$115,000+ Disney Around the World Private Jet “Adventure” Returns for 2024

disney international travel

‘Disney Parks Around The World – A Private Jet Adventure’ is returning for 2024. This bucket list international trip spans 24 days, 6 countries, all 12 Disney theme parks worldwide, and other destinations all for the low, low starting price of $115,000. This post shares details about the second year of this exclusive offering along with our commentary. ( Updated June 1, 2023 .)

Here’s the overview from Adventures by Disney: Embark on a bucket list adventure for 75 ultimate Disney fans! This dream vacation spans 24 days and covers 6 countries, visits to 12 uniquely magical Disney theme parks, as well as 3 iconic landmarks: the Taj Mahal, Pyramids of Giza and Eiffel Tower.

Throughout the ‘Disney Parks Around The World – A Private Jet Adventure’ trip, you’ll stay in world-class accommodations and travel in luxury aboard a VIP-configured Boeing 757, operated by Icelandair, with long-range capabilities that allow for direct flights to maximize your time in each destination. You’ll also enjoy personal access to experts and staff, who provide fun and fact-filled stories enabling you to be immersed in every location you visit.

Booking for the 2024 ‘Disney Parks Around The World – A Private Jet Adventure’ will begin on the following dates:

  • June 12, 2023: Previous Adventures by Disney Guests who have traveled on 3 or more Adventures
  • June 14, 2023: All Previous Adventures by Disney Guests
  • June 16, 2023: Golden Oak Members
  • June 19, 2023: General Public

Dates for the ‘Disney Parks Around The World – A Private Jet Adventure’ are as follows:

  • July 9 to August 1, 2023 – SOLD OUT ( see below)
  • June 16, 2024 to July 9, 2024
  • July 28, 2024 to Aug 20, 2024

Note that there are two 2024 itineraries for the ‘Disney Parks Around The World – A Private Jet Adventure’ instead of one this year. That’s presumably because the inaugural voyage sold out before ever even opening to the general public.

disney international travel

Last year, pre-sales for the worldwide trip to all Disney theme parks went on sale on June 20 for Adventures by Disney “Adventure Insiders” and most slots were booked at that point. The remaining ~5 slots booked first thing when availability opened for Golden Oak and Club 33.

We were told at the time by a credible source that demand among those residents and members far exceeded available slots, and there was a lengthy waitlist for guests who are interested in booking the experience. The general public on-sale date never happened last year as a result.

In other words, if the 2024 ‘Disney Parks Around The World – A Private Jet Adventure’ is something that “speaks to you,” then you better decide ASAP whether you want to do this or a 5-night stay at Pop Century for your big trip next year. (We’re opting for the ‘middle ground’ and doing Caribbean Beach. To each their own, though.)

disney international travel

As you can see from our critical commentary below, this Disney Parks Private Jet Adventure holds no appeal for us. We also question why those with the means would do this as opposed to something by an actual luxury brand or a do it yourself trip. However, we never  questioned whether this would sell out last year. With so few slots and so many affluent Disney fans, that much was always a foregone conclusion.

While it’s not for me, I’m curious what level of demand exists for this and how much of that is due to its perceived exclusivity. In other words, if there were 5-10 dates from the outset, would it have booked much more slowly? How many dates could be added before there’s a drop-off?

Perhaps we’ll find out for 2024, but probably not. A grand total of 150 slots still makes this exceedingly scarce. There are literally hundreds of thousands of diehard Disney fans, and all it takes is a  tiny  fraction of them (we’re talking the 1% of the 1%) to make the 2024 ‘Disney Parks Around The World – A Private Jet Adventure’  viable.

disney international travel

In the meantime, let’s begin with basics for our readers who are heirs to frozen banana stand empires and thus will want to book this new Adventures by Disney itinerary if more dates are added. The trip starts at Disneyland in Anaheim before traveling north to Los Angeles and San Francisco. From there, it heads to Tokyo Disneyland via Alaska, Shanghai Disneyland, Hong Kong Disneyland, Disneyland Paris, and Walt Disney World.

Between stops the Asia parks and Disneyland Paris, the private jet will make several detours to 3 iconic landmarks: the Taj Mahal, Pyramids of Giza, and Eiffel Tower. Throughout the trip, you’ll stay in world-class accommodations, including the rare opportunity to be a guest at Summit Skywalker Ranch. Naturally, you’ll travel in luxury via a VIP-configured Boeing 757, operated by Icelandair, with long-range capabilities. Presumably, it also has efficient WiFi for casually gloating about the posh experience via realtime Instagram updates. If not, well… that’s a dealbreaker for me! 

During the Disney Parks Around The World – A Private Jet Adventure, guests will also enjoy personal access to experts and staff, who provide fun and fact-filled stories at every location you visit. This includes tours guided by representatives from Imagineering, Lucasfilm, Walt Disney Co., and more.

Here are some of the trip highlights:

disney international travel

Here are the accommodations for the Disney Parks Around The World – A Private Jet Adventure:

  • Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel & Spa
  • Summit Skywalker Ranch
  • Tokyo Disneyland Hotel
  • Shanghai Disneyland Hotel
  • Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel
  • The Oberoi Amarvilas, Agra
  • Marriott Mena House, Cairo
  • Disney’s Hotel New York – The Art of Marvel
  • Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort & Spa

disney international travel

All 9 locations for the Disney Parks Around The World – A Private Jet Adventure:

  • San Francisco

Food for the Disney Parks Around The World – A Private Jet Adventure:

  • 23 Breakfasts

We’re guessing most of you reading this are curious about the Disney Parks Around the World – Private Jet Adventure but not serious about booking it. For those who are, you should really consult the official Adventures by Disney page for the full itinerary and pricing .

disney international travel

Our Commentary

There are two ways to approach this commentary. The first would be treating this trip seriously, breaking down the estimated costs on a line-item basis in order to analyze whether the the Disney Parks Around The World – A Private Jet Adventure is “worth it” from an objective perspective or, if not, how much Disney is marking up the indulgent itinerary. The other would be dismissing it out of hand as ridiculous, and critiquing it from the perspective of optics.

Obviously, we’re going to choose the second route. As much as I’m curious about how much an Around the World trip to Disney destinations might actually cost (perhaps we’ll do the math in a separate post), I don’t think anyone reading this post is seriously sitting in their La-Z-Boy, thinking: “I’m on the fence about this private jet adventure thingie, sure hope Tom does the math so I can decide whether to book!”

disney international travel

The thing is, I don’t doubt that there’s a market for this type of trip. Honestly, many of Disney’s recent moves have felt like someone inside the company is asking, “how can we be more like Four Seasons and Ritz-Carlton?” First came the company-branded residences, now comes the private jet around-the-world itinerary.

I guess you could even say the Disney Parks Around The World – A Private Jet Adventure is a steal of a deal, since the Four Seasons Private Jet Experiences all appear to be priced above $150,000. While both feel like they’re in “Monopoly Money” territory, I’d imagine the target consumer for this type of trip has more trust in Four Seasons to deliver a luxury experience commensurate with the cost. Four Seasons has the experience and expertise with actual luxury offerings.

disney international travel

For those of you banana stand heirs who are planning on booking this, it’s probably easy to write off criticism as jealousy. While my curiosity has been piqued by past Adventures by Disney itineraries (and we’ve done one long weekend in San Francisco), I honestly struggle to see the appeal in a trip like this even when setting aside the exorbitant cost.

If we had a couple hundred thousand dollars to dedicate to an around the world trip, I’d rather put it together myself. That would give me complete control over the itinerary and, critically, not be subject to sharing the experience with 73 strangers. (The odds are not in your favor that of 73 wealthy people, they’ll all be perfectly tolerable and well-adjusted.)

disney international travel

That’s the sticking point for me. (Well, that and the WiFi situation. And I guess the cost, if we’re being totally honest.) With other Adventures by Disney itineraries, the argument can be made that there’s value in the ease and efficiency of a group trip for affluent individuals. After all, vacation time is limited and their time has, in theory at least, tremendous value.

The same argument is a harder sell for a month-long trip. These people clearly have time on their hands, and could easily put this together themselves–or hire someone to do it for them.

disney international travel

Speaking of which, at this point I should plug my own travel planning services, which are actually launching today (total coincidence). For the bargain basement price of $54,997.50, I will take you on a tour of these same places. Please note that won’t feature a private jet but it  will  include us getting lost on the Tokyo Metro and seeing rats at one of my favorite spots near the Eiffel Tower.

But did you really visit Tokyo and Paris if you didn’t get lost in one and see rats in the other? Joking aside, it’s absolutely the imperfections that make travel and exploring new places memorable. Now  that  is an actual adventure and where the magic of travel truly happens.

To that point, I’d also humbly suggest that an around-the-world trip is absolutely the wrong way to explore and experience these destinations in meaningful ways. None of them will be done justice by such cursory and superficial visits. If you have no shortage of time and resources, do these places the right way.

disney international travel

This Adventures by Disney itinerary feels like it’s less about ease and efficiency and more about coddling people who want to travel the world without really experiencing the world. Those who need the comfort and safety of Disney just to see international theme parks so they can check off every park on their bucket list and boast about the accomplishment.

My reaction was more or less the same to that new subdivision Disney is attaching its brand to on the outskirts of Palm Springs . The main appeal of that area is its rich history, culture, and stunning mid-century modern architecture. It’s a truly amazing place with tremendous charm and appeal. You endure the desert heat and everything else because all of that is so cool. A new subdivision there comes with all of the downside and none of the upside–literally missing the point entirely.

disney international travel

Setting all of that aside, my bigger concern is one of optics. Disney had to have known that this new Adventures by Disney itinerary would get picked up by every blog and vlog. It’ll become outrage fodder, racking up millions of views on videos and posts–not from people planning on doing the trip, but from those disgusted by its very existence.

Although my commentary above might suggest otherwise, I hold no disdain towards those who can afford to do this. I also don’t begrudge the company for trying to capture some of this lucrative market share. Not that you care, but I am very much pro capitalism–about as far from “eat the rich” as you can get. The analysis here is less taking offense to the existence of this itinerary, and more why any reasonable person would want to do it given what it costs, entails, and the alternatives.

disney international travel

With regard to corporate optics, there’s probably never a good time to announce a $100,000 private jet tour of the global Disney parks. However, I cannot conceive of a time that’s worse than right now. The company has already nickel and dimed park-goers so much over the last few years, increasing costs and segmenting its theme park offerings in ways that have given rise to backlash from pretty much everyone–but especially those who believe Disney only “caters to the rich” now.

As I’ve stated before, that is categorically false. One-percenters are not booking motel rooms with exterior hallways at the Value or Moderate Resorts. Beyond that, they are largely not visiting Walt Disney World at all, save for rite of passage trips. When they do, they’re more inclined to stay at the Four Seasons Orlando or Ritz-Carlton, although some undoubtedly do stay at Grand Floridian and the Poly.

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I’m so confident in this assertion because it’s a simple numbers game. Sure, there are wealthy Disney fans and casual visitors. However, there are not enough of them to fill the parks and resorts on a daily basis. It’s gotta be the middle and upper middle class, splurging or going into debt. These consumers are literally  the only way Walt Disney World can stay in business. The upper class cannot sustain the parks and resorts.

It’s one thing to sell 75 of these $100,000 private jet trips in a year. It’s another entirely to book over 100,000 guests per day in resorts and theme parks, every single day of the year. It’s a matter of scale–if the number of these private jet trips were increased to 1,000 or even 10,000 (again, in a year–not a day), the company would probably have trouble filling them, too.

disney international travel

Regardless of that truth, it often feels like Walt Disney World doesn’t care about anyone but the wealthy. There are countless recent examples of this, from simple things like Extended Evening Hours only for Deluxe Resorts to extravagant new VIP tours to Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser’s price tag. (On the plus side, the Halcyon now feels like a downright bargain as compared to this!)

The totality of these recent offerings and changes is alone is enough to alienate many lifelong Disney fans. They understandably have the perception that the company no longer cares about them, and has left behind the middle class in its lust of higher-spending affluent guests. This is not easily quantifiable, but it’s long-term brand damage that very well might outweigh the short-term financial gains of selling under 100 private jet world tours.

disney international travel

It probably will offer little reassurance, but currently it seems to feel like Disney doesn’t care much about anyone. We recently talked to Club 33 members who were beyond frustrated about service, telephone hold times, and a range of other issues. Disney Vacation Club members are reporting the same, and we’ve also heard from those who booked Adventures by Disney itineraries this year who have had their plans unilaterally changed or cancelled at the last minute, among other things.

This cuts to the crux of my issue with Disney rolling out this and other premium offerings right now. It would be one thing if the company’s parks & resorts division were firing on all cylinders and delivering an exemplary guest experience. That’s not the case. The top priority in the near-term should be fixing what’s broken and improving its customer service before expanding into new horizons and price strata.

disney international travel

Ultimately, that’s my take on the new Adventures by Disney itinerary, Disney Parks Around The World – A Private Jet Adventure. I understand why Disney is offering this and won’t be the least bit surprised if it sells out quickly. No real issues with any of that on its face.

I do wonder whether Disney should even be going down this path in the first place at a time when they’ve already eroded so much goodwill. This will only accelerate and exacerbate that. My question for the company is essentially the same as for those planning to book this trip: at what cost?! There’s the straightforward monetary component, but also the opportunity cost and so much more.

Need Disney trip planning tips and comprehensive advice? Make sure to read  Disney Parks Vacation Planning Guides , where you can find comprehensive guides to Walt Disney World, Disneyland, and beyond! For Disney updates, discount information, a free download of our  Money-Saving Tips for Walt Disney World  eBook, and much more,  sign up for our FREE email newsletter !


What do you think of this new new Adventures by Disney itinerary? Will you be booking Disney Parks Around The World – A Private Jet Adventure? Would you do an around-the-world trip, or would you rather take several vacations to each individual destination? Think this will be a big hit, colossal flop, or something in between? Any questions? We love hearing from readers, so please share any other thoughts or questions you have in the comments below!

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Written by Tom Bricker

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I don’t disagree with anything you’ve written, but I do think it leaves out one selling point over doing this trip on your own: Access. At least theoretically, doing a trip like this hosted by Disney could give access to backstage type experiences that some would consider priceless or otherwise unattainable. That kind of access is the only reason I would consider doing any of the VIP park tours or any ABD park trip.

I have considered ABD for some other trips I want to do (Africa specifically) and there the benefit to me is convenience and confidence in the brand – meaning I know through reputation that their guides will be good, the travel logistics are likely to be managed well, etc. So I can see brand confidence as a perceived benefit as well. Disney is going to do a better whirlwind tour of their parks than anyone else will. Ultimately I’ve ruled out ABD because of price, and I enjoy travel planning so not worth the premium. However I can see how those 2 benefits would shine if $$$$ were not an issue and I didn’t want to make much of an effort. (Can I really find a travel planner better than Disney for Disney?)

I also agree on the “not enough time to do justice” point, but a lot of trips are more of a survey of places, then you return to the ones that really interest you. That doesn’t seem like a downside if you have the funds to go back.

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I’m … *somewhat* annoyed that Adventures by Disney isn’t leveraging the free advertising this is generating and putting together an official Asian Disney Parks tour. There’s a Disneyland Paris tour and two Disneyland focused tours for Southern California, but apparently nothing for the Asian parks. I’m not saying such a tour would be affordable for everyone, obviously, but it seems like an obvious spin-off that isn’t being done and leaving money on the table.

Hat tip to Kelly D. for giving us the idea last year that it could make sense as something like this. Now I want an official Disney Asian theme park tour!

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I’m pretty sure the bad optics are on purpose. The upside for Disney is that it gets a lot of attention and it makes their other vacation options seem reasonably priced by comparison, so maybe you’ll be more inclined to spend a little more freely on one of those.

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Okay, I finally found the original post. I’ve been on a few “adventure” trips that included apparently rich people. One owned a company “making” worms for compost piles, one was a lawyer and former mayor of a semi-large American city, several were doctors, some were PhD physicists, one was a retired Air Force commander? Colonel? Some rank where he could blow over half a million in adventure trips since he had retired. My experience with these people is the same as my experience with regular people – some are nut jobs, some have to prove how smart or physically fit they are (always better than you), some are mean, some are sliding into dementia, some have weird obsessions like agility dogs, and some are pretty nice regular people. I would not want to be stuck for a month with them. This Round-the-World adventure sounds like misery to me, especially since I usually have no travel companion. It would be much more fun, and affordable, to put together your own trip. You just wouldn’t get to visit Skywalker Ranch, talk with Imagineers, etc.

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The middle of the summer sounds like the absolute best time to be visiting Florida, Egypt, and central Asia. Exactly when I’d go if I had $115k and could just jet off for a month.

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I didn’t even think about that, but it’s a fantastic point. I can’t speak to the Egypt, but the heat and humidity in China, Hong Kong, and Japan during those months makes Florida feel more like Southern California by comparison!

Southeast Asia in February 2013 was enough to give two people in my group of 14 heat stroke. They don’t even run tours in the summer – plus there is monsoon season!

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Ugh, Egypt in the summer is awful! We were on a budget tour, part of it was spent sailing down the Nile in small feluccas. A member of our group ended up begging for ice cubes from a more upscale tour group. I remember it was 45C. At least it was a dry heat! LOL

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I want to do this trip but plan it myself, my husband already flys private jets so I might catch a break there, but this would for sure be a trip of a lifetime !

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Making this ” sold out ” is just creating a bunch of FOMO.

Who says it is sold out? Disney, Who “purchased ” the tickets? Media outlets, some rich people with time, etc. And truly at what price did they pay for it? We have no transparency that everyone is paying the full price.

It is marketing folks. They needed a win since everything else is in chaos, and some projects have failed (Star Wars overnight hotel experience i.e. ) . And various Disney execs need contracts and raises…..

Some great comments on June 14,15 about the perspective of 20 yr Disney patrons… if you have time take a read. Keep your mind open.

The great thing about capitalism is that if a void is not filled, i.e. people cannot afford, or turn away from Disney parks, some other company or experience will be available to them. Maybe sooner than Disney anticipates…..

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Where do I sign up for the 55K Get Lost Around The World With The Brickers trip? I’m down for that 😉

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Does this trip include TIPS?

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Maybe Disney isn’t catering to the rich as much as they’re catering to the addicts. People of all financial means are hooked on Disney and they’ll make all kinds of concessions to ‘get their fix’.

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disney international travel

Complete Guide: All the Disney Parks Around the World A full list of every Disney theme park and Disney destination worldwide

What started out as a single theme park in an old orange grove has blossomed into an international theme park empire encompassing multiple parks, resort campuses, and countries.  Where are all the Disney Parks and how many are there?  Here, we list all the Disney parks around the world, and sort them based on geography, resort area, opening date, and more.

We also list Disney’s non-theme park destinations across the globe, such as Disney cruises, Adventures by Disney, and Disney-developed communities.  Our goal is to create an encyclopedic reference document that lists all of the options to experience a Disney Destination around the world.

How Many Disney Theme Parks Are There Worldwide?

Disney has twelve theme parks located on six resort campuses worldwide.   Six of Disney’s twelve worldwide theme parks are Disneyland-style “castle parks,” while the remaining six are parks that have other themes.  These twelve parks are located in four countries.

Disney California Adventure

Magic kingdom, disney’s hollywood studios, disney’s animal kingdom, tokyo disneyland, tokyo disneysea, disneyland park.

  • Walt Disney Studios Park (to be renamed Disney Adventure World in 2025)

Hong Kong Disneyland Park

Shanghai disneyland.

We go into much greater detail about each of these theme parks and resort campuses below.

How Many Disneylands Are There?

When most people think of a “Disneyland,” they’re thinking of what we might call a “Castle Park.”  These are Disney theme parks which have a castle as their central icon, with various themed lands such as Tomorrowland or Frontierland radiating outward from the castle.  These parks also typically have more rides than other Disney theme parks in the same resort area.

There are six Disney “castle parks” around the world, but only five of them are actually named “Disneyland” — one each in California, Hong Kong, Paris, Shanghai, and Tokyo.  Florida’s flagship park is called Magic Kingdom .

If, on the other hand, you consider a “Disneyland” to be an entire resort campus that might include multiple theme parks within a few miles of one another, the number is (interestingly enough) still six.  All twelve Disney parks are divided among six resort campuses worldwide.  Only three of the six resort campuses actually have “Disneyland” in their names; the remaining three include only “Disney.”

How Many Countries Have Disney parks?

Disney Parks are located in four countries on three continents.

  • United States (six parks on two resort campuses)
  • France (two parks on one resort campus)
  • China* (two parks on two resort campuses)
  • Japan (two parks on one resort campus)

Note: China’s parks are located in Hong Kong and Shanghai.  Shanghai is considered part of mainland China, while Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region of China.  Although there is some controversy as to Hong Kong’s autonomy, we have based our list of countries on U.N. Member States .

Which Country Has the Most Disney Theme Parks?

The United States is home to six of the twelve Disney theme parks, by far the most of any country.  The remaining countries with Disney parks are tied for second place, with two each.

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Complete List of Disney Parks Around the World

Below, we go in-depth with key facts and figures about each of the six Disney resort campuses around the world, with details on each of the twelve theme parks along with information on hotels, shopping/dining complexes, and recreation.

Disneyland Resort

Anaheim (near Los Angeles), California, United States

Disneyland Sleeping Beauty Castle

The Disneyland Resort in California is home to two Disney theme parks, three resort hotels, and a shopping/entertainment/dining district.  The entire resort is approximately 500 acres in size and brings in several million dollars of revenue each day.

It is home to the original Disneyland — the first Disney theme park, and the only Disney theme park completed during Walt Disney’s lifetime.  It is the only Disney park to use the slogan, “The Happiest Place on Earth.”

Theme Parks

Magic Kingdom - Cinderella Castle

Opening Date

July 17, 1955

Themed Lands:

  • Adventureland
  • Critter Country
  • Fantasyland
  • Frontierland
  • Main Street, U.S.A.
  • New Orleans Square
  • Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge
  • Tomorrowland

Magic Kingdom - Cinderella Castle

February 8, 2001 (as Disney’s California Adventure )

Themed Lands

  • Avatar-themed Land (future)
  • Avengers Campus
  • Buena Vista Street
  • Grizzly Peak
  • Hollywood Land
  • Paradise Gardens Park
  • Performance Corridor
  • San Fransokyo Square
  • Disneyland Hotel / Villas at Disneyland Hotel
  • Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel & Spa / Villas at Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel & Spa
  • Disney’s Pixar Place Hotel (originally known as Disneyland Pacific Hotel and later Disney’s Paradise Pier Hotel )

Shopping/Dining/Entertainment Districts

  • Downtown Disney District

Walt Disney World Resort

Bay Lake and Lake Buena Vista (near Orlando / Kissimmee), Florida, United States

Magic Kingdom

The Walt Disney World Resort in Florida is home to four Disney theme parks, more than 30 resort hotel / villa / campground accommodations, two water parks , a sports complex, two shopping/entertainment/dining districts, and several other amenities such as golf courses, mini-golf courses, and recreational lakes with water activities.  Walt Disney World is the largest Disney resort campus in the world, covering an astounding 43 square miles or 27,258 acres.  It’s known as “The Most Magical Place on Earth.”

Walt Disney himself originally envisioned his Florida project to be based on a futuristic “City of Tomorrow” in partnership with American industry leaders.  Those plans never came to fruition following Disney’s death in 1966, though the EPCOT theme park serves as a tribute to the concept.  In addition, an on-site neighborhood named Golden Oak boasts multi-million dollar luxury homes, and the nearby town of Celebration was originally designed by Disney.

Magic Kingdom - Cinderella Castle

October 1, 1971

  • Liberty Square
  • Main Street, USA
  • Villains-themed land (future)

Magic Kingdom - Cinderella Castle

October 1, 1982 (as EPCOT Center )

  • World Celebration
  • World Discovery
  • World Nature
  • World Showcase

Magic Kingdom - Cinderella Castle

May 1, 1989 (as Disney-MGM Studios )

  • Animation Courtyard
  • Commissary Lane
  • Grand Avenue
  • Hollywood Boulevard
  • Monsters, Inc. themed land (future)
  • Pixar Place
  • Sunset Boulevard
  • Toy Story Land

Magic Kingdom - Cinderella Castle

April 22, 1998

  • Dinoland U.S.A.
  • Discovery Island
  • Pandora – The World of Avatar
  • Pueblo Esperanza (2027)
  • Rafiki’s Planet Watch

Hotels and Campgrounds

  • Bay Lake Tower at Disney’s Contemporary Resort
  • Boulder Ridge Villas at Disney’s Wilderness Lodge
  • Cabins at Disney’s Fort Wilderness Resort
  • Campsites at Disney’s Fort Wilderness Resort
  • Copper Creek Villas & Cabins at Disney’s Wilderness Lodge
  • Disney’s All-Star Movies Resort
  • Disney’s All-Star Music Resort
  • Disney’s All-Star Sports Resort
  • Disney’s Art of Animation Resort
  • Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge
  • Disney’s Animal Kingdom Villas – Jambo House
  • Disney’s Animal Kingdom Villas – Kidani Village
  • Disney’s Beach Club Resort
  • Disney’s Beach Club Villas
  • Disney’s BoardWalk Inn
  • Disney’s BoardWalk Villas
  • Disney’s Caribbean Beach Resort
  • Disney’s Contemporary Resort
  • Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort
  • Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort and Spa (Originally known as  Disney’s Grand Floridian Beach Resort)
  • Disney’s Old Key West Resort
  • Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort
  • Disney’s Polynesian Villas & Bungalows
  • Disney’s Pop Century Resort
  • Disney’s Port Orleans Resort – French Quarter (Originally known as Disney’s Port Orleans Resort )
  • Disney’s Port Orleans Resort – Riverside (Originally known as Disney’s Dixie Landings Resort )
  • Disney’s Riviera Resort
  • Disney’s Saratoga Springs Resort & Spa
  • Disney’s Wilderness Lodge
  • Disney’s Yacht Club Resort
  • Villas at Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort & Spa

Note: Some of these resort hotels are co-located; for example, BoardWalk Inn and BoardWalk Villas have a central lobby with one check-in desk serving both.  We have listed them separately here (the same way Disney lists them), which some might consider to artificially inflate the hotel count.

