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Shakedown cruise

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A shakedown cruise is an operation where a newly launched starship tests its new systems. The shakedown cruise provides engineers an idea of a vessel's operation and capabilities, which is then inputted to the ship's shakedown log or master log . ( TNG - Slings and Arrows eBook : A Sea of Troubles )

The second Defiant -class USS Defiant did not have time for a shakedown cruise before its participation in the final battle of the Dominion War . ( DS9 novelization : What You Leave Behind )

Appendices [ ]

References [ ].

  • Encounter at Farpoint

External link [ ]

  • Shakedown cruise article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .

Shakedown cruise

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A shakedown cruise tests a new or recently refit starship 's systems, determining any faults or problems, as well as any performance issues.

In 2364 , Ethan Arden from the Starfleet Corps of Engineers came aboard the USS McKinnon to assist her crew with their shakedown cruise after a refit. ( Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions : " Perfect Girl ")

In 2371 , on Stardate 48650.6, the USS Prospect -A responded to a distress call during its shakedown cruise. Damage to the ship during the scuffle was light, but Captain John Greene expressed he'd hoped those at the commissioning ceremony hadn't roughed up his new ship too much. ( Star Trek: The Prospect Chronicles : " Home ")

External links [ ]

  • Shakedown cruise article at Memory Alpha , the canon Star Trek wiki.
  • Shakedown cruise article at Star Trek Expanded Universe , the fanon Star Trek wiki.

Star Trek : Shakedown Cruise

Each ship after construction or refit must undergo some sort of field testing to work out any bugs or defects.

The starting complication range depends on the system rating. Larger or more complex systems denoted by a higher rating have more issues that need to be worked out.

The complication range decreases by one per successful use of the system. Additionally, players may spend momentum to buy down the complication range, simulating additional diagnostics, analysis, etc.

Shakedown Cruise (Hammond episode)

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Shakedown Cruise is the series opener of Star Trek: George Hammond .

  • 3.1 Starring
  • 3.2 Also Starring
  • 3.3 Guest Stars
  • 3.4 Special Guest Stars

When newly promoted Brigadier General Samantha Carter takes command of the Daedalus -class vessel USS George Hammond , while on her shakedown she receives a distress call from the USS Intrepid -A which is under heavy assault by four Romulan Valdore -class warbirds.

Chapters [ ]

Starring [ ].

  • Amanda Tapping as Brigadier General Samantha Carter
  • Chen Chang as Major Tyrone Franklin

Also Starring [ ]

  • Martin Christopher as Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Marks

Guest Stars [ ]

  • Richard Dean Anderson as Lieutenant General Jack O'Neill

Special Guest Stars [ ]

  • Daniel Craig as Captain Typhuss James Kira
  • McKenzie Westmore as Lieutenant Tricia Jenkins
  • Steven Culp as Commander Martin Madden
  • Catherine Bell as Colonel Sarah Mackenzie
  • Breon Gorman as Lieutenant Curtis
  • Roxann Dawson as Lieutenant Commander B'Elanna Torres
  • Jeannetta Arnette as Lieutenant Commander Karen Loews
  • Unknown actress as Lieutenant Alyssa O'Neill
  • Joe Flanigan asd Colonel John Sheppard
  • 1 Amanda Rollins
  • 2 Der'kal Red Stormtrooper
  • 3 Casey Novak

Shakedown Cruise

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Shakedown Cruise is the series opener of Star Trek: Archer Season One.

  • 3.1 ​Starring
  • 3.2 Also Starring
  • 3.3 Guest Starring
  • 3.4 Special Guests
  • 5.1 Background Information

Lieutenant Commander Martin gets promoted to the rank of Commander and made first officer of his ex-wife Taylor onboard the NX -class Archer , the Romulans attempt to steal powerful Starfleet technology.

Chapters [ ]

​starring [ ].

