Knaus 500d Sport Traveller 2005

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Quick resources for a Knaus 500d Sport Traveller

knaus sport traveller 2005

Knaus 500d Sport Traveller sizes

The information shows the sizes / dimensions for the motor caravan in a range of measurements to make the information as helpful as possible.

Knaus 500d Sport Traveller weights

Knaus 500d sport traveller features, sleeping arrangements.

The 2005 Knaus 500d Sport Traveller will sleep 4 people.

  • double bed (s)
  • a pull down bed over the cabin area

Travel arrangements

  • 6 belted seats (the number of persons that can be accommodated in the motorhome whilst travelling)

Food preparation and storage

Storage for two gas bottles

Gas storage

The Knaus 500d Sport Traveller has storage for 2 gas bottles. Many motorhomes use LPG to power ovens, fridges, heaters and water heaters when the motorhome is not connected to mains electricity

Example of a garage model motor home

Garage Model

This motorhome is a garage model - a garage is a great way of storing all those things that you dont want in the caravan or left outside e.g. bikes, tools etc. Some of the larger models of motorhomes that are garage models have a large enough garage for a small car. Do check your owners manual for any restrictions e.g. weights and safety

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Knaus Traveller-Modelle (1994 - 2016) im Gebrauchtcheck

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Knaus Traveller (1994 - 2006) im Gebrauchtcheck : Was taugt der Knaus Alkoven als Gebrauchter?

Jahrelang bildeten Alkovenmobile den Mittelpunkt des Knaus-Angebots. Der Traveller entstand in unterschiedlichsten Ausführungen. Wie gut sind die von 1994 bis 2006 gebauten Modelle heute?

Gebrauchtcheck Knaus Traveller

Der letzte große Modellwechsel beim Fiat Ducato brachte vor zehn Jahren einen Richtungswechsel in der Wohnmobilentwicklung mit sich. Fast alle Hersteller waren 2006 durch die Änderungen am Basisfahrzeug gezwungen, sämtliche Baureihen zu erneuern, und nutzten die Chance zu einer Neuausrichtung. Die zunehmend beliebteren Teilintegrierten rückten in den Mittelpunkt. Alkoven bewegten sich in eine Marktnische, darunter auch der Knaus Traveller.

Der Traveller feierte seine größten Erfolge auf Basis der zweiten Fiat-Ducato-Generation, die zwischen 1994 und 2006 gebaut wurde. Heute sind diese Fahrzeuge eine feste Größe auf dem Gebrauchtfahrzeugmarkt. Wer sich in die Angebote hineinvertieft, bemerkt rasch: Alkovenmobile waren damals vielseitiger als heute. Knaus bot den Traveller nicht nur mit typischen Familiengrundrissen an, sondern auch mit großer Sitzgruppe für Paare, die viel Platz und ein festes Bett über dem Fahrerhaus schätzen. Ebenso erfreuten sich Kompakte wie der hier gezeigte Traveller 500 großer Popularität.

Auf- und Ausbau

Die Alkovenbauweise mag ein wenigaus der Mode gekommen sein, dem sonstigen Erscheinungsbildeines gebrauchtenKnaus Traveller sieht man sein Alter dagegen nichtunbedingtan. Schon früh setzte man bei Knaus – zumindestbei den gehobenen Traveller-Ausführungen – auf glattes Außenblech. Die sparsamenDekore wirken stilsicher,die geradlinigen Möbel immer noch frisch. Äußerst zeitgemäß erscheinen außerdem die Innenabmessungen, was viele Teilnehmer der promobil -Umfrage zu gebrauchten Knaus Traveller ausdrücklich loben. Bereits Mitte der neunziger Jahre wartete der Traveller mit einer Stehhöhe von über zwei Meter auf und bot ein 2,10 x 1,60 Meter großes Alkovenbett. Auch die dortige Kopffreiheit von 65 Zentimetern liegt deutlich über dem Durchschnitt.

