein liked to call her “our Marie Curie,” an acknowledgment of Meitner’s importance in the Berlin physics community and her international prominence. When she escaped from Germany in 1938 she went to Stockholm, where she was given an entry-level position without a laboratory or the resources to work as she had before. Exile shattered Meitner’s career, diminished her reputation, kept her from a Nobel Prize, and eventually clouded her place in the history of twentieth century science.

Of the early generations of women scientists, nearly all experienced difficulties in their professional lives and many were severely under-recognized. Women scientists were doubly outsiders: as women they were unconventional, as scientists they were not fully accepted in a traditionally male domain. That left them vulnerable, not among the close friends and colleagues who knew them and understood their work but in the wider scientific community and beyond. This was Meitner’s situation in Sweden, where she was viewed primarily as a woman and a foreigner rather than as a prominent physicist with multiple Nobel nominations who could contribute to Swedish science.

Marie Curie was similarly vulnerable. After the 1903 Nobel Prize, some imagined that she was just her husband’s helper or, more romantically, his muse. When Pierre Curie died in 1906 and Marie was appointed to his professorship in the Sorbonne, there were people who assumed that widowhood was her main qualification for the position. And in 1911, just as she was awarded her second Nobel Prize—this time in chemistry, for the discovery of polonium and radium, and the isolation of elemental radium—she was being vilified in the press because of her affair with a married colleague. Curie was never elected to the French Academy of Sciences; it took years before she became the iconic figure everyone recognizes today.

It took generations before women scientists began to be perceived as normal, both as women and as scientists. The process is still underway. As recently as 2005 the president of Harvard University publicly speculated that “issues of intrinsic aptitude” might be holding women back.  We are still worrying about the paucity of women and minorities in mathematics, the physical sciences, engineering, and technology, still wondering when everyone with the ability and desire for a life in science will have the opportunities they need to succeed. Looking back, we seek a deeper understanding of the many women who also dared to hope and work for a life in science, as did young Mileva.

Ruth Lewin Sime is Professor Emerita in the Department of Chemistry at Sacramento City College. 

Excerpted from Einstein’s Wife: The Real Story of Mileva Einstein-Marić by Allen Esterson and David C. Cassidy, with a contribution by Ruth Lewin Sime, The MIT Press, 2019.

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December 19, 2016

The Forgotten Life of Einstein's First Wife

She was a physicist, too—and there is evidence that she contributed significantly to his groundbreaking science

By Pauline Gagnon

This article was published in Scientific American’s former blog network and reflects the views of the author, not necessarily those of Scientific American

Today, 19 December, marks the 141 th anniversary of the birth of Mileva Marić Einstein. But who remembers this brilliant scientist? While her husband, Albert Einstein is celebrated as perhaps the best physicist of the 20 th century, one question about his career remains: How much did his first wife contribute to his groundbreaking science? While nobody has been able to credit her with any specific part of his work, their letters and numerous testimonies presented in the books dedicated to her (1-5)  provide substantial evidence on how they collaborated from the time they met in 1896 up to their separation in 1914. They depict a couple united by a shared passion for physics, music and for each other. So here is their story.

Mileva Marić was born in Titel in Serbia in 1875. Her parents, Marija Ruzić and Miloš Marić, a wealthy and respected member of his community, had two other children: Zorka and Miloš Jr. Mileva attended high school the last year girls were admitted in Serbia. In 1892, her father obtained the authorization of the Minister of Education to allow her to attend physics lectures reserved to boys. She completed her high school in Zurich in 1894 and her family then moved to Novi Sad. Mileva’s classmates described her as brilliant but not talkative. She liked to get to the bottom of things, was perseverant and worked towards her goals.

Albert Einstein was born in Ulm in Germany in 1879 and had one sister Maja. His father, Hermann, was an industrial. His mother, Pauline Koch came from a rich family. Albert was inquisitive, bohemian and rebel. Being undisciplined, he hated the rigor of German schools so he too finished his high school in Switzerland and his family relocated to Milan.

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Albert and Mileva were admitted to the physics-mathematics section of the Polytechnic Institute in Zurich (now ETH) in 1896 with three other students: Marcel Grossmann, Louis Kollros and Jakob Ehrat. Albert and Mileva became inseparable, spending countless hours studying together. He attended only a few lectures, preferring to study at home. Mileva was methodical and organized. She helped him channel his energy and guided his studies as we learn from Albert’s letters, exchanged between 1899-1903 during school holidays: 43 letters from Albert to Mileva have been preserved but only 10 of hers remain (5) . These letters provide a first-hand account on how they interacted at the time.

In August 1899, Albert wrote to Mileva: “When I read Helmholtz for the first time, it seemed so odd

that you were not at my side and today, this is not getting better. I find the work we do together very good, healing and also easier.” Then on 2 October 1899, he wrote from Milan: “… the climate here does not suit me at all, and while I miss work, I find myself filled with dark thoughts – in other words, I miss having you nearby to kindly keep me in check and prevent me from meandering ”.

Mileva boarded in a pension for women where she met her life-long friends Helene Kaufler-Savić and Milana Bota. Both spoke of Albert’s continuous presence at Mileva’s place, where he would come freely to borrow books in Mileva’s absence. Milan Popović, Helene’s grandson, published the letters Mileva exchanged with her throughout her life (4) .

By the end of their classes in 1900, Mileva and Albert had similar grades (4.7 and 4.6, respectively) except in applied physics where she got the top mark of 5 but he, only 1. She excelled at experimental work while he did not. But at the oral exam, Professor Minkowski gave 11 out of 12 to the four male students but only 5 to Mileva. Only Albert got his degree.

Meanwhile, Albert’s family strongly opposed their relationship. His mother was adamant. “By the time you’re 30, she’ll already be an old hag!” as Albert reported to Mileva in a letter dated 27 July 1900, as well as « She cannot enter a respectable family ”. Mileva was neither Jewish, nor German. She had a limp and was too intellectual in his mother’s opinion, not to mention prejudices against foreign people. Moreover, Albert’s father insisted his son found work before getting married.

In September 1900, Albert wrote to Mileva: “I look forward to resume

our new common work . You must now continue with your research – how proud I will be to have a doctor for my spouse when I’ll only be an ordinary man.“ They both came back to Zurich in October 1900 to start their thesis work. The other three students all received assistant positions at the Institute, but Albert did not. He suspected that professor Weber was blocking him. Without a job, he refused to marry her. They made ends meet by giving private lessons and “ continue [d] to live and work as before. “ as Mileva wrote to her friend Helene Savić.

On 13 December 1900, they submitted a first article on capillarity signed only under Albert’s name. Nevertheless, both referred to this article in letters as their common article. Mileva wrote to Helene Savić on 20 December 1900. “

We will send a private copy to Boltzmann to see what he thinks and I hope he will answer us .” Likewise, Albert wrote to Mileva on 4 April 1901, saying that his friend Michele Besso “visited his uncle on my behalf, Prof. Jung, one of the most influential physicists in Italy and gave him a copy of our article.”

The decision to publish only under his name seems to have been taken jointly. Why? Radmila Milentijević, a former history professor at City College in New York, published in 2015 Mileva’s most comprehensive biography (1) . She suggests that Mileva probably wanted to help Albert make a name for himself, such that he could find a job and marry her. Dord Krstić, a former physics professor at Ljubljana University, spent 50 years researching Mileva’s life. In his well-documented book (2) ,   he suggests that given the prevalent bias against women at the time, a publication co-signed with a woman might have carried less weight.

We will never know. But nobody made it clearer than Albert Einstein himself that they collaborated on special relativity when he wrote to Mileva on 27 March 1901: “How happy and proud I will be when the two of us

togethe r will have brought our work on relative motion to a victorious conclusion.”

Then Mileva’s destiny changed abruptly. She became pregnant after a lovers’ escapade in Lake Como. Unemployed, Albert would still not marry her. With this uncertain future, Mileva took her second and last attempt at the oral exam in July 1901. This time, Prof. Weber, whom Albert suspected of blocking his career, failed her. Forced to abandon her studies, she went back to Serbia, but came back briefly to Zurich to try to persuade Albert to marry her. She gave birth to a girl named Liserl in January 1902. No one knows what happened to her. She was probably given to adoption. No birth or death certificates were ever found.

Earlier in December 1901, their classmate Marcel Grossman’s father intervened to get Albert a post at the Patent Office in Bern. He started work in June 1902. In October, before dying, his father granted him his permission to marry. Albert and Mileva married on 6 January 1903. Albert worked 8 hours a day, 6 days a week at the Patent Office while

Mileva assumed the domestic tasks. In the evenings, they worked together, sometimes late in the night. Both mentioned this to friends, he to Hans Wohlwend, she to Helene Savić on 20 March 1903 where she expressed how sorry she was to see Albert working so hard at the office. On 14 May 1904, their son Hans-Albert was born.

Despite this, 1905 is now known as Albert’s “miracle year”: he published five articles: one on the photoelectric effect (which led to the 1921 Nobel Prize), two on Brownian motion, one on special relativity and the famous E = mc 2 . He also commented on 21 scientific papers for a fee and submitted his thesis on the dimensions of molecules. Much later, Albert told R. S. Shankland (6) that relativity had been his life for seven years and the photoelectric effect, for five years. Peter Michelmore, one of his biographers (7) , wrote that after having spent five weeks to complete the article containing the basis of special relativity, Albert “ went to bed for two weeks. Mileva checked the article again and again, and then mailed it”. Exhausted, the couple made the first of three visits to Serbia where they met numerous relatives and friends, whose testimonies provide a wealth of information on how Albert and Mileva collaborated.

Mileva’s brother, Miloš Jr, a person known for his integrity, stayed on several occasions with the Einstein family while studying medicine in Paris. Krstić (2) wrote: “[Miloš] described how during the evenings and at night, when silence fell upon the town, the young married couple would sit together at the table and at the light of a kerosene lantern, they would work together on physics problems. Miloš Jr. spoke of how they calculated, wrote, read and debated. ” Krstić heard this directly from relatives of Mileva, Sidonija Gajin and Sofija Galić Golubović.

Zarko Marić, a cousin of Mileva’s father, lived in the countryside property where the Einsteins stayed during their visit. He told Krstić how Mileva calculated, wrote and worked with Albert. The couple often sat in the garden to discuss physics. Harmony and mutual respect prevailed.

