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Frenzy Tours

Frenzy Tours

avis sur frenzy tours

Informations sur Frenzy Tours

Horaire d'ouverture

  • Monday: 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Thursday: 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Friday: 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

Frenzy Tours est le spécialiste des forfaits en autocar à destination de New York, Boston, Niagara Falls, Chicago, Washington et voyages sportifs.

Frenzy Tours est titulaire du permis #702830 de l'Office de la protection du consommateur (OPC).

Depuis 2003, Frenzy Tours est le spécialiste des voyages en autocar vers New York, Boston, Chicago, Washington, Philadelphie, Niagara Falls, Toronto et pour les voyages sportifs. Frenzy Tours offre des départs vers New-York à tous les vendredis à partir du mois de mars, avec parfois le choix d'hôtel entre Manhattan et ses environs, ainsi que plusieurs autres voyages saisonniers pour le magasinage, l'Halloween à Boston et Salem, le football à Buffalo et New York ou le hockey à New York, Boston et Philadelphie. Chez Frenzy Tours, nous offrons un service hors pair, un rapport qualité/prix inégalé ainsi qu'une équipe courtoise et responsable. Frenzy Tours, le spécialiste des forfaits en autocar à Montréal!

Frenzy Tours: Des avis

Expérience fantastique: Went to new york the first time with frenzy tours. Had such a wonderful time. We really enjoyed. I was a bit scared as it was the first time i was taking a bus tour but i don't regret at all. Our guide, caroline was super nice. The trip was well organised and the hotel room was amazing (hilton hotel). We had a small incident in the bus and my bag pack was slightly burnt but frenzy tour refunded me. Also at the end of the tour there was a lucky draw where 4 of us received new york souvenirs. I would also like to specify that at the end of the tour you get a discount voucher of 10$ which u can use on ur other tour we were around 50 people in total in the bus and everyone enjoyed!!! I am happy to share my experience with all of u and i highly recommend frenzy tour. Thank you frenzy

Expérience fantastique: Une belle formule pour voyager en toute quiétude avec un enfant. Tantôt en liberté, tantôt accompagnés et conduits par l'excellent chauffeur Sébastien, nous avons apprécié les suggestions et le partage des connaissances de la ville New York de notre guide Anne-Marie. C'est une expérience que nous renouvellerons assurément, surtout avec des départs de Laval!

Expérience fantastique: I booked a Frenzy tour for my company's 25tha anniversary trip to Montreal and they were fantastic to work with! Robert was accommodating with our requests and trying to work in all of our asks to our budget. The tour guide Anne Maria was entertaining and very knowledgeable. Everyone had a great time and loved the experience, thank you Frenzy Tours!

Expérience fantastique: We had such a great trip , our family had an absolute blast, Serafino was the best tour guide we could’ve asked for by far, very funny and new all the sights and information about New York by heart. We will definitely recommend to everyone! We have great memories of our trip to New York!

Expérience fantastique: Steve is an amazing guide, and overall service provided by Frenzy Tours is exceptional!

Expérience fantastique: Thanks guys for making this my first memorable NFL trip. I will be back next year with the guys and try and do more games if possible!

Expérience fantastique: Je n'ai que de bons mots quant à l'expérience que j'ai vécue lors de mon voyage à NY. Jean-Phillippe le guide ainsi que Stéphane le chauffeur ont été génial, agréable, patient. De plus, l'itinéraire du voyage est génial, on a du temps de libre tout en effectuant des visites guidées, c'est le meilleur des 2 mondes. C'est certain que je vais penser à Frenzy lors de mon prochain voyage. Je donne un 5 sur 5.

Expérience fantastique: Le guide François est merveilleux, il a su faire aimer l'histoire à mes enfants. Une très belle compagnie, professionnelle. Voyage à New York à refaire . Un gros merci

Expérience fantastique: I don’t want to spread the word too much because I don’t want to lose my spot but Frenzy tour football weekend was just amazing! Steve and the team did a fantastic job! We are customers for life!