Einen guten Ruf genoss seinerzeit außerdem die Fertigungsqualität der Wohnmobile aus dem Bayerischen Wald. Blickt man auf die Erfahrungen der Besitzer, kann man heute ebenso den Gebrauchten ein gutes Stehvermögen bescheinigen. Von wenigen Ausreißern abgesehen, vergeben Knaus-Fahrer gute Noten für die Verarbeitung.

Allzu blauäugig sollte man dennoch keinen Traveller aus zweiter Hand erwerben. Einige Besitzer berichten von einem Problem, das kostspielige Reparaturen nach sich ziehen kann: Statt einfach abzutropfen, läuft Regenwasser hinter die Kunststoffschürzen und dringt in den hölzernen Boden ein. Im Extremfall führt das zur Verrottung der Platte, was meist zuerst am Heck der Fall ist. Als Ursache kommt allerdings noch ein anderer Mangel in Betracht: Sehr oft reißt im Traveller die Duschwanne. Bleibt das längere Zeit unbemerkt, kann die Feuchtigkeit ebenso ins Sperrholz darunter gelangen. Weitere Gründe für Undichtigkeiten betreffen ebenfalls die hintere Aufbauhälfte, etwa defekte Heckfenster und Garagenklappen sowie Wassereintritt über die dritte Bremsleuchte.

Ein ganz spezieller Fall sind die gleichermaßen eleganten wie seltenen Traveller mit GfK-Dach. Hier kommt es zu Undichtigkeiten an der Naht zwischen Dach und Wänden sowie zwischen Alkovenober- und -unterschale.

Unabhängig von der Ausführung fallen dagegen viele Dachhauben negativ auf. Die Bandbreite der Probleme reicht hier von undicht gewordenen Panoramafenstern bis zu defekten Verschlüssen bei den einfachen Hauben.

Vergleichsweise weit oben in der Mängelstatistik steht die Bordelektrik, wofür vor allem defekte Ladegeräte verantwortlich sind. Nicht selten macht ebenso der Kühlschrank Reparaturen nötig.


Der hohe Aufbau des Traveller mit seinem mächtigen Alkoven bleibt beim Fahren nicht ohne Einfluss. Er sorgt für einen erhöhten Schwerpunkt mit entsprechenden Schunkeleinlagen in flott gefahrenen Kurven und bremst den Knaus auf Autobahnen spürbar ein. Will man flott vorwärts kommen, greift man besser zu einem kräftigen Motor.

Gleichzeitig bringen der Aufbau und die auch innen solide Materialwahl ein erhöhtes Eigengewicht mit sich. Andersherum ausgedrückt: Die längeren Varianten haben als 3,5-Tonner oft keine familiengerechten Zuladungsreserven.Hinsichtlich der Mängel fördert die Befragung typische Fiat-Schwächen jener Jahre zutage. Defektebetreffen den fünften Gang,Antriebswellen und -manschetten, Radlager, Wegfahrsperre und Leuchtweitenregulierung. Auch Undichtigkeit am Dieseltank wurde moniert. Einen geringen Anteil nahmen in der Umfrage die Sun-Traveller mit Alko-Fahrwerk ein. Dem Vorteil der Fahrstabilität steht hier ein Mangel an Bodenfreiheit entgegen.

Noch seltenerwaren bei den Leserantworten die Traveller mit Renault-Master-Chassis vertreten. Hier gab es weder besondere Kritik noch Hinweise auf mangelnde Robustheit.