Gajin and Zarko Marić also reported hearing from Mileva’s father that during the Einstein’s visit to Novi Sad in 1905, Mileva confided to him: “Before our departure,

we finished an important scientific work which will make my husband known around the world.” Krstić got this same information in 1961 from Mileva’s cousin, Sofija Galić Golubović, who was present when Mileva said it to her father.

Desanka Trbuhović-Gjurić published Mileva’s first biography in Serbian in 1969 (3) . It later appeared in German and French. She described how Mileva’s brother often hosted gatherings of young intellectuals at his place. During one of these evenings, Albert would have declared: “I need my wife. She solves for me all my mathematical problems” , something Mileva is said to have confirmed.

In 1908, the couple constructed with Conrad Habicht an ultra-sensitive voltmeter. Trbuhović-Gjurić attributes this experimental work to Mileva and Conrad, and wrote: “When they were both satisfied, they left to Albert the task of describing the apparatus, since he was a patent expert.” It was registered under the Einstein-Habicht patent. When Habicht questioned Mileva’s choice not to include her name, she replied making a pun in German: “ Warum? Wir beide sind nur ein Stein. “ (“Why? The two of us are but one stone”, meaning, we are one entity).

The first recognition came in 1908. Albert gave unpaid lectures in Bern, then was offered his first academic position in Zurich in 1909. Mileva was still assisting him. Eight pages of Albert’s first lecture notes are in her handwriting. So is a letter drafted in 1910 in reply to Max Planck who had sought Albert’s opinion. Both documents are kept in the Albert Einstein Archives (AEA) in Jerusalem. On 3 September 1909, Mileva confided to Helene Savić: “He is now regarded as the best of the German-speaking physicists, and they give him a lot of honours. I am very happy for his success, because he fully deserves it

; I only hope and wish that fame does not have a harmful effect on his humanity .” Later, she added: “With all this fame, he has little time for his wife. […] What is there to say, with notoriety, one gets the pearl, the other the shell.”

Their second son, Eduard, was born on 28 July 1910. Up to 1911, Albert still sent affectionate postcards to Mileva. But in 1912, he started an affair with his cousin, Elsa Löwenthal while visiting his family who had moved to Berlin. They maintained a secret correspondence over two years. Elsa kept 21 of his letters, now in the Collected Papers of Albert Einstein . During this period, Albert held various faculty positions first in Prague, back in Zurich and finally in Berlin in 1914 to be closer to Elsa.

This caused their marriage’s collapse. Mileva moved back to Zurich with her two sons on 29 July 1914. In 1919, she agreed to divorce, with a clause stating that if Albert ever received the Nobel Prize, she would get the money. When she did, she bought two small apartment buildings and lived poorly from their income. Her son, Eduard stayed frequently in a sanatorium. He later developed schizophrenia and was eventually internalised. Due to these medical expenses, Mileva struggled financially all her life and eventually lost both buildings. She survived by giving private lessons and on the alimony Albert sent, albeit irregularly.

In 1925, Albert wrote in his will that the Nobel Prize money was his sons’ inheritance. Mileva strongly objected, stating the money was hers and considered revealing her contributions to his work. Radmila Milentijević quote from a letter Albert sent her on 24 October 1925 (AEA 75-364). ” You made me laugh when you started threatening me with your recollections. Have you ever considered, even just for a second, that nobody would ever pay attention to your says if the man you talked about had not accomplished something important. When someone is completely insignificant, there is nothing else to say to this person but to remain modest and silent. This is what I advise you to do. ”

Mileva remained silent but her friend Milana Bota told a Serbian newspaper in 1929 that they should talk to Mileva to find out about the genesis of special relativity, since she was directly involved. On 13 June 1929, Mileva wrote to Helene Savić: ”Such publications in newspapers

do not suit my nature at all , but I believe that all that was for Milana’s joy, and that she probably thought that this would also be a joy for me, as I can only suppose that she wanted to help me receive some public rights with regard to Einstein. She has written to me in that way, and I let it be accepted that way, for otherwise the whole thing would be nonsense.”

According to Krstić (2) , Mileva spoke of her contributions to her mother and sister. She also wrote to her godparents explaining how she had always collaborated with Albert and how he had ruined her life, but asked them to destroy the letter. Her son, Hans-Albert, told Krstić (2) how his parents’ “scientific collaboration continued into their marriage, and that he remembered seeing [them] work together in the evenings at the same table.” Hans-Albert’s first wife, Frieda, tried to publish the letters Mileva and Albert had sent to their sons but was blocked in court by the Einstein’s Estate Executors, Helen Dukas and Otto Nathan in an attempt to preserve the “Einstein’s myth”. They prevented other publications, including one from Krstić (2) on his early findings in 1974. Krstić mentions that Nathan even “visited” Mileva’s apartment after her death in 1948. On July 1947, Albert wrote to Dr Karl Zürcher, his divorce lawyer: “ When Mileva will no longer be there, I’ll be able to die in peace.”

Their letters and the numerous testimonies show that Mileva Marić and Albert Einstein collaborated closely from their school days up to 1914. Albert referred to it repeatedly in his letters, like when he wrote: «  our work on relative motion ”. Their union was based on love and mutual respect, which allowed them

together to produce such uncommon work. She was the first person to recognize his talent. Without her, he would never have succeeded. She abandoned her own aspirations, happy to work with him and contribute to his success, feeling they were one unique entity. Once started, the process of signing their work under his unique name became impossible to reverse. She probably agreed to it since her own happiness depended on his success. Why did Mileva remain silent? Being reserved and self-effaced, she did not seek honors or public attention. And as is always the case in close collaborations, the individual contributions are nearly impossible to disentangle. References:

(1) Radmila Milentijević: Mileva Marić Einstein: Life with Albert Einstein, United World Press, 2015.

(2) Dord Krstić: Mileva & Albert Einstein: Their Love and Scientific Collaboration, Didakta, 2004.

(3) Desanka Trbuhović-Gjurić Mileva Marić Einstein: In Albert Einstein’s shadow): in Serbian, 1969, German, 1982, and French, 1991 .

(4) Milan Popović: In Albert’s Shadow, the Life and Letters of Mileva Marić, Einstein’s First Wife , The John Hopkins University Press, 2003.

(5) Renn and Schulmann , Albert Einstein / Mileva Marić , The Love Letters , Princeton University Press, 1992.

(6) Peter Michelmore , Einstein, Profile of the Man , Dodd, Mead & Company, 1962.

(7) R.S. Shankland , Conversation with Albert Einstein , Am. J. of Physics, 1962.

The Best Destinations in the World: The Gold List 2022

By CNT Editors

Goa India

There are three great lists annually in  Condé Nast Traveler,  all of which have changed due to the events of the last two years: the Readers’ Choice Awards , which you, our beloved audience, select; the Hot List , which compiles the new and notable of the previous year; and this one, which is ultimately about the places and experiences our editors carry in their hearts. This year, when we say  our editors,  we mean  CNT ’s entire global crew, working in locations from California to Beijing ; we’ve also expanded the parameters of the list to include not just the hotels and cruises you’ve seen in years past, but also the destinations we treasure. The Gold List is, more than ever, made by humans for other humans—something we need more than ever in this day and age. Here, our favorite destinations in the world.

Read the complete set of Gold List winners   here .

All listings featured in this story are independently selected by our editors. However, when you book something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Cholula Puebla Mexico

Puebla, Mexico

I love when I can feel familiar with a new place in 48 hours. In Puebla , Mexico’s historic, fourth-largest city, all the spots you want to hit are walking distance within its center, itself a tidy sprawl of bright pink and yellow villas and small plazas. That includes food markets for a crispy cemita (a schnitzel-­style sandwich with all the fixings); the gilded Capilla del Rosario and the city’s famed talavera, or ceramic houses; I stayed for close to an hour watching the row of artisans hand-paint and hand-fire their mugs, plates, and vases at Uriarte Talavera. Before the pandemic, tourism was just starting to happen here, and the city was in that sweet spot of supporting a new breed of traveler, like with the artisanal-inspired Cartesiano hotel, but without muting any of its essence for international business. I liked that I had to use my shoddy Spanish with barkeeps and store owners. And that sitting in those plazas meant a front-row seat to daily Poblano life: vendors selling sliced cucumber spices with cayenne, old-timers playing dominos. Puebla felt like a special somewhere on the verge of discovery in a country with pockets already turned over to the masses. My guess with all that’s happened this past year is that it still does. —Erin Florio

Rio de Janeiro Brazil

Rio de Janeiro

If you were to hook the city of Rio de Janeiro up to a cardiogram, the needle would swing off the page. The city thrums with live samba and bossa nova at all hours of the day; the bustling streets, bookended by the dramatic rise of granite monoliths on one end and the pounding waves of the Atlantic on the other, have a pulse all their own. It's easy to feel this when you're amid throngs of colorfully clad cariocas —I feel it most swaying to the live music at Pedra do Sal on Monday nights, or when, perched in the leafy hilltop neighborhood of Santa Teresa, I hear people in neighborhoods below lean out their windows to cheer when Flamengo scores a goal. It's a complicated city, with plenty of issues—insecurity, corruption, inequity, to name just a few—but there's a premium on joy and celebration that isn't reserved for Carnaval . There are few places in the world where you know you couldn't possibly be anywhere else, and whenever I hear the whole of Arpoador beach break into applause as the sun sets in summer, I'm reminded that Rio is one of them. —Megan Spurrell

Alentejo Vicente Coast

Alentejo, Portugal

I call the road to the sea through Portugal’s Alentejo region the place where the beatniks read Pessoa; you can imagine Kerouac breezing through its small hotels, surf camps, and villages scattered with craft shops, markets, and bohemian bars. For me it’s a place of happiness. There are boutique hotels like São Lourenço do Barrocal and Dá Licença and olive groves, cork oaks, and infinite horizons. The road ends at Vicentine Coast National Park, a wild, protected coastline in southern Europe. A paradise for surfers , it has electrifying sunsets, but the icy waters stop it from ever getting too crowded. —David Moralejo

Svalbard Norway

Svalbard, Norway

Arctic Svalbard —whose capital, Longyearbyen, is the world’s northernmost town—is like nowhere else I’ve been. On the one hand, it’s a deep-nature Scandi fantasy of snowmobiles, Northern Lights, ski-touring along glacial valleys, and surprisingly smart boutiques with stacked wine cellars. But there’s also a compelling strangeness to this international settlement, where no one is born and no one dies. There are the Soviet mining towns with their Lenin busts, whether abandoned or (even weirder) still working; the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, which preempts a coming apocalypse; it’s advisable to leave Longyearbyen with a shotgun, in case of polar-bear attack. As much as a destination, it’s a journey into the heart of the climate crisis, with academics from across the world doing game-changing research here. I’m itching to go again—to escape but also to think and connect, which is what happens in all the best places. —Toby Skinner