  • Ashley Khalfas as Captain Marica Taylor
  • Jarvis Davidson as Commander John Martin

Also Starring [ ]

  • TBA as Lieutenant Commander Stephanie Williams
  • Kevin Regan as Lieutenant Ethan Adams
  • Delena Lusk as Ensign Kara Carlson
  • Jacob Elliot as Doctor Steven Carlson
  • TBA as Ensign Marie Sutherland
  • Becky Elliot as Lieutenant Commander T'Shar

Guest Starring [ ]

  • Michael L. King as Commodore James Martin

Special Guests [ ]

  • TBA as Captain Jenna Wilson

Background Information [ ]

Shakedown Cruise

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  • 2.1 Characters
  • 2.2 Starships
  • 2.3 Locations
  • 2.4 Races and Cultures
  • 2.5 States and organizations
  • 2.6 Technology
  • 2.7 Other References

Synopsis [ ]

The Lionheart leaves the New London Fleet Yards to begin space trials.

References [ ]

Characters [ ].

Gedna Tachion * Kiva * Andrea Cazzarros * Renee Boyce * Christoffer Williams * Meridian Janos * Graw Arkan * Roger Deict * Jason Meadows * Kolp * Matthew Franklin * Michael Garrett * Kara Evans * T'rook * Spencer Stone * Hoddek

Starships [ ]

USS Lionheart * USS Dragoon * USS Falmouth * USS Thalestis * USS Kremlin * USS Morningstar * USS Chancellor * USS Remington * USS Goblin * USS Kingfisher * USS Redoubtable * USS Rigante * USS Sarkhova * USS Yellowjacket

Locations [ ]

Starbase 315 * Lorek Test Fire Range * Yannix * New London Fleet Yards * Balin IV * P80-AS * Mining Operation 327

Races and Cultures [ ]

Harelian * Romulans

States and organizations [ ]

Technology [ ].

Situations Table * Magnetic Field Generators * Phaser Emitter * EPS Grid * Pulse Phaser *

Other References [ ]

shakedown cruise star trek

Shakedown Cruise

shakedown cruise star trek

Related articles

Memory Alpha

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A)

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The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) was a Constitution II -class vessel operated by Starfleet in the 23rd century . It was the second Federation starship to bear the name Enterprise , and was assigned to the newly-demoted Captain James T. Kirk and his command crew in 2286 . ( Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home )

After the Enterprise -A was decommissioned following the Khitomer Conference in 2293 , it was maintained as an exhibit at the Fleet Museum . The ship's lineage was continued with the launch of the USS Enterprise -B . ( TNG : " Relics "; Star Trek Generations )

  • 2.1 Shakedown
  • 2.2 Sybok and Sha Ka Ree
  • 2.3 Gaseous anomaly project
  • 2.4 Final voyage
  • 2.5 Retirement
  • 3 Embarked craft
  • 4 Command crew
  • 5.1 Appearances
  • 5.2 Background information
  • 5.3 Apocrypha
  • 5.4 External links
  • See : Enterprise history

The Enterprise -A was named in honour of its predecessor, the USS Enterprise , which was scuttled over the Genesis Planet several months prior. ( Star Trek III: The Search for Spock )

Externally, the Enterprise -A was virtually identical to the Enterprise in its Constitution II -class configuration. ( Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home )

The new Enterprise had a number of individualized customizations, including several maritime relics such as a steering wheel from a sailing vessel inscribed with the ship's motto, "to boldly go where no man has gone before," located in its crew lounge . ( Star Trek V: The Final Frontier )

The officers' mess featured painted portraits of several historical figures, including displayed portraits of Abraham Lincoln of Earth and Sarek of Vulcan . ( Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country )

Service history

USS Enterprise-A in spacedock

The Enterprise -A awaiting launch from Spacedock One in 2286

In 2286 , the Enterprise -A was commissioned at the San Francisco Fleet Yards on stardate 8442.5. It was launched from Spacedock One on the order of the Federation Council in appreciation of Captain James T. Kirk and his crew's efforts to prevent the Whale Probe from devastating Earth . The crew initially thought they were going to be assigned to a " freighter " at best, according to Leonard McCoy , or the USS Excelsior , but the new Enterprise was soon revealed, docked next to the Excelsior . The crew took their stations and the Enterprise left Spacedock on a shakedown cruise . ( Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home )