Ab 10.000 Euro geht es los. Für diese Summe kann man bereits einzelne nach 1994 gebaute Knaus Traveller finden. Mit etwa 15.000 Euro in der Tasche genießt man eine breite Auswahl und kann sich zwischen besonders kurzen Modellen, Varianten mit üppiger Sitzgruppe und Garagengrundrissen entscheiden. Wer jedoch einen nach dem Fiat-Facelift 2003 gebauten Traveller sucht, um die Chancen auf eine grüne Umweltplakette zu verbessern, muss meist über 20.000 Euro ausgeben. Ausnahme ist lediglich der kurze 500, der zu etwas günstigeren Preisen gehandelt wird – wie auch im Fall des vorgestellten Fahrzeugs. Er zählte schließlich auch als Neufahrzeug zu den besonders attraktiven Angeboten. Einen vergleichsweise hohen Wertverlust müssen dagegen die Edel-Traveller mit ihren GfK-Teilen an Dach und Heck hinnehmen. Als Exoten entfalten sie für Design-Liebhaber eigene Reize, erfordern aber eine umso gründlichere Prüfung der aufwendigen Technik.

Darauf müssen Sie beim Knaus Alkoven als Gebrauchter achten

  • Stauraum: Die kurzen Varianten waren wegen ihrer Wendigkeit als Neufahrzeug beliebt und bleiben auch als Gebrauchte begehrt. Für große Campingmöbel gibt es hier allerdings nur wenig Platz.
  • Duschwanne: Der Boden des Sanitärraums bekommt bei vielen älteren Reisemobilen Risse. Im Knaus taucht dieser Mangel allerdings besonders häufig auf. Auch dadurch kann Feuchtigkeit in die Bodenplatte oder Stauräume darunter gelangen.
  • Dachhauben: Egal ob es sich um große Panorama-Dachfenster oder einfache Hauben handelt – immer wieder kommt es hier zu Undichtigkeiten. Manchmal öffnet sich die Haube über dem Alkoven während der Fahrt – und kann davonfliegen.
  • Alkoven: Das große Bett im Bug zählt generell zu den Traveller-Pluspunkten. Beim Fahren macht sich der hohe Alkoven jedoch durch verstärkte Wankbewegungen des Aufbaus bemerkbar. Der erhöhte Luftwiderstand erfordert zudem einen kräftigen Motor.
  • Möbel: An sich gelten die Knaus-Möbel als solide. Bei einigen Ausführungen machen aber die Aufsteller der Hängeschränke schlapp. Defekte vermelden Besitzer auch von den Scharnieren der Badtür.
  • Unterboden: Regenwasser, das von den Wänden abläuft, tropft bei einigen Modellen nicht richtig ab, sondern dringt seitlich in die Bodenplatte ein. Käufer sollten hier eine Druckprobe machen; weich gewordenes Holz deutet auf teure Reparaturen hin. Sicherer ist ein professioneller Check mit dem Feuchtigkeitsmessgerät.

Daten und Fakten

  • Knaus Traveller (Baujahre 1994 bis 2006)
  • Basisfahrzeug: Fiat Ducato/Renault Master, Leiterrahmen, Alko-Fahrgestell
  • Bauweise: Alkovenmobil mit Alu-Außenhaut, Holzfachwerk, Styropor-Isolierung
  • Sitz-/Schlafplätze: 4–6/4–6
  • Erstzulassung: 4/2003
  • Kilometerstand laut Tacho: 96 500
  • Preis: 18 990 Euro
  • Zulässiges Gesamtgewicht: 3500 kg
  • Gesehen bei: Schafhäutle Reisemobile, 74366 Kirchheim/Neckar

Die große Traveller-Familie

Nach dem Modellwechsel des Fiat Ducato 1994 startet der Traveller mit fünf Grundrissen. Ein Jahr später kommt der Traveller C (für Compact) als günstigere Alternative mit Hammerschlagblech hinzu. Zum Modelljahr 2000 rückt der erneuerte Traveller mit elegant geformten GfK-Aufbauteilen der Oberklasse näher. Die Mittelklasse bedient von da an der Sun-Traveller. Zur Saison 2001 wird aus dem Traveller C der Sport-Traveller. Das Angebot beschränkt sich unverändert auf drei Grundrisse. Kurzzeitig eingestellt, taucht der Sport-Traveller zunächst als kurzer 500er zum Modelljahr 2003 wieder auf, während der Sun-Traveller das Rückgrat im Alkovenangebot bildet. In der folgenden Saison wird der Sport aufgewertet. Der Sun-Traveller erhält als neuer Top-Alkoven zum Caravan-Salon 2004 schickere Möbel und ein Jahr später alternativ ein Renault-Master-Chassis.