May 2024 Horoscope: This Month, Travel Will Be Joyful

Steph Koyfman

Inside Richard Branson’s Private Island Paradise of  Lagoons, Lemurs, and Wind Turbines

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2024 Readers' Choice Awards Survey

Charlie Hobbs

Goa India

My first trip to Goa as a college student was wrapped in dreams of homemade chorizo and reliving moments from the cult Bollywood coming-of-age film Dil Chahta Hai . Many trips and feni cocktails later, Goa remained a respite for my city-weary bones. The state straddles its multicultural past and present, trading up ’60s hippie markets for hipster boutiques while keeping its old-world Indian and Portuguese traditions intact. Simple fish-curry plates, aunties doing an impromptu jig to fado, old-timers squabbling over their favorite Goan soccer club, and the right freshness of bread coexist with edgy global menus, alt-music gigs, and all that is artisanal and arty. The ocean changes color from one season to the next, the multi-color sunsets never repeat, and like many travelers, I continue to return and find my salve in sunshine, sea, and susegad —the quintessential Goan idea of the slow, easy, and good life. —Diya Kohl

Plettenberg Bay South Africa

Plettenberg Bay, South Africa

Plettenberg Bay is South Africa's summer playground, and I, a Capetonian, would drive the 186-mile coastal path along the scenic Garden Route each year to join the fun. The bohemian seaside town sits atop a sheltered bay, where a jumble of hipster coffee shops, seafood restaurants, and kitsch boutiques tumble down onto fynbos-covered cliffs—where a slew of new hotels like The Robberg Beach Lodge sit beside grandes dames like The Plettenberg Hotel . Pretty young things like to celebrate the end of matric student exams, where hedonism sweeps across the bay, while dolphin and whale watches come during the languid, warm winter months. Venture just outside Plett to find the luxury Tsala Treetop Lodge , a manicured Gary Player golf course, indigenous Keurbooms River Nature Reserve, the Plett Polo Club on the Kurland Estate, and a host of animal sanctuaries to meet cheetahs, elephants, and monkeys. But above all, come for the glorious golden beaches. Central Beach—dotted with bars—surfy Lookout Beach, and the eerie, mist-covered sands of Robberg Nature Reserve. Search hard enough and you might stumble on a sand dollar—the symbol of Plettenberg Bay, thought to bring eternal luck. —Isabella Sullivan

Scottsdale Arizona

When I can’t take another minute of winter, I head to Scottsdale. As, historically, do the day-drinking spring breakers and the far less rowdy snowbirds. Recently, though, the Valley of the Sun has come into its own, claiming its stunning desert setting and Southwest culture in new ways. If I’m bringing the kids, the 1929 Frank Lloyd Wright–designed grande dame The Arizona Biltmore, A Waldorf Astoria Resort (on the border of Scottsdale and Phoenix), is my place. It has sprawling grounds and seven pools, one with a legitimate waterslide, and just underwent a much-needed facelift. Sanctuary Camelback Mountain Resort , terraced into the side of its namesake adobe-hued mountain, has my favorite spa in town. Its adults-only pool on weekends and easy access to sunrise hiking give me plenty of excuses to leave the kids at home. Solo or with family, I can always bank on sunshine, a great exhibit at Phoenix’s nearby Desert Botanical Garden, and excellent Sonoran-style Mexican food. —Rebecca Misner

Tuscany Val Graziosa

Val Graziosa, Italy

I am a frequent traveler to Val Graziosa, a valley near the Pisan mountains and a part of Tuscany relatively unknown and terribly beautiful. Here there is Monte Pisano—“ che i Pisan veder Lucca non ponno, ” the poet Dante said, a small group of mountains that hides Lucca from Pisa and makes it impossible for the Pisan locals to see the city of Lucca. There are olive trees everywhere, producing the best olive oil on Earth in a splendid countryside. I love to walk around the surroundings of Montemagno—please read the book Maledetti Toscani, by Curzio Malaparte, and you will understand a lot about Italians from this region. I love to go to the grocery store in Patrizia for a glass of wine (the one and only épicerie of the village) and then to Certosa di Calci, a 14th-century monastery, and one of the many secret beauties in my crazy country of Italy. —Maddalena Fosati

Chiang Mai Thailand

Chiang Mai, Thailand

When I first went to Chiang Mai, I intended to stay a couple of nights and ended up staying more than a week; for me, that trip is a reminder of travel at its most impulsive and impetuous: the freedom to move on when you feel like it. There’s no beach pressure here, and inland Thailand always feels more interesting than the obvious hits of the beachfront. And, away from the beaches, there's the sense of a modern Thai city where young creatives are carving out a contemporary aesthetic, with the energy that a large student population gives a city. —Rick Jordan

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World’s 30 Best Travel Destinations, Ranked

Best places to visit in the world.

Bali, one of the best travel destinations

The ultimate ranking of travel destinations aims to solve a serious problem: so many places to visit, so little time.

But even in a world with a trillion destinations, some manage to stand out and rise to the top. From the sleek skyscrapers of Dubai to the emerald-green waters of the Bora Bora lagoon, you’re sure to find at least one vacation that piques your interest (and likely several!).

These are the 30 best places to visit in the world. Which ones have you already been to? And which ones stoke your wanderlust most?

30. Argentine Patagonia

Traveler in Argentine Patagonia

In this region of the Andes, you’ll find glaciers, evergreen trees, deep blue lakes and clear skies everywhere you look. For a trip full of adventure and discovery, there are few better destinations on the planet.

No trip is complete without a visit to the craggy Mount Fitz Roy, the historic (and mysterious) Cave of the Hands, the Punta Tombo wildlife preserve, the Peninsula Valdes marine wildlife refuge and the impressive Perito Moreno Glacier. Be sure to bring your camera and your sense of wonder.

* Rankings are based on U.S. News & World Report's " World's Best Places to Visit ," traveler ratings as well as our own editorial input.

What to Know Before You Go to Argentine Patagonia

Argentine Patagonia Glacier National Park

Where to stay: Cyan Soho Neuquen Hotel

Hot tip: Since springtime occurs in the southern hemisphere in October and November, those months are your best bet when planning a trip.

Fun fact: The largest dinosaur fossils ever unearthed were found in Argentine Patagonia. They belong to the largest-known titanosaur, believed to have weighed about 83 tons. 

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29. Amalfi Coast, Italy

Campania, Amalfi Coast

Set in the Sorrentina Peninsula, the Amalfi Coast has long been renowned for its natural beauty and idyllic coastal towns. During the golden age of Hollywood, it was a preferred vacation spot for glamorous movie stars.

Days here are spent eating Italian food, drinking wine and walking around colorful cobblestone streets. You can also expect to drink copious amounts of wine as you look out into the Mediterranean Sea.

The best way to see the coast is to rent a car and then drive to different towns each day.

What to Know Before You Go to the Amalfi Coast

Amalfi Coast road

Where to stay: Hotel Marina Riviera

Hot tip:  If you're planning on using a beach chair to work on your tan, make sure you wake up early, as they are usually first come, first served.

Fun fact:  The Amalfi Coast is featured in Sofia Loren's 1995 Film, "Scandal in Sorrento."

28. Cancun, Mexico

Beach sunset in Cancun

For years, Cancun has been the preferred getaway for East Coast Americans (particularly Floridians) who want an international getaway that's still close to home. But despite the droves of tourists, the area has managed to keep the charm that attracted people in the first place.

The city is known mostly for its luxury hotels, wild nightlife and warm beaches. Definitely indulge in all of these — as well as the Mexican food! — but also consider other activities like visiting Mayan ruins, swimming in cenotes and snorkeling. One thing is certain: You won't run out of things to do in Cancun .

What to Know Before You Go to Cancun

Cenote Zaci, Mexico

Where to stay: Hyatt Zilara Cancun

Hot tip:  While you're in Cancun, make a plan to visit one of Grupo Xcaret's six eco-tourism parks, with the best ones being Xcaret and Xelha. The Mexican-owned company is credited with starting the eco-tourism trend in the Yucatan Peninsula, and the parks offer incredible and varied local experiences.

Fun fact:  The Yucatan Peninsula, where Cancun is located, was the cultural, political and economic center of the Mayan civilization. Many locals have Mayan ancestry and Mayan continues to be widely spoken in the area.

27. San Francisco, California

Close up of Golden Gate Bridge

Everyone should visit San Francisco at least once in their lives. Though tech companies grab all the headlines these days, it remains down-to-earth, diverse and packed with things to do.

Where to start? No matter your style, you’ll want to check out the world-famous Golden Gate Bridge, see the sunbathing sea lions at Fisherman’s Wharf, take a tour of the historic prison Alcatraz and relax in one of the city’s many parks, especially Dolores Park for its epic people-watching on the weekends. 

For dinner, treat your tastebuds and make a reservation at one of the many Michelin-starred restaurants in the Bay Area .

What to Know Before You Go to San Francisco

San Francisco houses

Where to stay: The Westin St. Francis San Francisco on Union Square

Hot tip: Want similarly beautiful landscapes and rich cultural attractions, but at lower prices and with (slightly) fewer crowds? Head to Oakland just across the Bay Bridge, named one of the most exciting places on earth to travel by National Geographic. 

Fun fact: The fortune cookie was invented in San Francisco by a Japanese resident. Random!

26. Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls in autumn Canadian side

Niagara Falls is one of the largest waterfalls in the world . The power with which water storms down cliffs on the border between the United States and Canada has captivated the imagination of humans for centuries. 

This natural wonder is comprised of three awe-inspiring falls. One of the best ways to experience them is on a boat tour.

What to Know Before You Go to Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls boat tour

Where to stay: Sheraton Niagara Falls

Hot tip: There is some debate about which side of the falls is better, but the general verdict is that the Canadian side offers better views. This is because you can (ironically) get a better view of the American Falls as well as get up close to Horseshoe Falls. 

Fun fact:  Established in 1885, Niagara Falls State Park is the oldest state park in the U.S.

25. Yellowstone National Park

Bison at the Great Prismatic Spring

Located mostly in Wyoming as well as Montana and Idaho, Yellowstone is America’s first national park and remains one of the most popular in the country, welcoming more than around 3.3 million people in 2022. With unpredictable geysers, rainbow-colored hot springs, craggy peaks, shimmering lakes and tons of wildlife — from elk to boars to bison — it’s easy to see why so many people flock here. 