Expérience fantastique: Notre guide Jean-Philippe a été fantastique. Très intéressant autant sur New York que sur d'autres sujet. De plus il nous a très bien guidé pour sauver du temps aux bons endroits et être efficace pendant notre voyage.

Expérience fantastique: Génial comme opérateur, un beau parcours et un super service du chauffeur et de la guide. Tous les deux ont été très amicaux. De belles places à visiter, je recommande.

Expérience fantastique: Serafino, Excellent guide, ponctuel, pas de pertes de temps, connait tous les attraits touristiques et magasins/restaurants intéressants, drôle et est bien en contrôle de la situation en tout temps, il a même préparé un liste avec les meilleurs restaurants qualité prix dans toute la ville. Le chauffeur est très professionnel, autocar flambant neuf, C'était notre 3ième fois avec Frenzy Tours et certainement pas la dernière, je recommande sans équivoque à chaque personnes dont j'ai raconté mon séjour en revenant. Merci Beaucoup !

Expérience fantastique: L'accompagnateur Jean-Phillipe c'est un passionné de New York et de son histoire. Très intéressant et très agréable ! Bravo a notre chauffeur Robert qui nous a conduit comme un pro dans New york. J'ai juste du gros WOW pour ce voyage ! Frenzy tours une excellente façon de voyager en toute sécurité ! Je recommande x1000.

Expérience fantastique: Excellent weekend a New York. Jean Philippe notre guide et Stephane le chauffeur etais super cool et agreable ! Je recommande fortement.

Expérience fantastique: Just came back from our 3 days trip to New York (Manhattan, September) ,in a few words-we were lucky to have a brillant guid Jean -Philip and professional driver Sebastian ,good hotel , everything is very well organized, special thanks for the map for director of Frenzy toors as it very useful and and helpful!!will definitely recommend Frenzy tours to all our friends!Thank you!

Expérience fantastique: Notre guide Michel était très gentil, attentionné et nous racontait plein d'anecdotes. Il n'a négligé personne, on sent qu'il avait à cœur le bien-être de chacun.

Expérience fantastique: Jean-Philippe est un excellent guide, une perle pour votre entreprise. Nous récidiverons à nouveau bientôt ! Merci pour tout !

Expérience fantastique: J'ai tant aimé ce voyage à New-York!!! Merci à Phil le guide-accompagnateur et notre conducteur de Bus Sébastien! Je vous recommande cette compagnie☀️

Expérience fantastique: We did the 3-day New York tour with my family and parents. Our guide, Jean-Philippe and our driver Denis were so thoughtful and accommodating, especially for my parents who are a little older. JP was an excellent guide with a lot of fun anecdotes. He genuinely cares about everyone travelling with him and is clearly passionate about his work. He made the tour a fun and wonderful experience. The hotel in New Jersey was clean, comfortable and the staff were all great!

Expérience fantastique: we were with this tour last week 24th of July 2024 the service is good the driver is perfect and the most important part was our brilliant tour guide Mr. Phillip he is really the best professional tour guide I have ever seen I have been all around the world but he is one of the best. Thank you Phil

Expérience fantastique: Agréable sejour, nous somme très satisfait de notre voyage à New York, le guide jean Philippe a été très professionnel et sympathique. Je n’oublie pas de mentionner le chauffeur Francis et son excellente conduite. Séjour inoubliable. À bientôt pour une autre destination. Merci Frenzy Tours Dayakha et Djamel

Expérience fantastique: Un super tour avec le guide Jean-Philippe qui était extraordinaire, connait la ville, ses anecdotes sont intéressantes, je le recommande à tous!