Carado, Straße, Teilintegriert, Reisemobil

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Renault Knaus Sport Traveller

Air conditioning in the cabin and in the superstructure - With toilet/shower, large garage, bicycle rack, extra security locks - Very well maintained

The Renault Knaus Sport Traveler is a complete and luxurious four-person alcove camper. The car is equipped with a reliable 2.5 liter diesel engine of 120 hp (88 kW). The equipment includes an air conditioning system on the engine for cabin cooling and an air conditioning for the superstructure, a toilet, a shower, a cooker, extra security locks, an Alpine audio system, a very spacious garage and a bicycle rack on the rear. This is a very well maintained camper. In 2022 it had major maintenance, including 4 new tires and a gas inspection of the superstructure. Recently the car was serviced, including the replacement of the clutch and ball joints. The service booklet, various invoices and all manuals are present with the camper. The car was delivered new in Germany and has had a Dutch registration since 2010.

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2005 fiat knaus 605dkg sports traveller.

2005 Fiat Knaus 605dkg sports traveller image 1


Great 6 berth motorhome. KNAUS SPORT TRAVELLER 605 DKG. Price: £18,450. Year: 2005. Berths: 6 Belts: 6. This spacious, flexible and low mileage 6 berth family motorhome is a bargain at this price. The clever Knaus rear Bunk Bed layout gives you the flexibility of 6 berths, or a 5 berth with a very generous rear garage space. This vehicle is in excellent condition. Item specifics. Condition: Used: Manufacturer: Knaus. Mileage: 12,300 Model: Sport Traveller 605. 0 Number of Previous Owners: 2. Engine Size: 2,300. Axles: 2 Colour: White. Sleeping Capacity: 6 Type: Motorhome. Subtype: Coachbuilt Transmission: Manual. Equipment: 12V Lighting, 240V Mains Awning, Fuel. Type: Diesel. Fridge / Freezer: Dometic Model Year (YYYY): 2005. Gross Vehicle Weight: 3500 Year of Registration: 2005. Drive Side: Right - hand drive V5 Registration. Document: Present. MOT Expiry Date: 13-05-16. Manufacturer Knaus Model Sport Traveller 605. Type Motorhome Subtype Coachbuilt. Colour White. Mileage 12,300 Miles First Registration Date 2005/07/01. Model Year Used, May 13th 2016, Transmission Manual, Fuel Diesel Number of Axles 2, Gross Vehicle Weight 3500 kg Width, Number of Bedrooms -- Sleeping Capacity 6, Slide Outs -- Water Temperature, Fridge / Freezer Yes Emission class. Features: 12V Lighting, 240V Lighting, Fiamma Awning, Blinds / inc Mosquito, Central Heating, Central Seating Group, Cooker, Grill, Hand Washbasin, Mains Hookup, Oven, AM / FM Stereo, Separate Shower, Sink, Sunroof, Satellite dish, Wheel lock, TV / DVD, Fiamma Privacy room, Fiamma bicycle carrier (4 cycles).

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Camper van Knaus Sport Traveller 600 DKG

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Recensione Knaus Sport Traveller 500 del 2005

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Onlineshop with towbars, air suspension and bike carriers for camping cars.

