travel_times: Calculate shortest travel times from a stop to all reachable stops


Function to calculate the shortest travel times from a stop (given by stop_name ) to all other stop_names of a feed. filtered_stop_times needs to be created before with filter_stop_times() or filter_feed_by_date() .

A table with travel times to/from all stops reachable by stop_name and their corresponding journey departure and arrival times.

stop_times data.table (with transfers and stops tables as attributes) created with filter_stop_times() where the departure or arrival time has been set.

Stop name for which travel times should be calculated. A vector with multiple names can be used.

Either a range in seconds or a vector containing the minimal and maximal departure time (i.e. earliest and latest possible journey departure time) as seconds or "HH:MM:SS" character.

If FALSE (default), all journeys start from stop_name . If TRUE, all journeys end at stop_name .

The maximimum number of transfers

Deprecated. Use time_range to set the latest possible departure time.

Returns stop coordinates (lon/lat) as columns. Default is FALSE.

travel_times() returns a data.table if TRUE. Default is FALSE which returns a tibble/tbl_df.

stop_names are not structured identifiers like stop_ids or parent_stations, so it's possible that stops with the same name are far apart. travel_times() errors if the distance among stop_ids with the same name is above this threshold (in meters). Use FALSE to turn check off. However, it is recommended to either use raptor() or fix the feed (see cluster_stops() ) in case of warnings.

This function allows easier access to raptor() by using stop names instead of ids and returning shortest travel times by default.

Note however that stop_name might not be a suitable identifier for a feed. It is possible that multiple stops have the same name while not being related or geographically close to each other. stop_group_distances() and cluster_stops() can help identify and fix issues with stop_names.

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace

  • Get started
  • Accessibility
  • Trip planning with detailed_itineraries()
  • FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
  • Accounting for monetary costs
  • Trade-offs between travel time and monetary cost
  • Using the time_window parameter
  • Travel time matrices

Calculate travel time matrix between origin destination pairs

Fast computation of travel time estimates between one or multiple origin destination pairs.

An object to connect with the R5 routing engine, created with setup_r5() .

Either a POINT sf object with WGS84 CRS, or a data.frame containing the columns id , lon and lat .

A character vector. The transport modes allowed for access, transfer and vehicle legs of the trips. Defaults to WALK . Please see details for other options.

A character vector. The transport mode used after egress from the last public transport. It can be either WALK , BICYCLE or CAR . Defaults to WALK . Ignored when public transport is not used.

A POSIXct object. Please note that the departure time only influences public transport legs. When working with public transport networks, please check the calendar.txt within your GTFS feeds for valid dates. Please see details for further information on how datetimes are parsed.

An integer. The time window in minutes for which r5r will calculate multiple travel time matrices departing each minute. Defaults to 10 minutes. By default, the function returns the result based on median travel times, but the user can set the percentiles parameter to extract more results. Please read the time window vignette for more details on its usage vignette("time_window", package = "r5r")

An integer vector (max length of 5). Specifies the percentile to use when returning travel time estimates within the given time window. For example, if the 25th travel time percentile between A and B is 15 minutes, 25% of all trips taken between these points within the specified time window are shorter than 15 minutes. Defaults to 50, returning the median travel time. If a vector with length bigger than 1 is passed, the output contains an additional column for each percentile specifying the percentile travel time estimate. each estimate. Due to upstream restrictions, only 5 percentiles can be specified at a time. For more details, please see R5 documentation at .

A fare structure object, following the convention set in setup_fare_structure() . This object describes how transit fares should be calculated. Please see the fare structure vignette to understand how this object is structured: vignette("fare_structure", package = "r5r") .

A number. The maximum value that trips can cost when calculating the fastest journey between each origin and destination pair.

An integer. The maximum walking time (in minutes) to access and egress the transit network, to make transfers within the network or to complete walk-only trips. Defaults to no restrictions (numeric value of Inf ), as long as max_trip_duration is respected. When routing transit trips, the max time is considered separately for each leg (e.g. if you set max_walk_time to 15, you could get trips with an up to 15 minutes walk leg to reach transit and another up to 15 minutes walk leg to reach the destination after leaving transit. In walk-only trips, whenever max_walk_time differs from max_trip_duration , the lowest value is considered.

An integer. The maximum cycling time (in minutes) to access and egress the transit network, to make transfers within the network or to complete bicycle-only trips. Defaults to no restrictions (numeric value of Inf ), as long as max_trip_duration is respected. When routing transit trips, the max time is considered separately for each leg (e.g. if you set max_bike_time to 15, you could get trips with an up to 15 minutes cycle leg to reach transit and another up to 15 minutes cycle leg to reach the destination after leaving transit. In bicycle-only trips, whenever max_bike_time differs from max_trip_duration , the lowest value is considered.

An integer. The maximum driving time (in minutes) to access and egress the transit network. Defaults to no restrictions, as long as max_trip_duration is respected. The max time is considered separately for each leg (e.g. if you set max_car_time to 15 minutes, you could potentially drive up to 15 minutes to reach transit, and up to another 15 minutes to reach the destination after leaving transit). Defaults to Inf , no limit.

An integer. The maximum trip duration in minutes. Defaults to 120 minutes (2 hours).

A numeric. Average walk speed in km/h. Defaults to 3.6 km/h.

A numeric. Average cycling speed in km/h. Defaults to 12 km/h.

An integer. The maximum number of public transport rides allowed in the same trip. Defaults to 3.

An integer between 1 and 4. The maximum level of traffic stress that cyclists will tolerate. A value of 1 means cyclists will only travel through the quietest streets, while a value of 4 indicates cyclists can travel through any road. Defaults to 2. Please see details for more information.

An integer. The number of Monte Carlo draws to perform per time window minute when calculating travel time matrices and when estimating accessibility. Defaults to 5. This would mean 300 draws in a 60-minute time window, for example. This parameter only affects the results when the GTFS feeds contain a frequencies.txt table.

An integer. The number of threads to use when running the router in parallel. Defaults to use all available threads (Inf).

A logical. Whether to show R5 informative messages when running the function. Defaults to FALSE (please note that in such case R5 error messages are still shown). Setting verbose to TRUE shows detailed output, which can be useful for debugging issues not caught by r5r .

A logical. Whether to show a progress counter when running the router. Defaults to FALSE . Only works when verbose is set to FALSE , so the progress counter does not interfere with R5 's output messages. Setting progress to TRUE may impose a small penalty for computation efficiency, because the progress counter must be synchronized among all active threads.

Either NULL or a path to an existing directory. When not NULL (the default), the function will write one .csv file with the results for each origin in the specified directory. In such case, the function returns the path specified in this parameter. This parameter is particularly useful when running on memory-constrained settings because writing the results directly to disk prevents r5r from loading them to RAM memory.

A data.table with travel time estimates (in minutes) between origin and destination pairs. Pairs whose trips couldn't be completed within the maximum travel time and/or whose origin is too far from the street network are not returned in the data.table . If output_dir is not NULL , the function returns the path specified in that parameter, in which the .csv files containing the results are saved.

Transport modes

R5 allows for multiple combinations of transport modes. The options include:

Transit modes: TRAM , SUBWAY , RAIL , BUS , FERRY , CABLE_CAR , GONDOLA , FUNICULAR . The option TRANSIT automatically considers all public transport modes available.

Non transit modes: WALK , BICYCLE , CAR , BICYCLE_RENT , CAR_PARK .

Level of Traffic Stress (LTS)

When cycling is enabled in R5 (by passing the value BIKE to either mode or mode_egress ), setting max_lts will allow cycling only on streets with a given level of danger/stress. Setting max_lts to 1, for example, will allow cycling only on separated bicycle infrastructure or low-traffic streets and routing will revert to walking when traversing any links with LTS exceeding 1. Setting max_lts to 3 will allow cycling on links with LTS 1, 2 or 3. Routing also reverts to walking if the street segment is tagged as non-bikable in OSM (e.g. a staircase), independently of the specified max LTS.

The default methodology for assigning LTS values to network edges is based on commonly tagged attributes of OSM ways. See more info about LTS in the original documentation of R5 from Conveyal at . In summary:

LTS 1 : Tolerable for children. This includes low-speed, low-volume streets, as well as those with separated bicycle facilities (such as parking-protected lanes or cycle tracks).

LTS 2 : Tolerable for the mainstream adult population. This includes streets where cyclists have dedicated lanes and only have to interact with traffic at formal crossing.

LTS 3 : Tolerable for "enthused and confident" cyclists. This includes streets which may involve close proximity to moderate- or high-speed vehicular traffic.

LTS 4 : Tolerable only for "strong and fearless" cyclists. This includes streets where cyclists are required to mix with moderate- to high-speed vehicular traffic.

For advanced users, you can provide custom LTS values by adding a tag <key = "lts"> to the osm.pbf file.

Datetime parsing

r5r ignores the timezone attribute of datetime objects when parsing dates and times, using the study area's timezone instead. For example, let's say you are running some calculations using Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, as your study area. The datetime as.POSIXct("13-05-2019 14:00:00", format = "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S") will be parsed as May 13th, 2019, 14:00h in Rio's local time, as expected. But as.POSIXct("13-05-2019 14:00:00", format = "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", tz = "Europe/Paris") will also be parsed as the exact same date and time in Rio's local time, perhaps surprisingly, ignoring the timezone attribute.