Immersive Multi-Day Experience

  • Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser [Closed]

Water Parks

  • Disney’s Blizzard Beach
  • Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon

Sports Complex

  • ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex

Golf Courses

  • Disney’s Lake Buena Vista Golf Course
  • Disney’s Magnolia Golf Course
  • Disney’s Oak Trail Golf Course (standard golf and FootGolf)
  • Disney’s Palm Golf Course

Miniature Golf Courses

  • Fantasia Gardens Miniature Golf
  • Fantasia Fairways Miniature Golf
  • Winter Summerland Miniature Golf – Summer Course
  • Winter Summerland Miniature Golf – Winter Course
  • Disney Springs (originally known as Lake Buena Vista Shopping Village and more recently known as Downtown Disney )
  • Disney’s BoardWalk

More Statistics

For even more comprehensive details about the Walt Disney World Resort, visit our Disney World statistics page.

Tokyo Disney Resort

Urayasu (near Tokyo), Chiba, Japan

TDR Tokyo Disneyland

The Tokyo Disney Resort in Japan is home to two Disney theme parks, six resort hotels, and a shopping/entertainment/dining district. The resort is approximately 494 acres in size.

Home to the first international Disney theme park, Tokyo Disney Resort is operated under an agreement between the Walt Disney Company and Oriental Land Company.

Magic Kingdom - Cinderella Castle

April 15, 1983

  • Westernland
  • World Bazaar

Magic Kingdom - Cinderella Castle

September 4, 2001

  • American Waterfront
  • Arabian Coast
  • Fantasy Springs
  • Lost River Delta
  • Mediterranean Harbor
  • Mermaid Lagoon
  • Mysterious Island
  • Port Discovery
  • Disney Ambassador Hotel
  • Tokyo Disney Resort Toy Story Hotel
  • Tokyo DisneySea Fantasy Springs Hotel
  • Tokyo DisneySea Hotel MiraCosta
  • Tokyo Disneyland Hotel
  • Tokyo Disney Celebration Hotel

Disneyland Paris (originally Euro Disney Resort)

Marne-la-Vallée, Paris, France

DLP Disneyland Paris Castle

Disneyland Paris in France is home to two Disney theme parks, eight resort hotels, a golf course, and a shopping/entertainment/dining district.  The resort area covers approximately 1,700 acres.

Disneyland Paris is home to perhaps the most “storybook”-inspired Disney castle, no doubt due to the fact that Europe has plenty of real castles to compete with Disney’s entry into the genre.  Not only does Disney’s version have more-fanciful architectural elements, but it features La Tanière du Dragon , a dark lair with an 89-foot-long audio-animatronic dragon lurking inside.

The second Paris park, Walt Disney Studios, is undergoing a massive reimagining. By the end of 2025, it will have approximately doubled in size, added new themed lands, and been renamed Disney Adventure World. Additional reworking is underway at the Disney Village and some of the resort’s hotels.

Magic Kingdom - Cinderella Castle

April 12, 1992 (as Euro Disneyland Park )

  • Discoveryland
  • Main Street U.S.A.

Walt Disney Studios Park*

Magic Kingdom - Cinderella Castle

March 16, 2002

  • Production Courtyard
  • Toon Studio
  • Worlds of Pixar

Future Plans:

  • Park to be renamed Disney Adventure World in 2025
  • Park size to approximately double by 2025
  • Pride Lands (Lion King) land to debut in the future
  • World of Frozen land to debut in 2026
  • World Premiere Plaza to debut in 2025
  • Adventure Bay are to debut in 2025
  • Disney Davy Crockett Ranch
  • Disney Hotel Cheyenne
  • Disney Hotel New York — The Art of Marvel (Originally known as Disney’s Hotel New York )
  • Disney Hotel Santa Fe
  • Disney Newport Bay Club
  • Disney Sequoia Lodge
  • Disneyland Hotel
  • Les Villages Nature Paris
  • Disney Village (originally known as Festival Disney )
  • Golf Disneyland

Hong Kong Disneyland

Penny’s Bay, Lantau Island, Hong Kong, special administrative region of China

HKDL Hong Kong Disneyland

Hong Kong Disneyland is home to one Disney theme park, three resort hotels, and a recreation complex.  The entire resort is approximately 320 acres in size, the smallest Disney resort campus in the world.  The resort was built on reclaimed land, with Penny’s Bay being filled in to provide space for the park and hotels.

Hong Kong Disneyland Park is the only Disney theme park to boast an extreme makeover of its castle.  In 2016, plans were announced to transform the original Sleeping Beauty Castle , which was 77 feet (23 meters) tall.  The castle closed in 2018; by late 2020, construction had been completed on the park’s new Castle of Magical Dreams , which is 167 feet (51 meters) tall.

Magic Kingdom - Cinderella Castle

September 12, 2005

  • Grizzly Gulch
  • Mystic Point
  • World of Frozen
  • Disney Explorer’s Lodge
  • Disney’s Hollywood Hotel
  • Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel

Recreation Complex

  • Inspiration Lake

Shanghai Disney Resort

Chuansha New Town, Pudong, Shanghai, China

SHDR Shanghai Disney Resort

The Shanghai Disney Resort in China is home to one Disney theme park, two resort hotels, a shopping/entertainment/dining district, and a nature park.  The entire resort covers approximately 963 acres.

Driven by a desire to be “authentically Disney and distinctly Chinese,” this park is a bit different than other Disney theme parks.  A major feature of the park is the Gardens of Imagination, a large open-air nature space.  It includes the  Garden of the Twelve Friends , which Disney describes as an “oasis where the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac are depicted by popular Disney and Disney-Pixar characters.”

Magic Kingdom - Cinderella Castle

June 16, 2016

  • Adventure Isle
  • Disney-Pixar Toy Story Land
  • Gardens of Imagination
  • Mickey Avenue
  • Treasure Cove
  • Shanghai Disneyland Hotel
  • Toy Story Hotel

Shopping/Dining/Entertainment District

Nature park.

  • Wishing Star Park

Whether you’re thinking of a trip to the theme parks, a Disney Cruise, or Adventures by Disney, we believe there’s no better Disney Travel agent than The Vacationeer !

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When did each Disney Park open?

The first Disney theme park opened in 1955, and the most recent opening was in 2016.

List of Disney Theme Parks by Opening Date

  • 07/17/1955 — Disneyland (California)
  • 10/01/1971 — Magic Kingdom
  • 10/01/1982 — EPCOT, originally EPCOT Center
  • 04/15/1983 — Tokyo Disneyland
  • 05/01/1989 — Disney’s Hollywood Studios (Orlando), originally Disney-MGM Studios
  • 04/12/1992 — Disneyland Park (Paris), originally Euro Disneyland Park
  • 04/22/1998 — Disney’s Animal Kingdom
  • 02/08/2001 — Disney California Adventure, originally Disney’s California Adventure
  • 09/04/2001 — Tokyo DisneySea
  • 03/16/2002 — Walt Disney Studios Park (Paris)
  • 09/12/2005 — Hong Kong Disneyland Park
  • 06/16/2016 — Shanghai Disneyland

What Was the First Disney Theme Park to open?

Disneyland in California was the first Disney theme park to open, in 1955

What Was the Most Recent Disney Theme Park to open?

Shanghai Disneyland was the most recent Disney theme park to open, in 2016.

How Big Are the Disney Theme Parks and Resort Campuses?

Disney resort campuses worldwide range in size from 320 acres to 27,258 acres, with a combined total size of 31,235 acres.  For our purposes, a resort campus is defined as a localized area which contains one or more theme parks, resort hotels, and other resort amenities.

Individual Disney theme parks worldwide range in size from 62 acres to 580 acres, with a combined total size of 2,053 acres.

What Is the Largest Disney Resort Campus in the World?

Walt Disney World Resort in Florida is the largest Disney resort campus in the world, at 27,258 acres in size.

What is the Smallest Disney Resort Campus in the World?

Hong Kong Disneyland is the smallest Disney resort campus in the world, at just 320 acres in size.

List of Disney Resort Campuses by Size

  • 320 acres — Hong Kong Disneyland
  • 494 acres — Tokyo Disney Resort
  • 500 acres — Disneyland Resort (California)
  • 963 acres — Shanghai Disney Resort
  • 1,700 acres — Disneyland Paris
  • 27,258 acres — Walt Disney World Resort

What Is the Largest Disney Theme Park in the World?

Disney’s Animal Kingdom is the largest Disney theme park in the world, at 580 acres in size.

What is the Smallest Disney Theme Park in the World?

Walt Disney Studios Park in Paris is currently the smallest Disney theme park, at just 62 acres in size. However, it is undergoing an expansion that would approximately double its footprint. Once the expansion is complete (estimated 2025), Hong Kong Disneyland Park would likely become the smallest Disney theme park.

List of Disney Theme Parks by Size

  • 62 acres — Walt Disney Studios Park (Paris) — see size note above
  • 68 acres — Hong Kong Disneyland Park — see size note above
  • 70 acres — Disney California Adventure
  • 85 acres — Disneyland (California)
  • 107 acres — Magic Kingdom (Florida)
  • 115 acres — Tokyo Disneyland
  • 125 acres — Disneyland Park (Paris)
  • 135 acres — Disney’s Hollywood Studios (Florida)
  • 176 acres — Tokyo DisneySea
  • 225 acres — Shanghai Disneyland
  • 305 acres — EPCOT
  • 580 acres — Disney’s Animal Kingdom (Florida)

Note: Theme Park and Resort acreage figures vary widely, based on land acquisitions/sales, classification of areas which are/aren’t developed or accessible to the public, etc.  Our numbers above are based on generally accepted values for each park/resort.

How Many Disney Castles are There?

Six of the twelve Disney theme parks have a castle as their centerpiece icons.  There are also additional smaller castles scattered throughout some parks related to attractions and restaurants.

Is Every Disney Castle Unique?

Magic Kingdom in Florida and Tokyo Disneyland in Japan have virtually identical Cinderella Castles .  There are some minor differences between the two, mainly in terms of decoration/painting, but they are substantially the same building.  These are the only two Disney theme parks that currently have matching castles.

Prior to 2018, Disneyland in California and Hong Kong Disneyland Park had matching Sleeping Beauty Castles , but Hong Kong has since unveiled a unique Enchanted Storybook Castle .

What’s the Shortest Disney Castle in the World?

The centerpiece of Disneyland in California, Sleeping Beauty Castle , is the shortest Disney Castle at 77 feet tall.

What’s the Tallest Disney Castle in the World?

Shanghai Disneyland’s Enchanted Storybook Castle is the tallest Disney Castle in the world, at a height of 200 feet.

List of Disney Castles by Height

  • 77 feet – Sleeping Beauty Castle, Disneyland (California)
  • 167 feet – Le Château de la Belle au Bois Dormant, Disneyland Park (Paris)
  • 167 feet – Castle of Magical Dreams, Hong Kong Disneyland Park*
  • 189 feet – Cinderella Castle, Magic Kingdom (Florida)
  • 189 feet – Cinderella Castle, Tokyo Disneyland
  • 200 feet – Enchanted Storybook Castle, Shanghai Disneyland

Hong Kong Disneyland Park was originally home to Sleeping Beauty Castle, identical in shape and size to the castle at Disneyland (California).  This castle was replaced by the Castle of Magical Dreams, which opened in late 2020.

Can You Visit Every Disney Theme Park in a Single Trip?

It’s certainly possible to visit every Disney theme park in a single trip, but it’ll take some time, planning, and  — of course — money.

The “easiest” way is certainly not the cheapest.  Adventures by Disney offers a whirlwind private jet adventure which includes VIP experiences at each of the twelve Disney theme parks, and all it will cost you is 24 days of your time and about $115,000 per person.

There’s of course nothing stopping a person from planning their own Disney itinerary that includes every park worldwide.  Just note that there’s no single ticket/pass that gets you into every Disney theme park.

What Other Non-Theme Park Disney Destinations Exist?

In addition to the twelve Disney theme parks (located on six resort campuses in four countries), there are several other Disney Destinations.

Standalone Disney Resort Hotels

There are three Disney resort hotels that are not located near any theme parks.

Aulani , a Disney Resort and Spa / Aulani, Disney Vacation Club Villas

  • Location: Ko Olina, Kapolei, Oahu, Hawaii, United States
  • Opening Date: August 29, 2011

Disney’s Hilton Head Island Resort

  • Location: Longview Island, Hilton Head, South Carolina, United States
  • Opening Date: March 1, 1996

Disney’s Vero Beach Resort

  • Location: Vero Beach, Florida, United States
  • Opening Date: October 1, 1995

Disney Cruise Line

Disney Cruise Line has five cruise ships (with many more planned ) which sail from nearly 20 ports around the world.  There are 13 general itinerary types, with multiple variations of each.  Select departures include days (or entire voyages) with special theming.  Disney Cruise Line has led several industry innovations, including the first ever fireworks at sea on select itineraries, as well as an innovative rotational dining concept in which the serving team “follows” diners to a different restaurant each night.

Disney Cruise Ships

Currently Operating:

  • Disney Dream — Maiden Voyage January 26, 2011
  • Disney Fantasy — Maiden Voyage March 31, 2012
  • Disney Magic — Maiden Voyage July 30, 1998
  • Disney Wish — Maiden Voyage July 14, 2022
  • Disney Wonder — Maiden Voyage August 15, 1999

Future Additions:

  • Disney Treasure — New Construction; Maiden Voyage scheduled for December 21, 2024
  • Disney Adventure (Former Global Dream) — Disney purchased partially-constructed Global Dream ; Maiden Voyage expected in 2025
  • Disney Destiny — New Construction; Maiden Voyage expected in 2025
  • Unnamed 9th-13th Ships — New Construction; Maiden Voyages expected in 2027-2031

Disney Cruise Private Island/Ports

  • Castaway Cay , Bahamas
  • Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point (Eleuthera), Bahamas

Disney Cruise Departure Ports

  • Auckland, New Zealand
  • Barcelona, Spain
  • Brisbane (Queensland), Australia
  • Civitavecchia (Rome), Italy
  • Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL
  • Galveston, Texas
  • Honolulu, Hawaii
  • Melbourne (Victoria), Australia
  • New Orleans, Louisiana
  • New York, New York
  • Port Canaveral, Florida
  • San Diego, California
  • San Juan, Puerto Rico
  • Southampton, England
  • Sydney (New South Wales), Australia
  • Vancouver, Canada

Disney Cruise Ports of Call

  • We maintain a complete list of every port visited by Disney Cruise Line during its cruises.

Disney Cruise Itineraries

  • Australia / New Zealand
  • Pacific Coast
  • Panama Canal
  • South Pacific / Transpacific
  • Transatlantic

Disney Cruise Themed & Holiday Sailings

  • Marvel Day at Sea cruises
  • Halloween on the High Seas cruises
  • Very Merrytime cruises

Adventures by Disney

Adventures by Disney offers dozens of guided tours in around 40 countries on every continent.  Offerings include Land Adventures (traditional guided group tours), Escapes (shorter land adventures), River Cruises , Expedition Cruises, Private Jet Adventures, and Private Adventures.  Most trips are open to families (though minimum age guidelines may apply), but some select departure dates are exclusive to adults.

Each trip includes a fully-planned itinerary, unique personal touches, and occasional specialty VIP/private access to attractions in the destination, all at a single combined price .  At least two Disney employees to serve as Adventure Guides to ensure a hassle-free travel experience.

We maintain a complete list of Adventures by Disney trips and the countries to which they travel .

Disney Vacation Club

Disney operates a timeshare-style vacation ownership program called Disney Vacation Club .  To date, DVC has built 18 resorts; these resorts feature larger, family-style accommodations such as studio, 1-, 2-, and 3- bedroom vacation villas, along with occasional specialty accommodations such as treehouse villas or over-water bungalows.

To become a member, one must purchase a real estate interest in one of the DVC resorts.  Unlike a traditional timeshare which locks owners into the same week / accommodation each year, DVC members receive an annual allotment of so-called “vacation points” which are used to flexibly book resort stays.

These stays are typically at the DVC-owned resorts, but members may also exchange their points to stay at traditional Disney hotels, travel on Disney Cruise Line or with Adventures by Disney, or stay at certain non-Disney owned hotels and timeshares.

For those who seek a more traditional timeshare experience, a limited number of DVC memberships are sold under a “Favorite Weeks” structure (previously called “Guaranteed Weeks”).  Members under this structure are automatically booked in the same accommodation type the same week each year, but still have the option to opt out on a year-by-year basis and instead receive flexible use points for that year.

Most of the DVC-owned resorts are located at Walt Disney World, but five are elsewhere in the United States.  None are located internationally.

DVC Resorts at Walt Disney World in Florida

Dvc resorts elsewhere.

  • Aulani, Disney Vacation Club Villas — Ko Olina, Oahu, Hawaii, United States
  • Disney’s Hilton Head Island Resort — Longview Island, Hilton Head, South Carolina, United States
  • Disney’s Vero Beach Resort — Vero Beach, Florida, United States
  • Villas at Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel & Spa — Disneyland Resort, Anaheim, California
  • Villas at Disneyland Hotel — Disneyland Resort, Anaheim, California

Unoccupied DVC accommodations are also offered on a cash basis to those who are not members.  At Walt Disney World, these are marketed to the public as “Deluxe Villa” accommodations.

Disney-Developed Communities

There are several residential/commercial communities which are not technically Disney vacation destinations but still have significant ties to the Disney company.


Just south of Walt Disney World resort in Osceola County, Florida is the town of Celebration .  This planned community was originally developed by the Walt Disney Company, and sits at the southern tip of Disney World’s major north-south thoroughfare, World Drive.

A portion of the Walt Disney World Resort area in Florida is designated as the Golden Oak neighborhood.  This luxury resort living complex features multi-million dollar homes and offers residents extensive membership perks at the resort.

Storyliving by Disney

Disney has announced a new concept of planned communities . These developments, named Storyliving , will focus on offering Imagineering-inspired amenities and common areas, along with unique programming for its residents through a dedicated staff of Disney Cast Members. At least some of the neighborhoods in each development will have areas devoted to those aged 55+.

  • Cotino : The first Storyliving development to be announced is Cotino in the Rancho Mirage / Palm Springs area of California.
  • Asteria : The second Storyliving development is Asteria , located near Raleigh, North Carolina.

The company says it is also researching other areas for similar communities in the future.

Val d’Europe / Marne-la-Vallée

Val d’Europe is a sector of the planned community Marne-la-Vallée, located near Paris, France.   Marne-la-Vallée as a whole predates Disneyland Paris by several decades, but the Val d’Europe sector was created concurrently with the development of the theme park.  The Disney company had significant input as to Val D’Europe’s development and received land in the area as part of the agreement.

Final Thoughts

Maybe you’re just curious, researching for an upcoming trip, or hoping to become a Disney travel agent so you can book these amazing destinations for others. Whatever the reason, we hope you’ve enjoyed our listing of all the Disney theme parks around the world and our look at other Disney destinations.  As you can see, Disney has offerings all over the world, be they theme parks, cruise ships, guided tours, standalone resorts, or even communities to permanently call home.  So whether your next vacation takes you to Disney World in Florida or all the way to Shanghai, we hope you’ll find a bit of magic wherever you go!

Ready to Plan a Disney Parks Trip, Disney Cruise, or Adventures by Disney Vacation?

If you’re considering planning a Disney vacation, we strongly recommend contacting a travel agency that specializes in Disney vacations.

In our view, there’s no better choice than The Vacationeer !  They’re Earmarked Diamond level A uthorized Disney Vacation Planners who can handle every part of your trip for you!  Their agents specialize in Walt Disney World, Disneyland, Disney Cruise, Adventures by Disney.  They can even help you book a trip to Disney’s standalone resort hotels in Florida, South Carolina, and Hawaii

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All Disney Parks Around the World – Ranking & FAQ

locations of disney theme parks around the world

There are six Disney Theme Park Resorts in the world. Our American readers may be most familiar with Disneyland Resort in California and Walt Disney World Resort in Florida, but there are beautiful Disney theme park resorts in Paris, China, and Hong Kong. In fact, the two Tokyo Disney theme parks are the third and fourth most visited theme parks in the world!

Our ranking list includes all Disney Parks around the world ranked considering the best attractions, dining, theming, immersion, and entertainment. Keep reading to see what Disney Theme Park ranked as our top pick for the best of all Disney theme parks around the world!

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Where Are All the Disney Locations Around the World?

There are six Disney Park resorts around the world. These resorts include two in the United States: Disneyland Resort in California and Walt Disney World Resort in Florida. There are four international Disney Resorts including locations in Paris,  Japan, and China. If you include individual theme parks in each resort that totals twelve Disney Resorts around the world. Here is the full list of all Disney Parks around the world:

  • Disneyland, California Adventure
  • Original Disney Park, Opened 1955
  • Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, EPCOT, Animal Kingdom
  • Opened 1971
  • Tokyo Disneyland, Tokyo DisneySea
  • Opened 1983
  • Disneyland Paris, Walt Disney Studios Park
  • Opened 1992
  • Hong Kong Disneyland
  • Opened 2005
  • Shanghai Disneyland
  • Opened 2016

I am going to rank each of these resorts' theme parks individually rather than the resorts as a whole.

FAQ All Disney Parks Around the World

Here are your answers to the most frequently asked questions we see about all Disney Parks around the world.

There are six Disney Park resorts around the world. These resorts include two in the United States: Disneyland Resort in California and Walt Disney World Resort in Florida. There are four international Disney Resorts including locations in Paris, Hong Kong, Japan, and China. If you include individual theme parks in each resort that totals twelve Disney theme parks around the world. You can see the full breakdown of this list at the beginning of the article.

No, in fact, some of the Walt Disney World theme parks (Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom) are fairly spread out from the rest. You can travel from Epcot to Magic Kingdom using the monorail and from Hollywood Studios to Epcot using the skyliner. Animal Kingdom requires use of a bus or car to access.

Yes, there are 12 individual Disney theme parks but most are a part of a larger Disney Resort. There are six Disney resort destinations in the world.

Disney has at least one theme park resort in four countries including the United States of America, Japan, France, and China.

The theme parks at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida are considered the biggest Disney Resort in the world. Walt Disney World Resort has the highest amount of individual theme parks (four) plus the largest amount of resorts surrounding the theme parks. However, the biggest individual theme park is Shanghai Disneyland.

Disney does have a resort in Hawaii called Aulani Resort. This is not a theme park, but a Hawaiian-themed Disney resort and spa. Aulani Resort was built by Disney Imagineers and has its own private beach for guests to enjoy.

Picking the best Disney Park in the world is an entirely subjective opinion based on a variety of factors like the quality of rides, entertainment, dining, and more. But also nostalgia plays as a heavy hitter for many guests when they rank their favorite Disney Parks. Read our full Disney Parks ranking list below to see what I named the #1 best Disney Park in the world.

The most visited Disney Park in the world is the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World. This makes logical sense considering it has the most individual theme parks and hotels. The second most visited theme park is Disneyland Park in California. This is the original Disneyland and was the first Disney theme park ever built in 1955. For the third most visited theme park the honor goes to Tokyo Disneyland in Japan. This is an extremely popular theme park in Japan and draws many international guests due to the quality of its attractions. Read more about this in our ranking!

Ranking All Disney Parks Around the World

For each individual theme park, I am going to use a few different areas to qualify their spot on our top list. These ranking criteria include:

  • Attractions-  each theme park will have its attraction list included and a brief ranking of these rides. This is also helpful for seeing which theme parks have repeat rides and indicating how different they may or may not be.
  • Dining-  dining options vary from one theme park to the next. While some theme parks may excel in this area, others have a stronger focus on ride quality.
  • Entertainment-  entertainment at the Disney Parks includes a variety of stage shows, parades, fireworks, and other nighttime spectaculars. All of these will be taken into account when raking the theme parks.
  • Theming/Immersion – One of the things that Disney does best is their dedication to theming and immersing guests in the worlds its theme parks are trying to emulate. Each theme park succeeds in this category in its own way but some go above and beyond the rest in this area.

Keep reading to see which Disney Park I ranked as the #1 spot for all Disney Parks around the world!

12. Walt Disney Studios Park (Disneyland Paris)

Walt Disney Studios Park is one of two parks at Disneyland Paris. Walt Disney Studios Park opened in 2002 and the original Disneyland Paris theme park first opened in 1992.

Walt Disney Studios Park is themed after a similar concept to Hollywood Studios in Walt Disney World with the theme park revolving around show business, movie themes, and movie production. The icon of the park is the Earffel Tower which is a water tower with Mickey Mouse ears that was inspired by the water tower at the Walt Disney Studios lot in Burbank, CA.

The themed lands at Walt Disney Studios Park include areas dedicated to Pixar, Marvel, and Disney animated classics, and two areas focused on movie production. Easily the most impressive area in Walt Disney Studios Park is the newer Avengers Campus which is similar to the Avengers Campus in California but has an additional Avengers roller coaster called Avengers Assemble: Flight Force. Before Avengers Campus was added, a Ratatouille section was added that features an impressive trackless dark ride. This ride has since been added to EPCOT. Prior to these additions, this theme park fell far short of its counterpart theme park Disneyland Paris but now has risen to be a bit stronger contender to include this park in your Disneyland Paris vacation.