The park makes for an awesome family trip and is well-suited to budget travelers since it offers so many campsites ( over 2,000! ). 

What to Know Before You Go to Yellowstone

Old Faithful Geiser erupting, Yellowstone

Where to stay: Stage Coach Inn

Hot tip: You’ll never fully beat the crowds at this wildly popular park, but April, May, September and November are your best bets for finding some solitude.  

Fun fact: Yellowstone is larger than Rhode Island and Delaware combined.  

24. Great Barrier Reef, Australia

snorkle Destinations: Great Barrier Reef, Australia

As the largest reef in the world, the Great Barrier Reef is home to thousands of marine species. This makes it a paradise for scuba diving or snorkeling. 

The reef system is truly gigantic, with over 600 islands and about 2,900 individual reefs. This is one of Australia's greatest prides, but it's also a planetary national treasure. Seeing it with your own two eyes is an experience that is incredible beyond words.

What to Know Before You Go to the Great Barrier Reef

Great Barrier Reef from above

Where to stay: Crystalbrook Flynn

Hot tip: Though going underwater to see the reef is a must, we also recommend booking a helicopter tour to experience the magic of it from above.

Fun fact:  Made of corals, which are animals that live in collectives, the Great Barrier Reef is the largest living structure on the planet.

23. Santorini, Greece

White washed houses in Santorini

With its picturesque blue-domed churches, whitewashed buildings and colorful beaches, the island of Santorini is a photographer’s paradise. If you want to snap photos to post to Instagram and make everyone back home jealous, this is the place to go. 

Also make sure to experience some of Santorini’s archaeologically significant sites, like Ancient Akrotiri (an ancient city preserved by volcanic ash) and Ancient Thera (where humans lived as early as the 9th century BC). And don’t forget to visit the smaller islands that surround it, including Thirassia, Nea Kameni and Palea Kameni. 

What to Know Before You Go to Santorini

Santorini houses

Where to stay: Nikki Beach Resort & Spa Santorini

Hot tip: To optimize your vacation, visit in September and October or April and May — when the weather is still warm, but there aren’t as many other tourists milling around.

Fun fact: While it’s difficult to prove, locals like to say there’s more wine than water on this island where it hardly rains (and vino abounds).

22. Florence, Italy

Florience center, Italy

For art and history buffs (and anyone who appreciates delicious Italian food), Florence is a must-visit city. 

As the birthplace of the Renaissance, it’s home to some of the most iconic artworks by the world’s premier artists throughout history — Michaelangelo, Brunelleschi and Donatello, just to name a few. In addition to art museums and architectural wonders, Florence is also home to chic shops, quaint cafes and spectacular gardens. 

What to Know Before You Go to Florence

Il Duomo, Florence

Where to stay:  NH Collection Firenze Porta Rossa

Hot tip: Keep Florence in mind if you want to spend your honeymoon in Europe without spending a fortune, according to U.S. News & World Report.

Fun fact: The city’s famed “El Duomo” cathedral took over 140 years to build .

21. Yosemite National Park, California

Yosemite Falls

Yosemite, one of the most-visited national parks in America with more than 4 million annual guests, encompasses 750,000 acres of wilderness just waiting to be explored.

It’s home to scenic waterfalls, like the 317-foot Vernal Fall and the 617-foot Bridalveil Fall, as well as iconic rock formations like El Capitan and Half Dome, two popular spots for the world’s best rock climbers to test their mettle.

Not surprisingly, the wildlife here also impresses. Dozens of species of butterflies, marmots, bobcats and mule deer are just some of the animals that call Yosemite home. And keep your eyes peeled for black bears; some 300 to 500 roam the park . 

What to Know Before You Go to Yosemite

Yosemite National Park

Where to stay:  The Ahwahnee

Hot tip: Summer can get really busy here, so if you want to camp, be sure to book a spot early. Want to beat Yosemite’s notoriously bad traffic? Ditch the car and take advantage of the park’s extensive free bus system.

Fun fact: This is one of the only places in the country where you can catch a moonbow — like a rainbow, but created by the light of the moon instead of the sun. 

20. St. Lucia

St. Lucia Les Pitons

Whether you’re visiting on a cruise ship or just relaxing at an all-inclusive resort or boutique hotel, stunning St. Lucia is a clear winner. This Caribbean island offers diverse terrain for vacationers, from its pristine beaches to its lush rainforests to its volcanic peaks, the Pitons, that loom over the landscape. 

Adrenaline-junkies love hiking, climbing and zip-lining, while newlyweds (and soon-to-be-married couples) enjoy the romantic mix of fine dining, adults-only resorts and exotic activities. 

What to Know Before You Go to St. Lucia

St. Lucia boats

Where to stay: Rabot Hotel From Hotel Chocolat

Hot tip: Visit when temperatures are moderate, which is typically in May and June.

Fun fact: St. Lucia is the only country named after a woman: Christian martyr Saint Lucia of Syracuse.

19. Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Dubai skyscrappers

Everything is bigger and better in Dubai, home to one of the world’s largest shopping malls, tallest towers, largest man-made marinas — and the list goes on. 

This Las Vegas-like urban center in the United Arab Emirates has an eclectic mix of activities for visitors to enjoy, including beaches, waterparks, tons of shopping and even an indoor ski resort. Outside the skyscraper-filled city, the vast desert awaits, best enjoyed via quad-biking or sandboarding.

What to Know Before You Go to Dubai

Dubai beach

Where to stay:  Five Palm Jumeirah Dubai

Hot tip: Though you’re likely to pay a pretty penny for a trip to Dubai no matter when you visit, you can save a little cash by visiting during the scalding-hot summer months and by booking your hotel room two to three months in advance.

Fun fact: Dubai’s man-made Palm Islands were constructed using enough imported sand to fill up 2.5 Empire State Buildings . 

18. Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu, Peru

Many travelers describe their visit to Machu Picchu as life-changing. Why? It’s an archaeological wonder, the remains of an ancient Incan city dating back more than 600 years. No wonder this is one of the Seven Wonders of the World, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the most-visited attraction in all of Peru. 

Be sure to visit significant sites like Funerary Rock, where it’s believed Incan nobility were mummified, and Temple of the Condor, a rock temple sculpted to look like the impressive bird in its name.  

What to Know Before You Go to Machu Picchu

Llamas in Machu Picchu

Where to stay: Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel

Hot tip: If you’re planning a trip, be sure to get your ticket in advance, as only 2,500 people can visit Machu Picchu each day. (And a lot of people have this destination on their bucket list.)

Fun fact: The site contains more than 100 separate flights of stairs . 

17. Sydney, Australia

Sydney Harbor with boats

With its iconic Opera House and lively Bondi Beach, Sydney is the perfect spot to vacation if you’re looking for a blend of culture, arts, nightlife and relaxation. 

Spend the day on the water at Darling Harbour, then head to the Royal Botanic garden for even more fresh air. Want to travel like a local? Get a ticket to a rugby match and order a Tim Tam, a popular chocolate-covered cookie that pairs well with coffee. 

What to Know Before You Go to Sydney

Sydney Opera House in the evening

Where to stay: Four Seasons Hotel Sydney

Hot tip: You can make your trip more affordable by visiting during Sydney’s shoulder seasons, which are typically September through November and March through May.

Fun fact: In 2007, Bondi Beach was the site of the largest ever swimsuit photoshoot ; 1,010 bikini-clad women participated, enough to earn it a spot in the Guinness World Records book.

16. Grand Canyon, Arizona

Grand Canyon from observation point

The Grand Canyon is truly massive (277 river miles long and up to 18 miles wide!), which helps explain why so many people feel the urge to see it in person. 

In 2022, 4.7 million people visited, making the Grand Canyon the second-most popular national park in the country (behind Great Smoky Mountain Nationals Park). Established in 1919, the park offers activities for all ability levels, whether you want to do an intense hike down into the canyon and sleep under the stars (with a backcountry permit, of course) or simply want to saunter along the South Rim Trail, an easy walking path with views that wow.

What to Know Before You Go to the Grand Canyon

Family in the Grand Canyon

Where to stay:  The Grand Hotel at the Grand Canyon

Hot tip: If you’ve wanted to visit the Grand Canyon for a while now, this is the year to do it. The park is celebrating its 100th birthday with musical performances, lectures, screenings and other special events.

Fun fact: The most remote community in the continental U.S. can be found in the Grand Canyon. At the base of the canyon, Supai Village — part of the Havasupi Indian Reservation — has a population of 208. It’s inaccessible by road, and mail is delivered by pack mule. Want to see it for yourself? The village houses a collection of campsites , accessible via a hiking trail.

15. Bali, Indonesia

Landmark Temple Gates in Bali

In recent years, Bali has become a popular expat destination, where groups of "digital nomads" work and play. 

But the island hasn't lost its original charm to this added tourism and continues to be an incredible destination. Divide your time between swimming in the beach, hiking active volcanoes, visiting temples and enjoying views of tiered rice terraces.

What to Know Before You Go to Bali

Pura Ulun Danu Bratan temple in Bali

Where to stay: Hotel Indigo Bali Seminyak Beach

Hot tip:  Though shoulder season (January to April and October to November) means fewer crowds and cheaper prices, it also means rain. Tons of it. We'd recommend avoiding the rainy season if possible.

Fun fact: On the Saka New Year, Balinese people celebrate Nyepi. This Hindu celebration is a day of silence when everything on the island shuts down and no noise is allowed.

14. New York, New York

New York City Manhattan

As the saying goes, New York City is “the city that never sleeps” — and you won’t want to either when you visit, lest you run out of time to take it all in. 

Be sure to check out newer attractions, like the High Line (an elevated park) and Hudson Yards (a mega-mall along the Hudson River), but also make time for some New York City classics, like catching a Broadway show or standing under the lights of Times Square. 

Foodies will have a hard time choosing where to eat (the city is home to almost 100 Michelin stars !), which is why an extended trip is always a good idea.

What to Know Before You Go to New York City

New York City Broadway

Where to stay: The Beekman, A Thompson Hotel

Hot tip: Yes, January and February get cold here, but this is also the best time to lock in relatively reasonable hotel rates. You can spend your time eating in the city’s restaurants, exploring its fabulous museums and catching its world-class theater shows without needing to spend much time in the chilly outdoors. 

Fun fact: There’s a birth in New York City about every 4.4 minutes — and a death every 9.1 minutes. 

