
Essay on My Hobby Travelling

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Hobby Travelling in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Hobby Travelling


Travelling is my favourite hobby. It gives me a chance to explore new places, meet different people, and learn about various cultures.

Why I Love Travelling

I love travelling because it broadens my perspective. It helps me understand the world better and appreciate its diversity.

Learning from Travelling

Travelling is not just fun, it’s educational. I learn about history, geography, and different ways of life. It’s like a living classroom.

In conclusion, travelling is a hobby that enriches my life. It brings joy, knowledge, and a sense of adventure.

250 Words Essay on My Hobby Travelling

The allure of travel.

Traveling is more than just an escape from routine; it’s an exploration of the self and the world. As a hobby, it offers a unique blend of adventure, learning, and personal growth that few other pastimes can match.

Adventure and Discovery

The core of traveling is the spirit of adventure. It’s about stepping out of your comfort zone, taking on new challenges, and discovering uncharted territories. Every journey is filled with unexpected encounters and experiences that are both thrilling and enriching.

Learning and Growth

Traveling is also a profound learning experience. It exposes you to different cultures, languages, and perspectives, broadening your worldview and enhancing your understanding of people and places. This newfound knowledge not only enriches your mind but also fosters empathy and tolerance.

Personal Development

Traveling is a journey of personal growth. It teaches resilience, adaptability, and problem-solving skills as you navigate unfamiliar environments. It cultivates independence and self-reliance, and through overcoming obstacles, you discover your strengths and capabilities.

Connecting with Nature

Traveling allows you to connect with nature, offering a chance to appreciate the planet’s diversity and beauty. It instills a sense of responsibility towards the environment, inspiring sustainable travel practices.

In conclusion, traveling as a hobby is an enriching and transformative experience. It’s a journey that takes you beyond geographical boundaries, into realms of cultural diversity, personal growth, and profound learning. It’s not just about seeing new places, but about seeing the world, and yourself, with new eyes.

500 Words Essay on My Hobby Travelling

Travelling is more than just a leisure activity; it’s a hobby that broadens our perspective, enriches our experiences, and shapes our understanding of the world. As a college student, I find travelling an essential part of my personal growth, facilitating a deeper understanding of cultures, histories, and the natural environment.

The Allure of Travelling

The allure of travelling begins with the inherent curiosity that humans possess. We are natural explorers, driven by an insatiable desire to discover the unknown. Travelling allows us to satiate this curiosity, presenting us with new landscapes, cultures, and experiences. For me, the fascination of delving into the unfamiliar is the core of my hobby.

Learning Through Travelling

Travelling is an immersive learning experience. It is through my travels that I have learned about the historical significance of places like Rome, the vibrant culture of India, the technological advancements of Japan, and the environmental conservation efforts in Costa Rica. These experiences have not only expanded my knowledge but also fostered a sense of global citizenship.

Building Relationships and Empathy

Travelling fosters relationships, both with fellow travellers and locals. These interactions, often brief yet profound, have taught me the value of empathy. They have enabled me to appreciate the diversity of human experiences and perspectives, thereby promoting a sense of unity and shared humanity.

Personal Growth and Self-Discovery

Travelling is a journey of self-discovery. It pushes us out of our comfort zones, challenging our adaptability and resilience. Through my travels, I’ve learned to navigate unfamiliar environments, communicate despite language barriers, and make decisions in unpredictable situations. These experiences have shaped my character, enhancing my confidence and self-reliance.

Preserving the Environment

As a traveller, I’ve become more conscious of my environmental footprint. I strive to travel sustainably, appreciating and respecting the natural beauty of the places I visit while minimizing my impact. This commitment to environmental stewardship is a crucial aspect of my hobby.

In conclusion, my hobby of travelling is a multifaceted experience that provides education, fosters relationships, encourages personal growth, and promotes environmental consciousness. It is more than just a pastime; it is a way of life that continually enriches my understanding of the world. As a college student, I believe that travelling provides invaluable lessons that extend far beyond the confines of a classroom, making it a hobby well worth pursuing.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on My Hobby Singing
  • Essay on My Hobby Painting
  • Essay on My Hobby Gardening

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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9 Benefits of Travelling as a Hobby [+ Tips List]

There are many benefits of travelling as a hobby from seeing amazing new places and understanding different cultures to a personal feeling of accomplishment and even learning a new language.

Let’s start off with the basics though:

Is travelling a hobby?

100% it is.

The dictionary definition of hobby is ‘an activity someone does for pleasure when they are not working’.

So if you travel for pleasure whilst you are away from one, you can absolutely consider your travel as a hobby.

Bonus points for those who geek out on research, follow fellow travellers on social media and read travel books and stories in their spare time!

Hobby Definition

In this article, I’m going to cover some of the benefits of travelling as a hobby as well as linking to my favourite posts that contain great tips for helping you make the most out of your trips.

1. Understanding Different Cultures

Buddhas In Phnom Penh Cambodia

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” Mark Twain

One of my favourite reasons for having travel as a hobby is being able to immerse myself in different countries and cultures rather than seeing them on screen or reading about them in a book.

I’m not trying to claim for one second that spending a week in another country teaches you everything about the place (I’ve lived in Australia for two years now and have barely even scratched the surface) but I certainly feel it gives me more understanding and appreciation of a culture than never having visited.

When I can talk to people, live alongside them, shop in the places they do and feel out of my comfort zone in their world, it begins to help me realise some of what is important.

I often quickly realise how little difference there is when all is said and done, we all want a happy, healthy family, somewhere safe to live and a decent meal at the end of the day.

2. Seeing Amazing Places

Monk At Angkor Wat

“To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.” Aldous Huxley

Whilst I don’t completely agree with the quote above ( see my commentary piece on Medium here ) I do agree that the only way to truly comprehend the amazing places on Earth is to see them with your own eyes.

It’s easy to be an armchair traveller or documentary discoverer, forming an ‘expert’ opinion based on books and photography, but the only way to really understand is to be there.

Flick through all the photos of Angkor Wat you want, but it’s not until you go that you appreciate its size, see the detail of the bas-reliefs, smell the incense blowing through ancient corridors or feel the humidity that the gets held inside the huge sandstone buildings.

So, maybe not everyone is wrong about other countries, but you simply won’t know until you visit for yourself,

3. Meeting New People

Travelling As A Hobby Friends

“A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.” Tim Cahill

My Instagram account is absolutely filled with people who I’ve briefly crossed paths with whilst travelling and my phone book has the numbers of a few that have become more than just people we’ve passed on the way.

Whilst most don’t become lifelong friends, the colourful characters we meet on the road become part of the stories we tell for a lifetime.

To the Thai teenager who quizzed my wife and I for nearly two hours as we all waited for a delayed train, asking us questions to help improve her English, including such killers as ‘why exactly do you love your wife?’ and ‘what is your favourite thing about her?’. Just a tad awkward.

To Clay, who we followed around the Thakhek Loop in Laos, sharing travel stories over an evening fire.

To Sara and Miguel, with whom we spent three hours doing a cooking course in Thailand and laughing so hard that it felt like we’d known each other for years.

To all of you, and the hundreds of others we’ve met, thank you.

4. Learning a New Language

Funny Signs Thailand Metro

“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” Ludwig Wittgenstein

Ok, so a straight up confession here, I speak one language, and that’s English…

…and there are some who would argue I haven’t exactly mastered that yet.

But, if you are someone who’s learning a new language, travelling as a hobby can really help you out by immersing yourself in exactly that language you’re hoping to learn.

A friend of mine has moved to Germany and it’s amazing how quickly he’s picked up the language now he’s surrounded by it. He does everything to accelerate his learning, from watching The Simpsons in German through to changing the instructions and menus on video games into the language.

I made a similar move abroad, but mine was to Australia , and whilst I’ve got really good at ‘how ya going’ and ‘too easy’ it’s not exactly a second language to add to the CV .

5. Self Reflection

What is 'real' travel?

“Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.” Henry David Thoreau

There is a lot of time for self reflection when travelling.

Being away from a normal routine and with ample time waiting at stations and confined to transport, the mind naturally spends time wandering.

Honestly though, rarely have my reflections been life-changing, more life-affirming. I feel like I understand myself better, think more clearly and have a desire to slow down. I reflect on how grateful I am for what I have, how much I often take my family and friends for granted and what I wonderful country I grew up in.

I know for some, they asay travelling has changed their life forever.

It never has for me.

As they say…

If an ass goes travelling, he’ll not come home a horse – Thomas Fuller

For me, the self-reflection of travel is more a renewal, a chance to think long and hard about things I don’t get the time to at home and come back fresh and ready to go again.

It’s why I prefer taking sabbaticals to quitting work completely, the time away invigorates me to carry on improving.

Read my full post on this topic: Reflections on a Sabbatical: 3 Months Later

6. Accomplishment

World Map

“A map says to you. Read me carefully, follow me closely, doubt me not… I am the earth in the palm of your hand.” Beryl Markham

I get a real sense of accomplishment from travel, in fact it’s probably the biggest thing that makes travelling a hobby for me.

Filling in the map, adding another country to the list , it really feeds my collecting and completion mentality.

That’s not to say I’m going JUST to fill in the map, but it is part of the reasons I choose to visit new places rather than go back to the same ones again and again. I want to try and see a bit of all of them.

It’s also the reason I tick off UNESCO World Heritage Sites as I travel . Not only do I know they are always incredible places to visit (in fact it’s one of my biggest tips for other travellers ) but I also love keeping a total of how many I’ve made it to.

READ MORE ON THIS TOPIC: – My Personal Country Total – – How Many Countries Are There To Visit? (It Might Not Be What You Think) –

7. Becoming Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

Damage To Toyota Hilux In Laos

“I dislike feeling at home when I am abroad.” George Bernard Shaw
“When you travel remember that a country is not designed to make you comfortable, it’s designed to make its own people comfortable.” Clifton Fadiman

We only learn when we are stretched, when we are at the edges of what we feel comfortable doing.

And one of the biggest things I’ve learned from my travelling hobby is how to feel comfortable being uncomfortable and how to worry less about things that are out of my control.

The feeling of being in a new country where you don’t speak the language, don’t know anyone, don’t have anywhere to stay or any idea where or when you’re going to eat.

That’s uncomfortable.