The shakedown did not proceed as planned, and the Enterprise limped back to Spacedock for several weeks of repair under the supervision of Captain Montgomery Scott . Although its warp drive was working perfectly, half the doors on the ship were malfunctioning and several control interfaces did not work. The transporter was also non-operational, requiring shuttles to be used for away missions .

Sybok and Sha Ka Ree

USS Enterprise-A in orbit of Sha Ka Ree

The Enterprise in orbit of Sha Ka Ree

Before repairs were complete, Enterprise was returned to active duty to intervene in a hostage situation on Nimbus III . The away team led by Captain Kirk were themselves taken prisoner by the rogue Vulcan Sybok and his followers , with the objective of stealing the Enterprise to aid in their quest to find Sha Ka Ree . On approach to the ship aboard the shuttle Galileo , Commander Hikaru Sulu was forced to make an emergency crash landing into the Enterprise landing bay as the craft was pursued by a Klingon Bird-of-Prey , commanded by Klaa . The Bird-of-Prey would follow the Enterprise to the center of the galaxy.

The Bird-of-Prey caught the Enterprise off-guard in orbit of Sha Ka Ree, and disabled it before the crew could raise shields or arm weapons. However, Klingon ambassador Korrd , rescued from Nimbus III, relieved Captain Klaa and ordered the Bird-of-Prey to stand down. The Klingon crew was later invited to a reception following the return of the Enterprise to Kirk's command, and the discovery that Sha Ka Ree was a myth. ( Star Trek V: The Final Frontier )

Spock kept a picture of himself and his friends taken on the bridge of the Enterprise -A from this time for the next century until his death in 2263 of the alternate reality . ( Star Trek Beyond )

Sometime after the mission to Sha Ka Ree, Commander Sulu transferred off the Enterprise -A to assume command of the USS Excelsior . ( Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country ; PIC : " The Star Gazer " commemorative plaque )

Gaseous anomaly project

In the early 2290s , the Enterprise -A was outfitted with advanced equipment for the study of gaseous planetary anomalies . ( Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country )

Final voyage

USS Enterprise-A escorting Kronos One

The Enterprise -A escorting the Klingon flagship, Kronos One , in 2293

In 2293 , the Enterprise -A was due to be retired along with many of its command crew. However, it was unexpectedly assigned as an escort for Klingon chancellor Gorkon during the initial stages of peace talks that would lead to the Khitomer Accords . The ship rendezvoused with the Klingon flagship , Kronos One , and was to accompany it to Earth . A joint Starfleet, Klingon, and Romulan conspiracy had an operative, Lieutenant Valeris , placed aboard the ship as a relief helmsman. Valeris participated in a plan to implicate the Enterprise and Captain Kirk as rogue assailants in Gorkon's murder, with the goal of derailing the peace process. The Enterprise appeared to fire two photon torpedoes at Kronos One , temporarily disabling its propulsion and gravity systems. Amid the chaos two space-suited Starfleet crew members, Burke and Samno , beamed aboard and assassinated Gorkon. Valeris altered the ship's databank records to make it seem as if two torpedoes had been fired. The torpedoes actually came from a cloaked prototype Bird-of-Prey positioned directly below the Enterprise , which had been modified to fire while cloaked.

Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy were arrested and tried for the murder , and sentenced to life imprisonment on the penal colony Rura Penthe . Valeris also provided Kirk's log entries from the Enterprise to the Klingon co-conspirators to further implicate him. The Enterprise was ordered back to Earth, but Spock ignored these orders and began an investigation aboard the ship. He discovered evidence which linked Valeris to the conspiracy, despite her best efforts to sabotage the investigation. The Enterprise then entered Klingon space, masquerading as the freighter Ursva , and rescued Kirk and McCoy. Spock forcibly mind melded with Valeris and learned more about the conspiracy, including details of the Bird-of-Prey and names of those involved. Captain Sulu aboard the USS Excelsior provided Kirk with the new location of the peace conference, and the two ships raced to Khitomer in order to prevent the assassination of the Federation President and the new Klingon chancellor, Azetbur .

USS Enterprise-A hull breach

The hull breached

General Chang was waiting in orbit in his prototype Bird-of-Prey, and the Enterprise was attacked upon arrival. The starship was seriously damaged and suffered a hull breach through its saucer section when it's deflector shields were depleted. The Excelsior , too, was unable to track the cloaked ship, and could only give Chang another target to fire at. However, Spock, McCoy, and Uhura devised a plan to fire a photon torpedo equipped with sensors capable of tracking ionization from the Bird-of-Prey's impulse engines . It successfully impacted Chang's vessel, disabling its cloaking device and leaving it vulnerable to attack from Enterprise and Excelsior . Following the destruction of the Bird-of-Prey, teams from both ships beamed down to the Khitomer Conference and apprehended the conspirators, preventing the assassination. ( Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country )

USS Enterprise-A leaves Khitomer

" Second star to the right… and straight on 'til morning "

Following the Khitomer mission, the Enterprise was ordered by Starfleet Command to return to Spacedock to be decommissioned. In response, Captain Kirk ordered a course set for the " second star to the right... and straight on 'til morning . " Kirk later recorded in his log that this was to be the final cruise of the starship Enterprise under his command, commenting, " This ship and her history will shortly become the care of another crew. To them and their posterity will we commit our future. They will continue the voyages we have begun and journey to all the undiscovered countries, boldly going where no man – where no one – has gone before. " ( Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country )

USS Enterprise-A, 2401

The Enterprise on display at the Fleet Museum

The next USS Enterprise , the refit Excelsior -class USS Enterprise -B , was launched later that year. The Enterprise -A remained mothballed as of 2294 . ( Star Trek Generations ; TNG : " Relics ")

Following its decommissioning, the Enterprise -A's battle damage was repaired at Spacedock, and the ship was preserved as a museum exhibit. It would eventually be displayed between the USS Voyager and the USS Excelsior at the Fleet Museum at Athan Prime . Upon seeing the ship in 2401 , Jack Crusher identified it as his personal favorite. Calling it "Kirk's Enterprise ," he remarked, " All those perfectly clean retro lines. Yep, I'm definitely a Constitution -class man. " ( PIC : " The Bounty ")

In 2402 , the rebuilt USS Enterprise -D was returned to the Fleet Museum and given a place of honor between the Enterprise -A and the USS Stargazer . ( PIC : " The Last Generation ")

Embarked craft

The Enterprise had at least two shuttlecraft , including the Galileo and the Copernicus . ( Star Trek V: The Final Frontier )

Command crew

Spock's group photo

The USS Enterprise -A command crew circa 2287

Constitution II class bridge, 2293

The USS Enterprise -A command crew at the end of their final mission

  • James T. Kirk ( 2286 – 2293 )
  • Spock (2293) (acting)
  • Spock (2286–2293)
  • Leonard McCoy (2286–2293)
  • Montgomery Scott (2286–2293)
  • Hikaru Sulu (2286– 2287 )
  • Valeris (2293)
  • Pavel Chekov (2286–2293)
  • Nyota Uhura (2286–2293)

See also: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) personnel


  • Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
  • Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
  • Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
  • Star Trek Beyond (picture only)
  • " The Bounty "
  • " The Last Generation "

Background information

The Enterprise -A was a reuse of the refit Enterprise model built for Star Trek: The Motion Picture . The ship was designed by Andrew Probert and Richard Taylor , partly based on Matt Jefferies and Mike Minor 's design sketches for Star Trek: Phase II . Other artists who worked on the refit design were Joe Jennings , Douglas Trumbull , and Harold Michelson . Michelson also designed the sets for the first film, which were altered to become those of Star Trek: The Next Generation .