13. Banff National Park, Canada

Banff Lake Louise

Some of the world’s most stunning mountain scenery and vistas are located in Banff, the tiny Canadian town located at 4,537 feet above sea level inside the national park by the same name. Banff is the highest town in Canada, and Banff National Park was Canada’s first, established in 1885.

Shred some powder at Banff’s three ski resorts in the winter, then come back in the summer for activities like hiking, biking, fishing and scrambling (scaling steep terrain using nothing but your hands).

What to Know Before You Go to Banff

Kayaking in Banff National Park

Where to stay: Fairmont Banff Springs

Hot tip: June to August and December to March are the best times to visit if you want to take advantage of summer and winter activities. 

Fun fact: Banff National Park has more than 1,000 glaciers.

12. Maldives

Sunset in the Maldives

You can look at picture after picture, but you still really need to visit the Maldives to believe its beauty. If rich sunsets, flour-like beaches and vibrant blue waters are your style, this is the destination for you. 

Though it’s somewhat difficult to get to this small island nation southwest of Sri Lanka, that also means it’s incredibly private and secluded, which makes it the perfect spot for a honeymoon or romantic beach getaway. 

And don’t worry about getting bored, either — explore the water by snorkeling or scuba diving, relax in the spa or wander around the bustling Male’ Fish Market.

What to Know Before You Go to Maldives

Maldives overwater bungalows

Where to stay: Velassaru Maldives

Hot tip: May to October is the island-nation’s rainy season — but that also means it’s the best time to go for fewer crowds and better rates.

Fun fact: In 1153 AD, the nation’s people converted to Islam. Today, the Maldives remains the most heavily Muslim country on earth.

11. Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona, Sagrada Familia

Soccer, architecture, shopping, nightlife, world-class food and wine, arts and culture — is there anything Barcelona doesn’t have? If there is, we honestly can't think what it would be. 

This cosmopolitan Spanish city is home to some awe-inspiring architecture, including several buildings designed by Antoni Gaudi, so be sure to book tours of his whimsical creations like Park Guell and the yet-to-be-finished Church of the Sacred Family (La Sagrada Familia). 

For nightlife and shopping, Las Ramblas is always bustling; for an enriching arts experience, follow the progression of famed artist Pablo Picasso at Museo Picasso.

What to Know Before You Go to Barcelona

Barcelona Park Guell

Where to stay:  Hotel Bagues

Hot tip: It can get really humid here, so it's best to plan your trip in May and June before things really heat up.

Fun fact: In preparation for its 1992 hosting of the Olympics, the city flew in sand from as far away as Egypt to make Barceloneta Beach a place where people would want to go. Though largely man-made, the beach remains a wonderful spot for seaside R&R. 

10. Glacier National Park, Montana

Glacier National Park in the winter

The crown jewel of beautiful Montana, Glacier National Park is every outdoors traveler's dream.

Of course, the most defining natural feature of the park are its glaciers, which provide spectacular views as well as a number of pristine lakes. There are hundreds of trails that will take you up peaks, down through valleys and across some of the most beautiful landscapes you'll ever see.

What to Know Before You Go to Glacier National Park

Mountain goats at Glacier National Park

Where to stay: Firebrand Hotel

Hot tip:  Plan to spend a day or two in the nearby town of Whitefish. This gateway to Glacier National Park is one of the best small towns in America and a destination in its own right. 

Fun fact: During your visit, you're very likely to run into mountain goats, which are the official symbols of the park.

9. Tokyo, Japan

Akihabara Tokyo

The Japanese capital is one of the most exciting cities on the entire planet. It is notoriously fast-paced, with neon lights illuminating the multitudes that are constantly rushing to their next destination. 

But Tokyo is also a city of temples, of taking time to picnic under the cherry blossoms and of making sure you enjoy the abundance of delicious food that can be found on basically every corner.

What to Know Before You Go to Tokyo

Sensoji temple , Tokyo

Where to stay: The Prince Gallery Tokyo Kioicho, a Luxury Collection Hotel

Hot tip: Visit between the months of March and April or September and November for more comfortable temperatures. Of course, spring is when the city's cherry blossoms are famously in full bloom.

Fun fact: Tokyo happens to be the largest metropolitan area in the world, with more than 40 million people calling the greater metro area home.

8. Phuket, Thailand

Phuket boats

If you’re looking for a vacation destination that feels luxurious but won’t break the bank, start searching for flights to Phuket now. 

This island in southern Thailand, which is just an hour flight from Bangkok, is surrounded by the Andaman Sea, so white sandy beaches abound. If a stunning sunset is what you’re after, head to Promthep Cape, the southernmost point on the island and a popular spot for photo-ops. For views of the island and beyond, climb to the top of the massive alabaster statue called Big Buddha.

You can even learn something during your vacation by visiting the Soi Dog Foundation, an innovative animal shelter that’s fighting the meat trade and taking care of the thousands of stray cats and dogs in the area.

What to Know Before You Go to Phuket

Phuket temple

Where to stay: InterContinental Phuket Resort

Hot tip: Visit between November and April for the best weather — and ideal conditions for beach activities like swimming and boating. 

Fun fact: The island is not pronounced in the rather colorful way it appears to be. The correct way to say it is “poo-ket” or “poo-get.”

7. Rome, Italy

Rome, Colosseum

Though Rome’s historic significance cannot be overstated, don’t assume that this Italian city is stuck in the past. On the contrary, you’ll find posh storefronts and luxurious hotels not far from iconic structures like the Pantheon (built in 120 AD) and the Colosseum (built in 80 AD).

And then, of course, there’s the city’s art. Stroll through Rome, and you’ll stumble upon some of the greatest treasures the world has ever seen — an astonishing collection of frescoes, paintings, ceilings and fountains created by icons like Michelangelo, Caravaggio, Raphael and Bernini.

After all that exploration, take advantage of ample opportunities to eat and drink, including at several Michelin-starred restaurants. City staples include suppli (deep-fried balls of risotto, mozzarella and ragu meat sauce) and cacio e pepe (a deceptively simple mix of al-dente pasta, pecorino romano and fresh black pepper). 

What to Know Before You Go to Rome

Rome Spanish Plaza at dawn

Where to stay: Radisson Blu Ghr Hotel

Hot tip: Tourists congregate here in the summer when temperatures are also sweltering. Go instead between October and April, when there are thinner crowds, better rates and cooler temps. Just make sure to bring a light jacket.

Fun fact: Each year, travelers throw about $1.7 million worth of coins into the Trevi Fountain. The money is donated to Caritas, a Catholic nonprofit that supports charities focused on health, disaster relief, poverty and migration.

6. London, England

Modern bridge London

English writer Samual Johnson once said, “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.” 

From live performances of Shakespeare to truly world-class (and free!) museums like the National Gallery, London will enrich your mind and enliven your senses. Of course, no visit would be complete without a stop at Buckingham Palace to see the famous stone-faced guards outside and the 19 lavish State Rooms inside (though, unfortunately, you can’t see the queen’s private quarters). Another must-see landmark is the Tower of London, the historic castle on the north side of the River Thames.

What to Know Before You Go to London

London in the spring

Where to stay: Vintry & Mercer

Hot tip: Many U.S. cities now offer direct flights to London, so set a price alert and act fast when you see fares drop.

Fun fact: London’s pubs are worth a visit for their names alone; fanciful monikers include The Case is Altered, The Pyrotechnists Arms, John the Unicorn and The Job Centre. 

5. Tahiti, French Polynesia

Tahiti, French Polynesia

Flavorful French cuisine, top-notch resorts, warm waters — need we say more? Though Tahiti can be pricey, travelers say it’s so worth it. 

The largest of the 118 French Polynesian islands, Tahiti is split into two main regions (connected by a land bridge). Tahiti Nui, the larger region, is home to the island’s capital Papeete and surfing hotspot Papenoo Beach, while Tahiti Iti, the smaller region, offers more seclusion and the bright white sands of La Plage de Maui.

What to Know Before You Go to Tahiti

Tahiti bungalows during sunset

Where to stay: Hilton Hotel Tahiti

Hot tip: Visit between May and October, Tahiti’s winter, when there are less humidity and rain. 

Fun fact: Overcrowding is not a concern here; Hawaii gets more visitors in 10 days than all of French Polynesia does in a year.

4. Maui, Hawaii

Rocky beach in Maui

If you’re short on time or you just can’t decide which Hawaiian island to visit, Maui is right in the sweet spot: not too big, not too small, but just right.

There are five regions to explore on Maui, including the popular West Maui and South Maui, home to some of the island’s best-known attractions and beaches (Wailea Beach is in South Maui, for example). But don’t overlook East Maui, where you can travel along the Road to Hana, or the Upcountry, where you can explore the world’s largest dormant volcano, Haleakala. 

What to Know Before You Go to Maui

Maui cave

Where to stay:  Four Seasons Resort Maui at Wailea

Hot tip: This is Hawaii we’re talking about, so your trip will be on the pricey side. Be sure to budget for add-ons if you need them (think gym access and WiFi at your hotel), and do some research on insurance before you head to the car-rental counter.

Fun fact: How’s this for a selling point? Maui has more beach than any other Hawaiian island — 60 miles of it, with red, white and black sand.

3. Bora Bora, French Polynesia

Bora Bora overwater bungalows

Don’t write off the French Polynesian island of Bora Bora just because of its size. Though it’s a little more than 2 miles wide and just 6 miles long, Bora Bora packs in an abundance of natural beauty. To start, you won’t be able to take your eyes off the island’s turquoise lagoon surrounded by lush jungle.

If you’re looking for more than relaxation on your trip, consider hiking or booking a 4X4 tour of Mount Otemanu, part of an extinct volcano that rises 2,400 feet above the lagoon. You can also snorkel among the coral reef of Coral Gardens, where you might catch a glimpse of reef sharks, eels and stingrays.

Because of its remoteness, flying into Bora Bora Airport will be quite a journey, no matter where you're departing from. But you'll forget everything as soon as you see this Polynesian paradise that is beautiful beyond words.

What to Know Before You Go to Bora Bora

Bora Bora Island

Where to stay: Conrad Bora Bora Nui

Hot tip: Though Bora Bora can be wildly expensive to visit, you can cut costs by visiting between December and March (though you should avoid the Christmas holiday) and by bringing your own alcohol and sunscreen with you.

Fun fact: Bora Bora is one of the countries that no longer exists . The Kingdom of Bora Bora was an independent state until it was forcefully overtaken and annexed by France in 1888.

