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Auditorio Municipal


TECATE PAL NORTE, Parque Fundidora


TECATE EMBLEMA, Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez

Iconica Sevilla, Plaza de España

Share Festival Negrita - Parc del Fórum

15 JUN 21:30h

Mallorca Live Festival - Calvía

Starlite Festival

Rock in Rio Lisboa

Bigsound Fest Valencia, Ciudad de las Artes

Portamérica, Azucreira de Portas

CMF Chiclana, Poblado de Sancti Petri


Cabaret Festival, Plaza de Toros


Cook Music Fest, Puerto de Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Morriña Fest, Puerto de A Coruña

Arenal Sound, Playa de Burriana

Estadio Santiago Bernabéu

Incluye acceso prioritario al front stage + acceso a la prueba de sonido. Los días previos se informará vía mail de la citación para la prueba de sonido.

Early entry

Los días previos al concierto se enviará citación vía mail. Se deberá llegar a la hora exacta que indique dicha citación puesto que si la entrada al recinto se hace posterior a la hora indicada la entrada "Early" perderá su valor.

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alpha tour sevilla


Aitana  llegará con su gira Alpha Tour al Estadio La Cartuja  de Sevilla el próximo 28 de octubre donde veremos una puesta en escena totalmente diferente a lo que ha hecho hasta ahora.

Una nueva faceta en la que desplegará su nuevo sonido, más maduro y eléctrico, que pondrá a bailar a su público tras el lanzamiento del hit veraniego Las Babys.

La estrella Pop del momento, multi-galardonada e icono de esta generación, nos presenta una nueva era ALPHA más madura y trasgresora vinculada a un sonido Pop muy actual sobre bases electrónicas inspiradas en influencias de los 90s y a un movimiento ideológico dirigido a una generación con valores y en búsqueda de cambio.

Después de un intenso proceso creativo, este nuevo universo nos abre las puertas a un rompedor álbum, uno de los más esperados de 2023 y a esta ambiciosa gira, bajo la Dirección Creativa de VAMPIRE y Producción Ejecutiva de GTS Talent Spain & Brutal Events .

Tras años creando una trayectoria musical referente; αitana presenta un cambio de paradigma a través del sonido en el que la electrónica melódica, el Pop y los valores generacionales crean la base de su obra abriendo una nueva puerta a un futuro en el que la música genera el presente y el futuro sin cesar de referenciar al pasado: hablándole a su público de todo el mundo desde la necesidad de evolución personal junto a una generación sedienta de cambio.

“ No es solo un álbum ni una gira, ALPHA pone nombre a un movimiento generacional a través de la unión de valores e ideales de todos aquellos quiénes buscan un nuevo futuro.”

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Concierto: Aitana en Sevilla 2023

Cartel de la gira Alpha Tour 2023 en Sevilla de Aitana

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Conciertos de Aitana en España – 2024 – Entradas Alpha Tour

Publicado por Wake And Listen | Ene 16, 2024 | Conciertos , Noticias

Conciertos de Aitana en España – 2024 – Entradas Alpha Tour

Aitana continúa en su carrera hacia lo más alto del pop nacional. Tras su exitoso 11 Razones Tour , en 2023 regresará a los escenarios con una nueva   gira de conciertos, Alpha Tour , con la que visitará varias ciudades de España durante el año.

La gira contará únicamente con varias fechas , entre las que se incluyen Madrid, Barcelona o Santander. En este artículo incluiremos cualquier novedad (nuevas entradas, horarios…) sobre sus conciertos en España cuando sea anunciada.

Entradas a la venta en El Corte Inglés y la web de Aitana

Si se agotan, en mercados secundarios como Stubhub  hay entradas disponibles a un precio más elevado

Conciertos de Aitana en España en 2024 ( Alpha Tour )

Listado actualizado

  • 7 de junio de 2024 – Sevilla – Icónica Sevilla Fest
  • 8 ó 9 de junio de 2024 – Barcelona – Share Festival
  • 13, 14 ó 15 de junio – Mallorca Live Festival 2024
  • 12 de julio de 2024 – Chiclana de la Frontera – Concert Music Festival – Entradas
  • 14 de julio de 2024 – Roquetas de Mar – Cabaret Festival – Entradas
  • 26 o 27 de julio de 2024 – A Coruña – Morriña Fest
  • Agosto de 2024 – Arenal Sound 2024
  • 28 de diciembre de 2024 – Madrid – Estadio Santiago Bernabéu – Entradas
  • Entradas a la venta en El Corte Inglés

Imagen del Alpha Tour de Aitana

aitana alpha tour

Aitana en 2023

La cantante de San Clemente de Llobregat nacida en 1999 ha superado en los últimos meses récords digitales y acumulado cifras nunca vistas hasta la fecha en un artista nuevo en España.

  • Artista femenina Nº1 en España
  • Nº1 en todas las plataformas
  • 14 discos de platino y 9 discos de oro (1 disco de oro cada 15 días en el primer año de carrera)
  • 2 x Los40Music awards consecutivos (2018 y 2019)
  • 2 x Premio’s Dial consecutivos
  • 1 nomination Latin Grammy Best new artist 2019
  • Most streamed & viewed 2018 artist in spain
  • Most streamed tracks on Spotify first 24 hrs (1.»Vas a quedarte» y 2.»Teléfono»)
  • +100mil espectadores han visto PLAY TOUR
  • +40 fechas de gira 2019
  • SOLD OUTS de gira
  • 4M followers (todas RRSS)

Y en 2023 y 2024 quiere continuar con la estela del éxito.

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Aitana durante un concierto de su gira 'Alpha Tour'.

Aitana durante un concierto de su gira 'Alpha Tour'. SL

Concierto de Aitana en Sevilla: cuándo salen a la venta las entradas, dónde comprarlas y cuánto cuestan

La artista actuará en la capital el 7 de junio como parte del icónica fest 2024, que se celebrará entre junio y julio del próximo año..

Sevilla se reencuentra con Aitana la próxima primavera con motivo del Icónica Sevilla Fest 2024 . La artista catalana es la segunda confirmada del festival, que cada año llena la Plaza de España de conciertos, legiones de fans y música.

