
3 itinerari per Bali di 7, 10 e 15 giorni

  • Bali , Indonesia
  • Pubblicato: 22 Settembre 2020
  • Aggiornato: 13 Marzo 2024

tour bali 15 giorni

Bali è una delle tante isole che compongono l’arcipelago indonesiano e, di sicuro, la più popolare. Se visitate Bali per la prima volta, la cosa migliore da fare è trovare un equilibrio tra località turistiche, relax ed esperienze uniche.

Gli itinerari di viaggio per Bali che proponiamo cercano esattamente di soddisfare questo equilibrio. Per far fronte alle esigenze di diversi tipi di viaggiatori, ho deciso di suggerirvi ben 3 itinerari per Bali :

  • Itinerario di 7 giorni per Bali
  • Itinerario di 10 giorni per Bali
  • Itinerario di due settimane per Bali

Gli itinerari di 7 e 10 giorni sono completamente incentrati su Bali, mentre l’itinerario di due settimane include anche qualche giorno alle Isole Gili. Altra cosa che ritengo importante è quella di evitare continui check-in e check-out dagli hotel . Per questo, ho sempre cercato di considerare un minimo di 3​​ notti in ogni luogo che visiteremo.

Itinerario Bali 7 giorni

  • Uluwatu (3 notti)
  • Ubud (2 notti)
  • Canggu o Seminyak o Kuta (2 notti)

Itinerario Bali 10 giorni

  • Ubud (3 notti)
  • Nusa Lembongan e/o Nusa Penida (1 notte)
  • Canggu o Seminyak o Kuta (3 notti)

Itinerario Bali 2 settimane

  • Isole Nusa (2 notti)
  • Isole Gili (3 notti)

Itinerario per Bali dettagliato

Adesso che abbiamo i nostri itinerari per Bali è il momento di andare nel dettaglio. Quanto tempo dovrei trascorrere in ogni destinazione? Dove alloggiare? Cosa vedere? Ora, potresti non avere tempo, energia o denaro sufficiente per seguire tutto il programma alla lettera, ma volevo essere sicuro di includere quante più informazioni possibili.

Uluwatu (3 giorni)

itinerario Bali Uluwatu

Il tuo viaggio a Bali comincia da Uluwatu. Questa zona è famosa in tutto il mondo per le gare di surf, per la vivace vita notturna e per i suoi tramonti. Per la tua prima cena indonesiana, scegli uno dei ristoranti sulla scogliera di Jimbaran Bay , a circa 15 minuti di auto da Uluwatu.

  • Visita al tempio di Pura Uluwatu: questo è uno dei sei templi ritenuti i pilastri spirituali di Bali. E’ arroccato su una ripida scogliera a circa 70 metri sul livello del mare. Una volta qui potrete decidere di assistere al Kecak Fire Dance , uno spettacolo di danza e fuochi che rievoca vecchie tradizioni e la spiritualità balinese.
  • Assisti ad una gara di surf:  Bali è la patria dei surfisti. Prendi posto in un bar sulla spiaggia, ordina una Bintang (la birra locale) e assisti ad una gara tra surfisti professionisti.
  • Esplora le spiagge di Uluwatu:   il beach hopping è sicuramente una delle attività che rende Uluwatu cosi interessante. Le spiagge più famose di Uluwatu sono: Padang Padang Beach , Dreamland Beach , Bingin Beach , Melasti Beach e Green Bowl Beach .
  • Non perderti il tramonto:  qui potrai assistere a quelli che sono (probabilmente) i migliori tramonti di Bali. Trova una piscina a sfioro, un rooftop bar oppure un beach bar e goditi lo spettacolo.
  • Sunday Nights Party da Single Fin:  il Single Fin  è il locale più alla moda di Uluwatu. Si è evoluto da ritrovo per surfisti ad un bellissimo luogo da cui ammirare il tramonto. La domenica si tiene una delle feste più esclusive di tutta Bali.
  • Saturday Nights Party a Padang Padang Beach:  sulla spiaggia di Padang Padang ogni sabato sera c’è una festa in spiaggia davvero fantastica con musica reggae ed elettronica.
  • Noleggia una moto ed esplora Uluwatu:  Uluwatu è una delle migliori zone dell’isola per avventurarsi in moto. Puoi noleggiarne una a partire da 4€ al giorno.
  • Pranza al Cashew Tree: vicino alla spiaggia di Bingin , il Cashew Tree è uno dei miei ristoranti preferiti sull’isola. Fanno dei frullati eccezionali ed, in generale, servono ottime portate a prezzi convenienti.  


Radisson Blu Bali Uluwatu. Recensito come uno dei migliori resort per rapporto qualità/prezzo, il Radiaaon Blu Bali valori vi farà sentire a casa vostra coccolandovi e viziandovi, senza svuotare il vostro portafoglio.

Six Senses Uluwatu. Il Six Senses è un nuovissimo resort di lusso a Uluwatu che saprà offrirvi un soggiorno indimenticabile. Le tariffe non sono certamente economiche, ma la posizione, la cucina deliziosa e l’attenzione ai bisogni del cliente giustificando ogni singolo euro speso.

Ubud (3 giorni)

itinerario bali terrazze di riso ubud

Ubud dovrebbe essere inserita in ogni itinerario di viaggio per Bali che si rispetti. Situata nel centro dell’isola, Ubud è la zona più tipica e popolare di tutta Bali.  Una sosta qui vi poterà alla scoperta di templi, risaie, danze tradizionali, corsi di yoga e tanto altro. Ubud è anche un fantastico punto di partenza per avventurarsi nel resto dell’isola! 

  • Ammira le terrazze di riso Tegallalang: le terrazze di riso di Tegallalang hanno raggiunto una certa fama dopo essere stata una delle location del film “Mangia, Prega, Ama” con Julia Roberts. E’ possibile trascorrere un po’ di tempo qui a scattare foto e fare trekking.
  • Escursione sul Monte Badur : il Monte Badur è in realtà un vulcano attivo. Tra le attività più suggestive da fare a Bali c’è quella di ammirare l’alba, esplorare il cratere e fare colazione sulla vetta di questo vulcano.
  • Conosci le scimmiette alla Monkey Forest: vuoi conoscere ed avvicinarti alle scimmiette che popolano Bali? Bene, questo sarà il posto migliore per farlo. Ma fai attenzione, perché non sempre questi animali sono amichevoli come sembrano. La Monkey Forest è in posizione centrale in città ed è un modo economico e divertente per passare un’ora.
  • Alla scoperta dei templi nascosti:  noleggia una moto ed esplora tutti i meravigliosi templi della zona di Ubud C’è ne sono a dozzine ed alcuni davvero meravigliosi come: Pura Tirta Empul, Pura Taman Saraswati e Goa Gajah!
  • Frequenta una classe di yoga:  Ci sono alcuni studi di yoga davvero fantastici a Ubud, e anche se non fa per te, ti consiglio di provarlo! La mia prima esperienza con bikram yoga è stata a Ubud, ed è stata un’esperienza sudata che non dimenticherò mai !!  
  • Lezione di cucina balinese in una fattoria biologica: partecipando a questa lezione di cucina scoprirai ricette e trucchi per preparare dell’ottimo cibo indonesiano. Visiterai il mercato per acquistare gli ingredienti che ti servono e poi prenderai posto ai fornelli con il supporto di uno chef locale.
  • Shopping sul mercato centrale di Ubud:  al centro di Ubud c’è un mercato in cui potrete trovare oggetti d’arte tradizionale balinese, souvenirs ed abbigliamento. Trattando con gentilezza, potrai fare degli ottimi affari.


Nandini Jungle Resort & Spa Bali.  Questo incantevole resort a 5 stelle, situato a soli 30 minuti dal centro di Ubud, è immerso nella foresta pluviale. Il Nandini Jungle Resort mette a disposizione un servizio navetta gratuito per la città e alloggi nei tradizionali chalet balinesi.

Visesa Ubud Resort. Il Visesa Ubud Resort è una struttura ispirata alla cultura e al design balinesi con piscina all’aperto, palestra, spa e WiFi gratuito in tutti gli ambienti. Punto di forza sono i 3 ristoranti che propongono piatti della cucina locale ed internazionale.

Isole Nusa (2 giorni)

itinerario bali Nusa Penida

A circa 25 minuti dalla costa di Bali ci sono le 3 isole che compongo l’arcipelago delle isole Nusa:   Nusa Lembongan , Nusa Ceningan e Nusa Penida . Sono tre isole che non fanno parte di Bali, ma sono un gioiello da non perdere per nessuna ragione al mondo. Hanno spiagge incredibili, paesaggi da sogno ed alcuni dei migliori spot per fare snorkeling o immersioni.

Se hai poco tempo a disposizione puoi raggiungere queste isole con un’escursione di un giorno a Nusa Penida ; in caso contrario, la soluzioni ottimale è quella di pernottare 2 notti alle isole Nusa (magari 1 notte a Nusa Lembongan ed 1 a Nusa Penida ).

  • Nusa Lembongan è la più popolata delle 3 isole. Qui troverai alloggi, ristoranti, mercati e centri PADI. Gran parte delle scuole immersioni offrono la possibilità di raggiungere il Manta Point , uno spot da cui è possibile vedere le manta rays (un pesce simile alla razza, per intenderci)-.
  • Nusa Penida è di gran lunga la più bella delle 3 isole di Nusa, ma anche quella meno accessibile. È possibile raggiungere l’isola tramite traghetto ed una volta giunti sulla terraferma esplorarla in scooter. Ecco alcuni degli luoghi da non perdere a Nusa Penida: Kelingking Beach , Atuh Beach , la cascata di Peguyangan e Broken Beach .
  • Nusa Ceningan è così piccola che può essere visitata mentre sei a Nusa Lembongan , in quanto è collegata a questa da un ponte giallo percorribile a piedi oppure in auto.


Shipwreck Point Inn (Nusa Lembongan). A 200 m da Paradise Beach e a 200 m dalla Jungutbatu Beach, lo Shipwreck Point Inn offre sistemazioni con terrazza, il WiFi gratuito in tutte le aree e un parcheggio privato gratuito. E’ una della migliori strutture per rapporto qualità/prezzo a Nusa Lembongan

Ogix Cliff Paradise (Nusa Penida). Staff gentile e caloroso, colazione continentale con vista sull’oceano, prezzi più bassi della media. Avete davvero bisogno di altre motivazioni per prenotare l’Ogix Cliff Paradise?

Canggu (2 giorni)

itinerario 10 giorni Bali Canggu

Canggu è un incantevole villaggio sul mare nella parte sud di Bali, non troppo distante dall’aeroporto Denpasar. Si differenzia da Seminyak e Kuta per essere mena turistica e più tranquilla. In pochi anni, Canggu è cresciuto rapidamente in popolarità , ha superato la più caotica Seminyak ed è diventato un hotspot per nomadi digitali, viaggiatori e surfisti.

  • Segui una lezione di surf: Canggu è un posto eccellente per imparare le basi del surf. E’ un modo diverso per trascorrere due ore e calarsi in pieno della vita di Bali.
  • Rilassati e nuota al Alternative Beach Pool & Hostel: questo ostello aperto recentemente è diventato molto popolare a Canggu. E’ un luogo tutto-in-uno con un bar con piscina, feste memorabili, ostello e camere private, un ristorante, una palestra ed una spa.
  • Trascorri giornata extra-lusso al Finn’s Beach Club:  se non hai un budget limitato, prenota un divano letto al Finn’s Beach Club e regalati una giornata di lusso.
  • Fermati presso la AMO SPA: e concediti uno dei loro famosi trattamenti viso, un massaggio rilassante oppure un idromassaggio in Jacuzzi.
  • Scopri le spiagge più belle di Canggu: le tre spiagge più famose di Canggu sono  Berawa Beach , Batu Bolong Beach ed Echo Beach ,
  • tutte ricoperta da sabbia vulcanica nera.
  • Fai shopping al Love Anchor Market:  noto come il mercato hipster di Bali, il Love Anchor è un mercato aperto tutti i giorni (lunedì-venerdì dalle 10 alle 22 e sabato-domenica dalle 10 alle 17)


Kos One Hostel. Il Kos One Hostel merita il titolo di migliore ostello di Canggu. Ha una fantastica piscina con bar, cibo delizioso, letti comodi e abbondanza di feste ed attività per i suoi ospiti.

Theanna Eco Villa and Spa. Caratterizzate da uno stile moderno e da design ispirati alla tradizione balinese, giapponese e scandinava, le ville del Theanna Eco includono un’area salotto a pianta aperta, una zona pranzo e un angolo cottura, oltre a connessione Wi-Fi ed aria condizionata.

itinerario bali 15 giorni isole Gili

Ora, se hai più di 10 giorni il mio consiglio è quello di navigare verso le Isole Gili. Un viaggio alle Isole Gili è fondamentalmente un viaggio verso il paradiso. Le Gili sono  luogo ideale per una vacanza rilassante , ma allo stesso tempo offrono ogni tipo di comfort e di divertimento.

Non mi dilungherò troppo in questo articolo sulle Gili, ma ti basterà sapere che dal porto di Padang Bai  potrai raggiungere Gili Trawangan in 80 minuti se le condizioni non sono avverse. Le tra isole possono essere cosi sintetizzate:

  • Gili Trawangan : l’isola in cui far festa e divertirsi
  • Gili Meno : è l’isola adatta alle coppie e a chi è in luna di miele
  • Gili Air : una via di mezzo tra Gili Trawangan e Gili Meno e quella più adatta alle famiglie

Cosa posso aggiungere nel mio itinerario per Bali?

Creare un itinerario per Bali può essere molto complicato perché dipende davvero da ciò che una persona sta cercando. Sfortunatamente, non esiste un itinerario perfetto per Bali poiché dipende molto dalle tue esigenze, da cosa vuoi vedere e da quali sono le tue passioni.

In questo articolo ho cercato di coprire tutte le principali attrazioni di Bali , con qualche chicca esclusiva. Nonostante ciò, ci sono ancora tanti posti da poter esplorare a Bali e che potrebbe portare a modificare il vostro itinerario di viaggio per Bali.

Ecco, secondo me, qualcosa che potrebbe essere aggiunta o usata per sostituire una o più destinazioni:

  • Trascorri più tempo alle Isole Nusa: la fantastica biodiversità marina, i paesaggi aspri e le spiagge incontaminate, giustificano a pieno una sosta più lunga alle Isole Nusa. Se ami fare snorkeling e diving valuta l’idea di trascorrere qualche giorno in più tra Nusa Penida e Nusa Lembongan .
  • Prenota una notte al Monte Kintamani: questa è una parte davvero meravigliosa di Bali e dormire in un resort immerso nella giungla è un’esperienza affascinante. Inoltre, renderà il trekking all’alba molto più semplice e veloce.
  • Rilassati a Sanur: questa città costiera anche se non ha le splendide coste di Uluwatu e i caffè alla moda di Canggu, è un posto confortevole con resort di livello, una bellissima spiaggia e un’atmosfera rilassante.  

Come muoversi a Bali

come muoversi a bali

Le opzioni di trasporto a Bali sono diverse ed alcune davvero convenienti. Spostarsi da un posto ad un altro è semplice, anche se spesso il traffico potrebbe rappresentare un problema e rallentare la tua tabella di marcia. Vediamo insieme c ome muoversi e spostarsi a Bali:

  • Utilizza APP di carsharing : Uber, GoJek e Grab sono le 3 applicazioni di carsharing che vanno per la maggiore a Bali.   Scaricale tutte prima di arrivare e sarai sempre in grado di trovare un passaggio.
  • Noleggiare uno scooter:  è un modo estremamente popolare per esplorare l’isola. Soprattutto, nelle aree più affollate (Canggu , Uluwatu e Ubud ) avere uno scooter potrebbe fare la differenza. Noleggialo solo se ti senti a tuo agio sulle due ruote e ricorda sempre di stipulare un’assicurazione in viaggio.
  • Assumi un autista privato : per circa 45€ al giorno puoi noleggiare un auto privato con autista che ti porterà in giro per l’isola. Potrebbe essere una buona idea se siete 3-4 persone e nessuno se la sente di guidare sulle strade balinesi.

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tour bali 15 giorni

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Bali: itinerario di 15 giorni alla scoperta dell’isola

L'itinerario di 15 giorni per esplorare l'isola indonesiana di bali, tra paesaggi spettacolari e spiagge da sogno..

Argomenti trattati

Tempio di Uluwatu

Pura ulun danu bratan, foresta delle scimmie di ubud, tegallalang rice terrace, pura taman ayun.

Un viaggio a Bali di 15 giorni è quello che ci vuole per esplorare tutte le meraviglie dell’isola indonesiana e godersi un po’ di meritato relax, seguendo un’itinerario emozionante e suggestivo. Spiagge da sogno, antichi templi e paesaggi naturali caratteristici renderanno la vacanza indimenticabile.

Vediamo, quindi, quali sono le tappe più importanti da non perdere.

Bali: itinerario di 15 giorni

L’isola di Bali, in Indonesia, è una meta turistica molto ambita , soprattutto per i paesaggi spettacolari che offre ai viaggiatori. Questa fa parte dell’arcipelago delle Piccole Isole della Sonda ed è separata dall’isola di Giava dallo stretto di Bali.

Famosa per le sue spiagge mozzafiato, Bali è ricca di monumenti storici , luoghi di culto suggestivi e una ricca e antica cultura da scoprire.

Vediamo, quindi, quali sono i luoghi da non perdere durante un viaggio di 15 giorni a Bali .

bali itinerario 10 giorni

L’antico tempio sul mare di Uluwatu è uno dei luoghi simbolo di Bali, situato a Pecatu.

Questo splendido luogo di culto è dedicato al dio vedico Rudra, uno dei più antichi della religione induista. Il tempio sorge in cima ad una scogliera rocciosa alta 70 metri, a picco sul mare. Secondo le leggende del posto, si dice che queste rocce siano in realtà l’antica imbarcazione pietrificata di Dewi Danu, la dea del mare.

Un altro tempio spettacolare da visitare è il Pura Ulun Danu Bratan , un importante tempio indù Shaivite. Il complesso si trova sul lago Bratan, vicino alle montagne che cingono la località di Bedugul. Si può visitare il tempio facendo una gita in barca sul lago.

Per chi ama le escursioni, una tappa imperdibile è il vulcano attivo Batur , situato al centro di due caldere concentriche a nord ovest del Monte Agung. Un luogo spettacolare e suggestivo, che regala un’esperienza indimenticabile di comunione con la natura.

La foresta delle scimmie di Ubud è una tappa divertente che farà innamorare anche i bambini dei simpatici animaletti. Infatti, qui le scimmie vivono in libertà, quasi come custodi fedeli dei templi che si trovano all’interno della foresta.

foresta delle scimmie ubud

Per chi vuole immergersi nei paesaggi straordinari dell’Indonesia, la Tegallalang Rice Terrace è una vera chicca da non perdere. Si tratta, infatti, di una collina terrazzata con risaie che costellano le rigogliose aree verdi. Qui vi sono anche punti dedicati al turismo, come la zip line e un’altalena nella giungla.

Il Pura Taman Ayun è un tempio balinese che non si può non visitare. Questo è circondato da un giardino situato nel sottodistretto di Mengwi nella reggenza di Badung. Henk Schulte Nordholt ha scritto nel suo libro Negara Mengwi che il tempio di Taman Ayun fu restaurato nel 1750. L’architetto risulta essere Hobin Ho. Uno spettacolo suggestivo che fa venire la pelle d’oca solo a guardarlo.

Un tempio davvero speciale è quello di Goa Gajah , noto anche come Caverna dell’Elefante . Questa antica grotta si trova a circa 2 chilometri a sud-est del municipio di Ubud, costruito intorno al IX secolo ed utilizzato come santuario.

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Bali Experience 15 Day

  • Fully Guided

Places You’ll See


  • Save Now, Travel Later with Unlimited Date Changes
  • Amazing Itinerary with all activities included
  • Awesome Group Leader
  • Introduction
  • Day 1 Arrive and the meet the Group
  • Day 2 Beaches, Temples & Sunsets
  • Day 3 Learn to Surf
  • Day 4 Exploring Lovina
  • Day 5 Dolphins & Local Family Visit
  • Day 6 Ferry to Gili Trawangan
  • Day 7 Island Bike Tour
  • Day 8 Snorkelling Boat Trip
  • Day 9 Travel to Ubud
  • Day 10 Monkey Forest & Cooking Class
  • Day 11 Sunrise Volcano Trek & Massage
  • Day 12 Nusa Lembongan
  • Day 13 Island Boat Trip and Viewpoints
  • Day 14 Seminyak, Farewell Dinner & Party
  • Day 15 Check out & Onward Travel help

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Bali Experience 15 Day reviewer 1

  • EJ Elise · 29th November 2023 The tour was amazing and so well run. Cannot be faulted in anyway. Our group leader Hendri was so welcoming and went above and beyond for every single member of the group to ensure that they had the best time on the trip. All of the accommodation was... Show more Trip date: November 2023
  • J julia · 7th November 2023 Automatically translated. View in English Rate this translation Automatic translation available in English. View in English Good experiences. Hotels unfortunately a bit outdated..but overall well organized trip. Many thanks Trip date: October 2023
  • J Jake · 17th September 2023 Had an amazing experience travelling around Bali with my girlfriend, some of the many incredible highlights included snorkelling with turtles and manta rays, cooking classes and hiking up a volcano! The group we travelled with were all incredibly... Show more Trip date: September 2023
  • PF Phoebe · 17th September 2023 My partner & I recently did the Bali Experience 15 Day Tour with Intro travel and had Vitor as our group leader. The tour was amazing, we saw so much of Bali and everything went smoothly, stress free and we had lots of fun. We really felt we managed to... Show more Trip date: September 2023

Bali Experience 15 Day customer review photo 1

  • M Max · 9th August 2023 my team leader was anna and she made my bali experience incredible a trip that i won’t forgot, the way she was always there to help you when you needed her was great she helped me a lot but also she was always very enthusiastic in all activities and on... Show more Trip date: July 2023
  • RL Rakel · 26th July 2023 Just finished the Bali 15 days Experience…. It was much more than I ever imagined! It was such a beautiful dream that came true. Got the opportunity to meet new people that are friends with today. The best group with amazing people! Our tour leader... Show more Trip date: July 2023
  • RL Rakel · 24th July 2023 Just finished the Bali 15 days Experience…. It was much more than I ever imagined! It was such a beautiful dream that came true. Got the opportunity to meet new people that are friends with today. The best group with amazing people! Our tour leader... Show more Trip date: July 2023

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Bali Experience 15 - INTRO Travel

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tour bali 15 giorni

Very important note: in order to be able to do well this itinerary, we recommend you to arrive in Bali one day before and to leave Bali one day after we finish the program. Kindly choose a hotel located in the south Bali. For a group of more than 13 people some visits will have to be removed because of the limited time or due to the capacity of the street that does not allow the bus to enter.

Day 1: Mengwi, Pacung, Jatiluwih, Batukaru and Tanah Lot (breakfast and lunch are included).

We pick you up at 08.00 a.m. in the hotel lobby, then we take you firstly to Mengwi to see the royal family temple of Taman Ayun, the second largest temple in Bali with an area of 4 hectares surrounded by an artificial moat. Afterwards we continue our tour to Pacung and Jatiluwih, mountain villages with magnificent rice field view. During around two hours we will have the opportunity to observe from closer distance the agricultural life and to enjoy the beauty of the rice fields which belongs to the World Heritage Sites. After having lunch with the awesome view, we will take you to the slopes of Mount Batukaru to visit the Luhur Batukaru temple, an ancestral temple for the royal families of Badung and Tabanan with very modest decoration, the mosses and the jungle around her. Then we proceed to the marine temple of Tanah Lot, the most visited place in Bali, a perfect place to watch the stunning sunset (weather permitting). Afterwards we take you to the Fave Hotel or to other similar category hotel in Seminyak for overnight. 

Day 2: Pejaten, Kerambitan, Belimbing, Pupuan and Bunut Bolong (includes breakfast and lunch).

After breakfast we will take the scenic drive through areas outside of Bali's tourist routes. We start our day with a stop in the village of Pejaten where we see the activities of the workers forming the clay to make ceramic tiles and bricks. From there we proceed to the imposing palace of Puri Anyar (the new palace) of Kerambitan which is an important center of finest art and culture in the region of Tabanan. Then we will take you to the Belimbing region which is famous for her endless beautiful rice paddies along the way. We will have our lunch here as we enjoy the wonderful view of the picturesque rice fields with Mount Batukaru as the background. Afterwards we continue our tour to the Buddhist monastery of Dharma Giri in Pupuan, a quiet and peaceful place that houses the famous statue of reclining White Buddha. Pupuan and the surrounding regions are renowned as the center of the cacao, coffee and clove plantations where we will stop to see these plantations from closer distance. Our last stop will be the Bunut Bolong tree, the giant Strangler Fig tree with hole in the middle where traffic pass and the nearby rubber plantation which can be found nowhere else in Bali. Then we will take you to the Hotel Villa Kebun or to other similar category hotel in Belimbing for overnight.

Day 3: The western part of Bali (includes breakfast and lunch).

After breakfast we will continue our trip to discover the charm of the least visited part of the island whose beauty are known by few people. At first we will take you to the secluded beach of Medewi, a mecca for surfers, and to the cliff top temple of Rambut Siwi, built for honoring Nirartha-a saint from sixteenth century. Along the way we enjoy the stunning landscape of the mountains and the sea. Afterwards we proceed to the imposing cathedral of Palasari, a beautiful combination of Gothic-and Balinese styles where the Catholic Balinese lives. We also stop at the Palasari dam which collect water in the rainy season and release her in the drought that allows the farmers to plant rice in wider areas around the village. The food will be served on the way. Afterwards we take you through the part of the national park, where there is a chance to discover some of the wild animals living on the prairie and the forest for example mouse deer, deer, wild roosters (if we're lucky), and then we reach the 35 meter observation tower, from where we will enjoy the amazing scenery to the entire park and the neighboring islands and we also can hear the songs of different types of birds that live in the park. Our next stop is the Pulaki and Pabean temples built over the rock beside the sea where a group of monkeys live with commanding view to the Pemuteran Bay. In the afternoon we take you to Hotel Adi Asri or to other similar category hotel in Pemuteran for overnight.  

Day 4: Munduk Waterfall, Trekking in the jungle around the Twin Lakes of Buyan and Tamblingan, Lake Beratan, the Ulun Danu Beratan Temple, Banjar Hot Springs (includes breakfast and lunch)

After breakfast we pick you up at 08.00 at your hotel and then we will take you to the heart of the island, to discover the beauty of the exotic flora and fauna that grow intact inside the virgin forest around the Buyan and Tambelingan lakes for over a thousand years! Firstly we will take you to the waterfall of Munduk, located in the midst of dense vegetation whose clean and chilly water comes from Lake Tambelingan. For about two hours we will enjoy the wonderful view of the twin lakes and we will discover the wildlife in the jungle. Giant ferns, moss covered trees, coffee trees, passion fruit, wild egg plant, strangler Figs and wild orchids are among the wild plants that we discover in the way, also songbirds, squirrels, monitor lizards, monkeys or mouse deer (if we are lucky). Then we will reach the hill top where there is a Hindu temple whose altar is also honored by the Chinese. A beautiful view towards the lakes can be appreciated from here. At some places it is impossible to cross the lake on foot and we take a traditional dug-out canoe to enjoy the cool water of the lake and the beautiful view of the surrounding mountains. Our guide with extensive knowledge of the region will explain us the use of each herb and plants used for food or medicines. Then we continue our trip to the restaurant with superb view to the Twin Lakes of Buyan and Tambelingan for having lunch. After lunch, we continue the journey to the Bali Botanical Garden, an oasis of tranquility to get away from the hustle of everyday life activities. We walk under the shadows of the trees and we see the collections of cacti, orchids and giant ferns growing there. Then we will proceed to the shore of Lake Beratan, to visit the temple of Ulun Danu Beratan, built for Dewi Danu, the goddess of the waters. Afterwards we continue our trip to the hot springs of Banjar to stretch our muscles in the hot sulfuric water. After the visit we will take you to the Aditya Lovina Beach Resorts or to other similar category hotel in Lovina Beach for overnight.

Day 5: Trekking to a beautiful waterfall and the Balinese food cooking class (Breakfast, lunch and dinner are included).

After having breakfast, we take you to a beautiful village located on the slope of the central mountains of Bali. The village boasts very unique and beautiful waterfalls, and on the way to get there we will have the opportunity to experience the daily life of the Balinese village in northern Bali, known for their kindness and curiosity. We will see from close by the people’s agricultural activities in the dry fields. This trekking gives us the chance to appreciate the rich flora and fauna found along the way with glimpses of country life, and even a secret garden in the middle of the jungle. Indonesian food lunch will be served in a restaurant near the waterfall. After a refreshing shower in the waterfall, we will take a rest under the shade of coconut trees tasting the refreshing coconut water and the delicious coconut meat freshly taken. In the afternoon we will have a Balinese food cooking class to learn to prepare some of the Balinese most popular dishes and then we take the same food for our dinner. Afterwards we will take you to the Aditya Lovina Beach Resorts or to other similar category hotel in Lovina Beach for overnight.