While this theme park has grown to include popular favorites like the addition of Avengers Campus and more additions to the World of Pixar, its theming falls short of the other Disney Parks around the world which is why it is ranked at the bottom of our list. This park is definitely a second-day theme park to visit after you prioritize the main theme park at this resort which is Disneyland Paris. In some cases, many guests skip visiting this park altogether to prioritize the main theme park. The park is “themed” to be a Hollywood backlot and initially really leaned into the industrial backlot theme.

Walt Disney Studios Park Attractions

The full list of Walt Disney Studios Park attractions includes favorites like the newer addition of Avengers Campus along with the World of Pixar.

Earffel Tower

The Earffel Tower is a faux water tower named for its Mickey Mouse ears based on the version that formerly existed at Disney's Hollywood Studios. The Earffel Tower serves as the icon of Walt Disney Studios Park.

Disney Studio 1

Guests will explore the golden age of film in this attraction that features a Hollywood streets with facades of various Hollywood buildings. Inside the building, guests can find food options and gift shops.

disney international travel

Toon Studio

Animation Celebration

At the Animation Celebration theater, guests can enjoy a one-act Disney show that celebrates Frozen , featuring a sing-along with Kristoff, a visit with Elsa in her ice palace, and more.

Animation Academy

In this experience, you'll learn about how Disney's animated characters are created and have the opportunity to draw an animated Disney character yourself. There is a limited number of seats per class.

Flying Carpets Over Agrabah

This spinning ride based on the movie Aladdin takes guests on a journey on a magic carpet through the sky. You'll spin around a giant genie's lamp, and you can adjust your ride to go higher or lower or tilt forwards and backwards.

Mickey and the Magician (seasonal)

This live stage magic show features Mickey, who is accidentally transported to magical worlds and encounters a blend of favorite characters like Genie from Aladdin , Lumière from Beauty and the Beast, Rafiki from The Lion King, and more.

Worlds of Pixar

Cars Quatre Roues Rallye (Cars Race Rally)

In this ride, guests board vehicles inspired by the Cars movie on spinning turntables. The cars spin and shift from one turntable to the next during the ride.

Cars Road Trip

During this ride, Sally and Cruz Ramirez from the Cars movie take guests on a tour of Route 66. You'll meet familiar characters at World’s Largest Lugnut, explore Cars-tastrophe Canyon, and see Mater's latest junkyard creation.

Crush's Coaster

Crush's Coaster is a spinning enclosed rollercoaster that takes you on a thrilling underwater journey. You board a giant turtle shell that takes you into an ocean world, then as you rush to escape jellyfish, sharks, and glowfish, the Australian Current whisks you away.

Ratatouille: The Adventure 

This 4D trackless dark ride shrinks guests down to the size of a rat, and a culinary adventure goes wrong as Chef Skinner ruthlessly chases you through the kitchen. During your escape, you'll encounter the sights and smells of Gusteau's restaurant from the Ratatouille movie.

RC Racer, inspired by Toy Story , is a 25-meter high half-pipe rollercoaster that takes you on a thrilling journey forwards and backwards across the track aboard Andy's remote-controlled car.

Slinky Dog Zigzag Spin

Climb aboard Slinky Dog in this spinning ride as he chases his tail around and around a bowl of rubber dog bones!

Toy Soldiers Parachute Drop

On this parachute drop ride, guests will join the green regiment from Toy Story and learn how to parachute. You'll ascend and fall as you take in the view of the park and its attractions.

Disney Parks Ranked

Production Courtyard

Disney junior dream factory.

This interactive 20-minute live show at Studio D takes you through how dreams are made, with experts Minnie and Mickey helping to save the day as the factory suddenly shuts down.

Stitch Live!

This encounter with our favorite blue alien invites guests to interact live with Stitch through the screen. The show is improvised, so each one will offer something different.

The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror – A New Dimension of Chills

This accelerated drop ride takes you on a journey to encounter three ride stories: The Malevolent Machine, The Shaft Creatures, and The 5th Dimension.

Avengers Campus

Avengers Assemble: Flight Force

Avengers Assemble: Flight Force is a rollercoaster that invites you to join Iron Man and Captain Marvel on a thrilling mission to divert Kree missiles aimed for Earth.

Spider-Man W.E.B. Adventure

On this interactive ride, an Open House goes wrong as Peter's Spider-Bots start replicating out of control. Guests will help Spider Man get control of the Spider-Bots that have escaped and are wreaking havoc across Avengers Campus by webbing them.

11. Hong Kong Disneyland (Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)

Hong Kong Disneyland was the first Disneyland park to open in China and is managed by Hong Kong International Theme Parks. It is the largest theme park in Hong Kong and opened to visitors in 2005. Disney incorporates Chinese culture and customs into designing and building the resort. This includes the adherence to the rules of feng shui in the structure of the park, notably with a bend in the walkway near the entrance so good qi energy would not flow into the South China Sea.

The park includes seven themed lands: Main Street, U.S.A., Fantasyland, Adventureland, Tomorrowland, Grizzly Gulch, Mystic Point, and Toy Story Land.

Hong Kong Disneyland is a beautiful theme park but falls short of some of the unique offerings that can be found at other Disney theme parks around the world. The newest land, World of Frozen, brings its own unique attractions to the park like a brand new Frozen-themed roller coaster. Read more about this new land in our World of Frozen guide .

This addition to Hong Kong Disneyland is a good move to give this park a unique edge over the other Disney theme parks and so far the World of Frozen looks like a great step towards an immersive Frozen environment as the park has essentially replicated Arendelle from the movies. Hong Kong Disneyland is one of the smallest Disney theme parks so it's great to see a move to expand the resort. Today the v ersion of FastPass at this resort is Premier Access Pass.

Hong Kong Disneyland is a smaller theme park compared to the rest but it does offer many traditional Disney classic attractions along with newer favorites like a land devoted to Toy Story. The attraction in Hong Kong we are most jealous of for the US is the Mystic Manor attraction which features an original story. See the video above. The new World of Frozen may really bolster the ranking of Hong Kong Disneyland on our list of best Disney Parks around the world. This new addition to the park will really give it a unique edge which is something this park definitely needs to be seen as a strong contender against the other Disney Parks.

Hong Kong Disneyland Attractions

The full list of Hong Kong Disneyland attractions includes some familiar favorites repeated around Disney Parks in the world. Once World of Frozen opens in November, I expect we'll see an increase in interest in the offerings at this theme park which may help bolster its attendance as it is one of the lowest-attended Disney Theme Parks in the world.

Main Street, U.S.A.

In this experience, guests will learn how to draw some of your favorite Disney characters, with step-by-step instructions from a Disney artist. The classes are taught in Cantonese, and seating is limited.

Art of Animation

The Art of Animation exhibit invites guests to explore the magic behind animated movies, displaying the animation techniques of the past and present.

Hong Kong Disneyland Railroad 

This steam-powered train has stops at Main Street, U.S.A. and Fantasyland, with trains arriving at the station every 5 to 15 minutes. The Disneyland Railroad has 3 locomotives modeled after the originals built for Disneyland: the Walter E. Disney, Roy O. Disney, and Frank G. Wells.

Main Street Vehicles

You can take a turn-of-the century vehicle—a classic omnibus, taxi or paddy wagon—for a one-way trip down Main Street U.S.A.

Disney Parks Ranked


Cinderella Carousel

This Carousel inspired by the movie Cinderella features 60 wood-carved ornate horses and two chariots, with hand-painted vignettes of the movie adorning the inner rounding board.

Dumbo the Flying Elephant

On this gentle ride, climb aboard Dumbo and fly in circles over Fantasyland as Timothy Q. Mouse directs the action! You can control how high or low Dumbo flies by using the lever inside the gondola.

“it's a small world”

“it's a small world” is a boat ride that features a chorus of characters around the world singing the iconic song of harmony in their native languages. As you float across all seven continents, you'll encounter locations like the North Pole and The Middle East while spotting Disney characters like Lilo and Stich, Peter Pan and Tinker Bell, and more. In the queue, keep an eye out for a parade of figures that occurs every 15 minutes!

Mad Hatter Tea Cups

Hop into a giant, vibrantly decorated teacup and embark on a spinning adventure as part of your “un-birthday” party inspired by Alice and Wonderland, with whimsical music and a canopy of paper lanterns overhead. You can dictate how fast your teacup spins through the wheel in the middle, so if you are easily made dizzy, you can opt out of turning it at all for a more gentle ride.

The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh

Guests will board a giant honey pot and embark on an adventure through the world of Winnie the Pooh . You'll see favorite characters from the movies and encounter scenes of Heffalumps and Woozles, Tigger bouncing, characters braving wind and rain, and a sunny day at a party with Pooh and friends.

Mickey's PhilharMagic

This short 3D film tells the story of Donald Duck, who is fast asleep before Mickey wakes him, then he finds himself with Mickey's Sorcerer Hat conducting a dream concert of animated musical sequences. The film features different locations from iconic movies and songs like “I Just Can’t Wait To Be King” from The Lion King and “A Whole New World” from Aladdin .

Castle of Magical Dreams

The Castle of Magical dreams is dedicated to several princesses and queens: Cinderella, Tiana, Aurora, Ariel, Mulan, Snow White, Moana, Merida, Belle, Rapunzel, Pocahontas, Jasmine, and Anna and Elsa. The stage in front of the castle hosts various daytime shows celebrating Disney characters.

Fairy Tale Forest – presented by PANDORA 

In the Fairy Tale Forest garden, guests will explore several Disney fairytales with towers, caves, and castles in miniature scale. During the walk-through experience, you'll engage with the stories of movies like Tangled , The Little Mermaid , and more.


Hyperspace Mountain

This rollercoaster immerses you in a thrilling Star Wars battle in space. As you fly a reconnaissance vessel to keep tabs on an Imperial Star Destroyer, you realize it's a trap, then race to escape a swarm of TIE fighters as your escorting X-wing squadron engages with them.

This gentle ride takes you on a flight aboard a saucer as you circle a colorful galaxy of planets at the center. The front row controls how fly the saucers will go, and you can also experience sound effects by pressing buttons inside the saucer.

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Ant-Man and The Wasp: Nano Battle!

Shrink down to the size of an ant as you help Ant-Man and The Wasp protect classified data from Hydra's Swarmbots. Guests will board S.H.I.E.L.D’s newest combat vehicle and fight to take back the Data Core in this shooting dark ride. This is their version of the Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters.

Iron Man Experience – Presented by AIA

The Stark Expo features multiple exhibition halls, where you can see the Iron Man III suit and see other impressive technological innovations from Stark. Then, board a 3D motion simulator ride that takes you on a tour of the city, but be prepared to unexpectedly encounter Hydra along the way. This ride system is another version of the Star Tours attraction.


Festival of the Lion King

This theatre-in-the-round show that retells Simba's story in The Lion King . Festival of the Lion King features live performers, song, special effects, acrobatics, and fire dancers.

Jungle River Cruise

On this ride across the Rivers of Adventure, you'll spot elephants, cobras, giant spiders, the Canyon of the Gods, and more as your skipper navigates the treacherous journey and tells jokes along the way.

Tarzan's Treehouse

Guests will take a log raft across the Rivers of Adventure to reach the island with Tarzan's Treehouse, then explore Tarzan's Jungle Treehouse. You will see various rooms, including a family hut, study, laboratory, and kitchen, then enjoy the sweeping view of the park from the top. Guests will need to be able to climb 157 steps to experience this attraction, though certain areas are accessible via wheelchair.

Liki Tikis 

Liki Tikis is a water play area where kids can cool off under leaking tiki totem poles with the sound of jungle drums playing in the background.

Toy Story Land

RC Racer is a steel shuttle rollercoaster that swings forwards and backwards on a U-shaped track. Guests hop aboard Andy's remote-controlled car, RC, on this thrill ride up and down the 27-meter-tall roadway.

Slinky Dog Spin

On this spinning ride, guests will hang on tight on Slinky's back as he chases his tail around his food bowl, picking up speed as he goes.

Toy Soldiers Parachute Drop, inspired by the soldiers from Toy Story , invites guests to join a parachute drill set up by Andy. The ride floats guests up and down a 25-meter-tall parachute tower and take in the view of Mystic Manor and Grizzly Gulch nearby.

Grizzly Gulch

Big Grizzly Mountain Runaway Mine Cars

This rollercoaster takes you on a journey in a mine car across a gold mining town fro the early days of California’s Gold Rush. You'll race through canyons, into mineshafts and a TNT storage cave, through the woods, and more in a thrilling ride that goes both forwards and backwards on the track. Though some parts of the ride are bumpy and take place in the dark, it is designed for guests of all ages.

Geyser Gulch 

As you explore Grizzly Gulch, the mining town, you'll discover that it was accidentally built on top of active geysers. Geyser Gulch is a water play area featuring a water tower, geyser, and water fight between two shops.

Wild West Photo Fun 

Guests can pose in an empty jail cell, behind “wanted” posters, or alongside the largest nugget of gold ever found at Gulch, “The Lucky Nugget.”

Mystic Point

Mystic Manor

In this ride, guests explore Lord Henry Mystic's museum of art and artifacts, including a magical music box that brings inanimate objects to life. After Albert, the mischievous monkey, opens the box, and the artifacts come alive. While the ride isn't intended to be scary, there may be some surprising moments or mildly frightening content that could upset younger kids.

Garden of Wonders 

The Garden of Wonders is a walk-through attractions that contains exhibits with optical illusions—three statues meld into one and other surprises await as you look from a certain angle a the art pieces.

Mystic Point Freight Depot

This is a spot where you can snap pictures with exotic artifacts like a stone head of Poseidon, an Egyptian bas-relief of Isis, and a Mayan carving of King Pacal.

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World of Frozen (Opening November 2023)

Frozen Ever After

This slow moving boat ride invites guests into the Kingdom of Arendelle to re-experience the events from Frozen . This new ride will be similar to the one of the same name in EPCOT but will feature upgraded animatronics in the final scene with full moving features for their faces rather than projections.

Wandering Oaken's Sliding Sleighs

Wandering Oaken's Sliding Sleighs will be a thrilling Frozen -themed rollercoaster, with Sven bribed by Olaf holding a carrot to pull the sleigh.

10. Shanghai Disneyland (Shanghai Disney Resort)

Shanghai Disneyland opened to visitors in 2016 and promised guests that this resort would be”authentically Disney and distinctly Chinese.” To fulfill this promise, Chinese architects, designers, and teams of researchers were part of the park's development process to find ways to incorporate Chinese cultural elements into Shanghai Disneyland.

Because of this effort to pay tribute to Chinese culture, there are some elements missing from this park you may be used to finding at traditional Disney theme parks like no steam railroad surrounding the park's permit or no buildings created to obscure the outside world from guest view. Instead of the traditional hub with different spokes leading to the lands, Shanghai Disneyland has a collection of Chinese zodiac gardens at the center called the Gardens of Imagination. Also, several well-known attractions were excluded to avoid criticism of cultural imperialism from Chinese guests like Space Mountain, Jungle Cruise, and It's a Small World. Restaurant seating was revised after research found that Chinese guests take longer over meals and the resort provides extensive picnic areas to better adapt to extended families.

Shanghai Disneyland also has a large emphasis on live entertainment as some of Disney's research found that many Chinese guests prefer that to thrill rides. The park has seven themed areas: Mickey Avenue, Gardens of Imagination, Fantasyland, Treasure Cove, Adventure Isle, Tomorrowland, and Toy Story Land. Zootopia Land is the newest big addition to the park which will open later this year. From a new Zootopia attraction to themed entertainment, merchandise, and food offerings, the new Zootopia land will be offering incredible experiences for guests.

There are several meet-and-greet locations throughout the park where you can meet characters like the Avengers, the Toy Story characters, Duffy and Friends, Disney Princesses, and more.

Shanghai Disneyland is a popular international Disney Park with some of its most devoted fans ranking this as one of the top Disney parks. Although it is a bit behind the other theme parks, this is still an impressive park and we especially love the attention to detail to their Storybook Castle which serves as the park's icon. Some criticisms of the park have been that it's too driven by Disney franchises and characters but as this is a move we've Disney leaning towards lately, this criticism may die out over time. Overall, Shanghai Disneyland is a solid contender for our best Disney Parks around the world for its attention to detail for Chinese culture and unique attractions. Once Zootopia Land opens, its rank may increase among the most popular Disney Parks!

Shanghai Disneyland Attractions

Some of Shanghai Disneyland's best attractions include Pirates of the Caribbean- Battle for Sunken Treasure Attraction, Tron Lightcycle Power Run (now also at Walt Disney World ), and Peter Pan's Flight.

Adventure Isle

Camp Discovery

Camp Discovery offers guests the opportunity to explore trails, rope courses, and more. There are three elevated rope courses, Vista Trail, and an Excavation Site for young explorers to play in.

Roaring Rapids

On this rafting adventure, guests will brave the “Roaring Mountain” and encounter the beast that lives inside of it. The ride will take you into dark caves past the monster, through a lava tube, past volcanic vents, and over rough water. Be prepared to get wet!

Soaring Over the Horizon

In the preshow, a shapeshifting Shaman welcomes guests into the celestial observatory and gives safety instructions. Then, the motion simulator ride takes guests on a flying tour of beautiful sites across the world.

Disney•Pixar Toy Story Land

Rex's Racer

This half-pipe rollercoaster inspired by Toy Story takes guests on a high-speed journey aboard Andy's RC Racer car. Rex has the controls, and he sends guests on a journey zooming back and forth across the U-shaped track.

In this spinning ride, guests board Slinky, who is chasing his tail around his bowl of toy bones and picks up speed as he mpves.

Woody's Roundup

This whip ride takes guests on a pony cart journey as they dance and “do-si-so” around the corral to country tunes.

shanghai disney theme park

Alice in Wonderland Maze

This Alice in Wonderland -inspired maze brings guests face-to-face with creatures and characters from the movie. You'll find an underground cave, the Cheshire Cat, and the dangers of the Red Queen's Garden during this journey, then finally arrive at the interactive set of the Mad Hatter's Tea Party.

Hunny Pot Spin

This ride is Shanghai Disneyland's version of the famous Mad Tea Party ride. In this experience, guests board a giant honey pot and embark on a spinning adventure where they can control how fast or slow they whirl around.

This gentle dark ride invites you into the Hundred Acre Wood, where you'll encounter the beloved characters from the Winnie the Pooh movie. You'll see a bouncing Tigger, blustery winds, Pooh's dream of honey, and more.

“Once Upon a Time” Adventure

“Once Upon a Time” Adventure is an interactive walkthrough attraction that is themed to Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, inviting guests to step into the world of the movie and engage with its characters.

Peter Pan's Flight

Peter Pan's Flight takes you on a journey with the Darlings from London to Never Land, stopping by iconic locations like Pixie Hollow, the Lost Boys' Hideout, Mermaid Lagoon, and Skull Rock as you witness key moments from the story of Peter Pan . This ride has the same premise as other versions but features a 4-person vehicle that can change speed and contains enhanced versions of existing scenes.

Seven Dwarfs Mine Train

The Seven Dwarfs Mine Train is a rollercoaster that takes you face-t0-face with the Seven Dwarfs at work, then on a high-speed journey through the mines and around the mountain.

Voyage to the Crystal Grotto

This gentle boat ride takes you on a tour of sculpture gardens (featuring favorite Disney movies like Aladdin , Mulan , and more) and into a secret magical grotto with music, water, and lighting effects.

Enchanted Storybook Castle

The Enchanted Storybook Castle features the stories of the Disney Princesses, with mosaics and marquees dedicated to their stories. The beautiful castle includes Chinese elements that “signify harmony, prosperity and purity of heart and mind.”

Gardens of Imagination

This ride is the classic aerial ride where guests fly in circles aboard a Dumbo gondola for a view of the park below, but Shanghai's version is unique, as it's the only version of the attraction to exist outside of Fantasyland.

Fantasia Carousel

This carousel, inspired by the movie Fantasia , features intricate decoration, Pegasus-like horses, and Dewdrop fairies, with classical music playing during the ride.

Garden of the Twelve Friends

Gardens of the Twelve Friends is a walk-through attraction featuring mosaics of the Chinese Zodiac with Disney characters.

disney parks around the world shanghai disney

Buzz Lightyear Planet Rescue

In this interactive shooting ride, help Buzz Lightyear stop the evil Zurg, who has developed a weapon of mass destruction. On the ride, guests aim for targets to neutralize Zurg and his army of bots.

In Shanghai's version of Astro Orbitor, guests seated in “jet-pack” chairs can use hand-held controls to adjust their height as they circle in the air around a giant orb.

Stitch Encounter

In this interactive experience, guests video chat with Stich from Lilo and Stitch , exchanging jokes and playing games in Gantu's “borrowed” ship.

TRON Lightcycle Power Run

This high-speed rollercoaster inspired by TRON: Legacy takes guests on a thrilling race against opponents to capture 8 energy gates in the turbo-charged track called the Grid.

In this experience, guests can explore three interactive zones: Imagine, Create, and Drive, where Chevrolet vehicles are combined with innovative TRON technology.

Disney Parks Ranked

Treasure Cove

Explorer Canoes

Guests can take a canoe ride around Treasure Cove and Adventure Isle to see shipwrecks, treasure caves, giant rock sculptures, and more landmarks. The tour through the river is led by pirate-turned-businessman “Bilge Rat” Bill.

Pirates of the Caribbean Battle for the Sunken Treasure

Shanghai's version of the Pirates of the Caribbean ride features a different storyline than previous attractions, as the ride revolves around the search of Davy Jones’ sunken treasure. Guests will witness mermaids and the fearsome Kraken, a graveyard of lost ships, and a sea battle between the Dutchman and the Black Pearl, and more.

Shipwreck Shore

This interactive play area is the wreck of a pirate galleon, with tide pools, a mist garden, observation deck, and more. The play area is filled with an abundance of activities and ways to interact with the space.

Siren's Revenge

Siren's Revenge is a pirate ship interactive attraction offering various activities and games on deck.

9. Hollywood Studios (Walt Disney World)

Hollywood Studios is one of the four theme parks at Walt Disney World and was initially developed as both a theme park inspired by Hollywood show business and an operating production studio. This is a similar concept to how we see Universal Studios Hollywood operate now although this is a different entity than Disney. Hollywood Studios had similar growing pains as we saw with California Adventure and has undergone a few transformations since its original opening in 1989. In the 2010s, Hollywood Studios began moving away from the working studio atmosphere and began integrating storytelling and immersive intellectual properties which greatly improved the theme park. Hollywood Studios is divided into seven themed areas inspired by existing locations found in Hollywood and Los Angeles or imagined worlds from Hollywood stories. These lands include Hollywood Boulevard, Echo Lake, Grand Avenue, Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge, Toy Story Land, Animation Courtyard, and Sunset Boulevard.

The original icon of Hollywood Studios is similar to the Walt Disney Studios Park in Paris with a faux water tower with Mickey Mouse Ears. The icon then was developed into a Sorcerer's Hat and was removed along with the Earffel Tower. Now the icon of the park is the Chinese Theatre which now houses the popular Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway attraction. Most of the popularity of Hollywood Studios comes from its inclusion as one of Walt Disney World's four theme parks and also houses most of the newest attractions at Walt Disney World. Since the incorporation of Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge and Toy Story Land, this park has seen crowd levels that often outrank the crowds at the other Walt Disney World theme parks.

When we compare Hollywood Studios to other Disney Parks around the world, this park does fall short in terms of its immersive elements. Aside from Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge, the immersion at Hollywood Studios is a bit more disjointed and there is not necessarily a strong cohesive theme in the park. This theme park is a must-do if you are already planning on a Walt Disney World but as a stand-alone park, it falls short of the other Disney Parks around the world.

Hollywood Studios Attractions

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Its main strongest contenders for popular original rides are the iconic Tower of Terror (which often is used as more of a visual of a park icon than the Chinese Theatre) and Slinky Dog Dash.

Disney Junior Play and Dance! 

Disney Junior Play and Dance! is a dance party featuring Timon, Mickey, and Disney Junior characters Doc McStuffins and Vampirina.

Green Army Drum Corps

The Green Army Drum Corps from Toy Story offers a high-energy performance with impressive drum sequences. 

Disney Movie Magic 

Disney Movie Magic is a nighttime show featuring music and projections of Disney movie moments onto Grauman’s Chinese Theatre. You'll see moments from movies like Indiana Jones , Pirates of the Caribbean , and more.

For the First Time in Forever: A Frozen Sing-Along Celebration

This show features the Royal Historians of Arendelle telling the story of their kingdom, then Anna, Elsa, and Kristoff appear to perform musical numbers like “Let It Go” that you can sing along to.

Beauty & The Beast Live on Stage 

Beauty & The Beast Live on Stage tells the story of The Beauty and the Beast live onstage. The musical performance is 30 minutes long and has multiple showtimes throughout the day.

Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular

This live stunt show features Indy and Marion dodging traps, fight enemies, and more. Then, guests are told these stunts are performed through a demonstration of stage combat and a glimpse into the movie magic behind the action sequences.

Fantasmic! is one of the incredible entertainment offerings at Walt Disney World. This nighttime spectacular is present at a number of Disney Parks around the world all in different forms. The Hollywood Studios version of the show was greatly improved in recent years with a big upgrade to the technology and segments of the show.

Sunset Boulevard

The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror 

The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror is a drop ride based on the story of hotel patrons who rode the elevator on a Halloween night and were never seen again after a storm struck the building. This ride may be scary for some guests due to its sudden drops in the dark and spooky atmosphere.

Lightning McQueen's Racing Academy 

In this attraction based on the Cars movie, Lightning McQueen shows off his new racing simulator with a giant wrap-around screen. During the 10-minute show, as Lightning's rival unexpectedly hacks into the simulator, they engage in a virtual race.