In the first draft script of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home but not in the final version of that film, the "A" in this Enterprise 's registry was finished being painted on top of the primary hull just as the shuttle containing Kirk and his senior staff arrived; this scene was retained in the novelization of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home . Also, the same script described the ship being shown emerging from Spacedock, though that is not depicted on-screen. The scene instead cuts from the vessel being inside Spacedock to being outside the facility, already in space.

The bridge seen in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home was a simple redress of the existing bridge from Star Trek III: The Search for Spock . It was painted white and the lighting scheme was slightly altered. In addition, okudagrams replaced the gauges and dials formerly seen on the ship. Only the back half of the bridge was modified, the front portion was left unchanged. [1]

By Star Trek V: The Final Frontier , most of the movie Enterprise sets had been recycled to become the Enterprise -D of Star Trek: The Next Generation . The bridge had been irrevocably modified as various Starfleet bridges seen throughout the series, including the Enterprise -D battle bridge , and also became several science labs and alien interiors. ( citation needed • edit ) A new bridge was constructed under supervision of production designer Herman Zimmerman , who wanted to show a transition to the TNG era by introducing carpet and warmer tones to the bridge. The turbolift alcoves were the only parts saved from the previous set, as they were removed during TNG's second season. Other Enterprise -D sets were reused for the film, specifically sickbay , the transporter room, and the corridors, in order to save money; much of the signage and graphics were left in place, and TNG-style door labels and control panels can be seen on the sets.

According to Michael and Denise Okuda 's text commentary for the Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (Special Edition) DVD , the shuttlebay doors as seen in The Final Frontier were modified from a portion of the Zamundan Royal Palace set from the 1988 Eddie Murphy film Coming to America .

The new bridge was reused in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country ( citation needed • edit ) for both the Enterprise and the Excelsior , with some modifications. Director Nick Meyer wanted to give the vessels a much more militaristic feel, and incorporated metal flooring and some tactile control surfaces. Enterprise -D sets were used for engineering, sickbay, the transporter room, the officers' mess, Kirk's and Spock's quarters, and the corridors, but they were disguised better for this film, undergoing several changes.

Sickbay painting

The Enterprise -A on a painting aboard the Enterprise -D

The bridge set was placed in storage at the end of production. It was later turned into the Enterprise -B bridge and the Amargosa observatory for Star Trek Generations , the Excelsior again in " Flashback ", and many "guest" Starfleet ships on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager , including the USS Prometheus ( VOY : " Message in a Bottle ") and the USS Equinox . ( VOY : " Equinox ") The turbolift alcoves eventually became part of the USS Enterprise -E bridge in Star Trek: First Contact , Star Trek: Insurrection , and Star Trek Nemesis . ( Star Trek: Captain's Chair )

The model of the Enterprise -A (lot #1000) was sold at the 40 Years of Star Trek: The Collection auction on 7 October 2006 for US$240,000.

The Enterprise -A was pictured on a painting in the waiting area of the sickbay aboard the USS Enterprise -D in the Star Trek: The Next Generation fifth season episode " Ethics ". This unfinished painting was created by Andrew Probert during the first season of Star Trek: The Next Generation . ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Interactive Technical Manual )

USS Enterprise mislabeled as the Enterprise-A

The USS Enterprise was mislabeled as the Enterprise -A in "Ephraim and Dot".