Expérience fantastique: Frenzy Tours nous a offert une expérience extraordinaire à New-York! L’organisation est sans faille et personnalisée! On s’est sentis en sécurité avec notre chauffeur Richard et notre guide Jean-Philippe, un passionné d’histoire et un communicateur chevronné! Nous n’aurions pas pu apprendre toutes ces histoires sur NY de plus belle façon! Nous recommandons fortement l’expérience Frenzy à tous ceux qui désirent vivre une expérience enrichissante et humaine dans la Grande Pomme ! Merci et bravo encore à nos accompagnateurs, Richard et Jean-Philippe!!!

Expérience fantastique: Bonjour Je voudrais tout simplement dit que le voyage que moi, ma fille et ses trois adolescents on fait en fin de semaine pour New York avec Jean Philippe etait extraordinaire J'ai deja faites des tours de meme ( pas avec Frenzy) et je n'ai jamais eu un aussi bon voyage que ce fin de semaine Jean Philippe prends le temps pour chaque client, que ce soit un personne assez agee ou des adolescents Ses connaissances sont remarquables ! Meme sur l'autobus il ressusi a garder l'interet de tous Il est tres sympathique. Merci Jean Philippe pour ce beau temps et a la prochaine Je ne dois pas quitter sans parler du chauffeur Sebastien Nous sentions en pleine securite avec lui au volant . Un monsieur super gentil. Merci

Expérience fantastique: Découvrir New York avec l’équipe de Frenzy Tours était une incursion initiatique à cette ville riche en histoire et en culture. Jean-Philippe est un guide exceptionnel qui transmets avec passion son amour pour la ville et nous permet de découvrir New York avec les yeux grand ouvert. Ses histoires, et anecdotes étaient à propos et m’a permis de comprendre New York, de hier à aujourd’hui. Ceci était ma deuxième visite avec Frenzy. J’ai encore appris d’autres informations sur la ville et découvert d’autres lieux magnifiques. En plus des tours guidés Sébastien notre chauffeur est dévoué à son métier et je me suis senti en confiance et en sécurité. L’hôtel était confortable et offrait un bon déjeuné. En plus de ce sentir bien et libre, à la fin du voyage on se rend compte à quel point que les gens avec qui on a voyagé sont gentil et ouvert. C’est une expérience unique que recommande fortement.

Expérience fantastique: Recommended for families & couple

Expérience fantastique: C'était mon premier voyage organisé en autobus et j'ai adoré. L'itinéraire pour le tour guidé était très bien (forfait j'aime New York). Le guide, Jean-Philippe était parfait! Il nous a donné tellement d'informations, de conseils, de trucs, etc. Un vrai passionné! Le chauffeur, Richard, était excellent. C'est dont agréable d'être entouré de gens qui aiment leur travail! L'hôtel Hilton Garden au New Jersey était propre et confortable. Le déjeuner inclus était très bien. Nous avons eu suffisamment de temps libre pour faire à peu près tout ce qu'on voulait faire. Je recommande fortement!! Ma seule critique constructive... puisque le bus s'était fait salir pendant le trajet, ça aurait été bien de passer au car wash avant le tour guidé, on avait la vue un peu obstruée. Mais ce n'est qu'un petit détail :)

Expérience fantastique: Nous avons adoré notre expérience avec Frenzy Tours. Nous avons voyagé quelques fois à New York dans les 15 dernières années et notre expérience avec Frenzy a été vraiment géniale. Le prix est très raisonnable considérant tous les points positifs. Tout d’abord, l’hôtel en plein cœur du centre-ville, un must!!! C’était IDÉAL. L’hôtel était magnifique, une belle chambre avec deux lits Queen. Notre chauffeur était très sympathique et gentil. Sa conduite était irréprochable. Que dire de notre guide Michel! Un vrai bon guide. Gentil, drôle, avec plein de connaissances sur New York et les alentours. Nous avons suivi ses recommandations, car nous étions « en liberté » et nous n’avons pas été déçues! Quel merveilleux voyage à New York. Un souvenir qui restera gravé dans nos cœurs. Merci beaucoup Frenzy, nous vous recommandons chaudement depuis!