Rock ‘n' Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith 

In this rollercoaster, race your way through L.A. in a limo to one of Aerosmith's concerts with Aerosmith music playing throughout your journey. The ride features a launch from 0 to 57 miles per hour, then you zoom through inversions and past iconic landmarks.

Hollywood Boulevard

Mickey & Minnie's Runaway Railway 

In this trackless dark ride, what starts out as a normal train ride into a wild adventure across a vibrant cartoon landscape. The queue features props and memorabilia from Mickey Mouse's film career.

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Star Tours — The Adventures Continue

During this motion similar 3D ride, a mishap causes C-3PO to pilot the ship. As Imperial forces intercept your ship after catching a rebel spy onboard, you engage on an exhilarating journey to escape and return to the Alliance base.

Vacation Fun – An Original Animated Short with Mickey & Minnie 

This animated short film starring Mickey and Minnie's shows their favorite vacation memories. After the show, you can pose for a vacation photo!

Animation Courtyard

Walt Disney Presents 

Walt Disney Presents takes you on a multimedia exploration of Walt Disney's legacy and life story, with the gallery featuring sketches, photos, models, costumes, artwork and more. After you tour the gallery, you can watch a short documentary film, Walt Disney: One Man’s Dream .

Grand Avenue

Muppet*Vision 3D 

This 3D show starts with the Muppets taking you on a tour of their lab, then chaos unexpectedly ensues! This part of the show features lighting, live performers, smoke, and audio-animatronics that bring the action to life.

Galaxy's Edge

Millennium Falcon: Smuggler's Run

In this interactive ride, you board the Millennium Falcon on a quest to steal coaxium containers from the First Order. Each rider plays a role in the ride, with two pilots, two gunners, two engineers. The pilots are the most involved role in the ride, with one steering up and down and one steering left and right.

Rise of the Resistance 

The extremely popular Rise of the Resistance utilizes multiple ride types (dark ride, motion simulator, and walkthrough) to completely immerse you in the world of Star Wars from start to finish. As your transport is taken captive by the First Order, you must navigate an Imperial Star Destroyer to make your thrilling escape.

Alien Swirling Saucers

This swirling saucer ride, inspired by the aliens from the Toy Story movie, spins you around as the “Claw” looms over you.

Toy Story Mania!

In this 4D shooting game, aim at moving targets with projectiles like eggs, darts, rings, and baseballs in a series of 5 games aboard a carnival-inspired tram. You can compete with others in your tram for the highest score, and keep an eye out for “Easter eggs” worth higher points!

Slinky Dog Dash

This family-friendly rollercoaster is inspired by the Toy Story movies and takes you on a journey around giant toys in Andy's backyard. This is an extremely popular ride in Toy Story Land!

8. California Adventure (Disneyland Resort)

California Adventure is the counterpart to Disneyland Park and opened in 2001. This park originally began as Disney's interpretation of California but since then this 72-acre park has grown to include areas devoted to the Pixar Film Cars, Avengers, and Big Hero 6.

California Adventure has always been known for its growing pains as when the park first opened, it did not meet its projected attendance which was impacted by the negative review shared at opening preview events. After this Disney spent the next few years adding new rides, shows, and attractions along with creating park-specific events to boost attendance. In 2007, the park received a full overhaul ending with the addition of Cars Land and Buena Vista Street. Disney is still in the process of updating California Adventure with the most recent addition area to the park  San Fransokyo Square which opened earlier this year and Avengers Campus . California Adventure has eight lands: Avengers Campus, Cars Land, Pixar Pier, San Fransokyo Square, Buena Vista Street, Grizzly Peak, and Hollywood Land.

California Adventure has improved considerably since its initial opening and now draws larger crowds and attendance, especially with the addition of special events like the popular Halloween party Oogie Boogie Bash . As far as how California Adventure ranks amongst the other Disney Parks around the world, it does fall a bit short in terms of unique offerings and atmosphere. The best land in California Adventure is easily Cars Land which has not been replicated at any other Disney Park around the world and includes one of the best Disney rides Radiator Springs Racers. The immersion of this land is especially well done during the Halloween and Christmas seasons at Disneyland. For guests already visiting the Disneyland Resort, California Adventure is a nice addition to the trip. For many locals, Disney California Adventure has become their favorite park due to the wider walkways and more comfortable spaces.

California Adventure Attractions

Top attractions at California Adventure include Radiator Springs Racers, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Soarin Around California.

Radiator Springs Racers

Radiator Springs Racers, a part indoor dark ride and part thrill ride, fully immerses you in the world of the Cars movies. The ride starts out with a tour of Ornament Valley and the wild journey to get to Radiator Springs, then you prepare for an outdoor race against another car through a stunning desert landscape for the last portion of the ride.

Mater's Junkyard Jamboree

Mater's Junkyard Jamboree is a spinning attraction themed after Mater from the movie Cars. This spinning attraction makes it a bit further up on the list due to the hilarity of Mater's commentary and the music that plays during this ride. The spinning tractors go back and forth so you're being thrown around a bit making it extra fun.

Luigi's Rollickin' Roadsters

Luigi's Rollickin' Roadsters is a trackless ride featuring spinning cars that “dance” to Italian tunes like “Mambo Italiano” around Luigi's lot. The cars, Luigi's cousins, all have unique designs, and each ride experience is a bit different. The ride has two different versions for the holidays: Luigi's Honkin' Haul-O-Ween and Luigi's Joy to the Whirl.

Guardians of the Galaxy – Mission: BREAKOUT!

This iconic, high-energy drop ride is located in Avengers Campus based on The Guardians of the Galaxy movie. Guests will join Rocket as he tries to free the Guardians of the Galaxy from the Collector, who has captured them and put them on display. Each ride experience is different, with 6 different storylines and music inspired by the soundtracks of the movies, with songs like I Want You Back and Give Up The Funk .

Web Slingers: A Spider-Man Adventure

Web Slinger: A Spider-Man Adventure is an interactive ride located in Avengers Campus, where guests help Spider Man regain control of escaped Spider-Bots that are wreaking havoc across Avengers Campus. In the experience, you fling your hands in Spiderman-fashion to “web” the Spider-Bots, aiming for high-value targets and perhaps discovering special Easter Eggs along the way.

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Grizzly Peak

Soarin' Around the World/Soarin' Over California

Soarin', located at Grizzy Peak, alternates between two versions: Soarin' Around the World and Soarin' Over California, which both take guests on an aerial tour of stunning locations, complete with music, dimensional sounds, scents, and more. Soarin' Over California is the nostalgic original version of this attraction and takes guests over famous locations from California like the Golden Gate Bridge and Yosemite. Soarin' Around the World takes you to locations across the globe, like the Taj Mahal and the Great Pyramids of Egypt.

Redwood Creek Challenge Trail

The Redwood Creek Challenge Trail in California Adventure is more than just a play area but an entire trail filled with discoveries. Kids can climb, jump and zipline all around this year. The best part? There's only one entrance and exit so parents can relax on a shady bench while kids get out some energy.

Grizzly River Run

Grizzly River Run takes you on a thrilling whitewater raft adventure, and this water ride will get you soaked. The circular 8-person raft takes you through caverns and down steep drops as you pass by the remnants of an old mining company and by the iconic California Adventure bear profile at the top of the mountain. We recommend a poncho for this ride, and lockers are available to store any items that may be damaged by water.

Hollywood Land

Monsters, Inc. Mike & Sulley to the Rescue!

Monsters, Inc. Mike & Sulley to the Rescue! is a dark ride that takes you through the story of the Monsters Inc . movie, where you follow Mike and Sully through Monstropolis as they try to return Boo back to her home. The ride features an audio-animatronic Roz who interacts with guests at the end of the ride.

Mickey's PhilharMagic at the Sunset Showcase Theater

Located in Hollywood Land, this is a short 3D film that follows Donald Duck as he finds himself conducting an orchestra in his dreams. The short film features favorite songs like “Be Our Guest” from Beauty and the Beast, “Part of Your World” from The Little Mermaid, “I Just Can’t Wait To Be King” from The Lion King and “You Can Fly” from Peter Pan. The show also has gentle special effects designed for kids like water splashes.

Turtle Talk with Crush

Turtle Talk with Crush is a live show where guests can chat with Crush the sea turtle from Pixar's Finding Nemo. This show is energetic and funny so kids of all ages enjoy it.

Sorcerer's Workshop

The Sorcerer's Workshop in California Adventure offers multiple activities for guests to enjoy like the Beast's Library from Beauty & the Beast, a quiz to figure out which Disney character you are and more interactive features. It's a great place to spend some time in the air conditioning when the afternoon heats up.

Animation Academy is located in the same building as Sorcerer's Workshop. This is the place you can go to participate in a drawing class and learn to draw a Disney character! The Disney character featured changes on a daily basis so you can do this experience multiple times.

Paradise Gardens

Silly Symphony Swings

Silly Symphony Swings is a wave swinger attraction that swing you high in the air to the tune of Mickey's historic cartoon The Band Show with great views of California Adventure as you swing along.

Goofy's Sky School

Goofy’s Sky School is a steel wild mouse style rollercoaster in Paradise Gardens Park. The ride is based around Goofy’s posted instructions on “how to fly”: takeoff, fly, turn, nosedive, and land. It’s a short, thrilling ride with sharp turns and steep drops, reaching a maximum speed of 27 miles per hour.

Golden Zephyr

The Golden Zephyr is a spinning attraction that goes a bit higher and faster than the ones targeted at smaller children as it soars above California Adventure.

The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Undersea Adventure

The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Undersea Adventure takes you on a journey through the iconic scenes of The Little Mermaid movie as you follow Ariel's journey from underwater onto the land and dodge Ursula's evil plans. The ride features famous songs from the movie, including “Part of Your World,” “Under the Sea,” “Poor Unfortunate Souls” and “Kiss the Girl.”

disney international travel

Pixar Pal-A-Round

The Pixar Pal-A-Round is Disney California Adventure's ferris wheel that takes you 150 feet in the air for a beautiful bird's-eye view of the park. The gondolas are decorated with different Disney and Pixar characters, and you can choose from a fixed or swinging gondola (which will slide forward and backward along the rails during your journey).

Toy Story Midway Mania!

Toy Story Midway Mania! is a 4D interactive ride in Pixar Pier where guests will aim for moving objects with virtual darts, eggs, and other projectiles. Aim for high-value targets and spot friends like Hamm, Rex, Trixie, Buzz Lightyear, Woody, Jessie along the way!


The Incredicoaster is the most intense rollercoaster between Disney California Adventure and Disneyland located in Pixar Pier. Featuring a loop and speeds of up to 55 miles per hour, it follows the story of the Incredibles as they lose baby Jack-Jack and the shenanigans that follow as you race after him from Dash’s point of view.

7. Disneyland Park Paris (Disneyland Paris)

Disneyland Park (Paris) is located in Chessy, France which is 20 miles east of Paris. Disneyland Park is the main theme park out of the two at the Disneyland Paris Resort which opened in 1992. It is the largest Disney Park operating outside the United States. Disneyland Park is divided into five themed lands which house 49 attractions. Disneyland Park's five lands include Main Street U.S.A., Frontierland, Adventureland, Fantasyland, and Tomorrowland.

The location of Disneyland Park poses its own unique weather challenges so modifications were made to the park design to protect against changes in weather which can include snow depending on the time of year. This includes more covered walkways and over 35 fireplaces in hotels and restaurants.

One of the best aspects of Disneyland Park Paris is its version of Sleeping Beauty's Castle. Since castles are not necessarily always seen as a fantasy element in Europe (they have real castles!) imagineers went above and beyond with this version to impress guests. There is a Dragon Lair under the castle where guests can see the large dragon from the movie and it's an amazing use of space around the castle. Disneyland Paris ranks high on our list for the aesthetic and beauty this theme park offers. This is evident in every inch of the park from Sleeping Beauty's Castle to the Queen of Hearts area.

Disneyland Paris Attractions

Disneyland Paris made some efforts to not simply replicate the attractions from Disneyland and changed Tomorrowland to Discoveryland with the area focusing on a retro future theme. Other different elements include a change of the Haunted Mansion into the Phantom more plus a more intense version of Space Mountain.

Sleeping Beauty Castle

The Sleeping Beauty Castle is the beautiful icon of Disneyland Paris and the perfect spot for a photo. A dragon sleeps below in its dungeon!

it's a small world

This boat ride takes you around the world as characters sing the famous “it's a small world” song of peace and unity. The whimsical facade features architecture from styles across the globe, and a parade of figures appears every fifteen minutes at the top of the clock tower.

Guests will embark on an adventure through the world of Peter Pan in this dark ride that takes them to the Darling nursery, then the night skies of London and the beautiful Never Land. You'll see iconic locations from the movie like Skull Rock, Mermaid Lagoon, and Pirate's Cove.

Blanche-Neige et les Sept Nains (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)

This indoor dark ride takes guests through the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs . On the ride, you'll visit the seven dwarfs in their cottage, brave the haunted forest, and confront the evil queen.

Les Voyages de Pinocchio 

This dark ride takes you on an adventure through scenes of the Disney movie Pinocchio . Aboard a wooden car, guests follow Pinocchio as he escapes Stromboli's Marionette show and the adventure that ensues, ending with the song “When You Wish Upon a Star” as he becomes a real boy.

Mad Hatter's Tea Cups

In this classic ride, guests board a giant colorful teacup, then engage in a wild spin to whimsical music in this joyous “Unbirthday” party. You can control how fast you spin through the wheel in the center of the teacup.

Alice's Curious Labyrinth

This hedge maze attraction is inspired by moments and characters from the Alice in Wonderland movie split into two different sections. In the two mazes, guests explore the White Rabbit's Hole, encounter confusing signage, meet the Cheshire Cat, and dodge card soldiers pop up and yell, “Off with their heads!”

Le Carrousel de Lancelot

Sir Lancelot's carrousel features intricately decorated horses and plays renditions of songs from movies like Aladdin , Beauty and the Beast , Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs , and more.

This gentle rides takes guests on Dumbo's back as he takes to the sky. Timothy Q. Mouse helps orchestrate the action with his magic feather as Dumbo flies in circles over Fantasyland, and guests can decide how high or low their Dumbo gondola flies.

Casey Jr. Circus Train

The Casey Jr. Circus Train, pulled by the engine Casey Jr. from Dumbo , takes guests on a tour of iconic locations from Disney movies in miniature scale through Storybook Land.

Storybook Land Canal Boats

This gentle boat ride through Disney's Storybook Land takes guests on a tour of miniature villages and landmarks from Disney movies, like Rapunzel's tower from Tangled , the dwarfs' mine and house from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs , and more.

La Galerie de la Belle au Bois Dormant (The Castle of the Beauty in the Sleeping Forest) 

In this walkthrough attraction, guests explore a balcony with Sleeping Beauty stained glass windows and tapestries.

La Tanière du Dragon

This walk-through attraction features a dragon who is held prisoner in the dungeons beneath Sleeping Beauty Castle. The dragon sleeps, but it will occasionally wake up and puff smoke.


Star Wars Hyperspace Mountain

On this intense rollercoaster, guests start out on a reconnaissance mission, then quickly discover they've flown into a trap and race to escape Imperial TIE fighters. The ride is a bit different than its Disneyland and Disney World versions and is a treat for rollercoaster enthusiasts, as it features three thrilling inversions!

Star Wars: The Adventure Continues

As you embark on your Starspeeder 1000 journey, an unexpected string of events causes C-3PO to unexpectedly take the controls of the ship. On this motion simulator ride, you'll escape Imperial forces and encounter other dangers as you navigate the galaxy on this chaotic flight.

Buzz Lightyear Laser Blast

In this shooting game, help Buzz Lightyear defeat the evil Zurg as he tries to take over with his army of robots. Guests will aim for the batteries and have the opportunity to shoot at higher-value targets for a greater score!

Guests can drive in cars with a real steering wheel and pedal as they cruise over hills and around turns across the track along a guide rail. This is a fun opportunity for kids to try their hand at driving a car!

Mickey’s PhilharMagic

In this short film, Donald Duck conducts an orchestra that plays iconic Disney songs like “Be Our Guest” from Beauty and the Beast , “You Can Fly,” from Peter Pan , “Un Poco Loco” from Coco , and more in this animated musical dream sequence.

Les Mystères du Nautilus

This walkthrough attraction based on  20,000 Leagues Under the Sea features a tour of the Nautilus submarine. Guests will explore Captain Nemo's room, the engine room, the main salon, and more.

This ride guests aboard a rocket in circles around a galaxy of planets. As you control how high or low your rocket flies, you can take in the view over Discoveryland.

Disneyland Paris Tips - hyperspace mountain

Pirates of the Caribbean

The Disneyland Paris version of this classic attraction features the classic pirate scenes at the start of the attraction and the grotto scenes with the skeleton pirates at the end of the ride. Like the Disneyland Park version in California, the ride features two drops.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Peril

This ride is a rollercoaster-style attraction, based on the Indiana Jones movies, where guests take a thrilling ride on a mining cart through a lost temple.

La Cabane des Robinson (Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse)

In this walk-through attraction, guests explore the home of the shipwrecked Swiss Family Robinson, exploring rooms like kitchens, libraries, bedrooms, and more. As you reach the top, you can enjoy the view of the island.

This island features two sides, North and South, with different offerings to explore. On the North side, you'll discover caves, a shipwreck, and Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse. On the South is a rockier landscape where there is hidden treasure and Captain Hook's Pirate Ship moored near Skull Rock.

Pirates' Beach

Pirates' Beach features two pirate-themed playgrounds with rope ladders, slides, and a plank.

Le Passage Enchanté d'Aladdin

In this walkthrough attraction, you can explore various scenes from the movie Aladdin .


Big Thunder Mountain

This rollercoaster is the “wildest ride in the west” that takes you on an adventure through a cursed mining town. You'll dodge dynamite explosions and fly though caverns and across the mountain on this exciting ride.

Phantom Manor

Phantom Manor is the Disneyland Paris version of the Haunted Mansion that takes guests on a ride through a haunted house that used to be home to Henry Ravenswood, who contributed to the “disappearances” of all four of his daughter's suitors.

Rustler Roundup Shootin' Gallery

This Wild West-themed shooting gallery features a variety of moving targets.

Thunder Mesa Riverboat Landing

Two 19th century style paddleboats, the Mark Twain and Molly Brown, take guests on a trip across the Rivers of the Far West, with views of waterfalls, Big Thunder Mountain, Wilderness Island, and more.

Frontierland Playground

This Old West-inspired playground features slides, wooden springed horses, and more.

Disneyland Paris Tips - drone show

Main Street U.S.A.

Liberty Arcade

The Liberty Arcade is an exhibition invites guests to learn the story of the Statue of Liberty through artwork, photographs, and display cases.

Discovery Arcade

Discovery Arcade is an exhibition dedicated to “yesterday's visions of tomorrow,” where you can explore the greatest creations and ideas of the 19th century through posters, display cases and more.

Disneyland Railroad

The Disneyland Railroad departs from Main Street Station and Frontierland Depot, and on the ride, guests can take in the sights of the park.

Main Street features 19th-century style horse-drawn streetcars and vintage vehicles like a Mercer, Paddy Wagon, Omnibus, Fire Engine or Limousine to transport you on your one-way trip to transportation stops in Town Square and Central Plaza.

6. Animal Kingdom (Walt Disney World)

Animal Kingdom is one of the four theme parks at Walt Disney World and is the most unique theme park on our ranking list of best Disney parks around the world. Animal Kingdom is the largest theme park at Walt Disney World at 580 acres in size and opened on Earth Day in 1998. This theme park is dedicated to the natural environment and animal conservation and is home to hundreds of species of live animals. Aside from great efforts to protect the animals' welfare in Animal Kingdom, the theme park was also built to include traditional attractions. This is what gives Animal Kingdom its unique status as it houses live animals along with traditional theme park attractions.

Animal Kingdom ranks high on our list due to its unique status among the other theme parks and the fantastic immersive qualities in the lands. Animal Kingdom has seven themed areas: Oasis, Discovery Island, Pandora- The World of Avatar, Africa, Rafiki's Planet Watch, Asia, and DinoLand U.S.A. Animal Kigdom's Discovery River separates Discovery Island from the other areas. The park icon is the Tree of Life which is a 145-foot-fall artificial baobab tree. Animal Kingdom is a zoological park engaging in research and conservation efforts of animal species.

Animal Kingdom is one of the best Walt Disney World theme parks and offers great immersive themed areas but also some of the best attractions on our theme park list like Avatar Flight of Passage and Kilimanjaro Safaris. There are many attractions that are unique solely to Animal Kingdom which helps this park earn its high ranking on our list of best Disney parks around the world.

Animal Kingdom Attractions

Animal Kingdom's list of attractions is unique from some of the other best Disney parks around the world since it also includes a variety of animal encounters around the theme park. Animal Kingdom is a large theme park, the biggest on our list, and offers more to do than many of the other theme parks.

Animal Encounters 

Animal Kingdom offers several opportunities to view and learn about a variety of incredible animals in Africa, Asia, Discovery Island, and The Oasis. From tigers to Komodo Dragons, there are animals you can watch in their exhibits as you explore trails like the Discovery Island Trails, Gorilla Falls Exploration Trail, Maharajah Jungle Trek, and more.


Donald's Dino-Bash!

Harambe Village Acrobats

Viva Gaia Street Band!

Tam Tam Drummers of Harambe 

This 15 minute interactive show features high-energy drumming from talented performers in authentic dress, and the audience is encouraged to participate.

Festival of the Lion King is a 40-minute live performance that tells the story of The Lion King through song, dance, and puppetry. It includes favorite songs like “Can You Feel the Love Tonight?”, “I Just Can’t Wait To Be King” and “The Lion Sleeps Tonight.”

Finding Nemo: The Big Blue… and Beyond! 

Finding Nemo: The Big Blue… and Beyond! is a 25-minute live show based on the Finding Nemo movie. The performance features special effects, animated backdrops, puppets, and immersive lighting to create a compelling underwater setting.

Rafiki's Planet Watch

Conservation Station 

At the Conservation Station, guests can explore the Veterinary treatment room, Nutrition Center, and Science Center. You can also  see amphibian, reptile and invertebrate windows that will give you a glimpse of snakes, spiders, and more.

The Animation Experience at Conservation Station 

During this 25-minute experience, you can learn how to bring Disney characters to life from a Disney animator, with real life animals as inspiration. Note that to reach Rafiki's Planet Watch, you must take the Wildlife Express Train.

Affection Section 

You can access a petting zoo at the park with domesticated animals at Rafiki's Planet Watch in this interactive experience.

Discovery Island

Wilderness Explorers 

After picking up a Wilderness Explorer handbook, you can work to become a Wilderness Explorer as you engage in nature-themed challenges around the park. You can earn over 25 badges during these self-guided activities that range from observing animals to learning wilderness skills.

It's Tough To Be A Bug!

In this 3D movie and live show, watch how a bug survives in the wild! The show contains special effects like smells, sprays, hidden leg ticklers, and more. Note that this show might be overwhelming to the senses for some kids and adults, so make sure you are okay with the content and the special effects before you go.

Tree of Life

The 140-foot tall Tree of Life, known as the famous symbol of Animal Kingdom, has more than 300 animals carved into it. It symbolizes the connection between and value of every animal on Earth, celebrating their role in the Circle of Life.  At the base of he Tree of Life is a variety of live animals, including lemurs, flamingos, kangaroos and tortoises.

disney international travel

Pandora – The World of Avatar

Avatar Flight of Passage

Avatar Flight of Passage takes you on an exhilarating 3D journey on the back of a banshee through the world of Pandora. During the ride, you soar over the lush landscape of the forest, dive down above the crashing waves, and feel the banshee breathing beneath you. This has been a fan-favorite ride since its opening and is a completely immersive, breathtaking experience that is not to be missed.

Na'vi River Journey

Na'vi River Journey is a boat ride through Pandora's visually stunning bioluminescent rainforest. On the journey, you'll pass by a variety of plants and creatures, with some glimpses of Na'vi and their direhorses. The ride ends with the famous animatronic of the Na'vi Shaman, and her fluid movement and incredible realism is truly a stunning sight to behold.

Kilimanjaro Safaris

On this tour of the Harambe Wildlife Reserve in your safari vehicle, you'll encounter over 30 species of beautiful live animals, including lions, crocodiles, hippos, giraffes, and more. This is a ride best experienced in the morning so that the animals are more active during your tour!

Wild Africa Trek

The Wild Africa Trek is a private 3-hour VIP tour that takes you on a journey with encounters of every animal in the Safi River Valley. You'll be treated to snacks, complimentary photos, and knowledge from your guide about the animals and animal conversation during the tour.

Wildlife Express Train 

This train will give you a behind-the-scenes view of animals at the park and take you to Rafiki’s Planet Watch during a 7-minute ride.

Expedition Everest – Legend of the Forbidden Mountain 

Expedition Everest is a thrilling rollercoaster that whisks you through the Himalayas to the base of Mount Everest. Along the way, you'll encounter a broken track torn apart, then zoom backwards into an encounter with the mythical Yeti. The rollercoaster reaches speeds of up to 50 miles per hour during its thrilling journey, and some of its content might be scary for younger kids.

Kali River Rapids

Kali River Rapids takes guests on a whitewater rapid journey through the jungles of Asia on a circular raft. They will pass by waterfalls, statues, and ruins, then plummet down a 20 foot slope. Between the ride itself, and the potential for spectators to shoot water at guests riding the attraction through elephant water-sprayers, you will get very wet on this ride. Be sure to store anything that can be damaged by water in a locker, and wear a poncho onto the ride!

Maharajah Jungle Trek

The Maharajah Jungle Trek is a self-guided tour through the jungle that gives you a glimpse of Asian tigers, an aviary with over 50 bird species, and other beautiful animals like Komodo Dragons and Water Buffalo.