El turno de Aitana será el próximo 7 de junio , fecha en la exconcursante de Operación Triunfo podrá bailar junto a sus seguidores canciones como 'LAS BABYS' , 'miamor' o 'Formentera'.

Si bien aún queda más de medio año para el concierto, las entradas salen a la venta esta misma semana. A partir de las 12:00 horas de este jueves, 23 de noviembre , se podrán comprar las entradas en la página web del festival  ( ).

[Aitana confirma su participación el Icónica Fest: se reencuentra con sus fans en Sevilla el próximo junio]

Según apuntan desde el festival, Aitana se ha convertido en la representante de un "cambio de paradigma" de la   música y   abre "una nueva puerta" para la siguiente generación de artistas . 

La joven artista cosecha éxitos en todo el mundo de habla hispana , y su gira 'Alpha Tour' recorre siete ciudades españolas y siete países de Latinoamérica. Además, puede presumir de haber colgado el cartel de  sold out en espacios tan emblemáticos como el Palau Sant Jordi de Barcelona, o el Wizink Center de Madrid, con capacidad para más de 17.000 personas en ambos casos.

También en Sevilla logró llenar el Estadio de la Cartuja, con más de 20.000 personas   que cayeron rendidas a los pies de la artista en un emocionante concierto este octubre. 

Los precios se harán públicos una vez comience la venta oficial, y es que dependiendo del concierto y del artista pueden variar . A modo de orientación, para el concierto de Take That , cuyas entradas están ya a la venta, se ofrecen seis tipos de entradas. Las más baratas –también las más numerosas– son las de pista, con un precio de 58,50 euros .

['Las Babys' de Aitana, entre las acusaciones de plagio y los halagos como la canción del verano]

Quienes prefieran disfrutar del concierto desde la comodidad de su asiento podrán optar por las gradas , con un precio de 72 euros por entrada. 

Los seguidores más fieles de la cantante podrán reservar las primeras filas de la pista . Las entradas Frontstage tienen un precio de 108 euros , y garantizan una vista privilegiada del escenario. 

Finalmente, para los que busquen una experiencia VIP , el Icónica Fest dispone de palcos, que tienen un precio de 225 euros por entrada. 

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Ana Mena, Siempre Así, Marc Anthony y Vetusta Morla, entre los confirmados para el Icónica Fest de 2024

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Alpha Tour Aitana España: qué hora salen a la venta las entradas, dónde comprarlas y cuál es el precio

Valencia , málaga , barcelona , las palmas de gran canaria , sevilla , bilbao y madrid son las ciudades elegidas por aitana para los conciertos en españa de su alpha tour . la gira arrancará el 1 de octubre y se prolongará hasta el 6 de noviembre. las entradas salen a la venta este miércoles 21 de junio : apunta la hora, dónde comprarlas y el precio..

Aitana añade dos fechas más a su gira 'Alpha' en dos ciudades españolas

Más que un álbum: todo lo que se sabe sobre 'Alpha' el nuevo disco de Aitana que saldrá en 2023

Madrid 21/06/2023 11:27

Ha llegado el día. Este 21 de junio salen a la venta las entradas para los siete conciertos que Aitana dará en Españ a como parte de su gira Alpha . El tour comienza el 1 de octubre y se cierra el 6 de noviembre en Madrid.

Después de la preventa exclusiva para clientes del Banco Santander hecha el lunes 19 de junio y la venta ¡del martes 20 para los fans registrados en su web, el resto de entradas se ponen a la venta este miércoles para el público general.

¿Quieres comprar entradas? Estate atento a toda la información relativa a horas y precios.

¿Cuándo y dónde son los conciertos de Aitana en España?

Antes de darle a comprar, recuerda las siete elegidas por Aitana para su gira española:

  • 01/10 - Valencia / Ciudad Artes y Ciencias
  • 07/10 - Málaga / Auditorio Municipal
  • 12/10 - Barcelona / Palau S. Jordi
  • 20/10 - Palmas Gran Canaria / Arena
  • 28/10 - Sevilla / Estadio La Cartuja
  • 01/11 - Bilbao / Bizkaia Arena
  • 06/11 - Madrid / Wizink

Cuándo salen a la venta las entradas de Aitana

La venta general de entradas para los siete conciertos de Aitana por España como parte de su gira Alpha se abre este miércoles 21 de junio a las 13:00 horas.

Dónde comprar las entradas de los conciertos de Aitana

Las entradas para los conciertos de Aitana en España se podrán comprar a través de la página web oficial de la cantante.

En la se pueden conseguir las entradas a partir de miércoles 21.

Cuánto cuestan las entradas de los conciertos de Aitana

Los precios de los conciertos de Aitana han ascendido con respecto a la pasada gira. Van de los 36 euros a los 165 euros.

Este precio corresponde a la zona VIP situada frente al escenario del Wizink Center de Madrid. Justo detrás, en pista, el precio baja a 48 euros.

¿Cuántas entradas puedes comprar?

Comprar tantas entradas como se quieran no es posible. Cada usuario podrá hacerse seis tickets para el show elegido.

Más Noticias


Es importante tener en cuenta a la hora de comprar las entradas que al precio que marca la web hay que añadir los gastos de gestión.

alpha tour sevilla

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Aitana: precios, fechas y cómo comprar las entradas de los conciertos de su gira ‘Alpha Tour’

Aitana presenta ‘las babys’, como nuevo adelanto de ‘alpha’, aitana anuncia las fechas de su nueva gira por latinoamérica, aitana consigue el certificado de platino con ‘los ángeles’, su nuevo single.


  • Lucia Castillo
  • 20/06/2023 14:08
  • Actualizado: 20/06/2023 14:08

Se trata de una gira que tal y como ella misma anunció hace unos días a través de un directo en su cuenta de Instagram, será una gira de menos fechas, centrándose en esta ocasión en grandes recintos ; y que será «más que un tour». 

Consolidada como la princesa del pop española, la nueva gira de Aitana se presenta como un antes y un después en su carrera. Alpha es el comienzo de la nueva era de su imparable de la catalana, que con su nuevo trabajo discográfico apunta a consolidarse como una artista internacional.