But it’s also strangely liberating.

Weirdly, when life is cut back to the real basic human needs, all the more complex worries of emails piling up, deadlines that need meeting and workplace conflict seem so small and unimportant.

As someone who’s suffered with anxiety all my life, the anxieties of surviving in a new country seem far less than the more trivial problems I experience every day at work.

My body and brain adapt, I keep occupied and quickly learn how to survive outside my comfort zone.

8. Keeping a Record

Keeping A Record Of Travel

“I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train.” Oscar Wilde

We’ve already spoken about filling in a map, but there are other ways of keeping a record if you travel as a hobby.

Some keep a beautiful journal or travel diary, others take photographs and put together big glossy books when they get home.

I like to buy a Lonely Planet guide and bring home a wooden carving from each place we go to. We have a wooden bear from Croatia, a wooden shark from Seychelles and even a wooden ribbiting frog from South Africa

If you want to go to even more extreme measures, you can even start a travel blog like I did.

It’s a lot of work, but I love it and it forms a permanent record of our travels around the world and brings in some extra income.

Moleskine Passion Journal, Travel, Hard Cover, Large (5' x 8.25') Elm Green, 400 Pages

  • MOLESKINE PASSION JOURNAL: Whatever your passion, plan your next steps & track your progress with a Moleskine Passion Journal, with notebook designs for cooking & recipes, books & reading, traveling,...
  • DURABLE COVER & ELASTIC CLOSURE: From tracking your workout goals & plans, to a reading log, recording recipes, or planning out your perfect garden or wedding, the leather-like Moleskine cover & ivory...

9. Re-Appreciating Your Home Country

Travelling As A Hobby Appreciating Home

“The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one’s own country as a foreign land.” G.K. Chesterton

The quote above says it far more articulately than I ever could.

One of the things I get most from travel is that, on my return, I have a new-found appreciation for my home country.

The longer I’m away, the more I feel like a tourist in my own land when I return, the more I notice the buildings and landscape I’d gone past hundreds or times before without noticing and the more I appreciate everything from local pubs to my friendly corner-shop owner.

If a hobby is an activity done for enjoyment, than travelling as a hobby gives a dual benefit – the enjoyment of travel itself and then the enjoyment in a new-found love of your home country.

BONUS: Travelling as a Hobby: Tips to Make the Most of Your Trips

Below I are links to some of my favourite articles that will help you to make the most of travel as a hobby:

  • 100+ Incredible Travel Tools (For Simple & Cheap Travel)
  • 35 Jobs You Need to Do Before You Go Travelling
  • 4 Ways to Quickly Learn a Language Before You Travel
  • 13 Alternative Travel Tips and Tricks I Use on Every Trip
  • 8 Basic Yoga Poses to Keep You Flexible While Travelling
  • A Simple Technique to Shrink You Packing Time

Related posts:

  • 14 Short, Funny Travel Stories Guaranteed To Cheer You Up
  • Travel Is the Only Thing You Buy That Makes You Richer
  • Can You Bring Glass on a Plane? [Yes, Here’s the Rules]
  • Can I Bring Flowers on a Plane?
  • Can You Bring Cologne on a Plane? [Official Response]

the reeves family picture


Reeves Roam , is a first-hand travel blog. The Reeves have lived in the UK, South Africa and Australia and have travelled extensively in Europe and Southeast Asia.

Booking your trip via the links on this page earns us a small commission at no extra cost to you. 

You can also buy us a coffee . 

Thanks – Ben, Becca and Gracie

Ellie's Travel Tips

Is Traveling a Hobby? Yes… Well, It Depends.

Are you tired of the same old routine? Do you crave adventure and excitement in your life?

Let me tell you, it’s not just about going on trips and ticking off destinations from your bucket list. No, my friend, it’s so much more than that. Traveling can be a great interest and spare time activity.

But is traveling a hobby? Let’s dive in.

is traveling a hobby

Well, Is It a Hobby?

Yes, traveling is widely regarded as a hobby. It involves exploring new places, experiencing different cultures, and seeking adventures, making it a popular leisure activity for many people.

Benefits of Traveling as a Hobby

Broadening your perspective.

Traveling as a full-time hobby offers many benefits, and one of the most significant is the opportunity to start a new journey , broaden your perspective, and gain a deeper understanding of the world around you.

Experiencing different cultures, interacting with locals, and witnessing their customs and traditions firsthand can bring immense interest and pleasure.

It opens your eyes to diverse ways of life, beliefs, and values that may be vastly different from your own.

By exploring various cultures through travel, you develop a greater interest in and appreciation for diversity.

This travel hobby helps you become more tolerant, accepting, and open-minded, breaking down stereotypes and prejudices that may have been ingrained in your thinking.

norwegian star cabins to avoid

Enhancing Personal Growth and Self-Discovery

Another reason why traveling is an excellent hobby is its ability to enhance personal growth and self-discovery.

Stepping out of your comfort zone allows you to push boundaries, challenge yourself, and discover hidden strengths within you.

As you navigate unfamiliar places, overcome obstacles, and adapt to new situations, you develop resilience and confidence in your abilities, which can further fuel your interest in traveling.

Travel experiences can also lead to profound self-reflection and pique your interest. Being away from the familiar surroundings gives you space for introspection.

You may find yourself questioning your values or reevaluating priorities when exposed to alternative lifestyles or witnessing social issues firsthand during your travels.

Moreover, traveling presents opportunities for self-discovery and personal growth.

It allows you to engage in activities or hobbies that spark your interest, such as learning a new language or trying adventure sports like scuba diving or hiking through challenging terrains. These experiences help uncover hidden passions and foster personal growth.

Developing Adaptability Skills

Few things compare to travel as a hobby. Navigating through unfamiliar territories forces you out of routines and comfort zones.

It sparks interest, as you learn to embrace uncertainty and become more flexible in dealing with unexpected situations.

While traveling, you may encounter language barriers, transportation issues, or cultural differences that require quick thinking and problem-solving skills.

These challenges provide an excellent opportunity to develop adaptability, resourcefulness, and the ability to think on your feet. They also spark interest in different cultures and languages.

Decision-making becomes a crucial skill when planning your travels, especially when it comes to choosing destinations and accommodations.

Every decision you make contributes to honing your ability to make informed choices efficiently, which is of great interest when it comes to spontaneous choices along the way.

hikes in Southern Wisconsin

Boosting Creativity

Traveling as a hobby can significantly boost your creativity by exposing you to diverse environments and people.

Whether it’s exploring vibrant cities or serene natural landscapes, each destination offers unique inspiration that can fuel your creative pursuits.

Experiencing different cultures exposes you to new art forms, architecture, music, cuisine, and ways of thinking.

This exposure broadens your creative horizons by introducing fresh perspectives and ideas that you may not have encountered otherwise. It allows you to break free from routine patterns of thought and encourages innovative thinking.

Furthermore, interacting with people from various backgrounds while traveling stimulates creativity through shared experiences and conversations.

Engaging with individuals who possess different viewpoints challenges your own assumptions and encourages you to think outside the box.

most beautiful hikes in the world

Reducing Stress Levels and Improving Mental Well-being

Traveling has long been recognized as a means of reducing stress levels and improving overall mental well-being.

Taking a break from daily routines allows you to unwind and recharge both physically and mentally.

When you travel as a hobby, you escape the pressures of work or personal responsibilities temporarily.

Instead of focusing on deadlines or obligations, you immerse yourself in relaxation or exploration. This change in environment helps alleviate stress by providing distance from everyday worries.

Moreover, travel offers an opportunity for self-care through activities like spa treatments or spending time in nature.

Engaging in these rejuvenating experiences promotes relaxation while boosting mood-enhancing hormones like serotonin and dopamine.

Building Resilience

One of the many reasons why traveling is a valuable hobby is its ability to build resilience. When you navigate unfamiliar situations during your travels, you develop adaptability and perseverance.

Whether it’s dealing with delayed flights, getting lost in a foreign city, or facing unexpected challenges – each hurdle strengthens your resilience muscles.

travel as a hobby

Determining the Nature of Travel: Hobby or Lifestyle?

Recognizing your perspective on travel.

Determining whether you view travel as a casual hobby or an integral part of your lifestyle is a philosophical question that requires self-reflection.

Take a moment to ponder how you perceive travel in relation to your life. Do you see it as a mere pastime, or does it hold deeper meaning for you?

Understanding your perspective will shed light on the role travel plays in your overall happiness and fulfillment.

Assessing Frequency and Significance

One way to gauge the nature of your relationship with travel is by assessing how frequently you engage in travel activities.

Consider the number of trips you take each year and the amount of time spent exploring new destinations.

If you find yourself constantly yearning for new adventures and planning upcoming trips, it may be an indication that travel holds significant importance in your life.

Travel can become more than just a hobby when it becomes intertwined with various aspects of our existence.

It is not merely about visiting new places; it becomes a way of life, shaping our worldview and enriching our experiences.

When we prioritize allocating time, resources, and energy towards traveling over other hobbies or commitments, we begin to realize that it has transcended the realm of a simple pastime.

Prioritizing Travel Over Other Commitments

Ask yourself if you consistently choose to allocate your limited resources towards traveling rather than other pursuits.

Are you willing to save up money specifically for trips? Do you forego certain luxuries or material possessions in order to fund your wanderlust?

Evaluating these choices can help determine whether travel has evolved into more than just a hobby for you.

For many individuals who consider travel as an integral part of their lifestyle, family commitments are also taken into account when planning trips.

They actively seek out opportunities to incorporate their loved ones into their adventures, recognizing that shared experiences create lasting memories.

Whether it’s embarking on a road trip with siblings or exploring a foreign land with children, family becomes an essential component of their travel philosophy.

Travel as an Intrinsic Part of Life

When travel becomes a lifestyle rather than a hobby, it permeates various aspects of our existence.

It goes beyond the act of visiting new places and transforms into a mindset that seeks out opportunities to explore and learn.

Those who embrace travel as an intrinsic part of life actively seek ways to incorporate it into different facets, such as work or relationships.

Incorporating travel into work can involve seeking job opportunities that allow for frequent trips or even pursuing careers in the tourism industry.

By intertwining their professional lives with their passion for exploration, these individuals find fulfillment in both realms. Similarly, they also prioritize building connections and friendships with fellow travelers, recognizing the value of shared experiences and the joy that comes from connecting with like-minded individuals.