The original refit Enterprise was erroneously labeled as the Enterprise -A in the Star Trek: Short Treks episode " Ephraim and Dot ". Director Michael Giacchino admitted this was a mistake due to a difficult production schedule. [2]

While the ship's history before its appearance at the end of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home has never been officially stated, several non-canon sources offered explanations following the release of the film. The AMT/Ertl Model kit documentation claimed it to be a renamed USS Yorktown (NCC-1717), while the Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Sourcebook Update for the FASA roleplaying game identified it as the newly-built Atlantis (NCC-1786). The book Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise , also published shortly after the film, identifies it as a different newly-built starship, the USS Ti-Ho (NCC-1798), which in the book had been a test bed for transwarp technology alongside the USS Excelsior . In Star Trek V: The Final Frontier , Captain Scott alludes to the ship being newly-built during its shakedown cruise, stating in his log " This new ship must have been built by monkeys ".

According to the paperwork with the Bandai model kit, the Enterprise -A was mothballed into Memory Alpha 's museum fleet, which was later supported by Scott's comments in " Relics ". This was confirmed in the season 3 of Star Trek: Picard , where a display shows the Enterprise-A at the museum alongside the Excelsior and Voyager .

In the comic book " TNG Special 3 ", the Enterprise -A was on display at Starbase 122 ( β )'s Starfleet museum in 2369 where it was visited by Scott after his rescue from the Dyson Sphere in " Relics ".

According to William Shatner 's novel The Ashes of Eden , the Enterprise -A was sold by Starfleet to the defense forces of the planet Chal ( β ), who appointed the now-retired James Kirk as its commander. The vessel was later destroyed in the corona of Chal's sun during a battle with Klingon battle cruisers. These events are later referenced in the novel Cast No Shadow .

The Enterprise -A featured in several computer games set in the motion picture era, including Star Trek: Starfleet Command and Star Trek: Starfleet Academy , as well as a simulated foe in Star Trek: Klingon Academy .

The Enterprise -A was featured in the 2006 video games Star Trek: Encounters and Star Trek: Legacy .

External links

  • USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) at
  • USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) at Wikipedia
  • 3 ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701)

Shakedown Cruise (Intrepid Adventures)

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This article has a real-world perspective! Click here for more information.

Steady as she goes,

  • 2 Memorable quotes
  • 3 Locations
  • 4 External link

Synopsis [ ]

The USS Intrepid NCC-1738 is on her Shakedown cruises to get the bugs out and receive here crew.

Memorable quotes [ ]

Locations [ ].

  • USS Intrepid NCC-1738

External link [ ]

  • "Shakedown Cruise" on Quotev
  • 1 Avalon Universe
  • 2 USS Valkyrie (NCC-2590)
  • 3 USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-H) (Endurance class)

Famous birthdays list for today, May 6, 2024 includes celebrities Bob Seger, Adrianne Palicki

  • Published: May. 06, 2024, 5:00 a.m.

Bob Seger and Adrianne Palicki

Bob Seger and Adrianne Palicki celebrate birthdays on May 6, 2024. AP

  • Mike Rose,

Birthday wishes go out to Bob Seger, Adrianne Palicki and all the other celebrities with birthdays today. Check out our slideshow below to see photos of famous people turning a year older on May 6th and learn an interesting fact about each of them.

Top celebrity birthdays on May 6, 2024

Bob Seger

NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 19: Musician Bob Seger speaks onstage during the 2015 Billboard Touring Awards at The Roosevelt Hotel on November 19, 2015 in New York City. (Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images) Getty Images

Singer Bob Seger turns 79

Fun fact: Nominated for an Oscar for Best Original Song for ‘Shakedown’ from ‘Beverly Hills Cop II’

Tom Bergeron

Tom Bergeron attends the LA Premiere of "If You're Not In The Obit, Eat Breakfast" at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater on Wednesday, May 17, 2017, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP) Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP

TV host Tom Bergeron turns 69

Fun fact: Appeared as an alien trader in ‘Star Trek: Enterprise’

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George Clooney collage

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LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - MARCH 07: (L-R) Gabourey Sidibe and Danielle Brooks attend the 2024 ESSENCE Black Women In Hollywood Awards Ceremony at Academy Museum of Motion Pictures on March 07, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Paras Griffin/Getty Images for ESSENCE) Getty Images for ESSENCE

Actress Gabourey Sidibe turns 41

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shakedown cruise star trek

Star Trek: Discovery’s Mary Wiseman Knows She And Sonequa Martin-Green Looked Miserable In 'Whistlespeak,' But Told Us Why It Was 'Actually So Freaking Fun'

Warning! The following contains spoilers for the Star Trek: Discovery episode "Whistlespeak." Be warned if you haven't yet watched with a Paramount+ subscription . 