Expérience fantastique: Nous revenons ma femme et moi d’un séjour a New York quelle ville magnifique!!Notre guide Jean-Philipe est tout simplement génial et super intéressant on se sent comme avec un ami qui vous présenterais sa ville , un homme rempli de passion pour son métier et pour l’être humain et cela se ressent Le chauffeur Richard de chez Galland fort de son expérience nous a évité un accident grave sur l’autoroute avec une voiture qui as glisser devant nous à notre retour à Montréal ! Tout un chauffeur, une manœuvre digne des plus grand ! Je recommande énormément et espère que vous aurait se meme duo pour vous accompagner

Expérience fantastique: Not bad experience

Expérience fantastique: Amazing oranizers! Football,NY,Boston best Tailgate party worth every penny!

Expérience fantastique: Great Food.

Expérience fantastique: Merci à Frenzy Tour de nous avoir permis de vivre une si belle aventure à New-York la fin de semaine du 12 Septembre. Le guide au nom de Jean Philippe était vraiment intéressant et dévoué, nous avons logé au Sheraton Time square et c était génial. Il ne faut pas oublier le conducteur au nom de Sébastien qui s est démontré un excellent chauffeur pas facile de circuler dans Manhattan mais il le faisait les yeux fermés..

Expérience fantastique: I like this Bus tour cause first of all our tour guide Mr. Phil was great. Secondly the tour plans was on time and finally we had fun in bus.

Expérience fantastique: We just got back from a trip to NYC (hotel in Manhattan). This was the first time traveling with Frenzy tours and we loved our experience. It was very organized and we had lots of free time. Hotel was good, clean and close to everything. Our guide Michel was great, friendly and funny. He gave good tips for restaurants and places to visit. Our driver Richard was great as well. Not easy driving in New York but he made it seem like it was! We will definitely be traveling with Frenzy tours again. It is worth it :)

Expérience fantastique: First time using Frenzy. Mother daughter trip, AMAZING time! Felt very safe. Our guide JP was wonderful, always made sure we were ok and enjoying our trip. Everything was scheduled to a T. Our driver Sebastien was great also! Highly recommend Frenzy Tours! ❤️

Expérience fantastique: My family and I had an incredible time this weekend on our Frenzy Tour bus trip. We did 4 days, 3 nights in Manhattan. Led by our guide Jean-Philippe and driver Sébastien, I think everyone who is thinking of travelling to NYC for the first time should use Frenzy. It was a great combination of organized tourist activities plus alone time to explore the city. My husband used to travel a lot and he's convinced that he's just going to take bus trips like this from now on. Easy, efficient, and you don't need to think of things to do. JP was great on making recommendations on where to eat, where to go, what to avoid. We stayed at the Sheraton Times Square and really, you can't get a better location. We were right in the heart of Times Square centrally located to everything, including the subway station right beside us. Going back home, our experience at the border was really quick because once again, JP advised us on the best time to leave and what to expect from the customs agents (which was great for those who've never travelled before). I highly recommend Frenzy Tours whether it's for your family, just you and a friend, or by yourself. The service from beginning to end was exceptional, starting with the gentleman at the Frenzy office who answered our questions about how the room arrangements would be (as we had two underage children with us). We're already thinking of our next trip with Frenzy! Thank you so much to the entire team, you rock! :)

Expérience fantastique: Huge thank you to our tour guide Jean-Philippe! My bf and I did the 4 day trip to NYC in 2022 during st-Jean Baptiste weekend and it was amazing!! Everything from booking the trip, to the 6.5 hrs drive down, the hotel and walking tour with JP was wonderful. I really recommend doing a trip with Frenzy Tours.

Expérience fantastique: I have taken my tours with Frenzy Tours. I have loved every minute with them. They always organize such comprehensive tours and are so professional. Can't wait to go on a bus tour with them again.