2. Paris, France

Paris from the Arc de Triumph

Paris has it all — incredible cuisine, legendary landmarks and centuries of history. Those are just some of the reasons it’s the second-best place to visit in the world.

Though you’ll want to spend your time hitting up popular tourist spots like the Eiffel Tower and the Musee d’Orsay, you should also carve out time to explore other parts of Paris — the city’s 20 diverse neighborhoods, called arrondissements, for instance. Standouts include the 2nd arrondissement, which touts covered passages and some of the city’s hippest restaurants, and the romantic 18th arrondissement, with charming squares, cafes and bars, set apart from the city’s more tourist-packed areas.

What to Know Before You Go to Paris

Paris Montmartre at dawn

Where to stay: Grand Hotel Du Palais Royal

Hot tip: Yes, summer in Paris is busy, but the weather is also ideal — average highs are in the 70s.

Fun fact: Built for the 1889 World Fair, the Eiffel Tower was originally meant to be temporary , and was almost torn down in 1909. Luckily, local officials saw its value as a radiotelegraph station, preserving the future tourist icon for generations to come. 

1. South Island, New Zealand

Milford Sound

South Island, the larger but less populated of the two islands that make up New Zealand, earn this top-spot honor for its gorgeous scenery, adrenelin-pumping experiences and affordability.

The 33.5-mile hike on Milford Sound, which is limited to 90 people at a time, is considered one of the world’s best treks, with stops at Lake Te Anau, suspension bridges, a mountain pass and the tallest waterfall in the country, Sutherland Falls.

For a heart-pumping experience, you can jump out of a helicopter while flying over the Harris Mountains with skis on your feet. Still not satisfied? Roam Fiordland National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage area, and explore the Fox and Franz Josef Glaciers, two of the most accessible glaciers in the world.

What to Know Before You Go to New Zealand

South Island, New Zealand

Where to stay: QT Queenstown

Hot tip: Book your trip for the fall, when South Island is temperate, not overcrowded and offers great rates. Bonus: This is also when the island is at its most stunning.

Fun fact: New Zealand natives, called Kiwis, are among the most hospitable you’ll ever meet. The local saying “He aha te mea nui o te ao. He tangata, he tangata, he tangata” translates , appropriately, to “What is the most important thing in the world? It is people, it is people.”

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  • Kuća Agnadi
  • Kuća Akis New
  • Kuća Aristotelis
  • Kuća Berlin
  • Kuća Chrisula
  • Ellinikion Luxury Apartments
  • Kuća Kostas
  • Kuća Ostraco
  • Kuća Sarti Inn
  • Kuća Sunshine
  • Kuća Talizeti
  • Kuća Anesis
  • Kuća Nefeli
  • Kuća Sultana
  • Kuća Karajanis
  • Kuća Janis 1
  • Kuća Janis 2
  • Kuća Zepos Zaliv Simonitiko
  • Kuća Zepos Garden Zaliv Simonitiko
  • Kuća Alexandra
  • Kuća Porto Nikiti
  • Kuća Stefania
  • Kuća Alexandros (Sakis II)
  • Kuća Anna (Sakis III)
  • Kuća Basil (Toroni Blue Sea)
  • Kuća Fay (Sakis I)
  • Kuća Flower
  • Flower Bungalovi
  • Kuća Alexandra Psakudija
  • Kuća Porto Psakudija
  • Psakudia Bay
  • Kuća Pandora
  • Apartmani Metamorfozis
  • Philoxenia Village
  • Panorama Luxury
  • Vila Bellagio Blue
  • Janis Beach
  • Mila Studios
  • Polistilo Spiti
  • Apartmani Anemoxadi
  • Apartmani Ela
  • Nikolaidis New
  • Vila Ericius
  • Galanis Golden Beach
  • App hotel Mary I
  • Papaikonomu 1
  • Papaikonomu 2
  • Papaikonomu 3
  • Vila Tsimas
  • Vila Limona
  • Vila Magnolia
  • Vila Moschos
  • Marielli Studios
  • Vila Poseidon
  • Vila Korali
  • Vila Filoxenia
  • Iris Agios Nikitas
  • Milia Agios Nikitas
  • Krf Leto 2024
  • Vila Asterias
  • Ocean Hills
  • Olympic House Apartments
  • Olympic House New Apartments
  • Vila Dias New Mezonete
  • Vila Vasila
  • Afroditi – Vrasna Paralia
  • Ioanna (Joana)
  • Vila Vasiliki
  • Dream House
  • Alexander Inn
  • Alexandros Palace
  • Cipos (Tsipos)
  • Vila Elektra
  • Vila Kapolos
  • Vila Pelaginos
  • Vila Stephanos
  • Aegean Melathron 5*
  • Kasandra Palace 5*
  • Portes Lithos Luxury Resort 5*
  • Portes Beach Hotel 4*
  • Lesse Hotel 4*
  • Chrousso Village 4*
  • Palladium Hotel 3*
  • Sousouras hotel 3*
  • Naias hotel 3*
  • Al Mare Hotel 3*
  • Anthemus Sea Beach Hotel&Spa 5*
  • Ammoa Luxury Hotel&Spa Resort 5*
  • Ikos Olivia 5*
  • Porto Carras Meliton 5*
  • Elinotel Sermilia Resort 5*
  • Athena Pallas Village 5*
  • Lagomadra Beach&Suites 4*
  • Village Mare 4*
  • Philoxenia Hotel 4*
  • Elea Beach 4*
  • Porfi Beach 3*
  • Koviou Holiday Village 3*
  • Makednos 3*
  • Hotel Amari 3*
  • Hotel Akti Uranopolis 4*
  • Thassos Grand Resort 5*
  • Ilio Mare 5*
  • Alexandra Beach 4*
  • Blue Dream Palace 4*
  • Kamari Beach 3*
  • Rachoni Bay 3*
  • Domotel Agios Nikolaos Suites Resort 5*
  • Elix Mar-Bella Collection 5*
  • Sivota Diamond Spa Resort 5*
  • Poseidon Beach 4*
  • Ionian Theoxenia 4*
  • Olympian Bay 4*
  • Poseidon Palace 4*
  • Sun Beach Platamonas 3*
  • Tosca Beach Hotel 4*
  • Krit Leto 2024
  • Rodos Leto 2024
  • Skijatos Leto 2024
  • Zakintos Leto 2024
  • Kos Leto 2024
  • Kefalonija Leto 2024
  • Mikonos Leto 2024
  • Lutraki Autobusom Leto 2024
  • Crystal Centro Resort 5*
  • Delphin Palace 5*
  • Fame Residence Lara & Spa 5*
  • Miracle Resort 5*
  • Kremlin Palace 5*
  • Porto Bello 5*
  • Titanic Mardan Palace 5*
  • Crystal Land Of Paradise Hotel 5*
  • Cooks Club Hotel 4*
  • Lonicera Resort & Spa 5*
  • Gardenia beach Hotel 4*
  • Justiniano Deluxe Resort 5*
  • Kandelor Hotel 4*
  • Sultan Sipahi Resort 4*
  • Xperia Grand Bali Hotel 4*
  • Akka Antedon Hotel 5*
  • Corendon Playa Kemer 5*
  • Sea Life Kemer Resort 5*
  • Fame Beach Hotel 4*
  • Fame Residance Goynuk Hotel 4*
  • Karmir Resort & Spa 5*
  • Limak Limra Hotel 5*
  • Pashas Princess Hotel 4*
  • Pirates Beach Club 5*
  • Dosinia Luxury Resort 5*
  • Ulosoy Kemer Holiday Club Hotel 5*
  • Amelia Beach Resort Hotel&Spa 5*
  • Sunmelia Beach Resort Hotel&Spa 5*
  • Horus Paradise Luxury Resort 5*
  • Royal Taj Mahal 5*
  • Voyage Sorgun 5*
  • Seaden Sea World Resort&Spa 5*
  • Port River Hotel&Spa 5*
  • Side Su 4* – Adults Only
  • Sandy Beach 4*
  • Adam & Eve 5*
  • Aquaworld Belek By Mp Hotels 5*
  • Aydinbey Famous Resort 5*
  • Aydinbey Queens Palace&Spa 5*
  • Crystal Family Resort & Spa 5*
  • Crystal Tat Beach Golf Resort & Spa 5*
  • Crystal Waterworld Resort & Spa 5*
  • Gural Premier Belek 5*
  • Tui Blue Sherwood 5*
  • Lujo Hotel Bodrum 5*
  • Duja Hotels Bodrum 5*
  • Armonia Holiday Village 5*
  • Blue Dreams Resort&Spa 5*
  • Kairaba Bodrum Imperial 5*
  • Jasmin Beach 4*
  • Parkim Ayaz 4*
  • Dragut Point North 3*
  • Dragut Point South 3*
  • Sami Beach 3*
  • Club Hotel Letoonia 5*
  • Liberty Lykia Adults Only 16+ 5*
  • Oludeniz Beach Resort By Z Hotels 4*
  • Oludeniz Turquoise 4*
  • Tui Blue Tropical 4*
  • Tui Magic Life Sarigerme 4*
  • Turunc Resort Hotel 5*
  • Fortezza Beach Resort 5*
  • Grand Yazici Marmaris Palace 5*
  • Grand Yazici Club Turban 5*
  • Emre Beach 4*
  • Emre Hotel 4*
  • Tropical Beach Hotel 4*
  • Begonville Beach Hotel 3*
  • Signature Blue Resort 5*
  • Arora Hotel 4*
  • Asena Beach 3*
  • Ponz Hotel 3*
  • Roxx Royal 3*
  • Altin Yunuz Resort & Thermal Hotel 5*
  • Ilica Hotel Spa Resort 5*
  • Grand Hotel Ontur 5*
  • Piril Hotel Thermal Beauty Spa 5*
  • Babaylon Hotel 4*
  • Sunis Efes Royal Palace Resort & Spa 5*
  • Korumar Ephesus Spa& Beach Resort 5*
  • Karya Family Resort 4*
  • Labranda Lebedos Princess 4*
  • Grand Efe 4*
  • Kušadasi autobusom Leto 2024
  • Sarimsakli autobusom Leto 2024
  • Kušadasi i Čanakale Leto 2024 Bus
  • Barcelo Concorde Green Park Palace 5*
  • El Mouradi Palace 5*
  • Iberostar Diar El Andalous 5*
  • Iberostar Kantaoui Bay 5*
  • Sentido Bellevue Park 5*
  • El Mouradi Mahdia 5*
  • Iberostar Royal El Mansour 5*
  • Primasol El Mehdi 4*
  • Thalassa Mahdia 4*
  • El Ksar Resort and Thalasso 4*
  • Movenpick Resort and Marine Spa 5*
  • Riadh Palms 4*
  • Thalassa Sousse Resort and Aqua Park 4*
  • Bel Azur Thalassa and Bungalow 4*
  • Sol Azur Beach Congress 4*
  • Vincci Nozha Beach 4*
  • The Mirage Resort and Spa 5*
  • Alhambra Thalasso 5*
  • Le Royal Hammamet 5*
  • El Mouradi Hammamet 4*
  • Vincci Flora Park 4*
  • Sentido Djerba Beach 4*
  • El Mouradi Djerba Menzel 4*
  • Radisson Palace Resort and Thalasso 5*
  • Royal Garden Palace 5*
  • Caribbean World Soma Bay 5*
  • Continental Resort 5*
  • Swiss Inn Resort (ex Hilton Resort) 5*
  • Desert Rose 5*
  • Old Palace Sahl Hasheesh 5*
  • Serry Beach Resort 5*
  • Pyramisa Sahl Hasheesh 5*
  • Aqua Mondo Resort 5*
  • The V Luxury Resort Sahl Hasheesh 5*
  • Pickalbatros White Beach 5*
  • Fort Arabesque Beach Resort 4*
  • Mercure Hurghada 4*
  • Bella Vista 4*
  • Solymar Soma Beach 4*
  • Seagull Hotel Hurghada 4*
  • Sindbad Club Hotel 4*
  • Casa Mare Resort 5*
  • Hilton Marsa Alam Nubian Resort 5*
  • Malikia Resort Abu Dabbab 5*
  • Sharm El Sheik Leto 2024
  • Almazino 4*
  • Jaz Almaza Beach 5*
  • Jaz Crystal Resort 5*
  • Jaz Tamerina 5*
  • Alay Hotel – Benalmadena 4*
  • Don Pepe Gran Melia 5*
  • Hard Rock Hotel Marbella 4*
  • Sol Don Pablo 4*
  • Sol Principe 4*
  • Kosta Brava Leto 2024
  • Tenerife Leto 2024
  • Majorka Leto 2024
  • Kosta Dorada Leto 2024
  • Španija autobusom Leto 2024
  • San Remo Azurna Obala Leto 2024
  • Montekatini Toskana Leto 2024
  • Sicilija Leto 2024
  • Sorento Leto 2024
  • Lido di Jesolo Leto 2024
  • Rimini Leto 2024
  • Resort Fontana 2*
  • Hotel Hvar 3*
  • Arkada Sunny by Valamar 2*
  • Hotelsko naselje Valamar Sunny Rivijera 2*
  • Hotel President Valamar Collection 5* – Dubrovnik
  • Hotel Argosy Valamar 4* – Dubrovnik
  • Hotel Komodor 3* – Dubrovnik
  • Hotel Vis 3* – Dubrovnik
  • Turističko naselje Amarin 4* – Rovinj
  • Hotel Eden 4* – Rovinj
  • Hotel Laguna Gran Vista 3* – Poreč
  • Hotel Istra Plava Laguna 3* – Poreč
  • Hotel Delfin Plava Laguna 2* – Poreč
  • Hotel Pula 3* – Pula
  • Hotel Narcis 4* – Rabac
  • Hotel Hedera 4* – Rabac
  • Hotelsko naselje Waterman Supetrus Resort 4* – Brač
  • Hotel Valamar Meteor 4* – Makarska
  • Hotelsko naselje Petalon 4* – Vrsar
  • Hotel Pagus 4* – Pag
  • Hotel Orsan by Aminess 3* – Pelješac
  • Hotel Aminess Grand Azur 4* – Pelješac
  • Hotel Falkensteiner Park Punat 4* – Krk
  • Hotel Medena 3* – Trogir
  • Hotel Aminess Lume 4* – Korčula
  • Hotel Ilirija 4* – Biograd na moru
  • Hotel Omorika 4* – Crikvenica
  • Hotel Horizont 4* – Baška Voda
  • Pansion Velji Vinogradi – Budva
  • Pansion Pod Lozom – Petrovac
  • Vila Brzulović – Rafailovići
  • Apartmani M – Rafailovići
  • Budvanska rivijera Leto 2024
  • Boka Kotorska Leto 2024
  • Hercegnovska rivijera Leto 2024
  • Barska rivijera Leto 2024
  • Ulcinjska rivijera Leto 2024
  • Asterias Beach 5*
  • So White Club Resort 4*
  • Grecian Sands 4*
  • Anonymous Beach 3*
  • Christofinia 3*
  • Grecian Park 5*
  • Capo Bay 4*
  • Sunrise Beach 4*
  • Kokkinos Boutique 3*
  • Cavo Maris Beach 3*
  • The Blue Ivy Hotel and Suites 3*
  • Golden Bay 5*
  • Lordos Beach 4*
  • Radisson Blu 5*
  • Four Seasons 5*
  • Grand Resort 5*
  • Poseidonia Beach 4*
  • Park Beach 3*
  • Bugarska Leto 2024
  • Temišvar 2024
  • Segedin 2024
  • Morahalom – banja Eržebet
  • Kapadokija avionom 2024
  • Istanbul avionom 2024
  • Istanbul Prvi Maj Avionom
  • Istanbul Bus 30.04. i 22.05. 2024
  • Istanbul Bus Proleće i Jesen 2024
  • Rim avionom Leto i Jesen 2024
  • Rim avionom 2024 Prvi Maj
  • Rim autobusom 2024 Prvi Maj
  • Venecija Mart i April 2024
  • Venecija Prvi Maj
  • Milano 2024
  • Toskana autobusom 2024
  • Toskana I Cinque Terre avionom 2024
  • Divna Jezera Italije i Švajcarske i Milano 2024
  • Barselona 2024
  • Barselona Prvi Maj 2024
  • Madrid 2024
  • Madrid Prvi Maj 2024
  • Andaluzija 2024 Uskrs
  • Valensija April 2024
  • Valensija 2024 Prvi maj i uskrs
  • Španija Italija Francuska Prvi Maj
  • Pariz Prvi Maj 2024 Avio 30.04
  • Pariz Roland Garros
  • Alzas I Švarcvald Prvi Maj
  • Lisabon avionom 2024 Proleće 12.04. / 14.06.
  • Lisabon avionom 04.05. Uskrs
  • Porto avionom 2024
  • Porto avionom Prvi maj 2024
  • Lisabon i Porto avionom Oktobar 2024
  • Amsterdam Prvi Maj
  • Holandija busom 2024
  • Beč Jun Koncert Bečke Filharmonije
  • Budimpešta 2 noćenja 2024
  • Budimpešta 1 noćenje 2024 Prvi Maj
  • Prag 10.04.2024.
  • Krakov 2024
  • Slovenija Velika Tura 2024
  • Ljubljana sa posetom Bledu, Kranju i Trstu
  • Prvi Maj Na Ostrvu Brač
  • Istra sa posetom Plitvičkim jezerima
  • Dubrovnik Prvi Maj
  • Atina Prvi Maj 2024
  • Solun Prvi Maj 2024
  • Uskrs na Krfu 2024
  • Solun 2024 April
  • Sarajevo 2024 1 noćenje
  • Sarajevo 2024 2 noćenja
  • Trebinje 2024 1 noćenje
  • Trebinje 2024 2 noćenja
  • Temišvar i Transilvanija Prvi Maj 2024
  • Hurgada 2024
  • Marsa Alam 2024
  • Krstarenje Nil Egipat Prvi Maj 2024
  • Krstarenje Mirisi Egeja 2024
  • Krstarenje Zapadnim Mediteran Prvi Maj
  • Dominikanska republika
  • Prvi Maj Na Ostrvu Brač Top Ponuda
  • Krstarenje Nil Egipat Prvi Maj 2024 Top Ponuda
  • Srbija Wellness & Spa
  • Slovenija Wellness & Spa
  • BiH Wellness & Spa
  • Mađarska Wellness & Spa
  • Flixbus -Autobuske karte
  • Parking na aeorodromu
  • Poklon Vaučer
  • Putno Osiguranje