Day 6: The Dolphin morning adventure, Singaraja, North Balinese style temples, Amed and Snorkeling in Tulamben (includes breakfast and lunch).

We pick you up at 05.15 in the morning to see the attractions of the friendly dolphins from close by while they are hunting for fishes or squids for their morning meal. Afterwards we return to hotel for shower and breakfast and then we leave for the old port of Singaraja, the capital of Bali during the Dutch and Japanese colonial era (1848 - 1945) and during the first years of independence (1945-1953). Continuing the trip we take you to the Beji Temple in Sangsit, dedicated to Dewi Sri, the goddess of rice that ensures the good crops, and then to the temple of the dead of Jagaraga with bas-reliefs depicting humorous scenes taken from the modern world, and to the temple of Maduwe Karang in Kubu Tambahan dedicated to the God as the owner of the dry fields. These three temples decorated in very typical Baroque north Bali style, are richly carved in every available space. Our next destination is Tejakula where there is a horse bath converted now to bathing house for the inhabitants of the city. Then we proceed to Amed where the amazing view of the Mount Agung can be appreciated. In Tulamben we have a chance to do snorkeling over the USS Liberty which sank during the Second World War and now becomes a home for gorgonians’, anemones, sponges and black corals, and since it is just 40 meters from the beach, this is the easiest sunken ship diving in the world. The bay has a rich under water ecosystem with over 300 species of sea creatures and there are over half a dozen different excellent dive sites here. Shark, manta rays, mola mola or sunfish, dolphins and tuna often appear but the sea around this area is very rich in nutrients that in turn attracts almost every kind of animals to come. In the end of the day we take you to the Villa Alba or to other similar category hotel in Tulamben.

Day 7: The Eastern Part of Bali (includes breakfast and lunch).

Breakfast at the hotel. We will take you to the eastern part of Bali, a beautiful region with mountain and sea scenery where many old traditions are well preserved. At first we take you to lovely rice fields around Brina and Tirtagangga, and then we continue our trip to the Water Palace of Tirta Gangga whose chilly and crystal clear water are still considered sacred by the Balinese. Our next stop is Puri Agung Karangasem royal palace in Amlapura where the last king of Karangasem used to live until the end of his life. Afterwards we proceed to the Ujung Sukasada Water Palace where honorary guests of the kingdom were entertained in the past time. Continuing the trip, we take you for lunch in a local restaurant, and then we continue our tour to Candidasa which is famous for her freshwater lagoon decorated with lotus flowers. Then we proceed to Tenganan, an indigenous Balinese Aga village that preserves the structure of the village and the community system as in the time of their ancestors. Tenganan is the only place in Indonesia where the old double ikat weaving technique to make the famous fabric Gringsing that takes at least three years to complete is done. The Tenganan people believe that they are descendants of Indra, god of thunder, lightning and rain and in order to maintain the purity of their blood, married with outsiders is forbidden. In the middle of the village there are public buildings, rice barns and community halls. Each newly married will be allowed a plot of 234 square meter land to build their house. Although the village let to each family a plot of 3 hectares field that make them as the richest community in Bali, the Tenganan people are also hard workers and we see them frequently making various kinds of handicrafts such as basketry, weaving and writing or painting on Lontar palm leaves found nowhere else in Bali. After visiting this village, we take you to Rama Shinta Hotel or to other similar category hotel in Candi Dasa beach for overnight.  

Day 8: Goa Lawah, Klungkung, Bukit Jambul, Rendang, Bangli, Gunung Kawi, Tampaksiring and Tegalalang (breakfast and lunch are inclusive).

After breakfast, we will take you firstly to Goa Lawah where undulating bats considered sacred by the Balinese cover every space on the wall of the cave. In the nearby seaside we will see also the traditional technique of extracting salt from seawater still practiced by the local people over centuries. Then we continue our tour to Klungkung, the former seat of the most powerful kings of Bali. Here we will see the best examples of classical Balinese paintings in the Kerta Gosa or the Court of Justice and the Bale Kambang Floating Pavilion the so-called the Sistine Chapel of Bali. Then we continue our trip to Bukit Jambul, the crested hill, with superb view of the terraced rice fields extending from the foot of the mountain to the sea with a superb view to the neighboring island of Nusa Penida and to Rendang a village with an amazing view of the rice fields and (if we're lucky) the view of Mount Agung in the background. Lunch will be served here. Afterwards we proceed to Bangli, a garden city known for the state temple of Pura Kehen built according to ancient stepped or punden berundak tradition on a hill north of the city and the traditional village of Panglipuran famous for her uniformed entrance gate and her unique house structure surrounded by a large bamboo forest. Afterwards we continue our journey to the Valley of the Kings of Gunung Kawi with lovely view to the Pakrisan river valley, and to the holy spring temple of Tirta Empul where the Balinese purify themselves in the holy water believed to be created by Indra, the god of the thunder, lightning and rain. On the way back we stop at the picturesque terraced rice paddies of Tegalalang before heading to Ubud for overnight. Overnight at Hotel Adi Cottages in Ubud or at other similar category hotel in Ubud.

Day 9: The Mount Batur Climbing, The Hot Spring, The Trunyan prehistoric village and the temple of Ulun Danu Batur (breakfast and lunch are inclusive) .

We wake up at 2:00 a.m. to start the Mount Batur climbing. We take you firstly to the shore of Lake Batur at Pura Pasar Agung to begin our Mount Batur climbing. A local experienced guide will accompany you to the summit and then to take you back to the finish point. To reach the top which is one kilometer from the starting point, you firstly pass through the sandy and rocky trails with Eucalyptus trees, then you pass occasionally bushes. The route becomes steeper with grass and lava stones, the rest of the previous volcanic eruptions at the beginning of this century. At first light you reach the summit where there are food stalls the place to take coffee and banana sandwich while enjoying the spectacular sunrise in front of you. In the clear day it is possible to spot easily Mount Mangu near Lake Beratan on the west, Mount Abang (2152 m) which is the rest of the eruption of Old Mount Batur 100,000 years ago, Mount Agung (3142 m) which is the highest point of Bali, and even sometimes can be seen Mount Rinjani (3726 m) on the island of Lombok, the neighboring island. After taking a rest, going around to see the crater and hot spots from the volcanic activity and enjoying the beautiful view from the top for about one hour, we return to the finish point and then we take you to the hot springs in Toya Bungkah to stretch your muscles in the hot water containing sulfur through areas covered with black lava river from previous Batur eruptions. Our lunch will be served in a floating restaurant on the lake with the typical grilled Tilapia fish from Lake Batur as the main course. After lunch we will take you on a motorized boat to Trunyan, another indigenous tribe village called Bali Aga, a prehistoric village located on the eastern shore of Lake Batur between the lake and Mount Abang. Trunyan people practice many ancient traditions especially mortuary traditions, in which the bodies of the dead are not cremated nor buried, but are simply left above the cemetery ground covered by sarong or towel under a large Taru Menyan tree. According to their belief, the tree emits a fragrant smell which later mix with the foul smell of the decomposed body and finally there is no foul smell. At the end of the day we take you to the temple of Ulun Danu Batur with its spectacular shrines dedicated to the god of Mount Batur and the goddess of Lake Batur. Afterwards we take you to the Lake View Hotel or to other similar category hotel in Kintamani for overnight. Note : the Mount Batur climbing can be changed with the Batur sunrise from Pinggan and the walk on the black lava river near Toyabungkah.

Day 10: From Mount Batur to Ubud by Bike, and the charms of Ubud (Breakfast and lunch are inclusive).

After breakfast, we are ready to ride the bike. The starting point of our route is the ancient crater of Mount Batur, which is at 1200 meters above sea level. At this starting point we have our breakfast in a place with a spectacular view to Mount Batur and her crater lake. Then during approximately two and a half hour ride down, we pass through thick jungle, groves of giant bamboos, ancient temples covered by mosses, traditional quiet villages where there will be opportunities to see the glimpses of rural life: a shepherd leads his ducks to field, farmers who are working their fields or others who are cutting grass for their cows. Our guide who is a resident of that area will explain their knowledge of culture, local fauna and flora, and inadvertently we'll get to Ubud, the artistic heart of the island to have lunch Balinese roast suckling pig (Babi Guling). Afterwards we continue our tour to discover the charms of Ubud: a refreshing walk in the monkey forest with a lovely riverside water temple hidden by the shadow of the giant Ficus Benjamin tree, the lotus pond with Kumuda Saraswati temple which was designed by the most famous architect of Bali, I Gusti Nyoman Lempad, and the Puri Saren royal palace where the nobility of Ubud still lives to this day. Afterwards we take you to Adi Cottages or to other similar category hotel in Ubud for overnight. Note : from Mount Batur to Ubud by Bike can be replaced by the open Volkswagen Kuebelwagen from World War II ride through the parallel route from Kintamani to Ubud passing through the lost villages off the tourist route.  

Day 11: Ubud and the surrounding art villages (the Balinese Cultural Capital) (Breakfast and lunch are inclusive).

After having breakfast, we start the day by attending the legendary Barong and Kris dance in Batubulan that symbolizes the eternal fight between the virtue and the evil. Afterwards we take you to see the most beautiful village temple of Bali located in Batuan and dated from 1022 AD decorated with lovely carvings, and then to the Tegenungan waterfall located in the midst of the dense tropical vegetation. Continuing our trip we take you to a traditional Balinese house compound at Kemenuh to learn the curious local architecture and to experience the people daily life. Lunch will be served in a local restaurant with lovely rice field’s view. To complete our discovery on Balinese culture, we also have the opportunities to see the Balinese craftsmen at work creating excellent art pieces in Batik and Ikat traditional cloths in Tohpati, gold and silver jewellery in Celuk, fine mask and woodcarvings in Kemenuh and Balinese traditional paintings in Batuan. Afterwards we take you to Adi Cottages or to other similar category hotel in Ubud for overnight.

Day 12: Goa Gajah, Rafting, and the mother temple of Besakih (breakfast and lunch are inclusive).

After breakfast, we take you to the Rendang village in the mountain, where we provide you with helmet, life jacket and paddle to go rafting in the Telaga Waja river for about 2 hours in which you will enjoy the beauty and the tranquility of the river and its environment and at the same to experience the adventure of conquering over 25 third or fourth class rapids with lots of excitement. The river is home to exotic birds like the Javen kingfishers, beautiful butterflies, and other wildlife. On its banks grow an amazing variety of wild plants, among others are coconut trees, bamboo groves, banana trees, ferns, et cetera. On the way down you will have chances to see glimpses of rural Balinese life. Lunch will be served after the rafting in a place with an impressive view of the river valley. On the way to get there we will stop in Goa Gajah, the elephant cave, the remains of Buddhist Hindu monastery of XI century which was unearthed in 1923 AD. After rafting we continue our trip to Besakih temple built on the southern slope of Mount Agung (3142 m), known as "the mother temple" of Bali, the largest, the holiest and the most important Hindu temple in Bali. Afterwards we take you to the Adi Cottages Hotel or to other similar category hotel in Ubud for overnight. Note : rafting can be changed with the walks in Campuhan Ridge for around two hours near Ubud Gunung Lebah Temple flanked by East and West Oos River.

Day 13: The Bali Bird Park, The Bali Reptile Park, The Taman Nusa Park and Legong Dance (breakfast and lunch are inclusive).

This day is specially designed for animal and nature’s lovers. After breakfast, we take you to Bali Bird Park - where we will have a close encounter with over 1000 birds from 250 different species, which are native birds of Bali, birds coming from other Indonesia islands and birds from five continents. In addition, here you also can see the Komodo dragon, the largest lizard in the world. Afterwards we proceed to Bali Reptile Park where 20 species of turtles, crocodiles, iguanas and snakes live in Singapadu. Crispy duck lunch will be served at a typical Ubud restaurant. Then we continue our trip to the Bakas village where we ride over an elephant, the largest mammal in the world, for around 30 minutes. This is an unforgettable experience as you feel like a Maharajah in the past that controls his vast territory sitting on elephant above the teak chair, accompanied by a mahout who knows very well the animal. We will take you afterwards to the Taman Nusa Park, in which we see the magnificent traditional houses of Indonesia's 34 provinces. You need not to travel weeks to see all of Indonesia because we can see the most interesting of each Indonesian island in Taman Nusa Park. Besides, here we can see also the replica of the Indonesian Stone Age, the replica of the Borobudur the largest Buddhist temple in the world and the replica of the Bajang Ratu temple from the Majapahit time in the same park. After the visit, we take you to see the Legong dance, the most beautiful dance of Bali in the Royal Palace of Ubud or Peliatan, where live the best musicians and dancers of the island. Among the dances that we see here (depending on the day different dance or theater is performed), the most famous is the Legong dance which is often mentioned as the symbol of grace and femininity among Balinese dances. In this ancient classical dance, the beauty, the grace and the movements are intricately balanced with the rhythm of the gamelan music. On different days, other dances may be represented, such as the Baris Warrior dance, the Tambulilingan bumblebees dance, etc. Afterwards we take you to Adi Cottages or to other similar category hotel in Ubud for overnight. Important note: Special programs are made in the Bali Bird Park (feeding the Komodo dragon: every Tuesday and Thursday at 11.00 a.m. and every Wednesday and Friday at 14.30 p.m.; The Basic Instinct show every day at 11.30 a.m. and at 15.00 p.m.; The Free Flight Bird show every day at. 10.30 a.m. and at 14.30 p.m.; feeding Papuan Rain Forest every day at 09.30 a.m. and at 12.45 p.m.; feeding the pelicans every day at 10.00 a.m. and at 13.15 p.m.; Make your photos with the colorful birds free of charge and have them printed on your t-shirts!.

Day 14: The island of Turtles, Denpasar, South Bali (breakfast, lunch and dinner are inclusive).

Breakfast at the hotel. At 9.00 a.m. we pick you up and we take you to Serangan Island where we board a motorized boat to visit Turtle Island where there are lots of turtles to take pictures with. Here the wounded turtles are taken care of and cured and then released into the sea, while dozens of baby turtles hatched from eggs collected from the secluded beaches around Bali are saved from predators at the early age. On the way to get there we can feed the colorful reef fishes with our bread. Here is also your chance to do watersport activities such as snorkelling, parasailing, flying fish, banana boat, sea walker or jet ski (on your own cost). Then we will take you to Denpasar, the capital city of Bali, visiting the beautiful monument of Bajra Sandi in the town square and the zero point of the island with her Catur Muka monument - Shiva as the Lord of the four cardinal points. Lunch will be served at the Jendela Bali restaurant famous for her stunning south Bali view. Afterwards we will visit the monument of GWK (Garuda Vishnu Kencana) representing God Vishnu riding the Garuda mythological bird which will be 182 meter high when finished. Our next stop is the Padang-Padang beach, the venue for the annual surfer’s championship organized by Rip Curl and where the shooting of the Julia Roberts' Eat, Pray and Love’s movie was done, then to the Uluwatu cliff top temple, located at 70 meter above the sea level, with a breathtaking view of the Indian Ocean. This temple is the masterpiece of the holy priest-architect Nirartha, who chose this place for his ascension to God. Afterwards the Kecak dance, the most unique Balinese dance theater will be performed around burning torch in the nearby stage without any instrumental music, only accompanied by a male chorus of around 70 persons whose clapping hands, shaking of their torso, and their songs form the background for the Ramayana story, a Hindu version of Romeo and Juliet but happy ended. Then we take you to the romantic beach of Jimbaran Bay to have a grilled seafood dinner (lobster, fish, crab, shrimp, clams, and squid) on the beach front sand illuminated by thousands of stars with natural music of the pounding waves. In the end of the day we take you to the Fave Hotel or to other similar category hotel in Seminyak.  

Day 15: Cruise to the Lembongan island, the traditional massage and then transfer to the airport or to your hotel (includes breakfast and lunch).

After breakfast, we pick you up at 07.30 a.m. in your hotel then we take you to Sanur beach to board the fast boat that takes you to the paradise beach of Lembongan, a small island with white sandy beaches and blue turquoise sea water. On this small island we have a full day activities on the beach and in the water to enjoy the rich marine life through the glass bottom boat or snorkeling, get lots of fun riding the banana boat, or just swim in sea ​​or in the pool, or simply sunbathes on the beach. Lunch is served in the Waka Resort, which is like an oasis with traditional huts, coconut groves, swimming pool and sea front tables for having lunch. After lunch, join us to discover the little island secret through the excursion on motorcycle to the panorama point – the highest point in the island with the stunning beach and sea view, to the underground house which was made by an old priest alone during 15 years and to seaweed plantations which is the main source of income for most inhabitants of Lembongan. Dream Beach with pristine white sandy beach and blue turquoise water is our next destination, together with Devil’s Tears a cliff with the biggest waves in the whole island. At approximately 16:00 p.m. we return to the Bali mainland. In the end of the trip we take you to get a one hour traditional massage to refresh your body and mind. Then we take you the airport or to your hotel (the hotel is not included in the price of this tour package).


14-15 Days in Bali: Ultimate 2 Weeks Bali Itinerary

Photo of Camille L.

2 Weeks Bali Itinerary

You have finally taken your ticket to Bali and you are now wondering which cities to visit?

That’s good, I have prepared a 14-15 day Bali itinerary for you that will allow you to visit a good part of the island of the gods without rushing too much.

This trip is recommended for a 2 weeks Bali itinerary, but if you are traveling longer or shorter, you can adapt your circuit accordingly.

An itinerary also depends on what one has come to look for in Bali. So don’t hesitate to skip a step if it doesn’t seem to suit your needs.

Table of Contents

Practical Information for 2 Weeks Bali Itinerary

Arrive in Bali: plane and transport From Bangkok, it is very easy to get to Bali, it is an undeniable advantage to be able to discover Asia.

From Bangkok Don Muang airport, we took tickets with Air Asia, it is a company with a very good reputation and since we live in Bangkok we have taken it many times and everything is going well always perfectly fine.

To get to Denpasar in Bali we paid €350 round trip per person (quite high price but booking 5 days before departure).

Among the best Bangkok-Bali offers, there are flights at 150€ A/R.

Buying a SIM card in Bali The points of sale for SIM cards at Denpasar airport are  open even at 1:30 am !

The money changers too and it’s very practical. We took a SIM card valid for 1 month 8GB for 150k Rp (9.50€) per person at XL center, one of the biggest telecom operators in Bali.

You also have the company Telksomsel which is recommended. Having a SIM card gives you the possibility of having access to Google Maps to find your way around, to be able to check the address of your accommodation, call your hotel, or even order a taxi with Grab (in certain regions only).

Formalities for Bali itinerary

  • Visa: 1 month for visa exemption (compulsory return ticket), for stays longer than 30 days a tourist visa is compulsory, inquire in advance
  • Passport: must be valid for more than 6 months on the arrival date
  • Vaccines: Hepatitis A systematically, refer to any international vaccination center
  • Time difference: + 6h in summer / + 7h in winter
  • Driving: scooter rental possible at low cost, strongly advised against renting a car (opt for a taxi)
  • Currency: Indonesian rupiah (€1 = Rp 15,599.87 in August 2019). In my article when I write 15k Rp it means 15,000 Indonesian rupiah)
  • Security: Bali is a safe island, be careful with your personal belongings. Be careful all the same with ATM withdrawals, our bank card was hacked, duplicated with the PIN code, with the loss of €1,000, fortunately the sum was reimbursed in 4 days by our bank).
  • Police: If you need to give a report to the police, it must be done at the exact location where the problem took place (if you are in Ubud and you report a problem to Legian, nothing can be done). Be aware that you have to pay (you are taken to a small room away and you are asked for money – around 50,000 Rp / 3.20€ -, even just for a paper attesting to the theft for your insurance) .
  • Health insurance: never to be neglected. When you travel abroad it is up to you to pay for your health costs. It is essential to be covered for treatment, hospitalization or repatriation.
  • Monkeys: watch out for monkey bites or scratches! This topic is constantly being discussed on travel forums. Monkeys are sometimes aggressive. Immediately consult a doctor on site, injections against rabies are sometimes necessary.
  • Best season to go to Bali:  May to October is the best period (dry season), November to April is the wettest season. In August the weather was good, with temperatures between 28 and 30°.

Nusa Lembongan Bali - 15 Days Bali Itinerary

Day 1-3: Ubud, the Spiritual Heart of Bali

Ubud, a must for a stay in Bali which appears in all itineraries, and above all a central place to shine in the surroundings.

Many restaurants and cafes, shops, markets, the center of Ubud teems with life. But also tourists and traffic is heavy.

14 days Bali itinerary

The Center of Ubud in Bali

For our first day in the 2-week Bali itinerary we went to visit the Ubud Palace, the Lotus Café, the Ubud market, have a drink and have dinner in the evening in one of the many restaurants in town.

Also, the Monkey Forest is located 1km from the center of Ubud.

  • Ubud Palace:  Admission to Ubud Palace is free. Pretty temples, decorated statues, which can be visited quickly.
  • Monkey Forest:  This place is very famous because it is a sanctuary for monkeys. We went there very early and so much the better because the monkeys were not very aggressive, eating or having fun kicking stones (which was quite funny, it looks like they were all trying to make a fire!). But when a monkey sees something sticking out of your bag, he wants to grab it and jump on you. Nice visit but I left before the tourists / monkeys storm. Price of entry at 50k Rp (3.20€).
  • Restaurants in Ubud:  very good restaurants and bars including Café Wayan, and many others for everyone (vegetarians, etc.). We tested the Babi Guling in Oka (suckling pig, specialty), but nothing more.
  • Massage: Balinese massage is known all over the world, a little softer than Thai massage but with a firm hand, you can do a 1 hour Balinese massage between 100 and 150k Rp.

The Kayon Jungle - 15 Days Bali Itinerary

Day Trip to Ubud

We took a private driver (the hotel owner) who took us to all the main places to visit around Ubud town. It was a day that started at 9 am and ended at 6 pm, a big 9 am day of discoveries.

Price of the day for two: 600k Rp (38€) but if you go there by yourself by scooter or on an organized tour, you can get better prices.

  • Rice Fields of Tegallalang:  rice fields yes, but very touristy. To enter, you have to make a donation, to continue the route too. Ideal for those who want Instagram photos, wicker nests, swings, heart, “I love Bali” sign, finally the total :). Otherwise don’t spend too much time there and go to Jatiluwih.
  • Pura Tirta Empul Holy Water Temple:  a beautiful temple with basins in which holy water springs flow. The entrance is a few euros with the rental of sarongs. And if you want to purify your soul, for a few extra euros we lend you a sarong to go into the water and a locker to deposit your belongings. It wasn’t very hot but I tried the experience in the pools, plunging my head under the sacred water ♥. Of course it is not a temple for tourists but primarily a temple for believers.
  • Gunung Kawi Temple and Goa Gajah Temple:  I really liked the first one which is surrounded by rice fields! It is one of the oldest temples in Bali. At the bottom, a statue shop in which I fell for 2 pretty typical Balinese statues of Sita (Balinese goddess) for 12€.
  • Tegenungan Waterfall:  this waterfall is very beautiful and very touristic. Some even bathe!

Climbing the Batur Volcano

From the city of Ubud, it is easy to organize an excursion to climb Mount Batur. It will be from Ubud that you will take the least time to reach the foot of the Batur volcano.

The volcano is active but has not erupted since 2000. It is the second highest volcano on the island of Bali after Mount Agung, which erupted in 2017 and has since been closed to the public.

The ascent of Mount Batur is done at night. Departure from Ubud at 2:30 am, arrival on site at 3:30 am, time for hot tea and banana fritters. And around 4h-4h30 we start the ascent.

It takes approximately between 1h30 and 2h to climb. It is not  too difficult for people in physical condition .

Personally, I climbed it quietly in 1h45, without rushing because I was emerging from my few hours of sleep.

The most difficult thing is to climb at night and not see the route. At the top, the other hikers wait for the sunrise trying to warm up with the breakfasts served by the guides (bananas, cereal bars, tea) and even eggs cooked in the volcano’s steam.  Sunrise above the clouds: a magical little moment!

Going down is easier than going up, because you can finally see where you are stepping. In 45min we descended with our guide. And after the ascent, you have the possibility to go to the hot springs!

And frankly it’s only  happiness to dive into its warm water pools  with a view of the lake. You must of course choose this option with your organizer.

Sunrise on Mount Batur - 2 weeks in Bali Itinerary

Accommodation in Ubud in the Center of Bali

After booking 3 nights at  Buda Cottage Ubud , we also added an extra night, especially for the ascent of Mount Batur. Night at 30€, and very clean! It’s only 2km from Ubud town but watch out for traffic.

You can have lunch there (but not dinner), for example a mie goreng for 30k (1.90€). Super price (-20€):    Secret Garden Guest House / More chic in Ubud:   11 on Kajeng .

Day 4-5: Munduk, Mountains and Waterfalls

Munduk, Bali 2 weeks itinerary

For this day trip between Ubud and Munduk, we opted for a shared vehicle with an Austrian couple.

Already it does not allow not to be 2 + the driver, but to have the car full (Price of the day in transport: 400k Rp).

Starting from Ubud towards Ubud, we decided to make 2 stops:  the rice fields of Jatiluwih and the temple of Beratan .

We could also have stopped at a coffee plantation. But we didn’t for 2 reasons: we drink very little coffee, and we are very uncomfortable with Luwak coffee.

Let me explain: Luwak coffee is one of the best in Bali (apparently) and also one of the most expensive in the world, but do you know how it is produced?

These are civets, sorts of large rodents, which consume the cherries of the coffee tree, digest their pulp but not their cores, which are found in the excrement of the animal.

Then the kernels are cleaned, dried, and it makes good coffee! So in terms of animal exploitation we are very average on the Kopi Luwak!

So I skip my turn to encourage this (just like I spent my turn on excursions to Lovina to see dolphins, or swim with manta rays in Nusa Penida). I’m not perfect but I didn’t want to.

  • The rice fields of Jatiluwih : it’s an absolute hit, I loved walking in these rice fields! You can even cycle through them! Price: Rp 40k
  • Beratan Temple : This is a beautiful temple by the water. Price: 50k Rp. If possible add the Bali Botanical Garden which is not far away!

Bali Itinerary 2 weeks

Munduk in the North

Bali itinerary 2 weeks

Munduk is the best known of Bali’s mountain villages, set in beautiful  green hills .

Even if the village is quite small and located on the side of the road, walking around the area, you find yourself  in peace , and I liked it.

It’s not very hot, rather chilly in the evening, so the pool (unless it’s heated), isn’t much use. And then if you are too hot, you can always try to swim in a waterfall, there are plenty around Munduk.

The Munduk region is also known for its coffee plantations but also its cultivation of cloves, which mainly end up in cigarettes.

Hike to the 3 Waterfalls

The hike to the 3 waterfalls starts in the center of Munduk at the Taman Ayu Homestay, where you just have to take the small path. And then continue on the main path.

It’s not very well indicated but don’t panic!

We had read that there may be dogs, but we mostly saw hens and their chicks. A beautiful day of walking through the waterfalls (allow 4 hours even more time to return).

1.  Melanting Waterfall: a beautiful and high waterfall! 321 steps to go down (and up) 137 steps after to go to waterfall 2.

Melanting Waterfall, Bali itinerary

2.  Labuan Kebo Waterfall: a wide waterfall 170 steps to go to Labuan Kebo waterfall 10,000 Rp to pay to access each waterfall

Labuan Kebo Waterfall, 2 weeks in Bali

3. And to finish the Red Coral, and if you still have a little courage, go to the eco café a little further.

Accommodation in Munduk in North Bali

We come to Munduk for the hike, the waterfalls, and the visit of the region (and that’s great!), the town of Munduk is on the other hand a little disappointing and does not look like a small mountain village but is located on the side of the road.

Rather prefer accommodation in the center but with a very beautiful view:   Nadya Homestay /  Aris Homestay and Warung Made

The Island of Nusa Lembongan East of Bali

To get to Nusa Lembongan: taxi from Munduk to Sanur town (2h30 trip) for 500k Rp (booked with Munduk hotel), then boat from Sanur to Mushroom Bay beach in Nusa Lembongan for 200k Rp (booked with Lembongan hotel) then the transportation company will take you to your hotel.

The boat trip between Sanur and Nusa Lembongan lasts 45min and we went through the Marlin company. In Lembongan we collect seaweed, which once transformed, becomes an emulsifier to thicken ice cream.

We stayed near the beach of Jungutbatu and the island being small, we covered it a little  on foot , and sometimes by taxi to save time.

So we went to the Yellow Bridge which provides access to the tiny island of Nusa Ceningan. Returning to the west on Nusa Lembongan, you will discover the pretty beach of Dream Beach, and next to it the Devil’s Tear where the water bursts on the cliffs.