Expérience fantastique: I booked Frenzy tours for a trip to NYC two weeks ago, the experience was AMAZING. Michel, the guide was exceptional, nice, friendly, funny, careful. The bus was clean and we were given drinks and food to our way back to Montreal, which was very appreciated. I had been disappointed by all the travel agencies I have traveled with and Frenzy is the only I really enjoyed. We had a lot of time in NYC to visit, the hotel location was incredible (in Manhattan) so we could go to many places walking and we had so much time to discover the city. I will recommend 100% and will go back with Frenzy for sure. Thank you Frenzy!

Expérience fantastique: My family and I just came back from a 3 day/2 night toronto and niagara falls tour and everything was fantastic. Maria our bilingual tour guide was above and beyond, and very knowledgable about every place we visited. Michel, our bus driver was very pleasant and a very experienced driver. I would definitey recommend this tour company for their trips. Thank you

Expérience fantastique: I just got back from my 3 days tour with Frenzy Tours and i must say, very professional, nice, decent and well organized people. Bus driver christian & our tour guide Michel were super nice. I had more interaction with Michel & honestly, he is a very nice, decent and respectful Person. I was going to NYC for the first time and all alone. This company was expensive than others that i looked into but i still chose them only bcz their reviews were good so I didn’t mind paying more but to go with a company that has good reputation. & i was not disappointed at all. Keep up the good work & bravo to the hiring department. You guys are doing a good work choosing good people to work in your company.

Expérience fantastique: Just got back from NYC (August 9to11) with frenzy tours. I definitely recommend frenzy tours with a big YES.The guide tours J.P very nice and the driver Pierre was absolutely fantastic and funny guy we had so much fun . I can’t wait for my next trip with frenzy tour and hopefully with same people. Thank you

Expérience fantastique: I went on my 2nd NFL trip to NY back in Nov and I honestly can't say enough good things about both trips. Very well organised, good transportation, fun and friendly accompanying guides, great hotels that were very clean and comfortable, and the tailgate & game experiences were a blast. Simply put, Frenzy puts emphasis on the experience and it really shows they know what they are doing. Can't wait for the next Frenzy Trip!

Expérience fantastique: I went to New York the Canada day weekend for 4 days. I applaud the driver who drove through the streets of New York with ease and the Tour guide knows New York very well and he was funny, overall they are very nice people, we had a blast. Would definately go back on tour with them. I recommend them highly.

Expérience fantastique: We just come back from niagara falls/Toronto/one thousand islands and we just loved it Maria our guide Was very helpfull and knowedgeable Michel our driver very experienced and Polite .The group was very friendly In particular Mr.Antonio Franco and family Very nice people hope to see you again Contact me if you chance

Expérience fantastique: I went to NYC by Frenzy tour and I absolutely loved my experience with them. Our tour guide, Ms Violet was very friendly, professional and organized. Our bus driver was also amazing. We stayed at Marriott hotel in Manhattan and the rooms were available before the usual check-in time which was a great thing. Their service almost exceeded my expectations in every aspect.

Expérience fantastique: My first time in New York and my teenager's first time out of the country, we chose a weekend with Frenzy tours. This was a perfect balance between my idea of structure with an literary and my daughter's sense of adventure. Our accompanying guide Jean Philippe was more an amazing. Energetic, knowledgeable, accommodating and a great ambassador to Frenzy Tours. His tips and advise were spot on. He interacted with each passenger as individuals but yet managed to hold a group of 40 plus people together through a busy times square, without losing anyone. Pierre, our driver was also fantastic. Always smiling and friendly. Smooth ride on the high ways and REALLY skillful on the tight, crowded, crazy streets of New York city. I felt safe on his bus. Unfortunately, I was a little less impressed with the local guide for the 4 hours city tour on Saturday morning. Although knowledgeable, he seemed better suited for smaller groups (of under 10). I was pretty disappointed that we were only given 7 minutes at ground zero, yet we walked through central park for over an hour. We have now been home a few days, and our memories are still plentiful. We really had a wonderful time, and we are thinking of where to go on our next destination. And we will definitely consider this tour company again.