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  • Frame Extensions
  • Air suspension
  • Levelling systems
  • Bike & motorbike carriers
  • Ski and Snowboard Racks
  • Accessories

Towbars for Motorhomes

  • Frame extension for motorhome
  • Air Suspension for Bus, Van, Camper
  • Levelling systems and stabiliser jacks
  • Storage boxes

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Towbar for Fiat Ducato Knaus Sport Traveller 1994-2006

Towbars for Fiat Ducato Knaus Sport Traveller Bj. 1994-2006 motorhomes

Welcome to X-CAMPING , your specialist in retrofitting towbars for motorhomes. In this category you will find towbars, electrical kits and even frame extensions for the Fiat Ducato Knaus Sport Traveller Bj. 1994-2006 motorhomes, whether it’s a coachbuilt or C-Class with overcab bed.

Fixed and detachable towbars

Our range includes various trailer hitches and electrics for the Fiat Ducato Knaus Sport Traveller Bj. 1994-2006 motorhome. Due to the specific design of these motorhomes as C-class with or without overcab bed and a long overhang with a deep rear garage, the towbars for the Fiat Ducato Knaus Sport Traveller Bj. 1994-2006 should be adjustable . We offer a wide range of height, width and length adjustable towbars with fixed and detachable towballs .

  • With lateral swanneck towballs.
  • With front flange towballs attached with two or four bolts.
  • Vertically detachable systems with anti-theft device.
  • Horizontally removable towballs with anti-theft device.
  • Detachable towballs with lever system (without anti-theft device).

The detachable towball systems with anti-theft protection are produced by renowned manufacturers such as ACS Towbar Systems , a member of the Brink Group, a leading supplier of towbars in Europe. All our products come from renowned European manufacturers, are TÜV-tested and approved for road use.

Fiat Ducato with load-bearing frame

Before fitting a towbar to your Fiat Ducato it is important to check that the chassis is sufficiently extended and strong. On some cars with the Knaus Sport Traveller body, the chassis of the base car is extended and prepared for the installation of a towbar. This is known as a load-bearing frame.

Read our blog to find out how to check if a frame extension is load-bearing. For vehicles that already have a load-bearing frame extension, the cost of fitting a towbar is lower as no additional extension is required.

Fiat Ducato without a load-bearing frame

If your Fiat Ducato does not have a load-bearing frame extension, you must first fit a chassis extension in order to be able to fit a towbar later. The frame extension is the base for the towbar and rear garage. It consists of frame adapters, extension profiles and reinforcement kits. The frame adapters are fitted to the original Fiat Ducato chassis and the extension profiles are screwed onto the adapters .

Our frame adapters are designed in the same way for all Fiat Ducato models so that the existing mounting points on the vehicle frame can be used and no modifications to the original frame are required. The frame extension profiles are adapted to the length of the overhang or rear garage.

X-CAMPING offers frame extensions in different lengths from 75 cm to 200 cm. You can find out which length you need for your vehicle and how to determine this in our blog .

Our frame extension for the Fiat Ducato Knaus Sport Traveller Bj. 1994-2006 can be used universally and is compatible with various trailer hitches from other manufacturers (SMV-Metall, Linnepe, AL-KO, SAWIKO, XIMPLIO). Please note that a frame extension can also be adjusted in height and width. For an example of the adjustment possibilities of a frame extension from XIMPLIO, click here.

Electric kits for towbars

In addition to towbars, we also offer suitable electrics for your motorhome . Our vehicle-specific and universal cable sets are available in 7-pin and 13-pin versions. The vehicle-specific electrics are specially designed for the Fiat Ducato Knaus Sport Traveller Bj. 1994-2006 motorhome . Please note that due to the overall length of motorhomes, extra-long cable sets of up to 9 metres in length are often required.

List of compatible vehicles:

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Home › Reviews › Knaus › Sport › TI 600 MG

Knaus Sport TI 600 MG 2006

2006 Knaus Sport TI 600 MG - front three-quarters view

Published: August 24, 2011

Based on the Renault Master cab, Practical Motorhome reviews the Knaus Sport TI 600 MG, here with smart Silver Line paintwork

Dependable, compact two-berth with plenty of storage options and equipment

Spacious lounge; quality of fixtures and fittings; roomy garage

Poor kitchen storage

German manufacturer Knaus is well known for combining style and function – a fusion most evident in the Sun Ti, launched in 2004.