Be careful, don’t be like the Chinese tourists who risk their lives for the perfect selfie.

Nusa Lembongan

Accommodation in the island of Nusa Lembongan

Small island located east of Bali, we stayed in a very beautiful cottage at   Darsan Lembongan Boutique Cottage   (30€ per night at the last minute!), we like the outdoor bathroom, and the small path that takes us at the beach and at the “Deck” a place where there are plenty of very good restaurants!

Less than 10km from the airport, you have access to very large fine sandy beaches. Here we come to rest, surf, party, chill in the pool, and do a whole bunch of water activities.

At the end of your stay, it’s a perfect place before flying back (especially when you have an early flight like us). Avoid Kuta beach which does not always have a good reputation and is rather a big party spot, well, of course, it all depends on what you are looking for!

We tested the beach bars in Seminyak with the photo below with the poufs and the little red parasols, where you can caress the sand with your toes, drink a cocktail and admire the sunset at the same time.

And I can tell you that to end our stay in 2 weeks Bali itinerary, it was perfect! A good restaurant near our hotel that we tested: Mozzarella .

Legian - Bali best things to do

Some approximate prices for your stay in Bali itinerary

  • A bottle of water: between 10 and 12k Rp (or rather 15k Rp in a hotel)
  • A good breakfast: 50-60k Rp
  • A meal of Nasi Goreng (fried rice with chicken or seafood): 50k Rp
  • A Bintang beer in a bar: 30-50k Rp
  • One hotel night on average: 600k Rp (40€)

Accommodation in Legian in Bali

On the Legian and Seminyak side, there are plenty of accommodations! We were at the   Sol House Bali Legian , with a trendy and festive side (50€ per night – the most expensive of all our accommodations).

For those who want more calm (and a price of 20€ per night):   Adys Inn  or being by the sea (beautiful hotel):   Rama Residence Padma .

If you have more time you can go further north to Canggu.

Day 6-7: Sidemen, Rice Fields and Hikes

Sidemen - 2 weeks in Bali Itinerary

Sidemen is a beautiful village located in a valley covered with rice terraces. The atmosphere is really calm and rural, a real haven of peace.

In addition to walking around the village of Sidemen, you can explore the surroundings and go to the temple of Besakih for example.

Accommodation in Sidemen

Sidemen Valley has some of the most incredible bamboo houses in Bali and if you’re looking for an Instagrammable treehouse, you’ll be spoiled for choice.

Remote and romantic, they’re the perfect place for couples. If you book a stay at one of these, you’ll never want to leave. And I don’t blame you!

With views for days, a jungle setting, and a private pool,  Villa Veluvana   is one of the most luxurious places to stay in Sidemen.

Day 8-9: Amed, Beaches, Diving and View of the Agung Volcano

Amed is an increasingly popular destination in Bali.

This city is located on the eastern end of the island and there are superb beaches (yellow and black sand) and excellent diving spots.

Lipah Beach in Amed - 2 weeks in Bali Itinerary

As a bonus, you will have a breathtaking view of the Agung volcano which is the highest mountain in Bali.

Accommodation in Amed

Villa Di Amed :  This is where we stayed in Amed, and overall we really liked it. The room was comfortable and clean, they provided free breakfast, happy hour, and welcome drinks, and there was a small pool.

The staff were incredibly kind, but dare I say almost  too attentive?!

Solaluna Beach Homestay : With a beachfront location and a staff that makes you feel completely at home, this is a popular option with those who are looking for a budget stay and a more authentic experience. While the rooms are clean, they are quite basic. But after reading reviews, it’s clear most guests can’t find much (if anything) to complain about here!

De Adema Homestay : If you’re not bothered with basic facilities, this might be a great stay, as the rave reviews of the family who own this place speak for themselves. They can help organize local experiences, like joining a fisherman on his morning fishing trip.

Day 10-12: Canggu, Hippie Atmosphere and Beach Clubs


After these getaways in the middle of nature, we come back a little to civilization with a stay in Canggu. It’s a bit like the “Bohemian” region of Bali. There are many foreigners who have taken up residence there.

If you like surfing, you can enjoy it on Echo beach. The height of the waves is ideal if you are a beginner.

You will also find many super cool cafes and restaurants in Canggu with cute interior decorations. The kitchen is also great!

The other advantage of Canggu is its proximity to Seminyak where there are many beach clubs. If you like to party, you’ll love it! Do not miss the Finns or the Potato Head in particular.

You will find all my good addresses in this article on Canggu .

Accommodation in Canggu

Less a traditional hotel and more a surf, bike and yoga retreat,  The Chillhouse is a good place to stay in Canggu for those who are looking for a cool place to stay without having to drop too much dollar or sacrifice their comfort.

Wiras Village  is a relatively new kid on the block. More a B&B than a full service hotel, the rooms are spacious, nicely designed and offer excellent value for money.

It also boasts the benefit of a quiet location that’s minutes away from the beach and a short hop (or scoot) away from Canggu’s livelier spots around Batu Bolong.

Finns Beach Club Canggu- 2 weeks in Bali Itinerary

Day 13: Nusa Penida

Nusa Penida - 2 weeks in Bali Itinerary

Nusa Penida is a neighboring island to Bali and you can go there by boat from Sanur (30 minutes trip). You will see heavenly beaches there, including Kelingking Beach, which you can see in the photo above.

A good day should be enough for you to visit most places of interest on the island, but do not hesitate to spend the night there if you do not want to rush.

You will find all my advice on Nusa Penida here.

Accommodation in Nusa Penida

Ananta Bungalow  –  Value : The Ananta Bungalow is an awesome location right next to Crystal Bay, which is the best sunset beach on Nusa Penida and where the Manta Ray and snorkel trips launch off from. Basing yourself where you want to spend every sunset is a great idea. The beautiful bungalows have a thatched roof, terrace and combine the island life with modern facilities. The bungalows how WiFi and air conditioning. These are iconic looking bungalows and for less than $25 a night they really are the best value place to stay on Nusa Penida.

Semabu Hills Resort  –  Luxury : Semabu Hills is  definitely  the best pick of the luxury options. It has an epic infinity pool that looks out over the ocean, which is an amazing spot to relax after adventuring around the island. With breakfast included each morning and luxury rooms, this is the kind of place you treat yourself to as a family or a couple.

Hostel Nusa Penida – Economic : There’s always a good hostel when backpacking in Indonesia and on Nusa Penida, this is your pick. Hostel Nusa Penida has free WiFi, is in a good central location, which is close to most of the main attractions, beaches, and hikes. It’s clean, modern and the staff are legends.

Day 14-15: Uluwatu, Temple and Beaches

Temple Uluwatu Bali - 2 weeks in Bali Itinerary - top things to do

For the last part of our 2 weeks Bali itinerary, we now go to the southern part of the island of Bali with the visit of Uluwatu.

There is the superb temple of Uluwatu where the traditional Kecak fire dance ceremony is celebrated at sunset.

The South of Bali is also the area of ​​the island where we find the most beautiful beaches.


Bali Itinerary – Bonus Destinations

Lovina Bali Voyage - 2 weeks in Bali Itinerary - top things to do

Accommodation in Uluwatu in the South of Bali

We originally booked 1 night at Uluwatu Breeze Village which we extended with an extra night. Favorite for this accommodation: pretty bungalows, superb breakfast (see below!), proximity to the beaches, and very quiet. Many restaurants and bars nearby. Price around 50€.

In the same style and a little higher you have the Bingin Welcome Guest House .  A little more expensive: the  Uluwatu Cottages  with an additional sea view.

If you are staying longer in Bali or visiting the island for the second time, there are still other unique places worth visiting. You can for example go to the seaside resort of Lovina which is located in the North of Bali.

You can also go to other nearby islands such as the Gili Islands or Nusa Lembongan .

How do you like our 2 weeks Bali itinerary?

If you have any questions, send them to me in the comments below. In general, I answer you in less than two days.

Photo of Camille L.

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tour bali 15 giorni

The Perfect 14-Day Bali Itinerary For The Real Traveller

Photo of Ragini Mehra

Beaches? Check. Adventure? Check. Serenity? Check. Memories? Check!

Bali is about all this and more! Go to Bali for adventure and calm, exploration and relaxation, sunrises and sunsets and you’re sure to come back with a million incredible memories. With an array of experiences to offer and something to suit every taste, Bali is a great destination for honeymoon, bachelorette, family bonding or a get together with friends.

Photo of The Perfect 14-Day Bali Itinerary For The Real Traveller 1/1 by Ragini Mehra

If you’re still looking for reasons to plan your trip, here’s a glimpse of how a holiday in Bali looks like. This 15-day itinerary has handpicked experiences for all kinds of travellers. It begins with a cultural extravaganza in Ubud and then moves on to Kuta and Nusa Dua for some adventure and fun-filled moments. The perfect end to the fiesta will be spending a few days at the luxurious neighbourhood of Seminyak. Read on!

Morning: Plan an excursion to Bali’s Monkey Forest, also known as the Sacred Monkey Forest of Padangtegal.

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Photo of Bali, Indonesia by Ragini Mehra

Visit this sanctuary for up close and personal encounters with the grey long-tailed macaques, strolls through the forest pathways and countless photo opportunities in the lap of nature.

Afternoon: For a culturally rich experience, plan a visit to the Ubud Royal Palace. Here you can admire beautiful Balinese architecture, the grandeur of the palace, well-manicured gardens and a number of cultural artefacts. This is also a great place to enjoy traditional folk dance performances in the evening.

Photo of The Perfect 14-Day Bali Itinerary For The Real Traveller by Ragini Mehra

The Ubud Art Market is situated right across the Royal Palace. While you are here, shop for silk scarves, bags, traditional hats, home décor items and more. A stroll through the market will get you some of the best handicrafts around and is great to soak in the vibe of the city.

Don’t forget to click some souvenir pictures at the Ubud Art Market, which was also the shooting location for the Hollywood movie Eat Pray Love.

Late Evening: Try out some local delicacies at Bebek Tepi Sawah Restaurant, a one-of-its-kind eatery set in a bamboo pavilion amidst rice fields. Whether you are visiting with your family, friends or are on a romantic date, you’re sure to have a memorable time!

First half: Tegallalang Rice Terraces are picture perfect, serene and a great place to know more about the life of the locals. Once you are here, indulge in a conversation with the locals over a delicious coconut drink. Woven hats, sculptures and tons of photographs with the rice fields in the backdrop are souvenirs you must take from here.

Credit: McKay Savage/flickr

Photo of The Perfect 14-Day Bali Itinerary For The Real Traveller by Ragini Mehra

You can also plan a trip to Pakudui village which offers great insights into the world of these artisans who are experts at carving out the traditional Balinese souvenirs. Walk down the streets to see the talented locals creating beautiful objects by carving wood and other materials.

Evening: Spend a relaxed evening at your hotel pool, try out Bali’s favourite cocktails at the bar or simply enjoy a lavish dinner with your loved ones. There are many nice places to stay in Ubud, including Four Seasons Resort Bali, The Purist Villas, Amora Ubud Villas, Bali Bohemia Huts and Hanging Gardens Ubud. Permata Ayung Private Estate is a great option for honeymooners too.

First half: As they say, a trip to Ubud is truly a cultural extravaganza so let’s plan to go temple hopping today! Begin your day with a trip to Goa Gajah Elephant Caves, which was formerly a place of worship for Buddhists and Shiva priests. While you are here, admire the stone cave’s ornate carvings and discover the many relics dating back to the 11th century.

Next, visit Tirta Empul, where the presence of freshwater pools is sure to be the highlight of your visit.

Photo of The Perfect 14-Day Bali Itinerary For The Real Traveller by Ragini Mehra

Situated close by, Pura Tirta Dawa Gunung Kawi Sebatu is next on your itinerary. This temple is known for its conventional purification pools served by a freshwater spring. Not frequented by tourists as much as the other temples, it makes for a peaceful escape and the natural beauty around only adds to your experience.

Yet another water temple located in central Ubud, the Pura Taman Saraswati Temple is a true representation of Balinese temple architecture. It welcomes you with many lotus ponds, intricate carvings on the walls and stunning photo opportunities.

The beautiful Pura Taman Saraswati Temple

Photo of The Perfect 14-Day Bali Itinerary For The Real Traveller by Ragini Mehra

Head to Café Lotus right after your temple sojourn to capture the best views of the temple and its many blooms. The evening dance performances held at the temple (at 7.30 p.m.) can also be seen from the café.

With so much to do, you can never have enough days in Ubud. Next on your itinerary is a day trip to Kintamani. If you can make it, try to reach before sunrise because the views are to die for. The trip also includes a trek up the Mount Batur volcano.

Aerial view of Mount Batur Volcano | Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Photo of The Perfect 14-Day Bali Itinerary For The Real Traveller by Ragini Mehra

After the slightly hectic trek, you can spend a few relaxing hours boating at the Batur Lake. Cycling around the lake is also a popular activity here.

For lunch, stop by at one of the multi-cuisine cafés in the area and enjoy stunning views of the mountain as you dig in!

Mount Batur is about 45 minutes away from main Ubud so you’ll be back by evening.

After chilling for a bit, head to the Indian restaurant Ganesha Ek Sanskriti for specialities from different Indian states. While the menu is extensive and looks delectable, the Cheese Naan is definitely a must try.

A therapeutic massage followed by a swim at your hotel is a great idea to do away with the tiredness from the previous days. Most hotels in Ubud have a spa and are beautifully done up.

Photo of The Perfect 14-Day Bali Itinerary For The Real Traveller by Ragini Mehra

We would recommend you spend your last day in the town exploring the different facets of your abode.

Evening: If you’d like, try out popular dishes at some restaurants in Ubud for dinner. Our top picks include the Mushroom Cappuccino Soup at Luxe Barbeque & Grill or the European and Asian cuisine at Locavore.

Morning: Drive down from Ubud to Kuta, just about 40 kilometres away. You can also visit Kuta on a day trip from Ubud but a 1-night stay is recommended if you wish the experience the best of the neighbourhood.

Evening: Dance the night away at Bali’s most popular sunset viewing spot, Rock Bar at Ayana Resort and Spa.

Chilling at Rock Bar. | Credit: Mahima Maakar

Photo of The Perfect 14-Day Bali Itinerary For The Real Traveller by Ragini Mehra

Morning: Explore the local markets to shop for clothes, jewellery, footwear and other knick-knacks at Kuta before you leave for your next destination, Nusa Dua. Nusa Dua is just about 15 kilometres away and the drive is a smooth one.

Afternoon: Hit the beach soon after you check in to your resort as Nusa Dua is where you can enjoy the best of adventure activities and water sports.

Evening: While in Nusa Dua, don’t miss the Devdan Show, a 90-minute theatre performance that tells you everything you need to know about Indonesia. The Nusa Dua theatre, elaborate props, stunning costumes and magnificent stage sets (with pyrotechnics and artificial rains) are sure to mesmerise you. The show takes place on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturday at 7:00 p.m.

Adventure buffs are in for a treat today! Indulge in some more water sports at Pandawa Beach and Nusa Dua Beach, where a lot of local operators organize the adventure activities and have sports gear on rent.

Photo of The Perfect 14-Day Bali Itinerary For The Real Traveller by Ragini Mehra

Some water sports that you can enjoy here are underwater scooter rides, banana boat rides, snorkelling, water skiing, sea walking, jet biking, paddle surfing, scuba diving, wake boarding and parasailing.

Night: If you’re looking for luxurious offbeat dining experiences, Nusa Dua is where you can have one!

Dining in a cave! Super exciting, isn't it? | Credit: https://www.samabe.com

Photo of The Perfect 14-Day Bali Itinerary For The Real Traveller by Ragini Mehra

Book yourself a luxury dinner inside a cave, organized by the Samabe Bali Suites & Villas. You can hear the waves roll over in the distance as you pamper your taste buds with delicious food and wine. This might be a great place to try out the Balinese delicacy Nasi Goreng.

Photo of The Perfect 14-Day Bali Itinerary For The Real Traveller by Ragini Mehra

As they say, you should save the best for the last and so, this is where Seminyak features on your Bali itinerary. The ways and means of Seminyak can get you used to a luxurious lifestyle which you wouldn’t want to leave for sure! Tourists visiting Bali for a short period of time often spend most of their vacation here for reasons more than one.

Seminyak is dotted with upscale resorts including Courtyard by Marriott, The Legian all-suites resort, The Samaya Seminyak, The Oberoi and Alila Saminyak, to name a few. Relax and rejuvenate at your hotel’s private beach or spa after the previous day’s adventure activities.

Make your Bali experience come a full circle as you unwind at the much loved Seminyak Beach, known for its clubs, bars, luxury hotels and a colourful seating arrangement complete with umbrellas and bean bags.

The vibrant Seminyak Beach

Photo of The Perfect 14-Day Bali Itinerary For The Real Traveller by Ragini Mehra

Book yourself a spot, take occasional walks to the beach just 100 metres away, sip on your sundowner and get set to live the good life!

Evening: Next, visit Potato Head Beach Club for an eclectic experience. Choose from the three well-stocked bars here and enjoy a sinful dessert at one of their many restaurants. This will surely be one of your most memorable evenings in Bali as you spend hours together in the infinity pool overlooking the Indian Ocean.

Spend the day building sand castles, collecting sea shells and playing games at one of many beaches in Seminyak. Some of the most exciting ones include Seminyak Beach, Petitenget Beach, Batu Belig Beach and Double Six Beach.

Morning: Ubud is undoubtedly the best place to soak in the local culture and see the many temples Bali is famous for. However, Petitenget Temple in Seminyak is also one of the most popular attractions in Bali and a visit here guarantees a very peaceful morning.

Afternoon: Head to Echo Beach if you’re a fan of surfing or want to try your hand at it. The beach is also known for its restaurants serving seafood and the many vantage points that offer uninterrupted views.

Evening: The evening calls for a memorable beachside dinner plan with your loved one and we couldn’t suggest a place better than Ku De Ta Bali. Hop on to their Tree Bar for a signature cocktail and then find a place at the indoor restaurant or under one of the beach umbrellas right next to the shore. The sea breeze, warm hospitality and lively décor will make you fall in love with the place even more.

The making of Civet Coffee. | Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Photo of The Perfect 14-Day Bali Itinerary For The Real Traveller by Ragini Mehra

Morning: Any trip to Bali is incomplete without trying out the special coffee here. Revolver is one of the most popular coffee shops in Bali. The world’s most expensive coffee Kopi Luwak (or Civet Coffee) is also on the menu here, along with sumptuous breakfast options.

Early afternoon: For those interested in arts, the Nyaman Gallery awaits you with a wide range of arts and artefacts, handicrafts made by local artisans and beautiful paintings and sculptures. Most of the exhibits here are on sale. Yet another art centre you can visit here is the Biasa Art Space.

Evening: Try out the other popular sunset and cocktails bars like WooBar Bali at W Bali Seminyak, La Favela Bali, Motel Mexicola and Double-Six Rooftop Bar.

Sunset at WooBar. | Credit: http://www.woobarbali.com/

Photo of The Perfect 14-Day Bali Itinerary For The Real Traveller by Ragini Mehra

Day 14: This is the time to relax at your uber luxurious resort in Seminyak before you board the flight home. Check out the hotel’s eateries, book yourself a calming spa session, swim your tiredness away at the hotel’s temperature controlled pool or lounge in the deluxe lobby of your hotel suite.

We’re sure this will make you want to pack your bags right now! So leave your worries behind and plan a holiday to this destination that offers an assortment of travel experiences hard to find anywhere else in the world.

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Asia , Indonesia , Itineraries · September 30, 2020

7 Days Bali Itinerary: The Ultimate Bali Travel Guide

If you’re planning a 7 days Bali itinerary, one of the very first things you might be wondering is if one week in Bali is really enough? Well, that’s a tricky question, especially since Bali is arguable one of the most beautiful places in Indonesia . Moreover, there is so much to see and do in Bali that one could easily spend months here and not see it all! 

While 7 days in Bali might not be enough to explore  every single inch  of this gorgeous Indonesian island, it is ample time to get acquainted with all that the  “Island of Gods”  has to offer and unwind in the most beautiful paradise-like setting imaginable!

In this 7-day Bali itinerary, you’ll get to experience all of Bali’s best bits. From funky neighborhoods filled with bustling markets, boho hangouts, and sacred temples to gorgeous soft powdery beaches, lush jade-colored jungles, and dreamy islands a short boat ride away!

Ready to discover the best things to do in Bali? Read along to find out what not to miss during your 1 week in Bali! 

Beautiful rice fields and magnificent waterfalls are just two of the things that makes Bali such a wonderful place to visit.

Disclaimer: This post probably contains affiliate links. When you make a purchase through one of these links, I might receive a tiny commission at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Table of Contents

Bali Itinerary 7 Days Pre-Travel Tips

Before you head out on your 7 days Bali itinerary, here are a few things to know to plan the perfect trip. 

  • Bali has no shortage of fabulous accommodation to match any budget. Find the  best resorts, hotels, villas, or hostels here . 
  • Most nationalities can get a Visa on Arrival to enter Indonesia, but it’s a good idea to check which rules apply to your nationality well in advance. From February 2024, all international tourists visiting Bali need to pay a foreign tourist tax . This can be done online or at the airport upon arrival.
  • Bali’s taxi drivers are notorious for ripping tourists off. The main gateway to Bali is  Denpasar International Airport , also known as Ngurah Rai.  Pre-book a discounted airport transfer from Ngurah Rai International Airport to your accommodation to avoid any scams.
  • While your accommodation probably has wifi, it’s a good idea always to have connection when visiting Bali for 7 days. Pickup a 4G Sim card at the airport or grab this eSIM for Indonesia .  
  • The currency in Indonesia is the  Indonesian rupiah (IDR) . While there are many currency exchanges across the island, it’s best to exchange USD to IDR at the airport . If you really must change money, later on, it’s best to do so directly at a hotel or a bank. 
  • Need travel insurance for your trip? I use (and recommend) SafetyWing .

When to visit Bali

Since Bali lies only 8 degrees from the equator, it has a tropical climate. The island enjoys warm (and humid) weather year-round, with average temperatures of 26-28°C. With that said, Bali has two very distinct seasons – a  dry season  and a  wet season . 

The best time to visit Bali is during  the dry season , which runs  from May   through September . During these months, expect gorgeous sunny days with average temperatures in the upper twenties to mid-thirties. While  June to August  is the busy season, these months offer excellent conditions for exploring the island. The weather is especially ideal for all kinds of water sports, like surfing, scuba diving, snorkeling, and more. 

The  rainy season runs   from October   to mid-April . During these months, the waves are a bit rougher, the winds pick up near the coast, and it rains cats and dogs. December to February sees the most rain. While you’ll certainly be able to pick up some great hotel discounts, it’s not the best time for outdoor activities.  If you must visit during the wet season , it’s best to come at the beginning of April .

How to get around during your 7 days Bali itinerary 

Bali island covers approximately 5,416 km 2 and is the 15 th largest island in Indonesia. While it’s relatively easy to explore most of Bali’s neighborhoods on foot, you’ll need transport to really sample all of Bali’s best bits. Here are the best ways to get around the island. 

Rent a scooter:  If you prefer to explore Bali at your leisure,  renting a scooter  is your best bet. Just a heads up though, driving in Bali can be a bit challenging. Speeding is not uncommon, and there’s a huge disregard for local traffic rules. I  only  recommend this option if you have  adequate experience driving in Asia . It’s also important to know that you’ll need an  international driver’s permit  to do so. 

Hire a private driver:  If you aren’t comfortable navigating Bali’s chaotic streets, consider  booking a private driver. You can hire a car with a driver for 10 hours a day. The best part? You’ll still have the luxury of planning your stops!

Take a taxi:  Both  Grab  and  Gojek  are popular ride-sharing taxi services in Bali. Personally, I prefer Grab because the app is so easy to use. Another perk of using ride-share taxis is that you’ll know upfront how much each trip will cost. If you must use a regular taxi,  Blue Bird  is the most reputable taxi service on the island. 

Take a local bus:  If you’re traveling on a shoestring, the local shuttle bus is a great way to get around Bali. The bus network follows eight routes, with stops at Kuta, Legian, Seminyak, Sanur, Jimbaran, Nusa Dua, South Nusa Dua, and Ubud. You can buy tickets from any Kura Kura ticket booth, onboard the bus, or  grab a one-way or return ticket here in advance. To find out more about the routes and timings, check  here .

Bali 7 day Itinerary Quick Overview

Bali Day 1-2:  Hit the colorful streets of  Seminyak! This funky neighborhood is full of eclectic shops, hipster hangouts, and boho-chic clothing stores. Next head to the beach for some sun, sand, and surf. And, finally catch a Kecak dance at  Uluwatu  and watch an epic sunset at  Tanah Lot .

Bali Day 3:  Take a day trip to dreamy  Nusa Lembongan . Explore the underwater world, lounge on pristine beaches, and enjoy a slice of paradise. 

Bali 4-5:  Explore the lush jungles of  Ubud , wander through rice fields, go white river rafting, and visit some of Bali’s most sacred temples. 

Bali 6-7:  Take a fast boat to the pristine  Gili Islands  to enjoy paradise at its very best!

The Ultimate 7 days Bali Itinerary: What to do in Bali

Great! Now that you know all the basics about visiting Bali for the first time let’s dive right into this epic 7 days in Bali itinerary! 

Bali Itinerary Day 1-2: Explore Seminyak & Surroundings

The first two days of your 7 days Bali itinerary is all about settling in and getting a taste of what Bali is all about! Eating great food, chilling at sleek bars, lounging on awesome beaches, catching epic sunsets, and joining adrenaline-pumping activities are just a few of the awesome things to do in Bali’s hippest neighborhood, Seminyak . Here’s what to do on your first 2 days in Bali. 

Join a Balinese Cooking Class

One of the best ways to really get to know Bali is through your stomach. While there are oodles of amazing places to eat in Seminyak, joining a cooking class is a fun way to learn a new skill. Moreover, you’ll get to enjoy the tastes and smells of Indonesia long after returning home!

This cookery school  offers an incredible half-day class, which includes a fun market tour. The course is easy to follow and has loads of lip-smacking options available to recreate!

Bali is a foodies paradise. Whether you're dining out or joining a cooking class, make sure to go hungry!

Drop by Pura Petitenget and Masceti Temple

Petitenget Temple and Masceti Temple are two age-old temples offering a quick introduction to Balinese culture. While you don’t necessarily need to be into culture or temple hopping, it’s a fun pitstop to make while in the area. Even if it is only to take a few photos of the centuries-old structures! Of course, if you happen to visit during one of the local religious ceremonies like the 210-day anniversaries celebrations, you’re in for a real treat! 

Since these are places of worship, it’s a good idea to wear clothes that aren’t too revealing. If you’re not carrying a sarong with you, you’ll need to rent one at the entrance for a small fee.   

Hit Double Six Beach

Double Six Beach is an awesome 500m-long stretch of golden sand offering stunning surf and stacks to keep you busy. 

Located smack bang in the middle of Seminyak and Legian beaches, Double Six Beach is the perfect spot to go surfing, windsurfing, or kitesurfing, play in the water, get a massage right on the beach, or simply chill out at one of the trendy bars or restaurants. 

Along Jalan Double Six, you’ll find loads of hipster hangouts. But, one place that definitely deserves a spot on your 7-day Bali itinerary is the ultra colorful  La Plancha . Make sure to go early to grab a spot right on the beach on one of the colorful bean bags. Then order a boozy cocktail and watch the sun melt away over the horizon! 

When spending 7 days in Bali make sure to catch the epic sunsets at Seminyak Beach.

Visit Tanah Lot

There’s no shortage of beautiful temples in Bali, and Tanah Lot is no exception!

Located a 30-minute drive from Seminyak , just on the outskirts of hip  Canggu , Tanah Lot is one of the most spectacular temples in all of Bali and an iconic Indonesia landmark . The Hindi temple is a firm favorite among worshippers, sunset chasers, and Instagrammers, and it’s not hard to see why. Perched atop a rock that juts out of the sea, Tanah Lot has an incredible setting. 

If you’re not self-driving or taking a Grab or GoJek taxi, it’s easy to  join a sunset tour  to get there. You’ll need to pay a small entrance fee (IDR 75,000) to enter the shrine, but it will be worth it even if it is just to experience the incredible views. To enter the temple, make sure to check the tide schedule as you’ll only be able to go inside during low tide. 

tanah lot temple bali sunset

Go Shopping

No 7 days Bali itinerary would be complete without working in a bit of retail therapy. Luckily Seminyak is a shoppers paradise chock-full with designer boutiques, international brand outlets, cute boho-chic stores, and bustling markets selling souvenirs, handicrafts, and everything in between! 

For the best shopping in Seminyak and a chance to practice your haggling skills, head over to  Jalan Laksmana  and  Jalan Kunti.  Just a head’s up, though, only attempt to bargain if there is no price tag on the item. 