Routing algorithm

The travel_time_matrix() , expanded_travel_time_matrix() and accessibility() functions use an R5 -specific extension to the RAPTOR routing algorithm (see Conway et al., 2017). This RAPTOR extension uses a systematic sample of one departure per minute over the time window set by the user in the 'time_window' parameter. A detailed description of base RAPTOR can be found in Delling et al (2015). However, whenever the user includes transit fares inputs to these functions, they automatically switch to use an R5 -specific extension to the McRAPTOR routing algorithm.

Conway, M. W., Byrd, A., & van der Linden, M. (2017). Evidence-based transit and land use sketch planning using interactive accessibility methods on combined schedule and headway-based networks. Transportation Research Record, 2653(1), 45-53. doi:10.3141/2653-06

Delling, D., Pajor, T., & Werneck, R. F. (2015). Round-based public transit routing. Transportation Science, 49(3), 591-604. doi:10.1287/trsc.2014.0534

Other routing: detailed_itineraries () , expanded_travel_time_matrix () , pareto_frontier ()

traveltime - a Traveltime API Wrapper for R

1 querying the traveltime-api with traveltime_map, 2 taking a glimpse at the isochrones (mapview), 3 plotting a traveltime-map (ggmap & ggplot2), 4 creating an animated map with gganimate : rush hour vs night time drive.

The traveltime-package allows to retrieve isochrones for traveltime-maps from the Traveltime Platform API directly from R. The isochrones are stored as sf-objects, ready for visualization or further processing. The isochrones display how far you can travel from a certain location within a given timeframe. Numerous modes of transport are supported.

GET an API-KEY here:

For non-commercial use the usage of the API is free up to 10’000 queries a month (max 30 queries per min). For commercial use (e.g. to integrate the API into a website) a license is needed.

You can easily retrieve the isochrones with the traveltime_map function. Find a list of supported countries here:

If you are interested in the opposite (from how far is location y reachable within x minutes) just use the arrival argument instead of departure .

The result of the traveltime_map -query: an sf-dataframe containing the traveltime-multipolygon as well as the request-parameters.

How far you can travel from Zurich Mainstation by public transport within 30 minutes or within an hour? The retrieved isochrones can be visualized with mapview to take a first glimpse.

With the latest version of ggplot2, geom_sf has been introduced, which allows to plot geodata stored in dataframes with class sf very conveniently. Let’s retrieve isochrones for four different travel modes and compare how far you can go by foot, bike, car or public transport within half an hour.

How far can you drive within 30min from Zurich at 7AM vs 11PM? An animated map unveils the difference in range impressively.

We can call the traveltime-API to get the isochrones for several departure-times. We could do the same for different modes of transport, locations and traveltime. With purrr::map we can pass vectors of elements to the traveltime_map - function to do so.

Just with a few lines of extra code we can turn a static map into an animated one with gganimate!

Travel time calculation with R and data visualization with Observable

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Application to artifical climbing walls in Paris and its neighbourhood

UAR RIATE, Université Paris Cité, CNRS

January 20, 2023

The aim of this notebook consists in showing how to build, visualize and reproduce accessibility indicators by combining points of interest (POI) coming from the OpenStreetMap database, socio-economic indicators included in small territorial division (IRIS) coming from institutional data source (INSEE) and routing engines (OSRM).

The graphical outputs displayed in this notebook are further developed in an Observable collection . To introduce the reader to the issues raised by indoor sport-climbing in Paris, have a look to this notebook .

This Quarto document combines 2 programming languages : R for data processing, and ObservableJS for data visualizations.

Data processing with R

The entire R script can be found here . Geojson files resulting from the data processing are available in the data-conso folder of the github repository of the project. These files are directly imported in Observable notebooks for data visualization.

Data sources

Three data sources, coming from three data providers, will be used:

IGN : The Contour…IRIS® édition 2020 , which corresponds to the lowest territorial division in France (below the communes level).

INSEE : for socio-economic indicators (IRIS Median income and population in 2019).

OpenStreetMap : download of Point Of Interest (POI) and travel time calculation by bike between IRIS centroids and POI, using the OSRM routing engine .

Input data is not provided in the GitHub repository (too large files), but can easily be downloaded and used (no constraints of use).

A bounding box of 5 km around Paris, without Bois de Boulogne and Bois de Vincennes for a better centering of the map layout around Paris is created.

A second bounding box (10 km around Paris) is created to catch OpenStreetMap POI and IRIS in the neighbourhood of this study area and avoid “border effects” for the upcoming travel-time indicators calculations.

Feed IRIS with socio-economic data (INSEE)

Data is enriched by socio-economic data (disposable median income 2019 and total population 2018) for further analysis. We keep only “Habitation” IRIS (dedicated to dwellings) for origins-destinations calculations.

Prepare IRIS for travel-time calculation

IRIS centroids are extracted. These points will be used for the origins of travel-time calculations. Only IRIS including dwellings are kept (TYP_IRIS == “H”).

These sf objects are transformed in latitude/longitude (origin-destination calculations requirements and for final export in geojson format).

Import OSM points of interest

Points of interest (climbing areas) are extracted from OpenStreetMap thanks to the osmdata R package ( Mark Padgham ( 2022 ) ).

To access to these OSM features, the OSM key-value pair (or OSM tag) must be set. For climbing areas, the most appropriate is sport=climbing . In the OpenStreetMap wiki , it is mentioned that “ sport=climbing should be preferably applied to noded for artificial climbing walls”. Thus, we only consider points responding to the query.

The geographical coverage of the query covers a bounding box of 10 km around Paris ( paris10k `).

The OSM attributes are transformed afterwards for further analytical purposes in order to differentiate private and associative structures, and bouldering areas and climbing walls (to different climbing practices).

I argue that the accuracy and completeness of the data is quite good : I have edited missing points on OpenStreetMap database with my personal knowledge and upstream investigation :-)

For the presentation of the artificial climbing landscape in Paris and the difference between private - FSGT and FFME structures, have a look to this notebook .

The data preparation allows to prepare origins-destinations layers for travel-time calculation. Origins correspond to the IRIS layer (only type H : 2141 points). Destinations to artificial climbing areas (45 points).

r travel time

Travel-time calculations with OSRM

Origins and destinations required to compute travel-time calculations are now available. The computation is realized using the osrm R package ( Giraud ( 2022b ) ). This package allows the computation of routes, trips, isochrones and travel distances matrices (travel time and kilometer distance).

Considering that the input data are quite important (more than 2000 origin points and 48 destination points) and to avoid to overload the OSRM demo server, I have run my own instance of OSRM based on a docker container solution. The procedure to implement this solution is explained in the following documentation , or more specifically for Windows here .

Once it is done, the connection to the routing engine is operational locally (with the URL http://localhost:5000/ ` for me).

With OSRM, it is possible to choose several profiles depending on the routing we want to use (car, bike, walking). In our case, we choose the bike profile: Cycling is a widespread practice (with public transport) for climbers to reach their activities in this kind of urban context. Moreover, it allows also to avoid to use the car profile, which underestimates the travel-time in metropolitan areas (traffic congestion not taken into account).

The bicycle profile is described in the github OSRM repository . Basically, the default speed is 15 km/h. It avoids the access to highways, reduce the driving speed by 30 % for unsafe roads. It is important to keep in mind that landforms (elevation) are not considered in the default profile. Some thoughts and solutions exist on the subject, using elevation rasters ( Liedman (2022) ; Mapbox (2015) ). This will not be considered here.

IRIS to climbing areas

The code below compute travel-time calculation between the geometric centre of IRIS ( ori ) and artificial climbing areas ( dest ). It is done for all climbing structures and reproduced according to the type of climbing structure : private or associative structures. For associative structures, we distinguish the FSGT and FFME federations, that do not have exactly the same goals in term of practice.

Resulting travel-time matrixes are exported in the data-conso folder for other possible uses (and to avoid running these important calculations systematically).

This heavy matrix is then manipulated to extract for each IRIS the following information :

Name of the nearest climbing structure by bike.

Type of manager (private, FFME or FSGT).

Time to reach it (in minutes).

Number of artificial climbing areas at less than 15 minutes by bike (N).

This calculation is done for all climbing structures (ALL), for private ones (PRIV), for those held by FFME federation (FFME) and for those held by the FSGT federation (FSGT). It is done with R base code. A function would reduce considerably the code length… Nevermind, it is not the aim of the proof ;)

Characterizing the POI neighbourhood

Then, the socio-economic neighbourhood of each climbing area is characterized.

The previous matrix is transposed (lines <> columns). For each climbing structure, the IRIS located at less than 15 minutes by bike is extracted to produce the following indicators :

Total population at less than 15 minutes by bike. This can be considered as an amount of “local social demand”.

Minimum, mean and maximum of median income of IRIS at less than 15 minutes by bike.

Below is mapped one indicator calculated previously at IRIS level : time required to reach the nearest climbing area from the each populated IRIS centroid.

r travel time

Travel time isochrones

Moreover, we can be interested by defining the accessibility of climbing areas without taking into account any territorial division, which can introduce numerous bias, due to MAUP effects. This is done by building isochrones of equivalent time-distance coming from climbing areas, using the mapiso R package ( Giraud ( 2022a ) ). Below are reminded the required steps to create polygons of equipotential from a regular grid of points :

  • Create a regular grid (150m resolution in our case) and extract the centroids.
  • Compute travel time indicators with the osrmtable function of the osrm R package, from grid centroids to climbing areas.
  • Get the minimum value of the resulting matrix and join the result to the regular grid layer.
  • Create polygons with mapiso function, wich takes the resulting values included in the regular grid. The function takes the desired thresholds and the indicator we are interested in (which climbing area travel time).