Ultimately, determining whether traveling is merely a hobby or an integral part of your lifestyle requires introspection and honest evaluation.

By reflecting on how frequently you engage in travel activities, prioritizing it over other commitments, and actively seeking out opportunities to incorporate it into various aspects of your life, you will gain insight into the significance it holds for you.

Whether you define yourself as a casual traveler or someone whose entire life revolves around wanderlust is entirely up to you – there is no right or wrong answer.

man standing at edge of pool

Tips for Making Travel a Hobby

Setting specific goals.

One of the first tips for making travel a hobby is to set specific goals for your adventures. By having clear objectives in mind, you can make your travel experiences more meaningful and purposeful.

Consider setting goals such as visiting a certain number of countries or continents within a given timeframe.

This will give you something to work towards and provide a sense of accomplishment when you achieve these milestones.

Researching Destinations

To truly make travel a hobby, it’s important to research various destinations that align with your interests and preferences.

Whether you’re passionate about history, nature, or food, there are countless places around the world waiting to be explored.

Take the time to delve into guidebooks, online resources, and travel blogs to discover hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path locations that cater to your specific interests.

Effective Budgeting

Budgeting effectively is crucial. You want to ensure that you can afford regular trips without compromising other financial responsibilities.

Start by creating a dedicated travel fund and contribute to it regularly. Look for ways to cut back on unnecessary expenses in your daily life so that you have more money available for your travels.

Consider using budgeting apps or spreadsheets to keep track of your expenses and identify areas where you can save.

Maximizing Loyalty Programs

Taking advantage of loyalty programs offered by airlines, hotels, or credit cards can significantly enhance your travel experiences while saving you money in the long run.

Sign up for frequent flyer programs and hotel rewards programs to earn points or miles with every trip.

These loyalty programs often offer perks such as free upgrades, access to exclusive lounges, and discounted rates on future bookings. Make sure to compare different programs and choose ones that align with your travel preferences.

Balancing Time Management

Balancing work, personal life commitments, and travel aspirations is essential for making travel a hobby. It’s important to prioritize time management skills to ensure that you can dedicate enough time to your travels without neglecting other aspects of your life.

Plan your trips well in advance and coordinate with your work schedule to avoid conflicts. Look for opportunities to combine business trips with personal travel or take advantage of long weekends and holidays to fit in shorter getaways.

Making Travel Affordable

Traveling doesn’t have to break the bank, especially if you’re looking to make it a hobby. There are several ways to make travel more affordable.

Consider opting for budget accommodations such as hostels or vacation rentals instead of expensive hotels.

Research low-cost transportation options like budget airlines or public transportation systems in your destination. Be flexible with your travel dates and destinations, as this can often lead to significant savings.

airplane flying during sunset

Exploring Traveling in Relation to Other Hobbies

Enhancing your overall experience.

Combining travel with hobbies such as photography, hiking, or cooking can greatly enhance your overall experience.

Imagine capturing breathtaking landscapes through the lens of your camera, immersing yourself in nature while hiking through scenic trails, or indulging in local cuisines and learning authentic recipes during your travels.

By incorporating these activities into your trips, you not only get to explore new destinations but also engage in meaningful experiences that align with your interests.

Photography is a popular hobby that pairs perfectly with traveling. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced photographer, there’s always something captivating about capturing the essence of a place through photographs.

From iconic landmarks to hidden gems off the beaten path, each destination offers unique opportunities for you to hone your skills and create lasting memories.

Researching the best spots for photography beforehand allows you to plan your itinerary accordingly and make the most out of every shot.

Similarly, if hiking is one of your favorite pastimes, exploring new trails and landscapes around the world can be an exhilarating adventure.

From majestic mountains to lush forests and coastal paths, there are endless possibilities for hikers of all levels. Prioritize researching popular hiking routes and ensure you have the necessary equipment before embarking on any journey.

Connecting with local hiking communities or joining guided tours can provide valuable insights and enhance safety during your hikes.

For those who enjoy cooking or trying different cuisines, traveling opens up a world of flavors and culinary traditions.

Seek out destinations known for their gastronomic delights and immerse yourself in local food culture by participating in cooking classes or food tours.

You’ll not only learn new recipes but also gain a deeper understanding of the region’s history and traditions through its cuisine.

Seeking Out Destination-Specific Opportunities

One exciting approach is seeking out destinations that offer specific opportunities aligned with your interests.

For example, if you’re a scuba diving enthusiast , tropical locations with vibrant marine life and clear waters are ideal destinations to explore.

Imagine diving among colorful coral reefs in the Maldives or encountering exotic sea creatures in the Great Barrier Reef. Researching dive sites, local regulations, and reputable dive operators beforehand ensures a safe and unforgettable experience.

On the other hand, if skiing is your passion, mountainous regions with snowy slopes become your playground during winter months.

From world-renowned ski resorts in the Swiss Alps to hidden gems in Canada or Japan, there’s no shortage of options for avid skiers.

Consider factors such as snow conditions, difficulty levels, and après-ski activities when choosing your destination. Planning ahead allows you to make the most of your time on the slopes and enjoy a well-rounded skiing vacation.

Connecting with Like-Minded Individuals

Traveling alone can be a wonderful opportunity for self-discovery and personal growth.

However, joining travel groups or communities centered around shared hobbies can add an extra layer of enjoyment to your trips.

Interacting with like-minded individuals who share similar interests creates opportunities for camaraderie and memorable experiences.

Whether it’s joining a photography club that organizes group photo walks in different cities or connecting with hiking enthusiasts through online forums, these communities offer valuable insights and companionship during your travels.

You can exchange tips and recommendations, share stories from your adventures, or even plan group trips together.

Incorporating Local Cultural Activities

While pursuing our hobbies during travel is important, it’s equally essential to immerse ourselves in local cultural activities related to our interests.

Engaging with local traditions not only enriches our understanding of the destination but also provides unique perspectives on our hobbies.

For instance, if you’re passionate about photography while visiting India, exploring ancient temples adorned with intricate carvings or capturing vibrant street scenes during traditional festivals like Holi can offer unparalleled opportunities for creative expression.

Similarly, if you’re a food lover visiting Thailand, learning to cook authentic Thai dishes or participating in local food markets can deepen your appreciation for the country’s culinary heritage.

sunset during a river traveling

Filling Leisure Time with Fulfilling Travel Experiences

Making the most of limited leisure time.

We all strive to make the most of it.

Whether it’s a few hours on the weekend or a short break during the workweek, planning weekend getaways or short trips can be an excellent way to fill your spare time with fulfilling travel experiences.

Instead of letting those precious moments slip away, why not embark on an adventure and create memories that will last a lifetime?

One effective strategy is to utilize public holidays and vacation days strategically throughout the year.

By aligning your time off with long weekends or festive occasions, you can maximize your travel opportunities without sacrificing too much from your regular routine.

It’s like hitting two birds with one stone – you get to enjoy some well-deserved relaxation while exploring new destinations.

Exploring Nearby Attractions and Hidden Gems

Travel doesn’t always have to involve crossing borders or embarking on long journeys.

When time is limited, exploring nearby attractions and hidden gems within your own region can be just as rewarding.

You’d be surprised by what you might find right in your backyard! From charming small towns and picturesque landscapes to historical sites and ancient ruins, there’s plenty to discover if you look closely enough.

By focusing on the beauty of your immediate surroundings, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for where you live while satisfying your wanderlust cravings.

Plus, these shorter trips allow for more flexibility in terms of planning since they don’t require extensive time commitments. So grab a map, do some research, and set out on an adventure that lies just around the corner!

Engaging in Slow Travel for Immersion

Sometimes, instead of rushing from one tourist spot to another, it’s worth slowing down and immersing yourself fully in a destination’s culture and lifestyle.

This is where slow travel comes into play – staying longer in one place allows you to experience it on a more profound level.

Rather than merely scratching the surface, you can dive deep into the local traditions, cuisine, and way of life.

Imagine waking up in a cozy apartment in Paris and spending your days strolling along the Seine, savoring croissants at a nearby café, and getting lost in the narrow streets of Montmartre.

By embracing slow travel, you can truly live like a local and create meaningful connections with the people and places around you. So why rush when you can take your time and let every moment sink in?

Prioritizing Quality over Quantity

In our fast-paced world where ticking off bucket lists seems to be the norm, it’s essential to remember that travel is not just about quantity but also about quality.

Instead of trying to visit as many destinations as possible within a limited timeframe, consider focusing on meaningful experiences that leave a lasting impact.

Rather than rushing through popular tourist spots just for the sake of saying you’ve been there, take the time to truly connect with each place you visit.

Engage with locals, try authentic cuisine, participate in cultural activities – these are the moments that will stay with you long after your trip is over.

Remember, it’s not about how many places you’ve seen; it’s about how deeply those places have touched your heart.

Ulu Yam

Questions to Ask about Traveling as a Hobby

How can i afford frequent travels without breaking the bank.

Traveling doesn’t have to drain your bank account. With some smart planning and budgeting, you can make your wanderlust dreams a reality without going broke.

Here are a few tips to help you afford frequent travels:

  • Set a travel budget : Determine how much money you can allocate towards your trips each month or year. This will give you a clear idea of what you can afford and help you prioritize your spending.
  • Save strategically : Cut back on unnecessary expenses in your daily life and redirect those savings towards your travel fund. Consider packing lunch instead of eating out, canceling unused subscriptions, or opting for public transportation instead of driving.
  • Be flexible with dates and destinations : Travel during off-peak seasons or look for last-minute deals to score cheaper flights and accommodations. Also, consider visiting destinations where the cost of living is relatively lower.
  • Embrace alternative accommodations : Instead of always staying in hotels, explore options like hostels, guesthouses, or vacation rentals through platforms like Airbnb. These alternatives often offer more affordable rates while providing unique experiences.
  • Maximize rewards points and loyalty programs : Take advantage of credit card rewards programs that offer points for travel-related expenses like flights and hotel stays. Join loyalty programs offered by airlines and hotels to earn perks and discounts.
  • Travel locally : Exploring nearby cities or towns can be just as exciting as traveling abroad but at a fraction of the cost. Discover hidden gems in your own backyard by planning weekend getaways or day trips.