Dinoland U.S.A.

DINOSAUR is a thrilling dark ride where guests are recruited to secretly help a paleontologist rescue a dinosaur and bring it back to the present. Along the way, you dodge several carnivorous dinosaurs and rush to escape the giant meteor that is crashing down on Earth. This ride may be frightening for small children due to the dinosaur animatronics and scary content that takes place in the dark.

TriceraTop Spin

This carnival-inspired attraction takes guests for a gentle spin through the air inside a 4-person triceratops gondola. Both the front and back rows can control the motion of the ride via a lever: the back row dictate how high or low you fly, and the front row tilts the gondola forward and backward.

The Boneyard

This play area is designed as a dinosaur dig site where kids can explore slides, bridges, and caves, and help to excavate fossils.

This attraction is a replica of Sue, the largest T-Rex fossil ever found, who you can snap a picture with!

Fossil Fun Games 

You can engage in carnival-style dinosaur games, whacking and squirting targets, shooting hoops, tossing “comets,” and more in this play area, competing to win prizes.

5. EPCOT (Walt Disney World)

EPCOT is one of the four theme parks at Walt Disney World. EPCOT was originally created by Walt Disney in the early days of the development of Walt Disney World. His idea was an experimental planned community that would serve as a center for American enterprise and urban living. EPCOT is actually an acronym for Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow. After Walt Disney's death, the project was abandoned as Disney was uncertain about operating an entire community, and instead, the concept was changed into a theme park that showcased modern innovation and world nations. EPCOT opened in 1982 featuring the Future World area of the park to showcase modern innovation and the World Showcase including 12 world nations.

EPCOT has been a hub of construction for a few years now as the park revised the existing two sections of the park into four: World Celebration, World Discovery, World Nature, and World Showcase. EPCOT's park icon is Spaceship Earth, one of the park's iconic attractions which is inside a geodesic sphere. With construction about to wrap up at the end of 2023 with the finishing project of World Celebration complete, EPCOT will finally move away from the construction phase.

EPCOT ranks high on our list of best Disney parks around the world for a few reasons. EPCOT is still home to classic attractions (Spaceship Earth) that the park is known for while also moving to incorporate new hit e-ticket rides like Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind which is one of the best roller coasters Disney has created in years. EPCOT, like Walt Disney World's Animal Kingdom, is also unique to the other Disney theme park around the world with its World Showcase. The World Showcase includes specific areas dedicated to representing the culture, cuisine, architecture, and traditions of 11 nations. The nations found in World Showcase include Canada, United Kingdom, France, Morocco, Japan, United States, Italy, Germany, China, Norway, and Mexico.

Another reason EPCOT ranks high on our list is the superb dining options this theme park offers which outpace nearly the rest of the others on our best Disney parks around the world list. EPCOT hosts four marketplace-style festivals throughout the year which include food booths, entertainment, and special events. Due to the wide range of offerings at EPCOT, we rank EPCOT high on our list.

EPCOT Attractions

EPCOT has a wide variety of attractions, experiences, and entertainment along with a line up of popular attractions.

EPCOT Galleries 

Throughout EPCOT, there are several galleries dedicated to the art and history of various cultures, including the following:

  • The Bijutsu-kan Gallery
  • The Stave Church Gallery
  • Project Tomorrow: Inventing the Wonders of the Future
  • American Heritage Gallery
  • Gallery of Arts and History
  • House of the Whispering Willows
  • Mexico Folk Art Gallery

Kidcot Fun Stops

You can collect cards throughout World Showcase that feature activities and facts about the culture and traditions of each country you stop at.

Disney’s DuckTales World Showcase Adventure

Through the Play Disney Parks mobile app, you can help Mr. McDuck find seven lost treasures hidden in each World Showcase country pavilion.

EPCOT Festivals 

Throughout the year, EPCOT hosts festivals that celebrate various cultures, including the International Festival of the Arts, the International Flower & Garden Festival, the International Food & Wine Festival, and the International Festival of the Holidays.

Character Encounters 

Characters appear to meet guests, with many appearing at the pavilions where their story takes place. You can see Mulan in China, Belle in France, Snow White in Germany, and many more characters at locations throughout the park.

EPCOT Entertainment

Command Performance

Entertainment at Canada Mill Stage

EPCOT Forever

Music of Mexico

Rose & Crown Pub Musician

Voices of Liberty

World Discovery

Guests get the opportunity to design a virtual concept car, then they board a “SIM” car that takes them through various tests—weather, rough terrain, sharp turns, and finally a thrilling outdoor pacing test that reaches a speed of 65 miles per hour.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind

Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind is the first Disney rollercoaster with a reverse launch and is one of the longest enclosed rollercoasters in the world. Guests will join the Guardians of the Galaxy as they embark on an urgent mission, and the ride features a fun soundtrack of one of six randomly chosen songs.

Mission: Space

Mission: Space is a ride that simulates blasting off to space and orbiting the Earth, with guests playing the interactive roles of navigator, pilot, commander or engineer. The ride comes in two versions: Green (the gentler, family-friendly version) and Orange (the more intense version that simulates the speed and G-forces of a spacecraft launch and reentry). If you get motion sickness easily, make sure to go with the Green Mission.

Advanced Training Lab 

This play area features space-themed games and activities, featuring digital games and an interactive playground.

The American Adventure 

The American Adventure is a show about our nation's history, with Benjamin Franklin and Mark Twain as your guides. It features glimpses of pivotal events in U.S. history like the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the Civil War, with 35 Audio-Animatronics and projections.

disney international travel

World Nature

Turtle Talk With Crush 

This 15-minute show gives you the opportunity to chat with Crush from the Finding Nemo movie in real time! The show is improvised, so each experience will be completely unique and filled with lots of laughs.

The Seas with Nemo & Friends 

On this gentle ride aboard a “clamobile,” guests enter the underwater world of Finding Nemo and dodge dangers like sharks, jellyfish, anglerfish, and more as they help find Nemo. After the ride, you can explore a giant saltwater aquarium.

Soarin' Around the World 

On this fan-favorite ride, you take to the skies to tour iconic locations from around the world, from the Swiss Alps to the Eiffel Tower. The ride contains light special effects like smells and gentle wind, and it also features an incredible musical score that perfectly supplements the action of each scene.

Awesome Planet 

The Awesome Planet film features scenes from around the globe, featuring special effects like wind, scents, and water. The film urges its audience to take action to protect and care for our planet.

Bruce's Shark World

At The Seas with Nemo & Friends Pavilion, you can explore this walk-through exhibit where you can test your knowledge of sharks.

Journey of Water, Inspired by Moana

This walk-through attraction is an interactive trail inspired by Moana's connection with water, featuring a beautiful 16 foot tall figure of Te Fiti. On the trail, guests will play with the water and learn about its importance. You can read all about this unique Disney Parks experience in our guide to Journey of Water Inspired By Moana .

At the SeaBase aquarium, you can observe fish, turtles, rays, sharks, and manatees. You can also book tours, including an adventure for certified scuba divers and a dolphin encounter, in tour experiences at SeaBase.

Living With the Land 

Living With the Land is a boat tour and dark ride that focuses on the history of agriculture and new agricultural techniques and technologies, featuring animatronics and glimpses of modified crops.

disney international travel

World Showcase

Remy's Ratatouille Adventure 

Remy's Ratatouille Adventure, the 4D trackless ride based on the movie Ratatouille , takes you on a journey from a mouse's point of view. On the ride, you navigate Gusteau’s Paris restaurant, trying to escape the angry Chef Skinner as he chases after you.

Frozen Ever After 

On this gentle boat ride, explore the kingdom of Arendelle and iconic scenes from the movie Frozen.  You'll encounter Kristoff's troll family, see Elsa's ice castle, and more. While you won't get soaked on this ride, it features backward and forward plunges down short waterfalls.

Gran Fiesta Tour Starring The Three Caballeros 

This ride, inspired by the movie The Three Caballeros , invites you to join Panchito the rooster and José Carioca on an adventure down the Rio Grande the parrot as you search for the missing Donald Duck.

Beauty and the Beast Sing-Along

This short 15-minute film features songs from the Beauty and the Beast movie like “Be Our Guest” that you can sing along to.

Canada Far and Wide in Circle-Vision 360 

Canada Far and Wide in Circle-Vision 360 is a 12-minute film that showcases the landmarks and culture of Canada.

Impressions de France 

This film about the beauty of France is 18 minutes long, showing iconic locations like the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles, a marketplace in Normandy, and more.

Reflections of China 

This 12-minute Circle-Vision 360° film takes you on a tour of iconic locations from China, like the Huangshan mountain range and the city of Suzhou.

World Celebration

Spaceship Earth 

This ride takes place in the geodesic sphere that is the icon of EPCOT, taking you on a journey to see how human communication has evolved over the course of history. This 16-minute attraction gives you glimpses of moments like the invention of the printing press and the announcement of the moon landing, with Audio-Animatronics and detailed sets helping to tell the story.

Journey Into Imagination With Figment 

This ride through the sensory labs of Imagination Institute is taken over by Figment the playful dragon he guides you through a journey across all 5 senses.

Disney and Pixar Short Film Festival 

This 18-minute film festival features three short Disney and Pixar films in 4D, with in-theater special effects.

ImageWorks – The “What If” Labs

This play area invites younger guests to engage with the senses! This creative space features stepping stones with sound, the chance to design your own dragon and record yourself in slow-motion, and more.

4. Tokyo Disneyland (Tokyo Disney Resort)

tokyo disneyland castle

Tokyo Disneyland was the first Disney Park to be built outside the United States and opened in 1983. This park is owned by The Oriental Land Company and licenses intellectual property from The Walt Disney Company through a complex partnership. Tokyo Disneyland is part of the Tokyo Disney Resort which also includes Tokyo DisneySea. These two theme parks are the only two in the world not owned or operated by The Walt Disney Company. This has been said to be an advantage to both the Tokyo Disney theme parks as The Oriental Land Company puts considerable funding into these parks which results in frequent new projects and outstanding attention to detail.

The park has seven themed areas: the World Bazaar, Adventureland, Westernland, Fantasyland, Tomorrowland, Critter Country, and Toontown. Tokyo Disneyland is a castle park fashioned out of all the best elements of Disneyland in Anaheim and Magic Kingdom in Florida. Teams for the Oriental Land Company literally flew to Orlando and Anaheim to pick out the best of the Disney Parks built at that time. For this reason, you'll see the grand castle fashioned on the Cinderella Castle in Walt Disney World and also a wishing well modeled after the Snow White Grotto in Disneyland.

tokyo disneyland ranking

Tokyo Disneyland is a large theme park at 110 acres in size and offers the same Happiest Place on Earth atmosphere that the US parks capture so well. This park and its counterpart, Tokyo DisneySea, are some of the most popular theme parks in the world!

(Gavin commentary here?)

Tokyo Disneyland Attractions

Tokyo Disneyland offers 24 attractions that are similar to the other “castle parks” but with an improved Winnie the Pooh and Monsters, Inc ride. And of course, the ever-popular Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast which has been a hit with park guests and may be one of the best Disney dark rides!

World Bazaar

This old-fashioned double-decker bus takes guests around the Plaza.

Penny Arcade

Guests can enjoy several old-fashioned arcade games, from pinball machines to baseball games!

tokyo disneyland castle

Western River Railroad

This authentic steam train takes you on a 15 minute journey through Adventureland, Critter Country, and Westernland.

Tokyo Disneyland's version of the Pirates of the Caribbean features classic moments from the ride like the Grotto, auction, prison, and burning town scenes with appearances from Captain Jack Sparrow along he way.

Jungle Cruise: Wildlife Expeditions

Guided by their skipper, guests will brave the jungle and its inhabitants, encountering elephants, crocodiles, lions and other wildlife on the adventure, with lighting effects at night.

Swiss Family Treehouse

In this walk-through attraction, guests can explore the Swiss Family Treehouse, built by the shipwrecked family and its various rooms.

The Enchanted Tiki Room: Stitch Presents “Aloha E Komo Mai!”

Tokyo Disneyland's version of the Tiki Room features animatronic singing Hawaiian birds, then Stitch appears and interrupts the show to cause some mischief!


Westernland Shootin' Gallery

In this Wild West-themed shooting gallery, guests aim at targets in front of a snoozing Deputy. You can earn badges depending on your score.

Country Bear Theater

This beloved show features the country bears playing and singing for guests. 18 Audio-Animatronic bears make up this western musical celebration that features songs and comedy!

Mark Twain Riverboat

The Mark Twain Riverboat, accommodating about 475 people, gives guests a ride around the Rivers of America, with beautiful views of Westernland and Critter Country.

Tom Sawyer Island Rafts

Guests can take this log raft to travel to Tom Sawyer Island, where they can explore Injun Joe's Cave, Huckleberry Swamp, and Tom Sawyer's Treehouse.

Tokyo Disneyland's take on Big Thunder Mountain is similar to Magic Kingdom's version in Disney World. The rollercoaster takes you on a journey through an old gold mine as your train flies through canyons and caverns.

Critter Country

Splash Mountain

Tokyo Disneyland has the only remaining version of Splash Mountain after the closures of the ride at Disney World and Disneyland. The other versions of the ride are now becoming Tiana's Bayou Adventure . The ride log flume ride features animatronics, dark ride segments, and a drop down a 16-meter high waterfall.

Beaver Brothers Explorer Canoes

This canoe experience is a guest-powered ride around the Rivers of America. The canoe seats about 16 people, and guests paddle the canoe with guides helping to steer it.

tokyo disneyland small world ranking

Alice's Tea Party

This iconic spinning attraction invites guests to board a giant colorful teacup, with a wheel in the center that they can use to control the speed and direction of their spin.

This beloved boat ride features a chorus of characters around the world in traditional attire singing a song of world peace in their native languages. You'll explore Europe, through Asia, Africa, Central America, and the islands of the South Pacific during your voyage. The ride's facade is the same as Disneyland's version in California, except it's painted with vibrant colors.

Castle Carrousel

This carrousel, inspired by the movie Cinderella , features ornate white horses and plays calliope music during its gentle spin.

Snow White's Adventures

Snow White's Adventures is an indoor dark ride takes guests through scenes of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,  were they encounter characters like the evil Witch, the Seven Dwarfs, and more. While other versions of the ride have toned down their scary components, Tokyo's version retains its darker tone and ends abruptly with the Witch attempting to push a boulder down onto the ride vehicle.

Cinderella's Fairy Tale Hall

Cinderella's Fairy Tale Hall features paintings, dioramas, and artwork that tell the story of how she became a princess.

Dumbo The Flying Elephant

On this classic attraction, guests fly on the back of Dumbo, circling over Fantasyland with Timothy Q. Mouse helping to directing the action at the center.

Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast

Aboard magical cups, guests explore scenes from the Beauty and the Beast movie in this trackless dark ride. This is one of the most technologically advanced rides at the park and features 35 Audio-Animatronics and a Pepper's Ghost illusion as the Beast transforms back into his human form.

This iconic ride, largely the same as Magic Kingdom's version, follows Darling family on their journey to Never Land. You'll see iconic moments from Peter Pan as you soar over the London night sky and circle the glowing Never Land, and witness scenes and locations from the movie.

Pinocchio's Daring Journey

Pinocchio's Daring journey is a dark ride that takes guests through scenes of the Disney movie Pinocchio aboard a mine car. You'll follow Pinocchio's adventures in how he turns from a wooden puppet into a real boy.

Pooh's Hunny Hunt

Tokyo Disneyland's version of The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh features a trackless ride system and advanced animatronics. On the extremely popular ride, guests follow along with Pooh's search for honey aboard a giant honey pot. Pooh's Hunny Hunt has been praised as the best Winnie the Pooh -themed attraction at any Disney park.

Haunted Mansion

Tokyo Disneyland's version of this classic attraction takes you on a ride through a haunted mansion that is home to 999 ghosts, goblins, and ghouls. Aboard a Doom Buggy, you explore the spooky scenes throughout the mansion, which is largely similar to Disney World's version of the ride.

This short film follows Donald Duck conducting a dream concert of animated musical sequences. Favorite animated characters and songs are featured during this musical adventure!

Gadget's Go Coaster

Gadget's Go Coaster is a junior rollercoaster inspired by Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers, where guests board an acorn train and take a gentle ride that zooms over Toon Lake.

Goofy's Paint ‘n' Play House

In this interactive house, guests can help Goofy repaint his room with the Splat Master that shoots paint onto walls and furniture.

Chip ‘n' Dale's Treehouse

In this walk-through attraction, guests can explore Chip ‘n' Dale's acorn treehouse that they call home.

This play area features animal sculptures and a space where kids can run around and explore!

Donald's Boat

Inside Donald's Duck's boat floating on Toon Lake, kids can explore and play with interactive elements like control panels and lamps.

Minnie's House

This play area invites younger guests to engage with Minnie Mouse's house, with interactive surprises in the kitchen and fun details to discover.

Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin

This wild spinning taxi ride follows Roger Rabbit and Jessica Rabbit as they try to put an end to the evil plans of the Weasels, who have put melting “dip” in the path of your vehicle.

Star Tours: The Adventures Continue

This motion similar 3D ride takes you through iconic locations of the Star Wars universe as C-3PO takes emergency control of your ship. On this wild ride, you escape Imperial forces and brave other adventures throughout the galaxy.

At Stitch Monitoring Station, guests can communicate with Stitch in real time! As part of this interactive experience, guests video chat with the mischievous alien during an encounter full of laughter and surprises.

Space Mountain

This rollercoaster takes you on a thrilling rocket journey through space! The ride will be closing in 2024 as part of a redevelopment of the Tomorrowland area of the park, and its new version with enhanced performance and immersive special effects is expected to reopen in 2027.

Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters

Guests help Buzz Lightyear defeat the evil Zurg and his army of robots in this dark ride shooting game. Guests use their astro blasters to aim for the robots in this battle to save the universe.

The Happy Ride With Baymax

The Happy Ride With Baymax is a whip ride inspired by the Big Hero 6 movie. This cute ride features uptempo music and several Baymax figures swinging your vehicles across the space.

Monsters, Inc. Ride & Go Seek!

Tokyo Disneyland's Monsters, Inc . attraction is part dark ride and part interactive game where you engage in a game of hide-and-seek with the monsters. Guests shine their flashlight to tag the monsters and see their reactions!

3. Magic Kingdom (Walt Disney World)

Magic Kingdom is the flagship park of Walt Disney World and is the most visited theme park in the entire world. This was the first theme park to open Walt Disney World in 1971 and would later be followed by the remaining three: EPCOT, Hollywood Studios, and Animal Kingdom. The layout and attractions of Magic Kingdom are inspired by Disneyland Park in California. One main difference that sets the park apart from Disneyland is the park icon, Cinderella Castle, which is far larger than the original castle and stands at 183 feet tall. This castle is easily the most famous of all the Disney theme park icons.

Magic Kingdom is divided into six themed lands: Main Street, U.S.A., Frontierland, Liberty Square, Adventureland, Fantasyland, and Tomorrowland. These are nearly identical to the lands offered by Disneyland (more on this top-ranked park below!) but with some small changes. Guests often compare Magic Kingdom and Disneyland Park due to these similarities and rank the copies of different attractions against each other. For instance, Pirates of the Caribbean at Disneyland is far superior to Magic Kingdom due to its longer length and additional scenes. But the Haunted Mansion at Walt Disney World is often said to be the better version as it has a scene that the Disneyland version does not.

Magic Kingdom ranks high on our list of best Disney parks around the world due to its iconic history with Roy Disney, Walt Disney's brother, who took over the project of Walt Disney World after his death. Walt Disney World is steeped in nostalgic, Disney history just like Disneyland is. The iconic figure of Cinderella Castle is also one of the most impressive theme park icons and helps emulate the immersive nature of the fantasy-oriented magic the park seeks to create. Magic Kingdom also has the advantage of being built after Disneyland so that Imagineers could improve on the design by creating wider walkways and more space to expand.

Magic Kingdom Attractions

disney international travel

Magic Kingdom's classic attractions are part of what makes it one of the best Disney parks around the world but it is also home to historic attractions that now only exist at this park like the Country Bear Jamboree and Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress. The history Magic Kingdom offers is held up by the inclusion of these rides (something that was lost at Disneyland when theirs were removed) plus new popular rides help extend that Disney magic to new guests.

Magic Kingdom Character Experiences 

There are several character experiences throughout all areas the park where you can meet friends like Belle, Ariel, Winnie the Pooh and Tigger, and countless others. You can see which characters have meet-and-greet spots on the Disney World website.

The Hall of Presidents

The Hall of Presidents show features an original film that tells the story of the nation's founding and the challenges of our nation's history, then features Abraham Lincoln delivering his Gettysburg Address onstage. The show includes animatronic replicas of every President of the United States. The show lasts 25 minutes and runs multiple times per day.

Horses – Disney Animals

Visit and learn about the gorgeous Percherons, Clydesdales and Belgians that pull the trolleys down Main Street U.S.A.!

Main Street Vehicles 

You can take a horse-drawn trolleys, omnibus, jitney, or fire engine down Main Street U.S.A., with stops in Town Square or the plaza in front of Cinderella Castle.

Walt Disney World Railroad 

The Walt Disney World Railroad has three stations: at Main Street U.S.A., Frontierland, and Fantasyland. You can take a 20-minute ride on this vintage steam train all the way around Magic Kingdom or use it to get from one point to another at the park.

Liberty Square

The Haunted Mansion 

This classic attraction takes you on a ride through a Doom Buggy through a haunted mansion filled with ghosts, a séance room, a graveyard, and more. The incredibly immersive Haunted Mansion is a fan-favorite and a must-ride during your time at Magic Kingdom!

Liberty Square Riverboat 

The Liberty Square Riverboat, named the Liberty Belle , takes you on a ride aboard an authentic steam-powered vessel as you circle Tom Sawyer Island.

Astro Orbiter 

The Astro Orbiter is a spinning ride that takes you into the sky on a 2-person spaceship. On the ride, you'll orbit around various planets and get a bird's-eye view of Tomorrowland.

Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin 

As the evil Zurg is stealing batteries to power a new weapon, guests must help Buzz Lightyear by blasting the targets and stopping the robot army. As you engage in this interactive dark ride, you can turn your vehicle 360 degrees to aim and blast.

Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor

Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor is a comedy club hosted by Mike Wazowski from the Monsters, Inc . movie. This show engages with the audience, and guests have the opportunity to submit their favorite jokes to be featured.

Space Mountain 

This rollercoaster takes you on a thrilling journey through space past comets and meteors. The ride has two tracks: Alpha (left) and Omega (right), and the experience takes place in the dark as you zoom by stars and through a swirling wormhole.

Tomorrowland Speedway

On this ride, guests can steer cars with a working steering wheel and gas pedal on a controlled track. They can navigate up hills and around turns while glimpsing other attractions from the road.

Tomorrowland Transit Authority PeopleMover

This gentle tram ride takes you on a journey around Tomorrowland. Guests will take in the views of the park and also access an incredible behind-the-scenes look at attractions and shops like Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin, Space Mountain, and Star Traders.

TRON Lightcycle / Run 

In this popular rollercoaster, based on the TRON: Legacy movie, you are Team Blue as you race through 8 energy gates. TRON Lightcycle/ Run features a thrilling 0-60 MPH launch at the beginning of the ride!

Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress 

Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress is a revolving theater show that invites guests to look into scenes that portray four generations of technological progress, with the classic song “There’s a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow.” The show features animatronics and an elaborate set for each tableau, and the audience revolves around a central stage where each act takes place.

Fuelrods at Disney World- Cinderella Castle

Cinderella Castle 

The iconic castle, the symbol of Magic Kingdom, is inspire by the one we see in Disney's Cinderella movie. Inside, be sure to marvel at the glass mosaics that tell Cinderella's story, and outside, pose for the perfect photo op.

The Barnstormer 

This rollercoaster, designed for younger guests, takes you aboard a gentle journey on a stunt plane around the Barnyard, flying high over Fantasyland! The aerial adventure is coordinated by Goofy as “The Great Goofini” in his homemade stunt airplane.

Casey Jr. Splash ‘N' Soak Station 

This water play area is inspired by the circus train from the animated Disney movie Dumbo, and circus monkeys, elephants, and camels spray water at guests.

Dumbo the Flying Elephant 

This attraction takes guests on a ride with Dumbo through the sky, with Timothy Q. Mouse directing the action with his magic feather. On the ride, you can control how high or low you fly in circles around Storybook Circus.

This beloved boat ride takes you on a journey across all seven continents as characters sing the iconic “it's a small world” song in several different languages and wear authentic dress for each region's traditional attire. The ride is a vibrant, beautiful ode to global unity and harmony, suitable for guests of all ages.

Mad Tea Party 

Go for a spin in a giant teacup in this famous attraction inspired by Alice in Wonderland!  The attraction features a whimsical atmosphere and music, and you can control how fast you spin in your teacup through a wheel at the center.

The Magic Carpets of Aladdin 

This ride takes you on a four-person flying magic carpet ride! Circle around the giant genie bottle and magic lamp, with the back row controlling how you tilt forward and backward and the front row controlling how high you fly.

The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh 

The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh takes you through the scenes of the Winnie the Pooh movie in a giant honeypot. You'll see favorite characters like Tigger, Kanga, Roo, Gopher, Piglet, Eeyore, and Owl during this engaging journey through the Hundred-Acre Wood.

This short 3D film is shown on a wraparound screen and follows Donald Duck as he dozes off to sleep and finds himself conducting a concert of classic Disney songs! The experience includes light special effects like splashing water.

Peter Pan's Flight 

Peter Pan's Flight, inspired by scenes from the Disney movie Peter Pan , is a fan-favorite ride that takes you with the Peter and Darling family over London, around the beautiful Never Land, and into a conflict with the evil Captain Hook.