Searching for the Progenitors' technology is challenging, but who would've thought it'd ever become a literal footrace to get the next clue? Tilly and Michael were tasked with a grueling run while facing excessive thirst in the latest Star Trek: Discovery and all I could wonder was if filming it was as miserable for the actual actors as the characters themselves. Fortunately, Mary Wiseman confirmed to CinemaBlend that it wasn't as bad as it looked, and her answer made me realize how much I'll miss this cast when the show is over. 

I had the pleasure of speaking to Mary Wiseman for Star Trek: Discovery 's "Whistlespeak," and while I didn't attempt to get more answers out of her potentially returning as Tilly for Starfleet Academy , we did get the scoop about how real the experience of running through the forest while dying of thirst was. Fortunately, Wiseman assured me it wasn't as miserable as it looked and broke down what was and wasn't staged:

I mean, we're definitely running, but we stayed hydrated. I don't think any of us are that method that we wouldn’t hydrate ourselves. It would be pretty punishing. But the running is real. Yeah, you [run] just because it's hard to fake the breath of it. Stuff like that helps. Red makeup helps. They really, really crusted over our lips, so we look really messed up and dehydrated. That helps a lot.

Props to the Star Trek: Discovery makeup team, because I was more fooled than I should have been, and thought Sonequa Martin-Green and Mary Wiseman were at least somewhat dehydrated and possibly desperate for water at the end of the shoot. It's obviously comforting to hear they're just good actors instead, and presumably weren't in any danger of fainting or something like that. 

The stakes were high as the Discovery crew needed to find the rest of the clues to that device, but it was all fun for the BTS crew, according to Mary Wiseman. The actress had heavy screentime with Sonequa Martin-Green, and as they often do on the set of the show, they were having a blast and made up their own scenario to help pass the time while filming in a Canadian park: 

Yeah, 100% It was actually so freaking fun. It's funny that you say that because we had this like whole joke thing going on. Like, ‘Ok, if we got stuck here and we had to live here and like, caveman rules.’ I'm a big fan of Alone and so I'm like, ‘Ok, if we were stranded here, how would we survive,’ and we were like picking out places we could live like little caves. We were like, ‘What's our diet?’ We're like, ‘First day, we gotta make tools. Also, figure out how to make a fire.’ That was like our ongoing joke for the entire time. Like, how do we survive in this gorgeous Canadian Park right now? So, yeah, we had a good time.

During production, no one knew Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 would be the final season , so readers can understand the silliness that occurred on set. The cast and crew were informed after production wrapped, and some like Doug Jones were on cruise for fans when it happened. Had they known at the time, who knows if Mary Wiseman and Sonequa Martin-Green would've been coming up with survival ideas in the midst of filming? 

"Whistlespeak" set up some high stakes in which Tilly's life is saved by Michael being her often inspiring self in helping a pre-warp civilization understand ancient advanced tech on their planet. While the adventure did slow the rampant action Star Trek: Discovery has showcased since Season 5's beginning, at least this pre-warp civilization will no longer use unnecessary human sacrifice to get rain. 

Hearing about the fun Mary Wiseman and Sonequa Martin-Green had on set made my day but also bummed me out a bit. Obviously, Star Trek: Discovery is finished, and we have no guarantees that these two will work together again. With that said, there seemed to be a hint in this episode that they could link up in the Starfleet Academy show , which would be a great treat. if not there, hopefully, there's some unannounced upcoming Star Trek show that can reunite these two!