Remember that traveling on a budget requires some sacrifices, but it’s all worth it when you get to experience new cultures, meet interesting people, and create lifelong memories.

Is it possible to balance a full-time job with regular travel adventures?

Absolutely! Many people successfully balance their full-time jobs with regular travel adventures. It may require some planning and flexibility, but with the right approach, you can make it work.

Here are a few strategies to help you achieve this:

  • Utilize your vacation days wisely : Plan your trips around long weekends or public holidays to maximize your time off work. By strategically using your vacation days, you can extend your travels without taking additional time off.
  • Negotiate remote work options : If your job allows for remote work, consider negotiating a flexible schedule that allows you to work remotely while traveling. This way, you can explore new destinations during evenings and weekends without sacrificing your professional commitments.
  • Take advantage of business trips : If your job involves occasional business travel, try to extend those trips by a few days to explore the destination on your own dime. This way, you get the best of both worlds – work and leisure.
  • Plan shorter but frequent trips : Instead of taking one long vacation per year, plan several shorter trips throughout the year. This way, you can satisfy your wanderlust without being away from work for an extended period.
  • Prioritize efficient packing and planning : Streamline your packing process to save time and reduce stress before each trip. Create checklists, pack versatile clothing items that can be mixed and matched easily, and use packing cubes or organizers to optimize space in your luggage.

Remember that finding a balance between work and travel requires effective time management and open communication with your employer or colleagues. With proper planning and a positive mindset, it is indeed possible to embark on exciting adventures while maintaining a successful career.

What are some safety precautions I should take while traveling alone?

Traveling alone can be an incredibly rewarding experience; however, it’s important to prioritize safety when exploring unfamiliar territories solo. Here are some essential safety precautions to keep in mind:

  • Research destinations in advance : Before traveling to a new place, research the local customs, laws, and potential safety concerns. Familiarize yourself with common scams or areas to avoid.
  • Share your itinerary : Inform a trusted friend or family member about your travel plans, including details of your accommodation and any activities you have planned. Regularly check-in with them during your trip to keep them updated on your whereabouts.
  • Stay aware of your surroundings : Pay attention to your surroundings at all times and trust your instincts. Avoid isolated areas, especially at night, and be cautious when interacting with strangers.

Defining Traveling as a Hobby

Recognizing the essence of traveling as a hobby.

Have you ever wondered if traveling can be considered more than just a means to get from one place to another?

Well, if you are someone who actively seeks out new destinations and experiences beyond necessity or obligation, then traveling definitely qualifies as a hobby for you.

Unlike occasional or mandatory travel, engaging in regular trips for personal enjoyment distinguishes it as something more profound.

When we talk about traveling as a hobby, we delve into the realm of passion and adventure. It goes beyond simply fulfilling our basic needs; it becomes an intrinsic part of who we are.

People with this hobby invest their time, effort, and resources into planning and executing trips that ignite their sense of wanderlust.

They meticulously research destinations, create detailed itineraries, and eagerly anticipate the joy that awaits them on each journey.

The Driving Force Behind Traveling as a Hobby

What motivates individuals to pursue traveling as a hobby? The answer lies in their insatiable curiosity and desire to explore new places and cultures.

For them, stepping foot in unfamiliar territory is akin to embarking on an exhilarating treasure hunt.

Each destination offers unique experiences waiting to be discovered – from tasting exotic cuisines to immersing themselves in vibrant local traditions.

Traveling enthusiasts thrive on the thrill of discovering hidden gems off the beaten path.

They seek out breathtaking landscapes that leave them awestruck, encounter diverse communities that broaden their perspectives, and collect memories that become cherished stories shared with friends and family back home. Their passion for exploration fuels their constant quest for new adventures.

Embracing the Journey

When you consider traveling solely as a means of transportation or fulfilling obligations, you miss out on the true essence of this remarkable hobby.

It’s not just about reaching your destination; it’s about embracing every step along the way – from planning your itinerary meticulously to immersing yourself in the local culture and connecting with fellow travelers.

As a hobby, traveling offers endless possibilities for personal growth and self-discovery.

It pushes you out of your comfort zone, challenges your preconceived notions, and exposes you to diverse perspectives. Each trip becomes an opportunity to learn, adapt, and broaden your horizons.

Moreover, traveling as a hobby allows you to create lasting memories that enrich your life.

Whether it’s hiking through lush rainforests or strolling along ancient cobblestone streets, every experience contributes to the tapestry of your personal journey. These moments become cherished souvenirs that evoke joy and nostalgia long after the trip has ended.

Piyali Island

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone through Travel

Expanding your culinary horizons.

Have you ever tried a dish so unique and delicious that it transported you to a different world?

When you travel, one of the best ways to step out of your comfort zone is by trying local cuisine or participating in cooking classes.

By indulging in new flavors and culinary experiences, you not only expand your palate but also gain a deeper understanding of the culture and traditions of the place you are visiting.

Imagine yourself strolling through the vibrant streets of Bangkok, Thailand. As you pass by food stalls filled with aromatic spices and sizzling pans, your senses come alive.

You decide to try Pad Thai, a popular street food dish. The combination of sweet, sour, salty, and spicy flavors dances on your tongue, leaving an indelible mark on your taste buds.

By embracing this culinary adventure, you not only satisfy your hunger but also create lasting memories.

In addition to trying local delicacies, participating in cooking classes can be an enriching experience. Imagine yourself learning how to make homemade pasta in Italy or mastering the art of sushi-making in Japan.

These hands-on experiences allow you to learn from experts while immersing yourself in the local culture. As you chop ingredients and mix flavors under their guidance, you gain valuable insights into traditional cooking techniques and ingredients unique to each region.

Embracing New Challenges through Adventure Activities

Are you someone who seeks thrill and excitement?

If stepping out of your comfort zone means conquering fears and embracing new challenges for you, then engaging in adventure activities during your travels is a must.

Picture yourself standing on a towering cliff overlooking Queenstown, New Zealand—the adrenaline capital of the world.

The wind tugs at your hair as bungee jumpers leap off the platform above. Despite feeling nervousness creeping up within you, something inside pushes you forward—a desire to conquer fear and experience something extraordinary.

With a deep breath, you take the plunge, hurtling towards the ground before bouncing back up with an overwhelming sense of accomplishment.

Paragliding is another adventure activity that can push you out of your comfort zone. Imagine yourself soaring through the sky like a bird, taking in breathtaking views of the Swiss Alps or the picturesque landscapes of Nepal.

The initial hesitation gives way to a rush of exhilaration as you glide through the air, defying gravity and embracing the unknown. These adrenaline-pumping experiences not only provide unforgettable memories but also empower you to overcome self-imposed limitations.

Learning from Locals and Immersing Yourself in New Cultures

Traveling offers a unique opportunity to interact with locals and gain insights into their customs, traditions, and way of life.

Stepping out of your comfort zone means venturing beyond tourist hotspots and seeking authentic connections with people from different countries.

Imagine finding yourself in a bustling market in Marrakech, Morocco. As you navigate through narrow alleyways lined with vibrant stalls selling spices, textiles, and handicrafts, friendly locals approach you with warm smiles.

Engaging in conversations with them allows you to learn about their daily lives, cultural practices, and historical anecdotes that may not be found in guidebooks.

By connecting with locals on social media platforms or attending community events during your travels, you can foster meaningful relationships that go beyond surface-level interactions.

These connections enable you to gain insider knowledge about hidden gems within a destination—off-the-beaten-path locations that offer unique experiences away from the typical tourist crowds.

Venturing into Unfamiliar Territories

Stepping out of your comfort zone often involves exploring destinations outside your usual travel preferences or familiar territories.

While it’s tempting to stick to what we know best or feel comfortable with, embracing unfamiliar places can lead to unexpected discoveries and personal growth.

For instance, if beach vacations have been your go-to choice, why not plan a trip to the mountains or a bustling city instead?

By immersing yourself in new environments, you expose yourself to different cultures, landscapes, and ways of life. This exposure broadens your perspective and challenges preconceived notions you may have held.

To take it a step further, embracing spontaneity during your travels can lead to unforgettable experiences.

While planning is essential for a smooth journey, allowing room for unexpected opportunities can add an element of surprise and excitement. Say yes to that local festival you stumble upon or join a group of fellow travelers on an impromptu hike.

These unplanned adventures often become cherished memories that remind us of the beauty of living in the present moment.

funny quotes cruises

Language Learning and Travel: Expanding Linguistic Skills

Immersion in foreign language environments: enhancing language learning abilities while traveling.

Imagine strolling through the vibrant streets of Paris, hearing the melodic sounds of French being spoken all around you.

Or perhaps you find yourself wandering through bustling markets in Tokyo, surrounded by a symphony of Japanese conversations.

Traveling provides an incredible opportunity to immerse yourself in foreign language environments, allowing you to enhance your language learning abilities.

When you travel to a country where the primary language is different from your own, you are presented with a unique chance to fully immerse yourself in that language.

By constantly hearing and engaging with native speakers, your ears become attuned to the nuances of pronunciation, intonation, and cadence.

This immersion experience helps train your brain to understand and process the new language more effectively.

To make the most of this immersive environment, it can be beneficial to supplement your experiences with formal language learning methods.

Consider enrolling in local language courses or hiring tutors who can provide personalized instruction based on your proficiency level and specific goals.

These experts can guide you through grammar rules, vocabulary expansion exercises, and conversational practice sessions tailored to your needs.

Practical Steps for Improving Proficiency: Taking Language Courses and Hiring Local Tutors

Taking formal language courses while traveling offers a structured approach to improving proficiency in specific languages.

Many cities around the world have reputable institutions that offer short-term courses designed for travelers seeking rapid progress.

These programs often focus on practical communication skills relevant to everyday situations such as ordering food at restaurants or asking for directions.

Hiring local tutors can be an excellent way to accelerate your language learning journey during trips abroad.

These tutors possess intimate knowledge of their native languages and cultures, enabling them to provide valuable insights beyond what textbooks or online resources may offer.

They can help refine your pronunciation, correct grammatical errors, and introduce colloquial expressions that add authenticity to your language skills.

Conversational Practice: Gaining Practical Experience in Using a Foreign Language Effectively

While formal language courses and tutoring sessions are essential, nothing compares to the practical experience gained through conversing with locals.