Now, in an attempt to lure those wanting the Sun Ti’s low-profile elegance without the sizeable price tag, Knaus has launched the Sport Ti.

The Sport Ti range retains the Renault Master cab chassis of the Sun, and features the 2.5-litre Renault 120 common-rail turbodiesel engine. There’s no denying that the Sport and Sun Ti, with their curvy lines, share the same genes even though the Sport features different mouldings.

Knaus’ show model bore the handsome Silver Line paintwork, which is likely to become an option in the UK.

According to importer Hants and Dorset Outdoor Leisure, the smallest of the Sport family, the 600 MG will probably prove most popular. This two-berth offers a large, 150cm garage within a body length of just 6.44m, which means plenty of room in the back for a scooter. The ‘van also boasts a novel flip-up bed, allowing further storage space.

Inside, the ‘van is bright despite its compact layout, thanks in part to the attractive light-grey and orange Denver upholstery which swathed all soft surfaces in the show ‘van.

The Sport’s lounge is spacious and comfortable. It benefits from additional light through the large acrylic glass roof, similar to that in the Sun Ti and likely to be standard on UK models.

One new Knaus feature is the 15in LCD TV which drops from an overhead cupboard. It can be angled in various positions for best viewing and hooked up to a DVD player in the cab. The screen is weighty, however, so older occupants might struggle to prevent it crashing down after release.

The kitchen is compact but the numerous fixtures and fittings ooze quality, from the brushed steel Ikea-style lights to the frosted-glass cabinet door above the sink. A dearth of storage space is one cost of the compact nature this ‘van: we couldn’t find much room for tins and packeted food. However, there are plenty of other clever storage solutions in the rest of the ‘van, including the nifty flip-up step that leads up to a firm but comfortable fixed double bed.

The functional, yet rather fashionable, design continues in the washroom where wood is interspersed with chrome fittings. There is no separate shower cubicle but there’s plenty of room, with a reasonably sized basin and multiple shelves. A small flap hides the toilet roll.

Costs have not been cut from anywhere obvious – some of the fittings in the Sun Ti are of slightly better quality than in the Sport Ti and, of course, we have yet to sit behind the wheel. However, after our first look, Knaus appears to have succeeded in creating a lower-cost low-profile. We’re certainly looking forward to finding out for sure.

Technical Specifications

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Muslim group being flushed from Russia into U.S.

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KRASNODAR, Russia — Thousands of Muslims from a small ethnic group known as the Meskhetian Turks are fleeing this Black Sea region for the United States. The exodus is caused by what human rights groups call a campaign of persecution sanctioned by local authorities and spearheaded by the Cossacks, a Russian militia that fought for the czars and is being revived.

In the past year, just more than 5,000 Meskhetian Turks have resettled in the United States as refugees, and 4,400 have approval to immigrate, according to the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. Another 7,000 have filed applications that U.S. officials are reviewing.

“I call it soft ethnic cleansing,” said Alexander Ossipov, an analyst at the Institute for Humanities and Political Studies in Moscow. “The local authorities decided which ethnic groups were desirable and which were not. It’s government based on a racist ideology.”

The United States has criticized actions of the Krasnodar authorities in State Department human rights reports and at meetings of the 55-country Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

Russian officials in the south say the Meskhetian Turks are foreigners who have no right to remain in Russia. They play down reports of Cossack violence.

In interviews, leaders of the Meskhetian community expressed dismay that the Russian government has not curbed the actions of the local authorities and has said it intends to formalize the role of the Cossacks as an auxiliary force in law enforcement nationwide.

President Vladimir Putin has proposed a law that would allow Cossacks to serve in special units in the military, assist the police and work in border control, counterterrorism and counter-drug operations. Political analysts predict the legislation will pass in the next few months.

“There is a long-felt need to confer a legal status on the activity of Cossack units,” Putin said in May at a meeting with Cossack leaders. “Cossacks serving in Cossack units keep law and order.”