The maps below display the location of the climbing areas in the study area (white dots), the travel-time by bike required to reach each points from the 150m regular grid (dot map) and the resulting isochrones deducted from these values.

r travel time

OSRM climbing trip

osrmTrip is a function from the osrm package ( Giraud ( 2022b ) ) which allows to get the travel geometry between multiple unordered points. The output is a sf LINESTRING with 2 components : duration (in minutes) and distance (in kilometres).

This function is applied to the climbing areas held by the FSGT federation.

To reach the 22 climbing areas of the FSGT federation located in the study area, the osrmTrip function returns that the fastest cycling trip around these climbing areas can be done in 420.93 minutes and 88.3846 kilometres.

r travel time

Manual corrections (out of OSM)

I noticed that in the OpenStreetMap database some attributes could be specified more precisely. However, my use does not correspond to the one recommended by OSM : climbing_length is not climbing_max. Moreover, this attribute has been set directly in OSM by the private brand.

Consequently, I prefer not to change these attributes in the OSM database, but directly in my R programme.

Simplify geometries

Geometries are quite detailed. The library rmapshaper ( Andy Teucher ( 2022 ) ) is used to simplify the layer. 9 % of the points constituting the polygons are kept. Then, the IRIS layer is aggregated in communes for the map layout.

We also extract the IRIS located at less than 15 minutes from a artificial climbing area for some upcoming maps.

Export results

Data preparation is over. Resulting sf objects that will be used for data visualizations are exported in geojson files in the data-conso folder.

Session info (R)

Data visualization with observable javascript (ojs).

Observable is a startup founded by Mike Bostock and Melody Mechfessel, who initiated an on-line platform to collaboratively explore, analyse, visualize and communicate with data on the Web.

The computing language is Observable JavaScript (ojs) . It is possible to include this programming language in Quarto chunks.

This section imports some visualizations realized in an Observable collection . Have a look to this resource to see the overall project !

All the maps produced below use the bertin.js library ( Lambert ( 2023a ) ). Have a look to the documentation in this npm repository or in this Observable Collection to see the possibilities offered by this library to the map creator !

Import consolidated data

Geojson files coming from the data preparation precessing realized in a R programming language and described above are imported.

Bertin.js ( Lambert ( 2023a ) ), geotoolbox.js ( Lambert ( 2023b ) ) geoverview.js ( Lambert ( 2022 ) ) libraries are imported. These libraries will be used for creating the maps.

Layers attributes and metadata

Three geographical layers will be used :

  • iris : IRIS intersecting the study area (polygons layer).
  • poi : climbing structures included the study area (points layer).
  • com : Municipalities intersecting the study area (polygons layer). This layer will only be used for the map layout and better understand the location of the poi and iris layers : IRIS, the lowest territorial division in France, is not really known by the population.

The first two geographical layers include attributes coming from the data preparation process, that will be mapped and plotted in the next section of the document. In this part, we present the layers in several ways to understand the information we have in hand for producing the data visualization.

Interactive map

Made with geoverview library. Click on the points / polygons to have an overview of their respective attributes and values.

Attributes and metadata

Attribute table (iris layer)

Indicators definition (iris layer)

Attribute table (poi layer)

Indicators definition (poi layer)

Wall’s characteristics

This interactive map displays the artificial climbing offer in Paris and its surroundings, according artificial climbing specificities: top rope climbing (walls) / bouldering, climbing height, number of routes, manager of the artificial climbing area.

Nearest wall

The nearest climbing area by bike from each populated IRIS by wall manager: private or associative (FSGT or FFME).

Time to climb (IRIS)

It displays the time by bike required to reach the nearest climbing area, for all structures or by manager type and from each IRIS centroids.

Time to reach climbing areas (isochrones)

It shows with isochrones the area reachable from the network of climbing areas by bike in minutes. It is possible to see all climbing areas (default map) or filter by manager (private or FSGT).

Climbing in 15 minutes?

The number of climbing areas reachable in 15 minutes by bike from the geometric centroid of each IRIS of the study area.

Climbing / biking tour !

It shows the fastest path to visit all the FSGT’s climbing areas by bike. To overcome this challenge, you will have to cycle for 88.39 km and 7.02 hours !

Demographic neighbourhood

Visualize the demographic neighbourhood of each climbing area : IRIS population at less than 15 minutes by bike from each climbing area.

Income neighbourhood

Visualize the level of wealth of each climbing area neighbourhood : IRIS median income at less than 15 minutes by bike from a climbing area. User can choose the minimum income, average income or maximum income of the IRIS at less than 15 minutes.

Concluding methodological remarks

Extend the analysis.

This methodological example showed a general methodology to combine institutional and crowd-sourced data to develop some simple indicators of accessibility to services of interest using open-source routing engines, and disseminate this with data visualizations frameworks. It is one possible implementation, among others. Other implementations could easily be envisaged, such as:

  • Geographical coverage : The data preparation process presented above requires the definition of a geographical bounding box to extract OpenStreetMap points of interest (destinations of travel-time calculations) and an existing territorial division (the centroids being the origins of the travel-time calculations). This could be easily extended to other areas of interest, by modifying the Xmin, Xmax, Ymin and Ymax of the bounding box, or using other territorial divisions (a regular grid, for instance). The important things to consider is
  • Use other points of interest : This example used the OpenStreetMap tag defined by the key-value sport=climbing . Other map features could be investigated, such as amenities , tourism facilities or shops . The only element to consider is the geometric reference of the object in the OpenStreetMap database ; it could be nodes, ways or relations. In the case of sport=climbing tag, the OpenStreetMap Wiki reminds that sport=climbing should preferably applied to nodes for artificial climbing walls , our case. If the tag combines nodes and areas, it requires also to extract polygons responding to the tag and transform it into points, checking if the information is not included twice in the OpenStreetMap database.
  • Apply other profiles : In this example, the standard bike profile has been applied. The pedestrian and the car profile are also available and may be also used depending on the objective of the analysis. Whatever the profile used, it reminds important to the parameters of the profiles ( car here , bike here and pedestrian here ) to understand the calculations realized with routing engines, and their limitations. It is also possible to implement its own profile .

Usage precautions

One persisting criticism made to OpenStreetMap is its lack of quality, mainly due to its collaborative aspect implying de facto a high heterogeneity of contribution practices. Known problems refer to geometric accuracy (geographical positioning of OSM objects), accuracy , completeness (missing points, not up-to-date) or problems due to the tags describing OSM objects (missing important tags, bad practices).

In that case, I made a personal survey to complete missing information (around 30 % of the information was missing) in OpenStreetMap database. It meant add some missing points in some cases, and in others to describe it with relevant climbing tags identified in the OpenStreetMap Wiki. At the end, it is sure that the input information is not perfect and would require double-checks by the community, but we can argue that it was not worst than in the beginning.

Whatever the use of OpenStreetMap you may made, taking a step back to these questions is very important to control a minima the input information used for the travel-time calculations .

Another point to have in mind is the default parameters of osrm profiles: bike profile does not take into account the slope of the road ; the car profile does not take into account the traffic congestion. It may have significant impact on the travel-time calculations.

Nevertheless, we argue that OpenStreetMap is a wonderful initiative and as we try to demonstrate in this notebook, it is not too difficult to produce innovative indicators and data visualizations using open-source database and libraries.

Source Code

TravelTime logo

Developer Tools

Database Plugins

Isochrone API

Distance Map API


Travel Time Matrix API

Geocoding API


Additional API Reference

Error Handling

About the plugin

Quick tools

Toolbox tools

About the macros

GitHub Repo

Travel Time R SDK

Travel Time R SDK helps users find locations by journey time rather than using ‘as the crow flies’ distance. Time-based searching gives users more opportunities for personalisation and delivers a more relevant search.


You can install Travel Time R SDK hosted on CRAN repository with the following command:

System requirements

traveltimeR uses rprotobuf as a dependency. If your package installation fails, please make sure you have the system requirements covered for rprotobuf


There also exists similar commands on other distributions or operating systems.


In order to authenticate with Travel Time API, you will have to supply the Application ID and API Key.

Isochrones (Time Map)

Given origin coordinates, find shapes of zones reachable within corresponding travel time. Find unions/intersections between different searches.

Isochrones (Time Map) Fast

A very fast version of Isochrone API. However, the request parameters are much more limited.

Distance Matrix (Time Filter)

Given origin and destination points filter out points that cannot be reached within specified time limit. Find out travel times, distances and costs between an origin and up to 2,000 destination points.

Body attributes:

  • locations: Locations to use. Each location requires an id and lat/lng values.
  • departure_searches: Searches based on departure times. Leave departure location at no earlier than given time. You can define a maximum of 10 searches.
  • arrival_searches: Searches based on arrival times. Arrive at destination location at no later than given time. You can define a maximum of 10 searches.

Returns routing information between source and destinations.

Time Filter (Fast)

A very fast version of time_filter() . However, the request parameters are much more limited.

Time Filter Fast (Proto)

A fast version of time filter communicating using protocol buffers .

The request parameters are much more limited and only travel time is returned. In addition, the results are only approximately correct (95% of the results are guaranteed to be within 5% of the routes returned by regular time filter).

This inflexibility comes with a benefit of faster response times (Over 5x faster compared to regular time filter) and larger limits on the amount of destination points.