If you feel like venturing a bit further afield, you’ll find lots of cool shops along  Jalan Pantai Kuta  and the side streets jolting off from there in neighboring  Kuta . Seminyak’s hip neighbor, Canggu , also has stacks of cool shops. If you’re heading that way, be sure to check out these best cafes in Canggu too!

Chill at a Beach Club

Beach clubs are a real thing in Bali, and spending a day chilling next to a glimmering infinity pool, sipping boozy cocktails, and listening to cool music is one of the best things to do in Bali. 

While you’ll find several beach clubs in Seminyak,  Potato Head Beach Club  and  Ku De Ta  are two of the hippest hangouts. Since both are super popular, it’s best to go early to grab a spot near the pool. Alternatively, phone a few days in advance to book a table. 

If you’re planning to hit a couple of beach clubs around Seminyak, Canggu, and Uluwatu, it’s a good idea to  book a beach club shuttle transfer  instead of self-driving. The shuttle has several routes with drop-offs at Bali’s most iconic clubs like OMNIA, One Eighty, Potato Head, Mrs. Sippy, Ku De Ta, Finns, and more! 

Enjoy the views at Uluwatu Temple

Located roughly an hour’s drive from Seminyak, you’ll find one of Bali’s most majestic temples – Uluwatu or Pura Luhur Uluwatu .

And, if there is one temple that deserves a spot on your 7-day Bali itinerary, it is this one! Towering 70m above the Indian Ocean, this gorgeous clifftop temple dates back to the 10 th century. Uluwatu is an important place of worship and one of Bali’s six key temples. Besides its religious significance, the temple is also revered as one of the best sunset viewing spots in Bali . 

After you’ve explored all the courtyards housing ancient sculptures and relics, walk along the fortified walls. Then head over to the adjacent amphitheater where you can watch an exhilarating traditional Kecak dance performance while the sun sets over the horizon.  

The Kecak fire dance starts at 6 pm daily and lasts about an hour. Make sure to come at least an hour or two before sunset to explore all the nooks and crannies of the temple. It’s also a good idea to  book your tickets  for this sacred performance well in advance to avoid disappointment. If you want to explore the temple at your leisure, but still need a ride,  book a transfer here . 

Uluwatu Temple is one of the most scared temples in Bali. Make sure to also watch the fire dance while visiting here.

Similar to other temples in Asia , remember to cover up when visiting Uluwatu and other places of worship in Bali. You can rent a sarong at the temple’s entrance if you forgot to bring one along. It’s also a good idea to keep an eye out for the sneaky macaques, which are believed to be the temple guardians. While they may seem cute, they are notorious for snatching anything from sunglasses and cameras; you name it. 

Travel Tips: If you have a bit more time on your 7 days Bali itinerary, it’s worth spending a few days exploring Uluwatu. Besides being home to the Uluwatu Temple, the area offers some of the best surf in all of Bali . Of course, the pristine beaches lined with craggy high rising cliffs also offer picture-perfect views! Make sure to check out Dreamland Beach , Thomas Beach , Uluwatu Beach and Padang Padang Bay while in the area — all of them are absolutely stunning! Also read my guide of where to stay in Uluwatu for the very best accommodation options in the area.

Where to stay in Seminyak

  • The crème de la crème option
  • The affordable luxury option
  • The perfect in-betweener option
  • The el-cheapo option

Recommended Seminyak Tours

  • Bali Instagram Tour
  • Seminyak Beginners Surfing Lessons
  • Bali Half Day Tour

Day 3 of Your 7 Days Bali Itinerary: Take a Day Trip to Nusa Lembongan 

On day 3 of your Bali 7 day itinerary, it’s time to explore Indonesia’s rich underwater world and enjoy a slice of island paradise. The best place to do that? Nusa Lembongan . 

With turquoise waters full of colorful marine life, Nusa Lembongan makes for the perfect day tour from Bali. The picturesque island is a 30-minute fast boat ride from Sanur and is just the spot to get acquainted with Indonesia’s rich ecology and unspoiled nature. The best way to visit is on an organized day tour from Bali. That way, you’ll get to snorkel and see highlights like Devil’s Tears, Panorama View, Dream Beach, and the Mangrove Forest . Don’t forget your camera because you’re going to want to take loads of pictures! 

Exploring the colorful waters of Nusa Lembongan is a must-do when spending 1 week in Bali.

Where to stay in Nusa Lembongan

If your 7-day Bali itinerary is flexible, it’s worth staying a bit longer to really get to know the island. Here are some of the best places to stay in Nusa Lembongan:

Recommended Nusa Lembongan Tours

  • Snorkeling & Mangrove Day Tour
  • Nusa Lembongan and Manta Bay Snorkeling Experience
  • Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan Full Day Tour

If you still want to relish island life, add nearby Nusa Penida to your list of things to do in Bali. This gorgeous island offers a whole host of awesome things to do and boasts Instagram hotspots like Kelingking Beach , Broken Beach and Diamond Beach .

Day 4-5 of Your Bali Itinerary: Get Cultured in Ubud 

Next up on your 7-day Bali itinerary is Ubud – the art hub of the island and a mecca for culture seekers. From picturesque waterfalls to lush jungles to holy temples to rice paddies, you name it — Ubud has it all! 

Browse the Ubud Market

For a quick glimpse into Balinese culture, kick-start your Ubud travel itinerary with a visit to the Ubud Art Market . Running along Jalan Raya and the little streets jolting off from it, you’ll find tons of shops and vendors selling all kinds of interesting things. No matter which time of day you visit, expect to see the market teeming with shoppers.

During the early morning hours, the market serves as a traditional market, and is a great place to buy all types of fresh produce or simply have a gentle walkabout. At 9 am, it is transformed into an art market brimming with bargain hunters searching for souvenirs, Bali bags, artwork and handicrafts, and all kinds of unique knick-knacks.

It’s a great place to pick up a few bargains; just remember to haggle! 

Do the Campuhan Ridge Walk 

A short stroll from Cafe Lotus , one of  Ubud’s best restaurants , is the Campuhan Ridge Walk — a 45-minute low-key hike offering sweeping views over lush hilltops and beautiful rice fields. It’s the ideal locale to get up close with nature and enjoy a mellow walkabout. 

Finding the entrance is a bit tricky, so make sure you have  Google Maps  downloaded on your phone. To get to Campuhan Ridge Walk, simply walk along  Jalan Raya , past the Museum Puri Lukisa. Then turn right on  Jalan Bangkiang Sidem  and left after 40m. You’ll see the trailhead a few minutes later.  

Campuhan Ridge Walk boasts stunning scenery and is an easy hike to include in your 7 days Bali Itinerary.

Visit the Monkey Forest

The Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary, or Mandala Wisata Wenara Wana is a Hindi temple complex surrounded by lush jungle and towering ancient trees. The complex houses three temples and there are loads of little walkways and paths to traverse. 

Besides its religious significance and absolutely stunning scenery, what really sets this temple apart from others is its cheeky inhabitants! Hundreds of macaque monkeys call this area home, and you’re likely to spot troops of them around every turn! 

Just a word of warning, they might seem cute, but they are super sneaky and can be dangerous! Make sure to follow the safety guidelines and remember to keep a safe distance. It’s also a good idea to carry  absolutely nothing  with you when entering the sanctuary as the monkeys are known to be excellent snatchers. They’ll grab just about anything they can get their furry hands on — from your phone to your watch and everything in between! If you must take your belongings with you, its best to keep them hidden. 

The entrance fee is IDR 80,000. Alternatively, consider  this tour , which includes a stop at a real hidden gem, Tukad Cepung Waterfall!

A monkey in Ubud Monkey Forest. Colorful traditional masks from Ubud Art Market.

Get enlightened at Tirta Empul Temple

Next up on your 7 days Bali itinerary is Tirta Empul Temple. Pura Tirta Empul is a beautiful Hindi water temple famous for its holy water used for ritual bathing and cleansing ceremonies.

The temple is dedicated to Vishnu, the Hindu God of water, and was founded more than 1000 years ago in 926 AD. Besides being one of Bali’s six holiest temples, it’s also one of the holiest water sources on the island along with Pura Bratan . 

Within the sprawling complex, you’ll find several courtyards filled with baths brimming with devotees who’ve come to do water purification. There is also a large koi pond, a boiling hot spring pond, and loads of interesting statues scattered throughout the complex. 

It is possible to do a cleansing bath for a small additional fee, but there are strict rules to follow. Make sure to ask your guide or the staff if you aren’t sure how to proceed. Remember to bring an extra set of clothes as no swimsuits are allowed.

Like other sacred sites around Bali, remember to dress respectfully and cover up before entering the premises. Alternatively, rent a  sarong  and  sash  at the temple’s entrance. The entrance to the temple costs IDR 50,000.

You can't spend 7 days in Bali and not visit one of the island's most holiest water temples - Pura Tirta Empul.

Get lost in the Jatiluwih Rice Terraces

While most Instagrammers flock to Tegalalang Rice Terraces , roughly an hour’s drive north of Ubud, you’ll find the Jatiluwih Rice Terraces . 

As a designated  UNESCO World Heritage Site  since 2012, Jatiluwih offers stunning views over rice terraces no matter which way you look. It’s an extremely beautiful and calm place to visit, making it a huge must on any nature lover’s 7-day Bali itinerary! 

The best part? It’s not nearly as crowded as the Tegalalang Rice Terraces, and there are stacks of little trails to explore at your leisure. 

Oh, and if you’re feeling a bit more adventurous, Leke Leke Waterfall (one of Bali’s best waterfalls ) is not too far here.

the famous rice terraces in Ubud are a huge must on any 7-day Bali Itinerary.

Try Kopi Luwak 

One of the most popular things to do in Ubud is a Kopi Luwak tasting. If you’ve never heard of Kopi Luwak, then you’re in for a real surprise!

Kopi Luwak consists of somewhat digested coffee cherries, which have been eaten and excreted by the civets. In other words, civet poop . Despite sounding disgusting, it’s extremely aromatic and a popular drink in Bali. It’s also the world’s most expensive coffee!

If you feel adventurous and want to give this a try, please do  proper research  first to find a  sustainable farm  that abides by eco-friendly practices to ensure the animals aren’t mistreated. 

Kopi Luwak tasting

Go White River Rafting

For those seeking an adrenaline fix, Ubud’s lush jungles are perfect for all kinds of outdoor fun. And  joining a white river rafting tour  along the Ayung River (the longest river on the island) is an excellent add-on to any 7-day Bali itinerary! 

With that said, though, river rafting is not for the faint-hearted! First, you’ll need to trek through lush rice fields. Then, you’ll need to scramble down rocky paths weaving through a lush rainforest down the gorge before finally reaching the gorgeous Ayung River. 

The professional guides are extremely knowledgeable, and you will be briefed about proper rafting techniques and safety rules throughout the trip. Just a word of warning, the waters can be quite rough, so remember to follow the guides’ directions at all times. 

Once you reach the finish line, you’ll get a chance to unwind, enjoy an ice-cold beer or a freshly cracked coconut, and a simple yet filling buffet meal. 

Ubud Travel Tips

If you can,  hire   a private driver  to see all of Ubud’s points of interest at your own pace. Alternatively, there are stacks of tour operators in town where you can simply walk in and book a tour for the next day. Just a word of warning, most of these drivers tend to rush from one spot to another.

traditional temples in Ubud.

Accommodation in Ubud

Need some help finding the perfect place to stay? Read my detailed guide on where to stay in Ubud or check out these options.

Recommended Ubud Tours

If you still need a few ideas on what to do in Ubud, here are some excellent side trips to add to your Bali 7 days itinerary.

  • Mount Batur Sunrise Trekking Experience
  • Ubud Hidden Waterfalls Day Tour
  • Central Bali All-You-Can-See Tour
  • Ubud Classic Private Tour

Day 6-7 of Your 7 Days Bali Itinerary: Unwind at the Gili Islands

On day 6 of your Bali itinerary,  catch a fast boat from Sanur harbor  to the dreamy Gili islands! You’ll want to get an early start because there are stacks to do – from lounging on pristine beaches and swimming with sea turtles and colorful marine life to soaking up the most epic island vibes and more! 

Located near the northwestern coast of Lombok, the Gili Islands consist of three tiny islands; Gili Air, Meno, and Gili Trawangan . While each island is unique in character, all of them are indescribably beautiful! Expect to find crystal clear water full of treasures, secluded white beaches fringed with swaying palm trees, and countless swanky beach bars to while away the time.

The best part? There are no vehicles on any of the Gili islands, making it incredibly peaceful! To get around, opt to bike, stroll or hop in a cidomo (a horse-drawn carriage)! 

tour bali 15 giorni

So which Gili island is the best? In short, that depends on what you’d like to get out of your trip. No matter which island you choose, chances are you’ll wish you could stay longer! Here’s a quick breakdown to help you choose the right Gili Island for you. 

Gili Trawangan  is the largest of the 3 Gili islands and a great place for solo travelers, party-goers, families, or friends. The island has the biggest choice of accommodation, and there are loads to keep you busy, whether you have two days or many! Most of the island’s activities revolve around the water, snorkeling, diving, going on a sunset cruise, and lounging on the beach with a boozy cocktail are just some of the things to do in Gili T ! 

Gili Air:  You won’t find any of the crazy party crowds like on Gili T in Gili Air, but it’s a bit more lively than Gili Meno. Since Gili Air is a popular spot among honeymooners, couples, and families, it’s the perfect option for those looking for something a bit more laid back sans the crowds.

Gili Meno  is the smallest and arguably the most laidback of the three Gili islands. If you’re looking to have the beach all to yourself, this is the perfect option. Just a heads-up, though, there aren’t nearly as many restaurants or services here as in the other two, so make sure to keep that in mind. 

Gili Islands Indonesia

How to Get to the Gili Islands

The  quickest way to get from Bali to the Gili Islands is by speed boat . Boats leave daily from  Padang Bai  in northeast Bali and take roughly 1.5 hours to reach the islands. 

Since you only have 7 days in Bali, pre-booking a fast boat to the Gili Islands is strongly recommended. By doing so, you can spend less time traveling and more time enjoying the islands! If you book a ticket elsewhere, make sure it includes a  hotel pickup and transfer to Padang Bai  to save the hassle of figuring out all the logistics! The drive from Ubud takes less than 1 hour while a journey from Seminyak takes 1h30. 

Travel Tips:  If you have a bit more time on your Bali 7 day itinerary, it’s worth checking out the northern coast of Bali too. Many cool diving sites, such as the USS Liberty Shipwreck, make it the perfect place to join a  fun diving excursion . If you’re not a certified diver yet, consider doing this  beginner scuba course . 

Gili T is the perfect place to relax after spending 5 days in Bali.

Where to stay in Gili

Need some help choosing the best place to stay in Gili? Here are my top choices.

  • The el-cheapo optio

What to pack for your 7 days Bali Itinerary

Since Bali has hot temperatures throughout the year, make sure to pack light, breathable clothes . You’ll find loads of tips in my Bali packing list , but besides the usual beachwear you’d normally pack for an island getaway, here are few other items I recommend bringing along for your 7-day Bali itinerary.

  • Reef-safe sunscreen:  While you won’t have any trouble finding sunscreen across the island, it’s a good idea to pack sustainable sunscreen spray like  this . That way, you’ll stay protected and ensure you don’t harm the environment. 
  • Eco-friendly bug spray:  You’re definitely going to need bug spray during your 7 days Bali itinerary, especially if you’re planning on visiting all the cool waterfalls, rice paddies, and rainforests in Ubud. 
  • Quick-drying towel:  There’s nothing worse than carrying around a bulky wet towel. These Turkish beach towels  come in all kinds of funky colors and dry in a jiffy. 
  • Travel plug:  You might need a travel adapter for your trip. Bali uses plug types C and F . The standard voltage is 230V, and the frequency is 50Hz. This  international travel plug has four USB ports and works in over 200 countries. 
  • Portable Charger:  If you also use your phone to take photos, it’s a good idea to carry a portable charger with you to ensure your battery never runs out.  This one  is super lightweight and so tiny it can fit into your pocket! 
  • Camera:  If there is only one thing you must pack for your Bali travel itinerary, it is a camera! I always travel with my  Olympus Mirrorless Camera . If you’re looking for something a bit more lightweight, pack this GoPro Hero 12  or this DJI mini drone .

Spending time at the island's gorgeous beaches is a huge must on any Bali 7 days itinerary.

7 Days Bali Itinerary in Conclusion

Whether you’re a sun seeker, beach lover, adrenaline junkie, or foodie, Bali has something for everyone! I hope this 7 days Bali itinerary comes in handy when planning your first visit to this gorgeous island! 

That’s all I’ve got on Bali! Feel free to share your top tips on what to do in Bali, the best places to stay, what to eat, and everything in between in the comments below! 

Liked this Bali itinerary 7 days? Maybe your friends will too. Share it with them here. 

Planning a trip to Bali? Follow my detailed 7 days Bali Itinerary to discover all of Bali's best bits and see all the top sights in 1 week or more. 7 days bali itinerary | things to do in bali | bali travel itinerary

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Indonesia: itinerario di 15 giorni tra Bali e Isole Gili

L’ Indonesia è stata la nostra ultima scoperta. Un luogo magico e sorprendente. Abbiamo fatto un viaggio di 15 giorni emozionante e incredibile.

Se anche voi volete vivere le nostre stesse emozioni e partire alla scoperta di questi luoghi affascinanti, ecco l’ itinerario che abbiamo seguito noi.

Abbiamo scelto di andare a Bali , a Nusa Penida e alle Isole Gili . I 15 giorni comprendono anche il lungo viaggio dall’Italia, quindi i giorni effettivi di permanenza in Indonesia sono stati 11.

Giorni 1 e 2 – Viaggio e arrivo a Munduk

Giorno 3 – munduk, giorno 4 – tra munduk e ubud, giorno 5 – ubud, giorno 6 – ubud, giorno 7 – ubud, giorno 8 – da ubud alle isole gili.

  • Giorno 9 – Isole Gili
  • Giorno 10 – Isole Gili

Giorno 11 – Dalle Isole Gili a Nusa Penida

Giorno 12 – nusa penida, giorno 13 – da nusa penida a jimbaran, giorni 14 e 15 – viaggio e arrivo a roma, nota importante.

Arriviamo a Roma Fiumicino, facciamo il check in, imbarchiamo i nostri zainoni e siamo pronte a partire per l’Indonesia.

Volo Roma Fiumicino-Taipei h.11.05-05.45 Volo Taipei-Denpasar/Bali h.9.10-14.40 Compagnia : China Airlines

Atterriamo quindi nel primo pomeriggio a Bali e subito in aeroporto ci compriamo la Sim locale per il telefono con Simba Cell (€18). Usciamo e prendiamo il nostro pullmino che ci porta in hotel a Munduk , lasciandoci pian piano alle spalle civiltà e confusione e andando incontro a tornanti, nebbia e freddo. Hotel : Garuda Villa & Restaurant   L’hotel è molto spartano, ma agevole. Non è pulitissimo e bisogna convivere con animaletti, ma fattibile. Per cena andiamo al ristorante dell’hotel (forse l’unico?). Ceniamo con il nostro primo Nasi Goreng e già lo amiamo.. e conosciamo per la prima volta i tempi rilassati e infiniti dei balinesi. Tra l’ordine e l’arrivo della cena mettete sempre in conto un tempo incalcolabile! Andiamo a letto e ci riposiamo, da domani ci lanceremo all’esplorazione dell’isola!


[ torna all’indice ]

Colazione sempre con i tempi balinesi e partiamo! Oggi ci dedichiamo alla scoperta dei dintorni di Munduk e quindi alla natura più selvaggia . Esploriamo la zona trovando cascate sperdute e isolate. Lasciatevi conquistare dalla bellezza di questi posti, dalla meraviglia di cercare cascate e angoli nascosti. Quando ne avete la possibilità vi consigliamo di fare il bagno e di buttarvi sotto le cascate, sempre in sicurezza, perché è un’esperienza davvero bella. In alcuni punti troverete spogliatoi e bagni a disposizione, in altri dovrete cambiarvi in auto o nella foresta. Le cascate sono quasi tutte con ingresso a pagamento, con prezzi che variano tra le 5mila rupie e le 30mila (quindi tra i 0.30€ e i 1.80€).

indonesia cascata

Dopo aver fatto il pieno di cascate, noi andiamo a mangiare al Mentari Restoran e pranziamo con un ottimo buffet. 

Riprendiamo i nostri mezzi e torniamo in hotel. Cena e pernottamento.

CONSIGLI PER ESPLORARE LE CASCATE Per visitare al meglio questa zona e per immergersi in sicurezza in questa natura meravigliosa, vi lasciamo qualche utile consiglio:

  • Portate assolutamente scarpe scoglio . Queste vi saranno indispensabili in tutto il vostro viaggio a Bali e soprattutto qui. Per entrare nei laghetti e nelle cascate sono utilissime e, se ne acquistate un paio comode, spesso finirete anche per camminarci per alcuni sentierini. Noi ne avevamo un paio con cui ci siamo trovate benissimo, per farvi un’idea vi lasciamo il link qui:  SCARPE SCOGLIO  
  • Indossate scarpe comode , spesso i sentieri per arrivare alle cascate sono impegnativi e scivolosi e non vanno sottovalutati.
  • Indossate, inoltre, abbigliamento comodo . Sono molto utili ad esempio le magliette tecniche , che asciugano in un attimo.
  • Portatevi sempre dietro acqua (se volete anche uno spuntino, ma spesso si trovano banchettini per comprare qualcosa di tipico)
  • Assicuratevi sempre prima di quanto un laghetto sia profondo , non sono sempre alti ed è meglio evitare tuffi pericolosi.
  • Repellente per gli insetti! Mettetelo sempre prima di uscire e portatelo con voi! Importantissimo!

indonesia cascata

Dopo una lenta colazione, lasciamo il nostro angolo di pace a Munduk e ci dirigiamo verso Ubud . Ma con calma, abbiamo tutta la giornata davanti!

munduk indonesia

Seconda tappa : Ulun Danu Bratan Ulun Danu Bratan Temple è conosciuto anche come il “Tempio galleggiante” ed è il secondo tempio più importante dell’isola di Bali dopo Pura Besakih. E’ un complesso, formato da cinque templi induisti, situato in riva al Lago Bratan, all’interno della caldera di un vulcano estinto. Siamo, infatti, a 1200mt d’altitudine. Questo lago è il secondo a Bali per dimensione ed è fonte principale di irrigazione per tutta la regione centrale di Bali. Passiamo circa un’oretta in questo complesso, affascinate e incantate, e poi riprendiamo il viaggio. Maps qui . 


Terza tappa : le risaie di Jatiluwih Questo posto ci lascia senza parole. E’ meraviglioso! E, d’altra parte, letteralmente Jatiluwih significa “jati: davvero” e “luwih: bello”. Si, “davvero bello” . Davvero davvero bello! Per visitare queste risaie abbiamo a disposizione una mappa e possiamo scegliere tra diversi percorsi, da percorrere a piedi o in bici. Noi scegliamo il percorso rosso di 1,5 km e 45 minuti, con una piccola deviazione per arrivare alla terrazza panoramica.

risaie indonesia

Immergersi dentro queste risaie è incredibile e a lasciare sconcertati è l’immensità. Non c’è modo di vederne la fine. Si cammina tra campi, ponticelli, canali d’irrigazione e in mezzo alla gente del luogo al lavoro. Le risaie di Jatiluwih rientrano nel patrimonio mondiale dell’ UNESCO per la conservazione delle tradizionali tecniche di coltivazione biologica. Maps qui . 

Finita l’esplorazione delle risaie, ci concediamo una birra e un pranzo vista risaie e poi ripartiamo.


Tappa finale del giorno: Ubud ! Eccoci arrivate alla meta di oggi e a quella che sarà la nostra base per i prossimi giorni. Ubud è un villaggio che si trova più o meno nel centro dell’isola, ma che è sicuramente il centro dell’isola, si può dire? E’ molto turistico, ma riesce a conquistarci lo stesso e questo è strano. E’ pieno di locali, negozi tipici, ristorantini, spa e.. scimmie, si. Qui le scimmie girano per strada, sui cavi della luce, per i marciapiedi. Soprattutto nella zona verso la Monkey Forest.


Hotel : Champlung Sari Hotel & Spa Ubud  Hotel molto bello, colazione abbondante e buona, piscina bellissima, camere ampie e pulite. Ah, occhio alle scimmie sul balcone!


Sveglia, colazione e partenza!

elephant cave indonesia

Finita la visita, riprendiamo i nostri mezzi e ci spostiamo.

tour bali 15 giorni

Quinta tappa : Risaie Tegallalang Tegallalang si trova a circa 10 km da Ubud ed è celebre per le sue risaie. ( Maps qui ) A differenza delle risaie di Jatiluwih, queste sono molto meno ampie ma molto più inclinate e quindi l’effetto Wow è assicurato. Ci sono molti pareri discordanti su quali siano le risaie “più belle”, ma dobbiamo ammettere che noi non abbiamo avuto dubbi. Queste sono molto più turistiche e secondo noi hanno perso un po’ di autenticità. Ma sappiamo che è solo un parere personale e che in ogni caso sono bellissime e da vedere. Vi consigliamo solo di passare velocemente dalla prima parte, che accoglie la scritta “Bali” e le varie attrazioni quali altalene, zipline, bici su fune (potrebbe chiamarsi Skybiking… e obiettivamente questo dev’essere divertente!!), e di scendere alla scoperta delle risaie.

tour bali 15 giorni

Finito di esplorare le risaie, torniamo a Ubud. Per cena andiamo da Cinta Grill & Inn e dopocena da L.O.L Bar & Restaurant per un po’ di fantastica musica dal vivo.

Apriamo una parentesi e vi lasciamo qualche consiglio per la visita ai Templi :

  • E’ necessario indossare un Sarong (drappeggio tradizionale da legare in vita, una specie di pareo), anche se avete pantaloni lunghi. All’entrata dei Templi viene lasciato in cambio di un’offerta, se non si ha il proprio
  • Copritevi le spalle e vestitevi in modo rispettoso
  • In alcuni templi è chiesto alle donne di legarsi i capelli
  • Non entrare durante il periodo del ciclo mestruale né se si è incinta né con ferite aperte
  • Ricordatevi sempre che sono luoghi di culto
  • In generale, comportatevi sempre con rispetto. Per la cultura, per la preghiera, per le tradizioni. Beh, questo non solo in Indonesia!

Stamattina sveglia e colazione non troppo pesante.. ci aspetta una bella avventura ! Partiamo con i nostri mezzi e dopo circa mezz’oretta arriviamo a destinazione, pronti per il rafting ! Quindi recuperiamo l’attrezzatura e ci facciamo portare all’inizio del percorso, dopo aver affrontato una ripida discesa con infiniti scalini.. faticosa ma meravigliosa, in mezzo alla giungla!

rafting indonesia bali

Tornati in hotel, dedichiamo il resto della giornata alla visita di Ubud . Partiamo con la Monkey Forest ! Questa foresta delle scimmie si trova proprio a Ubud, al limite del villaggio e a cinque minuti a piedi dal nostro hotel. Il Santuario della Foresta Sacra delle Scimmie si estende per circa 12,5 ettari e ospita oltre 1200 macachi. E’ un’esperienza da fare, ma se avete anche solo una leggera paura delle scimmie evitate. Non vi vengono a cercare, ma ve le trovate ovunque! E’ comunque un luogo bellissimo da vedere, tra Templi, alberi e una natura meravigliosa.

monkey forest ubud indonesia

Dopo aver passato un po’ di tempo insieme alle scimmie, proseguiamo con la visita di Ubud. Camminiamo per Jalan Raya (la via principale di Ubud), andiamo a vedere l’ Ubud Palace e il Palazzo reale , (conosciuto anche come Puri Saren Ubud Palace ), proviamo a vedere il Pura Dalem Temple (ma chiude alle 17 e non riusciamo) e l’ Ubud Market .

tour bali 15 giorni

Andiamo poi al Pura Taman Saraswati , noto come Ubud Water Palace , per assistere ad uno spettacolo di Ramayana . Un’esperienza assolutamente da non perdere!

ubud tramayana indonesia

Per cena facciamo una cosa che nei nostri viaggi non facciamo mai… mangiamo una pizza, per altro molto buona, a La Baracca . 

Eccoci pronti a dedicare la nostra ultima giornata in questa parte di isola.

Pura Besakih indonesia

Seconda tappa : Goa Raja Waterfall Proseguiamo la nostra giornata raggiungendo le cascate di Goa Raja , splendide. Ovviamente non possiamo che farci un bagno e qualche foto. Il sentiero per arrivare è molto bello, dura 10/15 minuti ed è abbastanza ripido. foto cascate e sentiero

Goa Raja Waterfall indonesia

Rientriamo in hotel in tempo per cena, giro in paese e ultima serata nella bellissima atmosfera di Ubud.