The Cossacks’ re-emergence is part of a broader revival of vestiges of the Russian past, both czarist and Soviet, that for many people invoke national greatness and patriotism, a goal of the Kremlin. The trend began under President Boris Yeltsin in the 1990s and has continued under Putin.

“How can Putin make police out of people who have no respect for the law?” asked Sarvar Tedorov, 57, a community leader who lives in the town of Varenikovskaya, about 80 miles from Krasnodar. “Is he completely blind? They break into our houses, even during prayer. They humiliate us and call us names. The beatings are regular.”

Originally from southern Georgia near the border with Turkey, the Meskhetians are a rural, Turkish-speaking people who have often been buffeted by their Russian neighbors.

In November 1944, Joseph Stalin ordered their deportation from Georgia to Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia for alleged sympathy with the Nazi forces that invaded the Soviet Union. Nearly 90,000 people were uprooted.

In June 1989, Soviet authorities ordered the evacuation of the Meskhetian Turks from Uzbekistan after they became the target of ethnic rioting there. About 12,000 moved to Krasnodar; many others went to central Russia.

In 1991, Russia passed a law that all former Soviet citizens who lived permanently in Russia when the law came into effect were deemed Russian citizens, as long they didn’t renounce that right within 12 months. In most parts of Russia, Meskhetian Turks became citizens.

In Krasnodar, however, officials balked and denied official residency papers to the Meskhetians, the prerequisite for citizenship applications, said Ossipov, who has written extensively about the plight of the group for Memorial, a Russian human rights group, and the U.N. refugee agency.

Meskhetians say local officials also have blocked implementation of a more recent law that on paper makes it easier for them to obtain Russian citizenship.

The officials say the Meskhetians are citizens of Uzbekistan who spurned their chance to become Russian citizens. “Theirs is not a problem with the Krasnodar region, it’s a problem of their own creation,” said Valery Ostrozhny, deputy head of the Department for Monitoring Migration in the Krasnodar regional government.

In meetings of international organizations, Russian officials have said that the Meskhetian Turks should be repatriated to Georgia, their historic homeland. Memorial and other groups insist that any return to Georgia should be voluntary and should not be used to deny Meskhetians their rights in Russia, including citizenship.

Without residency permits, the Meskhetians in Krasnodar became isolated in their towns and villages. According to reports by Memorial, their homes were labeled illegal, they could not legally hold jobs, their marriages were not recognized and the births of their children were not officially recorded, extending the state of limbo into succeeding generations.

“It’s impossible to live here,” said Rustam Zautadze, 35, also from Varenikovskaya, who is moving to Baltimore soon with 17 other family members, including his wife and three children, his parents, his siblings and their children. “Several times, Cossacks and police came to my house and asked for our papers, which of course we don’t have. And then they fine us. If they catch you on the street, they arrest you. I’ve spent several weeks in detention centers.”

Local officials said such cases are rare. “Where the local authorities did something wrong,” Ostrozhny said, “the courts ruled against them. But there aren’t many of those cases.”

—(optional add end)—

The Cossacks are descended mostly from Russian serfs who fled to the south in the 16th century to escape czarist authority. Later, they became a special military community for the czars, producing generation after generation of soldiers famed for their bravery and horsemanship.

As the czar’s cavalry, they helped in the conquest of Siberia, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Most famously, they harassed Napoleon’s troops during the French retreat in 1812. After the Russian revolution in 1917, the Cossacks fought against the Red Army. That brought on severe repression that led thousands of them to side with the Nazis during World War II.

That is a period Cossack leaders prefer to forget. Vladimir Gromov, chieftain of the Cossacks in the Krasnodar region, instead holds forth on how the Cossacks saved Europe from “Islamic aggression.” They were instrumental in defeating the invading Turks at Vienna in 1683, he contends.