Prince Charming Regal Carrousel 

The Prince Charming Regal Carrousel, inspired by the movie Cinderella , takes guests for a spin on one of its 90 unique wood-carved horses.

Seven Dwarfs Mine Train 

The Seven Dwarfs Mine Train is a rollercoaster inspired by the mines of the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs movie. Guests race through the mines filled with glittering jewels and encounter the seven dwarfs singing as they work. The ride features an interactive queue where you can sort and interact with jewels!

Under the Sea – Journey of The Little Mermaid 

In this slow ride, guests explore an underwater world inside scenes of Disney's The Little Mermaid movie. Aboard a giant clamshell, encounter favorite characters like Sebastian, Flounder, Scuttle, King Triton, dodge Ursula's evil plans, and keep an ear out for familiar songs.

Grocery Disney World

Jungle Cruise

This iconic ride takes you on a journey down the rivers of Asia, Africa and South America, where you'll witness the power of the jungle first-hand. Guests will catch glimpses of wild hippos, lions, tigers, gorillas, and more alongside the “world's most treacherous waters” as your skipper navigates, narrates, and shares no shortage of humor and puns.

A Pirate's Adventure ~ Treasures of the Seven Seas 

A Pirate's Adventure ~ Treasures of the Seven Seas is an interactive treasure hunt around Adventureland with five missions to complete.

Pirates of the Caribbean  

This classic attraction is a slow-moving boat ride that immerses you in the world of 17th century piracy. Guests float through the eerie Dead Man's Cove and then come face-to-face with pirates and follow as they plunder a seaside town.

Swiss Family Treehouse 

The Swiss Family Treehouse, modeled after the treehouse the Swiss Family Robinson built after shipwrecked on an island, offers guests an opportunity to explore its rooms and provides an incredible view of Adventureland and Magic Kingdom at its summit.

Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room 

Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room is a theater-in-the-round musical show featuring over 225 Audio-Animatronics. During this classic show, animatronic tropical birds, Tiki gods, and flowers sing and dance.

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad  

This medium-intensity rollercoaster is themed after a haunted mining landscape from the 1850s, based on the legend that the trains used to take off on their own through the mines. As you speed through caverns, red rock formations, and a dynamite explosion, you'll reach a top speed of 35 miles per hour.

Country Bear Jamboree 

This western musical show features 18 audio-animatronic bears that sing country tunes. The beloved 16 minute performance combines music and humor in an engaging “cele-bear-tion.”

Frontierland Shootin' Arcade 

In this shooting gallery themed after the Old-West, you can aim at nearly 100 targets, moving and stationary, with infrared technology.

Tom Sawyer Island 

Tom Sawyer Island is a walk-through attraction that guests can access via a log raft. You can explore caves, forts, suspension bridges, and more with references to Mark Twain's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer novel.

Tiana's Bayou Adventure

Formerly Splash Mountain, this water attraction will now become home to Tiana's Bayou Adventure a new thrilling water attraction based on Princess and the Frog.

2. Tokyo DisneySea (Tokyo Disney Resort)

disneysea tokyo

Tokyo DisneySea is the other theme park at the Tokyo Disney Resort (the other we ranked above, Tokyo Disneyland!) and opened in 2001. This 176-acre theme park incorporates a nautical theme with seven lands or what Tokyo DisneySea names “Ports of Call” to be reminiscent of real harbors. It also overlooks Tokyo Bay which is fitting for the atmosphere of the theme park.

These Ports of Call include Mediterranean Harbor, American Waterfront, Lost River Delta, Port Discovery, Mermaid Lagoon, Arabian Coast, and Mysterious Island. There is an eighth Port of Call in progress, Fantasy Springs , which is set to open in Spring 2024. Fantasy Springs is an impressive $2 billion expansion to Tokyo DisneySea with areas devoted to Tangled, Peter Pan, and Frozen.

Tokyo DisneySea delivers here in spot number two and number one for international parks in large part because this park get the mix right. Disney Imagineer Rolly Crump once said that a theme park is like a salad. You need the perfect mix of ingredients to make the entire thing come together and “taste” good. Like a salad where you need all the different parts you need to have the variety of offerings all pulling together towards one overall taste. Tokyo DisneySea delivers on this with a mix of large ‘E-Ticket' thrilling attractions, slower attractions for all ages, characters, dining, and shows all housed inside the most highly-themed package Disney has delivered. The park oozes detail with so many little things that embody the early policies of Walt Disney to push to get the details right because even if the guests don't specifically see it, the parks will feel more authentic because the work was put in. This park doesn't cut corners and continues to deliver with every new addition and change. There is a reason this is one of the best Disney theme parks in the world.

Tokyo DisneySea Attractions

The Tokyo DisneySea attractions lineup is solid with offerings for the entire family. In multiple cases the park takes an attraction found in other Disney Parks around the world and delivers a far superior packaging and theme. Their versions of Indiana Jones, Toy Story Midway Mania, and Soarin' all take the other versions of the attraction and dramatically plus it.

Mediterranean Harbor

DisneySea Transit Streamer Line

Steamboats take guests around the park, with departure docks at Mediterranean Harbor, American Waterfront and Lost River Delta.

Soaring: Fantastic Flight

This motion simulator ride based on Soarin' Around the World has scenes of Tokyo that are exclusive to Tokyo DisneySea. The ride is set in the Museum of Fantastic Flight, which is dedicated to celebrating “humankind's enduring dream of flying.”

Fortress Explorations

This interactive walk-through attraction features the headquarters of the fictional Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.). Guests can explore interactive exhibits and a game called the Leonardo Challenge.

Venetian Gondolas

Guests can take a short gondola ride that lasts just over ten minutes around the Palazzo Canals.

Fortress Explorations “The Leonardo Challenge”

Follow clues on your map and explore this fortress to become a member of S.E.A.!

American Waterfront

disney international travel

Turtle Talk

In this interactive show in the Undersea Observatory, guests can chat live with Crush from Finding Nemo . The show is about 30 minutes long.

Tower of Terror

In Tokyo DisneySea's version of this drop ride, Hotel Hightower was haunted after the disappearance of its owner after he offended an idol, one of the artifacts he stole and stored in the hotel. The New York City Preservation Society has reopened the hotel for tours, but things go awry as guests take the elevator to the top floor…

DisneySea Electric Railway

The DisneySeat Electric Railway is an elevated electric trolley that transports guests between American Waterfront and Port Discovery.

In this 4D shooting game, you shrink down to the size of a toy and aim at moving targets in a series of carnival-inspired games for the highest score.

Big City Vehicles

You can choose from an old-fashioned open-top town car, the police wagon, delivery truck, and more for a ride around American Waterfront.

Aquatopia is a trackless ride inspired by Disneyland's Water Boat Cruise and Autotopia that moves through a lagoon of shallow water. The ride will suddenly dodge obstacles, spin, back up, and more as you navigate the unpredictable course.

Port Discovery

Nemo & Friends SeaRider

This simulator ride takes guests on an undersea journey with characters from the Finding Nemo and Finding Dory movies. As guest board the SeaRider, they are shrunk down to the size of a fish and explore the ocean, ride the current, and encounter several surprises.

Lost River Delta

Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Crystal Skull

Tokyo DisneySea's version of the Indiana Jones dark thrill ride as guests explore an Aztec Temple and wake the angry Crystal Skull. In the ride, guests try to escape the Temple of the Crystal Skull on their transport, facing multiple perils and sightings of Indiana Jones.

Raging Spirits

This rollercoaster zooms through the ruins of an ancient burial site where the spirits of fire and water have reawakened and are fighting one another. The ride is short and intense, featuring a full loop.

Arabian Coast

Caravan Carousel

This indoor, two-level carousel inspired by the movie Aladdin that has horses and Arabian animals available to ride like camels, elephants, and even Genie.

Jasmine's Flying Carpets

Jasmine's Flying Carpets take you into the air to circle Jasmine's Garden and the sights of the park below. You can control how high or how you fly during the flight and tilt the carpet forward and backward.

Sindbad's Storybook Voyage

Sindbad's Storybook Voyage is a boat ride based on the story of Sindbad the Sailor from Arabian folktales. The ride feaures a song written by Alan Menken and Sindbad's tiger sidekick, Chandu.

The Magic Lamp Theater

The Magic Lamp Theater is a 3-D show based on Aladdin featuring animation and live performance from a magician and his sidekick.

Mermaid Lagoon

Ariel's Playground

This mermaid-inspired play area allows guests to explore Ariel's Grotto and other locations inspired by The Little Mermaid .

Jumpin' Jellyfish

Jumpin' Jellyfish is a parachute jump-style ride that takes guests for a gentle float up and down through a colorful underwater setting.

Scuttle's Scooters

Aboard a hermit grab, guests embark on a spinning Caterpillar style ride around Scuttle from The Little Mermaid , who watches the action through his telescope.

Flounder's Flying Fish Coaster

This small rollercoaster takes you on a journey aboard a fish around the lagoon that is a little over a minute long. Because the ride is brief, it's a good introduction for kids who want to test the waters of a rollercoaster.

Blowfish Balloon Race

Blowfish Balloon Race is a spinning attraction where guests ride a four-person seashell gondola carried by racing blowfish.

Mermaid Lagoon Theater

This musical show based on The Little Mermaid features Ariel and friends, with iconic songs like Under the Sea and Part of Your World . The show includes live performance, puppetry, and a dazzling underwater set.

The Whirlpool

Guests board a cup made from kelp and spin around in a whirlpool in a gentle ride similar to the Mad Tea Party.

Mysterious Island

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

Aboard one of Captain Nemo's submarines, guests explore the ruins of Atlantis in this dark ride after their route is thrown off course by an attack from the Kraken. 

Journey to the Center of the Earth

This thrilling dark ride takes guests to the center of the earth aboard a subterranean vehicle. An unexpected volcano eruption sets the journey off its planned path, and guests must brave several dangers before escaping back to the surface. This is a very popular ride due to its intricate world-building and thrilling elements.

1. Disneyland Park (Disneyland Resort)

Disneyland ranks as our number one theme park out of all the Disney parks in the world. The first Disney theme park, Disneyland opened in 1955 and was the only park that Walt Disney himself ever set food in. These reasons alone may be enough to rank Disneyland as the number one park but this is not the only reason we ranked Disneyland as number one!

Disneyland also has some of the best immersion of their lands than you can find at the other theme parks including the beauty of New Orleans Square and the classic medieval-inspired stylings of Fantasyland. Disneyland also has more attractions in its theme park than others including the often compared Magic Kingdom . In fact, Disneyland has more attractions in it than any of the other castle parks! The attractions in this park are all the originals that many Disney parks around the world have replicated or been inspired by. While we have seen some attractions from other parks come to Disneyland, like Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway which started in Disney World, many of the classic originals started here.

Aside from Disneyland's iconic rides, this theme park also delivers so well on the street atmosphere it creates on every corner of the park. Disney characters are known for roaming the park and engaging directly with guests whether it is the Mad Hatter leading a dance with strollers or Mary Poppins riding the carousel.

You cannot beat the history of Disneyland Park as the original Disney theme park but it also stands well on its own due to the large amount of famous attractions it holds, the charm the atmosphere brings for guests, and the beauty of the lands.

Disneyland Attractions

Disneyland actually has more attractions in both Disneyland Park and California Adventure than all four Walt Disney World parks combined! But for this list, we are focusing primarily on Disneyland Park which is home to the original attrition for many iconic rides like Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean.

Main Street, U.S.A

Main Street, U.S.A. is the first themed land you encounter when you enter Disneyland Park. This land is meant to resemble small American towns during the early 20th century.

Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln

Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln is a moving film about President Lincoln's life that features a realistic audio-animatronic representation of Abraham Lincoln. This live show is a great choice for history buffs and also a nice place to take a break in the air conditioning if you need a place to rest and enjoy Disney nostalgia.

The Main Street Vehicles take you for a leisurely ride from the entrance of Disneyland to Sleeping Beauty Castle. You have the choice of  horse-Drawn Street Car, jitney, fire engine, or an omnibus.

The Disneyland Railroad has multiple stops in Disneyland including Main Street, U.S.A., the entrance to Mickey's Toontown, New Orleans Square, and Tomorrowland. Since the Disneyland Railroad official train station is located in Main Street, U.S.A. this is where the train narration officially begins and ends.

Adventureland is themed after the wild jungles around the world and the attractions in this land all embody a sense of adventure.

Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room

This room comes to life with colorful animatronic birds, flowers, and Polynesian Tiki statues. Dole Whips (a popular pineapple soft serve) are also served right outdoor.

Board a canopied tramp steamer and leave civilization behind on a tongue-in-cheek journey through the globe's most “treacherous” rivers—and oldest gags.

disney international travel

Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Forbidden Eye

This is one of the best attractions in Disneyland! Themed after the popular Indiana Jones films, guests enter an immersive queue through a temple straight out of the movies. This is classified as a thrill ride as you are take on a wild journey through the Temple of the Forbidden Eye featuring fire, snakes, and an Indiana Jones animatronic.

New Orleans Square

New Orleans Square is a land themed after the French Quarter in the 19th century. This land is one of the most beautiful in Disneyland, in my humble opinion.

Haunted Mansion is one of Disneyland's most iconic attractions. This is a dark omimover ride that takes you through multiple scenes in the style of visiting a Haunted House. The experience of this attraction begins the minute you enter the mansion with a large stretching room featuring portraits that become more macabre as the room stretches and the spooky fun continues as you enter your Doom Buggy. This is one of the best rides Disneyland Park has to offer!

Pirates of the Caribbean is another iconic attraction and has also been named the #1 attraction at Disneyland Park. This boat ride takes guests through the present and past history of pirates in the Caribbean. This ride features a variety of animatronics and added Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean films that are based on the attraction in.

Frontierland is themed after the American wild, wild, west.

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad

It's the wildest ride in the wilderness! This runaway train attraction is a great roller coaster for all ages featuring visuals of crackling dynamite and a fan favorite goat.

Pirate's Lair on Tom Sawyer Island

Technically an attraction, especially since you take a raft over the Rivers of America to get to it, but this is a walk through experience. This little island is filled with forts, pirate caves, and more to explore.

The Mark Twain Riverboat is old-fashioned steam-powered boat that takes you on a 14-minute journey along the river. The vessel features a working steam engine and four decks, and it was the first riverboat to be constructed in half a century when it was built in 1954.

Sailing Ship Columbia

The Sailing Ship Columbia is a full-scale replica of the original 18th century Columbia that was the first American ship to circumnavigate the globe. On the Columbia , you take a 15 minute journey around Pirate's Lair on Tom Sawyer's Island.

Lots of low-intensity rides based on iconic Disney characters like Snow White, Pinocchio, and Dumbo. Fantasyland is also where we find some of the original Disney rides with the best classic, Disney charm.

Sleeping Beauty Castle Walkthrough

Sleeping Beauty Castle Walkthrough is how you can go inside Sleeping Beauty's Castle at Disneyland! This walkthrough tells the story of Sleeping Beauty with 3D displays as you wind through the castle. There is also a handicap-accessible option to view the story too!

Pinocchio's Daring Journey is a dark ride in Fantasyland that takes you through some of the events from Pinocchio. While this ride has a happy ending, you can expect some of the darker elements of the movie to take place which could be a little frightening for small children. This is a classic attraction so adults may appreciate the history of the ride.

King Arthur Carrousel

This carrousel features a notable Disney easter egg like the popular horse “Jingles” which is often called the “Mary Poppins horse” due to its dedication to Julie Andrews. The carrousel is set in the middle of Fantasyland so you take in all the atmosphere as you spin around with the castle in easy view too. This is a great place for photo ops!

The Casey Jr. Circus Train, one of the original Disneyland attractions, takes you on a journey past mini-villages inspired by sites from Disney movies, like Arendelle and Elsa’s ice palace from Frozen , the Cottage of the Dwarfs from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs , and more.

Fly through the sky with Dumbo as he makes circles around a water fountain with direction from Timothy Q. Mouse and his magic feather. You can adjust the height you are flying through the lever inside the gondola. There is a stationary replica of the Dumbo gondola behind the main attraction that you can use to snap your perfect picture!

This outdoor boat tour takes you through a tour of the miniature villages, towns, and palaces inspired by locations from Disney movies. Your tour guide will tell the story behind sites like King Triton's underwater castle from The Little Mermaid and the Cave of Wonders from Aladdin as you float by.

Mad Tea Party

This iconic attraction inspired by the Mad Hatter's Tea Party from Alice and Wonderland takes you for a thrilling spin in a giant teacup! You can control the speed and direction of your spinning journey through the wheel in the middle of the teacup. This ride has been a fan favorite since opening day of the park.

Mr. Toad's Wild Ride

This ride takes you on a wild journey through the countryside in an open-air buggy. You engage in a chaotic journey as you barrel through indoor and outdoor settings in scenes inspired by the Wind in the Willows scenes from Disney's The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad . Know that some content from this ride can be scary for younger children!

Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland is a Disneyland-exclusive ride that takes you through Alice's adventures through Wonderland. You'll encounter familar characters from the Alice in Wonderland movie as you glide through vibrant scenes, including Tugley Wood, the Queen's Garden, and the Mad Tea Party.

Snow White's Enchanted Wish

Snow White's Enchanted Wish follows the story of the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs movie, taking you inside famous scenes like the dwarfs' cottage, the mines, and the evil Queen's sorcery chamber. Keep an eye out for the evil Queen above the entrance as she peeks out from behind a curtain to spy on visitors!

Matterhorn Bobsleds

The Matterhorn Bobsled’s ride is a coaster that winds you around and through the Matterhorn as you dodge the Abominable Snowman, starting out with a chilling ascent up the mountain in a dark tunnel. It has two routes, the Fantasyland side and Tomorrowland side, which have slight differences in ride experience from one another. Matterhorn Bobsleds is legendary, as it was the first roller-coaster-style attraction at Disneyland and the first tubular steel-tracked coaster in the world!

This extremely popular ride follows the adventure of the Darling family as they join Peter in Never Land. The ride features iconic moments from the movie as you soar over London and circle Never Land in a night sky glowing with stars, then dive into the action and escape from the scheming Captain Hook.

This gentle boat ride takes you through different countries as the it's a small world song is sung by a chorus of characters in several different languages, sharing the “classic anthem to world peace.” As you travel to each location across the globe, you'll see appearances from Disney characters like Pinocchio, Ariel, Jasmine and Aladdin, and more. As you wait in the queue, the clock tower will open every 15 minutes to reveal a parade of figures!

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Mickey’s Toontown

Classic Disney cartoon theme, great for the little ones.

Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway

This trackless dark ride is the first attraction ever themed around Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Recently opened in Toontown, there queue itself is part of the wonder of his attraction as you walk through the history of Mickey Mouse in animation.

Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin in Toontown takes you through some of the antics of the characters from the Roger Rabbit film in a car you can spin as you cruise through this fun dark ride. Even if your kids aren't familiar with this movie, they'll enjoy spinning the car around as they go through the energetic attraction

Gadget's Go Coaster is a beginner style roller coaster attraction in Toon Town which is a great starter coaster for kids. It's a short burst of fun with only one drop and it's a quick ride but still fun!

Walt Disney was a visionary and created Tomorrowland to give park visitors a preview of what the future could look like.

Astro Orbiter

Astro Orbiter is a two seater rocket spinning attraction in Tomorrowland that allows riders to adjust their height levels as they spin. This is a classic attraction that adults and kids love.

Autopia is an opening day Disneyland attraction that kids love as they get the chance to drive their own car on outside tracks. This is a classic attraction that never fails to excite kids as they get behind the wheel.

disneyland submarine voyage location

Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage

This attraction takes you on an underwater ride in a submarine (don't worry, it doesn't fully submerge!) as you watch the story of Finding Nemo play out through the submarine videos. Keep in mind this attraction might not be a good fit if you have issues with claustrophobia.

Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters

Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters is an interactive dark ride shooting game themed after Buzz Lightyear. You receive points for the targets you hit which are all characters from Buzz Lightyear's cartoon the toy from Toy Story is fashioned after.

Disneyland Monorail

The Disneyland Monorail travels from Tomorrowland in Disneyland to Downtown Disney. It's a fun experience to ride or just to use as transportation.

Star Tours – The Adventures Continue

This 3D motion simulated flight features scenes from various Star Wars films as guests feel like they're actually flying through space.

This high speed rollercoaster takes place in the dark as guests feel like they're flying through space. This is one of Disney's best and most popular thrill attractions.

Critter Country is themed after well, critters! The critters of Critter Country definitely follows an Americanized vision of what a Critter Country would like.

This is a traditional dark ride attraction that takes you through the whimsical story of the Winnie the Pooh books. You'll board your honey pot and slowly move through a day in the life of Winnie the Pooh and his friends.

Davy Crockett Explorer Canoes

Davey Crockett Explorer Canoes takes you for a canoe ride around the Rivers of America but be prepared, you need to paddle yourself! This attraction has great views and an up close view of the scenery of this area of Disney.

Tiana's Bayou Adventure (Formerly Splash Mountain)

Splash Mountain was a water ride where guests travel in a wooden log through a mountain full of animatronic characters. The thrill part of this water ride is the large drop at the end. Splash Mountain will be replaced by Tiana's Bayou Adventure in late in 2024.

disney international travel

Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge

The newest land to Disneyland is heaven for Star Wars fans but enjoyable for anyone. This land brought a fun Star Wars themed bar, lightsaber building, and two new attraction.s

This attraction simulates the experience of what it would be like to drive the Millennium Falcon as guests work together in three different roles (pilot, gunner, engineer) to help smuggle goods for a Star Wars pirate. The best part of this ride is the life size Millennium Falcon you pass by to enter.

Rise of the Resistance

Arguably one of the best rides that Disney has ever done, Rise of the Resistance takes guests on a multi-layered experience of what it would be like to be captured by the First Order. The visuals and animatronics on this ride are out of this world, literally.

Overall, our ranking of Disney Parks around the world easily puts Disneyland in the top contender spot although other parks are closely tied for that top five spot.

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About Lindsay Brookshier

Lindsay is a college English instructor and has years of writing experience through various nonprofits, charities, newspapers, and online magazines. As the content director of Mickey Visit, she oversees article content and leads our fantastic team of writers to meet guest vacation needs. You can still find her writing weekly content to help make your Disney Parks trip fantastic here on Mickey Visit and Disney Dose- you can also view her recently featured posts on Disney Parks travel on Visit Anaheim, Nerd Wallet and SFGate. Lindsay comes from a dedicated Disney family and enjoys taking her son to the Disney parks as often as possible.

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Stay in the Magic… and Play!

Customize a walt disney world resort vacation package to suit your style and budget., start planning your disney vacation, what’s exciting and new, finding nemo: the big blue… and beyond.

Witness a stirring spectacle of puppetry, music and more during this reimagined stage show set in Nemo’s vibrant underwater world.

Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure

Bring the whole family to zip, dash and scurry through Gusteau’s kitchen as you take in the sights, sounds and even smells from Remy’s world.

TRON Lightcycle / Run

Leave the real world behind in this high-stakes race across the Grid—the dark, computerized world from TRON .

Watch in awe as Mickey Mouse’s dreams come alive in a nighttime musical with stunning effects, dazzling pyrotechnics and more.

4 Enchanting Theme Parks

Magic kingdom park.

During your visit, you can:

  • Be dazzled by music, dancing and vivid pageantry during the Festival of Fantasy Parade —a grand tribute to the tales and inhabitants of Fantasyland.
  • Enjoy iconic attractions and experiences across incredible lands—including Seven Dwarfs Mine Train , a swaying family coaster ride that will have you racing through a diamond mine.
  • Rediscover beloved classic Disney attractions such as Jungle Cruise, Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean and “it’s a small world.”
  • Delight in family-friendly thrills on ever-popular coasters like Space Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad .
  • Leave the real world behind for a high-stakes race across the Grid—the dark, computerized world from TRON —on TRON Lightcycle / Run .

Disney’s Animal Kingdom Theme Park

  • Celebrate the magic of nature at Pandora – The World of Avatar . Here, you can fly on the back of a banshee on Avatar Flight of Passage, hike amid floating mountains in the Valley of Mo’Ara and take a mystical boat ride into a bioluminescent rainforest on the Na’vi River Journey.
  • Set off in an open-air vehicle across a lush African savanna teeming with exotic animals on Kilimanjaro Safaris .
  • Speed through the Himalayas on a runaway train while avoiding the Yeti as you conquer Expedition Everest .
  • Wave to beloved Disney Characters as they sail along the Discovery River on fabulous flotillas.
  • Disney’s Hollywood Studios
  • Pack your imagination, switch tracks and take a ride on the cartoon side like never before when you hop aboard Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway .
  • Live your adventure in a galaxy far, far away at Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge ! Experience 2 thrilling attractions, build your own droid or lightsaber, savor Batuu’s tasty food and beverages, shop for Star Wars -themed merchandise and more!
  • Discover big fun for kids and grown-ups alike at Toy Story Land . Take a wild ride on Slinky Dog Dash and go for a whirl on Alien Swirling Saucers.
  • Watch in wonder as Mickey Mouse’s dreams come alive in Fantasmic! —an extravagant nighttime musical with stunning effects, dazzling pyrotechnics and more.
  • Celebrate every season at themed festivals featuring fantastic food, live entertainment and more—select dates throughout the year.
  • Blast off on an intergalactic chase with Rocket, Groot, Gamora and Star-Lord on Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind —a coaster inspired by the rockin’ movies.
  • Board an ancient Norwegian vessel and be whisked away to the kingdom of Arendelle during a Frozen Ever After adventure.
  • Journey around World Showcase , where you can explore the culture, arts, food and beverages of 11 different countries.

Save on Rooms This Fall and Holiday Season

Stay in the magic with disney resorts collection, enjoy more time in the parks.