Engaging in conversations with native speakers allows you to put your newfound language skills into practice, building confidence and fluency.

It also provides an opportunity to learn about different cultures firsthand, as language is intricately intertwined with a society’s customs and traditions.

Don’t be afraid to strike up conversations with locals whenever possible. Start by practicing basic greetings and simple phrases, gradually progressing to more complex discussions.

Locals are often delighted when visitors make an effort to communicate in their native tongue, and they may even offer valuable tips or corrections along the way.

Language-Learning Apps and Online Resources: Tailored for Travelers Seeking Basic Communication Skills

In today’s digital age, language-learning apps and online resources have become invaluable tools for travelers seeking basic communication skills in various languages.

These resources provide convenient access to lessons, vocabulary lists, pronunciation guides, and interactive exercises that can be accessed anytime, anywhere.

Popular language-learning apps such as Duolingo or Babbel offer gamified experiences that make learning feel like a fun challenge rather than a tedious task.

They allow you to set goals, track progress, and engage in bite-sized lessons ideal for those on the go. Online platforms like YouTube or podcasts provide authentic content created by native speakers that expose you to real-life conversations and cultural insights.

By incorporating these apps and online resources into your travel routine, you can maximize your language learning potential even during moments of downtime or while commuting between destinations.

Frequently Asked Questions about is Traveling a Hobby?

How can i afford to travel frequently.

Traveling doesn’t have to break the bank. Start by setting aside a portion of your income specifically for travel expenses. Look for budget-friendly destinations and accommodations, take advantage of travel deals and discounts, and consider alternative options like house-sitting or volunteering abroad.

Is it safe to travel alone?

While safety should always be a priority when traveling alone, taking necessary precautions can ensure a secure journey. Research your destination beforehand, stay alert in unfamiliar surroundings, inform someone trustworthy about your itinerary, and trust your instincts throughout the trip.

Can I still pursue other hobbies while traveling?

Absolutely! Traveling doesn’t mean giving up other hobbies; it means finding ways to incorporate them into your journeys. Whether it’s painting landscapes on the go or practicing yoga amidst breathtaking scenery, there are endless opportunities to merge your passions with travel.

How do I overcome language barriers while traveling?

Language barriers need not hinder your travel experiences. Learning basic phrases in the local language can go a long way in communicating with locals. Technology offers translation apps that can help bridge any communication gaps.

What if I don’t have much time for extensive trips?

Even if you have limited time, there are still ways to make travel a hobby. Consider shorter weekend getaways or exploring nearby destinations. The key is to prioritize and make the most of the time available to you.

Traveling as a hobby goes beyond mere sightseeing; it becomes an integral part of your lifestyle and personal growth. It’s about embracing new experiences, discovering yourself in unfamiliar settings, and continuously seeking adventures that ignite your passion for exploration.

Related Posts and Terminology for Travel Enthusiasts

For further inspiration and information on traveling as a hobby, check out our related blog posts and familiarize yourself with common travel terminology used by enthusiasts around the world. Dive into the vast community of travel lovers who share their experiences, tips, and recommendations.

Traveling pushes us beyond our comfort zones, encouraging personal growth and resilience. It challenges us to adapt to new environments, navigate unfamiliar situations, and embrace the unknown. By stepping out of your comfort zone through travel, you’ll discover strengths within yourself that you never knew existed.

One of the incredible benefits of traveling is the opportunity to learn new languages or improve existing linguistic skills. Immersing yourself in different cultures exposes you to diverse languages and dialects. Whether it’s ordering food in a local market or engaging in conversations with native speakers, language learning becomes an exciting part of your travel journey.

Is traveling a hobby pin


Embracing Travel as a Pastime: 21 Unique Benefits of Traveling as a Hobby!

Last Updated on February 14, 2024 by Lifevif Team and JC Franco

When you think about taking up a hobby, you probably think about gardening, running, painting, or something along those lines. Have you ever thought about choosing to travel as a hobby? There was a point in time, where my need for a hobby and my interest in adventure collided. And what was born was one of the most beautifully rewarding hobbies of my entire life: traveling.

Through all my years of traveling, I have discovered many reasons why traveling is a beneficial hobby, and, today, I would love to share some of them with you.

With that in mind, I have encountered many people who have questioned me when I tell them that my favorite hobby is traveling. To clarify things a bit, the Oxford Dictionary definition of the word “hobby” is: “ an activity done regularly in one’s leisure time for pleasure ”. In terms of this definition, that is precisely what travel is to me. If you want to learn about the 21 benefits of traveling as a hobby, read on below to see how I have unpacked each point for you.

These are 21 benefits and advantages of choosing travel as a hobby:

Table of Content

1. Your overall health improves.

Yup, it’s true. Travel improves your  health . “How?” you might ask. Well, travel reduces  stress , eliminates daily anxieties, lowers blood pressure, and boosts  mental health  by taking your mind off the worries of your regular life.

2. You get to disconnect from your everyday life.

Hobbies are designed to help people disconnect from all that is happening in their life and take some time out to just relax, regroup, and find new strength to keep going. 

3. It opens your mind and increases your horizons.

Having an open mind is what helps people get further in life. When you are in a foreign country and surrounded by all that is strange, you learn a lot, your mind becomes more open to unusual things, and you start to think beyond the confines of your desk and the four walls of your home. 

4. You get to practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness  is all about being 100% in the current moment, truly experiencing it, without your mind wandering onto other things. While traveling, it is hard to think about the worries from back home. You get to truly live in the moment. 

5. You distance yourself from social dramas/ruts.

While at home, socializing with your “regular crowd”, you tend to get caught up in all the unnecessary and inconsequential drama and ruts. When you travel , you remove yourself from that type of scenario and when you return, you will be less prone to get involved or caught up in such behavior (of course, your mind will be too busy thinking about your next trip).

6. Your confidence and self-esteem improve.

When traveling , you will meet so many different types of people and cultures that you will realize that there is value in being who you are. People will be interested in you, just as you are in them. As a result, self-confidence and self-esteem improve. 

7. You develop empathy and compassion.

Some of the destinations I have traveled to have been beautiful, yet poverty-stricken. You start to realize just how hard life can be, even if you are in an “idyllic” part of the world. As I started to realize the plight of others less fortunate than me, I found myself becoming more compassionate and empathetic. 

8. You get to develop cultural awareness.

When you stay in one place your whole life, you don’t get much exposure to other cultures. Lack of understanding can often lead to the persecution and mistreatment of others, or confusion about the values of others. While traveling, I have learned so much about different cultures that it has made me more aware and  open-minded  to the differences of other people and  why  they might be different to me. It’s truly a transcendent experience.

9. Your self-awareness improves.

Knowing yourself, who you are, what you want, and what you like (or don’t like) is essential. With the lifestyles we lead, it’s often hard to figure these things out. Some people don’t figure it out over an entire lifetime. When you are traveling , you quickly learn about yourself and can become more self-aware.

10. You get to meet new people & develop existing relationships.

Many people take up hobbies such as cooking classes and pottery so that they can meet new people while learning a fun, new skill. Traveling is just the same. While traveling, you will meet many people along the way. I have made friends in bars, yes, but also while hiking, doing touristy activities, trying local food, and strolling through markets – you will too!

11. You are challenged to grow as a person.

Not all travel destinations will be as you imagined them to be. This is one of my favorite reasons why travel is a great hobby. When you travel to a destination on your bucket list, you get to see the place through new eyes – realistic eyes. Some of the adventures will be smooth sailing, but some won’t – and that’s where the challenge comes in.

For me, tropical destinations were first on my travel hit list. I envisioned sipping cocktails on the beach, tanning to a golden brown, island hopping, and attending moon parties at night. In reality, all of those things did happen, except I had unexpected seasickness, which isn’t great when you are slow-boating from one island to the next. It was outrageously challenging, and I can honestly say that I grew as a person!

12. You get to try new things.

Everyday life can become quite monotonous. Life becomes interesting when you personally add some new activities to it. If you find that you spend a lot of time on the TV, phone or computer, get off your comfort zone and start planning a trip. While traveling, you will eat strange foods, see unusual things, gaze out at the most beautiful scenes, see things that quite frankly shock you, and maybe even learn a new skill along the way. 

Learning new things is quite an important part of choosing a hobby, which makes travel a great choice.

13. You create lifelong memories.

One day, hopefully far in the future, you’ll look back on your life and all the trips you have been, and realize that it was a life well spent. Memories are all we are really left with at the end of the day. Absolutely nothing else lasts forever.

14. You can combine travel with other hobbies.

Traveling as a hobby for me is great as I get to combine it with other hobbies that I thoroughly enjoy. For instance, I have a pretty good camera that I put to the test on each trip. Travel photography is a highly enjoyable hobby. You could also plan activities in each travel destination that align with your current hobbies. For instance, you can attend cooking classes, practice yoga with other yogis, go to a painting course, surf – whatever your additional hobbies may be, you can celebrate and enjoy them anywhere in the world.

15. Your creativity gets a good boost.

While being exposed to so many things that are out of the norm while traveling, you are sure to get a  creativity  boost. Your mind starts to realize that the way you have always thought and done things is not the  only  way and that’s a great way to start thinking out of the box. 

16. You get to have pure fun.

When you’re at home, having fun can often be tainted by the responsibilities that await you. Perhaps it’s cooking for the family, work the next day, a messy house to clean, and so on. While you are on holiday, there’s nothing else for you to do but have fun. And you will. 

17. You learn the value of solitude and self-care.

I have traveled  alone  on many occasions and truly found the experiences rewarding. Transferring through airports isn’t fun alone; neither is waiting for flights or running into transport issues while trying to get from one attraction to the next. What is fun is being able to do everything you want to do without having to worry about someone else. It’s quite a freeing feeling. It allows you to practice self-care by doing what you want to do and actually spoiling just yourself for a change.

18. You gather interesting stories to tell.

Have you ever sat listening to someone talking at a social gathering and thought “wow, that person is interesting”? Well, now you can be that interesting person. Your travel adventures will definitely change your conversations from small talk to entertaining story-telling. 