αlphaTour España ⭐ SE VIENEEEE Preventa Clientes Santander 19/06 a las 10h Preventa Exclusiva Fans 20/06 a las 12h Venta General 21/06 a las 13h *cambio de fecha en BILBAO, nos vemos el 1 de noviembre 🙏🏼 — αitana (@Aitanax) June 15, 2023

En cuanto a las entradas, este lunes tuvo lugar la preventa para los clientes del banco Santander, mientras que este martes hubo una preventa exclusiva para los fans registrados en su página web a las 12 del mediodía. Y será e ste miércoles, cuando comience la venta general de las entradas, a la una del mediodía. 

Los precios de las entradas de la nueva gira de Aitana se han incrementado con respecto a su gira anterior. Esto se debe a que el éxito de la artista ha aumentado, y con ello su caché. Por lo tanto, la catalana apostará por un show de mayores dimensiones, más espectacular y eso se traduce en un incremento en el precio de las entradas de los conciertos, que o scilan entre los 54,5€ y los 171,5€, con gastos de gestión. 

El Alpha Tour comenzará a principios del otoño , concretamente el 1 de octubre en la Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias de Valencia y terminará el 1o de noviembre en el Bizkaia Arena de Bilbao, por lo que se espera que su nuevo disco, vea la luz en el mes de septiembre.

Fechas de la gira Alpha Tour por España

01/10 • Valencia 07/10 • Málaga 12/10 • Barcelona 20/10 • Palmas Gran Canaria 28/10 • Sevilla 01/11 • Bilbao 06/11 • Madrid

  • Aitana Ocaña

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Cadena SER

La tía de Aitana reacciona de esta manera sobre el dress code de ‘Alpha Tour’

La cantante catalana ha elegido un color de vestimenta para cada fecha de la gira.

alpha tour sevilla

Aitana en la Conferencia de Prensa de promoción de su gira 'Alpha' en Latinoamérica / Future Publishing

P. Díaz

Paula Díaz pauladiazzzzzzz 3pauladiaz

En menos de una semana Aitana dará comienzo a su gira Alpha y, tanto sus fans como su círculo más cercano están ultimando los últimos detalles para disfrutar al máximo de las nuevas canciones de la artista en directo.

La última pista que Aitana ha desvelado sobre cómo serán sus próximos conciertos es el dress code que sus seguidores deben llevar. Últimamente vemos cómo diferentes artistas le sugieren a sus fans códigos de vestimenta con los que pueden acudir a sus conciertos. Por ejemplo, en los conciertos de Harry Styles se ha puesto muy de moda ir con botas y sombreros cowboy, boas de plumas y mucho brillo. En su primer show en el Wizink Center hace menos de un mes, el dress code de Ana Mena era mucho glitter y en The Eras Tour , la gira de Taylor Swift, los fans se visten acorde a su era favorita.

Aitana también ha querido sumarse a este trend y ha compartido un vídeo en sus redes sociales explicando el dress code de Alpha Tour . La última en sumarse a esta iniciativa ha sido su tía, que ya se ha vuelto viral en redes sociales después de enviarle un gracioso mensaje a su sobrina por Whatsapp.

Únete al canal de WhatsApp de LOS40

En la captura de pantalla que la cantante ha compartido en Twitter, su tía le enviaba una foto probándose un gran abrigo rosa de pelo a conjunto con unos pantalones cortos del mismo color y le decía entre emoticonos de risa: “Toy mirando como ir a Valencia. Vaya tarea nos has dado”.

mi tía — αitana (@Aitanax) September 24, 2023

¿Cómo es el dress code de ‘Alpha Tour’?

“He estado pensando, ¿por qué no ponemos dress code para Alpha Tour España? Pero no para todos iguales. ¿Y si hacemos que cada ciudad tenga su color?, comenzaba Aitana diciendo en el vídeo que colgó en TikTok avisando del dress code.

Para esta gira, la cantante de Vas A Quedarte , ha confirmado 7 ciudades y como su disco Alpha tiene “casualmente” también 7 colores, Aitana ha decidido “hacer un sorteo para ver qué color le toca a cada ciudad. Pero no vale enfadarse”.

Además, para animar a sus fans a seguir el código de vestimenta, la artista catalana ha creado la siguiente iniciativa: “!!IMPORTANTE, los mejores/ más originales looks los repostearé al día siguiente de cada concierto en mi instastory (subidlos con #alphatourlook para que los vea). Podéis hacer lo que queráis, poneros el make up o poneros algún accesorio. No necesariamente tiene que ser todo el look así. Hacedlo vuestro”.

@holaitana DRESS CODE #alphaTour España🫣 q color os ha tocado??? Valencia 🩷 Sevilla 🩵 Madrid 💜 (las 3 fechas) Bilbao🖤 Barcelona 🤍 (las 2 fechas) Málaga 💚 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 🧡 ‼️ IMPORTANTE 👀 los mejores/ más originales “looks” los repostaré al día siguiente de cada concierto en mi instastory (subidlos con #alphatourlook para q los vea) ♬ miamor - Aitana & Rels B

Dicho esto, y con el sorteo realizado, los colores se han repartido de la siguiente manera: a Valencia le ha tocado el color rosa , en Málaga se vestirán de verde , las dos fechas de Barcelona se teñirán de blanco , en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria irán de naranja , en Sevilla de azul , el color negro será el predominante en Bilbao y los fans madrileños escogerán el morado para sus outfits.

Fechas de 'Alpha Tour'

La nueva gira de Aitana está a punto de comenzar . Será a principios del mes de octubre y estará girando por las principales ciudades de nuestro país hasta principios de diciembre. La catalana cuenta ya con varios sold out en algunas fechas, aunque todavía hay la posibilidad de verla en todas las ciudades.

01 OCT - Valencia (Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias)

07 OCT - Málaga (Auditorio Municipal)

12 OCT - Barcelona (Palau Sant Jordi)

13 OCT - Barcelona (Palau Sant Jordi)

20 OCT - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Gran Canaria Arena)

28 OCT- Sevilla (Estadio de la Cartuja)

01 NOV - Bilbao (Bizkaia Arena BEC)

06 NOV - Madrid (Wizink Center)

07 NOV - Madrid (Wizink Center)

05 DIC - Madrid (Wizink Center)

  • Aitana Ocaña

Paula Díaz

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Aitana dedica Vas A Quedarte a Elena Huelva en el concierto del Alpha Tour de Sevilla

La cantante Aitana ha vivido uno de los momentos más emocionantes del Alpha Tour en su concierto en Sevilla: decidió dedicar la canción Vas A Quedarte a la influencer Elena Huelva, con quien tuvo una estrecha relación durante su batalla contra el cáncer.