Sveglia all’alba e partenza verso il Porto di Padangbai . Isole Gili , arriviamo! Per leggere il racconto dei tre giorni pazzeschi che abbiamo passato in queste isole paradisiache, tra immersioni con le tartarughe, gite in barca, tramonti incredibili e un mare unico, vi rimandiamo all’articolo Itinerario Isole Gili: isole paradisiache in Indonesia .

isole gili indonesia

Eccoci, quindi, al momento in cui salutiamo le Isole Gili , con gli occhi e il cuore colmi di meraviglia e di tristezza allo stesso tempo. Da Gili Trawangan ci imbarchiamo in direzione Nusa Penida . Navighiamo con Bluewater Express e, con un viaggio parecchio movimentato, dopo circa 3 ore arriviamo in porto a Nusa Penida. Recuperiamo zaini e macchine con i nostri driver e raggiungiamo il nostro alloggio da sogno. Hotel : Pramana Natura 

Pramana Natura nusa penida indonesia

Restiamo incantate dalle nostre camere, scattiamo al volo duecento foto e corriamo in piscina a goderci gli ultimi istanti di un meraviglioso tramonto.

Pramana Natura nusa penida indonesia

Prendiamo le macchine e partiamo alla scoperta dell’isola. Prima tappa : Kelingking Beach Probabilmente non ha bisogno di presentazioni, essendo l’immagine che più richiama alla mente l’Indonesia.

Kelingking Beach nusa penida indonesia

Seconda tappa : Diamond Beach e Atuh Beach Arriviamo così a Diamond Beach , la bellissima spiaggia con i faraglioni che richiamano i diamanti e che spiccano in mezzo all’oceano. Colori fantastici e una cornice proprio da cartolina. Anche qui si può scendere in spiaggia, ma è pericoloso bagnarsi quindi noi decidiamo di restare in alto.

Diamond Beach nusa penida indonesia

Rientriamo in hotel, piscina, tramonto, cena, letto.

Dopo l’ultima colazione in questo posto da favola, torniamo al porto e riprendiamo una barca verso l’isola di Bali . Navighiamo con Axa Stone dal porto di Banjar Nyuh fino al porto di Sanur e da qui andiamo dirette verso la nostra prima visita.

Prima tappa : Tanah Lot Pura Tanah Lot è un tempio induista posto in cima ad una roccia in mezzo al mare e letteralmente significa proprio “ terra nel mare ”. E’ tra i templi marini più importanti di Bali ed è dedicato agli spiriti guardiani del mare. Si dice ci siano serpenti marini che abitano le grotte del tempio e che difendano il tempio dagli spiriti del male. Con l’alta marea il tempio risulta inaccessibile, mentre è raggiungibile con la bassa marea a piedi, ma possono entrare solo i fedeli.

Tanah Lot indonesia

Seconda tappa : Tempio di Uluwatu E’ l’ora del tramonto e noi raggiungiamo un posto davvero suggestivo. Siamo al Tempio di Uluwatu , nell’estremo sud-ovest di Bali. Questo è uno dei sette templi sul mare di Bali ed è posto in cima ad una scogliera a picco sul mare. ( Raccomandazione : anche qui i macachi sono numerosi e abbastanza fastidiosi. Attenti a telefoni, occhiali, accessori scintillanti e qualunque cosa possa essere di loro gradimento. Abbiamo visto addirittura un furto di una ciabatta!)

Tempio di Uluwatu

Passiamo gli ultimi istanti del nostro viaggio in Indonesia qui, a Jimbaran Bay, tra una passeggiata in spiaggia, un giro tra le strade tipiche e un bagno in piscina.

Jimbaran Bay indonesia

Volo Denpasar – Taipei ore 15.40-21.05 Volo Taipei – Roma ore 23.05-7.45 Compagnia : China Airlines

Passiamo quindi la notte in aereo e atterriamo a Roma Fiumicino in mattinata.

Questo è stato un viaggio di gruppo, organizzato da KeTrip! ( Sito KeTrip! ) e ideato e guidato dai PositiviTrip (li conoscerete sicuramente, ma se così non fosse vi lasciamo la loro pagina Instagram: Instagram Positivitrip ).  E’ stato un viaggio perfetto, organizzato benissimo e nei dettagli e Francesco e Veronica hanno reso quest’esperienza indimenticabile, con la loro simpatia e preparazione. Quindi vi consigliamo tantissimo sia KeTrip sia i PositiviTrip !

Inoltre, abbiamo avuto una guida locale davvero fantastica (che ovviamente vi consigliamo), che ci ha accompagnato e ci ha raccontato la storia, la vita e gli aspetti più autentici di Bali e dell’Indonesia:  Didi Septiadi  

Se preferite viaggiare da soli e organizzare autonomamente il viaggio, vi consigliamo sempre di procurarvi una buona assicurazione.  Vi consigliamo Heymondo, è totalmente personalizzabile ed ha un ottimo rapporto qualità-prezzo! Inoltre se prenotate tramite  questo link avrete il 10% di sconto  

assicurazione heymondo oriente sconto

Eccoci arrivate al termine di questo articolo e di questo viaggio in Indonesia. L’Indonesia è stata un vero sogno . A Bali abbiamo lasciato un pezzetto di cuore.. alle Isole Gili un altro pezzetto. Per vedere tutte le foto, i video e i racconti in diretta del viaggio, venite a seguirci sulle nostre nostre pagine Instagram e Facebook !

Al prossimo viaggio!

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isole gili gili t

2 commenti su “Indonesia: itinerario di 15 giorni tra Bali e Isole Gili”

' src=

ciao, posso chiedervi all’incirca he budget avete utilizzato a viaggio fatto? perché mi piace molto il vostro itinerario ma vorrei capire meglio se fattibile o meno

' src=

Ciao! Per noi questo è stato un viaggio di gruppo, fatto grazie a Ketrip! e guidato dai Positivitrip, quindi non sappiamo dirti quanto si spenda in autonomia!

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The Ultimate 14 day Bali Itinerary You Need To Copy

The Ultimate 14 day Bali Itinerary You Need To Copy

Bali is one of the most sought after tropical tourist destinations in the world. It receives approximately 7 million visitors annually and the number keeps growing every year. Providing a range of activities for every type of traveler, there’s never a dearth of things to do in Bali. We spent two weeks in Bali and tried covering every great experience that the island had to offer. Looking at our Instagram feed , a number of people asked us about our Bali itinerary and specific tips for visiting Bali; leading to the creation of this Blog post.

Also, check out the following blog posts to convert a good trip to Bali to an EPIC trip to Bali!

  • To visit the magical land of Ubud: 3 Days in Ubud Itinerary
  • To experience what Bali was 20 years ago: Nusa Penida Itinerary 3 days
  • A detailed Bali Shopping Guide: Best Bali Souvenirs to bring home
  • Be alert on your trip to Bali: Common Bali Scams and how to avoid them
  • Best cafes in Bali: The Most Instagrammable Restaurants in Bali

Quick overview

Bali Itinerary – How to Use This Blog Post?

We wanted to cover everything but details mean a long article and a long article means boredom. So we want you to treat this post as an index to other useful articles that you need to plan your trip to Bali.

Also, if you need a Bali Itinerary for 10 days only, like a lot of our recent readers, feel free to do just a day trip to Nusa Penida and remove a day from Nusa Dua and you shall have an equally amazing 10 day Bali itinerary

Certain aspects of the trip needed some extra explanation so feel free to open the links to the articles that interest you. Read on to get a comprehensive idea about our amazing two week Bali itinerary and let us know in the comments if we missed out on anything.

Pro Tip: If you book mark/pin/save this page, you’ll have access to almost all of our articles that’ll help you plan your first trip to Bali.

This article contains affiliate links. This means that we earn a small commission for purchases made through these links at no extra cost to you. Kindly read our full disclosure and privacy policy for more details.

Bali Itinerary Day 1-4: Seminyak/Kuta/Legian

Bali Itinerary

We would recommend you to spend your first few days in the Seminyak/Kuta/Legian area of Bali as it is the closest area to the airport. It is also the perfect place to start your two weeks in Bali. Reaching Seminyak from the airport should not take more than 7-8 USD if you know how to avoid the scamming taxi drivers at the airport.

Seminyak is the party capital of Bali. The place is littered with the best cafes in Bali and is central to the Kuta region. Rent a motorbike for IDR 50K per day ( 1 USD=IDR 14K) and travel around to Kuta, Canggu, Legian and even Jimbaran or Ulluwatu! We would recommend you to rent a scooter rather than depending on a taxi as cabs are one of the most rampant tourist scams in Bali . Although, make sure that you know how to drive a scooter or practise a little before taking on the street traffic of Bali.

Things to be included in your Bali Itinerary for Seminyak:

a. Visit some of the most Instagrammable cafes in Bali:

Bali Itinerary - smoothie bowl

 Seminyak has the most diverse food culture in all of Bali. From the best vegan/vegetarian cafes of Bali to cafes that make your Instagram feed the talk of the town, Seminyak has got it all! Check out our post on the Most Popular Cafes of Bali on Instagram here.

b. Practise or Learn Surfing

Bali Itinerary - surfing

Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, you have to try surfing in Bali. If you’re a seasoned surfer, we recommend you to try the Canggu beaches in the North Kuta region as the waves are a lot more challenging there. Similarly for beginners, head to the Kuta or Legian beach. You can hire a professional instructor for USD 10 for two hours and spend the rest of the day practicing. The $10 fee includes surf board rental for the day, two hours of training and a couple of pictures.

Make sure you book through Airbnb experiences beforehand so that you don’t end up paying exorbitantly for the services.

c. Experience the best sunsets in one of the happening beach clubs

Bali Itinerary - Bali Sunset

Seminyak and central Kuta have some of the best beach clubs in Bali. The drinks are relatively cheap, the vibe is great and the sunsets will make you feel like there’s no better place to be at!

d. Visit Tanah Lot Temple:

Bali Itinerary - Tanah Lot

Pura Tanah Lot is an iconic Hindu Temple situated on a rock overlooking the sea on the western coast of Bali. It is one of the most photographed temples of Bali and is also a great place to witness a sunset. Hence, Grab a scooter and drive down to the temple from Seminyak. It takes hardly half an hour and the route is worth is equally beautiful.

e. Rent a luxurious Villa with a private pool for cheap:

Bali Itinerary - Seminyak Villa

The Seminyak/Kuta/Legian area has some of the most amazing villas plush with a private pool, a well-manicured garden and sometimes even a perfectly placed Jacuzzi. Villas like these might cost a thousand dollars in Europe. In Bali, you can rent them for a fraction of the price. You can book these though any of the booking websites including booking.com and Airbnb.

Bali Itinerary Day 4-6: Bedugul

Bali Itinerary - Bedugul

Bedugul is situated in north Bali and is often overlooked by most visitors. Situated in the hills, this place is home to the best waterfalls in Bali and closer to all the famous sites people plan to visit from Ubud!

Most travelers stay in Ubud, take a 1.5-hour drive to visit these sites and drive another 1.5 hours back to their hotel! Isn’t that exhausting?

Hence, we instead stayed in Bedugul among strawberry fields and explored these must visit places:

a. Ulun Danu Beratan Temple

Bali Itinerary - Ulun Danu Baratan Temple

A beautiful temple built in the middle of a pristine lake. It does get a little too crowded because of its popularity but definitely an unmissable monument.

b. The famous Handara Gates

Bali Itinerary - Handara Gates

The iconic gates have become the post card of Bali in recent times. They’re the gates of a golf resort and have become a rage on Instagram.

3. Wanagiri Hidden hills

Bali Itinerary - Wanagiri Hidden Hills

Some of the best photo spots in Bali are in these mountains that surround a beautiful lake. Come here to find some tranquility and some beautiful pictures!

4. Aling Aling Waterfall

Bali Itinerary - Aling Aling Waterfall

If you had the time to visit just one waterfall in Bali, visit the Aling Aling Waterfall. It is one of the places where you can do cliff jumping in Bali and is surrounded by a couple of other waterfalls that make up for the long trip north.

Bali Itinerary Day 6-10: Ubud

Bali Itinerary - Tegalalang Rice terrace

If there’s only one place you can visit in Bali, visit Ubud. With a plethora of beautiful waterfalls, innumerable temples and the best Spa treatments in all of Bali, it’s not hard to see why Ubud is the best place on the island.

While we you can check out our detailed Ubud Itinerary for 3 days here, the following should be the highlights of your Ubud stay:

a. Visit the pristine temples

Bali Itinerary - Saraswati Temple

Due to its central location, Ubud is the best place to visit some Bali’s most iconic temples. Goa gajah, Gunung Kawi, The Saraswati temple and Pura Tirta Empul are located in Ubud itself!

b. Trek the best waterfalls in Bali

Bali Itinerary - Waterfall trekking

Ubud is surrounded by the most picturesque waterfalls in not just Bali but probably all of South East Asia. Grab a motorbike, start your day early and make sure you pack your swimsuit. The motorbike parking for these waterfalls will be near the main road and then you’ll have to trek a little to reach the waterfall itself. You can do it yourself but if you’re not a big group or if you don’t know how to ride a motorbike/scooter, it’s better to get a guide who will also take care of your transportation.

c. Swing over the Tegallalang rice terraces

Bali Itinerary - Bali Swing

Swings in Bali have become so popular over the years that there are hundreds of them across the island. The most famous ones though are over the Tegallalang rice terraces. From IDR 50K for 20 minutes to IDR 500K for 10 minutes, you’ll find a range of swings for that perfect Instagram shot.

We recommend The Bali Swing as they were the first ones who started this trend and they take great care of your safety. They also have a little park with indigenous settings like a nest, a couple’s swing, a balcony overlooking the terraces and many more for that perfect picture.  

d. Experience the most authentic Balinese Spa

Bali Itinerary - Bali Spa

If you go for a Spa in Bali, make sure you get it in Ubud. Everywhere else in Bali, it’ll either lack the authenticity or will cost a bomb. You can choose from a variety of treatments like traditional Balinese Massage, Hot Stone Massage, Coffee Spa, Flower baths , milk baths and a host of other prominent Ayurvedic Treatments. We went for 5 different treatments and the experience was out of this world!

This Spa treatment also includes a bath in the famous petal pool of Bali and a floating breakfast.

e. Visit the Monkey Forest

Bali Itinerary - Monkey forest

Also known as the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary, it is inhabited by the Balinese Long Tailed Macaque. Over a thousand monkeys inhabit this area and roam around freely even in the presence of tourists.

Be careful around the monkeys as they have a knack for grabbing whatever is within reach including glasses, cell phones and cameras.

In addition to this, Ubud is also the best place to get some of the best Bali souvenirs. Click here to see what and where to buy them!

Bali Itinerary Day 10-12: Nusa Penida

Bali Itinerary - Nusa Penida

Nusa Penida, an island off the coast of Bali, is what Bali was 15 years ago. Take a break from the overtly crowded conventional Bali spots and catch a ferry to Nusa Penida to experience what Bali would look without over-commercialization.

With famous white sandy beaches, turquoise-blue waters and a marine life that is a fantasy of every scuba diver, it’s easy to spend 3 days in this paradise. If you are in Bali for a short period of time, you may opt for a this highly rated Day trip to Nusa Penida like thousands of others.

Must do things in Nusa Penida:

a. Go beach hopping!

Bali Itinerary - Broken beach

Penida is home to beautiful beaches that you have to trek down to reach and the destination is well worth the effort. Hop from Kelingking beach (shaped like a dinosaur) to Diamond beach to Broken beach for that epic Instagram post.

b. Visit a natural infinity pool – Angel’s Billabong

Bali Itinerary - Angel's billabong

On the way to Broken beach, visit Angel’s Billabong, an infinity pool made by the waves and the mountains surrounding it. It is a good place to chill by the sea or you can even take a dip in the pool. Be careful around the edge and don’t dive as the pool is not very deep.

c. Scuba Dive with Manta Rays

Bali Itinerary - Manta Point scuba diving

Nusa Penida is home to two great diving spots where you can swim with Manta Rays-the broad fish that, in Finding Nemo, carries Nemo and his friends to school. Some lucky divers also claim to have spotted the elusive Killer Whale in the Nusa Penida waters!

Since, Nusa Penida has not been bitten by the tourist bug yet, you might need these tips from our detailed 3 day Nusa Penida Itinerary for planning a trip to Nusa Penida.

Bali Itinerary Day 12-14: Nusa Dua

We chose Nusa Dua for the last few days of our Bali trip as it is full of Five star resorts lined up, one after the other and after constantly visiting all the places listed above, we just wanted to relax in luxury over the last few days of our trip.

Choose from a range of beach facing luxe resorts, relax on the resort’s private beach, get a hot stone massage, swim in the infinty pool and sip a couple of cocktails while sitting in the lap of luxury.

That’s what we did in Nusa Dua, however, if your wanderlust is not yet satiated, you can get a car or scooter and do the following:

a. Visit the Garuda Visnu Kenkana Park

Bali Itinerary - Garuda Vishnu

A 20-minute drive away from Nusa Dua, this park houses The Garuda Vishnu statue, a 121m tall statue that you probably noticed when you landed in Bali. The park has a couple of other sculptures of the beloved Hindu God and is a good place to spend an early morning or a late afternoon.

b. The Water Blow Look out, Nusa Dua

Bali Itinerary - Waterblow

The water blow is a south eastern cliff where the rapid waves of the Indian ocean constantly crash against the limestone edges of the cliff. The lookout provides you a 240-degree view of the seascape and the waves provide a unique music to the entire scene.

c. Pandava Beach

Bali Itinerary - Pandava Beach

This beach boasts of  a 1-km long coast, that is hidden behind lime stone cliffs. The cliffs were cut down to make winding roads to the beach, and the ocean facing side features beautiful arches along with statues, each portraying a hero-one of the five Pandavas, from the Hindu Epic the Mahabharata.

That brings us to the end of our two week Bali Itinerary. It’s better to choose Nusa Dua for your last day as the airport is just a 20 minutes’ drive away.

We hope that this post helps you in planning the perfect Bali Itinerary for your trip. If you have already visited Bali, what else did you include in your Bali itinerary? Did we miss out on anything? Let us know in the comments so that we can visit it in our next trip to Bali.

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Tour con guida privata in italiano tra le meraviglie culturali e della natura selvaggia di giava e bali. templi, cascate, vulcani e....

Giava è un’isola straordinaria, la più popolata dell’Indonesia e ricca di scenari naturalistici meravigliosi e siti di interesse culturale-antropologico unici al mondo. Bali è nota come l’Isola degli Dei, grazie ai suoi innumerevoli Templi e luoghi mistici, ricchi di tradizioni, misteri e fascino.

Con questo tour guidato godrai del meglio di queste due isole, con un’attenzione particolare all’aspetto naturalistsico: vulcani, cascate, fauna, templi, fondali corallini incontaminati e molto altro!

Highlights del tour

  • Menjangan: la parte più selvaggia di Bali, tra fondali incontaminati e natura selvaggia
  • Ubud con il caratteristico mercato e le gallerie d’arte
  • Templi Borobodur e Prambanan
  • Alba sul Vulcano Bromo
  • Natura straordinaria della zona di Kintamani, alle pendici del Vulcano Batur.
  • I blu fires del vulcano Ijen (salita notturna o all'alba)
  • La zona di Munduk: cascate, sorgenti termali e il Tempio Buddhista più importante di Bali
  • Tirta Empul, Tempio delle acque sacre, in assoluto uno dei luoghi più mistici dell’isola
  • Le risaie di Tegalalang (PATRIMONIO UNESCO)
  • Piantagioni di caffè
  • Dolphin tour all'alba nella zona Nord di Bali
  • Le più belle cascate di Bali: Sekumpul
  • Dieng Plateau: scenari infernali e suggestivi ti attendono

Itinerario del tour

1°-2° giorno: Italia – Yogyakarta-Dieng Partenza con volo di  linea per Yogyakarta. Pick-up all’aeroporto e trasferimento a Dieng Plateau (2 ore circa).

3°giorno: Complesso vulcanico Dieng e Borobodur* (B) oggi visiterai l’Arjuna Temple e il complesso vulcanico di Dieng (l’infernale Kawah Sikidang e i laghi vulcanici) per poi dirigersi al Borobodur: una delle 7 meraviglie del mondo, Tempio Buddista costruito circa 1200 anni fa. 

3° giorno: Prambanan* – Solo (B) Oggi visiterai il Prambanan, un complesso di Templi induisti dichiarato Patrimonio UNESCO. Nel pomeriggio visiterai il complesso del Plaosan, situato a soli 3 km dal Prambanan. Trasferimento a Solo.

*salvo chiusure (di solito il lunedì).

4° giorno: Bromo (B) Ci trasferiamo nella zona del Mont Bromo. Trasferimento in auto di circa 5 ore con sosta nelle meravigliose cascate Mada (previsto uno spostamento in motorino o a piedi in alternativa). 

5° giorno: Alba sul Bromo (B)  Sveglia notturna e partenza con il buio per andare ad ammirare l’alba dalla vetta del Vulcano Bromo, a 2392 metri di altezza. Un’esperienza indimenticabile ed una vista impagabile ti attende. Ritorno in Hotel, colazione e partenza verso Banyuwangi (durata circa 6 ore). 

6° giorno: Giornata libera (B)  Giornata libera per godersi l’incantevole paesaggio che vi circonda tra risaie e vulcani.

7° giorno: Alba sull’Ijen – Lava Blu (B)  Sveglia interno all’una di notte e si parte verso la sommità del cratere dell’Ijen, noto per lo spettacolo della sua lava blu. Un’alba unica al mondo ti attende. Nel pomeriggio trasferimento a Bali tramite barca. 

Arrivo a Bali, pick up e trasferimento a Menjangan. 

8° giorno: Menjangan (B)  Dopo colazione andrai a fare snorkeling tra i superlativi fondali di Menjangan Island nel Taman Nasional Barat Park tramite barca.

9° giorno: Munduk-Lovina (B-L) Dopo la colazione, giornata dedicata ad ammirare la meravigliosa zona di Munduk, l’anima selvaggia di Bali, tra piantagioni di caffè, cacao, chiodi di garofano, frutti tropicali e risaie terrazzate.

Giornata tra la natura incontaminata ed un clima fresco. Visiterai le cascate di Munduk e il più importante Tempio Buddhista di Bali. Trasferimento verso Lovina.

10° giorno: Lovina-Ubud (B-L) Giornata super! Sveglia prima dell’alba e “Dolphin Tour” in barca per raggiungere la zona prediletta dai delfini e poterli ammirare con un po’ di fortuna. Poi ci dirigeremo alle più belle cascate di Bali (Sekumpul, dopo 365 gradoni). Infine sulla strada verso Ubud visiteremo uno dei Templi più famosi di Bali: Ulun Danu Bratan.

11° giorno: Ubud (B) Giornata libera.

12° giorno: Kintamani Tour (B-L) Partenza per un  tour privato. Oggi visiterai le Sorgenti Sacre Tirta Empul (il Tempio più mistico di Bali), una piantagione di caffè pregiato balinese (dove potrai degustare i vari tipi di caffè, tra cui il famoso Luwak), la zona meravigliosa di Kintamani a ridosso del vulcano Batur e del suo lago e delle sorgenti termali, le più belle cascate di Bali celate da fitte foreste tra le risaie, il Gunung Kawi Temple (indù dell’XI secolo) e le risaie terrazzate Tegalalang (Patrimonio Unesco).

13°-14° giorno: Partenza per l’Italia e arrivo in Italia (B)

Trasferimento all’aeroporto Denpasar e partenza per l’Italia.


Include quota iscrizione, assicurazione medico-bagaglio, 17  pernottamenti, 16  colazioni, 3 pranzi, 2 cene,  spostamenti interni.

  • Escursioni con autista e guida in italiano/inglese  condivisi.

Prezzi in camera doppia per persona: 

Hotel Standard: € 3190 

Hotel Comfort:   € 4230

Hotel Luxury:       su richiesta

Riduzione terza persona: su richiesta

Volo intercontinentale escluso.

Partenza Tour: Yogyakarta  – Fine Tour: Bali Denpasar

Hotel selezionati

Standard : Artotel Yogya – Ayom Java – Jiwi Jawa – Ketapang Indah – Naya Gawana – Aneka Lovina – Adiwana Svarga Loka Ubud

Comfort : Melia Purosani – Ayom Java – Jiwi Jawa – Ijen Resort – Menjangan Lifestyle Retreat – The Lovina Hotel – Adiwana Bisma Ubud

  • Trasferimento dall’aeroporto alla struttura e viceversa
  • Trasferimenti interni come da programma.
  • Pernottamenti e strutture come da programma.
  • Ingressi a Templi e parchi come da programma
  • Assistenza in loco e telefonica
  • Quota di iscrizione
  • Assicurazione medico-bagaglio

Non comprende

  •  Volo dall’Italia
  • Qualsiasi altro servizio non menzionato

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The best 10-day Bali itinerary

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written by Ties Lagraauw

updated 14.02.2024


Known as the jewel of the Indonesian archipelago, Bali offers everyone from divers and budget backpackers to high-end honeymooners a huge range of experiences. So, if you’re hoping to maximise your time in this diverse Indonesian province, it’s important to plan your trip carefully. With that in mind — and to save you the effort — here’s our suggestion for the best 10-day Bali itinerary.

Day 1-2: Enjoy the atmosphere in Canggu

  • Day 3-4: Explore the beaches of Nusa Penida

Day 5-6: Visit the cultural heart of Bali in Ubud

Day 7-8: soak in the view in amed, day 9-10: stroll through green rice fields in sidemen, tailor-made travel itineraries for indonesia, created by local experts.

Bali's Beaches and Temples

6 days  / from 830 USD

Bali's Beaches and Temples

Experience Bali's brilliant beaches and temples with this stunning trip. Marvel at ancient temples like Tanah Lot and Pura Besakih, soak in stunning sunsets, stroll bare-footed along the best beaches in Bali and haggle at local markets – experience all of this, and much more, with this unique trip!

Rest and Relaxation in Bali and Lombok

10 days  / from 1600 USD

Rest and Relaxation in Bali and Lombok

This unique trip will take you to some of Bali and Lombok's most traditional places. Look forward to driving through tropical landscapes and spending time in villages nestled in scenic spots of traditional luxury with infinity pools and stunning vistas over the ocean.

Royal Bali - Culture & Beaches

10 days  / from 2100 USD

Royal Bali - Culture & Beaches

Enjoy a luxurious stay in Bali, with hand-picked 5 Star Hotels. This trip includes privately guided tours as well as leisure time, ideal for families with kids. Highlights include sea temple Tanah Lot, Jatiluwih rice terraces and Uluwatu temple with its famous Kecak dance.

Tailor-made trips for   Indonesia

Encompassing a host of Bali’s top attractions and experiences, this 10-day Bali itinerary takes in some of the province’s best beaches, and most beautiful temples. 

Bali’s natural wonders feature too, among them Kelingking Beach's iconic T-Rex rock formation, and Angel's Billabong. 

Add to that immersive cultural experiences, sensational underwater landscapes, and top rice terrace treks, and it’s plain to see why this might just be the best 10-day Bali itinerary.


Kelingking Beach, Nusa penida, Bali © Shutterstock — part of the best 10-day Bali itinerary

After arriving in Ngurah Rai International Airport, transfer to Canggu and check into your hotel, guest house or villa.

With a great mix of wild beaches, stylish boutique hotels, organic cafés and paddy field scenery, Canggu is a draw for Bali’s creative, leisured crowd.

Once a lesser-visited bolt-hole for surfers, Echo Beach and Batu Bolong Beach are now buzzier hubs.  

Come nightfall, Canggu has plenty of places to eat, drink and make merry. Take your pick from hipster-ish spots in town, to lower-key options offered by some of the smaller beach shacks.

Bali coast near Canggu © Shutterstock

Bali coast near Canggu © Shutterstock

Day 3-4: Explore the beaches of Nusa Penida 

Next up, head down to  Sanur to board a speedboat to Nusa Penida , where some truly beautiful beaches await.

Take Kelingking Beach, for example. When it comes to breath-taking views, this place is hard to beat. Here a unique rock formation that resembles a T-Rex delivers an unforgettable view of an impossibly turquoise ocean.

More natural wonders await at Broken Beach and Angel's Billabong in the form of incredible rock formations. 

Meanwhile, snorkellers and divers will want to head to Crystal Bay. Known for its clear waters – visibility can be 40m – this attracts pelagic mola mola (AKA sunfish) from late July to October.

For more mind-blowing views of the Indian Ocean, venture to eastern Penida. For example, picturesque Atuh Beach is spectacular at sunrise when the orange glow peeks beneath a natural arch that juts up from the sea.

Then there the magic of the Thousand Islands (Pulau Seribu) viewpoints. A 10-minute descent down a steep staircase takes you to the first viewpoint. Keep going to reach the second viewpoint before spotting the legendary Rumah Pohon (Tree House) perched high above a truly stunning scene.

Love beaches? Discover the best beaches in Bali .