Expérience fantastique: We just came Back from a trip to Montreal With Francois as our step on guide for the whole four days. He was the best tour guide we ever had!!! He totally knows all the cities! He had such a wealth of information for Ottawa, Quebec and Montréal! Totally incredible how much he knows and how well he presented it!! He is a very good teacher and helped us to understand everything by repeating things at other times. I hope We have a chance to have him again at another time!! Sue L’Heureux, tour director, The Silver Club

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Home » Travel Guides » France » 15 Best Things to Do in Tours (France)

15 Best Things to Do in Tours (France)

It’s no mystery that Tours is a favourite base for people discovering the Loire Valley’s exalted châteaux.

Villandry, Chenonceau and Amboise are moments by car, and with the help of the Loire à Vélo network you can visit them on two wheels with ease.

But you may find that if you delve a little more into Tours’ history and attractions, it could be difficult to leave the city at all.

In the centre are timber houses and renaissance mansions on car-free streets, and museums that draw you into the city’s medieval past.

There are vineyards welcoming inquisitive oenophiles in the countryside and both the waters and banks of the Loire invite you to go wherever your sense of curiosity leads.

Lets explore the best things to do in Tours :

1. Tours Cathedral

Tours Cathedral

Even by the glacial speed of construction in the middle ages, Tours Cathedral took a long time to be completed.

Building began in 1170 and wouldn’t be finished until 1547, but this means we’re met with a perfect summary of the evolution of gothic art.

The ensemble of original 13th-century stained glass windows in the ambulatory chapels and above the choir is one of the finest in France, and seems to generate its own light.

The cathedral has information panels giving you the meaning behind each image.

The marble renaissance tombs of King Charles VIII and Anne of Brittany’s children are also moving, as both died in infancy.

2. Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours

Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours

The riches from Cardinal Richelieu’s 17th-century campaign against the Huguenots and the art seized from abbeys during the Revolution all ended up at Tours’ stellar museum of fine art.

Because of their religious source there’s a good body of Italian gothic primitives from the 14th and 15th centuries, while the two renaissance paintings by Andrea Mentegna are regarded as masterpieces.

You’ve got over a thousand artworks to get through, with sculpture by Rodin, Flemish and Dutch painting by Rembrandt and Rubens, and Impressionism by Monet and Degas.

3. Tours Botanical Garden

Tours Botanical Garden

The city’s municipal garden has a bit of a troublesome setting, between the Loire and Cher, which made it susceptible to flooding in the past, with two devastating inundations in the mid-19th century that filled the greenhouses with two metres of water.

Even after being hit by bombs in the Second World War there isn’t the slightest hint of a troubled past at these serene gardens.

On your walk you may notice some trees you haven’t seen before, like the Chinese empress tree, ginkgo biloba and the endangered dawn redwood.

The animal park is from 1863 and has farm animals for kids to bond with, as well as more exotic species like wallabies.

4. Le Vieux Tours

Place de Plumereau

Like all the best historic city centres the historic buildings on the pedestrian streets around Place Plumereau aren’t sterile museum pieces but vibrant cornerstones of local life, used as shops, restaurants and bars.

Place de Plumereau is at the nerve centre of one of the largest conservation areas in Europe, with renaissance mansions boasting sculpted reliefs or cantilevered timber houses, going strong for hundreds of years.

If you’re OK with everybody knowing you’re a tourist, jump aboard the little train that departs every hour from Place Plumereau in summer.

5. Musée du Compagnonnage

Abbey of Saint-Julien

In the 16th-century Dormitory at the former Abbey of Saint-Julien is a museum devoted to a French workers’ movement that dates back to medieval times.