Aitana. GTRES

  • Los famosos que conocieron a Elena Huelva se despiden de ella, desde Aitana a Manuel Carrasco

Aitana está en plena gira por España , y no son pocas las razones por las que se ha hablado de los conciertos que ha dado hasta el momento: desde los divertidos vídeos de su padre dándolo todo hasta las reivindicaciones de la artista para bailar como a ella le apeteciese durante su show, el Alpha Tour no ha dejado de ocupar titulares . Ahora, la cantante ha vivido uno de los momentos más emocionantes de la gira en su concierto en Sevilla , donde decidió dedicar una de sus primeras canciones, Vas A Quedarte, a la influencer Elena Huelva.

Elena Huelva fue una creadora de contenido que resultó de enorme inspiración para miles de personas que estaban librando la batalla contra el cáncer. La positividad de la influencer durante su enfermedad y sus ganas de vivir todo tipo de nuevas experiencias la convirtieron en un referente muy popular de las redes. Su afición por la música y los conciertos la llevaron a conocer a una buena cantidad de artistas muy populares del panorama nacional, y Aitana es una de las que tuvo una relación más estrecha con ella.

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La artista apenas pudo contener las lágrimas mientras pedía al público sevillano que gritara los versos de Vas A Quedarte para que se escuchasen todo lo alto posible. Es en Sevilla donde Elena Huelva vivió la mayoría de sus conciertos, ya que no le convenía alejarse mucho del hospital donde recibía tratamiento siempre. Hace unos meses, Manuel Carrasco le rindió también homenaje en un concierto que dio en la ciudad, así que poca duda cabe de que Elena estará más que contenta allí donde esté con todo el cariño que sigue recibiendo de los artistas con los que se relacionó y del público de su ciudad natal.

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About Seville

How to get to Seville

Seville is a destination open to the world, perfectly linked to the main European cities. To get to Seville, you can arrive any way you like: by air, road, train… even by sea. Choose your preferred means of transport. We’re waiting for you!

If you decide to fly to Seville, you’ll land at the Seville airport, also called the San Pablo airport. It’s a first-class airport in a city with a long aeronautical tradition. Not in vain, as next to the Seville airport is one of the most important aeronautical complexes in Europe.

The Seville Airport was expanded in 1992, under a design completed by the prestigious architect Rafael Moneo. It’s hall, dominated by arches supported by vaults is a tribute to the culture of Seville and Andalusia.

The airport has excellent parking areas, with access to the arrival and departure halls, offering all the necessary modes: parking for long, medium or short stays.

From the airport, you can get to the centre of Seville in just 15 minutes if you use your own car, rent a car or take a taxi. And it will take just 35 minutes if you choose the bus. In the annex, we detail these services.

Taxi and EA bus timetables (PDF)

Seville is a pioneer in the development of Spain’s high-speed rail. In fact, in 1992, it was the inaugural destination for the first high-speed railway line built in our country.

Currently, you can reach Santa Justa Station on high-speed lines from Cordoba, Madrid, Zaragoza and Barcelona on the southwest-northeast line of the AVE and from Malaga on the AVANT trains. And thanks to high-speed connections with Europe, today a person could travel, for example, from London to Seville along high-speed rails the whole way. Santa Justa Station is the work of renowned architects from Seville, Cruz y Ortiz. The location of the terminal is formidable, just a 15-minute walk from the city centre.

Seville is perfectly connected by road. A network of highways connect it with all areas: the A-49 links it with Huelva and Portugal. The A-92 links to Malaga and Granada. The A-4 arrives from Cordoba and Madrid. The A-66 connects to Extremadura and the north of Spain.

The SE-30, the Ronda Super Norte and the SE-40 are the bypass roads that facilitate movement around the city and its metropolitan area.

Essential Visits

The Cathedral of Seville

The Cathedral of Seville

The Giralda

The Giralda

Torre del Oro

Torre del Oro

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Featured Groups: 2024 Ford Championship presented by KCC

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Take a look at a few of the featured groups this week at the Ford Championship presented by KCC using  KPMG Performance Insights :

Thursday, 8:17 a.m.*  – Charley Hull/Lexi Thompson/Alison Lee

Charley Hull picked up her second top-10 finish of the 2024 LPGA Tour season last week at the FIR HILLS SERI PAK Championship, tying for 10th at Palos Verdes Golf Club after playing her last two holes in 3-over on Sunday. The 28-year-old tied for seventh in her first start of the year at the season-opening Hilton Grand Vacations Tournament of Champions, and after tying for 54th at the Honda LPGA Thailand in her second start of the season, quickly righted the ship with a solid performance in Southern California. Hull is one of many players in this week’s field that teed it up at last year’s LPGA Drive On Championship at Superstition Mountain, which was held just 30 miles away in Gold Canyon, Ariz., and she finished in the top 10 that week, tying for seventh after recording a four-day total of 16-under at Superstition Mountain Golf and Country Club. Statistically, Hull is ranked in the top 25 in two major strokes-gained categories according to KPMG Performance Insights, including strokes gained driving, in which she’s fifth (+0.80) and strokes gained tee to green (+0.97), in which she’s 25th.

Lexi Thompson will be looking to bounce back from a missed cut last week at Palos Verdes Golf Club this week in Gilbert, Ariz. She is making her third start of the year at Seville Golf and Country Club and is working to improve upon a season-best result of T16 that she earned at the LPGA Drive On Championship in her first start of the year. She missed the cut at the LPGA Drive On Championship at Superstition Mountain last year, a Phoenix-area performance she’ll also be hoping to better at Seville Golf and Country Club this week. According to KPMG Performance Insights, Thompson currently sits inside the top 25 in both strokes gained approach (21, +0.86) and strokes gained tee to green (25, +0.99), two statistical categories bolstered by her greens in regulation percentage of 75 percent, which is fifth-best this season on the LPGA Tour.