19. There is always a new adventure to look forward to.

Often in life we stagnate. Even our hobbies stagnate. You might find yourself doing less gardening or finding less time to head out to that evening pottery class. This is where traveling is a different type of hobby. You will always have an adventure to look forward to and once the travel bug bites, you certainly won’t want to, or allow yourself to stagnate.

20. You learn the value of authentic experiences.

I’m the type of traveler who avoids expensive deals and books things separately. This means that I don’t spend my trip in a luxury resort. I get out there and experience things. When you are driving with a local in a rickety car or sitting in a truly local (not tourist -aimed) restaurant/pub and meeting genuine people, you learn to appreciate the true, realistic things in life. And there’s great value in that.

21. You return feeling refreshed and ready to “go” .

One of the greatest rewards of traveling as a hobby is that you get home feeling refreshed, relaxed, and ready to work because you know that there is another trip coming up in the near future.

After reading through these benefits of traveling as a hobby, how do you feel about it? Are you ready to begin booking your next trip? I think you are!

travelling is my hobby presentation

Lifevif Team

This article was co-authored by our team of in-house and freelance writers, and reviewed by our editors, who share their experiences and knowledge about the "Seven F's of Life".

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travelling is my hobby presentation

JC Franco is a New York-based editor for Lifevif. He mainly focuses on content about faith, spirituality, personal growth, finance, and sports. He graduated from Mercyhurst University with a Bachelor’s degree in Business, majoring in Marketing. He is a certified tennis instructor who teaches in the New York City Metropolitan area. In terms of finance, he has passed the Level I exam of the CFA program.

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my favourite hobby

My Favourite Hobby

Jul 17, 2014

3.13k likes | 18.98k Views

My Favourite Hobby . By: Selena Yip Lab 2. Travelling . My Favorite Hobby is Travelling. I hope to one day be able to travel all around the world and see all the amazing things that countries offer. Best Travelling Tips. Always be prepared Pack everything! Bring Money HAVE FUN !

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Presentation Transcript

My Favourite Hobby By: Selena Yip Lab 2

Travelling My Favorite Hobby is Travelling. I hope to one day be able to travel all around the world and see all the amazing things that countries offer.

Best Travelling Tips • Always be prepared • Pack everything! • Bring Money • HAVE FUN ! • RELAX

Where have I Gone?

Places I want to go • London • Korea • Japan • New York • Boston

I love to Travel because .... • It’s relaxing • Create new experiences • Make unforgettable memories • Spend time with family and friends • Learn about cultures and traditions • Appreciate the world and what it has to offer

Thanks For Viewing ! http://www.hotels.tv/london-hotels/images/destinations/1/w97654_8.jpg

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travelling is my hobby presentation

Is Travel A Hobby? (How To Make It One)

Is travel a hobby?

It’s a philosophical question that I’ve often thought about as I transitioned from someone who played around with travel blogging to becoming a full-time travel blogger.

Below, I’ll talk about what a hobby is and when I think travel qualifies as a hobby and when it does not. I’ll also talk about the differences between hobbies, interests, and lifestyles as they pertain to travel.

In the end, I think this question is more than just a pointless discussion because it can reveal some learnings that may improve your experiences as a traveler by getting you to re-think things like the frequency of you travels.

Table of Contents

What is a hobby?

Let’s start with a couple of widely accepted definitions of a hobby.

According to Oxford Languages a hobby is “an activity done regularly in one’s leisure time for pleasure.”

According to Merriam-Webster a hobby is “a pursuit outside one’s regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation.”

Now that we have some framework for deciding if travel is a hobby, let’s break down the definitions and apply them to travel.

Activity or pursuit

No matter what hobby definition you use it’s clear there is a focus on taking action in an activity or pursuit.

And that is a key distinction between a hobby and an interest.

An interest is more of a curiosity that does not require active participation in an activity, while a hobby is all about active participation in an activity .

You may have a passion for basketball and enjoy learning more about the sport.

But that’s mostly an interest.

Now, if you’re playing pick-up games every weekend at Rucker Park or actively collecting NBA rookie cards, that’s more of a hobby.

Let’s put it in the context of travel.

If you never book a ticket, reserve a tour, step on a plane, or check into a hotel, but you love watching YouTube videos of people visiting places like the Eiffel Tower and Big Ben, that’s more of an interest in travel.

Because you are not actually engaging in travel activities.

Put another way, an interest is often more about consuming and observing to appease your curiosities.

Meanwhile, hobbies are more about actively participating in activities to satisfy desires purely for pleasure, fun, and relaxation.

Often times an interest will transform into a hobby and you may end up having both an interest and a hobby in something.

For example, you may have an interest in aviation and enjoy reading about the different types of aircraft and watching reviews of them.

After a few months you might start collecting plane models or even start flying just for fun. That’s when you begin to transition from interest to interest + hobby.

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Done regularly

The other key to a hobby is that it is done on a regular basis.

The frequency is important for a hobby because often times a hobby is a type of skill that you can build upon.

It’s a pursuit that takes consistent commitment.

For example, learning a new language or learning a new instrument is often someone’s hobby and they get better at it so long as they practice it on a regular basis. There is a certain confidence and comfort level that grows along with regular practice.

When something is an interest you may still build upon your expertise the more you engage with your interest on a regular basis. But often times an interest can go dormant for an extended amount of time and resurface without any major negative consequences.

Plenty of people who have an interest in basketball don’t follow the off-season super close but when the next season rolls around they are instantly back into the sport on the same level of interest they were the year before.

But if you were to drop your French lessons for six months and then try to hop back into it, the amount of enjoyment you would get out of it would probably have dropped significantly because you would have lost a lot of progress due to in action .

When it comes to travel you actually can become a more skilled traveler with regular trips.

When I was grounded for several months during the pandemic and finally got back to traveling I noticed I was pretty rusty. Packing did not come as natural and I just did not feel as comfortable getting through security, boarding, figuring out public transport, etc.

So I definitely feel like there can be a drop in skill level when you stop traveling for a while, similar to other more traditional hobbies.

As far as what constitutes a “regular basis,” that is honestly just up to a subjective determination and could vary based on the type of hobby.

Some hobbies have multiple components to them so that you do engage in them on a regular basis but just in different forms.

Let’s consider travel.

Unless you have some really good friends and took some really good plane candies, you don’t typically just wake up in a foreign country.

Instead, you start planning out your trip weeks or months (or in some cases even years) in advance for the most part.

You have to research flights, hotels, public transportation, local scams, visa requirements, things to do, and that is all after you finally set on your destination.

In some cases, you might even try to pick up a new language which requires an insane amount of regular practice (and could be its own hobby).

For many, there are all of those hours spent day dreaming about your globetrotting until it is time to start packing.

Then there is the actual travel and after that the unpacking of belongings and unpacking of experience, which involves going through hundreds of your photos, editing them, sharing them, reflecting on them, etc.

This process sometimes goes on for weeks — at least it does for me.

So one trip could involve weeks or months of regular travel related activities both before and after the trip. For this reason I don’t think you actually have to take tons of trips in a year to be a travel hobbyist.

Taking one to two trips per year could qualify as a hobby in the right circumstances.

travelling is my hobby presentation

Leisure time

Leisure time simply means “free time.”

So when you are not working or subject to some other type of obligation, are you traveling or engaging in some type of activity related to your travels?

This is a major difference between hobbies and interests.

Interests don’t require you to engage with them during your free time.

You could be a fanatic about the NBA and become a sports analyst where all you do is study statistics and keep up with team rosters as your full-time job.

Your interest is then your job/occupation and that is totally fine.

If you started to gain attention from the NBA during your weekend pick up games at the Rucker and you got drafted, basketball is no longer your hobby; it just became your occupation.

This is why I don’t think traveling can realistically be a hobby for someone like me who is a travel blogger.

It is my livelihood and a major source of income and that is just not compatible with hobby status.

You could say that it is an interest but more accurately it could be described as a lifestyle.

According to Merriam-Webster a lifestyle is the “the typical way of life of an individual, group, or culture.”

You start getting into travel as a lifestyle when you venture into travel blogging, digital nomad living, RVing, backpacking, etc.

Essentially, when the core of your existence revolves around traveling and your income is somehow tethered to travel, that’s more your “way of life” than something you do in your free time.

Travel could still be a hobby for someone like a digital nomad, but I would wager that it will trend more towards a lifestyle for most.

travelling is my hobby presentation

For pleasure or relaxation

The next big factor for a hobby is that you are doing it for pleasure or relaxation.

This factor is where there is plenty of overlap with a hobby and an interest since you could engage with both of those for pleasure and relaxation.

For example, it might relax you to watch sports on the weekend in the same way it would relax someone to book a boutique hotel in the country for a weekend.

As far as travel goes it’s easy to get a lot of pleasure from travel in a lot of different ways.

You could kick back at an all-inclusive resort and enjoy your pool time and unlimited drinks, admire the northern lights , go scuba diving, relax on a balcony with an amazing view of the beach, the list of pleasure opportunities in travel is seemingly infinite.

Travel can be a two-edged sword when it comes to relaxation, though.

Vacations like those in the Maldives can be ultra relaxing.

But travel can also be extremely stressful and taxing if things go wrong and I have been involved in plenty of those situations.

Even though travel can end up being chaotic I think it is more about your intention of seeking relaxation than the actual outcome.

This would be similar to someone practicing guitar as a hobby and having a bad practice session. The fact that a single session does not produce a lot of pleasure or relaxation does not mean that the continual practice of the hobby will not.

With that said, sometimes you go into a trip knowing that the experience may not be so relaxing and in those cases it’s more about the pleasure that comes from accomplishing the feat.

For example, you might visit a destination known for being a bit dangerous or shady to experience that yourself. Why? Because you would like to show yourself what you are capable of handling uncomfortable situations and settings and perhaps more mentally tough than you give yourself credit for.

The travel experience may be anything but relaxing but by the end of it you’ll feel a great sense of pleasure based on the fact that you “survived.”

travelling is my hobby presentation

How to make travel a hobby

OK, so now you have an idea of when travel falls into the territory of a hobby.

But how can you turn travel into a hobby for yourself?

I’ve got two major recommendations.

Make sure you’re doing something as frequently as practical

A hobby is something that you do on a regular basis. So if you’re not traveling regularly it’s not technically qualifying as a hobby.

But there’s a more meaningful reason why you might want to travel often.