  • departureLat: Origin point latitude.
  • departureLng: Origin point longitude.
  • destinationCoordinates: Destination points. Cannot be more than 200,000.
  • transportation: Transportation type.
  • travelTime: Time limit.
  • country: Return the results that are within the specified country.

Time Filter (Postcode Districts)

Find reachable postcodes from origin (or to destination) and get statistics about such postcodes. Currently only supports United Kingdom.

Time Filter (Postcode Sectors)

Find sectors that have a certain coverage from origin (or to destination) and get statistics about postcodes within such sectors. Currently only supports United Kingdom.

Time Filter (Postcodes)

Geocoding (search).

Match a query string to geographic coordinates.

Function accepts the following parameters:

  • query - A query to geocode. Can be an address, a postcode or a venue.
  • - Only return the results that are within the specified country or countries. If no results are found it will return the country itself. Optional. Format:ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 or alpha-3.
  • - Format the name field of the response to a well formatted, human-readable address of the location. Experimental. Optional.
  • - Exclude the country from the formatted name field (used only if is equal true). Optional.
  • bounds - Used to limit the results to a bounding box. Expecting a character vector with four floats, marking a south-east and north-west corners of a rectangle: min-latitude,min-longitude,max-latitude,max-longitude. e.g. bounds for Scandinavia c(54.16243,4.04297,71.18316,31.81641). Optional.

Reverse Geocoding

Attempt to match a latitude, longitude pair to an address.

  • lat - Latitude of the point to reverse geocode.
  • lng - lng Longitude of the point to reverse geocode.

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  • Travel time matrices
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  • accessibility: Calculate access to opportunities
  • assert_fare_structure: Assert fare structure
  • assign_decay_function: Assign decay function and parameter values
  • assign_departure: Check and convert POSIXct objects to strings
  • assign_drop_geometry: Assign drop geometry
  • assign_max_street_time: Assign max street time from walk/bike distance and speed
  • assign_max_trip_duration: Assign max trip duration
  • assign_mode: Check and select transport modes from user input
  • assign_opportunities: Assign opportunities data
  • assign_points_input: Check and convert origin and destination inputs
  • assign_shortest_path: Assign shortest path
  • check_connection: Check internet connection with Ipea server
  • detailed_itineraries: Detailed itineraries between origin-destination pairs
  • download_r5: Download 'R5.jar'
  • expanded_travel_time_matrix: Calculate minute-by-minute travel times between origin...
  • expand_od_pairs: Expand origin-destination pairs
  • fileurl_from_metadata: Get most recent JAR file url from metadata
  • find_snap: Find snapped locations of input points on street network
  • isochrone: Estimate isochrones from a given location
  • java_to_dt: Java object to data.table
  • pareto_frontier: Calculate travel time and monetary cost Pareto frontier
  • r5r: r5r: Rapid Realistic Routing with 'R5'
  • r5r_sitrep: Generate an r5r situation report to help debug errors
  • read_fare_structure: Read a fare structure object from a file
  • set_breakdown: Set breakdown
  • set_cutoffs: Set cutoffs
  • set_expanded_travel_times: Set expanded travel times
  • set_fare_cutoffs: Set monetary cutoffs
  • set_fare_structure: Set the fare structure used when calculating transit fares
  • set_max_fare: Set max fare
  • set_max_lts: Set max Level of Transit Stress (LTS)
  • set_max_rides: Set max number of rides
  • set_monte_carlo_draws: Set number of Monte Carlo draws
  • set_n_threads: Set number of threads
  • set_output_dir: Set output directory
  • set_percentiles: Set percentiles
  • set_progress: Set progress argument
  • set_speed: Set walk and bike speed
  • set_suboptimal_minutes: Set suboptimal minutes
  • set_time_window: Set time window
  • setup_fare_structure: Setup a fare structure to calculate the monetary costs of...
  • setup_r5: Create a transport network used for routing in R5
  • set_verbose: Set verbose argument
  • stop_r5: Stop running r5r core
  • street_network_to_sf: Extract OpenStreetMap network in sf format from a network.dat...
  • transit_network_to_sf: Extract transit network in sf format
  • travel_time_matrix: Calculate travel time matrix between origin destination pairs
  • write_fare_structure: Write a fare structure object to disk
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Travelmath provides driving information to help you plan a road trip. You can measure the driving distance between two cities based on actual turn-by-turn directions. Or figure out the driving time to see if you need to stop overnight at a hotel or if you can drive straight through. To stay within your budget, make sure you calculate the cost of driving based on your car's gas mileage. If you're meeting a friend in the middle, you can find the halfway point between cities. If you're driving cross-country, find the best stopping points for your road trip.

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Manhattan to be traffic hell thursday as biden, obama and clinton hit town for record $25m radio city fundraiser.

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It’s a presidential trifecta — and a traffic nightmare.

Manhattan is expected to descend into gridlock Thursday as President Biden comes together with former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton for an extravagant fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall.

Traffic barriers were already up around the famous Midtown venue by 7 a.m. — though the NYPD has not confirmed what exact road closures will be put in place, PIX11 reported .

President Joe Biden and former president Barack Obama step off Air Force One upon arrival at John F. Kennedy International Airport on Thursday.

The 81-year-old commander-in-chief — who is struggling with a dismal 40% approval rating just a few months ahead of the November election — is hoping to rake in a staggering $25 million, which would make the event the most successful political fundraiser in history.

More than 5,000 people paid between $250 and $250,000 to attend the event, a Democrat familiar with the planning said.

In addition to Obama and Clinton, Biden has recruited some star power to give oomph to his faltering campaign — including “The Late Show” host Stephen Colbert, who will guide the trio’s “armchair conversation.”

Queen Latifah, Lizzo, Ben Platt, Cynthia Erivo and Lea Michele are also slated to perform.

US President Joe Biden and former president Barack Obama stepping off Air Force One at JFK Airport in New York City for a fundraiser event

Big-ticket attendees will also have their picture taken with the three presidents by celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz.

American voters will have to shell out $25 to watch the fundraiser extravaganza virtually as it will not be televised.

Presidents Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Bill Clinton at Senator Robert Byrd's memorial service, 2010, in the Capitol, Charleston, W.Va

“Democrats are unified and energized behind President Biden’s reelection campaign — and that will be on full display this Thursday in New York City,” Biden campaign spokesperson Kevin Munoz said in a statement to the Hill .

With Post wires

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President Joe Biden and former president Barack Obama step off Air Force One upon arrival at John F. Kennedy International Airport on Thursday.


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Biden signs $1.2tn spending package as government shutdown is averted

Package passed Senate late Friday night by vote of 74-24, narrowly averting shutdown and banning Gaza aid through March 2025

President Joe Biden on Saturday signed into law a $1.2tn budget bill to keep the US government funded through a fiscal year that began six months ago and to avert a partial shutdown, according to a statement released by the White House.

“The bipartisan funding bill I just signed keeps the government open, invests in the American people, and strengthens our economy and national security,” Biden said in the statement.

The bill was passed in the Senate after midnight in a vote that fell 74-24. It came after funding had expired for government agencies, but the White House sent out a notice shortly after the deadline announcing the Office of Management and Budget had ceased shutdown preparations because there was a high degree of confidence that Congress would pass the legislation and the president would sign it on Saturday.

“Because obligations of federal funds are incurred and tracked on a daily basis, agencies will not shut down and may continue their normal operations,” the White House statement said.

Prospects for a short-term government shutdown had appeared to grow on Friday evening after Republicans and Democrats battled over proposed amendments to the bill. Any successful amendments to the bill would have sent the legislation back to the House, which had already left town for a two-week recess. But shortly before midnight the Senate majority leader, Chuck Schumer, announced a breakthrough. “It’s been a very long and difficult day, but we have just reached an agreement to complete the job of funding the government,” Schumer said. “It is good for the country that we have reached this bipartisan deal. It wasn’t easy, but tonight our persistence has been worth it.”

The news came hours after the House voted 286 to 134 to pass the bill, which will fund the departments of state, defense, homeland security and others through September.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was one of 22 House Democrats who voted against the $1.2tn, six-month spending package . The package includes a ban on direct US funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees, an agency providing key assistance to Gaza, until March 2025.

Biden had already said he would sign the bill “immediately” once it reached his desk. The president signed a spending bill covering the rest of the federal government earlier this month, so all agencies are now funded for the rest of the fiscal year, eliminating any threat of a shutdown until October.

The bill’s approval brings an end to a tumultuous appropriations process that forced Congress to pass four stopgap funding bills, known as continuing resolutions, since the fiscal year began in October. Senator Patty Murray of Washington, the Democratic chair of the Senate appropriations committee, praised the lawmakers who helped bring the process to a close but lamented the considerable delay in reaching a resolution.

“It should never have taken us this long to get here,” Murray said in a floor speech on Friday. “We should not teeter on the verge of a shutdown and lurch from one CR to another.”

The Senate vote came down to the wire. Members had to unanimously agree on fast-tracking the bill’s passage, and some Republicans raised objections to the expedited process, insisting on taking up amendments to the proposal.

Senator Rand Paul, a Republican of Kentucky, attacked congressional leaders for releasing the lengthy bill in the early hours of Thursday morning and holding a final vote one day later.

“Why are we up against a deadline? Because they didn’t give us the 1,000-page bill until 2.30 in the morning on Thursday,” Paul said in a floor speech. “You think we ought to read it? You think we ought to know what’s in it?”