Roughly, the Compagnons du Tour de France is like a guild of journeymen that preserves historic trades and educates young people about them as part of an apprenticeship.

To complete the apprenticeship and become a “companion” a craftsman had to create a masterpiece for whatever discipline he worked in.

And these dumbfounding creations are presented at the museum, in all kinds of different disciplines, like metalwork, tailoring, shoemaking and woodcarving.

6. Hôtel Goüin

Hôtel Goüin

What may be the most beautiful of Tours’ many old building has just come through a long restoration and is open to the public once more.

Hôtel Goüin is an early-renaissance palace on Rue du Commerce, with a balustraded porch and the sort of loggia in which you might expect to see Juliet calling for Romeo.

During the restoration they unearthed fragments of an older building from the 1100s, with four arches and a well, which are on show.

You might just want to stop for a photo of that magnificent facade, but there’s an archaeological museum inside with artefacts from Roman times up to the 1800s.

7. Halles de Tours

Halles de Tours

Billed as the “Belly of Tours” (ventre de Tours), the city’s indoor market may not be France’s largest, but it’s a gastronome’s idea of heaven.

You may even want to bring your camera or have your phone at the ready, because the cheese, charcuterie, seafood and in-season fruit and vegetable counters are presented with real flair.

If you’re stuck for gift ideas then markets like this tick the box as they’re stocked with all the best from the region.

At Tours that entails wine from the Loire Valley and luxury chocolate.

The city is one of France’s chocolate capitals, and every years holds the Salon du Chocolat de Tours at the Centre de Congrès Vinci.

Come for lunch too: The oyster bar shucks your oyster as you go.

8. Jardin des Prébendes d’Oé

Jardin des Prébendes d'Oé

During the French Second Empire from the mid-1800s English-style parks like this one popped up in provincial cities across France.

This was a spot for urban families to take promenades, kids to play and for the city to put on outdoor concerts at the park’s gazebo.

There’s less of the formality of French parterres, as paths weave through tulip flowerbeds and  copses of lime, plane, cedar, chestnut and lofty redwood trees.

So if you could do with a moment of repose take a wander by the pond and pause for a tea or coffee at the kiosk.

On warmer days you could load up on cheese and charcuterie at the market and have the perfect French picnic.

9. Église Saint-Julien de Tours

Église Saint-Julien de Tours

The predecessors of this  12th-century abbey were wrecked by the Normans in the 9th century and then in a war between the feudal houses of Blois and Anjou in the 10th century.

But miraculously the building that followed has survived everything from the French Revolution to the Second World War.

It was part of a long-gone abbey, and the garden next to the church is where the cloister used to be, while the Musée de Compagnonnage occupies the old dormitory.

10. “Toue” River Cruises

Toue River cruises

Commercial craft floated along the Loire and Cher since antiquity, hauling people, wine, silk, lumber, salt and all sorts of other cargo up and down these rivers.

Because the waterways can get very shallow they used flat-bottomed sailboats called “toues”, and you can too! Toues can carry between 12 and 30 passengers for hour-long trips, or even romantic dinner cruises in the evening.

Their skippers know these waters and banks like the backs of their hands: And with the deck as your balcony, they’ll shed light on the Tours’ river trade, its many colourful characters and perils.

11. Loire à Vélo

Loire à Vélo

If you had to picture some quintessentially French holiday activities, a bike ride next to the Loire with a backdrop of gentle vine-striped hills and châteaux must be one of the first that comes to mind.

About 150km of the of the Loire à Vélo cycle trail’s totalling 800km are in the Touraine region.

The route is clearly-marked, easy -going because it never leaves the riverside and convenient as there are dozens of hire stations along the way.

You could give yourself set destinations like Amboise or Villandry, which are both reachable in about an hour.

Or make more of an adventure of it by going further afield and spending the night at the inns on the route that are happy to accommodate cyclists.