Alison Lee added another top-three finish to her collection at the FIR HILLS SERI PAK Championship, tying for third at Palos Verdes Golf Club after a final-round, 1-over 72 and after missing out on a playoff with Nelly Korda and Ryann O’Toole by just a single stroke. It’s the fourth time that Lee has finished in the top three in her last five starts dating back to the 2023 BMW Ladies Championship, and according to KPMG Performance Insights, Lee has gained over two strokes per round (+2.20) on the field in that span of events. It was the 22nd top-10 result that Lee has earned since joining the LPGA Tour in 2015 and is the 29-year-old’s first top 10 of the year as she finished in a tie for 51st in her season debut at the HSBC Women’s World Championship after being forced to extend her offseason to rehabilitate a hand injury caused by a dog bite. Lee played solidly in the first three rounds of the LPGA Drive On Championship at Superstition Mountain last year, ultimately finishing in a tie for 34th after a final-round 75 in Gold Canyon, Ariz., a result she’ll work to improve upon this week as she continues to ride her hot hand.

Thursday, 12:56 p.m. – Celine Boutier/Lydia Ko/Nelly Korda

The last time the LPGA Tour teed it up in Arizona, it was Frenchwoman Celine Boutier who was hoisting a trophy on the final green on Sunday, defeating Georgia Hall in a playoff at Superstition Mountain Golf and Country Club. It was a win that helped to propel the current Rolex Rankings No. 3 to three other victories in 2023, including her first major title in her home country at The Amundi Evian Championship last July. Now, even though we are at a completely different venue, the 30-year-old will be looking to recreate the magic she found last year in the desert this week at Seville Golf and Country Club. She’s very much in form so far this season, ranking inside the top 20 in strokes gained around the green (13, +0.58), strokes gained tee to green (14, +1.31), strokes gained approach (17, +1.01) and strokes gained total (17, +1.41), according to KPMG Performance Insights. And while she’s losing strokes to the field in putting, Boutier still ranks sixth on the LPGA Tour in putts per green in regulation (1.72) and 21st in putting average (29). This is her fifth start of the 2024 LPGA Tour season, and in her four previous events, she has earned three T16 or better results, including a solo second showing at the HSBC Women’s World Championship.

Lydia Ko will once again be working to track down the 27th and final point she needs for automatic qualification into the LPGA Hall of Fame this week at the Ford Championship presented by KCC. The 26-year-old Kiwi has been on a tear so far in 2024, capturing her 20th career LPGA Tour title at the season-opening Hilton Grand Vacations Tournament of Champions, finishing runner-up the next week at the LPGA Drive On Championship and then tying for fourth at the Blue Bay LPGA earlier this month. Statistically, Ko has also been lighting it up, currently ranking first in strokes gained total (+2.47) according to KPMG Performance Insights, first in scoring average (69.44) and third in rounds under par (14). She is also 12th in strokes gained approach (+1.14), 14th in strokes gained putting (+0.90) and 15th in strokes gained tee to green (+1.31). The major champion is a player who is more than familiar with desert golf, having competed in multiple Cognizant Founders Cups when they were held at Wildfire Golf Club in Phoenix and earning five top-10 finishes in the event before it was moved to New Jersey, two of which were runner-up results that came in 2014 and 2016. So, this week in Gilbert, Ariz., just might be the event that sees Ko finally earn her spot in the LPGA Hall of Fame.

Nelly Korda is arguably the hottest player on the LPGA Tour right now, earning a pair of playoff victories in back-to-back starts at the LPGA Drive On Championship and the FIR HILLS SERI PAK Championship, the latter of which saw her reascend to No. 1 Rolex Rankings for the first time since August 2023. According to KPMG Performance Insights, in her last eight rounds on the LPGA Tour, Korda has made birdie or eagle on 29.2 percent of the holes she’s played, gaining a whopping 3.51 strokes total per round on the field in that span. With her 10th career LPGA Tour victory, she became the 39th different American to earn double-digit victories on the LPGA Tour and is the first player since Karrie Webb in 2011 to win two events in her first three starts of the season. Statistically, she is in the top five in strokes gained total (2, +2.41), strokes gained around the green (2, +0.96) and strokes gained tee to green (3, +2.21) on Tour this year, a deadly triple threat that could see more success from Korda at a gettable Seville Golf and Country Club.

A dominant start to the 2024 season for @NellyKorda 🔥 Insights by @KPMGGolf | #LPGAStats — LPGA (@LPGA) March 27, 2024

Thursday, 1:07 p.m. – Linn Grant/Hyo Joo Kim/Rose Zhang

Linn Grant is an Arizona State University alum who will bring plenty of experience with her to this week’s Ford Championship presented by KCC, having played a lot of desert golf in her time as a Sun Devil. The Swede is making her sixth start of the 2024 LPGA Tour season in Gilbert, Ariz., and will be looking to continue the form she’s found in recent weeks at Seville Golf and Country Club, coming to the Grand Canyon State fresh off back-to-back T13 finishes at the HSBC Women’s World Championship and FIR HILLS SERI PAK Championship. This is her first time competing in Arizona since joining the LPGA Tour in 2022, and she will be working to pick up her second career LPGA Tour victory and first since the 2023 Dana Open last summer. Statistically, Grant ranks in the top 10 in one major strokes-gained category, sitting at seventh in strokes gained driving, and is 12th on Tour in average driving distance (269.63 yards).

It's been a quiet start to the year for Hyo Joo Kim, who has earned just one top-10 result in her three starts this season, tying for fifth at the Honda LPGA Thailand in her 2024 debut. She comes to the Ford Championship presented by KCC off a T18 result at the FIR HILLS SERI PAK Championship and will be looking to clean up a few mistakes in Arizona as she works to capture her seventh career LPGA Tour victory in Gilbert. Statistically, the Rolex Rankings No. 9 is second in strokes gained putting on Tour this season (+1.30) and fourth in strokes gained around the green (+0.71), according to KPMG Performance Insights. She is also second in putting average (26.67), fourth in putts per green in regulation (1.67) and eighth in driving accuracy (84.52%) after her three starts in 2024.