Džavaharlal nehru, top destinacije.

daleke destinacije


Koliko ste samo puta slušali o egzotičnim destinacijama, gledali reportaže, fotografije na društvenim mrežama…došlo je vreme da i sebe obradujete ovakvim putovanjem…

Najlepše i najtraženije destinacije imamo i mi za vas: Zanzibar, Maldivi, Sejšeli, Dubai, Tajland, Kuba... Ovo je samo deo naše ponude, ukoliko postoji neka daleka destinacija u koju biste želeli da otputujete a nema je na našem sajtu kontaktirajte nas i mi ćemo vam sa zadovoljstvom napraviti ponudu samo za vas. Posetite neku od ovih egzotičnih destinacija i uživajte u neverovatnim trenucima, ovekovečite fotografijama da biste sačuvali uspomene koje vam niko neće izbrisati.

Poslednjih godina krstarenja su kod nas postala pravi hit i uglavnom se takva putovanja ponavljaju. Krstarenja morima i okeanima sa velikim i luksuznim brodovima sa fantastičnom uslugom, smeštajam, izvrsnom hranom, odličnim sadržajem i zabavom za odrasle i za decu,  bogat izbor izleta sa obilascima svetski poznatih luka i gradova. Doživite kulturu i način života mediterana, otkrijte misterije i istoriju severne evrope, toplinu i lepote kariba… uskoro i organizovani polasci iz beograda autobusom sa vodičem. Krstarimo zajedno sa najpoznatijim svetskim  kompanijama: msc cruises, costa, celestyal cruises, royal caribbean… 

"Smej se, voli, putuj..."

evropski gradovi

"svako putovanje ima neku prednost. ako putnik poseti bolju, bogatiju zemlju, može da nauči kako da poboljša svoju. a ako ode u goru, siromašniju, naučiće kako da uživa u svojoj zemlji".

- samuel johnson -.

Kad da putujete u neku evropsku ili svetsku prestonicu? Svaki mesec u godini je idealan za pojedine prestonice. Odlučite se za putovanja koja će vas upoznati sa najlepšim Evropskim metropolama i kulturnim prestonicama:

Beč - carski grad na “lepom, plavom Dunavu”; Prag - jedan od najlepših evropskih gradova; Budimpešta - biser Dunava; Pariz - grad ljubavi, romantike, umetnosti; Rim - večiti grad; Istanbul - jedini grad na svetu koji se prostire na dva kontinenta; Barselona - kosmopolitski i moderan grad; Moskva - jedan od najstarijih gradova u Evropi; Lisabon - najzapadnija prestonica Evrope i jedan od najtoplijih glavnih gradova; Milano - najbogatiji grad Italije.