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Paul warned the bill was “teeming with about $2bn worth of earmarks at a time when we can’t afford the additional debt”, calling on colleagues to block the proposal.

Rejecting that line of criticism, Senator Susan Collins of Maine, the top Republican on the Senate appropriations committee, reminded colleagues that members of both chambers spent months negotiating over funding levels.

“Every single bill – each and every one of them – was subject to robust debate and amendments. Many of them passed unanimously,” Collins said. “No one can say that they were not available for scrutiny, since we reported the last of them from committee way back in July.”

Murray blamed hard-right Republicans for repeatedly jeopardizing the federal government’s functionality and urged her colleagues to “learn from the hard lessons of the past few months about how we do get things done in a divided government”.

“The far-right elements who forced this dysfunction claim to care a lot about fiscal responsibility, but the constant chaos that they create is the opposite of fiscal responsibility,” Murray said. “Working together, focusing on solutions, solving problems for people back home: that is the responsible way to get things done.”

With Associated Press

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The Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore collapses, 6 feared dead

Headshot of Jonathan Franklin

Jonathan Franklin

Jason Breslow

Rachel Treisman

Ayana Archie

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In an aerial view, the cargo ship Dali sits in the water after running into and collapsing the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore on Tuesday. Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images hide caption

In an aerial view, the cargo ship Dali sits in the water after running into and collapsing the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore on Tuesday.

At least six people are presumed dead following the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore early Tuesday morning, officials said.

The bridge fell into the Patapsco River after it was struck by a nearly 1,000-foot-long container ship, sending several people plunging into the frigid waters below.

During a news update Tuesday evening, the U.S. Coast Guard told reporters they are ending an active search and rescue operation for the six people left unaccounted for at 7:30 p.m. local time.

Rear Adm. Shannon Gilreath said that based on the length of time since the bridge collapsed and the water temperatures, they don't believe that search teams are going to find any of these individuals still alive.

More from WYPR in Baltimore:

  • Construction worker says friends, colleagues missing in bridge collapse
  • Federal government pledges full support to rebuild FSK bridge, reopen port

For the latest from member station WYPR in Baltimore head to

Gilreath told reporters that the Coast Guard is not leaving, but is going to "transition to a different phase."

The recovery phase will begin at 6 a.m. local time Wednesday when divers will begin searching for remains of all missing victims , Gilreath said.

Col. Roland L. Butler, Jr., Secretary of Maryland State Police, told reporters the conditions have changed and made it dangerous for first responders and divers to be in the water.

He emphasized that police will still have surface ships out in the water overnight.

"We're hoping to put those divers in the water and begin a more detailed search to do our very best to recover those six missing people," Butler said.

The collision set off a rapid search-and-rescue operation. Eight people from a construction crew that was working to repair potholes on the bridge are thought to have fallen into the water, Maryland Transportation Secretary Paul Wiedefeld told reporters.

Authorities did not believe any drivers were submerged in their cars, Wiedefeld said.

The bridge collapsed instantly


The bridge, which is part of Interstate 695, collapsed around 1:30 a.m. when it was struck by a massive cargo vessel named the Dali. Dramatic video of the collision shows the hulking ship–the length of more than three football fields– slamming into one of the bridge's pillars, and then an expanse of the bridge falling into the water instantly.

The Dali, a Singapore-flagged ship, had left Baltimore at 1 a.m. and was bound for Colombo, Sri Lanka, according to Marine Traffic , a maritime data site.

Photos: Baltimore's Key Bridge collapses; search and rescue efforts continue

The Picture Show

Photos: baltimore's key bridge collapses; search and rescue efforts continue.

Synergy Marine Group, the company that manages the ship, said in a statement that all 22 crew members are accounted for and that there were no injuries resulting from the crash. The company also said there was no pollution to the water.

In a briefing for the media, Moore said the crew of the container ship had notified authorities about a power outage onboard shortly before the collision. The crew notified authorities of "a power issue," Moore said, confirming earlier reports that they had lost power on the ship.

The ship was traveling at approximately 8 knots when it hit the bridge, Moore said. In the immediate aftermath of the collision, officials feared motorists might be submerged in the river, but Moore said that a mayday signal was issued with enough time for authorities to stop the flow of traffic coming over the bridge.

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A collapsed section of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore is seen in the waters of the Patapsco River. The bridge collapsed early Tuesday after it was struck by a 984-foot-long cargo ship. Win McNamee/Getty Images hide caption

A collapsed section of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore is seen in the waters of the Patapsco River. The bridge collapsed early Tuesday after it was struck by a 984-foot-long cargo ship.

"I have to say I'm thankful for the folks who once the warning came up, and once notification came up that there was a mayday, who literally by being able to stop cars from coming over the bridge, these people are heroes. They saved lives," Moore said.

FBI and state officials said the preliminary investigation points to an accident and that there was no credible evidence of any terrorist attack. Moore said the Francis Scott Key Bridge was fully up to code and there was no structural issue with the bridge.

"In fact, the bridge was actually fully up to code," Moore said.

The ship has had at least one previous accident

Vessel traffic in and out of the Port of Baltimore, one of the busiest on the East Coast, was suspended "until further notice," port officials announced, as search-and-rescue operations continued and the preliminary investigation into the crash was getting underway.

"This does not mean the Port of Baltimore is closed," port officials said in a statement. "Trucks are being processed within our marine terminals."

Gov. Moore declared a state of emergency and said his office was in close communication with Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg. The secretary was due to arrive in Baltimore to visit the crash site and receive updates on the investigation.

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Maryland Gov. Wes Moore, left, speaks during a news conference as Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) looks on near the scene where a container ship collided with a support on the Francis Scott Key Bridge. Steve Ruark/AP hide caption

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore, left, speaks during a news conference as Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) looks on near the scene where a container ship collided with a support on the Francis Scott Key Bridge.

The National Transportation Safety Board said it will investigate what happened, announcing on X (formerly Twitter) that it was launching a "go team" to Baltimore.

Prior to the crash, the ship had completed 27 inspections, according to a database by the maritime safety site Equasis. In one inspection at a port in Chile last year, the ship was determined to have a deficiency related to "propulsion and auxiliary machinery," according to Equasis.

In 2016, an inspection found "hull damage impairing sea worthiness" after the ship hit a dock on its way out of the port of Antwerp. Video of the incident shows the stern of the ship scraping against the quay as it attempted to exit the North Sea container terminal.

The bridge is an important travel route with a deep history

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Members of the National Transportation Safety Board listen to NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy speak during a news conference near the scene where a container ship collided with a support on the Francis Scott Key Bridge, in Dundalk, Md., Tuesday, March 26, 2024. Matt Rourke/AP hide caption

Members of the National Transportation Safety Board listen to NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy speak during a news conference near the scene where a container ship collided with a support on the Francis Scott Key Bridge, in Dundalk, Md., Tuesday, March 26, 2024.

The bridge's collapse leaves Baltimore and travelers along the East Coast without a vital transit corridor for the foreseeable future. The four-lane, 1.6-mile-long bridge carries some 11.3 million vehicles each year, according to state data, and is one of three ways to get through Baltimore on the interstate.

Reconstructing the bridge will be a "long-term build," Moore told reporters.

Speaking from the White House, President Biden said he intends for the federal government to "pay for the entire cost of reconstructing that bridge."

"We're gonna get it up and running again as soon as possible," Biden said. "Fifteen thousand jobs depend on that port, and we're gonna do everything we can to protect those jobs and help those workers."

The bridge isn't just a vital transportation route. It also has a special historical significance.

It opened to the public in March 1977, but its history goes much deeper than that. Scholars believe it stood within 100 yards of the site where its namesake, Francis Scott Key, witnessed the failed British bombardment of Fort McHenry in September 1814.

Key, an American lawyer, watched the battle from the British warship he had boarded to negotiate the release of a detained American civilian. The awe he felt at seeing the flag rise the next morning inspired him to write "Defense of Fort McHenry," which was later renamed "The Star-Spangled Banner" and became the U.S. national anthem in 1931.

Shippers are scrambling to re-route their cargo

Roughly $80 billion worth of cargo passes through the Port of Baltimore each year. But with the port's shipping channels now closed indefinitely due to the accident, shippers have been left scrambling to find alternate routes to transport their goods to and from the East Coast.

Some vessels have already been diverted to Norfolk, Va., Margie Shapiro, who runs a freight handling business in Baltimore, told NPR . Other traffic could be re-routed through New York or Philadelphia.

The Dali was being chartered by Maersk and carrying cargo for Maersk customers, the shipping giant said in a statement . The company said it would be omitting Baltimore from its services "until it is deemed safe for passage through this area."

Cargo already at the Port of Baltimore will have to travel overland, but truck traffic will also be snarled by the loss of the bridge.

"The whole ecosystem is going to be a little bit off," Shapiro said. "When the ecosystem gets messy, things get messy. Freight rates go up. The world gets a little bit chaotic."

NPR's Dave Mistich and Scott Horsley contributed to this report.

  • francis scott key bridge
  • Francis Scott Key Bridge
  • Baltimore bridge collapse
  • francis scott key

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  • 27 March 2024

The real time-travel paradox was the friends we made along the way

  • Rodrigo Culagovski 0

Rodrigo is a Chilean architect, designer and web developer. He currently heads a web development agency and is a researcher and professor at Universidad Católica in Chile. He has published in Dark Matter Presents: Monstrous Futures , Solarpunk Magazine and Future Science Fiction Digest . On Mastodon as @[email protected] . He misses his Commodore 64. Pronouns he/him/él.