Rose Zhang made her return to the LPGA Tour last week at the FIR HILLS SERI PAK Championship, tying for 22nd in her first start since finishing T7 at the season-opening Hilton Grand Vacations Tournament of Champions in January. The 20-year-old briefly stepped away from professional golf to continue her studies at Stanford University after making her first berth in the Tournament of Champions and is working to knock the competitive rust off as the 2024 season starts to ramp up. With just two events under her belt in her first full season competing on Tour, there are still quite a few question marks as to how she statistically stacks up against her Tour counterparts, but according to KPMG Performance Insights, Zhang sits at 13th in strokes gained tee to green (+1.32), 14th in strokes gained total (+1.52) and 15th in strokes gained approach (+1.05), also ranking fourth in driving accuracy (85.71%).

*Off No. 10 

For a full list of tee times, please click here .

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'Vanderpump Rules' Is Trying To Make Tom Sandoval Sympathetic, If He Could Only Play the Role

Season 11 has been a half-hearted redemption tour for the unrepentant and angry Bravolebrity.

The Big Picture

  • Tom Sandoval's apology tour on Vanderpump Rules hits bumps as he struggles to take responsibility and continues blaming others for his actions.
  • Cast members gradually shift to accommodate Sandoval's behavior, while Ariana Madix remains vocal about boundaries and manipulation.
  • Production is working to redeem Sandoval's image, but Ariana is standing firm and refuses to tolerate his behavior, causing conflict in the group.

Season 11 has been documenting the fall-out from " Scandoval ," with cameras picking up roughly three months after the scandal broke. The season began with Ariana Madix alone in her home, while Tom Sandoval was away in New Zealand, filming Special Forces: World's Toughest Test . As soon as he returned to their shared home, the perspective took a shift. With a shockingly rapid pace, the Sandoval redemption tour took over, with production working overtime to make him seem sympathetic despite his unrepentant anger towards the people he owes apologies to . Sandoval's behavior now poses a significant problem on Vanderpump Rules in Season 11. Tom's rage towards Ariana and the boundaries she has kept in place since their relationship ended, has been receiving less and less criticism within the group as the season progresses. Instead, one by one, it appears the cast are each accepting that in order for production to move forward, Sandoval will need to be accommodated.

It is very difficult to keep the premise alive that Vanderpump Rules follows a group of friends navigating their lives in L.A. if no one in the group wants to socialize with each other. Ariana and Sandoval have yet to be in each other's presence without conflict. Katie has reason to keep her ex-husband Tom Schwartz at arm's length after the fall-out from their very public divorce featured last season. Lala Kent and Scheana Shay initially showed Ariana support in her new boundaries. However, as the season has progressed and producers have struggled to find innovative ways to reintegrate Sandoval into filming with Ariana still being present, the cast has gradually been shifting their positions. There is, however, one person working overtime to prove he has not really earned redemption yet , and that is Sandoval himself. Sandoval is comfortable placing blame on Ariana and his friends for his situation, rather than critiquing his own choices that put him there and learning to change his behavior.

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Best known as one of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Lisa Vanderpump opens the salacious kitchen doors of her exclusive Hollywood restaurant and lounge, SUR.

Tom Sandoval's Apology Tour Gets Off to a Rough Start on 'Vanderpump Rules' Season 11

In the second episode, Schwartz tries to have Tom take some accountability for not helping their bar navigate the fall-out from "Scandoval." Sandoval breezed past the opportunity to apologize, and instead launched into telling Schwartz about how difficult the fall-out from the scandal has been for him personally and financially. He angrily blamed his financial troubles on Ariana, saying that she hadn't been paying the bills. Could Ariana make both their lives easier and simply agree to pay what Sandoval claims to be owed without lawyers involved? Sure. But Sandoval's angry use of his financial struggles as a justification for his "need" to tour with his band shows what little thought he had put into his living situation before cheating on the co-owner of his home . To say nothing of the thoughtlessness towards Ariana's emotional well-being, or the effect his actions would have on his image as a business owner. Sandoval's resistance to accepting responsibility for the trouble that he has caused in the group has dragged out the process as he struggles to make an apology tour this season.

Similarly, on the cast trip to Lake Tahoe, DJ James Kennedy confronted Sandoval about having a relationship with his ex-fiancé, Rachel "Raquel" Leviss . Sandoval attempted to justify the affair because he "needed" to end the relationship with Ariana. But he also confusingly claims that he couldn't end the relationship in a way that wouldn't be "catastrophic." James rightly points out that he could have simply ended the relationship rather than choosing to deceive and betray not only Ariana, but others in the group, like himself. Sandoval then used the life he had built with Ariana as an excuse for not leaving the relationship. Sandoval's refusal to admit that he should have treated Ariana with respect in this scenario by ending their relationship before moving onto another one is symptomatic of his struggle to make progress in his apology tour for much of the first half of the season. In a confessional, Scheana's husband, Brock Davies , calls out Sandoval's habit of placing blame on others: "If I'm looking at Tom right now, and we have a percentage of "accountability" and then "blame," he's probably like a ten percent accountability and a solid ninety percent blaming everybody else for his issues."

Throughout the season so far, Sandoval eventually makes headway with Schwartz, Lala, Scheana, and James when it comes to apologizing to them personally and trying to make amends. But the lesson on contrition never really seems to apply when it comes to Ariana . When Sandoval went in to TomTom to speak with owner Lisa Vanderpump , who is also executive producer on the series, she helpfully suggested in conversation that the "gentlemanly" thing to do in his situation would be to move out, give Ariana her space, and sell the house. Sandoval became visibly angry at the suggestion, and made it clear this was not his intention.

When Lisa told him to stop being so angry, Sandoval yelled about her "attacking him." Lisa lost her usually demure composure and shouted back at Sandoval that she was trying to help him. Rather than accept Lisa's advice, Sandoval continued shouting, mentioning his suicidal thoughts during the wake of the scandal. In the following discussion, Lisa and Sandoval frame his ability to return to the group as a way back to feeling better . His mental health should be a priority, but he is constantly placing the blame for his situation on everyone else but himself, which makes the way to forgiveness exceptionally more difficult.