Until that gets announced, enjoy the rest of Star Trek: Discovery , which streams new episodes on Paramount+ on Thursdays. I can't wait to see where the rest of the season goes and just how involved the Breen may get as we inch closer to the finale. 

 Star Trek: Discovery’s Mary Wiseman Knows She And Sonequa Martin-Green Looked Miserable In 'Whistlespeak,' But Told Us Why It Was 'Actually So Freaking Fun'


Star Trek: Discovery star Sonequa Martin-Green on filming final season ‘we didn’t know would be our last’

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Star Trek: Discovery star Sonequa Martin-Green has opened up on filming the final season of the TV series, which the cast originally ‘didn’t know’ would be the last.

Later this month, the beloved sci-fi show – which first premiered seven years ago in 2017 – is set to come to an end with season five.

The programme began by introducing Trekkies around the world to Michael Burnham (Sonequa), an officer who is recruited onto the USS Discovery as a science expert after being sentenced to life in prison for committing mutiny.

Michael has been on an incredible journey since then, and the actress who plays the iconic character was clearly emotional to be saying goodbye to the programme when caught up with her.

Sonequa, 39, explained that any time she speaks directly to Star Trek fans about how much their support has meant to her, ‘it tends to get emotional’.

‘There’s just nothing but gratitude and love,’ she said, as recalled how viewers ‘gave us a chance and let us into their hearts’.

Sonequa Martin-Green in Star-Trek Discovery

Several episodes of Star Trek: Discovery season five have already been released on Paramount Plus , ahead of the eventual finale.

So how does Sonequa think that fans are going to feel when they finally discover how the series has been wrapped up?

‘I wish I could say how it’s going to wrap up. I can’t other than saying how I hope they feel from seeing it, because we ask the biggest questions that you can possibly ask in season five,’ the former Walking Dead star answered.

‘It’s also got this bit of a tonal shift, it’s more fun and adventurous. But the questions that we ask, it just goes as deep as it can.’

Doug Jones as Saru and Sonequa Martin-Green as Burnham in Star Trek: Discovery

Sonequa reflected on what it was like to return to Canada so that she and other members of the cast and crew could give Star Trek: Discovery the send-off it deserves.

‘I think that when Paramount Plus and CBS allowed us to go back to Toronto to actually wrap up the season and the series – because we didn’t know it was our last when we were shooting it – I think we were able to wrap it up in a beautiful way and I think people will be satisfied and I think they’ll feel hopeful from how it ends,’ she stated.

In March last year, it was confirmed that season five would be the last for Star Trek: Discovery, despite it previously being suspected that it would continue for a sixth outing.

At the time, Sonequa said that it was a ‘lot to process’ the imminent conclusion.

Anthony Rapp as Stamets; Michelle Yeoh as Georgiou; Mary Wiseman as Tilly; Sonequa Martin-Green as Burnham in Star Trek: Discovery

‘It’s been a roller-coaster of emotions and I haven’t even spoken about it publicly yet because it’s a lot to process. It’s a lot to process, but I am overwhelmed with gratitude,’ she told ET .

Explaining that she felt ‘overwhelmed’, she added: ‘We’re sending all these messages of love and nostalgic texts back and forth to each other because it’s a lot. It’s a lot to feel right now. I’m very grateful.’

As Star Trek fans will know, characters have a tendency of returning or taking part in unexpected crossovers… so who knows where the cast of Discovery will venture next.

Star Trek: Discovery is available to watch on Paramount Plus, with new episodes of the final season released on Thursdays.

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    What is a shakedown cruise? A Chapter-in-Training of STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. is described as being on a shakedown cruise. Much as a shakedown cruise of a real-life vessel is an opportunity to work the bugs out of a new vessel, the training period for a STARFLEET chapter serves a similar purpose.

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    Props to the Star Trek: Discovery makeup team, because I was more fooled than I should have been, and thought Sonequa Martin-Green and Mary Wiseman were at least somewhat dehydrated and possibly ...

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