Broken beach in Nusa Penida, Bali, Indonesia © Shutterstock

Broken beach in Nusa Penida, Bali, Indonesia © Shutterstock

Blessed with a huge bounty of temples, museums and craft studios, Ubud is also one of Asia’s leading yoga centres. As such, it's the perfect place to a experience a variety of cultural activities.

Aside from visiting said museums and temples, you could watch one of the nightly Balinese dance performances, explore the local market, or see batik artists and craftspeople at work.  

In good news for lovers of the great outdoors, Ubud is set among lush rice paddies, with the Tegalalang rice fields famed for their distinct terraces. 

Culture vultures won’t want to miss visiting Goa Gajah (Elephant Cave), an enchanting archaeological site that’s located just outside Ubud. 

Thought to have been a hermitage for eleventh-century Hindu priests, besides the cave itself, there’s a traditional bathing pool here and several ancient stone relics.

Top tips for optional extras : while in Ubed, you could take a cooking class, or visit a yoga retreat. Love yoga? Browse our customisable  Bali Yoga Retreat  trip.

The entrance to the elephant cave "Goa Gajah" on the Indonesian island of Bali © Shutterstock

Entrance to Goa Gajah/Elephant Cave, Bali © Shutterstock

Related articles from the blog

Tanah Lot Temple, Bali © Shutterstock

The 15km coastline from Culik to Aas in the east of Bali is known as Amed, with the quiet, eponymous fishing village of Amed being a beautiful base for relaxing and enjoying excellent dive sites. 

Snorkellers will also love this coastline’s impressive easy-access reefs, such as Pyramid Reef, which is just offshore at Congkang. 

In addition, Amed’s famed Japanese Shipwreck dive site is also an option for non-divers, with parts of it visible from the surface through amazingly clear waters.

If you're fit and fancy adding some adventure to your trip, consider climbing Mount Agung, Bali's highest volcano. It's a challenging hike, though, as detailed in our guide to Mount Agung .

View of Agung volcano from the ocean,  Amed, Karangasem Regency, Bali, Indonesia © Shutterstock

Awe-inspiring Amed, Bali, with Agung volcano in the background © Shutterstock

To round off your 10-day Bali itinerary in refreshing style, transfer to Sidemen. Sitting in a landscape of rice terraces and coconut groves, with the Unda River surging beneath Mount Agung's mighty profile, the village makes a glorious base for a few days. 

With a growing number of scenic places to stay, the main activity around here is relaxation and relishing the sight of the ricefields.  

To explore the villages and temples of Sidemen Valley, guesthouses can supply a basic sketch map. Alternatively, you could engage the services of a local guide to make the most of your trek. 

Then, to cool off in stunning style, swim in the Unda River beneath the iconic yellow suspension bridge, or go white-water rafting just outside the village. 

Back in town, Sidemen is a great place to take a cooking or yoga class, with stacks of excellent craft shops along the southern end of the main road.

Bali rice terraces

Round off the best 10-day Bali itinerary trekking iconic ricefields © Shutterstock

From the breath-taking the beaches of Nusa Penida, to trekking Sidemen’s iconic rice terraces, this 10-day Bali itinerary packs in plenty of picturesque scenery, unforgettable cultural experiences, and opportunities to unwind.

For more inspiration, read our  Bali travel tips , and discover the best things to do in Bali.  

Want more information to help you plan? Read The Rough Guide to Bali and Lombok . 

Not keen on planning? Browse our customisable itineraries, or talk to our local experts .

Header image: Pura Taman Kemuda Saraswati Temple in Ubud, Bali island, Indonesia © Pelikh Alexey/Shutterstock

Ties Lagraauw

Ties is a true world explorer - whether it be for work or leisure! As Content Manager at RoughGuides, and the owner of Dutch travel platform Reis-Expert.nl , Ties is constantly on the move, always looking for new destinations to discover.

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  • 16 lug 2022
  • Tempo di lettura: 29 min

Bali, Isole Gili e Lombok: come organizzare un viaggio fai da te in Indonesia

Se sognate un viaggio a Bali, la famosa isola degli Dei, e siete indecisi se rivolgervi a un’agenzia viaggi o organizzare tutto da soli, sappiate che è una meta che si presta benissimo a un viaggio fai da te. Con poche accortezze riuscirete a visitare Bali, le isole Gili e Lombok in completa autonomia e libertà godendo a pieno ogni luogo e momento senza difficoltà.

So che il pensiero di organizzare da soli un viaggio in Indonesia può spaventare e creare un po’ d’ansia (ammetto che anche io prima della partenza ero un pochino agitata) ma vi assicuro che sarà la decisione migliore che potete prendere. Seguendo poche semplici indicazioni, un viaggio fai da te a Bali è alla portata di tutti e vi consentirà di spendere anche molto meno dei preventivi che vi offriranno con viaggi organizzati o nelle agenzie turistiche.

Non vi nascondo che organizzare questo viaggio è stato a volte impegnativo e ha richiesto molto tempo, ma prevalentemente per la situazione COVID da cui veniamo e perchè sono state necessarie tante ricerche e studio. Con questa mia guida vi ho riassunto tutte le informazioni necessarie per organizzare il vostro viaggio a Bali in modo che a voi possa risultare più semplice e veloce. Alla fine devo ammettere che l’organizzazione è stata divertente e anche appassionante: le aspettative che mi ero creata durante le mie ricerche erano altissime e, come saprete, quando si parte con aspettative elevate è facile che vengano deluse, ma Bali le ha superate in tutto per tutto.

Per cui, non spaventatevi, fidatevi e mettetevi in gioco: vi garantisco che ne varrà la pena e non ve ne pentirete minimamente.

Ulun Danu Temple, Bali, Indonesia

Vediamo ora punto per punto tutto ciò che dovete sapere e preparare per il vostro viaggio fai da te a Bali.

Budget per un viaggio a Bali, isole Gili e Lombok di 15 giorni

Bali, così come le isole Gili e Lombok, è una meta decisamente low-budget: la vita costa pochissimo, nonostante i prezzi siano quasi raddoppiati dopo questi due anni di chiusura al turismo dovuta al COVID, ma vi garantisco che comunque spenderete poco su tutto.

Se volete farvi un’idea di quanto possa costare un viaggio di questo tipo, considerate che per 2 settimanee fra Bali, le Gili e Lombok, noi abbiamo speso 2100€ a persona in tutto.. ma in tutto per davvero! In questo budget vi ho inserito il volo, gli alloggi, l’assicurazione sanitaria, tutti i pasti, tutte le visite ai templi e le escursioni, i noleggi degli scooter e dell’autista privato, tutte le escursioni e le attrazioni, i taxi, gli spostamenti in barca, la sim del telefono e tutti gli acquisti che abbiamo fatto nei mercati (che vi assicuro non sono stati pochi).

Considerate che durante l’organizzazione di questo viaggio avevo dato un’occhiata a qualche preventivo in agenzia o di viaggi organizzati e per itinerari più scarni del nostro chiedevano almeno il doppio, senza considerare gli acquisti e i pasti. Inoltre organizzare tutto da soli, oltre che averci fatto risparmiare tantissimo, ci ha permesso di goderci davvero questo viaggio in piena libertà.

Per scoprire il nostro itinerario completo di 2 settimane ed eventualmente uno alternativo di 3 settimane, cliccate qui .

Un’altra considerazione da tenere a mente è che viviamo in un periodo storico in cui i prezzi per viaggiare sono aumentati a dismisura: oggi i voli aerei costano il doppio di quello che potevano costare fino a qualche mese fa. Vi dico solo che solo il volo ci è costato 1300€ a testa (se ci pensate per tutto il resto abbiamo speso solo 800€, una sciocchezza) perchè abbiamo aspettato fino a Maggio 2022 per prenotare, due mesi dalla partenza, mentre a Febbraio costava solo 700€ a testa, esattamente la metà! Per fortuna però, essendo Bali una meta poco costosa da vivere, abbiamo ammortizzato parecchio una volta là.

Ad ogni modo, due consigli fondamentali che vi do per risparmiare sono questi:

CONTRATTATE! - sia che dobbiate noleggiare uno scooter, prendere un taxi o fare shopping negli splendidi mercatini, contrattate sempre! Il prezzo che vi offriranno sarà sempre gonfiato, ma noi siamo sempre riusciti ad ottenere almeno la metà di quello che ci proponevano!

SCEGLIETE SEMPRE LA BALI AUTENTICA! - evitate luoghi e ristoranti turistici e occidentali, vivete la vera Isola degli Dei, scegliete di mangiare nei warung (ristoranti tipici) e non nei ristoranti occidentali, acquistate souvenir nei mercati artigianali e lasciate perdere i negozi di marchi famosi: spenderete molto meno e vivrete appieno la cultura balinese.

Rupie Indonesiane

La valuta in uso a Bali e in tutta l’Indonesia è la Rupia Indonesiana (IDR): al cambio attuale (Luglio 2022) 1 € vale circa 15.500 IDR.

Per cambiare i soldi portatevi tranquillamente gli Euro, ve li cambieranno senza commissioni ovunque: utilizzate solo gli uffici di cambio autorizzati che troverete in ogni angolo di Bali senza problemi.

Consigli utili:

Non cambiate il contante in aeroporto: il cambio è sfavorevole rispetto a quello che troverete nelle varie città. Una volta in aeroporto vi consiglio di cambiare lo stretto necessario per pagare il driver per raggiungere la vostra destinazione e qualcosa per le spese del primo momento, per il resto fate tutto una volta in giro, fidatevi (60 € a coppia sono più che sufficienti).

Se dovete cambiare denaro, fatelo nella zona sud di Bali o a Ubud: una volta al nord o nella Bali orientale, gli uffici di cambio sono rarissimi e per niente convenienti. Stesso discorso vale per le isole Gili e Lombok.

Portatevi la carta di credito nel caso dobbiate prelevare: troverete gli sportelli automatici (ATM) ovunque e accettano i principali circuiti (Mastercard, Visa, Maestro, etc) ma ricordatevi di aver attivato l’opzione “MONDO” sulla carta prima di partire per poter prelevare contanti all’estero. Quest’operazione ormai si può fare comodamente dall’Home Banking, ma se avete problemi verificate direttamente con la vostra banca prima di partire.

Non contate troppo sui pagamenti con la carta di credito: abbiate sempre a portata di mano il contante. Potrete pagare con la carta in quasi tutti gli hotel (non nelle guest house) e nei ristoranti più turistici, ma nei mercati, nei negozietti e ristorantini locali, nei templi e per pagare driver, tassisti e il noleggio dello scooter accettano solo i contanti!

Se vi state chiedendo quindi con quanti soldi contati partire da casa, per noi sono bastati 500€ a testa. Alla peggio potrete prelevare tranquillamente (:

Visto d’Ingresso per Bali

Per entrare a Bali dovete richiedere e pagare un visto della durata di 30 giorni e rinnovabile esclusivamente nel luogo di ingresso per non più di ulteriori 30 giorni.

Potete fare richiedere il visto una volta atterrati all’aeroporto Ngurah Rai di Bali: qui dovrete fare una serie di file, la prima per il controllo della documentazione sanitaria, la seconda dove presentare un’autodichiarazione delle motivazioni del viaggio e di cosa trasportate in valigia, una terza per pagare il visto, e l’ultima al controllo passaporti e della rimanente documentazione. Il visto ha un costo di IDR 500.000 (circa 30€) e potrete pagare tranquillamente in € o con la carta di credito.

Attualmente il visto vi verrà concesso a patto che rispettiate le seguenti condizioni (che troverete sempre aggiornate sul sito Viaggiare Sicuri ):

Possedere un passaporto valido per almeno sei mesi;

Esibire un biglietto aereo a/r o un biglietto di sola andata in presenza di ulteriore titolo di viaggio per la prosecuzione del viaggio fuori dell’Indonesia - se avete organizzato il vostro viaggio in autonomia, non preoccupatevi che sarà sufficiente la prenotazione del volo (il biglietto vi viene rilasciato solitamente 24h prima del volo quindi quello di ritorno non potrete averlo all’andata);

Scaricare l’app "SATUSEHAT" (che dal 1° marzo 2023, sostituisce l’applicazione "PeduliLindungi") e compilare il modulo di auto segnalazione, integrato nell’applicazione - noi l’abbiamo fatto ma l’app non ha mai caricato ne validato i documenti, ma state tranquilli perchè non controllano mai questo punto;

Esibire un certificato (cartaceo o digitale) in lingua inglese attestante il completamento della seconda dose di vaccino anti COVID-19 almeno 14 giorni prima partenza;

Sottoporsi a controlli della temperatura corporea e di eventuali sintomi riconducibili al COVID: in presenza di sintomi e/o temperatura corporea superiore a 37,5° vi verrà fatto un test PCR all'arrivo a vostre spese e in caso di positività è previsto l’isolamento a proprie spese in strutture dedicate individuate dal governo indonesiano o presso ospedale in caso di sintomi gravi.

Se non siete molto pratici di tutta questa documentazione, che vi confesso ha messo un po’ in crisi anche me e mi ha causato non poca ansia fino al momento dell’approvazione finale del visto, è di affidarvi a un’agenzia che si occupa di tutte queste scartoffie per voi e vi permette anche di risparmiare tempo una volta atterrati.

L’agenzia iVisa.com fornisce documenti di viaggio online come i visti per l’ingresso a paesi di tutto il mondo, fra cui Bali (ma anche moduli di dichiarazione sanitaria, documenti dell'ambasciata, foto del passaporto, rinnovi del passaporto, carte turistiche e altri documenti di viaggio). Il sito è sicuro e protetto, il servizio veloce ed efficiente, e il team è esperto e reperibile 24 ore su 24 per qualsiasi necessità. Affidarvi ad iVisa.com vi permetterà di concentrarvi totalmente sul vostro viaggio senza perdere tempo e faticare con la burocrazia, oltre che permettervi di partire tranquilli del fatto che non ci saranno intoppi una volta a destinazione. Cliccate qui per accedere direttamente alla pagina per richiedere visti e documenti di viaggio.

Assicurazione Sanitaria

Quando abbiamo prenotato noi uno dei requisiti d’accesso per ottenere il visto era quello di esibire un’assicurazione sanitaria che coprisse le eventuali spese mediche necessarie in caso di COVID. Alla fine questo requisito è stato eliminato ma l’assicurazione l’abbiamo fatta comunque.

Io vi consiglio caldamente di stipularne una valida prima della partenza che includa, al di là delle spese mediche conseguenti ad un’eventuale infezione da Coronavirus, sicuramente le spese mediche e il rimpatrio nel caso abbiate qualche imprevisto in viaggio. Noi la facciamo sempre anche se per fortuna non ci è mai servita fin'ora; viaggiando così lontano da casa e fuori dall’Europa vi consiglio vivamente di non partire senza.. soprattutto se avete intenzione di girare Bali in scooter: cadere non è una possibilità così remota!

Se cerchi una buona assicurazione sanitaria, facile e veloce da fare, ma soprattutto che abbia un buon rapporto qualità-prezzo allora ti consiglio Heymondo Assicurazioni Viaggio . In pochissimi minuti puoi calcolare il tuo preventivo personalizzato inserendo alcuni semplici dati nel form e ottenere la tua polizza in un attimo a prezzi eccellenti!

tour bali 15 giorni

L'assicurazione viaggio Heymondo ti offre una tutela completa dal punto di vista sanitario, Coronavirus incluso: copre spese mediche e ospedaliere, anticipo spese di prima necessità, operazioni di salvataggio e la possibilità di tornare a casa in anticipo de necessario. Io aggiungo semp're anche la copertura per il bagaglio smarrito o danneggiato, risarcendo una cifra pari al valore degli oggetti mancanti. La copertura in questo caso arriva fino a 1000-1500€ in base alla polizza scelta.

Esistono varie pollizze: Tranquillità, Top e Premium e puoi fare un rapido paragone fra cosa offre ciascuna e la differenza di prezzo!

Fra l’altro, io adoro la loro app: è comodissima e ti permette di avere sempre a portata di mano tutti i tuoi documenti e di contattare il servizio clienti per qualsiasi emergenza in tempo reale!

Ricapitolando.. se ancora ti stai chiedendo perchè dovresti scegliere di affidarti a Heymondo:

- SCONTO DEL 10% per i miei lettori: accedendo a questo link Let Her Go x Heymondo avrai uno sconto sulla tua prossima polizza ;

- Nessun anticipo per spese mediche onerose. L'assicurato non deve sborsare soldi in anticipo: si tratta infatti di un'assicurazione di viaggio diretta che - in casi come gli USA - copre spese mediche fino a 10.000.000€;

- Annullamento franchigia: è una delle poche assicurazioni di viaggio internazionale che prevede questo servizio. Basta selezionare la relativa opzione e, con un piccolo sovrapprezzo, sarà fatto!

Che aspetti? Corri a fare la tua assicurazione viaggio e parti tranquillo e senza pensieri!

tour bali 15 giorni

Se una volta in viaggio doveste avere problemi di qualunque tipo, il riferimento per qualsiasi cosa in Indonesia è l’ambasciata Italiana che si trova a Jakarta. Qui vi lascio i contatti.

Ambasciata d'Italia a JAKARTA, Jalan Diponegoro no. 45, Menteng Jakarta 10310, Indonesia

Tel.: (+62-21) 319.374.45

Fax: (+62-21) 319.374.22

Cellulare per emergenze 0815 181.13.44 (per chi chiama dall’Italia, 0062.815.181.13.44).

E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

Volare a Bali

Per arrivare a Bali troverete tantissime compagnie aeree che servono questa tratta, con più o meno scali: si tratta solo di trovare quello più comodo ed economico per voi.

Io ho fatto parecchi tentativi con varie compagnie aeree e varie città di partenza: in questo caso si rivela molto utile il sito Skyscanner .

Vi lascio un paio di consigli per utilizzare al meglio questo motore di ricerca per i voli:

non fidatevi del prezzo che vi compare sul sito ma proseguite la ricerca sul sito ufficiale che vi propone Skyscanner e comparate il prezzo reale, che spesso è meno economico;

cercate di prenotare sui siti ufficiali delle compagnie aeree e non tramite siti intermediari: nel caso di ritardi e cancellazione del volo sarà più semplice gestire rimborsi e soluzioni alternative.

Noi abbiamo scelto di volare con Turkish Airlines , la compagnia di bandiera turca, e sinceramente ci siamo trovati benissimo! Aerei nuovi, comodi e con un ottimo servizio sia a bordo che in aeroporto, in più l’aeroporto di Istanbul dove abbiamo fatto scalo è grandissimo e bellissimo: ottimo per trascorrere le ore fra un volo e l’altro.

Ecco il nostro itinerario di volo:

Sabato 25 Giugno 19:00 Bologna - 22:35 Istanbul (+1h)

Domenica 26 Giugno 2:10 Istanbul - 19:30 Bali (+6h)

Sabato 9 Luglio 14:50 Lombok - 15:50 Giacarta (-1h)

Sabato 9 Luglio 21:05 Giacarta - 5:05 Istanbul (-5h) Domenica 10 Luglio

Domenica 10 Luglio 8:40 Istanbul - 10:15 Bologna (-1h)

Turkish Airlines per Bali

Come già accennato nella sezione Budget, il volo ci è costato 1300€ a testa: parecchio, soprattutto rispetto ai prezzi di qualche mese prima pre-inflazione causata dalle recenti vicissitudini politiche, ma quando abbiamo prenotato noi, ovvero a Maggio, era il più economico disponibile.

Ad ogni volo c’è stato servito almeno un pasto (vi dirò che abbiamo anche mangiato bene) e i biglietti includevano 30kg di franchigia bagaglio a testa.

Noi ci siamo trovati benissimo e non abbiamo avuto nessun problema: vi consiglio, una volta prenotato, di scaricare l’app per il telefono che vi consentirà di effettuare rapidamente il check-in, ottenere le carte d’imbarco e monitorare lo stato del volo, oltre che vedere in anticipo il gate di partenza dei vari voli.

Durante il check-in è possibile che per alcune tratte non emettono le carte d’imbarco e che ve le consegnino al momento della consegna dei bagagli da stiva, non preoccupatevi!

Dove alloggiare a Bali e Lombok

Per gli alloggi mi sono affidata come sempre a Booking.com: dato che ho prenotato con largo anticipo (Gennaio) volevo avere la sicurezza della cancellazione gratuita.

Questo viaggio a Bali l’avevamo già pianificato a inizio 2021 per l’estate 2021 ma alla fine abbiamo dovuto cancellare a causa COVID, per cui ho riprenotato le strutture a Gennaio 2022 nella speranza di riuscire a partire questa volta: la cancellazione gratuita era quindi un requisito imprescindibile delle mie scelte.

Se state organizzando un viaggio a Bali, potete anche pensare di cercare dei posti sul momento, ma se viaggiate in alta stagione vi consiglio di prenotare prima in modo da non rischiare di trovare tutto occupato una volta là.

In generale alloggiare a Bali è molto economico: questo ci ha permesso di scegliere delle bellissime strutture con un budget totale di 200€ a testa per le due intere settimane. Volendo potete spendere anche meno, ma per dei prezzi del genere noi abbiamo scelto di trattarci bene!

Qui di seguito, l’intero elenco delle strutture in cui abbiamo soggiornato - sono parecchie, perchè abbiamo scelto di spostarci spesso a Bali in modo da essere sempre vicini alle zone che ci interessavano e di spostarci comodamente in scooter ogni giorno. In molti preferiscono invece fare base nelle zone pià turistiche come Canggu o Seminyak o Ubud e girarla di lì: è un’opzione valida, ma che noi non abbiamo scelto essendo gli spostamenti in scooter spesso lunghi, trafficati e su strade accidentate.

Siamo stati molto contenti della nostra scelta e sinceramente se ci dovessimo ritornare faremmo la stessa cosa.

Seminyak - DISINI Luxury Spa Villas ☆☆☆☆☆ 57€ in tutto per 2 notti

Per la prima tappa del nostro viaggio a Bali abbiamo scelto di alloggiare a Seminyak, una città vicino all’aeroporto di Denpasar, quindi comoda da raggiungere al nostro arrivo, nella zona più turistica di Bali.

La struttura è splendida, le camere sono bellissime e molto lussuose, con la vasca da bagno in camera, ottima connessione wifi, staff gentilissimo e super disponibile, noi l’abbiamo adorato! Anche la posizione è ottima, appena fuori dalla confusione del centro di Seminyak, che comunque si raggiunge in 5 minuti a piedi; inoltre troverete dei noleggi per lo scooter a pochi passi dalla villa.

Per scoprire cosa fare in questa zona cliccate qui - Canggu e Seminyak: la parte più turistica di Bali

Per sapere cosa e dove mangiare in questa zona cliccate qui - Dove mangiare a Bali, Gili Trawangan e Lombok: imperdibili warung, mercati e ristoranti

Sanur - Linda Villa 2 ☆☆☆ 57€ in tutto per 2 notti

Per la seconda tappa abbiamo scelto di fermarci a Sanur, in questa splendida villa appena dietro la via principale. Anche qui avrete un noleggio di scooter a 3 minuti a piedi dalla struttura, che vi consiglio caldamente essendo molto economica e molto bella, anche se più piccola della prima. Ottima connessione wifi, staff super disponibile, camere pulite e ben fornite.

Per scoprire cosa fare in questa zona cliccate qui - Sanur, Uluwatu e Nusa Penida

Ubud - Blue Karma Dijiwa Ubud ☆☆☆☆ 102€ in tutto per 2 notti

Questo è l’alloggio che ci è costato di più ma era bellissimo: immerso nella giungla verdissima di Ubud, un vero spettacolo, con la sua piscina sulle risaie. E’ un piccolo resort a 5 minuti di scooter da Ubud (gli scooter potete noleggiarli direttamente al Blue Karma per 70.000 IDR - 4,5€ al giorno) che offre bungalow privati in legno con uno splendido bagno all’esterno. Servizi non impeccabili, ma la bellezza del posto compensa alla grande.

Per scoprire cosa fare in questa zona cliccate qui - Ubud e i suoi dintorni

Sidemen - Sawah Indah Villa ☆☆☆ 42€ in tutto per 1 notte colazione inclusa

Quarta tappa nel cuore di Bali, ci siamo fermati a Sidemen per una notte durante il nostro tour dell'isola settentrionale e orientale. Questo resort immerso nelle risaie è stata una vera chicca: ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo, splendida piscina e camera con vista sulle risaie, avevamo un meraviglioso terrazzo e il bagno con vasca all’aperto. La colazione è stata eccellente, con scelta fra un menù occidentale o tipico di Bali, servito nel ristorante del resort ( Warung D’Padi , super consigliato anche per cena), anche questo con una vista mozzafiato.

Per scoprire cosa fare in questa zona cliccate qui - Bali nord, Sidemen e i suoi dintorni

Padangbai - Bamboo Paradise 21€ in tutto per 1 notte colazione inclusa

Per la nostra quinta e ultima tappa a Bali abbiamo soggiornato a Padangbai, un paesino sulla costa orientale di Bali, da dove partono le imbarcazioni per le isole Gili. E’ stata la nostra base per visitare la zona est di Bali e poi spostarci alle Gili.

Abbiamo soggiornato solo una notte in questa deliziosa Guest House gestita da una ragazza svizzera e il suo compagno: sono stati carinissimi e ci hanno aiutato nell’organizzazione del traghetto per le Gili (ci hanno prenotato loro i biglietti e organizzato il transfer fino al porto), ci hanno noleggiato lo scooter a 60.000 IDR - 4€) e ci hanno dato utilissimi consigli per il nostro tour giornaliero. La Guest House offre graziosi spazi in comune, e camere semplici ed essenziali ma pulite. Super consigliato per un viaggio low-cost o per soggiorni veloci.

Per scoprire cosa fare in questa zona cliccate qui - la parte est di Bali e Padangbai

Gili Trawangan - Coconut Garden Resort ☆☆☆ 91€ in tutto per 2 notti colazione inclusa

Per il nostro soggiorno a Gili Trawangan, la più grande delle isole Gili, abbiamo scelto il Coconut Garden Resort, una struttura situata all’interno dell’isola, lontana dalla confusione del centro nevralgico dell’isola. Per arrivarci abbiamo camminato circa 15 minuti (l’alternativa è farsi portate con il carro trainato dal cavallo ma ve lo sconsiglio caldamente per non incoraggiare questo tipo di attività, gli animali sono trattati brutalmente). Una volta giunti al resort potrete noleggiare direttamente delle deliziose biciclette con cui spostarvi comodamente per tutta l’isola, che è piccolissima (2 biciclette per 3 giorni 80.000 IDR 5,5€ circa). La struttura è splendida, immersa nel verde, con una bellissima piscina centrale e i bungalow disposti intorno. La camera era spaziosa, in legno, con un bel bagno esterno. Ottima anche la colazione! Super consigliato anche per i servizi: oltre alle biciclette vi aiuteranno ad organizzare varie attività, fra cui lo snorkeling.

Per scoprire cosa fare alle Isole Gili cliccate qui - Isole Gili: Gili Trawangan

Kuta, Lombok - Village Vibes Lombok ☆☆☆ 101€ in tutto per 3 notti

Per l’ultima parte del viaggio abbiamo soggiornato a Kuta, nel sud di Lombok. Lombok è molto meno turistica di Bali, per cui c’è meno scelta per quel che riguarda gli alloggi: noi abbiamo scelto il Village Vibes senza troppe pretese ed è quello che abbiamo trovato. Struttura carina, con piscina centrale e bungalow in legno disposti intorno: le camere sono molto essenziali, abbastanza pulite, molto basic. Ma buono il rapporto qualità prezzo. Il posto è a 5 minuti di scooter da Kuta ma noleggiano gli scooter in loco per cui non è stato un problema (70.000 IDR al giorno - 4,5€ al giorno).

Per scoprire cosa fare a Lombok cliccate qui - Lombok

Per capire come abbiamo organizzato il nostro itinerario, gli spostamenti e i vari alloggi, cliccate qui per leggere l'articolo dedicato alle varie tappe del nostro viaggio e capire meglio la logica dietro alle scelte degli alloggi.

Spostarsi a Bali, alle isole Gili e a Lombok

Se state organizzando il vostro viaggio fai da te in questo splendido angolo di mondo, vi dico subito che è semplicissimo muoversi per le isole, spostarsi e girarle in autonomia.

Le opzioni sono molto varie e dipende da quello che avete intenzione di fare e che viaggio avete in mente.

Noleggiare uno Scooter

Bali in Scooter

Dato l’intenso traffico stradale soprattutto nella zona più turistica meridionale (penisola di Bukit-Kuta) e centrale (Kuta-Ubud), il modo migliore per spostarsi sull’isola di Bali è indubbiamente lo scooter, che ti permette di evitare ore imbottigliati nel traffico oltre che essere la soluzione più economica.