Tu su i Bratislava, Ljubljana, Temišvar, Sofija, Atina, Solun, Varšava, London, Sarajevo, Ohrid, Tirana...

Organizujemo i individualna putovanja i aranžmane kad vi želite, tu smo da vam nađemo najpovoljniju avio kartu i smeštaj Uživajte u šetnji trgovima velikih gradova, panorami sa gradskih vidikovaca, šopingujte u najboljim tržnim centrima, posetite poznate galerije i muzeje.... Fotografišite i pošaljite nam vaše fotografije.

Naše Usluge

Svojom uslugom, ljubaznošću i iskustvom smo vam na raspolaganju za sva pitanja. Mi smo tu da vam pomognemo da vaše putovanje izgleda upravo onako kako ste zamišljali.

Svakom našem klijentu posvećujemo posebnu pažnju i trudimo se da razumemo vaše želje i potrebe i na osnovu njih preporučimo odgovarajuću destinaciju.

Naš posao je lep a ujedno i odgovoran jer treba da prepoznamo i ispunimo vaše želje koje se odnose za najlepši period godine, a to je odmor.

Sedište agencije je u srcu Novog Sada, u blizini zone šetališta i gradskog parkinga. Ukoliko niste u mogućnosti da dođe lično do nas sve možemo završiti on-line putem e maila i e-bankinga..


Negde biste putovali a ne možete da se odlučite jer toliko toga ima što vam je interesantno. Ne volite kišu i sneg i želite da pobegnete u toplije krajeve, ili pak treba vam relax vikend u luksuznom hotelu a za ljubitelje skijanja poznati ski centri.







Ljubitelji skijanja svake godine sa nestrpljenjem čekaju početak skijaške sezone. Ski openinzi su, u gotovo svim skijaškim centrima, organizovani tokom decembra, a najviše skijaša uvek je u januaru, za vreme praznika i tokom školskog raspusta.

najbolja ponuda smeštaja


ZIMOVANJE 2023/2024

Najbolji evropski ski centri su na planinama Austrije, Italije, Švajcarske i Francuske, a mnogi se zbog blizine odlučuju za ski centre u Srbiji, BiH, Bugarskoj, Sloveniji…

Za pasionirane ljubitelje skijanja pripremili smo bogatu ponude za zimovanje 2023/2024 u Srbiji, regionu i evropskim ski centrima. Ponuda aranžmana je odlična za najvatrenije skijaše i bordere ali i za vas koji volite da uživate u zimskoj idili uz skijanje, sankanje, grudvanje, klizanje, šetnje ili pak relaksiranje u termalnim bazenima i saunama. Tu smo za vas da vam olakšamo pretragu zimskih destinaciji i da pažljivo izaberemo hotel ili apartman koji vam odgovara. Da li će to biti na nekoj od naših planina: Kopaonik, Zlatibor, Stara Planina, ili pak na nekim od najprestižnijih evropskih ski centara: Kitzbuhel, Kaprun-Zell am See, Cortina d Ampezzo, Chamonix…ili možda na nekoj planini u regionu: Bansko, Borovec ili Jahorina, izbor ćemo prepustiti vama.

Kako u životu tako i u poslu podrška je veoma bitna i značajna. Za besprekorno poslovanje naše agencije mi smo se odlučili za firme partnere koji će nam uvek biti oslonac i podrška. Da bi vaše putovanje prošlo bezbedno kao i transakcija novca za vas i nas tu su: Generali Osiguranje Srbija, Dunav Osiguranje i Komercijalna banka NLB grupa

Generali Osiguranje Srbija je druga najveća osiguravajuća kompanija na domaćem tržištu osiguranja, na kojem brižljivo gradi Generali svet od 2006. godine. Neki od benefita: putno osiguranje sa pokrićem Covid-19; mogućnost ugovaranja osiguranja za pojedince i porodicu; uz kupljeno putno osiguranje dobijate besplatno osiguranje kuće ili stana i stvari u domaćinstvu dok ste na putu u inostranstvu….


Kompanija „Dunav“ obezbedila je usluge medicinske asistencije i pokriće neophodnih medicinskih troškova u celom svetu, 24 sata dnevno, 365 dana u godini. Osiguranici mogu biti lica do navršenih 85 godina života. Benefit:  Ugovaranjem osiguranja od otkazivanja putovanja putnicima organizovanih turističkih putovanja omogućava se dodatna sigurnost i mogućnost da u slučaju otkazivanja putovanja iz razloga navedenih u uslovima osiguranja povrate novac uplaćen turističkoj agenciji na ime turističkog aranžmana.


44 godine sigurnosti, uspešnog poslovanja i usluga prema vašim potrebama i najvišim evropskim standardima. Komercijalna Banka a.d. Beograd. Kod nas možete određene aranžmane plaćati karticama Dina Card, Master Card, Maestro, Visa, i do 6 mesečnih rata Installment karticom.



Mi smo tu da osluškujemo vaše potrebe i da vam ponudimo jedinstveno putovanje u skladu sa vašim željama i budžetom. Želja i ideja o putovanju su dovoljne a mi smo tu da ih pretvorimo u stvarnost.


  1. Perché NOI

    top travel mileva

  2. Perché NOI

    top travel mileva

  3. Agenzia viaggi Vicenza

    top travel mileva

  4. Agenzia viaggi Vicenza

    top travel mileva

  5. Perché NOI

    top travel mileva

  6. MSC Crociere

    top travel mileva


  1. Top Gear

  2. Как искать дешевые авиабилеты и экономить десятки тысяч рублей

  3. Exhibition about Einstein's wife (Mileva Marić) 👀


  5. Jessica Swin, Milêva Liw e Tula Tharp [FESTA DOS ANOS 80] Glamour Bar

  6. Diosas en el Templo 2018


  1. Agenzia viaggi Vicenza

    Brava Mila e Brava Top Travel Mileva..3 5 stelle sono anche poche. Chiara Birro . 14/07/2023. Agenzia molto qualificata, altro viaggio organizzato per noi da Eva: questa volta la scelta è stata Madonna di Campiglio con TH. Tutto davvero perfetto, super consigliato anche con bambini.

  2. Top Travel Mileva

    Top Travel Mileva, Vicenza, Italy. 712 likes · 5 talking about this · 33 were here. Agenzia viaggi

  3. Perché NOI

    Top Travel Mileva è la creazione di un progetto e la realizzazione di un sogno.. Siamo due amiche viaggiatrici che hanno deciso nel marzo del 2007 di intraprendere IL GRANDE VIAGGIO e di unire la comune passione ed esperienza, allora decennale, aprendo la propria agenzia viaggi.. Nonostante i nostri caratteri e le nostre personalità siano estremamente diversi, affrontiamo la quotidianità in ...

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    agenzia viaggi top travel mileva, Vicenza , Italy 451/B, Viale Riviera Berica , 36100 , Vicenza , Italy

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    About Us. Being one of the leading B2B Online Travel Service providers, T3 offers affordable, instant,innovative & responsive travel services along with the best deals. Established in 2012, T3 intends to make your bookings & service delivery absolutely hassle-free as we understand the importance of quality services.

  6. Agenzia Viaggi TOP Travel Mileva

    Agenzia Viaggi TOP Travel Mileva in Vicenza, reviews by real people. Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what's great and not so great in Vicenza and beyond.

  7. Top Travel Mileva

    Con Top Travel Mileva l'organizzazione della vostra luna di miele sarà seguita da esperti e consulenti del settore viaggi, in grado di progettare un viaggio di nozze su misura per voi, e capace di restare nella vostra memoria per il resto degli anni. Servizi offerti.

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    Top Travel Mileva · October 7, 2020 · October 7, 2020 ·

  9. Mileva Einstein-Maric

    Mileva Einstein-Maric was born in 1875 in Titel, Austria-Hungary (now Serbia). ... Best Known For: Mileva Einstein-Maric was the first wife of Nobel Prize-winning physicist Albert Einstein.

  10. Top Travel Mileva

    Top Travel Mileva, Vicenza. 649 ember kedveli · 52 ember beszél erről · 30 ember járt már itt. Agenzia viaggi

  11. Women in Science: Struggle & Success, the Tale of Mileva Einstein-Marić

    Albert Einstein's first wife, Mileva Einstein-Marić, was forgotten for decades. Einstein's Wife: The Real Story of Mileva Einstein-Marić reexamines the history of this unknown woman. "Hers is a story that is not often told," writes co-writer Allen Esterson, "Yet, when closely examined, it provides important and valuable insights into the struggle of this determined woman then, and ...

  12. 30 World's Best Places to Visit for 2023-2024

    Paris. #1 in World's Best Places to Visit for 2023-2024. France's magnetic City of Light is a perennial tourist destination, drawing visitors with its iconic attractions, like the Eiffel Tower and ...

  13. The Forgotten Life of Einstein's First Wife

    By the end of their classes in 1900, Mileva and Albert had similar grades (4.7 and 4.6, respectively) except in applied physics where she got the top mark of 5 but he, only 1. She excelled at ...

  14. Top Travel Mileva

    Top Travel Mileva, Vicenza, Italy. 711 likes · 14 talking about this · 33 were here. Agenzia viaggi

  15. The Best Destinations in the World: The Gold List 2022

    Svalbard, Norway. Arctic Svalbard —whose capital, Longyearbyen, is the world's northernmost town—is like nowhere else I've been. On the one hand, it's a deep-nature Scandi fantasy of ...

  16. Vacation Rankings

    U.S. News Travel's Best Vacations rankings identify the top destinations by region and vacation type. The categories below make it easy to find the list that suits your needs. World's Best Places ...

  17. Einstein-Maríc, Mileva (1875-1948)

    —Albert Einstein in a letter to Mileva Einstein-Maríc's father. Mileva Maríc was born on December 19, 1875, in Titel, in the multicultural Austro-Hungarian Empire, the daughter of Serbs who were familiar with German language and culture. Mileva's father was a civil servant in the Hungarian army, and her mother came from a wealthy family.

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    World's 30 Best Travel Destinations, Ranked. From Yellowstone to Sydney, Maui to London, behold the most incredible travel destinations on Earth. Best Places to Visit in the World. The ultimate ranking of travel destinations aims to solve a serious problem: so many places to visit, so little time.

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