Early Theme Park Entry Guests of Disney Resort hotels can get a 30-minute jump on their Disney day with early theme park entry —available at all 4 Walt Disney World theme parks. This popular benefit will continue through 2025!

Early theme park entry gives you a head start in the parks, so you’ll have access to select attractions, shops and dining before regular hours. And you can enjoy this benefit on each day of your stay—in any park, subject to capacity.

For early theme park entry, you'll need valid admission and a MagicBand, Disney MagicMobile pass or Key to the World Card. Theme park reservations may be required based on admission type.

Extended Evening Theme Park Hours Guests staying at Disney Deluxe Resort Hotels or Disney Deluxe Villas can enjoy extended evening hours —experiencing select attractions, shops and dining after regular park hours—in select theme parks on select nights. This popular benefit will continue through 2025!

Together with early theme park entry—available to all Disney Resort hotel Guests—you’ll get to arrive earlier and stay later so you can maximize your time in the parks!

Review our calendar for extended evening hours and dates .

If using a ticket with the Park Hopper option that requires a theme park reservation, please remember that you must enter the park where you made your reservation before you can visit other theme parks.

Start Your Stay with a Water Park Day in 2025

With this water park benefit, you can splash into fun on the day you arrive. Get ready to zip down thrilling water slides, relax on sandy beaches, float along a lazy river... and let your cares drift away. Learn more about the Walt Disney World water parks .

How to Make the Most of This Benefit

Learn more about this water park benefit for Disney Resorts Collection hotel Guests! Discover helpful tips and details about water park entry, transportation, parking, water park essentials and more.

Important Information About This Benefit

  • This benefit is exclusive to registered overnight Guests staying at a Disney Resorts Collection hotel with a check-in date from January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025. View eligible Disney Resorts Collection hotels .
  • This benefit is only for registered overnight Guests listed on the Resort reservation for the eligible Disney Resorts Collection hotel .
  • This benefit is only on the day of check-in, and is valid for admission to either Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon water park or Disney’s Blizzard Beach water park (whichever is open). This benefit cannot be transferred to a different day. Check the park calendar and operating hours closer to your 2025 arrival to plan your check-in day.
  • Usage of this benefit is subject to availability.
  • Water parks are subject to extended rehabilitation, seasonal, capacity and weather closures, or may close for other reasons.
  • Each of our water parks is refurbished annually. These routine maintenance periods are staggered, so Guests with valid water park admission should be able to enjoy at least one water park experience year-round.
  • Water park admission is nontransferable, nonrefundable and has no cash value, and excludes activities/events separately priced or not open to the general public.
  • Parks, attractions and other offerings subject to availability, closures and change or cancellation without notice or liability. No refund or credit given for any such changes or cancellation. Park admission and offerings are not guaranteed.

Savor a World of Flavor

With tasty meals and snacks moments away, it’s easy to make the most of the magic during your stay.

Explore dining experiences available for booking during your vacation.

View a full list of the dining options at Walt Disney World Resort.

Add a Dining Plan

Now you can add a dining plan to Disney Resort Hotel Packages.

Dining plans can add the convenience and flexibility of prepaid meals and snacks to your vacation—and give you peace of mind.

Highlights include:

  • Savings: Save up to 20% on dining for kids ages 3 to 9 when you purchase a dining plan for your family as part of a Disney Resort Hotel Package! Savings compared to the nondiscounted price of menu items available to kids ages 3 to 9 at participating locations when purchased without a dining plan. Actual savings vary based on menu items ordered.
  • Convenience & Peace of Mind: With 2 dining plans to choose from, you can spend more time with your family enjoying the Disney magic (and less time on meal budgeting). And this gives you the opportunity to say that magic word to your kids... "Yes."
  • Flexibility: There are more than 200 locations to dine at throughout our Disney Resort hotels, theme parks and select locations at Disney Springs. So there’s something to delight nearly every taste!

Learn more about dining plans .

Immerse Yourself in the Magic

From unique accommodations to distinctive dining options, themed rooms and more, the Disney Resorts Collection offers Guests a variety of options that exemplify the Disney difference.

Proximity Staying at a Disney Resort hotel keeps you in the magic—close to the theme parks, water parks and shopping at the Disney Springs area.

Activities and Amenities Disney Resort hotels feature amenities that immerse Guests in the worlds of classic Disney tales—including themed pools with slides, poolside activities, Character Dining experiences, unique recreation, delightful surprises and so much more.

Endless Possibilities With all of the great options in the Disney Resorts Collection, you’re sure to find one—or more than one—that fits you. From theme to budget, you have a world of amazing options to consider. You’re not just choosing a place to sleep at night—you’re choosing your home for the duration of your Walt Disney World vacation.

Want to wake up, look out your window, and say good morning to a giraffe? You can when you stay at Disney's Animal Kingdom Lodge . Ever stayed on the shores of the South Pacific? Drift away to Disney's Polynesian Village Resort . Or come home to larger-than-life recreations of scenes from favorite Disney and Pixar classics at Disney's Art of Animation Resort !

These are just a few of the Disney Resort hotels that await you at Walt Disney World Resort !

Make the Most of Your Visit

Get around with ease.

Resort Transportation

Our complimentary bus , boat and monorail services are available to take you to popular destinations throughout Walt Disney World Resort—some Disney Resort hotels even offer convenient walking paths to nearby parks.

Plus, the most recent addition to our fantastic world on the go, Disney Skyliner lets Guests glide across the sky while traveling between:

  • EPCOT (International Gateway)
  • Disney’s Pop Century Resort
  • Disney’s Art of Animation Resort
  • Disney’s Caribbean Beach Resort
  • Disney’s Riviera Resort

Guests staying at Disney Resort hotels enjoy complimentary standard parking at Disney theme parks, Disney water parks and the Disney Springs area.

Add More Magic

As a Disney Resort hotel Guest, you can purchase a MagicBand+ at a special pre-arrival price.

MagicBand+ includes all of the features you’ve come to love with MagicBand—and more! Your MagicBand+ can be used to:

  • Unlock your Disney Resort hotel room
  • Enter theme parks and water parks (with valid admission)
  • Check in at Lightning Lane entrances and virtual queues
  • Charge food and merchandise purchases**
  • Discover enchanting surprises and interactions across Walt Disney World Resort
  • Connect Disney PhotoPass images to your Disney account

Learn more about MagicBand+ .

Lightning Lane Passes: Purchase 7 Days in Advance of Your Stay

Save time in line for select attractions and experiences with our Lightning Lane passes ! If you’re a Guest of a Disney Resort hotel, you’re eligible to purchase Lightning Lane passes up to 7 days in advance of your stay, for the length of the stay (up to 14 days). Guests of Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Hotels and Shades of Green may also enjoy this early-purchase benefit. All other Guests are eligible to purchase passes up to 3 days in advance of their park visit.

Purchase Lightning Lane Multi Pass to enjoy multiple experiences or Lightning Lane Single Pass (up to 2 per day, subject to availability) for one of our most in-demand attractions—those not available with Lightning Lane Multi Pass. Or purchase both and enjoy more magic in every moment of your day!

Learn more about our Lightning Lane passes .

Note: Lightning Lane passes are nonrefundable and nontransferable. Lightning Lane passes, attractions and experiences may vary by date, are subject to change or closure, are limited in availability and are not guaranteed, and may not be available at all on the date of visit or at the time you make a selection. Price, terms and entitlements are subject to restrictions, and change or cancellation without notice or liability.

Make Reservations for Dining and More Get ready to dine or unwind! Here’s when you can make reservations for dining and Enchanting Extras Collection experiences :

  • Guests with a Valid Disney Resort Hotel Reservation: Make reservations for your entire length of stay (for up to a 10-night stay) up to 60 days in advance of your arrival! This can help you enjoy streamlined vacation planning , since you can make all your reservations on the same day—rather than checking availability day after day.
  • All Other Guests: Make reservations up to 60 days in advance.

To dine at an in-park, table-service restaurant, a confirmed dining reservation for the total number of Guests—regardless of age—is highly recommended. You will also need valid admission for the same park on that same date for each Guest ages 3 and up. A theme park reservation may be required based on admission type. Learn more.

Dining reservations do not guarantee access to a park, and Park Hopper availability may change daily.

** Credit card must be presented at Disney Resort hotel check-in for purchases with MagicBand. Purchases are charged to your Disney Resort hotel account.

Enjoy Magical Extras with Your Package

More fun for everyone, disney water parks.

Zip down some of the world's tallest and fastest waterslides, plunge into fun on a family raft ride, feel your cares drift away on a lazy river or unwind on a sandy beach. Plus, your little ones can splash around in kid-sized areas!

Disney’s Blizzard Beach Water Park – Closed for Refurbishment Chill out in a winter wonderland at a one-time ski resort that melted into warm water.

Here, you can:

  • Conquer the slopes of Mount Gushmore on Summit Plummet —one of the world’s tallest and fastest free-fall waterslides.
  • Zoom down other thrilling waterslides, like the Downhill Double Dipper and Slush Gusher .
  • Float along Cross Country Creek , a 3,000-foot-long lazy river.
  • Let your little ones explore Tike’s Peak , a water play area with a snow castle fountain and kid-sized waterslides.

Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon Water Park – Now Open! Delight in this tropical paradise that’s been transformed by a legendary storm into an oasis of pure excitement.

  • Ride a wave at Typhoon Lagoon Surf Pool —North America’s largest wave pool.
  • Grab a friend and take the plunge down Crush ‘n’ Gusher , featuring thrilling dips and turns.
  • Watch your little ones enjoy a whimsical water playground with pint-sized slides, water cannons and other fun features at Ketchakiddee Creek .
  • Relax as you float along Castaway Creek and take in lush, tropical surroundings.

Important Information Valid water park admission required. Water parks subject to seasonal and weather closures. Disney’s Blizzard Beach water park is currently closed for refurbishment.

Disney Springs

Find happily whatever you’re after at Disney Springs:

  • Delectable dining options to please almost every palate
  • Shopping galore , from unique boutiques to whimsical Disney-themed stores
  • Fun for all ages , with bowling, a movie theater, a carousel and more
  • Live entertainment , including Drawn to Life presented by Cirque du Soleil® and Disney—a first-of-its-kind creative collaboration between 2 iconic memory-makers

Delectable Dining

  • Character dining (with modifications) at Garden Grill Restaurant, Hollywood & Vine, Topolino’s Terrace – Flavors of the Riviera, Chef Mickey’s and more
  • Signature dining where you can celebrate a special occasion in style
  • Counter-service restaurants —ideal for grabbing a quick bite on-the-go
  • Mobile Order at select quick-service restaurants, which enables you to save time by ordering ahead via the My Disney Experience app
  • Spectacular rooftop dining at California Grill, Topolino’s Terrace – Flavors of the Riviera and Toledo – Tapas, Steak & Seafood

When to Make Dining Reservations Get ready to dine! Make advance reservations at select Walt Disney World restaurants.

Enchanting Extras Collection

  • Hands-on Star Wars experiences at Droid Depot and Savi’s Workshop – Handbuilt Lightsabers (with valid park admission)
  • In-Room Floral & Gifts , featuring beautiful gift and snack baskets, themed balloon bouquets and enchanting floral arrangements—all designed to celebrate your special moments
  • Capture Your Moment , a personalized photo session with Disney PhotoPass photographers in a Walt Disney World theme park
  • Fascinating tours that take you to special locations at Walt Disney World Resort—including Savor the Savanna and Behind the Seeds

Explore the Enchanting Extras Collection .

Design Your Disney Vacation

Explore places to stay.

Choose from uniquely themed Disney Resort hotels—with options to suit your style and budget.

4-Day, 4-Park Magic Ticket

Enjoy 4 days of theme park fun from $99 per day, plus tax (total price from $396, plus tax). One admission per theme park. One theme park per day.

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Disney Cruise Line Cracks Down: Here’s What You Need To Know about New Passenger Requirements

in Disney Cruise Line

Mickey and Minnie in front of a Disney Cruise ship

If you’re planning on embarking on a Disney Cruise Line sometime soon, fair warning – they’ve introduced stricter rules around what passengers need to provide before boarding the ship.

It’s been over 20 years since the Disney Cruise Line launched its inaugural voyage in 1998 , but it shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse are dressed in captain uniforms, Mickey in blue and Minnie in red, shaking hands and smiling in front of a ship's large yellow and red funnel featuring Mickey Mouse ears. The sky is clear and bright in the background.

While its fleet is already impressive, with the Disney Magic, Disney Wonder, Disney Dream, Disney Fantasy, and Disney Wish, the Disney Treasure, Disney Adventure, and Disney Destiny are all set to join the lineup in the coming years. Josh D’Amaro unveiled four more ships at D23.

Oriental Land Company, the owner of Tokyo Disney Resort (which many consider the king of Disney’s resorts worldwide) also announced its own branch of the Disney Cruise Line earlier this year, with its operations based in Japan.

For Disney fans, the appeal lies in being fully surrounded by Disney magic 24/7 without the nonstop aspect that comes with a Disney theme park vacation. However, even non-diehard fans have made the Disney Cruise Line a regular part of their vacations, netting The Walt Disney Company’s highest guest satisfaction scores.

Classic Disney Characters within the interior of a Disney Cruise Line ship

If you plan to set sail in the near future, however, you’ll want to take note of this latest update.

All guests have long been required to provide ID at the port before embarking a Disney Cruise ship at one of its many ports, such as Port Canaveral. It’s previously been common for the Disney Cruise Line to verify citizenship and identity by using the birth certificates of those under the age of 15.

Now, however, it’s cracking down on its policy. According to the Disney Cruise Line , crew members will now only accept original state-issued birth certificates at the port—not photocopies.

Water park-like attractions are just some of the recreations and activities offered aboard

For round trip sailings departing from the U.S., Guests using a birth certificate as citizenship documentation are reminded that only an original state-issued birth certificate is acceptable. Guests 16 years of age and older are also required to present a physical government-issued photo ID. Children 15 years of age and younger will need to present an original state-issued birth certificate but do not need to present a government-issued photo ID. Photocopies of birth certificates will not be accepted

This rule also applies to other documents provided as ID by Disney Cruise Line guests, such as passports, IDs, and driving licenses.

The Disney Dream sails in the ocean.

As Inside the Magic has previously reported, Disney parks also boast some strict rules around ID. At Walt Disney World Resort and Disneyland Resort, for example, international driving licenses are not (at least in theory) accepted as a form of ID for those purchasing alcohol . Passports are accepted, with some locations accepting photos of said passport, whereas others will only accept the original document.

Disneyland Paris also has strict ID rules for non-EU guests . As per French law, those visiting Disneyland Paris or Walt Disney Studios Park are technically required to have their passport on hand at all times.

Do you prefer Disney theme parks or the Disney Cruise Line?

disney international travel

Disney Transportation Guide for Getting Around Walt Disney World

A Vacation at Disney World includes Complimentary Transportation across the parks, resorts, water parks and Disney Springs. And if you’re visiting for a competition, you can get shuttles to the ESPN Wide World of Sports, and Golf Courses too. Staying on Disney property while at Walt Disney World offers a variety of benefits, and not needing a car is one of them! However, while Disney World does provide FREE Disney transportation at Walt Disney World, it still is somewhat confusing. From when to take the Disney Bus, to the Ferry, or the Monorail, or Skyliner, we’re breaking down ALL the ways you can get around Disney World on your next vacation.

How To Get Around at Walt Disney World

One of the biggest mysteries of any Disney Vacation is based on the question “Do you need a car at Walt Disney World? And while we sometimes recommend driving a car to Walt Disney World we are also big advocates for just taking the plane there and planning to be stranded at Disney for your vacation. Don’t worry, it’s actually quite liberating and not that scary. In fact, it actually has a term; the Disney Bubble. Being in the Disney Bubble, not only means you leave the real world behind, but also most of the responsibilities too. Whether it’s making your meals, or driving from one place to another…all those things can be done for you at Disney World. Meaning that you get to sit back and relax instead. Still, you’ll will need to know which bus, monorail, or boat to hail to get where you’re going. Let’s dive into all the Transportation at Walt Disney World options. 

Getting To and From the Orlando International Airport to Walt Disney World

Getting to and from the Orlando International Airport ( MCO) to Walt Disney World isn’t difficult. But, it does cost something. You can choose a ride-share service, like Uber, for a flat rate cost for whoever can fit in the car you choose in the app. Or you can pay a per-person fee for a service like Mears Connect. You can also use a good old fashioned Taxi Service. No matter which you choose you will have to add this to your Disney Budget. Because Disney World DOES NOT have a free shuttle from the Orlando Airport. As such you will have to plan for one of the following. 

  • Hire a Shuttle Bus from Orlando Airport to Disney World 
  • Hail an Uber/ Lyft or Taxi

Buses at Disney World 

The main transportation service available at every Disney Resort are the Disney Buses. As the main mode of transportation across the entire property, there are some resorts, like the Value Resorts , for which Disney buses are their only form of transportation. 

Where do Disney Buses Go?

When staying on property at Disney World, you can catch Disney Buses to and from most places, but there are rules. Disney Buses from Disney Resorts go to the Disney Parks, Water Parks and Disney Springs. Disney Buses from Disney Springs only go to Disney Resorts, ( Not Parks). And Disney Buses from the Parks go to Disney Resorts, and sometimes, other parks. Buses generally cannot be taken from one resort to get to another resort.

Typically, Disney Buses are scheduled to  arrive every 15-20 minutes at the bus stations across Walt Disney World. However, this is pretty untrue much of the time, especially if you’re visiting during peak season. If taking the buses anywhere, allow yourself about an hour or so of travel time. Buses can be taken from the resorts to the Parks, Water Parks, and Disney Springs. Your best bet is to check the resort page within the My Disney Experience App for the Bus Times tab, so that you can see the arrival times for each bus at your home resort. Here are some general Bus rules to remember for Walt Disney World. 

Disney Bus Information

  • You can get a Disney Bus from your Disney Resort to any of the four Disney Parks, two Water Parks and Disney Springs. 
  • Disney Springs buses only travel to the Disney Resorts, not the parks. 
  • Disney Buses do not travel between Disney Resorts. This is important to remember if you’re visiting a resort for a late dinner reservation. As you won’t be able to travel from one resort to another, you will have to get a bus to a park first, and transfer from there to your Resort Bus. 
  • Sometimes you can get a Disney Bus from one park to another. For example, right now if you’re at Magic Kingdom, you would be able to catch a bus to either Disney’s Animal Kingdom, or Hollywood Studios. But would have to catch the Monorail if you wanted to visit EPCOT.
  • Disney Buses typically start running about 45 minutes before a parks opening time, and about 60 minutes after a parks closing time. These times adjust accordingly for both Early Theme Park Entry and Extended Theme Park hours. 

Disney World Monorail Transportation

One of the marvels of a Disney World Vacation is being able to enjoy the monorail. This train in the sky connects two separate areas at Walt Disney World: The Disney Monorail Resorts and The Transportation and Ticket Center Line. Both monorail lines are accessible from the Transportation Ticket Center (TTC) and allow transportation by monorail from Magic Kingdom to EPCOT, with a transfer at the TTC. Here’s what you need to know about the two monorails at Disney World. 

The Disney Monorail Resorts and Magic Kingdom Line

With access just outside the Magic Kingdom front gates, the Disney Monorail Resort Line connects three resorts, and the TTC.  The Resorts Monorail stops at Magic Kingdom, The Contemporary Resort, the Transportation Ticket Center (TTC), The Polynesian ( and Shades of Green), and The Grand Floridian Resort and Spa. This “highway in the sky” creates one loop that will take you to and from Magic Kingdom. 

  • Grand Floridian Resort and Spa
  • The Polynesian Village Resort
  • Disney’s Contemporary Resort

The TTC and Epcot Monorail Line

Accessible from the main entrance of Magic Kingdom and the TTC, a second loop will take you to Epcot.  If you want to go from one loop to the other, simply switch monorails at the Ticket and Transportation Center stop. The TTC is also where you will take the monorail to get to Magic Kingdom, as the TTC is also Magic Kingdom’s Parking Lot. 

Disney World Boat  Transportation

Another form of transportation at Disney world is by boat. There are several kinds of boats available. Some take you from the parking lot, others take you between resorts and parks. Depending on where you are going, you may be able to take a boat to the parks, your resort, and even other resorts. While boats are definitely the least crowded of the options, they are also the slowest. Allow for about 20 minutes of travel time to get to your destination, depending on where you’re going. Check out all the Disney Resorts that offer Boat Service . 

Ferry Boat to Magic Kingdom

If you are driving to Magic Kingdom, you will have to park at the TTC; Transportation Ticket Center. Once there you can choose between taking the Magic Kingdom Ferry or the Monorail to go to Magic Kingdom. Your choice! The  Ferry to Magic Kingdom offers a panoramic view of the front of the park, as well as great views of the Monorail Resorts that surround the lagoon. It’s slower and more leisurely than the monorail. So if you’re not in a rush, take the time to take in the views of the Lagoon. You can catch a boat about 45 minutes before park opening and 45 minutes after at 15-20 minute intervals. 

Boats To and From Magic Kingdom Park

The boats leaving Magic Kingdom not only include the Ferry, but also smaller boats that go to the nearby resorts. Resorts in the Magic Kingdom Area have access to the boats to and from Magic Kingdom throughout the day. Offering an alternative mode of transportation for those who don’t want to take the monorail or buses. One boat route includes visits to Wilderness Lodge and Fort Wilderness Resort and Campgrounds. While the other boat route offers transportation to the Polynesian, and Grand Floridian Resort. 

Boats To and From EPCOT Park

The main boat station at EPCOT is located at the International Gateway, at the back of the park. If you are staying at one of the BoardWalk Resorts , or one of the Disney Marriott Hotels, then you can grab a boat at the dock to bring you to the Epcot International Gateway. 

Boats within EPCOT Park also allow you to travel from one side of the World Showcase ( at the port of call shops) to the other (America Pavilion). This is especially helpful if you have kids or can’t walk long distances, or just need a break! Just grab a boat. 

Boats To and From Hollywood Studios 

At Hollywood Studios you can also grab a boat right outside the entrance that brings you to the Boardwalk Resorts (Boardwalk Inn, The Yacht Club or The Beach Club), the Swan and Dolphin Hotels, and back to the EPCOT International Gateway. This is especially helpful if you’re traveling back and forth between Hollywood Studios and EPCOT, but don’t want to take the walking path. 

Boats To and From Disney Springs

Disney Springs shopping center also has boat service that could be helpful if you’re staying at Port Orleans Riverside Resort or Port Orleans French Quarter. The boats at Disney Springs run between 10:30 AM- 11:30 PM.

Disney Skyliner  Transportation

Another form of complimentary transportation at Walt Disney World is the Disney Skyliner. And it is a great way to skip the crowds and see the views while you travel across the sky. Check out our quick guide to the Disney Skyliner. This form of transportation offers seating for up to 10 people in one car and guests are often seated together. There are two Skyliner routes; one to EPCOT Park and one to Hollywood Studios Park.  Both begin at the Disney’s Caribbean Beach Resort, and if coming from the Art of Animation or Pop Century Resorts you will need to transfer to which route you need. Disney’s Caribbean Beach resort and Disney’s Riviera Resort are also along the Skyliner route. 

Disney’s Caribbean Beach Resort is the TRANSFER station for the Disney Skyliner. This means you will have to get out of the skyliner at this stop. From here you can choose several paths on the skyliner. 

  • You can visit the Art of Animation and Pop Century Resorts
  • Head to Hollywood Studios
  • Or head towards the Disney’s Riviera Resort, which continues onto EPCOT. 

Disney Walking Paths 

While transportation in the travel sense, you don’t need to use transportation to take advantage of the walking paths at Walt Disney World. From helping resort guests get to the parks, to hidden spaces like the BoardWalk, you can find Disney Walking Paths at Walt Disney World of all shapes and sizes. Luckily, there are even a few Disney Resorts that are within Walking Distance of the Parks to help you avoid transportation all together. 

Resorts Within Walking Distance to Magic Kingdom

The walking path at Magic Kingdom goes in two separate directions, but does not connect like a loop. Instead, if you are leaving the park and choosing to go to the Contemporary, you turn left. Whereas if you’re headed to the Grand Floridian and Polynesian Resorts, you simply walk behind the monorail stations and turn right.  

Resorts Within Walking Distance to EPCOT and Hollywood Studios

This area of Disney World is considered the Disney BoardWalk Area. With a large open boardwalk that surrounds the lagoon, you can walk to and from all these resorts as well as to EPCOT and Hollywood Studios. If you’re staying at any of these resorts, you are in walking distance of these two parks. and won’t need to use other transportation unless you choose. 

  • Dolphin Hotel
  • Swan Reserve
  • Disney’s Boardwalk Inn

Other Walking Paths at Disney World

In addition to using walking paths to get to and from the parks to the resorts, you can also use them as shortcuts at Disney World parks. Plus, if you’re staying at sister resorts there are several walking path options for you to enjoy. Making it easer to access multiple resorts at once. Here are the connecting paths that help you walk from resort to resort at Disney World. 

  • Animal Kingdom Lodge has a walking path that connects Kidani Village and Jambo House , making it easy to go back and forth for dining reservations, and events. 
  • The All Star Resorts have walking path, or sidewalk, that connects that All Star Music, All Star Movies and All Star Sports Resorts. Making it easy to take advantage of different spaces, food courts and events.
  • The Port Orleans Resorts have a walking path that connect both Riverside and French Quarter , as well as the other Disney Springs Area Resorts. Old Key West, Saratoga Springs and Disney Springs are all accessible by walking path at the Port Orleans Resorts. 
  • The Magic Kingdom Walking Path connects both the Grand Floridian Resort and the Polynesian Village Resort. 
  • There is a riverside path that connects EPCOT and Hollywood Studios by walking path , allowing you to easily park hop between those two parks. 