Affittarne uno è semplicissimo: non preoccupatevi di noleggiarne uno prima della partenza e non impazzite a fare ricerche per trovarne sull’isola in anticipo.. ce ne sono ovunque, letteralmente, e tutti vi faranno prezzi stracciati. Anche a Nusa Penida e a Lombok potrete noleggiare uno scooter e spostarvi totalmente in libertà.

Fare benzina a Bali

Soprattutto nella zona sud vi offriranno tantissimi scooter di grossa cilindrata: se avete solo una patente B assicuratevi di scegliere massimo dei 125! Chiedeteli, hanno tantissimi Scoopy della Honda sull’isola, non sarà mai un problema!

Il costo per il noleggio oscilla fra 100.000 e 60.000 IDR trattabili al giorno (6,5 - 4€) al giorno in base alla zona, casco incluso, da pagare in contanti.

Di solito non viene richiesto nessun documento nè deposito cauzionale: nessuno ci ha mai chiesto la patente e i mezzi non sono assicurati, per cui vi consiglio una buona assicurazione personale da casa, sia medica che civile.

Fare benzina a Bali

Fare rifornimento a Bali è uno spettacolo oltre che semplicissimo: ovunque lungo la strada troverete piccoli rivenditori di bottiglie di vetro contenenti un liquido verde facilmente cambiabile per acqua e menta.. in realtà si tratta di benzina che vendono a 10.000 IDR 0,70€ per ciascuna bottiglia da 0,75l.

A Bali si guida come in Inghilterra, e cioè a sinistra con corsia di sorpasso a destra: non vi spaventate, non è difficile come sembra. Enrico era abbastanza preoccupato e per niente convinto di questa nostra scelta, ma vi giuro che neanche mezz’ora in sella guidava già come un balinese, si è divertito tantissimo.

Guidare uno scooter a Bali

Partite con calma per entrare nell’ottica della guida a sinistra e concedetevi i primi giorni per abituarvi, poi non ci farete neanche più caso! Detto questo, i balinesi guidano come dei pazzi, sul serio! Abbiamo visto motorini con 4 persone sopra, cani e gatti, ma anche polli.. gente che sorpassa da sinistra, che guida sul marciapiede.. uno spettacolo puro! Guidare uno scooter a Bali è un’esperienza unica e imperdibile, che vi permette di entrare davvero nella cultura balinese e goderne a pieno: potrete fermarvi dove volete ed esplorarla a fondo.. È bene però tenere a mente che gli incidenti sono molto frequenti, per cui bisogna sempre fare attenzione! Ci sono tantissimi cani randagi che vivono in strada e ci dormono tranquillamente, la attraversano e non si spostano di un millimetro quando arrivano macchine o scooter, neanche se suonate il clacson.

Le condizioni delle strada sono abbastanza buone a Bali, sinceramente pensavo peggio: sono pessime invece a Nusa Penida o nei luoghi meno turistici.


Per guidare lo scooter o l’auto in indonesia è necessario avere la patente internazionale.

Sinceramente, nessuno ce l’ha mai chiesta e nessuno ci ha mai fermati per dei controlli.. però abbiamo letto che può capitare. A volte la polizia locale ferma i turisti in scooter per verificare la patente internazionale e se non l’avete possono chiedere una specie di mazzetta per evitare di fare multe. Se decidete di non fare la patente internazionale vi consiglio di girare sempre con dei contanti nel caso si presenti quest’eventualità.

Se come noi invece decidete di fare la patente internazionale (che comunque è valida per 3 anni), non riducetevi all’ultimo come abbiamo fatto noi!

Potete rivolgervi sia alla motorizzazione della vostra città, e in questo caso i tempi si aggirano fra i 30-40 giorni con una spesa di circa 35€, oppure all’ACI, che velocizzerà parecchio le pratiche e in circa 2 settimane con 80€ avrete la patente in mano.

Per fare la richiesta per la patente internazionale è sufficiente portare la vostra patente e due fototessere convalidate con il timbro del vostro comune di residenza.

Grab Superapp

Per gli spostamenti da e per l’aeroporto ma anche nelle varie città ci siamo sempre affidati a taxi e driver trovati sull’app Grab . E’ una specie di Uber asiatico che si occupa di delivery ma anche di trasporti sia in scooter che in auto.

Qui noi abbiamo sempre impostato il luogo di partenza e quello di destinazione, e in pochi minuti ci venivano a prendere e ci portavano a disposizione: i driver sono tutti molto seri e affidabili, per cui non fatevi problemi. I prezzi sono decisamente molto più convenienti rispetto ai taxi che troverete in giro per l’isola o quelli che vi proporranno negli hotel. Noi abbiamo utilizzato Grab su tutta Bali e anche a Lombok. Una corsa di 40 minuti vi costerà in media 150.000 IDR, circa 10€.

Noi ci siamo trovati sempre benissimo, ci ha permesso di spostarci da una città all’altra con i bagagli spendendo pochissimo!

Driver privati

Chi non si fida a guidare uno scooter a Bali, solitamente sceglie di affidarsi a driver privati per visitare e spostarsi sull’isola. Indubbiamente è una scelta più costosa e devo dire anche parecchio più lenta: il rischio di restare imbottigliati nel traffico e di dover andare piano a causa delle strade dissestate è molto alto.

Ovunque vi proporrano questo tipo di servizio: sia negli hotel che nelle tantissime agenzie turistiche in ogni angolo di Bali.

Noi abbiamo utilizzato questa soluzione solo una volta, per la parte nord di Bali: partivamo da Ubud e dovevamo muoverci verso nord fino alle cascate di Sekumpull e poi trascorrere la notte a Sidemen per poi proseguire il giorno successivo verso Padangbai. I chilometri da fare erano parecchi, e per ottimizzare i tempi e poterci muovere direttamente senza rientrare a Ubud abbiamo preso un driver per la giornata, in modo da poterci spostare direttamente con le valigie.

Invece che prenotare il driver in un’agenzia turistica, abbiamo utilizzato sempre l’app Grab : il driver privato per l’intera giornata (10h) ci è costato 730.000 IDR (47€) in tutto. Un driver per l’intera giornata che ti porti per tutta l’isola ha questo prezzo, se invece selezionate l’opzione che si limita al sud dell’isola spenderete circa la metà.

Traghetti e Imbarcazioni

Se avete intenzione di recarvi a Nusa Penida, alle Gili e Lombok, dovrete anche fare degli spostamenti in barca. Anche qui è tutto molto semplice e abbastanza economico e non è necessario prenotare prima di partire e riservare i biglietti.

Noi li abbiamo sempre acquistati in loco e sul momento direttamente negli uffici dei vari porti.

Raggiungere Nusa Penida

Il traghetto per Nusa Penida, una splendida isola sulla costa est di Bali, si prende dal porto di Sanur e approda a Toyapakeh, il villaggio principale di Nusa Penida. Abbiamo preso il biglietto direttamente in un ufficio al porto affidandoci alla compagnia Billabong Fast Cruise e abbiamo pagato 150.000 IDR a testa a/r. Il tragitto è di circa 40 minuti e la prima barca parte alle 8:00, poi circa ogni mezz’ora, mentre l’ultima corsa per tornare a Sanur da Nusa Penida è alle 16:30. Vi avviso che per salire sulla barca dovrete entrare in acqua e vi bagnerete fino almeno alle ginocchia, per cui sconsiglio di spostarsi con trolley o bagagli ingombranti. E’ tutto molto alla buona ma sicuro, state tranquilli!

Per sapere cosa fare e vedere a Nusa Penida cliccate qui: Bali meridionale e isole: Sanur, Uluwatu e Nusa Penida

Raggiungere le Isole Gili da Bali

Bali Eka Jaya per le Gili

Per arrivare alle isole Gili da Bali potrete partire o dal porto di Sanur (il tragitto è molto più lungo e costoso) o da Padangbai, che vi consiglio. Da qui partono tantissimi traghetti, più o meno affidabili. Essendo uno spostamento più lungo e in mare aperto, diversamente da quello per Nusa Penida, ci siamo affidati ai consigli della nostra Guest House e abbiamo scelto tramite loro una delle migliori compagnie: Eka Jaya. I ragazzi ci sono venuti a prendere direttamente dalla Guest House, ci hanno dato i biglietti e poi portati al porto. La barca era più grande e sicura di quella per Nusa Penida, con ampio spazio per i bagagli. Il tragitto è di circa 90 minuti e il costo sta sulle 350.000 IDR a testa per la sola andata (22€). In base alla vostra destinazione potrete scendere a Gili Trawangan oppure proseguire per Gili Meno o Gili Air.

Raggiungere Lombok dalle isole Gili

Traghetto per Lombok dalle Gili

Per arrivare a Lombok da Gili Trawangan ci siamo affidati a un’agenzia turistica locale davanti al porto: ce ne sono tantissime fra cui scegliere ma tutte si equivalgono. Abbiamo scelto la Cemos and Coral che per 250.00 IDR a testa (16€) ci ha prenotato lo spostamento in barca fino a Bangsal, Lombok e poi con autista privato ci ha portato nel sud di Lombok, a Kuta. Eravamo un po' titubanti, ci sembrava una fregatura: ci hanno proposto di partire all'ora che volevamo noi, e il prezzo era davvero conveniente. Alla fine invece siamo andati benissimo! Fidatevi della gente di Bali, sono tutti sempre sorridenti, sinceri e onesti. La barca è una di quelle utilizzate dai locali, molto spartana, ma il tragitto è breve (circa 25 minuti) e in acque tranquille per cui non abbiamo avuto problemi e abbiamo risparmiato tantissimo sul trasporto per Kuta. Per scoprire cosa fare a Lombok cliccate qui - Lombok

Qui l' itinerario completo di due settimane del nostro viaggio più un'alternativa di 3 settimane dove potrete vedere tutti gli spostamenti previsti.

Clima - Quando andare a Bali

Il clima è di tipo tropicale: Bali si trova a soli 8 gradi a sud dell’equatore per cui sull’isola ci sono temperature calde e costanti tutto l’anno, con una stagione delle piogge (da Novembre a Marzo) che si alterna a quella secca (da Aprile a Ottobre). La temperatura media è di 26°-27° mentre quella del mare 27°-29°.

Bali è molto umida, preparatevi: l’umidità media è intorno all’85%, con dei valori decisamente inferiori da aprile ad ottobre e dei picchi durante la stagione delle piogge.

La stagione turistica, oltre al meteo, è uno dei fattori da non sottovalutare nell’organizzazione del tuo viaggio e nel decidere quando andare a Bali:

ALTA STAGIONE: Luglio, Agosto, Natale, Capodanno, Pasqua.

BASSA STAGIONE: dalla seconda settimana di Gennaio a fine Giugno, e da Settembre a metà Dicembre.

Maggio, Giugno e Settembre sono quindi in assoluto i mesi migliori per andare a Bali: non piove, l’umidità è decisamente bassa, e i prezzi sono piuttosto contenuti.

Noi siamo andati a fine Giugno - inizio Luglio e siamo andati da Dio con il tempo: ha piovuto solo due mattine ma prima che arrivassimo alla prima destinazione della giornata aveva già smesso, niente di disturbante quindi. Ad ogni modo in questa parte del mondo le piogge sono sempre frequenti, ma generalmente si tratta di uno scroscio veloce che poi lascerà spazio a uno splendido sole, per cui non spaventatevi e non cambiate il programma della giornata.

Fare la valigia per un viaggio a Bali e Lombok

Per quanto riguarda la scelta del tipo di bagaglio io consiglio caldamente uno zaino rispetto alla valigia trolley soprattutto se nell’itinerario vi spostate spesso o se includete anche le Gili, Lombok o le isole Nusa. In barca con uno zaino la fase di imbarco e sbarco dei bagagli sarà più semplice, così come il loro trasporto soprattutto sulle isole Gili dove non ci sono mezzi a motore.

Duffel Base Camp North Face

➤ In occasione di questo viaggio noi abbiamo acquistato dei borsoni/zaino della North Face comodissimi: il Duffel Base Camp Large da 91 litri. Le opzioni per questo tipo di borsone sono varie, troverete anche la versione M da 71 litri (140€) o anche alcune più spaziose. E’ stata una scelta azzeccatissima: ci siamo trovati benissimo, il borsone era spaziosissimo, nonostante avessimo portato tanta roba e ne abbiamo acquistata altrettanta, l’ideale per frequenti spostamenti dato che ha anche gli spallacci per portarlo come zaino. Inoltre è impermeabile per cui anche in barca eravamo super tranquilli. Io ve lo stra consiglio, per questo viaggio ma in generale per tutti i viaggi di lunga durata in cui vi spostate spesso.

tour bali 15 giorni

➤ Altro consiglio in tema di valigia che vi do è una mia scoperta recente: l’ AirTag della Apple.

Si tratta di un dispositivo grande come una moneta da inserire dentro la valigia e da collegare con l’app Dov’è sull’Iphone, che vi permette di tracciare in tempo reale, ovunque, la vostra valigia. In realtà lo si può utilizzare anche per le chiavi, il portafoglio o la borsa nella vita di tutti i giorni, ma visti i recenti problemi in aeroporto con le valigie e i numerosi scali che dovevamo fare ho deciso di provare in modo da essere più tranquilla. Il prezzo di un AirTag è di 28€ e potete comodamente inserirlo in un portachiavi agganciandolo all’interno del borsone.

➤ Oltre al Duffel avevamo due zaini che abbiamo utilizzato anche durante il giorno là: Enri si è portato il suo North Face Borealis che è stato un'ottima scelta anche per i momenti di trekking grazie ai suoi comodi spallacci.. mentre io avevo il Fjällräven Kanken , un po' meno ingombrante ma più scomodo per le lunghe camminate!

➤ Mi raccomando assicuratevi di non dimenticare il passaporto e che sia valido per almeno altri 6 mesi! Io consiglio sempre di conservarlo in un'apposita custodia che lo protegga ma che allo stesso tempo sia comoda e maneggevole e permetta di estrarlo velocemente senza troppi traumatismi. Io ho recentemente cambiato il mio (non mi trovavo bene) e ne ho approfittato per prenderlo anche ad Enrico. Ho scelto un portapassaporto piuttosto economico ma compatto con elastico per chiuderlo, ideale anche per riporre tessere e carte varie ma soprattutto la sim.. c'è di tantissimi colori: ovviamente no i'abbiamo preso rosa e nero!

➤ Per i viaggi lunghi come questo noi portiamo nello zaino un bel cuscino da viaggio che i permetta di riposare decentemente in aereo e quindi di non arrivare a destinazione in coma e con il collo rotto. Dopo un'attenta e minuziosa selezione valutando forma e materiale, ma soprattutto le misure - ovviamente mi serviva qualcosa che occupi poco spazio nello zaino - abbiamo scelto il cuscino da viaggio in Masswish in memory foam . Ottimo prezzo, comodissimo e soprattutto si comprime molto bene e riponendolo nel suo sacchettino porta via davvero poco spazio.. per cui te lo consiglio senza ombra di dubbio;

Ma vediamo ora cosa mettere nella valigia per il vostro viaggio a Bali, Gili e Lombok

Le temperature di Bali sono costanti tutto l’anno, mediamente ovunque circa 25 gradi tranne nelle zone più interne e montuose dove fa leggermente più fresco, ma nulla che un maglioncino leggero in cotone o una felpa non possano affrontare. Per cui prendete su cose leggere e fresche, noi non abbiamo mai usato neanche la felpa, era sempre caldissimo anche la sera! Lombok è un pelo più fresca rispetto a Bali, quindi magari una giacca leggera qui vi sarà più utile. In generale evitate materiali sintetici e tessuti spessi che fanno fatica ad asciugare: umidità e odore di muffa possono attaccarsi ai vestiti con più facilità.

Tenete presente che Bali è piena di lavanderie a prezzi bassissimi 5.000 - 20.000 IDR per chilo di bucato: da 30 centesimi a meno di € 1,50 per chilo. Ne troverete ovunque, spesso anche negli hotel e in genere il servizio è espresso, con consegna entro le 24 ore, a volte persino a domicilio. Insomma, se volete viaggiare leggeri non avrete alcun problema.

Per ogni evenienza tenete sempre un k-way pronto, magari di quelli che possono essere indossati con lo zaino sulle spalle. Noi l’avevamo dimenticato e ne abbiamo presi due al volo sulla strada una delle due mattine in cui pioveva spendendo pochi centesimi. Se avete intenzione di fare scalare il Rinanji a Lombok o il monte Batur a Bali, portatevi un paio di scarpe da trekking, da utilizzare eventualmente anche per raggiungere le varie cascate sulle isole, altrimenti è sufficiente un buon paio di scarpe da ginnastica. Io utilizzo il modello X Ultra della Salomon in Goretex , probabilmente il mio miglior acquisto di sempre!

Io vi consiglio per il resto delle calzature aperte, tipo le Birkenstock Arizona (mi raccomando sempre Vegan ) : vi permetteranno di stare freschi e non sudare.. a Bali penso di non aver visto nessuno con delle scarpe chiuse!

Per le cascate e in alcune spiagge delle Gili sarebbe stato perfetto se avessimo portato le scarpine da scoglio : se le avete portatele in modo da non scivolare nei fiumi delle cascate e da non ferirvi con i coralli alle Gili!

Altre cose da non dimenticare assolutamente: gli occhiali da sole, un cappellino e le creme solari (a Bali non si trovano spesso e sono parecchio costose) con una protezione abbastanza alta. Datevela anche di giorno sul motorino perchè senza accorgervene vi scotterete in un attimo e con i segni di zaino e vestiti! Prima di acquistare le creme solari verificate sempre che non contengano oxybenzone, responsabile dello sbiancamento dei coralli e dannegiamento delle barriere coralline e che siano quindi certificate REEF FRIENDLY. Io utilizzo la linea Aloha Care della Hawaiian Tropic nella versione corpo e viso , entrambe con SPF30.

Gli adattatori per le prese elettriche non sono necessari perché hanno tutte prese “tedesche”.

Non dimenticate la custodia impermeabile per l'Iphone o il vostro smartphone per fare le foto in acqua e sottacqua. Un’ ultima raccomandazione: limitate l’uso delle bottiglie di plastica e portatevi dietro una borraccia o bottiglia in acciaio. Noi utilizziamo il modello in acciaio termico da 1l della Sparrow : sia io che Enrico ne abbiamo una e di tutte le varie marche e tipi che abbiamo provato questa è indubbiamente la migliore.

Potrete riempirle presso le strutture dove alloggerete che forniscono sempre boccioni gratuiti di acqua depurata e sicura. In questo modo aiuterai in maniera attiva l’isola nella gestione dei rifiuti legati al turismo e il grande problema della plastica che affligge questa zona.

Una buona valigia per l'Indonesia non può che includere una discreta scorta di medicinali per le prime necessità: personalmente dopo tanti viaggi di questi tipo e alcune esperienze poco piacevoli, ho la mia personale lista di farmaci essenziali.

Tachipirina 1000mg


Cortisonici - di solito porto Deltacortene 25mg

Antibiotici ad ampio spettro - Amoxicillina in genere

Rifacol (disinfettante intestinale)

Antidiarroici e antinausea

Integratori di minerali - es: Polase

Cerotti e disinfettante spray

tour bali 15 giorni

10 giorni prima. dipartire e per tutta la durata del viaggio noi abbiamo assunto un integratore di Betacarotene per preparare la pelle al sole, rendendola meno suscettibile alle scottature. e prolungando l'abbronzatura.

E’ inoltre fondamentale un ottimo repellente anti zanzara (controllate che contenga l’insetto-repellente DEET almeno al 50%), da usare a tutte le ore del giorno per proteggersi il più possibile dalla febbre dengue, endemica in tutta l’Indonesia. Io di solito utilizzo il Jungle Formula Molto Forte Spray , consigliato in aree ad alto rischio di malaria e di altre malattie trasmesse da insetti come la Dengue.

Inoltre, per questo tipo di viaggi, vi consiglio di fare una profilassi con fermenti lattici prima di partire e per tutta la durata del soggiorno in modo da rafforzare l’intestino e prevenire disturbi intestinali - Ultimamente utilizzo sempre Enterogermina Viaggi .

Vaccinazioni necessarie per un viaggio in Indonesia

Per visitare Bali (se si proviene dall’Italia) non è richiesto nessun vaccino obbligatorio.

È obbligatorio vaccinarsi contro la febbre gialla solo se arrivi da paesi in cui tale malattia è endemica e vi hai soggiornato o transitato per più di 12 ore.

Le vaccinazioni contro malaria, tifo ed epatite A e B sono a totale discrezione personale, essendo comuni in tutta l’Asia. Io avevo già le vaccinazioni per HAV, HBV e tifo e le ho fatte fare anche ad Enrico per essere sicuri. Prima di partire vi consiglio una visita all’ambulatorio vaccinazioni internazionali presso la vostra AUSL di competenza per valutare insieme ai medici competenti quali vaccini fare o meno. L’appuntamento è gratuito e pagherete solo i vaccini che farete (che comunque hanno costi contenuti).

Telefonia, traffico dati e wifi

La rete wifi a Bali è ben supportata, ci sono tantissimi expat e nomadi digitali che lavorano sull’isola. Se però volete avere la connessione internet sul cellulare vi consiglio di acquistare una sim card locale prepagata: è fondamentale se avete intenzione di girare Bali in scooter, in modo da poter utilizzare Google Maps e non perdervi per le stradine dell’isola.

Potete acquistarne una in aeroporto o nei maggiori centri abitati; le proposte sono tantissime, dipende da quanti Gb di traffico vi serviranno. I principali operatori sono: TELKOMSEL, INDOSAT, XL e AXIX.

Noi l’abbiamo fatta subito appena arrivati in aeroporto da 8Gb e abbiamo speso 300.000 IDR (19€) e non abbiamo neanche terminato i Gb. Non preoccupatevi perché i ragazzi dei negozi che forniscono questi servizi si occuperanno di tutto: vi installeranno il nuovo piano e inseriranno la nuova sim e ve lo riconsegnano dopo pochi minuti pronto all’uso. Una volta rientrati a casa dovrete solo togliere la sim indonesiana e reinserire la vostra. Il segnale varia da zona a zona, ma la copertura è ottima praticamente ovunque: noi abbiamo utilizzato XL e funzionava benissimo anche alle Gili e a Lombok.

Guida di Viaggio per Bali e Lombok

Io mi affido sempre a Lonely Planet per le guide viaggio e anche questa volta non mi ha delusa. Ve la consiglio caldamente soprattutto per le mappe, le zone di interesse e spunti per il vostro itinerario, ma la parte più bella e interessante è quella riservata alla storia e alla cultura di Bali. La nuova versione è recentissima, acquistatela e non ve ne pentirete - Lonely Planet Bali , Lombok e Nusa Tenggara !

Se invece cercate qualcosa di più pratico e leggero, c'è la versione Pocket che però si concentra solo sull'isola di Bali - Lonely Planet Pocket Bali (edizione 2022)

Ultimo consiglio di questa mia non-tanto-mini guida per organizzare un viaggio in Indonesia: leggete il libro di Gianluca Gotto “ Come una Notte a Bali ”. Non è una guida, è un romanzo ambientato a Bali, ma davvero vi farà entrare nella magia e nell’atmosfera che si respira su quest’isola: vi garantisco che ve ne innamorerete ancora prima di partire. Fra l’altro, fra le righe di questo libro, pur non essendo una guida di viaggio, troverete tantissimi spunti su cosa fare e tanti luoghi da visitare.

Penso di avervi detto tutto ciò che vi serve sapere per organizzare il vostro viaggio in questo splendido angolo di mondo. Come sempre, nel caso vi servano ulteriori informazioni, contattatemi!

Qui di seguito tutti gli approfondimenti su Bali:

Bali, Isole Gili e Lombok: itinerario completo di 2 settimane più l’alternativa di 3 settimane

Bali - Canggu e Seminyak: la parte più turistica di Bali

Bali meridionale e isole: Sanur, Uluwatu e Nusa Penida

Bali - Ubud: il cuore verde e pulsante dell’isola

Bali settentrionale e orientale: il nord, Sideman e Padangbai

Isole Gili: Gili Trawangan - il paradiso a due passi da Bali

Lombok - da Bali, passando per le Gili, l'ultima tappa di un viaggio magico in Indonesia

Per saperne di più in merito alla cucina indonesiana e cosa e dove mangiare a Bali, alle Gili e a Lombok:

io che ti rimarrà nel cuore per sempre.

Alla scoperta di Bali, le Isole Gili Lombok attraverso la cucina indonesiana - piatti e prodotti tipici che devi assolutamente assaggiare

Dove mangiare a Bali, Gili Trawangan e Lombok: imperdibili warung, mercati e ristoran

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Post correlati

Dove mangiare a Bali, Gili Trawangan e Lombok: imperdibili warung, mercati e ristoranti

Cucina indonesiana a Bali, alle Isole Gili e a Lombok: piatti tipici e prodotti locali da provare!



Grazie per tutte le dritte!

Ciao, l'app Grab la si utilizza per prenotare lo spostamento/driver sul momento o si può fare con anticipo?

ciao! noi l’abbiamo sempre usata sul momento!

Bali en 10 dias

Bali itinerary for 10 days: best places to visit + tips

  • Sofía Pozuelo
  • UPDATED: 17/02/2023

Bali is a destination that tempts you to want to stay on the island for an extended period of time. Yet not everyone is able to do this. If this applies to you, relax! You can explore the top locations in this Indonesian region with the help of the Bali in 10 days itinerary I've designed for you. You will be able to experience life to the fullest, richest, and, of course, unforgettable!

To help you plan your 10 days in Bali, I have detailed the itinerary that I recommend doing each day. In addition, I also suggest the amount of nights that I recommend spending in each area of ​​Bali to be able to follow this route.

Table of contents

Entry requirements for indonesia.

Right now, it is possible to enter Indonesia with a visa on arrival (VOA), which is available for many countries, including the United States, Canada and the UK.

This visa allows you to stay in the country for 30 days. If you wish to stay longer in Indonesia, it is possible to get a visa extension and stay another 30 days (for a total of 60 days).

The  requirements to travel to Bali (or the rest of Indonesia)  with the “visa on arrival” are the following:

– Passport valid for at least the next 6 months. – Outbound ticket from Indonesia. – COVID-19 certificate of vaccination (at least 2 doses) or certificate of exemption. – Download the PeduliLindungi app and create a profile. – It is not mandatory anymore to purchase travel insurance that covers COVID-19. However, I Do recommend you get one. You can purchase your travel insurance for Bali with a 5% discount here .

Important: Entry requirements to travel to Indonesia, or any other country, are constantly changing. For this reason, I recommend confirming this information. Check the Instagram account of @balisolve , as they share the most updated information.

10 days in Bali: itinerary and tips

Ready to begin exploring Bali? Let’s begin! But first, take a look at this map to get a general idea of the trip.

Also, don’t miss my travel guides about the top things to do in Bali and the best tips to travel to Bali (coming soon!).

Summary of this 10-day Bali itinerary:

  • Ubud: 4 nights.
  • Amed: 2 nights.
  • Nusa Penida: 1 night.
  • Uluwatu: 2 nights.

Day 1: Arrival in Ubud

↠ Ubud: 4 nights ( search for hotels in Ubud ).

Depending on when you arrive in Ubud, you may be able to visit more or less of the places that I’ll mention below.

If you are unable to take advantage of the first day in Bali to visit the following tourist attractions, do not worry. They are all located in the center of Ubud; therefore, you will be able to approach them during the following days.

Transportation in Ubud: Once you arrive in Ubud, I recommend renting a motorcycle during your entire stay in the area. This way, you can visit places on your own and save some money. If you do not want to ride a motorcycle, I recommend hiring a private driver-guide.

🏨 ACCOMMODATION IN UBUD: book 4 nights. There are many hotels. Here are some recommended hotels for different budgets:

  • $: Buda Cottage Ubud .
  • $$: Raditya Villa Ubud .
  • $$$: The Udaya Resorts & Spa .
  • $$$$: Komaneka at Bisma Ubud .

Campuhan Ridge Walk, first stop in this Bali in 10 days itinerary

bali in 10 days

The Campuhan Ridge Walk provides a great first contact with the nature of Bali. It is a narrow path that crosses the jungle of Ubud, Bali . When walking it, you will be able to enjoy a charming and, above all, green landscape.

It is advisable to go first thing in the morning or at dusk, since there is no shade during the day and it can get quite hot. If it is not convenient for you to visit during these hours, remember to wear sunscreen and a hat. Don’t forget to bring water.

The walk takes between 20 and 25 minutes one way. If you are going to go all the way to the end of the trail and back, you will need about 45 minutes. A little longer if you are going to make stops to appreciate the surroundings or take some pictures.

Ubud Monkey Forest

ubud monkey forest

The center of Ubud is one of the main homes for monkeys in Bali. The Ubud Monkey Forest invites you to take a walk among trees, temples, and, of course, hundreds of Indonesian macaques. If you have never seen this animal closely, you will find it very entertaining to observe its behavior. Besides, the place itself is very beautiful.