If you do not actually travel on a reasonably frequent basis you’re not going to be getting “better” at traveling. Why would you care about getting better at traveling?

The more you travel, the more comfortable and confident will become which will make it easier to enjoy your travels and relax. Pursuing enjoyment and relaxation are major components of a hobby and that’s why you want to keep traveling often — it’ll become easier to derive pleasure from your travels.

If you only travel once in a blue moon, you may not ever achieve the comfort level that a true travel hobbyist would have.

Don’t try to monetize your travels

As soon as you start to monetize something, the game changes. I’m not saying that you can’t have fun and monetize at the same time — they are not mutually exclusive. But monetizing something adds an additional pursuit.

You are no longer pursuing travel; you are pursuing travel plus monetization .

That can remove the “free time” aspect of your hobby and really start to reduce the pleasure and relaxation gained from your travel hobby.

I think there is debate about whether or not a hobby can be monetized on a low level. I would say that you can but it is just a very slippery slope because once you start making money doing something that you enjoy the natural tendency is to start doing that full-time which is exactly what happened with me and travel blogging.

For those who care about the philosophical question of whether or not travel is a hobby I would say that under the right circumstances travel can absolutely qualify as a hobby.

travelling is my hobby presentation

Daniel Gillaspia is the Founder of UponArriving.com and the credit card app, WalletFlo . He is a former attorney turned travel expert covering destinations along with TSA, airline, and hotel policies. Since 2014, his content has been featured in publications such as National Geographic, Smithsonian Magazine, and CNBC. Read my bio .

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How to Speak About Your Hobby | Three Sample Speeches

Public speaking about your hobby can be both exhilarating and challenging. Especially when you are wondering what people might think about your hobby. I like to speak in front of a crowd. Public speaking was and still is my most loved hobby. A few years ago sometimes I couldn’t speak about it because of the negative and unmotivating comments I got. But now with practice and a little bit of courage, I know how to speak about my hobby.

So my fellow public speakers, today I thought we should delve into the art of sharing our passion with confidence. We will not only explore the key aspects of speaking about your hobby but also provide three sample speeches to inspire and guide you.

Whether you’re a seasoned speaker or a novice, this blog is tailored to help you master the art of expressing your enthusiasm for your favorite hobby.

How to Craft a Compelling Speech About Your Hobby?

Understanding your audience.

First and foremost before writing your speech, it’s crucial to understand your audience. Focus on questions like are they fellow enthusiasts, beginners, or individuals with no prior knowledge of your hobby? Tailoring your speech to build a connection with your audience ensures that you capture their interest and make your hobby accessible to all. Consider incorporating relatable anecdotes. Try connecting your hobby to broader experiences that your audience can relate to.

Structuring Your Speech

A well-structured speech is key to keeping your audience engaged. Begin with a captivating introduction that sparks curiosity about your hobby. Check my first Toastmaster Icebreaker Speech to see how used the introduction to capture the attention of my audience.

Then progress into the body of your speech, providing insights into why your hobby is meaningful to you and how others can connect with it. Finally, conclude with a memorable ending that leaves a lasting impression. Structuring your speech effectively ensures a seamless flow of information and keeps your audience invested in your narrative.

Sample Speech 1: “The Joy of Gardening”

travelling is my hobby presentation


“Good [ morning/afternoon/evening ], everyone! Today, I’m excited to share with you a passion that has brought immense joy and happiness into my life – gardening. In a world that moves at a hectic pace, my garden has become my sanctuary, a place where I connect with nature and find peace. I invite you to Join me on this journey as I unfold the beauty and fulfilment that gardening can bring to our lives.”

“As I stand here surrounded by our fellow club members, I can’t help but reflect on the therapeutic benefits of gardening. Beyond the physical act of tending to plants, it’s a practice that nurtures patience, teaches resilience, and fosters a deep appreciation for the cycles of growth. Whether you have a big backyard or a few pots on a balcony, gardening is a universal language that anyone can embrace.”

“As we wrap up, I invite each of you to consider bringing a bit of green into your lives. Whether it’s a potted plant on your windowsill or a community garden project, the joy of gardening is accessible to everyone. Thank you for joining me on this journey into the world of blooms and blossoms. Happy gardening!”

Sample Speech 2: “Exploring the World of Photography”

travelling is my hobby presentation

“Greetings, my friends! Today, I’m thrilled to share my love for capturing moments through the lens – the world of photography. In an era of fleeting images, photography allows us to freeze time and capture the beauty of the world around us. Join me as I take you through the art, the passion, and the stories behind the photographs.”

“Photography, for me, is more than just clicking a button; it’s about capturing and saving a valuable piece of someone’s life. We capture emotions that are close to our hearts and immortalize them in memories. In the age of smartphones, we all have the power to be storytellers through our lenses. “

“As we finish our exploration into the world of photography, I encourage each of you to pick up a camera, whether it’s your smartphone or a professional DSLR, and start capturing the beauty that surrounds you. Remember, every photograph tells a story – what will yours be?

But before that let me take a selfie with all of you to capture and save this moment forever.

Thank you for joining me on this visual adventure.”

Sample Speech 3: “The Art of Culinary Delights”

travelling is my hobby presentation

“Hello, food enthusiasts! You all eat food, right? I love apples. (Take out an apple from your pocket and eat it.) Of course, we can eat this apple raw, but we also can make hundreds of recipes from this apple. How awesome is that?

So today, I’m delighted to take you into the enticing world of culinary delights. Cooking, for me, is not just a daily chore; it’s a creative expression, a journey of flavors that fascinate the senses. Join me as we explore the art, passion, and joy of cooking.”

“In a world that celebrates diverse cuisines and culinary experiences, cooking becomes a gateway to cultural exploration and personal satisfaction. From the sizzle of spices in a pan to the delicate balance of flavours on a plate, each dish tells a unique story. You do not need to be a seasoned chef in the kitchen to enjoy cooking, There’s magic in the alchemy of cooking that anyone can enjoy.”

“As we wrap up our culinary journey, I encourage you to embrace the joy of cooking in your kitchens. Experiment with flavors, share meals with loved ones and savor the delicious moments that life has to offer.

Thank you for joining me on this culinary adventure – may your kitchens always be filled with laughter and delectable aromas and also apples.”

Final Thoughts

Today I shared you with some helpful tips on how to speak about your hobby in public. By understanding your audience, structuring your speech effectively, and using relatable anecdotes, you can craft a compelling speech that will engage your listeners and leave a lasting impression.

The sample speeches I provided are just a starting point; feel free to personalize them to reflect your unique experiences and perspectives. Engage your audience with relatable anecdotes, connect your hobby to broader themes, and conclude with a memorable message that inspires action.

So, grab your pen, paper, and passion, and embark on a journey of sharing your hobby with the world. Write your speech and speak about your hoppy confidently. You might be surprised at the connections you make, the knowledge you impart, and the joy you spread along the way.

Check out these 10 Icebreaker Speech Topics to find more inspiration.

Why you should take your hobby with you when traveling

Bailey Freeman

Nov 12, 2019 • 6 min read

travelling is my hobby presentation

Taking a cooking class is a great way to get a deeper understanding of culture as well as meet other travelers © Anders Ryman / Getty Images

Pursuing a passion can be difficult when you’re frequently on the road. Schedules get disrupted, classes and events are missed. But the good news is that loving travel doesn’t mean you always have to choose between your wanderings and your hobby or side hustle. You might even discover a new one while you’re gone!

A woman hangs face down by a rope from a colorful ceiling

In addition to being a writer, I’m also an aerialist and aerial instructor. I fell in love with the world of aerial acrobatics several years ago thanks to a Groupon and an aversion to traditional fitness classes, and now I spend as much of my time as I can in the air. That said, the activity exercises muscles that aren’t always used in daily life, or even at the gym — hand grip, forearm strength, the ability to lift your legs above your head, etc. How do I stay on top of training when I’m away from home?

I began seeking out aerial classes in the places I travel, and I’ve had some of my most wonderful experiences with the aerial community to date. Not only have I learned new skills in the air, but I’ve benefited from different teaching techniques and gotten chances to polish up my analytical skills in a different language. I took aerial hammock class in Paris , tested my acrobatic endurance in tropical heat in Mexico , learned aerial rope skills in one of London ’s railway arches and nerded out at the Montreál Cirque Festival — each destination felt even richer thanks to my time in the local circus community.

Passions and hobbies come in many forms — read the stories below and get inspired for your next trip.

A band plays on a small stage in front of an active audience

Travel for the live music junkie

A few coworkers and I have music backgrounds, all playing instruments from hobby to professional level. When we are on the road for work, we always look for something music or arts related to break up the stress of work week. Being able to enjoy something we are passionate about brings the stress level down and brings me a level of joy that not much else can match. We have been to Voodoo Fest and all kinds of music venues in New Orleans , a metal concert in Pittsburgh , Phantom of the Opera in Baltimore , a steakhouse with live jazz music in Orlando to name a few.

Cassie Malmquist, Tennessee

Snuba, anyone?

[My husband] and I typically go on vacation near the ocean, and about six years ago we discovered an activity called Snuba – a cross between snorkeling and scuba that doesn’t require certification but allows the use of an oxygen tank to stay under water. I’m not a strong swimmer and found a scuba training session overwhelming, so it’s been a good in between for us! We’ve sought it out on all trips since. So far we’ve done snuba in Grand Cayman , St. Thomas, Maui , and the Great Barrier Reef !

Amanda Wahrer, Colorado

a group around a campfire under a starry sky

Find the stars

One of my hobbies is stargazing. I grew up under the New Mexico sky and my dad passed his love for astronomy on to me by always taking us out to look through his telescope when we were kids. When I moved to a big city, I realized how much I missed seeing the stars, because there is so much light pollution. I started incorporating stargazing purposefully into my travel plans just because it's something I can't really experience at home in London. Some of the best night skies I've had were in Central Asia – remote Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan have some of the clearest, darkest, starriest skies on earth. I also made a pilgrimage to the Cosmic Campground in my home state – it's a dedicated dark-skies site with low light pollution and platforms for telescope setup. My interest in astronomy has also taken me on hunts for cool space-themed museums, one of the best of which was the Museum of Cosmonautics in Moscow , where you can see Belka and Strelka – the first two dogs to go into space – preserved in taxidermy for the world to pay tribute!