12. Guinguette sur Loire

Guinguette sur Loire

On the left bank of the Loire, just by Pont Wilson, is where Tours’ “Guinguette” takes place from May to September.

It isn’t officially summer in Tours until this outdoor café by the river is bustling every evening with locals and tourists at the bar terrace, taking part in dance lessons, enjoying concerts or watching movies at the outdoor cinema.

Tours is a student city so the atmosphere is always warm and energetic.

The location is wonderful, under willow trees and string lights, with the river rolling past.

And every year there Guinguette has something new on the schedule.

13. Wine and Gastronmic Visits

Touraine Sauvignon

If you’re a wine-lover you’ve come to the right place.

There’s an absurd amount of AOCs nearby: A dozen within an hour, and five bordering the city.

The diversity will make your head spin more than the wine itself, with the reds of Touraine-Chenonceau, the whites of Touraine Sauvignon and rosés made in Touraine noble joué.

When it comes to precious foodstuffs there’s a saffron market in Preuilly-sur-Claise and a seasonal truffle market at Marigny-Marmande.

The local cheese, Sainte-Maure-de-Touraine is known to all for its cylindrical shape and the straw that pierces it through the centre.

To know more, pay a visit to the dairy at Les Passerelles or the child-friendly goat farm, Cabri au Lait, which makes Sainte-Maure but also has a petting zoo for the little guys and girls.

14. Château de Villandry

Château de Villandry

It would be criminal to visit Tours and not call in at one of the abundant château in the region.

Tours is touted as a gateway for these sensational pieces of French royal or noble heritage.

You can reach Villandry in 20 minutes, and it’s one of the finest.

The gardens are the showstopper at this château.

They were restored at the turn of the century by the Spanish doctor Joachim Carvallo.

He conceived several terraces of renaissance gardens, all with precisely trimmed boxwood hedges in joyous geometric configurations.

There’s a water garden, labyrinth, sun garden, ornamental garden with high hedges, but the most astounding is the formal medieval kitchen garden, all in neat plots.

15. Château d’Amboise

Château d'Amboise

The home of Francis I and most of the French royalty in the 16th century is a 20-minute car or train ride to the east.

The château had its heyday in the renaissance period after Charles VIII turned it from a fortress into the Loire valley’s first Italian-style palace in the late-1400s.

In 1516 Francis I invited Leonardo da Vinci to live and work in Amboise, and the polymath’s home at Clos Lucé was actually connected to the Château d’Amboise by underground passageways that you can discover today by prior arrangement.

Da Vinci died here in 1519 and is buried at the Chapel of Saint-Hubert at the Château.

The gardens are embellished with spherical topiaries and the views from this spur above the Loire are divine.

15 Best Things to Do in Tours (France):

  • Tours Cathedral
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours
  • Tours Botanical Garden
  • Le Vieux Tours
  • Musée du Compagnonnage
  • Hôtel Goüin
  • Halles de Tours
  • Jardin des Prébendes d'Oé
  • Église Saint-Julien de Tours
  • "Toue" River Cruises
  • Loire à Vélo
  • Guinguette sur Loire
  • Wine and Gastronmic Visits
  • Château de Villandry
  • Château d'Amboise

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Toronto, Niagara Falls & 1000 Islands Tours

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  8. Frenzy Tours in Montreal, QC H2J 2L5

    AboutFrenzy Tours. Frenzy Tours is located at 4731 Saint Denis St in Montreal, Quebec H2J 2L5. Frenzy Tours can be contacted via phone at (514) 285-2777 for pricing, hours and directions.

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  16. 15 Best Things to Do in Tours (France)

    2. Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours. Source: saiko3p / shutterstock. Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours. The riches from Cardinal Richelieu's 17th-century campaign against the Huguenots and the art seized from abbeys during the Revolution all ended up at Tours' stellar museum of fine art.

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