Tom's Anger Towards Ariana Is a Problem for the Bravo Series

Lala hosted a water tasting party at James' house, which Sandoval and Ariana both attended. The group seemed comfortable enough, knowing that while Ariana prefers not to see her ex, she would not allow his presence to prevent her from attending. When she noticed Sandoval listening to her conversation about her recent struggles with her dog Mya, Ariana referred to him as an "attempted dog murderer." This escalated into an argument about Sandoval invading the one safe space that Ariana has in their shared home that he "wrecked."

Rather than calmly explaining his position, or respecting the boundary Ariana has set of not speaking to her directly, Sandoval attempted to change the topic and shift blame by yelling at Ariana to "put on [her] big girl panties." This was in reference to his desire for her to respond to, and presumably accept, his offer to buy her out of their shared house. Production has an obvious incentive for the phase of forgiveness towards Tom to kick in sooner rather than later. It is clear that Ariana is being put in the position to either smile through her pain and play the role of sympathetic victim, or allow the drama with Sandoval to continue when she does not comply. Production should instead prioritize Tom's need to change his behavior and to control his own anger.

Lala's water tasting event was followed by a beach day that Ariana and Sandoval both attended. Sandoval took a jab at Ariana by saying that Mya's recent vet bill is the only bill she has paid. Ariana had referenced the fact that she had paid the adoption and vet fees for Mya, which meant she was the sole owner of her dog. Sandoval claimed that by this logic he should get to own the house , since he had taken over paying the bills after the relationship ended. Ariana then got angry with her friends for constantly inviting Sandoval to attend their group functions , when he continued to insist on speaking negatively about her.

James did a confessional about Ariana needing to release her anger for her own peace. Brock defended Sandoval by saying that he had his "tail between his legs." Even though he had just finished attacking Ariana's character in front of everyone. Lala did a confessional about Ariana needing to choose inner peace instead of holding on to her anger. Rather than discussing Tom's provocation, and his anger towards Ariana, the cast shifts blame to her instead. This comes across as a result of the production's need to rehabilitate Tom's image to be more sympathetic. This rehabilitation would be significantly easier if Tom could actually behave in a sympathetic way towards his ex, rather than erupting in constant angry fits.

Lala Kent Is "Grossed Out" By the 'Vanderpump Rules' Reunion

Tom sandoval seems manipulative rather than remorseful.

Earlier in the season, Ariana told Schwartz that there won't be a situation where he bridges some kind of gap that allows Sandoval to come back into the group while she is around. However, it seems like the producers have a very different plan, considering the way the season has trended so far. When at James' pool party, Scheana hinted to Ariana that she might want to be friends with Sandoval again . Ariana reaffirmed her boundary: "This is a scary f---ing person, that I don't trust any word that comes out of his mouth, because it's constantly changing, and it all, to me, feels like manipulation." When Lisa told Sandoval that she had been speaking to Rachel , she also mentioned that Rachel had told her she did not want to return to film this season because she was not comfortable lying to people. Rachel had also commented that Sandoval had once told her that "life is lying." Sandoval immediately yelled an angry denial at Lisa, claiming to have never made the statement.

Ariana and Rachel may no longer see eye to eye on many things. However, the last two women who have been in a relationship with Sandoval have gone on to say that he lives a constructed life in front of the cameras and have commented on his ability to manipulate people . Viewers have seen Sandoval "act" throughout the seasons, where he has been actively lying to cover up an inconvenient truth. Scenes like the one where he set up a meditation session with the group in Lake Tahoe, and the instructor asked Scheana to imagine this would be the last time she saw Sandoval, seem conveniently structured to make the "redemption" agenda a priority. Sandoval has said several times this season that he feels no matter what he says, it will be taken in a negative light. He consistently uses this as an excuse to not even attempt to behave decently towards his ex-girlfriend or his friends, playing tit-for-tat with them and shifting blame instead.

Viewers can see how resistant Sandoval is even to his once best-friend Schwartz's good advice to be humble and not bring up the distant past when people want apologies for recent events. It seems from these kinds of encounters on the show that Sandoval lacks the capacity to truly admit that he was in the wrong , without pointing out the wrongdoing of others as well. He can say the words "I know I made a mistake," but he seems incapable of accepting the consequences for one.

New episodes of Vanderpump Rules air Tuesdays on Bravo and are released on Peacock on Wednesdays in the U.S. Watch on Peacock


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  3. Aitana desvela las fechas de su Alpha Tour en España

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  4. Aitana Alpha Tour SPAIN 2023

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  5. Aitana desvela las fechas de ‘Alpha Tour’ en España

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  6. Conciertos de Aitana en España

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  1. Bienvenida Sevilla

  2. + (MÁS)

  3. Berlín

  4. Discurso y The Killers

  5. Con la miel en los labios

  6. Intro y Los Ángeles


  1. Aitana Alpha Tour 2024

    Eventos 18 MAY CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, MX TECATE EMBLEMA, Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez Comprar entradas 7 JUN SEVILLA Iconica Sevilla, Plaza de España Comprar entradas 9 JUN BARCELONA Share Festival Negrita - Parc del Fórum Comprar entradas 15 JUN 21:30h MALLORCA Mallorca Live Festival - Calvía Comprar entradas 22 JUN 22h MA


    Aitana llegará con su gira Alpha Tour al Estadio La Cartuja de Sevilla el próximo 28 de octubre donde veremos una puesta en escena totalmente diferente a lo que ha hecho hasta ahora.. Una nueva faceta en la que desplegará su nuevo sonido, más maduro y eléctrico, que pondrá a bailar a su público tras el lanzamiento del hit veraniego Las Babys.

  3. Aitana en Icónica Sevilla Fest 2024

    El viernes 7 de junio de 2024 se celebrará un concierto de Aitana en la Plaza de España de Sevilla. Vuelve a actuar en la capital hispalense la artista barcelonesa dentro de la gira "Alpha Tour". En ella está presentando las canciones de su tercer trabajo discográfico de estudio llamado "Alpha" que publicó en septiembre de 2023.