Megan Eaves, UK

Nature’s treasure hunt

My travel hobbies include looking for rocks and mushrooms. Since traveling out west [USA], I’ve been interested in the geology and the hidden ecology of the lands that I visit. The Tucson mountains have rocks with strands of mica, giving a beautiful sparkle under the desert sun to the earth tones amidst the saguaro cacti in Tanque Verde . Bryce Canyon in Utah amazes me with its hoodoos formed by temperature extremes. Snow Canyon is striated with black volcanic rock from ancient volcanoes. I like to hold the rocks in my hands and absorb the warmth of the sun. On a recent trip to Lake Saint Clair along the US/ Canada border, I looked for mushrooms in the woods, peeking under trees and leaves to see how many different varieties I could find. It’s like a scavenger hunt for small treasures that most of the time we’d pass by without noticing. This sort of exploring helps me learn about the natural history, to connect to and feel grounded in the places I visit.

Christy Rose, Tennessee

a line of people wearing aprons have woks and food in front of them

Cook up new experiences

I am passionate about cooking and improving my kitchen skills at home everyday. So, each time I travel, I try to find a local cooking class and I always learn so much more than I could by following a recipe. Peruvian ceviche. Pasta in Italy . Paprikash in Hungary . Krapo in Thailand . The best part, though, is meeting the chefs and other students from around the world.  

Jon Phillips, Illinois

Hit the dance floor with new friends

My two passions apart from my job are dancing and traveling, so why not mix them up together? I do many styles of dances: salsa, bachata, merengue, kizomba, Argentine tango, swing, contra dancing, waltz, a little bit of flamenco – I try pretty much anything “danceable.” I have danced in Colombia , Mexico, Spain and the United States , and I had incredible experiences in cities like Salento, Medellín, Oaxaca, Ciudad de México, Boston, New Orleans and Seville. I travel solo a lot, and dancing has been a fantastic way to meet people, to discover different [dance] styles, and, of course, feel fulfilled. I feel like dancers in general are pretty open and social, and I usually find friends to share experiences with, which makes my trips super special! 

Lucía Fraile, Kentucky

I enjoy reading local books while on location, attending readings and joining a local book club, if I can. Sites like Meetup help you find local book clubs you can join, while bookstores are great places to learn about readings and sign up for clubs. I've done it in the Virgin Islands, France , Iceland , Ireland , and Mexico; Shakespeare and Company in Paris, for instance, hosts the Feminist Book Club every 3rd Sunday of the month and anyone can join. Reading is a strong way of immersing in another culture and way of thinking. You are able to discuss different subjects with locals and understand how they experience life. Travel is a great way of widening our perspectives, of being more aware of how others live, and books are, to me, cultural and social barometers we can use to see a place beyond the surface.

Melissa Alvarado Sierra, Puerto Rico 

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Essay On Speech Travelling Is My Favorite Hobby

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Culture , Childhood , Family , World , Parents , Tourism , Love , Food

Words: 1800

Published: 11/14/2019



Main points:

1. Describe what the hobby is: My hobby is travelling. Especially I like travelling to my home country to Port-au-Prince, Haiti. 2. How did you pick up this hobby: When my dad was sick, I had to travel to my home country quite often to look after him, since then, irrespectively of sad memories that my father’s illness brought me, I started to enjoy travelling in general. 3. What about the hobby do you enjoy most: the most import thing about travelling to my home country is seeing my family, especially my dad. Since early childhood he used to spoil me giving me everything I needed. The second thing is, of course, Haiti itself, its nature, the food it offers and other supplemental hobbies it nurtures.

More detailed outline:

Speech Title: Travelling is My Favorite Hobby

Purpose: to inform the audience of the enjoyment in my hobby of travelling and visiting my family in Haiti.

1. My hobby is travelling. Especially I like travelling to my home country to Port-au-Prince, Haiti. 2. When my dad was sick, I had to travel to my home country quite often to look after him, since then I started travelling more often. 3. The most import thing about travelling to my home country is seeing my family, especially my dad.

Sometimes living in America you get the feeling that you don’t have to travel around the world to see other cultures and places, because if you look around practically all of us are from different cultural background and ancestry, and if you look for food in the street, you’ll see all kinds of restaurants offering various kinds of food: from Chinese, French, British, Italian to Spanish and Mexican. But as for me, all of this diversity makes me feel like I want to check its authenticity and see the countries with my own eyes. Some of us indeed like to try out new things, get to know people from around the world, etc., but still you may not like travelling because of the headache it brings: like getting your suitcase ready, buying tickets, standing in airport queues, getting flight or sea sickness or changing time zones with all that it implies. Once I had to travel quite often to my home country to Port-au-Prince, Haiti, because my dad happened to be very ill and needed someone to care for him. So I got used to travelling a lot in a very short period of time. And irrespectively of sad memories connected with my father’s illness, I fell in love with travelling and now nothing can stop me from visiting my family in Haiti, not even flight, passport or baggage hassle associated with travelling. As you may have already guessed, today I am going to tell you about my favorite hobby, which is travelling, and in particular, I’ll be telling you more about my trips to Haiti and why I actually enjoy them so much.

Main point 1. My hobby is travelling. Especially I like travelling to my home country to Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

A. My hobby is travelling. (In this part I am describing your assumed favorite features of travelling)

1 I have not been to many places yet, but I plan to visit more countries as soon as I have an opportunity. So far life has drawn me to Bahamas and Dominican Republic; I’ve also travelled around California and visited New York city. 2 The reason for me to love travelling is that it opens up the opportunities of seeing the world in entirely new way. First off, it gives you a lot of knowledge about other peoples and cultures. So in 2 days you may learn more than you’d learn in years studying that culture in textbooks in college. 3 Travelling also brings opportunities of expressing oneself and appreciating world languages, especially when you talk to someone with completely different culture without knowing his or her language. Thus travelling, I’ve realized that even my body language has strengthen, because when you don’t know the language of the country you’re travelling to, you have to learn to efficiently communicate with signals, gestures, and even facial expressions. So travelling is all about learning, but not in the usual sense of that word, where you have to study theory rather practice. Travelling is a sort of experiential learning. B. (Start off by showing a picture of your family) What’s so peculiar about my hobby, is that for me travelling purports feelings of love, and it’s not incidental. 1 Because one of the most important things my hobby brings to me is seeing my family. As my family lives in Haiti, I often travel there to visit my relatives and pay my respects. 2 Unfortunately my father, who was the contributor to my love of travelling, died last year aged 102, so sadly I don’t have my source of inspiration and love anymore, but I still visit my home country because of my friends and other members of my family. 3 Travelling to Port-au-Prince gives me a pleasure of being in my natural community, it also brings another chance of seeing places near my home town, taking horse rides with my kids, relaxing and just enjoying myself.

Main point 2. When my dad was sick, I had to travel to my home country quite often to look after him, since then I started travelling more often.

A. Dad’s sickness.

1. When my dad was sick, I had to travel to my home country quite often to look after him, since then, irrespectively of sad memories that my father’s illness brought me, I started to enjoy travelling in general. 2. When I was younger, my dad spoiled me, as he always gave me what I wanted. Inexplicably but whenever and wherever I travel now, even if I do not travel to Haiti, arranging the trip, buying tickets, making out my travelling itinerary, reminds me of my dad. And since I only have positive feelings and emotions of him, I also have positive attitude toward travelling. 3. Planning my trip in advance, being uneasy because of my father’s illness, fretting on occasions of the planes being late or delayed for some reason, and finally anticipating happily the reunion with my family, made me stop worrying about minute details and inconveniences that travelling may bring, and acquire travelling as a “full-time” hobby.

B. Seeing other places.

1 When I grew up I visited other places and fell in love with them (it will be great if you show a few pictures from places like New York, Santa Domingo etc pointing at the pictures and naming them: This is ... the Statue of Liberty and my kids in front, for example) 2 In 2009 (correct if wrong) I happened to visit Santo Domingo (show pictures if applicable), the capital of the Domican republic. Despite great nature, food, and various recreational activities Santo Domingo offers, I visited numerous national landmarks and museums. What interested me in particular was the Zona Colonial district of the city, which was declared a UNESCO World Haritage in 1990. The landmark includes such amazing buildings as National Pantheon, Catedral Primada de América, etc. Thus, my trip to Dominican Republic was like a historical journey to me, and reinforced my love to travelling as a source of new knowledge and experience. 3 One sunny morning I found myself lying on a beach on one of the islands in Bahamas (pictures, if applicable). In my memory Bahamas journey is associated with its beautiful nature, especially with its national flower, yellow elder, which blooms throughout the year, and with its cultural festivities, involving dances, work boat competitions and the like.

Main point 3. The most import thing about travelling is seeing my family, especially my dad.

A. The importance of being with the family (attachment to father).

1. It’s quite hard to pick up just one thing that I might enjoy most in my hobby, as it has so many different facets. And irrespectively of travelling to many places, I still long to visit just one country and that’s my home country, where my family and my friends live. So summing things up, I will say, that what I most enjoy in travelling is the opportunity it brings to socialize with my beloved ones. 2. Going to my family always relieved me from stress associated with my studies and work here in, the US. 3. It also gave my kids the opportunity to enjoy themselves in the hands of their grandparents.

B. There are also many other special things about Haiti.

1. While being on trips in Haiti, my kids and I also acquired several new hobbies, among them playing soccer on the beach and riding horses. We have our own private beach around, where I spend a lot of time sunbathing or fooling around. 2. I taught my kids to ride horses a while ago, so by now they have already mastered some riding techniques. And as for me, I truly believe that when you’re up on a horse and riding, it seems like the world has stopped moving and you suddenly find yourself in heaven. 3. Despite having originated from French cuisine, the Haitian food has local spice in it and has never stopped surprising newcomers from abroad. My family is particularly fond of cooking, so cooking is also sort of my hobby. I love to work on national dish, mayi moulin, which can be partly compared to cornmeal and can be served with fish.

In conclusion, it’s worth quoting St Augustine, who once said that “the world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page”. I sincerely agree with this statement, and thus I plan to visit other countries as well to learn more about different cultures, try out new food, and maybe even learn another language.


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Travelling Is My Hobby PowerPoint PPT Presentations

Hobby PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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