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Illustration: Jacey

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She was taller than me. Prettier and with better muscle tone. Shinier hair and perfect skin and teeth. Which was odd because she claimed she was me — from the future.

“Mmmmf!” I said.

“Sorry about the gag. Let me loosen it.”

“What the hell!? You’re here to kill me — won’t that kill you, too?”

She rolled her eyes. “No, it didn’t. I’m here, aren’t I?”

I scoffed. “I might not be a time-travelling assassin supermodel —”

“Yet,” she interjected with a smile.

“— but even I know that’s impossible. It’s a time whatchamacallit … a paradox!”

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Read more science fiction from Nature Futures

She leant forward with a gleam in her eyes like I was 101 puppies, and she was in the market for a winter coat. “Yes, exactly! I need a paradox, a large one. Killing myself is the biggest event I can put into motion at such short notice.”

I struggled against the plastic straps that bound my hands behind my kitchen-table chair. “That doesn’t make any sense!”

“Sorry, I don’t have the time to explain the general theory of paradoxity or walk you through my calculations.”

“Calculations about what?” I asked — as long as I kept her talking, she wasn’t murdering me.

“About how much energy the death will release. Don’t worry — it will have been enough.”

“Energy for what?”

She let out an exasperated sigh. “Let me make it simple: what’s the biggest paradox you’ve heard of?”

“I don’t know — everything I say is a lie? ”

“No, that just means you don’t understand set theory. The greatest one is existence itself: why is there something instead of nothing ? It gave rise to everything, and — together with other, smaller paradoxes — keeps everything going.

“Uh huh,” I said, humouring my future self.

“But those bastards from the CCCCCC — the Chronological Continuum Consistency Coordinated Consortium Confederacy — are obsessed with timescape integrity . They’ve pushed my team back everywhen, undoing our efforts to make the timeline a better place to live in. They will even make sure World War Three — which we’d managed to avoid, you’re welcome — will begin right on time next Tuesday. I need to finish them once and for all. They’re out of control. They’ll go too far back; undo the Paradox of Life itself —”

“Life’s a paradox?”

“Duh!” — I hadn’t realized how obnoxious it is when I do that — “Why else would dumb, entropic matter organize itself into something that can laugh, love and fart?”

I looked around and saw an old family picture. “Why kill me? Wouldn’t killing somebody like … not mum or dad, um … would grandma Georgina work? We never liked her.”

“No, we didn’t. Remember the haircut incident in third grade?” She chuckled softly. “But no, sorry, it must be me, or it won’t have enough juice. A tight timeloop like this should release ten-to-the-twelfth-power chronojoules. The CCCCCC bastards will never see it coming!”

I grasped for something, anything to distract her. “Aren’t you supposed to be older? Why do you look better than me?”

She looked down at her body. “It’s a back-echo of the energy release. It rearranges nearby systems into their optimal state. And this,” she waved at herself, “is more optimal than, well, that.” She pointed at me.

“Thanks so much for taking the time to insult me before killing me.”

“No problem.” She looked at some glowing numbers on her wrist. “This will have been fun but time has run out of time — we have to do this now.”

She pulled out a knife and slipped behind me.

“Stop!” I said, but she didn’t. I felt something shift and fell forward. There was a flash of something much brighter than ordinary light could ever be.

My hands weren’t tied behind me any more. I leapt up, trying to remember the three weeks of taekwondo I’d taken back in high school — and hoping she didn’t. I turned and saw a hotter version of myself lying on the floor with a gash on the side of her throat. Blood was spreading out on the white carpet my ex-boyfriend had picked out. Good, I never liked it, or him — wait, why was I still breathing?

I looked down — my body had changed. I looked like her now. I felt the energy and knowledge move through me. I knew what I had to do — fight those bastards from the CCCCCC and win.

There was just one thing I didn’t understand. I knelt beside her. “This doesn’t make any sense. I thought you had to kill me?”

She looked up with a small, weak smile. I leant in to hear her say, “If it made sense, it wouldn’t be a paradox, would it?”

The story behind the story

Rodrigo Culagovski reveals the inspiration behind The real time-travel paradox was the friends we made along the way .

My offspring and I love to watch superhero team TV series. They usually feature some — or a lot — of time travel, and are full of plot holes and paradoxes, to the point where we joke that time-travel paradoxes are their real super power.

I’m also a member of Codex, an SFF writers community. We hold flash-fiction contests twice a year. Last year, one of the prompts was “Road trip! Where are you going and who are you bringing with?” I didn’t use it as is, but it got me thinking of my favourite snowclone, “The Real X Was the Friends We Made Along the Way”.

This story is the love child of these two ideas.


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Calculate travel time matrix between origin destination pairs


Fast computation of travel time estimates between one or multiple origin destination pairs.

A data.table with travel time estimates (in minutes) between origin and destination pairs. Pairs whose trips couldn't be completed within the maximum travel time and/or whose origin is too far from the street network are not returned in the data.table . If output_dir is not NULL , the function returns the path specified in that parameter, in which the .csv files containing the results are saved.

Transport modes

R5 allows for multiple combinations of transport modes. The options include:

Transit modes: TRAM , SUBWAY , RAIL , BUS , FERRY , CABLE_CAR , GONDOLA , FUNICULAR . The option TRANSIT automatically considers all public transport modes available.

Non transit modes: WALK , BICYCLE , CAR , BICYCLE_RENT , CAR_PARK .

Level of Traffic Stress (LTS)

When cycling is enabled in R5 (by passing the value BIKE to either mode or mode_egress ), setting max_lts will allow cycling only on streets with a given level of danger/stress. Setting max_lts to 1, for example, will allow cycling only on separated bicycle infrastructure or low-traffic streets and routing will revert to walking when traversing any links with LTS exceeding 1. Setting max_lts to 3 will allow cycling on links with LTS 1, 2 or 3. Routing also reverts to walking if the street segment is tagged as non-bikable in OSM (e.g. a staircase), independently of the specified max LTS.

The default methodology for assigning LTS values to network edges is based on commonly tagged attributes of OSM ways. See more info about LTS in the original documentation of R5 from Conveyal at . In summary:

LTS 1 : Tolerable for children. This includes low-speed, low-volume streets, as well as those with separated bicycle facilities (such as parking-protected lanes or cycle tracks).

LTS 2 : Tolerable for the mainstream adult population. This includes streets where cyclists have dedicated lanes and only have to interact with traffic at formal crossing.

LTS 3 : Tolerable for "enthused and confident" cyclists. This includes streets which may involve close proximity to moderate- or high-speed vehicular traffic.

LTS 4 : Tolerable only for "strong and fearless" cyclists. This includes streets where cyclists are required to mix with moderate- to high-speed vehicular traffic.

For advanced users, you can provide custom LTS values by adding a tag ⁠<key = "lts">⁠ to the osm.pbf file.

Datetime parsing

r5r ignores the timezone attribute of datetime objects when parsing dates and times, using the study area's timezone instead. For example, let's say you are running some calculations using Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, as your study area. The datetime as.POSIXct("13-05-2019 14:00:00", format = "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S") will be parsed as May 13th, 2019, 14:00h in Rio's local time, as expected. But as.POSIXct("13-05-2019 14:00:00", format = "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", tz = "Europe/Paris") will also be parsed as the exact same date and time in Rio's local time, perhaps surprisingly, ignoring the timezone attribute.

Routing algorithm

The travel_time_matrix() , expanded_travel_time_matrix() and accessibility() functions use an R5 -specific extension to the RAPTOR routing algorithm (see Conway et al., 2017). This RAPTOR extension uses a systematic sample of one departure per minute over the time window set by the user in the 'time_window' parameter. A detailed description of base RAPTOR can be found in Delling et al (2015). However, whenever the user includes transit fares inputs to these functions, they automatically switch to use an R5 -specific extension to the McRAPTOR routing algorithm.

Conway, M. W., Byrd, A., & van der Linden, M. (2017). Evidence-based transit and land use sketch planning using interactive accessibility methods on combined schedule and headway-based networks. Transportation Research Record, 2653(1), 45-53. doi:10.3141/2653-06

Delling, D., Pajor, T., & Werneck, R. F. (2015). Round-based public transit routing. Transportation Science, 49(3), 591-604. doi:10.1287/trsc.2014.0534

Other routing: detailed_itineraries () , expanded_travel_time_matrix () , pareto_frontier ()

Port of Baltimore suspends ship traffic after bridge collapse: What it means for travel

Travel is being impacted by Tuesday’s Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse along Interstate 695 in Baltimore, Maryland. 

Drivers were immediately directed to take alternate routes through the city, following the early morning incident. What’s less clear is what the bridge collapse may mean for upcoming cruises in and out of Baltimore.

“Vessel traffic into and out of the Port of Baltimore is suspended until further notice,” the Port of Baltimore posted on X, formerly Twitter.

Live Updates: Baltimore's Key Bridge collapses after ship hits it; construction crew missing

Rep. Kweisi Mfume, D-Md., whose district includes the bridge and the port, called the collapse an “unthinkable horror” and said he had spoken with Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and the White House. 

Learn more: Best travel insurance

“They are responding with all of the assets at their disposal,” he said in a statement. “Our prayers right now are for the missing individuals and victims of this tragedy. We thank God for the effective service of our first responders.”