    13th ALPHA BIENNIAL CONFERENCE, Alpha Conference, Alpha2020, Alpha, Conference. 13th ALPHA BIENNIAL CONFERENCE | 6th October - 9th October, 2022 Sevilla, Sapin. ... I am delighted to announce that the next Alpha Conference will be held in the beautiful city of Seville, Spain, on 6 th - 9 th October 2022 . As always, we have worked hard to put ...

  5. Sevilla se rinde a los pies de Aitana en el Alpha Tour: 20.000 personas

    Sevilla se ha rendido ante los pies de la cantante catalana, que ha congregado 20.000 corazones en el Estadio Olímpico de la Cartuja para vivir una experiencia inolvidable: el Alpha Tour. La intérprete de 24 Rosas ha vivido uno de los conciertos más especiales de la gira , donde el público se ha volcado como nunca en cada una de sus ...

  6. Cuándo y dónde comprar las entradas para los conciertos de Aitana en

    Cuándo y dónde comprar las entradas para los conciertos de Aitana en España de la gira 'Alpha Tour' Aitana ya tiene cerradas siete fechas en España de su gira Alpha Tour . Te contamos cómo adquirir las entradas para los conciertos de Valencia, Málaga, Barcelona, Las Palmas, Sevilla, Bilbao y Madrid.

  7. Aitana en Sevilla 2023

    OnSevilla. El sábado 28 de octubre de 2023 está programada una actuación de la cantante Aitana en el Estadio de la Cartuja de Sevilla. El concierto forma parte de la gira "Alpha Tour 2023" en la que presenta las canciones de su último trabajo discográfico titulado "Alpha". Es el tercer álbum de estudio que publica y salió a la venta el ...

  8. Conciertos de Aitana en España

    Conciertos de Aitana en España en 2024 ( Alpha Tour) Listado actualizado. 7 de junio de 2024 - Sevilla - Icónica Sevilla Fest. 8 ó 9 de junio de 2024 - Barcelona - Share Festival. 13, 14 ó 15 de junio - Mallorca Live Festival 2024. 12 de julio de 2024 - Chiclana de la Frontera - Concert Music Festival - Entradas.

  9. Bienvenida Sevilla

    28 de octubre de 2023

  10. Concierto de Aitana en Sevilla: cuándo salen a la venta las entradas

    Aitana durante un concierto de su gira 'Alpha Tour'. SL. Vivir Concierto de Aitana en Sevilla: cuándo salen a la venta las entradas, dónde comprarlas y cuánto cuestan La artista actuará en la ...

  11. Αlpha Tour

    Αlpha Tour. Alpha Tour (estilizado como αlpha Tour) marca el regreso de la cantante española Aitana con su tercera gira de conciertos. En un especial destacado, ofrecerá un memorable concierto en el icónico Estadio Santiago Bernabéu como parte de su gira promocional para el álbum Alpha. La gira abarcará auditorios y estadios cubiertos ...

  12. Alpha Tour Aitana España: qué hora salen a la venta las entradas, dónde

    Valencia, Málaga, Barcelona, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Sevilla, Bilbao y Madrid son las ciudades elegidas por Aitana para los conciertos en España de su Alpha Tour. La gira arrancará el 1 de octubre y se prolongará hasta el 6 de noviembre. Las entradas salen a la venta este miércoles 21 de junio: apunta la hora, dónde comprarlas y el precio. Aitana añade dos fechas más a su gira ...

  13. Aitana: precios, fechas y cómo comprar las entradas de su 'Alpha Tour'

    Aitana se comienza para su Alpha Tour, su esperada nueva gira con la que presentará las canciones de su tercer álbum de estudio, Alpha. ... 28/10 • Sevilla 01/11 • Bilbao 06/11 • Madrid ...

  14. La tía de Aitana reacciona de esta manera sobre el dress code de 'Alpha

    Aitana también ha querido sumarse a este trend y ha compartido un vídeo en sus redes sociales explicando el dress code de Alpha Tour. La última en sumarse a esta iniciativa ha sido su tía, que ...

  15. Intro y Los Ángeles

    28 de octubre de 2023

  16. Vas a quedarte

    28 de octubre de 2023

  17. Aitana dedica Vas A Quedarte a Elena Huelva en el concierto del Alpha

    La cantante Aitana ha vivido uno de los momentos más emocionantes del Alpha Tour en su concierto en Sevilla: decidió dedicar la canción Vas A Quedarte a la influencer Elena Huelva, con quien tuvo una estrecha relación durante su batalla contra el cáncer. Aitana. GTRES. Los famosos que conocieron a Elena Huelva se despiden de ella, desde ...

  18. Alpha Tour Sevilla

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  19. Home

    Winter Spain 2022 - Deals and holidays. Spain's almost infinite coastline offers beach and family friendly destinations close to all major airports and lots of great deals both during the week.

  20. The 14 best things to do in Seville

    Take a virtual trip back in time to Roman, Moorish, and 17th-century Seville. Past View Experience's ingenious and fun system (children love it) consists of smart glasses using Augmented Reality ...

  21. About Seville

    13th ALPHA BIENNIAL CONFERENCE, Alpha Conference, Alpha2020, Alpha, Conference. 13th ALPHA BIENNIAL CONFERENCE | 6th October - 9th October, 2022 Sevilla, Sapin. Toggle navigation. ... Seville is a prominent business and service centre in the south of Spain and has many hotels distributed all over the city which enable visitors to discover ...

  22. Featured Groups: 2024 Ford Championship presented by KCC

    Statistically, she is in the top five in strokes gained total (2, +2.41), strokes gained around the green (2, +0.96) and strokes gained tee to green (3, +2.21) on Tour this year, a deadly triple ...

  23. Mi Amor

    #miamor #aitana #alpha

  24. 'Vanderpump Rules' Tries To Make Tom Sandoval Sympathetic

    Tom Sandoval's Apology Tour Gets Off to a Rough Start on 'Vanderpump Rules' Season 11. In the second episode, Schwartz tries to have Tom take some accountability for not helping their bar navigate ...

  25. Alpha Tour Aitana Sevilla 28/10/2023

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  26. Feria de Sevilla 2024

    #feriadesevilla #feriadeabril #feria #sevilla #españa #feriadesevilla2024Bienvenidos a la Feria de Sevilla 2024! La Feria de Abril o Feria de Sevilla es una ...