Gromov said that Russia again needs to be protected from Muslim outsiders. “Meskhetian Turks and other ethnic groups should live in their historical birthplace,” he said. “Not here.”

“I have to save my family from the persecution,” Tedorov said. He said he will be moving to Phoenix this month with his wife, two of his children, daughter-in-law and two grandchildren. They will join two of Tedorov’s daughters already living in Arizona.

Vadim Karastelev, director of the Human Rights Center in Novorossiisk in the Krasnodar region, expressed concern that with the Meskhetian Turkish population dwindling, the Krasnodar authorities will turn their attention to other ethnic minorities — Batum Kurds, Armenian Khemshil and the Yazidis.

The Batum Kurds and the Yazidis have already written the American embassy seeking refugee status in the United States, citing “endless persecution, repression and humiliation.”

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Krasnodar, Russia

Krasnodar, Russia

Tours, Attractions and Things To Do in Krasnodar

Here we are in the South of Russia. Welcome to Krasnodar, a major economic and cultural center of North Caucasus, also called “the capital of Kuban”. Krasnodar, perhaps, is one of the most interesting resort towns of the Russian Federation. It is a relatively young city founded by the Cossacks in в 1793 on the lands granted by Ekaterina II (hence its former name was Ekaterinodar). Later, when the Soviet system rose to power, the city was re-named to Krasnodar in 1920, and it preserved this name up to date.

Krasnodar is a center of the Russia’s southern touristic zone, located of the right bank of the Kuban River, 120-150 km from two warm seas – the Black and the Azov. It is an interesting fact that the city is located in the golden section of the Earth, almost in between the equator and the North Pole, right on the 45th parallel, also called “the Golden Line” or “the Life Line”. There exists an opinion that the living conditions in these latitudes are most favorable for human.

In spite of the city’s “youth” Krasnodar has many historical landmarks, while its architectural look is various and represented by different styles from Baroque and Classicism to late Modern. In Krasnodar, there is one of the largest Russian churches – Saint Catherine’s Cathedral, built as early as in 1914 and survived by a miracle under the Soviet power. It is also worth while visiting the Krasnodar main Orthodox Church – Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. Interesting and dramatic, was the fate of this, one of the Russia’s most beautiful churches, an example of Russian and Byzantine templar style. Alexander Nevsky Military Cathedral was erected in April 1853, but later on, in year 1932 it was blown up by the Communists. And it was not until May 2006 when the inauguration ceremony of Alexander Nevsky Cathedral built anew took place.

Nowadays the Krasnodar architectural variety combines the harmony of old and modern structures. Now, next to the churches there are also modern high-rise buildings (the Marriott Hotel”), shopping and entertainment centers (“Red Square”), modern concert halls (Palace of Arts “Premiere”), restaurants, and night clubs. The city also strikes with its numerous museums, theaters, art galleries. Particularly, if you find yourself in Krasnodar, we recommend you to visit the Krasnodar Regional Art Museum named after F. A. Kovalenko to enjoy a rare collection of Russian avant-garde and Dutch art of XVI century, and also attend concerts of SSAI “Kuban Cossack chorus” to listen to Kuban Cossack, Russian and Ukrainian folk-songs.

Two Krasnodar unusual landmarks enjoy wide popularity among tourists and local community: the Monument to a purse and the Monument to the doggies in love. Do you want to turn round? Then you are to the purse. It is enough to rub your purse over it, and you will have more money. But if you are unlucky in love, then the loving couple of dogs will help you, you should stroke their small paws and love will certainly come to you.

Krasnodar Population 2024

Krasnodar 's 2024 population is now estimated at 1,010,552 .  In 1950 , the population of Krasnodar was 230,310 .  Krasnodar has grown by 9,397 in the last year, which represents a 0.94% annual change. These population estimates and projections come from the latest revision of the UN World Urbanization Prospects . These estimates represent the Urban agglomeration of Krasnodar , which typically includes Krasnodar 's population in addition to adjacent suburban areas.

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