Here’s what we know.

Which cruises go to Baltimore?

Several major cruise lines serve Baltimore. According to the Cruise Lines International Association, the industry’s leading trade group, published itineraries in the 2024 calendar year include a dozen ships making 115 stops in Baltimore.

“We are deeply saddened by the tragedy and collapse of the Key Bridge that occurred last night and extend our support and heartfelt prayers to all those impacted,” CLIA spokesperson Anne Madison said in an emailed statement. “We join everyone in extending our thanks and appreciation to the first responders and emergency workers in Baltimore, the U.S. Coast Guard, and other professionals who are working with one goal in mind—to save lives. We are closely following this situation.”

Royal Caribbean’s Vision of the Seas has a roundtrip itinerary scheduled to depart Baltimore on April 12, according to the cruise line’s website. “We are deeply saddened by the tragedy and collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge and extend our heartfelt prayers to all those impacted,” a spokesperson for the line said in an email. “We are closely monitoring the situation, and our port logistics team is currently working on alternatives for Vision of the Seas’ ongoing and upcoming sailings.”

Carnival’s website shows Carnival Pride and Carnival Legend also have sailings into or out of Baltimore set for April. 

Carnival Legend will temporarily move operations to Norfolk, Virginia.

The ship's current cruise, which left for a planned round-trip sailing from Baltimore on March 24, will end in Norfolk on Sunday. Passengers will then receive free bus rides to Baltimore. The vessel's next cruise will sail round-trip from Norfolk later that day.

“Our thoughts remain with the impacted families and first responders in Baltimore,” Carnival president Christine Duffy said in a statement. “We appreciate the pledge made by President Biden today to dedicate all available resources to reopen Baltimore Harbor to marine traffic as soon as possible. As those plans are finalized, we will update our future cruise guests on when we will return home to Baltimore, but in the meantime, we appreciate the quick response and support from officials in Norfolk.”

The cruise line has not yet shared plans for Carnival Pride. Carnival's parent company, Carnival Corp., said the temporary change in homeport is estimated to have an impact of up to $10 million on adjusted EBITDA and adjusted net income this year, according to a news release .

Was your cruise itinerary changed?: What to do next

American Cruise Lines has roundtrip sailings from Baltimore scheduled in May, according to its website.

“We will monitor the situation and make adjustments to future cruises if needed, but at the present time our schedules remain unaffected, and our thoughts remain with those affected by the immediate situation and rescue efforts underway,” an American Cruise Lines spokesperson told USA TODAY.

Norwegian Cruise Line doesn’t appear to have any Baltimore sailings until September on Norwegian Sky . The line will stay in contact with the port and share any changes with passengers and travel partners, according to a spokesperson.

"In the meantime, we wish the city of Baltimore strength during this very unfortunate event," they said in an email.

Alternate routes for the Baltimore bridge

Most drivers can take Interstate 95 (Fort McHenry Tunnel) or Interstate 895 (Baltimore Harbor Tunnel) to avoid the collapsed bridge. However Maryland Transportation Authority notes there are some exceptions .

Vehicles carrying hazardous materials, including more than 10 pounds of propane, are not allowed in the tunnels. Additionally, vehicles more than 13-feet and 6-inches high or 8-feet wide may not use the 1-895 Baltimore Harbor Tunnel. Vehicles more than 14-feet and 6-inches high or 11-feet wide may not use the I-95 Fort McHenry Tunnel. 

Those vehicles should use the western portion of I-695 instead.


Trains Moscow to Elektrostal: Times, Prices and Tickets

  • Train Times
  • Seasonality
  • Accommodations

Moscow to Elektrostal by train

The journey from Moscow to Elektrostal by train is 32.44 mi and takes 2 hr 7 min. There are 71 connections per day, with the first departure at 12:15 AM and the last at 11:46 PM. It is possible to travel from Moscow to Elektrostal by train for as little as or as much as . The best price for this journey is .

Get from Moscow to Elektrostal with Virail

Virail's search tool will provide you with the options you need when you want to go from Moscow to Elektrostal. All you need to do is enter the dates of your planned journey, and let us take care of everything else. Our engine does the hard work, searching through thousands of routes offered by our trusted travel partners to show you options for traveling by train, bus, plane, or carpool. You can filter the results to suit your needs. There are a number of filtering options, including price, one-way or round trip, departure or arrival time, duration of journey, or number of connections. Soon you'll find the best choice for your journey. When you're ready, Virail will transfer you to the provider's website to complete the booking. No matter where you're going, get there with Virail.

How can I find the cheapest train tickets to get from Moscow to Elektrostal?

Prices will vary when you travel from Moscow to Elektrostal. On average, though, you'll pay about for a train ticket. You can find train tickets for prices as low as , but it may require some flexibility with your travel plans. If you're looking for a low price, you may need to prepare to spend more time in transit. You can also often find cheaper train tickets at particular times of day, or on certain days of the week. Of course, ticket prices often change during the year, too; expect to pay more in peak season. For the lowest prices, it's usually best to make your reservation in advance. Be careful, though, as many providers do not offer refunds or exchanges on their cheapest train tickets. Unfortunately, no price was found for your trip from Moscow to Elektrostal. Selecting a new departure or arrival city, without dramatically changing your itinerary could help you find price results. Prices will vary when you travel from Moscow to Elektrostal. On average, though, you'll pay about for a train ticket. If you're looking for a low price, you may need to prepare to spend more time in transit. You can also often find cheaper train tickets at particular times of day, or on certain days of the week. Of course, ticket prices often change during the year, too; expect to pay more in peak season. For the lowest prices, it's usually best to make your reservation in advance. Be careful, though, as many providers do not offer refunds or exchanges on their cheapest train tickets.

How long does it take to get from Moscow to Elektrostal by train?

The journey between Moscow and Elektrostal by train is approximately 32.44 mi. It will take you more or less 2 hr 7 min to complete this journey. This average figure does not take into account any delays that might arise on your route in exceptional circumstances. If you are planning to make a connection or operating on a tight schedule, give yourself plenty of time. The distance between Moscow and Elektrostal is around 32.44 mi. Depending on the exact route and provider you travel with, your journey time can vary. On average, this journey will take approximately 2 hr 7 min. However, the fastest routes between Moscow and Elektrostal take 1 hr 3 min. If a fast journey is a priority for you when traveling, look out for express services that may get you there faster. Some flexibility may be necessary when booking. Often, these services only leave at particular times of day - or even on certain days of the week. You may also find a faster journey by taking an indirect route and connecting in another station along the way.

How many journeys from Moscow to Elektrostal are there every day?

On average, there are 71 daily departures from Moscow to Elektrostal. However, there may be more or less on different days. Providers' timetables can change on certain days of the week or public holidays, and many also vary at particular times of year. Some providers change their schedules during the summer season, for example. At very busy times, there may be up to departures each day. The providers that travel along this route include , and each operates according to their own specific schedules. As a traveler, you may prefer a direct journey, or you may not mind making changes and connections. If you have heavy suitcases, a direct journey could be best; otherwise, you might be able to save money and enjoy more flexibility by making a change along the way. Every day, there are an average of 18 departures from Moscow which travel directly to Elektrostal. There are 53 journeys with one change or more. Unfortunately, no connection was found for your trip from Moscow to Elektrostal. Selecting a new departure or arrival city, without dramatically changing your itinerary could help you find connections.

Book in advance and save

If you're looking for the best deal for your trip from Moscow to Elektrostal, booking train tickets in advance is a great way to save money, but keep in mind that advance tickets are usually not available until 3 months before your travel date.

Stay flexible with your travel time and explore off-peak journeys

Planning your trips around off-peak travel times not only means that you'll be able to avoid the crowds, but can also end up saving you money. Being flexible with your schedule and considering alternative routes or times will significantly impact the amount of money you spend on getting from Moscow to Elektrostal.

Always check special offers

Checking on the latest deals can help save a lot of money, making it worth taking the time to browse and compare prices. So make sure you get the best deal on your ticket and take advantage of special fares for children, youth and seniors as well as discounts for groups.

Unlock the potential of slower trains or connecting trains

If you're planning a trip with some flexible time, why not opt for the scenic route? Taking slower trains or connecting trains that make more stops may save you money on your ticket – definitely worth considering if it fits in your schedule.

Best time to book cheap train tickets from Moscow to Elektrostal

The cheapest Moscow - Elektrostal train tickets can be found for as low as $35.01 if you’re lucky, or $54.00 on average. The most expensive ticket can cost as much as $77.49.

Find the best day to travel to Elektrostal by train

When travelling to Elektrostal by train, if you want to avoid crowds you can check how frequently our customers are travelling in the next 30-days using the graph below. On average, the peak hours to travel are between 6:30am and 9am in the morning, or between 4pm and 7pm in the evening. Please keep this in mind when travelling to your point of departure as you may need some extra time to arrive, particularly in big cities!

Moscow to Elektrostal CO2 Emissions by Train


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Police Raid Warehouse Near Moscow for Migrant 'Document Check'

R ussian police have detained dozens of workers at a warehouse of the online retailer Wildberries on suspicion of breaking migration laws, state media reported Wednesday.

Wildberries’ press service said a “document inspection” had been carried out at its warehouse in the Moscow region town of Elektrostal, which reportedly employs 8,000 people .

“The inspection is over, 38 warehouse [workers] will undergo additional checks to clarify information with law enforcement,” a Wildberries spokesperson told the state-run news agency RIA Novosti.