I remind you that you have to be careful with monkeys. Some of the recommended safety measures are to watch your possessions, do not touch or feed the monkeys, do not bring food, do not panic if a monkey climbs on you, and do not stare into their eyes.

Hours: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. Price: 80,000 IDR (adults), 60,000 IDR (children).

Saraswati Temple

bali in 10 days

The Saraswati Temple, also known as the Ubud Water Palace, is located in the center of Ubud. It is dedicated to the goddess of knowledge and was constructed in the middle of the 20th century. The main attractions in the temple are the water ponds filled with lotus leaves and the entrance gate. In fact, tourists cannot access the interior as it is reserved for locals who come to pray. Access to the outdoor area is free of charge.

Every night, at 19:30h, a traditional Balinese dance is performed. The entrance costs 80.000 IDR.

Goa Gajah Temple

templo goa gajah

Another place that you visit near Ubud, located 5 km from the center, is the Goa Gajah Temple. Its name means “cave of the elephant”. This temple was built in the 11th century. Despite the temple being the main tourist attraction, the surroundings, full of gardens, ponds, sanctuaries and waterfalls, also attract visitors to the area.

Hours: 8:00h – 16:30h. Price: IDR 50,000 (adults), IDR 30,000 (children).

Cretya Ubud, restaurant and pool overlooking the rice paddies

cretya ubud

In my most recent trip to Bali (Indonesia), I discovered a place that fascinated me. That place is Cretya Ubud, a restaurant with several pools at different levels and incredible views of the rice fields.

If you are able to visit all the places mentioned above on your first day in Bali, I recommend visiting this place; you will love it! The access costs 50,000 IDR. The food is a little expensive, but it is delicious.

Hours: 9:00h – 21:00h.

Day 2 of this 10-day Bali itinerary. Outskirts of Ubud

On the second day in Bali, it’s time to take a day trip to the surrounding area of Ubud. Pack your swimsuit; it’s time to explore some of  the best waterfalls in Bali !

Visit the Tegalalang rice fields, an essential thing to do in Bali in 10 days

que ver en ubud

The Tegalaland rice fields are a must-see place in Bali in 10 days. If you have never visited a rice field before, this place will make you fall in love. Although you should know that the appearance of the rice fields changes depending on the time of year, In fact, it varies quite a bit depending on whether the rice plants are fully grown or whether the rice has just been harvested.

You can observe the landscape from one of the viewpoints or enter the rice fields themselves. Access is free, but it is possible that you will come across a farmer who wants to charge you some money to pass through their land. Totally fair in my opinion! In the surrounding area, there are several cafes with views of the same rice fields and swings.

Tegallalang is located about 25 minutes north of Ubud. I recommend that it be your first stop of the day and that you go as early as possible. Not only will there be fewer people, but the temperature will also be more pleasant.

Tirta Empul Temple

tirta empul

Tirta Empul Temple is not only one of the most famous temples in Bali. It is also one of the most mystical and special corners that you will find on the island.

During your visit, you will be able to see how locals and tourists perform a purification ritual. This takes place in the pools of sacred water that are in the center of the enclosure. If you would like to have a magical experience, I recommend performing the ritual. I haven’t had the opportunity to do it yet, but I’ve heard that it’s a very healing experience.

Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Price: IDR 50,000 (adults), IDR 35,000 (children).

Suwat Waterfall

como llegar suwat waterfall bali

After visiting the Tegallalang rice fields and the Tirta Empul Temple, it’s time to take a route through some of the waterfalls located near Ubud. The first one I recommend you visit is the Suwat Waterfall. Once you leave the motorcycle in the parking lot, you will have to walk for 10 minutes to reach it.

This waterfall is very nice. If you are looking to take a good bath in a natural pool and enjoy a beautiful environment, this is the place for you. You can also get on the bamboo raft.

Price: 15.000 IDR.

Tibumana Waterfall

que ver cerca de ubud bali

The next waterfall that I recommend visiting is Tibumana. Like the previous waterfall, this one also has a natural pool deep enough to bathe in. In addition, the waterfall is higher and more abundant.

The path towards Tibumana Waterfall is as beautiful as the waterfall. Before getting to the parking lot, you will pass through a narrow road surrounded by rice fields and beautiful palm trees. It is a very cool place to take a photo. From the parking lot, it takes about 10 minutes to get to the waterfall.

Kanto Lampo Waterfall

The Ubud Waterfall Route ends at Kanto Lampo. This waterfall draws attention because the water falls through numerous jets, creating a very picturesque picture. In addition, access to it is very easy. You will only have to walk for 5 minutes.

Day 3. Ubud: Day Trip to Munduk (North of Bali)

On the third day, I suggest you make a trip to the northern area of Bali , where you can find villages like Munduk. The day is full of temples, viewpoints and waterfalls. Are you ready?

Let me remind you that this region of Bali is quite cool and humid; therefore, do not forget to take a jacket. If it is waterproof, even better.

Ulun Danu Beratan Temple

Bali in 10 days

The first stop of the day will be at the Ulun Danu Beratan Temple, which stands out for its incredible location. The temple is located on the shores of Lake Beratan, in the town of Bedugul. It is dedicated to Dewi Danu, goddess of water, rivers and lakes.

Apart from the wonderful natural surroundings, the most remarkable place in the temple is the sanctuary with the 11-tiered roof. Apart from strolling through the enclosure and observing this striking construction, you can rent a boat and take a walk on the lake.

Hours: 7:00h – 19:00h. Price: 50.000 IDR (adults), 25.000 IDR (children).

Handara Gate

bali 10 days itinerary

A little further north of the temple, you will find Handara Gate. These typical Balinese gates are the entrance to a resort and golf club. The place does not have much historical or cultural significance, but it is beautiful. For this reason, many tourists decide to make a short stop to observe the giant gate up close and take photos.

Price: 30.000 IDR.

Hidden Hills Wanagiri

Hidden Hills Wanagiri

Once you finish visiting Handara Gate, it’s time to follow the path further north. Before long, you’ll find yourself circling Lake Buyan. On this road, there are many viewpoints where you can stop and enjoy the views of the lake. I recommend that you continue until you reach Hidden Hills Wanagiri. Here you will find several swings and attractions where you can take a good photo to remember. You have to pay an entrance fee.

If you’d rather save some money, you can stop at the “Twin Lake View” viewpoint, located between Lake Buyan and Lake Tamblingan. Another option is to stop at a cafeteria or warung and have a drink while you appreciate the landscape.

Price: 100.000 IDR.

Sekumpul Waterfall


The next stop is Sekumpul Waterfall, one of the most impressive in Bali. The natural environment until you reach the waterfall is very beautiful. You can enjoy the waterfall from several viewpoints or by reaching its base, for which you will have to hike a bit.

One of the drawbacks of visiting this waterfall is that you are forced to hire a guide. In my case, more than two years ago, I managed to visit it on my own, but I think now it’s a bit more regulated. The fee is extremely overpriced since you really don’t need a guide. Still, the scenery makes it worthwhile.

If you rather visit other, cheaper waterfalls in the area, I recommend Banyumala Twin Waterfalls, Gitgit, Red Coral Waterfall, or Banyu Wana Amertha.

Sekumpul price: IDR 20,000 (without guide) / IDR 125,000 (with guide).

Leke Leke waterfall, don’t forget to add this place to your 10 day Bali itinerary

bali in 10 days

Back in Ubud, it’s time to make another stop along the way. It is possible that you are already tired, but I assure you that this place deserves one last effort from you. This is the Leke Leke Waterfall, my favorite in Bali. You just have to look at the photo to get an idea of the beauty of this place. You can not miss visiting the waterfall!

From the parking lot, you have to walk for about 10–15 minutes. The trail doesn’t have any large slopes or stairs, so you’ll also really enjoy the walk.

Price: 50.000 IDR.

Day 4. Ubud: Nungnung and day trip to Canggu

On your fourth day in Bali, I propose an optional visit and a day trip to the Canggu area, one of the most famous towns on the island.

If you feel like going on an adventure and getting to know more waterfalls, I suggest you include Nungnung Waterfall in your itinerary. If, on the other hand, you want to have a more peaceful day, my advice is to go directly to Canggu and enjoy the endless cafes, restaurants and beach clubs.

Nungnung Waterfall

Nungnung Waterfall

From Ubud, it takes about an hour to reach Nungnung Waterfall. Once you park the motorcycle, you have to go down about 500 steps. As I always say, going down is not the problem—going up is! Of course, I assure you that the effort is worth it since you’ll be in front of one of the most impressive waterfalls in Bali.

Next to the parking lot, there are several stalls where you can purchase snacks and drinks.

After visiting the Nungnung Waterfall, it’s time to get back on the motorcycle. This time to go down to Canggu, Bali . This area of the island stands out for its endless cafes and charming restaurants.

In addition, it is a good place to practice surfing if you are a beginner or if you have never done it before. Another of Canggu’s strengths are its sunsets, which you can enjoy from the beach or from one of the beach clubs.

Below, you can see some of my favorite places and plans in Canggu:

  • Cafes and restaurants: Ithaka Warung (Asian and Spanish food), Warung Local (traditional food), Copenhagen Canggu, BGS (best coffee in Canggu), La Baracca (good pizza), Ji Restaurant Bali (Japanese restaurant with views), HoiAn by MeVui (Vietnamese food), Tygr, Ling-Ling’s (Seminyak)… There are plenty!
  • Surf. Canggu is full of surfers. The waves are perfect for those who are just getting into this sport. On Batu Bolong beach you will find several stalls where you can rent equipment or book a lesson.
  • Beach clubs: Potato Head Beach Club (Seminyak), La Brisa (on Sundays there is a market of local products from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.).
  • Get a massage. You cannot leave Bali without getting a traditional Balinese massage. You can take advantage of your visit to Canggu to relax in one of its spas. I went to Dewah Spa (Pererenan street) a lot.

Tanah Lot Temple, one of the most beautiful temples in Bali

tanah lot

One of the most famous temples in Bali is located near Canggu. I’m talking about Tanah Lot, dedicated to the god of the sea. This temple is located on an islet. When the tide is high, the temple is completely surrounded by water. When the tide is low, the temple is accessible by land.

You cannot enter the interior of the temple. Even so, the visit is totally worth it since the landscape is gorgeous. It is recommended to visit at sunset. However, I advise you to go in the afternoon and watch the sunset calmly from a beach in Canggu. Also, there will be fewer people. If you want, you can book this guided tour of Tanah Lot Temple .

Sunset from Echo Beach

After visiting the Tanah Lot, I recommend you return to Canggu and enjoy the sunset peacefully. For this, I advise you to go to Echo Beach. Watching the sunset from this beach is my favorite thing to do in Canggu. Do not miss it!

On the beach, you will find several bars with deckchairs on the sand where you can sit and enjoy a beer, a coconut, or something to eat. You can also buy spicy corn on the cob from one of the vendors. They are finger-licking good!

After watching the sunset, if you still have room in your stomach, I recommend having dinner at one of the many restaurants in Canggu. The variety of eating establishments is very wide; therefore, if you feel like having something in particular, you can surely find it in this area of Bali.

Time to head back to your hotel in Ubud!

Day 5. Ubud → Amed

↠ Amed: 2 nights ( search for hotels in Amed ).

It’s time to leave Ubud behind and head towards the eastern part of the island, one of the most special areas. If you read other itineraries for Bali in 10 days, they may not include  Amed, Bali . I, however, did not want to leave this small fishing town out of my travel guide, as I consider it to be quite a magical and enchanting place.

To make the journey from Ubud to Amed, I recommend hiring a driver-guide, since it is convenient to take advantage of the trip to make some stops along the way. The driver will pick you up at your hotel in Ubud, take you to the places I mention below, and drop you off at your hotel in Amed.

🏨 ACCOMMODATION IN AMED: Book 2 nights in Amed. There are many hotels to choose from. Below, you’ll see several recommended hotels for different budgets:

  • $: Bubu Racok Homestay .
  • $$: Bali Dive Resort Amed ( my hotel ), Amed Beach Villa .
  • $$$: Nalini Resort .

Tukad Cepung Waterfall

bali 10 day itinerary

If you want to visit more waterfalls, I recommend you make a first stop at Tukad Cepung Waterfall. This waterfall has become very popular in recent years because it is located inside a cave, which creates a very peculiar landscape. If you go early, you can visit the place with more peace of mind. Later, it gets crowded and loses quite a bit of charm.

Price: IDR 15,000.

La Montagne Coffee, with views of the rice paddies and Mount Agung

la montagne bali

On my last trip to Bali, I discovered a cafe-restaurant with incredible views. If you would like to have a coffee, or whatever you wish to have, overlooking the rice paddies and Mount Agung (Bali’s tallest volcano), stop at La Montagne Coffee. It will blow you away! Plus, it’s on the way to the next stop…

Besakih Mother Temple

bali in 10 days

The Mother Temple of Besakih is the largest and most important temple for Balinese people. It is located at the base of Mount Agung. A very curious fact about this religious building is that it was not affected by the 1963 volcano eruption. The locals saw this as the ultimate miracle.

The enclosure is made up of a total of 22 temples. I highly recommend visiting the temple with a local guide, as they can tell you the history of the place and a lot of information about Balinese culture.

Price: IDR 60,000 (adults), IDR 30,000 (children).

Sunset from Amed Beach

amed bali

It’s time to get back on the road and head back to Amed, where you will spend the next two nights. On your first afternoon in Amed, I recommend you put on your swimsuit and head to Amed Beach. On this beach, I have enjoyed the most special baths in Bali.

The beach is made of black stones and is full of small fishing boats. It is not the typical paradisiacal beach at all, but the waters are very calm and clear. It has a different beauty. Take the opportunity to do some snorkeling and watch the sunset over Mount Agung from the water.

Day 6. Outskirts of Amed

Ready to discover the best of Eastern Bali? The sixth day of this itinerary is loaded with spectacular places to visit, so have a good breakfast that morning because you are going to need the energy.

Transportation in Amed: I recommend renting a motorcycle in Amed to visit all these sites. However, if you prefer, you can hire a driver-guide.

Lempuyang Temple

lempuyang bali

The Lempuyang Temple is an essential place to see in Bali in 10 days. I am sure that you are familiar with this place since it is one of the most photographed corners of the island. My recommendation is that you go as early as possible, as it is a very popular place among tourists.

Although the most famous corners at this place are the “gates of heaven”, the complex has more temples spread over the hill. If you wish, you can take a walking tour and visit several of them.

Tirta Gangga

tirta gangga

Another mandatory stop in East Bali is Tirta Gangga, known for its pond full of large goldfish. It is a royal palace that belonged to the Karangasem family and was built in 1948. It is beautiful wherever you look at it!

Snorkeling or diving in Amed

After visiting these two temples, head back to Amed, put on your bathing suit and go snorkeling or diving? I’m telling you from experience, it’s a great plan!

The best places to snorkel in Amed are Jemeluk Bay, Lipah Beach and the USAT Liberty, a cargo ship at the bottom of the sea. In all the places mentioned, you can do both snorkeling and diving. If you do not have equipment, you can rent it at a good price.

Sunset from Lahangan Sweet

bali itinerary 10 days

Another of my latest discoveries in Bali was Lahangan Sweet, a beautiful place to watch the sunset near Amed. It is located on top of a mountain and offers views of Mount Agung that, if you are lucky enough to visit when the sky is clear, are impressive.

To get there, you just have to put the name of the place on Google Maps. You will find a dirt road. Park your motorcycle and start walking. It takes around 20 minutes to get there. There is a moment when the path splits in two. You will have to go to the right, following the path that goes up.

Dinner in Galanga Restaurant

I do not usually include many places to eat or dine in my travel itineraries, since many times people eat wherever they want. However, I have to make an exception for this restaurant. On its menu, you will find dishes that fuse local food with European recipes and ingredients. We had a luxurious dinner, and I did not want to miss the opportunity to recommend it. Of course, I recommend you reserve a table because it fills up quickly.

The owners have another coffee shop in Amed called Rimba Café. We had breakfast there a couple of times and we really liked it as well. If your hotel does not include breakfast, it is a very good idea to head to this place and have your first meal of the day.

Day 7. Amed → Nusa Penida

↠ Nusa Penida: 1 night ( search for hotels in Nusa Penida ).

It’s time to leave Amed and go to Sanur, where you can take the ferry to go to Nusa Penida. The drive from Amed to Sanur takes just over 2 hours. The ferry from Sanur to Nusa Penida takes around 35 minutes. If you get up early, you can still take advantage of the whole afternoon on the island.

There is another port from which ferries to Nusa Penida also depart. It is located in Padang Bai and is closer to Amed (one hour and 20 minutes). However, there are fewer departure times and you won’t always find tickets online.

Either way, you can book your boat tickets to Nusa Penida in advance at 12Go Asia .

Once you arrive at the port of Nusa Penida, head to your hotel to leave your bags, rent a scooter and get ready to discover the island.

Transportation in Nusa Penida: Some time ago, the roads were quite bad and many people decided not to rent a motorcycle. Now they are much better, so I recommend visiting the island by motorcycle. As always, be very careful! If you don’t feel safe, you can also  rent a car with a driver here .

🏨 ACCOMMODATION IN NUSA PENIDA: Book 1 night in Nusa Penida. There are many accommodations. Below you can find some recommended hotels for different budgets:

  • $: Nuansa Penida Hostel ( my accomodation ), Agasta Villa .
  • $$: Meket Bungalows , Sebuluh Sunset Hill .
  • $$$: Penida Bambu Green Suites .

Diamond Beach, one of the most beautiful beaches in Bali

nusa penida bali

One of the most stunning beaches you will find on Nusa Penida is Diamond Beach. It is located on the eastern part of the island. It takes about an hour to get there from the west side of Nusa Penida, which is where I recommend staying.

The best thing about this beach are the views from the viewpoint located between Diamond Beach and Atuh Beach. You can also go down to the beach and enjoy a short walk along the shore. Bathing is not recommended. If you want to swim, I recommend heading to Atuh Beach.

Rumah Pohon Tree House, enjoy a picturesque scenery

bali in 10 days

Adjacent to both beaches is the Rumah Pohon Tree House. This tree house is one of the most photographed places on the island for good reason. The very charm of the house and the natural environment in which it is located create one of the most picturesque images you will see on your trip. Once you park your bike, get ready to go down a few steps.

Peguyangan Waterfall, a waterfall located at the bottom of a cliff

If you have enough time, you can make an extra stop at this curious place. It is a waterfall located at the bottom of a cliff. To get to Peguyangan Waterfall, you will have to go down some steep metal stairs anchored to the cliff face. It’s pretty scary!

It is a sacred place, so you will need to wear a sarong to visit. You can rent it right there.

Bath and sunset in Crystal Bay

crystal bay nusa penida

To end your first day in Nusa Penida, I suggest you go to Crystal Bay, in the western part of the island. This beach, unlike many others, has quick and easy access. You can park the motorcycle right next to it. It is ideal for taking a bath, having a drink and watching the sunset.

Day 8. Nusa Penida → Uluwatu

↠ Uluwatu: 2 nights ( search for hotels in Uluwatu ).

It’s now the second day in Nusa Penida (Bali) and it’s time to make the most of it! During the morning of your eighth day in Bali, you will visit the most famous places on this island, including Kelingking Beach, a place that you cannot miss during your 10-day trip to Bali.

🏨 ACCOMMODATION IN ULUWATU: Book 2 nights in Uluwatu. There are many hotels to choose from. Here are some recommended hotels for different budgets:

  • $: Kayu Tua Villa .
  • $$: Oceanna , Telaga Sari ( my hotel ).
  • $$$: Renaissance Bali Uluwatu Resort & Spa , one of the best hotels in Bali .

Kelingking Beach, the most famous place on the island

kelingking nusa penida

Kelingking Beach is one of the most famous beaches in Bali. I recommend you visit it first thing in the morning for several reasons. One of them is because there will be fewer people. Being such a popular place, it gets pretty crowded. On the other hand, at this time the sun is not as harsh, which you will appreciate if you plan to go down to the beach and then go up.

You can enjoy the place by observing the charming landscape from the viewpoints, or, as I have already mentioned, you can go down to the beach. If you are going to go down, take water with you as there is a stand on the beach, but it is not always open. Don’t forget a hat, sunscreen, etc. Wear good shoes because the path is rough. Especially the final stretch, where it’s time to climb.

Once on the beach, you may see people in the water. I recommend not swimming at Kelingking Beach, as the waves and tides are strong and can be dangerous. You wouldn’t be the first to have problems.

Broken Beach and Angel’s Billabong

angels billabong

Not far from the famous beach, you will find Broken Beach and Angel’s Billabong, the other two most popular spots on Nusa Penida. They are located next to each other and there is not much to do other than take a walk around the area and enjoy the scenery. They are both beautiful.

Snorkeling or diving with manta rays in Nusa Penida

If you are a lover of marine life, a very fun activity in Nusa Penida is snorkeling or diving at Manta Point, where it is very likely to see giant mantas. It’s an experience you will never forget. If you are going to dive, you can contact DPM Diving Nusa Penida.

From Nusa Penida to Sanur

It’s time to return to the mainland, Bali. Once you arrive in Sanur, you can take a taxi or Grab/Gojek to go to your hotel in Uluwatu, where you will spend your last days in Bali.

bali uluwatu

If you arrive with time to see the sunset, I recommend you go to a place located in the Bingin area that is not well known among tourists. It is a cliff that has a grassy plain, making it ideal for sitting down and having a drink while enjoying the views.

The coordinates are the following: -8.803298, 115.11639. You can leave your motorcycle at the far end of Jl. Pantai Bingin Street. On one of the last turns, you will see a fence with an entrance. Walk by the entrance and approach the cliff.

Day 9. Uluwatu, a must in Bali in 10 days

It’s time to explore Uluwatu from sunrise to sunset! This area has the  best beaches in Bali . It is a good place to end the trip, as there are many cool places to relax and bathe. Ready to discover the best of Uluwatu?

Below you will find the places I recommend visiting in Uluwatu, Bali . If you still have a lot of energy left, you can visit all of them. If you prefer to relax a bit, you can opt to visit only some of them and be more relaxed.

Transportation in Uluwatu: I recommend you rent a motorcycle in Uluwatu to visit all these sites. If you prefer, you can use Grab/Gojek or hire a driver-guide.

Balangan Beach Viewpoint

what to see in uluwatu

The first visit of the day is quite fast. You will visit the Balangan Beach viewpoint. Once you arrive at the parking lot, instead of walking straight towards the beach, go to the right until you reach the famous viewpoint. From here, you can have a nice view of the beach and cliffs.

Bingin Beach

bingin beach

One of the coolest beaches in Uluwatu is called Bingin. It’s beautiful, you can swim and it has a lot of cafes, restaurants and hotels on the beach. They are located on the cliff, one on top of the other, which creates quite a picturesque setting. To access it, you have to go down a set of steps for 5 minutes.

Padang Padang Beach

padang padang

Padang Padang is one of the most popular beaches in Bali. It is also one of the most beautiful. Because of this, there are usually quite a few people. Still worth a visit. To access it, you will have to go down a few steps. Along the way, you are likely to see monkeys. Once you are on the beach, you can access other coves.

Suluban Beach

suluban beach bali

This is one of the most different and photogenic beaches in Uluwatu: Suluban Beach. In it, you can find a kind of cave formed by the walls of the cliffs. It is also a very popular place among surfers.

Nyang Nyang Beach

nyang nyang bali

A beach that I do recommend visiting is Nyang Nyang. It is an extensive white-sand beach located at the foot of a cliff. It is a real beauty. Before, in order to access the beach, you had to beat yourself up going down steps. However, it is now accessible by motorcycle.

Before going down to the beach, I recommend you make a stop to see the plane located on the cliff. Next to it, you can get close to the cliff and enjoy a landscape that will remain etched in your mind.

There isn’t much shade on the beach, so don’t forget to bring a hat and plenty of sunscreen. Although, if you are lucky, you can find some shade next to a bush.

Uluwatu Temple

uluwatu bali

The Uluwatu Temple is another essential place to visit in the area. It is located on a 70-meter cliff. The temple itself is quite small, but the setting is impressive. Every evening at 6:00 p.m., there is a  kecak  show, a traditional Balinese dance. It is interesting to visit at this hour. You can  purchase tickets for the kecak show  in advance.

Day 10. Uluwatu

Your 10 days in Bali have come to an end! Well, not yet! I suggest spending your last days relaxing and enjoying this island. To do this, I am going to recommend 3 places that I love. Choose the one you fancy the most and get ready to savor every minute.

Melasti Beach, great beach to go swimming

melasti beach

One more beach you cannot miss in Uluwatu is Melasti Beach. In my opinion, it is one of the best places to enjoy a good swim in the sea since the water is very clear and the beach does not have any rocks or reef. Access is comfortable and easy. You can go down with your vehicle to the beach.

Once you get to the beach, you can rent sun loungers with umbrellas. Near the beach, there are many local restaurants, so don’t worry if you get thirsty or hungry. If you prefer, you can go to a beach club on the beach, such as Palmilla Bali or Tropical Temptation Beach Club.

Sundays Beach Club, my favorite beach club in Bali

bali in 10 days

If you want to spend the day at a beach club, I recommend Sunday’s Beach Club, located on a private beach. The place is very beautiful, the beach is amazing and the food is very tasty.

Admission costs IDR 500,000. From that money, you can spend IDR 300,000 on food and drinks. Admission includes towel and kayak rentals, snorkeling equipment, etc. It may seem a bit expensive if you compare the prices with the rest of the island, but it is totally worth it.

Hours: 10:00h – 20:00h.

Mana Uluwatu, a bar-restaurant with a pool and views

mana uluwatu

Another place that I discovered on my last trip to Bali and that I really liked is Mana Uluwatu. It is a restaurant that has a swimming pool and bar with incredible sea views. Access to the pool is free. You just have to consume something at the bar or restaurant. There is no minimum spending budget. The place is great to relax and enjoy a few hours in the pool.

How to move around during your trip to Bali in 10 days

One of the main doubts that arises when organizing a trip to Bali in 10 days is how to get around the island. Next, I am going to explain to you the different options for moving around the island:


The most affordable way to move around Bali is by renting a motorcycle. If you rent it for a week, you can expect to pay $5 per day. You may be able to rent it in your villa. If not, the personnel will be able to recommend a reputable place to rent it. Gasoline is also very cheap. I remind you to be very careful on the road, as traffic can be crazy and priority rules are not fully upheld.


If you prefer to opt for comfort, another option is to hire a driver/guide who will not only take you to all the places you wish to visit but will also give you interesting information about the places you visit. It is more expensive, but you will not have to worry about the route, and you will be able to have a closer contact with the culture and Balinese history.

You can book a car with a driver in advance or wait until you arrive at the destination, since it will be somewhat cheaper if you book it once you are there.


If you only want to be taken from one place to another, you can take a cab or make use of the apps Grab or Gojek (similar to Uber).


On websites like  Civitatis  or  G etYourGuide , it is possible to book organized tours to different areas of Bali. Also, it is possible to book a  custom tour , in which you can choose all the stops that you want to do.

Other tips to visit Bali in 10 days

Here are some last tips before visiting Bali.


Although my recommendation is that you spread out the nights in various areas, I would say that Ubud is the best area to stay in Bali if you are on the island for tourism. The town itself has many attractions and the surrounding area is full of temples, waterfalls and rice fields. Other areas that I recommend are Amed and Uluwatu .


Travel insurance to travel to Indonesia is no longer mandatory. Although it is not mandatory, it is very important that you purchase international medical insurance for your trip. I always use and recommend Heymondo. I have had to use it several times and it has always worked great. You can purchase your insurance with a 5% discount here .


Many of the ATMs in Bali do not charge extra fees for withdrawing money with a foreign card. I usually withdraw at an BNI Atm or at the bank. Use Revolut or N26 so that withdrawing Indonesian rupiah from the ATM costs you little or nothing extra.


I recommend renting a motorcycle once you arrive in Bali. Do not rent it online before because surely the price is very inflated. Many accommodations offer motorcycle rental. If not, ask a worker to recommend a nearby place to rent it.

If during the trip, you can’t find a gas station nearby, don’t worry. You can find gasoline in many shops and stalls located on the road, although it is a bit more expensive.


The internet in Bali works very well. You can buy a card at the airport (it is somewhat more expensive), at the company’s official store or at any phone store. I use and recommend the company Telkomsel.

Another option is to buy an eSIM from Holafly so you can have internet from the moment you set foot in the country. It is more expensive but you will not waste time at the destination. Use my code “COMEAMAVIAJA” for a 5% discount!


The easiest and cheapest is to take a taxi or Grab at the airport itself. If you prefer, you can book your transfer from the airport to the hotel in advance.

Take a look at my Indonesia travel guide if you are planning your trip to this destination.

I hope that this post about what to see in Bali in 10 days has been very useful to you in organizing your visit to this incredible Indonesian island. If you have any questions, I encourage you to leave a comment or email me. Until next time, travelers!


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