Transportation from Disney Springs to Walt Disney World

One of the most confusing elements of the Walt Disney World Transportation Options is its bus service to and from Disney Springs. If you are staying in a Hotel Near Disney Springs , then you’re probably wondering if that gets you closer to the parks. The answer to that is NO. Staying at a Disney Springs Hotel does not get you within walking distance of Walt Disney World Theme Parks. That said, we do have a list of Disney Resorts within walking distance of Disney Springs. 

If you’re staying at a Disney Springs Hotel, how do you get to Walt Disney World Parks? If your Hotel doesn’t have a shuttle to each Disney Theme Park, this is what you can do. In order to get to a Disney World Park from Disney Springs you can take any Disney Resort Bus from the Disney Springs Bus Depot. But choose wisely. Because once you arrive at the Disney Resort, you will then have to transfer to a Disney Parks Bus, from the resort. So which Disney Resort Bus should you choose? Here’s A quick breakdown, of the resorts closest to each park, that provide you the shortest bus ride to the park you’re trying to get to. Check out our Disney Springs transportation guide for all the details. 

From Disney Springs to Magic Kingdom

Once at Disney Springs, you can grab a bus to Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort, Polynesian Resort, OR Disney’s Contemporary Resort. All are on the Disney Monorail Line, which stops at Magic Kingdom. To get the closest you can c hoose the Grand Floridian Resort Bus and take the monorail to Magic Kingdom. OR choose the Contemporary Resort and take the walking path, about 5 minutes to the Magic Kingdom gates. 

From Disney Springs to EPCOT

If heading to EPCOT from Disney Springs, you will want to get a bus to any of the Disney BoardWalk Resorts . These include Disney’s Beach Club, Yacht Club, and the Boardwalk Inn Resort. All of these are within walking distance of EPCOT Park’s back entrance, known as the International Gateway. The get the closest to this Epcot gate, choose the Disney Beach Club Bus, then walk through the lobby and out onto the BoardWalk.From there, you simply turn left at the beach and walk until you reach the gates of EPCOT.

From Disney Springs to Hollywood Studios

Disney Springs to Hollywood Studios means grabbing one of the buses to the Disney BoardWalk or to one of the Swan and Dolphin Hotels. Any of these resorts will get you close to the gates, but there are options. To get the closest, but without walking, you can choose the Disney Swan and Dolphin Bus. This gets close to the walking path between EPCOT and Hollywood Studios but also gets you close to the boat dock. You can then transfer from the bus to the boat heading to Hollywood Studios or walk the path. Alternatively, you can also choose the Beach Club Resort Bus, and head towards the Skyliner Gondola station just outside the EPCOT gates. Then take the Skyliner Gondola to Hollywood Studios. Both options get you to Hollywood Studios from Disney Springs. 

From Disney Springs to Animal Kingdom

By far the easiest Disney World theme park to get to from Disney Springs, Animal Kingdom Park only has one nearby resort. And that’s Animal Kingdom Lodge . This Deluxe Resort at Walt Disney World is a great place to stop anyway for up-close views of animals roaming the savanna and a bite to eat at Sanaa . To get to Animal Kingdom Park from Disney Springs simply take the Animal Kingdom Lodge Bus, and then transfer to the Animal Kingdom bus once you’re at the resort. 

Driving to Disney World

In a hurry and don’t want to wait that long for a ride to get where you’re going? Here are some of your alternatives if you decide to bring a car to Walt Disney World.  Drive.  Driving allows you the most freedom when you’re at Disney, but keep in mind, traffic can be stressful. You’re still in Orlando. If you’re an annual pass holder or if you’re staying on the property, the $25 parking fee will be waived. That said, there are reasons to drive to be sure! 

If you’re staying at a Disney Resort, your parking fee at the theme parks is waived, and you do not have to pay to park at the resort either. As such, you will not be charged for bringing your car. While this hasn’t always been the case, we’re so grateful that we get the freedom to have car if we need one. A car allows you the opportunity to go pick up pizza, or head to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter , and other areas of Orlando. And while navigating the parking lots and trams and traffic, when you’re driving, it may be easier than navigating the buses if you have small children with strollers. 

Renting an Uber, Lyft or Taxi

Another option for getting to and from the parks, and anywhere else you want to go is by using a ride for hire service. Uber has gotten a lot more expensive since we first started taking it on property, but there are designated areas where you can catch your rideshare at each park. Note that Uber drivers are not allowed near the Magic Kingdom park gates, so you will still need to take the monorail to the TTC in order to meet your driver. Or walk to the Contemporary Resort and have them pick you up there. 

Walt Disney World Minnie Vans

This posh option in Disney transportation is available for a hefty cost, but may be your best bet if you’re in a pinch. This van dressed up like Minnie is easy to spot and Super cute. Available to book through the Lyft App, you can check out the Disney Minnie Van Guide for details on current prices, tips and services. 

Getting Around Disney World

There you have it, all the transportation options at Disney World. Whether you’re visiting for a day or a week, there are plenty of options to help you get to where you’re going. And it’s crucial to remember while planning. We’ve found that we’re often prioritizing resort transportation options above everything else when we book vacations. Because whether we’re staying late at a Disney After Hours Party or walking up early to rope drop our favorite rides, the transportation can make or break those plans. Standing in line for buses at 1 AM after a party, or even at 9 PM with the fireworks crowds always make us aware of how much transportation can affect our trip. Choose wisely! And let us know your favorite strategies for getting around Disney World. 

Disney Buses and Transportation options

  • COVID-19 travel advice

Lower your risk of COVID-19 as you travel for a safe and fun adventure.

Successful travel starts with being prepared for the unexpected. Coronavirus disease 2019, known as COVID-19, is now a part of standard travel planning.

As you choose a destination, travel group or event, add COVID-19 to the list of things to research. When packing for yourself or anyone you're caring for on the trip, consider COVID-19 prevention and testing.

No one wants to plan for the worst. But having a plan in case you catch the COVID-19 virus while traveling can save time if you need medical care.

To start, it can help to ask these basic questions as you make plans.

Am I up to date with my COVID-19 vaccine?

Staying up to date on your COVID-19 vaccine helps prevent serious illness, the need for hospital care and death due to COVID-19 .

If you need a vaccine, plan to get it at least a few weeks before you travel. Protection from the vaccine isn't immediate.

Am I, a travel companion or a person I live with at high risk of serious COVID-19 illness?

Many people with COVID-19 have no symptoms or mild illness. But for older adults and people of any age with certain medical conditions, COVID-19 can lead to the need for care in the hospital or death.

If you or those around you are at high risk of serious COVID-19 illness, take extra safety measures during or after travel.

Ask a healthcare professional if there are any specific actions you should take.

Does my destination, tour group or event need proof that I had a COVID-19 vaccine? Do I need to show proof of a negative COVID-19 test?

The country you travel to may not need to know your COVID-19 status. But you might need the information for other reasons.

Events, venues or tour groups might require proof that you are COVID-19 negative or are up to date on a COVID-19 vaccine. Check before you go so you have all the paperwork you need.

What's the plan if I get COVID-19 on my trip?

No one wants to get sick while traveling. But in case you do, it helps to know where you can get medical care and whether you'll be able to stay apart from others while you have symptoms.

Put together a COVID-19 kit with rapid home tests, masks, a thermometer, disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

Before you leave, gather health information from your healthcare professional. Make sure it gives the details on any health conditions you're managing and medicine you take.

COVID-19 spread during travel

The virus that causes COVID-19 spreads mainly from person to person. When the virus is spreading, spending time indoors with a crowd of people raises your risk of catching it. The risk is higher if the indoor space has poor airflow.

The coronavirus is carried by a person's breath.

The virus spreads when a person with COVID-19 breathes, coughs, sneezes, sings or talks. The droplets or particles the infected person breathes out could possibly be breathed in by other people if they are close together or in areas with low airflow.

The virus carried by a person's breath can land directly on the face of a nearby person, after a sneeze or cough, for example. And people may touch a surface that has respiratory droplets and then touch their faces with hands that have the coronavirus on them.

Clean hands

While you travel, one way to lower your risk of COVID-19 is to clean your hands often.

Wash your hands after using the bathroom, before making food or eating, and after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose. If you touch something that others regularly touch, such as an elevator button or a handrail, make sure to clean your hands afterward.

Also, try to avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

Wearing a face mask is another way to lower your risk of COVID-19 .

Travel brings people together from areas where viruses may be spreading at higher levels. Masks can help slow the spread of respiratory viruses in general, including the COVID-19 virus.

Masks help the most in places with low airflow and where you are in close contact with other people. Also, masks can help if viruses are spreading at high levels in the places you travel to or through.

Masking is especially important if you or a companion have a high risk of serious COVID-19 illness. Choose the most protective mask that fits well and is comfortable.

Get the COVID-19 vaccine

As the virus that causes COVID-19 changes, COVID-19 vaccines are updated, so stay up to date with the recommended shots.

Know when the COVID-19 virus is spreading in your area

Check with health agencies in the area to see where the COVID-19 virus is spreading. Information about the spread of the virus may include the number of people in the hospital with COVID-19 or the number of people who test positive for the disease.

Keep some space around you

Choose outdoor activities and keep some distance between yourself and others. Poor airflow plus lots of people crowded together equals a higher chance you'll come in contact with the virus that causes COVID-19 .

If you can, try to avoid spending time with people who have COVID-19 symptoms or who are sick.

There will likely be times during travel when you don't have a choice about how close you are to others. Here are some tips for air travel, public transportation and lodging.

The risk of catching the virus that causes COVID-19 from air travel is thought to be low.

Air in the plane's cabin changes over quickly during the flight, being replaced every few minutes in some planes. Airplane air also is often filtered. So germs, including viruses, are trapped before they spread.

The air flowing down from vents above the seats in each row may help keep germs from spreading. Seats also may act as a barrier to germ spread on a plane, unless the person who is ill is sitting close to you.

You can help lower your risk by spreading out to keep distance between you and others when you can and cleaning your hands regularly.

Wearing a mask in crowded areas, such as security lines and bathrooms, can help protect you from COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses.

Trains, buses and cars

Trains and buses may have good airflow and air filtering. But check before you travel so you know what to expect. When a vehicle is crowded, wear a face mask and take other steps, such as cleaning your hands.

Taxis and private cars used for ride-sharing may not have air filtering. But in most cases, rolling down a window could be an option to improve airflow.

Rental car companies may post their cleaning policies on the internet, or you can ask directly when you book the vehicle.

Hotels and other lodging

Cleaning protocols at hotels, vacation rentals and other lodging have largely returned to the way they were before the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have questions about how hosts or businesses protect guests, contact them directly. In public areas of hotels, take steps to lower your risk of catching the virus that causes COVID-19 .

Put safety first

Despite your planning, an illness may delay or cancel your trip. Stay home if you or anyone you're traveling with has:

  • Symptoms of COVID-19 , such as fever or new loss of taste or smell.
  • Taken a COVID-19 test and is waiting for results.
  • Been diagnosed with COVID-19 .

Keep watch for serious symptoms of COVID-19 , such as trouble breathing or chest pain. If you or a person you're taking care of has symptoms that worry you, get help.

Once the fever is gone and symptoms are getting better, you may choose to travel. But for about five days after feeling better, you could still give others the virus that causes COVID-19 . Take extra actions to protect the people around you.

  • Wear a mask.
  • Keep your distance from others, especially when indoors.
  • Clean your hands regularly.
  • Keep the air flowing by turning on fans or opening windows when you can.

If you start to feel worse or your fever comes back, avoid being around others again until you feel better.

Stay flexible

With COVID-19 vaccinations, testing and treatment, events and travel are back to typical levels in many places. But as waves of COVID-19 outbreaks happen, it's important to stay flexible with your plans. Knowing whether the COVID-19 virus is spreading in your area or in places where you're traveling can help you make decisions about whether to go and what to put on your agenda.

  • Stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/stay-up-to-date.html. Accessed May 15, 2024.
  • Understanding how COVID-19 vaccines work. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/how-they-work.html. Accessed May 15, 2024.
  • People with certain medical conditions. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/need-extra-precautions/people-with-medical-conditions.html. Accessed May 15, 2024.
  • Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Travel advice for the general public. World Health Organization. https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/question-and-answers-hub/q-a-detail/coronavirus-disease-covid-19-travel-advice-for-the-general-public. Accessed May 15, 2024.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. COVID-19. In: CDC Yellow Book 2024. https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/yellowbook/2024/infections-diseases/covid-19. Accessed May 15, 2024.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Obtaining health care abroad. In: CDC Yellow Book 2024. https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/yellowbook/2024/health-care-abroad/health-care-abroad. Accessed May 15, 2024.
  • Goldman L, et al., eds. COVID-19: Epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, community prevention, and prognosis. In: Goldman-Cecil Medicine. 27th ed. Elsevier; 2024. https://www.clinicalkey.com. Accessed May 16, 202.
  • Taking steps for cleaner air for respiratory virus prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/respiratory-viruses/prevention/air-quality.html. Accessed May 16, 2024.
  • How COVID-19 spreads. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/how-covid-spreads.html. Accessed May 16, 2024.
  • COVID-19 overview and infection prevention and control priorities in non-U.S. healthcare settings. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/non-us-settings/overview/index.html. Accessed May 16, 2024.
  • Hygiene and respiratory viruses prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/respiratory-viruses/prevention/hygiene.html. Accessed May 14, 2024.
  • About handwashing. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/clean-hands/about/index.html. Accessed May 16, 2024.
  • Masking during travel. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/page/masks. Accessed May 16, 2024.
  • Masks and respiratory virus prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/respiratory-viruses/prevention/masks.html. Accessed May 16, 2024.
  • How to protect yourself and others. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/prevention.html. Accessed May 16, 2024.
  • About physical distancing and respiratory viruses. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/respiratory-viruses/prevention/physical-distancing.html. Accessed May 16, 2024.
  • How can ventilation reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19 on airplanes? World Health Organization. https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/question-and-answers-hub/q-a-detail/coronavirus-disease-covid-19-travel-advice-for-the-general-public. Accessed May 16, 2024.
  • Bielecki M, et al. Air travel and COVID-19 prevention in the pandemic and peri-pandemic period: A narrative review. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease. 2021; doi:10.1016/j.tmaid.2020.101915.
  • Symptoms of COVID-19. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html. Accessed May 16, 2024.
  • Preventing spread of respiratory viruses when you're sick. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/respiratory-viruses/prevention/precautions-when-sick.html. Accessed May 16, 2024.

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  • Begin Exploring Women's Health Solutions at Mayo Clinic Store
  • A Book: Future Care
  • Antibiotics: Are you misusing them?
  • COVID-19 and vitamin D
  • Convalescent plasma therapy
  • Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
  • COVID-19: How can I protect myself?
  • Herd immunity and respiratory illness
  • COVID-19 and pets
  • COVID-19 and your mental health
  • COVID-19 antibody testing
  • COVID-19, cold, allergies and the flu
  • COVID-19 tests
  • COVID-19 drugs: Are there any that work?
  • COVID-19 in babies and children
  • Coronavirus infection by race
  • COVID-19 vaccine: Should I reschedule my mammogram?
  • COVID-19 vaccines for kids: What you need to know
  • COVID-19 vaccines
  • COVID-19 variant
  • COVID-19 vs. flu: Similarities and differences
  • COVID-19: Who's at higher risk of serious symptoms?
  • Debunking coronavirus myths
  • Different COVID-19 vaccines
  • Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)
  • Fever: First aid
  • Fever treatment: Quick guide to treating a fever
  • Fight coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission at home
  • Honey: An effective cough remedy?
  • How do COVID-19 antibody tests differ from diagnostic tests?
  • How to measure your respiratory rate
  • How to take your pulse
  • How to take your temperature
  • How well do face masks protect against COVID-19?
  • Is hydroxychloroquine a treatment for COVID-19?
  • Long-term effects of COVID-19
  • Loss of smell
  • Mayo Clinic Minute: You're washing your hands all wrong
  • Mayo Clinic Minute: How dirty are common surfaces?
  • Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C)
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Pregnancy and COVID-19
  • Safe outdoor activities during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Safety tips for attending school during COVID-19
  • Sex and COVID-19
  • Shortness of breath
  • Thermometers: Understand the options
  • Treating COVID-19 at home
  • Unusual symptoms of coronavirus
  • Vaccine guidance from Mayo Clinic
  • Watery eyes

Related Information

  • Coronavirus: What is it and how can I protect myself?
  • COVID-19 vaccines: Get the facts
  • COVID-19 , cold, allergies and the flu: What are the differences?

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  1. Disney announces $110,000 international travel package to all 12 of its

    disney international travel

  2. Disney announces $110,000 international travel package to all 12 of its

    disney international travel

  3. Disney announces $110,000 international travel package to all 12 of its

    disney international travel

  4. Disney announces $110,000 international travel package to all 12 of its

    disney international travel

  5. Disney announces $110,000 international travel package to all 12 of its

    disney international travel

  6. The Best Things About International Disney Parks

    disney international travel


  1. Disney Family Vacations

    Costa Rica. Read. Africa - Egypt. Read. Call Us at. (800) 543-0865. Plan Your Adventure. Create a lifetime of family memories as you experience hassle-free, guided group vacations on an Adventures by Disney trip to destinations worldwide.

  2. Europe Tours & River Cruises

    The River Thames flows under London Bridge near Big Ben. Europe. Whether you're looking to explore a quaint provincial town, an old-world village or a modern metropolis, you'll find it all on one of our outstanding European adventures. And however you decide to travel, be it a standard Land Adventure, River Cruise, or Expedition Cruise, you ...

  3. Your Travel Story Awaits

    Expeditions that support the efforts of National Geographic Society's research to preserve and protect the planet. Embark on a trip of a lifetime with Adventures by Disney and National Geographic Expeditions by choosing one of our guided vacation itineraries to amazing locations such as North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Polar Regions.

  4. Walt Disney Travel Company

    Holidays booked through this website are sold by Walt Disney Travel Company (International), a division of The Walt Disney Company Ltd. Registered in London, No. 530051. Registered Office: 3 Queen Caroline Street, Hammersmith, London W6 9PE, UK. Members of ABTA (numbers W1803/P6684) and ATOL (number 10401).

  5. Disney Vacations

    Create Your Magical Disney Vacation. Plot the perfect getaway by choosing from 3 amenity-packed Disneyland Resort hotels. Then, customize a package that lets you take advantage of both theme parks, Character Dining experiences—and conveniently add travel options like your flight, ground transportation and other popular SoCal experiences ...

  6. Adventures By Disney

    2025 Adventures by Disney - Land Adventure Early Booking Offer. Book by July 31, 2024, and save $400 per person on select North America itineraries, or save $500 per person on international itineraries for travel throughout 2025. Eligible Members can take advantage of this special offer now! Limited availability. Terms apply.

  7. Explore the World with Interval International

    My DVC. As part of the World Collection, Interval International® provides Disney Vacation Club Members access to thousands of properties featuring a wide range of vacation accommodations. A world of destinations awaits—from the magnificent castles of Europe to the palm tree-lined beaches of Mexico, to the bright lights of exciting Las Vegas.

  8. $115,000+ Disney Around the World Private Jet ...

    By Tom Bricker Commentary, News & Rumors 108 Comments. 'Disney Parks Around The World - A Private Jet Adventure' is returning for 2024. This bucket list international trip spans 24 days, 6 countries, all 12 Disney theme parks worldwide, and other destinations all for the low, low starting price of $115,000. This post shares details about ...

  9. Disney Holidays

    Walt Disney Travel Company is Disney's official holiday specialist for Walt Disney World Resort in Florida, Disneyland Paris and Disney Cruise Line. ... (International), a division of The Walt Disney Company Ltd. Registered in London, No. 530051. Registered Office: 3 Queen Caroline Street, Hammersmith, London W6 9PE, UK. Members of ABTA ...

  10. Cruises, Family Cruises & Disney Vacations

    Discover what sets Disney Cruise Line apart. Explore award-winning family cruises featuring world-class entertainment, modern amenities and legendary service to worldwide ports of call in The Bahamas, the Caribbean, Alaska, Europe, Mexico, Canada and more.

  11. Quick Guide to Disney International Parks

    Disney Parks Around the World: A Private Jet Adventure . If you have disposable income in the six-figure range and about a month of free time, you can travel to every single Disney park around the world in a private jet. This is, in fact, a real vacation package offered by Adventures by Disney, and it takes 24 days to complete the entire trip.

  12. How Many Disney Theme Parks Are There Worldwide?

    Home to the first international Disney theme park, Tokyo Disney Resort is operated under an agreement between the Walt Disney Company and Oriental Land Company. Theme Parks. ... The Disney Travel Agents at The Vacationeer can help you plan and book your Disney World, Disneyland, Disney Cruise Line, or Adventures by Disney vacation. Their ...

  13. All-Inclusive Family Vacations to Africa

    1-800-543-0865^ or your Travel Advisor. M-F 8am-8pm ET; Sat 10am-6pm ET. Menu. Several people in a Kapama jeep watch a lion resting nearby. Africa. Embark on breathtaking adventures to experience and explore some of the world's most magnificent destinations and iconic sites. Visit South Africa's vibrant cities and diverse landscapes, and ...

  14. All Disney Parks Around the World

    Here is the full list of all Disney Parks around the world: Disneyland Resort (California, United States of America) Disneyland, California Adventure. Original Disney Park, Opened 1955. Walt Disney World Resort (Florida, United States of America) Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, EPCOT, Animal Kingdom. Opened 1971.

  15. What to Know About International Disney Parks

    Tokyo Disney Resort. The first Disney theme park to open outside the U.S., Tokyo Disneyland debuted in 1983 and includes two parks: Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea. Built around a theme of exploration, Tokyo DisneySea has ports of call rather than lands, and in June 2024, the park will introduce its newest port, Fantasy Springs, featuring ...

  16. Disney Resort & Destinations List

    Effective January 19, 2019, Disney Vacation Club Members who do not acquire their ownership interest directly from Disney Vacation Development, LLC will not be able to make Vacation Point reservations at some or all non-Home Resorts. The World Collection is an external exchange program that is not part of the ownership interest and is subject to change.

  17. The International Traveler's Guide to Walt Disney World

    Zoë Wood is a travel writer from Sydney, Australia. Since her first visit to Disneyland at the age of 6, she has spent her years frequently visiting Disney Parks and traveling around the world. Join Zoë as she lets you in on all the tips, tricks, anecdotes, and embarrassments that arise from her family adventures.

  18. Family Vacations at Disney Parks & Resorts

    Plan a Disney family vacation with helpful travel planning information and experience the magic of Disney Theme Parks, cruises and exciting destinations. Skip Navigation. Pause Slideshow Play Slideshow. Enjoy special savings and Cardmember-exclusive experiences. Special Offers for Disney Parks. The page you have selected will open in a new ...

  19. Discover Disney World Vacation Packages

    For assistance with your Walt Disney World vacation, including resort/package bookings and tickets, please call (407) 939-5277. For Walt Disney World dining, please book your reservation online. 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM Eastern Time. Guests under 18 years of age must have parent or guardian permission to call.

  20. Disney Travel Agents

    Welcome toDisney Travel Agents. Explore Disney Destinations information, access valuable marketing tools, and complete specialized training. Already registered? Returning users can sign in here to continue to access trade professional tools, content, training, and benefits. First time here? Access to this site requires registration.

  21. Trip Selector for Vacation Packages, Cruises & Tours

    The agents serving the toll-free number accept only domestic U.S. flight reservations. Canadian Guests should contact their Travel Advisor. From hiking the ruins of Machu Picchu to cruising down the Danube, find the trip that's right for you at Adventures by Disney.

  22. Disney Cruise Line Cracks Down: Here's What You Need To Know about New

    At Walt Disney World Resort and Disneyland Resort, for example, international driving licenses are not (at least in theory) accepted as a form of ID for those purchasing alcohol. Passports are ...

  23. Walt Disney World® Resort Tours and Tickets

    Walt Disney World® Resort is the world's largest theme park, featuring a total of four different parks to explore—Magic Kingdom® Park, EPCOT®, Disney's Animal Kingdom® Theme Park, and Disney's Hollywood Studios®.Enjoyable for the whole family and guests of all ages, these four theme parks (plus two water parks and Disney Springs® a themed retail and entertainment center) provide ...

  24. Disney Transportation Guide for Getting Around Walt Disney World

    Disney Springs buses only travel to the Disney Resorts, not the parks. ... The main boat station at EPCOT is located at the International Gateway, at the back of the park.

  25. Land Adventures

    Why Adventures by Disney Land Adventures. Discover what makes an Adventures by Disney Land Adventure a unique experience.. Adventure Guides & Local Experts When you travel with Adventures by Disney—to any of over 30 destinations throughout the world—you become part of the story!Your Adventure Guides, along with local experts, help to tell the stories of each destination so you can connect ...

  26. COVID-19 travel advice

    Successful travel starts with being prepared for the unexpected. Coronavirus disease 2019, known as COVID-19, is now a part of standard travel planning. As you choose a destination, travel group or event, add COVID-19 to the list of things to research.

  27. Adult Exclusive Adventures

    Adult Exclusive Vacations: A Unique Way to Travel. Discover what makes an Adventures by Disney Adult Exclusive vacation a unique experience.. Adventure Guides & Local Experts When you travel with Adventures by Disney—to any of over 40 destinations throughout the world—you become part of the story!Your Adventure Guides, along with local experts, help to tell the stories of each destination ...

  28. International Passes

    Check out T-Mobile.com > International Passes to see what's available or follow the steps below to add a pass. Additional passes can be purchased as needed once a purchased pass expires or is used up. International Passes only work in the included 215+ countries and destinations. Add International Pass T-Mobile or T Life app