“All others have returned to their duties,” the spokesperson added.

The raid, which appears to have targeted migrant workers, comes amid heightened tensions following the arrest of foreign nationals suspected of carrying out the deadliest attack in Russia since the 2004 Beslan school siege.

Last Friday, four camouflaged gunmen stormed and set fire to the Crocus City Hall concert venue outside Moscow, killing at least 140 people and wounding 360 others.

On Monday, state media cited Foreign Ministry sources as saying that Russian authorities may step up their crackdown on illegal migration after the concert massacre.

During a previous migrant raid on its Elektrostal warehouse in November, Wildberries warned that the delays could lead to “billions” in losses for sellers. This time, Wildberries said its operations were not impacted.

Police searched Wildberries’ Moscow headquarters in January after a fire destroyed its warehouse in St. Petersburg.

Police Raid Warehouse Near Moscow for Migrant 'Document Check'


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  2. Maximize Your Travel Time with These 5 Fantastic Tips

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  3. What is Time and How to Time Travel

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  4. The Real Science of Time Travel?

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  5. How to Calculate Estimated Travel Time in Excel?

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  6. Where Does the Concept of Time Travel Come From?

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  1. Travel time matrices

    The travel_time_matrix () function provides a simple and really fast way to calculate the travel time between all possible origin destination pairs at a given departure time using a given transport mode. The user can also customize many parameters such as: - max_trip_duration: maximum trip duration - max_rides: maximum number of transfer in the ...

  2. Time Travel

    You time travel back 1000 years ago, you will get transported to a European boy's body who is your ancestor before your country got colonized. You time travel back 100,000 years ago you become an ape. You time travel back a couple million years back and you become a weird mammal. Go back a few billion years and you become the fish we once were.

  3. PDF traveltimeR: Interface to 'Travel Time' API

    The Travel Time Matrix (Fast) endpoint is available with even higher performance through a version using Protocol Buffers. The endpoint takes as inputs a single origin location, multiple destination locations, a mode of transport, and a maximum travel time. The endpoint returns the travel times to

  4. drive_time function

    Description. This function uses the Google Maps API to estimate travel time and distance between two physical addresses. Optionally, one may use a (paid) Google for Work API key to sign the request with the hmac sha1 algorithm. For smaller batch requests, it is also possible to access Google's "standard API" with this function (see this page to ...

  5. travel_times function

    Function to calculate the shortest travel times from a stop (given by stop_name ) to all other stop_names of a feed. filtered_stop_times needs to be created before with filter_stop_times() or filter_feed_by_date() .

  6. travel_time_matrix

    Specifies the percentile to use when returning travel time estimates within the given time window. For example, if the 25th travel time percentile between A and B is 15 minutes, 25% of all trips taken between these points within the specified time window are shorter than 15 minutes. Defaults to 50, returning the median travel time.

  7. Travel time matrices • r5r

    The travel_time_matrix () function provides a simple and really fast way to calculate the travel time between all possible origin destination pairs at a given departure time using a given transport mode. The user can also customize many parameters such as: - max_trip_duration: maximum trip duration - max_rides: maximum number of transfer in the ...

  8. Calculate travel time matrix between origin destination pairs

    The travel_time_matrix(), expanded_travel_time_matrix() and accessibility() functions use an R5-specific extension to the RAPTOR routing algorithm (see Conway et al., 2017). This RAPTOR extension uses a systematic sample of one departure per minute over the time window set by the user in the 'time_window' parameter. A detailed description of ...

  9. traveltime

    The traveltime-package allows to retrieve isochrones for traveltime-maps from the Traveltime Platform API directly from R. The isochrones are stored as sf-objects, ready for visualization or further processing. The isochrones display how far you can travel from a certain location within a given timeframe. Numerous modes of transport are supported.

  10. r

    I am ecountering a performance issue while using the r5r package to compute a travel time matrx. I want to compute a travel time matrix from approximately 20,000 Belgian neighborhoods to around 250 Belgian hospitals. To achieve this, I downloaded the Belgium pbf file from geofabrik (approximately 558 MB in size).

  11. Travel Time Calculator

    Travelmath provides an online travel time calculator to help you figure out flight and driving times. You can compare the results to see the effect on the total duration of your trip. Usually, the flight time will be shorter, but if the destination is close, the driving time can still be reasonable. Another popular tool is the time difference ...

  12. Travel time calculation with R and data visualization with Observable

    Travel-time calculations with OSRM. Origins and destinations required to compute travel-time calculations are now available. The computation is realized using the osrm R package (Giraud ()).This package allows the computation of routes, trips, isochrones and travel distances matrices (travel time and kilometer distance).

  13. r5r: vignettes/travel_time_matrix.Rmd

    3. The travel_time_matrix() function. The travel_time_matrix() function provides a simple and really fast way to calculate the travel time between all possible origin destination pairs at a given departure time using a given transport mode.. The user can also customize many parameters such as: - max_trip_duration: maximum trip duration - max_rides: maximum number of transfer in the public ...

  14. Time Travel Hub

    This is a hub for Time Travelers to talk about their time travel experience. Unlike /r/timetravel, we do not require proof that you are a time traveler in in the present: we only need that you visit us at Asteroid PA-434B at some point in 2478 or 2479 and that you leave your username at the "Time Travel Hub Bar" counter. You'll even get a drink on the house!

  15. R

    A fast version of time filter communicating using protocol buffers.. The request parameters are much more limited and only travel time is returned. In addition, the results are only approximately correct (95% of the results are guaranteed to be within 5% of the routes returned by regular time filter).

  16. r5r source: R/travel_time_matrix.R

    Specifies the #' percentile to use when returning travel time estimates within the given #' time window. For example, if the 25th travel time percentile between A and #' B is 15 minutes, 25% of all trips taken between these points within the #' specified time window are shorter than 15 minutes. Defaults to 50, #' returning the median travel time.

  17. Driving Time Calculator

    Travelmath helps you find the driving time based on actual directions for your road trip. You can find out how long it will take to drive between any two cities, airports, states, countries, or zip codes. This can also help you plan the best route to travel to your destination. Compare the results with the flight time calculator to see how much ...

  18. Driving Calculator

    Travelmath provides driving information to help you plan a road trip. You can measure the driving distance between two cities based on actual turn-by-turn directions. Or figure out the driving time to see if you need to stop overnight at a hotel or if you can drive straight through. To stay within your budget, make sure you calculate the cost ...

  19. If you could travel back in time to when you were a virgin ...

    Take out the tape recorder my "friends" had placed under the bed Edit: folks are asking for details. 15 old (male)with a friend whose parents were away for weekend - meaning party for us, and my non virgin girlfriend (she had been deflowered by an upper classmate).

  20. Manhattan to be traffic hell Thursday so Biden can raise record $25

    The 81-year-old commander-in-chief — who is struggling with a dismal 40% approval rating just a few months ahead of the November election — is hoping to rake in a staggering $25 million, which ...

  21. Time Travel Equation Solved By Astrophysicist

    Though the details are rather complicated, the big time travel picture is a lot simpler to grasp. The professor offers a comparison to help people understand.

  22. Biden signs $1.2tn spending package as government shutdown is averted

    Package passed Senate late Friday night by vote of 74-24, narrowly averting shutdown and banning Gaza aid through March 2025 President Joe Biden on Saturday signed into law a $1.2tn budget bill to ...

  23. The Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore collapses, 6 feared dead

    Gilreath told reporters that the Coast Guard is not leaving, but is going to "transition to a different phase." The recovery phase will begin at 6 a.m. local time Wednesday when divers will begin ...

  24. The real time-travel paradox was the friends we made along the way

    Rodrigo Culagovski reveals the inspiration behind The real time-travel paradox was the friends we made along the way. My offspring and I love to watch superhero team TV series.

  25. R: Calculate travel time matrix between origin destination pairs

    For example, if the 25th travel time percentile between A and B is 15 minutes, 25% of all trips taken between these points within the specified time window are shorter than 15 minutes. Defaults to 50, returning the median travel time. If a vector with length bigger than 1 is passed, the output contains an additional column for each percentile ...

  26. Baltimore bridge collapse is already impacting travel: What to know

    Travel is being impacted by Tuesday's Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse along Interstate 695 in Baltimore, Maryland. Drivers were immediately directed to take alternate routes through the city ...

  27. How the Key Bridge Collapsed in Baltimore: Maps and Photos

    Note: Ship positions are as of 2:46 p.m. Eastern time. The New York Times Overall, Baltimore was the 17th biggest port in the United States in 2021, ranked by total tons, according to the Bureau ...

  28. Trains Moscow to Elektrostal: Times, Prices and Tickets

    The distance between Moscow and Elektrostal is around 32.44 mi. Depending on the exact route and provider you travel with, your journey time can vary. On average, this journey will take approximately 2 hr 7 min. However, the fastest routes between Moscow and Elektrostal take 1 hr 3 min. If a fast journey is a priority for you when traveling ...

  29. Carnival cruise ship catches fire for second time in 2 years

    The ship initially reported a fire at around 3:15 p.m. EDT on Saturday, on the port side of the ship's exhaust funnel as it sailed 20 miles off of the Bahamas' Eleuthera Island en route to ...

  30. Police Raid Warehouse Near Moscow for Migrant 'Document Check'

    This time, Wildberries said its operations were not impacted. Police searched Wildberries' Moscow headquarters in January after a fire destroyed its warehouse in St. Petersburg.